The Best Of The Rational Male – Year 5


Well another year has come and gone. I generally view the end of August as my year marker for The Rational Male. I didn’t add a page for year 4 since I’m not sure I want to clutter up the top of my blog layout with links pages, but I may yet combine the best of years 4 and 5 into one page.

A lot has happened in this span, I began the Red Pill Monthly talks with Niko Chosky. I still think I sound like a nasally teenager when I hear my voice, but the feedback has been nothing short of amazing on these so I believe we’ll continue with them for the foreseeable future.

Right after my year 4 best-of I did my first liv appearance in Vegas with Christian, Goldmund and Tanner Guzy at The Man in Demand Conference. I’ve discussed doing another one with Christian McQueen and we’re looking into venues for 2017. This was just an overwhelming experience to meet up with my readers in person, do the talk and have dinner at Sinatra’s. This was the first time for me to do an on premise event and I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t a nervous wreck the night before, but every guy in attendance just impressed me to no end and the whole thing was something I’ll remember for the rest of my life.

I went through the process of having the audio mastered (courtesy of Sam Botta) to make it available via DigiRAMP for anyone to get a hold of now too.

Probably the biggest TRM news of 2016 was the release of the audio book of The Rational Male. It was a long time coming, but I think well worth the wait. I’ve come to believe that a book needs a time to mature into what its overall reception will be. The Rational Male book continues to sell very well and my focus has always been on emphasizing the printed book above all else since I feel that medium is the best to spark discussions and pass along to men who need it at the right time. That said, Sam Botta convinced me that men listen to books more than they read them so I thought the time was right and he’d just gotten back in the saddle so to speak after his debilitation in a hit & run car incident.

The book has exceeded any expectation I ever had for it and I still receive emails and tweets about how it’s changed men’s lives in the best possible way. The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine is also doing far better than I’d hoped if not eclipsing the first book. Sam and I are now in the process of doing the audio for TRMPM and I expect it will go live in early 2017.

The blog traffic continues to grow too.


As most readers know, I do very little self-promotion for TRM and I only advertise the book on the TRP reddit forum and posting occasional Amazon reviews on Twitter. I always want the the message of this blog and my work to be relayed by the men who read and contribute to it. I’m a believer in the bottom up plan for improving men’s lives and ultimately the social order we find ourselves. I’m glad to see men passing on what they learn here. I’m happy to be able to focus on my ideas and have men spread the word for me.

I’ve done art direction and brand management for over two decades now. It’s what I do for a living so it wouldn’t be a stretch for me to convert TRM into a similar commercial success, but that’s never been my goal. From the outset I wanted to just do what I do and talk about the ideas I’ve come to or the dots I’ve connected. That isn’t to say I don’t appreciate making a little money from it, but I’ll never compromise my message to sell more books or start a Patreon site.

I’ve had guys tell me I should quit my day job and write full time, but I’ve never really needed to be an author for my livelihood. I do quite well for myself and not being beholden to being an official author allows me the freedom to do what I do without the concern of having to write ‘for’ anyone. I know there are guys whose schtick is to treat their writing like a product and they tell you to write for what your audience wants to read, but I think this inherently compromises the authenticity of the real message.

My goal isn’t to sell books, it’s to genuinely change men’s lives for the better with the tools and truths I present in my work. The Rational Male isn’t a ‘product’ for salesmen to sell, it’s a collection of ideas that, really, we’re all responsible for authorship of. Ideas are a hard thing to suppress, and they last far longer than the men who conceived them.

Honestly, when I started this blog back in 2011 I never imagined it would grow into what it’s become today. I have some plans now to do a site redesign. I’ve never really focused on the look of the blog, I just poured myself into its content, but I think after 5 years I’ll freshen the look up soon. I’m also in the middle of the first round of edits for my third book, the working title being The Rational Male, The Red Pill. That may change, but the primary focus will be on defining what the Red Pill is from an intersexual dynamics perspective. As a matter of policy I generally refrain from being too prescriptive for individual men to apply their Red Pill awareness, but in the new book I’ll break this rule and provide some generally applicable ways to live in a Red Pill paradigm.

Red Pill parenting and family interactions in a feminine-primary social order will feature prominently. Yes, it will include selections from the blog again, but with each I’ve added what I believe are general solutions to Red Pill problems, plus more new content.

Well, that’s it. I continue to be humbled by the response and reception of The Rational Male and I want to extend my true gratitude for everyone’s input, participation, reading my ideas and helping me do what I do – even the critics and detractors make me a better Red Pill author. So here’s what I thought represents the best posts from year 5.

Let me know what your favorites were in the comments and let me know how TRM has helped you as well.


With much gratitude,

Rollo Tomassi


The Rational Male Audio Book


Red Pill Monthly

The Red Pill Monthly

The Red Pill Monthly

A Man in Demand Radio – Talk 3

The Red Pill Monthly – Frame

The Feminine Imperative

Solipsism I

Solipsism II

Damaged Goods

Good Girls, Bad Girls


Sugar Babies

Losing My Religion


The Red Pill Parent

Hypergamy Knows Best

Red Pill Parenting – Part I

Red Pill Parenting – Part II


Red Pill / Game

Christian Dread

Ovulation & Dread

The Purple Pill

Don’t Hate the Beta

The Red Pill Balance

The Pareto Principle

The Cardinal Rule of Sexual Strategies

Positive Masculinity



Open Cuckoldry

Open Relationships

Evolving Hypergamy

Plan B

Late Life Hypergamy



Empathy 2016

The War Brides of Europe

The Warrior Princess

Gamer Girls


Ghosts in the Machine

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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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7 years ago

” Women who insist on retaining their surname or hyphenating it after marriage should be an unconditional and automatic NEXT. No marriage, no ring, just NEXT. Women insist on retaining their surname for one reason, they recognize their husband-to-be as Beta and seek to maintain a frame they already understand they have. If a woman will not assume your surname she will never accept your authority as a man.” About a year ago, right before I discovered TRM this topic came up with the GF when we were discussing her kids and school. I asked why after being divorced for… Read more »

7 years ago

Stopping by to pay my respects.

**Tips Fedora

7 years ago

@Andy: “Is anyone actually saying that?” Not I. If I were, I wouldn’t be laying out specific legal strategies for marriage 3.0, even though I’m happy to self-identify as MGTOW. What I am saying is here’s a chess game in mid play. You cannot move the game back, where do you go from here? None of my suggested moves are “let the clock run out and lose by default.” Some of my suggested moves are, in effect, “Man the fuck up,” and in total agreement with what Blax is saying. Only when I say it I’m not doing it as… Read more »

having a bad day
having a bad day
7 years ago

@Andy ” and agree with him 99 44/100%…lol… but he’s really forced to forego that 66/100% bc of the dynamics in play in this discussion…” @habd Check your math! 😛 nah… that’s the ‘right’ number…lol… that just represents that little bit ‘extra’ which gets YaR over the top that 0.000001% in a AMOG situ…lol… (and yes, i know…lol) “So babies will be made. Mankind will live on. Only civilization will go extinct.” THIS, imo, is negative. In the long run at least. like kfg, there is much that i like about civilization… but overall, my opinion on whether to keep… Read more »

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
7 years ago

@Roused I’ve dated one before, didn’t particularly care because I wasn’t going to keep her anyway. My mother kept her married name after divorce until she met my stepfather then took his name. To be fair, it really is a pain in the ass to untangle all the changes one has to make and as a kid it would have been weird to have a different last name from the parent I lived with. I suppose it’s really a non-issue for me. Since I’d never marry, I just don’t care what last name she wants. No skin off my nose.… Read more »

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
7 years ago


And one of the manliest things a man can do is say, “No!”

I’ve had straight chicks and gay guys I’ve talked with verbally swoon over being told “no”. That shit’s potent. Not to mention kind of hilarious when you’re not in to dudes and it’s a gay guy. Poor bastards. I really feel for ’em.

7 years ago

I don’t even get it. Why is everyone clinging to monogamy? MGTOW have a lot of shit right. Just crack open a beer, sit poolside, do your own thing, and have fun with ’em. Tbh monogamy isn’t even good for you. Forget punishing women or whatever for social trends blah blah blah. Monogamy is a security blanket, and it’s a false one at that. If no one’s promised you anything, you aren’t owed anything, and you’ll be sure to keep that spear sharp. shit I just recently lost out to a chode….way back when, that 8 I fucked in my… Read more »

7 years ago

“hey wait!!! maybe those ‘just lift, bro’ guys are on to something…lol… gotta be ‘yoked’ to survive the econ collapse…lol…”

That is one of the moves I recommend, with the notation that you’ll need more calories to support more muscle, but when the food gets scarce muscle will only pay you back half what fat will.

So rather than “yoked,” think “Apollonian.”

7 years ago

@Blax “and men should never actually be afraid to fail.” I am DEATHLY afraid to fail in the context of a mariage, that’s the whole point of the discussion! When you are married, you cannot afford to fail, the consequences are so huge. And for what? We still have not a good idea of the advantages for a guy to get married in this day and age. And same about promising monogamy to a girl btw, but that’s another story. Like we know very well the disadvantages to do that, from suppressing your sexual urges for other chicks to looking… Read more »

7 years ago

@ Klem

” I am DEATHLY afraid to fail in the context of a mariage, that’s the whole point of the discussion!”


I am not talking about not being afraid to fail at marriage. I’m talking about being afraid to fail and having it hinder and stunt you in LIFE.

7 years ago


” . . . muscle will only pay you back half what fat will.”

Actually, that’s ideal and burned in a bomb calorimeter. Actual muscle tissue that you’re living on as stored energy only returns about 600 calories/lb., compared to about 3500 for fat.

7 years ago

@Scray “Monogamy is a security blanket, and it’s a false one at that” lol exactly Monogamy : stay with your girl for 3-7 years, she breaks up with you, your world ends because you don’t know how to pick up chicks anymore. So you go a while without sex and you try to “secure” the first decent chick that fucks you by promising monogamy, because you remember this hellish period of inceldom. Rinse and repeat. pLTR : stay with your main girl for 3-7, she breaks up with you, you just shrug and be happy with your FBs for a… Read more »

7 years ago

@ Sun Wukong “The majority of chicks I’ve met who babble about marriage don’t really want a marriage. They want a wedding. They’ve never given a thought to what a successful marriage would actually take, probably because society already has them covered.” That was expounded upon in F. Roger Devlins essays Sexual Utopia in Power. It is a real thing. “BTW, what exactly is the “Sun Wukong asterisk” in your context?” (With the premise that in my realm, there are actually communities in the UMC that have a high rate of marriage –or for the sake of argument want to… Read more »

7 years ago

“i check in and say it’s cool we can be friends.
she says ‘after that initial attraction i don’t think that’s possible’ ”

Time to get that Alpha Widowmaker T-shirt.

7 years ago

@Kaminsky “Yeah. The victory cry of a 64 year old maintaining his frame over his 62 year old is not exactly some hugely incentivizing image for the never-marrieds.” lol’ed. Social media has a very different impact when you’re a dad seeing his daughter use it on the couch while she watches TV, who puts it away when he tells her to, and a wife who picked social media up late in life and doesn’t care about it much, compared to when you’re a guy who agreed to a monoLTR legal or otherwise. Unless you guys are trying to monoLTR your… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

Blaximus That ” nothing a man can do..” thing… I am not with that 100%. I’m not seeing it. Please show me. When YaReally states that the situation on the ground for under 30’s has changed, and needs some new approaches to deal with, that does not semantially map to “nothing can be done”, except maybe in your head. I’m seeing some men trying to deal with a new variation on an old theme. I don’t see defeatism. Please point it out to me, not your paraphrase, but the real, actual, literal “there is nothing a man can do” words,… Read more »

7 years ago

“And same about promising monogamy to a girl btw” Klem, you’re hilarious with that statement. Promising monogamy to a girl is not the same as practicing monogamy. When has anyone red pill ever recommended “promising a girl” monogamy. That would be epic-ally stupid. There is not intrinsic virtue in monogamy, but that doesn’t mean that it can’t be successfully meet or exceed a man’s needs or desires. A man can be monogamous and not have it set as his strategy. In order to be non-monogamous a man would have to have motive and opportunity. If he doesn’t have opportunity, he… Read more »

7 years ago

@ Anon

It’s not in my head. I usually call it out with an explanation.

Too ,many comments to go back through over so many posts, so from now on, I will point it out in all caps.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

YaReally Because this next generation will be freaking out when they don’t have their stimulation devices. Even I panic when I leave the house without my phone to go eat or something and am like “ah shit, NOW what do I do while I eat, I can’t read the internet!! Maybe I should go back and get my phone…” lol I was on a car lot the other day looking at the 16 and 17 models, to replace a much older vehicle. The phone / car interface has moved on quite a bit. Looks like it’s easy now to do… Read more »

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
7 years ago

@SJF I’m sure PUA’s would cry foul because they can always get a younger hotter tighter when the PUA is any age. But good luck with that. And good luck swimming against social conventions. Well from a PUA’s perspective you can get much younger and hotter, seeing as I’m 39 and I’ve pulled all the way down to the legal limit at this age. You just won’t see any young chick worth committing to that’s ready to commit until she’s past The Wall, putting a man back in the aforementioned position of no real options worth committing to. The social… Read more »

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
7 years ago


As opposed, say, to some 30-something man who marries a girl lawyer, who is around the higher powered guys all the day, and who unconsciously compares her man to those men.

Wasn’t a marriage, but I dated two female lawyers at once by playing them off the fact that I was dating other lawyers.

That’s right. At the age most men get fucked by lawyers, I was fucking two lawyers. You’re welcome, gentlemen.

7 years ago

“When I was a kid there were parts of the day with tv shows I wanted to watch . . .”

And it took a certain discipline to ensure you were in the right place at the right time.

And the fact that I can cite that as a positive influence on youth is itself an indication of how the mighty have fallen.

7 years ago

@blax seeing everyone whining that it’s impossible What you’re seeing is us young’ns saying “the trail you older guys took got washed away in a mudslide (insert anal joke (insert insertion joke)) and were trying to forge a new trail” Hence ya asking you the pros of marriage, cuz we already know the cons… Hence kfg getting down into the nitty gritty legal alternatives (will and testament etc.)… But you old guys DO keep dragging it back to “you just afraid of hard work, etc.” How many times must we address that before we can all move on to practical… Read more »

Not Born This Morning
7 years ago

No particular favorite post. They are all good. I don’t agree with everything 100%. However, in its totality, your work is superb.

The most brilliant aspect of your work is how you started the first book “There is no one”. You explained this truth so effectively that it cannot be denied. It is the foundation of all that follows. Once a man accepts “there is no one”, he is set free and that is what this is basically all about.

7 years ago

@ roused *It was all roses and rainbows until you got to “shitty male influences passing through each weekend.” You will have that in the pLTR or really no matter what.” What is hypergamy? You really need to read up on pLTR. Meant to respond to this earlier but yareally just mentioned Gene Simmons which was exactly who I was going to point to. You think there were random men walking through the Simmons household banging Mrs.? Right now, the one sided pLTR, harem, seems like the best way to keep your value up, and ensure she doesn’t sleep around.… Read more »

7 years ago

“Yeah. The victory cry of a 64 year old maintaining his frame over his 62 year old is not exactly some hugely incentivizing image for the never-marrieds.”

so much that.

seriously some TRP ‘I TOTALLY DREADED THE FUCK OUT OF MY 58 Y/O WIFE LOL’ stories are a little ‘welll………lol’


try inducing dread in a 23 y/o hottie with the world at her fingertips brah.

here’s to being a high-functioning psychopath

7 years ago

@ othergrain ” Right now, the one sided pLTR, harem, seems like the best way to keep your value up, and ensure she doesn’t sleep around.” So, if a guy doesn’t have a pLTR or a harem, can he possibly keep his value up? Is there ANY possible was to ensure she doesn’t sleep around? ” But this brings up a bigger point I’ve been thinking about. The fact that every hot girl has 100 paper Chad’s sliding in her DM can only undermine your Dread or LSNFTE or pLTR…” Every hot girl has 100 paper chads sliding in her… Read more »

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
7 years ago

@Blax Every hot girl has 100 paper chads sliding in her DM? Every. Hot. Girl? srsly? It’s honestly not that insane an assertion to make. Technology has made it so women in the past who would have been limited to the men they physically met plus the men their immediate social circle knew now have access to basically every dude on the planet. That’s a huge change that occurred just in the last 10-15 years or so. While it’s not actually “Every hot girl”, it’s a high enough number that you can safely assume any woman you’re dealing with in… Read more »

7 years ago


Lol. I just have to challenge the absolutes that pop up.

A man should work on himself wholeheartedly without thinking that keeping a harem is the best way to keep his value up. Women are not a road to value.

The idea of flesh and blood guys thinking that disaster awaits because they might have to compete with some chode on a screen is a lot like the idea that corporations want me to compete with Vietnamese economically.


Don’t assume so much.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

The idea of flesh and blood guys thinking that disaster awaits because they might have to compete with some chode on a screen

Not seeing this. Point to the text?
Hyperbole much?

7 years ago

@blax “So, if a guy doesn’t have a pLTR or a harem, can he possibly keep his value up? Is there ANY possible was to ensure she doesn’t sleep around?” Sounds flippant, but I’ll respond. Yes he can keep his value up, I just said it seems like the BEST way to do that, not ONLY. We both know preselection and the ability to walk are attractive, no? As for ENSURING she never sleeps around… nothing is 100% in life. But hitting attraction triggers as frequently as possible is a start. Like keeping all the bars of an equalizer bouncing… Read more »

7 years ago

@ Anon

Okay, now I get it. You’re fucking with me, right?

” But this brings up a bigger point I’ve been thinking about. The fact that every hot girl has 100 paper Chad’s sliding in her DM can only undermine your Dread or LSNFTE or pLTR…”

7 years ago

@ othergrain

Easy man. I’m just asking a question. I’m just trying to understand if you really KNOW these things, or if you are just ASSUMING.

7 years ago


“Lol. I just have to challenge the absolutes that pop up.”

What absolute?

“A man should work on himself wholeheartedly without thinking that keeping a harem is the best way to keep his value up.”

Who says the two are mutually exclusive?

7 years ago

@ othergrain

I’m not messing with you, but you do read what you type right?

” Every Girl ” is an absolute.

7 years ago

The absolutes are like a snowball rolling down a hill. There is hardly any ” some ” or ” most “. It’s morphing into ” every ” and ” all “.

7 years ago

@Sun Wukong “But even if your Game is as tight as YaReally’s, try interesting a modern young chick in commitment. Go ahead. You’ll be in for a shock. A woman in her prime years is so high on a never ending validation train that she’s sure it will never end. Why should she commit? There’s no incentive to do so. She always branch swings to better, and better is always available before she’s even tired of what she’s got.” This. See Blax you hear them say “I wouldn’t give up my social media for that dream guy”, but you don’t… Read more »

7 years ago

Oh lol yea I see what I did


“The idea of flesh and blood guys thinking that DISASTER awaits because they MIGHT have to compete with some chode on a screen”

I’m not saying it’s disaster, maybe you missed the part where I said were trying to be practical about solutions. And that “might” may as well be a “will”

7 years ago

@ Sun Wukong “You just won’t see any young chick worth committing to that’s ready to commit until she’s past The Wall, putting a man back in the aforementioned position of no real options worth committing to. The social conventions are really only functional on commitment. They make allowance for “indiscretions” with older men as flings.” Are you trying to support my premise that in some Realms in this country (UMC in the flyover states) that feminine pre-Wall might be a good time to commit, if and only if a man was with a girl for 2 years to vet… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

Blaximus ” But this brings up a bigger point I’ve been thinking about. The fact that every hot girl has 100 paper Chad’s sliding in her DM can only undermine your Dread or LSNFTE or pLTR…” “Undermine” is not “disaster”. I had gophers sometime back undermining part of my garden, it was an annoyance until they were dealt with. It was nothing like a major water line break under the house or a gas leak that led to an explosion. That would have been a disaster. See, you have this strawman you keep beating on, “disaster”, but I’m not seeing… Read more »

7 years ago

KFG:“To complicate the issue, consider the possibility that the men, in declining marriage, support the idea that the selection was well made. These are men who know how to take care of themselves.” Well said KFG. That was the underlying theme in Franco’s Manual of Seduction Whether or not there is a spoon is irrelevant. What matters is the belief. Spoon boy: Do not try and bend the spoon. That’s impossible. Instead… only try to realize the truth. Neo: What truth? Spoon boy: There is no spoon. Neo: There is no spoon? Spoon boy: Then you’ll see, that it is… Read more »

7 years ago

@ Anon ” 40% of marriages blow up in the first 10 years (maybe it’s the first 7 now).” Yeah, I’ve been watching the divorce numbers rise over the years. Awful shit happening out there, and yet… Most of the married people that I know, the overwhelming majority have not divorced. Most marriages that I’m talking about are in the 20+ year range. There were around 3 divorces out of a couple of dozen. I know numbers don’t lie, statistics and stuff, but the non-divorced must count in some way for something. And I know, I know, there will be… Read more »

7 years ago

@YaReally “”I have fuckbuddies who’ve disqualified doctors and lawyers and rich jacked 6-pack dudes for like one or two errors. My favorite was one who disqualified a doctor because the area of medicine he picked to specialize in wasn’t EXCITING ENOUGH.”” I do this with girls. The hardest part of this is how incessantly girls shit-test. I’m getting better at recognizing this and then nexting. But the key to nexting is to have other stuff on the go including other girls. Girls hate HATE being ignored or nexted. You mention you have to tell the girl why you’re nexting her… Read more »

hank holiday
hank holiday
7 years ago

@yareally @othergrain @forge @habd @pua don’t have a lot to add since my instadate from the other day here: but I have noticed my subcoms seem to be improving a bit. firstly, I think I kind of unconsciously eye fuck asian girls lol. I just think “whoa, nice asian chick.” however I think that comes through in my eye contact. anyway at work and there was a asian girl with her bf. And I noticed I definitely got some fairly intense looks for her. throws me off when that happens . . . lol its right in front of… Read more »

7 years ago

” . . . what sort of effort/costs were involved in handling a lot of that stuff.”

Simple Will, Health Proxy, Power of Attorney, two deed transfer fees, across one office visit and two home visits, in NYS:

‘Bout a grand.

The “prenup” will go on top of that and the cost will vary with the complication and how much advice time you eat up. Do your homework first so you have a rough draft to begin with and figure 5 or 6 hundred.

hank holiday
hank holiday
7 years ago

@kfg When gaming across cultures this is the advantage in knowing something of the other culture. It prevents unintentional miscalibration. yeah. talked to more guys with asian gf/wives about it, and the reluctance to display affection in public is definitely a thing across all asian cultures. I have definitely taken that to heart now and will be ready for it. I may actually set it up specifically for asian girls to take them to more secluded areas where they can feel more comfortable opening up to me. that said, I think there is a benefit to *intentionally* making a cultural… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

YaReally Society has morphed to where you can’t tell her to delete her Facebook or you’re abusive/overreacting/controlling/jealous/insecure etc so she can continue to gather orbiters and keep her options open, while YOU are shamed into giving up your options (and often do so in good faith, thinking you’re entering a monogamous relationship and then feeling like something is off when you’re working on the computer and she’s sitting on the couch lol’ing at txts on her phone). The Duluth Power Wheel is standard in pretty much every state in defining what “abuse” is, and I’m sure that telling a wife… Read more »

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
7 years ago

@SJF Are you trying to support my premise that in some Realms in this country (UMC in the flyover states) that feminine pre-Wall might be a good time to commit, if and only if a man was with a girl for 2 years to vet her, and found in her qualities that I mentioned above including radiant beauty? I never said at any point that I disagree with commitment. I disagree with marriage as the form that commitment takes. The legal hamstringing and removal of true Dread. There is no part of the First World where I advocate commitment in… Read more »

7 years ago

” I believe a man can rationally think his way out of practically any problem . . .”

Yes, but that doesn’t imply that the solution will be to his liking.

” . . . a girl is pushing for some type of explanation.”

Because I said so, that’s why.

7 years ago

@Sun Wukong “I never said at any point that I disagree with commitment. I disagree with marriage as the form that commitment takes. The legal hamstringing and removal of true Dread. There is no part of the First World where I advocate commitment in the form of marriage currently at any age to any woman.” Very well said. And I can appreciate the non-applicability of OMG’s claims that we committed by marrying and reaped the benefits of our own personal strategy. And I get the push-back about Blax and I advocating for not using risk avoidance as a tactic. Your… Read more »

7 years ago

“Wife and Husband “approvals” are always compromises.”

Which is why I responded with a framework, there is no Answer.

Just as in medicine there may be an indicated intervention, but not The Answer.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

Blaximus Most of the married people that I know, the overwhelming majority have not divorced. Most marriages that I’m talking about are in the 20+ year range. There were around 3 divorces out of a couple of dozen. I know numbers don’t lie, statistics and stuff, but the non-divorced must count in some way for something. So are you doing this: or this: Could be a little of both. And I know, I know, there will be talk of deadbedrooms and the like, but it just seems like the anti-marriage thing takes on a Godzilla like proportion in… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

Here is a data point from the college world. This is what some 22 year old men have to live with. They are trained by then to keep any dissenting opinion to themselves. But no worries, these UMC dudes at Brown will just MAN UP, BRO! and be totally manly and stuff when they marry some tampon-using human from uni.

Real world, men. This is an Ivy. This is where future leaders of the UMC, UC and the nation will come from.

7 years ago


Got it.

I’m good with that.

7 years ago

@SJF “(side note all of them are UMC and are used to being around intelligent people, so that is where the quality if intelligence comes from–it is a proxy for ability, but I digress.)” Honest question because you always wave your UMC dick around like it has any relevance: what types of jobs/education/lifestyle class do you think the girls we’re casually fucking have? Are you picturing us banging a bunch of McDonald’s employees that sleep on mattresses after running away from broken falling apart homes? lol I’ve fucked lots of UMC girls with rich parents and neurowhatever science majors/degrees and… Read more »

7 years ago

“I mean, shit. When you calculate it out, how many divorce-raped guys would rather have paid a couple thousand bucks than go through whatever they went through in the divorce?” Revocation of power of attorney only requires the service of a single page document. You can get the template off the Internet. Health proxy can generally be done orally, although it’s better to do it with a notarized letter. There’ll be the pain in the ass of notifying all the appropriate business entities, just the same as divorce. No net loss there. Real property is more complicated and expensive, but… Read more »

7 years ago


For property issues you will want to go to an estate lawyer.

For the “prenup” you will want to go to a business lawyer, because what you are actually forming is, legally speaking, a business partnership. The business of your joint lives.

A medium sized business firm may well have its own estate specialist and an accountant they have a professional relationship with, so it is possible to do most of it under one roof if you want.

7 years ago

@YaReally The quote you started out was taken out of context. The context was that both men an women that were interviewed about what they wanted in a partner both men and women stated “intellegence”. My aside to this explanation was only because it seemed odd that both sexes mention this and your experiences back this up. You fucked UMC not so intelligent women. So what? “Honest question because you always wave your UMC dick around like it has any relevance…”. Your realm is sport-fucking casually fucking these girls and moving on. I’m not judging you in your values. But… Read more »

7 years ago

@SJF – Nice work on the marriage and what a huge breakthrough. Desire sex regularly, her intentionally submitting (those comments are the definition of submission). As for the group selection/kin selection stuff, Wilson makes no such assertions about kin selection ever being valid. Again, this gets way out of my pay grade quickly, but it just doesn’t ring true to me. But I could easily be wrong. I will read Tribes and Sapiens and get back to you. As for the global versus small tribal analysis, again, it sounds like bootstrappping to me. Large groups have been formed for thousands… Read more »

7 years ago

@All you top PUAs – What do you make of this talk by Luke? He talks about not isolating and criticizes KINO etc.

7 years ago

@SJF lol calm down. Serious question: Do you think there aren’t PUAs in your magical flyover states? Do you think there aren’t guys in your Realm (lol) who’ve typed in “how do I get a girlfriend” into google at some point? “You actually think parents have no influence over daughters?” lol quote where I said they had NO influence at all. Never said that. I said societal influences are huge and once they leave the roost out into the real world where they’re subject to them and out of your direct care, it’s harder to keep that influence (unless they… Read more »

7 years ago

@SJF – Now I remember Harrari, he’s mostly full of shit. He’s no scientist and is really just riffing most of the time. He’s a good historian though…I remember watching some fucking TedTalk he gave and wanting to drown him about halfway through. I went to go buy his book and then remembered, so no thanks. Read Wilson, and you’ll realize what a poseur Harrari is. As far as Sebastian Junger is concerned, he’s a great writer of fiction and also did a great job with Restrepo and Korengal, but he’s no scientist either. I looked at the summary of… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

YaReally hits a nerve and lights up the board, then

Serious question: Do you think girls sucking our dicks run to their parents and go “I JUST SUCKED A BUNCH OF DICK AND HAVE NO VALUES!!!”? That their parents have ANY idea they’re doing the things they’re doing? That their parents don’t think they’re complete angels?

Two words: “Daddy Goggles”.

7 years ago

“Serious question: Do you think girls sucking our dicks run to their parents and go “I JUST SUCKED A BUNCH OF DICK AND HAVE NO VALUES!!!”? That their parents have ANY idea they’re doing the things they’re doing? That their parents don’t think they’re complete angels?” I just think that you are good at getting girls to suck your dick. Nothing more. Good luck with that. So….You’re conflating your skill with OMG’s parenting skill being poor? What evidence do you have that good parents don’t have good principled children not out sucking your dick? That is you just being a… Read more »

7 years ago

“Read Wilson.” I will out of respect for you. I can’t actually find a torrent and I will buy his scribe. I do agree with your “impression” of Harari. He is a douchebag faggot Israeli historian with a sideways liberal bent. But his scribe is actually a great literary work ( And Sebastian Junger is a great writer and studied from the best). Normally I can’t read such Liberal douche-bags, but in their writing they put aside their political view and just presented some solid view points. Really. Harari’s take on animal husbandry is about as vomit inducing as the… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

YaReally Yup, that’s why I bring up the “raised in 2016” culture when these guys bring up their wives who use social media but are in their 40s+ It’s completely different. That’s like me comparing how much I drive VS how much a Formula 1 champion drive. I can take or leave the car, the F1 guy would feel like he’s losing his limbs. Got a better one. Let’s say we are going to hire a system admin for an office full of desktop computers. Some older dude shows up: “I am very competent in working with office computation. I… Read more »

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
7 years ago

@SJF I’ve given your theoretical situation more subconscious thought and a couple of beers, and I’ve come to a further conclusion: the male should under no circumstances take the marriage. However, if you as the father of the female meet the guy and feel he’s good stock you should tell her to take the deal. As YaReally mentioned above, time is against the female. Period. She needs to capitalize on what she’s got as soon as reasonably possible. If she’s really locked down what you can judge to be a good man, she needs to be advised to do whatever… Read more »

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
7 years ago


And this stuff can be on any girls’ phone, not just HB 9’s but HB 5’s.

I’ve seen HB4s get that kind of response through the use of clever camera angles. Shit’s insane.

7 years ago

@SJF “But calling your shots is a fools game at the rate that you are going. Good luck with that. And good luck with not understanding misunderstanding the role of OMG’s in 2016 game. Or misunderstanding parent game.” “What exactly is your criticism of my children.” I don’t know anything about your children, why would I criticize them? I just know that that when a dad is convinced their daughter is incapable of sucking dick because she’s some UMC farm church good girl and everyone around him is perfectly happily married 24/7 and all the guys are badass alphas… Read more »

7 years ago

@Sun Wukong You are presenting a premise that she is with a Beta. She’s 24.5 year old. Last time I checked she is not at the wall and this guy is not beta. That being said with her genetics and epigenetics she can easily betatize the guy in the future. And I’m not a helicopter parent. So in this situation: “If she’s really locked down what you can judge to be a good man, she needs to be advised to do whatever it takes to keep him.” If she doesn’t choose wisely and treat kindly, yes indeed she can shoot… Read more »

7 years ago

“I literally don’t even know what you’re mad about at this point.”

Who’s mad?

I’m on point.

7 years ago

SJF What a positively glowing portrayal of the flyover states. It’s not Shangri-La though. We’ve been there and I think you’re not only glossing it but you accidentally kicked over the gloss bucket. “What about skilled masculine men and feminine women. (These people are my community. And they are UMC, old school, community based.) You actually think that these Realms are a myth. There not. They are my infield.” (Careful…we’ve been there. It’s just fat Americans, like anywhere.) “Every fucking day I see principles in the UMC work. Over and over. I’m not living in a fantasy word, but I’m… Read more »

7 years ago

“What does a daughter’s sexual strategy have to do with a PUA’s sexual strategy?”

I don’t know dude, YOU’RE the one who brought the whole daughter stuff into this thing lol

I nominate this as one of the worst things ever written on this site. YaReally.

7 years ago

@ Kaminsky You are making shit up. I am depending on the week at least 2 SMV points below my wife for the last 28 years. I bring talent to the table and what is your point? What seems to baffle people these days is what is a normal person that isn’t an energy sucking vampire? Modern society doesn’t seem to have normal people anymore. But there are lots of people in the middle states that are indeed normal. Law #10 of the 48 Laws of Power is a helpful guide. Trim those not up to it and move on.… Read more »

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
7 years ago

You are presenting a premise that she is with a Beta.

No. I’m presenting the premise that she’s with a guy like me with Beta orbiters waiting in the wings. Because even if she has that guy already, she has those guys waiting as her alternative. Guaranteed. No doubt in my mind.

7 years ago

SJF, Your self-congratulation has taken you to a realm of incoherence. (In one post. ONE.) “I bring talent to the table” “Trim those not up to it and move on.” “I don’t live in that world.” “No one including myself starts from a lofty position and coasts” (Including myself, you say, like that really brings home the grandeur. “Including SJF”, ooohh) “We strive and we put in the work” “the trick is knowing who we are in the vastness of mother nature and moving on through levels to become more satisfied with our position in life” “Getting more real power.”… Read more »

7 years ago


Review of ‘Antifragile’

“Antifragile is an armchair philosopher’s view of the way the world works based on the author’s personal biases and personal interpretations of personally selected, non-inclusive events described as revealed truth because the author is unable to make a false perception in his own considered opinion.”

Sounds like someone I know, lol.

7 years ago

@YaReally: about the higher salary for being married, I actually have had situations on a state-funded jobs (in Europe) where the actual pay scale is higher for married (and even higher if you have kids), and I had to show the marriage certificate at the start at least in one instance.

7 years ago

@SJF: really seems like you have One-itis (not sexual, obviously) for your daughter. Remember what that did to Scribblerg for a good while? Try to remove that weakness / blind spot out of your system. Do you not agree with AWALT? She may be better than other women and not exactly the same but she is still “like that”. Also @Andy, YaReally: On that note of AWALT, I’ve been wondering if I should read that Secret Garden book. I’m kind of worried about reading it, considering comments about it in Tyler’s Digest and recently by Andy it could be a… Read more »

7 years ago

@YaReally: Spilling my guts time! @Andy: if you can have a look as well, please. Married mid-twenties (same age), both religious and (volcel) virgins when married. I’m as certain as I can be that her N=1 (mine is). Now mid-thirties, atheists (not 100% sure about her though), currently LDR with frequent visits for half a decade. Reason for LDR is my career is my mission and I don’t want her to be unemployed (for many reasons, including what if something happens to me). I think she would accept stopping work to move back together if I suggested / told her… Read more »

7 years ago

“Also mLTR technically means “multiple-LTRs” (multiple girlfriends (LTRs) basically, VS fuckbuddies), that’s why I always say monoLTR.”

My bad – yes monoLTR it was. Sorry to everybody for the confusion. Walked out after 28 years with no cash&prizes given. Even got to keep my dog.

7 years ago

@yareally “But like, why aren’t red pill guys looking into how to structure that kind of relationship instead? Sure it didn’t pan out, there may have been things you could have tweaked here and there to improve it (like having more game in general) but like, you got out of there nice and smooth. Why nail yourself to the cross when you don’t have to?” Mostly agree here about having more game. I might have gotten her to take better care of herself if I was Alpha and had any game at all. But looking back, she left an Alpha… Read more »

7 years ago

“ideally 16-18+ but if you can even get a kid to the 10-16 age range, you should be able to program them enough that they’re not as influenced by whatever random dicks she ends up bringing into their lives after the separation”

Haha – replace “random dicks” by “random pussy” and you got that right…

7 years ago

“Maybe DisgruntledEarthling can shed some light on how much work it was to handle a lot of the stuff he handled without a legal marriage contract? IS it a bunch or work, or does it just SEEM like a bunch of work, and/or is it work that we could put a price tag on to hire someone to handle for us (ie – “if you DON’T want to get legally married, you’ll have to spend about $2000 on a lawyer who can handle these things for you if you don’t want to do them yourself”)?” This discussion all depends on… Read more »

7 years ago

“The marriage ends with divorce and you get shitty male influences” “Right, which is why I think it’s important to come up with with plans that have better odds of making it to at least the 10 year mark…ideally 16-18+ but if you can even get a kid to the 10-16 age range, you should be able to program them enough that they’re not as influenced by whatever random dicks she ends up bringing into their lives after the separation.” Well begun is not half done in parenting through to 21 years old. It’s like being 10% done. At the… Read more »

7 years ago

Old man freak out in this thread. lol. If I had a daughter I’d just give her away to one of you guys at 18 to knock her up. lol. Ultimate happiness for a girl is just spitting out babies and serving an alpha dude. That’s it. @IAS “I’m kind of worried about reading it, considering comments about it in Tyler’s Digest and recently by Andy it could be a harsh experience.” Read it. It was harsh, but hey, that’s reality. It really woke me up, and kind of gives you a glimpse of the sex you’re NOT having. Which… Read more »

7 years ago

“I think the majority of jurisdictions assign some legal framework to the relationship . . .” It is the minority. The social trend around the turn of the last century was to reject common law marriage as a concept, or, if not reject outright, make it extremely difficult to invoke. It was the couple who had to prove it, not the state. The state’s interest was in denying it. ” . . . once you pass the 3 year mark . . . The traditional period is 7 years, because Bible. Where the term is shorter and it is the… Read more »

Chump No More
Chump No More
7 years ago

PM me on Reddit (Chump_No_More) at your convenience.

7 years ago

Andy ” If I had a daughter I’d just give her away to one of you guys at 18 to knock her up. lol. Ultimate happiness for a girl is just spitting out babies and serving an alpha dude. That’s it.” welcome back to the Future and Patriarchy 1.0… KFG – “California and Ontario are right out.” Once Hillary is in power, and the voting block permanently socialist, minor distinctions will be swept aside via federal law and benefits… Australia is already doing this for 3 year unions (not marriage)… Chumps WILL pay up, whether or not they are married… Read more »

7 years ago


“and then things blow up uncontrolled.”

comment image

Much better right?

“Marriage” did not put you in your position and it is not keeping you in your position. This is all you.

Act if you want to change, in either direction. This is the Dynamic part of DPA.

7 years ago

@IAS One-itis is pathological in choosing an intersexual relationship. It is paralyzing. The term is inappropriate in your application to children because they are obviously “the ones”. Unless you are a daycare provider or foster parent and and can next your responsibilities as provider and protector of your coded DNA and do a trade-in at will. Designating a woman as your your one is to admit powerlessness. ONEitis is an unhealthy psychological dependency when applied to a mate. In parenting, you are not dependent on the children. They are dependent on you. Designating your children as “the ones” is to… Read more »

7 years ago

@Chump No More

I don’t have a reddit account. Please reach me by PM on TRP.Red. My account name is SJF

7 years ago

Re: SJF – He’s finally giving a proper fucking to his wife and stopped being a blue pill, beta pussy with her so now his ego is dialed up to 11. I don’t care, I’m just glad he’s banging his wife on the back 9 at the country club golf course – fuck yeah. That tells me everything I need to know about how he’s evolved in general and I could not be happier for him. He’s also a brilliant and highly accomplished man on multiple fronts. What he misses is that the opportunities and culture that set him on… Read more »

7 years ago

@ SJF Man, save your breath. No one can/will hear you. They are going into some kind of ” zone ” or something. It is frustrating to hear those that haven’t raised kids from cradle to adulthood tell you so much about it, only using the power of observation and untested theory. Let them go. They are having a lot of fun and they do not want to consider any other pov without poking holes in every thought. If I say ” the sun is hot ” , it is interpreted as ” marriage is great “. Lol. When men… Read more »

7 years ago

@ scrib

Interesting read. Thank you. I agree.

7 years ago

@Blax – Ya, okay, now I need to deal with the stupid “the old guy only knows windows 7” bullshit. @Anonymous – Once you have used 20 operating systems, from VM to z/OS to GCOS to CPM to DOS to BSD UNIX to MACOS to IOS – a new one just isn’t that hard to figure out. Shocking disclosure, experience is actually valuable. Each new computing platform is different, but they are all solving the same problems over and over and over again jus in different ways. Programming languages are the same. Like if you don’t get that my understanding… Read more »

7 years ago

@ScribblerG Expounding on your thoughts @7:42 ….from the Introduction in Robert Greene’s Mastery: click on the link and read the whole thing. Three selected paragraphs out of context: With those who stand out by their later mastery, they experience this inclination more deeply and clearly than others. They experience it as an inner calling. It tends to dominate their thoughts and dreams. They find their way, by accident or sheer effort, to a career path in which this inclination can flourish. This intense connection and desire allows them to withstand the pain of the process—the self-doubts, the tedious hours… Read more »

7 years ago

“The fallback position is that you’re old and you no longer know what’s going on.”

When the shit hits the fan, the old guys who know how to blow glass and hard wire a vacuum tube, bistable multivibrator will be invaluable to society.

If the shit hits the fan in the next 10 or 20 years. After that the knowledge will be lost and the kids will be on their own.

7 years ago

Scribblerg Excellent posts… 0’s and 1’s at the end of the day. alpha and beta. Male and female. ” Because on average, I would have failed at it. Because 70-80% of the people who do what I do fail at it. That didn’t happen magically, rather, I worked hard to be great at what I do. I’ve spent tremendous effort navigating the risks and outperforming others by becoming a master at the game” excellent summary of what I’ve been mulling over reading this thread… so on one hand you have Yareally saying 90 beta 10 alpha in PUA world and… Read more »

7 years ago

“Not All Lion Tamers Are Like That”

The lion must be trained to allow a man to put his head in its mouth, and not bite.

The man must be trained to put his head in a lion’s mouth.

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