Empathy 2016

The Campbell’s Soup Company was founded in 1869. In those 147 years the company developed a reputation as a wholesome staple of brands to the point it’s been considered Americana – even Andy Warhol considered Campbell’s emblematic of the American experience.

But in the space of a 30 second commercial the Feminine Imperative and the feminist narrative has managed to corrupt, if not overtly destroy a brand identity that took 147 years to establish.

Last week I outlined how the imperative assimilated the Star Wars intellectual property and franchise; arguably another example of Americana. Monday I detailed how it is in women’s innate interests individually and in the Feminine Imperative’s interests on a meta scale to appropriate the works and fruits of men’s labors as a result of their Burden of Performance. And, once again, here we have another glaring example of the imperative’s appropriation of a storied brand identity to use as a vehicle for its narratives.

The gold of course is in the comments on the YouTube page. And as you might expect there’s a lot of predictable outrage swirling around how ‘not all women are like that‘ (NAWALT) and “wow, what a bitch.” The commercial message was even overt enough to trigger the average man to risk to consider, “flip the genders and look how this commercial reads.” But that’s just it, there is such a comfort with the Feminine Imperative in being this overt that even plugged in Blue Pill men cannot ignore the message.

What exactly is that message? In this case it’s the degree to which the imperative is comfortable in revealing truths about the nature of women. I’ve been calling attention to this comfort level for almost two years now. Open Hypergamy is almost a given at this stage. Open cuckoldry is beginning to establish a foothold in being socially acceptable, and later socially expected. In the coming years I believe we’ll begin to see an even larger degree of comfort the imperative has in revealing and reveling in innate feminine nature. This commercial, from a storied brand of comfort food no less, is the first illustration of this trend.

While this commercial and the hashtag associated are intended to shock, it’s important to understand the message that Campbell’s Soup Company is aligning itself with. Bear in mind that a board of executives, brand directors and marketing directs had to approve the message and budget needed to deliver this message. The fallback of course will be that the intent was humor, but they understand very well the latent message in the humor they will hide behind when the publicity backlash occurs.

No doubt the Jezebel set of the femosphere will either embrace the commercial’s message by parroting the trope that women hate to be men’s mothers, or they will decry it as portraying women as being heartless, careerist bitches – they just can’t win. In either interpretation the louder buzz will be as it always is, women being victims.

In a Red Pill perspective we see a lot of what we already know about women’s innate, visceral natures.

From Empathy:

Women cannot bear to see a Man experiencing negative emotions such as extreme anger, rage, fear, despair, despondency or depression for extended periods of time. You say you want to “be there” for your Man; but you cannot do it. If it goes on long enough, it kills the attraction; it sets off your hypergamy alarms; and subconsciously causes you to start hunting for a replacement Man.

A woman seeing a Male go through the above will seek to replace that Male immediately.

Women cannot listen to Men talking about or working out their dating/mating/relationship issues or problems. Women reflexively view a Man discussing such issues as “whining” or “complaining” or “bitterness” or “sour grapes” or “well, you just chose poorly, so sucks to be you” or “suck it up, no one wants to hear you bitching about it”.

As to both of the above principles; when a Male is involved, ratchet up by a factor of 5 the disdain and repulsion a woman experiences when seeing a Male do or experience the above.

I took a lot of shit from indignant women when I published Empathy. Yet here we have what was likely a half million dollar budget commercial graphically confirming exactly the premise of my post.

As a bonus this message also overtly confirms much of what I wrote in Vulnerability:

Vulnerability is not something to be brandished or proud of. While I do believe the insight and acknowledgement of your personal vulnerabilities is a necessary part of understanding oneself (particularly when it comes to unplugging oneself), it is not the source of attraction, and certainly not arousal, that most men believe it is for women.

From the comfort of the internet and polite company women will consider the ‘sounds-right’ appeal of male vulnerability with regard to what they’resupposed to be attracted to, but on an instinctual, subconscious level, women make a connection with the weakness that vulnerability represents.

A lot of men believe that trusting displays of vulnerability are mutually exclusive of displays of weakness, but what they ignore is that Hypergamy demands men that can shoulder the burden of performance. When a man openly broadcasts his vulnerableness he is, by definition, beginning from a position of weakness.

Yes ladies, I understand you’re not like this. I fully anticipate the “not in my experience” personalization each of you will attempt to adopt to placate any bad juju and your solipsistic mental point of origin. Just remember that this is the messaging your gender’s imperative is fostering. This is the message that Campbell’s Soup will stake its 147 year brand reputation on because it believes it will sell more soup.

It may seem that I’m being unduly critical of the narrative of this commercial, but remember that this narrative exists for a reason. I have no doubt women will chime in about how it’s an exaggeration, but what message is being exaggerated? What is the message that the medium is conveying here? For as much as the narrative would like men to be sensitive and open up about their feelings, for as much as it wants men to be vulnerable, all it takes is a 30 second commercial to confirm that men expressing weakness isn’t strength, and Hypergamy doesn’t care if your Mommy made you soup when you were sick as a child – stop expecting Strong Independent Women® to be your Mommy.

Keep in mind the contradicting message this commercial conveys here. This is the same degree of ruthlessness and insensitivity that the Feminine Imperative expects from, and finds attractive in, men.

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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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Stultus Sum
8 years ago

The guy’s next move should not have been meekly making his own soup. He should have thrown the phone back and told her to call the movers and get out of his house!

Stultus Sum
8 years ago

Or, even better, the soup gives the guy a visible boost which segue’s to him having the energy to throw her Jimmy Choo collection and cosmetics onto the sidewalk.

8 years ago

A dynamic I’ve seen as “the other guy” ; women will sometimes present the image of “staying loyal” through whatever is ailing their man while stepping out on the super-qt .If her Main Guy gets back on his feet, the affair gets filed under ‘never happened’. If he doesn’t or can’t recover, she’s gone fast enough to break the sound barrier. To speculate a bit going forward, being New Years and All. A commenter some posts back mentioned how dating in High School has effectively stopped. Rollo Tomassi elaborated how that made sense given HS girls have their money covered… Read more »

just getting it
just getting it
8 years ago

This kind of thing, but with a more serious illness, is what broke me out of the matrix. Was in freefall for a while before finding Dalrock and then Rollo. When wifey was ill the silver lining was that I could demonstrate that I cared instead of just saying it. When I married I really thought we were forming a team and we would support each other. I think maybe I belong to the last generation that would believe such things. The problem is that noone is going to disabuse a man of such ideals before he gets married, you… Read more »

8 years ago

It is nice to see all this, plus, CH, Dalrock, etc. All I am seeing is Manginas!!!! Guys are really hard up! What they are marrying is surreal.
They know nothing of being a man. Worst part,they do not care.
MGTOW is going to be the only option for a true man. Let the imperative
reap what is left!!!!

8 years ago

I called my mom, who grew up on an extended family farm during the Great Depression and rationing shortages of WWII.

She said, “Dump the ungrateful bitch.”

8 years ago

This is an interesting topic for me. A massive green flag fairly early on with my LTR (now my wife) was that she took care of me when I was ill for a couple of days. Since then I also had the opportunity to take care of her a few times, more times than she needed to care for me. And some months ago, I also helped her family as her dad (that I didn’t get along with particularly well) got progressively worse with cancer and died very weak. Her mother stuck through it for many months with apparent little… Read more »

8 years ago

I think maybe I belong to the last generation that would believe such things. The problem is that noone is going to disabuse a man of such ideals before he gets married, you learn this stuff afterwards and find out marriage isn’t what you were sold.

On the contrary, guys like Rollo and Dalrock have disabused many of us of exactly those things. Not every man has to learn the hard way- some of us have the wisdom to learn from the experiences of others.

just getting it
just getting it
8 years ago

Reminds me of a radio interview where some woman acrobat had broken her neck in training.
She phoned her fiance while the ambulance made its way to her “will you stay with me?” Quickly moving to secure her future.
Where I am now it doesn’t occur to me that she’d stay with him.

just getting it
just getting it
8 years ago

@donal well thanks a bunch for that, but noone comes to the manosphere because his woman is too good to him.
You’ve got to know you’ve got a problem before you wonder what went wrong. An untested woman will never show her steel.

Society tells us that women are angels who’ve turned in their wings for the duration. Until they’ve been tested by adversity who’s to know any better? By then of course you’ve got your wisdom, gleaned from experience.
Good judgement is something you get right after you need it.

8 years ago

An example relevant to this topic is Stephen Hawking, his ex-wife, and the movie The Theory of Everything (adapted from her memoirs).

8 years ago

“Society tells us that women are angels who’ve turned in their wings for the duration.”

Society has provided other messages:


A question to think about is why you listened to one set of messages while ignoring the others.

Tom Haas
Tom Haas
8 years ago

Well, if you don’t like that commercial, then check out these Kia commercials. I expect _these_ to be the grist of another column.

You stink at football (so give up):

Run it up the gut (or my husband is weak):

I wasn’t ever planning on buying a Kia, so I guess this wasn’t targeted at me. But jeez Kia, what the hell were you possibly thinking?

Darwinian Arminian
Darwinian Arminian
8 years ago

Just remember that this is the message your gender’s imperative is fostering. This is the message that Campbell’s Soup will stake it’s 147 year brand reputation on because it believes it will sell more soup. Women may view it as celebration of their new freedoms in a world where they no longer have to put up with men’s weaknesses, but there will also be plenty of men that will watch it in a different way. For them, this will be yet another confirmation that women are effectively obsolete for just about all of the things the men have traditionally wanted… Read more »

just getting it
just getting it
8 years ago

@kfg that film was meant to be a ‘man bites dog’ exception for dramatic value. It’s supposed to be a plot twist that a woman can actually do murder and a further plot twist that Bogarde is hard enough treat her as the criminal she is. It isn’t meant to illustrate most women.

The evo psych explanation of women’s ruthless pragmatism of discarding a broken or beaten man is obvious in retrospect. Women who didn’t trade up didn’t survive, but it’s an ugly truth that noone speaks of in good times.

just getting it
just getting it
8 years ago

Regarding the hijacking of brands & the Star Wars franchise, maybe the direction is being pushed by activists and sold to the money men who are actually responsible for running the companies as the new in thing, likely through loaded focus groups.

I don’t think anyone would trash their own property like this.

Wifey told me there’s going to be a Frozen sequel – told her I’m not interested in paying to be hated as per Frozen/Maleficent etc.

8 years ago

Perhaps my biggest surprise with women and my erstwhile wife was their utter lack of empathy or sympathy for suffering of any sort on my behalf. Serious injury, sickness, sadness – never go to a woman for understanding. The real shocker came when I went through serious health problems and career troubles due to the illness,and lost the “top dog” with buckets of cash vibe due to it all in my mid/late 40s. Sisters who I had been a huge support and father figure to for decades found me revolting. I remember going out with 2 female friends one night… Read more »

8 years ago

” . . . that film was meant to be a ‘man bites dog’ exception for dramatic value.”

That appears to answer the question. Where did you get that interpretation?

” . . . it’s an ugly truth that noone speaks of in good times.”

The book was not written and the movie adaptation was not in made in good times. The fact that there were plenty more where it came from rather spoiled the “twist.”

8 years ago

@just getting it I too experienced the cold, harsh reality when I was ill. A sick day was a microcosm of the larger issue, though I would not fully realize this until it was far too late. Any prolonged vulnerability can be a relationship death sentence if not managed extremely well. Which really means that men are indeed alone with pain, suffering, and adversity. I’ve got one good mate with whom I can go deep but get nothing from family or other friends or women. I’m on my own. As an aside, I see some parallels to why social media… Read more »

just getting it
just getting it
8 years ago

@scribblerg you’ve touched on something I forgot – everything you’ve done so far counts for shit, as per Briffault.

It didn’t make sense if you believed the equalitarian horseshit I was brought up on. Fact is, us men have been dealt the best hand in this life, we’ve just let that be hidden from us.

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
8 years ago

@scribblerg Perhaps my biggest surprise with women and my erstwhile wife was their utter lack of empathy or sympathy for suffering of any sort on my behalf. Serious injury, sickness, sadness – never go to a woman for understanding. I had one chick who lived with me for almost a year that would actually take great care of me when I was sick. She normally did dishes, cleaned clothes, and cooked as well. Pretty cute too. Unfortunately (yep, there’s another shoe that dropped) she had some deep seated psychological issues that came out when she saw a picture of me… Read more »

just getting it
just getting it
8 years ago

@razorwire – hey don’t sweat it. What you’re going through is a bitch but this will pass. Centre yourself with the realisation that women have to attach themselves to us to live the lives they want to. Doesn’t mean they want to. If you love your job then good for you, but many a man does a job he hates to get the money – see the parallels? Resign yourself to the fact that you’ve been sold a lie – you cannot have a life partner who’s got your back. It’s a fantasy that would have been very nice if… Read more »

8 years ago

This is exactly what I thought when I first saw the commercial. I guess at this point the red pill lens are a permanent fixture, which is something that inspires me in the deepest of levels…

An internal acknowledgment of progress is one of the most pure forms of validation.

8 years ago

This is something very American, you boys do rely on your mothers. Very much, very blue pill.

Thinking there is a real red pill Don Draper behind this ad, screaming “Wake The Fuck Up You Little Faggots!”

Quite different from Star Wars where the fem fuck is the lead. Here in this commercial, it is the little blue pill pajama boy who is the lead. The fem fuck is just there to highlight his faggyness. Thinking ole Don is having a run at these twats, trying to open their mascara covered eyes.

8 years ago

As a guy who has dealt with depression in the past and still has some recurring problems with it, I can 100% agree with this article. Women are heartless when it comes to a man displaying weakness. Once you’re displaying weakness to them, you might as well be invisible to them – only it’s worse – they actually start preying on you. When I was at my lowest not THAT long ago (1 1/2 years ago or sth) I had a supposed “woman friend” (I no longer regard women as friends btw., but at that time I did) kick me… Read more »

8 years ago

@scrbblerg ditto But beware of sympathetic women there is a hidden agenda I find out what that is and then enjoy the special treatment for a little while. As a child I would run to mom with cuts and scrapes just to get tincture methiolate that made it hurt worse than before.In my early 20s i lost a finger at work the wife said smooth move.And having worked with a number of EMTs the female ones were always harsh even to female patients.This lack of empathy really never registered with me until Rollo pointed it out.Males seem to make the… Read more »

ThePivotPersona (@thepivotpersona)

@Rollo I’m a long time reader and first time commenter. I saw this commercial a few weeks ago and thought wow, Feminine Imperative. I googled Campbell Soup CEO and found Denise Morrison. Check out her quote from a Forbes article in 2014. “The challenge for Campbell Soup has been to keep up with the generational changes and learning the needs of a new market, the millennials. The challenge is to adapt, evolve, and innovate to new consumer demands.” http://www.forbes.com/sites/bonniemarcus/2014/04/25/campbell-soup-ceo-denise-morrison-stirs-the-pot-to-create-cultural-change/ Denise’s goal is to appeal to the female millennial market, which is sadly a majority of career women who view heating… Read more »

8 years ago

Razor, been with the bitch for 30 years now. Rhoosh has got one thing right in his life, “we be clowns”.

We perform or she heads for the exit

And you gotta realize that they are surrounded by whores, who are usually losers in their own lives, who fucking never quit bashing on them that they can do better and find someone better and be better happy, cuz the cunts are envious and jealous and misery loves companionship.

Best thing? Get a dog for companionship and just use the bitches for their cunts.

8 years ago

@DeNihilist: Show me a woman who will do this:

8 years ago

Judging by the look on his face in the first three shoots she realy did hit him in the balls with that brick phone.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
8 years ago

justgettingit @kfg that film was meant to be a ‘man bites dog’ exception for dramatic value. It’s supposed to be a plot twist that a woman can actually do murder and a further plot twist that Bogarde is hard enough treat her as the criminal she is. It isn’t meant to illustrate most women. The Maltese Falcon film is taken from the novelette by Dashell Hammett of the same name, it’s virtually the same line by line, scene by scene as the book (one scene is left out). Hammett was in World War I, worked as a Pinkerton detective in… Read more »

8 years ago

I am a woman and as hard as it is to admit, you are correct regarding female nature when it comes to losing attraction to vulnerable/weak men. A woman will only be able to maintain attraction to a weakened man for so long. This is something I acknowledge and dislike about my nature. It takes work and commitment to overcome this in a relationship. Women who deny this truth in themselves will be more susceptible to this character flaw since they deny its very existence. That being said, the Campbell’s soup ad is repulsive to me. But these ads make… Read more »

8 years ago

Campbell’s is playing to the FI’s “you go grrl” fem-power aesthetic also serves to reassure their male customers, and suggests a broader warning to the ladies. Strip away the BS and the overt message is this: even if the woman in your life is an uncaring bitch, we (big soup maker) are there for you. This implies to me a warning that women can ultimately be replaced, or at least are unnecessary to make soup. The message to women is he can make his own damn soup and not have to bother you with his juvenile whining. Imagine a commercial… Read more »

Rami Hiltunen
8 years ago


@ Rollo

I found some stuff to prove the open relationship are parallel in Europe. Its the biggest womens magazine in Finland promoting the same stuff but even more openly.

8 years ago

Or, even better, the soup gives the guy a visible boost which segue’s to him having the energy to throw her Jimmy Choo collection and cosmetics onto the sidewalk.

or better, when she arrives back home, there is a younger, prettier woman in a French maid outfit making home made chicken noodle soup

8 years ago

As a marketing ploy to the current demographics,this says if I buy campbells soup I can throw the phone at his nuts when he’s sick and mentions his mother.Or campbells soup can make me feel better when she’s being a bitch.

But the marketing research involved doe’s ring true,and the audacity to use this commercial publicly is dissrespectful to both sexes.Thereby promoting some sort of eunic or sexlessness wether or not that is the intention.

The Lone Planet
The Lone Planet
8 years ago

Feminism and its controllers have made women completely useless. Women know on a very deep level that without men, they are up shit’s creek and the raft has a severe puncture. “This city is afraid of me. I have seen its true face. The streets are extended gutters and the gutters are full of blood and when the drains finally scab over, all the vermin will drown. The accumulated filth of all their sex and murder will foam up about their waists and all the whores and politicians will look up and shout “Save us!”… and I’ll whisper “no.” –… Read more »

8 years ago

“Save us!”… and I’ll whisper “no.”

Seems a reasonable guy.

8 years ago

It’s true that the state of things is normalized with this portrayal of modern man-woman dynamics. They act more like two bros would be acting, and we see the girl heading to work (why is she going to work? to sustain herself, not the absent sort of family that previous decades tv would have shown at this position).

But the spot sides with the guy. I see it more of a reflection on the state of things.

(I don’t know anything about this soup brand btw. and what its image is or was.)

8 years ago


Yes, I think that’s the intended suggestion:

“Guys (and beta-boys in particular), if you’re unlucky and get in trouble (or get sick) we know the modern wife (gf in your late 20 today, really) will not be a caring motherlike person to you. Eating our soup is cosy, easy, just like when you go play your video games when you want to turn off the world around you.”

8 years ago

My husband had oral surgery a few weeks ago, I was happy to take care of him and make him smoothies and bring him medicine and everything, but yes, there is something unsettling about having your man down for the count for more than a few days. Maybe it’s a hardwired biological uneasiness like Forge the Sky was talking about in the last thread. This semi-subconscious sense of uh-oh – how vulnerable am *I* now? Oh please honey, get it together and quick. And I think that feeling leads to hardening – a sense of having to be for yourself… Read more »

8 years ago

An alternate interpretation of this ad is as follows: The guy was the central point of the ad. He tries to get his girlfriend to make him some soup but she cunts out on him and leaves. He gets up and makes the soup for himself instead. He is the consumer of the soup (target audience). The soup is “there for [him] when nobody else is…” The soup has replaced the role of his mother and relegated his useless girlfriend. The ad portrays the personality of the female character entirely negatively to the audience and her value to the central… Read more »

8 years ago

Completely agree with the two commenters above who referenced sexbots, as the first thing that popped into my mind when watching the advert was, “Hey, he’s got Campbells. We’ll then, what the f*** does he need her for?.”

Unless she’s putting out regularly (not likely) or he is just too weak and/or lazy to get a better woman (much more likely), then this advert is so “in your face” as to truly cross the line and be subversive in a manner completely opposite that intended by the Feminine Imperative.

Hubris truly does precede the fall.

8 years ago

@Capper – I would agree if the context of the ad was different. What you overlook is that he’s sick and is simply seeking compassion. It would be different if he was sitting on the couch gaming and said, “My mom used to make me soup, why can’t you?” and then she threw the phone at him on the way out. It’s not about male independence, it’s about women abandoning men in a very basic way.

8 years ago

He needs to make that soup, get better and then bang her best friend.

8 years ago

Rollo, I think you will enjoy this anti-SMV propaganda:


8 years ago

I’ve got to hand it to Campbell’s they’ve inadvertently created a MGTOW commercial. To me, it reads like it’s telling me that I’m making the right decision to be single.

Still won’t buy the soup, I know how to cook.

8 years ago

Rollo .. I think you got it wrong .. yes you can take it that way .. and be right. But what if Campbell’s soup co is telling like it is .. 1) women like your mom are dead and gone 2) your wife is nothing like your mom (and how she took care of ger family) and 3) you don’t need that bitch. Personally this will get more men to open their eye’s to our state of the nation .. some how we are expected to be Capt Save a Ho but you don’t get a housewife .. you… Read more »

8 years ago

“Women cannot listen to Men talking about or working out their dating/mating/relationship issues or problems. Women reflexively view a Man discussing such issues as “whining” or “complaining” or “bitterness” or “sour grapes” or “well, you just chose poorly, so sucks to be you” or “suck it up, no one wants to hear you bitching about it”. As to both of the above principles; when a Male is involved, ratchet up by a factor of 5 the disdain and repulsion a woman experiences when seeing a Male do or experience the above” This explains why the chicks hate MGTOW and RP… Read more »


[…] the poor man is now building an entire philosophy around the fact that when men get sick they cannot get women […]

8 years ago

Cow, milk.

Why set yourself up to pay future (p)alimony to the live-in faux-Mom when you can make the soup yourself for nearly free?

8 years ago

I’d wondered why my wife was so caring when I was hospitalized and then not-so-much when discharged from visiting nurses et al. I’d thought it was just situation fatigue—it was a long illness and subsequent recovery. Now I know: she got a great deal of attention from my care providers—the majority of whom were women. She fit herself into the herd and the herd rewarded her; once the rewards stopped the “is my beta-bucks going to put out” anxiety re-established itself.

8 years ago

A few Red Pill observations…she’s got great game. Whoever needs the other the least holds the most power in a relationship. Finally this confirms for me in a very stark way that my own game New Year’s Resolution is go my own way. Yah, I would love it if someone came over and made me soup…but they have to WANT to. Seeing a man in his jammies incapacitated over having the sniffles and whinging about his mom making him lunch—is not met with a woman’s sympathy or even empathy, but rather her contempt–as in this commercial. Maybe she’s running off… Read more »

8 years ago

– Sure, until that day comes when you actually are sick and need someone to take care of you. Are you going to have game when you have cancer? Try “game” when you are doing chemotherapy. When you are too weak to get up?

Sure, this guy comes off as a chode but take it from me, you will be weak at some point. You are human, and at that moment you will be all alone.

8 years ago

Let me expand on my last. When my illness overtook me and I was in the hospital, overwhelmed by it, I was truly helpless in a way I’d never experienced. I felt like my body had turned on me, that it had failed me and that I couldn’t count on it anymore. Part of what happened to me included passing out and getting paralyzing vertigo that had me unable to pick my head up off of a pillow or my head would spin and I’d pass out. I had this moment when I lost consciousness in the ER and came… Read more »

8 years ago

Rollo again this should be required reading for High School boys as part of their sex education class. We should write the textbook. Women vary in their ability to appreciate the suffering of a man and it varies based on their sexual attraction to him. The problem is it makes no sense. If he is a Beta he is an object, a tool or thing to be used, you would think she would be less likely to be sympathetic than to a guy she has the hots for but that is not what we observe! Women seem unable to sympathize… Read more »

8 years ago

The commercial is just more piss in the pool. Despite the sage advice offered at sites like this, it is women, and gov/corp, themselves who are the greatest drivers of the redpill.

Who wants to swim in a pool full of piss?

…yes sir….coming right up sir…….here is your soup sir…

Tech or collapse, or both. It didn’t have to be this way.

A world where women have no financial dependence on men is a world where the nuclear family cannot exist. Constraints keep bad behavior in check and give loyalty a helping hand.

Alex (@FedFanForever)
8 years ago

Why would he have even married this cold bitch?

Looking for Zion
Looking for Zion
8 years ago

Maybe I’m just looking through the lens of where I am now (fairly early in the red pill transition), but at the end the guy looks like he just woke up the truth and is thinking about how he got there and how to eject that bitch out of his life.

Alex (@FedFanForever)
8 years ago

@Vektor – it doesn’t have to be so black & white regarding women having an income. A woman having a career is not a blank check to treat the men in her life like shit.

Alex (@FedFanForever)
8 years ago

Makes me wonder how many marketing departments across corporate America the feminazis have taken over. Will the next iPhone ad we see be filled with misandry? Don’t think that’s impossible…

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
8 years ago

Interesting find, Rollo. Fits in well with The Farce. I expect a lot of GrrlPowr types will like it, but as others pointed out this really shows the uselessness of many modern women.

Meh. Canned soup – too much bisphenol in the lining. I get enough estrogem mimics from other parts of the environment as it is.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
8 years ago

Why would he have even married this cold bitch?

Who says he’s married to her?

Looking for Zion
Looking for Zion
8 years ago

@just getting it on
Great comment. Gospel truth.
The one hang up I’m having is that my wife makes twice as much as I do. Am I destined for divorce rape nonetheless?

8 years ago

The comments on that soup commercial lol.
You guys are literally everywhere now. Cool.

8 years ago

This is the same degree of ruthlessness and insensitivity that the Feminine Imperative expects from, and finds attractive in, men.
Waking up…

Stultus Sum
8 years ago

*There will always be some other schmuck and deep down you know that. We dress it up as “hypergamy” but it’s just plain old narcissism and opportunism.*


Well said, @scribblerg

8 years ago

KFG, nice vid brother,

Had a slut when I was way too young, a solid 6, that would have done that for me. She was smitten. Couldn’t handle her fucking neediness. She was just like the big bitch mutt I got now, always bugging me for a head scratch or belly rub. I can put up with that from a canine bitch, cuz they don’t fuckin talk, as for the human type, to much work.

8 years ago

Agreed Scribbles, it is nothing but pure narcissism. I would add a huge dose of envy tot hat also.

8 years ago

Howling, that link you posted is golden. I call slut switch. Gotta be a bitch writing that. See how all the “right” clicks are displayed. If it is a dude, he’s a latent homo, no doubt. Fuck, I read shit like that and just want to hold the fuckers head under water til he wakes the fuck up. Women are life support systems for pussy! And after forty, you may as well turn the fucking machine off, cuz that poosy is pretty rancid and the energy it consumes to keep that smelly, saggy hole going is causing global warming! https://alexobedblog.wordpress.com/2015/12/29/women-over-40-the-new-sexy/… Read more »

8 years ago

@razorwire I had an ex who was proud of being friends with her ex-husband and ex-boyfriends. She thought it showed her maturity, though I recognized it for what it truly was…she was an ex collector, keeping in contact with her ex’s supplanted her ego and gave her fallback positions both emotionally and sexually. I told her if we were to break up I wouldn’t be her friend. It took two years of ignoring her before she stopped chasing my friendship. Charles Schultz was wrong to have given Linus a security blanket, it ought to have been given to a girl.… Read more »

Random Angeleno
Random Angeleno
8 years ago

I consider my mother fairly red pill. She found Leykis on the radio way back when and would tell me not to get married without a pre-nup. But she didn’t cater to me or my siblings when we were sick. It was the minimum of care, a bowl of soup, perhaps and “you can join the dinner table when you’re up to it.” I didn’t see it as a necessarily bad thing, it helped me never get into being sick and seeking sympathy that way. Even now, if I get sick, I’m not looking for sympathy from whoever is in… Read more »

8 years ago

Several points: 1. I tend towards Cappers interpretation of the commercial. And this is also in line with Rollo’s teachings: The point is not to shame women for how they are, but to accept it and deal with it. And Campell’s is actually offering help. Even if it would be possible to shame women into being empathic and caring for a weak man by whatever leverage you got, her pussy will not be as easy to convince. Even if she will follow that route, some attraction will still die and the sex will get worse from it. The only way… Read more »

8 years ago

@Blue Pill Professor: You make a fundamental error; I did not have to go to 1941 to find that clip, I only had to go to YouTube. Similarly, to read the Odyssey, which begins with a warning about how women really are and ends with an example of how they ought to be, I do not have to go to 500 B.C., I only have to go to Project Gutenberg. They exist now. They are more readily available now than ever before in history. Odds are you walk around with them in your pocket, but ignore them. Yet their existence… Read more »

God is Laughing
God is Laughing
8 years ago

Mom didn’t make me snot from a can.

8 years ago

Point to GiL.

8 years ago

@ Kfg: I posted about the Odyssey being a Red Pill tale in the MRP reddit sub. Interested in what you make of this:

A classicist says I’m interpreting it incorrectly through a modern (rather than Ancient Greek) lens, but I don’t think things changed that much regarding the nature of Men and Women since Ancient Greece.

Seven Dials
8 years ago

Appreciate the debate has moved around, but back to the advert… a) In almost all households, women make almost all the domestic spending decisions. b) Hence, who cares what men in domestic relationships think about branded goods? c) High-income men, if they watch television at all, watch sports, news, economics and documentaries on their interests. During the ads, they leave the room. They cannot be reached by advertising in pop-culture shows. So who cares what they think? d) Who cares what low-income men or women do? They buy store-brand anyway.  The aim of an advertisment aimed at female buyers is… Read more »

8 years ago

@Seven Dials – I didn’t want to get into it but you are exactly correct on who this ad is aimed at. Women make 80% of all household spending decisions and of course this ad is aimed at women. Those who see it aimed at men are simply not up to speed on who spends the money at the grocery store in large part in our societies. Your comments about capitalism are funny though. Uhh, that’s how people work, not just capitalism. When we find something that works, we keep doing it – shocking, I know…And one can influence people… Read more »

8 years ago

The message in the commercial is supposed to be: Buy our soup. So, I’d say if they’re trying to sell soup it’s strange because people like to buy a product they associate positively with. Imagine a commercial where the driver enters a bad neighborhood, pulls up to a dilapidated trailer and presents a bag of funyuns to an obese wife and a bunch of screaming dirty children. I don’t really see how this commercial would make anyone want to buy their soup. I doubt their “real real life” campaign is going to be successful. But I’m sure it’s the product… Read more »

8 years ago

A couple of things about the commercial:

1) They shot it with a ring on her wedding finger
2) They used a mixed racial couple, with a white woman (the most privileged class) dumping on a lower caste.

It’s designed to push emotional buttons, wonder what the focus testing showed.

8 years ago

@IAS: Interesting exchange. His analysis is largely correct, but like yourself I don’t quite see how he reaches his conclusion from it. Perhaps what he meant was that it can’t serve as a practical guide to modern married man game because of the differences in background culture. The story itself is certainly a masculine, red pill treatise of a culture infused with it. Where he goes off the rails is actually here: “Ancient Greeks were genuinely terrified of sexual women who weren’t controlled by a man . . .” Despite being a poster on MRP, this point of view is… Read more »

8 years ago

@Scribblerg – I think you’re right, the feelings and reactions are not unlike those of a child’s – when your parent is sick or suffering, even though there is absolutely a sense of empathy, probably deep empathy and desire to help in any way possible for the child, the child cannot help but be overwhelmed by their own self centered reactions and responses too, because their fate is tied up with the parent’s. I don’t think that goes along with abandonment of the parent or even loss of respect for the parent though – I think it just means that… Read more »

8 years ago

Ancient Greeks also widely practiced homosexuality with pre-adoscelent boys.
True masculinity right there.

Byeah I’m not going to make this thread go off topic. I actually agree that it’s a pretty stupid ad and your partner should of course not behave like that. Though i think Campbell ruined their brand a few months before this when they had a gay couple in another ad.

8 years ago

“Ancient Greeks also widely practiced homosexuality with pre-adoscelent boys.”

I will cop to a technical error. The Homeric epics predate the Ancient period. There is no evidence of pederasty before the Archaic period which began the Ancient.

Will Emily cop to her shaming attempt lie?

8 years ago


8 years ago

As for Greek philosophy and Red PIllness, one could always read the best exposition on Epicurean philosophy ever written, De rerum natura by Lucretius, a Roman devotee of Epicurean ideals, more commonly known in the English translation as On the Nature of Things. For those who don’t know, this work is perhaps the most important ancient philosophical work of all time and contains revelations about ideas such as the Brownian motion of particles and atomic structure. Lucretius reveals brilliance on many topics in this epic work, and comments on the nature of sexual attraction. He warns men most of all… Read more »

8 years ago

@Razorwire, Walawala nailed it. While I’m still a rookie with the Red Pill, one has to wonder if the ex that was consumed with your emotional vulnerability would have had so much interest in that had the methods listed in Ian Ironwoods blog post been applied by you. Tried posting this earlier but keeps getting rejected so I’m deconstructing the URL in case that’s the issue. Rollo, if my posts are ending up in moderation please delete the previous two attempts so duplicates don’t show up. theredpillroom dot blogspot dot com /2012/08/male-dominance-beginners-guide dot html 1. Physically dominant 2. Verbally dominant… Read more »

8 years ago

” KFG, you can stop googling now…”

Rest assured, my digital copies are local.

I used to have a cat named Hypatia. I didn’t consider it when I named her, but it turned out to be a good social sorter.

I haven’t added The Swerve to my list. Thank you for letting me know I needn’t bother.

I’ll note that there were know cases of Oneitis that defied the usual remedies and in those cases there was one known, although rather extreme, intervention that would kill it dead:


8 years ago

Scribbler wrote: “I think men who haven’t experienced a serious, debilitating illness can’t relate to what it feels like to be truly vulnerable. To actually be overwhelmed physically and to need to be cared for. This will happen to most of us at some point of our lives and guess what? It’s exactly this time when a male friend or brother will be there for you. Women? When it matters most, when their character is tested? They’ll turn on you. Just listen to LeeLee above. She couldn’t even get through her husbands recovery from oral surgery without some loss of… Read more »

8 years ago

One of the things people say about having no daughters (like us) is, you’ll have no one to care for you in old age. My husband has even brought that up from time to time, though we are happy having only sons. My parents were 20 years apart in age, and I was always closer to my Dad. He had a stroke so the last six years of his life he was in pretty bad shape. I tried to explain to Mom how to take care of him (how to move him with draw sheets frequently to avoid bed sores… Read more »

8 years ago

@Everyone, related to this topic. I don’t want to have kids of my own, and I’m hoping robots for elderly care become affordable before I’m too old.

Being a bit cynical, I once had an interesting Machiavellian idea of adopting a kid and training him/her to serve this purpose once grown up (apparently a male would be a safer choice). This may even have a high chance of success if you get the kid at a young enough age, but beyond the ethical considerations, humans are too unpredictable.
So I’m hoping for good developments in robotics.

8 years ago

“I’m hoping robots for elderly care become affordable before I’m too old.”

My own strategy relies on factors that I believe are more certain and with more personal control over the issue:

I am hoping to die.

8 years ago

@Roused – Interesting comment and thanks for the words. But let me be clear – self pity is destructive and useless. I just want to make sure that men here understand that they cannot be “men of steel” for their entire lives, 24/7 and that if you don’t find yourself wounded and needing help, you will likely do so at some point in your lives. We also come at this from various starting points. SJF notes how he came from a good nurturing family and this has helped him greatly in assembling a successful life. I’m here for those of… Read more »

8 years ago

Most of the population I think is very scared of death.
I used to be religious but I’m an atheist now and I think I do not fear death anymore (or so I think, not having had a terminal illness etc. I’m not sure I can judge it properly).

I’m still not planning to off myself or going with assisted suicide (which is illegal in many places) when I’m older. Is that your plan when you are 70-year old or so?

8 years ago

Rollo: you have more faith in the marketing department of Campbell Soup (and the agency they use) than perhaps I do. The department take their agency’s (on a frolic of their own) advice which is then rubber stamped by those higher up and so on. Consider how often an ad which has been seemingly carefully crafted and at great expense has to be pulled because everyone is offended or because it does not do what it is supposed to do. This is what, I, (as a non-American) make of it: White girl married Latino loser – maybe he was hot.… Read more »

8 years ago

@KFG – An area of agreement, yes! When my daughter was little, I used to tell her that when she grew up, if I hadn’t remarried, she had to build a little cottage in her backyard for me to retire to in my old age. I told her I would babysit her kids and help out and we would joke about it. I was sort of kidding but I was also serious in a way. One of the signals of her alienation to me by her Mom was that at 10-11 yrs old (when the alienation began in earnest) she… Read more »

8 years ago

Mommy issues. Explains a lot.

8 years ago

@ Scribblerg: have you seen Sarah Silverman’s “You’re gonna die soon” song? I found it funny but I’m not sure you would.

Those elderly “warehouses” (good terminology) are not what I’m looking forward to either. I’m hoping for a technological solution (like robots) rather than a societal / family based one. In any case it looks like I will have to be financially very well off in order for my elderly years not to be bad.

But as a stoic, it is not what happens to you that matters but how you react to it, right?

8 years ago

@IAS – Indeed, and as a stoic I think that the appropriate reaction to living a bare subsistence, mostly immobile and tolerated by people fleecing the govt and my fellow citizens for hundreds of thousands of dollars is to whack myself. It doesn’t make me sad, what makes me sad is thinking about being one of those barely alive meat sacks warehoused and waiting to die in anonymity. My father and I talked a bit about death during his last 10 years. He often told me that he wouldn’t kill himself only because he was Christian and wanted to be… Read more »

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