Not All Women Are(n’t) Like That

On many an occasion I’ve been confronted with what I’ve observed to be the most common retort / rebuttal / “oh no you di’ int!” response to anything I propose about the nature of women. Oh, what the hell I’ll just let female commenter LivingTree illustrate it for you. From my Shallow post:

RM, did you actually mean what you said, “The single most common shaming tactic that women use against men is “shallow””? And you are upset about that? Thank god for that! What I wouldn’t do to be in mens’ shoes if that is the case.

The list of shaming tactics men use against women is so incredibly hostile and hurtful that I can hardly even repeat them, and it embarrasses me you’re even complaining about being called shallow. What I wouldn’t do to be called shallow instead of an fat ugly angry bitch gold-digging selfish feminist whore whenever I speak my mind about something controversial.

You guys have no idea how good you have it, if being chastized for being shallow is the biggest of your problems.

I’ve illustrated examples of feminine solipsism in many a post, but to really understand it, you have to read the responsive comments of women when they are presented with an objective observation, critical of women in General, how they solipsistically interpret that “attack”, personally reinterpret it in their personal experience, and then re-offer their interpretation as a generalized (i.e. universal) truth. I’ll let LivingTree continue to spell this out a bit more succinctly for you:

Oh, and incidentally, as a woman, I make my selection of relationship companions not based on looks, or money, or ambition, or how much they want me.

All those things are nice, and sometimes its enough to get a first date, but I my decision to continue dating someone based on one factor alone: does he have class?

Sadly, this means I don’t find I date much. They get weeded out really quickly. I suggest you guys do the same. There really isn’t much out there to choose from, among men or women I’m afraid, but if we are all making our mating decisions based on…looks, or money, or ambition, or how much they want us… well, then we are fostering bad character in each other.

Well, you get the picture. If you haven’t read Shallow yet, the real objective of that essay can be found in the first paragraph:

[ ]terms like “shallow” and “superficial” are contextually defined from a feminine perspective and, through shaming, serve to enforce feminine primacy.

Of course, nowhere in this article do I personalize my take on this particular shame; I’m only outlining a process and observing a feminine social convention. Obviously I don’t have to defend the observation, but LivingTree’s response highlights the typical female reaction to, an ego-invested, gender-specific offense. Process the objective in a personalized context, reinterpret the intent of that objectivity (imply bias), defend the feminine, defend the ego and then re-generalize the corrected universal interpretation in as feminine-positive a way as possible.

Oh, and if you can add a bit of masculine shame into that re-generalization (for daring to have been critically objective about the feminine in the first place), all the better.


Anyone who’s spent more than a month reading comment threads on manosphere blogs understand the reason NAWALT has become a trope worthy of its own acronym. “Not all women are like that,..” is the most common, default, go-to response for feminine personal offenses. You’ll have to forgive the $10 words I used in the previous paragraph, but they were necessary to describe a process that leads to NAWALT. Obviously women’s minds (or humans in general) don’t run through a mental algorithm step by step like this until they repurpose objectivity into a subjective universal truth they find more palatable. They don’t need to when the work is already done for them with the NAWALT response.

Just as with other feminine social convention like JBY (“Just be yourself”) or the classic LJBF (“Let’s just be friends“), NAWALT is a mental process that’s already been socialized by the feminine imperative for ease-of-use for women. Even when women are forced by incontrovertible evidence to concede an objective observation that is damaging to the feminine, NAWALT is useful.

It’s usually at this point of concession that the “ooh, ooh, men do it too!” reaction is enacted. If at some point during the process of personal reinterpretation a woman has the spark of real introspection, or is forced to acknowledge a not-so-flattering aspect of female nature men make in the objective, the next natural default is to compare that aspect to another male aspect – much as LivingTree attempts in her Shallow responses.

The rationale is one of “well, we women are bad, but you men are worse”, and simply sidesteps the original, objective point being made. Distracting the issue is  just Bad Debate 101, but it’s interesting to see the natural fluidity (sans a real awareness of debate) with which feminized minds will resort to it. The issue isn’t the issue, the issue is that men do something similar so the offensive point is invalidated. Needless to say this does nothing to address the original point.

Not All Women Aren’t Like That

The usefulness of NAWALT really extends beyond just a defensive measure though. NAWALT is used and personalized in the hopes that women will generate sympathetic opinions of themselves (through personal anecdotes), and by extension women on whole, in defense of feminine perspectives. However, not all women are like that,..until all women are like that.

If I were to debate the uniquely feminine merits of feminine social conventions that cast women in a positive light (i.e. one that compliments the feminine imperative) then, all women are like that, and what’s better is that no man is ever like that. For example, if I were to bolster the myth of the feminine mystique on a forum or blog praising the aspects of women you would never read “yeah, but not all women are like that” nor would you read “yeah, but men do this too.” If I find something laudable about the feminine then no woman has an objective problem with “all women are like that” and there will never be a sympathetic counter-element that finds a corollary with anything men do. In other words, NAWALT (until they are), but men are always like that.

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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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10 years ago

This perfectly describes my ex-wife.

10 years ago

So I think that part of growing up via the Manosphere means we have to accept some irrefutable conclusions: 1) Men are the leaders. But it’s a thankless job if you want thanks from women. 2) Give up your boyish hope that a woman will love you like you want her to. As Rollo has thoroughly explained, it’s not going to happen because it’s not possible. 3) Decide how much of your heart, time, and cash you want to invest in women, because there’s only so much return you’re going to get. 4) Even when a woman thinks she’s your… Read more »

10 years ago

Men – love of truth.
(Although a lot of men have become very feminized by now.)

Women – truth of love.
Either she loves you or you and your arguments are nothing to her.

A Man in Asia
10 years ago

Women here in Japan don’t seem to make those NAWALT arguments as much, at least not when I’m talking to them. Talking with a white girl, if I were to say something like, “Girls like guys with muscles,” I’d get some anecdote about a friend who likes chubby dudes. A Japanese girl would be more likely to say, “hmmm, maybe!” Perhaps they’re just agreeing with me to be civil, but I wonder how much the NAWALT trope is a product of being raised to think that you are a highly independent, super special snowflake vs. one of many interdependent people.… Read more »

Vi Nay
10 years ago

I have a lot of discussions with women about (to mention just a few): 1) Why women date jerks and reject nice guys. 2) Women saying they are not attracted to high status yet end up with these men. 3) Women saying they would be happy to be with a more physically attractive man than their own beauty grade in relativity. 4) Women preferring attached men over single men if all things equal. Each and every time they either: 1) Deny women take on the perceived weak side of these choices. 2) Claim only insecure women deliver these actions. Occasional… Read more »

Ana the troll Serene
Ana the troll Serene
10 years ago

What is the number one thing, except physical appearance (um, shallow attractiveness), that men like in a woman as summed up in this statement: “how she makes *me* feel.” What is the number one thing, except physical appearance (um, shallow attractiveness), that inspires a man to propose to a woman as summed up in this statement: “she’s a nice person [to me.]”

Tin Man
10 years ago

@RedPillSetMeFree… I like the list, pretty much sums it up – and is what I’ve been telling my sons for the past year. Of course, Rollo is providing a “woman’s perspective” — but there is also a Man’s perspective of defending that one special woman – that there is no way, she’s like that. My personal belief is only when a Man can apply the RP knowledge to the woman closest to him, and recognize it in them – it’s really only theory in his life. Once he can apply it to woman equally, regardless of his relationship with them… Read more »

10 years ago

How women argue:

You present a point with facts, real life experience, and/or evidence.

She targets your ego…and usually wins because we have feelings too. Not that she would care about them because women don’t have empathy…she needs a win and male attention to validate herself.

Men need to disregard her insults or emotions and stay on point.

10 years ago

And it’s amazing the moral agency women present…when men are doing the same disgusting stuff they are doing.

Tin Man
10 years ago

“Heaven has no rage like love to hatred turned, Nor hell a fury like a woman scorned,”
Act 3, Scene 8, Mourning Bride by William Congreve (1697)

Emma the Emo
Emma the Emo
10 years ago

“…they are presented with an objective observation, critical of women in General, how they solipsistically interpret that “attack”, personally reinterpret it in their personal experience, and then re-offer their interpretation as a generalized (i.e. universal) truth.” When someone uses NAWALT in response to a generalization, are they really asking us to take their personal reality as the new generalization? Never thought of that. To me it always looked like they were not even thinking about the general truth, just how they themselves look to others. As long as you say “women are X”, it includes them specifically. “The rationale is… Read more »

10 years ago

@Ana: To answer your trolling question

Pro tip: The order of the points is kinda important. HTH

Not Carrie Bradshaw
Not Carrie Bradshaw
10 years ago

@Redpillsetmefree Some qualifications to the points you raised 1) Men are the leaders. But it’s a thankless job if you want thanks from women. OK. As long as you take responsibility for your decisions, and if your decisions turn out bad, you will have to fix them yourself. 2) Give up your boyish hope that a woman will love you like you want her to. As Rollo has thoroughly explained, it’s not going to happen because it’s not possible. The only time a woman will ever give up her life for a man is when that man shares half her… Read more »

The Latin Buddha
10 years ago

On a related note, my sister and I were watching “Shark Tank” the other day. There was a woman pitching the Sharks an idea for a baby diaper contraption. The Sharks all opted out because, while it may have been a good product, the lady had made a lot of business mistakes and it would cost the Sharks a lot of time and money to teach her and fix the business. So they all said no to her idea. Then the lady starts ugly crying. I mean the kind of crying that you see on a 3-year-old’s face. The kind… Read more »

10 years ago

Shame a woman for having emotions and using them as a weapon…you’ll be a monster to womankind.

Because they all use the same tactic and other than working the sex drive…it’s the only thing they got.

The Latin Buddha
10 years ago

I did go on to say that, as a man, I wouldn’t have wanted anyone to come back in and do a business deal with me because I was crying. If anything, I would have felt cheap, mad girlish and like I just got pity. If I’m going to do a business deal with a Shark, it’s because I’m selling a great product or service that stands on its own, because I’ve hustled with results to back it up and because of merits, not tears. Such a stark difference between men/women modus operandi.

10 years ago

The female response of re-interpreting 3rd-person description of generalized human behavior as personalized and insulting is simply another manifestation of the herd mind. Any attack on the herd is re-interpreted as an attack on the individual. Women generally have significant ego invested in themselves as individuals, but there is always a large enough portion that is linked to the female herd that when a complaint is made about one woman, it is somehow an attack on each individual woman. I suspect this is why true justice systems originated with man. If men have an easier time separating individuals and their… Read more »

10 years ago

To me it always looked like they were not even thinking about the general truth, just how they themselves look to others.

This is how I’ve always thought of it as well. Like it’s a form of competition. “Well I’m not like that so you should like me more”. Though I guess it depends on how the NAWALT in question is phrases.

10 years ago

@Ana Serene

What is the number one thing, except physical appearance (um, shallow attractiveness), that men like in a woman as summed up in this statement: “how she makes *me* feel.” What is the number one thing, except physical appearance (um, shallow attractiveness), that inspires a man to propose to a woman as summed up in this statement: “she’s a nice person [to me.]“

Is that a question? If so, I can’t figure out specifically what’s being asked.

10 years ago

@Not Carrie Bradshaw OK. As long as you take responsibility for your decisions, and if your decisions turn out bad, you will have to fix them yourself. Which is something females never do, and is the basis of Feminism. So apply your advice to yourself first & we can have a conversation. The only time a woman will ever give up her life for a man is when that man shares half her genes = ie her son. Remember that “love” or whatever it is flows downwards – from strongest to weakest, from oldest to youngest. The directive of the… Read more »

Rollo Tomassi
10 years ago

What is the number one thing, except physical appearance (um, shallow attractiveness), that inspires a man to propose to a woman as summed up in this statement: “she’s a nice person [to me.]“ Women like Ana are exactly why I encourage women to participate on RM comment threads – they often provide the best examples of proving my points, especially when they miss that point entirely. Ana still erroneously believes I was in someway butthurt that women call men ‘shallow’ or ‘superficial’ in that essay. My point was that ‘shallow’ is defined by feminine standards; women own the term, if… Read more »

Rollo Tomassi
10 years ago

@LatinBuddah, this will interest you:

The Latin Buddha
10 years ago


Whoa. It happened exactly as you wrote…to a T. The only woman Shark sympathized with her because she was coming from the same “tribe”. I tracked down a clip but due to copyright… there’s only the beginnings of her hotmessedness.

Warning: ugly crying ahead.

Though if anyone is curious, it’s season 4 episode 8 of Shark Tank and it’s the very first pitch. The product was called cool wazoo or something along those lines.

10 years ago

Of course, it goes w/o saying that it’s not necessary for *all* women to be “like that” in order for *most* — or even “many” — women to be “like that”.

But the, you’re a sexiss anyway, right? 🙂

Booch Paradise
10 years ago

“Claim only insecure women deliver these actions.”
In their defense, insecure women = women.

Tin Man
10 years ago

As far as the whole crying thing goes….from personal experience, there are times when it is used as a deflection technique. There were times when my (x)wife and I would be discussing a particularly sensitive subject (like possibly her spending too much money or maybe getting a job) and she would begin crying – then telling me how she couldn’t do such and such or was so sorry for doing such and such – and me being the true American (beta) Husband, would in most cases (not all) comfort her and tell her I loved her and all the things… Read more »

10 years ago

The tl;dr version:

Not All Women Are Like That is properly translated as I’m Not Like That (And How Could You Say Such Mean Things About Me Even If I Do Sometimes–Well A Lot Actually–Do What You Said, But I’m Not Really Like That).

Not Carrie Bradshaw
Not Carrie Bradshaw
10 years ago

@redpillsetmefree “…..Which is something females never do, and is the basis of Feminism. So apply your advice to yourself first & we can have a conversation.” Actually my statement about taking responsibility is gender neutral – it applies to both men AND women. Most of the time it is up to men to make women accountable (unfortunately), particularly when they are young. My dad always called me out on my bullshit and raised me to always account for my actions and decisions. At the time I hated him for it, but now appreciate what he has done for me. Later… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
10 years ago

Not Carrie Bradshaw 1) Men are the leaders. But it’s a thankless job if you want thanks from women. OK. As long as you take responsibility for your decisions, and if your decisions turn out bad, you will have to fix them yourself. We know, toots. We know quite well. We live in the real world, not girlworld. We know that not only do we have to take responsibility for our decisions, we have to take responsibility for your decisions even as you refuse to grant us any authority over you. So the same old, tired, “women’s choices, men’s responsibilities”… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
10 years ago

Actually my statement about taking responsibility is gender neutral – it applies to both men AND women.

It did not appear that way.

Most of the time it is up to men to make women accountable (unfortunately), particularly when they are young.

If you expect men to do this, they must have the authority that goes with the responsibility. In the modern world this is very difficult, because modern women in general (yes, NAWALT, thanks much) refuse to put themselves under anyone’s authority unless it involves a paycheck.

10 years ago

Great takedown of Giggles’ “combination of conventional female shaming, ad hominem, illogic, and an appeal to authority”:

Also, not sure exactly when it happened, but HUS has disappeared from the Alpha Game blogroll. Finally. That’s got to sting.

10 years ago

“Maybe because I always carried myself in a non girly, professional way which did not play up my feminity, charm and “helplessness” – thanks to my dad. Now, I wouldn’t have it any other way. ” I’m glad you sold your soul so you can be a professional in the corporate grind. Sounds like a great deal. Become a feminazi in exchange for being taken seriously in a fucking racket. If you paid me a million dollars to prance around like a queer in a feminized industry, I wouldn’t do it. “What good will it be for someone to gain… Read more »

10 years ago

My desire for attractive women isn’t shallow, it’s about 9 inches deep

10 years ago

I dunno, I’ve always read NAWALT somewhat sarcastically, was it not meant that way?

Mike Caputo (@hanytimeh)

“The issue isn’t the issue, the issue is that men do something similar so the offensive point is invalidated.” The actual issue is that it doesn’t matter whether what you’re saying is true, what matters is each individual woman’s feelings. Because each woman may have different feelings about your statement, any response to it, ranging from the kind of “tu quoque” you talk about to screeching man-hatred and/or claims of “emotional rape” is completely justified. I’m becoming increasingly convinced that no one should debate any woman on any issue until she demonstrates a capacity to respond like a rational adult.… Read more »

10 years ago

@Not Carrie Bradshaw My daughter is allowed by daddy to get her own way due to her scheming and wiles. Why ? because she is cute and a girl. My dad would have turned in his grave. Make it clear to your husband that his son sees the inequity in how he treats his sibling. His son will resent his dad for treating the girl differently later in life. My family was 4 sons and 1 daughter, and none of the sons now has a good relationship with the dad because of his unequal treatment of that one girl of… Read more »

Tin Man
10 years ago


I couldn’t agree more. Anytime you engage, it results in something similar to the video below…

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
10 years ago

Also, not sure exactly when it happened, but HUS has disappeared from the Alpha Game blogroll. Finally. That’s got to sting.

The Elusive Wapiti just had a runin with Giggles on a different topic:

Looks like the link love for HUS is gone from Elusive Wapiti now also.

10 years ago

The idea of “female solipsism” and your injection (well, you probably think of it as just identification) of it into this first quote is shaky at best. It seems that this “solipsism” or lack thereof is really just a matter of phrasing. In regards to something that is under debate, while a man may try to present his experience as an unquestionable, universal fact by saying “it is…”, a woman may acknowledge that it is simply something she has drawn from her own experience by saying “in my experience, it is…” or “I think it is…”. That’s the gist of… Read more »

Ajax Murgatroyd
Ajax Murgatroyd
10 years ago

Reminds me of “swordfighting the fart”:

Water Cannon Boy
Water Cannon Boy
10 years ago

The point isn’t the phrasing. The point is the general statement is made, the response is there is some validity because even I have experienced it also.
Versus the general statement being made, and the response is there is no validity because I’m not like that or I haven’t done that.
So yes, I would expect a man to talk about women in his area, or ones he’s dealt with. He mentions what he’s observed in others, not what he is.

10 years ago

I love the smell of napalmed hamsters in the morning.

10 years ago

@earl: “Shame a woman for having emotions and using them as a weapon…you’ll be a monster to womankind. Because they all use the same tactic and other than working the sex drive…it’s the only thing they got.” Women have every tactic men have and vice-versa. Reason, logic, facts, rational examples, lies, violence, etc, will all be employed if the tactic is deemed to be effective. The difference is that, for the majority of men, there are a lot of tactics that are deemed ‘off limits’. Now for the shaming of men, what I’ve noticed is that women, when they encounter… Read more »

10 years ago

Baha, I found a silver nugget here. It’s a dating website Q/A site, and some girl is asking how many partners is too many, because there are some guys she wants to sleep with. Some golden remarks from teenage-early 20’s sluts. “It’s not important. It may be important to quite a few guys, but those guys are idiots, and not worth dating anyway. Just have fun. If any guy ever asks your “number”, tell them to mind their own business.” “Do what you feel is right. It’s your body. And if any future guy can’t accept your past then… Read more »

10 years ago

She’s wrong anyway. The main way that women insult men that is equivalent to what she considers hurtful to women is to call a man a virgin or creepy. Which I find really funny since those insults are the primary engine behind the “rape culture” that feminists complain about.

10 years ago

Well Ton, on the internet anything is possible – Har-Har!

“My desire for attractive women isn’t shallow, it’s about 9 inches deep”

10 years ago

Wow, how flattering, I’ve never had an article written about me before! I must have really struck a nerve. I hope you’ll be just as pleased to know that I am writing an article about you as well! I find it very telling that you took my comments so personally – I did NOT take your article as a personal attack against women, but you took my comments as such, which is such a stereotypical response of a “modern man.” So sensitive, so irrational, so angry. Which was, incidentally, the point of my comment (which you missed, apparently). You perfectly… Read more »

Water Cannon Boy
Water Cannon Boy
10 years ago

…I’ve never had an article written about me before! I must have really struck a nerve. I hope you’ll be just as pleased to know that I am writing an article about you as well!

Wouldn’t that be projecting? Or a shame tactic?

Tin Man
10 years ago

And yet the point is missed – possibly by everyone. MY point is below and like most of the articles I read, it has nothing to do with woman – they are not the intended audience… Life isn’t easy Gentlemen. That’s not the role we play. There may be no one to tell you how great you are, how appreciated you are, how strong you are – regardless, you have to pick yourself up and get to the next place. The end goal is elusive. It’s a hard truth to swallow, that the people you give your life to may… Read more »

10 years ago

Look, I don’t know whats made you guys so angry. If you thought the article or comments were “angry,” you might want to get your perception filter checked. We’re not angry about being labeled “shallow” or about other typical female shaming tactics, such as the one’s on display in your ranty comment. We’re amused. Especially amused that you’d think such tactics still work once men become aware of them. We both lie our way into relationships, then we are disappointed with the results of our own choices… Its an incredibly stupid cycle which ultimately ruins our lives Speak for yourself,… Read more »

strauMan (@strauMan)
10 years ago

Hamster meets solipsism…a love story.

M Simon
10 years ago

2) Give up your boyish hope that a woman will love you like you want her to. As Rollo has thoroughly explained, it’s not going to happen because it’s not possible.

They can be trained to be submissive. See “The Taming of the Shrew” – I like the Burton/Taylor version.

I will grant that it is very difficult. But what in life that is worth doing isn’t.

One help – have a girlfriend she knows about. Keeps her on her toes and in a “loving” mood.

M Simon
10 years ago

4) Even when a woman thinks she’s your intellectual equal, she’s not even close. Women are incapable of accurate self-assessment.

Farther than about 20 IQ points apart and an LTR is not possible.

In this – and in fact in all things – women want to marry up. It is only in the last 30 years that “nerds” have moved up in “attractiveness”. Just tell her you are a computer engineer. Better – be one.

M Simon
10 years ago

Because I believed, she wasn’t like that, she believed in our marriage, in our partnership. She wasn’t just placating me, she was really, really sorry and things would change. Things won’t change until you dominate her. If you can do that she will love you to death. But it ain’t easy. It takes time – effort – and calibration. You must continuously push her over her edge. But not too far all at once. She should never be entirely comfortable. Mostly and very are OK. Entirely is not. It is all about give and take. Giver her something and then… Read more »

M Simon
10 years ago

October 25th, 2013 at 9:33 am

I love the smell of napalmed hamsters in the morning.

OH. Yeah.

M Simon
10 years ago

We both lie our way into relationships

So you admit to being a liar? How attractive. /sarc

I have yet to meet a woman who was not. Some more. Some less. But just about all (there may be some – I just haven’t met them).

It is one reason you don’t find many women in engineering. It is very difficult to get a transistor to cover for you.

10 years ago

I’ve illustrated examples of feminine solipsism in many a post… However, not all women are like that,..until all women are like that. What about making a post summarizing what you understand by feminine solipsism for late comers? I still like to see it as megalomania: 1. They have superiority complex and are not aware of it. 2. They are childish and are not aware of it. 3. They are emotionally egocentric and are not aware of it. Not all women aren’t like that, but I am quite sure all feminists are like that. So the question is how many women… Read more »

10 years ago

Why do any of you waste your time trying to have rational debates with silly cunts like livingtree or what’s her name?

10 years ago

When you mention any of the negative behaviors displayed, AS A PATTERN, by a large number of women out there, many people try to sweep it under the rug or to minimize the degree of the misbehavior and and say “Oh, well, that’s women for you!”. And many women will write stupid essays about how “I need a man who will love me and put up with my b.s. but he’s sensitive, etc etc.”. No, what women need is to be held accountable for their behavior. I almost never get sick, but I remember getting so sick and being in… Read more »

10 years ago

Why do any of you waste your time trying to have rational debates with silly cunts like livingtree or what’s her name?

It’s not so much debating rationally, it’s more like toying with the troll…

10 years ago

@Aristippus: Excellent. You’ve summarized in a single comment the whole problem we face at this current historical inflection point. My comments: People, men and women, need to have higher expectations for female behavior. And it’s up to the men to be the ones who will set and then enforce those standards by just simply not sweeping bad behavior under the rug and being willing to walk away or if not walk away, to discipline his woman. Through his words and actions and also by allowing her to experience the full consequences, the true results, of her own behavior. Exactly. Feminism… Read more »

M Simon
10 years ago

Watch “the Taming of the Shrew” (Burton/Taylor)

The end is particularly significant. Two men are pussy whipped. Burton is not. The Shrew (in all women) is tamed.

Just Saying
Just Saying
10 years ago

‘terms like “shallow” and “superficial” ‘ I’m almost always called something like a “dog” – of course they don’t mean it to be a compliment, but from my perspective dogs are loyal, trustworthy, loving, etc. Of course they mean that I’ll go after a skirt that’s attractive to me and in heat – the women that call me that never seem to like the analogy – “Hmmm… So does that make you my b*tch? Seems pretty appropriate.” Yesterday I was the guy she “wants to spend the rest of my life with”, today I’m a “dog”… Women are so predictable… Read more »

M Simon
10 years ago

Reward good behavior, punish bad behavior. Just like you would a dog – women never seem to see the irony when they call me a “dog” since I’m training them just like I trained my dogs to obey me – using similar techniques. But I have more tricks for them to learn..

Excellent advice.


[…] I suppose she did not like the fact I was a skittles man, now so more than ever.  Her dislike of my increasing knowledge of the feminine reality became more and more pronounced as our relationship progressed.  It would lead to more of my questioning of her past and the incongruities that became very evident.  And of course we know that all women are in fact like that. […]


[…] the ages of 15 and 50. I’m fully prepared for the same outcries of generalizations and NAWALT that the infamous SMV graph inspired, but understand this, before any woman or femen comes up with […]


[…] between the ages of 15 and 50. I’m fully prepared for the same outcries of generalizations and NAWALT that the infamous SMV graph inspired, but understand this, before any woman or femen comes up with […]

9 years ago

the core of this problem is the thinking that the two sexes are equal. hence they say “but men are doing it too and worse” because this implies just because men do it they should do it too. It’s like thinking the two sexes look for the same traits in a mate when the reality is they don’t. it’s this both sexes are equal thinking that creating NAWALT or “but men are doing it too and worse” because the thinking is women are equal to men and even perhaps better than men which if women are better than men they… Read more »


[…] Not All Women Are(n’t) Like That  […]


[…] expect most of the conversation revolves her own personal experiences and veers off into “ooh ooh, men do it too” and “people are all different, society sucks” tangents. Like most bad debaters, […]

9 years ago

[…] expect that female readers will trot out the “ooh, ooh, men do it too” counter that women are invisible to men who don’t see them as a sexual prospect. That […]

8 years ago

Me me and me… A good scene into how rugby gameplay works


[…] injuries that men suffer from women is commonly overtaken by claims that not all women are like that. Andreas Capellanus, writer of the medieval Latin treatise De amore, responded to “not all […]

8 years ago

I met a nawalt once. She was amazing. I fell head over heels with her, and I made the mistake of telling her on our second date that I loved her. She handled it beautifully almost like it happened to her every second day or so. She said “No no no.” at first, then took a deep breath and said “Thank you. I’m very flattered. You don’t love me though, you feel infatuated with me and it’s ok to have those feelings. But know that it’s not love yet. Love is a choice not a feeling and you can’t love… Read more »

8 years ago

[…] egalitarian frame predisposes us to consider that ‘not all women are like that‘ or to disassociate the idea that men and women could be anything but functionally equal […]


[…] of men’s sexed protests has struggled with how to address matriarchy’s responses of NAWALT, meaning “Not All Women Are Like That.”  Some men have turned away from general theorizing and have instead thrust forward with […]

8 years ago

The real Good old fashioned women were the Best of all compared to today.

8 years ago

[…] page. And as you might expect there’s a lot of predictable outrage swirling around how ‘not all women are like that‘ (NAWALT) and “wow, what a bitch.” The commercial message was even overt enough […]

7 years ago

Maybe if you stopped making it out to be that all women are like that (I was once told that 99% of women use sexuality/emotions to get what they want by a MGTOW) we wouldn’t have to constantly say it. And I understand that the bad women (sexist feminist and bitches in general) do shit like this, but you need to stop saying that it’s all of us because it’s fucking not

7 years ago

start fishing in eastern europe, it’s better over here

Randy Randerson
Randy Randerson
7 years ago

Oh God, having stumbled onto this blog from other TRP sites, and read this post, I can 100% agree that women and their tribal mentality. Commented on Jian Ghomeshi’s verdict last year, a complete shit show with false rape accusation BTW, about how rape victims shouldn’t be believed 100% of the times, and that these feminists crying for justice is just a pack of wild animals. Crazy women came out of the woodworks accusing me of being a misogynist, and that it’s wrong to label all feminists as idiots (NAWALT). Being the logical person as I am, I tried to… Read more »


[…] bias for dealing with men overreacting to the sharp end of the hypergamy stick, other functions of AWALT, and the nuclear fall out of multiple generations of feminism, such as divorce and child […]


[…] the NA*ALT (not all ____ are like that) absolution of the most unflattering parts of human nature. Not All Women Are Like That is standard feminine-primary boilerplate for women and sympathizing men (White Knights) who’d […]

6 years ago

Then there’s this one : “I’m sorry you’ve never seen a good woman in your life and experienced what true love is — otherwise you wouldn’t be taking these “red pills” …. ” No doubt, subconsciously the goal of women when it comes to choosing a mate is to prove they are exceptional compared to the herd. We should take lessons from the animal kingdom, where game is the rule of the jungle. And then the fact that a woman can’t tolerate seeing a man upset for any reason – they’ll do anything to shut you up. Often they use… Read more »

6 years ago

> RM, did you actually mean what you said, “The single most common shaming tactic that women use against men is “shallow””? And you are upset about that? Thank god for that! What I wouldn’t do to be in mens’ shoes if that is the case. I find it very telling that you took my comments so personally – I did NOT take your article as a personal attack against women, but you took my comments as such, which is such a stereotypical response of a “modern man.” So sensitive, so irrational, so angry. < Ironically, there's that shallow /… Read more »


[…] of men’s sexed protests has struggled with how to address matriarchy’s responses of NAWALT, meaning “Not All Women Are Like That.”  Some men have turned away from general theorizing and have instead thrust forward with […]


[…] injuries that men suffer from women is commonly overtaken by claims that not all women are like that. Andreas Capellanus, writer of the medieval Latin treatise De amore, responded to “not all […]

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