Empathy 2016

The Campbell’s Soup Company was founded in 1869. In those 147 years the company developed a reputation as a wholesome staple of brands to the point it’s been considered Americana – even Andy Warhol considered Campbell’s emblematic of the American experience.

But in the space of a 30 second commercial the Feminine Imperative and the feminist narrative has managed to corrupt, if not overtly destroy a brand identity that took 147 years to establish.

Last week I outlined how the imperative assimilated the Star Wars intellectual property and franchise; arguably another example of Americana. Monday I detailed how it is in women’s innate interests individually and in the Feminine Imperative’s interests on a meta scale to appropriate the works and fruits of men’s labors as a result of their Burden of Performance. And, once again, here we have another glaring example of the imperative’s appropriation of a storied brand identity to use as a vehicle for its narratives.

The gold of course is in the comments on the YouTube page. And as you might expect there’s a lot of predictable outrage swirling around how ‘not all women are like that‘ (NAWALT) and “wow, what a bitch.” The commercial message was even overt enough to trigger the average man to risk to consider, “flip the genders and look how this commercial reads.” But that’s just it, there is such a comfort with the Feminine Imperative in being this overt that even plugged in Blue Pill men cannot ignore the message.

What exactly is that message? In this case it’s the degree to which the imperative is comfortable in revealing truths about the nature of women. I’ve been calling attention to this comfort level for almost two years now. Open Hypergamy is almost a given at this stage. Open cuckoldry is beginning to establish a foothold in being socially acceptable, and later socially expected. In the coming years I believe we’ll begin to see an even larger degree of comfort the imperative has in revealing and reveling in innate feminine nature. This commercial, from a storied brand of comfort food no less, is the first illustration of this trend.

While this commercial and the hashtag associated are intended to shock, it’s important to understand the message that Campbell’s Soup Company is aligning itself with. Bear in mind that a board of executives, brand directors and marketing directs had to approve the message and budget needed to deliver this message. The fallback of course will be that the intent was humor, but they understand very well the latent message in the humor they will hide behind when the publicity backlash occurs.

No doubt the Jezebel set of the femosphere will either embrace the commercial’s message by parroting the trope that women hate to be men’s mothers, or they will decry it as portraying women as being heartless, careerist bitches – they just can’t win. In either interpretation the louder buzz will be as it always is, women being victims.

In a Red Pill perspective we see a lot of what we already know about women’s innate, visceral natures.

From Empathy:

Women cannot bear to see a Man experiencing negative emotions such as extreme anger, rage, fear, despair, despondency or depression for extended periods of time. You say you want to “be there” for your Man; but you cannot do it. If it goes on long enough, it kills the attraction; it sets off your hypergamy alarms; and subconsciously causes you to start hunting for a replacement Man.

A woman seeing a Male go through the above will seek to replace that Male immediately.

Women cannot listen to Men talking about or working out their dating/mating/relationship issues or problems. Women reflexively view a Man discussing such issues as “whining” or “complaining” or “bitterness” or “sour grapes” or “well, you just chose poorly, so sucks to be you” or “suck it up, no one wants to hear you bitching about it”.

As to both of the above principles; when a Male is involved, ratchet up by a factor of 5 the disdain and repulsion a woman experiences when seeing a Male do or experience the above.

I took a lot of shit from indignant women when I published Empathy. Yet here we have what was likely a half million dollar budget commercial graphically confirming exactly the premise of my post.

As a bonus this message also overtly confirms much of what I wrote in Vulnerability:

Vulnerability is not something to be brandished or proud of. While I do believe the insight and acknowledgement of your personal vulnerabilities is a necessary part of understanding oneself (particularly when it comes to unplugging oneself), it is not the source of attraction, and certainly not arousal, that most men believe it is for women.

From the comfort of the internet and polite company women will consider the ‘sounds-right’ appeal of male vulnerability with regard to what they’resupposed to be attracted to, but on an instinctual, subconscious level, women make a connection with the weakness that vulnerability represents.

A lot of men believe that trusting displays of vulnerability are mutually exclusive of displays of weakness, but what they ignore is that Hypergamy demands men that can shoulder the burden of performance. When a man openly broadcasts his vulnerableness he is, by definition, beginning from a position of weakness.

Yes ladies, I understand you’re not like this. I fully anticipate the “not in my experience” personalization each of you will attempt to adopt to placate any bad juju and your solipsistic mental point of origin. Just remember that this is the messaging your gender’s imperative is fostering. This is the message that Campbell’s Soup will stake its 147 year brand reputation on because it believes it will sell more soup.

It may seem that I’m being unduly critical of the narrative of this commercial, but remember that this narrative exists for a reason. I have no doubt women will chime in about how it’s an exaggeration, but what message is being exaggerated? What is the message that the medium is conveying here? For as much as the narrative would like men to be sensitive and open up about their feelings, for as much as it wants men to be vulnerable, all it takes is a 30 second commercial to confirm that men expressing weakness isn’t strength, and Hypergamy doesn’t care if your Mommy made you soup when you were sick as a child – stop expecting Strong Independent Women® to be your Mommy.

Keep in mind the contradicting message this commercial conveys here. This is the same degree of ruthlessness and insensitivity that the Feminine Imperative expects from, and finds attractive in, men.

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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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Divided Line
8 years ago

Men can’t expect to find mommy, but the strong independent women go on expecting men to be daddy.

8 years ago

I usually take about one sick day a year for something. I have worked for years in an office, they encourage you to take sick days so as not to infect others, I have 100 sick days… but yes, the ex would always be irritated when I would take a sick day. I never even sniveled like the guy in the commercial, just wanted to take my sick day in peace, but she was always irritated. Of course, working late on a project was no good either. Or working out, probably because that made her feel fat. You can’t win.… Read more »

8 years ago

@IAS: 70? That would rather put a damper on any chance of my going after the 75+ world hour cycling record, wouldn’t it? After that I won’t have to worry about my power to weight ratio until I’m ready to go for the 100+ record, and I think I might indulge myself by getting pretty jacked for a while. The basic idea is to keep myself fit as long as I can. I’m aiming to be able to pass the Basic Training APFT for 17-21 year olds when I’m 80. And when I feel it’s really starting to slip, die… Read more »

Divided Line
8 years ago

@Razorwire “Having to process my emotional and physical vulnerabilities into little nuggets that can be easily consumed by the woman to make her feel the way she needs to feel is just one more burden that has yet to become second nature.” There’s no word for how awful this is. I have respect for those of you who do this, but I can’t see a reason to bother. Even in the act of doing something like this, I’d be confronted with the crisis of motivation. If this is what’s required – and it is, in my experience – women are… Read more »

8 years ago

@Scribbler: “An area of agreement, yes!”

We have our moments.

8 years ago

@Divided – I hate to say it but I find I’m more and more in agreement with your position. I keep trying to do the math and approaching and meeting and gaming but as an older guy? As SJF and I discussed, a cucumber is never going to be a pickle again and there are fewer and fewer fresh cukes around and for me, they are only suitable for short term fucking anyway if I’m lucky… I also think it’s quite unnatural to be single and older. So many of us are going to be old and alone – male… Read more »

Divided Line
8 years ago

@Eve “I am a woman and as hard as it is to admit, you are correct regarding female nature when it comes to losing attraction to vulnerable/weak men. A woman will only be able to maintain attraction to a weakened man for so long. This is something I acknowledge and dislike about my nature. It takes work and commitment to overcome this in a relationship. Women who deny this truth in themselves will be more susceptible to this character flaw since they deny its very existence. That being said, the Campbell’s soup ad is repulsive to me. But these ads… Read more »

Divided Line
8 years ago

“I detest the masculine point of view. I am bored by his heroism, virtue, and honour. I think the best these men can do is not talk about themselves anymore.” -Virginia Woolf

8 years ago

Women aren’t failed human beings.
Women are good at being women.
They fail at being men.

8 years ago

@Divided Line: I think the main reason for men to protect women would be the same as it has been forever – men can’t have kids without women.

Evolution led to sexual dimorphism for better propagation of genes, apparently.

Divided Line
8 years ago

@Liz “Women are good at being women.” Are they? That’s what we’re all looking at here, the failure of women to be women, or what we thought they were supposed to be. Men kept up their end of the bargain – we’re still wrestling with the same, tired, increasingly burdensome role that women saddle us with, even as all the structures and social norms which would have allowed us to successfully qualify for women’s all-important intimacy crumble and disappear. It’s women that didn’t keep up their end. I don’t think women are very good at being women. What is even… Read more »

8 years ago

@Liz – What, I’m supposed to bet on a voice or two on a blog site versus how I see women behave in my life? Women I dedicated myself to and provided for and protected for decades turned on me in my hour of need. They denigrated me. A woman I loved and vowed to care for and provide for and protect turned on me, replaced me and stole my child and took vast amounts of my wealth and what, cuz some commenter on a website says you aren’t all this way I should change my mind? You are married… Read more »

Divided Line
8 years ago

You are failed human beings. I honestly couldn’t imagine treating *anyone* the way women routinely treat the guy in their life who sacrifices everything for her and their family. And then the way that we lie to men their whole lives about how all this works. We let men go on thinking that women mean the same thing by “equality,” “respect,” or “love,” when nothing could be further from the truth. It’s a cruel joke. Can any guy here imagine dumping a girl because she failed to achieve whatever career goals she set out for herself? How petty. I had… Read more »

8 years ago

“How would you regard other men who conducted themselves in such a way? Could you imagine going to war with men like that and trusting them with your life?”

Can you imagine going to war with women?

Wild Man
Wild Man
8 years ago

@Liz – “So not everyone is a shitheel. Aside from being a fundamentally good person, she has made it a lifetime pattern to exhibit positive behavior, rather than thinking negatively or reacting negatively. So to her, every day is a gift.” Liz – I am glad to be reminded of that here. This got to me thinking, about something that is staring me in the face as obvious when I think about it a bit, about how perhaps to reconcile the questions I am left with with respect to my latest train of thought. I also know all kinds of… Read more »

8 years ago

” But it could be that one of the difficulties is that men and women riff thinking-wise differently . . .”

To the extent that women do not synergize with men. They synergize with the the women’s circle, the collective gestalt of all women in the community, plus children, who are all thought of as girls by default until proven otherwise.

The latter being why single women are an absolute disaster at raising boys.

keyser Soze
keyser Soze
8 years ago

An injured lion is still feared/loved . A woman who is with an authentic dominant man, would do her best care to protect him.
Any woman who feelz no “tingles” when her man is sick, is the proof, she is with a man of no “tingles”.


8 years ago

@KFG – And now men in the U.S. military will have to go on combat missions with women. The level of dishonesty regarding this issue is epic, as I’ve previously noted 93% of active duty females in the army don’t believe women should be in combat. Truly dopey people cite Israel’s IDF as a positive example when they learned their lessons long ago. They only deployed women in combat operations directly in 1948 – and it was a disaster and they haven’t done so since. Sure, women are nominally part of such units but do you know what they are… Read more »

8 years ago

@Keyser – So women have no agency at all? Every woman’s action in relation to men is driven by how the man acts? And the ecology doesn’t matter either? Culture, society, their “options” and “have to’s”?

I grow very weary of this kind of superficial commentary. “If you are just alpha enough no woman will ever fuck with you”. Here’s hoping you don’t get cancer, Keyser.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
8 years ago

They synergize with the the women’s circle, the collective gestalt of all women in the community, plus children, who are all thought of as girls by default until proven otherwise. This. Shelters for “women and children” sometimes refuse male offspring over 12 years of age; obviously they are not ‘children’ any more. The latter being why single women are an absolute disaster at raising boys. Years ago I was reading about post WW I Germany (1919) and found the notion of mother / daughter prostitution teams to be bizarre. It seemed to me, in my blue pill state, that the… Read more »

Not Born This Morning
8 years ago

Don’t eat Campbells soup…….. your dick may fall off.

keyser Soze
keyser Soze
8 years ago

A woman who is with an authentic alpha, wouldn’t even call the police if he hits her.

8 years ago

@Rollo – Indeed, the point is the double standard. I’m supposed to see women as these nurturing, emotionally generous and more giving, compassionate creatures. What Divided Line has been saying is that many men provide and do delayed gratification and sublimate their own desires/needs/aspirations to provide for women in exchange for this supposed gift only women possess, banking on the fact that when needed, a man can draw on this wellspring of compassion only to find out that when the chips are down, it’s all horseshit. Guys like me who invested in women like a daughter and sisters who lacked… Read more »

keyser Soze
keyser Soze
8 years ago

Dwight Eisenhower’s favorite movie. http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ty-a60VUfV4

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
8 years ago

Rollo As I expected, the “poor widdle menz gotz dere feewingz hurt” by this commercial response is getting play at other sites not worth mentioning. I saw one pingback and snickered at the predictability involved. Honestly, Pavlov’s dogs were probably more varied in their behavior. The ad isn’t about soup or sympathy, but isn’t it interesting that men’s vulnerability is both encouraged and at the same time despised by the narrative of the FI? Fried ice. And quite possibly a form of shit testing. “Show me your vulnerabilities, big boy…” as a probe for Beta tells. Because da dream Alpha… Read more »

Cross Phased
8 years ago

This article is true. Women no longer care about you if you show weakness. Marriage 1.0 was not a cure-all; dudes still got cucked sometimes, but it was way better than what we have today. It was easier to see through women before my marriage; it was obvious that they were trying to fool guys into sticking with them by acting like they really cared, to the point of throwing themselves at them physically. There’s something inherent in marriage that causes women to lose attraction; whether it’s being close enough for the women to see the guys vulnerability, or just… Read more »

8 years ago

@Scribbler: “The level of dishonesty regarding this issue is epic . . .”

And the level of fail is going to be even more epic.

Tam the Bam
Tam the Bam
8 years ago

Most marketing agencies rely on pilfering the world of cine. Original content tends not to “resonate” with hoi polloi. It merely confuses and frightens them. So “I declare a pastiche!! ” was the signing-off cry on a job well done at one place her indoors used to work in, and signalled the distribution of doubles and trebles all round. I was leaning towards him being the pool-boy or nearest equivalent (hence phenotype) and her being Uma Thurman realizing she had to get back to Mr Wallace, the ring-giver, or have some heavy “explaining” to do. Matey is a temporarily incommoded… Read more »

keyser Soze
keyser Soze
8 years ago


In this video, pall Newman IS the one who generates “tingles”.

8 years ago

Building Better Betas:


what better time than to start them young.

8 years ago


First thanks Rollo for allowing LSSFC to post here. It makes reading your long comment threads easier, as I can just skip their stupid slut bullshit.

Second is concerning old age and being unable to care of yourself. Find the nearest Costra Nostra chapter in your city. Put a contract on your own life. Tell them to execute said contract at eighty, or whatever fucking age you think is appropriate. Have this provisio, if you contact them within the last 3 months before termination, then extend the contract for another year.

Divided Line
8 years ago

@scribblerg “What Divided Line has been saying is that many men provide and do delayed gratification and sublimate their own desires/needs/aspirations to provide for women in exchange for this supposed gift only women possess, banking on the fact that when needed, a man can draw on this wellspring of compassion only to find out that when the chips are down, it’s all horseshit.” Thank you. You articulated this better than I could. That is precisely the issue. Whenever Rollo references the “equalist fantasy,” that’s how I understand it. I don’t know how it looks to you, since you’re a little… Read more »

Stultus Sum
8 years ago

@Lawler Thanks for the post.

This poor kid is being raised to be doormat.

8 years ago

Lawler, parts of that is good, the math and table manners. The rest, if incorporated into a tight game date, could be passable to a “southern” whore.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
8 years ago

Cross Phased
There’s something inherent in marriage that causes women to lose attraction; whether it’s being close enough for the women to see the guys vulnerability, or just the fact that familiarity breeds contempt.

You do know Rollo wrote a book about that?

8 years ago

thinking it is all plastic’s fault.

Too many fucking fem combo carbon strings in that shit. Pulls the T down and raises the E in males. Turns these poor fuckers into fags. Want to be cuddled and their minds are muddled.

Fuck boys, drink your fucking whiskey outta glass for chrissakes!

Cepting most fags prefer girlie drinks with PLASTIC fucking umbrellas in em!

8 years ago

I have seen one angel in my life. It was covered in female flesh and a nurses uniform. I was attending my father on the last night of his life. He had gone into full death mode. For you that have experienced this you know the signs. Though he seemed somewhat uncomfortable. This red headed Irish nurse appears at the door to “change his linens. Could you leave the room for a bit then honey?” came lilting out of her mouth. I slunk into the hall, as she closed the door behind me, then his room was filled with the… Read more »

8 years ago

My mother told me just last week on Boxing Day (day after Christmas for you who do not know the term), that she fell in love with my father again, when she was able to care for him in his last couple of years.

Guess that’s one blessed event ole soup whore from the add will never get to participate in.

8 years ago

Cross Phased, marriage is like war, it is tedious and slow slogging, high lighted by abrupt bursts of adrenalin.

Men are built for this. That is why mostly soldiers are men.

Whores are built to go shopping and filling their fucking closets with endless supplies of shoes, most of which never get to see the light of day ever again. Fucking whores should be charged with podi-cruelty.

Wild Man
Wild Man
8 years ago

@scribblerg – “What’s even cooler is to come to sites like this and be told that we just weren’t alpha enough. One wonders when the hits ever stop coming?” In reading you for awhile, anyone suggesting you are coming from a perspective of not alpha enough – well I would think that would be a pretty dumb criticism. It’s pretty clear you don’t have any problems there (most of the men here don’t really seem to have a problem with asserting themselves masculine-dominance-wise, if they feel like it). The issue is – what do you do with it? And you… Read more »

8 years ago

I had a secretary once, wonderful woman late 50’s. The type of sweet person who would knit sweaters for her grandkids.

Husband of 30 years was diagnosed with terminal prostate cancer. She began to have lunch with a rich well built “friend” more often , for support of course, and then once the husband died, moved in and married him within a couple months.

Hyper gamy doesn’t care.

8 years ago

Probably the most disappointing part of swallowing the pill was realizing all my distrust was in fact fully justified.  All the questions DeNihilst asks above are derivatives of the same question: how do I live with someone whom I cannot trust? I’d always used that as test. I couldn’t find trust I’d walk. I refused to engage in jealous suspicion. My trust was by default and didn’t have to be earned. I wouldn’t make demands that indicated a lack of trust on my part. I didn’t realize fair play was sign of weakness. Now I am thinking that part of frame… Read more »

8 years ago

@ DividedLine The crux of the problem is simple.Civlization as we know it is a VERY recent phenomenon. For most of humanity’s 100,000 year existence we’ve lived as animals with very basic, inviolate rules. On an individual level, one female is worth ten males. Men didn’t settle disputes with lawyers, they did it with force. The strongest survived and prevailed and reproduced, and the weak were enslaved & killed. Simple as that. Now we live in an age of technology where women are not rare, warfare is so damaging as to threaten the entire planetary biosphere, and personal fighting is… Read more »

8 years ago

Emily: “Mommy issues. Explains a lot.” I explain that I was close to my father, he had a stroke and spent the last six years of his life essentially bedridden under the care of a woman who did not care at all about his physical wellbeing. And this is your response. Was it your intention to agree and amplify Rollo’s topic point? If so, I’m a big fan of parody, satire, dark humor and so forth. Well done! That was really masterful. One of my kids has a birthday today and I will need time to address other points later.… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
8 years ago

Whores are built to go shopping I think one useful intro to the red pill / glasses might be to take a man and stand with him at the shopping map of a typical upscale mall. Count the number of retail spaces devoted to “stuff girlies want”, compare and contrast with the number of spaces devoted to “stuff men want”. Never mind any of that “need” stuff, it doesn’t matter. The “consumer economy” is mostly women. And it’s mostly stuff, junk, stuff. etc. Girlies 15,000 years ago wanted the prettiest pebble and the ripest berry, while men were out with… Read more »

8 years ago

@just getting it Thanks for your thoughtful comment. I often lose sight of some of the basic foundations even though those lessons came at great cost to me. My process – which is stunted by a cyclic apathy that inhibits the practical application of what I’m learning, is one of a slow drift toward the oncoming traffic of the blue pill followed by oversteering into the pasture of indifference. And then there are those days when I feel like Tommy Boy: “I’m out here getting my ass kicked and every time I drive down the road I wanna jerk the… Read more »

8 years ago

@Badpainter “Now I am thinking that part of frame and dominance is withholding trust. Never letting her in all the way. Never making her a mission critical member of the team. And letting her know it.” The latest bird who just took her leave of me cited early on that I was not very trusting. It was partly due to the fact that I mentioned that keeping exes around is selfish. It was how I came to know that her ex was still around. She had asked as to the whereabouts of my ex, to which I responded with a… Read more »

Divided Line
8 years ago

@IliadsTangent “I’ll end by going into what may be truly conspiracy-theory territory. Its my belief (tinfoil hats ON!) that we’re in the midst of a social conversion into a matriarchy where women control production, resources, and political power in order to have kids who are then raised and guarded by a caste of betaized drone men. The women sit at the middle of the pyramid, the betas at the bottom, and us rare sociopath Cads at the top.What makes it kookier-women believe the entire time they’re the one’s at the top of the social matriarchial pyramid.” It’s not a conscious… Read more »

keyser Soze
keyser Soze
8 years ago

@divided line,
Beta revolution to against men like…?https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Warren_Beatty

8 years ago

Razorwire, typical 2 faced whore strategy. Listen to what he wants, try to give it to him, so that I CAN GET what I want! I liken this thing called “a selfless love” to that kid in the movie, Polar Express, he couldn’t hear the bell until he truly believed in Santa Clause. These shameless sluts have no idea what belief is nor do they grasp what the true meaning of Santa Clause is all about. To them, Santa is just there to give them what THEY want. They never see the selfless act that Santa performs every year. They… Read more »

8 years ago

” . . . he truly believed in Santa Clause.”

You can’t fool me. There is no Sanity Clause.

8 years ago

@ keyser Soze

You want to see a beta revolution look at ISIS for one variation. The popularity of Trump represents another. Historically Hitler, Lenin, and Robspierre are good candidates for leaders of past beta revolts. Such revolts aren’t against the likes of mere actors, or trivial popular performers but against the social/political institutions such men really on to secure their status.

keyser Soze
keyser Soze
8 years ago

Well, here are some questions : How do you guys, truly feel about the guy in the video, saying : “Mommy”! Would any of you want this guy to marry your daughter? This video exposed the feminist agenda of wanting a “sensitive” guy(made by the FI). Imagine if the manosphere produced this video! , I think we should applaud this video . Take this video with you, on a date, and show it to your woman(preferably a hard core feminist), and ask her why she finds the guy repulsive, and then let her biological tingles speaks out (put in mind… Read more »

keyser Soze
keyser Soze
8 years ago

The beta revolution would persecute PUA and sexy hawt boys and Yareally too?

Is game is going to be banned!!

I read some feminists are trying to ban game ! .

A Definite Beta Guy
8 years ago

Don’t get it. A couple bouts of bad allergies laid me down for a day once or twice this year. Also got some really nasty food illness back in Feb and couldn’t walk for a day. Mrs. ADBG seems to actually like when I get sick because then she can take care of me. Definitely not all the time, or extended periods of time, but once in a while. Guy in the commercial doesn’t really look sick, though: get up off your ass. Netflix will be there tomorrow, don’t worry. Of course, who the hell says “My mom makes me… Read more »

A Definite Beta Guy
8 years ago

@ Liz

Women are good at being women.
They fail at being men.

Ahhhh, so much truth here. Women are not men, and men need to drop idealistic Disney expectations of love that do not exist.

Unfortunately this requires assuming manly authority, too, and manly responsibility, and manly playfulness.

Yollo Comanche
Yollo Comanche
8 years ago


Ok. Message received. Just get it. As long as getting it doesn’t involve the net loss of social credibility that is women’s due for fraudulently advertising themselves as nurturers who still want to be loved without conditions. AFBB……

Oh wait….the little skinny, bi-racial punk in the commercial is the sort of guy who WOULDN’T dump her for that.

8 years ago

“The beta revolution would persecute PUA and sexy hawt boys and Yareally too?”

Could be. Guess those guys will have to pick a side. Maybe even fight.

keyser Soze
keyser Soze
8 years ago

Badpainter “Could be. Guess those guys will have to pick a side. Maybe even fight.”

You mean, these guys would be on the side of the ugly feminists?
The ugly feminists are trying to revolt too !
You mean the day will come when a beta can fuck Hb10 without using game?, and an ugly fat feminist can fuck Chad?

8 years ago

@ keyser Soze

Your first mistake is thinking a beta revolution would only be about pussy.

Your second mistake is thinking only in terms of Alpha=good with women.

Your third mistake is assuming all betas are sexless incels.

keyser Soze
keyser Soze
8 years ago

Thanks, Badpainter. That was a great comment.
Ladies, and Gentlemen of the Jury, learn from Badpainter about his understanding of alpha and Betas.

8 years ago

I respect this man immensely.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BkvEpoqFx6c&w=560&h=315%5D

8 years ago

@Iliad – We talk about declining birth rates in the U.S. but there is never a mention of abortion. We’ve had what, 57 million abortions since Roe v. Wade in ’73? And then I have to hear elitists tell us that we need to let in tens of millions of illiterate, barely civilized peasants to build up the tax base? It’s craziness on stilts. We don’t have a population problem, we have a baby-killing problem. In fact, our society is on a baby-killing frenzy. And it’s virtually 100% a woman problem. Women slaughtering their own children by the millions –… Read more »

8 years ago

What I see in the commercial is the denigration of the ‘good man’ (aka nice guy) and the celebration of the new feral woman. The recognition and celebration of a new feral feminine cultural epoch. For the woman to make the man soup means there is a cultural expectation of humility and self sacrifice. Throwing it back at him with moxie is a veiled, “Fuck you, don’t you dare place any expectations on me.” The mother jibe is a recognition of what once was but no longer is the case. The palpable hatred of the nice guy isn’t an aversion… Read more »

8 years ago

I’ve got a fever and headcold so i’ve got nothing better to do here, lol.

@Johnny – Spot on. “Feral feminine cultural epoch”. This is the thing, it’s nasty. Think about Amy Schumer, even when she was thin and semi-hot I fucking hated her because she was so antagonistic. She talked down to us, her tone of voice dripped with derision and she’s endlessly snide. Who on earth wants to be with that? There is nothing feminine about such harridans.

keyser Soze
keyser Soze
8 years ago

To Scribblerg http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=047rxy5nYeo

8 years ago

@Keyser – A good way to run one’s life would be to ask oneself, “What would Keyser do?” And then do the opposite. Go beat up your GF while you feed her dogfood or whatever it is you do for kicks on Saturday night.

keyser Soze
keyser Soze
8 years ago


Under the thumb of alpha Mick.

keyser Soze
keyser Soze
8 years ago

Scribblerg :
“Go beat up your GF while you feed her dogfood”

First, She doesn’t like dog food, she like Cat food.
Second, a guy like you, who wouldn’t piss on a woman if he saw her on fire, is the last guy in the universe, to give suggestions between feeding her, Dogs food.
How do you feel about a beta revolution against you? With or against?

Water Cannon Boy
Water Cannon Boy
8 years ago

“The best way to judge a woman is to see how she interacts with someone who can do nothing for her.” You’ll have to look at how she interacts with someone who can do nothing for her, not even somebody who can give her a good image of being the inherent nurturing type. Women are great at being the charitable one when it doesn’t require much actual sacrifice outside of time. And the extent that they will cultivate and the effort and mental energy they put into making themselves seen in a good light can be very interesting. And fascinating… Read more »

8 years ago

Keyser – I guarantee I’ve fucked more hot women than you have and would do in 10 lifetimes. You would eat the corn out of my asshole to get near some of the trim I’ve had. You are a bigot and man who hits women – in my world, that makes you scum. Live with it, own it and fuck off now. I scraped some dogshit off my shoe more consequential than you this morning.

8 years ago
Reply to  scribblerg

“The best way to judge a woman is to see how she interacts with someone who can do nothing for her.”
Men gathering and being made fun of in dealing with issues.
Field report
Could have banged my buddy’s mom. I didn’t but I could off been thinking about it lately and it’s been weird I don’t wanna lose my friend. But his mom has a 10 figure.
Damn nation…

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
8 years ago

I’ve got a fever and headcold…

That could affect both thinking and judgement. Or not. But it could.

8 years ago

I recently was speaking with a girl I’m seeing just now, also a single parent. When describing my frustration with my daughter’s mother’s inability, based on laziness, wrapped up in single-mother-victimhood, to raise our child, while the courts forcibly give her majority residence and parenting time, in essence keeping my child in an incarcerated environment that is slowly ruining my kid’s life… what does she respond with simultaneously cutting me short, mid-sentence at the very apex point I was making? “Oh that’s why I do X,Y,Z with my boy so I never have that problem blah blah blah I’m so… Read more »

keyser Soze
keyser Soze
8 years ago

What do you call a man who wouldn’t piss on a woman if he saw her on fire?

8 years ago

^^ a victim of a succubus whose been drained of all bodily fluids part of his soul?

8 years ago

No. That’s not the message. The message is that Cambell’s Soup is reliable. Relationships are not. In this case, she can’t be counted on. However, that’s not to say that he can be counted on either. The only thing that Americans can count on is corporations, and government, and corporations. It used to be that both from an employment and consumerist angle, one partner taking the morning train and the other partner consuming and reproducing was the model. The theory was that such responsibilities would create loyal employees and loyal consumers. However, somewhere along in Marketing research, it was found… Read more »

keyser Soze
keyser Soze
8 years ago

Keyser – I guarantee I’ve fucked more hot women than you have and would do in 10 lifetimes. You would eat the corn scribblerg, “out of my asshole to get near some of the trim I’ve had. You are a bigot and man who hits women – in my world, that makes you scum. Live with it, own it and fuck off now. I scraped some dogshit off my shoe more consequential than you this morning.”

How sad of a 54 years all to respond like that.

Forge the Sky
Forge the Sky
8 years ago

@kfg: “My own strategy relies on factors that I believe are more certain and with more personal control over the issue: I am hoping to die.” Sailing around the Cape of Good Hope the wrong way, wasn’t it? @Scribblerg: “If my health fails, I will off myself. If I detect the early onset of Alzheimers or dementia, I will off myself. I will not live an institution “cared” for by people who care nothing for me. I did business with nursing homes and other such facilities for a couple of years and it’s simply incomprehensibly horrific to live in that… Read more »

8 years ago

I’ve been teaching overseas for years, always with mixed gender staffs. Calling in sick is a big deal because it’s hard to scramble for substitutes in foreign countries. The students are coming regardless and teacher absences are a dilemna. Usually it’s a colleague who gets hammered with overwork by another teacher calling in. So, calling in sick is always pretty seriously frowned upon. Most schools have had generous attendance bonuses because it’s such an issue. Over the years, I’d say that female staff members have called in sick about 30 times for every one time a male calls in. They… Read more »

8 years ago

Geyser sodapop – sane?

8 years ago


Great post there. That’s the kind of insight that keeps me coming to the manosphere.

8 years ago

Kaminsky – “Most females overreact to illness and WILL NOT work while sick.”

Matches my observed experience, what’s worse is the overuse and abuse of medical services that comes with the over reaction. That leads to increasing healthcare costs, which places an additional financial burden on the young, especially young men. Gotta love a system where people who receives service are never the ones who actually pay for it.

8 years ago


Good Lord, what is Kia going for there? Those were extraordinarily hateful ads. A mom blasting her own disappointing faggot of a kid? I think at this point, taking a dump on men is just an auto-pilot mechanism for culture-creators.

8 years ago

@Divided Line: “I’m convinced there is no possible human civilization which doesn’t curb hypergamy. In the matriarchy you describe, what actually will happen is that the betas overthrow the alphas. It’s either that or they form an alliance against women for everyone’s benefit, and by everyone I mean women as well.”

Shouldn’t be long…

8 years ago

A quick tip for a better soup (don’t buy Campbell’s at all): Buy a rotisserie chicken some time for dinner. When you’re done with it, put it (the whole thing with bones and all) in a larger pot with celery, some carrots, some onions and boil it (or cook med high) for a few hours – to make soup stock. Drain it afterwards, discard all and then add whatever you want to it for a soup (best stuff). Many women don’t know how to do this basic shit, today…and it’s sad. I can cook better than 85 percent of the… Read more »

keyser Soze
keyser Soze
8 years ago

You go ask Mommy to make you soap.

keyser Soze
keyser Soze
8 years ago

Children soup that is, nihilism.

8 years ago

@Forge: “Sailing around the Cape of Good Hope the wrong way, wasn’t it?”

Yeah, and if I’m going to sail to Thailand, I’ll have to round the Horn the wrong way first to get to Good Hope going the wrong way.

8 years ago

@Driver: “They didn’t realize that this move meant not feeding themselves as well. Idiots.”

What’s funny is that’s exactly what I told my ailing mother tonight while I was making her chicken broth. Her granddaughters, my nieces, had bought her the Walmart chicken, because they’re completely useless in the kitchen.

8 years ago


+1 on the soup. Did that with my leftover turkey from the holidays. Delicious on cold winter days. Every homemade soup I make is better than anything from a can

I can cook pretty well myself and my daughter loves it when I try new dishes neither of us have had before. Some hits some misses, it’s very enjoyable.

Forge the Sky
Forge the Sky
8 years ago

@kfg Ah, I was misremembering continents. So sue me, they’re both pointy. “I have made the acquaintance of Mr. Death, both through “terminal” illness and accident. Doesn’t seem a bad fellow at all. I think Terry Pratchett characterized him about right. Death is OK, it’s the occasion of the meeting that gives me pause. It tends to hurt. If it turns out he just took advantage of the situation to introduce himself so I’ll recognize him later, the hurt can go on for a long time.” A bit perpendicular to your point, but…I’m reading ‘The Shepherd’s Crown’ right now, the… Read more »

8 years ago

email Campbell’s CEO and RESPECTFULLY tell her to stop the male-bashing. Remember to not sound like an intolerant extremist and keep it polite, short, and respectful.

EMAIL Cambell’s CEO and tell her to stop the male bashing:

Forge the Sky
Forge the Sky
8 years ago

General rambling, cause I’m avoiding sleeping as usual. I kinda wonder if I was fucking traumatized as an infant while sleeping too often or something, I HATE sleeping at a constitutional level and always put it off as long as I can. Fucking sucks, it’s probably why I get low-grade depression sometimes lol. I enjoy cooking. So do many men in my generation. It’s pragmatic, is a show of affection without being sloppy about it, and can hold a lot of interest. Historical, cultural, gustatory, chemical, artistic, technical, ecological, botanical…. I know one girl around my age who can cook… Read more »

Stultus Sum
8 years ago

@Divided Line Re: Beta overthrow of Alphas. I doubt this would ever happen. Beta’s, by nature, are followers. They may on occassion resent an Alphas dominance but they still admire and require their leadership. My step-son is a genetic Beta from a long line of Betas on his bio dads side. It’s been a couple of months since I began red-pilling his Disney-esque view about girls and life. He has had some successes in adopting more positive masculine qualities but his default is still a solid Beta. His Best friend is a natural Alpha/Leader, and despite my best efforts, he… Read more »

8 years ago

Denise Morrison looks like Mrs Doubtfire

Yollo Comanche
Yollo Comanche
8 years ago

@Stultus Sum Why not postpone Uni till he fixes this? You can’t really expect him to be Alpha/Leader if he has no positive frame of reference for being that guy. Pushing him to be “Alpha” in Uni is essentially asking him to be Dominant in Uni, where he will be totally confused by your attempt to “Lead” him into “getting that degree”. Making him Alpha is going to take a lot of pissing him off and turning him off to following your commands to the letter. It doesn’t really matter that he’s high ranking or desirable from a female perspective… Read more »

8 years ago

Scribblerg: ”@Liz-What, I’m supposed to bet on a voice or two on a blog site versus how I see women behave in my life?” I think it would be foolish in the extreme to bet anything of real significance based on a voice or two (or ten) on a blog site for much of anything. I’m giving my perspective from my experience. But I do think (as a nurse) I’ve probably seen more examples of folks with terminal illnesses and/or longterm disabilities than most. ”You are married to a fighter pilot, defacto almost always an apex alpha.” My sister (the… Read more »

8 years ago

@Forge: on Pratchett, I haven’t read the last book, but I have seen this documentary:

I think Pratchett actually wanted to die earlier, but it wasn’t easy to do in the U.K. and I got the impression that his family and friends wanted to have him around longer.

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