Alpha Widows

As today’s Purple Pill Manosphere tries to sort out what it wants to pick and pull from ideas the Red Pill has been debating for decades now it requires a lot of deliberate misdirection of the old concepts they struggle with. This is actually nothing new. If you look at any of the exchanges I had with Aunt Giggles (Susan Walsh ret.) or various notables from the golden years of this blog you’ll recognize the pattern – Distort the premises of the concepts that conflict with your ego-investments, straw man them, then offer some redefinition of what they ‘really’ mean.

One of these maligned concepts is the phenomenon of the Alpha Widow. I’ve written extensively on this idea for well over a decade now. I’m fairly certain I even coined the term back in my SoSuave days. Back then Alpha Widow was a designation we used to describe a woman’s tendency to become fixated on an Alpha lover she had in her Party Years and still pined for him into her 30s or 40s after marriage. We didn’t just pull the idea out of our asses back then. We came to it because of the overwhelming number of married or LTR men who reported that their wife or girlfriend were pining for old lovers they thought were “the one that got away” or they left them to pursue a new relationship with an old flame.

Back then it was just a useful reference, but it quickly became such a predictable and confirmable phenomenon I thought it deserved more investigation. I mentioned Alpha Widows in The Slut Paradox but it was around this time that Roissy (Heartise) had proposed a simple maxim: 5 Minutes of Alpha Trumps 5 years of Beta. That’s when I decided to look deeper in my own short essay Five Minutes of Alpha. With a Red Pill Lens I began to see this Alpha Widow narrative played out in popular culture. Katy Perry had a song out then called The One That Got Away and it accurately described everything that goes into making an Alpha Widow.

What is an Alpha Widow?

To understand the phenomenon of the Alpha Widow we must look at women’s evolved mating strategy – Hypergamy, a woman’s intrinsic desire to balance the best quality sexual/reproductive male with the best provisioning/parentally invested male. Since a woman’s mating strategy centers on quality in a long term partner(s) women tend to focus on ideals in men. The imperative drive for mate quality extends to both sides of women’s Hypergamous equation; the best genetic, sexual experience and the best long term security potential. Only women are Hypergamous, and Hypergamy never seeks its own level – it is always seeking a better-than-merited exchange in SMV compared to her own. For more information on this concept read False Equivalencies.

When a woman misses the opportunity to consolidate on a confirmed, high SMV (sexual market value) male that man becomes the new standard for what she believes she can attract as a potential mate.

“I’ve had an SMV 8 guy before so in the future no man below an 8 will be my optimal choice.”

Even if a woman’s perception of her own SMV isn’t realistic her Id wants what it believes it can get.

The setting of a mating strategy metric in men is largely a subconscious process for women, but, more often now, high-ego women do consciously acknowledge that one man does (or doesn’t) meet the SMV benchmark of a previous lover. As women have become more comfortable in embracing Open Hypergamy, amongst their girlfriends, on social media, they will readily debate this SMV metric of past boyfriends. The Alpha Widow dynamic is no secret among women. Usually this involves women bemoaning the lack of “eligible” men in their lives when their prime SMV years are behind them. Please note that eligible implies an entitlement to a man who would be an ideal.

This qualification process is a constant for women, and it’s a complement to mens’ Burden of Performance. Women’s Hypergamous filtering process evolved from an Existential Fear of pairing with any man beneath her own (self-perceived) SMV and risking her life on a bad reproductive bet.  The worst existential prospect for a woman is to have her mating strategy superseded and controlled by that of a suboptimal man. 

The flip side to this dynamic is that, evolutionarily speaking, a woman’s subconscious cannot afford to miss out on an optimal Hypergamous pairing. If a woman’s Existential Fear is to be forced to reproduce with a lesser man, the next fear is to lose or miss out out on the opportunity to consolidate on monogamy with a high SMV man. When I talk about how a woman will make rules for Betas, but break rules for Alphas this is the root of that principle. 

As such, a man who exceeds a woman’s SMV, and creates a benchmark of her ‘personal best’ ideal male to breed with and parentally invest with, makes a significant impact on her psyche; sometimes in the long term. When a woman has had this man – one for whom she has genuine, organic desire for – but she cannot consolidate on him (i.e. lock down in monogamy), this represents a critical loss of the ideal Hypergamous/Reproductive/Life strategy option. Mentally this is what a woman will strive in some way to recreate with subsequent men in her life – a return to that ideal state.

This then is the basis of the Alpha Widow:
A mental fixation on the man who made the most significant impact upon a woman as her Hypergamous ideal.

The Fantasy Ideal

Usually this male ideal is an actual man from her past with whom she had some sort of relationship with, but not always. Sometimes the fantasy of that ideal will make a mental impression and sometimes a brief, seemingly insignificant, encounter with an ideal man may be enough to imprint on her psyche. 

Five Minutes of Alpha Trumps Five Years of Beta.

Sometimes the smallest brush with an ‘alpha’ male is enough to trigger the ‘what if?’ possibilities of consolidating on a guy like that. This might be one-night sex, the one guy in the foam cannon party on spring break in her wilder college years, or even just a missed opportunity to fully develop a hoped-for connection at a social gathering. The ‘Missed Connections’ forum on Craig’s Lists are filled with these regrets. All that matters is that the guy, knowingly or not, instilled a sense of Hypergamous urgency that she just knew represented a prospect for consolidating on that ideal.

An Alpha Widow can also be ‘widowed’ from the fantasy of her ideal male. This is fairly common among women who marry early in their Party Years. Most feel like they missed out on having made a good Hypergamous choice (or had it made for them by circumstance or social pressures). That missed opportunity leads some women to be widowed from the fantasy of an Alpha who would have been a better choice. Thus, an ideal Alpha mental model is what she pines for. An interest in romance literature is usually exaggerated in this type of widow. The formulaic stories are a form of vicarious fulfillment of an unrealized Hypergamous ideal. I should also add, this this widow, when married, is a prime demographic audience for divorce porn fantasies.

In any of these instances what’s at issue is the fact that women’s mating strategy always moves them towards a “better-than-merited” SMV exchange and a psychological fixation on the man, or the type of man who best embodies it. It’s as if a woman’s Id is imprinted with the model of the optimal Hypergamous pairing (evolution-wise a life or death proposition) and believes that only in recreating it will that male again save her life. This is the source of that unconscious pining.

Social Enabling of the Alpha Ideal

In 2019 it has never been easier for a woman to explore her reproductive options with an ever-increasing pool of potential Alphas from which to be widowed from. Since the Sexual Revolution western cultures have done little else than facilitate women’s mating strategies. In terms of “sexual liberation” the goal has always been to ensure provisioning and support – the Beta Bucks side of Hypergamy – in order to give women the impression that they have an indefinite window of time in which to find their optimal Alpha man. We see this reflected in the age of first marriages getting older and older. And in the age of social media women take for granted that they can remain sexually viable if not indefinitely, then at least as long as a man would. This facility exacerbates the Alpha Widow effect.

Women will fixate on the “one that got away”, but today we have social conventions in place to pander to that predictable insecurity in women. In fact, there are numerous industries that now thrive on exactly this.

Ladies, will you ever find your soulmate? Our Life-Coaching, our 12 step plan, our positivity training, our magic personality test will help you find him today.

I should add here that the very concept of a soulmate began with women pining for their bygone ideal man. That ‘One’ is much easier to justify cheating with, or agonizing over, if you mix in the metaphysical to aid in rationalizing it. The popularity of Fifty Shades of Grey and Eat, Pray, Love also find their root in the Alpha Widow dynamic. Popular culture tells women they are entitled to that ideal soulmate; and the only way they can remain true to themselves, the only way to live their best lives (even the life they believe God meant for them), is to pursue the ‘ONE that got away.’

The Plan B mating strategy is another social convention that forgives women of the consequences of pursuing that Alpha ideal while concurrently holding on to her next best male option. And lastly, the ongoing normalization of a female-initiated Polyandry is also a social convention predicated on allowing women to hedge their Hypergamous bets with respect to finding that Hypergamous ideal mate.


The following are a couple of the more common misconceptions critics like to presume is meant by “Alpha Widow”. For the most part these are attempts to straw man the phenomenon with no real interest in how anyone came to understanding the dynamic. 

Alpha Widows are the result of “players” who fiendishly used these poor impressionable women before they left them high & dry

Blue Pill conditioned White Knights in particular use this to build their own heroic narrative around women. Of course, not all women are victims of the Alpha they were widowed by. The first part of this misconception is the presumption that no woman would volunteer for her own widowing; the second is that an Alpha “Player” was implicit in his motives to thoroughly imprint himself upon her. The truth is that any seduction requires a willing participant (Art of Seduction, Greene) and in accordance with women’s mating strategy women will eagerly participate in their own seduction. These are Alpha Widows, not rape survivors. 

The misconception is that the woman being widowed was somehow traumatized by her former lover. The truth is that the more positive the experience was for her the more impactful the widowing is likely to be. If women didn’t think fondly of the “one that got away” she wouldn’t be an Alpha Widow in the first place. The emotional despair some women feel over that Alpha is usually the result of having missed pairing in the long term with a better prospective man than the lesser man she settled on by necessity. 

This is an easy misconception for most Blue Pill men to follow along with because often enough women will refer to their ‘asshole ex boyfriend(s)’ as the man (men) who was responsible for her being damaged. Women in their Epiphany Phase will usually incorporate into it some narrative of their having been used by the Bad Boy Jerk who came before the Nice Guy Beta they found it necessary to settle on. This damaged narrative then locks in with a woman wanting to “do things the right way this time”. Women will often use this narrative as a failsafe to excuse their hesitancy to be as sexually available to the Beta as she was with the Alpha she was widowed from. So, you get a Saving the Best situation for the Nice Guy in the relationship and he’s apt to believe her claims of being damaged by the asshole who had her before he did.

Self-righteous Beta men love this damaged by the Player narrative because it allows them constant opportunities to prove to his woman how positively different he is compared to the asshole Alpha she’s still covertly pining for.

• “Alpha Widows” are just men making shit up and thinking the worst of women because they’re bitter and burned.

Yes, it is entirely possible that despondent Incels may exaggerate the phenomenon of the Alpha Widow to rationalize their giving up on women. This still doesn’t invalidate phenomenon. This misconceptions is generally dropped by critics of the Red Pill who’d rather attack the source than have to address a concept that rattles their comfortable Blue Pill understanding of women. That said, I understand how it might be convenient to disqualify the concept based on the bitterness of the individual piecing together why his wife or girlfriend still seems to be having a relationship with her ex even if just in her head. Self-loathing Incels will then use this as an excuse to give up for the same reason they believe Hypergamy is this insurmountable obstacle to their connecting with juice they don’t want to bother squeezing for.

For the record, no, not all women turn into Alpha Widows. All women are Hypergamous, but buffers and learned self-control have historically been the checks and balances needed to protect against this Alpha Widow dynamic. The problem is that these buffers are popularly considered sexual repression of women today. Women simply wont police the worst aspects of their mating strategy and any interference, personal, political or social, that would prevent a woman from exercising her Hypergamous sexuality is viewed as misogynist, sexist repression.

Statistically women with more sexual partners have a higher incidence of divorce and find it more difficult to form healthy attachments in LTRs based on their partner count. Men do not appear to follow these stats or dynamics, why?

Because men and women have different evolved mating strategies and priorities. Men, it appears, have a much easier time compartmentalizing the sex act and separating it from the emotional aspect women apply to sex. Men’s obsession with pornography is a good illustration of this, but it is reflective of the differences in our evolved mating strategies developed in our ancestral past. Men found it necessary to breed quickly and then move out – ejaculate and evacuate.

However, in a social order where Hypergamy is unbuffered women have more access to more men and have more opportunities to be imprinted by Alpha men while in their peak fertility years than in any other era before. This abundance of reproductive opportunities, and a lack of any social stigma or moral reservations are putting women into a position where their Blue Pill husbands turn their denial into hate for the ‘Players’ who violated and ruined their ‘soulmate’ before he came into her life. They refuse to acknowledge that in most cases his girl eagerly chose to give herself to the man she told her husband was a ‘Player’ from her past.

Blue Pill married men have the hardest time accepting the idea that their wives may be Alpha Widows for a man that came before them. They struggle with the possibility their wives gave a part of themselves to a guy that they’ll never experience, so denial and anger becomes their ego’s protection.

They throw shade at the men who have the Game to seduce women (who enjoy the seduction as well) because they “ruin women for great guys like him”. Thus, they turn it into a moral issue for those men or a personality flaw because it absolves their wives of their modern mating choices.

– Illustration, Stefan Schmidtz
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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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4 years ago

@Palma. Thanks for having my back. I appreciate it. However I have been bacpacking and travelling solo for years.. Thailand, vietnam, slovakia, austria, czech rep, moscow, st petersburg, belarus, hungary and so on. I have never ran into trouble or been ripped off. I am pretty savvy when it comes to travelling. The women I mentioned are an afterthought to me travelling to Ukraine. I’ve always wanted to visit Ukraine. I am not in love, have ONEitis or planning on a relationship. They are not prostitutes. I pretty much know a prostitute from 100 yards from my own experiences. In… Read more »

4 years ago

“I hope that clears things up and no more assumptions need to be made.”

For my part, while I used your comment as a launch point, my comments were not really addressed so much at you as at the peanut gallery.

4 years ago

“You left off you laid one woman. 😆” One or two, but I’ve had to fend off boatloads. And being with nekkid girls is closer to twenty than ten. “Look. I’ll stipulate you are an expert. At asking women to dance and dancing.” Not sure why I’m a problem for you. I’m sure you’ll eventually manage to stay married as long as I have. And I go out and see women and their behavior and interact with them–dancing, chatting, pushing their hands away from my dick, pulling my hands off their tits when they try to rub their tits against… Read more »

4 years ago

“To successfully seduce a woman, you have to grab her RAS and obtain compliance leading to logistical isolation and sex.” I presume that this is what Blax was confused about. RAS is the Reticular Activation System. When I say “grab her RAS” I mean “get her eyes focused on you”. Which may mean that you move so that she can’t see anyone but you. Your back will be to the wall and she will be facing you and see you and the wall and no other men or her cockblocking friends. “Obtain compliance” means “getting the girl to do what… Read more »

4 years ago


Heh. No problem. I love a good laugh.

IME I’ve never come across a guy in any field that went ranting about “I’m an expert!” that actually was one. Expertise was always conveyed by example. Not promotion.

I’ll file your story under Exhibit A.

4 years ago

Great OP. What strikes me is that men also have longings, what-ifs and if-onlys for women in their past — but generally seem to handle all this much differently as they move forward. Is that correct? Could Rollo or anyone else elaborate on that?

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago

I have a goddaughter that has xx,xxx followers.

Meh. Probably just a bunch of Russian bots in training for next year.

Hundreds of idiots were blowing her up with likes or whatever.

Da Russians know…All is illusion – Солнце Цвета Виски

4 years ago

“IME I’ve never come across a guy in any field that went ranting about “I’m an expert!” “

unlike you, I don’t put words in people’s mouths…but keep pontificating…

4 years ago

“Heh. No problem. I love a good laugh.”

[dubious face]

Your pontifications show as much humor as an FBI agent or a CNN hack.

Dr. Banner
Dr. Banner
4 years ago

@walawala Lets give credit where credit is do. New Kid In Town (Not to be confused with douchy Boy Band New Kids on the Block) The Eagles Writer/s: DON HENLEY, JOHN SOUTHER, GLENN FREY There’s talk on the street; it sounds so familiar. Great expectations, everybody’s watching you. People you meet, they all seem to know you. Even your old friends treat you like you’re something new. Johnny come lately, the new kid in town. Everybody loves you, so don’t let them down. You look in her eyes; the music begins to play. Hopeless romantics, here we go again. But… Read more »

4 years ago
Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago

File under “burden”…

Lol, whut? I thought all the amateurs and cammers undercut pro porn years back.

Dr. Banner
Dr. Banner
4 years ago

@TT Sorry I am not following this post below. My experience is different then what you describe. I would never engage in texting nonsense with a woman that I liked to be involved with. From my younger days in high school and in college my experience with women was different. women I wanted to hang with and women I’d wanted to sleep with, depending on the category, determined my interaction. I often chased women (in a blue pill fashion at times) that I really liked and didn’t get her and other women I chased for the sake of chasing also… Read more »

4 years ago


God is the machine

4 years ago

Question here – I am a 22 y/o male who just recently started his career in finance and completed his undergrad degree. I’ve had a FWB for 6 months ongoing currently (I am a blonde hair green eyed catholic & she is a black hair brown eyes jewish girl, just to include additional context). It started out as study buddies (beginning phase when I got to know her) who fuck 3-4 times a week basically back at my place after a long day at the library (had sex the first time either the 3rd or 4th time we hung out… Read more »

4 years ago

@ O.B.I.T. ‘What strikes me is that men also have longings, what-ifs and if-onlys for women in their past — but generally seem to handle all this much differently as they move forward. Is that correct? Could Rollo or anyone else elaborate on that?’ Was thinking about your comment and my own take on it is this: In the years following my divorce, I was constantly thinking ‘What if?’ and beating myself up for ‘losing’ my wife and family. However, I was also possessed by a need to know what happened—what really happened, not some bullshit ‘solution’—and that led me… Read more »

wahoo Mcdaniels
4 years ago


This girl is riding the cock carousel and isn’t ready to settle or go exclusive again. The first guy was likely the jealous type and restricted her so his cheating is seen as a double standard.

It could be she doesn’t want to date as being seen as a couple would restrict or limit her.

She thinks and is correct that your asking her if she did it with anyone else is insecurity and this lowered your status in her mind.

@ Palma is correct don’t F it up.

4 years ago

F3F3 PLEASE someone respond to this, I need other inputs and thoughts/analysis on this situation. well here it is… -She doesn’t like giving oral sex This does not lie. Ever. If she isn’t enthusiastically blowing you AND swallowing… She’s just not that into you. Oh yeah, she’s into you enough to be a human dildo, pleasure her when she wants. I suspect you are above average looks guy, good ‘safe” choice for her to be her FB. Maybe a bit needy. So she keeps looking. Not an alpha widow… Post up your issues in the Field Reports section and the… Read more »

4 years ago


Also if you are hanging out 3-5 days a week, and in a row, and she’s sleeping over and you are talking about relationship stuff… You are dating…

4 years ago


But most women I know are not seeking the truth—they seek happiness. And, ironically, this focus on happiness makes women hyper-aware of the areas in their lives where they are unhappy.

The only truth to a woman is emotion. And happiness is a male construct. women cannot be happy i.e. content… because they do not have to deal with burden. They aren’t scaling mountains, or conquering new lands. They achieve their prime objective by lying on their back.

Ergo they want… more. Always more.

4 years ago

@F3F3 I (stupidly) asked her if our situation is going to continue when she comes back, Why? and she responded happily saying she loves what we have going on, BUT and this is a very big BUT she feels the need to also throw in that she would never date me. I find it fascinating how girls casually move their pawns on the chessboard. A purse in her hand here, a little open statement there… She did a few things here. She threw in that beta bait (apparently it worked, felt shitty to hear it didn’t it?) and removed her… Read more »

4 years ago

F3 Now I am not looking to date this girl, BUT my question lies in how can we analyze this girl based on what she says and my entire situation? I am very curious because this is the only thing she has ever told me that I couldn’t figure out. Riffing of a Malcolm Gladwell essay on the collapse of Enron and the Nazi claims of a super-weapon in WWII (propaganda mystery). You are solving a puzzle, not a mystery. A puzzle is a problem that can be solved if you have more information (or the right information). More information… Read more »

4 years ago

This just in and this is BIG:

Marianne Williamson has solved the problem keeping us from having virtually unlimited, cheap nuclear energy. The energy and climate crisis is OVER:

“The power of your mind is greater than the power of nuclear radiation. Visualize angels dispersing it into nothingness.”

It is breakthroughs like this that make the future female. Who knows how many more we will have when more women bring their perspective to STEM fields, especially if we get visualizing pixies in backrooms into the deal. Free everything for everybody!

4 years ago

“I am a 22 y/o male who just recently started his career in finance and completed his undergrad degree.” warning: potential provider status alert. tell girls you handle dark money pools or cook the books for crooks. anything UNreliable. anything but what you actually do “I’ve had a FWB for 6 months ongoing currently (I am a blonde hair green eyed catholic & she is a black hair brown eyes jewish girl, just to include additional context).” she is not your first choice. i bet she’s not in your top twenty. you have the hand so far “It started out… Read more »

4 years ago

“Marianne Williamson”

would bang*

*three hours into heavy mushroom trip

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago


Marianne Williamson has solved the problem keeping us from having virtually unlimited, cheap nuclear energy.

Somewhere on a shelf or in box I have a used copy of Fallen Angels. Science fiction from the 1990’s by Larry Niven and the late Jerry Pournelle.

The novel takes aim at several targets of ridicule: Senator William Proxmire, radical environmentalists and mystics, such as one character who believes that one cannot freeze to death in the snow because ice is a crystal and “crystals are healing.”

Science fiction. It was fiction, dammit, not a blueprint!

wahoo Mcdaniels
4 years ago


“Williamson dropped out of college her junior year in 1973 and moved to New York City, intending to pursue a career as a cabaret singer. In 1979, after delving into A Course in Miracles, she returned to Houston, where she ran a combination metaphysical bookstore and coffeeshop.”

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago

Returning to the OP, of course the Alpha Widow exists. It’s a result of neuroplasticity just for a start. We know that early sexual experiences can have effects that last life long, because of the deep neural “groove” that results from “new experience plus intense emotion”. Multiple men here have surely seen the Alpha Widow in some form or other. The longer a woman rides the cock carousel, the greater chance of being one. Which likely is causitive of later dissatisfaction with her Beta bux, and even frivorce. Her neural channels are still flowing with mental images / emotional currents… Read more »

4 years ago

@ AR Maybe it cannot be cured, but Alpha Widowhood surely can be mitigated by another man, provided he can be the new Alpha. Unfortunately far too many Beta men don’t know this, and if they are told it they won’t / can’t do the work to make it happen. Commenter Rc sent me a link offline to an old school book As a Man Thinketh by James Allen. He wrote that before all the noise happened because of social media. This quote was cool: “A man only begins to be a man when he ceases to whine and revile,… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago

Neuroplasticity in the medical sense: motor movement after stroke. The vagus nerve can be accessed via the tragus (part of the ear). One such targeted strategy uses brief bursts of Vagus Nerve Stimulation (VNS) paired with rehabilitation to enhance plasticity and support recovery of upper limb function after chronic stroke. Stimulation of the vagus nerve triggers release of plasticity promoting neuromodulators, such as acetylcholine and norepinephrine, throughout the cortex. Timed engagement of neuromodulators concurrent with motor training drives task-specific plasticity in the motor cortex to improve function and provides the basis for paired VNS therapy. A number of studies… Read more »

4 years ago


“Marianne Williamson”

…. she’s 67 years old.
comment image

At first I was impressed until I saw a HDTV closeup shot of her.

I’d bang if I was in my 70’s or 80’s.

…. but I wouldn’t be happy about it, lol.

4 years ago

comment image

Soft focus, lighting, and a strategic hand covering the turkey neck.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago

O.B.I.T. What strikes me is that men also have longings, what-ifs and if-onlys for women in their past — but generally seem to handle all this much differently as they move forward. Remember, men are the true romantics. So yeah, this exists as a form of oneitis IMO. The man who meets up with a girl in a bar, bangs a few times, moves in together, then follows her across the country when she changes jobs. If they break up, he’s gonna be hit hard. I know men like this. Or the beta orbiter who moves from one place to… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago

Blaximus, remember Fleezer did say something about a multi-hour mushroom trip as a prereq to getting close to Williamson. That stuff would blur out a whole lot of things.

4 years ago


lol. Blax just likes em old like that.

And there’s nothing wrong with that 😛

Lost Patrol
Lost Patrol
4 years ago

Who would have thought this crew would know anything about Alpha Widows and D.P.A. Then again, they were musicians and it was 1972.

4 years ago


Lol, you missed muh point. About 60-70% of 67 year old women I see at work look like this here –×200/local/-/media/2015/07/11/KUSA/KUSA/635722558022781635-Payton-2c-Kathleen-Ann.jpg

All 67’s aren’t equal.×534.jpg

So no, It’s not that I ” Like them old…”, but there’s ” old ” and there’s “old”.

4 years ago

Cartoonist ” But most women I know are not seeking the truth—they seek happiness. And, ironically, this focus on happiness makes women hyper-aware of the areas in their lives where they are unhappy. I know women with seemingly everything they want—enough money, nice house, nice children, nice husband—and they are stressing out over the one aspect of their lives which is not working. It’s like women set themselves up for misery. The truth is that nothing can ever be 100% perfect, but this truth wars with the ‘Having It All’ mentality imprinted on so many women. And this kind of… Read more »

4 years ago

Oh, btw, I’d been putting cash aside for her new car for about 2 years now and she’s clueless.

4 years ago

@Blax: About the cars and what you did with the 1st wife I get. About the 2nd wife now, I’m a bit confused with the particulars. If you don’t think this is too much info, enlighten me. I think the missing piece is you have the “rest” of the money stashed in retirement plans or something not very liquid (IIRC you have an extra house somewhere else for example), you don’t strike me as the kind of guy that regularly spends all he earns. Cars in the U.S. are relatively cheap and from previous posts your income level was mid… Read more »

4 years ago

I feel conflicted about some of the remarks on Marianne Williamson. I want to speak in her defence, yet I don’t want to be a White Knight. Part of me thinks I should just keep my mouth shut, but that doesn’t feel particularly masculine or courageous. The fact is, I admire and respect her. During my dark post-divorce days, I had Marianne Williamson talks on CD playing in the background and they helped tremendously. Sure, I cringe whenever she talks about angels and ‘little balls of golden light’, but underneath all the New Age jargon was a practical approach to… Read more »

Culum Struan
Culum Struan
4 years ago

@ex-cartoonist: Dude. Of course you can have respect and admiration for a woman. I know it sometimes feels otherwise in the manosphere, especially when listening to guys in the “anger” phase, but of course you can. The Red Pill just means you have understood (and accepted/internalized) some truths about female nature and the female sexual strategy (hypergamy) and its impact on the male sexual strategy. What you do with it is up to you, and of course women can be deserving of admiration and respect in many different ways (ie, not just as a wife and mother but also in… Read more »

4 years ago

Gertrude Ederle and Beryl Burton were gods among men. They didn’t need a “women’s day,” they earned their own.

Shauna Hogan and Chrissie Wellington are peers who can beat me at my own game.

4 years ago

“International Women’s Day.”

Self-adulation as empowerment. The confident don’t demand you recognize their confidence.

It just is.


4 years ago

” . . . sorry ass Kung Fu Girl . . .”

A girl who holds the absolute record actually is the absolute best. A girl who beats me on any given day is actually better than I am on that day.

Getting no special consideration “because vagina” works both ways.

4 years ago

Shouldn’t you be getting back to Chapter 82 of your manifesto Johann?

4 years ago

“However, in the manosphere, expressing admiration for a woman feels like an act of rebellion.”

That is a (not so) humorous, exaggerated simple (or clinically retarded) illustration. A bad cartoon. A group-think fail.

You can do better.

Dr. No
Dr. No
4 years ago

Wonder if for a few women, the “alpha” is a Disney Prince Ideal.

This seems most often to occur when a women lost her father to some tragic event while she was developmentally preschool age, four or five. And so she never finds her “alpha;” or she finds her “alpha” but is then continually disappointed when he is a man.

But it seems (from observation), perhaps every woman is continually disappointed about some life parameter. Sad story.

4 years ago


ADJ still can’t get over Rollo…

Formerly (?) cucked Hunter Drew envisions the rebels of the Continental Congress as a “Subscription Only” forum…

And AJA Cortes describes the dimensions of polish cocks he recently encountered in Warsaw…

4 years ago

Was hiking yesterday with an old group of friends, did some trail running, as we were hanging out at the trailhead talking amongst ourselves about our run/fitness(3 guys) a white couple with 3 young daughters made their way from the parking lot to the trailhead, the man and woman were in their late 30s early 40s. You could tell they had never been there before and were wondering around looking at maps , looking lost. The woman started giving off IOIs as soon as they walked past us, blatant IOIs, you could just see the contempt for her husband, as… Read more »

4 years ago

Middle aged white woman are just in a different world these days, they aren’t even bothering to pretend anymore. When somebody is just trying to do a good thing and you kick dirt in his face I don’t care what the game is at the moment, that’s just lacking any shred of character to your core being, this is where a not small percentage of women are at the moment It’s really the guy’s fault for letting it get to this point. He obviously is failing, hard, at being an attractive husband to his wife, so trying to do a… Read more »

4 years ago

and George “I’m Totally Straight – Really!” Bruno sends out coded messages…


4 years ago

” This guy is the source of the problem you saw, and it’s his creation — he doesn’t deserve sympathy.”

Great comment.

tbh – Foxguy, if you boned her, she would be nicer to her guy…

4 years ago

Bruno on marriage…

“It’s ok to have had a good marriage but have a bad divorce.

Some understand this.”

6:37 PM – 4 Aug 2019

4 years ago

“She is very, very good at what she does.” also as far as i can tell the only candidate, including bidan??, who has slept in the white house – lincoln bedroom as hillary’s advisor “But now, four years later, I’m sitting with the question: Is it Blue Pill to feel genuine respect and admiration for a woman?” i don’t know about those particular words but women are 100% irreplaceable and a perfect complement to men “I detest the current climate in which a man is not supposed to say anything even remotely negative about a woman. However, in the manosphere,… Read more »

Culum Struan
Culum Struan
4 years ago

Hey Fleezer – I remember you posting a comment years ago about some kind of global conspiracy of rich guys behind the scenes ruling the world, and how the world’s politicians and publicly influential people are their puppets because the real rulers control them by feeding their sexual perversions and desires etc (that’s what I remember anyway).

How does your theory fit in with the new revelations about Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell etc? It looks like it might support what you were saying back then.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago

I feel conflicted about some of the remarks on Marianne Williamson. I want to speak in her defence, yet I don’t want to be a White Knight. Part of me thinks I should just keep my mouth shut, but that doesn’t feel particularly masculine or courageous.

The fact is, I admire and respect her.

I know some men who claim to have benefitted a lot from Tony Robbins seminars. Doesn’t mean Robbins is qualified to be President.

4 years ago

” . . . rich guys behind the scenes ruling the world, and how the world’s politicians and publicly influential people are their puppets because the real rulers control them by feeding their sexual perversions and desires etc . . .”

It’s a pretty obvious strategy, innit?

4 years ago

@Nova, Sentient

10-4, yes it ultimately is his responsibility. I put myself in this guys shoes yesterday in realtime and realistically he is just an average guy, what true options does he have within his reality, not many 100% responsibilty with almost 0% authority as Rollo has pointed out.

I saw the hidden pain in his face and it hit me and I felt compassion for him. My compassion does nothing for him ultimately.

4 years ago

13 tweets within the last hour about Rollo. 100% of his feed…. 100%…

dying laughing…

4 years ago

“Women don’t want to be with men who repulse them.” I get that. OTOH, who made women the arbiter of masculinity? It’s a paradox for the manosphere to dismiss women as non-sentient emotion slaves and then righteous (correct) judges of men. If we know masculinity within a spectrum, and we stay within that spectrum, then a man’s life will reinforce that sensibility IRT. There’s a tendency here, a demand, that men live on the margins of 1) contentiousness vs. the modern woman and 2) masculinity for masculinty’s sake. #1 executes war against women. #2 executes war against men. If one… Read more »

4 years ago

This just in:

Disney/ABC decline to even hear the pitch for a new Stallone produced, Lundgren staring action series, because they are only interested in female led projects.

4 years ago

“How does your theory fit in with the new revelations about Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell etc? It looks like it might support what you were saying back then.” to be clear, i’ve never done a single dig and i’m a troll, not a researcher, so anything i’ve learned and posted is because of the hard work of others. i hated fractional reserve bankers and the federal reserve. that’s where my path crossed with the digital army and i started paying attention because it was so fucking crazy sounding and i wanted to debunk it because i thought they were taking… Read more »

Yollo Comanche
Yollo Comanche
4 years ago

Check this out. I want to give him the benefit of the doubt. But it sounds like propaganda to me.

4 years ago


“so as to not be a total dickhead, i’ll circle back to OP and say that what i’ve seen points to the idea that very few women are actually alpha widows and it’s more often the case that they are handling even the most “powerful” men in the world”

Interesting insight , I’ve had this same discussion with others, I call it the pretending to be a pawn game while indirectly controlling the game.

4 years ago

“Marianne Williamson”

would bang*

*three hours into heavy mushroom trip

I was thinking more “drunk out of my mind,” but to each their own and I agree with the basic thrust of your argument, though I can’t say that I’d really get behind it

with it dark and a woman on her back, the face looks a whoooole lot better

sometimes you only do missionary because alternatives are too hideous to bear

4 years ago

“Disney/ABC decline to even hear the pitch for a new Stallone produced, Lundgren staring action series, because they are only interested in female led projects.”

explains why I haven’t gone to see a new movie in ages

4 years ago

“Disney/ABC decline to even hear the pitch for a new Stallone produced, Lundgren staring action series, because they are only interested in female led projects.”

I, for one, am getting pretty sick and tired of this female-dominated shit on Netfucks and elsewhere

4 years ago

@Yollo Comanche:

Just wait until the Hawks discover that they can just let the Doves eat all the algae and then eat the Doves.

4 years ago

“lol people paid him??”

That point remains unclear…

4 years ago

IAS ” About the 2nd wife now, I’m a bit confused with the particulars. If you don’t think this is too much info, enlighten me. I think the missing piece is you have the “rest” of the money stashed in retirement plans or something not very liquid (IIRC you have an extra house somewhere else for example), you don’t strike me as the kind of guy that regularly spends all he earns. Cars in the U.S. are relatively cheap and from previous posts your income level was mid to high. It shouldn’t take you 2 years to “set money aside”.… Read more »

4 years ago


Disney has also announced that they will be “reimagining” Home Alone. We can imagine how that might be done in light of what they’ve been doing lately.

Pretty soon, given how much imaginative ability they’ve been showing lately, they’ll be reimagining their reimaginations:

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago

I wonder which of the burglars in the reworked Home Alone will be trans?

4 years ago

Luv ya Blax (no homo).

Culum Struan
Culum Struan
4 years ago

Fascinating stuff Blax. And you didn’t even have to follow some motivational coach on “how to create a side hustle” or pay $500 for a special course. Basically you’re monetizing the hobbies you do for fun anyway so your time is zero cost, so the whole thing is profitable. I’ve been trading crypto for the last year which is shaping up to be an interesting side hustle. First few months I lost a ton of money because I had no idea what I was doing, then I got a bit of a grip and made money consistently for a few… Read more »

4 years ago


“how do you market yourself and charge? Just word of mouth family and friends etc?”

You kids…

Just post signs like this in coffee shops filled with boomers and girls…
comment image

Put computer, printer, wireless networks on it.

Make it crude for extra bonus points. People are tired of workimg with Corps…
Charge by the hour.

having a bad day
having a bad day
4 years ago

@Anonymous Reader

I wonder which of the burglars in the reworked Home Alone will be trans?

as a bumbling ‘bad guy’?…lol… surely you jest…

more likely to have the ‘kid’ be transitioning into a ‘strong independent ‘woman’… ‘

with the bumbling burglars as trad-con white christian men…

and i wish i was kidding…

good luck!

4 years ago

“the bumbling burglars as trad-con white christian men…”

. . . wearing red trucker hats.

Culum Struan
Culum Struan
4 years ago

Hahaha, thanks Sentient.

I have seen those things before but it never occurred to me!

4 years ago

Red trucker hats is a mark for execution.

The script for The Hunt features the red-state characters wearing trucker hats and cowboy shirts, with one bragging about owning seven guns because it’s his constitutional right. The blue-state characters — some equally adept with firearms — explain that they picked their targets because they expressed anti-choice positions or used the N-word on Twitter. “War is war,” says one character after shoving a stiletto heel through the eye of a denim-clad hillbilly.

4 years ago

It’s been 20+ years since Hollywood sanctioned a satirical depiction of SJW murdering innocents.

Nothing new.

4 years ago

Culum ” How do you monetize your IT support work though? Disinfecting laptops and all that? I’m out of practice now but I was basically the IT help desk for everyone on my street as a teen, and I worked in (and later ran) the college computer lab so I have the tech chops, but how do you market yourself and charge? Just word of mouth family and friends etc?” Sometimes I try to limit the IT stuff because it reminds me of being at work, but the references come from friends and family, and friends and family of friends.… Read more »

4 years ago

@ Rollo Thanks for making me even more suspicious of female nature… Before becoming a Rational Male reader, I was thinking that, counting the months, mom was caught. OK, without hormonal birth control, that’s how lots of marriages were founded. No big deal, stuff just happens. After being a Rational Male reader for a while, I was thinking maybe mom caught dad on-purpose. Hmmm, ready to leave the carousel and he had the makings of an Apex Beta (I have never heard anyone use this term–but it makes sense to me.) Plus, mom’s SMV would have taken a hit, if… Read more »

4 years ago

Strange that no one mentioned The Moody Blues’ Your Wildest Dream. Imagine a man doing that. The media would go in frenzy.

4 years ago

@Sentient [Bruno on marriage…
“It’s ok to have had a good marriage but have a bad divorce.
Some understand this.”]

How can these clowns not understand Briffault’s Law: The female, not the male, determines all the conditions of the animal family. Where the female can derive no benefit from association with the male, no such association takes place.

It’s like they are oblivious, good marriage-bad divorce, really, no, you twits, she no longer had any use for you, take that in your pipe and smoke it……

4 years ago

Sentient [Bruno on marriage…
“It’s ok to have had a good marriage but have a bad divorce.
Some understand this.”]

How can these clowns not understand Briffault’s Law: The female, not the male, determines all the conditions of the animal family. Where the female can derive no benefit from association with the male, no such association takes place.

It’s like they are oblivious, good marriage-bad divorce, really, no, you twits, she no longer had any use for you, take that in your pipe and smoke it……

4 years ago

Off topic but relevant to Rollo: A loooooong time ago, when “yes means yes” came up, Rollo Tomassi (and I, to a lesser extent) predicted that it would come to mean consistent and constant verbal communication, that consent would have to be explicitly verbally given, and that nonverbal forms of communication would not suffice. Rollo was right. From the article (Emphasis mine): “Consent is a constant dialogue between partners that fosters comfort and care during sex,” Jennifer Wiggins, M.A., assistant director of sexual assault response and prevention at Georgetown University, staff clinician and sexual assault specialist, and rape crisis… Read more »

4 years ago


You just have to add that consent can also be retroactively withdrawn… And there we are.

Pretty gross image of an entire faculty invested in showing grown humans how to correctly have sex.

4 years ago

Good stuff @Blax, thanks for sharing.

My son doesn’t read stuff on the internet, but he knows about you. Your example is a great conversation starter with my boy.
comment image

Would be great to take him to one of your ‘community talks’ (you still doing that?).

4 years ago

“It’s ok to have had a good marriage but have a bad divorce.

Some understand this.”

What is he implying? I have no idea.

Or is he just pandering to his paying audience? (as part of 21Con crowd. Telling guys they are OK. And listen up…, we have a lecture to give to you to make you feel better….)

That’s clinically retarded. It isn’t OK to have a bad divorce. Unless you need something to light a fire underneath your ass.

4 years ago

“Pretty gross image of an entire faculty invested in showing grown humans how to correctly have sex.” Sex devolved into negotiation for negotiation’s sake. There is nothing unknown why people have sex within the faculty’s and common legal understanding. Sex is about ego-investment thus can be regulated like any other commodity. Jokes on them. Sex with no mystery has no meaning, has no purpose. It’s like they’re telling us how to wipe our ass correctly, why we do it and how it effects the greater public good. There’s no sensible purpose to sex now and every description omitting purposeful living… Read more »

4 years ago

Bitch Muscles has been posting pics from the “Con”vention. I see some female silhouettes occupying the seats while the twinks are making hand gestures on the stage as if they have something important to say. I think the attendance was poor and the family members may have been drafted to fill the seats for photo op.

Is there any review / feedback from a genuine source who attended this shit show?

Tam the Bam
Tam the Bam
4 years ago

@ If-I-Fell Any halfway decent DNA testing co. could sort that out. You just need a co-tester in your ostensible father’s lineage. Male is best, the STR/SNP results should be damn near identical, if not identical (go all the way, past a hundred STRs). Any male cousin/nephew/uncle sharing (what will almost certainly turn out to be) your official dad’s DNA. Providing of course that their mothers were in turn entirely virtuous … Even if there’s only females left on that side, the autosomal should show big runs of sameyness (homozygosity in boffin-speak) that don’t occur in your mother’s side, that… Read more »

4 years ago


I just wanted to say thank you for the ideas about activities with my son.

I’ve found a weekend Jiu-Jitsu class near us and my son and I will be checking it out together soon with a view to joining up and training together, just like in the Warrior Kid.

I’m thinking of making it a weekend tradition for us to do that – or some other activity – and then go for breakfast and have Man Talks.

4 years ago


“And I mean beg for it.”

They’ll move on to another man, or “man”. Lol.
It’s been pointed out many times on this blog there’s a huge sex need gap between the sexes. This sets the power balance.

And yes, 1 man out of 20 or maybe 40 can make them beg for it. This won’t change anything else, for anybody else.

4 years ago

All of that is possible, and even regularly happens (if you take the murder out of the equation).
Consider that the mate-snatching when carousel time’s over is natural to women, most of them don’t do it consciously (= thinking: I am doing X, for purposes Y and Y’). It’s second nature.

There was the “Greater Beta” label coined at an excellent blog (Chateau Heartiste): it’s your Apex Beta.

4 years ago

Is there any review / feedback from a genuine source who attended this shit show?

Not from Bobby Dino, who after begging for someone to date him in Warsaw, didn’t go…

Neither did jack Murphy or Hunter Drew…

Kind of tells ya everything you need to know, these guys couldn’t make a business case to incur costs.

4 years ago

“Kind of tells ya everything you need to know, these guys couldn’t make a business case to incur costs.”

It is not just the costs. Most of his “affiliates” will jump ship before the next “Con”vention in October. They have seen ADJ’s worst and will let him down gently by pulling the “it’s not you, it’s me” shtick. They know that any sort of liaison with him detrimental to their reputation. They are holding their nose and waiting it out for him to get his emotions in control.

ADJ’s public outbursts make Shia LeBeouf look sane.

4 years ago


“And yes, 1 man out of 20 or maybe 40 can make them beg for it. This won’t change anything else, for anybody else.”

Why do you believe that only 1 man out of 20 or 40 can make them beg for it?

I’m not sold on any ” sex need gap ” per se. Lack of understanding and beliefs create most gaps, so mind the gap.

So in your opinion, is it the wimminz that are the cause of the 1 in 20, or is it the men?

4 years ago


” They can be tied to the bed and made to beg for it, and most men could do that


Those men had the mindset to carry it off.

Men need to adapt to that.”

^^^^ This right here. +100

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