The New Polyandry

About five years ago I wrote a post called You Need Sex. In that essay I asserted a few key points about the importance of a healthy sex life for men. If I’m honest I kind of expected most of the reactions I got from that post and even now it remains one of my more contentious pieces. Even when I was in my Blue Pill youth in the 80s and 90s I’d run across the guys who always wanted to deemphasize sex in some reverse-psychology effort to get women to believe that they were deeper than the guys who just wanted to bang them. These were the guys who’d listen to a girl say something like, “I don’t see why sex is such a big deal to guys” or “Am I just a piece of ass to you?“, they’d take it to heart, and then construct some kind of personalized Game around how they respected women and wanted to really relate with them ‘beyond the sexual’.

That’s exactly what the Blue Pill teaches guys; they should always defer to, empathize with and identify with the feminine. This is Blue Pill conditioning at its most basic. It is a boy/man’s imperative to place women’s existence as more important than his own – and with men’s innate protection instincts for women this Blue Pill training is key to establishing a gynocratic social order.

But guys also have to find some way to set themselves apart from the competition in the Blue Pill sexual marketplace. They have to find someway to make themselves unique in how unlike ‘typical‘ guys they are. The miscalculation is, of course, the belief that the more alike, the more they identify, with (as?) women the likelier a woman would select them for intimacy and reproduction. 

Men are natural problem solvers. It’s part of our evolved firmware to look for solutions to challenges in our environment. This makes us constructive, creative, often innovative and more ready to take risks. It also makes us competitive and that competitiveness extends to the sexual marketplace. So it’s not too much of a stretch to see how Blue Pill conditioned young men might look for creative ways to outdo one another in the ‘female-identification olympics

One way this identification competition gets pushed to new heights is in how well a man might better devalue and abase his own sexual strategy to better accommodate that of the woman he believes will appreciate it. Taken to the binary extreme this means finding some way to devalue all men’s sexual natures. What better way to set oneself apart from other guys than to not be a guy? What better way to empathize with the feminine than to tear down the gender women say they despise?

Does all that seem kind of ridiculous? I used to think this way when I was younger. There was a time I might’ve even jumped on the “masculinity is toxic/confusing/outdated/outmoded/ridiculous” train because I truly believed it was the way to a woman’s vagina heart and mind. Even in the 80s and 90s this was a popular misconception. It wasn’t until I’d been through my first bad breakup that I realized the truth. Then I had nothing to lose by making myself more important than the women I was idealizing and behold! The women I wanted, wanted me – sexually to be sure, but they wanted to lock me down in commitment.

In my 20s I had unwittingly shifted from one sexual strategy to another, and I liked the change. It didn’t happen overnight. I had to learn to adopt the attitude, the swagger, the character that would get me laid, but I found that the most important part of playing the game well was putting my own desires well above those of any woman.

Suddenly I discovered I could easily nail the girls I could only jerk off to in my younger years. I can remember the time I first had sex with a girl I thought was the apex of hotness when I was in my teens. She was the best friend of the girlfriend of the drummer in the band I was in then. Both were swimsuit models and I thought I’d finally reached the goal. It wasn’t until after I dumped her to get with a centerfold model that I knew I’d set my sights too low.

Does that sound like a humblebrag? If you’re still held back by a Blue Pill mindset it probably will. I mentioned on a podcast recently that a majority of men will never know sex as anything but a mitigated, compromised transaction. They’ll never know what it’s like to have a woman lust after them. They’ll never experience the dilated eyes of a woman that would give anything to please him in that moment. Not because she’s obligated, but because her ego is validated at the same time her body is aching to have sex with him.

Strategic Pluralism Theory

According to strategic pluralism theory (Gangestad & Simpson, 2000), men have evolved to pursue reproductive strategies that are contingent on their value on the mating market. More attractive men accrue reproductive benefits from spending more time seeking multiple mating partners and relatively less time investing in offspring. In contrast, the reproductive effort of less attractive men, who do not have the same mating opportunities, is better allocated to investing heavily in their mates and offspring and spending relatively less time seeking additional mates.

From a woman’s perspective, the ideal is to attract a partner who confers both long-term investment benefits and genetic benefits. Not all women, however, will be able to attract long-term investing mates who also display heritable fitness cues. Consequently, women face trade-offs in choosing mates because they may be forced to choose between males displaying fitness indicators or those who will assist in offspring care and be good long-term mates (Gangestad & Simpson, 2000). The most straightforward prediction that follows is that women seeking short-term mates, when the man’s only contribution to offspring is genetic, should prefer muscularity more than women seeking long-term mates.

from Why Is Muscularity Sexy? Tests of the Fitness Indicator Hypothesis

The latter quote here is a simple outline of Hypergamy, but the first part, Strategic Pluralism Theory is what I want to focus on today because this is where the “sex is no big deal” cop out derives from for men.

The first sexual strategy, the one in which a higher SMV (sexual market value) male can enjoy the sexual experience of many women is a strategy predicated on what our most basic, evolved, biological instinct directs us to. It served ancestral men better to ‘hit it and quit it’ and move on to the next girl as expediently as possible for a variety of reasons. This is also a reason why women’s Hypergamous filtering is a base part of women’s sexual selection process today. The investment cost of becoming pregnant was so high that it became part of women’s evolved firmware to be hypersensitive to reproduction cues as well as parental investment cues (provisioning resources) to ensure survival of herself and her offspring. If you ever wonder why rape is such an existential fear for women you have to understand that this fear is written deep into women’s evolved mental firmware because of men overriding this filtering process by violence.

The first archetype of Strategic Pluralism Theory we could day is the Alpha archetype. This is the guy who has the luxury, by effort or genetic lottery, to pursue what I’d speculate was our ancestors’ pre-agrarian, hunter-gatherer sexual imperative. This is what guys like to call the “Natural” with women. Thanks so any number of intersexual advantages (looks, Game, social proof, preselection) it serves him best to spread the seed and women are only too happy to enjoy him as well. He represents the 20th percentile in the 80/20 Pareto distribution of the sexual marketplace.

This side of Strategic Pluralism Theory reflects the r aspect of the r/K reproductive theory. A lot of well meaning Red Pill theologians seem to think that r/K reproductive selection is only limited to the female side of the equation. I’d also point out that this applies to the male side as well. Hypergamy is women’s evolved sexual strategy, however, I would argue that men’s innate, default sexual strategy is unlimited access to unlimited sexuality. This r strategy is manifested today in our base predilection for pornography. Untempered by societal restraints, Alpha sexual strategy is what men a majority would default to if given the choice. 

More attractive men accrue reproductive benefits from spending more time seeking multiple mating partners and relatively less time investing in offspring.

I’m establishing this perspective to better illustrate the Beta side of Strategic Pluralism Theory. For sake of convenience I’m labeling men who fall into the ‘more attractive men’ category as Alphas. I don’t think this is too much of a stretch for most of my readers, but if you have a problem with this just consider the statistics laid out in the book Dataclysm. A majority of women rate 80-85% of men as “unattractive”. That last 15-20% are our ‘more attractive’ Alphas here.

This then leaves the remaining ‘less attractive men’ as the Beta cohort. 

…the reproductive effort of less attractive men, who do not have the same mating opportunities, is better allocated to investing heavily in their mates and offspring and spending relatively less time seeking additional mates.

This then is the Beta mating strategy and if it sounds like the conventional idea of monogamy you’re not too far off. This is the K side of the r/K selection theory. Before I continue I want to stress that monogamy or non-exclusivity is not a value judgement in this essay. Alpha Fucks and Beta Bucks has male sexual strategy implications beyond women’s Hypergamy. I refer to Alpha and Beta as placeholder terms here.

For the Beta side of Strategic Pluralism the reproductive strategy is one that, in part, aligns with one side of Hypergamy. The 80% of ‘less attractive’ men find it necessary to compromise their biological imperative (unlimited access to unlimited sexuality) in order to successfully reproduce. This is the nuts & bolts of what is today being called “enforced monogamy”. While this idea is taken to absurd extremes by critics, the premise is rooted in Strategic Pluralism. Since monogamy serves the largest block of men’s reproductive efforts it follows that it would be the institutionalized standard for ‘civil’ society.

Monogamy is Beta

Monogamy is a social norm, if not an evolutionary norm. A lot has been written about how monogamy in its present incarnation – one man, one woman – is really the result of a post-agrarian social order that optimized the sexual strategy of Beta men. In essence socially-enforced monogamy serves the largest population of Beta males.

However, the tradeoff for women was long term provisioning, protection (in as far as the man was capable) and parental investment – all thing conducive to sustainable futures for women and their children. All that was expected of women was a compromise on the Alpha arousal side of Hypergamy. And naturally, Alpha men and most women found ways to circumvent this socio-sexual adaptation that benefitted women in spite of Beta men. 

Monogamy serves Beta men. Alpha men still get sex, broke or not.

I had the above video passed along to me by a Twitter follower about 2 weeks ago. I think he expected me to take issue with how she was defending ‘gold-diggers’ but, ironically, she unwittingly detailed the basics of Hypergamy and Strategic Pluralism Theory. She’s not wrong. Women’s sexual strategy is optimized in conditions of polygamy and polyandry, while men’s sexual strategy – the Beta sides anyway – is optimized in a condition of socially enforced monogamy. 

What’s really ironic is that this girl discounts what so many men discount when they consider Hypergamy. She couches her total perspective on the Beta Bucks, long-term provisioning side of Hypergamy while conveniently omitting the Alpha Fucks side of Hypergamy. The only consideration she has is for resource transfer – again perpetuating the Beta sex experience – and ignoring the fact that even poor men still get to bang women like her if they’re “hawt’. ‘Monogamy is made to benefit men‘, no it’s made to benefit Beta men; Alpha men solve the reproductive problem irrespective of (in spite of) socially enforced monogamy. ‘Broke men don’t get women‘,…unless they’re hot broke men.

I’ve seen Jordan Peterson and more than a few notable evo-psych professors make a similar mistake. They deliberately make Hypergamy solely about the Beta Bucks side of a dualistic mating strategy. Mostly this misdirection is due to personal bias or a want to present the feminine in a positive light. But likewise we also tend to see focus of men’s sexual strategy centering on what long term resources a man has to measure his worth by. Historically, women have generally been the losers in a social order based on a monogamy that tries to ensure that the most men (majority Beta) are solving the reproductive problem. Because women lacked the same resource generating capacity of men, because up until 50 years ago women needed men to solve the Beta Bucks side of Hypergamy, monogamy was a at least a workable solution to their own reproductive problem.

In 2018 this is no longer the case. For all of the bleating of women wanting a ‘good man’ once they exit the cock carousel, the reproductive problem they’re trying to solve isn’t founded in the Beta Bucks side of Hypergamy it’s on the Alpha Fucks side. For as much as the women in this video tried to defend their mercenary sexual strategy of being justifiable gold diggers they really didn’t need to. All of the provisioning needs side of Hypergamy is relatively provided for for women in western cultures today.

The monogamous priority – the one that tried to ensure that most Beta men reproduced – that priority has now shifted to a neo-polyandry. This new social mechanic attempts to solve the Alpha Fucks side of the reproductive problem for the largest number of women. Just as patriarchal monogamy attempted to aide men who wouldn’t otherwise reproduce, the new polyandry seeks to ensure that even the lowest SMV women are entitled to breed with an Alpha male of their choosing.

Once all social stigma and religious buffers were removed from Hypergamy (since the Sexual Revolution) it has been a rapid shift from a male-beneficial monogamy that’s been the social norm for millennia to a form of polyandry that benefits the female sexual strategy.

I’ll be continuing this post in the next essay, but before I leave this essay let me reiterate the Cardinal Rule of Sexual Strategies: For one sex’s strategy to be fulfilled the other’s must be compromised or abandoned. Think of this on a sociological meta-scale.

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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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5 years ago

It’s obvious where this is going, on a societal scale. Provisioning for women (and their bastard Alpha spawn) will be locked down through single mother welfare benefits, and/or giving preference to women in education and employment for the “choice” jobs. Beta men will collectively have to work (and die at) all the shit jobs and pay taxes to cover the former, whilst nursing blue balls.

Millenials Redpillnewb
Millenials Redpillnewb
5 years ago

As a millenial I could see that most guys around me starts to see masculinity as a bad thing, even being ashamed of, I once rejected a BPD girl and she started giving me shit test mocking my masculine behaviour lol, I showed the redpill to my close friends, they prefer to stick with their beta oneitis lifestyle, I have no more close friends , sorry for bad english im french

5 years ago

@Rollo: I’m with Palma here. Just because they can be their own beta (or have the State do it), they typically loathe it. That isn’t to say they necessarily like having an actual beta around but there are degrees to it. In some of the examples you’ve used in “Saving the best” scenarios, the woman is clearly upset that she is losing her Beta provision after the “discovery”. Even if they don’t usually want to fuck the beta at least not regularly (again, there are degrees to it), I think they have a real hard time with being alone (and… Read more »

5 years ago

Reading your essay, I see that I am firmly in the 80% of Betas. When I was in my early thirties, I hit a period of career success after years of struggle (UK published cartoonist) and acted Alpha without realising it, attracting a beautiful woman as my wife. We had a kid, moved to her country (Netherlands) and I turned into the classic Beta husband. The events leading up to the divorce and my new status as an indentured servant–living in her country, complying with her demands–followed almost precisely the trajectory as you lay out in your essays. You absolutely… Read more »

5 years ago

No, that’s not quite my question. It is:

Is it Blue Pill to want intimacy with someone you respect?

5 years ago

@ Rollo “ The new polyandry seeks to ensure that even the lowest SMV women are entitled to breed with an Alpha male of their choosing”. And how are they going to achieve this? State provisioning via beta males may go some way to financing the CC lifestyle and single Alpha Male baby mamas, but they still have to be attractive enough to capture the attention of an Alpha Male who already has multiple mating opportunities even if only for a pump and dump. How and why are Alpha males who have their pick of top tier females going to… Read more »

5 years ago

The purpose of sexual reproduction is the survival of the species. Nothing more. All of the pleasurable aspects surrounding this objective evolved to support that objective. But pleasure is pleasure. Women, Cocaine and Sugar are alike in their ability to produce dopamine production in our brains. This is addictive, but not essential for the individual man to survive. All three are optional sources of pleasure. Except to further the human species, men do not need sex to live. I completely support the work of Rollo, but I do not think he has carried it to the logical end, yet. I… Read more »

5 years ago

Thirst is beta. The desperation I see among my gameless friends is pathetic.

5 years ago

I’ve read the study linked in the middle of the article (Frederick & Haselton 2007). I can say that it perfectly fits my own experience with women, e.g. I’m their ideal selection for short-term mating. Muscular, attractive and reasonably dominant. I have also traits which are good for long-term relationship. Master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering and well paid job. In theory I shall be able to fulfill both sides of Hypergamy. However I find it very difficult for myself to commit to women. I see relationships as a slavery. You can have a good master and you can have a… Read more »

5 years ago

i agree with this essay 100%!!! I’ve been trying to tell guys for years that bc of divorce laws, women making their own money, and big daddy govt assistance programs, that the beta bucks side of hypergamy is dead. women don’t need or care about it anymore. now, it’s all about the alpha fucks side… meaning they all feel they deserve an alpha-even if they’re unattractive and even if they have to share the alpha man. THEY DON’T CARE AND WON’T SETTLE. this is why more and more women choose not to marry; they say, “I’m not willing to settle… Read more »

Mike Pearse
Mike Pearse
5 years ago

But WHY is it worth it? If women truly are slaves to their hypergamy, if their sparkly eyed ‘I love you’ actually means in practice ‘You fulfill my hypergamous needs right now’, well… I don’t see the appeal. And if that’s the best I can hope for, what is the point? I’m not being snarky. I just don’t get it. My best past experiences with a woman was with my ex-wife and the feeling I had that I was making love to my soul mate. And I get that this was blue pill, I get it! I get it! But… Read more »

Not Born This Morning
5 years ago “Biological Man”? WTF is a “Biological Man” Even Breitbart is too frightened to tell it like it is. “Biological Man” is a politically correct attempt to reference the truth which is FAGGOT or WEIRDO or GENDER CONFUSED or PERVERT!! Freedom of press? It was lost long ago. There is no more freedom of press or freedom of speech. When the entire population is censured by their own willful compliance with the tyranny of PC terminology overlords, we know all battles are lost. When people are so frightened that they avoid speaking certain words, especially when the words they fear… Read more »

5 years ago

“I get it! I get it!”

No, you don’t. You’ve made it half way across the road and are standing in the middle, bewildered and wondering what to do next.

Squish! Like grape.

5 years ago

Questioning Hypergamy is useless and kinda misses the point. Hypergamy has always existed. It’s not new, it just has a name now. Believing that women somehow have the ” upper hand ” is defeatist and not masculine at all. They are girls. If a man.can’t see a ” point ” in sex/women, that’s a much, much bigger issue than Hypergamy, because it denotes a loss of understanding what a man is in his most basic form. Women.don’t have any upper hand individually, and not much of an upper hand as a whole, because 85% of them are still girls and… Read more »

5 years ago


“Is it Blue Pill to want to have sex with someone you respect?”

Well generally yeah. Respect is usually meant in an egalitarian way. Respect her for what, exactly? No snark question.

Rollo’s article points to the sexual ineptitude of being Beta vs. the advantages of being that certain swagger guy, not appealing to higher ideals. There’s plenty of ways to do this RP stuff competently, though it all begins making yourself the prize.

5 years ago

“There is no help coming.”

Old sailor saying:

Nothing bails faster than a scared man with a bucket.

Not Born This Morning
5 years ago

“They have to find some way to make themselves unique in how unlike ‘typical‘ guys they are.” I disagree. Not with the fact that many are trying to be something “unique” or fashion themselves to stand out and appear more attractive. I do agree with that. The part I completely disagree with is WHY. Many men are motivated to go through this never ending fruitless escapade not because they want to “be better” or be “unique”. The reason they do it is because they are not happy with themselves. They are not drawn toward a better vision of themselves. They… Read more »

5 years ago

“The reason they do it is because they are not happy with themselves. They are not drawn toward a better vision of themselves. They are running away from themselves. They believe they are inadequate.”

Because their definition of “better” is in the FI’s frame. i.e. whether they realize it or not they are doing it to appeal to women, to have women instill a sense of adequacy in them by patting them on the head and telling them they’re a good boy. And then fucking them.

It’s babies, babies, babies, all the way down.

5 years ago

@excartooinst Think of it this way. If the courtiers flatter the King, should the King believe them? If the King, who assumes all responsibility for Realm, flatters his servants, what will they think of him? Where does respect fit in that? Masculine leadership is what women want. It’s not what men are taught to do. There’s an unnatural gap created between what is best for both sexes disappointing both. What women covertly and overtly exhibit are simply data sets for the guy in charge. He must adapt, change carrots and sticks based upon his ability to understand and manipulate his… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

Not Born This Morning

“Biological Man”?

WTF is a “Biological Man”

Bruce Jenner.

You sure that you weren’t born this morning?

5 years ago

The truth is that this process of “blue pill conditioning” cannot have an effect without the WILLFULL cooperation of those being “conditioned”.

How much agency do five year olds have?

5 years ago

I don’t agree that Blue Pill men try to feminize themselves in order to get laid. I think that they do it because they think that they will gain respect if they feminize themselves. The impulse to gain respect is a powerful motivator for men just like the impulse to be liked is a powerful motivator for women.

Women are taught to masculinize themselves, which result in them being liked less. Men are taught to feminize themselves, which results in them being disrespected, contrary to their expectations.

5 years ago

I’m their ideal selection for short-term mating…reasonably dominant.

I see relationships as a slavery. You can have a good master and you can have a bad master.

One of these statements doesn’t fit with the other.

5 years ago

“How much agency do five year olds have?”

The patriarchy was smashed nearly 100 years before women got the vote – by the Tender Years Doctrine.

5 years ago

I don’t get the sense that the current young generation of men 18-30 really care all that much about being respected.

I think they have a sense of ” wanting ” things, but not being able to do what’s necessary to get those things, because some of that is hard or frustrating or complicated. Too much thinking and planning and possible sacrifice.

That easy button.

5 years ago

“Is it Blue Pill to want to have sex with someone you respect?” Well generally yeah. Respect is usually meant in an egalitarian way. Respect her for what, exactly? No snark question. I’ve always liked pretty, feminine, smart, practical (low-maintenance/resource-laden) girls. Not because I respected them but because I could talk to them without resorting to baby talk. I was resource poor for many years and girls were a source of stuff. Food, transportation, money to live on, etc. I do respect women who behave honorably and who are fun to chat with. It doesn’t make me wanna bang them.… Read more »

5 years ago

“I think they have a sense of ” wanting ” things, but not being able to do what’s necessary to get those things, because . . .”

. . . they have been raised by and for women.


5 years ago

Blax, young men think that there’s an easy way to gain respect–by feminizing themselves. They don’t know what our generation knows–that respect only comes after hard work.

That easy button is to be avoided at all costs. It’s a traaaaap!

5 years ago


“I do respect women who behave honorably…”

They behave as they are trained…that’s you’re thing, isn’t it? The respect goes elsewhere, IMO.

5 years ago


These young guys are being herded into pathways for all that stuff, as if they really want stuff. I’d debate that.

Why can guys get laid a lot easier than others? Why can guys make $$ and make it look easy?

The operating principles are the same.

It’s not sacrifice, IMO. That’s what financial planners sell.

5 years ago

“These [blue pilled] young guys” FIFY And I agree. Couple months back I was in the backseat riding with two 20 yr old bluepilled alphas with a couple girls they wanted to fuck (below avg chicks). The ride was long, so naturally we started talking about male/female dynamics shit to pass the time. At first I tried to ignore the convo, but I couldn’t stand these dudes answers to these girls. Who were all fired up. “Well why is it ok for a man to do this but a girl not?” “I want a man who this this this”. So… Read more »

5 years ago

Getting a real slap is better than getting trained “Pavlov respect”.

Men don’t slap each other.

5 years ago

“N counts, Is that your scale to measure up a guy?” meet “Does that sound like a humblebrag? If you’re still held back by a Blue Pill mindset it probably will.”

5 years ago

Goldmund and Rich
Becoming better rich
Dealing with BPD

5 years ago

‘Monogamy is made to benefit men‘, no it’s made to benefit Beta men; Alpha men solve the reproductive problem irrespective of (in spite of) socially enforced monogamy.” monogamy also theoretically favors the High Sexual Market Value woman (as rollo has noted, there is no “alpha woman”) who can, in a system of coercive monogamy lock down that elusive alpha male and shut out lower smv women from legitimate attention of her alpha but SMV is not the end of female requirements in a functioning system of coercive monogamy enforced monogamy also requires hsmv women to bring more to the table… Read more »

5 years ago

Raising the American Weakling

When she was a practicing occupational therapist, Elizabeth Fain started noticing something odd in her clinic: Her patients were weak. More specifically, their grip strengths, recorded via a hand-held dynamometer, were “not anywhere close to the norms” that had been established back in the 1980s.

Young men are fucking petunias.

5 years ago

Just a reminder: For those that haven’t bought RM’s books yet, you can get $5 off $20 printed editions (US only) through Dec. 21 using the code GIFTBOOK18. Any books shipped and sold by Amz. (that includes the Book of The Underdog, which was written by a Pitbull.

5 years ago

@ASD Young men are fucking petunias.

Why would they want to fuck petunias when they could fap to a vid of a real woman or even pick one up at a local bar?

5 years ago

that’s a much, much bigger issue than Hypergamy, because it denotes a loss of understanding what a man is in his most basic form.

Slowly, step by step, inch by inch, Blax is beginning to understand the fundamental problem of the Blue Pill.

5 years ago

“50+ n counts. N counts, Is that your scale to measure up a guy?”

Anyone thinking a high N count is necessary and/or sufficient for a man to “measure up” (aka, be alpha or high value or whatever) is misguided and/or confused.

HOWEVER… dont think for a second that a mans ability to consistently fuck attractive women is not CORRELATED with his overall desirability as a mate/sex partner.

It absolutely is.

This is why we often default to this heuristic.

Sure, like any heuristic, it does not tell the whole story.

But its not saying nothing either.

5 years ago

I have long said that the ability to lead well on the dance floor indicates a man’s desirability. Science agrees! (well, at least a little) New Researchers Scientifically Link Dancing Ability To Mate Quality From my own observations when I’m out dancing, I notice that many women’s eyes follow me. And I see that women’s eyes also follow other men who dance well. Preselection. Consistent Preselection is a very strong indicator of a man’s sexual desirability. A man’s dancing ability in a lead/follow dance shows his leadership ability as well as his muscular coordination and other physical attributes. A… Read more »

5 years ago

I just realized something important about dancing and demonstrating value…a progressive dance (which moves counter-clockwise around the dance floor…e.g., waltz, foxtrot, tango, country two-step, shuffle) is more difficult to do that a spot dance (which is done in one place on the dance floor…e.g., swing, rumba, chacha, salsa) because a man has to navigate traffic.

5 years ago
latest episode is on this topic

5 years ago

Dancing is GAY.

5 years ago

I agree with the first of what some have posted. Women always want a LTR/to get married. It doesn’t matter if their provisioning is taken care of. I think it is because evolution has programmed them to seek a man. The evolutionary reason is provisioning, bit the programming is still there even when they have provisioning. Like how people seek sex even when they don’t want to have children.

Burner Prime
Burner Prime
5 years ago

The current state of affairs favoring hypergamy will not hold indefinitely and will not become the new normal. This is for the same reason it hasn’t for the past 3000+ years. I think Heartiste pointed out that the social contract giving Betas access to sex and reproduction via monogamy was necessary to build civilization. Today civilization is holding because masses of men support all the necessary infrastructure. Certainly there is competition and one example is the situation Rollo points out – where men try to suck up to women as a strategy to get laid. Heartiste also points out that… Read more »

5 years ago

The young guys I know aren’t looking for respect. Thats the problem. Like frame. Respect, be it self – or granted by other men through action is about him, his intrinsic sense of self, value, and merit within the heirarchy. No, the young guys look for approval. They seek out validation and approval from those who gatekeep the authority. In our gynocentric culture this means the path is not through self-generated action within a male hierarchy of competence and power, but instead through feminine rules-based compliance and conformity within an arbitrary system with a default state of humiliation. Because the… Read more »

5 years ago

It took dismantling the overarching structure of enforced monogamy to show that people really don’t do well without it. People don’t naturally make decisions with the bigger picture in mind. Now the question is, how do you put a replacement structure (of some sort) in place? It seems like an impossible task, given the current climate.

5 years ago

Dear feminist allies – sit down, shut up and do as you’re told:

5 years ago

That’s a really interesting question. Have they run out of taxpayers’ money yet and cut benefits to women yet?
I wonder what the situation on the ground for women in Venezuela is now. Last I heard, unemployed doctors had to turn tricks to eat.

5 years ago

Fuckheads gonna say fuckheaded shit.

5 years ago

Darwin Award candidates think that saying smartass shit will get them approval. They get approval from fuckheads, but no respect. No kids, no respect.

5 years ago

Razor, so you’re saying that the FI system gives approval, but the MI system gives respect?

5 years ago

Huh,who pissed in the frosted flakes?

5 years ago

.. It wasn’t me..this time.

5 years ago

Thanks, Blax. Interesting articles, but they don’t really paint the before/after scenes of a women’s social welfare society collapsing. It might have been pointed out on these very pages that some women were doing tricks for the price of a fancy sammich in Greece after the crisis and austerity measures.

5 years ago

I know he was trolling, but I don’t care. Dancing is very deep in western civ and should not be dismissed as “gay.” Dancing is a great way for a man to demonstrate value and establish Preselection. Holding a woman in your arms/frame as you dance with her is so very “gay.” Maybe if you’re a prepubescent adolescent boy. Anyway, boulder’s comment reminded me of a joke. A bishop was singing his line in a play, “And the angel lit the candle.” The altar boy was doing something, but the candle wasn’t being lit. The bishop again sang his line.… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

Random answers China is exporting men to east Africa, although not as many as they wanted to earlier in the year. The idea of 1,000,000 Chinese “assisting” with infrastructure from Uganda down to Mozambique was a bit upsetting to other governments, so that plan was shelved. For now. Brothels in Colombia have been filling up with women from Venezuela for over a year now, with others just working the streets. The Colombians are getting tired of this – especially Colombian hookers. Brazil has had a lot of Colombians spilling over into the north, so much so that the Army has… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

Burner Prime
The current state of affairs favoring hypergamy will not hold indefinitely and will not become the new normal. This is for the same reason it hasn’t for the past 3000+ years.

Ok, so how about it becomes the new normal for only 50 – 100 years or so. No worries! What could go wrong?

Rollo’s looking at the bow of the container ship and noticing what direction it is heading. It’s a big picture, not really answered with grunts of “MAH GAME IS BEST”, either.

Lost Patrol
Lost Patrol
5 years ago

Dear feminist allies – sit down, shut up and do as you’re told:

If you find yourself confronted by a Hannah Gadsby type, be sure to ask “you’re not a tranny are you?, not that there’s anything wrong with that”.

5 years ago

Anonymous Reader – here is my take on it; Burner Prime – “This global genocide of men both eastern and western will serve the same function it has for millennia, to restore the natural proportional balance of males to females.” Burner Prime – yes eventually the natural family unit equilibrium will return to the west but it will likely take centuries for the balance to be restored. “Burner Prime – With her super massive overabundance of reproductive aged males, she (China) will unflinchingly throw millions of bodies against the US to achieve her aims.” That is a is a somewhat… Read more »

5 years ago

You should know. Rian Stone’s reddit account got suspended.

Time for private spaces and one’s own kingdoms. No one can be truly powerful in someone else’s home, playing by someone else’s rules.

5 years ago

The Vikings would not allow a young man to hold a sword until he demonstrated that he could dance. The problem with the petunias is clear: Hard work is the anvil upon which the iron of a man is forged. It builds the iron of character, body, and ingenuity.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

Lost Patrol

If you find yourself confronted by a Hannah Gadsby type, be sure to ask “you’re not a tranny are you?, not that there’s anything wrong with that”.

For extra spice, ask something along the lines of “Will you be transitioning soon?”.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

But no the Chinese will not be sending in their masses of unwed men to invade the USA. That would be both tactically and strategically pointless and weak.

Paging Robert Heinlein…

5 years ago

Reality check : economic irrelevance isn’t driven by feminist ( or communist/socialist or Mexicans or flat earthers ) open your eyes and look in front of your face. America’s economic obliteration is driven by men, specifically greedy men and their puppets. The puppet army is massive and has been growing steadily as wages stopped doing so. I point to France. And Britain. And Spain. And Greece. Only Americans haven’t revolted against this oligarchy shitstorm, so collectively we all will suffer in the end. Our inaction and ignorance and climbing ideals that have long been subverted, assists China and Russia in… Read more »

5 years ago

Rollo I think you are a good advocate for the Manosphere. People listen to you even though sometimes it may feel like you are trying to hammer in a nail with a wet fish. I have my own blog but I also voice myself on Quora (yes good ole Quora). I swallowed the Red Pill about 6 months ago and at times it has been a hard pill to digest. On a platform like Quora I field questions about masculinity, being Alpha etc but when I start talking about hypergamy or the feminine imperative people put you in the same… Read more »

5 years ago

Palma God ( and Buddha and Allah and Jehovah and Yahweh..) Bless your clear vision. I cannot tell you how difficult it’s been to try to get men to see what’s happenings and where it’s headed. I’ve pretty much given up. All that fucking funny money is fueling this worldwide angst. Consumer debt is reaching record highs, which means people don’t have money….But they still have ” stuff “. I tell my friends that it you carry a lot of debt, all your doing is working to service it. You don’t work for yourself, you work for your debt. And… Read more »

5 years ago

I was raised with a healthy respect for women (see lesbian sister and grandmother) but I always had that Beta mindset of “I’m a nice guy why is she being such a bitch?”. I then came to realise it was me and how society has lied to me about what it is to be a man. It was you, yes — not really society. Society is going to be what it is, and it is never ideal, regardless. What you control is you, and so that’s what you focus on. The societal context and its messages are still the same… Read more »

5 years ago

but by and large the rich can avoid taxes and the poor can’t. If you define “poor” to include people making less than a million dollars a year, your statement is true. [sarcasm off] “The Pew Center’s analysis of IRS data showed that in 2014, people with an adjusted gross income, or AGI, above $250,000 paid 51.6% of all individual income taxes, even though they accounted for only 2.7% of all returns filed.” “People with incomes between $100,000 and $200,000 paid 23.8% of the total taxes collected in 2011, up from 18.8% in 2000.” “People with incomes between $50,000 and… Read more »

5 years ago

Do you feel attracted to Kavanaugh’s wife?


5 years ago

Consumer debt is reaching record highs, which means people don’t have money Son in law has maxed out his credit cards. Daughter Gamer is pulling in more than 10K per month net. SIL is an idiot who attacks Daughter Gamer for being so moneygrubbing. I’m kind to him even though he’s an idiot who acts like a five year old. I pay off my credit cards every month as do Mrs. Gamer and Daughter Gamer. Some people are just stupid and buy themselves into debt slavery. Or they gamble themselves into slavery. Or dope themselves into slavery. People are stupid.… Read more »

5 years ago

If you want to talk about where the middle class is being bled, you have to look at education. In the U.S., state property tax pays for public schools and that is a heavy tax for many people. Even if you rent, property tax is paid out of your rent payments by the landlord, so you can’t escape it. Education costs are rising even faster than health care because there’s no brake on education costs–“for the chilllldrennn.” Of course, the wealthy often put their children in private schools, but they still have to pay the highest property taxes. You also… Read more »

5 years ago

@Sean It seems that you are describing how to figure things out on your own by utilizing manosphere resources. Nothing wrong with that, but you can face plateaus moving forward. Let me just note that having in-real-life guys to bounce things off of really helps. Mentors, buddies and a true tribe or a quasi-tribe goes a long way in moving forward with the red pill. When you are only six months in to Red Pill, be aware of your blind spots, the illusions that you hold on to, your subconscious feelings that you were brought up with and your “lied… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

Sean Mother leaving abusive father. Being brought up by my lesbian sister and grandmother and growing up, struggling with depression and how to be a positive masculine man and failing with every relationship I entered because of those facts. and I was raised with a healthy respect for women (see lesbian sister and grandmother) but I always had that Beta mindset of “I’m a nice guy why is she being such a bitch?”. I then came to realise it was me and how society has lied to me about what it is to be a man. Were you actually raised… Read more »

having a bad day
having a bad day
5 years ago

@Mineter Thanks, Blax. Interesting articles, but they don’t really paint the before/after scenes of a women’s social welfare society collapsing. It might have been pointed out on these very pages that some women were doing tricks for the price of a fancy sammich in Greece after the crisis and austerity measures. here’s a couple that should paint that situ for you…in complete detail… how bad does it have to be for girls to give up their sexual strategy completely?… on both sides… and THAT^^^ was 6 months ago… they’re well past the ‘just turn tricks to survive phase’…… Read more »

5 years ago

@HABD: that is quite grim. Incidentally there is a woman I saw several times in my gym, and she showed up relatively recently (some months ago). I opened her one of the first times and asked where she was and she is from Venezuela. She is married (at least has a ring) and has at least one kid about 6-year old. It really looked like her husband is healthy and fled the crisis (haven’t met husband). She is very hot… Very nice boobs, flat tummy, good waist-hip ratio, and has a REALLY nice bubble butt (and works at keeping it… Read more »

5 years ago

45% of Americans pay no federal income tax.

Poor folks pay no or practically no fed income tax. The wealthiest ( and no, 250,000 doesn’t mean you’re wealthy comparatively ) pay the least as a percentage. I pay more in taxes than Buffet and Gates as a percentage.

5 years ago

@Blax But the system starts to lose its progressivity at the very highest levels: In 2015, the effective rate peaked at 29.3% for taxpayers in the $2 million-to-under-$5 million group, then fell to 28.8% for the $5 million-to-under-$10 million group and 25.9% for those making $10 million or more. Generally speaking, effective tax rates fell across the board throughout most of the 2000s, though the highest-income tiers experienced the steepest drops. Effective rates on those same groups rose sharply, however, following enactment of the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012. That law, part of the congressional deal that resolved the… Read more »

5 years ago

The direct income tax may be low, but then other taxes vat, fuel duty, utilities, property, etc… etc… swallow everything

America dodged the VAT. Fuel taxes vary from state to state…maybe 4-10 cents per llter…the feds take a share, too, thanks to Jimmy Carter, the second worst president.

5 years ago

I used to pull more, and hotter women, when I was young and broke. Transparently broke. Living in a trailer. In retrospect, it really seemed that it worked in my favor. I think these women really are turned on by losers. Now that I have a nice house and car, it’s as though that is all they see and can’t get past it. I am essentially the same person I was in other regards. I’m not the only one who asserts this. RSD Owen stated that he used to have a rented mansion in the Hollywood hills and he said… Read more »

5 years ago

@palmasailor All good questions. I only stopped being broke about 5 years ago, quite suddenly. But now I am in my 40s. Have not put on any weight, still have all my hair and teeth. But I think the ‘kind of person I am’ has changed. I’ve been in ‘work mode’ – running a business and generating resources instead of having a rock n roll lifestyle; the daytime mindset spills over everywhere and I think makes you a more sensible (and therefore boring) person, even if you still wear the same clothes and enjoy the same music. I am on… Read more »

5 years ago

@palmasailor I agree with all you wrote. I can act like I DGAF but I am clearly being pegged in category B before I open my mouth. Great question… I’m clear on my financial, business and creative goals, and I am really enjoying working towards them. I’m still very ambitious indeed and I don’t want to have to alter that course for anyone. As for my goals with women? I am more clear about what I don’t want than what I want. I don’t want marriage or kids. My first goal I would say honestly is to get back the… Read more »

5 years ago

@palmasailor hahahaha, your strategy made me laugh, in under the radar… that is class. 🙂 Honestly had not thought of that. I’m in the UK actually. I’ve had a good college try at online but am failing epically at it. Always do better in real life. I still get glances walking down the street, it’s hard to say whether it’s more or less than it used to be because I think my peripheral awareness and body language awareness is so much better than it used to be. I’m realizing that online should not be seen as a substitute for actually… Read more »

5 years ago

Nobody crucified you yet for such kind of writing?
Lucky you.
Next bow of respect from me, Rollo.
Not first one.

5 years ago

ASD Man, you crack me up sometimes. Where we are right now economically has nothing to do with ” political parties “. It has to do with policy and it’s repercussions, and both ” parties” have been co-opted by big banking/corporations, and alllll them lobbyists. This is what I try to explain, and usually our resident Reading Economic Genius will show up and tell me how full of shit I am , lol, while talking about theory that isn’t in practice, and hasn’t been so for over 30-40 years now. Remember 10 years ago ” we ” were told that… Read more »

5 years ago

Rollo I’m not sure monogamy benefits anyone. Maybe the children of the relationship. Married men seem to be more miserable alpha or beta.

5 years ago

Some *

Not All.

5 years ago

People die in car accidents. Cars kill people. Everyone that drives will die in a fiery crash.

5 years ago

It has to do with policy and it’s repercussions, and both ” parties” have been co-opted by big banking/corporations, and alllll them lobbyists. Not so much the repubs any more…a lot of those who were in the pocket of Big Business didn’t seek another term…like Flake…of course, McConnell and Graham are deep in the pocket of Big Bi’ness…as are ALL the dems…the repubs are moving back towards being the party of small business. Not totally there yet. Remember 10 years ago ” we ” were told that the housing market would most likely never go down again? I don’t recall… Read more »

5 years ago

” I don’t recall any such thing…”

Lmao. Okaaayyyy, I see what the problem is here.

5 years ago

” Well, GM is primarily a lending company. If we are to believe China–that it will reduce tariffs on U.S. autos (watch their actions, not their words), then U.S. companies will start exporting cars to China.” This isn’t based on reality. ( nobody wants our shitty cars..) ….borrowed from whom? Federal Reserve and large banks, including foreign banks. They who must not be named benefit a lot. Finding the money to pay investors who hold government debt will crimp other parts of the budget. In a decade, interest on the debt will eat up 13 percent of government… Read more »

5 years ago

“Just as patriarchal monogamy attempted to aide men who wouldn’t otherwise reproduce, the new polyandry seeks to ensure that even the lowest SMV women are entitled to breed with an Alpha male of their choosing.” I disagree on this point. The low SMV women may feel entitled, but in the ‘unlimited options’ sexual marketplace of now, while all the girls are holding out for an Alpha, the top few % good looking / alpha guys have so many options that they can afford to be picky. What people believe they are entitled to, and what they actually get, are two… Read more »

5 years ago

@palmasailor sounds good, we should be in touch. Is there a PM option on here? I am not seeing one.

5 years ago

Marc Goldwein, senior policy director at the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget, a research and advocacy organization. Goldwein has been wrong forever. I used to believe that shit, but no more. Interest costs already dwarf spending on many popular programs. For example, grants to students from low-income families for college total roughly $30 billion — about one-tenth of what the government will pay in interest this year. We’re spending about $30 billion too much on college grants. If interest rates increase, so will corporate taxes and gimme programs to the states will decline. We’ll probably put off infrastructure spending… Read more »

Lost Patrol
Lost Patrol
5 years ago

Married men seem to be more miserable alpha or beta.

Studies have shown that married men live longer. They’re just more willing to die.

5 years ago

This is the exact reason I omit specific, selected details about myself on Tinder such as my job and education. I know I am a good provisioning catch but want to be that alpha arousal catch. By omitting these details, any match I get I know is about my breeding potential “alpha” over my provisioning side. Once I meet with them I may tell them then about my job etc because it’s value added. If you fail to omit these details you know they’ve possibly (probably) met up with you for provisioning reasons. I just put “employed” on there and… Read more »

5 years ago

Just posting this again so you see it. @Rollo as far as defining what the red pill is. I know your blog and books goes into that. However, there may be those who aren’t familiar with them. After you called out Alexander Grace as being a Vichy etc. I did go and watch his video and I honestly believe that his heart is in the right place but he’s misguided. In his video he did appeal to you to engage him in a dialogue to set things straight. I believe this is an opportunity for you to be the authority… Read more »

5 years ago

Rollo’s catchphrase: “This is the future Feminism has planned for women”.

“Fuck your Morals” … cause HYPERGAMY DOSEN’T CARE

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