
This week there’ve been a rash of articles all outlining the latest statistics about marriage in this decade. US marriage rates are at a 150 year low and, if you believe the all-female article writers, it’s of course men’s fault for failing to be marriageable. These articles are referencing a study published last week titled Mismatches in the Marriage Market and this study reveals large deficits in the supply of potential male spouses. One implication is that the unmarried may remain unmarried or marry less well‐suited partners.

That’s right gentlemen, you’re unmarriageable and the ladies want you to shape up. If you want to experience marital bliss – despite all the inherent personal dangers for men in today’s “marriage economy” – you must make yourself “economically attractive“:

“Most American women hope to marry, but current shortages of marriageable men — men with a stable job and a good income — make this increasingly difficult,” says lead author Daniel Lichter in a press release.

The stats don’t lie and they are pretty bleak. More women are enrolled in college than ever before and more are expected to enter through the middle of the coming decade. Now, a degree doesn’t guarantee a woman a job, and it says nothing about the majors and job sectors women prefer, but a college education does reinforce the idea that women are entitled to marry an economically attractive man who himself has an education and enough aspiration to make something of himself to become marriageable.

That’s some real shit right there and we’re not even half way through this post. We’ve gotten to the point where the truth of the past five decades is apparent; gendered politics has actively, openly, disadvantaged men in terms of education. Whether this hobbling of men is via educational dispensations (Title IX) or social conventions (divorce, child support, Duluth model feminism) the outcome is now unignorable.

In most western societies today there is a separate standard of justice that applies to women. Women are receive far fewer consequences and are sentenced much more leniently than men for committing the exact same crimes. These are easily proven statistics, but even when they are brought to light the gynocentric social order doubles down and justifies them because, women.

My intent here today isn’t to depress anyone. Neither am I drawing attention to this because I’ve made a new turn to the Men Rights Movement. No doubt there’ve been many article already written about the female hubris inherent in these revelations – revelations the Red Pill community has been pointing out for almost two decades now.

The manifestations of about 50 years of social changes produced by a feminine-primary social order are unignorable. Even mainstream media sources are finally seeing these stories as the red meat du jour for the masses now. A lot of the Red Pill principles and I and many other men in the Manosphere have been drawing attention to about intersexual dynamics are now coming to light in popular consciousness.

Aww Quit Complaining

Last year I delivered the State of the Manosphere Address, and in that talk I outlined the rise of what I saw as a new Gender War (or gender cold war). Naturally I was called a reactionary, and have been since described as “overly negative” even by the organization that asked me to deliver that speech. But yet, everything in that outline has come to pass in less than a year. Of course, the easy dismissal is to blame this on election year propaganda. More than one mainstream talkshow conservative has jumped on the Toxic Masculinity bandwagon, pointing out how the Left and mainstream feminism are one and the same.

However, there have been many swings of the political pendulum in the past 50 years. Conservative zeitgeists have contributed to the same feminine-primary social order that’s resulted in men being unmarriageable today. It’s just been good politics to appeal to the Feminine Imperative no matter what side of the political aisle you happen to sit on.

But I’m a man. I’m not supposed to be overly concerned with issues like this. As long as I’m measuring up to my Burden of Performance any marginal raising-of-awareness to truths like the ones above make me seem like I’m complaining. And that’s something men are never allowed to do. It’s a very effective way of silencing men. Get them to feel like they ought to silence themselves. Real men don’t complain.

Meanwhile, it’s Broke Men who are hurting American Women’s Marriage Prospects. My good friend Dalrock once wrote a series of post around the idea that feminism would be so much more successful if men would only cooperate with it. When women are unable to optimally complete their mating (and life’s) strategies it’s men’s fault for being uncooperative. It’s men’s fault when women’s life plans don’t come together as Sheryl Sandberg told them it would. It’s men’s fault when they won’t play the approved role they should when women hit their Epiphany Phase and their sexual priorities shift.

Confirming the Red Pill

If you needed a better illustration of the Solipsism inherent in women’s nature you’ll be hard pressed to find it on a bigger scale than the dozens of stories bemoaning the lack of marriageable men today. Furthermore, it goes to prove another Red Pill truth: as a man, women don’t care who you are as much as what you are. I’ve taken a lot of heat over the years over my assessment of how men and women have different concepts of love. Men love idealistically. I rarely get any pushback on that assertion, but when I layout how women’s Hypergamous natures predispose them to a concept of love based on opportunism men and women lose their minds.

Yet, here we are. Women enthusiastically proving my point for me without me having to do any heavy lifting. As women become more comfortable in Open Hypergamy we see this embracing of their nature proudly flaunted. Naturally women will double down on this.

Of course women don’t wanna marry no bum!

And then the Trad-Cons join the chorus,

It’s men’s fault they aren’t measuring up to being the men all women are entitled to.

There are dozens of studies that correlate divorce with women earning more than their husbands. In fact, women are reluctant to admit that they out-earn their husbands. Throughout the history of this blog I’ve shown the evolved reasons for this dynamic, but what the articles all dance around is women’s natural evolutionary desire for men who exceed them in all aspects. But because we’ve opted to believe in, and standardized on, social constructionism we lay all of that on “societal expectations” of men and women. In a future essay I’ll be defining how the cope of humans being ‘above it all’ in their evolved instincts is the root source of many deliberate misgivings about intersexual conflict. For now, understand that blaming any inconvenient intersexual truth on a nebulous “society” is the go-to rationale for a feminine-primary social order.

If only men would evolve and rise above what society foists on them we women would be happy” versus “Men need to accommodate women’s success by making themselves more ‘economically desirable’

And “Oh, but love is important too, *wink wink*.”

“Many young men today have little to bring to the marriage bargain, especially as young women’s educational levels on average now exceed their male suitors’,” Lichter says.

It’s interesting that some articles advocate for marriage as a “stabilizing force” in society, all while never (maybe deliberately) seeing the economic risks of disaster that the divorce industry incentivizes in women. There’s nothing stabilizing about promoting marriage between men you’ve deemed “economically unattractive” and women who feel entitled to a man who exceeds their Hypergamous expectations. There’s nothing ‘stabilizing’ about the incidence of divorce between couples where the man is unable to out-earn his wife.

Naturally we want to make this a ‘his‘ problem. He can’t get over the fact that she makes more, has more education, etc. He’s insecure in his masculinity and must feel threatened by Her success. Or it could be the fact that on an instinctual level he understands that it’s an evolved imperative for a man to provide for and protect his family. This is the fallacy of Rise Above It. No matter how enlightened and progressive we’d like to think we are nature drags us back to reality. It’s not a socially constructed problem – if it were it would be easily solved – it’s a human nature problem. Women reveal the true Hypergamous nature in articles like these. They want a man who they can naturally look up to, respect and admire. That’s the natural truth coming out, but they source the problem in a socially constructed fantasy that it’s men’s insecurities that are holding them back from completing women’s mating/life strategies.

Women don’t need to get married anymore. The average age of first marriage is hovering around 27 years old for most couples. Studies also show that more than half of young people in America don’t have a romantic partner. We’ve all but eliminated the Beta Bucks side of the Hypergamous equation for women. Open Hypergamy (and Open Cuckoldry) are the logical outcomes of this provisioning insurance we’ve made ubiquitous for women over the last 40 years. Yet, women still want to be married to a man who outclasses them in all areas of life. They feel they deserve that guy. Their hindbrain knows they do, but the nebulous society still encourages women to believe there’s never been a better time for them to be single. This is the message women are being fed as they complain about men’s not living up to being their “equals”.

Nearly half of working-age women will be single in 2030, a new Morgan Stanley study predicts, a demographic that will drive increased sales for companies in the athletic wear, cosmetics and clothing sectors.

The investment bank’s “Rise of the SHEconomy” report says 45 percent of working-age women between 25 and 44 in the U.S. will be single women in 10 years, Forbes reported.

Single women will drive the economy in the next decade and savvy businesses are already planning on exploiting this demographic. But yet it’s men’s fault for not being marriageable and/or avoiding marriage altogether?

Too many people think I’m down on marriage. Apparently 23 years of what most guys would consider an ideal marriage isn’t enough to convince them. Honestly, as an institution – socially enforced monogamy – I think marriage, based on evolved gender difference complementarity has been the foundation of the success of western culture. But maybe we’re at a turning point in human history where traditional marriage is left behind, replaced by feminine-primary polygamy with all its inherently violent risks. It seems we’re heading in a direction where we convince Beta men it’s in their reproductive interests to abandon their evolved need to be invested in their own paternity – and that attending to and raising the children of men that women selected before them makes them ‘better men’.

There’s a lot more to the anti-marriage reasoning than just the “losing half my stuff” arguments.

It really sucks for a guy like me who’s managed to make a Red Pill aware marriage work in spite of all this. Guys get confused. How can I be anti-marriage and still married? But it’s just that dichotomy that tells the you about the nature of what marriage has become for men today. The way we do marriage today has the potential to be the most damaging decision a man can make in his life. It may even end his life. But despite all that I still believe men and women are better together than we are apart. We still evolved to be complements to the other.

It’s the coming together and living together, and all the downside risks to men today that I have no solution for at the moment. Maybe it’s going to take a war or a meteor striking the earth to set gender parity back in balance, but at the moment there’s only a future of sexual segregation to look forward to.

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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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4 years ago

Excellent article and great read. I was never that attractive of a male and was always overweight (most certainly and quite definitely a hereditary abnormal defective genetic abnormality of inferiority). Natural selection and lack of financial resources working in a limited income earning occupation assured my inability to be an attractive candidate or marriageable male for mating and procreation. Some of us are selected over in the gene pool regarding marriage and procreative means. I still love sociology and I’ve never thought of committing suicide, so I’ve got that going for me!

4 years ago

Ironically, I am reading this post at a wedding, the bride just walked down the aisle! Most of the people here are married already, some young women in the back are holding babies. In a few years almost all of them, including the groom’s young friends, will be married. Orthodox Jews have a marriage rate around 90% by age 30, the age when most Americans are just starting to think about getting married. At the rate things are going in America, most of the people getting married and having children within a normal family unit will be traditional and religious.… Read more »

4 years ago

You know how the tradcons tell us that married people are richer, so we should get married if we want to be rich? Well, they are liars who got it exactly ass backwards. Rich people are much more likely to get married in the first place, so, it was being rich that made them married, not getting married that made them rich.

4 years ago

@ PalmaSailor OK, what, if you had a better relationship, and you were your son’s mentor, do you have to tell about a Praxeology in this dilemma. What to do. With Grammar<Logic<Rhetoric. Facts<Understanding<Wisdom. What to do. I’m asking both rhetorically but also boots on the ground practices. I’m asking because I know you as a wise man. BTW, I’m not fearful about what comes ahead for my newly married daughter. I love my son-in-law. Nor my nearly 25 year old son. I was out at my farm with BluePillProfessor today and he is very discourage about the social climate for… Read more »

4 years ago

“Rich people are much more likely to get married in the first place, so, it was being rich that made them married, not getting married that made them rich.”

Q.E.D “quod erat demonstrandum”, literally meaning “what was to be shown”

So what is your take-home message? What do you advocate?

I figured Rollo’s statement in the last paragraph, was to prompt suggestions on what to do.

With all that said, What are you going to do about it?

I’ll wait for your answer. Do you have one?

4 years ago

@Rabbi the issue is that religious communities are beta factories I know I come from one.
Also contradictions between competing religious world views.
Other than that it works great.

4 years ago

“Back to your question though, and I don’t think that there is anything you can do on a societal level.” I agree. So when any of my old guy friends start talking about a “top down” approach to solving things, my eyes glaze over and I’m no longer interested in the discussion. About changing society for the better and what the manosphere can do for it. That said, the content providers in the manosphere are doing great work. And I still think a “bottoms up” approach works. “So I’m not sure I really understand what your question is, as far… Read more »

4 years ago

Wow Rollo…. I’m 50/50 on this thing about marriage and what women are saying and writing and doing. It’s all really, really fucked up, but I ain’t even going to just blanketly let all Teh Menz completely off the hook here. Things are very different. Men especially, are VERY different. This is why I laugh until my balls hurt when any guy younger than myself chides me about being ” Old School ” ( or just old period ). You’ve been married about a year longer than I have. How’s stuff like that happen? Call me a ” rebel ”… Read more »

4 years ago

I thought you’d stop posting. Thank goodness! Phew! I hope you’re not upset women read your blog. It it quite informative and interesting. Keep it up!

4 years ago

@SJF Oh sorry – my sons mentor, it’s simple: Don’t marry. Ok. Got it. Will that fly? With him? And with you? Is that going to work out fine? And it fits with the original post. I don’t disagree for most young men. What about the Elliot Rogers’? I still have a bit of cognitive dissonance over that, though. Me and my ilk fucking love married life. It’s all around me and it’s like Mother Nature herself. Energy Giving. And all of it’s downstream benefits. But some of us got in before the lock. And some Reconstructed ourselves. But I… Read more »

4 years ago

@Rollo “Of course women don’t wanna marry no bum!” Some men really are bums…I see them at highway exits and street corners, panhandling. They refuse to work full-time. I was hit up by four different bums in two days in a major city. “It’s men’s fault they aren’t measuring up to being the men all women are entitled to.” I actually have never heard this. But I’ve seen lots of young men who are insecure, including some PUAs. They get dumped a lot. I’ve also seen a lot of men who live in their parents’ basement and work at low… Read more »

4 years ago

“What do you do when all you have in life, all that defines you as a man/human being , is based on what the fuck everybody/somebody else is saying, thinking, doing?”

Amen Brother. That is about not having to rely on external validation. And being Self-Differentiated.

Here’s a partial road map:

How To Grow Up
The road map for becoming an authentic adult is also a blueprint for putting passion back in relationships.


4 years ago

“Just pissed off at the world?”

Yes. Exactly.

My favorite pet peeve in the world: ” I just don’t understand why….” ….Things have to be this way….

I don’t like that.

4 years ago

“The solution for men is to look in the mirror, admit to their failings, own their shit and be the best men they can be despite that.”

Very nice Palma.

My sentiments exactly and what I try to get done and resonate with my red pill buddies. And it gets done most of the time.

And it’s exactly what my wife would want. Now. Right Now.

That is workable.

Good stuff. You are a good man, my friend.

4 years ago

Love the comments here. Rollo’s prose and articulate writing style brings out the best of experiences from his readers. I’m proud and honored to appreciatively benefit from learning about the sociological aspects of modern civilization through the eyes of today’s men. We’re all broken and flawed, but my god the stories. I’m sure everyone here has read about the future of humanity, with Singularity and Futurism paramount and forthcoming predicting our human fate. We’ll no doubt transcend humanity eventually with the merging of the machines and technocracy replacing the human touch. Hell, we’re already on our way and we’re seeing… Read more »

4 years ago

Cyberdyne becomes self aware…….

4 years ago

A lot of commenters here got lost in the maze.

And that’s OK.

Here is the next paradigm shift that’s really going to shake things up:

…When men finally STOP viewing Marriage as an IMAGE of SUCCESS…

Because today, for most of us -including Rollo – marriage is still a lofty goal…

What if it wasn’t ?

Prepare your lifeboats gentlemen.

The Black Pill is bitter.

Fav. Personal Quote: “Women are not a mystery, they are an algorithm.” -Midnight Runner

Nuclear Blackpill
Nuclear Blackpill
4 years ago

Women aren’t attracted to most if not all men (they said it themselves) so essentially female biology is destroying civilization. Just as our ancestors said it would.

Nuclear Blackpill
Nuclear Blackpill
4 years ago

95% of women think they’re entitled to the top 5% of men. 95% of men are just dropping out of society due not only to this fact but the horrible, nasty behavior of women who have become really unhygenic, disgusting, loud mouthed, nasal voiced monsters. Female sexuality in itself is incredibly perverse, being turned on by how much more of a horrible human being you manage to be. The grosser, more violent, more degenerate you are – is worth much more than a STEM degree if you manage to pull it off. This would work in principle, except women taking… Read more »

The Silver FoX
The Silver FoX
4 years ago

@ palma “Rabid feminists without children – genetic line dead… Tranny that cuts it’s cock off – genetic line dead Highly feminised soyboy that cant get laid – genetic line deal Nature clearing down the shit. The next stage of evolution doesn’t involve them breeding…” Agreed, and that’s a good thing, for sure. But unfortunately in the West stupid people are out-breeding intelligent people. This is definitely the case in Australia, the U.K. & U.S.A. And they’re also getting fatter, unhealthier and stupider it seems, so factoring in climate change that’s gonna kick in majorly hard within the next few… Read more »

The Silver FoX
The Silver FoX
4 years ago

@ Nuclear Blackpill “95% of women think they’re entitled to the top 5% of men. 95% of men are just dropping out of society due not only to this fact but the horrible, nasty behavior of women who have become really unhygenic, disgusting, loud mouthed, nasal voiced monsters. Female sexuality in itself is incredibly perverse, being turned on by how much more of a horrible human being you manage to be…” I hear you man, but in reality this just does not play out. Women love to fuck, and will fuck you if learn how to play the game. Forget… Read more »

4 years ago

I’ve seen numerous articles/posts about that study, but NONE has actually questioned what the study means by “Many young men today have little to bring to the marriage bargain”. What is The Marriage Bargain? It can’t mean financial provision for sexual access, can it? Each brings “sexual access”, so that’s a wash. And given that “home duties” and being a supportive spouse (whatever that means) is as equal a marital contribution as setting up a multi-billion, global distribution network, that’s a wash too. I’m sure everyone here knows what it really means. I’m just really bemused that no-one (anywhere) is… Read more »

4 years ago

“We still evolved to be complements to the other.”

Rollo i went an a hike today i brought up how i would rather be a father than a husband but evolutionary (Ejaculate and evacuate)
I don’t wanna take it all on but maybe traveling somewhere else to start a family and be married in a culture perhaps northern India is where i could recover and lead and

4 years ago

@Mineter Interesting commentary about Marriage defined. I remember my Grandparents. Both had a role, a defined role of their instrumental essential parts in the play and neither seemingly frustrated or disturbed of their role playing parts. The were seemingly happy and content and blessed to have taken their roles in middle-class society. Fascinating that materialism, superficiality and social status has changed the fundamental descriptive social contract of marriage in the last five decades. Men are expendable. The seventies were nothing but high divorce rates and children became latch-key kids being raised by television and media. Today it’s magnified a hundred… Read more »

4 years ago


Yes, a clear out. The only thing that bothers me is the ever increasing size.

4 years ago

@ nuclear Serious inquiry: where are you approximately that you are seeing all of these loud and unhygenic females? Enough to put forth that it’s a wide spread problem? Sorry, I must challenge when guys say shit like that because it sounds an awful lot like part of a cavalcade of excuses. ” they aren’t worth it because they’re nasty and mean and they smell badly.. ” 😂. It’s like all of my entire life, everywhere I’ve roamed, I haven’t run into vast hoardes of rabid feminists, and I ignore them online and in media. Media skews the fuck out… Read more »

4 years ago

“Why is it that RP knowledge makes things easier ( fuck your feelings ) to grasp and navigate?” The problem is that most men won’t accept the RP until they have been ass-raped by reality. Including some readers here. Which explains why their lives are shit and they are incel. They just want to whine about how bad women are and sulk in their self-pitying shit, instead of fixing themselves based on reality. They want to work menial jobs and live in their parents’ basement and watch porn and play videogames and whine about women. If they wanted to fix… Read more »

4 years ago

@Rollo: a good application of RP knowledge to the social situation regarding marriage.

Lots of nice comments as well.


4 years ago

“I want to marry a man that earns more than me”
“I don’t want men to be obviously earning more than me”

Every time.

4 years ago


That’s why you ignore all of that dumb shit.


You can’t beat them at their own game ( usually ) if you don’t understand their take on the playbook.

4 years ago

The issue is that women are by and large right in that there are no good men around. The problem isn’t women — women are being themselves. The problem is men — men today, by and large, suck, period. Most men are lazy, worthless and weak. We know this just by looking around. They complain about everything, are butthurt because they feel entitled to things that require work (pussy, money, respect), and are not willing to put in the effort and the time to actually make anything of themselves. They’d rather slack, work at some undemanding job, play video games… Read more »

4 years ago


“Clearing down the gene pool on some of the stupidity going on out there can’t be all bad.”

Would be nice, but it’s not happening. Trannies and bluehairs going childless isn’t going to return us to the Norman Rockwell era. Trannies are less than 1 percent, so hardly worth mentioning. And if over half of our ‘normal’ women aren’t having kids due to feminist bs, then that’s not really some beneficial culling. That’s a disintegration of our culture. The oncoming legion of bastards is where this is heading.

4 years ago


“And it’s exactly what my wife would want.”

Ha ha. True colors there.

Tradconnery always outs.

4 years ago



4 years ago


Nah man, you going to have to explain. Where do you perceive the ” mistake “?

4 years ago

Novaseeker, I mostly agree with what you are saying, but I don’t think one can give women a pass here. The truth is most women are NOT adapting to what most men want from a mate. It may be true that a very large number of men are not meeting the achievement, success, status bar, for what most women want of a “marriageable” candidate, but not many women are meeting the bar of actually being physically enough attractive to those “losers” to make a better alternative to porn. Frankly, I’ve been disgusted by how few 6+s I see on Tinder… Read more »

4 years ago


“And it’s exactly what my wife would want.”

Ha ha. True colors there.

Tradconnery always outs.

Well it goes to motive.

I’m not saying anything different than Palma, Blax or Novaseeker.

It’s not done for external validation. It’s standing on your own two feet being self-differentiated. Not doing it for her. Doing it for you. Makes you more attractive, not unattractive.

I’m not sure what Trad-Con means. Other than the first set of social, inter-sexual books.

4 years ago

At least they are (perhaps unwittingly) acknowledging the contractual nature of modern marriage. I’ve been considering the idea that maybe all marriages and all sexual relationships are transactions in nature, the only difference is the currency. I mean if a woman has sex with the hot bad boy, she’s getting validation for her ego, so isn’t she trading sexual access for that validation? It just doesn’t cost the man as much. How is that any different than women trading sexual access for marriage and provisioning? You might say it’s because of genuine desire, but is it really? I have found… Read more »

4 years ago

“I have found that most women are more than capable of having hot monkey sex with any guy that they find attractive for any of their criteria, whether it be looks and money, looks and personality, or personality and money” Really? I doubt it… I mean that is essentially the alpha fux beta bux distinction. With looks and personality it is the GUY that is attractice, with money… Well… It is the MONEY that is attractive not the guy. The former gets the “hot money sex”, the latter the transactional duty sex although perhaps many women are capable of “performing”… Read more »

4 years ago

@morpheus “not many women are meeting the bar of actually being physically enough attractive to those “losers” to make a better alternative to porn” lol. My guy there are tons of young hot 20 somethings that take pride in their appearance and hence put a LOT of effort to look beautiful. Pull an hb7+ back her place and you’ll see. Just because youre not meeting them doesn’t mean there aren’t many girls out there today that are better alternatives to porn. “I’ve been disgusted by how few 6+s I see on Tinder and Bumble and POF compared to the epidemic… Read more »

4 years ago


I’m 45, it’s a whole another population for women 40+. No doubt, there are still plenty of hotties 21-30. Truth is I look really young for 45 and easily routinely pass for early 30s but I’ve learned that doesn’t mean shit for the first pass filter online, the only interest I get from 22-25 are “hookers” looking for sugar daddies. Truth is I need to get my ass out in the real world to some bars with the 20s, and do some approaching.

4 years ago


4 years ago

Women depend on spending a man’s money to drive the economy, so what happens when there is no more man’s money for the whamens to spend?

4 years ago

I am delighted to learn that Novaseeker has a twenty-year-old son who is doing well yet to me his comment reads like a version of ‘man-up and marry them sluts’. On the assumption that things are as bad with young males as he says (I have no idea) then given as the chart at the top of Rollo’s essay shows the educational misery of men, how in tarnation are the 60% of men who do not attend an establishment of tertiary education going to persuade the sixty per cent of women that do as to the viability of themselves as… Read more »

4 years ago

“Is it: that men have stopped dreaming up those clever novels?; cannot get published because they are men? or; are published but being men are not considered eligible for nomination?”


4 years ago

There are several factors here. 1: Confusion and transposition of cause and effect. 2: Intrinsic female solipsism and projection. 3: Narrative no longer lags behind truth. Much of my family is boomers, with younger people mostly absent. This is related and will be mentioned later. Despite being every bit the stereotypical boomers these red pills were semi effective on them or at least they seemed that way. They could very well reset their NPC scripts later. Anyways here is what is going on here. Throughout most of history, until the generation of boomer’s fathers children were assets. At the absolute… Read more »

DR Smith
DR Smith
4 years ago

Well, college is not working out so good for womez , either, as majority of them are un-marriageable today. Of course, that kind of truth will never make it in the lame stream media nowadays. Men are not impressed by how many university degrees a woman has or how much money she makes…we care about will she be a good mother, can she take care of a household, can and will she cook and bake more than once or twice a year? Will she be reasonable with the family money?? I’m just glad I did get married when I was… Read more »

DR Smite
DR Smite
4 years ago

IN case anyone is wondering, I meant these 40 to 50 something womez will be voting to keep current POTUS, not for the Cuckservative party that had become the Republicans party in the states. Rollo is correct, and if you go over to VoxDay, he says the same thing – not a lot of difference today between the liberal Dems and a lot of “so-called” self identified conservatives…..they all seem to believe in the lie that is feminism. No wonder so many believe in a global cabal controlling things, as it would explain how two supposedly different political ideologies could… Read more »

4 years ago


Voting for a different master is still having a master.

That shit is a non-factor smokescreen. Disney.

4 years ago

I was gonna edit in one other remark but the edit timer ran out. Marriage is purely beneficial for females. All outcomes including complete failure give her what she wants – resources. Complete failure can and often does give her more resources so she deliberately arranges it. Things like morality or thoughts of the father and family are not considerations here. It is all her her her. All of those benefits come at the expense of men. Marriage as a “stabilizing force” is no exception. In short slaves are stable for society and won’t burn the village so they can… Read more »

4 years ago

@ Morpheus If all you’re bringing to the table is money, I would agree with you, but if a guy has any two of the three, then that I believe changes everything. Of course if he has all three, he pretty much can have any that are available. I’ve never had a lot of money, but my wife has always thought I looked hot, even now at 63. Enough so that we have seven children together, and have been married for 43 years. Even if you’re right, that doesn’t change the point that all sex is a transaction whether it… Read more »

4 years ago

Just stay away from tinder and all feminine frame devices.

DR Smith
DR Smith
4 years ago

@ Novaseeker- You are partially correct; many so called “men” under 40 suck nowadays. I see it everyday at my office, where the women look, act and sound tougher than most to the men there….heck, even my Millennial supervisor companies that his wife is a strong demanding type that will not listen to him. Go figure, when he looks I used when I was 12 years old….narrow, weak shoulders, no chest definition, skinny stick legs. However, you are oversimplifying things a bit. It is not entirely the mens’ fault; to wit: -Many of these men don’t grow up to be… Read more »

4 years ago

@DR Smite They’re not different and are two sides of the same uniparty coin. Imagine a boat with its anchor down. It will still move where it wants but slower and with the potential for damaging the craft. The left is the boat, the right is the anchor. They don’t actually conserve anything except money. That is the American political system. Discussing the political leaning of females is pointless though as they are all in the “I want resources” party. For unmarried females this means the left, so they get resources from other men. For married ones this means the… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago

Historically, in tougher times, men understood their burden of performance.

They may not have known it as such, but they had to work, and own their failures more transparently.

Your scope is too narrow. Historically in tougher times men have been enslaved…

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago

“Johann Liebert”

From an young age, I’ve been hearing that America arrives first at the Future.


Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago

Women depend on spending a man’s money to drive the economy, so what happens when there is no more man’s money for the whamens to spend?

Re-read the OP. Your knowledge base is out of date.

Single women will drive the economy in the next decade and savvy businesses are already planning on exploiting this demographic.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago

Yesterday by happenstance I came across the site setting out the awards winners and nominees in the Mystery writers association. The awards go back to the 90s.

The Hugo award goes back to the 1950’s. Search on the last 4 years of nominees.

Opus, you’ve heard of women’s ingroup preference, and I’m sure you’ve seen it in action (the “queen bee” office manager who has only female and homosexual male underlings), why are you surprised it also affects literature?

Men and boys hardly read at all now, because reasons.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago

Just stay away from tinder and all feminine frame devices.

School is mandatory in all states, and many have made kinder & pre kinder mandatory.
It’s the law that beginning at the age of 4 boys must be placed into the female frame.

Paging John Taylor Gatto…

4 years ago

“It is really hard to “just get it” when you have no frame of reference,”

You look around you and disbelieve what everyone else tells you.

“and even if you got it, you are trampled down so much you can barely breathe.”

lol @ pussies

4 years ago

““and even if you got it, you are trampled down so much you can barely breathe.”

lol @ pussies”

The writer of Proverbs put it a little nicer, “The fear of man is a snare.”

Be zero fucks given whether or not people show you respect or like you. If men disrespect you, return it 100 fold. If people show you that they like you, be careful about returning the favor lest you get trapped.

This is true for both men and women, except you return expressions of dislke when women disrespect you.

4 years ago

“Single women will drive the economy in the next decade and savvy businesses are already planning on exploiting this demographic.” Probably true but this is still a massive shrinkage. 85% of consumer spending is females. Will they get 85% of the money on their own without stealing it from men? Can they even? Even purely meritocratic environments still have men outperforming because they take more and/or higher value clients. About the only exceptions are the ones their tits help with, such as waitresses and pizza delivery. Most companies have < 3% profit margins. The real reason for all of the… Read more »

4 years ago

doesn’t change the point that all sex is a transaction whether it be with the hot guy, because she wants his genes, or the beta guy because she wants his money. Yes, but the quality/type of the sex is vastly different as between those two “transactions”. In the first case, it’s a deeply visceral/evolutionary drive — it’s raw lust and desire, and it leads to lust/desire sex. That is what the desire for male genes manifests itself as — female lust. This is because what she desires is evolutionary/physical/sexual — it is intrinsic to the sex act itself (gene transmission),… Read more »

4 years ago

The minute I discovered the red pill two years ago, I went and have a vasectomy. I have a daughter that is being raised by her single mother who has a child before I met her. Damn, I did not even noticed I was being cuckold as I did not know better. The red pill really save my life. Rollo’s work is precious. I have rejected the other child and now taking care of my daughter only. Now I see everything through the red pill lens I use “the medium is the message”, “frame control”, and “NEXT” mainly to satisfied… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago

Anon . 85% of consumer spending is females. Will they get 85% of the money on their own without stealing it from men? Yes. This is already happening in the under 30 age group, where female STEM grads are paid more than males; where it is all but impossible for a male geological engineer to get hired at all because “diversity”, etc. Can they even? Even purely meritocratic environments still have men outperforming because they take more and/or higher value clients. There are no pure meritocratic environments. About the only exceptions are the ones their tits help with, such as… Read more »

4 years ago

Yo SJW bride’s so fat, she didn’t just marry an alpha, she swallowed the whole alphabet.
They aren’t just going home in a limo, they’re gonna jump on a double chinook.

4 years ago

Doesn’t matter.

Money ain’t the real issue. It’s a buffer.

4 years ago

“Yes. This is already happening in the under 30 age group, where female STEM grads are paid more than males; where it is all but impossible for a male geological engineer to get hired at all because “diversity”, etc.” Paid more yes. Are they paid more than 667% more? Because that’s what they’d need so they have 85% of the money or more. It’s certainly possible things will go that way mostly from men checking out but it’s not there yet and probably won’t get there because females don’t have the stress tolerances for these sorts of things, that’s why… Read more »

4 years ago

“having lasted 350 million years.”


Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago

Money ain’t the real issue. It’s a buffer.

So? Sure looks significant to a lot of people, doesn’t it?

4 years ago

Dear Rollo,

I’m a research scientist at MIT and this week Prof. Richard Stallman resigned under pressure due to an email he sent on an email group. Most details can be found online, and the facts speak for themselves (even in opinionated articles).

The Village came together in hundreds and called for his removal. The key phrases were “problematic viewpoint” and “how dare he question the story of a survivor”. It was a witch-hunt.

Reason and free speech are no match for the Village. It seems every article and video is bashing him. Any of us could be next.

4 years ago

The article is fascinating to me because I don’t even understand which women they are the writing about? Let’s be real here. The vast majority of American women ages 18 to about 29 are NOT IN THE LEAST BIT INTERESTED in marriage, family, children. And they most certainly do not want to become a wife. In fact, if you ask them, the DON’T WANT ANYTHING to do with that. That’s all tomorrow-land stuff. These girls are freaking busy!!! They have degrees to earn, careers to start, student debt to pay off, shoes and handbags to buy online, rosters of strange… Read more »

4 years ago

Isn’t the headline pic of Cory worthington Aka your “Aloha budda) about to marry that ugly fat bush pig?

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago

NovaSeeker The issue is that women are by and large right in that there are no good men around. The problem isn’t women — women are being themselves. The problem is men — men today, by and large, suck, period. Most men are lazy, worthless and weak Lol! Feel the hand of the FI pressing hard on you? Or are you talking your book; now that your own frivorce has receded in the rear view mirror, and you’ve been running Game all around the Imperial capitol, spinning plates here and there, suddenly you’re the only real man in the room?… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago

DR Smith
N case anyone is wondering, I meant these 40 to 50 something womez will be voting to keep current POTUS, not for the Cuckservative party that had become the Republicans party in the states.

The married ones probably, the single ones probably not, but who cares? Read the OP again, this is a large social-economic current, like a rip tide at the beach. Little bubbles of one election are not relevant.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago

Woops! Looks like the Antonio Brown show is over.


4 years ago

Yes, but the quality/type of the sex is vastly different as between those two “transactions”. True, nevertheless, it’s not like she doesn’t make a deliberate choice, especially if she’s married. I’m not disagreeing, I just want to make sure no one thinks that just because she has the tingles for a guy means she couldn’t help jumping his bones. I’ve had both over the course of my marriage (validational and transactional). Just because of her cycle, in marriage, your not going to get hot monkey sex very week. I don’t think many married guys are gonna be wiling to wait… Read more »

Yollo Comanche
Yollo Comanche
4 years ago

@Anonymous reader “Lol! Feel the hand of the FI pressing hard on you? Or are you talking your book; now that your own frivorce has receded in the rear view mirror, and you’ve been running Game all around the Imperial capitol, spinning plates here and there, suddenly you’re the only real man in the room? Suddenly you forget all of what is done to boys and young men, and expect them to Just Get It when a woman snaps her fingers, what’s up with that? Seriously, unless you’re working on a vitae to get a job with mainstream media, your… Read more »

4 years ago


You’re a good guy and all, but sometimes you sound a bit daft when you try to hard to defend men under all circumstances all the time, particularly the young men. That’s a huge part of the problem when people want to excuse shitty behaviors, and it’s why it’s harder to pry grown motherfuckers away from the apron strings of the super Nanny state.

No need to stoop to masculinity shaming.

Yollo Comanche
Yollo Comanche
4 years ago


No. Grown motherfuckers are being raised to be dependant on the state, not knowing any different, and other grown ass motherfuckers are enjoying the puerile glee of lording their progress over the rest of the mouth-breathing chaff.

Someone has to play daddy.

If you want to relieve the state of doing that, someone has to suffer the cringy task of retraining proper masculinity that is free of gynocentric editing.

4 years ago

Due a circumstances (criminal history, etc.) I make very little money. I wouldn’t be considered “marriageable” yet I find myself seeking a wife. Just about any girl I meet will make much more money than me. Leveraging game and looks I could probably find an attractive partner but I wouldn’t feel like a man being dependent on a woman’s income. It flips the natural order of things. How would you deal with this problem?

4 years ago

“Due a circumstances (criminal history, etc.) I make very little money. I wouldn’t be considered “marriageable” yet I find myself seeking a wife. Just about any girl I meet will make much more money than me. Leveraging game and looks I could probably find an attractive partner but I wouldn’t feel like a man being dependent on a woman’s income. It flips the natural order of things. How would you deal with this problem?” For starters quit thinking with your mindset already predisposed to be in her Frame. Why would you have to be dependent on her income? Are you… Read more »

4 years ago

“ Are you not living off your own income now?”

I am. I like my job and consider my life ideal. Wouldn’t really want to change anything except for being single. You make a good point though.

4 years ago

“@ Novaseeker- You are partially correct; many so called “men” under 40 suck nowadays. I see it everyday at my office, where the women look, act and sound tougher than most to the men there….heck, even my Millennial supervisor companies that his wife is a strong demanding type that will not listen to him.” —— What’s funny about much of this is that it’s like being in a girls locker room, only it’s a bunch of males. Sheesh, talk about giant shit test. Why fret and worry about what women are stating publicly about men? Ya’ll should be LOL’ing at… Read more »

4 years ago

“Just about any girl I meet will make much more money than me. Leveraging game and looks I could probably find an attractive partner”

Jeremy Meeks Game
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Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago

They don’t “dismount” the cock carousel voluntarily.

It ejects them at a certain stage.

Yeah it’s supposed to be like this 4-evah:
comment image?w=618&h=335&crop=1

But time reveals all…
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The Silver FoX
The Silver FoX
4 years ago

@ Nova “The basic advice is always the same. Get up off your ass. Discipline yourself. Get goals. Devise a plan from A to B goal. And start working. Work hard, at everything — money, muscles, social skills — work tirelessly at all of it. Improve yourself constantly. Stop being so lazy. Stop playing video games. Stop watching porn. Stop being resentful of women, because they are better at adapting than men are. Get up off your ass and make something of yourself, you lazy motherfucker!” Definitely the right advice. There are a lot of males but very few men… Read more »

4 years ago

I was wondering the very same thing . Why all the downvotes on solid , basic advice?

4 years ago

Suddenly you forget all of what is done to boys and young men, and expect them to Just Get It when a woman snaps her fingers, what’s up with that? Where did I say that? Look, young men face challenges. I know that, I have a son who is a young man. What you need to do is wake the fuck up and do the fuck something about them. Everyone, including my son, gets the same indoctrination. Not everyone reacts the same way. I am saying this: don’t be passive, don’t play games and watch porn and “satisfice” your career.… Read more »

4 years ago

“women’s complaint would shift from being about a lack of good men to being that men will not commit”

lol. Nova. The “where the good men at” meme isn’t about the lack of masculine men/bad boys (they fuck those guys during their prime years). The complaint is about where are those “good men” they ignored/friendzoned, now that they are past their prime and ready to settle down.
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4 years ago

one more meme
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lol. Aight I’m out!

4 years ago

lol. Nova. The “where the good men at” meme isn’t about the lack of masculine men/bad boys (they fuck those guys during their prime years). The complaint is about where are those “good men” they ignored/friendzoned, now that they are past their prime and ready to settle down. The complaint Rollo’s talking about in his OP is that there aren’t enough men who are worth marrying, from an economic perspective, not that the men who are worth marrying from that perspective are on strike. In any case, I am not advocating becoming a BB. I am advocating TOTALMAX approach. But… Read more »

Yollo Comanche
Yollo Comanche
4 years ago


But the issue Rollo is talking about, and what the article he cites is talking about, isn’t that the “good men won’t marry us” it’s that “all the men around me aren’t worth marrying”

And you believe that as written?

4 years ago

We are about to live through a very terrible time when the massive glut of millennial women are gonna pass through their mid to late 30s and hit the wall full speed ahead. These articles popping up are just the beginning. Honestly, I don’t see the women’s behavior or the men’s behavior out of the ordinary. For women it’s always about something better and men have had enough years of seeing the results of modern families to understand what’s happening. The very rational risk vs reward calculus kicks in and you understand there is no value in marriage. I have… Read more »

4 years ago

And you believe that as written?

Yep. Most men are total crap and not worth marrying. As I said above. Did I stutter or something?

Men don’t like being held to account, I get it. I couldn’t care less. I’m not saying men need to marry, I’m saying most men under 40 are not worth marrying, period.

4 years ago

There is much, much more at play than simply “men aren’t ‘marriageable’ because they don’t earn as much as women”. The study (and “society” at large) assumes that men’s only potential contribution as a marriage partner is economic. What about all the screeching about men needing to pick up more of the “mental load”, do more around the house (heh, “chore-play”), be more involved in childrearing, and be more “emotionally available”? Apparently, none of those really matter. The mask has slipped, and it essentially boils down to a man being a walking ATM. The opposite side of the coin is… Read more »

4 years ago

Lol. I’m not sure what’s going on here. I don’t know if it’s a lot of reflexive defensiveness or a true misunderstanding about some of the characteristics men have adopted recently that makes them less of a man, hence ” unmarriagable ” or more simply, unattractive ( not just looks ). It’s a very bad sign it younger men aren’t capable of seeing what it is about themselves that’s unmanly and just basically fucked up.😂 Yes, yes thousand times yes, lazy assed drunken immature game playing porn watching weak fucking males are a bad thing when that becomes an acceptable… Read more »

4 years ago

Mineter The narrative is false from the get go. You don’t listen to what women say. You don’t seem their opinions. That’s how you wind up with shit like ” chore -play ” in the first place. You don’t look to women for guidance on being a man. So ” studies ” usually miss the mark at identifying the causes and instead focus on end results, and that’s bad data. So nobody with sense is saying ” what can I do to be marriageable “, but how can I maximize my natural born abilities as a man . Life simply… Read more »

4 years ago

I agree wholeheartedly, Blax. Men who can’t or won’t get their shit together are certainly duds, be it for marriage or any other reason. Come the Apocalypse (Zombie, financial, societal, religious, whatever), would you want to have one by your side? I am disgusted by men who are incompetent. Ones that can’t change a tyre, fix a leaking tap, cook etc. I’m sure women feel the same, if not worse. I am disgusted by men who are cowardly, who won’t speak up for themselves. (I’m not talking about being a White Knight for some damsel in distress). I’m sure women… Read more »

4 years ago

Accountability is unpopular.

The cry of ” accept me as I am!!!! ” is more suited to the LGBTQXYZ set. Men that make no effort aren’t suppose d to reap benefits. A man has to build himself from the first steps he takes onward. Even babies go from crawling to walking to running. Progression is natural.

Everything of worth costs something. Worthlessness is free of charge and the easiest thing to do. No points for that, no matter how many excuses one can stack up in defense of it.

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