The Existential Fear – Men

You need to understand WOMEN HATE BETAS in fact they hate them so much that they would prefer to work soul destroying jobs to support themselves than attach themselves to a Beta provider that wants to fuck them and impregnate them with his shitty beta genetics.

Incubus Rising

This was a comment that I meant to include in last week’s essay, but I’m glad I saved it for today’s article. It serves as a good starting point for men’s Existential Fear. If there’s one buzz-term that’s been bandied around by women since the rise of feminism it is “fear“. Men fear this. Men fear that. Men feel “threatened” by a strong woman. More recently it’s, “Men fear working with women today over concerns of workplace sexual misconduct.” So, I want to state here from the outset that I’m using the term fear in both these essays for lack of a better one. But what really gets the point across?

“Rollo, why does it destroy my soul to imagine my ex-wife / ex-girlfriend banging another man? I can’t sleep because I’m imagining her giving up herself sexually to a new guy.”

Some variation of this question is something I get a lot from guys I counsel who are going through a breakup or divorce. Sometimes it’s from men who’ve been separated from the woman for a long time. This is to be expected from Blue Pill conditioned men, but even guys who are Red Pill Aware will still feel the rage of infidelity even after the breakup has been official for years. Guys will tell me they wont even go out socially or associate with friends so as not to be in the same space as their ex for fear that they would do something rash if they saw her with another guy. There’s just something in their DNA that’s unsettling about imagining their ex giving herself willingly to another man – and they’re conflicted because the fem-centric world tells him he’s “insecure in his masculinity” for his possessiveness.

I can remember the same anxiety after I’d mercifully split from my BPD girlfriend. Even years after it was all over I’d still have nightmarish dreams about her. What the hell was that all about? What is our subconscious trying to get across to us with this?…

“Why am I so jealous and suspicious of my wife / girlfriend cheating on me? Should I feel bad that I root through her texts and IMs? Am I just ‘insecure in my masculinity’ if I feel like that? Why am I so possessive?”

This is another common one I get from men I counsel. I detailed a bit of this in Gut Check. Our subconscious mind has a way of warning us when our ‘aware’ mind is unaware of, or ignoring, the inconsistencies in our peripheral awareness. We’re actually much more aware of our environment than we appreciate, we simply refuse to acknowledge these inconsistencies. More often than not that denial is conditioned into us for purposes that aren’t always in our best interests. And sometimes it’s outright manipulative of male nature.

In Gut Check I related a time in my life where I had instinctively been suspicious of my wife because my instinctual awareness turned on the warning lights in my head. I had no rational reason to believe my wife was cheating on me, but I had a very real, evolutionary, reason that my instinctive mind would be suspicious of infidelity. Millennia of evolution has written anti-cheating failsafes into our mental firmware.

“Why are DNA tests illegal in some countries? Why is it illegal for a doctor or their staff to tell a “father” that the child he thinks is his own really isn’t biologically his? Why do we legally protect women’s cuckoldry?”

More and more we are seeing feminine-primary social conventions and legislation crop up that can only have one purpose – the systemic disempowerment and disenfranchisement of men’s interests in the reproductive process. The cover story for this Removing of the Man from any semblance of reproductive authority is what I call the Cult of the Child. I’ll be publishing a full essay on this soon, but the short version is that anything that serves women’s sexual strategy is always deemed to be “in the best interests of the child.” The interests of children has become the shield of what is really the interests of women’s sexual strategy.

For decades now, feminist ideology has successfully convinced most western societies that what serves the female reproductive interests is always what serves the a child’s interests. Men are superfluous at best, and pose a danger to the child at worst. This presumption is rooted in the Duluth Model of feminism, but women’s sexual strategy always comes at the cost of the reproductive interests of the man/father. I wrote about this in Children of Men. There is an open war on paternity today, but as with all intersexual conflict we need to look deeper to determine what the latent purpose of that conflict is all about. What interests are served in unilaterally disenfranchising men from the reproductive process?

Existential Fear

The answer to all of these questions finds their root in men’s Existential Fear – All men have an evolved need to determine and ensure his paternity.

Ascertaining paternity, and ensuring his parental investment is vested in perpetuating his genetic legacy, is the prime directive of men’s existence. This is a male imperative that virtually all higher order animals share.

Despite what many blank-slate academics still promote, men and women are different. Contemporary thinkers would have us believe the sexes are more alike than not, but the truth of it is we are different in fundamental ways that most equalists are uncomfortable admitting. Yes, we are the same species, but the fact remains that our differences, and in particular our sexual strategies, conflict in profound ways.

The Cardinal Rule of Sexual Strategies:
For one gender’s sexual strategy to succeed the other
gender must compromise or abandon its own.

In last week’s essay I outlined the the Existential Fear women hold in their evolved unconscious – that of the Hypergamous doubt. “Is this guy the best I can do?” is the question that their hindbrains ask. Since the time of the Sexual Revolution, and the systemic Fempowerment that followed, women have collectively used this authority to ensure the preeminence of their sexual strategy (Hypergamy) in our social order. I outlined many of the resulting social changes we see were the result of this in last week’s post, but this preeminence came at the cost of men’s interests and influence in the larger, meta-conflict of the Cardinal Rule of Sexual Strategies.

Men’s evolved reproductive interest is very simple; ensure that the child a woman bears to him is his actually his own. Up until the last 60 or so years patriarchy, true, legitimate patriarchy has always been the order of society. Despite the ignorance of feminists protesting it, patriarchy has been a beneficial aspect of our advancement as a species since we formed tribal hunter-gatherer bands millennia ago. But that patriarchy depended on a simple doubt that formed men’s base sexual strategy – ensure his genes were passed into the next generation.

There are two ways a man can achieve this outcome. In The New Polyandry I explained men’s Strategic Pluralism Theory:

According to strategic pluralism theory (Gangestad & Simpson, 2000), men have evolved to pursue reproductive strategies that are contingent on their value on the mating market. More attractive men accrue reproductive benefits from spending more time seeking multiple mating partners and relatively less time investing in offspring. In contrast, the reproductive effort of less attractive men, who do not have the same mating opportunities, is better allocated to investing heavily in their mates and offspring and spending relatively less time seeking additional mates.

Essentially, men follow an ‘r’ or ‘K’ reproductive strategy according to their (perceived) sexual market value (SMV). Since a majority of men fall on the low SMV side of the reproductive equation social conventions that served those men’s reproductive interests had to be developed and standardized. The resolution of men’s Existential Fear needed to be instituted and standardized to ensure the largest number of men could be relatively certain that the children they sired were indeed their own.

A lot is made of women’s reproductive costs in academia. In a fem-centric social order it pays to focus on women’s suffrage/victimhood narrative. But, men bear reproductive costs in this equation as well. Men’s biological imperative is unlimited access to unlimited sexuality. Our best shot at sending our genes into the next generation is ‘spreading the seed’. Our biological hardware is made to do just this, but there are costs and obstacles to solving the reproductive problem. And the easiest solution for men has always been exercise their direct control over women’s sexual strategy. Imposing our natural strength (in many forms) on women has historically ensured that it’s women who were the ones to compromise their sexual strategy in favor of men.

Patriarchy & Monogamy

Socially enforced monogamy was the least barbaric of those compromises, but in this century destroying that monogamy has been a priority for the Feminine Imperative. In theory, socially enforced monogamy was the most beneficial mating strategy for largest number of (low SMV) men to solve their reproductive problem. But the fact remained that it was still an exercise of control over women’s Hypergamous natures. In essence, monogamy worked for men, and it was beneficial as a compromise in parental investment for women, but it also assumed direct a control over women’s sexual selection process.

Patriarchy and monogamy answered a woman’s Hypergamous doubt for her, and that is the crux of women’s Existential Fear – to have the control of her Hypergamy, her selection process, and ultimately the cost associated with that choice determined for her. This fear is exactly why the primary goal of feminism has always been the maximal unlimiting of women’s sexuality and the maximal restricting of men’s sexuality. It seeks to replace the social-scale compromise of the Cardinal Rule of Sexual Strategies with the total capitulation of the male strategy. Today, the Gynocracy has achieved this almost entirely.

But for one sex’s strategy to succeed, the other’s must be compromised or abandoned. For a gynocentric social order, only men’s abandonment of their own strategy is acceptable – and this abandonment insists men deny the evolved imperative of their own Existential Fear – insisting on paternity.

In the evolved scheme of things men’s reproductive best interest involves sacrifices. When a man commits to parental investment with a woman he takes on sunk cost risks. The time he spends investing himself committed to one woman and the children they produce comes at the cost of reproductive opportunities with other women. Women’s sexual strategy necessitates he compromise or abandon his biological imperative. Naturally, both men and women have adapted ways to circumvent monogamy to optimize their sexual strategies (infidelity, short-term breeding schema), but the basic equation is the same; if a man is invested in one woman it limits him from seeking other (potentially better) reproductive opportunities. If you want to know why Plate Theory irks women so much look no further.

The only way this compromise of sexual strategy can be advantageous to men is if he can be relatively assured that the child he’s raising is his own. This is where men’s Existential Fear of paternity fraud begins. He cedes his own strategy and the sunk opportunity cost for reproduction in exchange for the certainty that he’s invested in a child that bears his name and his blood.

I call this men’s Existential Fear because denying men the certainty of paternity presents the same existential anxieties as a woman’s control of Hypergamous doubt taken from her. Women fear the idea of being forced to birth and raise the child of a suboptimal man not of her choosing, while men fear the idea of being deceived into raising a child not of their own genetic lineage. And until the advent of DNA testing only a woman could be certain that the child was her own.

This is root level stuff here. So important was the determination of paternity for men that an obsessive concern for it was written into our mental firmware. The risks of falling for paternity deception was that important, and the men who evolved this compulsion were selected-for. The reason we Mate Guard, the reason our hindbrains default to jealous suspicions, the reason we cannot bear the thought of another man mating with our woman is rooted in the fear of investing ourselves in a child not our own.

In the previous essay I mentioned the natural revulsion response humans have towards things that are inherently harmful to us. A reservation or revulsion of snakes, spiders, feces, rot and necrosis are part of the evolved firmware we’re born with. I would also argue that the revulsion women feel towards “creepy” (low SMV, Beta) men and the revulsion men feel towards “slutty” women is part of this. Both these revulsions are adaptational protections against our respective Existential Fears. Each represents our Instinctual Interpretive Process letting us know what our ancestors had to avoid.

The Mentor

“But Rollo, isn’t it a noble thing to adopt or mentor a child that is not your own?”

I get this response a lot when I discuss this, and yes, it absolutely can be when the choice to do so is of your own making. In fact, the reason adoption/mentoring seems such a noble undertaking is exactly because it requires a man to repress his natural concern for his ow paternity. Kinship affinity will always play a role in men and women’s relationships with the next generation. Human beings are innately tribal and familial because tribalism promotes the advancement of selected genes. So repressing this innate predisposition is exceptional, maybe even noble depending on the social context, but it is so because it requires a man to ignore his natural wiring. For what it’s worth, I think multi-generational mentorship in Red Pill awareness is going to be a new imperative in the coming decades.

It’s just this pushing past our natural, evolved, concerns about paternity that’s been the operative dynamic of the Feminine Imperative in consolidating power. The human revulsion response can be molded. Usually this is through some form of operant conditioning. Revulsion can even be conditioned to be associated with pleasure. The Feminine Imperative has been remolding men’s evolved need for paternity to its own ends for some time now.

The popularization of ‘Poly Relationships is one of the more recent redirects of men’s paternity need. As I mentioned above, the goal state of the Feminine Imperative is ensuring that women’s sexual strategy – and anything that foments it – is the socially ‘correct‘ imperative. Men must become more like women if they want to be accepted by a social order defined by women’s experiences. Men’s sexual strategy is only acceptable when it serves a woman’s purpose, so men’s existential imperative of ensuring paternity is always going to be in conflict with women’s strategy. A man insisting on his own paternity and the perpetuation of his name is in direct conflict with women ensuring she chooses to breed with the best specimen and be provided for by the best male she can lock down.

This being the mechanics of it, it comes as no surprise that the social conventions of this era encourage men to abandon that evolved need. We make “heroes” of men who marry the single mother and assume the parental investment costs of the man she chose to breed with. A fem-centric society makes this a noble responsibility – “He Manned Up for the loser who wouldn’t take that responsibility” – all while ignoring the simple fact that this ‘hero’ is only completing women’s Hypergamous imperative. And it’s come to the point that a man abandoning his sexual strategy is part of women’s expectations and entitlements of Beta men.

For the men who insist on their own strategy, the message is one of shame. Only a man who’s “insecure in his masculinity” would think that a child would need to be his own. In fact, the very title of “father” is offensive to a social order based fulfilling women’s imperatives. Father’s Day must become, ‘special persons’ day‘. Men should never insist that a wife assume his last name. And of course, DNA testing to determine paternity (even in light of life threatening illness) is to be discouraged if not outlawed.

Now You Know

In The War on Paternity I explored a lot of the ways our feminine-primary social order ensures women’s sexual strategy stays the operative one. Our divorce laws, our child support and custody laws all center on one thing – making sure women’s imperatives supersede men’s need for paternity certainty. Even when a child is not biologically a man’s, he has no right to know the truth, but he has every expectation to be financially and emotionally responsible for the “best interests of the child.”

Going forward I think the Red Pill aware man must embrace his existential need for paternity – and do so fearlessly. If a new beneficent patriarchy is to take root then men will need to reject the social conventions that insist a woman’s sexual strategy be the preeminent one. I think mentorship of the next generations of young men should also be emphasized, but I think this needs to be a conscious decision of the men doing so. Today we have the decision to be a ‘cuckold’ made for us proactively and retroactively by women and a feminine-primary social narrative. If you’re an adoptive father then I salute you, but understand, at least you had the decision to make yourself. Most men’s decisions to be the step-dad only amounts to him acquiescing to supporting the decisions of women. 43% of births today are out of wedlock, either electively or based on a bad decision by that mother. We also call single mothers ‘heroes’.

My advice to men today is to be aware of the game you’re involved in with respect to how your need to know paternity is being used against you. That need is well known to the Feminine Imperative and has always been a threat to its interests. Make your own decisions to mentor based on that knowledge and never marry a single mother. If you do so understand that your sacrifices of this paternity need will never be appreciated by women. You may believe it’s the “right thing to do”, the moral choice, but in doing so you absolve both the woman who made her decision for you and the biological father of their total responsibility (and the underlying evolutionary reasons) to consequences of that decision.


WOMEN HATE BETAS in fact they hate them so much that they would prefer to work soul destroying jobs to support themselves than attach themselves to a Beta provider that wants to fuck them and impregnate them with his shitty beta genetics.

Are you really willing to accept that your paternity need counts for so little? Are you willing to accept this truth and fulfill a woman’s life strategy in spite of it because you believe it’s your moral imperative to do so?

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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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5 years ago

ex-cartoonist that’s an interesting analysis of Die Hard. However I’m not sure if you’re accurate in your assessment of who is Alpha or Beta. Alpha vs Beta is subjective and subject to much individual interpretation. Still, why do you think Hans Gruber is Beta? Because he’s somewhat slightly built, with a cultured accent and given to snarkiness? And why are his men (other than computer geek) Alphas? Purely because they are muscular ex-soldiers? And McClane Beta? Its been a while since I’ve seen the movie, but I remember him being pretty Alpha (other than maybe that letter to his wife).… Read more »

5 years ago

“Star Wars – the Force Awakens and how the film rewrote the whole mythos to promote the Female Imperative.”
” I’m wondering whether it acts as a necessary first step . . .”

See The Last Jedi for the answer.

5 years ago

@ CSI I accept your point that my definitions of Alpha and Beta are entirely subjective. In terms of movie archetypes, I grew up with John Wayne, Gary Cooper and James Bond on TV as the Alpha Male ideal—the one who always fought the bad guys and ended up with the beautiful girl(s). When I was old enough to see grown-up films, Sylvester Stallone and Arnie were the alpha standard, at least in movie terms. I can still remember the discussion in 1989 around Bruce Willis being an ‘action hero’ when Die Hard was first released; everyone was surprised how… Read more »

5 years ago

they hate them so much that they would prefer to work soul destroying jobs to support themselves than attach themselves to a Beta provider that wants to fuck them

it’s not hate, but disgust…it takes a while for the disgust to be generated…when men pedestalize women, women eventually find pedestalization disgusting…women want men who are the prize–women don’t want to be the prize…so hypergamy is activated by the disgust and women seek better options…

5 years ago

I grew up with John Wayne, Gary Cooper and James Bond on TV as the Alpha Male ideal.

Don’t forget Roger Moore–Simon Templar was socially polished, yet dangerous.

Yul Brynner was the pinnacle of alpha in my book, though Sean Connery ran a close second. Presence.

Mrs. Gamer drooled over James Claviezel in “The Count of Monte Cristo”…a psychopathic killer, although charming and socially dominant.

5 years ago

@Blax: I don’t think I was your “target audience” for the questions but here it goes. Question for younger dudes ( Younger=less than 40 years old ), do you have a sense of existential fear about family/children, or is it something that’s just never on your radar at all? No “fear”, but I am aware that I am atypical. I don’t want kids and I probably should divorce at some stage. I don’t fear being alone or dying alone, at least not at the moment. Currently, I do “fear” (or worry about) my wife getting pregnant (by me). Do you… Read more »

5 years ago

@Blax in regard to his questions… 1) Question for younger dudes ( Younger=less than 40 years old ), do you have a sense of existential fear about family/children, or is it something that’s just never on your radar at all? I am 34 and want a family and children, on radar. 2) Do you think beyond today and plan for what you’d like in the future? Do you know how to get it? I think ahead a lot. I have no idea how to go about obtaining this beyond seeing/dating as many women as possible. For example, seeing a 22… Read more »

5 years ago

“Alpha” means whatever inspires genuine, visceral desire in a woman. In Die Hard, Gruber’s soldiers are all big, muscular killers. We can assume they qualify as Alpha. But Hans himself is a classic Dark Triad sociopath. A good looking guy too. Plenty of women would find that very attractive, even if he wasn’t built like a pro wrestler. He qualifies as Alpha. As for McClane, I’m not sure. I think when men naturally decide amongst themselves who will be leader, its not necessarily the strongest. It’ll often be the guy who can outwit and outbluff the others, someone like Hans… Read more »

5 years ago

“Simon Templar was socially polished . . .” In the books he grew into the polish. In his early years (1930s) Templar was very much a diamond in the rough, with an uncertain provenance that was most likely not of the gentry and not at all beyond being more than a bit thuggish. Robin Hood meets Punisher, robbing from the criminal rich, employing less than legal means so considered a criminal himself by the cops (hence the secret identity as the Saint), giving it to the poor – less a 10% “finder’s fee.” After his finder’s fees added up to… Read more »

5 years ago

“This fear is exactly why the primary goal of feminism has always been the maximal unlimiting of women’s sexuality and the maximal restricting of men’s sexuality. It seeks to replace the social-scale compromise of the Cardinal Rule of Sexual Strategies with the total capitulation of the male strategy. Today, the Gynocracy has achieved this almost entirely.”
The more i learn the more i love myself and my need to copy myself and align my though’s and actions.

5 years ago


I see what you’re saying about Hans Gruber. When he was alive, actor Alan Rickman was often featured on these ‘Britain’s sexiest actors’ lists, so yes.

So, if I understand right, at least according to the manosphere:
Alpha is a man who inspires genuine sexual desire in women (and the more women, the more alpha);
Beta is a man who women might consider for transactional sex in exchange for provisioning;
Omega is a man who women don’t want to have sex with under any circumstances.

5 years ago

Incubus_Rising Not sure i meant it to turn into Jordan peterson I take full responsibility for sharing what i have but not for causing change that had the potential to change someone’s life for the better. I had a nightmare last evening about Blake and Patrick back in 2016 they died 2 mouths apart and how much ive grown and changed and how much i have a new lust for life. I have no intention of bothering anyone or changing anyone. Just myself the best i can and erasing the parts of the story that don’t add to me as… Read more »

5 years ago


For the limited purpose those are workable definitions…

For what IS Alpha… Consider

5 years ago

Cartoonist — An Alpha is a man a woman needs to fuck, no matter what. Circumstances, marriage, kids, no matter what — she needs to fuck him, she desires him, and will bend the earth to fuck him. A beta is a man a woman will fuck as a part of a package deal — she may not see it as “transactional” in her head, she just sees him as “attractive enough to fuck” due to non-urgent factors. It isn’t pure desire, but it’s multi-faceted attraction, and sex is a part of the deal. The difference between a beta and… Read more »

5 years ago

Great article. In this post shouldn’t it say “assumed a direct control” instead of “assumed direct a control over women’s sexual selection process”

5 years ago

In the most low-income and dire of neighborhoods, I would say the quote below from this post is not even true for women to know who the actual father is. See Maury Povich show with it’s daily DNA testing results. Some single moms need several DNA tests to finally figure out who the actual father is, lol. These of course are the most daddy issue of daddy issue damaged females. It’s quite sad actually and everyone loses in the end with higher taxes and crime. “And until the advent of DNA testing only a woman could be certain that the… Read more »

5 years ago

With 43% (and rising) of children born to mothers outside of wedlock, there will only be more generations of broken families spawned. This ensures more people are dependent on big daddy government for handouts. This results in more low-income families needing their government to survive and ensures a lifetime of loyal and subservient democratic votes in the USA. There isn’t going to be any chance of an uprising or protest against big daddy govt when you need it to feed your kids. That’s exactly what they want. Loyal slaves. Not even wage slaves, a next level down is what they… Read more »

5 years ago

….22 trillion in debt.

Poor you say?😁

Turn off big daddy credit if you really want to see a decline. 30 year mortgages. 7 year car loans. Working to pay debt.

Always look at the landscape from 30 thousand feet.

5 years ago

“if a man is invested in one woman it limits him from seeking other (potentially better) reproductive opportunities.”
Of course being able to seek and get other potentially better women serves our sexual strategy and acts as a check on hypergamy.

5 years ago

Despite the overarching gynocentric paradigm, and over whelming capitulation by men. At least the overriding truth is that biology, that is nature, can’t be defeated. Men must must stop lying to themselves and stop giving women soft landing especially if they are on the path to mastery. Never apologize for being a man and getting your needs met. The while world can never become fully redpill – nature & anthropology has evolved betas for a reason. But if more men can be red pill aware, with a demonstrate don’t explicate mindset, this I think is the best outcome. For me… Read more »

5 years ago

Forgive the typos

5 years ago

@Incubus Rising – “And you now want to play YODA in your spare time.” Yup. But at this point, @Blax is so invested in his own “story” that he’ll never change. And as far as it goes, sure, some of his stories are fun to read. And he’s definitely a “natural alpha” so men here should learn from him. But not based on what he says, rather on what he does here. He never surrenders frame. He never doubts himself. And he seems to be his own MPOO. But the analyses he offers? Pseudo-intellectual nonsense for the most part. If… Read more »

5 years ago

Re: Fear – Note that Rollo mentions early in the essay that “fear” isn’t quite the descriptor he’s looking for but then reverts to calling it fear for the rest of the essay. I’ve been contemplating this question since the first post and I believe I’ve figured out what’s missing from that construction. Game theory explains a lot of behavior when properly applied. I think it’s better to say that one of man’s primary objectives at a visceral, instinctive level is paternal certainty. That desire doesn’t arise from a fear but can easily generate fear due to not being able… Read more »

5 years ago

@Incubus Rising – I’ll let you take on the OMG coffee klatch going on here for a while, you are doing a great job at it. My two cents? You are talking about ultimate causes, not proximate causes. I will tell you also that part of why I became more of a pussyhound after taking the Red PIll was due to me becoming very honest with myself about what I actually wanted sexually. Being single (unlike the OMGs here), I had no need to restrain my libido and discovered that of course, I wanted to fuck young hotties. I just… Read more »

5 years ago

“And the easiest solution for men has always been exercise their direct control over women’s sexual strategy.”

In some instances the illusion of control.

A woman who truly wants a man will censor her own hypergamous instincts for him.

5 years ago

Why should a man learn of his partner’s penchant for infidelity after a year together, when he could as easily know about it on the day they first met. Whether he chooses to ignore that information on account she’s sure thing is another matter entirely.

I personally wouldn’t want men to control a woman’s sexual strategy as it’s better for men to see women for what they are (or at least could be).

5 years ago

@Scibb: The one thing I like about Rollo’s work is that he believes in “no prescriptions”. And I stick to that principle myself. I do not believe in having long drawn out debates and splitting hairs on matters of low importance – “Is John Mclain an Alpha or a Beta?” I DON’T GIVE A FUCK. I do not have the time or patience to dabble in this sort of nonsense, because John Mclain is a fictional character and none of the readers here will ever find themselves hanging outside the window on 57th floor of a burning skyscraper. Young men… Read more »

Not Born This Morning
5 years ago

Have you read this?

Great article partly about what can be accurately described as Post Modern Puritanism.

Read the article, Think. Think. Think. We, are really discussing a neurosis. Group neurosis. Mass neurosis. The “Red Pill” is an antidote for one neurosis, but, exclusive consideration of it and, God forbid, addiction to it only swaps one neurosis for another, one addiction for another. The Red Pill has a dangerous side effect because it does cure one ailment but also delivers its own “mind virus”.

5 years ago

@Scribb: There is nothing wrong in being a “pussy hound” or chasing HB 8, 9 or whatever. It is your sexual strategy and you have every right to pursue it. More power to you. And you do not need to justify it by having a “higher purpose”.

Not Born This Morning
5 years ago

Dr. Veissière expresses some valid points. But…. he also goes off the deep end into bullshit by (among other things) more than suggesting that gender fluid persons may be great leaders due to their gender fluidity. Pretty extreme and one cannot help but realize Veissière is too much a weakling to rebuke his colleagues and the superstitious mind viruses of his own ilk.

5 years ago

Okay. I wasn’t ever going to comment on this particular subject path again, but what the fuck – one last thing ( because I can’t stand the misunderstanding/crying shit ) I have never seen anyone ‘ SHAMED ” here. That stance is telling as fuck. Why do you feel ” shamed ” if a grown ass man suggests that you not get too hung up in a singular pursuit and endlessly go on and on and on about how any bitch happens to look? Seriously? All of the ” hawt chick. hawt chick waaahhhhhh…hawt chick…I only want a hawt chick… Read more »

5 years ago

They squat here day after day splitting hair, dabbling in semantics…

I’m anti-Semantic.

5 years ago

All of the ” hawt chick. hawt chick waaahhhhhh…hawt chick…I only want a hawt chick ” shit is weak and beta as all get out. And that’s not shaming. Men don’t shame. Correction is taken under advisement and either accepted or rejected – simple – bitches complain that they are being ” shamed “.

Blax, you’re such a bully! Rollo needs to create a safe space for young PUAs. lol

5 years ago


“Young men face some very hard challanges in the SMP which the OMGs did not have to face. ”

Such as what? You know guys who were married at birth?

Yareally left when he got called out on things he had no experience in.

It’s always amusing when guys short out because the comments aren’t exactly what they want… Boo fucking hoo…

5 years ago

asd I’m NOT anti-pua at all. What I am is tired of the constant insinuations that ” OMG’s ” shame younger/pua types solely because one questions them. I’ve never studied pua ( other than what Ya and Sentient pointed me to ), but there’s a theme driven by the internets of the downtrodden and shamed pua for wanting high HB women and it’s seen as an attack of sorts. Question=attack/shaming. Look, I don’t care what another man does with his penis, right? Lol. I care more when same guy keeps going on forever about what he does with his penis,… Read more »

5 years ago

“They are too easily led towards wasting time in trivial pursuits”. “All of the ” hawt chick. hawt chick waaahhhhhh…hawt chick…I only want a hawt chick ” shit is weak and beta as all get out”. The pursuit of attractive women is trivial = do something else with your life. Cause wanting to fuck girls most guys can’t SNL is beta as fuck. That’s basically what your saying. I will. If this shit gets boring then I’ll stop. (I just so happen to like this hobby and discussing it with other guys who are passionate about it (on other forums))… Read more »

5 years ago

” That’s basically what your saying.”

There you go. I said what I meant to say. Don’t read into it.

5 years ago


“Just harder than before.”

You might be surprised… Feminism been going strong since the 60s.

And today sex outside a commited relationship is a given.

Women are still women. That blade has two edges.

You are veering into Yareally territory. We know how that ends.

5 years ago

Bullshit in the discussion. Old guys not having had or currently having significant barriers to getting to where they want to be is the biggest crock. The only reason someone like me would have an issue with guys like J. is everything else besides getting laid. He’s the first to worry about when he is 50 yrs. old. And he should be. It’s as if he has no uncles as mentors, knowing his current station in life. (And neither do we know his current situ. That’s important.) We all know what is going on here. I’m incapable of explaining it.… Read more »

5 years ago

this is what most guys my age doing right now


5 years ago


30 years ago they were pretty much doing the same thing. Single guys are single for reasons.

5 years ago
5 years ago

Damn Sentient.

I was reading the wiki page and I got to the Music part and saw Helen Reddy ” I am Woman ” shit that I spent good time erasing from my memory banks, even though I was 11 at the time.

Old guys might remember ” bra burnings ” in real time, or the constant commercials about women smoking and drinking and bringing home the bacon…..

… lol, I still remember the awful thing that happened to my mom when she donned a pair of ” hot pants “. My dad turned them into breakaway shorts.

5 years ago
5 years ago

“Feminism been going strong since the 60s”. Feminism isn’t the name of the founder that created Bumble,Tinder, Instagram, and Snapchat. On the previous OP, Morpheus said this (which YaReally observed 3 years ago): “That said, one new phenonemon I think I am seeing in 2019 vs say 2005 is the presence of online dating apps gives many women a strong sense of FOMO and that a “better” guy is always out there. I think before online apps fostered a delusion and illusion of “unlimited choice” many women had a better grip on reality that “no, I really can’t do better… Read more »

5 years ago

Feminism been going strong since the 60s. Third Wave Feminism been going strong since the 60s, before I reached puberty. Young men face some very hard challanges in the SMP which the OMGs did not have to face. I’m autistic. Do you realize how stupid your statement seems to me? I still have to work to look people in the eye, and I was trained to do that. I’m pretty good at hiding my autism, but it takes work and doesn’t ever really get easy. I have to work to not talk about my obsessions when I’m out. What young… Read more »

5 years ago

Bumble,Tinder, Instagram, and Snapchat.

Zero impact on cold approach. Cold approach has always been hard.

Maybe young men have been protected too much from bullying and they’ve been coddled, so they aren’t tough.

5 years ago

Calling out these OMGs for their bullshit and incessent shaming (yes, shaming) of younger men is not playing a victim. I dont need no muh life! or muh slavery! Victim card. I do not need anybody’s agreement on this topic.i speak for myself and any young lurker who may shy away from asking any pertinent questions from the fear of these OMGs shaming him for not having a “higher purpose”. Any guy talking about a challange he is facing is branded with the term beta. Who the hell are these beta males who have married single mothers to call others… Read more »

5 years ago

that’s what with his lifetime 2 N count, keeps on about his ‘darwin winner’ shaming and his ‘sexually transmitted disease’ shaming.

It’s not shaming on my end. The fact is, if you don’t have offspring, you are a darwin award candidate.

And if you consider prudent policies to be shaming, I don’t know what to say.

5 years ago

Off-topic website suggestion. Don’t know if it’s been suggested already but the new comments font is tiny compared to the font size of the main article and very hard to read personally. I know i could zoom in but then I’d have to zoom out each time on all my other pages. Maybe making the fonts the same size for legibility and ease-of-use might be a good idea.

5 years ago

Hmmm. Never heard the ” calling out omg’s on their bullshit ” line before. How original. Life. Live it or die son. Bottom line? This isn’t lookisms or asf( whatever ) or a Reddit pua site. Go there with your twisted panties if you’re trying to get traction with your ” muh desires ” stuff. Your desires are yours. The proprietor here is an ” omg “. Has he ever cosigned the constant semi worship of pussy? I get it. Something was amiss in your life, and pussy set everything right. It’s the answer to eternal questions. Nah, it borders… Read more »

5 years ago

Predictable lightweight shitheel.😂

5 years ago

J You don’t have to compete with tinder and all that stuff. It’s a choice one makes to put themselves in a woman’s frame by doing so. If you choose to do that, don’t complain that it’s ” harder “. Earlier I was watching Rollo interview that Tate fellow, and one of the last things Rollo said was along the lines of ” …Go meet women face to face, he original and they’ll love it ” ( paraphrasing). The same thing I’ve been saying here for years. Choice. If everything was so different, if everything had actually changes biologically, you… Read more »

5 years ago


Use the jab to set up the right hook. Attack the body. The straight right down the pipe is paying off. Keep tagging the body and the head will soon follow.

“Who the hell are these fuckers who have not pulled in decades to have authority over other men who go out and make it work for themselves in the real fucking world? Who the hell are these nagging bitches who squat here for years telling others to “get the hell outta here”?

Looks as though you found the sweet spot.

As you were Champ.

5 years ago

Being over 50, I suppose that makes me an OMG (whatever that means). But reading the ‘debate’, it strikes me that there is a difference in values at the root of it. Reading PUA material makes me think of my old attitude to poker. In that, I used to believe poker was a game of luck, but when I actually learned about it (mostly via my son) I realised it was absolutely a game of skill. And that being a good poker player was possible for anyone prepared to spend the time and energy learning those skills. But not every… Read more »

5 years ago


I never read all the post on here and hadn’t paid much mind to everything Incubus Rising has written. I do like the fact he’s willing to challenge the perceived wisdom of some of the main stays, but the response to yourself was trite and uncalled for.

I like your chess analogy in reference to your family life. Very apt.

5 years ago

Ahhh such a satisfying hobby 🙂

5 years ago

J “gives many women a strong sense of FOMO and that a “better” guy is always out there.” Please. The problem with Yareally was at the core he wasn’t very educated and had a very narrow perspective of the past based largely on his imagination. Why does Rollo refer to “open” Hypergamy? Hint – because Hypergamy has always existed… Do you recall the fable of Cinderella? All women believe a better guy may be out there. Did you read Existential Fear ffs? Dust bowl girls in the 30s… Small town girls in the 50s… Careerist shrikes today. Rachel Maddows girlfriend…… Read more »

5 years ago

Blax “Guys can’t fuck. Guys start fucking. Guys still complain that it’s hard and everything has changed.” Been over this before. It’s ego investment. It has to be hard to reinforce how much better they are… Endemic to PUA mindset. I.e. “playa/slaya” self identity. It’s juvenile obviously. You really only see it from former incels and ironically divorced guys getting back in… Real world guys who are good with women and enjoy women [who arent selling systems etc.] don’t think of themselves this way. [Autist Disclaimer – note tgis comment passes no judgment on an individuals choice to bang one,… Read more »

5 years ago


And THAT is how you do it…!

Fun social guys, good with women, doing what they want to do, free of self applied Playa/Slaya labels…

5 years ago

” . . . shaming him for not having a “higher purpose”.” It isn’t a question of having a higher purpose. It’s a question of having other things to think about and do. Because it is babies all the way down those things all have their ultimate root in getting laid, but can be so many times removed from the root that it occasionally needs pointing out. The Victorian neo-Queen Anne mansion is the human peacock’s tail. No man would ever even dream of building such a ridiculous thing without being under the influence of women. So, he does it… Read more »

5 years ago

“The old friend I was with is 39 and recited a tale of a few years back where he and another guy drove across Europe for 14 days in a 911 with nothing but a toothbrush each and a Sybian in the front boot as a conversation piece and toy. They bought clothes as they went. Between them they banged 30 women in 14 days after betting the women in bars how long they could go without orgasming on the sybian. They took the women back to the hotel to put them through it”.

haha cool as fuck.

5 years ago

” . . . 14 days in a 911 with nothing but a toothbrush each . . .”

I like to start out with a penknife, a box of small wooden matches, several yards of dental floss (mostly for use as string) and 3/4″ duct tape wrapped around a card, and a plastic grocery bag neatly folded and compressed.

And I prefer a 356 to a 911. Around the Med make it a ragtop.

5 years ago

Ex Cartoonist I like the poker analysis a lot. The great commenter Novaseeker has oft reminded me that ” young ” guys revolt and it’s to be expected. This is true, but it doesn’t mean they are right in their thinking. I’ve always advocated that men need to do whatever they see fit in their individual lives. Wash your car with honey and rose petals. Nobody’s stopping you. But he reasonable and don’t insist that every swinging dick just do the same or he is somehow lying to himself about the nature of automobile upkeep. It’s that ” lying to… Read more »

5 years ago

@J – I’m not sure if I misstated it on here but my N count for the past year I think is 9, I don’t really keep count, i just thought back. Some slip my mind, truly. All super hot. That’s probably like 20% of those who got to the point of sending my naked pix, most of whom I passed on. Being that I’ve mostly fucked HB7 and up my entire life, for me, it’s got to be hot for me to get after it. Anything less doesn’t motivate me. But I also have a high “failure” rate –… Read more »

5 years ago

@Palma Sailor: That’s why I specified around the Med. I left around the North Sea as implied. My first car that I bought in running condition was a Triumph GT6. Powered by the Prince of Darkness, so the headlights only worked in daylight and the windshield wipers only when it was dry. The horn worked when it felt like it, which sometimes was when it was just sitting there parked, turned off and nobody around to be pressing the button. When it was raining, despite being a tin top, it leaked like a sieve. You could sort of tell the… Read more »

5 years ago

@ Blaximus I share your irritation with the “lying to yourself” thing. When somebody on this forum says I’m lying to myself, I think, ‘Oh, so based on a 200-word comment I made, you now know me better than I know myself?’ And it pisses me off. That being said, I have been guilty of lying to myself. Indeed, my whole Blue Pill conditioning was based on the fact that I not only lied to myself, but believed the lies so strongly I was willing to defend them. In my previous comment, I said I preferred chess to poker—that I… Read more »

5 years ago

” . . . the TR6 had a pair of SU’s . . .” The GT6 had a half litre smaller version of the same engine, hence the same SU’s. What is the difference between a checking account and a pair of SU carbs? You can balance the checking account. ” . . . there may have been an injection version which had a reputation for being even more flaky than all the rest..” Flaky fuel injection, thy name is SPICA. When I felt the need to have a slightly larger tin top I supplemented the Spider with an Alpha… Read more »

5 years ago

@Palma Sailor: It is entirely possible that I got that one improbable car that came together from all the bits out on the tail of the manufacturing tolerances curve, but I adored mine. The start procedure 5 months out of the year made it a no go though. Could have been worse. The start procedure for a real Bugatti begins with: Drain the sump. Heat the oil on a stove. Now I have a neo-Edwardian fixed wheel push bike, although sometimes I have to wait around to “start” it because it’s taking a particularly long time to link with the… Read more »

5 years ago

Palma and kfg.

Thank you both. I’m digging the hell out of your discussion.

5 years ago

Fucking bot.

Daughter of Satan
Daughter of Satan
5 years ago

Hey; here’s a good photograph of one of you “leading” (lolz) American males here in 2019….

As Satan is My Witness; you can’t make this shit up…

He’s on the right; if any confusion might reign…

wahoo Mcdaniels
5 years ago

Interference engines and concrete brought to you by the Italians.

Some great pasta dishes to be fair.

wahoo Mcdaniels
5 years ago

The Yugo failed,possibly because of the incorporation of an Italian engine ruining any plans for a station wagon called the wego.

5 years ago

For some reason the Chevy No-va didn’t do well in Latin America.

wahoo Mcdaniels
5 years ago

“The Enigma and Bombe Machines laid the foundations for Machine Learning. According to Turing, a machine that could converse with humans without the humans knowing that it is a machine would win the “imitation game” and could be said to be “intelligent”.

However a chatbot that must constantly change it’s gravatar to pass screening is an obvious imitation of human intelligence,just another stupid useless invention that relies on a male built grid and network.
A daughter of tech.

5 years ago

DoS …and the men with the white coats cometh quickly.

No doubt.
Better skadoo before they get you with that haldol shot.

5 years ago

The OMG’s vs. YSG’s debate explained by the Rick and Morty Show. Rick and Morty: Why Morty Matters Rick is the brains of the show. He often plays God. Morty is the heart of the show. A mere mortal. Morty has an intuitive understanding of Ethics and Decency (Otherwise known as Blue Pill decency). He knows how to give bar sluts their due, as well as young PUA’s a helping hand, he pushes Rick to treat other’s with more concern. And fairness: P.S. Rick doesn’t give a shit. Morty is overly-concerned. Morty is still figuring himself out and what… Read more »

David Eagen
David Eagen
5 years ago

Rollo Just starting Mastery – R Greene It sounds amazing and can’t wait to get further in. A good complimentary book on this might be The Rise of Superman – S Cotler In Kotler’s he talks about the different brainwaves and parts of the brain accessed. You might get a kick out of your snowmobile and entering the flow state and thus being able to produce it better in where you want mastery (your work?)…….who knows maybe snowmobiling will have to be an essential task in order for you to work and perform better, maybe base jumping with me one… Read more »

5 years ago

“The Yugo . . .”

An obsolete FIAT (Fix It Again Tony, or Feeble Italian Attempt at Transportation, take your pick) with a fresh coat of lipstick, built with worn machinery, by communist serfs; what could possibly go wrong?

I actually test drove one because I actually wanted to like it, but couldn’t quite bring myself to it.

5 years ago

I’m all for uncensored open debate but obvious trolls cluttering the comment section should be removed.

5 years ago

This one has been repeatedly and will be again when Rollo gets to it. It’s a running war and Rollo has to sleep and take care of business, the bot doesn’t, so sometimes it gets a bit ahead of him.

5 years ago

lol. Just wait.

You will have to fuck all the way off.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

I’m wondering actually what is the objective of the Bot?

Who cares?

5 years ago
5 years ago

“The conclusion he came to was that “gut feeling” was your subconscious brain recognising minute patterns of behaviour or indicators that it had seen before.” You’ll often see commentators talk about the “lightning fast reflexes” that a race driver used to save himself from a spin, yet when actually tested it was found that even drivers of the highest rank don’t have reflexes any faster than the general public. So how do they save themselves with maneuvers that visually happen faster than normal reaction times? Easy, they begin to make their correction for the skid before the skid actually begins.… Read more »

5 years ago

The apps have changed things, yes, but I am not sure that they have made things unequivocally harder. In the pre-internet era, you basically had to either cold approach people you come across IRL, or meet people in some context (friend groups, friends-of-friends-of friends, parties thrown by friends, etc.). There were also “personals” ads in hard copy newspapers, and some people used those but most didn’t. More people then than now met at work, because, again, the number of ways to meet someone wasn’t very high, especially for people who are not that competitive in a competitive environment like a… Read more »

Prime Alpha
5 years ago

Alpha fucks beta bucks, as abhorrent a strategy as it is, is not a sustainable evolutionary strategy as an all-out female imperative. It is stable at 5% to 20% or maybe 30%, the average non paternity rate as per current research. If it gets any bigger it will wipe itself out. This is not a peacock tail, there is no fisherian runaway, it can’t get bigger and bigger as there is no positive feedback loop, quite the opposite: The imperative is in conflict with its own agenda. What’s going to happen is, the cuckolded dads willing (knowingly or unknowingly) to… Read more »

5 years ago

… And there weren’t forums where ” no sex ” dudes could be concentrated and wail and gnash teeth and form their own ” society “. And still struggle with sex, or manage to become sexually active and a) still complain and b) act as if they’ve scaled Everest and everyone else are now simple dullards. The thing about ” the old days ” is that if you weren’t around, you’re either guessing about how sexual access worked, or you were around but didn’t/couldn’t fuck for whatever reason. I agree that if a man wanted sex back in the dark… Read more »

5 years ago

well said Nova…

HTPUG was published in 1970…
comment image

Cold Approach was “hard” then… Most guys met girls via social circles. Girls were out though, and sexually available – for the right guy…

Looking for Mr. Goodbar was published in 1975… The movie came out in 1977…

Most guys who went out in search of Theresa for a ONS (i.e. SNL) went home empty handed… Despite looksmaxing…
comment image

and dropping dope game… 1965…

Nothing is new…

5 years ago


I knew a guy that would routinely drive 500 miles to bang

we had a term for this… “Magellan” …

“Yeah man, had to pull a Magellan Saturday night…”


5 years ago

Blax It almost seems to me that people need a ” formal ” gathering ( club/bar, concert) in order to interact with strangers…or even friends. It’s not “formal” it’s “plausible”… Because men are men and women are women and when they get proximate… some mating is going to eventually take place… Go down the shore… meet some girls… invite out later (house party!)… rinse and repeat… 1995… Straight up, honey, really I’m askin’ Most of these niggas think they be mackin’, but they be actin’ Who they attractin’ with that line “What’s your name? What’s your sign?” Soon as he… Read more »

5 years ago

Apps have definitely fueled hypergamy, there is no question about that, but they’ve also made it easier for attractive men

photogenic men, not necessarily attractive men…but even in an app context, a man with game can generate interest, I would imagine…just need a strong opening hook

5 years ago

and if you walked the halls of the dorm or cruised the strip you’d find pods of these guys…

comment image


“no women anywhere…”

and it didn’t end well for them…

5 years ago

It almost seems to me that people need a ” formal ” gathering ( club/bar, concert) in order to interact with strangers…or even friends. Well, that’s kinda normal, no? I’m in an LTR so picking up new girls is not a need now, but I should definitely interact more with women for dread and for practice anyway. But chatting up complete strangers is still a mystery to me. I’m normally very introverted and could go on days without talking to anyone and be happy. I wouldn’t like to be chatted up when I’m in my thoughts on the bus. I… Read more »

5 years ago

I’m still laughing at ” Magellan “. 😂

First belly laugh of the day.

5 years ago

But chatting up complete strangers is still a mystery to me.

“hey… how’s it going…” is a sufficient intro…

5 years ago

“Alpha fucks beta bucks, as abhorrent a strategy as it is, is not a sustainable evolutionary strategy . . .” Where the hell do you think it came from? It is the naturally evolved, sustained for millions of years, sexual strategy. It is, along with the control of fire and crafting of stone tools, what made homo sapiens from homo erectus. “This is not a peacock tail, there is no fisherian runaway, it can’t get bigger and bigger as there is no positive feedback loop, quite the opposite . . .” You are mistaking a failure of the MI for… Read more »

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