Deep Conversion


About four years ago Nick Krauser dropped a quick-hit post on his blog called Deep Conversion. I made a mental note in my head about this concept back then because, in spite of the brevity of it, I really thought Nick was on to something much more significant. The direction of my recent discussions both on this blog and a few other forums I read got me thinking about Nick’s observations.

I had an old reader (who want’s me to believe he’s a new reader) dig back through my archives and reheat an old debate about conflating my post about women’s concept of love with, “women are incapable of love – at all.” Over the five years that this blog’s been online I’ve gone to great lengths to define my position on the differing concepts of love either gender holds, and what influences the origins of love for either gender. I wont do a remedial post to reassert my points on this here. If you’re new reader and unfamiliar with that expansive series of posts I’ll refer you the Love category on my side bar links. However, to restate the premise for today’s post so everything is clear:

Iron Rule of Tomassi #6
Women are utterly incapable of loving a man in the way that a man expects to be loved.

In its simplicity this speaks volumes about about the condition of Men. It accurately expresses a pervasive nihilism that Men must either confront and accept, or be driven insane in denial for the rest of their lives when they fail to come to terms with the disillusionment.

Women are incapable of loving men in a way that a man idealizes is possible, in a way he thinks she should be capable of.

In the same respect that women cannot appreciate the sacrifices men are expected to make in order to facilitate their imperatives, women can’t actualize how a man would have himself loved by her. It is not the natural state of women, and the moment he attempts to explain his ideal love, that’s the point at which his idealization becomes her obligation. Our girlfriends, our wives, daughters and even our mothers are all incapable of this idealized love. As nice as it would be to relax, trust and be vulnerable, upfront, rational and open, the great abyss is still the lack of an ability for women to love Men as Men would like them to.

That bolded part there was always emphasized for a very important reason – to avoid the misperception in men that women are entirely incapable of love, and to make a distinction about men’s Blue Pill hope that a woman could love him according to his idealistic concept of love. As I said, there is an expansive series on my ideas about this, and it requires an (I believe rewarding) investment of time and comprehension in understanding them. Sorry, but there is no TL;DR version here.

When I wrote this, and during my deliberating it, I fully expected to get this most common response I get from men still stinging from a more cynical Red Pill awakening. And that is the want to believe that women’s Hypergamy prevents them from ever feeling a “genuine” love or a genuine desire for men beyond what their most immediate opportunistic need may be according to their sexual strategy – short term breeding or long term security. Generally, it’s newly unplugged guys who want to accuse me of not thinking it all the way through because I need some hopeful rationale to justify my 20-year marriage, or they think I’ve never considered Briffault’s Law.

Concepts & Expectations

I expected all of this when I wrote my early essays on men and women’s differing concepts of love. And while I’ve covered the idea of love being a complementary arrangement between men and women each holding differing concepts in prior essays, one thing I haven’t explored is what Nick calls the “Deep Conversion” a woman goes through and what she feels for a man with whom she genuinely falls in love with.

Nick refers to this process as a kind of ‘soul surrender’ in which a woman recognizes a Man’s inherent value to both her short term sexual, and long term security needs. From her perception, this guy represents her Hypergamous ideal. Such is his sexual market value in relation to her own that it puts all but the most deeply rooted doubts of his quality to rest for her and opens her to associating him with an emotional state.

I should also point out that this emotional state needn’t always be a positive association; just that the association he represents is an ideal situation her hindbrain interprets as Hypergamously optimal. If that dynamic seems like a recipe for potential abuse you’re not too far from the mark. This conversion comes as a result of a woman’s perception of her Hypergamous need and her own SMV in comparison to what she believes that man’s  SMV is in relation. Shaking a woman out of the devotion she has with an abusive husband/boyfriend is really shaking her out of the perception that he represents her Hypergamous ideal.

That optimal state is also qualified by her own self-perception of her sexual market value, and again prioritized by her most necessitous needs for her phase of maturity. However, given all these variables, that man’s perceived value to her Hypergamy is always valued as higher than her own. Hypergamy never seeks its own level, but always looks for a better-than deserved SMV comparison. In terms of SMV ratios-to-attachment Deep Conversion takes place somewhere between a 2:1 to 3:1 variance.

Most guys are simply incapable of inspiring this kind of total soul surrender and devotion in a women. Most women never get to feel it and instead must get off on Deep Conversion Lite through sugar-rush books like 50 Shades of Grey. It’s the difference between spinning plates with fuck buddies and having a genuine harem where all your girls are exclusive to you. The women aren’t aligning with you out of cold calculation or temporary strung-out groupie lust, the connection runs far far deeper and feels wholesome to both of you.

This was an excellent observation on Nick’s part, however, I think it’s important to consider this bit in terms of why most men are incapable of instilling a Deep Conversion state in women. The first reason is that most men (being Beta) already presume that any woman who would find them suitable for a monogamous commitment must already feel this sense of Deep Conversion otherwise they’d never agree to that commitment. This is part of the Blue Pill conditioning for Beta men – any girl who says “yes” to him must necessarily see him as her Hypergamous ideal. Most men lack the Red Pill awareness that women regularly make long term relationship decisions based on security needs, not because that guy represents her Hypergamous ideal.

Women would rather cry over an asshole than be saddled with a guy who bores them to tears. That doesn’t sell very well with Blue Pill men raised on Disney dreams, but women readily get into LTRs where the Beta they pair with is no comparison to the Alpha she’s widowed from; for whom she had a Deep Conversion with. And as Nick says, this is when they look to manufacture their own indignation and the excitement they lack in cheap (but safe) substitutes.

Another reason most men never experience this is because, due their Blue Pill conditioning, never give themselves permission to become the conventionally masculine men with a dominance that women need in order to feel this conversion for him. Most Blue Pill men have been taught a default deference to women. Theirs is one of a ‘Nice’, passive sensitivity to a woman’s perceived wants, rather than a dominant knowing of her need which is born from a lifetime of learning to place his mental point of origin on the whims of women.

This may be my own interpretation, but I would also argue that both a woman’s evolved psychological filtering (testing) of a man’s Hypergamous qualifications and her socialized sense of self (ego) contribute to a woman resisting this Deep Conversion for a man. As a lot of men in the Married Red Pill and DeadBedroom subredd forums will attest, it’s entirely possible to spend your life with a woman who will never feel this conversion with a man.

Deep Conversion

Done correctly deep conversion is the most satisfying experience possible between a man and a woman. So long as you keep the elements in place, it has no natural time limit. I had my ex-wife in this state for eight of the nine years we were together (losing it only when I lost my mojo) and I’ve had four girlfriends in the past two years in the same position. I’ve got a few more on the boil now. It’s really not very hard to do if you have the following core competencies in place:

  1. An unshakeably strong frame. You are special, you know you’re special, and your masculinity is stratospheric compared to the chumps around you.
  2. Cheerful misogyny. You love women but don’t take them seriously. This is more than just the attraction phase teasing. You genuinely believe women are more like dogs or children, meaning they are a delight when well-lead and a nightmare when left ill-disciplined without a pack leader. It’s empathetic but not weak or equalist.
  3. Direction. Your life must be a straight line in a Deida-esque manner. Whether it’s your music, philosophy, career, fitness your life contains several arrows pointing the same direction… towards building the archetype of a fully developed man. If you are one-dimensional the girl will hold back.
  4. Sexual mastery. Understand that women crave dominance above all else in the bedroom. Give her the kind of sex that penetrates her soul. This isn’t high-fitness sport sex and G-spot finding. Those men will keep a woman around as her sexual provider, the guy she goes to when she wants a good fucking, the bedroom equivalent of a qualifying beta chump. A sexual master rocks a girl psychologically so even a half-assed knee trembler in a public toilet has her dreaming for weeks afterwards. The girl dreams of pleasing him, not him pleasing her.

All four elements increase with age if you live your life correctly. I don’t want to write too much about it and certainly the book will never be released. Just be aware that it has it’s own ego traps, its own risks…. but it is possible. When you’re tired of the notch-carousel you might want to look into it.

Much of what Nick is outlining here is Red Pill 101 and I’d also add that Roissy’s original 16 Commandments of Poon would fill out this list more completely. What I’m exploring here, however, is the concept of how this Deep Conversion fits into the framework of men and women’s individualized concepts of love. On the one hand I have men who are critics tell me I’m in error because women’s opportunistic concept of love doesn’t meet their criteria for what love ought to be between a man and a woman – a mutually shared, unconsciously agreed upon, concept that aligns with men’s idealistic (love for love’s sake) concept.

Yet still, they don’t disagree with my assessment that women’s concept of love is rooted in optimizing their innate Hypergamy and manifests as an beneficent opportunism (beneficent in terms of quality control for the human race, not necessarily for men). This is where the conflict starts. If a male-idealistic concept of love is the correct one, and women lack a capacity to understand, appreciate or engage in that concept in a genuine, organic fashion then women entirely lack the capacity for love as men would define it. This is the deductive logic that tears men up when I explain men and women’s differing concepts of love. Their definition has to be the correct one, and if it is then women cannot love men. For guys reeling from the initial hopelessness that their Blue Pill world was always an exploitative fantasy, it’s hard for them to accept that their concept of love is only subjectively correct for them.

Blue Pill Idealism

Much of this hopelessness stems from the all-is-equal mentality that the Blue Pill sells us when we’re being raised by the ‘Village’ of pop-culture. Equalism is the religion of the Feminine Imperative, so Blue Pill men are conditioned to believe that men and women, being co-equal, co-rational agents, would necessarily share a common concept of love. As with everything egalitarian, that equalism outright denies any innate differences physically or psychologically that would separate men and women or make them adversarial in sexual strategy or purpose in life. This premise, of course, is deftly twisted by the Feminine Imperative to make feminine-primary sexual strategies and women’s concept of love, the socially correct expressions of ‘equalism’.

But therein lies men’s conflict. The same influences that convince men their idealistic concept of love is the mutually shared one are also the influences that convince men that satisfying women’s socio-sexual imperatives ought to be their life’s priority and their mental point of origin if they ever hope to achieve that idealized love state. Take this Blue Pill path to that idealistic state away from men, and you get very despondent guys who don’t believe women have a capacity to feel actual love for them. It all becomes jumping through hoops to create a feeling of love in women whose criteria for a love that originates in their opportunistic concept they must constantly qualify for.

Women critics of this differing love concepts dynamic, unsurprisingly, personalize every experience they have, their friends have or their family ever had by referring to examples of their own selfless acts of devotion to a certain man. It’s always a story about how they gave everything to a (often unappreciative, unreciprocating) man they felt some undying idealistic love for themselves, and how dare I impugn their sincerity in it?

And again, I’ll add that the only way they came to this idealistic love was through a Deep Conversion they had with a man who satisfied their Hypergamous opportunism long before they were ever inspired to those selfless acts of devotion and sacrifice. For every Alpha Widow woman who ever gave herself over to that conversion and surrendered her soul to a guy who never reciprocated it, there are a hundred Beta men who will never inspire that degree of devotion in the wives who settled on marrying them. Statistically, 80% of men (Betas) will never inspire the Deep Conversion that 10-20% of men women feel it for did.

The Red Pill Conversion

When I wrote The Love Experience I was asked to elaborate on a quote I’d made about men and women both having the capacity to love each other deeply and passionately:

“Men and women can and do love each other intensely and genuinely. They can and do see past each other’s deficiencies and their love endures.”

For men who innately cling to an idealistic concept of love, their own kind of Deep Conversion can come in the form of ONEitis and develop into some very unhealthy dependencies. One of the reasons ONEitis is so common among men is because their Blue Pill conditioning predisposes them to putting women’s needs above his own and they see that as the path to sustaining this True Love state – a state defined by their idealism.

For women, this Deep Conversion can only result from a man who so thoroughly satisfies her Hypergamous nature she’s willing to abandon her own sexual strategy. And, like the guy with ONEitis, she dedicates herself to the one guy she was able to (she thinks) lock down who was a better-than-deserved Hypergamous prospect. Women get very upset when this dedication is questioned (not unlike the ONEitis guy) because they’ve generally abandoned furthering their sexual strategy by investing their egos into a guy who satisfied their Hypergamous natures. To doubt that devotion is to doubt the wisdom of her investment – and that goes down to her evolved biology and psychology in that choice. I should note here that Alpha Widows are born from this conversion.

However, for all of that inherent risk, and despite men and women’s differing concepts of love, men and women can and do come together in individual states of love (that they often believe the other shares) that are ‘genuine’ to them and also last a lifetime. I would argue that this state cannot exist without a woman’s Deep Conversion occurring after, and as a process of, her testing and evaluating the quality of the man she feels it for. And I would also argue that a man who commits himself to this woman must also feel some sense of his idealistic concept of love being validated by that woman who has devoted herself to him.

Under the old social contracts, and under the old set of books, this conversion in men and women was likely something much easier than it is today. Women are distracted by social and cultural influences that distorts their ever truly understanding their greatly diminishing value to men, and at the same time places so many men so far below women in general that this conversion and devotion will always seem demeaning to them – even for men who exceed them in SMV.

However, this Deep Conversion state is not an impossibility and it is not impossible to sustain it in a Red Pill aware paradigm. In fact, I’ll say that Red Pill awareness and internalized Game is really the only way to sustain it in an era of Open Hypergamy where Blue Pill conditioning of men is the norm, and women’s expectations of men are ridiculously low, but standards are ridiculously exaggerated.

For the Red Pill / Game aware guy, understanding this conversion and how to inspire it is something he ought to contemplate since so much of a woman’s ego becomes invested in her devotion to him once that conversion takes place. Conversely, Red Pill men should also understand, as Nick explained about his ex-wife, that this conversion is always tentative upon his own capacity to perpetuate it.

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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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7 years ago

@black pill “100 approaches does seem a lot to me. Feels like a shitload of rejection.” 100 approaches is like… step one. It took me around 500-800 approaches just to get my first kiss (never kissed anyone before learning pick up) and 2,500-3,000 to get my first lay. Now I wasn’t good about constantly pushing myself to the limit, so your numbers might be much smaller, but I want to give you perspective on the kind of scale it takes to make progress. The good news is that the more experience you get, the longer scale you become accustomed to.… Read more »

7 years ago

@Black Pill Good job in reporting on your interactions. Mini field reports should allow you to see what you did. If you read what you described and what HABD broke down and explained, do you see and can you remember your mindset? Because of your frustrations, you probably weren’t seeing it before you wrote it. Objectively you were trying to take value from the girls, rather than provide them the value (the value that is in you for their benefit). You have value? Give them value. It’s a mindset thing. If you asked these girls what their hind-brains were really… Read more »

7 years ago

Weird, I must have copy pasted wrong and cut off the first part of the quote. It should start like this:

This also all goes back to why we make guys break out of their comfort zones and handicap themselves infield when they get some of the externals down. Like if I’m helping you, then as soon as you start to love wearing that lucky nicely ironed dress shirt of yours, I’m gonna make you wear a …

hank holiday
hank holiday
7 years ago

@culum I was supposed to meet a late 40s MILF HB6 from online boo online but I just blew her off. yaaaay That means I’m just going to enjoy myself and do what I feel like doing for the next two weeks of the Blitz (and more generally going forward) without worrying about targets and approach goals or feeling guilty if I’m not out nonstop. well, you don’t always have to be spam approaching, but you do have to always be pushing boundaries. otherwise you will make no progress and stagnate. so you must always have goals and always be… Read more »

7 years ago

Damn, re-reading it, I pasted the wrong quote (though that one is good too). Here is the one I meant to paste: This is where experience teaching newbies comes into play. The reality is there is NO WAY I can convince a 300lbs fat guy that he should feel like girls will be attracted to him. I can show him a dozen fat guys getting laid and he’ll find reasons (beard, clothes, lifestyle, etc) that those guys can do it but he can’t. I can give him all the pep talks in the world. I can explain the exact red… Read more »

hank holiday
hank holiday
7 years ago

@black pill 100 approaches does seem a lot to me. Feels like a shitload of rejection. lol. 100 isn’t that many. The more you do in a single day, over a shorter period of time, the faster you will learn and connect the dots. You’ll be able to carry your momentum into each new set, perhaps even merge sets. You”ll rarely be outright rejected. Sometimes her friends will take her away. Other times she’ll just go “well it was nice meeting you” and walk off. but rarely is there an outright rejection. Do as many approaches as possible, especially if… Read more »

7 years ago
What persistence looks like.

7 years ago


I can’t just defer the question with a joke, have tried this and they are persistent, had one girl ask me 20+ times.

Defer it if you can…requires calibration…most likely just a shit test…implies she’s thinking about fucking you…if she’s persistent, require her to tell you why she’s asking before you’ll answer…establishes your dominance…don’t be afraid to answer…”don’t worry, I won’t hold your youth and inexperience against you”

7 years ago

Black Pill “. I stopped gaming her as soon as she asked my age, which is dumb. Basically disqualified myself. In future I will just treat that as a shit test. Any suggestions welcome – I can’t just defer the question with a joke, have tried this and they are persistent, had one girl ask me 20+ times.” A couple of go to lines for age… “it’s not the years, it’s the miles”… “I’m a thousand… I’m a vampire”… “how old do I look?” [tease her either way if she says you are younger call her a cradle robber if… Read more »

7 years ago


7 years ago


Of course, if you can demonstrate fitness in the way you walk or dance, the age issue becomes a non-issue for many girls…however, you still have their friends to deal with because for them, age may become an issue…so you take any liaisons out of their view

7 years ago

why would I have massive high value?
Because you do.

Girls feel what men feel. If we believe that we have high value, the girls will, too.

7 years ago

”don’t worry, I won’t hold your youth and inexperience against you”

Reframing the question to telling them you will induces them to qualify themselves to you.

Every little girl absolutely hates the implication that she’s just a little girl and she will try to prove that she’s entitled to sit at the grown up’s table.

Then when she has made her case, you can let her.

7 years ago

Culum Props on the breakthrough thinking… this is what Platinum Rule living starts to look like… non needy, abundance mindset [tossing that lay was gold for mindset development, killing ego investment]… You are going to slay… That said.. here is something for you now Only interesting one was a 2 set of early 20s HB7s at the bar beside me who I opened by tapping on arm and telling the nearer one “You seem to be taking a long time ordering your drink..” (which was true). Perhaps I didn’t calibrate that with a smile or something (and I had to… Read more »

7 years ago

you get the dreaded “player” vibe… a guy she may be attracted to but is leery of pump and dump…

If you suspect that a girl is pinning a player tag on you, come back with “I have to actually like a girl before I take it beyond chatting/dancing/WE.”

Black Pill
Black Pill
7 years ago

@sentient lat at “i’m a 1000, I’m a vampire”. That should pair up well with the youth and inexperience follow up. Generally I find the more rapport I have with them the less they care or seem interested, but in many cases where I get numbers I get asked that the next day. So if I have to bridge it to another day, that’s where the vulnerability comes in. A lot of them also seem to read the one liner comeback as evasion, which makes them suspicious that I am older. I’ll try all the suggestions here and report back.… Read more »

7 years ago

Black Pill A lot of them also seem to read the one liner comeback as evasion, which makes them suspicious that I am older. I’ll try all the suggestions here and report back. I am guessing if I can say something really funny it can also build value past where she cares about age. The key point about this is you are not “evading” the question because you are scared of answering it … as much as you are “dismissing” it. And the difference between the two is what passes the shit test… You are conveying “fuck your stupid question”… Read more »

7 years ago


FWIW – Couple of other songs I like for this are “Shattered – Rolling Stones” , “Renegades of Funk – Rage Against the Machine” and “Lazy Eye – Silversun Pickups”…

7 years ago

Red Pill

also you can short circuit the conversation by bringing it up first… The other day the girl said I was in great shape and I said for an 82 year old… If you can’t own it, you can defuse it for now…

Black Pill
Black Pill
7 years ago

Fun fact about Harrison Ford. He was 39 when Raiders of the Lost Ark came out, 42 when the Temple of Doom came out and 48 in the Last Crusade. Most women would have called him hot in those movies, plus they always showed him with much younger women.. so how about this as a response. Her: how old are you? Me: do you like Indiana Jones? Her: yes (if no.. then ‘lame’) Me: which one do you like? Her: Blah Me: Lol, I’m younger than he was there. I need to tighten that up, but if she’s an Indy… Read more »

M Simon
7 years ago

November 13, 2016 at 11:28 am

A massive show of indifference is often considered an asset in GAME.

There is something about telling a woman that she will submit because she wants to. And then making her want to. You can also add that it will help her be at peace. As Rollo has pointed out.

The LTR is always amazed when I tell her how I will manipulate her. And then I do. And then I ask, “Did that make you happier?” Her: “Yes.”

Cracks me up.

M Simon
7 years ago

November 14, 2016 at 10:04 am

The other day the girl said I was in great shape and I said for an 82 year old Fortunately I’m only 73.

M Simon
7 years ago

How old is that in cricket years?

7 years ago

Ronnie Reagan to Baltimore Sun reporter in ’84 Mondale dabate:

“Not at all, Mr. Trewhitt and I want you to know that also I will not make age an issue of this campaign. I am not going to exploit for political purposes my opponent’s youth and inexperience.” Trewhitt responded, “Mr. President, I’d like to head for the fence and try to catch that one before it goes over.”

Classic Alpha. He knew his strengths and weaknesses…and turned his weaknesses into his opponent’s

7 years ago

Black Pill

Her: how old are you?
Me: do you like Indiana Jones?
Her: yes (if no.. then ‘lame’)
Me: which one do you like?
Her: Blah
Me: Lol, I’m younger than he was there.

Try it but I don’t expect it will work… still an undercurrent of qualifying [SEE I am not TOO Old!] to her, in her frame…

Think about it… it is a shit test… use it as a chance to demonstrate your value, by not getting rattled by a shit test… it’s not about the age… YOU are hung up on the age…

M Simon
7 years ago

November 14, 2016 at 9:50 am

you get the dreaded “player” vibe… a guy she may be attracted to but is leery of pump and dump

“How much time you get depends on the strength of your desire.”

And Oh. Yeah. How do you strengthen her desire?

First rule: It has to be there from the Start. Generally.

Second rule: Every girl is a little different. You are on your own. The general pattern is, “…”.

7 years ago

@Sentient and Black Pill

Sentient said:”Remember back a year or two ago I was doing experiments with music and brain chemistry and playing tracks on a loop?”

This comment thread had some good Game advice on shit testing (if you follow Sentient’s and others comments all the way through) that might be of interest or use for Black Pill to read.

7 years ago

I’ve used this age deflection with decent results with the 20 somethings: I’m fast. You’re fast? Yeah. Really fast. Seriously fast. (pause) Now, let’s play tag (I kino her elbow). You’re it. I’ll give you a 3 second start and I’ll be on you in 10. You ready? (with pounce energy, lazer eyes and thin smile). I half-step it back, relax a little and talk about exercise and if she exercises, what, where she does and ramp up the physical talk, sweat, talk of yoga pants, compliment a little, tease a little, what she did in high school, what’s her… Read more »

7 years ago


I’ll try all the suggestions here and report back. I am guessing if I can say something really funny it can also build value past where she cares about age.

If you think that age is a big deal, so will she, because, you know, woman take their cues from men.

7 years ago

And Oh. Yeah. How do you strengthen her desire?

First rule: It has to be there from the Start. Generally.

Lol, not this. Fuck, lol. I can’t believe you’re saying this tripe. Game is about building desire. Play with her emotions and fantasies to build desire.

7 years ago
7 years ago

@Sentient 11:11 am

@Black Pill

Excellent example of no “male logic” taking over your mind in the set and stimulating and feeding female emotions.

7 years ago

With respect to the bar pickup with 2 HB7.
You could have opened with the classic “I’m just waiting for a few minutes for a friend, can I join you until then?” (classic oldschool false time-constraint). Put yourself in the shoes of the girl and remember Juggler 90/10 rule, expect to ramble on at the beginning. Plus it’s easier if you address both the girls at the same time.

7 years ago

@ theasdgamer @ Simon Boy, yeah. I’ve spent 20+ years in sales, mostly cold calling. Vague leads, no leads. I’d have starved believing the guy on the other side of the phone was one bit interested in the product. The Pareto principle is in theory true…AND…I had to replace at least 10% of the dependable 20% yearly…AND..usually not from the other 80%. And that was a good year. My point is preinstalled game and looks (It has to be there from the Start.) has quickly diminishing returns at best and produces spotty results vis-a-vis inculcated, confident, experienced understanding of human… Read more »

7 years ago

@ Black Pill You’re getting some great advice. Sentient and HABD knocking it out of the park. I agree with what’s been said so far, in that your age is mattering too much in your mind. Your age is actually an advantage as long as you are confident and self assured about it. If a chick asks me my age, I don’t hesitate to just tell her and keep the conversation moving. Depending on the girl and the setting/circumstance, I might say something like ” I’ve lived long enough to become one amazing motherfucker”, lol, but this takes timing and… Read more »

Black Pill
Black Pill
7 years ago

@sentient one more stab at this, because I like the idea of framing my age as a positive, but I get that I can’t fall into her frame and qualify myself. So how about this? Her: how old are you? Me: same age as Indiana Jones Her: what do you mean? Me: figure it out. From there if it was a shit test she leaves it. If she’s really curious she looks it up and tries to figure it out, some compliance thrown in. If she finds the info the association can’t hurt and I haven’t lied while she still… Read more »

Jimmy lovenan
Jimmy lovenan
7 years ago

Yareally knows what’s up.

7 years ago

Blax Guys, correct me if I’m wrong, but I see the age question as an ioi in itself. Oh yeah, IOI for sure… It’s the game, serve, volley, serve, volley, serve, volley… they like to play the game, not blow you out 40 – love… if you can play… and not go all Johnny Mac Black Pill That is better… try it out… but it is still in her frame if you are doing this I like the idea of framing my age as a positive because a) it is NOT about your age it is about how you react… Read more »

7 years ago

“Guys, correct me if I’m wrong, but I see the age question as an ioi in itself.”

If she’s looking for a reason not to fuck you, she’s thinking about fucking you.

And there’s an Iron Rule about that. Keep it in your frame. You’re looking for a reason not to fuck her. You are the prize. She has to qualify to you.

For goodness sake, stop putting every damn random pussy on a pedestal and begging for it.

7 years ago

Black Pill

Like think how this is different from your gut instinct…

Her : How old are you?
You : They say you are only as old as you feel.
Her: Yeh? How do you feel?
You: Hmmm…. I’m not convinced yet, let’s see how this plays out.

7 years ago

Black Pill

Another variation on the closing line, my fave for many question situations..

You: hmmm Not sure yet. We’ll see how you play your cards.

Flip the script and reframe BP

7 years ago

“You: hmmm Not sure yet. We’ll see how you play your cards.”

Now we’re cookin’ with gas.

7 years ago

The graph is something to behold.

7 years ago

@ Not Born this Morning

” It is essentially a never ending beta circular do loop where the man is jumping through hoops and chasing the carrot.

The only solution? Break out of the loop. This does not mean MGTOW. It simply means recognizing women for what they are, expendable, replaceable. Discard them when no longer beneficial and or upgrade as desire and ability facilitates. Masculine hypergamy. ”

You are describing well my mindset !!! Hehe

7 years ago

You: First, how old are you?

Her: 24

You: Bummer, I’ve never dated anyone over 23. But you…(step back gazing at her)…maybe I could make an exception…maybe.

Then keep talking coolly about her, where you’ve been, your best anecdotes, experiences, why you are the new shiny object.

Hugh grant line:

Her: I don’t know…I’ve never dated anyone over 24.

Hugh: I’ve never dated anyone over 24.

7 years ago
7 years ago
7 years ago

@adsgamer Start targeting much younger women. 40’s…is not young. Younger women who dance will still be open to being gamed by an older dude because they see the experienced dancing as a DHV.

7 years ago

@Black Pill Blax said: “But stay in your frame. This is crucial. Blow her shit tests out of the water. Shit gets are a perfect invitation to sexualize the conversation. You have the option to just ignore a minor shit test, but if you want to respond to it/them, respond as if you were a King being taunted by a subject. You are all powerful, all the time, and nothing makes you sweat.” Notice what Blax, Sentient and KFG (and what Rollo has alluded to in the past) are alluding to. It’s not about passing a shit test. It is… Read more »

7 years ago

One thing I noticed in Black Pill’s tactics that he mentioned was having the balls to go up to an attractive women, first among his buddies.

What about pre-selection, and social proof, rather than sniping?

Oh,….speaking about shit tests and that reminds me of American Sniper.

(notice the darts scene initially is not gratuitous. Taya Kyle would have had that in her radar screen alone at the bar.)

7 years ago
Reply to  SJF
7 years ago
Reply to  SJF
7 years ago

Has anyone watched the documentary “Weiner” showing on Showtime? Viewed with a red pill lens, it is very painful to watch. Esp. also through a married lens and in light of the recent election. Hubris and all.


It goes to skills in Game as to whether irrational self exuberance will fly. Because of Mastery. Have Mastery. Please have Mastery.

7 years ago

It goes to skills in Game as to whether irrational self exuberance will fly. Because of Mastery. Have Mastery. Please have Mastery.

Also don’t marry a lesbian whose lover is your matchmaker.

7 years ago

FR Was winging for a buddy tonight when he brought a girl to hang out with us. She was shit testing both of us all night. I worked her up…she was yelling at me over something stupid…I made her qualify that she was good at sex…she was going to give me her ex-bf’s phone no. so that I could check her skills with him, lol…my hands were all over her within 5 min of meeting her…took her hand…touched her shoulder…touched her thigh under the table just above her knee…we switched venues…I hugged her multiple times…once she took my waist…grabbed her… Read more »

having a bad day
having a bad day
7 years ago

@Black Pill Her: how old are you? Me: same age as Indiana Jones Her: what do you mean? Me: figure it out. <– do you see how this is you seeking her approval/validation (in her frame)?… and wanting her to 'take up the slack' in the interaction?… i would just change the subject and LEAD her to talk about something else… Her: how old are you? Me: same age as Indiana Jones Her: what do you mean? Me: hey! those are awesome (heels/dress/necklace/whatever)!!!… (as long as she put some effort into choosing it) {pull}… [pause for her to feelz the… Read more »

7 years ago


Younger women who dance will still be open to being gamed by an older dude because they see the experienced dancing as a DHV.

I didn’t target anybody…I danced with lots of 20-somethings as well as the 40ish women…I found the 40ish women to be fun and more tolerable than the younger women. I can tolerate women who are 28+.

7 years ago

@Blackie – Loving the posts, keep ’em coming. I suggest trying the following: HB8: So, how old are you again? Villain: Don’t get the wrong idea, you are too young for me HB8: Why won’t you tell me? Do you have any kids? Villain: That’s very personal stuff, I’m shy, I don’t open up so quickly. Go gently on me. HB8: Pfffftt! (not happy) Villain: (Smirking) You seem different than a lot of other girls your age, like you didn’t have your nose in your phone and haven’t been pawing it while we talked, and I don’t know, you just… Read more »

7 years ago

@Blackie – One more tip. The age question also invites the conversation about the young guys she’s got floating around her, her orbiters. Get her to tell you about young beta guys who supplicate to her and how pathetic they seem to her. Talk about how young men these days are etc. She will pile on and maybe even start showing you her phone. Be the guy “who just gets it”.

7 years ago

“HB8: So, how old are you again?
Villain: Don’t get the wrong idea, you are too young for me”

There ya go!

Black Pill
Black Pill
7 years ago

Thanks guys. In having this conversation I realized it is me taking a shit test to the next level because I am so aware I am hitting 40 next year. I’ve got a good collection of responses here, so will give them a shot in the field.

On a different note, what are some good qualification questions to throw at younger girls (all the girls I talk to are >23).

Zhu Wunang
Zhu Wunang
7 years ago

@Blackpill Qualifications come in two flavors: token and real. For real qualification questions, ask her things that help you figure out whether she’s the kind of girl you’d like to get to know better, or whether she meets your standards. Is she fun in bed? Is she a closet stalker? For these questions, it’s important to know what you want in a woman. Your qualification questions will flow naturally from that. The wrong answer means you move on to another woman. For token questions, they can be anything. It’s basically a way to demonstrate your own interest and start the… Read more »

7 years ago

Scribbs… Tight! Stolen…

Sam Botta (@sambotta)
7 years ago

@Rugby A great man I knew said

7 years ago

“I made her qualify that she was good at sex…my hands were all over her within 5 min of meeting her” You sure your buddy wasn’t winging you? lol Like, I guess bringing her buying temp up and then passing her off to him to seal the deal *could* work…as long as he doesn’t turn out to be a chode 1 on 1. Sounds like you were gaming her for YOU, increasing YOUR value, getting the validation that she was attracted to YOU. I’d look for a different wing if mine did that… “the three of us have a date… Read more »

7 years ago

Kudos to HABD “Me: hey! those are awesome (heels/dress/necklace/whatever)!!!… (as long as she put some effort into choosing it) {pull}… [pause for her to feelz the good feelz of the compliment…] my mom has the same ones {push}…” Since the Holloween Harley Quinn craze this simple push-pull sendup has been pure gold. It is so funny, the girls around her hang on the back and forth narrative, it fits any scenario. Just pick anything attractive about her and laugh with her through the conversation. I’ve used it half-dozen times. Never fails, flexes when needed, puts you in charge, increases tension… Read more »

7 years ago

Black Pill

I thought you were 32? No matter…

56YO DPA rep Sean Penn and new GF 24YO Leila George…

55YO DPA rep steven Lyon says… chillax…!

(his GF is Edita Vilkeviciute…)

Age is just a construct…

7 years ago
7 years ago

Steve sharing… dynamic, passionate and authentic… poozy is a compliment to his life… and purpose.

7 years ago

Sean Penn… surrounded by men… Who is old? Who is young? Mindset trumps calendar years… think about the choices all the guys in this picture have made…

see if you can spot the Platinum Rule followers…

7 years ago

Steven Lyon… another little passion project… for shits and giggles…

What can we infer about his mindset?

7 years ago

ed. complement

7 years ago
Reply to  Sentient
7 years ago

@Black Pill:

On a different note, what are some good qualification questions to throw at younger girls (all the girls I talk to are >23).

1. Are you a good kisser? her: blah blah blah… you: we’ll see
2. Besides your lips, what part of your body do you most like kissed? her: blah blah blah you: interesting

3. What do you like about me? (This is a great question to ask when you’re in comfort)

Invent your own…these always work for me.

7 years ago

Wala I think the guys answered your question when talking about flipping the script when she questions your age, summed up quite nicely by kfg: “Every little girl absolutely hates the implication that she’s just a little girl and she will try to prove that she’s entitled to sit at the grown up’s table.” Yours are good for more light-hearted sexualization, like when you already have her attention, but she needs to earn YOUR attention too. Shit, all the stuff that the typical “HB8+/10 <25yo" DOESN'T do…cooking, feminine career, loves her momma, is her life a mess…why is she different… Read more »

7 years ago

“she will try to prove” = qualify

7 years ago

“Women are distracted by social and cultural influences that distorts their ever truly understanding their greatly diminishing value to men, and at the same time places so many men so far below women in general that this conversion and devotion will always seem demeaning to them – even for men who exceed them in SMV.”

Brilliant observation…

7 years ago

@ Forge The Sky

Update: Joe the cop has informed me that he is relocating to Florida. He has potential job offers in 2 cities. We’re going out for wings and drinks soon, so I’ll get more details then.

I travel the the sunshine state multiple times yearly, so I don’t expect to lose touch with him.

He’s still kinda struggling with the breakup between him and Goddaughter.

7 years ago

“Conversely, Red Pill men should also understand, as Nick explained about his ex-wife, that this conversion is always tentative upon his own capacity to perpetuate it.”

Seminal…and GOLD!

7 years ago

Re: qualifiers. The spectrum for dealing with fitness testing ranges from “don’t take no s@#t and attack that test with extreme prejudice” to “folds like a jack knife mush”. How fast would a woman tumble down the HB scale after she opens her mouth, is rude, bratty, really ignorant before she becomes unbangable? There has to be some point, honestly. A 9 could easily become a 4 by being self-righteously nasty. Full disclosure: Cute ignorant silly girls (I know, redundant) are fun to talk to, regardless of their contribution to the conversation. Or is the HB scale strictly looks? Can’t… Read more »

7 years ago

“At what point does a guy say “Wow, you’re psycho, bitchy, rude. Yeah, you’re hot and you don’t deserve this brilliant awesomeness.” ”

I believe that, for most men, that depends a good deal on whether he’s been laid none times or thousands.

7 years ago

Kfg ehintellect

Sometimes the sweetness of their submission is the payoff… Taking a full of herself you go girl and making her a sweet adoring thing… Enjoy it.

By the same token I’ve been totally turned off observing cackling cursing beautiful young things talking amongst themselves and never opened them.


The cursing thing in particular can be a big turnoff.

7 years ago

@ Sentient

Man! The after-work TGIF margarita klatch 2 drinks into it: “No!…Yes, she did…That bitch…Then I said…mumbling…SCREAM!-HA-HA-HA-SCREAM!-HA-HA-HA.

Oh, Lord, have mercy.

7 years ago


and the vocal fry ones… (shudder)

gives me the creeps… now that PLUS cursing… blech.

7 years ago

Taking a full of herself you go girl and making her a sweet adoring thing. The girl I was observing for my buddy cursed and was abrasive…lots of comfort tests because she is very insecure. However, she isn’t full of herself and isn’t an Entitled Princess ™, so there’s that in her favor. This girls appreciates men and was wearing a very nice dress…I sense that she would be sweet once she felt less insecure and that she has a sweet spirit underneath that abrasiveness, but she requires training to bring that out. Something like Miss Emily’s School of Charm… Read more »

7 years ago

I believe that, for most men, that depends a good deal on whether he’s been laid none times or thousands.


Speaking from experience, if you haven’t gotten laid much (or not at all), it’s easy to fall into the two of believing that you’re setting standards when, in reality, you’re just hamstering a rationalization for running away from a challenge.

There’s an old joke I’ve heard a few times:

What do you call a guy who only dates supermodels?

A virgin

7 years ago

@Just saying I remember all your posts. Knowing that, I’d say permanent deep conversion is impossible. A women with throw that away too for something exciting enough. You have numerous examples of women doing just that. I had an ex girlfriend that I could make have multiple organisms and after doing it one night, I walked down the dorm hall to get the pizza we ordered, but about 20 feet down the hall, I realized I forgot my wallet. When I walked back in the room, she was already on the phone with a new side slice for her. She… Read more »

7 years ago


Speaking from experience, if you haven’t gotten laid much

So, my notch count of two sets me as having standards that, in reality, are ego-buffering? Does getting laid over a thousand times with one woman count for anything or does it have to be with multiple women? Hypothetically, if I were keeping my vow of exclusivity, does my vow of exclusivity merely consist of ego-buffering? (I had a TradCon frame of mind when I got married lo, these many moons ago.) Am I fucked forever?

Inquiring minds wanna know.

7 years ago

@newly aka “Slip Mahoney”

make have multiple organisms

Twins or triplets?

7 years ago

@asd, okay, you made me laugh.

7 years ago

@ newly No disrespect intended ( I’d bowed out of the deep conv discussion a while ago ), but in your example it doesn’t sound like what krauser alluded to. The …trying to find a different descriptor to use…Mental state(?) he was talking about is not solely about the sexual act. A chick could bone all day long, but that’s no indicator of her mental state wrt to you. Guys seem to miss this completely, talking about ” attraction ” and what not. That’s too bad because even if a guy has not personally experienced this, he should still be… Read more »

7 years ago


Lol, I had my own breakthrough. Remember when I was whining months ago about having been dissed by a bodybuilder and his piece of ass? I realized the other day that he is really just an insecure little boy and that it was silly of me to take his rudeness seriously. I’m no longer angry with the broad (an emotional breakthrough) and I no longer have a crush on her (FREEEEDOMMM!!!!…lol); I don’t trust her either since she could still be hooking up with him and would still be his pawn.

7 years ago

@Blax, I understand what you are saying, but I wrote “permanent” deep conversion in my previous comment. I’m “like whatever” about all this now. No biggie. Just the way women are programmed. I know they can be super into you. I’ve had that with past girlfriends and my current wife when things were good. But I think time has a way of wearing men down and women’s attraction too. Can you reach deep conversion? Yes! Can it last? To each their own experiences. I agree it is possible and happens all the time.

7 years ago


“I find that disconnect/refusal to consider – odd and closed minded.

But, guys will believe what they want. It’s just that if dudes can believe in pick up, they should be able to understand this.”

comment image

7 years ago


Cosign. Deep Conversion happens with Stockholm Syndrome and with brainwashing FOR MEN. So it’s not dependent upon sexual attraction AT ALL.

7 years ago

@ newly Cool man. I’m just a huge proponent of guys improving themselves and their mindsets to a point where it’s not work to have a successful relationship ( or not ) with females. Guys need not get wore down is my point always. Men can learn about and understand attraction until the cows come home, but there’s another part to the equation. Learning how to ” spark ” attraction is not enough for a longer term ( great for the lay though ). It doesn’t have to be hard, it doesn’t have to be work. Anyway, just my 2… Read more »

7 years ago

“Cosign. Deep Conversion happens with Stockholm Syndrome and with brainwashing FOR MEN. So it’s not dependent upon sexual attraction AT ALL.”

….for men

comment image

7 years ago

@Blax “Cool man. I’m just a huge proponent of guys improving themselves and their mindsets to a point where it’s not work to have a successful relationship ( or not ) with females.” Kind of what pua’s do ….. “Guys need not get wore down is my point always. Men can learn about and understand attraction until the cows come home, but there’s another part to the equation.” U right dawg ” Learning how to ” spark ” attraction is not enough for a longer term ( great for the lay though).” U right dawg but If they can’t spark… Read more »

7 years ago

@Blax, lots of nuance and shit gets lost in translation over the internet. If we were hangin’ in a bar, you’d think I’m the most positive dude in the bar. Usually I am and having the most fun. I view women and fascinating play things that can occasionally scratch you (or try to like a cow throwing up a hamster).

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