Deep Conversion


About four years ago Nick Krauser dropped a quick-hit post on his blog called Deep Conversion. I made a mental note in my head about this concept back then because, in spite of the brevity of it, I really thought Nick was on to something much more significant. The direction of my recent discussions both on this blog and a few other forums I read got me thinking about Nick’s observations.

I had an old reader (who want’s me to believe he’s a new reader) dig back through my archives and reheat an old debate about conflating my post about women’s concept of love with, “women are incapable of love – at all.” Over the five years that this blog’s been online I’ve gone to great lengths to define my position on the differing concepts of love either gender holds, and what influences the origins of love for either gender. I wont do a remedial post to reassert my points on this here. If you’re new reader and unfamiliar with that expansive series of posts I’ll refer you the Love category on my side bar links. However, to restate the premise for today’s post so everything is clear:

Iron Rule of Tomassi #6
Women are utterly incapable of loving a man in the way that a man expects to be loved.

In its simplicity this speaks volumes about about the condition of Men. It accurately expresses a pervasive nihilism that Men must either confront and accept, or be driven insane in denial for the rest of their lives when they fail to come to terms with the disillusionment.

Women are incapable of loving men in a way that a man idealizes is possible, in a way he thinks she should be capable of.

In the same respect that women cannot appreciate the sacrifices men are expected to make in order to facilitate their imperatives, women can’t actualize how a man would have himself loved by her. It is not the natural state of women, and the moment he attempts to explain his ideal love, that’s the point at which his idealization becomes her obligation. Our girlfriends, our wives, daughters and even our mothers are all incapable of this idealized love. As nice as it would be to relax, trust and be vulnerable, upfront, rational and open, the great abyss is still the lack of an ability for women to love Men as Men would like them to.

That bolded part there was always emphasized for a very important reason – to avoid the misperception in men that women are entirely incapable of love, and to make a distinction about men’s Blue Pill hope that a woman could love him according to his idealistic concept of love. As I said, there is an expansive series on my ideas about this, and it requires an (I believe rewarding) investment of time and comprehension in understanding them. Sorry, but there is no TL;DR version here.

When I wrote this, and during my deliberating it, I fully expected to get this most common response I get from men still stinging from a more cynical Red Pill awakening. And that is the want to believe that women’s Hypergamy prevents them from ever feeling a “genuine” love or a genuine desire for men beyond what their most immediate opportunistic need may be according to their sexual strategy – short term breeding or long term security. Generally, it’s newly unplugged guys who want to accuse me of not thinking it all the way through because I need some hopeful rationale to justify my 20-year marriage, or they think I’ve never considered Briffault’s Law.

Concepts & Expectations

I expected all of this when I wrote my early essays on men and women’s differing concepts of love. And while I’ve covered the idea of love being a complementary arrangement between men and women each holding differing concepts in prior essays, one thing I haven’t explored is what Nick calls the “Deep Conversion” a woman goes through and what she feels for a man with whom she genuinely falls in love with.

Nick refers to this process as a kind of ‘soul surrender’ in which a woman recognizes a Man’s inherent value to both her short term sexual, and long term security needs. From her perception, this guy represents her Hypergamous ideal. Such is his sexual market value in relation to her own that it puts all but the most deeply rooted doubts of his quality to rest for her and opens her to associating him with an emotional state.

I should also point out that this emotional state needn’t always be a positive association; just that the association he represents is an ideal situation her hindbrain interprets as Hypergamously optimal. If that dynamic seems like a recipe for potential abuse you’re not too far from the mark. This conversion comes as a result of a woman’s perception of her Hypergamous need and her own SMV in comparison to what she believes that man’s  SMV is in relation. Shaking a woman out of the devotion she has with an abusive husband/boyfriend is really shaking her out of the perception that he represents her Hypergamous ideal.

That optimal state is also qualified by her own self-perception of her sexual market value, and again prioritized by her most necessitous needs for her phase of maturity. However, given all these variables, that man’s perceived value to her Hypergamy is always valued as higher than her own. Hypergamy never seeks its own level, but always looks for a better-than deserved SMV comparison. In terms of SMV ratios-to-attachment Deep Conversion takes place somewhere between a 2:1 to 3:1 variance.

Most guys are simply incapable of inspiring this kind of total soul surrender and devotion in a women. Most women never get to feel it and instead must get off on Deep Conversion Lite through sugar-rush books like 50 Shades of Grey. It’s the difference between spinning plates with fuck buddies and having a genuine harem where all your girls are exclusive to you. The women aren’t aligning with you out of cold calculation or temporary strung-out groupie lust, the connection runs far far deeper and feels wholesome to both of you.

This was an excellent observation on Nick’s part, however, I think it’s important to consider this bit in terms of why most men are incapable of instilling a Deep Conversion state in women. The first reason is that most men (being Beta) already presume that any woman who would find them suitable for a monogamous commitment must already feel this sense of Deep Conversion otherwise they’d never agree to that commitment. This is part of the Blue Pill conditioning for Beta men – any girl who says “yes” to him must necessarily see him as her Hypergamous ideal. Most men lack the Red Pill awareness that women regularly make long term relationship decisions based on security needs, not because that guy represents her Hypergamous ideal.

Women would rather cry over an asshole than be saddled with a guy who bores them to tears. That doesn’t sell very well with Blue Pill men raised on Disney dreams, but women readily get into LTRs where the Beta they pair with is no comparison to the Alpha she’s widowed from; for whom she had a Deep Conversion with. And as Nick says, this is when they look to manufacture their own indignation and the excitement they lack in cheap (but safe) substitutes.

Another reason most men never experience this is because, due their Blue Pill conditioning, never give themselves permission to become the conventionally masculine men with a dominance that women need in order to feel this conversion for him. Most Blue Pill men have been taught a default deference to women. Theirs is one of a ‘Nice’, passive sensitivity to a woman’s perceived wants, rather than a dominant knowing of her need which is born from a lifetime of learning to place his mental point of origin on the whims of women.

This may be my own interpretation, but I would also argue that both a woman’s evolved psychological filtering (testing) of a man’s Hypergamous qualifications and her socialized sense of self (ego) contribute to a woman resisting this Deep Conversion for a man. As a lot of men in the Married Red Pill and DeadBedroom subredd forums will attest, it’s entirely possible to spend your life with a woman who will never feel this conversion with a man.

Deep Conversion

Done correctly deep conversion is the most satisfying experience possible between a man and a woman. So long as you keep the elements in place, it has no natural time limit. I had my ex-wife in this state for eight of the nine years we were together (losing it only when I lost my mojo) and I’ve had four girlfriends in the past two years in the same position. I’ve got a few more on the boil now. It’s really not very hard to do if you have the following core competencies in place:

  1. An unshakeably strong frame. You are special, you know you’re special, and your masculinity is stratospheric compared to the chumps around you.
  2. Cheerful misogyny. You love women but don’t take them seriously. This is more than just the attraction phase teasing. You genuinely believe women are more like dogs or children, meaning they are a delight when well-lead and a nightmare when left ill-disciplined without a pack leader. It’s empathetic but not weak or equalist.
  3. Direction. Your life must be a straight line in a Deida-esque manner. Whether it’s your music, philosophy, career, fitness your life contains several arrows pointing the same direction… towards building the archetype of a fully developed man. If you are one-dimensional the girl will hold back.
  4. Sexual mastery. Understand that women crave dominance above all else in the bedroom. Give her the kind of sex that penetrates her soul. This isn’t high-fitness sport sex and G-spot finding. Those men will keep a woman around as her sexual provider, the guy she goes to when she wants a good fucking, the bedroom equivalent of a qualifying beta chump. A sexual master rocks a girl psychologically so even a half-assed knee trembler in a public toilet has her dreaming for weeks afterwards. The girl dreams of pleasing him, not him pleasing her.

All four elements increase with age if you live your life correctly. I don’t want to write too much about it and certainly the book will never be released. Just be aware that it has it’s own ego traps, its own risks…. but it is possible. When you’re tired of the notch-carousel you might want to look into it.

Much of what Nick is outlining here is Red Pill 101 and I’d also add that Roissy’s original 16 Commandments of Poon would fill out this list more completely. What I’m exploring here, however, is the concept of how this Deep Conversion fits into the framework of men and women’s individualized concepts of love. On the one hand I have men who are critics tell me I’m in error because women’s opportunistic concept of love doesn’t meet their criteria for what love ought to be between a man and a woman – a mutually shared, unconsciously agreed upon, concept that aligns with men’s idealistic (love for love’s sake) concept.

Yet still, they don’t disagree with my assessment that women’s concept of love is rooted in optimizing their innate Hypergamy and manifests as an beneficent opportunism (beneficent in terms of quality control for the human race, not necessarily for men). This is where the conflict starts. If a male-idealistic concept of love is the correct one, and women lack a capacity to understand, appreciate or engage in that concept in a genuine, organic fashion then women entirely lack the capacity for love as men would define it. This is the deductive logic that tears men up when I explain men and women’s differing concepts of love. Their definition has to be the correct one, and if it is then women cannot love men. For guys reeling from the initial hopelessness that their Blue Pill world was always an exploitative fantasy, it’s hard for them to accept that their concept of love is only subjectively correct for them.

Blue Pill Idealism

Much of this hopelessness stems from the all-is-equal mentality that the Blue Pill sells us when we’re being raised by the ‘Village’ of pop-culture. Equalism is the religion of the Feminine Imperative, so Blue Pill men are conditioned to believe that men and women, being co-equal, co-rational agents, would necessarily share a common concept of love. As with everything egalitarian, that equalism outright denies any innate differences physically or psychologically that would separate men and women or make them adversarial in sexual strategy or purpose in life. This premise, of course, is deftly twisted by the Feminine Imperative to make feminine-primary sexual strategies and women’s concept of love, the socially correct expressions of ‘equalism’.

But therein lies men’s conflict. The same influences that convince men their idealistic concept of love is the mutually shared one are also the influences that convince men that satisfying women’s socio-sexual imperatives ought to be their life’s priority and their mental point of origin if they ever hope to achieve that idealized love state. Take this Blue Pill path to that idealistic state away from men, and you get very despondent guys who don’t believe women have a capacity to feel actual love for them. It all becomes jumping through hoops to create a feeling of love in women whose criteria for a love that originates in their opportunistic concept they must constantly qualify for.

Women critics of this differing love concepts dynamic, unsurprisingly, personalize every experience they have, their friends have or their family ever had by referring to examples of their own selfless acts of devotion to a certain man. It’s always a story about how they gave everything to a (often unappreciative, unreciprocating) man they felt some undying idealistic love for themselves, and how dare I impugn their sincerity in it?

And again, I’ll add that the only way they came to this idealistic love was through a Deep Conversion they had with a man who satisfied their Hypergamous opportunism long before they were ever inspired to those selfless acts of devotion and sacrifice. For every Alpha Widow woman who ever gave herself over to that conversion and surrendered her soul to a guy who never reciprocated it, there are a hundred Beta men who will never inspire that degree of devotion in the wives who settled on marrying them. Statistically, 80% of men (Betas) will never inspire the Deep Conversion that 10-20% of men women feel it for did.

The Red Pill Conversion

When I wrote The Love Experience I was asked to elaborate on a quote I’d made about men and women both having the capacity to love each other deeply and passionately:

“Men and women can and do love each other intensely and genuinely. They can and do see past each other’s deficiencies and their love endures.”

For men who innately cling to an idealistic concept of love, their own kind of Deep Conversion can come in the form of ONEitis and develop into some very unhealthy dependencies. One of the reasons ONEitis is so common among men is because their Blue Pill conditioning predisposes them to putting women’s needs above his own and they see that as the path to sustaining this True Love state – a state defined by their idealism.

For women, this Deep Conversion can only result from a man who so thoroughly satisfies her Hypergamous nature she’s willing to abandon her own sexual strategy. And, like the guy with ONEitis, she dedicates herself to the one guy she was able to (she thinks) lock down who was a better-than-deserved Hypergamous prospect. Women get very upset when this dedication is questioned (not unlike the ONEitis guy) because they’ve generally abandoned furthering their sexual strategy by investing their egos into a guy who satisfied their Hypergamous natures. To doubt that devotion is to doubt the wisdom of her investment – and that goes down to her evolved biology and psychology in that choice. I should note here that Alpha Widows are born from this conversion.

However, for all of that inherent risk, and despite men and women’s differing concepts of love, men and women can and do come together in individual states of love (that they often believe the other shares) that are ‘genuine’ to them and also last a lifetime. I would argue that this state cannot exist without a woman’s Deep Conversion occurring after, and as a process of, her testing and evaluating the quality of the man she feels it for. And I would also argue that a man who commits himself to this woman must also feel some sense of his idealistic concept of love being validated by that woman who has devoted herself to him.

Under the old social contracts, and under the old set of books, this conversion in men and women was likely something much easier than it is today. Women are distracted by social and cultural influences that distorts their ever truly understanding their greatly diminishing value to men, and at the same time places so many men so far below women in general that this conversion and devotion will always seem demeaning to them – even for men who exceed them in SMV.

However, this Deep Conversion state is not an impossibility and it is not impossible to sustain it in a Red Pill aware paradigm. In fact, I’ll say that Red Pill awareness and internalized Game is really the only way to sustain it in an era of Open Hypergamy where Blue Pill conditioning of men is the norm, and women’s expectations of men are ridiculously low, but standards are ridiculously exaggerated.

For the Red Pill / Game aware guy, understanding this conversion and how to inspire it is something he ought to contemplate since so much of a woman’s ego becomes invested in her devotion to him once that conversion takes place. Conversely, Red Pill men should also understand, as Nick explained about his ex-wife, that this conversion is always tentative upon his own capacity to perpetuate it.

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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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7 years ago

@ newly

Cosign about nuance and translation over the internet. I’m learning the hard way, lol.

7 years ago

@theadsgamer So, my notch count of two sets me as having standards that, in reality, are ego-buffering? If you’ve been married for over a year, and you’ve only gotten laid with your wife twice, then yes – you don’t have standards. Note I only said “don’t get laid much,” I didn’t say “don’t get laid with a variety of women.” You filled in that interpretation yourself. Which, I would say, probably points to some insecurity on your end (been guilty of it myself plenty times, even just on this site). I challenge you to examine why this statement of mine… Read more »

7 years ago


I challenge you to examine why this statement of mine elicited such a defensive sounding response from you.

lol, I was just playing

7 years ago

Blax newlyaloof

It’s odd that one of the most persistent memes in the manosphere, and readily agreed to by the PUA strain is that of the Alpha Widow.

Yet Deep Conversion is an impossible concept…

Alpha Widow + Submission = Deep Conversion

Not a hard equation… (i’d add tangible hypergamous success in the form of propagated female genes viz kids AND grandkids… myself)

Quack quack Mersonia!

7 years ago

“but If they can’t spark attraction they’ll never have a relationship at all………unless they just has hella moneyzl lzlzolzolzozlol and If they can’t spark attactionz they can’t hold attractions and hypergamy sticks it in their booty lzolzozlolololololololol.” Pure idiocy Mersonia duck… Hmmmm …. 7.5 billion? roughly 60% globally… give or take a bit…? Mystery Method book sales figures? RSD seminar attendance figures? Just how did we all get here… OMG! “Sparking attraction” is as natural as having a sex drive… You don’t need a system… The “system” copies what is going on… Your Point of View unmasks you…… Read more »

hank holiday
hank holiday
7 years ago

@pellaeon “I believe that, for most men, that depends a good deal on whether he’s been laid none times or thousands.” Cosign. Speaking from experience, if you haven’t gotten laid much (or not at all), it’s easy to fall into the two of believing that you’re setting standards when, in reality, you’re just hamstering a rationalization for running away from a challenge. Slightly agree. Here’s the difference. Each guy has a different type of girl he likes and doesn’t like. Maybe one guy doesn’t like black girls. You you bring him to a club with all black girls. He sees… Read more »

7 years ago
Culum Struan
Culum Struan
7 years ago

@PUA and other guys – finally got caught up with this entire thread so dropping in responses from the last few pages to various people – and thanks for the feedback on my last FR. Monday night FR getting posted below.. — @Make America Great Again – Clearly wanted massive dominance. It’s a test to find guys who will be as rough with her as she wants. That’s why she responded so well when you went physical. Had a girl like that myself but missed some of the signs she wanted high dominance (she wanted to be picked up and… Read more »

Culum Struan
Culum Struan
7 years ago

YaReally Sentient HABD Wala Scray Forge Hank and all the other @PUA gang Guys – any ideas for drills to break through my current sticking point as below? Good, chilled night. Went to my usual student night Latin bar thing on Monday although the bartender girl I know wasn’t there (not the same one I went Sunday). It was much quieter than usual – lot more guys, fewer girls, but still a reasonable number of girls. Three-four hours, stayed till closing time (there was a problem with the cloakroom so was in that line at the end for an HOUR,… Read more »

hank holiday
hank holiday
7 years ago

okay so got to work on a girl working at check out situ is hard since well I don’t work here or anything, but to simplify things and keep anonymity, its similar to if I did give # for discount. Its not going through. she asks for me to repeat it. she corrects it and it goes thru. “Hmm. So you are bad at typing then.” “No I type fine. Whenever I type up something wrong it gives me a different message.” “Okay. So you FREQUENTLY make mistakes then.” “Its not that often. These people come up and put in… Read more »

hank holiday
hank holiday
7 years ago


Good vibes and subcomms..what do I *DO*? What do I talk about? I just go blank with this stuff even when my state is good.

we’ve been over this…….


7 years ago

@Sentient “Mystery Method book sales figures? RSD seminar attendance figures? Just how did we all get here… OMG! “Sparking attraction” is as natural as having a sex drive… You don’t need a system… The “system” copies what is going on…” My post has no relation to Mystery method Lozolzolzololol. No but seriously tell that to all the sad guys who’ve been convinced that they have to do anything for them to worth to talk to x female. Lol what did they copy. “Your Point of View unmasks you… all the hardcase newbs will fight to the death for their religion,… Read more »

7 years ago


7 years ago

@Culum Struan, Yareally Try it, it works wonders. It’s an opener, so you DHV by either doing something beforehand, or by hitting on them afterwards. I try and be very casual with my opener, relaxed body language, eye contact, firm smile whilst also giving them space so they can say no. If they say yes, expect to do most of the talking, at least at the start (Juggler 90-10). My limited experience in this suggests that with a 2-set you really need a wingman, otherwise you end up getting activley/passivly cockblocked. But I’ve actually been surprised at how decent this… Read more »

7 years ago

Krause has a clear purity fantasy. This is just a reality weave to rationalize that. He’s a White Knight at heart wanting to “save girls from the bad r-selected men.” I’m surprised you oversee this Rollo 🙁

7 years ago
Reply to  Randi
7 years ago

@Culum Struan “[…]what do I *DO*? What do I talk about? I just go blank with this stuff even when my state is good[…]”

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

Here is a deep conversion at Tindr. Some may find this unsettling, as a non-user I admit to amusement.

Zhu Wunang
Zhu Wunang
7 years ago

@blax, yareally, rollo, Team OMG, Team PUA I think the issue with the Deep Conversion (DC) debate is the exact same thing as with the marriage debate. You are trying to describe something that is very real to you, for which we have confirmation from the other OMGs and the guys in your social circle that it exists (so we know it’s not a hallucination), but is incredibly difficult to describe in such a way that people who have neither seen nor experienced it can understand. You’re trying to describe the taste of licorice, or bubble gum, or cream soda.… Read more »

7 years ago

Broken and lame… Darker…

7 years ago

@Culum any ideas for drills to break through my current sticking point as below? Just keep a few openers handy like i’d written to you about before. Watch for IOI’s. I met a girl on the weekend who kept smiling at me at a party. She was in a skin-tight black dress. I walked over, danced with her. She looked at me. “That dress fits you like a second skin…” I said slowly and in a deep voice, slight smirk. I could feel her tingles. “I’m a little fat” she said qualifying herself—another IOI. “We’ll have to think of a… Read more »

7 years ago


Wow! Very compelling!

YSGs are guys who have been lied to their entire lives. You had men telling you the truth.

Not exactly. The culture I lived in had songs which contained some real whoppers. And the songs were VERY persuasive. Almost caused me to commit suicide because I wasn’t in a relationship with a girl.

7 years ago

@pua I need some advice on how to sexualize things with a local hottie waitress/bartender at the local pool hall. OSG here and I play pool regularly at this hall and am getting to be well known – ie, not just a walk-in off the street. During nights the waitress/bartender handles players/drinkers herself and she makes the rounds on the floor hustling up business. Hot petite blond, late 20’s, friendly. She and I have a thing going on based on horses (get your minds out of the gutter boyz) – I’ve got a few and she buys/sells/rides the things… Been… Read more »

7 years ago

@Disgruntled Earthling If you’ve settled into “big brother role” the only way to sexualize this is to walk in with a younger, hotter girl while she’s working and watch how she reacts. IF you start getting the “who’s that?” Then you can sexualize things: “Look at you getting jealous…I thought you were just being nice to me for the tips..” etc etc etc. Horses…easy. “I’m wondering what it would be like to ride….(pause)…” She’ll start blabbing.. You: “I’m not finished…I’m wondering what it would be like to ride…you.” If you hesitate then two things, your gut is telling you she… Read more »

7 years ago

@Zhu Wunang

“I think the issue with the Deep Conversion (DC) debate is the exact same thing as with the marriage debate…”

Wow, Zhu, nice post. I like and appreciate your non-inflammatory style. Something to work up to. And spot-on with the quantum physics analogy.

7 years ago

@walawala “or you’re just weasling out of escalating because you’re afraid she’ll report you for harassment to the boss ” Yeah this… The boss is a drunken retard susceptible to banning people. I value my ability to keep frequenting this joint for various reasons… “walk in with a younger, hotter girl” not likely. I’m no where near that in my OSG development. But that’s definitely a super idea. “You: “I’m not finished…I’m wondering what it would be like to ride…you.”” I was thinking of a direct approach along the lines of “I’m single now – let’s meet up for drinks… Read more »

7 years ago

@waw ““You: “I’m not finished…I’m wondering what it would be like to ride…you.”” I was thinking of a direct approach along the lines of “I’m single now – let’s meet up for drinks tomorrow. I want to talk more than just horses…”. My thinking here is making my intent known with minimal risk – but that could just be more weaseling on my part” And also I don’t think she wants to be seen in this joint overtly flirting with a customer. I feel if I can get her out of the pool-hall context then half the battle is won.… Read more »

7 years ago

@Blaximus, Re: your request for comment How and why did I start reading TRM? Some background to begin: I lost my wife a few years ago now (she had been very sick for a long time and we had never had the chance to start a family), and found myself approaching middle age, pretty much on my own. I had never really enjoyed the company of women (that includes my own Mother, a very unhappy person who still hasn’t come to terms with her upbringing at the hands of her narcissist Mother, my Grandmother. And my Sister, who I can… Read more »

Agent P
Agent P
7 years ago

Very eloquent indeed. (Sure you appealed to my ego investment as an OMG).

I’ve got it,…. Schrödinger’s marriage!

As an aside, it warms my heart that we can have these debates in a spirit of fraternity. Rough and tumble as they may be, definitely bro’s before ho’s. I hope everyone can maintain a degree of civility long enough that we can hash out these difficult concepts without coming apart at the seams.

7 years ago

@Disgruntled Earthling if it’s a bar you’re keen to hang out why would hitting on a waitress hold you back. No bar owner is going to ban a guy for being a guy as long as you’re not creepy–which is sounds like you’re not. YOu: “I’m single now – let’s meet up for drinks tomorrow. I want to talk more than just horses…”. BETTER: “If you promise not to talk about horses anymore, let’s meet up somewhere where you won’t be fired for buying me a drink….what’s your schedule?” If she blows you off…don’t come back for a week or… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  walawala
7 years ago


Take me to your leader.

Ok, I had to get that off my chest.

Make the waitress giggle. Triangulate her eyes and lips, then laser her as you cut the distance and stop about 4 inches apart and hold it as you talk. See if she moves away…if she doesn’t, assume a meetup and tell her when and where…e.g., “I’ll see you when you get off work.”

7 years ago

“stop about 4 inches apart”
I was about 10-12″ part last night. I should be able to cut it down. Although EC is there I need to make more of an effort with lasoring and creating that bubble. I can feel the bubble/envlope building when we talk but I’m not making enough of an effort to build/maintain it.

““I’ll see you when you get off work.””
She closes the place at 3:00AM – way past my bedtime 🙂

Thanks for the input!

having a bad day
having a bad day
7 years ago

@Culum @Black Pill: BTW I’ve been seeing the HABD masterclasses breaking down your conversation/interactions line by line pointing out the shit tests and frame grabs and I know it seems like really subtle stuff but he is absolutely spot on. I still remember one line-by-line breakdown he gave me of an interaction last year of when I *felt* like I was maintaining boundaries with a girl but actually fell into her frame. one of the easiest ways to stay out of her frame is to LEAD her (so focus on that)… leading her and ‘being in her frame’ are mutually… Read more »

7 years ago
7 years ago

Culum So much good stuff for you… give it two reads! Heh I’m totally doing that music pump experiment thing. I am a child of the Eighties so I’ll probably go Eye of the Tiger or some such but I’m so doing that Here is the key… the song you pick needs to actually trigger a chemical response in you… dopamine and adrenaline… you need to activate the limbic system. This phenomenon is termed “musical frission”… and it has more to do with the tension created and released than the words… What you are not looking for is a “happy… Read more »

7 years ago

@ Bitterpill “I still question why a man would learn PUA behaviour to attract the sort of women that could in no way benefit a man’s life, let alone have the mental capacity to appreciate what a man could do for her.” “non-existent dating and sex life, which isn’t so bad as I’ve found the never ending horniness abates a little in your late 30s” … And here we have the dichotomy again: RP men being able to “Deep Convert” bitchy, lump of coal women into diamonds, vs. women inherently being good or bad. If you only associate with women… Read more »

7 years ago

Zhu Wunang Nice post… I like your style… genuine inquiry. one of the limitations we face is the Millennial narcissism… whereby all knowledge must be distilled down and spoon fed to them in accordance with their own unique circumstances… In days of yore… knowledge seekers would actually seek… Not stand at the foot of the mountain and shout up to the guru that they can’t hear him… Mersonia “Your Point of View unmasks you… all the hardcase newbs will fight to the death for their religion, and ignore how the world works all around them.” Lolzoolozlololol have fun letting 5… Read more »

7 years ago


I don’t think the problem men have is with whatever it is you want to call Deep Conversion, I think the problematic term is “love”.

Another problem is not truly understanding hypergamy and what constitutes attraction “half life” or decay… Or cumulative demonstration. Or Alpha Widowness…

I’m sure you have no fear of going out to dinner with the wife and using the bathroom… that she isn’t going to run off with a PUA in the meantime… LOL

7 years ago


Yeh the next step is to get in or get blown out… Keep the vibe going and get her logistics… she will know why… if you get an opening for her, make plans…

Then you will know where you stand.

7 years ago


openers are just THAT… it gets you IN to the interaction… it doesn’t really have any other function… you could always just say ‘hi’…lol… then change the subject and start talking to her like you are her friend… essentially ‘boyfriend kino’ in verbal form…lol…

Worth reading twice… “hey” is a reliable opener….

7 years ago

“women don’t Love men, they just feel “a lot of attraction” for them, sometimes.” The Adventuress The Adventuress The Materialista “Most as the woman’s sex drive is variable, so too the man’s. The vast majority of men and women are more “medium sex drive,” differing more in a relative sense than an absolute sense. In a relationship, more than likely the importance of HD/LD depends on where the man and woman are with respect to each other. For example, both the woman and the man may have lower than normal sex drives compared to the popula- tion at large. But… Read more »

7 years ago

PS – note how Sheen LEADS the conversation… just fill in the pauses to link the next part… whatever it is.

7 years ago


She closes the place at 3:00AM – way past my bedtime

or whatever works for you…do a time bridge…”we can meet up for drinks tomorrow at Barney’s…romantic music will be playing…I’ll order a martini…what will you get…we’ll chat and be cozy…get lost in each other’s eyes…head over to my place to watch a video if I like you enough”. Build the expectation for a date…put her in the position of chasing you

7 years ago

@Softek Hey, thanks for the reply, I’ve read your story with interest too. Did you manage to read my entire comment (I know it was a bit of a wall of text)? I wasn’t trying to convey the frustration of trying to convert a “bitchy lump of coal in to a diamond”, I’ve never bothered with shitty people, and I don’t pine for the company of such people in anyway. My wife was a lovely, kind, woman, and I didn’t have to do anything, it was innate in her. Of women I’ve meant since then, any sort of relationship if… Read more »

7 years ago

Great comments. @ Rollo The real disconnect concerning ” love ” is in the inability to unlock the concept from a blue pill Disneyland understanding. Your point about women not being able to love men the way they want to be loved keeps getting glossed over. My kids aren’t just highly attracted to me, nor are family and my closest friends. Guys want to abandon the idealistic part of love, with good reason, but they tend to completely throw the baby out with the bathwater in the process. Imo this works to their detriment in the long haul. Ergo PUA… Read more »

7 years ago

At the risk of arguing pointlessly over an analogy, something physicists themselves are prone to when “interpreting” quantum theory, I think with Deep Conversion we are still in the realm of classical mechanics. The first person to note that there were observed planetary motions that could not be explained by Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation was: Newton. He knew from the outset that he was missing some finer point. Yet, except for the exceptions, it worked, and worked well, because most of the phenomena we observed did not take place under the degree of attraction that required relativistic analysis. But… Read more »

Joe K
Joe K
7 years ago

Look, I’m happy for OMGs here that have long-standing, functional marriages. Almost all of us wanted that at one time or another. Yeah, your wives are in their 40s and 50s – and yeah, it’s a whole ‘nother ballgame for the current crop of 20-something Instagram-famous supermodels-in-their-own-mind….but good on you, your families are probably about as healthy as any in the modern era. There’s a contradiction here, though – go back and read “Spare the Rod” from just 1 month ago. The OMGs’ advice in this thread is basically going entirely against Rollo’s advice in that post – if not… Read more »

7 years ago


Last one is funny… middle is solid.

7 years ago

@ Bitter I did read the whole comment. My intent with saying that was just to extrapolate a general concept from your comment, not to say that’s what you specifically were doing. That was my mistake and I should’ve worded it more clearly. Sorry about that. Your story brought to mind something I’ve been mulling over: quality of women vs. RP awareness and Frame of the man. There was a huge debate here not too long ago about >25yo women in 2016, compared to women in older generations, and how Smartphones and Tinder and Instagram and Twitter and Facebook and… Read more »

7 years ago


I am digging the music juxtoposition. Possum Kingdom is a dark-triad mind fuck. Good choice.

7 years ago

@ Joe K Remember, the world does not revolve around nasty, drama prone 20 somethings. The idea that a man ” converts ” a mean bitch into anything at all misses the mark. Mean and nasty frame filled chicks that will do the worse shit to you are to be dismissed with extreme prejudice. Why deal with that at all? This is why the pedestalization of hawt >25 hb8-9’s should always be avoided. A young bitch is the same as an old one. Teaching guys to tolerate shitty behavior long enough to get the drawers is one thing… I guess,… Read more »

7 years ago


Cool.. but remember it is not the lyrics per se, it is the arrangement of the music… so really could be a lollypop jellybean lyric

Look into Musical Frisson… a number of scientific studies on this.

But really, find something that hits you this way and go do the infield experiment… see how your tone is, your manner, how calm, how much INTENT you show… anchor that feeling for later recall…

7 years ago


You Bozon with your quarky physics analogies!

7 years ago

Anyway, on another note, I’ll stand by what I said about having Frame, and that is the most important thing a man can do. 1) Be extremely passionate about at least one thing in your life. 2) Embrace your desire to fuck a lot of different women. That has been my basis for Frame lately. If any man really got those two points down I think he’d be doing pretty well for himself. It really is that simple. The only reason it feels hard is because men are socially conditioned to do the EXACT OPPOSITE of those two things. e.g.… Read more »

7 years ago

@ Blax

“There’s a difference between a chick being resistant or difficult, and her being a flaming bitch or overly manipulative.”

I’m still trying to figure out the difference. Screening is very important. If I could be as good with women as I am in my trade I’d be golden. In about 5 minutes I can tell you everything that’s wrong and exactly how to fix it, and roughly how much it’ll cost and how much labor it’ll be, and whether or not you’d be better off buying a new one.

7 years ago

Rollo was saying to demonstrate-not-explicate that she’s fucking finished the moment that happens.

Az long az ze nukleah weaponz are not uzed, we have a basis for negozhiazhon.

or training dogs…I’ve been through a LOT in my marriage

by the way, as far as a woman’s perception of dick size goes…she will hamster a 4 inch Chinese dicklet into a 10″ burrito if it is an appendage of a top Communist Party member

7 years ago

Softek You are having a good awakening via experience… That has been my basis for Frame lately. If any man really got those two points down I think he’d be doing pretty well for himself. It really is that simple. The only reason it feels hard is because men are socially conditioned to do the EXACT OPPOSITE of those two things. e.g. focus on getting a “real job” instead of doing something that makes you feel alive, focus on being a “good guy” and putting women first instead of putting yourself first. This is the difference between living the Golden… Read more »

7 years ago

@Softek: “If I could be as good with women as I am in my trade I’d be golden.”

How much and what sort of practice did you put in to your trade?

7 years ago


One quibble

The only reason it feels hard is because men are socially conditioned to do the EXACT OPPOSITE of those two things.

I think social conditioning is overblown… I think men subscribe to the Golden Rule logic because to a dog it makes sense… If I am doing something then I will be rewarded for it, because – work. Dogs like to think everyone thinks like they think. and Golden Rule is easy… just follow along… no risks… no failure… just you wait…

7 years ago

@ kfg I’ve been doing this seriously for about 6 years now, but my first brush with it and awareness of it was about 13 years ago. Countless hours. Wake up thinking about it, go to sleep thinking about it, read online about it all day, work on my own projects, jobs for customers. Basically complete and utter obsession. And of course lots of trial and error. I actually keep a journal of mistakes I’ve made, and the corresponding corrections. I get frustrated when I fuck up, but not as much recently, as I’ve gotten more confidence that I’ll be… Read more »

7 years ago

“And of course lots of trial and error. I actually keep a journal of mistakes I’ve made, and the corresponding corrections.”

And not on just one instrument, but many.

7 years ago


One thing you can do is think about why your wife was attracted to you at first. Lots of times it is because you did something accidently red pill or you had high status in the situation for some reason. You likely had attraction before you went into comfort. Maybe, you are seeking comfort too early. There are more ethical PUA ideas out there if that is a problem. Even Julien is better now.

I think starting PUA is like starting any new thing. Slightly embarrassing too see how bad one is at it.

7 years ago
Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

Rollo Biochemically speaking Love is really an emotional state triggered by dopamine, oxytocin, testosterone and a cocktail of other hormones. Remove the physical prompts that trigger the glands that produces them and you remove the “Love”. How many times have we read here or other places some version of this story: Man with some degree of Game plays the field for a few years, meets a woman who is better than the rest, marries / starts LTR because she’s totally in luv with him, then over the course of a few years finds himself with a nagging, fight-picking, shrew that… Read more »

7 years ago

“BAM! This is where you will end up when it all clicks… authentic… fight or fuck” Sounds simple enough. Parasympathetic or crainosacral innervation (breed and feed) elicits and maintains erection, specifically sacral nerves 2-4. Thus erection requires semblance of physiological relaxation. Sympathetic or thoracolumbar innervation (fight or flight) elicits ejaculation, specifically thoracic nerves T11-L1. Thus ejaculation requires a semblance of physiological arousal. Parasympathic and sympathic systems antagonize the other for autonomic balance. During sex one then the other must dominate. Excitation reduces erection and relaxation reduces ejaculation. There’s a somatosensory component too. Ironically, caffeine is correlated with less ED. Throw… Read more »

7 years ago

“Put down that cellphone!” “OK, well then fuck me in the ass” My,my. That is quite a (fitness) test. You do recognize the sub-com, right Softek? It’s symbolism? The call of help to see if she can or even wants to submit to your dominance. The call to see if you are dominant enough for her likes. IDK, it’s kinda of clear. It’s merely a test. Ask not how you can merely pass that test, but how you can use her testing to your advantage. (She is covertly communicating with you.) And no, you don’t actually have to fuck her… Read more »

7 years ago

@Anonymous Reader

yeah. love fades.

7 years ago

“. . . “contempt by wife” was specifically mentioned as one of the most dangerous.”

Go figure.

7 years ago

Unfortunately Gottman went BP after he married. He now talks about how men need to listen to their wives and give in to their wives and so on, so he’s very FI, blue pill garbage. In his earlier research he had some good points — like the one you mentioned about female contempt being a big divorce predictor, or another observation that men are typically hugely more stressed by domestic arguments than women are — women naturally thrive in these disputes, whereas men get very stressed (of course, he was talking about blue pilled men … we know better than… Read more »

7 years ago


Or, as it has been put in more earthy terms, “Just one blowjob away from going back on the plantation.”

7 years ago

How many times have we read here or other places some version of this story:
Man with some degree of Game plays the field for a few years, meets a woman who is better than the rest, marries / starts LTR because she’s totally in luv with him, then over the course of a few years finds himself with a nagging, fight-picking, shrew that doesn’t even come close to the woman he used to know.

How many times has the guy been dynamic, passionate and authentic and pursuing the Platinum Rule?

7 years ago

Let’s discuss love…a hard topic to nail down…the topic keeps getting brought up because it’s interesting…it won’t go away…OMG’s are accused of semantic dysfunction for even using the term “love”…maybe a man’s capacity to love changes with age…kind of like how young men are more likely to stand erect than old men…seeing a beautiful woman no longer causes any response in my loins…I actually have to like a woman before eros erects the equipment…although manual stimulation will also have the desired effect

7 years ago

This level of attraction can be seen in people, when we look. Some older couples who have been married for 30 or more years show it.

According to my recollection, 99% of married couples 60+ have dead bedrooms.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

Novaseeker Unfortunately Gottman went BP after he married. He now talks about how men need to listen to their wives and give in to their wives and so on, so he’s very FI, blue pill garbage Yes. I have a copy of one of his most recent books around here someplace, it is largely a rehash of previous work (justifiable at his age) with a bit of new research, and a final chapter tacked on that is just horrible. It’s badly written, in a meandering, almost random style, and it’s all about men obeying women. I’m pretty sure we can… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

How many times has the guy been dynamic, passionate and authentic and pursuing the Platinum Rule?

Whoosh. Right over your head.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago


Or, as it has been put in more earthy terms, “Just one blowjob away from going back on the plantation.”

Yeah, I miss Zed from Spearhead. Kind of wonder sometimes if he’s still around at all.

7 years ago

Anonymous Reader…

You thought I was talking to you?

7 years ago

“A man might be thought wealthy if someone were to draw the story of his deeds, that they may be remembered.”

Yollo Comanche
Yollo Comanche
7 years ago

Isn’t Azzhole Gaye BP now?

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

You thought I was talking to you?

You chose to reply to my words, in an irrelevant way.

Black Pill
Black Pill
7 years ago

@RedPill_BitterPill I was pretty cynical about women after my LTR fucked out and I got the red pill as a suppository. But I have been surprised to meet quite a few decent girls out there. One thing I have gotten good at is reading them quite quickly, makeup, hair, tattoos, the way they talk and walk. I stay clear of women over the age of 30, in my experience they always have an agenda. I find the younger ones are more open, more curious, more interesting to talk to and carry less baggage. Makes it easier to focus on using… Read more »

7 years ago

@ RedPill_BitterPill Firstly, thank you very much for sharing your story. I have to admit, I got a lump in my throat. Just let me say, as 1 husband to another, I am sorry for your loss. Okay, back to the RP stuff…. Having experienced a happy and ideal marriage, even if it fell outside of the RP paradigm, is a increasingly rare occurrence. What you have described is something that many men no longer think exists, and even fewer will ever get a whiff of. Imo, this is an awful development for men. I think in your case, there’s… Read more »

7 years ago

@ Zhu Wunang Great analysis. I enjoyed reading it very much. …. The taste of licorice. Perfect analogy. ” As someone who did not rely on PUA to get where you are, it’s probably very strange to you to need to spell things out, and probably shocking to see the response you received. Please try to keep in mind that the YSGs are guys who have been lied to their entire lives. You had men telling you the truth. The YSGs had men telling them to “man up” and “happy wife, happy life.” It’s going to take some time to… Read more »

hank holiday
hank holiday
7 years ago

@culum just saw the rest of your posts talking about not liking/needing a stack. My opinion still stands (you need one) but let me clarify #1 stacks seem awkward since you haven’t used them much. If you use them, it will become more natural. I take it you didn’t do debate in school? A big part of debate is you prepare your arguments in advance, its a lot like a stack. The key thing I believe you are missing is a stack isn’t a set in stone lineup. You just have a series of loosely related DHVs, cold reads, roleplays… Read more »

7 years ago
7 years ago
7 years ago
Reply to  Blaximus


having a bad day
having a bad day
7 years ago

@Zhu Wunang at 11:20p very nice summary/analysis… ———— @Sentient thanks for that link… @Forge @AR what do you think about that link’s info?… (what pops into your head when i say that?…) ————- @Blaximus Guys want to abandon the idealistic part of love, with good reason, but they tend to completely throw the baby out with the bathwater in the process. when your only tool is a hammer… at this point, i’ve got an open mind on the ‘deep conversion’ idea (which might actually be an accurate description…lol)… i’m not convinced that ‘attraction/arousal’ alone is all that’s in play…… Read more »

7 years ago

@Rugby11: ” I had only graduated from High School just some years before! How can there be a change that quick, I wondered?” That is what the public schools are for, to generate that sort of social change in those few years. The kids just exiting high school now are nothing compared to what is coming up through the grade schools now. Those poor bastards are the first generation to get pretty much the full onslaught of progressive pedagogy. It was in Oklafuckinghoma that a couple of years ago teachers were instructed to stop using gendered pronouns and refer to… Read more »

7 years ago

@ HABD ” aaand, that’s why i’m still thinking that it’s ‘normal’ attraction/arousal… just pushed to ’11’…lol… but there does seem to be another component in play… for lack of a better descriptor… so i’m still open… (not that i’m ever NOT open to revising my opinion…lol)” Ahhhh, there’s the rub. I am wracking my brain to try and figure out what the other component is, and how to adequately describe it. this means that I’ve been replaying sexual encounters with various women ( I have a pornograp…um…photographic memory. In 4k HD even ) trying to string together a commonality.… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

h a b d t might just be that ‘deep conversion’ girls are with guys their hindbrains see as 4+ up on the SMV scale ratio (on both AF and BB sides) It’s easy to see how this could work in terms of evo-psych. Plus a man wh is 4+ up on the SMV scale can slip a bit, 2 points maybe, and still retain loyalty in the short run. If it’s not his fault – health issue or job injury – she’d still be prone to stay with him, and I know of couples like this. If he lets… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago


Hey AR, pass me the eye bleach would ya?

7 years ago

The “extra” component is total submission…which we see in Stockholm Syndrome and in brainwashing as well…Hitler used this very effectively, for example…Hitler was The Leader ™ and all the rest were totally submitted (in theory, at least) followers

having a bad day
having a bad day
7 years ago

@AR It’s easy to see how this could work in terms of evo-psych. Plus a man wh is 4+ up on the SMV scale can slip a bit, 2 points maybe, and still retain loyalty in the short run. If it’s not his fault – health issue or job injury – she’d still be prone to stay with him, and I know of couples like this. If he lets himself get too betaized, losing like 3 points, then trouble begins. Either he fixes it or it burns down. We have enough first person stories among current commenters of men who… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

Mas caffeine por favor

Eye bleach?

comment image

having a bad day
having a bad day
7 years ago

The “extra” component is total submission…which we see in Stockholm Syndrome and in brainwashing as well…

that’s what i’m leaning towards… does Stockholm Syndrome have an expiry date?…

good luck!

7 years ago

HABD Explain your views on the “Alpha Widow” phenomenon… would be interesting. you might be a little hesitant to believe someone else (even if you trust them in other areas) who is telling you that that stove ‘really isn’t that hot’…lol True story… I worked in a pizza place a million years ago… Guys there a while would just grab super hot metal pans and toss them around bare handed… no problems… all the time. Shit hurt me… bad. Point of View based on experience is not wrong… may take one some time to appreciate it though… BLAX Ahhhh, there’s… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

h a b d that’s what i’m leaning towards… does Stockholm Syndrome have an expiry date?… History says “maybe”. It seems to vary from individual to individual. Neural pathways can get grooved pretty deeply, leading to nearly uncontrollable stimulus-response. That’s part of PTSD, if I remember rightly. Maybe we’ll learn more when the Kim regime in North Korea collapses, it could be almost everyone in that giant prison camp is insane to some degree. Music link is interesting, I followed down to the original paper. The personality link of “open to new experiences” correlating with “music shivers” makes sense to… Read more »

7 years ago

@ Sentient Re: Music – lots of songs do it for me, from all different genres. But there’s one specific song that has been fucking me up for 45 years straight – Maggot Brain by Funkadelic, with Eddie Hazel on guitar. It is as close a view into a guys soul translating through his fingers to the strings as I’ve ever heard. The live version is even better. This was 1971, so today it sounds kinda dull and lame because of all of the multi-layered electronics employed by todays recording industry. Even though I’ve heard it thousands and thousands of… Read more »

7 years ago

@Sentient/Culum Regarding the James Marshall infield. Firstly, the dude looks like Jim Morrison and sounds like Errol Flynn….he’s already got the advantages of being a good looking guy.

But….note his voice: slow, low tones, smooth, not excited, not speeding up…he puts the girls at ease with his control.

Note his “negs”….”You have cult-leader eyes”…..this was like the one I used the other day “That dress fits you like a second skin…”

Also he starts the interaction off with “So…what’s your story?” I say: “What trouble you causing this week?” Open-ended, gets them talking.

7 years ago


Hey don’t hate on good looking guys… It’s a different brand of tough…

Love your stories man. So many breakthroughs and such a pleasant fellow. Hat tip…

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago


comment image

7 years ago


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