Selective Breeding

Why is it okay to kick a Beta male in the balls on TV or in the movies?

The cocky Beta who gets his comeuppance with a swift kick to the nuts from a Strong Independent Woman® archetype has been standard fare for comic relief in action-adventure movies for some time now. Why is this socially acceptable? In the most recent Avengers movie Starlord (Chriss Pratt) gets kneed in the groin when he – the lovable, humorous Beta male archetype – tries to reconnect with his ‘true love’ interest Gamora after she’d been killed in the prior movie. This is just one example, but so long as the character is definably a Beta (in comparison to definably Alpha male archetypes in the story) permission is granted to ridicule him by exploiting his greatest weakness; a kick in the nuts.

We see the attacking of men’s genitals as humorous because it conveys and confirms sexual selection cues. Only Beta men deserve to have their balls kicked as a confirmation of their sexual selection status. Attacking a woman sexually is tantamount to rape, so flipping the gender script in this instance is a non-starter with comparisons in the movies. In fact, men even speaking critically of women’s bodies is regularly used as an illustration of misogyny or presented as the typical abuse women must endure from body-shaming chauvinist men.

 If we look at the popular fiction of this era – the Avengers or Star Wars franchises for example – we can see the death of conventional masculinity played out in the erasure of Alpha male characters. Tony Stark (Iron Man), Steve Rodgers (Captain America), Han Solo, etc. are systematically removed from popular consciousness. Even Thor is a has-been alcoholic who’ll now be replaced by his female incarnation in the next “Thor” movie. And this is the model of masculinity that’s left for us. Laughable Beta males and Strong Independent Woman® who step up to fill the vacuum of powerful male characters that’s been written for them to fill.


Earlier this year I read a story about a staged protest by a Russian feminist girl who poured what we were told was a mixture of bleach and water onto the crotches of men who were manspreading on a subway train. With a critical eye you can sort of tell this was staged. Guys were sitting by themselves with no one else in an adjoining seat and she’d go up to them and pour a water bottle on their crotches. I’ve see similar protests before, and if you look at the linked video here today you can see how this ‘man spreading revenge’ fantasy plays out, even in commercials. 

Recently there was another woman who’s won some sort of design award for a chair she designed to discourage men from naturally spreading their legs when they sit. And, of course, she designed a companion chair that encourages women to spread their own legs. The male chair forces men to sit like a “proper lady” should. While some men try to defend this posture as the natural way guys just sit, I read a lot of commentary about how men’s sitting posture is an arrogant display of toxic masculinity because men were somehow taught to, or feel they must, take up more space when seated. Women’s frustration is ostensibly about the space men take up with their posture, and the more militant women presume it’s a behavior grounded in some unconscious sexism. “I’m more important as a man so I need to take up space.”

But manspreading isn’t about space. It’s about a display of genitals. Men with legs spread is a natural, often subconscious, Alpha posture. It’s a hindbrain signaling of confidence in men. Now, before you write me off here, think about this; if women’s primary concern was about men taking up space, then why attack a man’s genitals to force him to close it up? Why not simply ask him to close up a bit? Why is pouring water (bleach) on his crotch an acceptable punishment? Why is a hit to the balls a reflexive retaliation?

Women’s existential fear is having their Hypergamous filters bypassed by a clever Beta male impersonating an Alpha, breeding with him, and thereby saddled for a lifetime of support with the child of his inferior seed. Women’s evolved sensitivity to this filter extends to subconscious cues men display in their posture. Ergo, a man ‘spreading’ is perceived by a woman’s hindbrain as a false signal of Alpha by a Beta male. This triggers the existential fear response, thus attacking his manhood is doing all of womankind a favor by humiliating him for his attempt to deceive women’s filters.

I’m sure there’ll be some women (and their ‘allies’) who’ll think this is a stretch, but then, why is it acceptable to kick a man in the nuts when he’s spreading? Why is it that Starlord gets kicked in the balls and we laugh? Because a Beta male tried to pass himself off as an Alpha and retaliation was due. If a guy like Jason Mamoa was sitting spread-legged on a bus it would serve as an arousal cue for most women. Alpha status recognition is an automatic subconscious subroutine, fine tuned over millennia of evolution, in women. Women’s subconscious awareness instinctively reads SMV status and prompts behavior accordingly.

She Doesn’t Want Your Shitty Last Name

Or your shitty genetics for that matter. Patrilinear surnames are a symbolic stamp of ownership for men. They give a name to his genetics – a surname is associated with a specific genetic line. A man’s legacy is his genes and those genes need an identifier. One of the more controversial topics I debate online is the refusal of men’s surname by their wives. Women keeping their last names or hyphenating them in marriage is now a common sign of their independent spirit. Marriage is only acceptable to the Strong Independent Woman® when it looks more like an egalitarian business arrangement rather than a complementary pairing of a man and a woman who understand (and accept) the nature of their own gender. Traditional marriage looks too much like “ownership” for feminist wives and nümale husbands.

Blue Pill conditioned men are far more likely to be okay with their wives’ decision to keep her name, hyphenate it, or even take her name. After all, it’s the progressive thing to do and most believe on some level of consciousness that his accepting her independence in this way will make him more appreciated by her. The truth is this: his acquiescing to her in this way only reinforces what her hindbrain has already confirmed – she’s paired with a Beta male who wouldn’t give an afterthought to insisting his genetics bear his name. He confirms the low quality of his genetics to her hindbrain.

There are a lot of convenient social conventions that come along with a woman’s insistence on keeping her surname. Just like the excuse of men “taking up space” warrants terms like “manspreading”, women and nümales will appeal to pragmatism:

“She’s a doctor, lawyer, soon-to-be-famous-person and she need to maintain her identity for public relations reasons. Otherwise she’d totally take my last name dude.”

“I don’t want her to have a crummy last name like ‘Butts’ or something.”

“Taking a man’s last name is an antiquated symbol of patriarchal ownership of women. Haven’t we evolved past this yet? Are you so insecure in your masculinity that you’ll insist on her taking your name?”

These are a few of the cover stories, but the latent purpose is the same; women’s hindbrains must hedge their Hypergamous bets with men they know are Beta before pretending to commit to a lifetime of breeding and parental investment with them. For a woman marrying a man whom her subconscious acknowledges as Alpha, not assuming his name isn’t an afterthought to her. Women paired with a man who is a confirmed Alpha will often say “I didn’t want children, but I wanted to have his babies.”

The Alpha man inspires her to breed for his benefit.

We’re getting into sexy sons theory here, but the idea is that a significantly high SMV male can inspire women to become submissive/supportive wives and mothers. See my essay on Alpha Widows for more about this.

A woman in a good Hypergamous pairing accepts – desires – his authority, but also his genes. She doesn’t just want children, she wants his children. This then is signified (codified?) in his name passing on to her and their children. Even in ostensibly egalitarian marriages the kids generally retain the name of the male who fathered them (unless single-mom throws useful step-dad a bone and the kids change their name to his). Human beings are innately tribalistic (sorry Jordan). This tribalism is expressed in Selective Breeding practices extending from the personal to the social.

In 2019, and in the reproductive aftermath of the Sexual Revolution, these tribal distinctions are now left to women to determine in a confusing global sexual marketplace. Men’s innate drive for paternal certainty falls away in this environment. The existential fear and frustration that manifests from that drive still persists in men, but the practice of it gives way to women being the primary influencers in selective breeding – and how it will or won’t be expressed. It’s now a common practice for a woman to change the surname of children of a genetic ‘asshole’ father to that of the adoptive step-dad-who-stepped-up. Or the noble Promise Keeper son and holy protector of his single mom (and by extension all of womankind) who changes his last name to something else. 

But why? Why bother to go to that trouble if names are unimportant? If paternity doesn’t matter anyway, why go to the trouble of changing a name?

What Happens When She’s the One Who’s Out of Options?

As I mentioned, women’s existential fear is pairing herself with a Beta male who, through guile and deceptions, convinced her he’s an Alpha. But what happens when that woman runs out of options in her  Epiphany Phase? What happens when she’s forced to settle on the good-enough Beta (the guy Sheryl Sandberg assured women “nothing’s sexier”) because she can’t lock down the Alpha whose babies she wants to have?

She can continue searching indefinitely. The social conventions established by the Feminine Imperative convinces women that their sexual market value (SMV) is unending and imperishable. Those conventions also combine with others that shame men for being so infantile in preferring women who are ‘younger, hotter, tighter’. This shaming gets extended to convincing Beta men they should “align their dating strategies” to prefer mature women who “now have their heads on straight”. The idea that an older woman is more mature and therefore ought to be considered more desirable by men is conveniently positioned in women’s Epiphany Phase – so is the Myth of the Biological Clock.

Or she can settle for the less-than-ideal Beta male she’d never have opted for in her Party Years. Women have various psychological and sociological mechanisms in place to help them rationalize this settling on a Beta in Waiting.

  • Plan B: There’s always a fallback guy. Generally this is one Beta for another, better positioned Beta though. If one were “alpha” he’d already be the Plan A. (Be the A Guy). It’s important to note that if the Plan B Beta eventually ‘alphas up’ in some perceivable way, this generally throws a woman into a psychological conflict.
  • She convinces herself that ‘settling’ is really who she is in that moment. Most women genuinely believe in their Epiphany Phase rationales. Most would probably pass a polygraph test if you asked them if they genuinely felt the way they do about their decisions during this time of their lives. However, Hypergamy and its fundamental rules don’t change for women even when they believe something new about themselves. And often enough that ‘genuine’ belief is motivated by their subconscious understanding about their state n life as a result of their mating strategy.

Make Rules for Betas – Break Rules for Alphas

This is a fundamental understanding for Red Pill awareness. It’s one of the easiest indicators men can use to determine a woman’s interest in them, or her subconscious understanding of your status as a man. Is she making more rules for you to obey, more hoops for you to jump through in order to qualify for her ‘love’ (i.e. sexual access)?  She probably sees you as a Beta. Is she breaking her rules, the rules she believes she needs to follow in her new (Epiphany) phase of life, in order to get into situations where she can facilitate sex with you? Is she putting off responsibilities in order to enjoy herself with you? She probably sees you as Alpha.

This rule-setting or breaking is a basic litmus test for genuine desire. Women’s hindbrains grasp this  too. If a woman is setting rules for a man, her subconscious understands that he’s predominantly Beta. Because she needs to set rules, because it seems like logic to refuse his surname (another rule) and because he accepts these rules – even encourages them in himself and other men – his status is confirmed as a Beta. Only a Beta would need rules. Only a Beta would comply with those rules.

I should add that this is the basis of all transactional relationships. Jump through hoop (obey rule), get sex. An Alpha, by nature, would have options to replace a woman who made rules for him. Furthermore, it wouldn’t occur to a woman to issue rules with an Alpha man whose babies she wants to have. Hypergamy can’t afford to issue rules to Alpha men.

The Inner War

If women’s existential fear is being tricked into reproducing with a Beta male, then forcing herself to settle on a suboptimal man must inspire an inner conflict in her. There are lots of controversial self-help books published by women on both sides of this conflict. Some argue for women to accept a Beta guy and just make the best of it, others (especially religious books) argue that a woman should never compromise herself and wait for the best man (the ‘soulmate’ husband God has preordained for her) to present himself to her. There are more than a few Purple Pill “relationship experts” who cater to this demographic of women, and they do very well marketing new age magic and cutesy aphorisms to resolve this inner war.

I characterize this war as a conversation between a woman’s Id and her Ego. 

The Epiphany Phase forces her sensualism-seeking, ‘hawt’, short-term sexual (breeding) opportunism to come to terms with the necessity of her long-term security needs. Alpha Fucks (her Id) wars with Beta Bucks (her Ego) in her head – and all with the urgency of knowing that her SMV is decaying to the point where she must either take action or convincingly rationalize why she doesn’t need to take action. Her Ego knows her SMV is in decline and long-term security / parenting / family is becoming less and less available to her. But her Id still wants what it wants; ‘hawt’ sex with ‘hawt’ guys. And she’s still ‘hawt’ too – the feminine-primary world says it all the time “Never Settle Gurl!” – she ‘deserves’ only the best.

Thus, the conversation leads to varying degrees of compromise to outright self-delusions prompted by outside influences (i.e. social media). Plan B is a compromise. Refusing his last name is a compromise (or hedging of her Hypergamous bets). Making rules for, and endlessly testing, a Beta to assuage the Hypergamous doubt (“is he the best I can do?”) is a compromise.

And Choreplay, that’s just sexual filibustering.

Today, the new fascination with ‘Poly’ or ‘open relationships’ is also one more methodology women are using to make a compromise between the Alpha Fucks her Id needs and the Beta Bucks her Ego knows is necessary for her future security and happiness. “Alternative relationship strategy” is the latest euphemism for Poly, but it really distills down to a means for women to find a way to balance the Hypergamous equation. She’ll marry the Beta, but it should necessarily mean she has to have sex with him. Poly relationships are a compromise.

Ideally women would love to give themselves to a worthy man. To follow his plan for their lives,…and she’d like to feel the kind of attraction to him that would inspire the trust that he would do so for her and her children’s benefit. 

“I wanted to have his babies.” — this is Hypergamy balancing Alpha Seed with Beta Need perfectly.

Today though, women wait too long. They believe the lies of their own Blue Pill, that their SMV is never depleted. They don’t look for this balance anymore. They don’t even expect to find it; one man is for a same night lay, the other is boyfriend material

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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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4 years ago

Know anybody that you watched grow up, the see them go to Paris island, and how they were when they came back? Look, you have your kids from the day they were born. If they only ” ape ” what they see, that’s called failing at parenting. Teach them to think. Challenge them. The clock starts ticking when the doc slapped them in the butt and they cried their first cry. Don’t keep pointing to success in such narrowly and shallow results. You’re obfuscating what I’m talking about. Life has 2 sides. Yin and yang. Enjoy the sunshine and flowers,… Read more »

4 years ago

“Plus, I hate labels.” Says the guy that is generating pejorative labels, left and right, in a discussion. I don’t disagree that you have these feelings Blax. But good luck with all the stereotyping. About people not in New Jersey. Holy Robin Dunbar Number. I see this as a common refrain in the manosphere: Top down ideas, vs. bottoms up praxeology. Try to help any one large, no huge group? You will meet resistance. And then, guess what: in-group malice and out group altruism, vs. in-group altruism and out-group malice. Having to do with scalability. You are being disingenuous… Read more »

wahoo Mcdaniels
4 years ago

Self discipline and personal responsibility are developed by the age of 2 years,if tantrums and fits are rewarded past this point they are ingrained for life. Can you take these men and make them disciplined in a military tribe? Will they ever volunteer for service? We will have to wait for another draft situation to find out. From my experience most experts lack experience. If I had to rate the men in the self discipline discussion from top down 1 first prize goes to @SJF his day to day survival has depended on self discipline, he has mastered a skill… Read more »

Culum Struan
Culum Struan
4 years ago

Sentient, Blax, how do you teach your kids not to be like Blax’s boss’ son? You guys came up from working class roots right? But no matter what you tell them or show them, your kids are growing/grown up in a wealthy (or UMC anyway) environment – so how do you train them when the environment itself is against you? You can’t just TELL them. You can’t change the environment – unless you move your family to the hood to make a point. Showing and modelling discipline (etc) yourself is great, but it doesn’t change the fact your kids are… Read more »

4 years ago

SJF, I have found that many of the most provincial people I have met live in NYC and Jersey. They look down on people who don’t live in those places. Kind of funny, because my hometown is a popular place for immigration from California because the average income is comparable to NYC but the cost of living is far less. And my hometown is a fun place for visitors and a great place for families with lots of good (relative to other public schools) public schools. Lots of jobs. But, of course, we in my hometown are stupid. We supported… Read more »

4 years ago

About rearing kids– I am continually working against Daughter and Mrs. Gamer to let the baby learn from the school of hard knocks. Rearing kids well requires letting them make mistakes, get hurt, and learn from the mistakes. Of course, you protect them from Blax’s challenges until they are ready for them. Academic intelligence is overrated. Practical and social intelligence are worth more in my book. Train kids to be observant, especially about social things. 48 laws of power training. Train kids to see the big picture, but not to spend too much time on it. We don’t want our… Read more »

4 years ago

“I have found that many of the most provincial people I have met live in NYC . . .”

Hence my Ha Ha Only Serious joke that when I say I live upstate I mean north of Albany, not north of 95th street.

4 years ago


Lol, my answer is probably going to be tldr;

Sjf , asd

See Culum’s point about not seeing views even if you disagree.

4 years ago

Yesterday: Discipline can not be trained. Today: If Marines are trained to succeed then the Marine Corps can take credit for all individual success. That’s not how it works though. Each individual Marine (and everyone else, btw) must choose to prepare themselves. The second statement is true, the first is not. A person must first choose an action therefore that action isn’t trainable doesn’t follow. Discipline is largely habit pattern. No, if you haven’t learned discipline by age 2 that does not mean your pattern is set. Most people are still crapping their pants at two and they learn to… Read more »

wahoo Mcdaniels
4 years ago

“You can’t just TELL them. You can’t change the environment – unless you move your family to the hood to make a point. Showing and modelling discipline (etc) yourself is great, but it doesn’t change the fact your kids are growing up in a wealthy environment where they don’t lack for anything and know they will always be supported.” One of my associates built his own business from the ground up and no palma he doesn’t always need to be there. He was raised in a remodel fix and flip environment 50 years ago. They didn’t tell him he was… Read more »

wahoo Mcdaniels
4 years ago

“iscipline is largely habit pattern. No, if you haven’t learned discipline by age 2 that does not mean your pattern is set. Most people are still crapping their pants at two and they learn to use the toilet just fine.” Poddy training is part of personal responsibility indeed and some children learn it faster than others. At or by the age of 2 the child has learned how to get what they need through various forms of communication and are becoming their own entity. They haven’t yet learned to separate the wants from the needs. Some discipline is now required… Read more »

Just Beers
Just Beers
4 years ago

Great discussion about raising kids. We all have unique circumstances. Old money, generational money. Here’s an example of how it shows up… My ex’s mother has a ton of inherited money. She is also an addict. Off the grid 3+ weeks/multiple times a year addict. (Read: not dependable, massive source of stress if you depend on it) My ex has always depended on that money. Though she always hustled and worked and kept busy (which smokescreened the bright red flag there) she never had to balance her budget, live within her means, etc. Yet, of course, she considered herself a… Read more »

having a bad day
having a bad day
4 years ago

@Culum On the other points re the UMC though – that environment is my natural home and I don’t know if its my imagination or what but it’s got worse in the last decade. It’s as if so many of my contemporaries just are not capable of looking at the world around them and seeing the signs of decline – or even of genuinely looking at someone else’s viewpoint even if they disagree with them.. that’s just psychic self-protection…lol… otherwise, their anxiety would cause their heads to explode…lol a decreasing resources system causing cog diss… with NO idea about how… Read more »

4 years ago

But unicorn land….

4 years ago

@ wahoo Thank you. I’ve not received a better complement in a long time. I’m standing on principle yet agree with you, Blax. Disciplined people cautiously consider what they’re given. Complemens included.There’s a real danger of ego-hubris vs. recognizing brotherly respect. One is pernicious, the other vivifying. It’s my choice. A little ego shit in my gallon of authenticity tastes all as ego shit. It took me a long time to recognize that. Glad I had the chance. On a lighter note, I’m on the stationary bike watching the stay at home moms Zumba in the clearing ahead. Fantasy fuel… Read more »

4 years ago

At or by the age of 2 the child has learned how to get what they need through various forms of communication and are becoming their own entity. They haven’t yet learned to separate the wants from the needs. Some discipline is now required from the parent. This where the habits are formed. I agree 100 percent. I just disagree with your previous statement that self discipline and personal responsibility are developed by the age 2. Lack of discipline (just adding to my previous thought) is also a choice. We all make choices about discipline every day. My spouse has… Read more »

wahoo Mcdaniels
4 years ago

“I just disagree with your previous statement that self discipline and personal responsibility are developed by the age 2.”

Let me reiterate,if your child is still throwing tantrums to get what they want by the age of three you have failed.

4 years ago

I’m curious, Wahoo…how many kids do you have and when was the last time you were around two and three year olds? Also, girls or boys? It matters.

4 years ago


Mom in da house!!!😁

Your hubby gets it. my Dad too was really big on doing what you say you’re going to do, and owning it fully when you don’t, without excuses.

4 years ago

At any rate, I (like most people) don’t like being around brats, but I see very little correlation between the way my sons acted as toddlers (mixed, depends a lot on how much sleep they got) and the way they are now (very very responsible good kids…late teens, and twenty).

4 years ago

Heh, thanks Blax. 🙂

wahoo Mcdaniels
4 years ago

Liz, 6, 2 boys 4 girls,my grandaughter is 11 you do the math.

wahoo Mcdaniels
4 years ago

Don’t get all butt hurt Sugar Booger. This is man talk!

Throwing a fit to get what you want and throwing a fit and not getting the desired result are two different things.

4 years ago

Jack Murphy is a fag…

“A woman collapsed in front of us today at a restaurant.

She liked died in front of me.

I reached down to help her up & the first words out my mouth were “do I have your consent to help you?”

It took a minute for her to say yes.

If she hadn’t responded, would I have helped?”

4 years ago

Liz, 6, 2 boys 4 girls,my grandaughter is 11 you do the math. Congrats on all those kids. Mostly girls and…math says it has been a while. All boys and I spent a good bit of their wee years in ERs. Nowadays, it’s very common to have the “you should get them tested for ADHD” speech as soon as you put them in school. This was the case with each of ours, and I never got them tested they did just fine (concentration too is a learned skill…and if they’d just have recess a little longer or at all in… Read more »

4 years ago

@Culum “You can’t just TELL them. You can’t change the environment – unless you move your family to the hood to make a point. Showing and modelling discipline (etc) yourself is great, but it doesn’t change the fact your kids are growing up in a wealthy environment where they don’t lack for anything and know they will always be supported.” I’ve been struggling with this question with regards to my young son, I grew up in extreme poverty for part of my life and I can’t think of a better teacher with regards to life. You can only do so… Read more »

4 years ago

“But unicorn land….”

Makes your head explode. But was a fake, made-up agree-and-amplify meme. On the internet. It doesn’t really exist.

I’m done with the sparring, though, Blax. I only just felt like sparring just for the sake of sparring. I respect your feelings.

I was at the cigar lounge last night in an animated discussion with BluePillProfessor. The bartendress asked: “Is everything OK, SJF? You seem angry at him, do I need to take care of something about him for you?”

Peace, from me.


[…] Rational Male: Selective Breeding (2019 September […]

4 years ago


” a nice little bubble all built on the backs of the “proles”.”

Let’s not overly romanticize the “working man”… The proles wouldn’t have anything for their backs to build if it wasn’t for the upstream capital – money, ideas, planning and levers to move things I to place.

Boardrooms can be just as dangerous as the back streets.

Your job now Foxy is to teach your kids how to navigate at their current level, with an eye on the one above.

wahoo Mcdaniels
4 years ago

“Let’s not overly romanticize the “working man”… The proles wouldn’t have anything for their backs to build if it wasn’t for the upstream capital – money, ideas, planning and levers to move things I to place.”

Keep telling yourself this^ Sentiment. Truth, proles get paid so little that no capital is available and they wont have anything unless they build it themselves from the materials that the “haves” pass by as worthless.

4 years ago

comment image

This ^^ is the sum total of that kind of “building”…

Meanwhile 8 heavy cranes are at work nearby on half a dozen high rise sites, full of hundreds of men scampering about. I know where that capital came from, how it is deployed, the downstream effects and the economic cycle of the finished product.

wahoo Mcdaniels
4 years ago

“I know where that capital came from, how it is deployed, the downstream effects and the economic cycle of the finished product.”

It’s no big secret. You know that too right?

wahoo Mcdaniels
4 years ago

This is what I would build from material that others pass by,you can do it your way.

wahoo Mcdaniels
4 years ago

@Sentient listen to this guy.

4 years ago
4 years ago

Culum “Sentient, Blax, how do you teach your kids not to be like Blax’s boss’ son? You guys came up from working class roots right? But no matter what you tell them or show them, your kids are growing/grown up in a wealthy (or UMC anyway) environment – so how do you train them when the environment itself is against you? You can’t just TELL them. You can’t change the environment – unless you move your family to the hood to make a point. Showing and modelling discipline (etc) yourself is great, but it doesn’t change the fact your kids… Read more »

4 years ago

“Not in an ASD protect them from challenges kind of way, because imo, sheltering your kids puts them at grave disadvantage and makes them too naive.”

More evidence of your inability to read people…but go ahead and continue…

4 years ago

Lol. I’ve been reading you just fine for years.

Luv Ya man!!!

4 years ago

“Of course, you protect them from Blax’s challenges until they are ready for them.

I know you better than you know yourself, and I’ve never met you.

4 years ago

“I respect your (Blax’s) feelings.”

Lol, you’re such an asshole. I love your passive-aggressive passive-aggressiveness.

Peas to you and Blax. And carrots. Especially carrots.

4 years ago

““Of course, you protect them from Blax’s challenges until they are ready for them.”

A challenge I would give my kids is to put them in a city a long way from home with no money and tell them to find their way home. I wouldn’t do that when they were two years old. Maybe at 14.

4 years ago

Blax, are my kids hothouse plants? lol One daughter is absolutely making it on her own–she has cut off contact with her family. Kind of stupid, but it shows her independence. The other works her ass off and is in a shit marriage and still is thriving–of course, she has us grandparents as volunteer nannies. But she doesn’t take money from us, lol, she’s building up her bank account just fine and only has a mortgage on a cheap house and her student loans, which aren’t huge since she was thrifty and has been paying them off. No credit card… Read more »

4 years ago

Like I said….

I luv Ya man!!!!

I hope my daughters do well as well.

Because they have to answer to me if not. Lol.

My 34 year old has zero debt. I paid for college, except for the Masters. I wasn’t paying for that shit. My 19 year old is just getting started, but there will be no debt.

We see ” family ” differently.

We see ” shit marriages ” differently as well.

Outside my front door people say ” shit happens “. I counseled my kids to always leave outside, outside.


The Diplomat
The Diplomat
4 years ago

Anybody else seeing all content from the RM podcast missing from youtube?

4 years ago

Culum “Showing and modelling discipline (etc) yourself is great, but it doesn’t change the fact your kids are growing up in a wealthy environment where they don’t lack for anything and know they will always be supported. So..what?” I subscribe to the idea of “to whom much is given, much will be required” without the SJW posturing and BS. It’s about setting standards and holding them to those standards, and modelling behavior. So for example I’m typically on a few boards at any given time, involved in various fund raising activities, make them understand the business world and politics and… Read more »

4 years ago

Sentient, Blax, how do you teach your kids not to be like Blax’s boss’ son? You guys came up from working class roots right? But no matter what you tell them or show them, your kids are growing/grown up in a wealthy (or UMC anyway) environment – so how do you train them when the environment itself is against you? You can’t just TELL them. You can’t change the environment – unless you move your family to the hood to make a point. Showing and modelling discipline (etc) yourself is great, but it doesn’t change the fact your kids are… Read more »

4 years ago

“I (like most people) don’t like being around brats,” Why the children hate, yo? Where’s the maternal love? Are you a clueless dude? Oh, wait, I get it now. She impugns the next generation to associate with men on a website she believes is misogynistic and child-averse…purely because she is lonely for masculine attention. Ah. Liz has no feminine anchor. None. Barely a mother in spirit. Notice how she pimps wahoo self righteously? It’s one thing for a single guy to dismiss children, bratty or else. But a woman…young or old…to have such little intuition and sympathy or love of… Read more »

Culum Struan
Culum Struan
4 years ago

Blax, Sentient, HABD, foxguy, Wahoo thank you that was enlightening. SJF – not entirely sure what you mean? I am not talking about someone else’s experiences – I am talking about my own, observing the UMC and being part of it? Many years ago, I remember visiting family in the Bay Area and being like WTF? when my teenage cousins were sneering at how dirty Berkeley is and how awful it is etc. They lived in Atherton, one of the Bay Area “super-zips” where the tech billionaires live (their parents were definitely UMC but no billionaires – they just lucked… Read more »

wahoo Mcdaniels
4 years ago

“Anyway, the writer was talking about how hard it was to get these guys to see that if society actually collapses and their billions in a bank account no longer mattered, then they were nothing special and had to actually have some other value to survive”

If you have a sack of gold and I have a sandwich,I am eating today.

wahoo Mcdaniels
4 years ago

Eh, You are reading Liz wrong. She is accusing me of judging the parents of brats as failures and she is correct on this note. Her tell is that her boys are or were brats. I am questioning her parenting experiment as to lenient from the start. She is wrong in that boys are easier to train than girls especially if you treat them like boys. She is correct that the school system is stifling boys on the beat down with drugs and confinement,and is a good and loving mother. Does her husband know that she hangs out at the… Read more »

4 years ago

😂 For the record, WIA is alright, and of course , I lurv J ( no homo ). Culum, Civilization is a very thin veneer. People normally don’t realize this because rarely do they see it all fall down. +100 on having skills. Absent actual ability, guys need as much basic knowledge as they can get as part of growing up. That’s been lost. I’ll never forget years ago, a man I knew made the statement ” who knows how a lightbulb works, or a generator… “. And he was in his late 40’s at the time. I thought everyone… Read more »

4 years ago

I’ve worked in nursing homes, Eh.
I am a nurse.
Buh, bye.

4 years ago

To anyone who is still the person they were when they were three (Eh seems to be, but I think that’s because he only posts when inebriated), my apologies.
I didn’t know that was a thing.

4 years ago

Ooopppsss….didn’t see that one coming.

4 years ago

I’m only human.

having a bad day
having a bad day
4 years ago

@Culum THAT attitude seems to have got a lot worse in the years since then. Which is what HABD is talking about in terms of how things get more polarizing as available resources contract (also – HABD didn’t say this, but I am – it’s one of the key causes of political gridlock, because when a growing pie isn’t available to be shared out to resolve differences between competing political constituencies, everyone fights that much harder to keep what’s theirs – it requires a completely different set of political skills to manage limited resources in that way and we’ve long… Read more »

4 years ago

“My 34 year old has zero debt. I paid for college, except for the Masters.” Good for you. My daughter of about the same age is just starting to be an attending physician (one year after completing fellowship)–her first job was crap and the employer took advantage of her and she is doing temp gigs and is raking in the bucks. No college debt. Only med school debt, which is about 100k and low for someone in her position. Even though the employer took advantage of daughter’s naivete, she is a copper pot and was able to recover nicely. And… Read more »

4 years ago

“I’m only human.”

Well, at least while the moon isn’t full.

4 years ago

“Liz has no feminine anchor. None. Barely a mother in spirit. Notice how she pimps wahoo self righteously? It’s one thing for a single guy to dismiss children, bratty or else. But a woman…young or old…to have such little intuition and sympathy or love of interiority…is telling of her deep-intention malevolence.” LOL. I’d give her a pass, Robert Greene The Laws of Human Nature and all. She’s an INTJ. That by nature isn’t feminine. She’s masculine by choice and preference. I see nothing wrong with that. In a male space. My mother was a stoic. And that I liked. Because… Read more »

4 years ago


Yup it’s a slow frog boil.

” Food assistance ” keeps folks from starving and possibly rampaging, easy credit fills wage insufficiency, and the Fed performs slight of hand weekly. So, you can print metric tons of ” money ” and experience almost no inflation? For reelz?

So most people are already pretty fucked, but they can’t see it as long as they can service their debt. Like walking dead not realizing they’re dead because ambulatory.

4 years ago

“If you have a sack of gold and I have a sandwich,I am eating today.”

kfg will be along to remind us if he has a .22 shell or two he will eat your sandwich and take the sack of gold.

having a bad day
having a bad day
4 years ago

@Blaximus Civilization is a very thin veneer. People normally don’t realize this because rarely do they see actively avoid noticing it all fall down. fify… like venezula… argentina… california… portland… seattle… sarajevo… and that’s just off teh top of my head from the last 30 years… and THAT is only bc i threw in sarajevo…lol… bc except for argentina in the early 2000s, the rest are collapsing right NOW…lol… and THAT is not even counting natural disasters… just ‘man-made choices’ collapses… I’ll never forget years ago, a man I knew made the statement ” who knows how a lightbulb works,… Read more »

4 years ago


having a bad day
having a bad day
4 years ago

@Blaximus ” Food assistance ” keeps folks from starving and possibly rampaging, easy credit fills wage insufficiency, and the Fed performs slight of hand weekly. So, you can print metric tons of ” money ” and experience almost no inflation? For reelz? we don’t see the ‘appropriate’ amount of inflation from all that printing bc the system never actually ‘sees’ that ‘money’… it just goes straight to a central bank balance sheet… where it shifts some numbers from one column to a different column… THAT ‘money’ never gets into circulation in competition with your ‘money’ to buy that steak and… Read more »

wahoo Mcdaniels
4 years ago

“kfg will be along to remind us if he has a .22 shell or two he will eat your sandwich and take the sack of gold.”

If any could get my sandwich kfg would be the man (of course I would just share it with him anyhow) ,he wouldn’t take the gold however cuz it’s too heavy to carry and worthless to boot,maybe stash it for later?

wahoo Mcdaniels
4 years ago

In the TOAist work HUA HU Ching there is reference to the age of confusion when people eat each other raw,no 69.
Eating “long pork”would likely result in SSRI poisoning making one a future candidate for a dinner party.

4 years ago


Well that “long pork” is on the menu already. You just might not like the neighborhood.

4 years ago

If gold didn’t have some rather interesting physical properties it wouldn’t have become a medium of exchange in the first place. But yeah, those properties are mostly useful after you have a secure base and food supply. Might be worth schlepping a few ounces around, but in a SHTF situation it isn’t worth it’s weight in honey. After starvation infection will be your biggest enemy and honey can save you from both.

4 years ago

“Eating “long pork”would likely result in SSRI poisoning . . .”

As a general rule the higher up the food chain, the greater the risks. Eating the dogs last isn’t just because the dogs are useful. Grazers are preferred, then browsers, then omnivores. Eat carnivores and close genetic kin only when there is nothing else.

4 years ago

“when people eat each other raw,no 69.”


4 years ago

“Grazers are preferred, then browsers, then omnivores.” Yesterday, I made some venison chili out of a grazer I harvested last year–actually two years ago (It was still good in the freezer)– out of ground venison and venison steak. But fed it to my adult son, while my wife and I went to eat dinner at the country club. It would be work, us being UMC and all to survive in a SHTF scenario, seeing as how all of our kind is weak-assed and all…. I did however just get some scope mounts for a .22lr rifle that I had won… Read more »

4 years ago

Oh well. There goes the lion steaks.

4 years ago

From Rollo’s Twitter feed: “As the brain continues to be demystified, I have a feeling religious and blank slatist arguments are going to increasingly converge on literally saying “not believing in magic is racist”.” They say that already, only they play their usual language games and call magic “alternative scientific knowledges.” “The religious proponents of blank slatism seem to think that if people are not 100% the same on all variables we can’t treat them equally unless we accept that all people have souls. Which is ridiculous, we can believe in human dignity without magic.” I am neither a religious… Read more »

having a bad day
having a bad day
4 years ago


As a general rule the higher up the food chain, the greater the risks. Eating the dogs last isn’t just because the dogs are useful. Grazers are preferred, then browsers, then omnivores. Eat carnivores and close genetic kin only when there is nothing else.

do vegans count as grazers or browsers?…lol

good luck!

having a bad day
having a bad day
4 years ago



Well that “long pork” is on the menu already. You just might not like the neighborhood.

lol… if that sh*t starts to happen for realzzz, you won’t like THAT neighborhood either!… ESPECIALLY if it’s just one block over…lol

good luck!

4 years ago

“There goes the lion steaks.”

As long as you still have them you have to keep the dogs fed as well.

wahoo Mcdaniels
4 years ago

“As long as you still have them you have to keep the dogs fed as well.”

My airedale would circle in front of game and run it back to me.

This old pumper had a jack russell, I watched that dog catch and kill a rabbit and gently lay it at his masters feet.

They also pack well even before you quarter them up unlike llamas that only pack well after butchering.

having a bad day
having a bad day
4 years ago

@SJF It would be work, us being UMC and all to survive in a SHTF scenario, seeing as how all of our kind is weak-assed and all…. I did however just get some scope mounts for a .22lr rifle that I had won at a fundraiser for Pheasants Forever. I should sight it in. Seeing as how we all are on the brink of disaster and all… yes, you should get that .22 sighted in… .22s are VERY useful… stock up on some good ammo too… with you living in your UMC gated community stocked game preserve, you should be… Read more »

4 years ago

“do vegans count as grazers or browsers?” Based on cognitive function I believe they would have to be classified as vegetables, but you’ll be better off gathering tubers. Metabolically speaking we are the ape that leaves the leaves for the monkeys. It’s an adaptation that likely goes along with our advanced tool use, allowing us to be better able to go for the more energy dense plant foods. Historically leaves have been eaten as food by two classes of people: the desperately poor and the decadent rich. There is a reason that salad is eaten with dressing (even by the… Read more »

4 years ago

“… stock up on some good ammo too…”

And store it carefully. Rimfire isn’t as well sealed against intrusion of moisture into the powder as centerfire.

having a bad day
having a bad day
4 years ago


Based on cognitive function I believe they would have to be classified as vegetables, but you’ll be better off gathering tubers. Metabolically speaking we are the ape that leaves the leaves for the monkeys. It’s an adaptation that likely goes along with our advanced tool use, allowing us to be better able to go for the more energy dense plant foods.

sooo, besides potatoes (which s*ck to grow in my wet clay soil) anything else i can plant to avoid risking ‘acquired vegetable-osity ™ ‘ from ingestion?…

good luck!

4 years ago

I have a cunning plan, that involves turnips. Less energy dense than potatoes, but hardier and longer storing. Brassicaceae in general are your go to plants. Cabbage and Bok Choy are just turnips that have been bred for leaf production rather than tuber production.

But as per my previous comment, the key is to eat them with fats.

4 years ago

A vegan groundhog was spared from my wrath and incompetence the week before. I had a .22Magnum rimfire revolver and I pulled up two feet away from the groundhog on my four-wheeler. But I had packed the Taurus handgun away a couple years ago and stashed it in a satchel of handguns and stuck it in my truck trunk. I had forgotten to unlock the tiny lock on the hammer and didn’t have the key. It was back home. A lost opportunity and a spared life. So that one was spared. The next week, the next groundhog was not so… Read more »

wahoo Mcdaniels
4 years ago

“Rimfire isn’t as well sealed against intrusion of moisture into the powder as centerfire.”

Or vice versa as the rimfire cartridge has 1 less opening and the lead that plugs it is waxed.

The Sunday Vegan Brunch comes with a “Emotional support service dog” for flavor and a leftwing rag for fire starter.

having a bad day
having a bad day
4 years ago


I have a cunning plan, that involves turnips. Less energy dense than potatoes, but hardier and longer storing. Brassicaceae in general are your go to plants. Cabbage and Bok Choy are just turnips that have been bred for leaf production rather than tuber production.

But as per my previous comment, the key is to eat them with fats.

omnivores… got it!…lol

good luck!

4 years ago

It’s a pretty rare occurrence for me to ever DHV that I’m actually a brassica farmer. But when I do I like to mention that I plant a couple acres of them a year and put on 184 lbs. of urea nitrogen per acre. I plant in August. Let the deer eat it all. Mostly for forage tops and not the turnip bottoms. But I also mix in some grains like oats and rye. And also clover, which, when I’m too lazy to re-do the fields the next year becomes a successional perennial grazing plot. My two favorites are Groundhog… Read more »

4 years ago

“…it’s the cigar lounge I want to get to – even though I don’t smoke.” It’s not actually smoking. It’s more puffing. But for the non-initiated it’s not really attractive (the smoke in the air). The proprietor tries to save on costs. And it has a premium ventilation system that often isn’t turned up to 11. So it would be unpalatable to someone not used to it. But it is fantastic for ritual tribal-like masculine meetings. It’s an every other Tuesday night ritual. Smokiness in the air, It’s like always being the smartest person in the room for a non-smoker.… Read more »

4 years ago

“I am a nurse.”

Beware a woman who tauts credentials as authority. Fairly warned. Women like her have something to prove.

4 years ago

AND for the record…shit yeah, I was drunk after a awesome night out meeting friends and dancing and karaoking.

The tipsy 3 yearr old lifestyle ain’t all bad, brothers. Dont knock it until you try it.

This Rocky Patel is not bad either.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago

do vegans count as grazers or browsers?

Do vegans swallow?

4 years ago

Rollo this may be one of the most powerful essays you have ever written. I have two young boys (teenagers) and their defeat is exquisitely painful for me to see. My youngest just asked me how he can talk to girls when they know they are so much better than him. I thundered at him that he was the prize and explained to him the 13-27 window of opportunity that women have. Sadly he told me: “If I have to wait that long I won’t even want them by then.” This feminist ideology has deliberately taken a wrecking ball to… Read more »

4 years ago

Aside from the rambling, non-sensical assassination on my character via taking what I said out of context, I only mentioned I’m a nurse (and worked in nursing homes) not to “tout my credentials” but as a response to this bit:
liz should hang out in a CBRF or nursing home for a workday.

Culum Struan
Culum Struan
4 years ago

LOL@HABD Interesting point though. Hadn’t thought of that. You DO need skills, but also (if there’s a full on Mad Max collapse as opposed to a slower decline) you need to get through the initial chaos, and that’s where going “Full Prepper Mode” and stocking up on canned goods, fuel, and a place out of town protecting by 100K rounds of ammo (or if you have serious cash, going Full Peter Thiel) can help. But the smart move after that (a few weeks to a few months I imagine – max 1 year) would be to switch into “skills mode”… Read more »

4 years ago

I found a video a while ago of a guy who had spent two years putting together his “perfect” bugout bag and only then decided he should try it out in the field and chose favorable weather for this first foray.

He didn’t last the night.

The majority calling for the world to burn so that they can sit back and watch it aren’t going to last their 72 hours. They don’t even have basic childhood camping out in your own backyard experience and they are going to burn right along with the world.

4 years ago

And then there’s the thing that unless the world is actually on fire your most likely bugout destination is a Holiday Inn, not the woods.

Local disasters like fire, flood and divorce are the most likely reasons to have to skip with seconds notice and your bugout preparation needs to be based around supplying the necessary items of civilization as well as the means for getting back to it. A clean credit card and a properly filled micro SD card will be your friend.

having a bad day
having a bad day
4 years ago


do vegans count as grazers or browsers?

Do vegans swallow?”

only for alphas… bc the rule is “no animal protein”…lol

good luck!

4 years ago

comment image

So is Cam transitioning or what?

4 years ago

I am a river to my people:

4 years ago

Pant suit wearing masculinized modern woman complains that gender neutral school uniforms are an attack on women:

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago

kfg And then there’s the thing that unless the world is actually on fire your most likely bugout destination is a Holiday Inn, not the woods. That’s what “hurricane evacuation” means for a lot of people in South Florida – drive to the mainland, or drive further inland, check into a hotel. Play cards. Keep checking the weather. A clean credit card and a properly filled micro SD card will be your friend. This is where the ugly monster of “social credit” that is poking its nose up out of the muck become significant. I’m told that sleeping in your… Read more »

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