The Existential Fear – Men

You need to understand WOMEN HATE BETAS in fact they hate them so much that they would prefer to work soul destroying jobs to support themselves than attach themselves to a Beta provider that wants to fuck them and impregnate them with his shitty beta genetics.

Incubus Rising

This was a comment that I meant to include in last week’s essay, but I’m glad I saved it for today’s article. It serves as a good starting point for men’s Existential Fear. If there’s one buzz-term that’s been bandied around by women since the rise of feminism it is “fear“. Men fear this. Men fear that. Men feel “threatened” by a strong woman. More recently it’s, “Men fear working with women today over concerns of workplace sexual misconduct.” So, I want to state here from the outset that I’m using the term fear in both these essays for lack of a better one. But what really gets the point across?

“Rollo, why does it destroy my soul to imagine my ex-wife / ex-girlfriend banging another man? I can’t sleep because I’m imagining her giving up herself sexually to a new guy.”

Some variation of this question is something I get a lot from guys I counsel who are going through a breakup or divorce. Sometimes it’s from men who’ve been separated from the woman for a long time. This is to be expected from Blue Pill conditioned men, but even guys who are Red Pill Aware will still feel the rage of infidelity even after the breakup has been official for years. Guys will tell me they wont even go out socially or associate with friends so as not to be in the same space as their ex for fear that they would do something rash if they saw her with another guy. There’s just something in their DNA that’s unsettling about imagining their ex giving herself willingly to another man – and they’re conflicted because the fem-centric world tells him he’s “insecure in his masculinity” for his possessiveness.

I can remember the same anxiety after I’d mercifully split from my BPD girlfriend. Even years after it was all over I’d still have nightmarish dreams about her. What the hell was that all about? What is our subconscious trying to get across to us with this?…

“Why am I so jealous and suspicious of my wife / girlfriend cheating on me? Should I feel bad that I root through her texts and IMs? Am I just ‘insecure in my masculinity’ if I feel like that? Why am I so possessive?”

This is another common one I get from men I counsel. I detailed a bit of this in Gut Check. Our subconscious mind has a way of warning us when our ‘aware’ mind is unaware of, or ignoring, the inconsistencies in our peripheral awareness. We’re actually much more aware of our environment than we appreciate, we simply refuse to acknowledge these inconsistencies. More often than not that denial is conditioned into us for purposes that aren’t always in our best interests. And sometimes it’s outright manipulative of male nature.

In Gut Check I related a time in my life where I had instinctively been suspicious of my wife because my instinctual awareness turned on the warning lights in my head. I had no rational reason to believe my wife was cheating on me, but I had a very real, evolutionary, reason that my instinctive mind would be suspicious of infidelity. Millennia of evolution has written anti-cheating failsafes into our mental firmware.

“Why are DNA tests illegal in some countries? Why is it illegal for a doctor or their staff to tell a “father” that the child he thinks is his own really isn’t biologically his? Why do we legally protect women’s cuckoldry?”

More and more we are seeing feminine-primary social conventions and legislation crop up that can only have one purpose – the systemic disempowerment and disenfranchisement of men’s interests in the reproductive process. The cover story for this Removing of the Man from any semblance of reproductive authority is what I call the Cult of the Child. I’ll be publishing a full essay on this soon, but the short version is that anything that serves women’s sexual strategy is always deemed to be “in the best interests of the child.” The interests of children has become the shield of what is really the interests of women’s sexual strategy.

For decades now, feminist ideology has successfully convinced most western societies that what serves the female reproductive interests is always what serves the a child’s interests. Men are superfluous at best, and pose a danger to the child at worst. This presumption is rooted in the Duluth Model of feminism, but women’s sexual strategy always comes at the cost of the reproductive interests of the man/father. I wrote about this in Children of Men. There is an open war on paternity today, but as with all intersexual conflict we need to look deeper to determine what the latent purpose of that conflict is all about. What interests are served in unilaterally disenfranchising men from the reproductive process?

Existential Fear

The answer to all of these questions finds their root in men’s Existential Fear – All men have an evolved need to determine and ensure his paternity.

Ascertaining paternity, and ensuring his parental investment is vested in perpetuating his genetic legacy, is the prime directive of men’s existence. This is a male imperative that virtually all higher order animals share.

Despite what many blank-slate academics still promote, men and women are different. Contemporary thinkers would have us believe the sexes are more alike than not, but the truth of it is we are different in fundamental ways that most equalists are uncomfortable admitting. Yes, we are the same species, but the fact remains that our differences, and in particular our sexual strategies, conflict in profound ways.

The Cardinal Rule of Sexual Strategies:
For one gender’s sexual strategy to succeed the other
gender must compromise or abandon its own.

In last week’s essay I outlined the the Existential Fear women hold in their evolved unconscious – that of the Hypergamous doubt. “Is this guy the best I can do?” is the question that their hindbrains ask. Since the time of the Sexual Revolution, and the systemic Fempowerment that followed, women have collectively used this authority to ensure the preeminence of their sexual strategy (Hypergamy) in our social order. I outlined many of the resulting social changes we see were the result of this in last week’s post, but this preeminence came at the cost of men’s interests and influence in the larger, meta-conflict of the Cardinal Rule of Sexual Strategies.

Men’s evolved reproductive interest is very simple; ensure that the child a woman bears to him is his actually his own. Up until the last 60 or so years patriarchy, true, legitimate patriarchy has always been the order of society. Despite the ignorance of feminists protesting it, patriarchy has been a beneficial aspect of our advancement as a species since we formed tribal hunter-gatherer bands millennia ago. But that patriarchy depended on a simple doubt that formed men’s base sexual strategy – ensure his genes were passed into the next generation.

There are two ways a man can achieve this outcome. In The New Polyandry I explained men’s Strategic Pluralism Theory:

According to strategic pluralism theory (Gangestad & Simpson, 2000), men have evolved to pursue reproductive strategies that are contingent on their value on the mating market. More attractive men accrue reproductive benefits from spending more time seeking multiple mating partners and relatively less time investing in offspring. In contrast, the reproductive effort of less attractive men, who do not have the same mating opportunities, is better allocated to investing heavily in their mates and offspring and spending relatively less time seeking additional mates.

Essentially, men follow an ‘r’ or ‘K’ reproductive strategy according to their (perceived) sexual market value (SMV). Since a majority of men fall on the low SMV side of the reproductive equation social conventions that served those men’s reproductive interests had to be developed and standardized. The resolution of men’s Existential Fear needed to be instituted and standardized to ensure the largest number of men could be relatively certain that the children they sired were indeed their own.

A lot is made of women’s reproductive costs in academia. In a fem-centric social order it pays to focus on women’s suffrage/victimhood narrative. But, men bear reproductive costs in this equation as well. Men’s biological imperative is unlimited access to unlimited sexuality. Our best shot at sending our genes into the next generation is ‘spreading the seed’. Our biological hardware is made to do just this, but there are costs and obstacles to solving the reproductive problem. And the easiest solution for men has always been exercise their direct control over women’s sexual strategy. Imposing our natural strength (in many forms) on women has historically ensured that it’s women who were the ones to compromise their sexual strategy in favor of men.

Patriarchy & Monogamy

Socially enforced monogamy was the least barbaric of those compromises, but in this century destroying that monogamy has been a priority for the Feminine Imperative. In theory, socially enforced monogamy was the most beneficial mating strategy for largest number of (low SMV) men to solve their reproductive problem. But the fact remained that it was still an exercise of control over women’s Hypergamous natures. In essence, monogamy worked for men, and it was beneficial as a compromise in parental investment for women, but it also assumed direct a control over women’s sexual selection process.

Patriarchy and monogamy answered a woman’s Hypergamous doubt for her, and that is the crux of women’s Existential Fear – to have the control of her Hypergamy, her selection process, and ultimately the cost associated with that choice determined for her. This fear is exactly why the primary goal of feminism has always been the maximal unlimiting of women’s sexuality and the maximal restricting of men’s sexuality. It seeks to replace the social-scale compromise of the Cardinal Rule of Sexual Strategies with the total capitulation of the male strategy. Today, the Gynocracy has achieved this almost entirely.

But for one sex’s strategy to succeed, the other’s must be compromised or abandoned. For a gynocentric social order, only men’s abandonment of their own strategy is acceptable – and this abandonment insists men deny the evolved imperative of their own Existential Fear – insisting on paternity.

In the evolved scheme of things men’s reproductive best interest involves sacrifices. When a man commits to parental investment with a woman he takes on sunk cost risks. The time he spends investing himself committed to one woman and the children they produce comes at the cost of reproductive opportunities with other women. Women’s sexual strategy necessitates he compromise or abandon his biological imperative. Naturally, both men and women have adapted ways to circumvent monogamy to optimize their sexual strategies (infidelity, short-term breeding schema), but the basic equation is the same; if a man is invested in one woman it limits him from seeking other (potentially better) reproductive opportunities. If you want to know why Plate Theory irks women so much look no further.

The only way this compromise of sexual strategy can be advantageous to men is if he can be relatively assured that the child he’s raising is his own. This is where men’s Existential Fear of paternity fraud begins. He cedes his own strategy and the sunk opportunity cost for reproduction in exchange for the certainty that he’s invested in a child that bears his name and his blood.

I call this men’s Existential Fear because denying men the certainty of paternity presents the same existential anxieties as a woman’s control of Hypergamous doubt taken from her. Women fear the idea of being forced to birth and raise the child of a suboptimal man not of her choosing, while men fear the idea of being deceived into raising a child not of their own genetic lineage. And until the advent of DNA testing only a woman could be certain that the child was her own.

This is root level stuff here. So important was the determination of paternity for men that an obsessive concern for it was written into our mental firmware. The risks of falling for paternity deception was that important, and the men who evolved this compulsion were selected-for. The reason we Mate Guard, the reason our hindbrains default to jealous suspicions, the reason we cannot bear the thought of another man mating with our woman is rooted in the fear of investing ourselves in a child not our own.

In the previous essay I mentioned the natural revulsion response humans have towards things that are inherently harmful to us. A reservation or revulsion of snakes, spiders, feces, rot and necrosis are part of the evolved firmware we’re born with. I would also argue that the revulsion women feel towards “creepy” (low SMV, Beta) men and the revulsion men feel towards “slutty” women is part of this. Both these revulsions are adaptational protections against our respective Existential Fears. Each represents our Instinctual Interpretive Process letting us know what our ancestors had to avoid.

The Mentor

“But Rollo, isn’t it a noble thing to adopt or mentor a child that is not your own?”

I get this response a lot when I discuss this, and yes, it absolutely can be when the choice to do so is of your own making. In fact, the reason adoption/mentoring seems such a noble undertaking is exactly because it requires a man to repress his natural concern for his ow paternity. Kinship affinity will always play a role in men and women’s relationships with the next generation. Human beings are innately tribal and familial because tribalism promotes the advancement of selected genes. So repressing this innate predisposition is exceptional, maybe even noble depending on the social context, but it is so because it requires a man to ignore his natural wiring. For what it’s worth, I think multi-generational mentorship in Red Pill awareness is going to be a new imperative in the coming decades.

It’s just this pushing past our natural, evolved, concerns about paternity that’s been the operative dynamic of the Feminine Imperative in consolidating power. The human revulsion response can be molded. Usually this is through some form of operant conditioning. Revulsion can even be conditioned to be associated with pleasure. The Feminine Imperative has been remolding men’s evolved need for paternity to its own ends for some time now.

The popularization of ‘Poly Relationships is one of the more recent redirects of men’s paternity need. As I mentioned above, the goal state of the Feminine Imperative is ensuring that women’s sexual strategy – and anything that foments it – is the socially ‘correct‘ imperative. Men must become more like women if they want to be accepted by a social order defined by women’s experiences. Men’s sexual strategy is only acceptable when it serves a woman’s purpose, so men’s existential imperative of ensuring paternity is always going to be in conflict with women’s strategy. A man insisting on his own paternity and the perpetuation of his name is in direct conflict with women ensuring she chooses to breed with the best specimen and be provided for by the best male she can lock down.

This being the mechanics of it, it comes as no surprise that the social conventions of this era encourage men to abandon that evolved need. We make “heroes” of men who marry the single mother and assume the parental investment costs of the man she chose to breed with. A fem-centric society makes this a noble responsibility – “He Manned Up for the loser who wouldn’t take that responsibility” – all while ignoring the simple fact that this ‘hero’ is only completing women’s Hypergamous imperative. And it’s come to the point that a man abandoning his sexual strategy is part of women’s expectations and entitlements of Beta men.

For the men who insist on their own strategy, the message is one of shame. Only a man who’s “insecure in his masculinity” would think that a child would need to be his own. In fact, the very title of “father” is offensive to a social order based fulfilling women’s imperatives. Father’s Day must become, ‘special persons’ day‘. Men should never insist that a wife assume his last name. And of course, DNA testing to determine paternity (even in light of life threatening illness) is to be discouraged if not outlawed.

Now You Know

In The War on Paternity I explored a lot of the ways our feminine-primary social order ensures women’s sexual strategy stays the operative one. Our divorce laws, our child support and custody laws all center on one thing – making sure women’s imperatives supersede men’s need for paternity certainty. Even when a child is not biologically a man’s, he has no right to know the truth, but he has every expectation to be financially and emotionally responsible for the “best interests of the child.”

Going forward I think the Red Pill aware man must embrace his existential need for paternity – and do so fearlessly. If a new beneficent patriarchy is to take root then men will need to reject the social conventions that insist a woman’s sexual strategy be the preeminent one. I think mentorship of the next generations of young men should also be emphasized, but I think this needs to be a conscious decision of the men doing so. Today we have the decision to be a ‘cuckold’ made for us proactively and retroactively by women and a feminine-primary social narrative. If you’re an adoptive father then I salute you, but understand, at least you had the decision to make yourself. Most men’s decisions to be the step-dad only amounts to him acquiescing to supporting the decisions of women. 43% of births today are out of wedlock, either electively or based on a bad decision by that mother. We also call single mothers ‘heroes’.

My advice to men today is to be aware of the game you’re involved in with respect to how your need to know paternity is being used against you. That need is well known to the Feminine Imperative and has always been a threat to its interests. Make your own decisions to mentor based on that knowledge and never marry a single mother. If you do so understand that your sacrifices of this paternity need will never be appreciated by women. You may believe it’s the “right thing to do”, the moral choice, but in doing so you absolve both the woman who made her decision for you and the biological father of their total responsibility (and the underlying evolutionary reasons) to consequences of that decision.


WOMEN HATE BETAS in fact they hate them so much that they would prefer to work soul destroying jobs to support themselves than attach themselves to a Beta provider that wants to fuck them and impregnate them with his shitty beta genetics.

Are you really willing to accept that your paternity need counts for so little? Are you willing to accept this truth and fulfill a woman’s life strategy in spite of it because you believe it’s your moral imperative to do so?

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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

The previous article made totally clear that women in the modern world control reproduction.
Who controls the woman? The default is “herself”, i.e. “no one”.

Don’t be in the default situation.

5 years ago

“is in direct conflict with women ensuring she chooses to breed with the best specimen and be provided for by the best male she can lock down”.

I’ll help her with the first part.

5 years ago


First of all, this is not a trick question. Second of all I want to hear your experiences.

What do you think of mentoring young men. And what do you think of how it is going for you?

5 years ago

Interesting OP Rollo. I’ve never given much thought at all about paternity issues in my own life and dealings with women, but when a younger man, I’d felt the whole ” jealousy ” thing quite a few times, and the very first time I’d felt it I was 100% correct to feel that way. Re: Marrying a ” single mother “, My wife had a daughter already when we married. I didn’t ” adopt ” her, because she had a father and he hadn’t died ( although he was just a flakey, irresponsible kind of guy ). I actually knew… Read more »

5 years ago

“is in direct conflict with women ensuring she chooses to breed with the best specimen and be provided for by the best male she can lock down”.

I’ll help her with the first part.

Out of context J. Are you going to perpetuate your own name one day? Not that there is nothing wrong with not doing that.

5 years ago


lets try an embed…


5 years ago


Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

comment image

5 years ago

Fascinating read as always.

Is there data around what how single mothers became so? My blue pill perception was that 95%+ of single mothers fell into it because the man literally walked out/moved/went AWOL. I looked for the answer and couldn’t find anything relevant.

I’d like to see a the curve with one side of the spectrum being a single mother whose husband of 5 years died while she was 8 months pregnant and the other being a psycho who legally abducted her child from a willing father.

5 years ago

SJF Mentoring young men is a hard as ever, and just as hard as trying to mentor young women. The Gynocracy has bullhorns and they are invasive. My message to young males remains the same as ever – STFDAT ( Slow The Fuck Down and Think ). That message gets drowned out in it’s singularity. Young men today are a complete 180 from where I was and what my mindset was at their age. They have a very hard time grasping ” Game ” concepts ( not pua ) because it seems pointless to them. But if I speak too… Read more »

5 years ago

Thanks for you thoughts Blaximus. Truly a bottoms up approach. You are doing good work. One kid at a time. This song deals with the futility of not being happy with the things you have. Like trying to remove the water at the bottom of the ocean, there’s no way to stop life from moving on. The forces of nature (like the ocean) keep you moving almost without your conscious effort – like a ventriloquist moving a puppet. Head Head David Byrne shed some light on his lyrical inspiration when he told Time Out: “Most of the words in… Read more »

5 years ago

, Blax, EI

Lots of the young men are from either single parent households or have ” beta ” type dads that can’t offer them anything useful – so to them, I’m immediately useless,

This is my SIL to a T. His dad told him, “True love waits.” That was the sum total of his dad’s advice about romance. So, of course, reaching SIL in a way that doesn’t make me seem useless is a tricky problem.

I got a tough row to hoe.

5 years ago

“So, of course, reaching SIL in a way that doesn’t make me seem useless is a tricky problem. I got a tough row to hoe.” Jesus Christ, what we could do without our fucking burden of performance. Just do it. IDK. I way backed off Red Pill with my future son in law this past half year. God was my daughter pissed the way “I was treating my wife, red pill wise” Which all was going great, little knowledge to my wife and kid. They had no clue what was in their best interest. And they did come around. My… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

Blaximus My message to young males remains the same as ever – STFDAT ( Slow The Fuck Down and Think ) Say, do you recall being in your 20’s? Just asking. These cats aren’t fearful at all though. They are in a state of suspended adolescence. They mostly know anger and indifference. I’m cracking that code, but it’s fucking exhausting sometimes. You gotta be a master therapist to just get them to express what they feel or think so you might offer some insight. Everything seems to be surface level. It’s part of their coping. Look, almost all young men… Read more »

5 years ago

Hmmmm…….My only son from marriage number one is dead and the nearest genetic legacy I have is a niece with whom I have very little contact with. Marriage number two came with several step-kids that I never really was able to bond with but, I was able to bond with the grandchildren. Alas, they went away too when number two had an “Eat.Pray.Love” epiphany and announced she no longer loved me. My gene line has stopped. I am way too old and selfish now to ever want to have children again but I have come to a conclusion that at… Read more »

5 years ago

AR I remember my 20’s like it was yesterday. That’s why I stated that these guys are 180 degrees opposite. In my 20’s I was champing at the bit, full of boundless energy with an extreme thirst for life and accomplishment and learning. In had to learn to slow down, listen, think. Many of these guys aren’t passionate about life. They are too easily led towards wasting time in trivial pursuits. A lot of thought about what somebody else is accomplishing, little action toward self accomplishment. I agree that school has an awful lot to do with the atmosphere. A… Read more »

5 years ago

Back to the OP, men’s fears takes many forms depending on circumstances. Fear is a normal emotion/reaction, as Rollo states. But as SJF would say, ” what are you going to do about it? “. Men should never fear any ( unarmed) woman, but the state apparatus along with the power hungry feminist overlords have a different agenda in mind. That’s too bad because all of those machinations will never change the truth. The obfuscation, unfortunately, is proving destructive and even deadly. So men need to understand what’s going on and get geometrically smarter at the same time. Tall order.… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

Blaximus I remember my 20’s like it was yesterday. That’s why I stated that these guys are 180 degrees opposite. In my 20’s I was champing at the bit, full of boundless energy with an extreme thirst for life and accomplishment and learning. In had to learn to slow down, listen, think. Lol, right, so you are telling these men … what? Oh, yeah My message to young males remains the same as ever – STFDAT ( Slow The Fuck Down and Think ) As I was saying… I agree that school has an awful lot to do with the… Read more »

5 years ago

Isn’t it funny that we only “care” as much as our options allow? Beta men don’t care as much for paternity as Alphas because most times wifing up that single mum and becoming “Captain save a ho” and rescuing said ho from her hupergamous decisions is the only “option “ that they have! The only “options” that these low SMV men have are not really options at all they are just taking what they can get. All this “ do the right thing” and “honour “ bullshit is just a mental buffer he employs to alleviate the cognitive dissonance of… Read more »

5 years ago

@Rollo: interesting as usual but the one about women was harder hitting, at least for me.

Maybe because I don’t want kids?

I’d be interested in knowing what you think about these feelings of jealousy in terms of the situation; monogamously coupled men (and parents at that) probably most vulnerable to such feelings, men that are spinning plates possibly quite chill about the whole thing, and of course with individual variation also thrown in.

Certainly the strongest displays of jealousy are quite a beta tell?

5 years ago

Soy and feminism are killing the male competitive instincts… But as I find myself edged out of traditional employment and social institutions due to age, race and mindset I realize that my survival instincts kick in. I work on myself…to ensure I’m competitive in the social sexual marketplace. What I find is a specific group of hot millennial girls who find they don’t fit into soy-ciety. They’re craving masculinity in all its forms…just like millennials are buying up old vinyl 33rpm records because they sound better and offer a selection of music not available on soy-ify. The lesson here is… Read more »

5 years ago

Good post, Rollo. I think you’re 100% right about what’s happening in our culture with regards paternity. However, if you’re talking about men’s existential fear, I think for me there is a fear that was way stronger than my fear of being cuckolded—the fear of death or maiming at the hands of a stronger man. I grew up in an English town with a football team and on match days, you could virtually feel the town holding its breath. I don’t know how much you know about hooligan culture, but it was (and maybe still is) pervasive in the UK… Read more »

5 years ago

Throat punches work well on bullies. ( disclaimer: dangerous stuff as you could accidentally crush his trachea and kill his dumb ass , so use with cautIon ). Confrontation and occasional violence/bloodshed used to be a right of passage. Kind you, I said ” occasional “. Begbie should have been handled by a ” group ” of men so as to tamp down his love of mayhem. If a big learns to defend himself, and men do what they are supposed to do as far as banding together to maintain order, nobody should ever have fear of stronger men doing… Read more »

5 years ago

“Lol, right, so you are telling these men … what? Oh, yeah

My message to young males remains the same as ever – STFDAT ( Slow The Fuck Down and Think )

As I was saying…”


5 years ago

@ ex cartoonist

Constantly living with that kind of fear and self policing the places you frequent and your actions because of that fear of “Stronger men” sounds horrific to me!

Would it not be easier in the long term to get your weak ass in the gym and learn MMA?

Fear is debilitating you have to resolve this issue or you will “live” your life feeling and acting like prey! Not a mindset I’d like to live with.

5 years ago


“Certainly the strongest displays of jealousy are quite a beta tell?”

Interesting question. I suppose there are variations in the display. Certainly the feeling of jealousy is not specificly beta.

Often jealousy invokes feelings of powerlessness and scarcity. That would be beta.

To me, jealousy invokes feelings of anger, centered on disrespect and a violation of my property.

Same feelings I had when my car was broken into. Like Who the fuck did this? Goddamn it! Rage.

Is a bull elk jealous of the young bucks trying to tap his harem?

5 years ago

the fear of death or maiming at the hands of a stronger man. …so you maim them so they can’t fight you…don’t throat punch unless you can catch them off guard–go for the knees…then double-tap their ribs…look for a fight-ending strike rather than just getting a blow in… …or you can wear a dress… …back when I was a runt, two much older and bigger and stronger bullies picked on me for a few months–stealing lunch money, etc….I eventually told my mother about them after she pressed me about why I didn’t want to go to school…and she found out… Read more »

5 years ago

J Some get it. Look, the state of ” manhood ” is almost completely fucked. Guys act more like chicks than men. It’s a test. An old test. I say ” slow down ” and either you will, or you’ll dismiss the idea and keep on going blindly guessing at what life could be. You cannot see nor contemplate things is your life is just a meaningless blur punctuated by excruciating boredom and confusion and malaise. The confusion is supposed to begin dissipating around the mid twenties. That’s traditional. Adolescence appears to be stretching into the early thirties now. I… Read more »

5 years ago

Cartoonist “I really LIKE being in places where I don’t have to worry about someone trying to punch my face in.)” Well you would be a different person if you fought back against a bully. There is something that breaks for good when you take that step of “enough” and fight back. That is the outcome. Not who wins or loses. Nature or nurture? IDK My neighborhood was WC. It wasn’t a ghetto or crazy. Bit it was a place where base instincts ruled and conflicts and heirarchies established crudely, via some measure of violence typically. From an early age… Read more »

5 years ago


You don’t depend on ” catching them off guard “. That’s weak.

Always look another man directly in his eyes. ” sneaking ” dudes is undignified.

5 years ago

Sentient Hiding from life stuff used to be actively discouraged. I agree 100% that bullying is a gift. An opportunity. If you don’t learn to stand up for yourself at some point, who are you really? When ” bullies ” chased me home from elementary school, my loving mother who grew up with 7 brothers, would send me back outside to stand up for myself. In that moment I thought she was a heartless bitch😂 but the lesson learned was invaluable and permanent. I don’t know what it means to live in fear and terror of other men. Or women.… Read more »

5 years ago

@ Playdontpay “Would it not be easier in the long term to get your weak ass in the gym and learn MMA?” No. That’s my point. The city I live in is 97% feminine spaces, so it’s actually easier to just … I don’t know … do nothing! Okay, I read in the local newspapers of occasional violence, but it’s not part of daily life. Plus I’m 6’4″, which is a big difference from my childhood, so I don’t make an easy target. The fear of being hurt by a stronger man (or gang of men) is not a constant… Read more »

5 years ago

“Certainly the strongest displays of jealousy are quite a beta tell?” Oh, man, I was looking at pictures on a backed up hard drive the other day. I had some pictures of my wife and kids on my wife’s 45 birthday and when we were downtown walking around and dining near the baseball stadium. The pictures were titled World Series, I think they were having the world series in the town and we were hanging out, outside the ball park. Anyway, she (my wife) was attractive looking. Like a HB9. And I looked like a drunk captain. Go figure. Two… Read more »

5 years ago

I agree strongly with the ” disrespect ” part of sentient’s description of jealousy. I absolutely will not tolerate disrespect from a wife or gf. Plates are a different matter and not as consequential. I think that’s nurture. Frinstance, if a man knows that he’s actively hitting on a married woman that is my wife, and he knows of my existence, he might face retribution, not because I’m guarding, but because of the blatant disrespect. I don’t guard pussy like that. Sure, you should let some things go, let some stuff slide, but not all things by any means. I… Read more »

5 years ago

” . . . so it’s actually easier to just …”

If you do things the fast, easy way, expect the fast easy results.

5 years ago

“revulsion of snakes”

45 rattlers taken from under a TX house. No women anywhere around…

5 years ago

You don’t depend on ” catching them off guard “. That’s weak. Always look another man directly in his eyes. ” sneaking ” dudes is undignified. Lol, that’s schoolyard thinking…but even if you want to use the “dignified” frame, you can use feints to draw a man’s vision away from the actual threat. If someone is likely to maim you, you kick him in the balls or break his knees and ribs and fuck “dignified” shit. That’s why I was considered a badass even when I was a runt. I never went looking for trouble, but I dealt with it… Read more »

5 years ago

Currently casually seeing and regularly banging a 22 year old dance instructor that looks like Ariana Grande and a 23 year old athletic bodied nurse, I’m 34. The sex is wild and the less effort I make the more effort they put in to see me. Have also been out a few times with a 28 year old artsy type who I really like. I get this gut feeling around her that I have not had in a long time. In addition have a ton of prospects lined up in dating app and find it very easy to get numbers/bangs… Read more »

5 years ago

“I don’t know if this is just me being jaded or what but i’ve never felt this lousy about feeling so good.”

Your mental point of origin and Frame are outside of your head. You are seeking external validation. You don’t have your purpose and mission locked down. Keep trying.

But at least you have Red Pill awareness down. In the Bargaining stage of Grief. (If I just do this, _____ will happen. Then on to Depression.) Accept how things are, not how they ought to be.

5 years ago

I agree 100% that bullying is a gift. An opportunity. Yep. Men need to be tough. You develop that in boyhood and as young men. I dunno, maybe you think I just “talk tough.” But I was a military brat and a runt. Those boys who were military brats and moved around know what’s what. I don’t know what it means to live in fear and terror of other men. +1 Do you think about your tactics? You probably rely heavily on charm, same as me. Used offensively, you can generate some loyalty among acquaintances in a bar so that… Read more »

5 years ago

Charm to a degree. Not a part of my personality to charm men though. As playdontpay alluded to, I joined a gym young and learned to defend myself properly. I was a ranked amateur heavyweight so fuck charm.😄

So, tell me about this ‘ feinting ‘…..😂

5 years ago

We are finally getting down to the biological conflict between men and women, and we have Rollo to thank. This post well defines the current problems with this conflict, and his suggestion at the summation is certainly on target: “Are you really willing to accept that your paternity need counts for so little ? Are you willing to accept this truth and fulfill a woman’s life strategy in spite of it because you believe it’s your moral imperative to do so ?” I have an additional perspective to add. At least in the US and western society, we have the… Read more »

5 years ago

Ummm, I’ll pass on all that ” 1850″ shit. Thanks .😁

5 years ago

Existential Fear will always be there. In a healthy dose it is good for survival, as it kicks your ass and forces you to get smarter and stronger. But it can never be eliminated. So you fear “a stronger man or a gang of men” will cause you harm. Some will suggest, “just lift bro, learn MMA bro!”. You go ahead and do that. Then you will fear someone will knife you or shoot you with a pistol, and you start carrying a pistol. Then you fear what if someone shows up with a semi-automatic, what if the Police try… Read more »

5 years ago

I’d like to see a the curve with one side of the spectrum being a single mother whose husband of 5 years died while she was 8 months pregnant

That isn’t a single mum, that’s a widow.

5 years ago

Incubus The kind of mental gymnastics you point out is a symptom of a disorder of some kind. Existential fear need not be permanent, nor does it require monumental ongoing efforts to blunt it’s impacts upon your thinking. Larp. I live in a city where gunplay isn’t unheard of nor out of place. Yet, I do not take to the streets armed, nor do I waste effort considering ” what if I get shot? “. Amazingly, I’ve not been shot. Not once. Imagine that. It’s not about women, or fucking, or crushing skulls. That’s part of the disorder. It’s about… Read more »

5 years ago

That’s ” won’t die ” , not ” won’t did “. Spellchecker is retarded.

5 years ago

Whether the existential fear is relevant to any individual man is very dependent on his own life, goals, mental point of origin, and how much he has his own life in order, when it comes to progeny (or not). If you have all of this together, you have no existential fear — you either have progeny, and the situation is in hand, and your fear of cuckolding is virtually zero, or you have chosen not to have progeny, in which case your fear of cuckolding is also virtually zero. If you’re the kind of man who doesn’t have all of… Read more »

5 years ago
5 years ago

With DNA paternity testing, men don’t need the relative security of monogamous marriage and virgins to ensure paternity. Just refuse to be a “father” until proven to be so. Recently in Georgia (USA), a bill was introduced, seemingly as a jab against abortion, but it would require paternity testing upon pregnancy with the thought of collecting child support even in the womb. As far as child support is concerned being a paternal father is not often a requirement for a woman to go after you for child support. If you are in the role of father or sign the birth… Read more »

5 years ago

With the abandonment of male sexual control in favor of female sexual control it seems to me that the damage (happiness, satisfaction, stable marriage, family formation, etc) is done long before the question of outcome (paternity fear for men and hypergamy fear for women) arises, but via the very the pursuit of sex itself. IMO, for paternity to be secure a man must first believe that he “owns” his womans sexuality. To the extent her sexuality pre-dates him – and is eh hem, ‘exposed’ to the SMV, his notion of ownership is weakened, diluted. The longer the exposure, the weaker… Read more »

5 years ago

Not a part of my personality to charm men though.


5 years ago

Yes, it IS about banging girls. This is why we are here. This is what this site is for. If you take sex out of the equation, why do you even need frame, MPoO in these times when you can just be a good obedient Beta Male, be celibate, spend weekends at Women’s March, listen to sounds of nature and watch the sunset. “Everything we do is about SEX, except SEX. SEX is about POWER” Nobody comes to this site to discover ZEN. They are here because they are not banging enough, or have banged the wrong girl, or want… Read more »

5 years ago

I disagree, but it’s lunchtime.

There are pua sites for men who are strictly concerned with banging more. This site is about understanding.

Not just banging.

You need a strong frame for life, not just sex.

5 years ago

lol thank you @incubus

Everything girls do is because they want to maximize their chances of landing the highest possible mate(s).

But whenever do anything to improve our chances of banging hotties (whether it’s dressing a certain way, lifting weights, choice of cologne, the way you behave around people etc.) its met with “NO ITS NOT ABOUT THEM!!11! DO IT FOR YOURSELF!!” lol

5 years ago

PUA websites are filled with con artists who peddle the same old “Don’t fear, just be confident” woo woo, jump up and down, transcendental lunacy. Yes, I agree with you that this site of for “understanding”. But “what” are we trying to understand is where we disagree. Based on your age, I understand you have been there and done that. And you now want to play YODA in your spare time. Hence, you talk about higher thinking, control your desires, blah blah. Lowered testosterone level due to ageing does that, I get it. You don’t need frame for life. If… Read more »

5 years ago

“…anything that serves women’s sexual strategy is always deemed to be “in the best interests of the child.” The interests of children has become the shield of what is really the interests of women’s sexual strategy.” This is exact same dynamic I have noted in marriages. Amazing how the 1:1 is playing out at a societal level. Men cede tremendous power after the birth of a child, bec society has gone from the old show “Father knows best” to men are clueless, ESPECIALLY when it comes to children. So since mom makes the rules and knows best about the children,… Read more »

Not Born This Morning
Not Born This Morning
5 years ago

Hopeless, futile… Truly effective “mentoring” can only occur with real fathers. There are a number of pathetic weaklings who sanctimoniously masturbate their egos and attempt to play white knight as they lie to themselves and the world claiming to “really care about” or “will raise the other mans kid like its their own”. But there is no substitute for a biological father protecting, providing for, loving and raising his own. “Real” fathers, “alpha” fathers establish and defend paternity driven by an innate compulsion to do so….including fighting to the death of those who threaten it (where laws do, or do… Read more »

5 years ago

I don’t believe this site is only about banging girls. Sure, it’s part of it but I’m not here for that. I got screwed in a divorce and I don’t want my son to go the same way. And the best way forward is to know what I’m dealing with. Knowledge is power. And for me, Rollo’s books and essays are the clearest explanations of how sexual dynamics between men and women actually work that I’ve ever read. Ever. His outline of female hypergamy and how it works was an absolute eye-opener for me, and the impact that’s had in… Read more »

5 years ago

“Hence, you talk about higher thinking, control your desires, blah blah. Lowered testosterone level due to ageing does that, I get it”.

Gotta assume raising only daughters factors into this as well
comment image

5 years ago

Get a DNA test, behind her back of course. Then plan your next move. Got it.

5 years ago

I actually DNA tested my kids a couple years ago and told my BPD/NPD wife at the time that I was doing it and asked her if there was anything I should know before the results came back. Talk about a thermonuclear feminine explosion of pure crazy! How dare I not trust her!! HAHA, LOL. Talk about solipsism! They were mine, but I booted her ass anyway a year later. It was the hardest thing I ever did extracting myself from her. Like Rollo, I still have occasional nightmares, but good riddance, damn good! It was expensive but I didn’t… Read more »

5 years ago


“I got screwed in a divorce….”

You banged the wrong girl. That is why you are here. And now you are trying to understand how your son can avoid your mistakes and bang the right one(s).

5 years ago

Blax, you’re wrong, wrong, WRONG! Life is all about banging hot gurlzzzz! If you don’t think that way you have low T!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Damn, gotta quit talking like a girl.

5 years ago

TRM is not only about getting laid.
It’s also about dealing with women who you aren’t sleeping with,
Like your mom.
Like your mom-in-law.
And that faggot who keeps telling you to buy your wife roses on Valentines Day.

5 years ago

Keep charging windmills J and Incubus. Its entertaining for us low T geriatrics.

5 years ago

“Damn, gotta quit talking like a girl.”

Says the Gramps who is down at the Salsa Club every weekend trying to cop a feel of young girls in the name of dancing.

“Nah, I am there just for the wine and music” … yeah right. Why not volunteer at the Soup Kitchen?

PS: Nothing wrong with having desire for younger women, just need to stop larping about “higher purpose”, “having a frame for life”.

5 years ago

“Keep charging windmills J and Incubus. Its entertaining for us low T geriatrics.”

Sure, will keep ’em spinning, until low T geriatrics stop larping about “frame for life” and shaming younger men for their desires to bang hotties.

5 years ago

“Based on your age, I understand you have been there and done that. And you now want to play YODA in your spare time. Hence, you talk about higher thinking, control your desires, blah blah. Lowered testosterone level due to ageing does that, I get it.’ Lol. Why would you say that? Explain please. ( last test reading was 1100. Down 100, so you might have a point…) ” You don’t need frame for life. If living is the only end goal (and not sex), why do we chase success, why do we strive for competence, why do we compete,… Read more »

5 years ago

Those who stand for nothing fall for anything.

Alexander Hamilton

Call it ” higher purpose ” or whatever you’d like, but it changes nothing. I don’t shame men’s desires, but I don’t advocate uncontrolled harmful expression of those desires either.

Guys like money too, but I don’t think they should rob and steal and kill to get it. That’s not a ” higher purpose “. That’s using your brain as more than a placeholder in your skull.

5 years ago

@j: “Gotta assume raising only daughters factors into this as well”

Sure does.

I get it, he has daughters. He wants men to be “better Beta Males”, so that his daughters do not end up alone when the carousel stops.

“It is not about banging hotties, it is about frame for life”. He can go tell that to the younger Blax when he was sarging around humping anything in sight.

He would be more comfortable on the JBP forums building “better Betas”. I feel sad for the guys he is “mentoring”.

5 years ago


Assume nothing.

5 years ago

” I get it, he has daughters. He wants men to be “better Beta Males”, so that his daughters do not end up alone when the carousel stops.” You sound awfully foolish right now. “It is not about banging hotties, it is about frame for life”. He can go tell that to the younger Blax when he was sarging around humping anything in sight.” Younger Blax had frame. I also never banged everything in sight. Wasn’t interested in that. I didn’t ” sarge ” or any other pua descriptor. I understood what you evidently still don’t at a much younger… Read more »

5 years ago

“Those who stand for nothing fall for anything.” What did you stand for when you were younger? You did not care. You banged and humped anything and everything in your sight. Did you have a “higher purpose”? What was it? Did you achieve your “higher purpose”? You had a good Grand Father who was your mentor, yet you end up working at a Strip Club as a bouncer seeing girls get pimped out and banging them on the side. Is that what you call “higher purpose”? Why shame J here on a daily basis if he wants to bang HB… Read more »

5 years ago

…. sometimes it’s like discussing grown ass man things with 9 year olds.

5 years ago

masculine sigh * “What did you stand for when you were younger? You did not care. You banged and humped anything and everything in your sight.” At no point in my life did I ever ” not care ” ( assuming I know what you mean by that ). Again, I did not ” hump everything in sight “/ That was never any kind of goal. I see that as mostly ridiculous. “Did you have a “higher purpose”? What was it? Did you achieve your “higher purpose”? My ” higher purpose ” was the same then as it is right… Read more »

5 years ago

“Some of the young men I mentor that you feel sorry for are Gang members who’d shoot you in the head and then go get a sandwich.” They will continue to kill each other and you will still eat your sandwitch. That is the path they have chosen to get them “dollas, $bling bling$, fame and hoes”. Your larping of “higher purpose” is not going to get their dick wet or stop them from killing each other. I have been reading J’s comments for a long time. He seems to be a guy who has his shit together and is… Read more »

5 years ago

O/T There’s a reason that the strippers in the club averaged a thousand dollars a night. There’s a reason that Fridays and Saturdays were Standing Room Only. There’s a reason that guys tend to ” make it rain ” in the club. It’s probably a great time for them. No hate at all. There’s reasons why repeatedly, I’ve had to back guys away from strippers because 1) they spent their rent money on her, and 2) He’s really got feelings for her and just knows she has feelings for him too. There’s a reason why none of that was who… Read more »

5 years ago


Okay. You have all the answers ( pussy, feels ).

God Bless and Good Luck.

5 years ago

Lookism is that way



5 years ago

“Okay. You have all the answers ( pussy, feels )”

Projection much!

Who is here on a daily basis giving unsolicited advise and posting incessantly like a bot?

I never have and still do not claim to “have all the answers”.

But your comment history proves otherwise.

5 years ago

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5 years ago

J, what Blax is saying is based on experience. Just store it for future reference.

5 years ago

@ Incubus

“You banged the wrong girl. That is why you are here. And now you are trying to understand how your son can avoid your mistakes and bang the right one(s).”

No. That’s not what I said.

5 years ago

…. don’t correct him. He’s right and knowledgeable. Even about you.

5 years ago

About everyone, it seems…

5 years ago

Back to the OP again, but tying into the more recent commentary. Question for younger dudes ( Younger=less than 40 years old ), do you have a sense of existential fear about family/children, or is it something that’s just never on your radar at all? Do you think it’s something worth considering ( the fear part ) to attempt to figure out ways to eliminate it? Do you think these fears can be ever be mastered? Do you think beyond today and plan for what you’d like in the future? Do you know how to get it? … will you… Read more »

5 years ago

And the excuse is the same. Women know best when it comes to kids, so they get to make all the rules. Hey there — welcome. On that quote, they often are open enough to just come out and say “in most cases the best interest of the child is equal to the best interest of the child’s mother, and men just need to realize and accept that”. I remember reading that in some editorial in a Time magazine at a doctor’s office around 15 or so years ago. It isn’t new, really — “womenandchildren” is a joint concept, and… Read more »

5 years ago

comment image

Don’t wants:

raise children
work 80+ hours/weeks

Hasn’t changed since I was a young boy.

5 years ago

Blax, girls are so different today, you know…you can’t ever trust them not to cheat on you…not like girls in the olden days, because…get ready for it…Not All Women Are Like That!

There have been surveys done…(believe them or don’t, idc)…which show that women who were born in the ’40s were no more likely to be virgins when they married than women born in the ’90s. There’s no question that women’s admitted notch count has been rising through the years.

Hasn’t changed since I was a young boy

…couple of months ago…ta-dum

5 years ago


Bear with me for a second because I’m serious ( before Incubus bashes me for unsolicited advice and having low T )

Where do you see yourself in 10-20 years, and how do you plan to get there?

Do you think the ideals of a young boy will help you?

Not trying to be funny, just asking.

5 years ago

Rubgy, as much as I respect you for contributions here, I blame you for turning this site into a JBP “Traditional Mascilinity” cult by posting a million JBP videos. Congrats, you won. Not long before were see larping on Jungian philosophy soon. Those who burned down others houses and soaked in the warmth from the fires, pilaged others seed for their pleasure and greed, are now scared when the fires have reached their own house. Now they call for restraint, peace, tradtional masucilinity and want younger men to have a vision, a long term plan …. in short, be a… Read more »

5 years ago


noun: masculinity; plural noun: masculinities

qualities or attributes regarded as characteristic of men.
“handsome, muscled, and driven, he’s a prime example of masculinity”

synonyms: virility, manliness, maleness, vigor, strength, muscularity, ruggedness, toughness, robustness

Not Born This Morning
Not Born This Morning
5 years ago

“When a man commits to parental investment with a woman he takes on sunk cost risks. The time he spends investing himself committed to one woman and the children they produce comes at the cost of reproductive opportunities with other women.” Only the most stupid fail to research first and THEN invest wisely. The forgoing quoted statement made by “Rollo” can be true only if the man is dissatisfied with the payout of his investment, i.e. with the woman who givs birth to his children and the children themselves. Most men naturally want to ensure the survivability and success of… Read more »

S. Patel
S. Patel
5 years ago

Thanks for another article Rollo. Interesting how you guys downvote Incubus and somehow think I’m beta, yet we have a much fuller grasp of what it truly means to be alpha vs beta. Alpha: lots of sex, good relationships, you know your kids are yours Beta: little sex, poor relationships, you have no fucking clue if the kids are yours OR you willingly raise another man’s kids (the essence of beta distilled) Omega: none of this is worth it in the first place (mgtow, seek god or your own activities, etc.) Simple as that guys. Get as much sex as… Read more »

5 years ago

@Rollo: Guess who else is plagerizing your work? Only the other 90 percent of the Manosphere. They call you the “God Father of the Manosphere” for a reason.

5 years ago

“they hate them so much that they would prefer to work soul destroying jobs to support themselves than attach themselves to a Beta provider that wants to fuck them and impregnate them with his shitty beta genetics” If they were were really ruthless they would marry a beta they feel zero desire for, fully intending to deny him sex, cuck him then divorce him. Of course such a pattern is common, but women don’t go into marriage intending to do this, and women will only marry betas they feel at least summon a little bit of desire for at the… Read more »

5 years ago

This is a bit off-topic, but I can’t resist. I re-watched Die Hard last night. I’ve seen that movie over a dozen times, but this time after reading ‘The Rational Male’ I was gobsmacked at the Beta triumphs over the Alpha content of the film. Hans Gruber is a Beta in charge of a team of mostly Alphas. The other notable Beta is the computer geek—the message is clear: Beta equals brainy; Alpha equals muscle. John McClane is also a Beta. Okay, Bruce Willis’ later movie image was arguably Alpha, but at the time of Die Hard he was the… Read more »

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