Male Authority – Be a “Man”

How women and a feminine-primary social order control men by reserving the title of “manhood” for men who comply with female primacy.

In the Manosphere we often discuss the dynamic of men holding the burden of 100% responsibility yet are conferred 0% authority when it comes to intersexual relationships. This didn’t used to be the case. There was a kind of default authority imbued in men that was part of simply being a male under the old social contract. A lot of western societies still presumes this is the case in fact. It’s one reason popular culture presumes such a thing as ‘male privilege‘ exists today. They may even have a case with respect to the Old Set of Books; being a “man” inferred that a male had some degree of power, authority and decision making capacity over the course his life would take, as well as the lives of any women or children or extended family members who were dependent upon him being a “man”.

Responsibility is what defines men to this day, but the utility in this being hammered home into the psyches of men has become something the Feminine Imperative has found very useful in consolidating power in the hands of women. We’re ceaselessly told that responsibility is something men need to assume, but under the old set of books the incentive for a man assuming that responsibility came with a commensurate portion of authority (power). That was what used to earn a man the title of “manhood”; men were expected to possess the competency to produce surplus resources, enough to ensure the security and survival of his immediate and extended family, and then his tribe, his clan, his nation, etc. We still call this “being a productive member of society”, but now the incentives of a default authority that made assuming that responsibility a reasonable exchange have been stripped away along with all the grounding that a family name or tribal identity used to mean to men. In their place is all the same expectation of responsibility, but not even the pretense of male authority that stems from it.

In prior posts I’ve defined power thusly:

Real Power is the degree to which a person has control over their own circumstances. Real Power is the degree to which we control the directions of our lives.

How many men today have real power; power to direct the course of their own lives? As we commit to various aspects of life, family, business, the military, a woman, we incrementally exchange power for responsibility. Wealth often enforces will, but unless we can be one of the moneyed outliers in life there is no true authority granted to men now in exchange for that responsibility. A man who would even presume to use an authority that might still be implied in these exchanges is labeled a tyrant; a vestige of a Patriarchy that’s now painted as a net negative to society. And that’s just the societal level. In a legal sense that man has no authority with respect to his power over virtually every aspect of his interactions with women or a wife. A gynocentric social order’s prime directive has been to remove all vested male authority and by extension almost all power the man has to dierct the course of his own life.

There are numerous ways a feminine-primary social order removes the teeth from male authority today. First and foremost is the social pretense of blank-slate equalism. A default presumption that men and women are coequal agents in every aspect – physical, emotional, psychological, intellectual – is the cover story necessary to remove an authority that was based on the conventional differences between the sexes. To the blank-slate equalist gender is a social construct, but gender is only the starting point for a social constructionist belief set. Social constructionism is a necessary foundation upon which blank-slate equalism is built, but ultimately it’s a means of control. By denying each sex its innate differences social constructionism denies men their innate advantages and strengths. Once this became the normalized social convention it was a simple step to remove male authority.

In order to destroy that authority it was necessary to destroy men’s grounding in the identity of their own gender. The first step was to deliberately confuse men about the evolved nature of conventional masculinity. Thus, masculinity became subjective. Never has the idea of being a ‘man’ more reviled, obfuscated, blurred, ridiculed, demonized and loathed by men themselves. Wait for the “masculinity is toxic” articles to follow the next mass shooting incident. The worst shame, the worst clichéd vitriol, will come from male authors stepping up to apologize to women on behalf of all men for the violent ignorance of what they think is a learned toxic masculinity. It’s these Vichy men who’ve been taught that gender is a social construct, so there’s really no definitive answer to what makes a man a Man. These ‘men’ who’ve been conditioned in their feminine-primary upbringing who are so confused or gender-loathing with respect to masculinity that they feel compelled to believe they speak for all of ‘mankind’ when they apologize for all of us.

Blank-Slate Equals

But none of this works unless men and women are blank-slate equals. One reason a guy like James Damore is hammered down and erased with such zealotry for suggesting men and women are inherently different is because so much of gynocentrism rides on the social belief in the blank-slate. What’s offensive about it isn’t the idea that men and women might be prone to innately different strengths or weaknesses so much as it’s about the entire system scaffolded by the falsity of equalism.

You see, the confusion, the subjectification of masculinity has a design underneath it. This confusion is a means of control; a means of not just denying men authority, but to systematically remove anything inherently male from the whole system. I’ve detailed this removing the man in prior essays so I wont dig into it here, but it’s a means of control in an age when men are expected to know their utility and their role in women’s sexual and life strategies.

As we progress towards a social order based on a consolidated gynocracy it becomes more important that men not only be confused about masculinity, but also that men be dispersed and isolated. Men who would challenge this social order must be made into suspects and the suspicious of an “outdated masculinity” – a masculinity that pretends to be about innate authority based on evolved gender differences. Male Spaces must be outlawed, ostensibly for the misogyny they will surely lead to, but actually because men gathered together as men is a threat to a gynocentric power base. This is why the Manosphere and events like the 21 Conventions are so egregious to the feminine-primary social order; they connect men and their experiences about women. So men must be taught to be suspicious of each other. While masculinity might be loathed or confused, men gathered together can only mean homosexuality – because what other purpose could men exclusively gather for other than to fuck one another?

This is where the facade of blank-slate equalism conveniently slips when it suits the purpose of gynocentrism. Men and women can be innately different, but only on the occasions when innate differences would prove that men are violent, abusive, potential rapists, sex addicts or incorrigible homosexuals. On those occasions, the occasions when it serves the Feminine Imperative, women will gladly agree that Boys will be Boys and men are naturally beasts. Through this caveat in the blank-slate society men can be justifiably hated for being men if only because some nebulous male-chauvinist ‘society’ taught them to be so. So the clichés and the old lies get perpetuated because only a belief in the ‘masculinity-is-toxic’ narrative can justify teaching the next generation of boys to hate their own sex and sustain a gynocracy.

Men must be taught to hate themselves for their maleness. Thus, a form of institutionalized gaslighting of men about the nature of masculinity became necessary, and it is primarily men who sustain it. When men are conditioned to be both gender loathing and suspicious of the worst aspects of ‘masculinity’ in other men the result is a self-perpetuating cycle of policing ones thoughts while policing the thoughts of other men. There’s a default belief that this policing is part of identifying with the feminine that will make these Vichy Males more attractive to women of the gynocracy.

But what makes a man a Man in this social order?

As we’ve moved from a blank-slate basis of gender to an ambiguous, subjective definition of what a man is the Feminine Imperative has found a utility in assigning the title of ‘manhood’ to whichever man best exemplifies this utility to the gynocentric social order. In other words, the more a man meets the shifting needs of women the likelier he is to merit the title of being a “man” or a “real man”. In fact we hear this last one all the time in the memes that serve the Feminine Imperative. A “real man” does [insert whatever serves women’s long term sexual strategy] and Betas gleefully retweet it to prove their quality. In our feminine-correct paradigm, the authority that was inherent in masculinity which allowed men to declare what qualities make a ‘man’ has been casually assumed by women to be tossed around as whim and necessity makes convenient.

In Rites of Passage I elaborated on how, to an older conventional masculinity, Manhood was something merited and conferred onto a boy by his adult male peers. There were rites of passage, rituals, tests and qualifiers that transitioned boys into the world of men. This was a part of his grounding in a tribal belonging that used to at least somewhat direct his purpose in life. To be a ‘Man’ was to be a part of a sum whole – E Pluribus Unum, out of many, one. It was the collective of men who conferred manhood onto another. How this actually played out in real life and the integrity of that collective was always particular to the character of the tribe, but prior to the rise of gynocentrism conferring manhood on an individual was something unique to masculinity.

Today, the Feminine Imperative’s efforts to disempower and subdue men means destroying the legitimacy of the tribal aspects of all this. As I mentioned earlier, men gathering together, and pretending to authority is something threatening to a gynocentric power structure. Destroying, shaming, ridiculing, etc. the whole of men, keeping them dispersed and isolated, meant usurping the authority men had in assigning ‘manhood’ to one another.

Aspects of the old masculine social order, including men’s natural inclinations towards duty and honor amongst each other, have always been dynamics that could be turned to the uses of the Feminine Imperative.

From The Honor System:

Man Up or Shut Up – The Male Catch 22

One of the primary way’s Honor is used against men is in the feminized perpetuation of traditionally masculine expectations when it’s convenient, while simultaneously expecting egalitarian gender parity when it’s convenient.

For the past 60 years feminization has built in the perfect Catch 22 social convention for anything masculine; The expectation to assume the responsibilities of being a man (Man Up) while at the same time denigrating asserting masculinity as a positive (Shut Up). What ever aspect of maleness that serves the feminine purpose is a man’s masculine responsibility, yet any aspect that disagrees with feminine primacy is labeled Patriarchy and Misogyny.

Essentially, this convention keeps beta males in a perpetual state of chasing their own tails. Over the course of a lifetime they’re conditioned to believe that they’re cursed with masculinity (Patriarchy) yet are still responsible to ‘Man Up’ when it suits a feminine imperative. So it’s therefore unsurprising to see that half the men in western society believe women dominate the world (male powerlessness) while at the same time women complain of a lingering Patriarchy (female powerlessness) or at least sentiments of it. This is the Catch 22 writ large. The guy who does in fact Man Up is a chauvinist, misogynist, patriarch, but he still needs to man up when it’s convenient to meet the needs of a female imperative.

In a gynocentric social order both the concept of honor and masculine responsibility is set by whatever is ‘correct’ for feminine utility. If that means only ‘real men‘ do something to satisfy women’s imperatives, it implies that men who don’t are ‘false men’. Those men are outside the tribe called ‘men’ as well as being unacceptable for reproduction, intimacy and love.

It also implies that only women have the authority to bestow ‘Manhood’ on men, and then only for performing specific behaviors or believing correct beliefs as set by womankind. It’s as if women uniquely hold the ‘medal of manhood‘ to give exclusively to men who can qualify for her wanton needs. The authority men used to claim innate legitimacy of in the past is now only legitimate when a woman wields it.

Men need to retake this authority and own it as is their birthright once again. I realize that sounds kind of LARPy but it’s the best way I can put it. One thing the Red Pill has made men aware of is the social machinations of the Feminine Imperative. Amongst Traditional Conservative ‘thought leaders’ a popular idea is that we find ourselves in the intersexual conditions we do today because men have dropped the ball. Men have shirked their manly responsibilities and women are the way they are because not enough men care to correct women’s behaviors. This argument fails on two counts. The first is that it presumes women bear no moral or behavioral agency and as such cannot be blamed for their own participation in our social condition. This presumption, I should add, is actually indicative of exactly the manipulation of honor I mentioned above.

And secondly, more importantly, it presumes men hold an authority they simply don’t have. Even claiming masculine authority would smack of misogyny today. Churchy, moralists pretend that men have a headship / authority that our gynocentric social order empirically contradicts. To paraphrase the MGTOWs, your headship counts for shit when all a woman has to do is call 911 and police will physically remove what you think is your authority from the family home, no questions asked. This is a result of the Duluth Model of Feminism which I’ll be covering in an upcoming part of this series on Male Authority, but the short version is feminism’s design is to remove men, maleness, masculinity from our social consciousness and this begins and ends with which gender has an enforceable authority.

There are guys who’ll challenge this idea of female authority. Red Pill thought emphasizes men disconnecting their sense of identity from a female-correct paradigm. In my own work I’ve stressed that the most important aspect of Red Pill awareness is men making themselves their Mental Point of Origin and this necessitates a realigning of oneself as his first priority. It’s easy to make declarations about how your self-worth begins and ends with you and that no woman can influence that image, and in a way that seems liberating. Like you’re taking at least that much authority back for yourself. But it’s another thing entirely to wrestle with a social order that’s now founded on a consolidated female-primary authority.

In the coming series I’ll get more into this question as well as what men can do to take back the authority of assigning manhood. Thanks for reading, more to come.

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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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5 years ago

“Countries that don’t exist generally don’t get invaded.”

Hello, I knew you would be along and was waiting for you.


5 years ago

The whole sanctuary cities thing is bullshit meant to distract, these illegal immigrants have very little impact in terms of the power structure, they are literally no better off than share croppers It’s just a difference between being an economic share cropper in Mexico vs the USA. Obviously the USA sharecropper is better off but you are very much still a share cropper. These guys/gals are providing a relief valve at the moment for the U.S economy, they are willing to live in sub standard conditions(old houses/trailers/ghettos) and for the most part are very happy for it while consuming very… Read more »

5 years ago


Rural against urban…

5 years ago

“Is Mr. I care about Immigration doing anything about these people?”

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

If California secedes there’s a good chance it will burn from the Mexican border to SF in a civil war.

A fair part of that is already burnt.

The state of Jefferson says “don’t come around here no more”.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

Hello, I knew you would be along and was waiting for you.

The Visegrad group says “Hello”.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

…instead people are worried about some damm guy picking chile in the frozen wintertime…

Yeah, and what bout those guys picking tomatoes and cherries and apples in the frozen wintertime, what about them?

5 years ago

@Anonymous Reader “Yeah, and what bout those guys picking tomatoes and cherries and apples in the frozen wintertime, what about them?” Not sure if you are being humorous but it’s a good question. What about them? They are basically self volunteering to start at the bottom of the economic/power chain and paying their own way to get here with no real hope of making it up the food chain because of a lack of education and cultural assimilation. I agree that if you are your children/relatives/friends want to be out in the agricultural fields they are definitely lowering the prevailing… Read more »

5 years ago

“Rural against urban…”

I wouldn’t want to be in Manhattan when the bridges get blown and the power and water get turned off. Holding a fortified front along 95 and rear position along 287 to contain the Bronx and Yonkers will be the tricky bit.

5 years ago
5 years ago

@kfg Well see, the article is dated from January 2017. These guys/gals are actually coming in and getting 80K-100K salaries, yet I see very little tweets about them. The degree fraud is rampant over there and they laugh about it when I’ve asked them about it. They are very good at the bureaucratic game and fit right in to the feminized corporate culture, a perfect fit for the left actually. Of course some tired bastard walking up multiple countries with no real hope of gaining real power in the USA even if he makes it to the USA, is… Read more »

5 years ago


It’s obvious that the ” omg illegals ” groups are more concerned with Latinos than any other group. Not Filipinos, not Indians, not Irish, not Russians, not English, not Australians….etc.

It’s a boogey men thing – ” they ‘ are voting. ‘ they ‘ are being drugs, bringing crime, rapers. They are getting gov’t handouts. 90% untrue, but the kid won’t due because ” other “, and weak men/minds only feel stronger by denigrating other people. I’m great, strong and right because you suck.

5 years ago

Take the emotion out of the immigration issue and just concentrate on the numbers, not where they come from. Do they have a valid “non-emotional” point or are they wrong with this video? Discuss.

5 years ago

“Not Filipinos”

Esp. the not the hot Filipino women swarming Vegas hospitals, casinos and hotels. More please.


5 years ago

@Blax I hear you on it, I just shake my head when some of these guys start viewing Latino illegal immigrants as some type of big threat to the USA along with sanctuary cities and all this bullshit meant to distract from the real issues. By and large they are friendly to the concepts of the USA. Yes they got here illegally and that’s the whole point, if they came here legally in the numbers needed they would be a huge threat to the system. To come here legally they would need to be educated and know some English have… Read more »

having a bad day
having a bad day
5 years ago

@kfg “It’s pretty clear the only thing keeping the whole thing together is normalcy bias or inertia . . .” But the normalcy of San Francisco is not the normalcy of Fort Smith. Calling out FS to restore normalcy in SF requires that FS values the normalcy of DC more than it does its own. true… but the normalcy bias i was referencing was faith in the ability of the US to actually pay it’s debts… essentially the leftist/progressive ideology of ‘free shit for all! but don’t look behind that curtain over there!’…lol… and anybody saying ‘hey, that emperor dude… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

They are basically self volunteering to start at the bottom of the economic/power chain and paying their own way to get here with no real hope of making it up the food chain because of a lack of education and cultural assimilation. I agree that if you are your children/relatives/friends want to be out in the agricultural fields they are definitely lowering the prevailing wages there as well as any field they enter (construction/restaurants, etc). Cesar Chavez and the United Farm Workers would like a word with you. Question for the economists here: who benefits most from an unlimited supply… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

state troops?… liberals v conservative?…

What were the demographics of Compton, California 25 years ago?
What does the population of Compton look like now?
How did this change occur?

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

While tweeting away about the movements of some migrant Caravan, Pradeep just got his H1B1
and will get a tech job making 80K-100K and his wife Rashmi will get another visa riding in on his H1

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

“Yeah, and what bout those guys picking tomatoes and cherries and apples in the frozen wintertime, what about them?”

Not sure if you are being humorous but it’s a good question.

I am always ready to learn from another man’s expertise. Especially an expert on agriculture.

5 years ago

@AR “I am always ready to learn from another man’s expertise. Especially an expert on agriculture.” You sir are in luck as far as NM Chile is concerned, the red Chile I am referencing is picked usually after the first freeze late in October/early November. The cold is needed to shrivel/dry as it will be easier to bake the Chile as it will be used for industrial food dye/paint dye is my understanding, after being picked in the field it will be taken to a regional processing facility where it will be run through giant industrial ovens to dry it/bake… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

I wouldn’t want to be in Manhattan when the bridges get blown and the power and water get turned off.

“That’s a lovely, lovely voice…”

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

Foxguy You sir are in luck as far as NM Chile is concerned, the red Chile I am referencing is picked usually after the first freeze late in October/early November. I missed the part in your initial bolus where the word “red” was included. Could you point it out? Now, is October / November (right now) considered the “frozen wintertime” in New Mexico? I guess that no one ever picks chile when it is green…right? At this point I could turn this around on you and make fun of you because you didn’t take the time to consider other possibilities… Read more »

5 years ago

Cesar Chavez is as dead as the united farm workers. Pretty sure @AR doesn’t have a point to make ,other than them mesicans is baaad? They will get here no matter what laws or walls are built or how many guards are hired, there is no way to shut down the country other than open borders of course. migrant farm workers are just that and many intentionally migrate back to where they came from,after all it’s warmer there in the winter. Now asylum seekers are another story, if they are in fact here for that reason they may not be… Read more »

5 years ago


You sound mad dumb my dude. Your gonna be alone in the world with that mindset. Isolation will be a bitch. Enjoy

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

Cesar Chavez is as dead as the united farm workers.

Ok, why is that? Not the “a man got old and died” part, the other part.

Pretty sure @AR doesn’t have a point to make ,other than them mesicans is baaad?

Non sequitur.

5 years ago

Pretty sure @AR doesn’t have a point to make ,other than them mesicans is baaad?

Is you bin dropped on de haid when you war a little chile?

5 years ago

migrant farm workers are just that and many intentionally migrate back to where they came from,after all it’s warmer there in the winter.

most illegal immigrant men go into construction or manufacturing because of much higher pay than migrant farm work…where they depress blue collar wages…it ain’t the 1950s any more…you’ll see some in tree trimming, lawn mowing, etc.

most illegal immigrant women go into fast food

just what I’ve seen

5 years ago

“… but the normalcy bias i was referencing was faith in the ability of the US to actually pay it’s debts…” When it can’t anymore, it becomes an irrelevancy. You don’t have to fight it, you can just ignore it. “… so, they did benefit by the romans leaving… ” The Britons couldn’t Roman and there was a power vacuum left behind. Civilization collapsed. Dozens of warlords contended with each other to be acknowledged as the “King of Kings” and they got picked apart by invasions from the Picts, Irish, Scotti, Angles, Saxons (both Jutelanders, but not Danes in the… Read more »

5 years ago

@DR Smith (from Lost In Space?)
Yes, jewelry ads are the absolute disgusting worst for male abasement. Another to watch for at holiday time is the ads where men give their wife a car.

I’m just back from two weeks consulting on-site at an all-female client company (which functions surprisingly well and with less drama than you would expect.) It’s always fun, even the one 50ish fill-in chick who hadn’t joined my team for 10 minutes before declaring, “You’re not bad — for a man.”

5 years ago

Most likely outcome the north splitting off and going with the Northwest, the south becoming an ethnic Hispanic country including the states of Arizona, New Mexico and a good chunk of Nevada. Nuevo California.

So the illegal immigrants won’t have to travel as far to get to New Yawk and Joisey. And you thought that illegal immigration would stop just because the U.S. broke up. lol Jobs will be harder to get (but more available and with better pay than the old country for illegals) and you’ll still have competition.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

If gender is merely a social construct then the Vagina Monologues must be changed because of diversity and inclusion. 2nd stage feminism collides with 3rd stage / 4th stage feminism. Eve Ensler transitions from “bold feminist” to “bigoted hater” or something.

There’s a really good reason why the FI doesn’t want men to actually go their own way…and that has implications for who has “authority to be a man”.

5 years ago

“So the illegal immigrants won’t have to travel as far to get to New Yawk and Joisey.”

As the crow flies it’s actually about 500 miles further than from Laredo.

And having spent a year there one weekend I advise flying from Laredo as fast and far as you can.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago


5 years ago

Another variant:

5 years ago

“So the illegal immigrants won’t have to travel as far to get to New Yawk and Joisey.” As the crow flies it’s actually about 500 miles further than from Laredo. You should try Nogales for excitement. lol Texas has a net influx of American immigrants. Cal has a net efflux. I expect that Nuevo Cal will have the same problem with attracting talent and people with resources. But they probably will have an open border policy, lol, so they won’t see a drop in pop. Probably will have the same shitty govt. as Cal. High taxes and lots of wildfires.… Read more »

5 years ago

Geography isn’t your strong suit either, huh?


Ever been to Nogales? Either side of the border? I’m just curious.

5 years ago

I wonder how long the Santa Ana winds have been blowing?


5 years ago

Tampico is nicer than Laredo, but that’s like saying having a tooth drilled is nicer than a root canal:

June is 18 here. It’s her first recording and the biggest hit she ever had, so I guess you could say her career was all downhill.

5 years ago

“Ok, why is that? Not the “a man got old and died” part, the other part.”

Crops are seasonal.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

Crops are seasonal.

They weren’t seasonal in the 1960’s?

5 years ago

Of course they were, just because someone starts a workers union doesn’t always make it sustainable.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

just because someone starts a workers union doesn’t always make it sustainable.


Your handle is well chosen. Or maybe your meds have broken your Google?

Well, I’ll try leading an old horse to water…

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago


I wonder how long the Santa Ana winds have been blowing?

In geologic time, or this year?

5 years ago

“1980s In the 1980s, the membership of the UFW shrank, as did its national prominence.[3] In 1983, Republican Gov. George Deukmejian took office in California. Deukmejian stopped enforcement of the state’s farm labor laws, resulting in farm workers losing their UFW contracts, being fired, and blacklisted.[12] Due to internal squabbles, most of the union’s original leadership left or were forced out, except for Chavez and Huerta.[3][11] By 1986, the union had been reduced to 75 contracts and had stopped organizing.[10] In the 1980s, the UFW joined with the AFL-CIO and other organizations for the national Wrath of Grapes campaign, re-instituting… Read more »

5 years ago


I mean, the thought that global warning is responsible for a wildfire in.California just struck me as a very odd thing for one to say, inferring that this is what people broadly believe.

I can’t wrap my head fully around some modes of.belief and thought.

That’s why I’m going to have a milkshake.

5 years ago

“I mean, the thought that global warning is responsible for a wildfire in.California just struck me as a very odd thing for one to say, inferring that this is what people broadly believe.”

5 years ago

And it’s responsible for the early snowstorm in the east, at the same time. Is there nothing it can’t do?

5 years ago

Wildfires have been happening in Cali for as.long as I can remember. I’m not a climate change/science denier…lol… But it should surprising when the winds kick up with all the aridness, the a spark or lightning strike or cough powerlines malfunction, shit blazes up and get blown all over the place. The first time I experienced the Santa ana, it damn near was off the edge of a cliff. I was the only one shocked and amazed at this. The group of people I was with just shrugged. And it goes for days and days and days non stop.… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago


They may have lasted longer and stronger if it wasn’t for the seasonal nature of crops leading to the migratory nature of the workers.

The law of supply and demand doesn’t apply to migratory workers? a

From Infogalactic
In 1983, Republican Gov. George Deukmejian took office in California. Deukmejian stopped enforcement of the state’s farm labor laws,

I guess there is no way of knowing why the UFW staged a march down the Coachella valley to the Mexican border. It’s one of those mysteries, like the Ancient Aliens…

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

PS for Boulderhead: you can try answering the questions I asked Foxguy if you want.

Like, oh, “Who benefits from an unlimited labor supply?” and so forth.a

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

And it’s responsible for the early snowstorm in the east, at the same time. Is there nothing it can’t do?

Yes, one thing: Be testable.

5 years ago

“The law of supply and demand doesn’t apply to migratory workers?”

Try to imagine collecting union dues in California from Colorado peach pickers. The biggest complaint of the union worker is dues. A right to work state always has weak unions.
Supply and demand of seasonal migratory workers changes with the seasons just like the need to harvest crops,when it’s over they go back to mexico or where ever.

“Who benefits from an unlimited labor supply?”

Pretty much everybody except the laborer.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

Try to imagine collecting union dues in California from Colorado peach pickers.

I guess that’s why the Teamster’s union never got off the ground, because truck drivers move around so much?

Supply and demand of seasonal migratory workers changes with the seasons just like the need to harvest crops,when it’s over they go back to mexico or where ever.

Question: are you on pain meds or some other drugs? Because you are usually not this dumb.

5 years ago

Good listen

5 years ago

“I guess that’s why the Teamster’s union never got off the ground, because truck drivers move around so much?”

The teamsters do quite well,they did better before deregulation of the industry.

What is your point?

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

The teamsters do quite well,

Here, I’ll let you answer yourself.

“Try to imagine collecting union dues in California from Colorado peach truckers’

they did better before deregulation of the industry.

You mean “supply and demand” applied to truckers?

What is your point?

Something very, very far over your head. Check your meds. Seriously.

5 years ago

I don’t think manhood is a birthright. I believe that the trappings, benefits and privileges of men have to be earned *). I believe that society is by design harsh on men, and has expectations of self-sacrifice, because this is how biology weeds out weak individuals. So this is how it should be, it’s the human way as much as flaunting feathers is to peacocks. Have you ever wondered by men are more prone to being crazy than women? Do dumb shit, put themselves in danger? Women are biologically more costly than men because they can only breed so many… Read more »

5 years ago

One parting comment on this post, and no I’ve read none of the responses. Just as a point of contrast between that bloviating pseudo-intellectual @Blax and me for you all. I’m up at dawn as usual and what am I doing? Reading up on Marbury v Madison and why it was a foundational error for our republic and its relationships between the various branches of govt. Essentially, this 1803 decision is what made the courts superior to the executive and legislative branch, against the will of intellectual giants such as Jefferson and Madison. I wonder, how many of you even… Read more »

5 years ago

“You mean “supply and demand” applied to truckers?”

Supply and demand applies to practically everything,there is a large supply of jokers and no demand.

What is your point,get to the point if you have one.

5 years ago

Geography isn’t your strong suit either, huh? 😂 Ever been to Nogales? Either side of the border? I’m just curious. Of course I have. Geography is one of my strong suits. Nogales is dull. The city across the border is fun for girls with the shopping. Not so much for me. Reading up on Marbury v Madison and why it was a foundational error for our republic and its relationships between the various branches of govt. Essentially, this 1803 decision is what made the courts superior to the executive and legislative branch, against the will of intellectual giants such as… Read more »

5 years ago

“Fuck every last one of you who can’t stick with the issues.”

Embedded in a wall of off topic text.

5 years ago

Careful you will wind up eggs emergency room.

5 years ago

With glock provided bullet wounds.


5 years ago

That’s ” wind up in the emergency room.. “.

5 years ago


5 years ago

“Fuck every last one of you who can’t stick with the issues.”

Embedded in a wall of off topic text.

Picky, picky. Scribbs hasn’t learned yet how to relax and have fun, just living in the moment. He’ll come along sometime, I expect.

5 years ago (behind academic paywall; included for reference)

“Masculinity is not attached to a gender.”

Gender theorists make Gender Theory disappear in a puff of logic when they can’t even keep track of their own technical jargon.

5 years ago

Gender theorists make Gender Theory disappear in a puff of logic when they can’t even keep track of their own technical jargon.

Silly, there is no logic in cat-o-nese.

5 years ago

“In the GDR, the official political goal was to reach gender equality in employment and life. The socialist government formed institutions to facilitate the compatibility of work and family life. There was a network of kindergartens and children were much involved in public activities, for example in youth organisations like the „Junge Pioniere“. This left space for mothers to work.” “The idea of emancipation was exploited by the state, it mainly meant that everyone had to work. This also meant that family obligations were not considered for women, they had to adapt to the male model of work.” I post… Read more »

5 years ago

I’ve been beating this drum a bit too long and too much, even for me….but…feminism is NOT an attempt to emancipate women, empower women, screw men out of their birthright but enslave women, men, all of us to the state. Agreed, But where does the Feminine Imperative fit in to this? It seems to me that socialism coopted the Feminine Imperative as part of its strategy to enslave everyone. I don’t think that socialism started out to enslave people, but it kind of kluged its way to where it could be used to enslave people. Socialists got into bed with… Read more »

5 years ago

Seneca Falls Convention: 1848
Das Kapital Publication: 1867
The Origin of Family Publication: 1884

Organized Feminism predates theoretical Marxism. The Gender Wars ruse only works by leveraging the underlying gender conflict innate to sexual reproduction. It would not work unless women were already preinclined to say “Yes! Sign me up for that” and men to say “Yes dear. Now can I please touch you tonight?”

In an odd way, Gender Theory works because it is wrong.

Yes, the politics is real, but has its roots in biology. Biology “causes the causes.”

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

“Fuck every last one of you who can’t stick with the issues.”

Embedded in a wall of off topic text.

NPC’s do that. Just scroll past it.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

Seneca Falls Convention: 1848
Das Kapital Publication: 1867
The Origin of Family Publication: 1884

Mary Woolstonecraft 1792.

Written part as a rebuttal to Tallyrand-Perigord of France. So we should include the French Revo in the path of feminism.

5 years ago

“Socialists got into bed with money . . .”

Because every time they tried to get out of bed, everybody starved. Money is real. Abstracting money to the point where people lose sight of its reality has been the cause of a great deal of suffering.

The traditional currency unit of Japan was a standardized quantity of rice to maintain FTE. Keepin’ it real.

5 years ago

“So we should include the French Revo in the path of feminism.”

It was massively feminist. On the other hand, it was massively socialist (a French word, circa 1835) as well.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

The latest proposal from the FI…

Squint real hard and it kinda looks like “palimony”. Paging Lee Marvin…
Comments are not very favorable, that’s a surprise. A good one.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

kfg on Frenchie Revo
t was massively feminist. On the other hand, it was massively socialist

We all know that women tend to be socialistic for genetic reasons.
This is why giving the vote to women virtually guarantees some form of socialism.

5 years ago

Tinder Lies; Irina D. Manta, University Professor of Law and Director of the Center for Intellectual Property Law – Maurice A. Deane School of Law, Hofstra (free to read): :

5 years ago

” Picky, picky. Scribbs hasn’t learned yet how to relax and have fun, just living in the moment. He’ll come along sometime, I expect.”

No. He never will. He’s gonna die just as he is.

His life, his problem.

5 years ago

It was massively feminist. On the other hand, it was massively socialist (a French word, circa 1835) as well.

…aaaand the latin roots go back to socius, a fellow traveler on a road progressing towards a goal, companion, comrade…old Marx knew his classics….

(historical) Any of the autonomous tribes and city states of the Italian Peninsula in permanent military alliance with the Roman Republic until the Social War of 91–88 BC

5 years ago

These are tandems:

comment image

comment image

5 years ago

These are not:

comment image

The title attached to the bike photo is face palmingly wrong. Tandem does not mean “built for two,” it means “one behind the other, inline.”

These are sociables.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

Irina D. Manta,

37 year old woman who had a bad Tinder experience, wants to bring “palimony” back.
Should work out well for all concerned.

Bill Burr addressed this a few years back..

5 years ago

And she’s Federalist Society no less:

comment image

But men don’t make honest passes at post wall woman lawyers who wear glasses, so post wall woman lawyers who wear glasses gonna post wall woman lawyer.

5 years ago

There needs to be some kind of movement to make men understand that they need to abandon shit like Tinder asap.

It would collapse damn near overnight. Problem solved.

If they choose to keep depending on any mode of ” social app “, they deserve whatever fuckery women can concoct to go after them for using said app in the first place.

Burr is hilarious.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

The story gets better. She got ma-reed just last May. Six months ago. Now she’s bitching on Tinder?

having a bad day
having a bad day
5 years ago


her paper was ‘written’ Aug 9…lol… barely 2-3 cycles in…lol…

and ‘last revised’ Oct. 4… looks like she is active on her shit tests…lol… but really how long does it take to ‘write’ a 50 page law review article?… she probably started at least organizing it… in her head anyway…when they got back from the honeymoon…lol

“but, honey! i HAVE to go on this tinder date with chad… it’s my RESEARCH!”…


good luck!

5 years ago

Re: Tinder Lies This is one of the main reasons IG has taken over Tinder, where the hot girls have migrated online as the top destination for anonymous hookups (The hot girls that are still on Tinder, are there mostly for validation (which is why the flake even when they say they want to suck your dick soooo bad) and free-meal dates). Because it’s kind of difficult (not impossible) to fake/lie about having a cool life (aka Status Game): “Tinder’s golden days are over, because every slut got pump & dumped multiple times and got one STD minimum transmitted. Also… Read more »

5 years ago

Most of that is in a female’s/feminine frame.

I still hold to my original idea, that ” men ” should all abandon theses things. Don’t empower bitches, hot or otherwise.

But thirst.

But pedestal.

Not Game. Not ” manly “. Smh.

5 years ago

“On IG they dont have the issue that the person is a catfish or doesn’t have social value, because his status is visible.”

Whover wrote this, please be in touch. I’ve got some good deals on bridges I’d like to talk to you about. Call now.

5 years ago
5 years ago
5 years ago

@ j specifically

5 years ago

“Because it’s kind of difficult (not impossible) to fake/lie about having a cool life”. I was just pointing out why Instagram (and snapchat) have surpassed Tinder for hookups with hot girls (even if the guy turns out to be an fraud on IG, he still stands a better chance of hooking up with a hot girl by focusing on IG, rather than sitting at home swiping right all day long), and why there are now various guides online on Instagram maxxing (ex: RSDMax’s page is a perfect example of tailoring your page for hookups) Vs maxxing out your tinder… Read more »

5 years ago

“But men don’t make honest passes at post wall woman lawyers who wear glasses, so post wall woman lawyers who wear glasses gonna post wall woman lawyer.” Tinder Lies; Irina D. Manta. I didn’t read the whole thing but the section on Everyone Lies was funny. Esp. after I was just reading the condensed version of Robert Greene’s The Art of Seduction while on a deer hunting stand this afternoon. ) Everybody Lies When It Comes to Love and Sex YGBFSM. How the hell did that happen? I’m shocked. Yvonne: Where were you last night? Rick: That’s so long ago,… Read more »

5 years ago

” Disclaimer: I do not have a Tinder nor Instagram account, and do not plan on signing up (I stick to cold approach only). This is solely from what I’ve gathered, from multiple guy’s experience on various forums. If you don’t believe me, ask anybody you know to show you pics of the girls they hookup with on Tinder.”

comment image

Good Man!!!!! Keep up the great work.

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