Male Control

Back in October, 2016 I wrote an essay called Sexual Zoning. In that post I explored the social inconsistencies and potential for (sometimes catastrophic) consequences for men in misunderstanding what were, and what have become, particular zones in which men and women covertly acknowledge the potential for an intersexual connection.

In the bygone Western social system, young people were expected to regularly interact with one another in controlled, regulated environments, in a way that fostered productive, long-term, monogamous, assortative relationships. This was a sort of “holistic” milieu, so to speak, where young people treated one another as potential future partners, sexual and otherwise, in a socially regulated manner, in all cases when they were permitted to interact. This was even the norm in workplaces where both men and women were present. The average man found a girlfriend through his extended family or social circle, because families and social circles were normally large.

What we have today is the complete opposite: “sexual zoning”. Some mixed-sex environments, like the workplace, schools and campuses, are made completely asexual – sterile, so to speak. No sexualized interactions are permitted to take place. This is demanded by law and expected by society. In such environments, you’re supposed to treat members of the opposite sex strictly as colleagues or professionals, non-sexual beings. (Hot men are allowed to get away with more, of course, but that’s another issue.) Other mixed-sex environments, on the other hand, like nightclubs, are expected to be full-on sexual. Everybody there knows that all interactions entail the future possibility of casual sex. It’s basically a meat market. You’re expected to hit on girls, and girls expect to be hit on by attractive men. Socializing in these environments requires action, engagement. If you want to find a partner, either just for sex or something more, you have to go there, you have to have Game etc.

The video I’ve chosen to dissect here is a prime example of how generations of men have been raised to deliberately misunderstand intersexual dynamics and at the same time demonize the conventional masculinity that so much of western culture has been founded upon. To be thorough though, really every culture throughout history has been primarily founded on conventional masculinity and the aspects that contribute to maleness.

Jonathan McIntosh finds an easy mark in the archetypal masculine characters of Harrison Ford, but there’s a very important reason the 80’s icon is so egregious to the men of McIntosh’s generation. Han Solo, Indiana Jones, etc. are all the Alpha male rogues this generation has been taught to love in terms of bravado, but to hate because they ‘always get the girl’; and they get her in such a way that it grates against all that their feminine-primary upbringing led them to believe was just this side of sexual assault.

McIntosh relates that he was part of a generation that idealized Harrison Ford’s most iconic characters, yet now he feels pangs of regret and resentment for having looked up the characters’ archetype. This is a perfect illustration of how conventional masculinity has been reverse engineered by our feminine-primary social order since the Sexual Revolution. I’ve mentioned in many prior essays that while overt masculinity is vilified as the cause of all social evils, it still remains the most arousing aspect of men for women. Boys like McIntosh saw this archetype and made that connection to female attraction, but it took generations of Blue Pill reconditioning to make them feel bad for ever attempting to adopt that bravado into their own personalities.

While growing up the message was the same Blue Pill identifying with the feminine (in fact Beta Game depends on that identification). Play nice, play equal, respect all women by default and never assert yourself too overtly or too crudely lest you risk offending her sensibilities. These are the boys who were raised by family, media and their schooling to expect a rationality that women could be expected to say what they mean and then do what they said. Yet that never seemed to gel when they would deductively see the girls they wanted, the ones who told them they wanted a ‘nice guy’ who respected them, consistently reward the asshole jerk with the intimacy and sex they thought would come to them if they followed what they were told.

In the end, Han Solo and Indiana Jones get the girl and she genuinely desires him – not because this is some odd fantasy of the writer’s imagination, but because this is (was) a standard aspect of women’s genuine attraction to men. The aberration is the idea that the attraction and affair would go any other way. Only in this feminized generation does thousands of years of male-female interaction seem at all unsettling.

So, here we have conventionally masculine archetypes – sometimes rakish, sometimes bold and dutiful – following their own path, making themselves their Mental Point of Origin, and making their mission (not their woman) their priority. Whether it was Captain Kirk, Han Solo or Conan the Barbarian the mental order was always firmly focused on the individual man and his action. Between the time of the Sexual Revolution and 2017, the Feminine Imperative has systematically erased the conventionally masculine archetype; so much so that the gender-loathing men of this generation are either appalled at displays of masculinity or they simply have no frame of reference with which to contrast it with the distorted and blurred ideas of what masculinity should mean to them.

For some ‘men’ the notion of conventional masculinity itself is rejected altogether. It doesn’t mean anything to be a man for this generation, so conventional archetypes of men are offensive.

As a result of these four to five generations of progressively more feminized men we now see the confusion and disgust at conventional masculinity coming from this generation of men. We see a generation of males who have no positive association with their own gender. They become increasingly more isolated because they are convinced that anything that might be gender-exclusive to men alone is, by default, a form of misogyny. There is nothing ‘positive’ about being a man, yet for all of the misconceptions about gender being social constructs, exclusively female organizing of women and fempowerment is still viewed as beneficial; a sign of society ‘evolving’.

I recently read an article in the Boston Globe about middle aged men’s increasing social isolation. I would argue that for all of the raising of awareness about this phenomenon it is primarily generations of men’s inability to interact with other men that is at the root of this isolation. For decades now men have been discouraged from meeting with other men in any formalized fashion. Men are either suspect of misogyny or homosexuality if they get together for the sake of being men. What were seeing now is generations of men who no longer understand how to socially interact with other men.

Furthermore, when this isolation becomes a concern of women, those men are again berated for not interacting with other men in the ways that women do. Women talk, men do, but a feminine-primary social order only approves of one way for men to associate with one another – in the way that women do. Thus, we see the confusion of women that men don’t call each other up to schedule a coffee date for the express reason of conversation. Men and women have different forms of communication, but the socially approved form is only ever from the feminine context. Men interacting “as men do” – in a conventionally masculine way – is always misogynistic. Thus, we see overseers in the locker room, if only symbolically, to regulate what and how men communicate with each other.

The End of Toxic Masculinity

Dalrock had a great quick-hit post recently about how Michael Moore was suggesting that men be required by law to seek their wife or long-term girlfriend’s (or most recent Ex) signed permission to purchase a firearm in the wake of last week’s mass shooting in Vegas.

That this idea would ever be a serious consideration speaks volumes about how masculine gender-loathing has become endemic in western culture. I get that Michael Moore is a self-inflicted cuck, but all I’m seeing in the wake of the Vegas shooting is less about gun control and more about male control.

It’s no longer about categorizing masculinity as “toxic” or “hyper” – that narrative is officially dropped after this shooting. Now, any masculinity is a threat, any expression of conventional masculinity is the true problem. Suggesting that a woman’s oversight and discernment should be necessary for a man to have access to a civil right only further reinforces what I’ve been saying for some time now – only the feminine is ‘correct’ in any social discourse. Only the feminine is legitimate in exercising judgement, educating new generations and deciding which man will breed and which will not.

Think about this; what’s being suggested is that men be denied a civil right that apparently only women should legitimately have. For all the fallacious blathering of women in pink pussy hats about how they think they’re losing rights today, here we have an actual right of men being denied by women, by the Feminine Imperative.

The ‘toxic’ masculinity narrative made a qualitative distinction between a feminine-acceptable form of masculinity and a potentially dangerous form. Needless to say the accepted form always consisted of whatever aspects of masculinity that was immediately beneficial to womankind. ‘Toxic’ masculinity was always characterized as Man Up or Shut Up masculinity:

Man Up or Shut Up – The Male Catch 22

One of the primary way’s Honor is used against men is in the feminized perpetuation of traditionally masculine expectations when it’s convenient, while simultaneously expecting egalitarian gender parity when it’s convenient.

For the past 60 years feminization has built in the perfect Catch 22 social convention for anything masculine; The expectation to assume the responsibilities of being a man (Man Up) while at the same time denigrating asserting masculinity as a positive (Shut Up). What ever aspect of maleness that serves the feminine purpose is a man’s masculine responsibility, yet any aspect that disagrees with feminine primacy is labeled Patriarchy and Misogyny.

Essentially, this convention keeps beta males in a perpetual state of chasing their own tails. Over the course of a lifetime they’re conditioned to believe that they’re cursed with masculinity (Patriarchy) yet are still responsible to ‘Man Up’ when it suits a feminine imperative. So it’s therefore unsurprising to see that half the men in western society believe women dominate the world (male powerlessness) while at the same time women complain of a lingering Patriarchy (female powerlessness) or at least sentiments of it. This is the Catch 22 writ large. The guy who does in fact Man Up is a chauvinist, misogynist, patriarch, but he still needs to man up when it’s convenient to meet the needs of a female imperative.

Now, in the Feminine Imperative’s unceasing efforts to Remove the Man a distinction between a useful masculinity and a dangerous masculinity is no longer something that resonates. All masculinity, all aspects, beneficial or detrimental, are to be considered the problem:

That the problem might just be masculinity, plain and simple, is not something we’re eager to countenance. While we might be prepared to apply a little structural analysis to the situation – yes, there is something about men and the way they are conditioned that leads us to this place – we’re unwilling to draw any final conclusions. Masculinity doesn’t kill people; it’s those mysterious toxins that are to blame.

[…]But strip away the so-called toxic aspects of masculinity: the aggression, the violence, the hate, the guns, and what are you left with? Strength, endurance, a woody-scented perfume, a liking for the colour blue? Certainly nothing that need be associated with manhood or maleness. These are simply individual qualities. The only reason to code them as “masculine” is to preserve a social hierarchy that ought to be destroyed.

[…]What would be so terrible about a world in which boys were treated no differently to girls from the day they were born? In which there are no pink/blue codifications to hide behind? In which a man’s anger and aggression were considered every bit as aberrant and unnatural as a woman’s?

The problem we’re facing isn’t toxic masculinity; it’s that masculinity is toxic. It’s time we questioned even its most subtle manifestations.

Going forward this will be the narrative. There will be no distinction between misogyny, masculinity and maleness. What this author, perhaps deliberately, doesn’t want to address is that masculinity and all the associated ways our thinking and our behaviors that manifest from the biological side of our nature aren’t something that can be dissociated from us without killing us or erasing what we were evolved to be. There are no truly positive or negative aspects of masculinity, just as there are no positive or negative aspects of Hypergamy. They just are, and what makes them beneficial or detrimental all depends on the context in which they are applied. That may seem strange coming from the author of a book titled Positive Masculinity but understand that what is positive about masculinity is made so by need and by circumstance.

In a world created in the image of the Feminine Imperative masculinity itself is a horrible evil, until it’s needed to save women from rising floodwaters.

You see, for as much as the imperative would like to remove the ‘man’ from our language, our cultural consciousness, that man will always be needed in spite of the hate directed towards masculinity. This is what a feminine-primary society would have us redefine as some other term, something not unique to a male human being. But conventional, evolved, masculine strength and purpose will always manifest in men who unapologetically embrace it without an afterthought.

In my interview with Craig James we discussed men’s higher order thinking and purpose as well as our vital animal nature. You don’t separate one from the other. This is what the Feminine Imperative would have from men; a unilaterally female controlled utility-based masculinity that saves them from the worst consequences of both their environments and their decisions and simultaneously disappears when inconvenient. We hear women bleating about a lack of Real Men and the disappearance of true grit, and in the next article linked we see efforts to erase men entirely from social influence.

As I told Craig, when I’m in the squat rack I’m glad I have a feral, animal nature. It’s a survival aspect of human evolution. I’m not suggesting with this essay that men will become extinct; on the contrary I think what will help define our new conventional masculinity will largely be determined by how we express it in spite of a world arrayed against Man-kind. An equalist culture based on blank-slate equalism doesn’t see that you don’t separate the animal side of the human being from the high-order side. It is unwilling to accept that we need both; that we benefit and sometimes suffer from both.

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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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6 years ago

The video clip was kind of like watching a PUA video segment just with the wrong interpretations of what was actually going on in sub comm’s in the approaches and closing.

The worst are the comment section was another huge BP disaster zone. This only shows that for Game aware men the world is theirs for the taking.

john smith
john smith
6 years ago

Hence, MGTOW. The only way to win such a highly rigged game of Catch 22 is not to play. Unfortunately, this spells the end of Western civilization. MGTOW, the symptom, will be blamed while the female imperative, the disease, will go untreated. Sad, but true. Just be at least a little thankful you experienced the bounty of Western culture, if you are old enough, before its descent into ruin (Oswald Spengler will be proven right). When the end is nigh on the horizon, as it is now, voices will be raised to save it (the current rash of anti-feminist females)… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

Rollo, still reading the article. Florida must have given you a lot of good thinking time. But this just grates like fingernails on a chalkboard: We see a generation of males who have no positive association with their own gender. They become increasingly more isolated because they are convinced that anything that might be gender-exclusive to men alone is, by default, a form of misogyny. Sex. Dammit, gender is a linguistic, social construct but sex is biology and that is why the feminists, the Female Imperative must substitute the fluid, fuzzy word ‘gender’ for the concrete description of reality, “sex”.… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

“Masculinity” = “misogyny” = “maleness” is already showing up on college campuses. I expect to see it in more churches as betaization isn’t enough anymore for the FI, even the conservative feminists in conservative churches mutter about “testosterone poisoning” like old 1980’s feminists. “Masculinity” = “misogyny” = “maleness” is also a giant fitness test, because any man who doesn’t buy into it stands out like a road flare in a snowbank at midnight. Therefore he is the AF that girls are looking for to make a “sexy son” with. We are heading for the 90/10 world at this rate. This… Read more »

6 years ago

> “Masculinity” = “misogyny” = “maleness” is already showing up on college campuses.

This hardly matters, seeing as men will soon be as rare on college campuses as they are in liberal churches with lesbian pastors. Women have won their freedom, as the men who once “oppressed” them now want nothing to do with them.

6 years ago

“See, even you guys can’t keep this shit straight in your head.”

6 years ago

Wrong video somehow. Here’s the one referred to:

6 years ago
6 years ago

With his rounded jaw, high pitched voice, utter lack of muscle mass – combined with a slave morality – Jonathan McIntosh might be the quintessential useful idiot for the feminine imperative. If you want to fully understand how this guy thinks, also watch his video The Fantastic Masculinity of Newt Schmander. He describes the character of Newt Schmander as “painfully shy and socially awkward”…and expressing “a quiet, sensitive masculinity.” Viewed through a red pill lens, McIntosh is nothing more than a bitter beta tooting his own (impotent) horn while bad mouthing men (i.e. Harrison Ford’s characters) more sexually desirable than… Read more »

Agent p
Agent p
6 years ago

At the risk of being an iconoclast here at RM, harden the fuck up would ya? I get it, you’re making social commentary as that’s what you do here and it’s your purview. But you are starting to sound a shade butt hurt about all this FI shit Rollo. Perhaps it’s an observation on behalf of the poor saps who don’t know better but really it’s demeaning to you I think Rollo. Maybe I am just enjoying four years of learning from your writing. Learning quite rightly, that I simply don’t need to give a fuck what women think. I… Read more »

6 years ago

” There are no truly positive or negative aspects of masculinity, just as there are no positive or negative aspects of Hypergamy. They just are, and what makes them beneficial or detrimental all depends on the context in which they are applied. That may seem strange coming from the author of a book titled Positive Masculinity but understand that what is positive about masculinity is made so by need and by circumstance.”

6 years ago “As I told Craig, when I’m in the squat rack I’m glad I have a feral, animal nature. It’s a survival aspect of human evolution. I’m not suggesting with this essay that men will become extinct; on the contrary I think what will help define our new conventional masculinity will largely be determined by how we express it in spite of a world arrayed against Man-kind. An equalist culture based on blank-slate equalism doesn’t see that you don’t separate the animal side of the human being from the high-order side. It is unwilling to accept that we need both;… Read more »

6 years ago

Masculinity. This is what a feminine-primary society would have us redefine as some other term, something not unique to a male human being. But conventional, evolved, masculine strength and purpose will always manifest in men who unapologetically embrace it without an afterthought.”

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
6 years ago

@Agent p Being aware of your situation is not being butthurt. Rollo is correct; the “toxic” prefix has been dropped as he predicted. Masculinity itself has been cemented in the minds of a generation as the source of all violence and evil in the world alongside “being white” and “being right of Karl Marx”. The unsurprising reality though is that I’ve realized as I’ve learned from him over the past 4 years that men who roguishly grin as they break these new rules are almost universally loved by those around them. When I’m in a good groove, my Game drags… Read more »

6 years ago “Going forward this will be the narrative. There will be no distinction between misogyny, masculinity and maleness. What this author, perhaps deliberately, doesn’t want to address is that masculinity and all the associated ways our thinking and our behaviors that manifest from the biological side of our nature aren’t something that can be dissociated from us without killing us or erasing what we were evolved to be. There are no truly positive or negative aspects of masculinity, just as there are no positive or negative aspects of Hypergamy. They just are, and what makes them beneficial or detrimental all… Read more »

Agent p
Agent p
6 years ago

How did that work out for the dems calling half the country deplorable?

Same for all those that consider masculinity toxic. Good luck with that in the long run

6 years ago

If you need something built, fixed or killed, don’t call Jonathan McIntosh (or probably anyone else at Pop Culture Detective Agency). People like that – especially my fellow writers — seem to think civilization just magically appeared and will just as magically maintain itself without all that toxic masculinity. By the way, today is a good day to point out that Columbus and other historical figures are under attack in large part because they were men — leaders, explorers, fighters and so on. It’s probably just a mild exaggeration to say Amelia Earhart could have bombed and strafed all the… Read more »

Agent p
Agent p
6 years ago
6 years ago

Interesting. This is a topic in which I think a top down approach is needed to redress it. It’s not all tilting against windmills. The problems enemies of the manosphere are real. How to deal with the problem is a real conundrum. I’m so fucking glad Trump beat down Hillary because of that. Think of the consequences of a Hillary presidency. Praise Trump’s sacrifice to serve the preservation of some semblance of masculine control. (Hell even Blaximus has to admit that if Trump doesn’t actually do anything by getting the legislature to do anything, there is a worse alternative: Female… Read more »

6 years ago
“Now, in the Feminine Imperative’s unceasing efforts to Remove the Man a distinction between a useful masculinity and a dangerous masculinity is no longer something that resonates. All masculinity, all aspects, beneficial or detrimental, are to be considered the problem:”

6 years ago

Agent p October 9, 2017 at 6:24 pm “So buck up Rollo, they’re grasping at straws at this point, they know they’ve jumped the shark on masculinity” People only spend 10% of their time caring about the other side. And they might have peripheral awareness of it, it’s still only 10% of their awareness. The rest is feeding the pendulum of power. And they don’t want to give up that power of the Pendulum. Fighting that Male Control tide is still swimming against the tide. That is why bottoms up approach is advocated for by TRM and Rollo. But it… Read more »

6 years ago
“Think about this; what’s being suggested is that men be denied a civil right that apparently only women should legitimately have. For all the fallacious blathering of women in pink pussy hats about how they think they’re losing rights today, here we have an actual right of men being denied by women, by the Feminine Imperative.”

6 years ago

“That this idea would ever be a serious consideration speaks volumes about how masculine gender-loathing has become endemic in western culture. I get that Michael Moore is a self-inflicted cuck, but all I’m seeing in the wake of the Vegas shooting is less about gun control and more about male control.”

Lost Patrol
Lost Patrol
6 years ago

It’s no longer about categorizing masculinity as “toxic” or “hyper” – that narrative is officially dropped after this shooting. That was fast, I wasn’t ready to quit the fun with those terms. But this shift, if it is a shift, from the measured pace of indoctrination camps starting at childhood to all out frontal assault will have some unintended consequences for the keepers of the narrative. Vis… Now, any masculinity is a threat, any expression of conventional masculinity is the true problem. and… a distinction between a useful masculinity and a dangerous masculinity is no longer something that resonates. All… Read more »

6 years ago

“In the end, Han Solo and Indiana Jones get the girl and she genuinely desires him – not because this is some odd fantasy of the writer’s imagination, but because this is (was) a standard aspect of women’s genuine attraction to men. The aberration is the idea that the attraction and affair would go any other way. Only in this feminized generation does thousands of years of male-female interaction seem at all unsettling.”

6 years ago

@ sjf Lol, luv ya brother but let me be clear – Donald Trump is a con man and a semi- moron, and has been all of his life. But if one pays attention, his failings are obvious and on full display at all times. Hillary is just plain old evil incarnate. You look right at her and you never know what the fuck you’re actually seeing at any time. Trump might by bungle us into WW3, and only then will everyone have a clearer understanding about what constitutes a good leader as opposed to third selfish, narrow obsessions. Hillary… Read more »

6 years ago

Eh people will change their mind about trump soon… especially people who stopped believing in the goverment after nixon.

“but all I’m seeing in the wake of the Vegas shooting is less about gun control and more about male control.”

Vegas is about something totally different. It’s a “Miracle” That only (x-xxxx) amount of individuals died

6 years ago

I think I was over the whole hating women stage of my unplugging but I think I’m back LOL
Excellent article Rollo.

6 years ago

Whether Trump is a semi-moron is an issue for some other day, but the real issue is that the media and culture now try to paint men in general as semi-morons. Been that way but has gotten so much worse.

Blax, I’ll bet you realize that a CNN or a Wash Post could assign 18 people to make YOU look like a semi-moron if they wish, with lies and half-truths.

A Sully Sullenberger might come along once in a blue moon, but the general depiction of manhood right now is somewhere between Harvey Weinstein and a mass murderer.

6 years ago

“Donald Trump is a con man and a semi- moron, and has been all of his life. But if one pays attention, his failings are obvious and on full display at all times.” I don’t disagree. I would put him in the blue pill Alpha camp. Hillary is just plain old evil incarnate. You look right at her and you never know what the fuck you’re actually seeing at any time. Hillary is fake incarnate. I know her type she’s an INTJ, you know like Ayn Rand. A free spirit idealists that turned her talent to be submissive to Bill… Read more »

Ruben Gonzalez
6 years ago

Rollo, you are man of great words. Your book Rational Male is on point, as are your insights in your entries on your website. Keep doing what you do you.

6 years ago

Is there an app that can automatically search-and-replace any Betty Friedan clip with Silvia Caruso? Or at least Lee Aaron?

6 years ago

Eh people will change their mind about trump soon… especially people who stopped believing in the goverment after nixon.

So vague as to be indecipherable. Use your words Mersonia. What is your point?

And you spelled government wrong.

You can do better than that. You dick, here.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

Dave This hardly matters, seeing as men will soon be as rare on college campuses as they are in liberal churches with lesbian pastors. Well, except for the fact that stuff tends to flow from the colleges outwards. “Sexual harassment”, aka the crime of “being attracted while beta” first rolled out on campuses and then to big Fortune 500 companies. So-called “affirmative consent”, aka “Yes Means Yes Until It Doesn’t” was crammed by the Feds into any institution that accepts Fed funds. That might get rolled back this year, but I’m afraid it has become policy in enough places that… Read more »

6 years ago

I don’t want to get into a political spat sjf, as Rollo’s OP deserves our staying on topic. I don’t hate Trump. Never have. I don’t like nor care for him, but ” hate ” is for children that don’t know better, and I don’t hate anyone. I form my opinion on Trump having grown up across the river from him He can’t bullshit me as way too much time has passed witnessing who he really is. The rest of the country and the world is playing catch up. Con man. Now Wrt to the op, when a majority of… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

mersonia Eh people will change their mind about trump soon… especially people who stopped believing in the goverment after nixon. Aging baby boomers will soon change their mind about Trump, and this matters why? Rollo’s OP offers cautionary information that is actionable at the individual level: the next time I’m around college men who are talking like that guy in the vid up top, I can deal out some truth in any of several ways. For those in mid management it suggests some actions that could gum up the machine, but I won’t discuss details. Nattering at each other about… Read more »

6 years ago

Men and performance… The red pill is internalized that performance offset and everywhere you choose to be a part of in the world.
Robert Mitchum = balls of steel…
The male can use a performance for uniting the honor of death and a brotherhood that builds the heaven’s of are true serene interpretation of god.

6 years ago

The performance is created into a person… (Burden) is removed into a human.

6 years ago

If anything, I’ve been able to see clearly that the encroachment in the popular narrative the “any masculinity” is toxicity and I have been able to avoid that ‘fake thought’ via red pill parenting my son. That kid would be fucked if I was blue pill. ‘Cause he’s got some masculinity going on–weightlifting, former football, baseball, snowboarding, skateboarding, artistic, “don’t box me in” style. The guy is a mini GoldmundUnleashed. (lots of fights, lots of legal charges, lots of double secret probation, lots of passing that probationary restriction, lots of excelling in where he is going. All one big shit… Read more »

6 years ago

Embody your performance to achieve the impossible… Make it possible by sculpting your interpretation of creation.

Markos Beers
Markos Beers
6 years ago

Funny, quick story, My father is a carpenter (retired). Natural red-pill. Mixed results regarding parenting. Mother did her best with an Alcoholic father, non-maternal mother, bounced in and out of foster care. Alright, gaggle of wives talking feminist shit at a multiple-family blathering. My father remains silent. Typical implicit male bashing, etc. Lo and behold, pipe bursts and floods the basement. The hosting wife calls upon her husband to fix the mess. My father, generally agreeable and go with the flow/lead by example kind of guy, stepped up and said to the hosting wife “Why don’t you go ahead and… Read more »

6 years ago

Con man. Last time I checked my inventory of dark triad game theory attributes and aspirations, that’s not necessarily a disqualifyer in Red Pill. I don’t score very high on Dark Triad, but I shore do admire the agency of guys that do. Trump is not an Alpha Stud. And Alpha stud is a Red Pill Alpha. Trump is a Blue Pill Alpha. Big difference. But he is still alpha in status and DNGAF of those who disagree with him. He is strong. Strength in America is money. He purportedly has that. Shit, I’ve never had more strength than my… Read more »

Fred Flange, GBFC (Great Books For Cucks)
Fred Flange, GBFC (Great Books For Cucks)
6 years ago

I’ve related before when i reviewed campus sex yes means yes policy manuals like Colgate that they pretend up top to be helping men and women both by helping men get past the toxic masculinity that holds them back. Then you keep reading, and the word toxic disappears later in the text, and it’s just masculinity men must eschew altogether. So grammatically speaking, the toxic in toxic masculinity is not a modifier or a limiter; it’s a descriptor, Just as you all honorable gentlemen have been referring to the replies you gave some moments ago. I’m just saying, the “all… Read more »

Markos Beers
Markos Beers
6 years ago


I hear the transurfing in your posts. Powerful stuff. I’m audioing it off of YouTube.

Also, for years I’ve recognized that masculinity needs to be channeled, focused, directed. Rites of passage were for men. Women? Somebody wiser and more succinct than me on this site once said being a girl/woman is an event, going from boy to man and beyond is a process.

6 years ago

“But man is not made for defeat,” he said. “A man can be destroyed but not defeated.”
“He rested sitting on the un-stepped mast and sail and tried not to think but only to endure.”
“Fish,” he said softly, aloud, “I’ll stay with you until I am dead.”

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

Fred Flange on late night TV College too pussyfying for men? Good. Let’s run with that. I want to see men avoid colleges for awhile. Don’t wanna attend uni? Hell to the yeah. Go to trade school, learn a craft,become an employee who can’t be outsourced to Rangoon. Two weeks back I was talking with a home schooled kid who is not college material. He was considering basic nursing, what used to be called Licensed Practical Nurse. It’s a community college 2 year degree. He can go on for a full RN after that if he’s up to it. It’s… Read more »

6 years ago

I agree with Agent P’s comment Rollo – you are starting to sound more and more reactive and thus failing the shit test that is feminism. Maybe the anger is because you’re not out there as a single man enjoying the fun infield.

I’ll tell you a group of men on the planet that will never pay attention to this. Muslim men don’t react or care. Like Islam or not they keep their male spaces, patriarchy, they know how to control their women and maintain polarity. Whatever your politics I look at male Muslims and I see strong masculinity.

6 years ago

@Agent P: valid concern but it seems to me like one of those situations where you were a newbie but already learned what you needed and now you don’t care about the new newbies.
Which is fair enough but it wasn’t ever Rollo’s attitude.

Rollo is breaking down something that is going on in FI-dominated society. As he did many times previously.
I don’t see butt-hurt, it is showing what is and interpreting it.

Agent P
Agent P
6 years ago

You guys know I love Rollo and his work, to be sure. I just took a little break for a while and when I came back to the scene for a minute it just struck me as a little whiny is all. Call me crazy, but the tone didn’t sit right with me. Taken as a whole body of work, it makes sense for sure. Rollo has been on a successful mission to unmask the FI for what it is, to cast light on its deepest shadows and he does that with great accuracy and regularity. For that I owe… Read more »

6 years ago

Recent names I’ve been called which I regard as shit tests that demonstrate a higher value: “Why are you being such a dick?” “So much machismo” I just laugh …agree and amplify or respond with a reframe. I would not have been able to understand the motivations or underlying attraction driving these comments or reactions. I do find myself increasingly feeling isolated from some groups of women. But it’s interesting how many girls in their 20s want to be with a man in his 50s. Her: you’re old Me: I’m classic Her: you’re aged Me: yea aged beef is the… Read more »

6 years ago

As much as I like boobs and a shapely female figure, can we refrain from posting nudes here? I read TRM at work and I’d like to be able to continue that…

6 years ago

@Rollo: Now I better understand the import of designating “Indiana Jones of the Manosphere” (a well deserved moniker I’d say).

I don’t think McIntosh got any nooky after the video was complete: what woman is turned on by a man holding his severed balls?


[…] through the failure to act. The shit tests will as a consequence not only continue, but escalate. Some of the comments on Rollo’s latest piece are indicative of this posturing around men being […]

6 years ago

Watched this video again stopping and starting at various points.

The truth remains, women are craving masculinity and dominance.

What is missing from the narrative is the concept of “Calibration”.

Interesting how the “positive” role model in this video is a computer generated image from a Disney cartoon…and not a real human couple.

I think this analysis is much more aligned with what women secretly desire and the way that’s accurately portrayed in films:

6 years ago

Watch this video…I need to tell you up front it’s a parody because it’s getting hard to tell…

6 years ago

: Yup fiction. McIntosh’s tell is he attempted to emulate a fictional character. Greene, in Mastery, points out we humans learn by mimicry. Theater does not present the whole life thus cannot — and does not — show calibration.

McIntosh replaces a fictional Deckard with a fictional Elsa. Net gain: zilch.

6 years ago

@Rollo: re: social isolation; indeed an easy habit as I’m unsure who the informants are. However it’s an easy buffer to bust via ZFG. Thanks for pointing it out.

6 years ago

@SJB “McIntosh replaces a fictional Deckard with a fictional Elsa. Net gain: zilch.”

Net gain zilch for Red Pilled guys.

Read the YouTube comments: They echo that white knight, Blue Pilled “thanks for pointing this out” pap.

6 years ago

Skipping college may be a wise choice for a lot of young guys, but skipping grade school is not usually an option. Adults are saturated in propaganda from the increasingly feminized media and social media, but I cringe to think of what boys are now being force-fed right from the earliest grades.

The bottom line is that TRM is right to keep hammering away at these macro societal issues as well as interpersonal perspectives

6 years ago


Uh, no. I just don’t need to be called out at work looking at pics of nekid women. There’s blue-haired bull-dykes here that will raise a stink. I’d like to be able to pay my mortgage/bills thank you.
Worse, TRM might be blacklisted here at work, which would be a total bummer for me. An before any wise-ass spouts the old “just get another job/start your own business” reply, I’m 58 and finding another hitech job is not what i’d like to do this year.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

I cringe to think of what boys are now being force-fed right from the earliest grades.

If they are good and obedient and act like girls most of the day they get to watch some Disney crap like Frozen.

6 years ago

@anonymous: Did you hear that shit?😄😄😄
An “enthusiastic yes”??!!!
My children are not going to ever watch cartoons from these last 10-15yrs.

6 years ago

@Disgruntled Earthling:
“I read TRM at work and would like to continue doing that.”
HR requests that you report for sensitivity training at your earliest opportunity

6 years ago

I respect your position and request.

6 years ago

“HR requests that you report for sensitivity training at your earliest opportunity”

Hehe HR here is pretty tame. Although I’m in dev I sit next to the support people. They are raunchy as fuck and HR has learned to stay away.
The I.T. crowd though might be more sphincter-enabled. Some of the ‘suspect’ links I click on are blocked. None of the RP sites are though, which is fine. Until some whiteknight gets whiff of what i do with 30% of my time

6 years ago

John Chatterton and John Mattera modern day Male’s in such of the infinite light of ‘wonder what if…’

6 years ago

: The comments in the top video are, broadly:

male: “I’d never be insensitive like Deckard/Jones/Solo. [Will you fuck me now?]”
female: “No one ever did that to me” or “a creeper [too low SMV] did that to me”

Very interesting.

6 years ago

We might need some rules and guidelines for what masculinity really is. Money, celebrity ” status “, rank or position does not denote masculinity or alpha status among men. Women though can be greatly influenced by these things. One of the greatest tricks the devil ever pulled was in getting large swaths of men to defer and cede to ” money “. Lol at the notion of Instant Alpha Status of any stripe conferred by the accumulation of money or assets that’s a trick and a perceived short cut that allows some men to sidestep actually building and enhancing their… Read more »

6 years ago

Oh yeah, the Fi learned it’s tactics from men, and men back up and enforce the FI’s agenda.

Never forget this as what’s considered ” masculine ” is being dictated to you from on high.

6 years ago
6 years ago

“Men back up and enforce the FI’s agenda” is exactly correct — because these men are desperate to appear “reasonable” and “thoughtful” as well as just be popular, like back in high school.

I saw this evolution (or devolution) in journalism –the women don’t necessarily drive the train, but the men who are supposedly in charge now defer completely to the FI in terms of hard news judgment as well as punditry. Watch any panel discussion on TV — how the guys pretend to listen to the women prattle on while nodding sagely and then echo the point.

6 years ago

Janice Fiamengo cites and quotes the seminal gender studies work Gender Troubles by Judith Butler. It isn’t the source of the gender-sex separation (which is roughly contemporaneous with The Feminine Mystique), but it is the most common reference these days, one of the Holy Scriptures of third wave feminism:

Currently online here:

Note that fourth wave feminism is moving on to biological sex being a social construct:

6 years ago

Oh, and see for example the wailing and gnashing of teeth in response to Cam Newton’s mildly condescending remark to a female reporter last week. You’d think he asked her to watch him shower or something. Taking some abuse used to be part of the job description but I guess no longer.

6 years ago

Skipping college may be a wise choice for a lot of young guys, but skipping grade school is not usually an option.

Home schooling is an option…fathers are better teachers anyway

6 years ago

October 10, 2017 at 4:54 am

As much as I like boobs and a shapely female figure, can we refrain from posting nudes here? I read TRM at work and I’d like to be able to continue that…

SECONDED – – I don’t want to remove TRM from my blog listings as NSFW, please.

Agent P
Agent P
6 years ago

@DisgruntledEarthling “Somewhat related to Masculinity or lack thereof:” Sweet Jesus that’s sad. Thus my 13 YO son already owns a slate of hand tools and power tools. We worked on installing him a new ventilation system in an animal cage this weekend which he generally designed himself. Needs some guidance but such is mentorship, he works hard to figure out how to use the tools. Makes me proud. For good measure my 11 YO daughter also already owns her own set of hand tools. Yes they come in a zip up pink case, but its more tools than some of… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago


Seeing that all over the place. Bicycle shops having seminars to teach the 20 and 30 – something hipsters how to work on their bike, starting with “adjust pedals / saddle / handlebars” level stuff. The sort of thing that used to be learned in grade school /mid school.

6 years ago

” The sort of thing that used to be learned in grade school /mid school.”

Learn’t that from taking bikes apart with my buddies in grade school. Never touched cars much as a kid though and I regret it. The old man being an asshole and working outdoors here in Canada was too discouraging. Mostly do everything on my tractor these days so at least I’m still learning shit.

6 years ago

It sure is hard to relate with old-school masculine icons when you have distant father.

Trent Lane
Trent Lane
6 years ago God damn, this is one ugly piece of writing. You want to give the author benefit of doubt of just trying their best and coping with the unspeakable horror that went down in Vegas but this article is just so plain WRONG in every possible kind of way, where this is coming from, the entitlement, the energy behind it, the worldview, the attitude, the conclusions … like WTF lol. Ironically here you can as well read the F.I.-matrix speaking about itself: “When good people cling on to a value system that is killing others by the million, they do… Read more »

Oscar C.
6 years ago

@Blax Never forget this as what’s considered ” masculine ” is being dictated to you from on high. I agree. It also amazes me how people adopt all sorts of trends from celebrities. Not just women. I can not go anywhere now without spotting the tattoo & crop haircut combo. @Agent P I don’t think I would be so helpless as a millennial to need those tutorials, but truth is, I was never very interested in cars, repairs, etc. I also think that relative affluence is a huge factor. Home repairs are not rocket science after all, and if you… Read more »

Agent P
Agent P
6 years ago

@Rollo, given I am the one who first made the butt hurt comment I owe you a personal reply. My observation was simply and primarily about the tone of the piece. As I stated earlier, you are all over this FI shit, it’s your thing, you do it not just well but as an exemplar. Be it known that my comment was, as I stated about the tone, not the content. I have no debate whatsoever with the thrust of the content, as always, it’s on the fucking money.I simply meant it “sounded” a little uncharacteristically whingy for you. In… Read more »

6 years ago

“None of their decisions will alter the information I’ll continue to offer here.” that’s why this is so powerful. each man does with it what he will the truth about the FI is not the hardest truth to accept. not even close it’s cliche, but all the anger really is rooted in fear. if a man can reboot and start with this red pill seed as the base of all his growth, he will have no fear because what men mostly fear today is recent and downright silly. childish. ridiculous. the red pill is a super seed that can grow… Read more »

6 years ago

I think it’s important that we not miss this post Rollo included in the OP –

Lost Patrol
Lost Patrol
6 years ago

“Note that fourth wave feminism is moving on to biological sex being a social construct:” Excellent. Didn’t know we were up to 4 waves but bring it on. Increase the speed, turn up the volume, keep the pressure on – lash those blue pill men and cut off their escape at every turn until more and more of them react like the cornered rats you have made them. An equalist culture based on blank-slate equalism doesn’t see that you don’t separate the animal side of the human being from the high-order side. – Tomassi Animal side. Biological imperatives. The law… Read more »

6 years ago

“Didn’t know we were up to 4 waves . . .”

Jessica Valenti is pushing 40 now and writing articles about how she misses attention from (presumably legally blind) men. All the 13 year old Tumblerinas she influenced back in the day think of her as an out of touch dinosaur now. All the little monsters that the third wavers helped create are starting to eat them for lunch.

Karma’s a gaggle of bitches.

Lost Patrol
Lost Patrol
6 years ago

“I think it’s important that we not miss this post Rollo included in the OP –”

Masculinity is just a daft stereotype. It doesn’t mean anything to be a ‘man’

TRM needs a reliable statistician so we can some numbers on where things stand right now.

How many men read that article and think, “wow he’s right, I never looked at it that way”? How many thought, “what a crock, why don’t you just go on over to team gay pride”?

6 years ago

@Lost Patrol

How many men read that article and think, “wow he’s right, I never looked at it that way”? How many thought, “what a crock, why don’t you just go on over to team gay pride”?

Girls have always liked me…guess which way I’d vote.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

“I think it’s important that we not miss this post Rollo included in the OP –”

He’s got a book for sale, “How not to be a boy”. Radical, because nobody else is telling boys to stop being boys. Also, he’s got a book for sale. The Senstive New Age Guy Alan Alda bit was old stuff 25 years ago, retreading it doesn’t improve it. Also, he’s got a book for sale. He wears sweaters, how comfy for him. DId I mention he’s got a book for sale?

6 years ago

@ AR



6 years ago

Okay, y’all bear with me while I do a bit of a brain dump that I hope is still coherent. Agent P, there’s no whining in the OP. Lot’s of men are effectively controlled and they have zero idea that this is the case. Frankly speaking, I’m actually growing very, very tired of the constant parade of weak, non-masculine men being paraded before me, but it’s still important to talk about and understand why this phenomenon is becoming so wide spread. It’s invasive. kinda like how I watch Richard Spencer videos – not because I like him or his views,… Read more »

6 years ago

awww…. wtf????

6 years ago

comment image

6 years ago

Funny that I should read this now. Women actually know what they want when they see it. Just that they will not admit it. They pretend to be confused about it to throw people away from their real intensions. Why? Last saturday I went out with some plate. We sat next to some girl with who we kept exchanging glances. My plate and I were doing some dirty dancing at some point and I pinned her hard to a wall. She started pretending to struggle to escape and at the corner of me eye I noticed the girl sitting alone… Read more »

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