Blue Pill Trauma

Something I’m asked a lot is,…

“How do you unplug a guy from the Matrix? All of this Red Pill awareness about intersexual dynamics has radically changed / saved my life for the better!  I want to let my friends, my brothers, my dad, know about how this knowledge will help them in their relationships, with the women their involved with, and dealing with women in life in general.

This stuff is SO IMPORTANT. But I run into such resistance from even my close friends and family. What can I do? I want to give these guys your book and discuss it rationally with them. I want to pass on this awareness like you encourage, but it’s like they’re just unwilling to see the truth. They don’t even want to talk about it. They just want to persist in doing shit that’s frustrating them and dealing with women from a blue pill perspective. Rollo, how do I help my brother?”

There was a time when I was a moderator on the SoSuave forums when we would discuss exactly this question. The frustration of knowing that your brother or your best friend could be living such a better life if only they would open their eyes and see how they’ve been trapped in a way of thinking about intersexual relations that they were conditioned to accept from a very early age. Believe me, I still get frustrated today. I see stories about how a guy like the one in the discussion above here is on the verge of despondency or suicide because they’re unable or unwilling to consider anything outside the box that the Blue Pill will allow for.

That’s a pretty serious thought. Blue Pill conditioning, and a guy’s capacity to break away from it, is literally a matter of life and death. Now, imagine you’re a Red Pill aware man and you have the experience of seeing your best friend or brother’s descent into relationship madness only because his ego-investments in the Old Set of Books wont permit him to think any other way. They’d rather put a noose around their neck than reconsider their investments in how things ought to be between men and women.

She’s My Everything

We’re going to come back to this question later in this essay, but now I’d like you to have a look at the IM exchange I had a reader make me aware of on Twitter this week. I apologize for the resolution; the tweet was deleted not long after I commented on it and I had to rely on screen captures. What you’re looking at here is an exchange between a very invested Blue Pill guy and the thought process guys like this typically go through when the woman they’ve made their ‘everything’ wants them gone. There’s a lot going on in this and I wanted to parse it out here. When you’re Red Pill aware for any length of time it can sometimes be confusing to see the thought process that Blue Pill conditioning predisposes a guy to. The Red Pill Lens is one of the gifts (and curses) of having unplugged, and internalizing the awareness can make us somewhat confused or jaded to the experiences of guys who are still plugged in and trying to make their blinded understanding of intersexual dynamics work for them.

“Can this guy really not see why this girl wants to get away from him?” From a Red Pill perspective we might think this guy is an idiot for not seeing what he’s doing. It’s plain as day for us so their must be something wrong with him, right? Usually, the only thing wrong is that these guys’ Blue Pill conditioning has limited them to understanding their situations from that old set of books – the rule set that they believe (like a religion) that ‘quality women’ acknowledge and play by too. Lets try to put this jadedness aside for a moment.

[…] I can’t take my mind off of you no matter what I do and yesterday I literally cried for an hour in my room because I didn’t know what to do. I just really need you in my life and it kills me to know that I have messed our relationship up,…

This kid’s (it reads like he’s an adolescent) whole exchange is riddled with self-incrimination. This is an intrinsic part of Blue Pill conditioning – the guy is always at fault in any break up. Even with his now ex’s admission of her own complicity in their split, he’ll have none of it. If a relationship, a marriage, fails it is always because a guy wasn’t invested enough; even if she cheated on him the Blue Pill conditioned mind will only accept his complicity in her looking outside the relationship. I should also add that this is an integral part of the Promise Keepers mentality as well as the ‘Oprah-Marriage Counselor Approved’ notion that “relationships take a lot of work” and it’s always a man’s responsibility to qualify himself for a woman’s intimacy by maintaining that work.

As a result, the Blue Pill mind automatically defaults to self-blame and looks to find ways to negotiate some kind of new work-program that will ‘fix’ the ‘broken’ relationship he somehow caused. Blue Pill conditioned men are still men, and as such they default to the deductive reasoning that we’re largely predisposed to. So in that Blue Pill state it seems like logic to look for solutions that will put the relationship back together again. This is how Blue Pill men’s minds work; they have a set of (Old Books) rules they believe everyone is, or ought to be, playing by and since he also believes the lie of coequal agency (blank-slate) between men and women he thinks a woman’s desire and intimacy can be deductively bargained with.

He realizes his failing and will be sure to correct it. But that’s not how all this works. In fact, it’s this very acknowledgement that only reinforces this woman’s decision to leave him. Hypergamy is rooted in doubt, and it turns out he is as Beta and optionless as her Hypergamous hindbrain suspected. His reaction to her confirms it.

[…] how can you just cut me out of your life so quickly? I want to make things better and work on our relationship because I know what it can be, why don’t you want to work on it?

I’m trying to avoid most of the clingy emotional shit in this exchange. Blue Pill guys will pepper in their emotive state even in the best of times in a relationship, but when they’re facing a break up, that’s when all the stuff he’s been taught about vulnerability being a strength turns into a huge liability for him. Not to mention it disgusts the woman leaving him.

Here we see the standard Blue Pill bewilderment over why this woman he’s deeply invested in can so casually blow him off and move on. Isn’t she playing by the same rulebook he’s been playing by since he learned to dutifully put women as his mental point of origin? I linked my War Brides essay in his quote above because this is the nuts and bolts reason as to how women can, and often do, move on so quickly. It is literally part of women’s preinstalled mental firmware to have the capacity to turn on a dime with their emotions.

Next he makes the Blue Pill appeals to Relational Equity and declares his willingness to ‘work on the relationship’ in order to fix it. In a breakup this ‘work on the relationship’ narrative works against women; particularly if the guy they’re leaving is overly invested in equalism. He’s been taught that “open communication is the key to any healthy relationship®” so he’s confused as to why his coequal ‘soul mate’ wouldn’t want to work on things and patch it up. When things are good the ‘work on things’ narrative is a benefit for women getting the things they want, but when she wants to leave a Blue Pill guy (usually because she wants to open herself to better Hypergamous options) it’s a leash around her neck. Why doesn’t she want to ‘work on the relationship’?

This is really what defines his outlook on this breakup, but he can’t see that it’s what his Blue Pill conditioning has embedded in his ego. He is incapable of interpreting his situation in any other way.

So, yeah, it gets worse. Now we discover that this guy has done exactly what I explained most Blue Pill men do when they define themselves by their ego-investments: the Blue Pill kills their capacity not to just achieve their dreams, but to have dreams or ambitions at all. We have a guy whose dreams center on being the “perfect boyfriend”; the guy who’ll literally do anything to make it work. A ‘good relationship’ is his highest aspiration, so when that woman isn’t playing her part – playing by the ‘do anything to make it work‘ rule set – the response is usually to find fault in himself, because to find fault in his ‘soul mate’ is to question the whole Blue Pill mental apparatus.

But still, she won’t play ball, so there are 3 possibilities: The first and go-to reason is that he must’ve fucked something up somehow. The next is that there’s something wrong with her because she’s not playing by the same rules he was conditioned to believe women play by. And lastly there’s something wrong with his entire ego-invested Blue Pill outlook on the whole rule set. That last one is the most difficult and unlikely conclusion a guy will ever come to.

Out Come the Knives

More often than not this is the stage at which the woman involved begins building her defenses against the attacks her ex Beta boyfriend is lobbing at her in an effort to explain why “working on the relationship” isn’t solving his fear of having to be single (and optionless) again. You’ve got a Blue Pill conditioned guy who believes he’s done everything by the books and is now very confused that his commitment to ‘making it work‘ hasn’t earned him the Relational Equity that any coequal, co-rational, woman should count towards his value to her. Whatever he did that was ‘wrong’ should be paid for by that equity. And anyway, the rules clearly state that open communication and negotiation are what’s expected from her too, right?

Only, that ‘equity’ isn’t protecting him from a Hypergamy that can’t afford for her to spend a minute longer with him. But he doesn’t know this, so, like any deductive Beta he pleads his case and this is what sets off her defensiveness.

Even the sweetest, most unassuming wallflower of a girl has her ego intimately linked with Hypergamy. Optimizing Hypergamy is her Darwinistic prime directive in life. So when just the notion of her being forced to compromise that optimization looks like a possibility she rebels with the intensity of a survival instinct level of self-preservation. There was a time when social controls were expected to buffer the worst exploits women would use to optimize Hypergamy. Arranged marriages, social and religious conventions, peer pressure, etc. were all, in some part, a means to controlling this survival instinct, gut level anxiety – and instituting a degree of control over Hypergamy by men and society.

Today, in our post Sexual Revolution dystopia, the idea that a woman might be personally or socially expected to compromise her Hypergamous stakes in life is met with that reflexive, feral, survival instinct. This is why women bristle at the idea that they might ever need to “settle” on Mr. Good Enough once they reach their sexual market expiration date. It’s like telling their hindbrains that they need to consider spending the rest of their lives invested in children that aren’t as good as they might be had they held out a little longer. Hypergamy bets a woman’s life on a future with a given man, so yes, it’s very muck a survival instinct.

All of this gets compressed into the hostility a woman feels when a ‘lesser man’, one confirmed to be unworthy of that lifetime bet, essentially tells her she wrong for betting on him and then removing her bet. That feral response comes at him full force, but only after she’s absolved her complicity in playing along with his Blue Pill paradigm. She needs to be able to explain to her ego that she did try to ‘let him down easy’ before she ripped off the bandaid in one go. Now he’s “crazy”, “needy”, has “mommy issues” is “insecure” and various other rationales as needed to keep her ego blameless for what she really knew was his dedication to the Blue Pill.

He’s Blue Pill, but He’s Crazy

I’m sure there are men and women alike reading this and thinking, well, this guy is genuinely disturbed. Maybe he’s just an Incel who made good for a while and then his codependency surfaced and she wisely ejected from the relationship. That seems like an obvious take, but I’m going to argue that all Blue Pill conditioned guys are this guy. That life-long conditioning plays on men’s innate Idealism and fosters exactly his way of thinking. When women are your conditioned Mental Point of Origin, rearranging your life to accommodate “working on the relationship” is a natural progression. Getting Zeroed Out is a lot easier when you’re taught to believe that you literally cannot live without a woman.

Finally, we come to the point where this guy – maybe the friend you’ve been trying to unplug before something like this happened – is confronted with staying the course, self-righteously accepting his dumping and clings even more so to his Blue Pill Lens on the world, or he develops some introspect and confronts the idea that his outlook on the set of rules he’s been playing by is not valid. The most common way men find the Red Pill community is via an experience like this. Unfortunately, it often requires a significant life trauma to shake the sleeping man awake, but having your outlook on intersexual dynamics challenged is the only way most men will ever be open to anything contradictory.

When men ask me, “Rollo, my friend, brother, dad, are heading towards something awful, how do I get them to realize they need to unplug?” I have to say wait for the right time. There are some guys who will make this transition on their own and all it might take is your handing him my book and talking about it. There are some guys who will come to it because what they’re doing isn’t bearing fruit in their personal lives and they become Red Pill aware because circumstances pushed them that way. But most men are Betas. Most of them have lived through an extensive conditioning that put them right where this guy is, and most of them will fight you tooth and nail for trying to convince them they were raised the wrong way.

It’s sometimes just easier to ghost on these men, but what do you do when it’s your brother who White Knights at any opportunity in spite of being run through the machine of a Blue Pill social order?  My best advice is to wait for your moments. A lot of people will tell you that it’s manipulative to lay the Red Pill on a guy who’s at his most vulnerable, but it requires a stripping away of all the Blue Pill pretense and mind-fuckery to really make a cogent case and unplug the guy.

I would always advise that you stay honest, open and forgiving of the guy. Most likely he’s told you how fucked up or misogynistic your world view is in his White Knighting efforts in the past. It’s like he ridiculed you for thinking you could ‘educate him’. You have to let that go when you make your case for Red Pill awareness. It would be better to ghost him than to be vindictive, gloating or tell him “I toldja so.” Let him tell you you told him so when he thanks you later.

As an aside here I need to draw readers’ attention to just how vulnerable this shit makes Blue Pill, Beta mindset men to the predations of what I call “Success Porn” brokers. One of the most fucked up outcomes of understanding how Blue Pill idealism affect men is the desire to capitalize on this weakness by Purple Pill life-coaching hacks. One in particular is RSD’s (Real Social Dynamics) new “get me a girlfriend game” program that, in my opinion, plays directly on this hopeful Blue Pill “make it work” idealism.

“Life Coaches” see this neediness as a perfect niche to sell Blue Pill dreams back to guys who want to cling to their Blue Pill security blankets in Red Pill awareness. How miraculous would it seem to think you’re Red Pill savvy enough to make all your old Blue Pill dreams – the ones you went through hell to disabuse yourself of – come true. Hacks like this are too happy to ruin your life for you in rekindling that fantasy as long as you buy the premier edition of their “program”. Caveat emptor.


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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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5 years ago

” . . . pretending to be men.”

Batgirl has solved the problem of female heroes being portrayed as men with tits by . . . getting rid of the tits.

comment image

Not Born This Morning
5 years ago

?w=1240&ssl=1 The next step in this self deprecating, self destructive, self entrapping, self cornering, self extinguishing game move….is…. Power is defined by how much control one has over ones life. Power over others springs only from self control first, self determination, self acceptance of personal autonomy, acceptance of responsibility for self. The self is the fountainhead of power. This is the design of the universe, every living being, every mass, each is a building block. There are no exceptions!! Suicide is complete rejection of accepting this truth. Suicide is essentially, at its core, self rejection in the most fundamental… Read more »

Not Born This Morning
5 years ago

Looks like bat girl has pectorals instead of tits. Just another “hefem” prototype that will never succeed to produce…

Not Born This Morning
5 years ago

A repeat, clarification, illumination.

“This is the design of the universe, every living being, every mass, each is a building block. There are no exceptions!!”

Matter and energy cannot be destroyed. Their forms can be changed by influence, by interaction. But they cannot be destroyed.

Not Born This Morning
5 years ago

It should be very encouraging for anyone reading this who is inclined to know that the most pliable target or resource is another con artist. Women are consummate con artists. Are they not? Don’t they, after all, rely on con artistry instead of the physical prowess and the rationality they lack by comparison to males to survive and thrive? Don’t they lack, by comparison to the male, physical prowess and rational? Is con artistry, bribery, blackmail, deceit, not their only reliable recourse in competing with the male? The red pill reflects the foundation of this truth. It is also the… Read more »

5 years ago

NBTM We are all parts of stories. The more we accept are own and craft on best version of ourself the more we allow creation to manifest with effort hard work and a sense of gratitude for it being brutal and short. What but good news is their to report? I just came back from gym and did some work with 2 of my buddy’s Their are many improvements and many errors still being committed im still taking care of myself at a level im learning to be ok with. The struggle the creation of a self into… Read more »

Yollo Comanche
Yollo Comanche
5 years ago

For the JBP fans.

5 years ago

@SjR “There is no “re-educate them option” If you are red pill then there is no option for you! You either “re-educate” them and they happily comply or they don’t comply and you next her! If this was the mentality of most men then women would adapt to this new reality! They are good at adapting and being followers! Men need to call on their bullshit on every instance. This is usually a shock to their system because feminised culture and the majority of cucks have programmed her differently! They will call you a misogynist or an incel to shame… Read more »

5 years ago


5 years ago

Interested read on Australia and the military

5 years ago

Another read about platform and speech
JB the heretic
PBS and conservatism Oprah for men

5 years ago

@ Orson – Think about dealing with women Covertly instead of Overtly. Demonstrate rather than explicate. Show her that you’re RP and you ‘get it’, establish your frame and if necessary next those who won’t accept it. Accept that women may adapt to a degree, but you aren’t going to “teach” them anything. Their hind brain already knows it wants a masculine RP man, and the rest of the FI memes you’re concerned about are just the bullshit pretense byproduct of Fem groupthink, and don’t hold up anyway. Even a committed feminist will drop to her knees for an Alpha… Read more »

5 years ago

Twitter and Jones and Internet

5 years ago

@SjR Certainly by educating I didn’t mean “go read the Rational Male” to a woman you want to fuck! In psychoanalysis the only way to deal with neuroses is by making the subconscious part that causes the neurosis conscious! We have no control of that part of ourselves and I think it’s similar with female hypergamy which is subconscious. She will be forever on auto-pilot if no-one ever makes her conscious of it! I don’t care about dropping red pill truths to women I am not interested to date/tired of fucking/ of low SMV and last but not least feminists/white… Read more »

5 years ago

Make a woman conscious?

For real?

5 years ago

You have to understand how to speak cat in order to get through to a woman and if you want her to think and consider. Speaking red pill to the average chick, even the height one’s, won’t have the impact that your dog brain assumes it will have.

Most of us don’t understand how to ” Shane ” a woman. They run on.a much different script. Subtlety is the key, name calling and yapping about behaviors won’t have the effect you’d think because there will always be thousands of cosigners of her ” badq” a tions.

5 years ago

SJR thank you. The babysitter incident was several months ago so it is too late to apply the punishment there. There were actually two very similar incidents with two babysitters, a couple of weeks apart. But there have been several other rage incidents since and I like your idea of having some kind of exceptional punishment, over and above the typical loss-of-TV-privileges type of punishment that he gets for normal infractions. If he really gets out of line then the punishment should also be extreme and fit the behaviour. That could be a spanking – he has been spanked before,… Read more »

5 years ago

@Orson Until recently, I thought that my wife was becoming “re-educated”. I had swallowed the pill, embarked on a self-improvement program that killed Mr. Nice Guy, successfully shifted out of her frame and into my own MPoO, chose to stay in our marriage on my terms and from my frame, implemented game and dread quite effectively into the relationship, and turned our sex life around dramatically. Since much of this transition confused her greatly, I explained to her what was required of her and of me for a RP-aware marriage to work, and she agreed that it was “worth the… Read more »

5 years ago

@ Marquis I read this recently from Liminal Space. It is another arrow for your parenting quiver. It references how to remove the rebellion by giving him nothing to rebel against. He feels validated by your response to his resistance that he resists more. Kinda like an unintentional guard dog spin up training for the boy. “The more I get Dad to react in good or bad fashion, doesn’t matter, the stronger I feels about my circumstance, I have agency and I’m going to use it until it stops getting me my validation.” If there was one easy answer to… Read more »

5 years ago

A classic non violent or threatening approach to children’s bad behavior is reduce their creature comfort options. i.e Dispassionately take the door off the hinges and set it aside and keep the pins in response to slamming in defiance or not cleaning it as asked or mouthy backtalk. Another approach is gradually reducing the room to essentially a jail cell with no pictures, no toys, one set of day clothes and one set of night clothes, no clock, no radio. The key I found is to indifferently AND gradually reduce the crap as the gradual-ness of it gives you credence… Read more »

5 years ago

Thank you ehintellect.

I think my son may be a little on the young side for that kind of subtlety, but it’s certainly worth trying. Not necessarily limited to the rage incidents but just generally.

5 years ago

Farther son and cultural trauma Books and culture
Words into being… Girls Girls so High…

5 years ago

I hate having so many Peak Experiences back to back. Makes it hard to balance/ be even keel/not be out of control.

But I’ll accept the fuck out of it.

I couldn’t post a comment on mobile phone today Rollo. Are you messing with your WordPress?

There was no tab to post on mobile.

5 years ago

Ahhh. Post button is back.

5 years ago

Jordan Peterson and Social Politics Masculine dreams
Blue Pill in context

5 years ago

@Orson The story about the HB4 at work was not to place blame on her or women at all, it’s more of a reflection of the guys who are letting her manipulate them, that’s whom I would be upset at. There is no reason to reeducate women, they are fine as they are. It’s us men who need to reeducate ourselves. You need to be your own mental point of origin. I have ignored this woman pretty much for months, while others have showered her with attention, she will test me every week or so to see if I am… Read more »

The Silver FoX
The Silver FoX
5 years ago

While he certainly seems Alpha, Brad Pitt still has to cough up for his nut of an ex, Angelina Jolie & her adopted tribe. Doesn’t she earn millions? What did she do with it? He has to pay her $8 million for a house, and she still wants more?

Once again the golden rule is, gentlemen, don’t ever get married…

5 years ago

Primary math education sucks. Girls most effected:

Culum Struan
Culum Struan
5 years ago

@kfg – wait, does that article actually say that little girls are better at language and writing than boys, and about the same at math, but it’s easy for little girls to think they are bad at math because they are so much better at language and writing?

I know the article says there is a lot of research showing girls and boys are at the same level in math, but I thought there was lots of research showing on average that girls were worse at math but better at language/communication etc?

5 years ago

@Culum: what do you observe? What I observe is that there are more males at the high level in maths and STEM in general. This is very clear and even the feminists will agree with this fact. How do you explain that isn’t as clear. What I think is very plausible… That the distribution of men has about the same average but more numbers in the low level and in the high level tails. That by itself could be enough to explain the observation. I think it is also very plausible that, given several other observed differences between males and… Read more »

5 years ago

@Culum Struan: You have to remember that we’re talking about children and these things come in developmental stages. Those stages happen at different times and in different ways for boys and girls. At the stage of teaching fundamental maths skills, boys and girls are about equal. It is after puberty that boys begin to more fully develop their men’s language skills (look carefully at what I did there). And I’ll take the opportunity to point out something I’ve pointed out before, but that bears repeating. The “standard” view of men’s vs. women’s IQ is based on mass, institutional testing scores… Read more »

Sam Botta (@sambotta)
5 years ago


Glad to see you here again!

You’re quoted in “The Rational Male – Positive Masculinity” Volume 3 which means you’re also quoted in the audiobook version

5 years ago

…. Don’t marry Angelina Jolie.😁

Idk. If brad is alpha, I’m an Irish setter.

Sam Botta (@sambotta)
5 years ago

Last video: TheDeti Before
This video: TheDeti After

She’s “actually staying over at the SOHO House”

Sam Botta (@sambotta)
5 years ago


Yea, met her. DON’T!
Her dad, however, is a cool man that’s been good to me

5 years ago

You have to remember that we’re talking about children and these things come in developmental stages.

Leave it to @kfg to give the concise and accurate explanation. I always read your posts with interest – your scope and breadth of various subjects is awesome.

5 years ago


It’s always been obvious that Angelina had a few screws missing ( not just loose ), but good PR is a helluva thing.

5 years ago

Married Red Pill, I came across an email from a blog by Eric Barker yesterday. He has a 5 star review (out of 549 reviews) book on Amazon (which I haven’t read) called Barking up the Wrong Tree: The Surprising Science Behind Why Everything You Know About Success Is (Mostly) Wrong So, the email was a blog article — How To Have A Happy Marriage: 7 Powerful Secrets From Research It makes sense and is a somewhat along the lines of a sensible Dr. Laura Schlessinger style, operant conditioning kind of thing. It also seems to not have any red… Read more »

5 years ago

Brad had a women with desire Fame fortune and and Proof

5 years ago


“Communication is key” is a red flag. “Self-disclosure” even more so.

When it came to feelings of satisfaction in the relationship, the self-disclosure task was beneficial regardless of whether the couple was on a double date or by themselves. But when it came to feelings of romantic passion, the self-disclosure task was especially beneficial in the double-date condition. In short, socializing with our spouse and other people can stoke the romantic fire in our marriage, but only if the socializing is fun and intimate.

Is this about swingers? lol

5 years ago


I’d go with fake self disclosure or fake communication. And as always, tell stories.

Law #12

Use Selective Honesty and Generosity to Disarm your Victim

One sincere and honest move will cover over dozens of dishonest ones. Open-hearted gestures
of honesty and generosity bring down the guard of even the most suspicious people. Once your
selective honesty opens a hole in their armor, you can deceive and manipulate them at will. A
timely gift – a Trojan horse – will serve the same purpose.

5 years ago

SJF assumes RP lenses when reading Barker’s work, but I doubt that Barker wears those lenses himself.

5 years ago

“SJF assumes RP lenses when reading Barker’s work, but I doubt that Barker wears those lenses himself.” That’s why I asked, when reading that article I don’t find any red pill faults and I find that the “tactics” used as game seem legit in a red pill vein. I’ve told stories about me and my wife (with selective honesty) that seemed to get quite a good reception from other couples. And improved our relationship. I like my wife. She was pissed three years ago when her hypergamous doubt about me was fading. Because she realized (oh, shit) she was stuck… Read more »

5 years ago

“There was no tab to post on mobile.” The site on mobile is very cumbersome. Don’t take offense Rollo, even the devs I work with struggle making mobile a good user experience. About communication, it is key, just one of many. Doesn’t mean you have to communicate like a woman (beta). Communicate in a Red Pill fashion. Talk less. Be very select in the words you use and when you do talk. Your body language is communication. How you hold her, kiss her and even fuck her are communication. Are you fucking her to please her? Or fucking her because… Read more »

5 years ago

Conversations I’ve had in the past that were similar to this had angrier women, and that gave me a eureka moment that those conversations have had the effect on me over the years in helping me to become an increasingly better polemic, alongside other things which had the effect. My capacity and love for vicious and logical writing is so deeply ingrained into my identity now that it causes me to guard my speech in real life out of fear of my potential to totally decimate my relationships or bring harm against myself by insulting someone too well. I don’t… Read more »

5 years ago

Hi Class-Punk. it’s not uncommon when made RP aware to reassert your autonomy as you have done. A “me vs. the FI/BP” world develops. It is a required stage of unplugging and I think we’ve all been there. It’s clear you want more that a permanent battle. The fight is thrilling as you’ve asserted more control. It takes a lot of energy though in the aggregate living a gladiator lifestyle. It’s hard to imagine life otherwise. You’ve become better at being you, that’s good. Is your definition all there is going forward? You don’t know, what you don’t know and… Read more »

5 years ago

My capacity and love for vicious and logical writing

Vicious is uncool…ruthless is very cool as long as it’s funny.

Make yourself better.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

kfg Primary math education sucks. Girls most effected: If a shower of table-sized meteors struck the entire US in such a fashion that every College of Ed was reduced to a smoking crater surrounded by smouldering ruins at the same time, perhaps we could actually have an education system. Paging John Taylor Gatto… More OT via personal observation: The Advanced Placement curriculum in US high schools is moving further into the land of rote-memory-uber-alles. Everyone will read In Cold Blood by Capote, everyone will read Gatsby, everyone will read To Kill A Mockingbird, etc. and be prepared to regurgitate on… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

Roused About communication, it is key, just one of many. Doesn’t mean you have to communicate like a woman (beta). Communicate in a Red Pill fashion. Neuroplasticity plus subcommunications at work. We are constantly “communicating” with each other unconsciously. It’s easier to see with dogs, who are pack animals that want a pack leader to follow. Every interaction with a dog either reinforces or reduces an existing neural pathway, that’s how many dogs can be taught to recognize up to 100 words. But only when the dog accepts you as the pack leader can this be done. Dogs don’t speak… Read more »

5 years ago

“I can’t help but notice that where I was avoiding close relationships with women in the past, chasing and adopting virtues to become the best version of myself still has me avoiding such relationships.” I was listening to a caller to Dr. Laura last week. The caller was frustrated by someone else. Dr. Laura advised “don’t change your character because of some one else’s behavior”. Keep in mind, though, when you are dealing (gaming) in an intersexual exploit, and you want to win. you most often want to be attractive, not un-attractive. You might want to read Dale Carnegie. You… Read more »

Culum Struan
Culum Struan
5 years ago

Thank you KFG and IAS – much food for thought.

5 years ago

Interesting read

5 years ago

Liked 7 Secrets but yeah, “talking about your relationship” and “self-disclosure” stood out as danger signals. I’m on record as warning that “talking about us” gives her a huge home-field advantage, like the Green Monster at Fenway Park.

But of course that’s based on many years of blue-pill outlook, and also observing the blue-pill vulnerability of other guys who take the bait and get into these emotional discussions with their women. Roused and other people here are describing how communication CAN be managed, with the right approach and mindset.

5 years ago

If a shower of table-sized meteors struck the entire US in such a fashion that every College of Ed was reduced to a smoking crater

Blame John Dewey. He got control of Columbia’s College of Ed., which trained the professors of every other college of Ed.

And so you got socialism and Darwin, because socialism needed Darwin. As the biological believers in creation died off, the bright new eyes from the College of Ed. took their place. Invasion of the Body Snatchers.

5 years ago

Off topic:

Sentient long ago posited between nice boy, bad boy and psychopath the woman will always choose psychopath.

I’m not going to debate that.

I’m asking this: If a woman is told a guy is a clinical psychopath, not violent (well, only if necessary, per him, of course) would she choose him, everything else being equal, with other dudes available?

(Assuming she understands what she might be getting into…….)

5 years ago

You couldn’t “tell” her, he’d have to show her

5 years ago

I’m asking this: If a woman is told a guy is a clinical psychopath, not violent (well, only if necessary, per him, of course) would she choose him, everything else being equal, with other dudes available? I get this question all the time, out standing in my field. Doctor, how will my eczema do in the future? How will things happen? You mean I got this condition, for like ever? What do you predict for me (sub-communicated). My take? It is not normal to begin with. And I left my crystal ball at home. The non-probable is non-probable-istic. Psychopathic game… Read more »

5 years ago

Blue pill (reproduction) vs social disgust

5 years ago

Masculinity and Cinema (Humanity and Maturation)

M Simon
5 years ago

Alpha males and coalitions.

I have been Red Pilling the LTR (43 years) it is working. Not recommended for short term relationships. It has taken me 43 years. LOL.

M Simon
5 years ago

Psychopath? If he promises to protect her.

BTW how good is Psychopath’s Game?

5 years ago

Ya know, I was going to make a nice comment here but then I see the idiotic statement from @ADSGamer – “socialism needed Darwin”. Really? Is that kind of anti-intellectual shit going to fly here? And for the record, this thread is such a mess…. Evolution is a proved theory. Period. Origins of life are up for debate. Period. Seeing the world more rationally and correctly is part of the foundation of all the progress we’ve made as a species. Socialism didn’t “need” Darwin. Socialism grabbed everything it could to justify it’s departure from classical liberal values. Socialists wrapped themselves… Read more »

5 years ago

ToE has moved on past Darwin. We can see evolution in bacteria. In vertebrates, not so much. The most we can see in vertebrates is lost functionality, like blind cave fish. Not strong and convincing evidence. Darwin’s main idea has come under attack from evolutionary biologists. (“Survival of the fittest” is just a tautology.) We can see selection occurring in bacteria. Bacteria can tolerate enormous selection pressures. Humans and other vertebrates cannot. Outside of bacteria, we cannot see mutation giving species advantages. We can see the environment modifying genetic expression in vertebrates, which means that organisms’ genetics are affected by… Read more »

5 years ago


Can you please provide your thoughts on Freud Vs Jung? Since becoming Red Pilled I have developed an interest in Psychology. I have read some theories of Freud and they make sense when viewed from a Red Pilled lens. Freud has a great body of work and I am keen to delve in deeper.

5 years ago

“Nice guys finish last” is a saying that’s been around a long time.

5 years ago

Looks like I missed the notice about why Rollo removed the post that had the photo of the two German soldiers carrying a woman. Can someone tell me what happened? I’ve searched and also took a look at Rollo’s Twatter feed, can’t find anything. Thanks.

5 years ago

Disregard my brainfart on that last comment.

5 years ago

Re: RSD – Of course, Rollo is correct in his assessment of how RSD has morphed from pure PUA to “self help” or “motivation” etc. And of course, the Blue Pill essence of all self-help is simple: Males are defective as is. Without improvement, we are “bad”. The reason many men conflate hating themselves with self-improvement is that a male’s life is competition from start to finish. The man who seeks out “self help” is internalizing a value judgement instead of a reality of the world. Men shoulder a burden of performance from their first breath out of the womb.… Read more »

5 years ago

Re: Hostile young boys. My 8yo nephew is a maniac. He’s on meds and is violent and terrifying sometimes. It makes me think a lot. Hearing upthread about the rambunctious boy and what to do made me want to share this. I’m really close with my nephew, since birth. And I’ve watched him develop with great interest. He’s got a really violent edge combined with an emotional sensitivity and babyishness at times that is so odd. And then finally one day it snapped into place. He’s revolting at a visceral level to the social programming foisted upon him nonstop. He’s… Read more »

5 years ago

Oh, yeah, forgot to comment on scribb’s amateurish philosophy of science. Theories aren’t ever “proved.” Period.

5 years ago

@ADS – Bullshit. The random number generator of “genetic drift”, central to a modern understanding of evolution, is present beyond bacteria. Why you would misrepresent this way is probably due to some BS evangelical scripts you read somewhere. For those not into the technical aspects of the debate, what ADS and most jump for jesus types are hiding behind are the much larger effects of epigenetics that we are being discovered. The epigenome (the wrapper around your dna if you will) is much more sensitive to environmental factors the previously realized. It creates heritability of different forms of gene expression… Read more »

5 years ago

Scribbler, Hey man, as I’ve mentioned before I like your hard ass style. Also find your posts on the Marxist/Proj/SJW stuff interesting as hell and glad you take the time to post your thoughts. I went through periods of my life where I was a complete asshole and didn’t care what anybody thought. At times it was immature stupid behavior that was not benefitting me in any manner. Being an asshole can be fine and dandy, but now that I’m older I only apply that when it is necessary. I tend to use that tact more at work where it… Read more »

5 years ago

“Flailing away at their keyboards to slake their rage at their own fecklessness.”

There seems to be more of that going on here lately. I’ve noticed some are not posting as much because the value of the comments has dropped. I suppose we could all use Twatter more… or not.

These comment threads will always drift off topic when there is no moderation. Sometimes even men need a sharp stick to tell them to quit jerking off and get back on task.

5 years ago


“Keep in mind, if you are listening to guys who post here nonstop, regognize that they are LARPing faux alphas who use this place as a buffer to perpetuate that fantasyworld they live in digitally. But in reality, these guys are spending 10, 20 or more hours per week mentally masturbating in this comments section. Striving for dominance in a social setting with little risks, while preening about as seers.”

LOL pretty much sums up the comment section.

5 years ago


“Keep in mind, if you are listening to guys who post here nonstop, regognize that they are LARPing faux alphas who use this place as a buffer to perpetuate that fantasyworld they live in digitally. But in reality, these guys are spending 10, 20 or more hours per week mentally masturbating in this comments section. Striving for dominance in a social setting with little risks, while preening about as seers. ”

LOL pretty much sums up the comment section.

5 years ago

😁 I’ve met very few Assholes in life that weren’t driven by something else, like fear or feelings of inadequacy – or actual inadequacy. There are few exceptions, where the ” asshilishness ” is a genuine part of the person’s personality and mental makeup, but on the whole the average asshole is mentally unstable. Yin and yang. One of the problems of current society is that the ” non violent, talk about feelings ” mantra serves to disable the natural check valve on Assholes.not a good long term development either as we’ll all get more drawn into simple minded selfishness… Read more »

5 years ago

“But I do warn them to not waste time because I believe that for the average man ( of course with exceptions) it is harder to form real understanding pastt certain ages. That’s been my observation.”
Would you elaborate on this? Such as unplugging? Or just not worth the effort if their pass a certain age and choose not to change?

5 years ago

The group of young people, mostly men, that I’m involved with have little idea how to combat bullies and Assholes without either becoming such, or just shrinking away from life. Every action must have an equal opposite reaction or idiots will rule the day – which mirrors what we are seeing all across the land. Idiocy being unchallenged and admired by the weaker of mind and body and spirit. I can only inform and advise the men I council. They have to live their lives. Don’t let others’ (bad) behavior change your (good) character (and it’s virtues). I had this… Read more »

M Simon
5 years ago

theasdgamer August 10, 2018 at 5:04 am Have you read about some bacteria that live in deep ocean mud? That survives with very little energy? Nice video on the subject. About 13 minutes In any case there is pretty good evidence of human evolution. Ashkenazi intelligence rose almost a standard deviation in 800 years. Thanks to our friends the Catholics. Although not much thanks was due at the time. I imagine that not much evolution is seen in humans compared to bacteria because humans do not reproduce as fast. Compare 1 generation a day (or more) to 1 generation… Read more »

M Simon
5 years ago

August 7, 2018 at 9:46 am

“Was Archimedes trying to square the circles?”

But that brings up a point. If his final actions were recorded why did it take so long for anyone else to take an interest?

M Simon
5 years ago

August 10, 2018 at 5:16 am

A nice video (about monkeys) on the cost of being alpha. Also posted up thread.

About 16 minutes.

5 years ago

“If his final actions were recorded why did it take so long for anyone else to take an interest?”

It wasn’t lack of interest, it was lack of materials. No Internet, no printing press to mass reproduce and distribute. Some of his work has sat unrecognized in collections for centuries because they had been overwritten and only modern techniques eventually revealed them.

When civilizations fall, much can be lost.

5 years ago

@scribblerg “The friction in this world against a man who doesn’t fold up like a cheap camera is immense. That’s why only a minority of us can do so. The rest give up. The costs are big. People take cheap shots, talk behind my back and love to try and chip away at me. But it’s noise and they mostly just submit quickly now after realizing that none of that shit works on me. But don’t kid yourself, this way of life isn’t cozy. It’s not socially comfortable.” Nice post, this is one of the areas that doesn’t get talked… Read more »

5 years ago


Gotta watch muh time

5 years ago

Oh, what the hell.😁 Work and life are 2 different things for the majority of men. Work environments are artificial things where some are ” allowed ” to rise above where they can’t irl. Which is fine because it is what it is. Imo, if being socially dominant ( outside of your artificial work environment, which doesn’t count at the end of the day/your life.) Is uncomfortable or whatever, then why do it? Evidently it’s not who you are. More fakery. If everybody is coming at you, again – outside of work, then the prudent thing to do would be… Read more »

5 years ago

Oh, forgot…

Adversity strengthens, not weakens. Adversity is never a good excuse for adoption of shit behaviors and mindsets. That’s the easy way.

5 years ago

I came across this bit. (Deida is not advocating for egalitarian equalism. He’s not advocating Purple Pill. He’s merely describing observable phases. He was proto red pill.) For David, talking about sex is not just about technique, intimacy, communication, or attraction, it’s about becoming aware and conscious of the fundamental energies at play in every moment, in every person: the masculine and feminine. The masculine, which all people, regardless of gender, can and do embody to varying degrees, at different times, refers to the awareness aspect of consciousness, that which is free from or beyond form, emotion, and distraction. It’s… Read more »

5 years ago

Lol. Eating is solely about chewing and swallowing.

Which reminds me, it’s lunch time.

5 years ago

Feral madness of lost questions in time
Making lunch

5 years ago

@ Scrib


5 years ago

On another topic, it’s interesting the pushback from Facebook and the other social platforms against the alt-right/manosphere/or anyone that has a different viewpoints that challenge the political correctness of the age(Alex Jones).

It looks like the collapse is accelerating , there is probably a recession right around the corner, and the social controls are being tested, it’s going to get sporty no doubt.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

aklebiter scribbs barking at anklebiter autisticgamer in the corner behind the ottoman:

Keep in mind, if you are listening to guys who post here nonstop, regognize that they are LARPing faux alphas who use this place as a buffer to perpetuate that fantasyworld they live in digitally.

Funny stuff! Much better ironic humor than many other places. Keep it up? Maybe a story about taking your HB-9 FB’s with you to church to meet each other?

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

Adversity should strengthen, not weaken. Adversity is never a good excuse for adoption of shit behaviors and mindsets. That’s the easy way.

Fixed that for you. Men need to be taught from an early age to not give up, and also to not be stupid.

5 years ago

Sorry, Alex Jones is batshit crazy.

It ain’t about a different opinion or political correctness or whatever the latest flavor is, the man is full of shit and if he believes, actually believes 90% of what he’s saying, he needs medication in a huge way asap.

Does anybody here actually listen to him? And by that I mean take him seriously and not for amusement?

Too much dumb shit in the ether. Like I stated before, the country celebrates idiocy.

5 years ago

Is society as a whole becoming more gullible, or is it just me?

( worded oddly )

5 years ago

Question: Do you equate the alt right with the manosphere?

5 years ago


The projection never ceases.

Not Born This Morning
5 years ago

Yes, it is. The best way to destroy a person is to give them everything. It removes all incentive, sense of adventure and challenge. This includes especially what a person thinks. The brain atrophies like a muscle when not exercised. When people are given what they think instead of figuring things out, questioning the status quo, questioning themselves, they are intellectually destroyed. Intellectually they die. Then they become mentally empty. This is where the term “air head” came from. When they don’t think for themselves and are discouraged in the beginning from thinking for themselves, shamed for being curious, shamed… Read more »

5 years ago

@Blaximus “Question: Do you equate the alt right with the manosphere?” I personally don’t, the social media titans and the media in general do though, in fact anyone that questions the common narrative is placed in same general overall group with the Alex Jones types. These social media titans hold immense unchecked power at the moment via the eventual self tribal tendencies of their users to organize into tribal groups. I actually don’t see people becoming more gullible, I actually see a lot more questioning of the system via their actions and that’s a big threat to the current system… Read more »

Not Born This Morning
5 years ago

“Like I stated before, the country celebrates idiocy.”

It is mostly a war of lies. Whose histrionic gossip of smoking mirrors will prevail?

Time once again to smash the mirrors.

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