The Myth of the Alpha Female

On last Saturday’s Red Man Group we took a call from a woman who has apparently just discovered the “red pill school of thought” and looked up what ever convoluted definitions she could find from the ‘normie web’ to better understand it. For context, the whole exchange began around the 2:04:00 mark here, but the bit I want to dissect I’ve cued up to 2:09 in the above video. The Red Pill as a praxeology is often something most uninitiated people don’t have the patience to really want to understand. So when they’re confronted with a Red Pill truth that conflicts with some ego-invested belief they often just resort to what I call “point and sputter” – they spit out some school yard taunt, tell you how unbelievable it is anyone could ever believe such a thing in this day and then move along to whatever ideological site they’re comforted by.

Credit where it’s due, this woman (and I apologize for not getting her name) at the very least was prompted to ask some questions about how we come to whatever misattributed ideas she read were what it is we think. Listen to the whole exchange for context. In the beginning I was asked the standard “what do you tel your daughter about all of this?” as if this is going to somehow shame me back down to earth, but the part she was most distraught over was the idea that “women are only valuable for what they look like”.

My response to her was based on an essay I wrote 4 years ago titled Separating Values. In that piece I tried to outline how women today have trouble separating their sexual market value from their self-perceived personal worth:

Conflating Values

One of the major problems women have, and more than even some red pill men have, is the conflation of sexual market value with their intrinsic personal value as a human being.

It needs to be emphasized that while personal value is influential in sexual market value, SMV is distinct from your value as a human being. I’m stressing this because, in the age Disney Princess empowerment, this conflation of the two has become a go-to social convention; and not just for women.

What [Robin] Korth suffers from is presuming her personal value is her sexual market value.

It’s disruptive to her self-perceptions and ego-investments when that presumption is challenged by a man who doesn’t want to fuck her for reasons based on the intrinsic value she believes she’s entitled to by virtue of maturity and imaginings of self-sufficiency. Just as women aren’t aroused by men’s own self-concepts of virtuousness and aspirations of higher purpose, men aren’t aroused by whatever ephemeral self-perceptions a woman may have.

Listening to this woman’s concerns, it’s a fairly common refutation and one we come to expect from a mindset that presumes men callously objectify women out of hand, or due to their being taught to be so by a chauvinistic toxic masculinity. Women cling to this because it sounds right and reinforces the victimhood narrative that defines the collective identity of the Sisterhood. So when they read it or see it openly embraced, or spoken about men in a positive context it’s confirmation of an offense they want to believe is endemic in men. Thus, we get the “literally shaking”, sound of a quavering voice.

However, all of this gets in the way of women really understanding that they’ve been conditioned to conflate their personal worth with their sexual market value. As I mentioned in my response, a woman can be a wonderful humanitarian, a great mother, the CEO of a Fortune 500 company or someone who adds value to the depth and breadth of humankind, but it won’t make her look any better in a bikini. And that is where sexual market value starts for women when it comes to men’s arousal and attraction. For as long as I’ve been writing this blog I’ve tried to explain this in as simple a way as possible; men and women are different. Part of our differences is that what constitutes sexual market value for one sex is not an equal evaluation for the other. For as much as the equalist mindset pervades our social consciousness, the reality is men and women are different in many fundamental ways.

One reason Red Pill awareness in men gets vilified by women is because it nakedly exposes, discusses and develops sexual and life strategies around some very Darwinistic and unflattering realities of intersexual dynamics based on those differences. But exposing these differences is only offensive to this social order because there is a presumption of a blank-slate equalism that’s been embedded into every aspect of our gender understanding for almost 70 years now. This offensiveness is less about the actual nuts and bolts of evolution, biology and psychological differences between men and women, but more so it’s about the ego-invested idea that men and women should be blank-slate, functional equals in all respects. Even this presumption is a horse-shit cover story for the latent purpose of feminism floating the lie of “equality” – fundamentally disempowering men so women can aspire to be their masters in various ways.

The woman from our discussion expressed this barely containable angst that men only value her as a sexual object, and it’s important to suss out the reasoning for this confusion and rage. As I mentioned, the problem women have is an inability to separate their sexual market value from their personal value a ‘basic human being‘. A quote I’m known for is “virtue is anti-seductive.” No guy ‘virtues’ a woman into bed, and while I get push back for devaluing the importance of virtue occasionally, what I don’t get is any disagreement from men or women on that point. Virtue, intelligence, honor, duty, wisdom and any number of other esoteric features that would make a man a terrific human being do nothing (or sometimes work against him) for his raw visceral sexuality that women are aroused by. For men, however, these traits and many more will definitely add to his attractiveness as a long term prospect for women.

In men, affluence, status, intelligence, improvisation, creativity, ambition, drive, perseverance, humor, positive-conventional masculinity, and many more aspects make this man an attractive choice for a long term relationship with women. These are attributes that contribute to a man’s sexual market value, but they are incomplete without a raw, visceral physical component. Hypergamy serves two masters, Alpha seed and Beta need – and as such it hates the one and loves the other depending on what a woman’s most pressing necessity happens to be at that point in her life. Women have an innate, limbic understanding of what makes a man a complete package – a great catch.

Where this and most other women fail is that their own Fempowerment conditioning teaches them that what makes a man attractive, what makes his SMV appealing to women must necessarily be what makes for her own personal value and sexual market value. The reason this woman is shaking here is because this conditioning has convinced her and generations of women to build a life predicated on a fallacy: What makes her a “good person” should necessarily make her attractive and arousing to men. This is a great falsehood that is the root of many of the gender conflicts and misunderstandings we see around us today.

Gendered Differences in Attraction

The things that make a woman’s sexual market value high are not the same things make her sense of personal worth high. Yet, this is exactly what the Feminine Imperative conditions women to believe and seeks to shame men for not complying with this fallacy. When men opt for younger, hotter, tighter at all ages of their own maturity, the visceral message is clear – it makes no difference what a woman’s personal value is when it comes to sexual valuation. Where women fall short is they presume that men cannot appreciate women for anything but their sexual value.

This is an interesting dynamic since the Imperative teaches women never to implicitly do anything for a man.

The prime directive of feminism for the past 50 years has been founded on women striving to achieve the ideal of the Strong Independent Woman® (SIW). This SIW ideal is the carrot that gets the mules to pull the cart. That ideal is never fully attainable because if it were it would make an end state for feminism a realizable goal rather than the self-perpetuating social mechanism it is. The SIW ideal is intentionally ambiguous, but the concept is based on selling women the idea that they can not only “have it all” but they can be it all too. The ‘independence’ feminism sells predicated on being a self-sustaining, self-satisfying, autonomous ‘thing’ that doesn’t need for anything. A woman is every bit as good a feminine role model as she is a masculine one, ergo, she has no need for men beyond the physical aspect. In fact, an independence from men, from any form of dependency on men, has been part of the feminist charter since Seneca Falls in 1848.

From a Red Pill perspective, and in my opinion, this independence from men has been the single most damaging aspect of feminism in its history. Men and women evolved to be complements to the other and in evolutionary terms are far stronger together than apart. Each compensates for the one’s innate weaknesses with the other’s innate strengths. Feminism preaches two lies in this respect – the first being that a woman can “have it all”, but also she can be an autonomous being with no intrinsic needs beyond what she can provide for or address herself. The lie is that she “don’t need no man” when a hundred thousand years of evolution says different. Men and women need each other, but it’s feminism that’s selling the lie that they don’t.

The ironic part about this socialized lie is that in emancipating women from the ‘dependency’ of men feminism has founded the basis of ‘having it all’ on how closely a woman can emulate a man. The definition of a successful Strong Independent Woman is how closely she can replicate the success of men. This ideal for SIW success is based on a masculine ideal. As feminism has refocused women’s goals on these masculine ideals it has systematically altered the definition of femininity to align with its ideal of ‘success’.

The Myth of the Alpha Female

As part of that new masculine ideal of female success, along came the concept of the Alpha Female. I’ve read dozens of articles about this fantasy creature; how she’s a boss who takes no shit and turns companies around from the brink of bankruptcy by virtue of being female. A woman of the future who emulates and exceeds the successes of any apex-male CEO of those sexist Fortune 500 companies. Even if she’s not a high powered exec, the match (literally) of any man, women still love to imagine themselves in this “alpha” role in their own little worlds.

“I’m an Alpha Female, and maybe I’m not a jet setter, but I’m a Type A personality and as such I’m headstrong, a go-getter woman who knows what she wants.”

This sloganized mental model is part of the new Strong Independent Woman® costume that feminism is selling to women today.

If you’re a woman who’s bought into the Confidence Porn narrative that’s so popular today, allow me to ruin that image for you. There is no such thing as an “alpha” female – at least not in the respect of the idealistic Fempowered fantasy you think applies to you. The Feminine Imperative likes to convince women that they are ‘Alpha’ using that same masculine model definitions I detailed above here. The Strong Independent Woman meme only holds up insofar as it emulates masculine success and a masculine defined concept of ‘Alpha’. By this definition every woman has a potential to be an ‘alpha’ female in her own little way. Like I said, the Confidence Porn women gobble up is so tasty because it’s so achievable – all you have to do is cop the “I’m the boss, I’m a Type A person” attitude, put some foam inserts in the shoulders of your ‘power suit’ and you too can be Alpha because you say so and you walk the same walk as an Alpha Male.

The push for female-primacy has conditioned generations of women to expect an entitled, default respect, and a deference to their authority from men. They’re told at every opportunity from the time they’re 5 years old that they can do anything, have it all, be it all, and they’re the “natural leaders of the future”. By extension this leads women to the Alpha Female trope.

Ironically, the same people who love to ridicule the idea of ‘Alpha Males’ completely accept the concept of an Alpha Female. They’ll make funny videos ridiculing the Red Pill for using ‘alpha’ as a referential term – “These jokers think they’re wolves or Silver Back Gorillas, hur hur!” – but they’ll eagerly embrace the idea of an ‘alpha’ female. That conditioned deference of the feminine makes it believable; and they like the idea that identifying with women’s delusions of empowerment might get them laid.

Attribution Bias Error

The error that women and feminism make in the ‘Alpha Female’ respect is an attribution bias error. Women are conditioned to believe that if they value the aspects of what makes men attractive, what makes them a good pairing, that men must also value those traits in women. If status, power, social proof, affluence, careerism, drive, etc. is what gets them hot for men (in the long term) then possessing those traits themselves must also be attractive in the reverse. Unfortunately for women, they’re painfully (but slowly) learning that men and women are in fact different and the lie of egalitarian equalism has essentially cost them a future with a husband, children and family living.

In order to counter this harsh reality an industry in biotech egg-freezing has sprung up around the very real female insecurity that these confident Alpha Women wont find a suitable man to start a family with now that they are well past the Wall. Feminine-primary society is capitalizing on this fear.

But the reverse is true; men’s sexual selection criteria is far more simplistic than women’s. From an evolved, naturalist perspective men select women based on looks and sexual availability – and on a subconscious level women know this, yet they rationalize that men should be interested in their coequal professionalism, status and any number of intrinsic qualities they believe they possess. The root of this misunderstanding is once again the socialized lie of egalitarian, blank-slate equalism. Only now women expect that if they invest themselves in the same pursuits as Alpha men that this should compensate for their lack of physical appeal. If men and women are functional equals what defines male dominance should also define female dominance. Evolution says differently.

The woman on the left (Reneé Sommerfield) is the true Alpha female by the standards of evolutionary realities. The woman on the right (Sheryl Sandberg) is what our gynocentric social order would have men believe should be considered an ‘alpha’ female. This is the conflict that’s at the heart of so many manufactured crises of attraction for women and the failure of their long-term plans to have a family.

The Alpha Female is really the woman who best embodies what men’s evolved, biological imperatives determine what makes her an attractive breeding and long-term mate choice. Men’s criteria is very simple; fitness, youth, assertive sexuality, playfulness, conventional femininity and genuine desire to please him. Beyond this, submission, respect, nurturing (potential mothering qualities), a natural deference to male authority, humility, admiration and an unobligated desire to recognize that man as her complementary partner are just some of the long-term attributes that make a woman someone a man might want to invest himself in a family with.

Unfortunately all of this criteria is counter to the message ‘alpha‘ Females are taught are valuable today. They are taught that anything a woman might do for the expressed pleasure of a man is anathema to the Strong Independent Woman® meme. The presumption is that a desire to meet any of this criteria is a failure on the part of a woman who demands to be the ‘equal’ of a man. Even acknowledging the innate, complementary natures of men and women is an affront to the equalist narrative. Furthermore, any man who would base (much less express) his own decision making criteria as such is shamed via social conventions. The narrative is that he must be needy, or threatened by a “strong woman” or he must want this woman to be his Mommy substitute. All of this is a social mechanic meant to force fit that natural complementary criteria into the box of egalitarian equalism.

Value Added

I don’t write for a female readership per se. In fact, I don’t really direct my writing towards any audience, but in this instance I want to end here with a message for my female readers. Take this message to the bank: the sexes evolved to be complementary to each other, not adversarial. But that adversarial feeling you get when you read me describing some unflattering aspect of female nature is the product of your own Blue Pill conditioning that’s taught you the lie of egalitarianism-as-female-empowerment. If you truly want to ‘empower‘ yourselves set aside your self-importance, look inside yourselves and ask this question –

What is it about me that a man would find attractive from a naturalistic perspective?

What do I possess that a man would truly believe is Value Added?

That may feel a bit counterintuitive to you, but understand that the reason this introspection is alien or offensive to you is because you’ve been conditioned to believe that your masculine qualities are what men should find attractive about you. You turn this offense back on men and make it their fault for not finding your ‘alpha femaleness’ the root of their attraction to you. Is the idea of changing yourself, to add value to your package, for the pleasure of a man a source of anger for you? Why is that?

I see far too many otherwise beautiful women who destroy themselves on the lie of the ‘alpha’ female and a never ending struggle to perfect an equalist archetype in themselves. They rail on about infantile men, or bemoan that men are afraid to ask them out, or ask “Where are all the good guys nowadays?” Understand that these efforts to shame men into finding something attractive about you based on your masculine criteria for attraction will always fail; leaving you a lonely childless middle aged wreck all because you refused to accept that you need to be someone worth marrying.

Men and women are better together than they are apart. We evolved to be complements to the other. But, feminism, the Feminine Imperative and an endemic Fempowerment culture have taught you to believe “you are enough”, you are complete, you don’t need a man because you can satisfy all of your own needs. This is the most damning lie ever perpetrated on womankind – that you can be it all – and only when it’s too late do women realize that they’ve been had.

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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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[…] The Myth of the Alpha Female […]

5 years ago

“…[The alpha female is a] sloganized mental model that is part of the new Strong Independent Woman® costume that feminism is selling to women today.” Accurate. It’s just women taking male peacock feathers and jamming them up their own butt and thinking that it will signal something positive. It might get them socially accepted with their peers, but it will do little but turn off males. Although the women that do this tend to be part of two groups; the clueless that are mostly doing so to fit in and the actually quite attractive women who do so as an… Read more »

5 years ago

There are faint glimmerings of this evolutionary truth being discussed in the mainstream amongst some women but the very idea that being a SIW being off-putting to men still activates….to the point of screaming and ad hominem attacks. Personally, I have walked away from women who were strong, independent, and had no need for a man, simply because this wasn’t of value to me. Had a couple do that to me too because I just couldn’t seem to fall into their frame. Interestingly, I have met a couple of SIW women (a doctor and a programmer) who despite their professional… Read more »

5 years ago

Seriously who gives a fuck. Darwin will take care of this.

5 years ago

The problem with “alpha female” BS is that their conception of the term can best be summarized as: men with tits and no dick. As almost anyone can guess, it does not quote work that way in real life.

Anyway, here is one of my most recent post in which I defend Alex Jones right of free speech. yes, I know that sounds strange, but we do live in a weird world.

5 years ago

Don’t get me wrong, it’s all true of course, and as well explained as ever. But women will never be able to understand this on an intellectual and philosophical level. On the limbic level they understand very well, hence they become crazy cat ladies in irder to square the circle so to speak. But explaining all this to a woman is a waste of time and energy, that will only bore or offend her.

5 years ago

Of all the things TRP has opened my eyes to and/or affirmed is what this essay discusses. It saddens me that hot girls throw that which is most valuable away and when you as a man look past them on your way to your own PEAK SMV. They reply with hatred and snarling at men because it’s our fault. In my country it’s women’s month now so basically all I see is stop raping, stop abusing, and we don’t need you we are complete messages all day. The message is I a man who is at home, has no knowledge… Read more »

5 years ago

“Virtue, intelligence, honor, duty, wisdom and any number of other esoteric features that would make a man a terrific human being do nothing (or sometimes work against him) for his raw visceral sexuality that women are aroused by.” I’ve always had a difficult time with being open and yet rejected for missing the arousal factor in dealing with the opposite sex. My arrogance and altruism don’t add much without internal interfration. But when you see this play out in the world it’s one of the most red pill truths in trauma you could ever experience. Not to escape it but… Read more »

5 years ago

I think my disagreement with this essay is in the portrayal of the average female as a victim of the lies of their feminist sisters. That I find hard to swallow. It implies they have no agency, except for the few witches that set the feminist narrative. I don’t buy that. If that’s true, then why are they allowed to vote? Or drive cars for that matter? No, they know the bullshit they’re swallowing, and they know the bullshit they’re spreading. Every single one of them. Well, maybe not the youngest ones, that are at peak smv. These are drunk… Read more »

5 years ago

Asking the solipsistic sex to have introspection and honestly address your two simple questions? At least you tried, so props to you for that Rollo. The responses would be a real hamstering, insightful, and funny- at least those that would not be the typical SJW default blame projection and misandry. “Men’s criteria is very simple; fitness, youth, assertive sexuality, playfulness, conventional femininity and genuine desire to please him. Beyond this, submission, respect, nurturing (potential mothering qualities), a natural deference to male authority, humility, admiration and an unobligated desire to recognize that man as her complementary partner are just some of… Read more »

5 years ago

Bravo Rollo

“a woman can be a wonderful humanitarian, a great mother, the CEO of a Fortune 500 company or someone who adds value to the depth and breadth of humankind, but it won’t make her look any better in a bikini. ”

The darkest, coldest shiv of truth to ever be shove…


5 years ago

Very good analysis.

I’d add women know the truth intimately. Since their peak SMV is so short, they wann extend that with add-on masculine qualities, the Strong Indep. Woman. When that doesn’t work out they get bitter and resentful.

As far as Sandberg and others, wealth (in this case obscene wealth from the wealth factory of FB) converts into power. Power –> Influence.

5 years ago

Alpha Male Penis Envy. It’s all it is. As Gloria Steinem so eloquently put it, “We’ve turned into the men we wanted to marry.” These women have painted themselves into a reproductive corner and have no basis of understanding that any man who would accept them and attempt to procreate with them at their age is doing them a FAVOUR. Mother Nature doesn’t give a rat’s ass about their politics, career goals or ‘schedule’. They get 400 eggs and they start dropping at 12-13; Mother Nature didn’t even get the memo we don’t live in caves anymore. The misinformation they’ve… Read more »

Not Born This Morning
5 years ago

Excellent post explaining the reality of what an alpha female really is vs the garbage our bullshit culture pretends it is. You’re post really clarified it for me. Thanks. Here’s somthing Also. I’m “struggling” with the idea that women are even capable of love on as deep a level as a man. I get it that they love differently and for different reasons. But I cannot get away from the thought that they are incapable of love on as deep a level regardless of differing perspectives and motivations. All the women I’ve been around and been intimate with frankly… Read more »

Gary Taylor
Gary Taylor
5 years ago


5 years ago

But really Rollo… Couldn’t you find a real hot <25 YO? I mean Renee is a wrinkly washed up 28…

5 years ago

It was all good until you decided to be a bastard and show a picture of Sheryl Sandberg. At that moment my penis completely inverted and then rocketed out of my anus. You owe me a new dick, dick.

John O.
John O.
5 years ago

Quote from a recent study on online dating referred to in the above link:

“I mean, everybody knows—and as a sociologist, it’s been shown—that older women have a harder time in the dating market. But I hadn’t expected to see their desirability drop off from the time they’re 18 to the time they’re 65,” Bruch told me.

“But I was also surprised to see how flat men’s desirability was over the age distribution,” she said. “For men, it peaks around age 40 or 50. Especially in New York.”

This is what alpha female fails to understand or accept.

5 years ago

“It implies they have no agency, except for the few witches that set the feminist narrative.”

Beyond fucking and suckling, women have no natural tendency toward “agency”.

5 years ago

The hypocrisy that results when love and lust get mixed up with highbrow ideals is opportunity for the clever.

5 years ago


5 years ago

@Not Born This Morning.

Women are not men. Go read the part two: Dealing With Women in Deida’s The Way of the Superior Man (A Man’s guide to Mastering the Challenges of Women, Work and Sexual Desire) Then read part three Working With Polarity and Energy. Then read Part Four: What Women Really Want. Then employ Part Five: Your Dark Side. Then feel good about women in Part Six: Feminine Attractiveness.

Good luck with that.

Not Born This Morning
5 years ago

“This is the most damning lie ever perpetrated on womankind – that you can be it all – and only when it’s too late do women realize that they’ve been had.” B..b..bu..but Rollo! All that’s not true because now we know the universe many times makes people the wrong sex. The problem is that too many people are born the wrong sex, not the sex they really are. Sex is just a superficial secondary characteristic of the “real” person and deep inside we are all the same. But when someone is born the wrong sex, it messes them up, it… Read more »

Not Born This Morning
5 years ago



Not Born This Morning
5 years ago

@NATE, fucking epic. Man, that was fucking epic. That’s one I’ll use for some time, a long time. Damn that’s funny!!!!

Not Born This Morning
5 years ago

I’m still,laughing my ass off!!! NATE, that was good. Here’s one. This past Saturday a skinny black dude was streaking near our neighborhood, literally running totally naked down the street. One of my wife’s Facebook friends took a pic and posted it. It stayed up and all her “friends” started commenting, “disgusting” “poor guy he must be schizophrenic” “how could he?” Were are the police? yadda, yadda yadda. My wife told me about it and handed me her phone with her face book page open to it and the comment string. Big mistake. We were with her family and she… Read more »

Not Born This Morning
5 years ago


I Just downloaded The Way of The “Superior Man” and read the disclaimer, praise and preface. I sincerely hope this does not turn out to be quixotic sexual religion bullshit. We’ll see. I’ll comment after reading it.

5 years ago

“Alpha females” Bullshit in the male sense of Alpha, women are beholden to the social group always, hence it’s impossible to be Alpha in the male sense, the are wired to seek approval. In corporate settings, some of these women are incredibly insecure once you push the right buttons. I have fun at the office with some of these types at the office, in a good natured manner. If they are attracted to you and you start teasing them about it and they start to see you mean it and don’t give a fuck they start open up, the more… Read more »

5 years ago

All of which reminds us of Steve Sailer’s First Law of Female Journalism:

“The most heartfelt articles by female journalists tend to be demands that social values be overturned in order that, Come the Revolution, the journalist herself will be considered hotter-looking.”

5 years ago

@ NBTM “I sincerely hope this does not turn out to be quixotic sexual religion bullshit.” It can be quixotic sexual religion bullshit (ideology), or in the hands of a deft man with Mastery be praxeology….. Be careful to have an open mind. The problem with it is that it is new age-y. What that means? I don’t know nothing about feel goody, smoke pot and stuff. I don’t do that. I’m a realist. So what I am saying, though: If you are a perfect practitioner, Deida runs true. If you are with a perfect woman, Deida runs true. It… Read more »

5 years ago

God grant me the powers, on Rollo’s WordPress to have YouTube videos and .JPGs come up de novo.

What’s the secret to you secret powers, KFG?

5 years ago

Behold Lion King into Titus (He writes Movies)
500 I fought the law and the law won

Library mighty mouse
Library mighty mouse
5 years ago

I just ordered a sexbot. I custom ordered it to look like Sheryl Sandberg and come home later than me; and complain about how tired she is; talk shop; and tell me she has to go on another exec business trip with the bosses; and ask me if i want a tv dinner heated up; and then drink a bottle of wine and stare at a screen for the last part of the evening.
Oh yeaaaaaah

5 years ago

@Rollo: great post. Really resonated with me, reminds me that many years ago I thought it was internal beauty that counted.

@Nate and NBTM: only slightly funny. Despite her feminism, Sheryl Sandberg isn’t ugly, isn’t fat… Not that she has a high SMV – she doesn’t and she is almost 50. She looks average. Certainly not “repulsive”.

There are plenty of feminists that are well below average.

@Library mighty mouse: now that was funnier.

Marshall Lentini
Marshall Lentini
5 years ago

“No, they know the bullshit they’re swallowing, and they know the bullshit they’re spreading. Every single one of them. Well, maybe not the youngest ones, that are at peak smv. These are drunk with sexual power. But by the time they hit the wall, they know. Deep down they know.” That is true, but don’t overperceive female agency. They’re opting for the short-term play over the long-term, instant over deferred gratification, the thrill of browbeating over the satisfaction of having built something beyond themselves. Given that “high-time preference types” face a very grim future as far as living space and… Read more »

Marshall Lentini
Marshall Lentini
5 years ago

“Also. I’m “struggling” with the idea that women are even capable of love on as deep a level as a man. I get it that they love differently and for different reasons. But I cannot get away from the thought that they are incapable of love on as deep a level regardless of differing perspectives and motivations.”

They aren’t — until they give birth. You’re never going to be the object of their “unconditional” love.

5 years ago

I enjoy dating strong women with a sense of independence, the go getter types. But ill tell you one thing, when they meet a dominant male that they can respect, they will happily submit. However they will eat blue bill betas for breakfast, as they should.

Marshall Lentini
Marshall Lentini
5 years ago

@palmasailor “So you could have a field day with that thought process – they have unconditional love for something attached to themselves / or actually themselves?” Pretty much. I wouldn’t call anything truly selfless, of course, as self is the primary motive for all action, but the only time you’ll see women exhibit what we would call true love is for their offspring, as is only natural. Why would they allocate energy to men (“love”) when the whole point is to get men to allocate energy to them and their offspring? OP needs to ditch the notion of love altogether.… Read more »

5 years ago

You can either love women, or you can understand them.

The Silver FoX
The Silver FoX
5 years ago

Great article Rollo, one all women should read, especially feminists. If i’m having to suck it up being a desirable single man mainly due to feminism (and living very remotely hasn’t helped), then i just love this fact you presented: “Understand that these efforts to shame men into finding something attractive about you based on your masculine criteria for attraction will always fail; leaving you a lonely childless middle aged wreck all because you refused to accept that you need to be someone worth marrying…” Sucked in, single “alpha” girls! May the schadenfreuden of all good, single men, rain down… Read more »

5 years ago

Alpha women could be a myth, but today’s situation in the society makes it seem real . Sorry Mr. Tomassi , Gender Role has been replaced with Equal-ism. And why not? Women can now out-earn Men. One part of Feminist Utopia is materialised already. Women can be competitive with men in 70% of modern jobs. So why Mr. Tomassi ? 1. Women don’t need men to protect them anymore 2. Women don’t need men to bring them food from Harsh Survival Reality 3. Women don’t need to give a FUCK on men’s Paternity issue 4. Women don’t need to marry… Read more »

5 years ago

One thing I’m curious about is a question asked early in the post that I’m not sure was directly answered: “What do you tell your daughter about this?” I’ve read through a pretty big chunk of RP material, and the answer to this question may be implicit, but hasn’t been directly addressed that I’ve seen so far (maybe I missed it). I have a teenage daughter old who is objectively attractive, athletic, and intelligent. I have no doubt that if she focused on her physical characteristics to up her SMV, she could get lots of dates, but I’m interested in… Read more »

5 years ago

Lol Cole

Tell us about yourself.

How’s that working out for you?

5 years ago

@kc0btp Rollo’s Third book: The Rational Male; Positive Masculinity Page 107: Raising Daughters When my daughter was about fifteen years old I got into a debate with an allegedly Red Pill wife/mother who was determined not just to home school her own daughters, but to only fund their college aspiration if they chose the local state university and lived at home while attending it. The “dorm life” experiences and online stories of alcohol-fueled orgies on campus played prominently in her fears, but more so, her hesitancy to cut the apron strings were about worries that her little… Read more »

5 years ago

Cole, you can’t bullshit biology.

5 years ago


See my comment to Cole. This is what you tell your daughter. As a girl, your daughter should play the bullshit game overtly, but stay aware of biological reality. Alphas like pretty, feminine girls. She should find an alpha and game him to get him to commit. Charm works on men just fine.

If a girl needs to pull a plow, she needs strength. Not otherwise, lol.

Lost Patrol
Lost Patrol
5 years ago

“Along with most of men, I see The Future is Women. Come back to the reality.”

Cole – I think you mean the Future is Female. I recently had occasion to be on the other side of the old iron curtain and these T shirts are making a big comeback there:

comment image

It must be true. Of course it also means that in the future there will be no electricity, functional automobiles, or indoor plumbing; to name but a few…

5 years ago

Woman, thy main fault is projection of your psyche unto a clueless man

5 years ago

I don’t have a big fry career to boast of, but it’s not a burger either. I’m 29, I have husband, one year marriage , we both respect each other and have a normal life and we both keep ourselves physically fit. When it comes to bills, he steps up for 70% of everything and I contribute the rest. We complement each other, I cook 6 days/week, he does 1/week, we hit restaurants almost every weekend. What you guys tell me? Worship my husband?

5 years ago

Escher is going beyond being an annoying dick.

5 years ago

Elliot passing on some SMP

5 years ago

@Library mighty mouse

Bruh…. the Sheryl Sandberg sex doll comes with a dick.

You might wanna hit that cancellation button with a quickness.

5 years ago

Worship my husband?

Obviously, if you loved him a lot, it would be like worship.

Does he make you wet when you think of him?

Didn’t think so.

5 years ago

😂 @ the Manosphere sandberg hate.

Inconsequential to 90% of men/make life depending on what frame one operates in.

Broad looks like millions and millions of women her age.

Doesn’t matter.

5 years ago

Aging fear and time Pair bonding 100 yrs
12 to Marriage

5 years ago

The inability of most women to be objective is part of why there is never going to be any kind of redpill discourse across the sex line. Men broke it, men will have to fix it. Even when they admit that there is some minor truth within red pill ideas, their need to grind that truth into subjective sausage favoring their personal station in life renders the kernel of curiosity useless. Women, like the caller, poke their heads in the tent under the guise of understanding. But it its always about them. Soon enough, they reveal that their supposed understanding… Read more »

5 years ago

Some of these comments are really off the wall and a bit scary. I think that’s the real divide between men and women. Women fear men. Because in the past, when women would blindly trust men because they were “superior” it allowed for women to be abused, raped, neglected, and just outright mistreated. But you are right to an extent. Women were not able to separate smv from their value as a person, so it continued in silence. But I think it’s wrong to attribute this fallacy to women only because men played a VERY active role in perpetuating these… Read more »

5 years ago

@Cole – Women don’t need men to protect them? To bring in the spoils? Can live SIW lives? That’s only because you switch on the light and it’s there. You open the tap and the water flows. You lift the pump nozzle and the fuel comes out. Get back to me when we have 50% parity of female employees in oil/gas, construction, road maintenance, farming, fishing. Females today live in a comfort bubble of a tamed world, hence the fallacy that they don’t need men. They very much do, it’s just that those men are hidden behind your plastic debit… Read more »

5 years ago

“Because in the past, when women would blindly trust men because they were “superior” . . .”


5 years ago

Inventions in field of study Images Video

Lost Patrol
Lost Patrol
5 years ago

Come on kfg. You know, “the past”, when things were totally different.

The historian Tacitus, speaking of the Roman army in Britannia sometime before year 100 AD.

“An entourage of women involves delays through luxury in peacetime and through panic in war. It turns the Roman army into the likeness of a procession of barbarians. Not only is the female sex weak and unable to bear hardship but, when it has the freedom, it is spiteful, ambitious and greedy for power. They disport themselves amongst the soldiers and have the centurions eating our of their hands.”

5 years ago
5 years ago

“Officials are concerned that coyotes are losing their natural fear of humans because they’re now associating humans with food.”

What coyotes associate with humans when men take care of these things:

comment image

5 years ago

I don’t know any man who is back in the market even past 70 that goes anywhere near anything over 50 and there’s a good reason for that.

I’ve banged a few 42-47yos. It’s amazing the degree of entitlement these women had.

5 years ago

What you guys tell me? Worship my husband? Palmasailor August 13, 2018 at 8:18 am @Cole We’re not telling you to do anything. Cosign. We here are indifferent to what you do Cole. We’re not vested in you. (Good luck with your husband.) But Dr. Laura Schlessinger would advise Cole in The Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands: 1. Men Need Women, and This Need Gives Women Huge Influence. Dr. Laura states the point as follows: “[M]en are simple creatures who come from a woman, are nurtured and brought up by a woman, and yearn for the continued love,… Read more »

5 years ago

@ any lady who thinks she’s doing enough and shouldn’t worship her man (a.k.a. Cole):

You should be scared of men. Very scared.

5 years ago


AGE 12 TO MARRIED – I Took A Photo Every Day

Ouch. That turned out ugly at the end. Fat wife.

You shouldn’t post stuff like that.

5 years ago

Cole- just because the second string is being allowed to play that doesn’t mean the game belongs to them. It means the game is already won, but it’s the second strings to lose.

5 years ago

“Women can be competitive with men in 70% of modern jobs.”

See the Pareto Principle.

5 years ago
5 years ago

I don’t want to get into pissing matche with rollo. But I’d say that alpha females rarely exist in nature. No female is really dominant, even in lesbo relationship the dominant female would still become beta next to an alpha male. Alpha females do exist in nature but that’s for insects likes bees and ants where there is one queen.

5 years ago

Was looking at more his physical improvement.

5 years ago




Projection fits far better than “Attribution bias”, and ties in far more neatly with solipsism. You were struggling a bit to craft the argument that women think men value the same things in women that women do in men.

5 years ago

No dates Palma… Just a drink and escalate.

5 years ago

Ok so this is the challenge.. see if you can actually make it through a date with one that’s over 50.

That would be my ex… no thanks buddy

I actually went on a date with a slim 60yo. Grey hair and specs. Her photo was ok. On closer examination I couldn’t/wouldn’t escalate – it would have been like banging my granny.

She did have considerable granny-like mannerisms…

5 years ago

That’s it, only Incels come here to express their anger from lifelong failure . I will kill you Cole Wtf was that? Is he even human? I just expressed my opinion. @all It’s not about some term “Alpha” or “Beta”. It’s about Power. In any relationship, if someone is weak,the other one will become dominant. If the weak one even don’t even try to resist the growing dominance of other person, such relationship won’t take place ever. Intersexual dynamics isn’t a one power motion, rather it’s a summation of two motion, one is from men, one is from women ,as… Read more »

5 years ago

women will get into those sectors just like they’ve started doing in the military, don’t think of a static picture, think of an animated world. Women are doing good every way, if they are weak, they will try harder to get the dominance from men, even without specific skills. Can you imagine a 38 y.o. unmarried career women from 1900’s perspective? Visit the femosphere sometimes, that will worth every minute.

5 years ago

Ever heard of Drone Bees? If skills always brought you power, why men work for Egg-Freezing Technology?

5 years ago

To know about you, as the number of Incels are getting bigger and bigger every day , it’s important to know what you’re doing and what you’re thinking

5 years ago

@palmasailor True. Low hanging fruit is often full of worms. But i’m in a trough. Tough to keep the bar high. Reckon I must be applying the old FTOW a bit haphazardly. I also know a lot of my apathy is due to more than just the low quality of fruit. When the internals fail, the game actually becomes work as opposed to just my nature. It’s a reminder as to how important it is to have my value, frame, and mission internalized: when that slips, everything else is apt to follow. I guess the fact that I’m more keen… Read more »

5 years ago

It’s evolving. You conservative people can’t think of a growing world. Trying to repeat the past?

5 years ago

“Wtf was that? Is he even human?” Nah. He’s “special.” “Women don’t need men to protect them anymore.” Even if you show them the evidence most women are so wrapped up in their little urban, office worker fantasy bubbles that they still have no idea what it is that men even do. If you get mauled by a cougar or your baby gets carried off by a coyote (we’re a bit short of dingoes ’round these parts), don’t come crying to me. I was there to prevent it in the first place, at 20 below and 3 in the morning… Read more »

5 years ago

“You conservative people . . .”

Now that’s funny.

5 years ago

This maybe?:

comment image

5 years ago

Notice that Cole won’t answer my question about how her husband makes her feel. Mr. Soyboy. lol

Wish all these girls would create so much more patentable tech so that the robots could do all the work. lol

5 years ago

@Cole Women live completely in a civilization created by male muscles and figured out for you by male intellect. Women just provided babies and were utilised as sex toys. I don’t see that changing anytime soon and whatever bullshit feminism tries to sell you ..women won’t outperform men for the simple fact that they lack the incentive to do so either because of the biological predisposition to parasitise on the male provider or because this world is already the legacy of men. Also what’s up with the word Incel? Your vagina is no longer our mental point of origin. It’s… Read more »

5 years ago

The woman on the left (Reneé Sommerfield) is the true Alpha female by the standards of evolutionary realities. The woman on the right (Sheryl Sandberg) is what our gynocentric social order would have men believe should be considered an ‘alpha’ female. Well, since, on thge level of mainstream, mass culture, it’s the women on the right who shape it while the woman type on the left has no hand in it, what would you expect? The culture shaped by them is shaped by their primary — and as such, mostly unconscious — drives. Penis envy chief among them. (Followed by… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

😂 @ the Manosphere sandberg hate.

Rollo’s not hating, he’s showing an example. That whooshing sound you just heard? His whole point going by over your head.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

I Just downloaded The Way of The “Superior Man” and read the disclaimer, praise and preface. I sincerely hope this does not turn out to be quixotic sexual religion bullshit. We’ll see. I’ll comment after reading it.

Please do comment after reading it. Your review would be interesting to other men, I am sure.

5 years ago

Yeah, I don’t hate Sandberg. I hate Fiorina. And that’s only because I used to really like the shit Bill and Dave made.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

First hand account from a former HP’er on the day Fiorina was canned: a lot like this.

I used to really like the shit Bill and Dave made.

“Bad hire from a weak pool” is the epitaph of more than one organization.

5 years ago

A R, I wasn’t referring to Rollo re: sandberg specifically, but commentors reaction and the general reaction of the Manosphere towards this woman. I’ve met a few insufferable bitches over my lifetime, but ” normal ” chicks outnumber them 50:1, so I’m always fascinated when guys have visceral reaction to only a handful of women/people because they don’t really matter. It’s like how I can see or hear David duke and have absolutely zero reaction. Lol. There’s a couple of dozen sandberg -types at my place of employment, and as far as I’m concerned,they may as well be water coolers… Read more »

5 years ago

Funny, Blax, I never hear you hate on CNN, Mr. “Fair and Balanced.”

5 years ago

Figures you’d say something like that. CNN is something I don’t pay attention to outside of some kind of disaster or school shooting. Fox however, is ingenious because the audience is majority older males, and they fill the screen with women wearing above the knee skirts and when they are seated it’s a thigh-fest. It’s by design. Roger ailes even admitted as much. Personally, I’ve never liked it when any female tries to manipulate me using the visuals of her body/hair/makeup, so the mechanism fox uses is offensive to me as a masculine man. I can find my own thigh-fests.… Read more »

5 years ago

Nice try at diversion, but it doesn’t change your obvious hatred. Blax, Jim Crow is so 20th century, surely you can find something new to hate on…I never hear you express hatred for any liberal name. Funny that.

5 years ago

It amuses me when women try to manipulate me with their looks. If I even notice. XD

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

Blaximus I wasn’t referring to Rollo re: sandberg specifically, but commentors reaction and the general reaction of the Manosphere towards this woman. Might want to write more clearly. I’ve met a few insufferable bitches over my lifetime, but ” normal ” chicks outnumber them 50:1, so I’m always fascinated when guys have visceral reaction to only a handful of women/people because they don’t really matter. Blax: IDGAF how many insufferable career women you have met, really I do not care. What matters more to me is how Sandberg is held up as an example to teens and especially college girls.… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

LOL @ anyone who watches TV “news” in the 21st century. There’s a reason the cable companies keep jacking up their bundle rates: the viewership is literally tying of old age.

5 years ago

Blax, everyone notices how catty you are with your snide little comments.

5 years ago

AR, what’s cable? lol

5 years ago


It’s 2018 and I’m still telling you that labels ( and fear or undue respect thereof) isn’t my thing.😂

Unlike in John Wick, the world is full of boogeyman, and they all say they aren’t such.

Actions. Individuals. Fuck the labels.

Why do you think the phrase ” cuckservative ” came to be?

I’ll say it again ( but you’ll ignore it again…), Men are better served by staying out of the extremes of society because society is mostly fucked.

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