The Lie of Equality

Reader KFG dropped this insight in last week’s post and I thought it was very relevant to something I’ve been contemplating for a while now:

As a general principle genetic fitness is always relative to the environment. A spread of genetic traits makes a species more robust, because it will have individuals better suited for survival in a greater range of environments.

There’s more than one breed of working dog because no one is “better.” Each has its specific strengths, paid for with corresponding weaknesses. A terrier is to small to hunt wolves, but you’re not going to stuff a wolfhound down a badger hole.

This was a great analogy. It’s also one of the primary reasons I believe the egalitarian equalist narrative is a deliberate lie with the hoped-for purpose of empowering people who cannot compete, or believe they have some plenary exclusion from competing in various aspects of life. One of the primary selling points of egalitarian equalism for men is the idea that they can be excluded from the Burden of Performance.

There is no such thing as ‘equality’ because life doesn’t happen in a vacuum.

The tests that a chaotic world throws at human beings is never equal or balanced in measure to our strengths to pass them. Equality, in the terms that egalitarian equalists are comfortable in defining it, implies that that every individual is equally matched in both value and utility within a totality of random challenges. Aside from this being patently false, it also demerits both strengths and weaknesses when that individual succeeds or fails at a particular challenge as a result of their individual character.

This is ironic in the sense that it provides easy, repeatable, excuses for a person’s successes or failures. If someone wins, well, we’re all equal so that person’s strengths which led to the success can be passed off as a result of assumed or circumstantial ‘privileges’ that made them better suited to their challenges – rarely is their hard work recognized, and even then, it’s colored by the overcoming of a presumed-unequal adversity that grants them ‘privilege’. If they fail, again, we’re all equal, so the failure is proof of a deficit, or a handicap, or a presumed repression of an equal person in a state of baseline equal challenge.

Individual Exceptionalism

One of the longest perpetuated cop outs (I should say paradoxes) that equalists cling to is the notion that People are People; that everyone is a unique individual (snowflake) and as such there is really no universally predictable method of testing character or knowing how a particular sex will respond to various challenges. It’s all random chance according to the individual’s socially constructed character and their capacity to be a ‘more evolved’, higher-thinking being.

On the surface this all-are-individuals notion may seem the antithesis of the ‘equality’ narrative that equalists cling to, but it is part of a cognitive dissonance all equalists struggle with. This approach is a means to standardizing individuality, so no scientific evidence that might find patterns of an evolved ‘nature’ of a person – or in our Red Pill case, a sex – can be predicted. It’s the hopeful cancellation of reams of empirical evidence that show how influential our biologies and inborn predispositions are. This ‘higher order’ individualism is always touted so the equailist mindset can claim that the exception to the rule disqualifies the overwhelmingly obvious general rule itself.

“We’re all exceptions to the rule.” – Carl Jung

“…and when we’re all special, no one will be.” – Syndrome

This fallacy is where we get the NA*ALT (not all ____ are like that) absolution of the most unflattering parts of human nature. Not All Women Are Like That is standard feminine-primary boilerplate for women and sympathizing men (White Knights) who’d rather we all ignore the aspects of female nature that shine a bad light on what are easily observable truths about their behavior and the motives behind them. The social convention relies on the idea that if there is even one individual contradiction to the generalization (always deemed an ‘overgeneralization’) then the whole idea must be wrong.

Of course, this individual exceptionality rule only applies to the concepts in which equalists have invested their egos in. When a generality proves an equalist’s ego-investment, that’s when it becomes an ‘endemic’ universal truth to their mindset. A binary over-exaggeration of this effect is the reflexive response for concepts that challenge their ego-investments. Thus, we see any and all of the (perceptually) negative aspects of masculinity (actually the totality of masculinity) painted as evidence of the endemic of ‘toxic’ masculinity as a whole. The individualist exceptionality in this instance is always ridiculed as ‘insecurity’ on the part of men even considering it.

The exceptionalism of the individual is always paired with some high-order consciousness, and/or the idea that anything that proves their ego-investment is “more evolved” – despite any evidence that proves the contrary – is proof of that this individual is a being who represents some evolutionary step forward. If you agree and support feminine-primacy it is ‘proof‘ that you are more ‘evolved’ than other men. Thus, the ‘more evolved’ status becomes a form of reward to the individual who aligns with the ideology. Conversely, the avoidance of being perceived as ‘unevolved’ serves as a form of negative reinforcement.

This is kind of ironic when you consider that the same equalist mindset that relies on the individualist exception is the same mindset that insists that everyone is the same; equal value, equal potential, equal purpose and equal ability. Again, the irony is that everything that would be used to establish the ‘unique snowflake’ ideology (so long as it contradicts innate strengths and weaknesses of an opposing ideology) is conveniently ignored in favor of blank-slate egalitarianism. There is a degree of wanting to avoid determinism (particularly biological determinism) for the individual in this blank-slate concept, but it also provides the equalist with a degree of feel-good affirmation that the individual is a product of social constructivism. So, we get the idea that gender is a social construct and, furthermore, that blank-slate individual is ‘more evolved’ to the point of redefining gender for themselves altogether. Even when that ‘individual’ is only 4 years old and hasn’t the capacity for abstract thought enough to make a determination.

To be an egalitarian equalist is to accept the cognitive dissonance that the individual trumps the general truth and yet simultaneously accept that the individual is just the blank-slate template of anyone else, thus negating the idea of the individual. It takes great stretches of belief to adhere to egalitarian if-then logic.

I apologize for getting into some heady stuff right out the gate here, but I think it’s vitally important that Red Pill aware men realize the self-conflicting flaw in the ideologies of post-modern equalism. Our feminine-primary social order is rife with it. They will disqualify the generalities of Red Pill awareness with individualist exceptionalism and in the next breath disqualify that premise with their investments in blank-slate egalitarianism.

This is easiest to see in Blue Pill conditioned men and women still plugged in to the Matrix, but I also see the same self-conflicting rationales among Red Pill aware men using the same process to justify personal ideology or their inability to de-pedestalize women on whole. There’s a common thread amongst well-meaning Red Pill men to want to defend the individual natures of women who align with the Blue Pill ego-investments they still cling to. All women are like that so long as those women are granola-eating, furry-armpit feminists – ‘Red Pill Women’ then become the individual (snowflake) exceptions to the otherwise general rule because they fit a different, idealized, profile.

The Inequality of Equality

I’ve stated this in many prior threads, but, I do not believe in “equality”.

I don’t believe in equality because I can objectively see that reality, our respective environments, our personal circumstances, etc. are all inherently unequal. Everyday we encounter circumstances in life which we are eminently unequalled for in our ability to address them. Likewise, there are circumstances we can easily overcome without so much as an afterthought. Whether these challenges demand or test our physical, mental, material or even spiritual capacities, the condition is the same – reality is inherently chaotic, unfair and challenging by order of degree. To presume that all individuals have equal value in light of the nature of reality is, itself, an unequal presumption. To expect sameness in the degree of competency or incompetency to meet any given challenge reality throws at us is a form of inequality. And it’s just this inequality that equalists ironically exploit.

As KFG was stating, “each dog has it’s strengths for a given task”. One dog is not as valuable as another depending on what determines a positive outcome. What equalism attempts do to – what it has the ludicrous audacity to presume – is to alter reality to fit the needs of the individual in order to make all individuals equally valuable agents. This is the ‘participation trophy’ mentality, but it is also a glaring disregard for existential reality. Which, again, contradicts the idea of individual exceptionalism; reality must be made to be equal to accommodate the existence of the equally valuable individual.

To say you don’t believe in equality is only outrageous because it offends the predominant social narrative of today. It seemingly denies the inherent value of the individual, but what is conveniently never addressed is how an environment, condition and state defines what is functionally valued for any given instance. Like the dog bred to hunt ferrets out of their warrens is not the functional equal of a dog bred to run down prey at 45 MPH. The value of the individual is only relevant to the function demanded of it.

The default misunderstanding (actually deliberate) most equalists believe is that functional worth is personal worth. I addressed this in Separating Values:

When you attempt to quantify any aspect of human ‘value’ you can expect to have your interpretations of  it to be offensive to various people on the up or down side of that estimate. There is simply no escaping personal bias and the offense that comes from having one’s self-worth attacked, or even confirmed for them.

The first criticism I’ve come to expect is usually some variation about how evaluating a person’s SMV is “dehumanizing”, people are people, and have intrinsic worth beyond just the sexual. To which I’ll emphatically agree, however, this dismissal only conveniently sidesteps the realities of the sexual marketplace.

Again, sexual market value is not personal value. Personal value, your value as a human being however one subjectively defines that, is a definite component to sexual market value, but separating the two requires an often uncomfortable amount of self-analysis. And, as in Ms. Korth’s experience here, this often results in denial of very real circumstances, as well as a necessary, ego-preserving, cognitive dissonance from that reality.

Denial of sexual market valuation is a psychological insurance against women losing their controlling, sexual agency in their hypergamous choices.

This is where the appeal to emotion begins for the equalist mindset. It seems dehumanizing to even consider an individuals functional value. Human’s capacity to learn and train and practice to become proficient or excel in various functions is truly a marvel of our evolution. Brain plasticity being what it is, makes our potential for learning and overcoming our environments what separates us from other animals. We all have the potential to be more than we are in functional value, and this is the root of the emotional appeal of equalists. It’s seems so negative to presume we aren’t functional equals because we have the capacity and potential to become more functionally valuable. The appeal is one of optimism.

What this appeal ignores is the functional value of an individual in the now; the two dogs bred for different purposes. What this appeal also ignores is the ever-changing nature of reality and the challenges it presents to an individual in the now and how this defines value. What equalism cannot do is separate functional value from potential value.

Adopting a mindset that accepts complementarity between the sexes and between individuals, one that celebrates and utilizes innate strengths and talents, yet also embraces the weaknesses and compensates for them is a far healthier one that presuming baseline equivalency. Understanding the efficacy of applying strengths to weaknesses cooperatively while acknowledging we all aren’t the same damn dog will be a key to dissolving the fantasy of egalitarian equalism and create a more balanced and healthier relations between the sexes. Embracing the fact that condition, environment, reality and the challenges they pose defines our usefulness is far better than to assume any single individual could ever be a self-contained, self-sufficient island unto themselves – that is what equalism would have us believe.

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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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[…] The Lie of Equality […]

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

Rollo, this is one of your finest postings for the year so far. Usuallly I read the entire text before commenting but this just jumped right out at me due to current events. On the surface this all-are-individuals notion may seem the antithesis of the ‘equality’ narrative that equalists cling to, but it is part of a cognitive dissonance all equalists struggle with. This approach is a means to standardizing individuality, so no scientific evidence that might find patterns of an evolved ‘nature’ of a person – or in our Red Pill case, a sex – can be predicted. It’s… Read more »

Rico Suave
Rico Suave
6 years ago

Maybe I’m sheltered, but this feels like a bit of a straw man argument to me…who are these people who allegedly claim that everyone is exactly equal to one another?

6 years ago

Feminists push gender equality and gender equality assumes that both genders have equal abilities…that women can perform as infantrymen as well as men, that there are equal ratios of women and men who can perform as doctors, etc.

6 years ago

It works like this, I think: some people are g and some aren’t g, therefore it is equally likely that one will be g or not g. There is thus an equality between these two things and both being g and being not g are equally valid and therefore good. That seems to be how the argument runs though it never seems to apply to Nazis, which to my mind demonstrates the essential dishonesty of the assertion of equality. Equality is thus a form of compulsory charity where one has to treat those and their activities of which I do… Read more »

6 years ago

‘Being a feminist means recognising that men and women should be, can be, must be equal,’ says Canadian PM

Sam Botta (@sambotta)
6 years ago

Voice acting my whole life,
no complaints about the finished work
until I used my real name
for the first time.

They can hate on THE SCRIPT,
It was the ONLY script
after the hit and run accident.
And people say the script saved their lives.
My life was over.
My work was over.

But one script writer BELIEVED:

Chump No More
Chump No More
6 years ago

‘Marxists’, ‘Collectivists’. & and ‘Egalitarian Equalists’ all want the same thing… Equality of Outcome.

William F. Buckley Jr. said, “Freedom breeds inequality”.

This is why the 1st amendment is under attack by the extreme leftists. Rational debate is their greatest enemy, because they they ‘got nothing’.

You know we’re in a scary time when the word ‘meritocracy’ is considered to be a workplace ‘micro-aggression’… WT actual F!?!

dr zipper
dr zipper
6 years ago

“Equality is thus a form of compulsory charity where one has to treat those and their activities of which I do not approve of as if they are guests. One is never rude to guests no matter how tiring or annoying, but these guests never seem to plan to leave”

“England has a Minister-ess for Equality though not one for either Liberty or for Freedom. Curious omissions.”


please change your handle to Encore

6 years ago

If everyone is equal that means that everyone is expendable. Which is their primary objective.

The Last X-Man
6 years ago

@Adam, scary though

6 years ago

The FI as has been noted before is using the new rules to it’s benefit while keeping the old rules which benefit them as well, and that is to the detriment of men whom they give lip service to promoting equality for under the umbrella of feminism. For example child custody rulings typically are awarded >75% to females and shared custody laws are bitterly contested by femi-nazi groups. It’s considered by some females to be an attack on women if men even mention shared parenting or equal parenting. It goes back to the tender-years doctrine that mom’s arguably were better… Read more »

6 years ago

“One of the primary selling points of egalitarian equalism for men is the idea that they can be excluded from the Burden of Performance.”

I do believe that men should look out for their own self-interest and seek to lessen this burden in a way that works for them (MGTOW or spouse that makes $$).

In a relationship some aspects of this burden of performance can not be shrugged off without driving a female away, so a man is never without this burden of performance. Family leadership is still the man’s job.

6 years ago

In Mexico at the moment and one only has to be amazed at how fast people revert to BASE LEVEL humanity when faced with an adversity.

Men dig up people, women feed and comfort.

It’s when there’s nothing for us to fear or our collective arrogance starts to believe that we are some special creature on this planet. That is when we dabble in stupidity such as equality, identity politics etc…

Sam Botta (@sambotta)
6 years ago

@KFG Oliver read your quote There’s more than one breed of working dog because no one is “better.” He’s accustomed to cashiers at Costco, Target, Trader Joe’s etc thanking him for being a legitimate service dog that was trained professionally for six months by Stephanie O’Brien of His training is perfect for me, and it’s obvious wherever we go. Stores have to deal with unruly untrained, not house broken “service dogs” every day. In the little area of the city where my humble studio is set up, Oliver is the ONLY legitimate SERVICE DOG (working dog). How is… Read more »

The Last X-Man
6 years ago

Excellent post, but this bit right here is golden: “If someone wins, well, we’re all equal so that person’s strengths which led to the success can be passed off as a result of assumed or circumstantial ‘privileges’ that made them better suited to their challenges – rarely is their hard work recognized, and even then, it’s colored by the overcoming of a presumed-unequal adversity that grants them ‘privilege’. If they fail, again, we’re all equal, so the failure is proof of a deficit, or a handicap, or a presumed repression of an equal person in a state of baseline equal… Read more »

Sam Botta (@sambotta)
6 years ago

@KFG Oliver, in the photo above, is staring right into your eyes. He sees you, he read your words at the beginning of this post, and off came his Julius K9 brand working vest!

He loves to work, he’s all MAN, but with his training he’s got a lot of empathy, and that comes with a sensitive side at least when he read There’s more than one breed of working dog because no one is “better.”

He’s over it now, I’m going swimming before getting back to narrating TRM 3

6 years ago

This post made me realize how cool it would actually be to read analyzis about males as well as about females.
I am a loyal reader and feel that TRM has giving me a great perspective on SMV and the female psycie. However, as a male trying to navigate and understand interrelations in society and the sexual market, I find it as relevant to try to understand male behaviour and masculinity in relation to the writings already on this great site.

6 years ago

Have been thinking along similar lines recently. The underlying assumption of equality, seems to be a religious invention, if Peterson is to be believed. The idea of the value of the soul and that human life has value. In a harsh environment where every mouth to feed is a burden on the group, such an ideal may prevent humans from culling the weak members of the tribe. However, in times of plenty such a sentiment creates its own problems. Similarly, it is a nice cosy slave morality which does not require much personal responsibility. I have been playing with the… Read more »

6 years ago


Oliver is obviously the best dog in the world. And a handsome fellow to boot.


I have noted before that Cultural Marxism Feminist Save the Planet Equalism ™ is little more than Presbyterianism with the all the proper nouns changed out.

Just another group of Puritans running around with their spring loaded needles looking for witches. Inquisition is how they party.

Fred Flange, GBFC (Great Books For Cucks)
Fred Flange, GBFC (Great Books For Cucks)
6 years ago

I’m reminded of an old Victorian-era patter song – maybe Gilbert & Sullivan? It’s quoted in “Chariots of Fire”: “If everybody’s Somebody, Then no one’s Anybody!” Another fallacy to look out for: the concept of Legal equality (as in: your natural rights of citizenship and personhood, which are supposed to be equal in the eyes of the law) and equal abilities, equal attractiveness, etc. which the law cannot comprehend, SJW bloviating notwithstanding. To deny these things is to enter Kurt Vonnegut territory (see his prescient story “Harrison Bergeron”, in which no one could be better than anyone else and a… Read more »

The Last X-Man
6 years ago

@Albert, I put my hands together for that comment. Well said.

6 years ago

@kfg, yeah I noticed the same, especially how similar the concept of ‘original sin’ is to ‘male privilege’ in how it used for social control. I think feminism is the slave morality of our time. In Nietzsche’s day it was Christianity and today its rad fem. Now the ‘alt-right’ boys want to blame it on the juice, the communists want to blame it on capitalism, feminists want to blame the patriarchy and the MRA’s want to blame it on femnism, conservationists want to blame cultural Marxism, the blacks blame the ‘white man’ and democrats blame ‘the racists’. I think, its… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

I have noted before that Cultural Marxism Feminist Save the Planet Equalism ™ is little more than Presbyterianism with the all the proper nouns changed out.

Well, since you mentioned it…

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

Fred Flange treading the boards:

“If everybody’s Somebody,
Then no one’s Anybody!”

Gilbert & Sullivan? Yes.

Sam Botta (@sambotta)
6 years ago

Fred Flange, Glad you were in radio when it was Radio… when it was like being a magician Thank you for your kind words, I’m excited beyond words now that Rollo Tomassi did the impossible, he saw that I would get it back, and without THE (TRM) SCRIPT which became the purpose that has been restoring my abilities. The ones that listened to TRM Vol. 1 gave grace and positive ratings in Audible on the “performance”which, at the time was my best, and that 14 hour audiobook was chiseled from hundreds of hours of narrating trying to get the words… Read more »

dr zipper
dr zipper
6 years ago

“I not a good writer”

lol, couldn’t help it

6 years ago

Diversity is inequality.

6 years ago


6 years ago

Good thing you have absolutely zero say in the matter.

6 years ago

Had it up to here with “equality & diversity” rhetoric in the workplace – they claim equality of opportunity – is there any truth in this?

6 years ago

There is a severe disconnect about ” equality “. Like everything else, the word has been bastardized. I’ll form my thoughts better later, but I’ll just say that equal opportunity isn’t a bad thing. You’ll only ever realize this though, when you don’t have it. Angry dudes in Society today are mostly angry because they feel that society is being unequal and unfair. Like I said, you’ll get it when it happens to you or those you actually know. Don’t conflate this with what the OP is actually saying about equality. Don’t get triggered. The article didn’t say shit about… Read more »

6 years ago

Very timely post. The other day I had a situation at work. I asked a girl who is in charge of the secretarial pool for some help in some very simple task. I was essentially told: “The secretaries are all busy do it yourself”. I walked over and in a firm tone said: “This is an important event I need help what’s the solution?” She offered one. I thought that was the end of it. Nope. Next day I’m hauled into the manager’s office and raked over the coals because I made that girl cry. I had to apologize for… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

walawala I wonder how close that manager is to that head secretary?
That’s one explanation – “don’t make my girl cry!”

6 years ago

Great post Rollo. I am reminded of a time in history,when before conquering a people they would send in spies to find the most intelligent and talented. These would be castrated and made scribes and advisors. Taking them out of the breeding pool of common slaves. This egalitarian blank slate equalism is having the same effect weather intentional or not, competitive masculinity is being kept in the arena for entertainment and pushed out of the workplace. The participation trophy is being transferred to entitlement of real and tangible goods. Sticker shock has become acceptable abuse for the pr man, effectively… Read more »

6 years ago

All baseball players are equal they throw the ball, they catch the ball, they hit the ball. Ok, the outfielders are all equal, they catch really well and throw the ball to the infield. Ok, the basemen are all equal, they are all really fast and throw accurately to all the bases. Ok, third and catcher are equal, they both have the shotgun arms for the throws to first and second. Ok, pitcher and catcher are equal, they read sign language and throw the ball back and forth. Ok. They all hit equally, ….except the designated hitter but thats only… Read more »

6 years ago


Looks like a push in the right direction.

6 years ago

Walawala I am sure some tech or engineer at Equifax asked the music major if it was ok to bring the system down for mainenance to apply the vendor’s security patch back in March. They would know the risks. I am sure if they went ahead after being ignored (or told not to) they would be disciplined “for not following their betters.” I bet they will now be disciplined for allowing the breach “because they didn’t show initiative to protect the company.” Unless of course they kept the email, you know, like I.T. folks tend to do. But hey, everyone… Read more »

6 years ago

“If everyone is equal that means that everyone is expendable. Which is their primary objective.”

6 years ago

And right on cue the Google Doodle digs up another obscure female scientist

6 years ago

@Anonymous. There’s probably other political agendas at play otherwise this situation would hardly be worthy of a second thought. But we’re all about equality except when I have an issue then I’m being overbearing etc etc .

Ive become more aware that the moment you start talking about diversity and equality one group starts to try to overtake the other not work towards being equal.

6 years ago

I think this post touches on a subject matter that is the central pillar of the red pill; which is also the most bitter of the red pill pillars. Scales are ruthless. No one can survive without some level ego defence.

6 years ago

THE YEAR WAS 2081, and everybody was finally equal. They weren’t only equal before God and the law. They were equal every which way.

I remember reading this year’s ago thinking Kurt did an absolutely amazing job envisioning the socialist endgame.

6 years ago

We can keep it simple.short like KFG.

Equality and diversity? At the same time?

If equality was true, diversity wouldn’t be.

Individualists are the ones that really believe in diversity.

6 years ago I am not perscribing to Peterson’s argument, however if I remember correctly his version was something like: Dominance hirachies have a tendency to develop in a winner takes all fashion (pareto distribution), which by that particular metric makes the males that do not climb that particular hirachy ‘worthless’. What now the invention of the idea of the ‘soul’ and the ‘human spirit’ does is that it allocates intrinsitic value to these ‘worthless males’. The argument of why this is beneficiary, is as you don’t know who is going to be an alpha in the future. Furthermore, this stop gap,… Read more »

6 years ago

@Albert, who the hell are you and where have you been lurking? You need to post here more often. You make all kinds of sense. Your perspectives are refreshing. I tip my hat to you sir.

6 years ago

“I am reminded of a time in history,when before conquering a people they would send in spies to find the most intelligent and talented. These would be castrated and made scribes and advisors. Taking them out of the breeding pool of common slaves.” Every time I’m here at TRM I read one variation of such stories of how x,y and z happened in history. Things I’ve never heard anywhere else. All these things you guys claim happened historically would you please link some sources. Is this some “Caucasian specific history” or what? I’m not agreeing nor disagreeing the other claim… Read more »

6 years ago

@Jafyk haha, thanks man. I am just a causal observer trying to make sense of this complicated mess we find ourselves in. One of the best summaries of the here addressed underlying dynamic I have seen is by Colttaine (link below) Tl:dr, its not that some cultural Marxism feminism brainwashed society, it’s that the introduction of the birth control pill fundamentally changed human intersexual dynamics that have evolved for millennia. Free from the potential of an unwanted pregnancy, what we are observing today is unrestrained female sexual choice, all the concepts we invent to either justify or attack it,… Read more »

6 years ago

“What now the invention of the idea of the ‘soul’ and the ‘human spirit’ does is that it allocates intrinsitic value to these ‘worthless males’.” See the Pauline Epistles. They are the foundation stone of Western Civilization as we know it today. Thus they are also the source of its downfall. Every strength must be paid for with some corresponding weakness. “Is this some “Caucasian specific history” or what?” It’s Greco-Roman. There is no “Caucasian specific” history, as such, the field is too broad (note that “White” no longer has the same meaning as “Causcasian”). Setting aside the issue of… Read more »

6 years ago

God makes men. Colt, smith & Wesson , ruger, mossberg, Winchester , Stevenson , Remington, hornady and a lot of others makes men equal.

6 years ago

“Colt, smith & Wesson , ruger, mossberg, Winchester , Stevenson , Remington, hornady and a lot of others makes men equal.”

More or less.

6 years ago

@Stuffin’ Box:

OK, now I have to go slap myself for forgetting about Persia.

6 years ago

@Albert One of the best JP observations is when you kill the patriarchy you eliminate the wise an benevolent king. Leaving out the question of the human soul, when one rises to the top of the male dominance hierarchy he has done so by sharing the spoils of war with the less fortunate. This is done in the hope of reciprocation of the indebted, as no man is an island the totally ruthless man at the top will soon be taken down by the mob. Now when the mob is taught to despise masculinity and sold on participation trophy entitlement,… Read more »

6 years ago

The great analogy was KFG’s. Not mine BTW.

6 years ago

Castration aside, the most effective way of killing the male libido is a bossy woman. Blank slate equalism together with female empowerment (in the same sentence) has been the most effective, The modern male never walks out from under the female thumb, when he should do this before puberty.

6 years ago

@kfg yeah, the Paul’s letter are an interesting read if you look at them in terms of societal organization they are pretty red pill. For example: “34 The women are to keep silent in the churches; for they are not permitted to speak, but are to subject themselves, just as the Law also says. 35 If they desire to learn anything, let them ask their own husbands at home; for it is improper for a woman to speak in church.” Based daddy has opened the eyes of many people to look at religion in a different light than was… Read more »

dr zipper
dr zipper
6 years ago

because I like stirring shit up…..

hank holiday
hank holiday
6 years ago


nice vid, I watched some of his other ones, just started the hive mind one


Not sure if you’ve heard of this, but in this video the guy claims the “rubenesque” females from the renaissance were simply because the Catholic church forbid female nude models, so painters and sculptors had to make do with MALE models, and then feminize them.

Thus, making all those “chicks” essentially ladyboys.

Anyway, thought you might be interested since you’ve always argued against that feminist theory that male ideals of beauty are significantly altered by changing trends.

6 years ago

” . . . “rubenesque” females from the renaissance were simply because the Catholic church forbid female nude models, so painters and sculptors had to make do with MALE models, and then feminize them.” Not the case for Rubens. When he was 53 he married a 16 year old, who was a chubbo. He used her as his female model from that time. Note also that the very phrase “Rubenesque” puts the lie to the fact that that was the general case. The Botticelli Venus is a reimagining of a pagan Roman copy of a Greek original and the female… Read more »

Oscar C.
6 years ago


thanks a lot for that “Colttaine” video… Didn’t know the guy, he is brilliant!

You are of course right on the money… it was not feminism first and foremost, it was the pill. I think it is better to look for material changes first before venturing any further.

6 years ago

@Albert “Now when the mob is taught to despise masculinity and sold on participation trophy entitlement, what are the chances of reciprocation? ” “How is that any different from Nietzsche’s characterization that slave morality inherently despises strength and achievements? It’s the same old axiom again and again.” From Rollos OP. “There is no such thing as ‘equality’ because life doesn’t happen in a vacuum. The tests that a chaotic world throws at human beings is never equal or balanced in measure to our strengths to pass them. Equality, in the terms that egalitarian equalists are comfortable in defining it, implies… Read more »

Prof. Woland
Prof. Woland
6 years ago

People who believe that everyone is equal are far more susceptible to blame racism and sexism for their shortcomings. After all, why else would they be failures? It certainly cannot be their fault or their parents fault. When Steven Sailer refers to the left as the coalition of the fringes, what he is touching on are all the malcontents who lost at direct competition for life’s awards and are forced to band together to seek rent as a consolation.

6 years ago

@ hank, I liked that hivemind video. The whole point of beauty standards is just a segway into the underlying dynamic that shapes the ergonomics of how we human beings interact on this new digital platform we call the internet. Here is another underappreciated MGTOW thinker who ponders on a similar contingency. If I remember correctly he makes a point in that video that one of the reasons Trump won was due to his notoriety on Twitter. His brash, unapologetic, cadish style fits well with a medium that is primarily fuelled by outrage and attention. @Oscar C, the problem… Read more »

6 years ago

@stuffinabox, you are correct Nietzsche got a lot of stuff right, but in other aspects he was utterly clueless. For example, his botched marriage proposal to Lou Salomé and the whole Italy trip, basically shows that he was really clueless on that particular front. I concur that to your astute observation of: “There is a growing trend to assume anyone with special talents,more money,better equipment and shelter got these by trickery or luck and should provide for the less fortunate free of charge.” Which again, is the barrel of crab mentality, It’s the same kind of mentality that men use… Read more »


[…] via The Lie of Equality — The Rational Male […]

Oscar C.
6 years ago

@Albert You have a point about fringe people being drawn to fringe ideologies, but that in itself does not prove such ideologies wrong, you know… For instance, you don’t get laid for whatever reason in the current environment (like me), and you start viewing with increased favor the strict monogamy model of the past. Yeah, it is true that if I were having more success I would probably not care that much, but that still does not mean that such return to an older sexual morality is wrong. Why not? Because it is not only about my current sexual misery;… Read more »

6 years ago

@Albert Those anti Trump Facists scream alot of things at me including thirsty beta. You would think Soros would pay them to scrub graffiti or something useful instead of being a general pain in the ass. These days there are so many claims of righteousness it can be hard to sift through it for the less experienced, rather than try most spend their time in confirmation bias. Lets face it responsibility is just that and change of playmates and playgrounds is uncomfortable at best,so why bother? The media paints a negative picture and these folks buy into the fallacy,in all… Read more »

6 years ago

@Oscar C, just keep practicing! You figure it out your own style eventually. That’s the beauty of tinder, it’s pretty much the real life version of these Japanese girlfriend apps just that the difficulty setting is a lot higher, if you haven’t figured out how it works. You get there eventually, just keep practicing. “You have a point about fringe people being drawn to fringe ideologies, but that in itself does not prove such ideologies wrong, you know…” Your right, in principle it dosent, however in the real world it seems that this correlation is strong. Take the rad fems… Read more »

6 years ago

“Biohistory, in one of their videos they make a very elegant point. If we have corrupt leaders and politicians this is a reflection of the state of the health of our culture. Point in case being, if people really cared about morals and principles such individuals would not be in power.” Elegant indeed as the pot calls the kettle black. Interestingly enough one of the crazy’st tarmagants I know, claiming all 28 genders legit,robbing old men left and right, then calling the sheriff on them is a holocaust denier. The age of confusion doesn’t add up for the irresponsible blamer’s.… Read more »

6 years ago

People only know what they are taught from birth. They will believe anything at all, unless they happen to decide to challenge the things they are told and venture out to actually find out for themselves if what they believe is really true. Most people won’t want to do this because they are afraid, stupid or lazy. Sometimes it’s all three. Immoral people are in power because enough people believe they are in fact moral. Politics fuck up most folks heads and they won’t be discerning. Politicians only have to tell them sweet words or appeal to their base instincts.… Read more »

6 years ago

…. Lulz

6 years ago
6 years ago

OooooooooooK, cut and paste the obvious.

6 years ago

I think that IB managed to hack Blax’s acct.

6 years ago

“It will be a staggering loss of any notion of morality and the attending problems that come with that loss.”

6 years ago

@blaximus “A good example of what I’m talking about is your statement that the Nazis weren’t evil or hateful. There’s some reason why you happen to believe this. You don’t think that what you think/believe is immoral.” I think it’s a self protection mechanism for our sense of identy that we humans cast our own actions as morally good, in order to protect that identy from being destroyed. Good and evil are human constructs, nature and by extension female choice couldn’t care less. The mistake that the deductive inexperienced man makes is that he conflates being a (morally) good man… Read more »

6 years ago

Like I said, lazy dumb and or stupid. Lol. The phenomenon I’m starting to witness ( at least on the Internet anyway ) is people, male and female, not having much of a moral compass at all and not even really understanding what they are lacking. People are going to people, no matter what. Having morals won’t make you a ” good man ” at all, because you can posses the knowledge of good/evil moral/immoral and still make a choice. And that’s my point – people appear to not even know what ” moral ” means anymore. Everything is relative.… Read more »

6 years ago

“However, by now the indvidual is so ego-invested in this particular identity it is difficult to disassociate himself w/o some psychological trauma.”

If (the biggest word in the english language) the individuals “particular identity” digresses to far from the truth of what actually is the trauma both psychological and physical will find him and help with this disassociating process.

6 years ago

Self surgery Was with my dad today and got triggered by something… It was an attempting that the emotional upbringing i had was’nt just intentional but could have been avoided if my dad cared more about me as a man and a son or a son first than a man up coming… I don’t enjoy dwelling on the past. But at times if not for the red pill i wouldn’t be able t put the pieces in order. I don’t enjoy regrets but i do enjoy learning from mistakes and situation’s that can be avoided or grown from. Today i… Read more »

6 years ago

@Blaximus “The phenomenon I’m starting to witness ( at least on the Internet anyway ) is people, male and female, not having much of a moral compass at all and not even really understanding what they are lacking.” I think this is more a phenomena of modernity. It’s not that people are lacking a moral compass it is that they are not sharing yours. Within our contemporary society, we are so isolated in our social stratas that we inadvertandlty create echo-chambers within our own social castes (dunbells number, overton window and confirmation bias all wotking in conjunction). Within these social… Read more »

Joshua Sinistar (@Joshua06716)

Never ascribe good intentions to anyone who denies objective truth or morality. In a fair world, you wouldn’t hobble the capable to uplift the fools. This crazy world isn’t built on good intentions but spite. They don’t want some they want it all. The fact they cannot even maintain it, bothers them not at all. They have nothing, so nothing they’ll lose. You on the other hand will have NOTHING LEFT AT ALL!

6 years ago

@Albert @stuffinabox “If (the biggest word in the english language) the individuals “particular identity” digresses to far from the truth of what actually is the trauma both psychological and physical will find him and help with this disassociating process.” “That mental schism is the locus from which much of what fuels the red pill rage comes from. I agree that this phase can be carthatic, however this does not make it less unpleasant. Brutal honest self-assessment is great if you want to grow and develop as a person. However, it does not make it any less brutal, and I suspect… Read more »

6 years ago

@Blaximus My twin brother from another mother. “Like I said, lazy dumb and or stupid. Lol. The phenomenon I’m starting to witness ( at least on the Internet anyway ) is people, male and female, not having much of a moral compass at all and not even really understanding what they are lacking. People are going to people, no matter what. Having morals won’t make you a ” good man ” at all, because you can posses the knowledge of good/evil moral/immoral and still make a choice. And that’s my point – people appear to not even know what ”… Read more »

6 years ago

@Blaximus “That mental schism is what drove Hitler insane enough to end his own maniacal life. “Red pill rage” like any other rage stems from unmet expectations,the root cause of this should have been parented out at the age of two before it was to late.” @stuffinabox “I am seeing this same trend. You have taken the various paths and experienced the consequences,realizing they were of your own choices,this has given you a rock solid constitution based in truth.” I think we’ve hit on something fundamental here, namely the definition of ‘truth’ and how this relates to our own morality.… Read more »

6 years ago

It has to be that way, as no human being has omniscient knowledge.

But can we as humans actually know anything for certain? And in what cases does that matter? Let’s suppose that you are accused of murder, but are actually innocent. Would you want there to be some set of certain facts that would exonerate you?

Just Getting It
Just Getting It
6 years ago

Quick proof of non-equality:

If we’re all equal a girl in a bar would accept the first chat up line, after all, we’re all equal; she’s not going to find anything better, right?

6 years ago

@Albert “I think we’ve hit on something fundamental here, namely the definition of ‘truth’ and how this relates to our own morality. We may not like it but ‘truth’ the way we humans define it is ALWAYS relative. This does not mean that reality is not operating according to some causal laws, which it most likely is.” Truth is not relative,reality is operating on fixed laws. The truth is mans struggle for survival from the moment of ejaculation till death,is a constant competition with natural elements. As you point out there are good times and hard times. I am a… Read more »

dr zipper
dr zipper
6 years ago some man-shaming going on here, but it’s more subtle than most; I do agree on some of her points about anger having two aspects…. one that is understandable and a positive if it can be harnessed, the other is the sense of vengeance and retribution that accompany it; she had some good examples of how MLK used the first part but eschewed the second I did have a problem with how she says anger is natural because even babies/toddlers don’t think about it, just experience it, but then lays on all kinds of shit about what they’re ‘thinking’ and… Read more »

6 years ago

@stuffinabox ” Truth is not relative, reality is operating on fixed laws.” This a complex semantical issue, the signifier and what is signified ARE two different things. For example, it is ‘true’ that water is wet. However what is the TRUTH of ‘wetness’? Stating water is wet, is an ontological definition of how we define ‘wetness.’ Wetness in this sense is socially constructed. We may now choose to label this phenomena differently, but the specific property of water ‘feeling’ wet is what we are describing. As such, we are not describing the real word, but rather our subjective interaction with… Read more »

6 years ago

“If we define ’TRUTH’ – as the philosophical certainty that the universe is laid out in a certain structure and that structure functions according to certain laws . . .” IF. What you have defined is the scientific axiom. I know of nothing that falsifies the axiom, but I see no reason to accept it as the definition of Truth. It is an axiom because we can’t take it to be a philosophical certainty. ” . . . we are not describing the real word, but rather our subjective interaction with it (i.e. the feeling of wetness).” My bicycle is… Read more »

6 years ago

I’m well behind… I’ve heard blue is the warmest color though…

comment image

Oscar C.
6 years ago

@ Albert The lefties have a point in saying that everything is a ‘social construction’, however, where they go wrong is that this belief then factors over into assuming that we can shape reality to our whims and desires. For example, gender IS socially constructed, however this does not negate that these social constructions are contingent upon an underlying biology, that have certain preferences and proclivities, regardless of the shortcomings in our nomenclature describing it or what we wish these to be. What culture does, it is shapes and moulds these ‘natural’ inclinations into a coherent set of assumptions, which… Read more »

Markos Beers
Markos Beers
6 years ago

Albert, Blaximus, Stuffinbox and others. Peterson does a good job teasing out this issue of truth. My take is that it is based on what culturally works on the deepest level, something that has been tested to create healthy group cohesion and progress within while overcoming and persisting against other cultures and peoples from the outside. The clip you linked above, Albert, is one of JPs very best. Eleven minutes of truth right there. I think it can be summed up in one phrase… the most successful cultures have recognized, honored andrewarded benevolent dominance. Then, benevolent dominance will in turn… Read more »

6 years ago


Thanks for finally getting to the point ,at least we agree on some things though I am not quite sure what they are. I suppose I just lack culture and higher education and am grateful for that.

6 years ago

@stuffinbox “Thanks for finally getting to the point ,at least we agree on some things though I am not quite sure what they are. I suppose I just lack culture and higher education and am grateful for that.” Hehe, ‘higher education’ is a joke currently, so I don’t think you are losing out on much. Furthermore, most academics are really petty and up tight so learning from them is not an option, as they only want to flatter their own ego. The internet has truly become the Agora of our age. I ve learned more watching YouTube than in my… Read more »

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