Blue Pill Trauma

Something I’m asked a lot is,…

“How do you unplug a guy from the Matrix? All of this Red Pill awareness about intersexual dynamics has radically changed / saved my life for the better!  I want to let my friends, my brothers, my dad, know about how this knowledge will help them in their relationships, with the women their involved with, and dealing with women in life in general.

This stuff is SO IMPORTANT. But I run into such resistance from even my close friends and family. What can I do? I want to give these guys your book and discuss it rationally with them. I want to pass on this awareness like you encourage, but it’s like they’re just unwilling to see the truth. They don’t even want to talk about it. They just want to persist in doing shit that’s frustrating them and dealing with women from a blue pill perspective. Rollo, how do I help my brother?”

There was a time when I was a moderator on the SoSuave forums when we would discuss exactly this question. The frustration of knowing that your brother or your best friend could be living such a better life if only they would open their eyes and see how they’ve been trapped in a way of thinking about intersexual relations that they were conditioned to accept from a very early age. Believe me, I still get frustrated today. I see stories about how a guy like the one in the discussion above here is on the verge of despondency or suicide because they’re unable or unwilling to consider anything outside the box that the Blue Pill will allow for.

That’s a pretty serious thought. Blue Pill conditioning, and a guy’s capacity to break away from it, is literally a matter of life and death. Now, imagine you’re a Red Pill aware man and you have the experience of seeing your best friend or brother’s descent into relationship madness only because his ego-investments in the Old Set of Books wont permit him to think any other way. They’d rather put a noose around their neck than reconsider their investments in how things ought to be between men and women.

She’s My Everything

We’re going to come back to this question later in this essay, but now I’d like you to have a look at the IM exchange I had a reader make me aware of on Twitter this week. I apologize for the resolution; the tweet was deleted not long after I commented on it and I had to rely on screen captures. What you’re looking at here is an exchange between a very invested Blue Pill guy and the thought process guys like this typically go through when the woman they’ve made their ‘everything’ wants them gone. There’s a lot going on in this and I wanted to parse it out here. When you’re Red Pill aware for any length of time it can sometimes be confusing to see the thought process that Blue Pill conditioning predisposes a guy to. The Red Pill Lens is one of the gifts (and curses) of having unplugged, and internalizing the awareness can make us somewhat confused or jaded to the experiences of guys who are still plugged in and trying to make their blinded understanding of intersexual dynamics work for them.

“Can this guy really not see why this girl wants to get away from him?” From a Red Pill perspective we might think this guy is an idiot for not seeing what he’s doing. It’s plain as day for us so their must be something wrong with him, right? Usually, the only thing wrong is that these guys’ Blue Pill conditioning has limited them to understanding their situations from that old set of books – the rule set that they believe (like a religion) that ‘quality women’ acknowledge and play by too. Lets try to put this jadedness aside for a moment.

[…] I can’t take my mind off of you no matter what I do and yesterday I literally cried for an hour in my room because I didn’t know what to do. I just really need you in my life and it kills me to know that I have messed our relationship up,…

This kid’s (it reads like he’s an adolescent) whole exchange is riddled with self-incrimination. This is an intrinsic part of Blue Pill conditioning – the guy is always at fault in any break up. Even with his now ex’s admission of her own complicity in their split, he’ll have none of it. If a relationship, a marriage, fails it is always because a guy wasn’t invested enough; even if she cheated on him the Blue Pill conditioned mind will only accept his complicity in her looking outside the relationship. I should also add that this is an integral part of the Promise Keepers mentality as well as the ‘Oprah-Marriage Counselor Approved’ notion that “relationships take a lot of work” and it’s always a man’s responsibility to qualify himself for a woman’s intimacy by maintaining that work.

As a result, the Blue Pill mind automatically defaults to self-blame and looks to find ways to negotiate some kind of new work-program that will ‘fix’ the ‘broken’ relationship he somehow caused. Blue Pill conditioned men are still men, and as such they default to the deductive reasoning that we’re largely predisposed to. So in that Blue Pill state it seems like logic to look for solutions that will put the relationship back together again. This is how Blue Pill men’s minds work; they have a set of (Old Books) rules they believe everyone is, or ought to be, playing by and since he also believes the lie of coequal agency (blank-slate) between men and women he thinks a woman’s desire and intimacy can be deductively bargained with.

He realizes his failing and will be sure to correct it. But that’s not how all this works. In fact, it’s this very acknowledgement that only reinforces this woman’s decision to leave him. Hypergamy is rooted in doubt, and it turns out he is as Beta and optionless as her Hypergamous hindbrain suspected. His reaction to her confirms it.

[…] how can you just cut me out of your life so quickly? I want to make things better and work on our relationship because I know what it can be, why don’t you want to work on it?

I’m trying to avoid most of the clingy emotional shit in this exchange. Blue Pill guys will pepper in their emotive state even in the best of times in a relationship, but when they’re facing a break up, that’s when all the stuff he’s been taught about vulnerability being a strength turns into a huge liability for him. Not to mention it disgusts the woman leaving him.

Here we see the standard Blue Pill bewilderment over why this woman he’s deeply invested in can so casually blow him off and move on. Isn’t she playing by the same rulebook he’s been playing by since he learned to dutifully put women as his mental point of origin? I linked my War Brides essay in his quote above because this is the nuts and bolts reason as to how women can, and often do, move on so quickly. It is literally part of women’s preinstalled mental firmware to have the capacity to turn on a dime with their emotions.

Next he makes the Blue Pill appeals to Relational Equity and declares his willingness to ‘work on the relationship’ in order to fix it. In a breakup this ‘work on the relationship’ narrative works against women; particularly if the guy they’re leaving is overly invested in equalism. He’s been taught that “open communication is the key to any healthy relationship®” so he’s confused as to why his coequal ‘soul mate’ wouldn’t want to work on things and patch it up. When things are good the ‘work on things’ narrative is a benefit for women getting the things they want, but when she wants to leave a Blue Pill guy (usually because she wants to open herself to better Hypergamous options) it’s a leash around her neck. Why doesn’t she want to ‘work on the relationship’?

This is really what defines his outlook on this breakup, but he can’t see that it’s what his Blue Pill conditioning has embedded in his ego. He is incapable of interpreting his situation in any other way.

So, yeah, it gets worse. Now we discover that this guy has done exactly what I explained most Blue Pill men do when they define themselves by their ego-investments: the Blue Pill kills their capacity not to just achieve their dreams, but to have dreams or ambitions at all. We have a guy whose dreams center on being the “perfect boyfriend”; the guy who’ll literally do anything to make it work. A ‘good relationship’ is his highest aspiration, so when that woman isn’t playing her part – playing by the ‘do anything to make it work‘ rule set – the response is usually to find fault in himself, because to find fault in his ‘soul mate’ is to question the whole Blue Pill mental apparatus.

But still, she won’t play ball, so there are 3 possibilities: The first and go-to reason is that he must’ve fucked something up somehow. The next is that there’s something wrong with her because she’s not playing by the same rules he was conditioned to believe women play by. And lastly there’s something wrong with his entire ego-invested Blue Pill outlook on the whole rule set. That last one is the most difficult and unlikely conclusion a guy will ever come to.

Out Come the Knives

More often than not this is the stage at which the woman involved begins building her defenses against the attacks her ex Beta boyfriend is lobbing at her in an effort to explain why “working on the relationship” isn’t solving his fear of having to be single (and optionless) again. You’ve got a Blue Pill conditioned guy who believes he’s done everything by the books and is now very confused that his commitment to ‘making it work‘ hasn’t earned him the Relational Equity that any coequal, co-rational, woman should count towards his value to her. Whatever he did that was ‘wrong’ should be paid for by that equity. And anyway, the rules clearly state that open communication and negotiation are what’s expected from her too, right?

Only, that ‘equity’ isn’t protecting him from a Hypergamy that can’t afford for her to spend a minute longer with him. But he doesn’t know this, so, like any deductive Beta he pleads his case and this is what sets off her defensiveness.

Even the sweetest, most unassuming wallflower of a girl has her ego intimately linked with Hypergamy. Optimizing Hypergamy is her Darwinistic prime directive in life. So when just the notion of her being forced to compromise that optimization looks like a possibility she rebels with the intensity of a survival instinct level of self-preservation. There was a time when social controls were expected to buffer the worst exploits women would use to optimize Hypergamy. Arranged marriages, social and religious conventions, peer pressure, etc. were all, in some part, a means to controlling this survival instinct, gut level anxiety – and instituting a degree of control over Hypergamy by men and society.

Today, in our post Sexual Revolution dystopia, the idea that a woman might be personally or socially expected to compromise her Hypergamous stakes in life is met with that reflexive, feral, survival instinct. This is why women bristle at the idea that they might ever need to “settle” on Mr. Good Enough once they reach their sexual market expiration date. It’s like telling their hindbrains that they need to consider spending the rest of their lives invested in children that aren’t as good as they might be had they held out a little longer. Hypergamy bets a woman’s life on a future with a given man, so yes, it’s very muck a survival instinct.

All of this gets compressed into the hostility a woman feels when a ‘lesser man’, one confirmed to be unworthy of that lifetime bet, essentially tells her she wrong for betting on him and then removing her bet. That feral response comes at him full force, but only after she’s absolved her complicity in playing along with his Blue Pill paradigm. She needs to be able to explain to her ego that she did try to ‘let him down easy’ before she ripped off the bandaid in one go. Now he’s “crazy”, “needy”, has “mommy issues” is “insecure” and various other rationales as needed to keep her ego blameless for what she really knew was his dedication to the Blue Pill.

He’s Blue Pill, but He’s Crazy

I’m sure there are men and women alike reading this and thinking, well, this guy is genuinely disturbed. Maybe he’s just an Incel who made good for a while and then his codependency surfaced and she wisely ejected from the relationship. That seems like an obvious take, but I’m going to argue that all Blue Pill conditioned guys are this guy. That life-long conditioning plays on men’s innate Idealism and fosters exactly his way of thinking. When women are your conditioned Mental Point of Origin, rearranging your life to accommodate “working on the relationship” is a natural progression. Getting Zeroed Out is a lot easier when you’re taught to believe that you literally cannot live without a woman.

Finally, we come to the point where this guy – maybe the friend you’ve been trying to unplug before something like this happened – is confronted with staying the course, self-righteously accepting his dumping and clings even more so to his Blue Pill Lens on the world, or he develops some introspect and confronts the idea that his outlook on the set of rules he’s been playing by is not valid. The most common way men find the Red Pill community is via an experience like this. Unfortunately, it often requires a significant life trauma to shake the sleeping man awake, but having your outlook on intersexual dynamics challenged is the only way most men will ever be open to anything contradictory.

When men ask me, “Rollo, my friend, brother, dad, are heading towards something awful, how do I get them to realize they need to unplug?” I have to say wait for the right time. There are some guys who will make this transition on their own and all it might take is your handing him my book and talking about it. There are some guys who will come to it because what they’re doing isn’t bearing fruit in their personal lives and they become Red Pill aware because circumstances pushed them that way. But most men are Betas. Most of them have lived through an extensive conditioning that put them right where this guy is, and most of them will fight you tooth and nail for trying to convince them they were raised the wrong way.

It’s sometimes just easier to ghost on these men, but what do you do when it’s your brother who White Knights at any opportunity in spite of being run through the machine of a Blue Pill social order?  My best advice is to wait for your moments. A lot of people will tell you that it’s manipulative to lay the Red Pill on a guy who’s at his most vulnerable, but it requires a stripping away of all the Blue Pill pretense and mind-fuckery to really make a cogent case and unplug the guy.

I would always advise that you stay honest, open and forgiving of the guy. Most likely he’s told you how fucked up or misogynistic your world view is in his White Knighting efforts in the past. It’s like he ridiculed you for thinking you could ‘educate him’. You have to let that go when you make your case for Red Pill awareness. It would be better to ghost him than to be vindictive, gloating or tell him “I toldja so.” Let him tell you you told him so when he thanks you later.

As an aside here I need to draw readers’ attention to just how vulnerable this shit makes Blue Pill, Beta mindset men to the predations of what I call “Success Porn” brokers. One of the most fucked up outcomes of understanding how Blue Pill idealism affect men is the desire to capitalize on this weakness by Purple Pill life-coaching hacks. One in particular is RSD’s (Real Social Dynamics) new “get me a girlfriend game” program that, in my opinion, plays directly on this hopeful Blue Pill “make it work” idealism.

“Life Coaches” see this neediness as a perfect niche to sell Blue Pill dreams back to guys who want to cling to their Blue Pill security blankets in Red Pill awareness. How miraculous would it seem to think you’re Red Pill savvy enough to make all your old Blue Pill dreams – the ones you went through hell to disabuse yourself of – come true. Hacks like this are too happy to ruin your life for you in rekindling that fantasy as long as you buy the premier edition of their “program”. Caveat emptor.


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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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5 years ago

Totally agree with the assessment that all blue pill men are this way. If you really buy into blue pill beliefs of open communication and relational equity – a “sudden” break up is incredibly devestating.

I can definitely understand where he’s coming from – because that’s how it “feels”. And – as all good blue pill men – feelings are reality right?

Hopefully he can find some red pill truths to help him in his recovery.


[…] Blue Pill Trauma […]

Fnu Mnu Lnu
5 years ago

unfortunately, i think that men are becoming more blue pill over time.

the oldest boy who used to be my son, got married a year ago. i recently found out that he has added his wife’s maiden name to his, in a hyphenated “hers-his” format.

he’s a public school teacher, so i guess he’s bought in to the liberal/anti-patriarchy mindset.


5 years ago

Rollo, I´m curious why you categorize RSD as being blue pill. They have released videos recently where they say things like ¨The more beautiful a woman is, the more depraved and degenerate her boyfriend will be (due to hypergamy)¨ and talk about how telling girls that you have STDs and multiple baby mammas will actually increase her attraction for you due to preselection. They talk about how being a ‘fuckboy’ (massive disagreeable douche) is a great strategy if you want sex with attractive young women. These seem like raw truths that are the very opposite of blue pill. Do you… Read more »

5 years ago
Reply to  PussyKilla

Your comment speaks for itself. He linked to his “purple pill” which answers your question. Of course, seeing how you keep parroting the phrase, “mutually beneficial relationship” I’d suspect you are guilty of this as well, just as I was when I was newly unplugged. The hardest part of unplugging is accepting that being in a relationship is never “mutually* beneficial. That is blue pill thinking my friend. Best case scenario: You will benefit only slightly, while she benefits a lot. That’s if you are truly red pilled and know what you’re getting yourself into. The only reason you should… Read more »

5 years ago

” … I´m curious why you categorize RSD as being blue pill…

Lmmfao till I shart my pants.

5 years ago
Reply to  Blaximus

Dude, I´ve probably had way more successful relationships and fucked way more women than you have. Though I suppose from your MGTOW outlook, that makes me ´blue pill´. Before I had ever even heard the term ´the game´ I had multiple long term relationships going on simultaneously. I´ve lived with two girlfriends in the same house and probably had more three ways than you even have notches. Why? Because I´ve always had a high sex drive, and I always put effort into making sure I had access to enough pussy to keep me satisfied. I improved my skills over the… Read more »

5 years ago
Reply to  Blaximus

By the way Blaximus, you´re the exact type of person that should study RSD, Rollo, or anyone else who gives game advice. If you actually watched one of their videos, you´d notice that one of the first things they, or any other game teacher, advises is to take women off the pedestal. Half their videos are them clowning on modern women, talking about how vapid and childish they are, how stupid their lifestyles are, how they eat shitty food and don´t do exercise, and hit the wall by 30. Anyone who actually goes out an interacts with hot women –… Read more »

5 years ago

Poosykilla RSD teaches, among other things, the pedestalization of random assed chicks. The options that are left for men are the exact same one’s that men have been born with ( Ballz and Brains and Brawn ). Anything, and I mean ANYTHING that teaches a man to make any woman a ” mission ” or a reason for doing anything is something men need to divorce themselves from asap. Pussy on the brain via encouragement is less than weak. Faking shit to impress women into bed is for kids/teen boys – not grown ass men. ANy grinning fuckwad that espouses… Read more »

5 years ago

…. goddamned Drama classes

5 years ago


See, this shit here burns muh nuts.

The guy – pussykilla, seems like he cannot fathom how to have a ” relationship ” with a female outside of PUA teaching, even the bullshit pedestal/ Laughing boy crap. All of the fucking essays here, and some dudes just cannot get it, or have been so hypnotized by some boot camping Svengalis that everything else just doesn’t compute any longer.



Okay. Woo-Saahhh.

I’m done.

5 years ago

” Dude, I´ve probably had way more successful relationships and fucked way more women than you have…”


You don’t come here often huh?

5 years ago
Reply to  Blaximus

I have no doubt that your time spent on internet forums puts me to shame – because I actually go out.

5 years ago
Reply to  PussyKilla

Alinsky called, he wants his book back.

5 years ago

OK, I am definitely on Candid Camera.

5 years ago

That’s precious though.

5 years ago

Ohhhh, okay. How about this here _ You’re right, I’m wrong, and I have no clue what the hell I’m talking about. If only I’d gone out more in life. If only I still went out. If only I could die going out and hanging out. We can go out forever and ever and ever and ever... Nothing is more important. I’m ashamed, because I’ve wasted 57 years on this earth, and I still don’t know shit, don’t have a clue what Game is, and I no longer suffer through RSD videos ( yes, I have watched quite a few… Read more »

5 years ago
Reply to  Blaximus

That´s all you got Blaximus? A little whiny sarcasm, and you capitulate? I find it sad, but most men are like you. I see it all the time when I go out. I´ll be talking to a girl in a group with a couple other guys. For a while, they´ll try to hang on in the conversation, but I just keep cutting off their conversational threads, talking louder, and redirecting the girl´s attention to me. It usually only takes about fifteen minutes before they become demoralized and sulk away. I guess most men just don´t have the stomach for a… Read more »

Not Born This Morning
5 years ago

Holy shit! Can it get any worse than this? How old is this turd? GROW THE FUCK UP JAKE!!! DO YOU HEAR THIS? GROW THE FUCK UP!!!! “……I can’t talk to them about it. And I just cant seem to talk to my family about this because for the first time in our relationship I don’t care what anyone else thinks about us.” Those words reveal A LOT about what is really going on in Jakes mind and his real motives whether he is honest about them or not. First, he is intentionally hiding something about the “relationship” from his… Read more »

Not Born This Morning
5 years ago

PUA is for poser sissys who want everyone, especially themselves, to believe they are not sissys. You can’t put wings on a pig and expect it to fly like an eagle. There is no fuck by number. The universe did not make fuck that way. Thank God it didn’t. It would be boring impotent limp dick sissy fuck.

5 years ago

Any reasonable-sounding comment/question/argument containing these 3 trigger words:

“beautiful women”
“using game in a sentence having anything to do with bedding said beautiful women”

will be met with former pussy slayer, Blax, predictable reaction.

To Blax, any man spending any fraction of his day thinking about strategies/tactics/frames you want to set in an interaction, the way you dress/approach/talk/touch/look at a girl, like Blax once a upon a time spent his time thinking about, is putting women on a pedestal

5 years ago


Lol. You’re killing me.

I guess this is your first time here?

5 years ago

Oh, God, I cringe reading this. I cringe hard. My hope is that all it takes is one for this guy. Mine took two marriages detonating and I still have traces of that Blue Pill that appear unbidden at the oddest of times like bad PTSD memories. I do know that getting divorced-raped the first time and cucked the second still wasn’t enough to re-wire me despite my delving in RP. It took a third woman acting really badly to finally let the old set of books fall into the fire. That one was actually the hardest because I actually… Read more »

5 years ago

Funny. Lets you and Blaximus fight. Blax will stay discussing things for 4 seconds. RSD just doesn’t get it because they are selling, selling and always being closing successfully. They don’t have time to invest in developing pussy chasers into Red Pill masculine men. You can kill pussy all you want but pussy is a complement to your life not the focus of it. RSD is selling you on making it the focus of your life. But until it is not. You seem healthy, even if you haven’t given any of your fucking demographics. No one here is saying pussy… Read more »

5 years ago
Reply to  SJF

I do not believe that anyone but oneself can determine what the focus of one´s life should be. That is a deep philosophical question which no pickup company, blog or online movement can answer. The beauty of life is that everyone is free to find their own meaning. Personally, I don´t care what any ideology tells me a man ´should be´. I live for myself and my own internal satisfaction, so I am unconcerned if my life meets some standard someone else invented. That being said, there are plenty of useful ideas on this blog. I have never seen relationships… Read more »

5 years ago
Reply to  SJF

I think the criticism that RSD is pumping people up with tons of empty marketing hype is actually a much more substantial criticism. A lot of their content is just ra-ra marketing BS. You have to sift through that stuff to absorb the useful stuff that they contribute. They put out valuable content about the game, but unfortunately I think that they believe it is necessary to surround that content with a bunch of CLICK HERE TO BECOME THE GOD OF YOUR DREAMS shit to make people notice it. A lot of it does fall into the unrealistic promise category,… Read more »

5 years ago

In that last comment, forgot to post this at the 29:25 mark.Rollo’s answer to Pussy guys question. I don’t think Rollo explains it well, though so don’t take it as something that you accept as real. RSD stuff is consumable if you take it for what it is. It is not Red Pill. It has a lot of potential harm in a Blue Pill way for men that are not Alpha masculine. Some of us prefer real, as opposed to a bill of goods. We’ve lived an Anti-fragile inter-sexual masculine life and realize some foibles one might encounter. So… Read more »

5 years ago

“As a result, the Blue Pill mind automatically defaults to self-blame and looks to find ways to negotiate some kind of new work-program that will ‘fix’ the ‘broken’ relationship he somehow caused. Blue Pill conditioned men are still men, and as such they default to the deductive reasoning that we’re largely predisposed to.”
Cortana was the girlfriend who left.
Color BLue

More Axes
More Axes
5 years ago

@PussyKilla “I´m curious why you categorize RSD as being blue pill” He said they were “purple pill” guys that PLAYED into mens BLUE PILL idealism. For example the very first words on the get me girlfriend page “STOP GETTING DISRESPECTED, GET A MODEL GIRLFRIEND, AND MAKE HER STAY WITH YOU FOREVER!” The “MAKE HER STAY WITH YOU FOREVER” (and ever and ever and never be apart) part is the epitome of the blue pill mindset, and is what gets guys. Does that answer your question ? There also other stuff if you read down the page words like “perfect” and… Read more »

5 years ago

More Axes, I agree that a lot of that marketing copy is silly BS. RSD seems to use the same generic internet marketing formula for every email they send out. It´s pretty annoying. I skip past all that stuff and try to home in on the actual content between the marketing slime.

5 years ago

Well we can keep careening from Apex fallacy to Nadir fallacy. Pussy Killa. You seem fine. You really want to come in here at a seven year old blog, with a legacy. And Shit Test? Rollo’s Red Pill brand has a legacy. It has a knowledge base. You want to come and offhand question it? maybe you should understand your question. Red pill is questioning your beliefs and experiences. It is a LIminal Space with Liminal Space tactics. Questioning your former self and not having a plastic bubble protecting your ego investments. It’s a fucking learning space. Without denial, anger,… Read more »

5 years ago

You’re good, pussy killer. No harm, no foul up intil a woman fouls up your life.

Keep in mind, you are not here to misunderstand what is going on here. You are here to understand Red Pill awareness. Which is a large tool box for intersexual performance. PUA has similar tools. They tend to be limited.

You don’t want to flame out at some point.

One of my posts got erased by me.

But the gist was: imagine if you direct your life and she complies. There is nothing wrong with that. The opposite is Blue Pill.

5 years ago

Fuck Alinsky

ALINSKY: … if there is an afterlife, and I have anything to say about it, I will unreservedly choose to go to hell.


ALINSKY: Hell would be heaven for me. All my life I’ve been with the have-nots. Over here, if you’re a have-not, you’re short of dough. If you’re a have-not in hell, you’re short of virtue. Once I get into hell, I’ll start organizing the have-nots over there.

PLAYBOY: Why them?

ALINSKY: They’re my kind of people.

Don’t be a Dick.

5 years ago

PUA, no doubt, complements Red Pill, but only in a proper way.

Separate the wheat from the chaff.

5 years ago

“So far I have lost all the friends I’ve tried to unplug. So stop trying. Not everyone can desire to fight in fight club. “They’ve been in sexless / nominal rationed sex marriages. They are in Deida Stage II 50/50 ism. Buffers and self-limitations. DD 2: The working girl and the sensitive flow boy The cultural emergence of this stage started in paralell with feminism and the gender equality movement. In the 2nd stage, people seek to become more integrated human beings. The emergence of DD2 has lead to women embracing masculine values and opportunities, becoming tougher amd more… Read more »

5 years ago

In a masculine tribe?

Fuck not ranking or judging.

It s part of the territory.

Don’t not rank or judge your bottoms up buddies.

But be prepared for a lot of fucking washouts.

5 years ago

“I gave them the Rational Male and they stop returning my calls.”
Happen to me 5 times

5 years ago

Some relevant topics

5 years ago

People resist the Red Pill mindset because they correctly see that it is not compatible with human reproduction. It might work for frogs, who lay thousands of eggs and abandon them to their fate, but when you plant buns in oven, you perforce become deeply invested in the owner of that oven. Civilization worked by making women property and apportioning them out the bravest and most productive men in exchange for battles won and taxes paid. In Christendom, women were always free to refuse marriage, but their other option was to be locked in a convent until menopause, so most… Read more »

Culum Struan
Culum Struan
5 years ago

@PussyKilla – welcome to TRM. We need more men coming from your perspective especially since YaReally and Scray left. You’re wrong about Blax (or his background rather) but you’ll learn that over time if you keep hanging out here. I agree mostly with your points about RSD and I’m still not clear what Rollo finds objectionable about them and I’ve been here since the earliest comments about RSD. As for as I’m concerned the new self help pathway they are on to increase their market size and diversify from PUA is BS but the core PUA teachings – especially the… Read more »

5 years ago

In my view, much of what RSD and other PUA coaches teach is a set of behaviours, hacks and tricks for a man to become more appealing to women during the female carousel stage and to notch up as many lays as they can.

In many ways, PUA is a small subset of the Red Pill and quite often the gateway to Red Pill and MGTOW.

5 years ago

There’s an RSD chat group here in Liverpool UK.
I joined it and was thoroughly entertained by how they put pussy on a pedestal.
Lots of blue pill mindsets on there just with a few PUA “tools” in their pussy worshipping armoury.
A few of them got laid but never seemed to be able to keep a girl around.

It truly was “children with dynamite “ dream girl scenario played out and they had no idea what the problem was so off to watch the next RSD video.

5 years ago

Got into a chat with one RSD guy who was talking about the benefits of “getting in state” or “getting amped” before going out so he could approach FFS.

I told him to “ just be a MAN they’re only fucking girls! “. Apparently that doesn’t work according to RSD mythology.

Well no shit if you’re a pussy worshipping beta clown it won’t ! But I said be a MAN didn’t I?

Being a man is Too Hard apparently.

5 years ago

Reading that exchange reminds me of my own Blue pill beta days. There are a few times since then I’ve relapsed but then learned and recovered. Keeping grounded is important. The neediness and need for validation that comes with trying to save a sinking relationship is like a drug. But I’ve managed to overcome it with sometimes hilarious results. A plate I was banging suddenly wanted more. I just ignored her. So she sent an ultimatum text that we wouldn’t see or fuck each other until I made up my mind about her. I never replied. She sent mental and… Read more »

5 years ago

Anytime you criticize PUA or RSD, J will predictably attack the commenter.

J is a one trick pony and only comments on game or defending RSD or PUA.

5 years ago

@Rollo: a very compassionate break down of this guy’s breakdown. Perhaps he’ll read it and, more importantly, digest it.

Ghosting is the best course of action; not everyone can build their own Matrix.

5 years ago

A lot of it does fall into the unrealistic promise category, but the general idea that you can greatly improve your skills with women through hard work is a legit idea Legit, but you don’t make bucketloads of cash telling people that they can get what they want via hard work. So RSD markets quick fixes. I’m not saying that all their content is a quick fix–just some of the marketing I see. The “keep your girlfriend” mantra is Blue Pill because it reinforces men’s low self-esteem. This tells men that they have to “keep” a girlfriend. This is because… Read more »

5 years ago

I told him to “ just be a MAN they’re only fucking girls! “ Another version of my maxim, “Pussy is just pussy.” Being a man is Too Hard apparently. Brainwashed. These guys have a lot of emotional, ego investment in pedestalization of women and devaluation of men from cultural/educational brainwashing, which they apply to themselves. The brainwashing program is reinforced for years and years and years. It takes a huge effort to even see the brainwashing program (more like a whole lotta pain will maybe open a man’s eyes!), much less to combat it and remove it. Unless you… Read more »

5 years ago

Once again, there is no magic or tricks to having sex with women. They are the opposite sex. Why do you think they are here in the first place? What is the reason?😁 Sure, a guy can ” learn ” to imitate real make behaviors, but at some point it has to be expanded, defined and internalized. Full stop. Straddling the fence because ” pussy ” is the wrong path to take.. Get your mind right lest you wind up like the dude in Rollo’s essay. As far as our goes, I admit that it serves a purpose for a… Read more »

5 years ago

I think you misunderstand Blax. He really does not think about PUA stuff consciously at all. It’s internalised at such a deep level he’s not even conscious of it.

Blax would do well to use the velvet glove rather than the hammer to get his point across. Draw the newbie into a discussion that leads him into questioning his beliefs rather than unload a ton of bricks onto his head.

5 years ago

Hey ! I came here because my brother gave me the link to RM, after a divorce with two daughters. I read all the stuff for almost 2 Years and really enjoy the comments. In this time, I try to man up. It is not easy. I am 44, raised by a single Mom and employed in the public Sector, so not much Alpha Mojo. I spare you the unplugging process. However, after the first shock I tried out some new behaviour a watched closely. Never bevor in my I live watched how ideas and theorems “functioned“ so exact in… Read more »

5 years ago

Disgruntled Lol, you may be right, but I’m old and not all that good at the whole internet thing ( don’t tell my bosses ) so I ” talk ” to these young cats the same way I talk to young cats standing in front of me. If they can take something away from what I tell them, it’s all good. If they can’t or refuse, it’s equally as good. Some have to learn the hard way. I too was like that at one point. How newbs fire me out just a little but because they have been semi brainwashed.… Read more »

5 years ago

This kid sounding like YaReally LOL, is that you?

5 years ago

Watch the out guru over time as he ” slips ” into some kind of relationship and is promptly dismantled by it.

In 2015, Julien Blanc started his own company: JulienHimself and has shifted his teachings toward personal development and life-enrichment.

Well Julien is certainly slipping into “some kind” of relationship. Be careful of tagging along.

5 years ago

@walawala Things are going great with me in LTR. It’s healthy with me and my wife and I cultivate tribal guy friends. But I’m introverted by choice and only need a few guy friends at a time. The ones I have now I would pick over and over in a zombie apocalypse game. I have a good buddy that is red pill and single and not into relationships. He has Game skills. We were out the other night at the cigar lounge with another acquaintance that is a self assured/attractive guy. Bot the other guys were 61 y.o. There is… Read more »

5 years ago

Palma I’ve told him to man up as I’m not doing the running anymore and he needs to make some effort and get his arse on the train. You might challenge him and reinforce that challenge with a story from your youth, some adventure you had and leave off with an endearing “I thought you were made of the same stuff”. It needs to be endearing otherwise it’s too easy to overwhelm him [My dad is an asshole]. At the same time have some good stuff going on that he is going to miss if he doesn’t come. Carrots AND… Read more »

5 years ago

The only reason you should ever be in a LTR is if a woman shows you through her actions you are her best optimized ideal she can attain. Meaning she has stepped into your frame and is willing to play by your rules.

Have Hand and never lose it.

5 years ago
Reply to  Sentient

Much easier said than done.

5 years ago


He wanted to enter a relationship, she wanted to fuck him (and I presume did recently, call him up for booty call style) but didn’t trust him after a lot of on and offs between other relationships of his and hers.

Your friend’s problem here is she is playing her rolodex for exclusivity as he’s shown his hand he is ripe for it.

Anonymous Dude
Anonymous Dude
5 years ago

With regard to RSD, or game coaches, are they always bad? While I suppose it’s possible to go from blue pill beta to red pill thundercock in 24 hours, it’s very rare. Usually, unplugging is a process. I don’t know about the rest of you, but here was my process: 1. Strip away my mistaken beliefs about how women are. 2. Read a bunch of stuff about what women are actually like and what they want. 3. Try to become a guy that women want. 4. Realize that, holy crap, this stuff works. 5. Come to the realization that a… Read more »

5 years ago

@SJF If you were looking for plates to spin today, how would you go about it? I hear its tough out there. Tactics? Social circle? Lone wolf? In not a target rich environment? I live in a city with tons of women. I meet women or have met women: at latin dance nights, on public transportation, online, at events. Where I meet them is less important the game I run on them. This is not something you can “teach” a guy, he truly has to want to do this on his own. I have younger friends who only bang MILFs—because… Read more »

5 years ago

Tyler SO PUMPED to release this. Julien and I recorded it in 2015 – Julien was just coming off of #juliengate and I was just coming off of a horrible break up. We were both a mess at the time lol. Amazing to see how far we’ve been able to move forward. This is one of my fav vids we’ve done of all time. Hope you enjoy it! TONS more to come. This is just the beginning of a huge backlog of content I put my heart and soul into. Have fun! -Tyler Note the clip is from 2015…… Read more »

5 years ago

Curaitis “Therefore, what is the point anymore? The true beauties and hotties are only passing by. Your game skill will grant a few more or less bangs and bye. With the other stuff is no connection. It is as if I am an „alpha widower“, every plate makes me less bondable and burns my illusions…I became slowly what I despise, slutty. Sure I can build my mental point like improve, dress well, learn new skills, be successful in the job etc. but it feels hollow without am deep connection with a woman I want and who will set my heart… Read more »

5 years ago

So what you are saying Walawala is that a target rich environment, desire and mastery are key ingredients. Both these guys are skilled, but engaged in life, work and hobbies. Their energy investment needs to be more efficient. My bias is that investing in red pill guy friends can only benefit also (if they can be found).

5 years ago

Thanks for your reply. By the way “The gloss is off.” is also a german proverb. Mostly used when women get 30. 😉

Yeah, it was a cozy in Blue Pill Matrix. It is sometimes no easy to do the things my guts says and what somekind implanted Morale / Feminine Imperative utters.

Two years of unplugging and still so much to learn about Frame and Game.

5 years ago

@Curaitis I tried the German language once for several years. I’m one of the best students I know and it was too difficult for me. Mainly because I grew up all left brained. I visited Germany for a month in 1977. It changed my life. It made me realize that if life in America was a Game. I was going to play it damned well. And I did. Like Walter White in Breaking Bad. I think: “I Won…..” And the Red Pill has put The Gloss on That. Two years is just a start. Give it two more. Desire it… Read more »

5 years ago

When I was blue pill, I thought all the “pickup” and “game” stuff I “glanced” at was just asshole tactics. Not until I read Heartiste’s “Relationship Game Week Dave From Hawaii” post did it click. It showed real-life simple examples of how dudes in relationships F it up. That was the post that did it for me, so Google it then send it to the dudes you want to unplug. May help them too. I then found TRM and was sold on Red Pill for life.

5 years ago


Well he needs to know it’s OK to stand up to mom now and then. Mom’s are always going to try and keep boys from danger. I’ve had to coach my son to stand up to his mom on a few things, basically told him I had his back but he needed to push back. Valuable skill and opens their eyes to the nature of women.

5 years ago

Investing time with Red Pill friends is time well-spent. But in my experience my two Red Pill friends are always so busy slaying pussy and doing their own thing they’re not so available.

Basically, I’ve learned most guys don’t want to adopt the Red Pill, they feel guilty for even indulging in these ideas and beliefs that society around them has drilled into their heads is evil, hateful, mysoginistic and will land them in jail if they make a move on a woman.

5 years ago

That Dave from Hawaii story was fucking great.

5 years ago

RSD just posted a video on YouTube “Witness incredible traumas WOMEN have caused: How to spot toxic personalities (BPD and Sociopath)”. It is 88 minutes long.

They can’t take the heat when Rollo calls them out as “Purple Pill Hacks”. I have not watched it, but I bet they have taken the talking points from Red Man Group episode on Dangerous Personalities …. but tempered down with blue pilled ideas.

5 years ago

“She’s petrified that if (when) he gets wings he’ll clear off completely.” That day will come. When it does he will be in a Liminal Space When it does he needs to investigate what he was taught wrong and not have a safety protective bubble around him. You’ve done that with your life Palmasailor. You have reference experiences of that. Investigating your past beliefs and reference experiences and not having a safety bubble around you and then penetrating the world. Read Dave Gray’s book Liminal Thinking. It is short, simple and sweet. It gives process to liminal thinking. You can… Read more »

5 years ago

@Blaximus, yep, especially the KFC example that I’ll post here: ““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““ I changed our relationship dynamic after learning about game.I stopped always asking her what she wants and started being decisive while playing up the mysterious angle. Here was a typical scenario back then: HER: “I’m hungry.” ME: “What do you want to eat?” HER: “I don’t know…” ME: “How about McDonalds?” HER: “I dunno.” ME: “How about Taco bell?” HER: {shrugs} ME: “KFC? I know you really like the original recipe chicken dinner…” HER: “well yeah…” ME: “OK, great, let’s go!” Drives to the KFC drive-thru. ME: I’ll have… Read more »

5 years ago

From the essay: “most of them will fight you tooth and nail for trying to convince them they were raised the wrong way.” When you carefully observe, this is the most common response from these guys, it’s interesting to see it’s a very natural response as if it’s hindbrain programmed or something. In my IT workplace our my team consists of 9 individuals , 7 guys and 2 women. The 2 girls are Indian and so are 3 of the guys, one of the Indian girls who is at best a married 4 in her thirties has the entire team… Read more »

5 years ago

One observation.

I would argue that even if youre Red Pill aware, but are not following the RP principles effectivelly, leading, gaming, frame control etc .. and she leaves, its still clearly your fault rather than hers, its not just a blue bill occurance.

I reckon either way, unless shes a bi polar freakshow, its always the mans fault when a relatonship goes south. A woman only reacts to what her man projects, essentially bein a mirror.

5 years ago
Reply to  Rudd

The sun is the man creating light.

The moon is the woman reflecting the sun’s light in different ways depending on the on the time of the month.

5 years ago

comment image

5 years ago

Newly One of the hallmarks of dumb fuckery I engaged in when I tried to be more ” feeling ” and ” inclusive ” in my first marriage included the endless ” what would you like to eat hiney? ” shit. Traditionally, I would go out to eat or eat at home, and wifey had to just go with it. Occasionally I’d ask something rapid fire like ” I feel like eating at The Stuft Shirt you dfeel like eating at the stuft shirt it sounds good, let’s go… “. When we were out I’d order her food and drinks… Read more »

5 years ago

It’s interesting to see how all encompassing being your own mental point of origin can be. There’s really no mystery after that. In this case he’d never be this beholden to her validation nor would he be so confused as to where he should spend his energy. I was having a beer with acquaintance last night and he was telling me about this girl, his ONE. She moved away, started fucking some guy who beats her, moved back, got back with my acquaintance and after 2 months cut it off cause she’s still talking to the guy who beat her.… Read more »

Not Born This Morning
5 years ago

“Today, in our post Sexual Revolution dystopia, the idea that a woman might be personally or socially expected to compromise her Hypergamous stakes in life is met with that reflexive, feral, survival instinct. This is why women bristle at the idea that they might ever need to “settle” on Mr. Good Enough once they reach their sexual market expiration date. It’s like telling their hindbrains that they need to consider spending the rest of their lives invested in children that aren’t as good as they might be had they held out a little longer. Hypergamy bets a woman’s life on… Read more »

5 years ago

… If you were to ask my wife today, she’d tell you I’m an asshole😂 she had to be put in check yesterday and her feelz are bruised. She’ll live and she’s just been reminded that I don’t like repeating myself.😂😂

I’d get the key phrase that got her was ” your job is to stfu and listen “. Point driven home with index finger firmly pointing against granite counter. The clint Eastwood” talking through gritted teeth ” thing just organically happened.

5 years ago

back to rollo’s excellent post – perfect example of why “open communication” and “baring your soul” in a relationship never work for a man

it’s a macro shit test – a man communicating his vulnerability to a woman will counter-intuitively engender distrust, distain and disgust in the woman requesting that “communication”

a man must always refuse to engage in girltalk

the game never stops, never forget it

Not Born This Morning
5 years ago

“When men ask me, “Rollo, my friend, brother, dad, are heading towards something awful, how do I get them to realize they need to unplug?” I have to say wait for the right time.“ But these guys, family, and friends are the worst to try to bring to the light. Family has too many other entanglements and if a friend is beta, them you probably are also,beta. Birds of a feather flock together. There is a certain amount and type of respect that a non family member or stranger receives simply by not being associated in those ways. This is… Read more »

5 years ago

Isn’t the first axiom of unplugging “Show don’t tell”?

What’s the point of going through laborious conversations with someone deep in blue pill idealism?
Especially if you’re with a bunch of friends and you’re the only one unplugged. That’s like swimming upstream with ankle weights.

Rollo’s on cue with this. You need to plant the harpoon when they show their underbelly, the ‘cruel to be kind’ sort of therapy.

5 years ago

“@SJF Investing time with Red Pill friends is time well-spent. But in my experience my two Red Pill friends are always so busy slaying pussy and doing their own thing they’re not so available.” When the one red pill buddy comes around that resonates with you, you’ll have no doubt. Look at the resonation in Rollo’s Red Man Group. It is fun as hell. I had to get comfortable over the last 10 years with men ghosting, or not resonating, and me not getting the opportunity to have a buddy. Just like chicks. A lot slide through your fingers. It… Read more »

Not Born This Morning
5 years ago

“Life Coaches” see this neediness as a perfect niche to sell Blue Pill dreams back to guys who want to cling to their Blue Pill security blankets in Red Pill awareness. How miraculous would it seem to think you’re Red Pill savvy enough to make all your old Blue Pill dreams – the ones you went through hell to disabuse yourself of – come true. Hacks like this are too happy to ruin your life for you in rekindling that fantasy as long as you buy the premier edition of their “program”. Caveat emptor.“ Yes, and those words MAY help… Read more »

5 years ago

He’d been in this emotional roller coaster for 14 years AND would take her back if he could. His answer didn’t change even when I suggested he not allow her near his house, pension, career etc…

Some people will need to destroy themselves before they unplugg.

He has feeeeelz. Gee, I wonder why so many women generally despise men. And when they run into one who won’t let women walk all over them, those women will chase them from here to kingdom come.

Gamer Maxim: Enforce your boundaries.

5 years ago

@Blaximus, Yeah, I did the meal thing too. Even with ex girlfriends long before the wife. That’s why when I read it, it clicked so hard for me. That example broke through my buffers that game was just asshole advice. I didn’t understand “game” at that moment, I didn’t understand kino. I didn’t understand IOI’s, but I did understand that I had been F#cking up unnecessarily. Another analogy that did it for me was an analogy I read about how girls and game were like a kickball game. Imagine playing kickball against a team that sucked and you ran up… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

When I was blue pill, I thought all the “pickup” and “game” stuff I “glanced” at was just asshole tactics. Not until I read Heartiste’s “Relationship Game Week Dave From Hawaii” post did it click.

You aren’t the first, last or only man to have benefited from that essay. It is a step-by-step, a mini-diagnostic, a true story, a “you can do this too” help piece all in one. Drop by his blog, “hawaiian libertarian” under the name “Keoni Galt” sometime and thank him.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

Rollo in the OP <A lot of people will tell you that it’s manipulative to lay the Red Pill on a guy who’s at his most vulnerable, but it requires a stripping away of all the Blue Pill pretense and mind-fuckery to really make a cogent case and unplug the guy. Because a man who is blue-pilled gets dopamine hits from his beliefs, he’s in a sense addicted to that mindset. Just as an alcoholic can be talked to endlessly with no results until hitting rock bottom, most blue pilled Betaized men have so many buffers, so many rationalizations, so… Read more »

Chump No More
Chump No More
5 years ago

“When men ask me, “Rollo, my friend, brother, dad, are heading towards something awful, how do I get them to realize they need to unplug?” I have to say wait for the right time.“ I was the poster child for this. My 1st wife’s branch swing nearly unmade me and what was my response? Yep, double down. It took the 2nd failing in similarly spectacular fashion for my paradigm to be utterly smashed. Common denominator was me. I had to rebuild myself from the ground up and TRP was my guide. A man must have his paradigm completely shattered… all… Read more »

5 years ago

Article is a great reminder about why we don red pill lenses.

In other news, Rollo, guys…check this out👇

I’m sure you’ll want to do something this Rollo, Carl too.

5 years ago

“A man must have his paradigm completely shattered… all the way down, especially including the BP foundation. There must be nothing left to rebuild from, no old illusions to hold on to.”
That resonates deeply I never appreciated myself until losing the parts that hurt and killed me.

Trent Lane
Trent Lane
5 years ago

I know one guy in my personal life that I can seriously see cracking some time in the future. He ist blue pill to the core, like literally the bluest of blue. And he ain’t the brightest either. He is fifty, divorced, has two grown sons. His wife kicked him out for good some years ago and ever since then he’s trying to get a woman, any woman, as if his life depends on it (which, in his world view, it does). But he can’t. He’s physically unattractive with zero game, a huge fat fucker, loud and overbearing and honestly… Read more »

having a bad day
having a bad day
5 years ago

@Rollo Believe me, I still get frustrated today. I see stories about how a guy like the one in the discussion above here is on the verge of despondency or suicide because they’re unable or unwilling to consider anything outside the box that the Blue Pill will allow for. That’s a pretty serious thought. Blue Pill conditioning, and a guy’s capacity to break away from it, is literally a matter of life and death. Now, imagine you’re a Red Pill aware man and you have the experience of seeing your best friend or brother’s descent into relationship madness only because… Read more »

5 years ago

tht most blue pill move ever happened with a co-worker. to prove his “love” after only 6 months into the relationship, he not only proposed but added her to his home-buying paperwork. guess what happened next… do i have to tell you? after the closing, she moved in… said she wasn’t ready for marriage… then 3 months later took off with another guy. now he can’t sell the house without her… and without her getting her ‘cut.’ and she reminds him of it every time he mentions selling it. complete fucking idiot. i gave him the rational male book and… Read more »

5 years ago

* golf clap *

5 years ago

@Blaximus Buddy, “Sometimes we can mistakenly see deferment as showing love to a woman. After all we are bigger and stronger, so we tend to mentally and verbally submit thinking she’ll appreciate the gesture – or even recognize it. Nah, it turns her stomach, and idgaf how much they may protest to the opposite. We are the ” romantics “, and we’re best served by recognizing this and getting control over those urges. We cannot defer under most circumstances. We can achieve this without miscalibrating ourselves into unbearable asshole territory ( although every so often ” asshole ” may… Read more »

5 years ago

Frame provides value. Blax’s lack of leadership in choosing a restaurant was a lack of providing a frame…hence, his value was diminished. Mrs. Gamer frequently asks me questions…if I don’t care about the issue, I don’t bother trying to lead, because what’s the point? I expect to choose a restaurant and let Mrs. Gamer choose what she wants to eat. Yesterday I wanted Mrs. Gamer to look at a pic of Tony Hix of The Hollies ™ because he looked a lot like I did when we were young. Could be twins. Mrs. Gamer at the time was watching a… Read more »

5 years ago


Lol, that wasn’t ruthless. Ruthless for me, is a whole other level.

5 years ago


Heres the link to Max’s Girlfriend Game product. You can judge for yourself whether his relationship advice is Blue Pill or not:!XLpiWC5Y!YXYA6uo_83p7HdPohW_HFQ

5 years ago

So what Max is saying is that his Girlfriend Game product has a 99% failure rate.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

eating at The Stuft Shirt you dfeel like eating at the stuft shirt it sounds good, let’s go…

Dang. Earlier in the year I drove end to end on the Jersey turnpike but din’t think to check Yelp for The Stuft Shirt. I feel cheated…

5 years ago

“It’s internalised at such a deep level he’s not even conscious of it” Yes and how did he get to that level? Was he just born being able to pickup girls or was is the result of hard work in the field (aka blax’s thousands of hours interacting with females on a daily basis when he went to school with the intention of getting laid (a lot of us former incels NEVER spoke to a hot girl. Hard to believe? Believe it) and in addition to that, daygamed multiple times a week (supermarkets or wherever he went). Thats how you… Read more »

Agent P
Agent P
5 years ago


5 years ago

Interesting read on being weak and the consequence around you.

5 years ago


“Lol, that wasn’t ruthless. Ruthless for me, is a whole other level.”

You’re worried about what the word ruthless means for your young men mentees.

It spells trouble. Because of the lack of masculine strength in boys these days. Lack of courage mastery and honor.

But those young men should more toward your fearless-ness without getting in trouble.

Strength, courage, mastery and honor among men.

Because of the Feminine Supremacism.

Because of, like, the shit that is going on with Urban Meyer, Ohio State coach this week.

Culum Struan
Culum Struan
5 years ago

@j – you don’t need to sell me on this dude. I was an incel virgin till I was 24, then I lucked into a few lays, and then I ended up in a very LTR for many years till I finally started to get good in my 30s when that ended (first kiss at 23 – pretty much begged a girl who had already friendzoned me – and first lay at 24). I understand where you’re coming from and I agree with you. But I also get where the older guys are coming from. Theasdgamer talks nonsense of course,… Read more »

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