Dangerous Times – Part 2

The fulfillment of your own sexuality is nothing less than your battle for existence. – Pook

If you’ve been wondering what I’ve been doing lately over the past week I took it upon myself to read through the 7,000 word short story “Cat Person” that’s recently gone viral. The author, 36 year old Kristen Roupenian, was also offered a one million dollar book deal to expand the story even further. You too can read the whole thing if you have the stomach, but it reads every bit like the passive-aggressive indirection I’d expected it would coming from a less-than Hypergamously satisfied woman who’s well past the Wall. Rather than craft a concrete article about her own inner conflict (and by association all women’s conflict) of having ‘inconvenient’ casual sex, she thought she wanted, we get an overwritten fiction that sock-puppets herself as the main character.

If this book does publish, trust me, it wont be a new 50 Shades of Grey. Cat Person  resonates with women today because we now live in the #MeToo era of moral panic inspired by the same Future is Female outrage brokers who brought us pink pussy knitted caps and the women’s march in the wake of Hillary Clinton’s defeat. I decided to split this series of essays into two parts because at this moment in history we are beginning to see the culmination of the predictions I alluded to in my essay, The Political is Personal. We are seeing, in real time, just how a feminine-primary social order and a growing female supremacism consolidates its power. But as I outlined in that essay, this power is always predicated on the hope of ensuring the largest pool of women are legally and socially entitled to the unquestioned, and unmerited, optimization of Hypergamy.

Any man with a Red Pill Lens reading through Cat Person will easily pick out the social conventions and rationalizations unique to women’s ‘hamstering’ (“Flirting with her customers was a habit she’d picked up back when she worked as a barista, and it helped with tips.”) that the manosphere has been picking apart for almost two decades now. And, like most women, the female readership find nothing inconsistent or conflicting about any of it. Roupenian breezes through the ins and outs of women’s sexual pluralism and the differences between transactional (Beta) and validational (Alpha) sex without so much as an afterthought – and her readers eat it up with the same solipsism.

However, the overarching concern for women about this story is the issue of the newly coined term “enthusiastic consent”. Our poor Margot (the main character and proxy for the author, and ultimately all women) is torn up by a casual sexual encounter that at first she thought she wanted, but later, even after giving the guy the green light to have sex with her, she loses enthusiasm to bang him. Yet, not to be rude or to create an uncomfortable scene, she goes through with the inconvenient, lack luster, sex because it was easier to say yes than to say no.

There are other names for this kind of sex: gray zone sex, in reference to that murky gray area of consent; begrudgingly consensual sex, because, you know, you don’t really want to do it but it’s probably easier to just get it over with; lukewarm sex, because you’re kind of “meh” about it; and, of course, bad sex, where the “bad” refers not to the perceived pleasure of it, but to the way you feel in the aftermath.

Essentially, this shift from Yes Means Yes consent to Enthusiastic Consent ask the last questions in women’s social consolidation of Hypergamy:

“Must I still have to have transactional sex with Betas if all my provisional needs are more or less met?”

“If I’m an ’empowered’ woman, am I not entitled to the sex I want to have with Alpha men that validate both my hindbrain and my ego?”

“Can transactional sex with Betas be used as leverage to extort resources from them at any future date by redefining that undesired sex as ‘rape’?”

Curb Your “Enthusiasm”

The reason I believe that Roupenian’s future book will fall flat is because the viral conversation her short story elicits is about a new terminology that the Feminine Imperative hopes to insert into the public sphere – that of ‘enthusiastic consent‘ being the only legitimate form of consent a woman can give a man. Anything less than genuine enthusiasm (however this is arbitrarily defined by women) is at best illegitimate consent and at worst rape – even if every indicator a woman gives a man prior to, during and after sex says ‘yes’ she still means ‘no’ and, as we’ll see here, it will be incumbent on that man to be an adequate mindreader and sexual evaluator to determine her real degree of ‘enthusiasm’ both in the moment and into the future.

There’s a lot to unpack here, but I wanted to begin with a comment I received last week:

If you read feminist literature, the intent behind “enthusiastic consent” seems to have good intentions. Its based on the following purported beliefs:

  • That there is a huge incidence of coerced sex and sexual contact, which is mostly inadvertent rather than malicious. The best way to correct this is to teach men the principles of EC. 
  • That the idea of a sharp Alpha/Beta divide in men’s sexual attractiveness is a myth propagated by the misogynistic Right. Furthermore, girls and women have a realistic idea of their own SMV and will be attracted to their male equivalent.

Thus, feminists believe a free sexual market will see assortive mating with both men and women being able to get a similar amount of sex. This is why when men complain of the difficulty of getting sex, many women will retort that it must be because they are only chasing “supermodels”.

Look at Charlie Rose, is this a man with any Red Pill at all? Giving shoulder rubs to office girls, showing porn to a couple, this is all high school Beta stuff. But he had a TV show that lots of famous people wanted to get on. Clearly Beta-ized, but a situational Alpha. In my not so humble opinion most of the #MeToo girls are going after former situational Alphas because they turned out to be Blue Pill Beta after all…they feel cheated, and are just so sure that all the other girls got to ride a real Alpha pony on the carousel, so the fury comes out.

The ‘enthusiastic’ consent social push we are just on the cusp of today is the next progression in the larger goal of feminism – removing all constraints on female sexuality while maximally restricting male sexuality. ‘Enthusiastic consent’ will be the raison d’etat for the legislation leading to the outlawing of any form of male sexual expression.

From The Political is Personal:

The inherent insecurity that optimizing Hypergamy poses to women is so imperative, so all-consuming, to their psychological wellbeing that establishing complex social orders to facilitate that optimization were the first things women collectively constructed when they were (nominally) emancipated from men’s provisioning around the time of the sexual revolution.

Ensuring the optimization of women’s biologically prompted Hypergamy is literally the basis of our current social order. On a socio-political scale what we’re experiencing is legislation and cultural mandates that better facilitate Alpha Fucks and Beta Bucks.

[…]As Open Hypergamy becomes more institutionalized and made a societal norm by the Feminine Imperative, and as more men become Red Pill aware (by effort or consequences) because of it, the more necessary it will become for a feminine-primary social order to legislate and mandate men comply with it.

As much as I’d like to believe that normalizing ‘enthusiastic consent’ may lead to women overplaying their hand, I have to consider how the specificity of defining consent will also redefine past sexual norms and intersexual dynamics; not just among single individuals having loosely defined “consensual” sex, but also married couples and how sex (or lack thereof) defines their relationships. As if the men of today needed one more reason to be wary of marriage and how it will eventually affect their sex lives, now we can add the potential for ‘marital rape’ accusations based on EC (enthusiastic consent) to that list; and all in light of women’s less than enthusiastic response to any of her husband’s advances. God forbid a mewling Beta pouts his way into this grey zone ‘duty sex’ with his unenthusiastic wife.

What were witnessing here is the insertion of college campus consent laws into Marriage 2.0, and as designed its intent is to further disrupt marriage and family. Even in the old books presumptions about marriage a man could expect his commitment to a wife and family meant a plenary exchange of sexual access. But when enthusiastic consent is a prerequisite for legitimizing sexual encounters, anything resembling a woman’s putting out duty sex for her husband, even starfish lack luster obligatory sex is defined as rape.

I got the following comment from last week’s Red Pill Reddit forum repost:

The fundamental driver is removal of female responsibility for her actions, pushing all responsibility onto men. Whatever happens between a man and a woman, women universally agree that the man is to blame for any and all results, including her subsequent regret.

Responsibility used to be on women to say “no” if she wanted to claim rape. This responsibility has been removed. No longer does she have to verbalise lack of consent. No longer does she even have to verbalise actual consent. She can decide after the fact…. years after the fact…. whether her consent was in fact enthusiastic enough, and she can base that on her future feelings. “But did you enthusiastically scream yes?” her friends will ask, which is more than the police or the public will subsequently ask of her.

Women side with women. Whiteknights, weak Betas and naive Blue Pill fools side with women. Everyone agrees women are right and men are wrong.

And this is the intended result: women are not to be held responsible for their actions. They are not to be held responsible at any cost – including the destruction of male lives.

I presented this point in Men and Suicide, but just to recap, on a subconscious level women will always seek to absolve themselves of complicity in men’s personal destruction. This extends from destroying mens lives due to regrets over not optimizing Hypergamy, to any concern over men committing suicide. At present, women are attempting to reconcile ‘bad sex’ with ‘inconvenient sex’ they have in spite of themselves. However, the same absolution of any inherent complicity in this ‘transactional’ sex ends with blaming men for women’s lack of agency or self-moderation:

Bad sex isn’t even necessarily coercive. I’m talking about having a sexual encounter you don’t want to have because in the moment it seems easier to get it over with than it would be to extricate yourself.

Young women say yes to sex they don’t actually want to have all of the time. Why? Because we condition young women to feel guilty if they change their mind. After all, you’ve already made it back to his place, or you’re already on the bed, or you’ve already taken off your clothes, or you’ve already said yes. Do you really want to have an awkward conversation about why you want to stop? What if it hurts his feelings? What if it ruins the relationship? What if you seem like a bitch?

The problem in this rationale isn’t about women changing their mind or feeling guilty – those are excuses for male-initiated victimhood for women and absolve women’s complicity – rather, the focus should be on the fact that women going through with this type of sex presently have the option to ruin a man’s life at any future date by defining it as ‘unwanted sex’. Ella Dawson may not want to conflate transactional, Beta sex as rape, but that’s where this conversation is leading us to.

Is it OK for Alpha Males?

I apologize for forgetting who it was that sent me this link, but the present day #MeToo moral panic combined with notions of “enthusiastic consent” and a resulting atmosphere of fear in intersexual dynamics was predicted as far back as 2004, and by a woman no less:

Sexual harassment is a crime committed by beta-males who think they can get away with alpha behavior. But that is a distinction too delicate for the blunt instrument of the law. How do you explain to a judge why one man’s comedy is another man’s bone-chilling lechery? And can we really expect the beta-males themselves to understand the difference?

I found this article very prescient about our present moral panic. In the last two posts I’ve made the case that what were finally seeing on a social scale is the consolidation of women’s entitlement to an almost socialistic guarantee of optimized Hypergamy. Through any number of direct and indirect institutions we’ve now virtually guaranteed women a right to Beta men’s resources, protection and provisioning as well as a dominant social status above them both at home and in the workplace. Whether overtly or covertly, women dominate Beta men; the last piece of consolidating Hypergamy is then the (at least partial) control of Alpha Fucks.


As we move into 2018 – an era to be defined even more thoroughly by the Future is Female, #MeToo and Enthusiastic Consent – I believe we’ll see a push for the following:

  • Sexual harassment will indeed be a crime committed by Beta males who fail at a convincing ‘Alpha’ behavior. As such the push will be to get Beta men to self-police their behavior via fear. There will be a doubling down on the part of Blue Pill White Knights and ‘Feminist Allies’ in the wake of the social and legal options women will have to be believed of men’s sexual misconduct allegations by default. Feminized men will “try harder” and rat out their rivals for any hint of misconduct in an Orwellian effort to be more appealing and identifying with women.
  • Only confident Alpha men, or men well versed in Game, will be allowed to approach women from a perspective of social acceptability. However, even then it will be a woman’s prerogative to later define that approach or subsequent interaction as harassment if that Alpha doesn’t comply with a woman’s long term security needs, provisioning and parental investment ‘entitlements’. The latent purpose of a suspension of the statutes of limitation for sexual harassment will center on locking down (perceptually) Alpha men in a long term relationship.
  • This new feminine-primary sexual paradigm will further limit Beta men’s sexual access and increase reproduction stress in the few Beta men who don’t pragmatically drop out of the sexual marketplace altogether. This will also reinforce boys/men’s conditioning of loathing their own gender. They will be taught to accept this feminine-primary sexual strategy, as well as the legal restrictions  on his power of choice and his life’s direction as the societal norm.
  • Legal mandates and societal mores will directly and indirectly ensure Beta men’s compliance in all aspects of parental investment in children he was not biologically responsible for, as well as women’s long term security.

Now, more than ever it is imperative that men become Red Pill awakened and see the writing on the wall with a Red Pill Lens. All of this may seem horribly unavoidable, but let me emphasize, it’s not for men who are aware of, and have internalized intersexual dynamics and can plan accordingly.

In the last installment of this series I’ll be delving into some of the larger socio-sexual implications of where we find ourselves today and where I see present day intersexual relations leading us in a larger scale as well as what Red Pill men can do to win at whats becoming a very dangerous game.


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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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6 years ago

“However, if the second part were true there would be no need for the red pill or blogs like this one. I wish it was that simple.” Hi Vektor, Bear with me here. I’ll try to keep it concise and assume you know a lot. Not simply done. Uncomplicated in moving parts. Let’s put a tack in the intersexual dynamic macrocosm for a moment and talk the individual. The macro is a collection of individuals isn’t it? Example: Yesterday’s PUA Alpha sexperts who today are struggling with existential issues, suicidal ideation believed that sex in itself sustained, until it didn’t… Read more »

6 years ago


well TRM is pretty darn good. Have you read this site? Rollo’s books?

On a practical, day in and out level Athol Kay’s 2011 The Married Man Sex Life Primer is a good read. Short to the point covers the key concepts. I don’t recommend any of his other books. He veered Purple Pill after this one.

6 years ago

@drsmith One of the best places to start is Saving a Low Sex Marriage: A Man’s Guide To Dread, Seduction and the Long Game by BluePillProfessor (he’s red pill). The reason for that is that it is a distillation of a lot of great Red Pill writers including Rollo Tomassi. See here. https://bluepillprofessor.wordpress.com/2015/05/22/hello-world/ The next best place is “the sidebar” reading at Married Red Pill reddit. http://www.reddit.com/r/marriedredpill And since you are here, you have to understand how to unwind your Blue Pill tendencies and your wife’s contempt for you because of your lack of red pill awareness and your being… Read more »

6 years ago


reddit/marriedredpill has a step-by-step post/program to follow. But knowing the foundations as described here on TRM is a useful prerequisite.

6 years ago

SJF beat me to it – wish I knew all that stuff before blowing up my ltr

6 years ago


Question: How comfortable are you being uncomfortable? You can get this started today and by bedtime see a change in her. Do you got it in you?

6 years ago

“The process usually takes one month of studying red pill and game to get your wife to get back to desire sex. From what I hear (from Sentient and HABD) it would only take two weeks to have desire sex with someone other than your wife.”

Oops Sorry for the omission in that statement. One month for every month you had been married and Betatized. So like 15 months to just get it.

6 years ago

“On a practical, day in and out level Athol Kay’s 2011 The Married Man Sex Life Primer is a good read. Short to the point covers the key concepts.”

Cosign. And I’d point out that BluePillProfessor distilled a Lot of Athol Kay’s original MMSLP book into his work.

6 years ago

Enjoyed your take on Esther P. How a woman sounds is extremely crucial to me, not sure why this pushes my buttons or turns me off so strongly. Thanks to Rugby I have plenty to dive in to here.

Also thanks for the marriedredpill tips for DrSmith — my LTR and I got T-boned and hard by some nut flying through a red light, car totaled, ribs cracked, muscles pulled etc, so our bedroom might be more orthopedic than pornographic for a while. Time for some refresher reading.

6 years ago

One more thing to keep in mind about judges:
Under those black robes, they are after all still lawyers

6 years ago

Thanks to , @DisgruntledEarthling, and the others for your kind responses to my question. You are all too kind, and was just the type of information I was looking for – good places to start to learn.

6 years ago

@Cheupez The alpha also suffers a lot even in this stupid FI utopia. Not really ….this is the easiest timeline i’ve been in. I have felt that this place is a great solace for us betas by the way (and I believe all of us in here are betas by the way). Always have thought that if you think about whether you’re a alpha or beta you’re an beta. The label serves its purpose though. But there is no place for alphas to go. An alpha is on his own. lol no. Most alpha have friends….only the stupid autistic super… Read more »

6 years ago


Bummer. Glad your still with us.

6 years ago

Yeah, talk about almost REALLY getting zeroed out

6 years ago

Palmasailor I was referring in a different context and domain. Specifically low sex, low desire monogamous LTR, esp. marriage and turning it around. From the info DrSmith gave. And from my experience. I have no motive or desire for women outside my marriage–although some are very attractive to me. . And I turned things around to my satisfaction and enjoyment. My wife is still pretty hot. And I like having sex with her. Don’t take me as an example. I’m definitely and outlier. And I still live in Unicornland. “You can achieve desire sex on a first night lay. Do… Read more »

6 years ago

“yeah I don’t know what your on about now” that’s what a hull breach sounds like, but in a man instead of a boat “this is the easiest timeline i’ve been in.” agree one thing I don’t see discussed is the loss of interest once the script has been flipped. once I crack her and she’s chasing, my interest really nosedives. this of course only revs her interest further. it’s pathetic what they’ll give up so quickly just for a little attention and the faint hint of some future guidance and dicking pity is a cock block. i want to… Read more »

6 years ago

“You can achieve desire sex on a first night lay. Do it right and they’re not thinking about the provisioning.”

@ SJF, rugby, Palma

Gonna sound mushy here but y’all are right.

She has to be shown that drsmith could pull a SNL tonight, any night to get this him back on track

She must feel bad for the marriage to feel good.

6 years ago


I have a relationship category on my blog that you might find helpful.

6 years ago

You’ve done better than I did in turning round a marriage which is by way the most difficult of the options Just want to second that opinion. Reading BluePillProf’s and/or MarriedRedPills step-by-step process the first time was a shocker to me. Stuff like going out alone at night to get her to squirm and hamster seemed harsh (although I had considered strategies like that while BP and discarded them). It takes a lot of guts and balls to walk thru these strategies blindly while still BP’ed cause it literally feels like walking off a cliff while blindfolded. In retrospect after… Read more »

6 years ago

I suggest OJT.

Start today and read along the way.

Fearless. Heh.

Ruben Gonzalez
Ruben Gonzalez
6 years ago

In short, beta bucks and alpha fucks is now growing exponentially. What else is new? If you aren’t already red-pill aware, and by extension, self-aware, and investing in self-development, and practicing some self-discipline, is it any surprise your seed does not get to promulgate?

Sure, I can relate with the Betas and Blue-pills who are struggling with game, but hell, my own plate is full of proteins and veggies that need to be consumed before my shift and after getting my workout and doing my laundry. I can’t worry about the feminist supremacy.

6 years ago

“it any surprise your seed does not get to promulgate?”


There are and will be many women who marry and procreate with Betas.

This is another layer of social coersion constraining men in place. The one way ratchet clicks.

Socialism demands your compliance.

Communism demands your soul.

As razorwire points out up thread.

6 years ago



Sounds like he’s got something to work with. Drippareunia is better than apareunia.

6 years ago

Subconsciously, women know their only value is in their sexuality.

That’s harsh, but look at it logically. Women are only attracted to men who are taller, stronger, smarter, wittier, wealthier and more ambitious than them. What else do they have to offer but their sexuality and fertility?

6 years ago

DR Smith / Disgruntled… Stuff like going out alone at night to get her to squirm and hamster seemed harsh Ha ha… old memories… https://heartiste.wordpress.com/2015/01/30/asshole-game-week-the-relationship-reset/ he rules of the Game don’t change when you decide to keep a woman around for longer than a few nights. All that changes is the frequency and intensity of your tactical assault. Instead of “shock and awe”, it’s more like “surprise and delight”. On that dulcet note, reader Sentient demonstrates by example, A few notes on asshole game from the confines of a marriage/LTR. Now while these may not have the the same storytelling… Read more »

6 years ago


Fun stuff.

Now a look, reticence will trigger the dread, emotional rollercoaster.

Women well managed, not women well solved.

6 years ago

“See you on the other side Doc. If ya want it…” you fuckers should listen to Sentient, etc. they will actually take the time to help you help yourselves. there is nothing else like this place. you’d be fucking stupid to not use it. Rollo is such a fukcing gracious host, too. like he’s running a men only cigar club. it smells fucking great in here. and if you’re willing to do this shit, and the guys will help you here in real time, then other lurkers going through the same situation can follow along too. like starting a new… Read more »

6 years ago


the first is to save yourself first by RP’ing yourself and the second is to turn the LTR around

Respectfully, I disagree. The second thing to do is to improve yourself (learning to hold frame, to Game, to not pedestalize women, to not be a supplicating douche, etc.) and the LTR will magically fix itself. Only by putting the RP into practice by fixing yourself will the RP actually help you. RP is a Praexology.

6 years ago

“one thing I don’t see discussed is the loss of interest once the script has been flipped.” Was sitting in chicks car last night that I don’t really like anymore ( only fucked twice) she was complaining i was ignoring her and shit because i was playing a game on my phone then.after freaking out for 30 minutes she starts sucking my dick and I just keep playing my game….. Then she breaks out into tears yelling she doesn’t know what to do and says I won’t acknowledge her. So she buys me food and says she loves me.Fucked her… Read more »

6 years ago


“That’s harsh, but look at it logically. Women are only attracted to men who are taller, stronger, smarter, wittier, wealthier and more ambitious than them. What else do they have to offer but their sexuality and fertility?”

I swear all of ya’ll are autistic………………………………..

6 years ago

I swear all of ya’ll are autistic

comment image

Chump No More
Chump No More
6 years ago


“So I see 2 phases – the first is to save yourself first by RP’ing yourself and the second is to turn the LTR around if you still feel it’s worth it after you’ve consumed the RP.”

Nope. Only one phase. Fix yourself. The marriage/LTR will either turn around… or it wont. She will follow/chase you, or she wont. Either way, the problem is solved. This is why the ‘Stay Plan’ must be the same as the ‘Go Plan’.

The first, only option will always be to fix yourself because, “where ever you go, there you are.”

6 years ago

Haven’t used a condom in some years

Job security for the CDC.

6 years ago

“if you are an aspiring pua, this may be the leading edge of the golden age.

Without a doubt…..everything on a platter for anyone who’ll take it.“


6 years ago

Speaking of fears and risks, achieving goals, Red Pilling the fuck up…


ultimately that is what drove me […] to be able to be comfortable in an uncomfortable situation

Embrace it. Act.


Rite of passage…

Not Born This Morning
Not Born This Morning
6 years ago

“The fulfillment of your own sexuality is nothing less than your battle for existence. – Pook” This cannot be true for most western females from a reproductive “pass your genetics on” standpoint because most are murdering most of their eggs and many fetuses, not to mention the defects they create attributable to delaying pregnancies later in life. Consequently, the effects are destroying or damaging the only real fulfillment of long term existence. This is the primary reason why the middle class white western population is declining while others are increasing. If you research feminists, both historically and presently, you will… Read more »

6 years ago

Lol, I resonate hard with that McGregor clip…and I don’t even care for him that much.

Not Born This Morning
Not Born This Morning
6 years ago

How can any sane man ever trust “enthusiastic consent” from any women since everything else about the way women communicate is duplicitous at best? I mean, how can any man really believe he has received “enthusiastic consent” from a creature who’s entire MO is based upon deceit, covert intent, lack of honor, lack of integrity, feigned sympathy, theatrical historic emotionalism, and a proclivity to the irrational?

Not Born This Morning
Not Born This Morning
6 years ago

Nothing is really changing. Think about this carefully. The truth is that one bullshit lie is being replaced with another, or at least there is the attempt to make the replacement. One smoking mirror is being replaced with a new one…

The asstard orchestrators are merely attempting to replace “true love” with “enthusiastic consent”. All the players are the same, only the masks are being changed.

6 years ago

Get a taxi out to a bar, have a few, come back with lipstick on collar.
Rinse and repeat and refuse to explain would be a start.

“not sleepy, going out for a bit” your departing words…
“you don’t have to”

Hahaha, YES! Been there, done that. Just remember not to backpedal. Stay the course, keep the frame, big smile… It’s fun!

comment image

Reset indeed (you don’t even have to do anything “naughty” lol)

6 years ago

“The western white female is the most extreme whoring bitch the world has ever endured.”

Men actively assisted them too.


You’ve been here a long time.

Questions for you: Why so much more heat than light? What do you gain here, when here?

6 years ago

@Rollo, This might be the lead to Jemima Lewis’ article in The Telgraph that you were thinking of: https://therationalmale.com/2017/12/18/dangerous-times-part-1/comment-page-5/#comment-231825 TL;DR: “It’s harassment when a beta who creeps a woman out does it, and it’s delightful when an Alpha does it.” Notice that, as always: To women the key factor is always about how something makes them feel. Not facts, not principles. And so right now it is “Enthusiasm” of the consent that is the issue the social manipulators want to enforce (because that’s the Key To Everything for women- how it makes them feel.) Oh, and here’s my prophecy about… Read more »

6 years ago

How can any sane man ever trust “enthusiastic consent” from any women since everything else about the way women communicate is duplicitous at best?

Not trying to be obnoxious, but “Well, duh.”

6 years ago


Fraud rape has already been put on the table. Ya gotta move faster to keep up these days.

6 years ago


“Fraud rape has already been put on the table.”

Ha ha, here’s a confirmatory video. At least there’s one woman who’s on our side:

6 years ago

“Then after sex she discovers that you drive a Cavalier . . . ?”

You’d be wrong if Alphas drive spotscars exclusively. I’d wager Betas drive more as they have more to prove.

Check out up thread Silicon Valley Sex Party invite. How many Audi TT’s will be in that driveway?

A serious fucking dispells the Beta rep, no matter the car.

6 years ago

Y’all remember my canary yellow, cushion cut, $10k diamond buying colleague.

All he’d drive were Ducatis and top end Nissan Z.

All buffers.

6 years ago


“Then after sex she discovers that you drive a Cavalier . . . ?”

Ha ha, yes, weak example. I couldn’t resist reprising the scene from Swingers:


But you’re very right, IME the majority of women think a guy driving a fancy car is compensating


I’ve even seen chciks make the “small dick” sign with their little finger. This one:


Guys could suggest other ways fraud rape could be perpetrated on the demanding female mind, though . . .

hank holiday
hank holiday
6 years ago

@IAS @blax When I’m out on the road zipping along at 90 mph, and my detector goes off, I adjust my speed downward towards the legal limits. Now, I don’t do this because I’m afraid of anything. I don’t think that I’ll get arrested or shot by the police for speeding. The detector let’s me know to be cautious to avoid a summons. And I’ll check my speed until either I can get a visual on the officer, or the pretty green light reappears on the device. No fear involved. You might call it common sense. When you are out… Read more »

6 years ago

Words. Them shits has meaning, ya know?

” danger ” and ” threat ” mean something, especially in context.

6 years ago

Hank, we don’t speak the same, nor think the same. I might as well be speaking Klingon to you son.

6 years ago


You are a boy. That is why men don’t take you seriously.



6 years ago

Easy on the small penis stuff and cars.

Buffering isn’t compensation.

I didnt mean to mock him and regret I opened that door.

6 years ago

@Hank What exactly are you going to do with your anger phase? After us OMG’s have fucked our girls thousands of times. We’re passed that. What exactly are you offering as universal truths for Red Pill Awareness? Without offering prescriptive advice on what an individual man should decide for himself? Learn. Be aware. Game. Fuck you whining about Blaximus. Life is hard. Getting laid is hard. I’m scared of Dangerous Times? Blah, Blah, Blah. Rollo is observing and describing things. Not prescribing you to be weak. Move toward indomitable. Please, enough with your whining. Don’t be a dick. Don’t whine.… Read more »

6 years ago

@EhIntellect LOL, it’s not a matter of going easy on a person by hiding truths. While there is a group of women who like cars and have a gold-diggerish attraction to men who drive expensive and/or flashy ones . . . It’s a cold, hard, red pill fact that there is an equal population of women who aren’t interested in cars as cars. They regard cars as fashion accessories, and take the view that a guy who buys a car “outside his league” (ie., not in accord with his SMV) is compensating, and they cynically make the assumption that the… Read more »

6 years ago

“What any guy needs to understand is, that women want to see a guy who chooses his car to match his SMV.” Not quite. Cars are shiny objects. Doesn’t fucking matter because shiny objects are only transitory for females. Fuck the shiny peacock. Then find another shiny peacock. Women want to judge a guys SMV in real time without the Venn Diagram including his car. Fuck the car. Although truth be told, my wife told my daughter 25 years later that may first car was a cool Audi 4000 stick shift at the time I seduced her. She actually didn’t… Read more »

6 years ago

Let ’em do it, they will be hoist by their own petard. Once they completely exclude the 90% of non alpha men from sex, you think these guys are going to carry on buying them shit? No. The alpha fux beta fux game requires that the betas ARE game with the arrangement. Playing a beta for bux requires the maintenance of hope that there is going to be some pussy. Shut that shit down completely and the wallet is going to bang shut. They think they are winning their game but don’t forget, these are women, they don’t know what… Read more »

6 years ago

sorry typo alpha fux beta bux

6 years ago

Groupthink aka herd mentality and thinking things through to their conclusions do not really go hand in hand.

Oscar C.
6 years ago

@Eh At this point in the game I love my kids lives more than my own at times. My life has meaning after death. Well, good for you if you are satisfied. I have never been inclined to have children, and I doubt I will ever be. I am completely sure they would bring me nothing but trouble, and they don’t deserve a perpetually pissed off dad. Prostitution, fap and other buffers delay the realization that you’re voiding your life of meaning Have you ever paid for sex? I ask this because I myself had a sordid view of the… Read more »

Oscar C.
6 years ago

The “Creepology” article somebody linked a while back (https://www.counterpunch.org/2018/01/03/creepology/) is quite a blast. I am surprised to see it at a website like Counterpunch. Or maybe not, since it is real left-wing site, as opposed to the ubiquitous SJW boilerplate that passes as such these days.

6 years ago

Putting the brusqueness of some of the commentariat here aside, I get your point. There is a time to strike and a time to withdraw, as they say.

6 years ago

Hi AnonHead,

That guy was a successful professional who’d lament privately to me his sex life sucked. It was a low grade cry. He was my long term project before I was fired.

Delivery is as important as content. I’d never lead a conditionally ALPHA guy to light with full.court press.

Anyways, a clear conscience is important to me and suppressing cynicism is part of that.

6 years ago

@ Oscar “ I have never been inclined to have children, and I doubt I will ever be. I am completely sure they would bring me nothing but trouble, and they don’t deserve a perpetually pissed off dad.” O.k. Um. Try this. Take a step back from yourself as you see it now, if possible. How would you describe yourself in life? How would you describe yourself after irrevocable death? You’d see a lot more than a obdurately rationalized MGTOW, at least I’d hope so. tl;dr: Bequeathing genome is simply the easiest way to perpetual meaning, but by far not… Read more »

6 years ago

Soon I will reach 30, and it that will mean I would have gone through my 20s without sex. That’s what hurts, not that some random broad loved me or not. I wanted x and did not get x. Don’t overcomplicate things, really. The problem is sex. If you are getting it regularly and are still not happy you are simply fucked up. Oscar — I thought you were getting sex with pros at this point, yes? So you’re getting sex. But still not satisfied because it’s with a pro and isn’t “desire sex”. That right there should clue you… Read more »

6 years ago


What any guy needs to understand is, that women want to see a guy who chooses his car to match his SMV.

Nah. At my peak alpha period, slaying it, when I had a car at all, it was a $300 four door 15 YO Pontiac, dented, scuffed, three different tires and missing a hubcap. Chugg chugg chuggg and coughed down the road. Most of the time. Not all the time. don’t recall the AC working either.

Left that on the side of the road when I left college…

The goldigger thing, yeah for sure.

6 years ago

@Oscar: I’ll give it one more go. I strongly suspect you are still under the influence of what society expects you to be… Or as HABD would say, the hand of the FI is FIRMLY on your shoulder and keeping you down… And you rationalize it as being “genuine” or “who you really are”. I’m not judging you on using pros. Prostitution is a very logical approach to the perceived problem. Rollo mentioned some times knowing someone who exclusively uses escorts. It is certainly a better option than dating and marrying a epiphany-phase/post-wall woman who (also) doesn’t give you desire… Read more »

6 years ago


You can’t eschew behavior you aren’t capable of.

6 years ago

IAS, Novaseeker

Thanks for chiming in on the nuts and bolts. That’d be more helpful at this stage.

I notice Oscar, Mitch, Albert-bot, Hank equate volume with content.

@ Hank

Your unrequited love of Blax in your comments:


6 years ago

From the ‘Bad Sex’ article:
“Young women say yes to sex they don’t actually want to have all of the time. Why? Because we condition young women to feel guilty if they change their mind.”
This sums up women in this day and age. She changes her mind, it’s a man’s fault.
Tell us something that we don’t know!

6 years ago

@ Oscar Hey man. The funny thing is that even though I don’t agree with your stance, I understand what you’re saying/mean. I’ll just add a few things for you to ponder. Life for a man needs to include wide ranging experiences. Kfg is correct above, as are novaseeker and eh. Sometimes what we might choose to do can hurt us over time. You’re almost 30, and while I consider that very young comparatively, the sand is rapidly running down in your hourglass. One of the saddest things I’ve seen in life is a 60 year old man wishing that… Read more »

Oscar C.
6 years ago

Thanks @Eh, @Nova and @IAS for the replies. Regarding pros, I absolutely liked the experiences, but for some reason I am terrified of HIV afterwards. I have checked stats and the risks are very small with quality escorts when you use a condom, but I can not help but fear it, so I have decided to stop paying. I enjoy the moment but then 3 months worrying makes it not worth it. Also, while the sex in itself is good in my view, one hour only is too rushed. I simply can not afford booking an entire afternoon with a… Read more »

6 years ago

“Even from the cost effectiveness point, I expect that a typical BB marriage has the price per non-desire sex of a marriage followed by divorce (rape?)”

$500 hooker, biweekly, per year: $52,000 x 15 = $780K.

Know a $500K earner, year’s of drip, drip, divorce raped after 15 years. She was a big, big spender, he admitted.

Assuming she spent 80%…

$500K x .6 after tax, $300K x .8, $240K x 15 = $3.6 million

Hookers are cheaper.

Update: He found his dream girl, immediately remarried, now reliving the nightmare.

He’s a really nice guy, ain’t he?

6 years ago


Ever seen a psychologist for depression? It is real and in everyone’s family somewhere. Worry about T levels later.

Can you feel the tumbling deeper into the abyss? I sure read it.

Dude, help yourself by letting a professional help you. See a doctor.

Oscar C.
6 years ago


Thanks man, I am working on that.

Also, I have spent too much time in the manosphere recently, so I might not post for a while. I tend to overdose on issues that capture my interest, but sometimes you have to take a break. I had a bit of a wake-up call the other day when talking to a girl and several English words popped up in my mind before the Spanish ones lol.

Not quitting, of course. I have a number of docs saved and will probably print some not to rely so much on the computer.

6 years ago

“Women can sense men like that from miles away, really.” Oscar One of the thing’s that got me into the red pill was spending time with a women who was using herself to sell sex. Their was a deception to that i was at the time immature in dealing with and even at this stage of my story i may be still immature in dealing with. One thing I’ve noticed about failing with women is that its me… It’s my approach it’s my false mental ego attachment’t that make it hard to be gentle and open. A lot of anger… Read more »

6 years ago

Lol, I come here practically every single day at some point. TRM is the only blog I read regularly.

Not ready for an intervention just yet.

Oscar C.
6 years ago


Never been to one, although it is an option that I have been considering. My father has hinted at it several times. However antidepressants make you fat and I don’t want to ruin my body improvement, and I am not keen on having it on my medical history.

I will soon do the T analysis but I suspect it is on the rise because I feel hornier lately. Must be all the lifting.

The shrink is an option, no doubt. I started my change last summer inspired by commenters here, so I will give it some more time.

6 years ago

@Oscar: I figured the videogame bit would resonate with you. Another for you https://xkcd.com/189/ Although don’t do exercise to get girls, do it for yourself. I really think you will benefit a lot (mental health included). As for the STDs, we are just discussing fear… That is the FI on you, again… You looked up the stats for condom use so you know better than I do. Quote it for us please. Even unprotected vaginal (which you totally shouldn’t do don’t be an idiot) has low transmission for HIV. Herpes is more virulent, less serious but if you catch it… Read more »

6 years ago

Oscar, you say you are happy with the way you are, but the way you are isn’t giving you the desire sex you want. Sounds like a craving for fried ice.

6 years ago

Oh yeah. Just an example. We all have the same problems, just at different magnitudes.

6 years ago

Occasionally we tend to make compromises. We want something, but we aren’t willing for whatever reason, to do what’s required to attain that which we want. So, we convince ourselves that we don’t really need said thing.

It’s why a majority of people aren’t millionaires.

6 years ago


Good luck. Later.

6 years ago

Women may have “Eat Pray Love”
But we have Blax: “Eat, Have Sex and Stay Out of Trouble”

6 years ago

@ rugby

“gentle and open”

You know it brother. Im my best gentle and open and dare anyone to say it’s Beta.

6 years ago

Even unprotected vaginal (which you totally shouldn’t do don’t be an idiot) has low transmission for HIV. “A meta-analysis of three studies exploring the risk from insertive vaginal sex (inserting the penis into the vagina) was estimated to be 0.04% (equivalent to 1 transmission per 2,500 exposures).” http://www.catie.ca/en/pif/summer-2012/putting-number-it-risk-exposure-hiv 99.96% chance of not getting HIV from one act of unprotected vaginal sex. Even less with a condom. Unfortunately, there are other nasty things…syphilis, gonorrhea, Chlamydia (more of a problem for women), cancer-causing viruses, lice, parasites. Vaginal sex is safer with women who have take care of themselves (have access to health… Read more »

6 years ago

Ahhhhhhhhhhhh This is where siting down with everyone in person would be helpful. I meant not letting the world get to you but not closing off to it.

6 years ago

Spending too much time on TRM?

I guess it’s different if it feels like touching a stove and continually getting burned (e.g. no sex).

Or using said stove to produce fantastic gourmet meals over and over ( good sex).

Depends on competence levels in red pill sexual strategy.

6 years ago

Mark Manson has a pretty good take on STDs, I think.


But you have to take care of yourself…see the doc if you suspect you got an STD.

6 years ago
6 years ago


A gentleman but no gentle man.

Corporate party tonight, 70 people. Hotel room, the downtown strip is active, fun.

Yollo Comanche
Yollo Comanche
6 years ago

“………………………yeah I don’t know what your on about now.”

He’s talking about being abused and exploited by people who seek him out for experiential highs(emotional vampires). He’s a trick. Doesn’t know it. And doesn’t realize it because being a trick is idealized in this consumer culture, while also giving someone power over those who are easily seduced with tricks……til the trick starts socializing.

6 years ago


Yollo Comanche
“He’s a trick. Doesn’t know it. And doesn’t realize it because being a trick is idealized in this consumer culture, while also giving someone power over those who are easily seduced with tricks……til the trick starts socializing.”

At a convention socializing at the moment…

6 years ago

@ rugby

The Loft…talk about over complicating one’s life. The film reads terrifying.

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