The Red Pill Lens


One of the results of becoming Red Pill aware is a meta “awareness” of the feminine centric social order we live in today. On this side of the Red Pill it’s almost routine for me now to filter what’s presented to me in popular media, social doctrine or even casual conversation through a Red Pill lens.

Whether it’s the latest pop hit lyrics of a song my daughter is listening to in the bathroom, the latest movie or book, or just listening to someone rattle off an old Blue Pill trope in casual conversation, my sensitivity to how thoroughly immersed in fem-cetrism our society has become is overwhelming.

I’ve had guys in the manosphere joke with me that having this ‘lens’ is like having the special glasses that let you see the alien/zombies and propaganda in the movie They Live. While I get a laugh out of this I also have to think that those glasses never really come off. So when the holiday season comes around this awareness manifests itself more for me since I’m reacquainting myself with family and friends who are immersed in this Matrix and don’t realize they’re mouthing the meme’s and social focus of a feminine centric order.

I think it’s kind of ironic that during the holidays we’re expected to lock horns with our relatives over the latest generational/political/ideological differences, yet these all take place in a common, feminized social narrative. Your uncle may not agree with you politically, but he’ll slap you on the back while you both drink a beer and say, “Women ‘eh? I guess we’ll never figure ’em out” and expect you to have some common agreement with him in spite of those differences.

I bring this up today (and for this weekend’s discussion questions) because it was due to this seasonal Red Pill awareness that I was better prepared to appreciate the holiday classic, It’s a Wonderful Life from a Red Pill perspective.

I’d just returned from a work trip last week and my daughter informed me that the movie was being shown in our local metroplex theater on Christmas eve. I’d seen it before on TV with all the intermittent commercials, and remembered how tedious I thought it was (it’s a pretty long movie for 1946), but she insisted and I wanted to do something with the family. I’ve never watched the movie start to finish, and when I did pick up scenes on TV during Christmas time, it was long before I had any Red Pill inclination.

Needless to say I was shocked (pleasantly) by how thoroughly Red Pill I found it. If you want to see what a pre-sexual revolution gender dynamic is like, this is your movie. Yes, it’s idyllic, but that idealism is founded in a social order, an ‘old books‘ social order, that reveals what our new feminine-primary social order is today. It shows you what we’ve become, but unfortunately the greater whole of our contemporary society lack the special glasses to really appreciate this distinction.

Some notable scenes:

  • George Bailey, the cab driver Ernie and the cop Bert ogle the sexy Violet Bick after she flirts with George and just flows down a busy street to be checked out all the more by every man on the street. In modern terms these men are all guilty of sexual harassment, but in 1928 (the film’s beginning) and viewed from a 1946 perspective of that time, there is nothing harassing about it. It’s de rigueur, and she enjoys the attention.
  • The family interaction between George, his brother Harry, and their father with Ma Bailey just prior to Harry’s graduation party. There is matronly deference to their mother, but both of the boys are being boys and there is no expectation for them to settle down. Both the brothers are naturally, effortlessly, cocky & funny with the maid and their mother. This isn’t a forced attitude, it comes off as both positively masculine and fun at the same time. Also, their father is the respected head of the household, both by virtue of his social status and integrity as well as his position as ‘father’. Needless to say, he’s never ridiculed as the buffoon he’d be portrayed as on a post-sexual revolution social order, and in fact dispenses a wisdom that benefits George later in life.After the graduation party George and Mary walk home in the odd dry clothes they were able to find after having fallen into the school pool. Mary is in a bathrobe and George in a football outfit. This flirtation and interaction is perhaps one of the best examples I can think of as an old order form of Game. George is cocky, funny, confident, ambitious, playfully teasing and yet still conscious of Mary’s perception of him as he effortlessly delivers a positive, masculine vibe.Again, it’s idyllic, and men being the true romantics will want to believe such receptivity could actually take place without any confusion of signals with an idealized, Quality Woman woman like Mary, but it’s the atmosphere and the attitude of expecting Mary to respond to George’s delivery that belies the era this scene and story was written in. Nothing seems forced at all, and we don’t expect Mary to match George’s masculine Game with one of her own feminine-empowered forms of Game. From a Red Pill perspective, we want a gal like Mary to exist, but you wont find her in 2014.

These were just a few scenes I thought stood out, but this film is an essay in the old order social structure a lot of well meaning Red Pill advocates would like to believe is still a possibility.

In the last thread commenter Xsplat asked the question whether an Alpha man could also be a provider. His criticism of the manosphere is that Alpha men are being painted as caricatures of cads, assholes and bad boy players women want to bang as part of their Hypergamous mating protocol. Betas are the opposite of this; good for provisioning only – cuckolds to be used for parental investment with only a perfunctory servicing of mediocre ‘duty’ sex as an intermittent reward to keep him pulling the cart.

If there are caricatures of Alpha and Beta being drawn I’d suggest this is due more to women and their comfort with Open Hypergamy and men deductively modeling their gender expectations as a result. That said, Xsplat’s not wrong. It is entirely possible for an archetypal Alpha Man to be an upstanding member of society, provide for his family and be well respected both by his peers and his wife. The character of George Bailey is an old order example of exactly this kind of man.

In our era women have an unprecedented facility for providing for their own security need, but that doesn’t eliminate the root level, emotional need for optimizing Hypergamy with a man who is an Alpha provider. For the most part women simply don’t expect to find this optimization in the same man. There are men they want to fuck and men they want to consolidate monogamy with, and finding this satisfaction in the same man is so rare, so unexpected, that his character becomes unbelievable. The George Bailey of 1928 is an unbelievable character in 2014.

As I’ve illustrated in many a prior post, Alpha is a state of mind, not a demographic. Just because the Alpha energy of a kid like Corey Worthington will get him laid without trying doesn’t preempt a woman from being aroused by, and attracted to a George Bailey. Context is king of course, but what matters is that self-interested Alpha mindset. While many a convicted felon possesses this mindset, and receives women’s sexual interests as a result of it, I’d still encourage men to use that Alpha energy to a positive, self-benefiting effect.

So the questions for this weekend are:

What Red Pill observations do you find unignorable in contemporary society? It’s dangerous to attempt to make others aware of this perception, but do you try anyway?

Do you see examples of the old order as I have in It’s a Wonderful Life? Understanding the idealisms inherent in it, what other examples of this old order to you know?

Alpha providers, while being an idealistic character, can exist, but are they realistic? I’d propose that embodying this role has become one of being seen too readily as a Beta by women due to the unbelievability of it. Does men’s romantic nature predispose them to thinking they can adequately fulfill this role? Does that romanticism expect women to be receptive and appreciative of it? Is that expectation on of investing in Relational Equity?


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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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M Simon
9 years ago

Well that is odd. My comment is not showing up.

9 years ago

I recently watched a show called “The 100” it’s aimed at teenagers I guess it’s the type of show I would of watched at that age. Watching a show like this through the red pill lens I was shocked mostly thinking that young blue pill guys will be watching this non the wiser. The main star of the show is a 16 year old girl called Clarke and she is the leader, probably 90% of the guys are beta chumps and can’t think for themselves they literally say lines like “What would Clarke do??”. The mechanic is a girl, the… Read more »

9 years ago

What Red Pill observations do you find unignorable in contemporary society? It’s dangerous to attempt to make others aware of this perception, but do you try anyway? AFBB, for one. In fact, all of the observations associated with dual-strategy hypergamy: ljbf, badboy sexual selection, the Wall, and alphaness and betaness in general. I have tried to talk about it offline, but men tend to say “Yeah, so what?” and women scream and stomp their feet. Do you see examples of the old order as I have in It’s a Wonderful Life? Understanding the idealisms inherent in it, what other examples… Read more »

9 years ago

Perfectly fine Amish woman submits to gay man, with predictable results.

Luckily for her, none of the True Men bother watching tv, not having any electronics anyway.

M Simon
9 years ago

Lets see if the spam filter lets this through Actually I think Mary is a prototype Alpha woman. She doesn’t worry about other women because she knows she can out compete them. I have been Red Pilling the first mate and today I pointed out to her that she was very alpha. Not in the way guys are alpha but in the fact that at least some part of her was secure in that fact that she could out compete any other woman no matter what the other woman had to offer. I’m working to strengthen her alpha nature and… Read more »

9 years ago

Red pill awareness has made me painfully aware of how resource motivated women are. Its not that I didn’t see it before but now I see it as their driving force. Here is a simple test for any woman. Hypergamy Test You have the choice of marrying either man A or B. Both men are equal in every regard except their status in society. A) Marry a poor man who is in the bottom 10% of wage earners. B) Marry The King but you will be one of his 10 wives. When push comes to shove I believe most women… Read more »

M Simon
9 years ago

Re: December 26th, 2014 at 4:43 pm

I should add that the first mate’s alpha nature is absolutely compatible with her surrender to me. Her beta nature is not.

M Simon
9 years ago

December 26th, 2014 at 4:57 pm

George Bernard Shaw made that observation some time ago. It goes like this approximately:

A woman would rather have 1/10th of a first rate man than all of a second rate one.

9 years ago

Good timing on this article, I was watching the mafia movie Casino the other night and was absolutely astonished watching through the red lens that Robert Deniro’s character became such a supplicating beta to his wife Sharon Stone even though he is a powerfull mob boss. He literally starts out marrying her when she has zero attraction for him, this made me cringe. Whats expected happens next, she starts to resent him due to his beta’ness, starts doing drugs, cheats on him, near the end its almost painful to watch this female character basically stuck in a relationship with a… Read more »

9 years ago

I was admiring young George’s negs on Mary at the drug store. When she says she doesn’t want coconuts on her ice cream, he responds, “Say, brainless. Don’t you know where coconuts come from?” He then proceeds to cover her ice cream in coconut and she pledges her eternal love to him.

9 years ago

Being alpha and a provider is about how you make your money.

To pick just on item of the FI as a standout…. man that’s a tough one but right now it would be how women can react violently to men when ever they want over any damn thing she wants and get a pass.

I don’t see the danger in pointing out any of this. Hell I cross buffer politically correct no go lines then this on my way to breakfast.

9 years ago

The FI indeed….subtle.On christmas eve, last minute shopping,i was in a shopping centre and needed to use the toilets, needless to say after some searching i discover that there are only women’s toilets and children’s changing area on the ground floor and no men’s. After a considerable amount of walking around i did finally locate the men’s on the third floor near the fire exit. The FI indeed….subtle.

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
9 years ago

“What Red Pill observations do you find unignorable in contemporary society? It’s dangerous to attempt to make others aware of this perception, but do you try anyway?” The portrayal of family men across all media is abhorrent. It bleeds in to how women view and treat men with such virulent fervor that I found myself disgusted with it long before finding TRP. I have always had a big mouth and a wiseassed attitude though, even in my most beta of days, so offending people has always just come with the territory of being me. While I don’t feed people pure… Read more »

9 years ago

If your woman gives you an amazing sex life and doesn’t blow your money on frivolous crap you might be an Alpha.

9 years ago

@M Simon
A woman would rather have 1/10th of a first rate man than all of a second rate one.

Crap! I thought I came up with that. I guess there is nothing new under the sun.

9 years ago

For the most part I’ve found trying to inject Red Pill ideas in person sometimes work, while any attempt online (Facebook) is met with hostility. In person, men seemingly confirm some Red Pill ideas but they of course never actually live by them. For example, men talking about how they hate being tied down by a woman and whenever an attractive woman is on TV or even in real life, they’d say “I’d tear her pussy apart!!!” and other such bravado. The next minute their girlfriend of 3 years calls on the phone during the football game and they dutifully… Read more »

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
9 years ago

When even the staunchly liberal Bill Maher is railing against Feminism, you know shit’s bad:

9 years ago

“Alpha providers, while being an idealistic character, can exist, but are they realistic?” Rollo Tomassi, Victor Pride and Mike Cernovich of – These three men are in long term relationships with women that are ‘receptive and appreciative of it’. They are ‘that’ man. They teach, through their own lives, specific self-improvement concepts and actions necessary to be that man. My closest male friends, by choice, are ‘that’ man. Time is a currency. Have you chosen to spend your time building friendships with ‘that’ man? Men that are ‘that’ man tend to spend (the currency of) time with other men… Read more »

9 years ago

“What Red Pill observations do you find unignorable in contemporary society? It’s dangerous to attempt to make others aware of this perception, but do you try anyway?” Unignorable by me, or by people in general? I can easily see the confusion and discontent in the contemporary dating scene, at all ages. I see people wanting to get married but suspicious of it due to divorce/unhappiness being widespread. I see men and women both, but especially young men, being listless and lost, unable to figure out what they can do or would like to do with their lives and relationships. I… Read more »

9 years ago

“Flirt’ scene with Violet Bick (Gloria Grahame) “It’s a Wonderful Life”:

9 years ago

>What Red Pill observations do you find unignorable in contemporary society? The AFBB. It’s way too obvious. Also like Sun Wukong said “the portrayal of family men across all media is abhorrent”. I’ll add to this that I also notice how some women literally HATE betas. Like, pure primal hate that you can just feel in their words and attitude towards them. I think it is generally proportional to how “STRONG AND INDEPENDENT” they are. >It’s dangerous to attempt to make others aware of this perception, but do you try anyway? As someone who is more or less open with… Read more »

Robert What?
Robert What?
9 years ago

Now I’m definitely going to have to watch IAWL again. I too now see popular culture through the Red Pill Lens and it is both horrifying and hilarious. It would take great fortitude for a young man to come through such indoctrination whole.

I guess an Alpha Provider could exist in this day and age. But again, it would take a man of tremendous fortitude. Back then, such a man would be supported by society. Today he would be subverted by society at every turn.

9 years ago

1. “What Red Pill observations do you find unignorable in contemporary society?” AFBB, women’s preference for “bad boys”, and hatred of nice guys are readily observable. As is the FI’s expectation that men will provide, either individually or collectively without need of, nor expectation of appreciation, gratitude or tangible reward. 2. “It’s dangerous to attempt to make others aware of this perception, but do you try anyway?” Yes, but I find the key to a reasoned discussion is to let the other party broach the topic and then respond with the redpill view without resorting to ‘sphere jargon. Often rephrasing… Read more »

9 years ago

Another excellent example of an old order alpha provider:
Life With Father

9 years ago

Almost all was already said. Resuming:

The “American dream” that powered western society for decades is nowadays more irrealistic than the “Roosh dream”. Society is completely fucked up.

Water Cannon Boy
Water Cannon Boy
9 years ago

most of television. Daytime talk shows.(Steve harvey is probably the worst right now)
the number of female characters being able to beat up men.
Reality tv crap.(kardashian would be a unknown dumpy girl with a pretty face when she wears makeup, and Hilton would only be known in the debutante announcements)
Female pop stars doing the exact same thing to get famous as male stars were doing with back up dancers, except the male stars were criticized for exploiting.
This list can get long.

9 years ago

@Rollo wrote in this post: what matters is that self-interested Alpha mindset… use that Alpha energy to a positive, self-benefiting effect. In the first scene of “It’s a Wonderful Life” you hear voices that are praying for George Bailey. One of those voices is that of Bert, the ‘family man’ in the “flirt” scene. Bert turns down a chance to ride around town with George Bailey in the cab. Bert was one of the men staring at Violet Bick. Bert declined the offer, saying, “No, thanks. Think I’ll go home and see what the wife’s doing.” So, it is appropriate… Read more »

9 years ago

Having lived the “Roosh dream” myself, I can assure you that it is easier than living the “American dream” and be respected by society and your woman as a provider alpha male in the West.

9 years ago

“or a woman to perceive you as such, you need to be ‘rock-climbing skydiving billionaire player who will settle down only for me” spoiler on 50 Shades in the soft porn set of novels that women loved, the male lead was a billionaire Dom pilot, and every tedious sex scene in the novels involved him doing all the work fucking her, and only her, even though before that he enjoying spinning sub plates and what happens at the end? he gets completely domesticated, turned into a beta that is allowed to pretend he is an alpha from time to time… Read more »

9 years ago

The sad reality is at the end of 2014 George Bailey would be a self sacrificing chump he is today the epitome of beta.

9 years ago

Great post. A few observations and insights to share. The Affair, that series involving a Beta shlub writer who cheats on his wife with a waitress who displays clear Cluster B traits provides insight into everything that is Blue Pill. Check out this scene where Noah the writer goes to his greater beta banker friend for advice on how to leave his wife. Note the oneitis and how the banker friend tries to get Noah to talk to the alpha father he’s estranged from for some sound advice. The right thing is not always the easiest thing. The choices Noah… Read more »

9 years ago

re: Blank Space.

Another redpill TRVTH is that women project. All the time, women project. In every instance, women project. Every feeling, women project.

This is the reason women hate nice guys: if women are being nice then they want something. And women project their opportunism onto idealistic nice men.

9 years ago

re: ratings and leagues. Hypergamy destroys any rationality in assortative matching, making every woman believe she deserves the best. But there is a redpill side to ratings and leagues anyway. A grandnephew was complaining about the facts of life, or something, in She’s Out Of My League. It turned out nobody else had seen it, but he went on about it anyway. One part he *liked* was when the girl evidently admitted she was tired of having so much sex with the dangerous men she found attractive, and instead wanted to settle for the boyfriend experience with a safe nice… Read more »

9 years ago

“What Red Pill observations do you find unignorable in contemporary society?” Last two girls I was with ‘ejaculated’ copious amounts of sweet ambrosia when they orgasmed. Basically they pissed themselves and somehow they thought I should be impressed by this feat. I asked around and apparently in the younger set it is more common than I remember it being in the past, which was basically never. Somehow in the past 20 years the bladder became a sex organ or women now magically have grown new prostates 50 times larger than men. Penis envy, ejaculation envy or incontinence has become sexy,… Read more »

Armchair Quarterback
Armchair Quarterback
9 years ago

The NFL wearing pink for breast cancer. Can’t we at least get the NFL to support a cause related to men and/or sports injuries, like concussion/brain trauma, or colon/prostate cancer?

9 years ago

Rollo, Alpha providers, while being an idealistic character, can exist, but are they realistic? I’d propose that embodying this role has become one of being seen too readily as a Beta by women due to the unbelievability of it. I’ve seen a lot of alpha providers, but they all have large families (6+ kids). The big family propels men into alpha status and tame women into their natural submissive role. And it’s also rare for a woman to have that many kids unless she’s pretty attractive, since fertility and looks go together (hence, the wall). Trust me, when a woman… Read more »

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
9 years ago

@Armchair Quarterback
“The NFL wearing pink for breast cancer. Can’t we at least get the NFL to support a cause related to men and/or sports injuries, like concussion/brain trauma, or colon/prostate cancer?”

No, because then the women would have to raise the money for themselves. That would be like telling welfare queens we won’t pay for them to pop out children anymore. Unacceptable.

9 years ago

Funny how everything goes through a Red Pill lens now, as I was watching the Charlie Brown Christmas special for the umpteenth time, theirs a scene with Lucy and Schroeder that was very red pill.

9 years ago

Thanks so much Rollo for that image of being able to see the Zombies. How liberating! My image was rather one of strangled frustration. So many times I have watched a TV show or a movie, read an article, or a magazine that had such a painfully tormented view of inter-gender dynamics I would start banging my head. We are way past the point of finding examples of this- it is the norm. –The teenage young boy cringingly, stutteringly approaching THE GODDESS petitioning for some of her time. –The clichéd nearly universal meme of the incompetent husband and the hyper… Read more »

9 years ago

“Alpha providers, while being an idealistic character, can exist, but are they realistic? I’d propose that embodying this role has become one of being seen too readily as a Beta by women due to the unbelievability of it. Does men’s romantic nature predispose them to thinking they can adequately fulfill this role? Does that romanticism expect women to be receptive and appreciative of it? Is that expectation on of investing in Relational Equity?” Assuming you believe that possession of some Dark Triad characteristics is a prerequisite for being alpha, I think that possessing the will (consciously or unconsciously) to be… Read more »

9 years ago

Hey thanks Rollo that’s one of my favorite movies because of everything you just said…

Matt Robison
9 years ago

I always hated the movie adaptation of Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince, because they neutered the Harry from the books. I couldn’t put my finger on it until the Red Pill. In the books, Harry comes off a big Quidditch win, and walks inside to cheers. He singles out the girl he’s interested in, walks straight up to her, and kisses her in front of everyone, not saying a thing. He takes what he wants. Its a big growth moment for the character, and its well written. There is none of this assertiveness in the movie. None. Instead… Read more »

Ang Aamer
9 years ago

What Red Pill observations do you find unignorable in contemporary society? —- Around this time of year I am continually amazed how most men in my extended family put up with a wife talking disrespectfully. It’s mind numbing… the fem-centric sass of an American wife is in your face obvious. So much so my wife, who is from Europe, comments on it at every gathering. It’s dangerous to attempt to make others aware of this perception, but do you try anyway? —- Yeah I do run interference when my cousins are getting hen pecked. (It’s like a V-gina sport, who… Read more »

Paul 1976
Paul 1976
9 years ago

One of the best examples on British television of Alpha males is the 1970’s British police series, The Sweeney. Two politically incorrect detectives that swear, get stuck into punch ups, drink and always have an eye for the ladies. Watching this show sometimes takes my breath away at how our society was back in the 70’s. Both my Mother and Father loved this show at the same time. I switch on the TV now and it is all cooking, dancing, baking, sewing and reality gossip shows. In other words, specifically aimed at Women.

9 years ago

“One of the best examples on British television of Alpha males is the 1970’s British police series, The Sweeney …”

and now you have Scott and Bailey, which is a great series, and has, wait for it, Open Hypergamy, two (or three) strong female leads, who swear drink and fuck, and a herd of beta males

9 years ago

The thing that surprises me the most when I come home from overseas is how aggressively and eagerly MEN are upholding FI imperatives.

9 years ago

scratch ‘imperatives’ for the pretty egregious redundancy.

9 years ago

‘pretty egregious’

nailed another one.

9 years ago

I invite all Rollo’s readers to read this story from The Women’s Lifestyle Network site on the experiences of 3 Singaporean women and their stories about their marriage. Pay close attention to the differences between the 23 year old and the post-wall 38 year old: Spot the Rollo themes: hypergamy plays a key role, The Wall, rationalization hamster, all done without any irony. Read this through the Red Pill filter and suddenly this and other manosphere blogs make total sense. The 23 year old writes: “”Five years later, marriage was the practical solution because we started thinking about getting… Read more »

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
9 years ago

@walawala I first came to Dallas when I was 20 years old. I was still pretty naive, and listened one night as a friend’s 26 year old hb8 neighbor told us about her impending marriage. “Marriage is a business arranement” were her exact words. No paraphrasing there. I lived for 17 more years thinking she was an anomaly. It’s early hard to overcome the blue pill. Waking up to the painful TRUTH that to an uncomfortably high degree AWALT is not easy. I understand why BP guys just don’t want to believe it. It’s not easy waking up from a… Read more »

9 years ago

Threads like this remind me why I turned away from TV in the 90’s. I can catch football & MMA @ my local bar; buy hunting, cooking etc DVD’s and see strongman on the you tube which probably max’s out the usefulness of tv.

My theory is women hate the patriarchy because it makes them fuck betas or live on the fringes of society

bo jangles
bo jangles
9 years ago

Colombia was caught in a time warp because the guerilla controlled many parts of the country for over 50 years. Foreign businesses didn’t want to enter because executives and their families were prime targets. To give you an idea just how crazy the country was, I remember once going into a dance club in Bogota, and just above the mens urinals was a one way mirror into the women’s restroom. Most men are cads, cheat on their girlfriend, lie steal. Women understand that their looks are of the utmost importance to men. I’ve known several beautiful women who had to… Read more »

9 years ago

Absolutely everything. From newspapers, to TV shows, to movies. All the above trends commenters have pointed out ring true. It’s no point in singling out particular examples, its omnipresent; the foundation, the lifeblood and skeletal structure of all social and cultural communication. I’m in Australia and we are catching up to the US at breakneck pace. “The thing that surprises me the most when I come home from overseas is how aggressively and eagerly MEN are upholding FI imperatives.” As Mellmoth above says, this is what worries me at a macro and micro level. Where the FI succeeds is in… Read more »

9 years ago

I spent an interesting holiday weekend with close friends (not family, since ours is all but defunct) that is oddly relevant to this post. This is an average family in a rural part of our country (Switzerland). Sadly, the father died a few years ago and threw everything into disarray for them. The only man left (the brother) is hopelessly blue pill. He isn’t exactly stepping up and everyone knows that he’s slipped into a beta bucks relationship. He is worried about, but more often ridiculed along with his pro-feminist finance. Everyone knows it’s a disaster and no one’s afraid… Read more »

9 years ago

Such a Red-Pill relationship can exist in the West, even today. It will be a rare one, but in my view, the following elements have to be in place: 1. You have to marry her young, before she completely has formed in her brain that the AF and BB are two different classes of men, rather than potentially different aspects of the same man. 2. You have to choose someone who has rejected the Cock Carousel, not because of you, but because she finds the idea of serial sexual encounters to be absolutely distasteful. If young enough, this woman will… Read more »

9 years ago

A girl I’m seeing told me all her secret desires of being dominated by “aggressive guys” and then said “Is that weird?”

I have seen this a lot. Women are made to feel embarrassed for wanting a submissive role. Some will go so far as to qualify these feelings in the following terms to save face: “Yeah, I really dig being taken sexually, to be dominated, but ONLY in the bedroom.”

9 years ago

Ahhhhh Colombia…. Good times. For us but what a crazy place with the worlds most insane women. I always thought the women in Australia worse then american women, but reality is I only know about the Australian chicks who vacationed in Hawaii or work overseas in places like Korea, A-Stan etc. The usa is a big place and some areas the women are more out of control then others. Even down here often there is a big difference in attitude displayed between the Mordor born bitches and our locally breed bitches. The sweet spot seems to be solidly middle class… Read more »

9 years ago

Women and submission; look at adds and movies from the 50’s and earlier. Wives get spanked, call their man Daddy and a whole host of things in family type movies. Now those things are considered kinky

9 years ago

@LongLostFriend re: “the following elements have to be in place” 4. Firstly, it is NOT rare for a man to want a truly good woman and to be willing to provide for her. Repeat after me: good men are common as dirt. What is extremely rare is for good men to generate tingles. 3. Women who seek to be submissive wives are extremely rare. Yes, even in conservative Christian congregations. 2. Women tend to consciously reject the Carousel as distasteful, but then have serial boyfriends anyway. What matters is not her feelings nor ideas but her behavior. 1. Young helps… Read more »

9 years ago

IMO the probabilities of finding a “quality woman” increase: – if they were educated towards (any) religion; – if they were educated towards right wing; – how traditional their family is; – the younger they are; I don’t think the woman looks itself is determinant on the probability of spotting a “quality woman” however the more beautiful they are the probability of them had being already spotted by an alpha (and being unavailable) increases drastically. Putting this from other angle I think is better to invest your time in finding a virgin HB7 than a sluttier HB9. Finding average to… Read more »

9 years ago

@Johnycomelately re: “Basically they pissed themselves and somehow they thought I should be impressed by this feat.” Correct, it is urine. For some reason I have not heard of this practice still being promoted, anywhere, since we had a huge discussion about it on huffpost about three years ago. At first I was the lone voice of reason there among hundreds of commenters, me poopoo(punny)ing the idea for anatomical reasons. Some very few women have variations in the course of their pudendal nerves (and these odd women vary in other ways too), and for them twanging urethrally-involved tissues can provide… Read more »

9 years ago

1. What’s unignorable in my experience is the absolute taboo that exists in identifying, and disclosing, to a woman her own AFBB/open hypergamy life model. It’s social suicide to tell a woman or her enablers that you have a copy of her playbook. If you want to see some truly atavistic behavior, make a woman your AF alpha widow, and point out that you are not migrating the relationship into BB/drafthorse provider territory. 2. Also unignorable: women will do just about anything for a shot at a man they deem an alpha provider (simultaneously AF & BB). They will cheat… Read more »

9 years ago

Totally off topic now. Women are hypervigilant against women utilizing public incontinence to reward men. This includes 1) Peeing themselves frozen in fear. I very seldom see this, towards me or anyone, but this kind is the one in others’ stories. 2) Peeing themselves out of laughter. I get this all the time. You’d be surprised, maybe. 3) Peeing themselves from ordinary need in his presence, i.e. demonstrating comfort. Yes, plenty stories. 4) Peeing a little bit as evidence of submission or something, like a female dog’s greeting. Distinct from fear. I quite often see/smell this (if nothing else I… Read more »

9 years ago

Great stuff, Rollo. I like you best when you are more of an essayist, for what that’s worth. The questions are great but it would be very hard to do them all justice, so I’ll just take the first. “What Red Pill observations do you find unignorable in contemporary society? It’s dangerous to attempt to make others aware of this perception, but do you try anyway?” In no particular order: The shaming of boys and masculinity in all its forms from an early age. I’m close to my 5 yr old nephew and have watched how his scrappy, and at… Read more »

9 years ago

Ton: “Wives get spanked, call their man Daddy and a whole host of things in family type movies. Now those things are considered kinky.” I think this is another “show not tell/don’t ask don’t tell/never complain never explain” thing. The public rhetoric in our post-feminist society makes the idea of submission toxic, of course. But as we all know, they generally hunger for it, and the more alpha the woman, the stronger her appetite for being dominated. So once again, 30 years of feminist efforts to engineer human souls just produces more cognitive dissonance. It’s just one more area where… Read more »

9 years ago

@jjf12: 4. Firstly, it is NOT rare for a man to want a truly good woman and to be willing to provide for her. Repeat after me: good men are common as dirt. What is extremely rare is for good men to generate tingles. I agree with that last sentence in particular. The characters in the film were capable of doing both. While the “strong, independent women” have gone chasing after the AF and ignoring the BB until the wall, contemporary men have been conditioned to believe that being a “good man” is more important than generating the tingles. It… Read more »

seven dials
9 years ago

1) I have to pass on this. I don’t have a lot of contact with contemporary society, but I’ll say Game of Thrones. It could have been a decent series, but I couldn’t take the way all those men put up with all those women in series 2. 2) It’s A Wonderful Life was one of the first films James Stewart made after going independent from the studio system. He made a Christmas film like some songwriters write Christmas songs: if it works, it’ll pay your bills unto your death and beyond. The studios and networks market it ruthlessly every… Read more »

9 years ago

The true paradox is that being the son of an alpha provider is not the dream that most think it is. My father is a blue collar alpha provider, giving him two large time consumptions (aka responsabilities) in life: being alpha and providing. There is no time left for children and family.

I believe that this is a rule, I know more cases like this. One old friend is the alphaest guy I ever met and still one of the more efficient providers I know. His older son (around 5) is already on psycologists.

9 years ago

I’ve been reading your posts for some time now. That what you observe and describe makes sense, and does (sadly) apply to our times is beyond discussion. The final sentence, “From a Red Pill perspective, we want a gal like Mary to exist, but you wont find her in 2014.” of today’s post deserves a remark though. Such girl do exist, even in 2014. The reason behoind it is that not all places in the world have gone through the 1960-on feminization of the society. One needs to be aware that the latter basically affected western societies only (basically the… Read more »

9 years ago

Slightly off topic but the fact that us Red Piller’s see through the Matrix gives us an advantage. This may be pretty cut throat but do we really want things to change that much?? What I mean is if it were a level playing field would I get laid as much? The fact that I understand these harsh truths and have imbodied alpha male qualities through game almost gives me a superpower, I’m pretty good at Daygame now and when I approach some young hottie I’m probably 10x more alpha than the guys she knows so it makes it easier… Read more »

9 years ago


That girls exist but sometimes to live what I was calling the “Roosh dream” and find such girls you can’t be a MGTOW and must adapt your way to include them. Been there, still trying to solve it.

9 years ago

wow, I’m gonna have read thru the comments and what a great article I had an experience last night that I’ve been thinking about. Will have to give it some thought before writing something up. Meanwhile I will offer one quick observation. An “Alpha” who is also a provider ? I really think the distinction is already made for us: BY WOMEN. I think that women don’t believe an Alpha can actually be a provider anymore. Not in the traditional sense as in hard work, doing a steady job, following the rules, paying taxes, etc. Women believe most Alphas are… Read more »

Ang Aamer
9 years ago

It’s a Wonderful Life Planning. I once knew a man, a good man, who passed away in his late 50’s. He was survived by his wife, 40 year old daughter and 10 year old granddaughter. Jack was a sheetmetal worker by trade and worked all his life using his hands. He passed away in what appeared to be a stroke while relaxing after a volleyball match. Still he had no sons or grandsons and we had to scramble to find enough pallbearers … and I’m sad to say one of the men who carried Jack was a Funeral Home worker.… Read more »

9 years ago

Bo Jangles – nailed it on Colombia and its women. Spent the afternoon with a bunch of Colombians yesterday. Absolutely delightful people. The men are charming and masculine and the women feminine and outrageously beautiful. Felt a bit guilty stealing glances at a knock out 15 year old Colombian girl. Perfect body, beautiful smile, gorgeous eyes. Then I met her mom. Had to have been 40, but still could have easily passed for 30. Beautiful. Was having drinks at a bar with the Colombian wife of a friend a few years ago, and she was encouraging me to go to… Read more »

9 years ago

FYI, it was Shannon Bell who began pushing the “female ejaculation is bigger” myth in 1989.
She gathered a cadre of lesbian performers to push the idea in a series of films, possibly initially as a mere social-effect experiment.

9 years ago

It is probable that women’s Solipsism, which causes their Projection, is merely an adjunct to Hypergamy.

Some redpill at TruG*: it is merely Projection on your part to claim “men prefer bad girls” and “men go for preselected girls” etc etc.

9 years ago

OK, the Red Pill lens … good name. Last night I got free tickets to a local comedy club. Given Xmas and the holidays most of my friends had family stuff going on. And frankly, over the past couple of years I’ve alienated some of them. Mostly Christians; I had a long talk over a bike ride with a good friend about the state of the Church and how it has become a mouthpiece for Feminism. I told him about the Singles Group and how they would have events and almost no men would go. And those that did were… Read more »

9 years ago

Men’s bathrooms are always farther away than women’s.

9 years ago

Lord have Mercy, Glenn. I hope you feel better after writing that. My experience discussing Red Pill philosophy has actually been unusually productive but I come to the same conclusion- don’t talk about it with women. They don’t want to hear it and they cannot comprehend it. Even though I certainly don’t recommend it, everything clicked into place with my life and my wife’s experiences that made the entire Red Pill praxeology undeniable. I was the Drunk Captain, crippled for years on a Beta Bender and my wife was just waiting for her Alpha Captain to come back and screw… Read more »

9 years ago

Chick flicks and chick lit are both double-reverse projection. In almost every case, the frame of a chick flick is that women are like alpha males sexually: most men appearing in chick flicks are hot enough for the female leads to want to sex up, but these hot men are golddiggers, or worse. Eventually the female lead is ensnared in a relationship by the hottest guy who out-betas all the other guys in proving his tru wuv by cooking her favorite meals, rubbing her toes, and nursing her children at his breast. In contrast, in chick lit the female protagonist… Read more »

9 years ago

I forgot to mention another difference between chick flicks and chick lit. In chick flicks the beta males are literally invisible: actually seeing one would be too repulsive to the women audience. In chick lit, the cute widdle beta males make fine friends and wingmen just too-too happy-happy to set up the chick with the hot guy.

9 years ago

@Bpp, re: “However, it is interesting despite her awareness how my wife is still unable to comprehend or show concern for a man’s pain or how despite her awareness she cannot help herself and starts throwing the Shit Tests at my most vulnerable.”

More interesting is that she deliberately inflicts pain *because* she comprehends how. She gives in to the temptation, demonstrating to you that she could help herself but instead chooses evil for you instead of good because she hates you (at that moment, anyway).

9 years ago

Dunno if this is pertinent, but here two scenes related to red/blue pill and awareness thereof: – Me: discovered Redpill somewhere in 2013, what helped me to get out of suicidal thoughts and major depression. I now do calisthenics, took off a bunch of Kilos, read lots, put my relationship with wifey in order by applying major dread. Things now go my way even if she’s nowhere anything like having an “easy” character, and her transformation is astonishing, from a constant pain in the ass to a cooperative partner and passable fuck-buddy. – My half-brother: was broken by our psychotic… Read more »

9 years ago

The redpill for women in a nutshell: your personal Peak Hypergamy was when you were younger and nicer. You now have to settle for much much much much less attractive men than you could have, had you known then what you know now. Too bad for you.

9 years ago

re: dread.

Dread, especially major dread, works too well. It is too tempting to use it again and again. It really changes a man’s character, into some bad thing he didn’t want to be.

9 years ago

jf12 – “That is the *reason* a woman refuses to be a Nice Gal – Beta Woman to a man: she does not love him, at all.” I increasingly get the sense that what passes for love on the part of the woman is a projection of how much she loves herself and is not intended as benefit for the man. So yes the hatred and cruel treatment of the beta is a projection of her own internal self loathing, the sexual stinginess is a crude attempt to preserve some sense of self respect. The crime of being beta, failing… Read more »

9 years ago

Ang Amer;
My little brother died leaving only me and son to carry on my father’s name. Both of us have high risk careers. Worst thing I have ever been through. Any rate much like you I decided to get back into the child production bidness. That kind of shit puts things in perspective.

9 years ago

Already said this today but…..

A woman’s love is a fairy tale men cannot afford to believe in. Need love etc, get a dog, go to war a few times with the same crew but don’t ask women for something they cannot deliver.

9 years ago

Ang Amer: Good comment. ….. About Redpill lenses: I went to the wedding of an old high school friend today. I was quite frustrated by the lack of gravitas the whole thing had, despite being held in a Catholic cathedral, with formal music etc. Like, ‘We’re modern enlightened people, that means we need to step back and look at this from an ironic, meta perspective every 5 minutes!” The sermon was entirely based upon how the couple can guarantee themselves a happy, fulfilled life by communicating lots, being nice, and constantly analyzing their relationship. There was no mention of different… Read more »

9 years ago

Most often, I observe dudes hanging on their girlfriend. The shift in the line of thinking from “Man, I wish I had a girlfriend like this guy”, to “This poor fool, stand-cuddling his girl from behind while she’s on her phone”. Guys these days give new meaning to the term “clingy”.

9 years ago

The patriarchy hurt most men far, far more than it hurt most women. Feminists have a really bad track record with manipulating history and statistics. For example, the 1 in 4 thing is a complete and utter falsehood, yet feminists and the government still use the false statistics. Why? That’s politics, baby! Gotta keep those women voters in the democrat pocket. It’s all about power and control. Feminism has nothing to do with equality, folks. Feminism is about creating a victim class. Here’s what feminists are accomplishing: Blacks were destroyed by liberal policies that inculcated victim hood and learned helplessness.… Read more »

9 years ago

@David… In a bar in DC a few weeks ago called “Right Proper.” Hipster joint. Signs on all of the unisex bathrooms telling men that they too should sit down when they have a piss. Took my phone out for a picture, but battery was dead.

9 years ago

“What Red Pill observations do you find unignorable in contemporary society?” There are too many to enumerate. A few stand out. When married couples get together, the women nearly always control the conversation while their providers meekly listen in. In older cultures even today, it is the opposite. Being the Holidays, this one stands out: in beta male provider marriages, her family will be primary during holidays. Holidays will be spent primarily with her family. His family will be an afterthought. As Rev. Lawrence Shannon observed in The Predatory Female, women isolate their men from his friends and his family.… Read more »

M Simon
9 years ago

A comment I made on another thread and quite appropriate here re: the discussion of alpha women. == I have, in the last couple of days, been working the OL with “You are an alpha woman. Be strong.” It has had quite the positive effect on her. She immediately got that being strong like a man was of no use to her in our relationship. But that being strong enough to defeat all the other women who might want me was definitely in her power. We discussed how she didn’t have to beat them in a beta female manner (in… Read more »

M Simon
9 years ago

December 27th, 2014 at 6:33 pm

Funny thing. I’m mildly schizophrenic and from time to time hear voices. The advice has been uniformly good so I listen. At age 37 I started hearing “have children”. When the voice said it a second time (3 months later) I got the first mate pregnant within 15 minutes of hearing the message. One of the best decisions I ever made.

9 years ago

@Bacherlocles re: “There is something about being dominated by their women that makes beta providers fiercely competitive with other men especially in social settings – settings where alphas are at ease.”

Actually, the alphas aren’t there in those social settings because they cannot compete with men: alphas are ladies’ men, and basically loners when it comes to other men.

9 years ago

Given that AWALT in suffering from (in any order) solipsism, the apex fallacy, and projection, we can now see why women hate beta males: Since women even see *themselves* as alpha males, they cannot understand why a man would “choose” to be beta, and hence they assume he must be merely pretending to be weak and unattractive for some sinister purpose.

9 years ago

Alpha males get bananas and grooming from all females, not from males. Alpha females get bananas and grooming from beta females, and only give such services to alpha males.

Beta females give services to alpha females and alpha males in that order (ladies first), and get such services from beta males.

M Simon
9 years ago

Armchair Quarterback December 26th, 2014 at 11:15 pm The NFL wearing pink for breast cancer. Can’t we at least get the NFL to support a cause related to men and/or sports injuries, like concussion/brain trauma, or colon/prostate cancer? Cannabis is good for brain injuries (reduces swelling) and prostate cancer (and lots of other cancers including breast cancer). Given current culture – what are the odds that the NFL would stand up for that? Slim and absolutely zero. And the most resistant are the “conservatives”. The people who are sure government is ruining their lives. (It is.) Now some odd statistics:… Read more »

9 years ago

@Rollo “Mary is in a bathrobe and George in a football outfit. This flirtation and interaction is perhaps one of the best examples I can think of as an old order form of Game” Agreed. I watched this for the first time with my Dad this Christmas Eve. Interesting flick. I chucked to myself when I saw that picture of George and Mary because when I saw that scene I immediately thought of Game as well. And I’m happy to see you did a post on it. The screen cap above is from a scene (Rollo mentions it above) where… Read more »

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