The Political is Personal


Dalrock had an interesting post this morning – Black Fathers Don’t Matter – that mends nicely with a topic I was poking at in Obesity Culture:

While HHS (Health and Human Services) says any man currently shacking up with mom counts as the father, the Census says any man currently shacking up with mom counts as the father so long as mom says so.  Either way, fathers clearly can’t matter that much to the US government if distinguishing between the actual father and the man currently banging mom isn’t important.

There are other ways we can tell that fathers don’t matter (and therefore Black fathers don’t matter).  Under our current family system fathers are a sort of deputy parent. Just like a sheriff’s deputy serves at the pleasure of the sheriff, a father in an intact family serves at the pleasure of the mother.  Our entire family court structure is designed to facilitate the removal of the father should the mother decide she no longer wants him to be part of the family unit.  How important can fathers really be, when we have a massive and brutal bureaucracy devoted to helping mothers kick them out of the house?

What Dal is pointing out here has a far broader implication than simply how various governments define fatherhood. Many critics of my defining the Feminine Imperative like to think it’s a work in conspiracy. However, as I’ve explained before, there really is no need for a conspiracy; the Feminine Imperative has no centralized power base because feminine-primacy is so ensaturated into our collective social consciousness. It needs no centralization because feminine social primacy is literally part of women’s self-understanding – and by extension men’s understanding of women and what women expect of them.

Thus, on a Hypergamous social scale we see that Protein World’s male focused ad gets no such vandalism. The message is clear – It is Men who must perform, Men who need to change themselves, optimize themselves and strive for the highest physical ideal to be granted female sexual approval. Women should be accepted, respected and expected to inspire genuine desire irrespective of men’s physical ideals.


On more than a few occasions I’ve made the connection that what we see in a feminine-primary societal order is really a reflection of the female sexual strategy writ large. When we see a culture of obesity, a culture of body fat acceptance and a culture that presumes a natural evolved order of innate differences between the sexes should be trumped by self-impressions of female personal worth, we’re viewing a society beholden to the insecurities inherent in women’s Hypergamy.

A feminized, feminist, ordered social structure is one founded on ensuring the most undeserving women, by virtue of being women, are entitled to, and assured of, the best Hypergamous options by conscripting and conditioning men to comply with Hypergamy’s dictates.

I’m quoting this again here because, in light of Dalrock’s observations, it’s important for men to really understand that the power struggle women claim to be engaged in with men has already been settled on a meta, social scale. When a father is whomever a woman says he is, that’s a very powerful tool of social power leveraging.

  • A father is anyone a woman/mother claims he is
  • A father is legally bound to children he didn’t sire
  • A father is prevented at great legal and social effort from access to DNA testing of children he suspects aren’t his own
  • A father is legally responsible for the children resulting from his wife/girlfriend cuckolding him
  • A father is financially obligated to the support of children that he didn’t sire or he had no power in deciding to sire

These aren’t just examples relating to men’s lack of power in parenting; these are examples of determining the degree of control a man can exercise over the direction of his entire life. From Truth to Power:

Real Power is the degree to which a person has control over their own circumstances. Real Power is the degree to which we control the directions of our lives.

The inherent insecurity that optimizing Hypergamy poses to women is so imperative, so all-consuming, to their psychological wellbeing that establishing complex social orders to facilitate that optimization were the first things women collectively constructed when they were (nominally) emancipated from men’s provisioning around the time of the sexual revolution.

Ensuring the optimization of women’s biologically prompted Hypergamy is literally the basis of our current social order. On a socio-political scale what we’re experiencing is legislation and cultural mandates that better facilitate Alpha Fucks and Beta Bucks.

Driver had a good comment from the last post that illustrates another aspect of this feminine-power consolidation (emphasis mine):

“All the “feeling good about your body” that a fat woman can muster is NEVER going to be an aphrodisiac or a substitute for having a great body that men are aroused by.”

It’s funny how women are very attracted to a guy who works out, eats rights and takes care of his body but they fully expect men to love them (or be attracted to them) for “who they are” – thin or big. You would think that these overweight women would get the memo by now but women (and more of them) keep getting bigger each year.

Feminine-Primary Social Doctrine is the Extension of Women’s Hypergamy

In a feminine-primary social order women presume, without an afterthought, that they are entitled to an attractive guy who works out and meets or exceeds women’s very stringent and static physical ideal. At the same time they expect an entitlement to absolute control of that attraction/arousal process regardless of, and to the exception of, any influence or difference in men’s control of that process. And they expect this without any thought to meriting it beyond appeals to a nebulous and inflated concept of their personal self-worth.

When we consider the present, ambiguous state of sexual consent laws we begin to understand the latent Hypergamous purpose those laws serve – absolute consolidation of women’s Hypergamous strategies as the motivator of any sexual encounter.

Furthermore, they expect an entitlement, either directly or indirectly, to the material support and provisioning of men for no other reason than they were born female.

Any deviation from this is on the part of  men is met with a cultural reprisal designed to convince or coerce men to accept their inevitable role in providing those entitlements to women. When those social contingencies fail, or become played out, the Feminine Imperative then appeals to legal legislation to mandate men’s compliance to what amounts to women’s social entitlement to optimized Hypergamy.

Legislating Hypergamy

From the Alpha Fucks side of Hypergamy this amounts to socially shaming men’s sexual imperatives while simultaneously empowering women’s short-term sexual strategies and fomenting men’s societal acceptance of it (i.e. the Sandberg plan for Open Hypergamy). This is further enforced from a legal perspective through consent laws and vague “anti-harassment” legislation to, ideally, optimize women’s hypergamous prospects.

When we read about instances of the conveniently fluid definitions of rape and harassment (not to mention the pseudo-victimhood of not being harassed), this then turns into proposed “rape-by fraud” legislation. Hypergamy wants absolute certainty, absolute veracity, that it will be secured in its optimization. And in an era when the only restraint on Hypergamy depends on an individual woman’s capacity for being self-aware of it, that Hypergamy necessitates men be held legally responsible for optimizing it.

Even the right for women to have safe and legal abortions finds its root in women’s want to mandate an insurance of their Hypergamous impulses. Nothing says “he wasn’t the right guy” like the unilateral power to abort a man’s genetic legacy in utero.

Feminist boilerplate would convince us that expanding definitions of rape is an effort to limit men’s control of women’s bodies – however, the latent purpose of expanding the definition is to consolidate on the insecurity all women experience with regard to optimizing Hypergamy.

The Beta Bucks insurance aspect of Hypergamy is evidenced by cultural expectations of male deference to wives’ authority in all decision making aspects of a marriage or relationship. And once again this expectation of deference is a grasping for assurances of control should a woman’s Hypergamous choosing of a man not meet her expectations. This is actualized covertly under the auspices of egalitarian equalism and the dubious presumptions of support and feminine identification on the part of men.

Beyond this there are of course the ubiquitous divorce, support, child support and domestic violence legalities that grossly favor women’s interests – which should be pointed out are rooted in exactly the same Hypergamous insecurity that her short-term Alpha Fucks mating strategies demand legislation for.

As Open Hypergamy becomes more institutionalized and made a societal norm by the Feminine Imperative, and as more men become Red Pill aware (by effort or consequences) because of it, the more necessary it will become for a feminine-primary social order to legislate and mandate men comply with it.

Going Mainstream

I’ve addressed this before, but I’ve never done politics on TRM. I will never do screeds on race or multi-culturalism or religion on TRM for a very good reason – it pollutes the message.

We now are seeing the results of this pollution as the manosphere is attacked from both sides of the political spectrum.

I’ve given this example before, but if you put Gretchen Carlson and Rachel Maddow on the same show and confronted them with red pill truths and Game-awareness they would eagerly close ranks, reserve their political differences and cooperatively fight for the Feminine Imperative.

This is the degree to which the Feminine Imperative has been saturated into our western social fabric. Catholic women in the Vatican may have very little in common with Mormon women in Utah, but let a Mormon woman insist the church alter its fundamental foundational articles of faith with regard to women in favor of a doctrine substituted by the Feminine Imperative and those disparate women have a common purpose.

That is the depth of the Feminine Imperative – that female primacy should rewrite articles of faith to prioritize women’s interests.

Religious doctrine, legal and political legislation, cultural norms, labor and economic issues; all are trumped by the Feminine Imperative. All have been subverted to defer to the Feminine Imperative while maintaining a default status of victimhood and oppression of women and women’s interests necessary to perpetuate that covert decentralized power base.

It doesn’t matter what world view, ideology or political stripe the opposition holds; men, masculinity and anything contrary to the feminine-primary social narrative will always be a common enemy of the Feminine Imperative, and both liberal and conservative will climb over one another to throw the first punch if it means defending women and defending the feminine social order by proxy.

This is why anything even marginally pro-masculine is vilified in mainstream society. Anything pro-masculine is always an easy, preferred target because it’s so hated, so incorrect, in a feminine-primary context that it can unite people of hostilely opposed political and ideological differences.

It’s my opinion that red pill awareness needs to remain fundamentally apolitical, non-racial and non-religious because the moment the Red Pill is associated with any social or religious movement, you co-brand it with an ideology, and the validity of it will be written off along with any preconceptions associated with that specific ideology.

Furthermore, any co-branding will still be violently disowned by whatever ideology it’s paired with because the Feminine Imperative has already co-opted and trumps the fundaments of that ideology. The fundamental truth is that the manosphere, pro-masculine thought, Red Pill awareness or its issues are an entity of its own.

This is what scares the shit out of critics who attempt to define, contain and compartmentalize the manosphere / Red Pill awareness; it’s bigger than social, racial, political or religious strictures can contain. It crosses all of those constructs just as the Feminine Imperative has co-opted all of those cultural constructs. The feminized infrastructure of the MSM that’s just beginning to take the manosphere seriously enough to be critical are discovering this and trying to put the genie back into a bottle defined by their feminine-primary conditioning.

The idea that one of their own, whether in a liberal or conservative context, is genuinely Red Pill aware and educating others of that awareness is unnerving for the Feminine Imperative that’s already established strong footholds in either ideology.

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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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9 years ago


Lone Survivor
Lone Survivor
9 years ago

“It’s funny how women are very attracted to a guy who works out, eats rights and takes care of his body but they fully expect men to love them (or be attracted to them) for “who they are” – thin or big” Nope. That, my friend, is called “projection” in psychology. we project our ideas/desires on others when we think that others do/see thinks we do/see. Women have an INITIAL attraction to men in good shape. However, it is only the kick-off; a good body without a good job and a good personal economy is disregarded. Causes: 1. women are… Read more »

D. Horrenbrand
9 years ago

Sad times we live in, but glad men are waking up!
As for me, I need to rebuild my whole perception of everything – including friendships with other blue pill men, as they are IMO the worst case. Both for women and for men like us.
Datson H.


[…] By Rollo Tomassi […]

9 years ago

@Lone Survivor

You mention projection and the proceed to project so hard there’s probably a silhouette of your ego on the moon.

9 years ago

@Lone — You’re mixing up AF and BB. Just to make it simple — AFs are men women will fuck “for fun”, regardless of their finances, job situation, life situation, etc. The women KNOW the men are poor candidates for anything more than hot sex, but they find them so hot, they still fuck them anyway, and harbor the hope that they can “clean them up” to make them work for something longer term (which almost always fails). BBs are guys women will date/LTR/marry, due to the entire package, of course including finances and money, but NOT the guys they… Read more »

9 years ago
Reply to  Novaseeker

You think it’s possible to be all three at different points

9 years ago

Great post Rollo. You are absolutely right; the Red Pill awareness needs to disassociate itself with any specific ideology. The mainstream media likes to label and simplify; so they can easily create a narrative to dismiss ‘dangerous’ ideas. They use these generic labels to strip our very humanity, individuality, and identity.

9 years ago

You think it’s possible to be all three at different points

Sure, guys can go up and down depending on what they do with their bodies, minds and lives.

9 years ago
Reply to  Novaseeker

what they do with their bodies, minds and lives.
Body stay fit
Mind expand
Live improve an every level

What a great day.

9 years ago

@Lone ““It’s funny how women are very attracted to a guy who works out, eats rights and takes care of his body but they fully expect men to love them (or be attracted to them) for “who they are” – thin or big” Nope. That, my friend, is called “projection” in psychology. we project our ideas/desires on others when we think that others do/see thinks we do/see.” You have obviously not been around enough women (young to cougar) when they’re congregated to watch Magic Mike for the 18th time, or mentally undressing underage Wolfboy from Twihard. You need a mop… Read more »

9 years ago

Catholic women in the Vatican… There are no women “in the Vatican”. At least, none with power. And since only men can be Catholic priests, bishops, cardinals, and popes, no woman will ever vote at the Vatican. Women hold zero power there, and that’s not going to change (infallible doctrine). So the femcentric West has zero traction at the Vatican. Hell, even birth control is outlawed in the RCC, not to mention that the entire Vatican has taken a vow of chastiy…so I don’t see how femcentric inroads will be made there. Probably more likely to be influenced by Africans… Read more »

9 years ago
Reply to  mdavid

@mdavid The Vatican would be better served in finding the next Charles Martel. In about 50 years Islam will surpass Christianity as the world’s largest religion. You said it yourself, Africa will be the rising influence that tips the balance and Pew projects Islam is winning that numbers game. Italy has a fertility rare of 1.42 children per woman. That is as bad as Japan; well below the 2.0 child replacement needed to sutain their populace. The damage is already done to Italy; the bitter price will be paid over the next decades. Italy better be importing a ton… Read more »

Alec Leamas
Alec Leamas
9 years ago

“Affirmative consent” and giving credence to post hoc accusations of rape is, I think, a form of terrorism against Alphas and Betas but for different reasons. As for the Alpha, it is leverage to make a lack of commitment after sex a nasty affair, while it is pure terrorism for Betas. Cf. Ezra Klein stating men should “feel a cold spike of fear when they begin a sexual encounter.”

9 years ago

As an institution over time, that may be true of the Vatican, but as for Pope Francesco — talking about how the non-issue “pay gap” is a scandal is really a sign of FI thinking impacting him individually.

Alec Leamas
Alec Leamas
9 years ago

“As an institution over time, that may be true of the Vatican, but as for Pope Francesco — talking about how the non-issue “pay gap” is a scandal is really a sign of FI thinking impacting him individually.” This is all true and the MSM will run with this pap, but one Pope is rather constrained in what he can do given what his predecessors back to Peter have done. Contradict another ex cathedra teaching, and he undermines his own authority. What the Pope says as a private theologian or giving his own opinions on matter which are not within… Read more »

9 years ago

Not only does nature abhor a vacuum, it abhors imbalance. The RP at the moment is in the first stage of a ten decade accendancy to attain balance with the FI.

Forge the Sky
Forge the Sky
9 years ago

From the OP: “The message is clear – It is Men who must perform, Men who need to change themselves, optimize themselves and strive for the highest physical ideal to be granted female sexual approval. Women should be accepted, respected and expected to inspire genuine desire irrespective of men’s physical ideals.” In our talk last night, someone (Rocket?) pointed out that violence and warfare (or at least the threat of it) has been the normative state for humankind throughout history. This lead to a) a reduced male population due to violent death; and b) a greater necessity for uniquely masculine… Read more »

Forge the Sky
Forge the Sky
9 years ago

Here’s an interesting example – in some of the polygamous sects that still exist in America (especially around Utah), a patriarchal, masculine system still holds sway.

These communities are notorious for excommunicating young men for slight offenses, and for excommunicating women almost never. The system requires the elimination or marginalization of a proportion of the men in order to operate – otherwise, for every elder and preacher with 13 wives of various ages, you would have 12 rather disgruntled men with none.

Disgruntled men are dangerous.

Fredrick Welfare
9 years ago

There are quite a few men who defend women’s prerogatives/hypergamy and demand of other men that they inseminate some woman as the purpose of life. There is conflict between men over the marrying and family not just between some men and women. Also, hypergamy is about a serious amount of wealth on the part of the Beta-males. Would anyone care to guess how that much wealth is calculated or recognized?

Forge the Sky
Forge the Sky
9 years ago

So you don’t see the disparity in male/female power? How about you try and demand your girlfriend abort her ‘accidental’ pregnancy? Shouldn’t the choice to have a child from one’s genetic stock be a choice only undertaken by two rational, consenting adults? Just like, ya know, any sort of sexual conduct has to be? Oh, it’s ‘her body, her choice?’ Why is it not also her financial responsibility then? It can be frustrating, being RP. It’s like having another sense that everyone around you denies having. “No, man, I dunno what you’re talking about with this whole ‘seeing’ thing. What… Read more »

9 years ago

From the OP: “The message is clear – It is Men who must perform, Men who need to change themselves, optimize themselves and strive for the highest physical ideal to be granted female sexual approval. Women should be accepted, respected and expected to inspire genuine desire irrespective of men’s physical ideals.” This almost goes back to being similar to how Karen Straghen talked about the value of each sex’s reproduction. Women’s eggs=valuable, Men’s sperm=cheap. Thus every woman needs to be seen as special because every ‘egg’ is special.. so there is no distinction for ‘female beauty’.. they all produce ‘valuable… Read more »

9 years ago

“The idea that one of their own, whether in a liberal or conservative context, is genuinely Red Pill aware and educating others of that awareness is unnerving for the Feminine Imperative that’s already established strong footholds in either ideology.”

That is why it is likely that the ‘sphere will eventually be outlawed.
It would be wise to make contingency plans for keeping the knowledge stream flowing when it is forced underground.

9 years ago

Forge, Yes it can be frustrating to be RP. And do you know what is the best thing to do when things change for the worse? 1. Move through the 5 Stages of Grief. Get to acceptance. 2. Adapt. 3. Understand and develop Game for how things at that moment in time. Patriarchal societies suppressed the natural dual sexual strategy of women. The sexual revolution with suffrage prior and then birth control by women and then family divorce laws handed women a Matriarchal society especially at the poor socioeconomic side of the bell curve. The rich male side of the… Read more »

9 years ago

Fifth paragraph, first line: It’s payback time by the Matriarchy.

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
9 years ago


You talkin about these guys? Yeah, the polygamous Mormon sects really fuck their boys over hard. It really is a microcosm for the herbivores of Japan and increasingly the US and Eurozone. Scary and sad to watch.

As for war reducing the male population, my source was:

Piss poor recording quality (and an odd journey over in to movie territory), but his points are quite lucid and valid.

9 years ago

Fucking well put.

Water Cannon Boy
Water Cannon Boy
9 years ago

Roosh may be saying, “That’s what I should of said to Dr. Oz!”

9 years ago

As an aside, did Louis CK take the red pill recently? He’s been killing it with men’s issues so far this season on Louie. Nice to see RP thinking on the fringes of the mainstream.

Lone Survivor
Lone Survivor
9 years ago

@M3 Man, I used to work out 6 times a week (4 in the gym, 2 in martial arts). Used proteins and creatine, turned myself into a tank on two legs. And guess what: YES, women looked me a lot more; and NO, they didn’t dated me because I did not have a decent job (was doing 600 euro a month, lived in a small town). And now, the counterblow: when some of the women that did not wanted to date me because I had no steady job knew that I was offered a position in one of the wealthiest… Read more »

Lone Survivor
Lone Survivor
9 years ago


Just to make it simple — AFs are men women will fuck “for fun”, regardless of their finances, job situation, life situation, etc. The women KNOW the men are poor candidates for anything more than hot sex, but they find them so hot, they still fuck them anyway, and harbor the hope that they can “clean them up” to make them work for something longer term (which almost always fails).

A guy with no job, fucked finances and fucked life is not an Alpha.

9 years ago

Is the F.I. Real? Of course. That’s why As a rule; I completely ignore fatties and fuggs in every situation. Sure, attractive women are dangerous but at least they inspire an erection.
Fatties and fuggs are more dangerous because they’re easy. Easy pussy always cost mor in the long run.

9 years ago

@Lone — I think country-specific issues are at play here. Most of this blog is directed towards the situation in the US, which is a very prosperous country, where women have their own money, and where, yes, they will fuck a cash-less AF bartender well before they will fuck a soft-bodied BMW-driving rich guy — at least before they are 30. It sounds like your country has a lot less prosperity, and it’s true that where there is less prosperity, women tend to focus more on resources — but that isn’t what men in American and West European cities are… Read more »

9 years ago

Given Catholics voting record I have to disagree women/ feminist don’t run that organization. I reckon it takes about 4x the median income( for your area of operations) for beta bucks to come into play in a woman’s long term relationship strategy. No hard data on that, just what I have observed over the years and living in various areas of the usa. I base that estimation on a lot of.things but mostly on my own experiences. I didn’t see a particularly large increase in my number when my income went.from 1.45 times the local median income to 3.5 times… Read more »

9 years ago

A simple twist of fate: Dr. Oz just got his show cancelled.

9 years ago

@lone survivor

No money, a fucked life, and the right attitude is vagina Valhalla. When I want to turn a hot girl down nicely I just start talking about my exciting “corporate job”, mention my mom, and offer to buy her stuff until she ejects on her own.

You either aren’t listening or can’t think abstractly enough.

Lone Survivor
Lone Survivor
9 years ago

@Rollo Tomassi Rollo, I tried it where I used to live… and it was a let down, a big let down. Tried online dating, what a waste of time. Maybe I will give Titder another chance. Thanks for your blog, it is a great eye opener. @Novaseeker Yes, I agree that country variability is something to consider. I was in Portugal. Now, is it really true that american economy is wealthy? I mean, there are books, texts, videos reporting tha american economy is in stagnation, especially for young people with less than 25 years of age. From what I read,… Read more »

9 years ago

“As for me, I need to rebuild my whole perception of everything – including friendships with other blue pill men, as they are IMO the worst case.” You too, huh? As soon as we hit adolescence, my so-called childhood best friend became a gold-plated, dyed-in-the-wool White Knight. Given that he was raised in part by a domineering bitch who was more than likely infected by the Feminist virus in the 60’s, it stands to reason that he’d have a hard time saying “No” to a woman. Even so, it didn’t make for the best company. He’s done his fair share… Read more »

9 years ago

“It’s my opinion that red pill awareness needs to remain fundamentally apolitical, non-racial and non-religious because the moment the Red Pill is associated with any social or religious movement, you co-brand it with an ideology, and the validity of it will be written off along with any preconceptions associated with that specific ideology. Furthermore, any co-branding will still be violently disowned by whatever ideology it’s paired with because the Feminine Imperative has already co-opted and trumps the fundaments of that ideology. The fundamental truth is that the manosphere, pro-masculine thought, Red Pill awareness or its issues are an entity of… Read more »

9 years ago

“Do you really think women women will privilege a guy with the body of Charles Atlas over an average joe with a BMW m318?” Mini-rant here… You are a troll…or a navel gazer who can’t pick their head up for two seconds because you are too busy fondling yourself mentally. When I first learned about Red Pill, it was through The Misandry Bubble, which led me to Roissy. Intrigued, I proceed to read almost ALL of Roissy up to that point, including a large amount of the commentary (which was before much of it got stupid and boring). I then… Read more »

9 years ago

@ Seraph Bravo. My mini rant would be near identical, tho i found the misandry bubble only after starting out with the google search phrase ‘how do i my wife to love me again’, before stumbling across Evan Marc Katz and Hooking Up Smart. Once i started seeing some redpill guys over there i started to branch out into the sphere and start my own blog for a bit – and the rest was history. Digesting thousands of articles from which a greater knowledge and understanding developed. A knowledge that made everything make perfect sense – rather than trying to… Read more »

9 years ago

@ Lone Survivor Must i remind anyone that Roger Elliot had a fucking BMW.. look where it got him. “If a woman knows that Average Musclelesss Joe drives a Beamer and has a house in Malibu Beach, do you think she will care if he has a good body or not? If Joe knows how to tell her “you are coming to my house only if you fuck my brains off” he has a better pitch than Muscle Dave who lives in Mommy’s basement.” That’s not attraction. That’s women’s dual sexual strategy skewed towards the provisioning aspect of their Hypergamy.… Read more »

Lone Survivor
Lone Survivor
9 years ago

@ Seraph. I have lived in the US (3 months), Latin America, (32 years), Portugal (2 years) and now I am in the north of Europe (3 months). Please do yourself a favor and stop doing such childish rants. You sound like baby crying for his bottle. You talk based on what you read. I talk based on 1. what I LIVED 2. what my old man taught me If you are truly red pilled, you must be able to constantly assess the accuracy of the fundamentals of red pill. Besides, I have been to TRP reddit and it… Read more »

9 years ago

@Rollo – Bullshit on all the political comments you made. I like you, but if you aren’t going to talk politics than don’t talk politics. In fact, it is the rise of the radical collectivism and egalitarianism that gives license to social justice warriors/radfems run amok. It’s what instrumentalizes the FI in the vicious way it is at work today. It’s unrestrained now due to the politics, and the politics that enable it and support it come from the left, not the right. Fyi, that’s not to say that traditional society wasn’t informed by the FI but it was also… Read more »

9 years ago

” . . . BMW m318 . . .”

Petite bourgeoisie car, and at the moment they are hot for black Ford F-250s with extended cab for the kiddies.

9 years ago

@Rollo – Simple test of your political literacy. Do you know what Gramsci’s Counter-Hegemony was all about, without looking it up on Google? If not, consider you have almost no idea what the fuck you are talking about when assessing the politics of radfems and sjws.

9 years ago


Your bit about power is spot on, Not sure about the rest. More red pill writers would really benefit from reading some Foucault (Discipline and Punish for anyone who is interested and wants to get a start). It is embarrassing to have a writer I really admire like Roosh start talking about the richest 1000 families who control the world. This is retarded conspiracy fake 9/11 thinking.

9 years ago

@Lone Survivor

roflmao – nice strawman video. It just shows how some women act when you flash a combination of game (oh yeah, the guy definitely has game) and a very very VERY identifiably expensive sports car at them. The driver may not be roided-up buff, but he’s not exactly doughy/pasty/creepy, either.

Forge the Sky
Forge the Sky
9 years ago

@sjfrellc Yep, it’s perform or stagnate for us men. Has always been really, it’s just the fact we now rarely have to fight for our lives has tricked a lot of men into thinking they no longer have a burden of performance. The adaptation for these times is game, and the RP awareness to see and avoid the traps the FI sets for you. @Sun Wukong That’s a good video, though I think his transhumanist ‘solution’ is a little naive. Men aren’t going to be satisfied by the abstract thought of having reproduced. They want women, full stop. Anyways, I… Read more »

9 years ago

“I think his transhumanist ‘solution’ is a little naive.”

The transhumanists are not our friends, and as it happens they are currently under attack by agents of the FI.

9 years ago

@Lone — Even with the downturn, the economy here in the us remains prosperous. Most educated women have jobs and many of them are well paid, especially in or bigger cities. It isn’t really comparable to Portugal. But in any case, if you took those Portuguese women and brought them here and have them well paying jobs, you would see them chasing Chad Thundercock who is shredded but broke up into the time they want to breed, which here is now around 30. It’s AF before then and then BB, with a reversion to AF again, for some of them,… Read more »

9 years ago

@Macbeth – Uhh, what do you not “know about the rest of it?” You guys have to get that I’m not speculating. The path to where we are today is paved with the radically egalitarian and collectivist ideas and politics of the left – whether you know it or not. Ignorance of this reality doesn’t make it any less true. Sadly, most Americans are products of an educational system that simply doesn’t teach the history of the left and its effects on our society in a clear way. It’s all watered down and the world is presented to young students… Read more »

Lone Survivor
Lone Survivor
9 years ago

@Novaseeker Thanks for the insight. concerning the 30-40 years old woman trying to get back to AF, there is a catch… most AF are only interested in young women. So, they can’t compete, unless they have a good body. @BC Actually, your straw man argument is a strawman argument itself. Congratulations, you just proved my point: game is about money. A nice car and a sophisticated lifestyle is THE ultimate game. The rest is bullcrap. PUA, the dark triad and that crap… a blattant lie. I had a roomate who was what MTGOW jarheads call an “alpha”. former firefighter, former… Read more »

9 years ago

@Lone, Let me explain again since your reading comprehension is compromised. This applies to anyone else who operates in similar vain. I saw your name at the top of your next post, and I scrolled down past it. I seem to recall an embedded Youtube video… You are not worth my time, do you understand that? You are commenting on a Red Pill site, without any inkling (real or faux) about the BASICS of it. How can your argue about something of which you don’t even have a basic grasp. I can’t take you seriously and I won’t. I am… Read more »

9 years ago


I’m honored. Your blog was one of the ones I made it to in my long march through Red Pill. I very much appreciate putting your experience out there for others to learn and draw strength from.

I particularly liked your articles on the impact that technology will have on women’s edge in the SMP.

Thank you.

9 years ago

Glenn – “Fyi, it’s the sign of a pseudo-intellectual to draw equivalency between the left and right as they are quite different and need to be understood on their own merits.”

What blows my mind is that most people think National Socialism, Italian Fascism, and “fascism” generally are all products of the extreme right.

9 years ago

@Badpainter – What amazes me is that so many people talk about “politics” in a dismissive, airy general way but have never bothered to actually study it carefully. My own journey started at age 26 when sitting in a night class (with a new baby and stay at home wife), listening to a socialist professor go on and on about the Prague Spring and trying to convince us that there really were good communists and that Marx had something of value to offer. My reaction? I read 7 of Marx’s original works, and I was so horrified by it I… Read more »

9 years ago


They’re a shitload of fun.

9 years ago

“A simple twist of fate: Dr. Oz just got his show cancelled.”

Hot damn!
Are you Maypril fooling?

Water Cannon Boy
Water Cannon Boy
9 years ago

Judging by many commenters, post, and twitter tweets though, good luck getting red pill awareness back to a point of being non-racial.
Not remaining.

9 years ago

@Water cannon boy
What’s a better way to bring it up if at all?
@Forge the Sky
I used to head over to Colorado ciry by saint George Utah. It’s run by fundamental LDS folks. It was interesting to sit in an a house with 12 wives and one man to run it. I would think that it helps to learn about the red pill more.
@Sun Wukong
Check out the film Lake of Fire

9 years ago

As i mentioned about Karen Staughen (GWW) up above, i was talking about another video she did regarding comparing the transactional value of mens/womens reproductive value down to Lexus’s and chocolate bars.

But heres a video with her in it that seems very related to the conversation we’re having (and also relates very well to the prior Protein World/double standards post)

“The message is clear – It is Men who must perform, Men who need to change themselves, optimize themselves and strive for the highest physical ideal to be granted female sexual approval.”

9 years ago

Rollo, I’ll just leave this here…

You make my point, with a link to an article on how ’60’s nuns are going extinct so the pope finds it easy to ignore them. He examines what nun orders are growing and yawns…they are all conservative. Liberal nuns? Now that’s an oxymoron! E.g., sit by the edge of the river long enough, and you will see the body of your enemy floating by.

Is This Thing On?
Is This Thing On?
9 years ago

This is a tangential question but how many of you have ever met another red pill man in person? At this point in my life, I’ve only seen them on the internet. I’d love to surround myself with fellow red pill guys, but I can’t find any. We don’t even have a good old school gym to hit in my part of the world. It’s just one after another “women are as tough as men” cross-fit gyms, or the kind that have more yoga and pilates classes than total plates in the free weight area. From my estimation, red pill… Read more »

Ro Ro
Ro Ro
9 years ago

Here’s what else is personal. Women hitting the wall and then celebrating that fact to try to get men to acknowledge some kind of beauty for old women. Feminist politics.

9 years ago

thedeclineandfall: @mdavid, In about 50 years Islam will surpass Christianity…Italy has a fertility rare of 1.42 children per woman…I don’t have much faith in the EU or European governments; like Rollo said the Feminine Imperative has co-opted them. You are missing the point. The West is finished. Done. Put a fork in it. EXTINCT. And femcentricism will die with it, merely a historical curiosity. It won’t be missed. The RCC first started abandoning Europe after the counter-Reformation when it was clear Europe had given up the Faith for protestantism, modernism, feminism, and most important, birth control. Remember, by 1965 (Vatican… Read more »

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
9 years ago


“My reaction? I read 7 of Marx’s original works, and I was so horrified by it I never gave the books back to the library, and instead threw them in the garbage.”


“Example: I bet most folks on this thread could not describe the difference between Marxism, Socialism and Communism.”

In my defense, I tried to find out, but I went to the library and some books on Marxism were missing…

9 years ago
Reply to  Sun Wukong

@Is this this thing on Yeah brother I hear you. I was thinking that this weekend is StyleCon in Atlanta where men share ideals on well having style. So in rugby we sometimes travel out of state to play other teams then go to a bar and drink with each other win it lose. The best part about it is bein their IN PERSON you can’t buffer a good hit and someone pointing out that you game sucks and you need serious improvements. What I am trying to tell you is @Sun Wukong is doing for audio what I could… Read more »

Timber St. James
9 years ago

Apologies if this has been asked (many times) before: Rollo, what does Mrs. Tomasi think of your blog? My wife thoroughly hates mine, except for the weird times when she nods and says, “Duh, everyone knows that.”

I thought I’d heard Private Man had lost a GF due to his blog. Does Mrs. Tomasi have a similar visceral hate-reaction?

(I don’t blame women for the reaction at all, I’m more just curious—since you have spent so much time honing your message and research, I thought it must to some extent be visible to your wife, etc.)

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
9 years ago

@mdavid “And femcentricism will die with it, merely a historical curiosity. It won’t be missed.” This is where I give Rollo’s points some validity. This thinking right here is myopic in the extreme. Femcentrism will only die if every female on the planet dies, which of course would mean the end of our species. This is of course assuming the behaviors and tendencies that give rise to it are evolved tendencies just as we discuss them here. I think I see where Rollo is coming from. The politics are an emergent sociological phenomenon sitting perched on top of a series… Read more »

9 years ago

“The politics are an emergent sociological phenomenon sitting perched on top of a series of biological, psychological, and social structures.”

The socialists did not invent female nature, they merely recognized and leveraged it.

Lone Survivor
Lone Survivor
9 years ago

@Is This Thing On? I have met them. My father is one: his problem (one of many) is that he did not confront my mother to transmit his knowledge to me, added to the fact he was an absent father. I realized this a few weeks ago. I met another one in a Congress in Portugal, and another two who are brothers in a language course. The problem with the Red Pill is that several of the men who are in it get to become jarheads who only repeat “alpha”, “AMOG”, “AF-BB”, and crap like parrots. They were smart enough… Read more »

Lone Survivor
Lone Survivor
9 years ago

White people cannot survive without Catholicism, as we can see with the [b]ongoing implosion of Western culture, basically made up of angry feminists versus manosphere types, neither of which are conducive to families and children[/b]. Examine your demographics.


There is still hope. 🙂

9 years ago

“What blows my mind is that most people think National Socialism, Italian Fascism, and “fascism” generally are all products of the extreme right.” That was an intentional bit of disinformation perpetuated by the Left which was part of the attempt (largely successful) to whitewash the crimes on Lenin, Stalin and the Bolsheviks, including collusion with Hitler until he attacked Russia. Reading about what went on in Soviet Russia, you would be hard pressed to find the differences between it and the Holocaust and associated Nazi atrocities, particularly when you focus on the human cost. Right down to what were effectively… Read more »

9 years ago

@Rollo: It may be simple, but I don’t believe it’s so simple as to be simplistic. It’s a solid basic model. And while being a member of the women’s circle simply required being a woman, men’s society has always been divided into guilds, by function. The hunters, warriors, shamans, etc. Membership has always been a function of performance, first by going through a rite of passage, and continuing to determine status within the guild. While the men’s guilds served a purpose to the wider society, they mainly took care of members, not men in general. This is the root of… Read more »

9 years ago


“That was an intentional bit of disinformation perpetuated by the Left which was part of the attempt (largely successful) to whitewash the crimes OF Lenin, Stalin and the Bolsheviks, including collusion with Hitler until he attacked Russia.”

9 years ago

“Heheh,..I think Lone Survivor and Siirtyrion should get together for a drink sometime.”

I know you meant that as a joke, but I think that is a great idea. Tyrion is one of the “Looks are All” guy, right?

If so, why DON’T they have a published debate. Not saying here, but if they feel so firmly about their viewpoints, it would be interesting to see them hash it out publicly on say on WordPress blog. I would actually read it if it were limited to 3 total submissions per side, each limited to 1,000 words each.

9 years ago

I’m old enough and New Yorker counter culture enough that I grew up in contact with a number of people who, at one time, had hailed Hitler as the socialist Jesus here to redeem mankind.

There is a special place in the memory hole reserved for me.

9 years ago

This feels like an excellent and poignant summation. @lone survivor “Women have an INITIAL attraction to men in good shape. However, it is only the kick-off; a good body without a good job and a good personal economy is disregarded.” Nope. I’m in my early thirties, broke, and bang many cute college aged girls, some even say they love me, cook for me etc. Musculature, decent or better face, and confidence are the credentials for female attraction, which is the coin of the realm for the younger, better ones, and for sexual charged/motivated relationships. Industriousness and fiscal prudence are the… Read more »

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
9 years ago


To be fair, Jesus was socialist Jesus.

9 years ago

“The socialists did not invent female nature, they merely recognized and leveraged it.” This is an important point. When you read the Soviet accounts in the Black Book of Communism, what you realize is how for all their rhetoric about Worker’s Rights and anti-exploitation was all bullshit. It was about power; pure and simple. They simply wrapped it up in ’cause’ that seemed noble, and quickly turned cruel, vicious and murderous. The very workers the Bolshevik’s were supposedly waging war for were exploited, oppressed and murdered when they failed to live up to the Revolution’s demands. They were given longer… Read more »

9 years ago

“Why not here? I’d publish it with a bit of my own interpreting.”

I did not want to be presumptuous. It would be kind of like me inviting two drunks to duke it out on your front lawn.

9 years ago

Sun Wukong, @mdavid, This thinking right here is myopic in the extreme. Femcentrism will only die if every female on the planet dies, which of course would mean the end of our species. Basic biology and evolution know this to be false. The future belongs to those who show up for it, and femcentric culture with its 1-2 kids are doomed. They will always lose to the women who get a man to support them with a big surplus. Examine the demographics of Turkey for a single geneation clean sweep of liberals via demographics, Muslim-style, but it applies here as… Read more »

9 years ago

“What blows my mind is that most people think National Socialism, Italian Fascism, and “fascism” generally are all products of the extreme right.” They are. Fascism in NOT a Leftist phenomenon. Leftism orients around equality and while Fascism does have a belief in equality at the economic level to some extent, it does not believe in an all encompassing equality as the foundational social arrangement. Fascists were social conservatives on steroids, especially the Nazis. They don’t believe in a society without hierarchy; that’s what Leftists believe. Fascism is an authoritarian version of conservatism; usually in response to the decadence and… Read more »

Fredrick Welfare
9 years ago
Reply to  10x10

The Extreme Left and Extreme Right do have something in common however, whatever their goals, interests and agenda are, they are nihilistic which means hateful and contemptuous.

9 years ago

@Sun Wukong:

I have called a world of heat down on my head by pointing out that if you want to see socialism you need only visit a monastery, and that Woody Guthrie became a socialist through the vector of being a Jesus Freak.

9 years ago

WaterUnderTheFridge – “Industriousness and fiscal prudence are the credentials to be used as a provider male, generally by a woman well past her prime. If you have enough of the former then the latter can work for you or against you… I’ll have to learn to navigate that by and by.” Women value most highly those traits most valuable to their immediate need. In 2015 social/psychological needs trump material needs. I believe if women didn’t have the stability, and assurance of the social safety net (to include government, social, and cultural assurances of basic survival) their priority of needs would… Read more »

9 years ago

@Rollo – It’s not that I “may be right” – I’m correct about how the political puts all this on steroids and rips the limits off the FI. What your comment concedes is actually close to agreement with me, but then you spit up a throwaway line about the ‘Ayn Rand part of the manosphere saying feminism comes from socialism’. Unnecessary and in direction, quite misleading. I mean, have you read Engels essay that I cited or not? Do you understand the purpose of Gramsci’s Counter Hegemony that set many forces against in motion in the first place? The left… Read more »

9 years ago

“It’s my opinion that red pill awareness needs to remain fundamentally apolitical, non-racial and non-religious because the moment the Red Pill is associated with any social or religious movement, you co-brand it with an ideology, and the validity of it will be written off along with any preconceptions associated with that specific ideology.”

Well said! This should form part of the ‘manosphere imperative’….we should be formless, like water.
The genie is out and is ready to play…no going back!

9 years ago

@Glenn, I agree with many of your points. For me, I see it as the Left having sub-ideologies that are all outgrowths of their core philosophic premises of skepticism, relativism, out-group altruism, egalitarianism, socialism (whatever variant including American welfare-statism), and cultural nihilism. I think of it this way: Multiculturalism/Multiracialism/Civil_Rights – All of this is racial socialism premised on the alleged “white supremacy” inherent to whites. The utopian vision is a “post-race” society where incomes and opportunities are equal for all races. The Left is using a racialized version of Rawls for this; after all you didn’t chose your parents. So,… Read more »

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
9 years ago

@mdavid Basic biology and evolution know this to be false. A strong assertion that the rest of your does abso-fucking-lutely nothing to back it up. You break in to a bunch of ranting about the social structures, again prominently displaying exactly the myopia I’m referring to. If you’re going to assert that basic biology and evolution prove that basic biology and evolution are not responsible for psychological and social structures, then you’d damn well better back it up As is you’re asserting that the effect is the cause. I’m gonna call unconditional bullshit until you can give me some proof.… Read more »

9 years ago
Reply to  Sun Wukong

“I did not want to be presumptuous. It would be kind of like me inviting two drunks to duke it out on your front lawn.”
That Is a good point by its almost like a brawl.
I would take that invite as a gilft.
Wonderful point thanks for putting that in perspective.

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
9 years ago

^ correction “A strong assertion that the rest of your post does…”

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
9 years ago


The Left is EVIL. And feminism is a core part of that movement.

… and this is why politics pollutes the discussion. Vilifying “them” as evil and “us” as good is a fast way to find yourself blinded by extremism. Binary thinking at its absolute bottom of the barrel worst. The extreme left casts the extreme right as “EVIL” as well. You know what the truth is? Both groups are collection of assholes that need to chill the fuck out.

Lone Survivor
Lone Survivor
9 years ago

@ RolloTomassi “And we should love and be aroused by women for what’s on the inside and not their appearances, right?” Hey, hey, hey. Hold it right there, hot shot! YOU said that, not me. Men are meant to be functional, that is: – hard body: intended in the past for hunting, fishing and protecting family. Now, intended for family protection. – brains: we are creators, we use our brain to create new stuff and push society for the better – character: a rock solid character is fundamental to make decisions and offer security/stablity to women and children Women are… Read more »

9 years ago
Reply to  Lone Survivor

That’s a good point. Maybe you can have an Alpha mindset
As well as a grown example of reproductive success.

Just noticing my mindset this morning and it’s becoming far more assertive. Iam beginning to love pain and rejection more. Because they are balanced. You bring up some really great points.
What about alphas who have sex and spread their seed with many women but don’t stay to support them?

Fredrick Welfare
9 years ago
Reply to  Lone Survivor

The point at issue is not necessarily who fucks more often since it is a moot (undecidable and unprovable) point whether alphas or betas fuck more often in their lifetime. (The quality of a fuck or orgasm is hardly ever addressed since penetration is all that “counts.”) The real issue is the reasons why females select certain males to fuck regardless of whether those males actually inseminate her and regardless of whether she carries to term. Her decision today, given the context of contraception and prophylaxis, is now controlling male behaviors. Thus, males compete with diverse strategies against each other… Read more »

9 years ago

@Frederick welfare
Hugely appropriate

9 years ago

“Leftism orients around equality” That’s the propaganda, not the reality. Leftism orientates around attaining power using popular movements. “Fascists were social conservatives on steroids, especially the Nazis.” If you want an in depth historical refutation of this, read Liberal Fascism. Cliff Notes version is this… Mussolini admired Communist Theory and thought. His father, I believe, was a socialist, as was Mussolini. However, Mussolini did not go in for all this “International Workers Unite” rhetoric. He had no interest in allying with Slavs, Germans, French, etc. He wanted Italians united for Italy, and rebranded his ideology to separate himself from the… Read more »

9 years ago

“Civil Society evolves with capitalism and the formation of the modern state. As the counterpart to the power of the state, it is also an independent force. It depends first of all on a system of needs, in which private economic activity plays a primary role. Civil society supposes an individual who has many needs, and it depends on the values of these individuals, their consciences, actions, and their sense of freedom. Individuals are both selfish and citizens interested in public affairs and the community. Lubomir Sochor, a philosopher and political thinker, defines civil society as “the ensemble of suprafamilial,… Read more »

Lone Survivor
Lone Survivor
9 years ago

Rugby, it’s more than that. It is not about rejection. It is about learning to push yourself further than you thought possible. It is about realizing that you can IN FACT become whatever you want to become as long as you are willing to work for it. Mt advice, watch this 7-chapter documentary: The problem with feminism is that it created 6 generations of men who lost contact with their masculine core. Who learned from their mothers that “you have to be a good boy” and “don’t fight”. The true Red Pill is realizing that and regaining contact with… Read more »

9 years ago

Comment on child services:

This agency has too much power. You think the IRS is a nightmare? This agency should be labeled a terrorist group. They are allowed to collect funds by any means necessary (usually going after the man). They have the authority to suspend your driver’s license, pull your passport, and imprison you. They can, also, send a letter to your bank and pull all of your money out. People don’t believe it until they speak with a dad who is going through the hell. Women don’t want equality…they want more power and control.

Fred Flange, a/k/a Capt. Oblivious
Fred Flange, a/k/a Capt. Oblivious
9 years ago

The Red Pill should also be non political because FRONTAL POLITICS ARE THE SEQUELAE to the Phenomenon (hardwired hypergamy, masculine and feminine hardwiring that transcends cultures, nations, continents, ages, the HitlerGruss, Lysenko-ism, genderqueer navel-gazing and Re-education seminars in Room 101). By focusing only on the politics (left right left right – hey it’s a march!), you are looking at the wreckage of the storm, not what caused it. Can social constructs affect the phenomenon? Sure. If you go from scrounging for food to a comfortable agrarian existence where no one starves, that will affect the phenomenon. Attraction based on purely… Read more »

9 years ago

“@Lone, I can’t believe I’m about to do this, but have a look at these links:”

My gut tells me he will refuse to engage. The question is why?


9 years ago

Why are so many men in todays’ society weak feminized males, simps, betas and manginas?

Start with this book:

“The Feminized Male: Classrooms, White Collars and the Decline of Manliness” by Patricia Sexton, published in 1969.

9 years ago

“Are you Maypril fooling?”

Sorry Liz, I read the news wrong. Oz got canned from his radio show. “A minute with OZ.”

Rule of Wrist
9 years ago

Arguing about the differences between communists, socialists and marxists is like arguing about the composition of the stain on your kitchen floor: it’s only a useful discussion insofar as it will help you fight it. Rollo’s (or kfg’s?) point is exactly correct, all of those ideologies are rooted in feminine ideals. They are the method of enforcement and promulgation, not the source, not the WHY those ideologies came into being. The FI is the why. @10×10 You are incorrect. This is a common misconception. Along the political spectrum, it goes like this: -Farthest left: Police state. No or very limited… Read more »

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