Late Life Hypergamy

Commenter YaReally dropped an interesting set of videos in last week’s comment thread and I thought I’d riff on them for a bit today. I’m not familiar with Loose Women (the TV show anyway), but from what I gather, it’s on par with The View or any similar mid-day women’s talk show. I don’t make a habit of watching shows dedicated to entertaining women’s need for indignation, but I regularly have readers email or tweet me segments asking for my take on certain aspects of them or how they relate to Red Pill awareness.

It should come as no shock to my readers that shows of this formula are a social manifestation of women’s base natures. Every conversation takes on a sense of seriousness and gravity, but the tone and the presumptuousness that drives these conversations are rooted in women’s solipsism. All iterations of this show are presented from a perspective that assumes a pre-understood feminine primacy. It’s also no coincidence that the rise in popularity of women’s talk shows has paralleled the comfort women have in embracing Hypergamy openly.

Whenever I get a link to something the women on The View discuss it’s almost always a confirmation of some Red Pill principle I’ve covered previously, and in this instance Loose Women doesn’t disappoint. Saira Khan (I apologize for my lack of knowing who she is or why I should care to) related to the panel of women – and the expectedly disproportionate female audience – that at 46 years of age and two children (only one by her husband) she has entered some commonly acknowledged phase where she finds herself lacking all libido for her husband.

I decided to write a full post on these clips because Saira amply demonstrates every facet of the latter phases of maturity I outlined in Preventive Medicine. She begins her self-serving apologetics by prequalifying her previously “fantastic sex life in her younger years” and moves on to her bewilderment over her lack of arousal for her glaringly Beta husband. We’ll get to him later, but she’s a textbook example of a woman in what I termed the Alpha Reinterest phase from Preventive Medicine. Granted, at 46 Saira is experiencing this “stage” a bit later than most women, but we have to consider the difficulty she had in having and adjusting to children later in life – all undoubtedly postponed by her obvious fempowerment mentality and careerism.

I love you, but I’m not in love with you

It’s likely most men in the Red Pill sphere have experienced and discussed this very common trope. Saira is quick to apply a version of this standard self-excusing social convention. She “loves her husband” and “he’s a great man”, but lately(?) she simply has no desire to fuck him. I’m highlighting this because it’s an important part of the psychology and the self-excusing rationales that revolve around the less-than-optimal outcome of women’s dualistic (AF/BB) sexual strategy.

It may serve readers better to review the Preventive Medicine series of posts, but the short version is this: Once a woman has settled on a man for her post-SMV peak life plans, and the routine and regimen of a life less exciting than her Party Years begins to reveal the nature of a (usually Beta) man she settled on, that’s when the subconscious sexual revulsion of him begins. The feral nature of

Hypergamy begins to inform her subconscious understanding of her situation – the man she settled for will never compare to the idealized sexuality of the men she’s been with prior to him. Alpha-qualifying shit tests (fitness tests) naturally follow, but Saira herself describes her sexual revulsion for Steve as a sense of “panic” at the thought of him expecting her to be genuinely sexual with him.

As such, there becomes a psycho-social imperative need to blunt and/or forgive these feelings for the “lack of libido” women experience for their Beta husbands. Thus, we get the now clichéd tropes about how “it’s not you, it’s me” or “I love you, but I’m not in love with you.” Both of which amount to the same message – I love you, but I have no desire to fuck you. You’re a great guy and a swell husband, but my pussy only gets wet for Alpha.

Saira exemplifies this in her assessment of her husband (Steve), but more so, she illustrates the disconnection she knows is necessary to insulate her ego from knowing exactly what’s “wrong” with her. The problem with her lack of libido becomes separated from the source, Steve. So she says it’s not him, she just doesn’t want to do it.

She qualifies herself as someone loveable (she still cuddles and gets comfort from Steve), but this lovable ‘good person’ doesn’t want her lack of arousal to be something to disqualify her from feeling good about herself.

Solution: make sex separate and ancillary to her relationship with her husband.

For women in this phase, sex is equated with a chore. It’s a chore because it’s not something she has a desire to do, but still feels obligated to do. Steve walks through the door at 6 and her subconscious understands that the expectation of her is that she should be aroused by this Beta man she’s trapped into living with for the rest of her life. Hypergamy informs her subconscious and the manifestation is to find ways to avoid sex with a man her Hypergamous sense acknowledges is a suboptimal sexual pairing. Her conscious, emotive, female mind understands that she should want to fuck him, but it wars with her hindbrain that is repulsed by just the imagining of it.

In order to contend with the internal conflict created by Hypergamy, and a woman’s settling on a poor consolidation of it, social conventions had to be created to make separating sexual arousal (Alpha Fucks) from women’s personal worth (Beta Bucks investment) and the attending bad feelings it causes for them.

Ironically, this show’s original premise was based on the question of whether sex was even a “must” on a couple’s wedding night. This is a prime example of separating desireless sex from women’s sense of personal worth. I wrote about this in Separating Values. If sex is ancillary or only an occasional bonus, it ceases to be a deal-breaking factor in marriage for women when they don’t have a desire to fuck their Beta husbands.

Conflating Values

One of the major problems women have, and more than even some red pill men have, is the conflation of sexual market value with their intrinsic personal value as a human being.

It needs to be emphasized that while personal value is influential in sexual market value, SMV is distinct from your value as a human being. I’m stressing this because, in the age Disney Princess empowerment, this conflation of the two has become a go-to social convention; and not just for women.

What Korth suffers from is presuming her personal value is her sexual market value.

It’s disruptive to her self-perceptions and ego-investments when that presumption is challenged by a man who doesn’t want to fuck her for reasons based on the intrinsic value she believes she’s entitled to by virtue of maturity and imaginings of self-sufficiency. Just as women aren’t aroused by men’s own self-concepts of virtuousness and aspirations of higher purpose, men aren’t aroused by whatever ephemeral self-perceptions a woman may have.

In Khan’s case, she (and the many women in the audience who nod in agreement with her) must devalue sex as an article or an object rather than accept that it’s something she wants to engage in, just not with Steve.

There are many other social conventions that aid women in avoiding sex with Beta husbands. An even more common convention is the popularly accepted idioms that “sex just naturally declines after marriage” or “men and women often have mismatched libidos.” Both of these have filtered into our popular consciousness, but they serve the same latent purpose – excusing a lack of desire caused by women interpreting their husband’s lack of Alpha sub-communications. Wives don’t get tingles from Beta husbands, thus, they need to find ways to offset the bad feelings for themselves first, and their husbands secondarily.

The trick in this is women not personalizing their lack of arousal with a husband’s self-worth – “it’s not you, it’s me” – and deferring to some naturally occurring biological or psychological event that can be conveniently attached to the mystique of women.

It’s not you, but it is you

Thus, the rationale morphs from “it’s not you, it’s me” into “it’s not you, it’s the time/circumstance/effort/need for help with the chores/phase of my mysterious woman-ness” that’s causing her lack of sexual desire.” She’s got a busy life, she’s got kids, and in her pursuit of perfection in these arenas, sex somehow falls by the wayside – or at least the kind of non-obligatory, hot, urgent sex she used to enjoy in her fantastic youth. It’s not you, it’s just life.

It’s not you, it’s wives ‘naturally’ lose interest in sex. It’s not you, it’s that she panics at the thought of you expecting her to be aroused by you.

If sex can be delimited to being all about the person then a lack of women’s arousal can’t be blamed on the mechanics of sex. So when men complain about a lack of sex from their wives or a lack of enthusiastic genuine desire, we get the response we hear from the panel of women on the show; a sarcastic shaming of men who raise the issue that their wives are frigid with them.

“Oh, how can men survive without sex?” or a sarcastic “No bloke can be in a relationship without sex” is a deemphasizing of the importance that the role of sex plays in a marriage and any intersexual relationship. Once again this is due to the separating of personal worth of a woman from the sexual mechanics of Hypergamy that prompt her to genuine arousal. The easiest solution is to cast men into the same sexual expectations as women; if women can forego sex then men ought to be able to “survive” without it too.

This normalized idea stems from the equalist perspective that men and women being equal should also share equal attitudes, prompts, and appetites for sex. This is a biological impossibility of course, but the conversation serves as a stark illustration of women expecting feminized men to identify with the feminine and prioritize that identification above any and all considerations about their experiences of being male.

Ultimately this is self-defeating for women because the nature of the Alpha guy that women crave pushes him to have sex, not to deny himself of it.

In fact, that sexual insistence is a prime indicator that a woman is dealing with an Alpha. The man agreeing to the patience and effort needed to “wait out” his wife’s frigidity is indicating that he’s not accustomed to insisting on, and getting what he wants. If he can sublimate his most powerful biological imperative – to get sex – what else is he willing to sublimate?

Sex is the glue that holds relationships together.

The ladies on the panel mock this idea for exactly the same reason Saira is tying herself in knots about not being hot for Steve. He needs sex, but he shouldn’t really need sex because it’s all about the person and not the mechanics. But it is exactly the mechanics of Hypergamy that are at the root of Saira’s need to solipsistically feel better about herself to the extent that she’ll publicly emasculate her husband on national TV.

As the show grinds on, all of the predictable rationales for wive’s self-consolations for a lack of sex get run down like a check list. Kids? Check. Career? Check. Never do they address that she’s a

Never do they address that she’s a 46-year-old woman raising small children or that her so overstressed condition is only one consequence of delaying what passes for motherhood to her for so long. I understand Saira and Steve struggled with infertility, but my guess is that this too was a physical result of the life choices she made and the difficulty of conceiving and carrying a child to term well after her fantastic sexual prime. I’m 48 and my daughter graduated high school this year so I can’t imagine facing parenthood in my mid/late 40s. This isn’t even an afterthought for the panel because it exposes the costs of the feminist-inspired careerism the show is triumphantly based upon.

Shit Tests and Marriage

As I mentioned earlier in this post, wives in this state will still shit test their husbands just as readily as any single woman. We are meant to believe, no we are expressly told, that Saira’s sexual revulsion is “normal” and it’s not Steve or his dedication that’s at issue. Yet during all of Saira’s journey of self-discovery about her lack of libido, she suggests that Steve go out and find a woman who will fuck him. At some stage in their great open communication, Saira gives Steve express permission to go out and bang another woman because she just can’t.

Naturally she couches this in the idea that she’s so devoted to him “as a person” that she just wants him to be happy, however, she is so repulsed by him, sex is a happiness she can’t find within herself to even feign for him. For all the shocked gasps from the women in the audience, what this amounts to is a very visceral shit test for Steve.

The purpose of the ‘dare’ for Saira is meant to determine whether Steve can still (if he ever) generate genuine sexual desire in other women. I’ve covered this dynamic in at least a dozen different posts – women want a man who other men want to be, and other women want to fuck. Steve’s steadfast devotion to his wife is anti-seductive and Saira, on some level of consciousness, knows this. If another woman found Steve attractive enough to bang it would generate Dread, social proof and confirm his preselection among other women. And as I’ve mentioned countless times, breakup sex (or near breakup sex) always trumps contrived, preplanned special occasion “date night” sex, which predictably is the suggestion that ends the second video.

And as I’ve mentioned countless times, breakup sex (or near breakup sex) always trumps contrived, preplanned special occasion “date night” sex, which predictably is the suggestion that ends the second video.

Steve, the dutiful Beta, is also predictably dumbfounded by her “suggestion”. He’s heartbroken from a feminized emotional perspective, but also because, like most Beta men, he’s heavily invested in the fallacy of Relational Equity. He’s observably sexually optionless so it’s a moot point, but if he were to muster up the balls and the Game to take her up on her oh so caring suggestion to fuck another woman, he risks losing the relationship equity he believes his rational, empowered wife should appreciate and factor into her attraction for him.

Thus, Steve comes up with rationalizations for why he didn’t take her up on her offer of permissive infidelity. He makes his necessity (really his optionlessness) a virtue and sticks to the standard Beta wait-it-out supportiveness he’s been conditioned for but is actually the source of his sexless marriage. He defaults to the “open communication” solves everything meme while ignoring the message that the medium of his wife’s sub-communication is telling him. Steve attributes everything (accurately) to his conditioning that most men, “typical blokes”, are Betas whose responsibility ought to be unconditional supportiveness when in fact they really have no other choice but to be so.

She doesn’t want to be ‘fixed’

One last thing occurred to me while I picked these clips apart. At the end, the panel of women defaults to the “it’s not you Steve, you’re a great guy, Saira’s just experiencing a normal frigidity that comes along for women in marriage.” I thought this was interesting because there’s a push to accept this frigidity as a normal phase women experience, but it still relies on the idea that sex and personal worth are two separate aspects of this problem.

If the root of this ‘normal’ problem is one about mechanics (it’s not Steve, it’s Saira’s physical/psychological malfunction) then I would expect there could be a mechanical solution to the problem. Even the fat brunette panelist suggest that all it takes is a better ‘effort’ on Saira’s part to get herself into the mood, but she even rejects this. Her problem isn’t a pharmaceutical one or a behavioral one, it’s a holistic one rooted in hardwired Hypergamy. So repulsive is the thought of fucking a Beta that Saira cannot psych herself up to do so.

I wondered if she would even consider taking the new “pink pill”, the female form of viagra, but I’ve read enough counter argument articles from women about it to know that women’s hardwired psychology prevents them from even chemically altering themselves to want to have sex with a man her Hypergamy cannot  accept. My guess is that even a cheeky holiday in the Maldives won’t be enough to convince Saira to want to fuck Steve.

However, this simple fact, that women will refuse to take the Spanish Fly to work themselves up and bypass their Hypergamy for their Beta husband’s happiness, destroys the convention that her frigidity is the result of her biomechanics. She doesn’t want a pill to fix her because she knows it’s a holistic problem.

Saira knows how to please Steve sexually, she simply doesn’t want to, and it’s because Steve is Steve.


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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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The Man
The Man
7 years ago

Bachelorocles – nice analysis. I agree. What my query then is – well why exactly are men so inclined to be complicit around this, and what can we do about that? I got plenty of thoughts on that. I gotta go now, but if you got something to say along those lines, I’ll get back to you sometime later within this thread.


7 years ago

PSA – today is the summer solstice and for the first time in some 40 years it will also be a full moon. Hormones will be raging. Lots of good mystical stuff to work with. also lots of planets have been around the moon as well.

7 years ago

Your last comment Rollo seems to reveal your motivations for the content on this site. You simply relay the information on this site for men to avoid the rather than show them how to win. It’s why you never prescribe solutions for the sexual marketplace as it stands in modern times. That’s a shame you don’t think most modern men have the discipline to apply game principles to any phase of a relationship when women. What it takes to keep a woman perpetually aroused by you is built into their DNA over millennia and culture over the span of a… Read more »

7 years ago

“If she does not make major dietary and exercise changes she will be a plus size by the time she is 30.”

I predicted some time ago that her long term planning is to leverage her current celebrity to transition to a plus size model.

In fact, in old money, before fat became the new skinny, she’s already made it.

7 years ago

@ EliteManhood

…. Rollo is very smart in not being prescriptive.

7 years ago

KFG, GB_Hill

To me, I think she is always going to fight genetics… she is a big boned big girl who was able to ride her 15YO metabolism a while, then starve (and coke?) a bit before the wheels started to come off the bus.

Then engaged…

7 years ago

@The Man “well why exactly are men so inclined to be complicit around this, and what can we do about that?” That’s billion dollar question. Why, for instance, is everyone ok with a system in which billionaires and banks buy our politicians? Or a system which involves us in endless, multi-trillion dollar, unnecessary wars? Or a police state which insanely puts humans in prison for weed? Because most people are wage slaves who are overworked, in debt, afraid, and have never though their way through things. It’s not their fault. But it is the way it is. What can be… Read more »

7 years ago

Big fan of the British accent.. “youchube” lol she’s kinda hawt for a 46 year old.

7 years ago

“Softek – if your girl truly is BPD, truth be told, even if you are the one to break it off with her, ultimately that is not the reality that will take hold in her mind, longer term. She will eventually (or even more suddenly) turn it around in her mind, like she did the rejecting. She really can’t do it any other way. So……. the very very fucked up thing about this is……. Rollo is right …. best if you get the satisfaction for yourself of taking positive action …….. but, in the end, if she is BPD it… Read more »

Yollo Comanche
Yollo Comanche
7 years ago

@YaReally Hey Sensei, you mind perhaps elaborating a bit on the 90/10 dynamic you once observed in the field as far as the 18-25 crowd of women? Are they actually getting harder to game? Is it really necessary to get in shape to bang them like some people think? Or is it more a frame battle? I’m thinking the latter since that question seems to pop up and then recede and pop up and recede with the trends. I have my own theory about that and I’m sure one of the RSD guys picked it up a long time ago.… Read more »

7 years ago

In general, can we tell that “hyper-andry” is better suited than “hyper-gamy”?

One of eceuils of the (in french) “Engagement Exclusif Explicite” (the three E of Error) (= Marriage) would not come to the phenomenon more ubiquitous in human psychology of “Tachyphylaxie hédonique”?

7 years ago

“We could socially engineer it so that men comprise 10 to 20% of the population. It would probably produce world peace . . . ”

The world is not, never has been and never will be a peaceful place, until it is sterilized (cue V’Ger ).

Life is conflict.

7 years ago

Re 90/10 phenomenon with under 25s. Understand what that means. It does not mean that only 10% of men are having sex with these girls or getting into relationships with them. Remember there are two fundamental sexual markets: long term relationship market and the short term / quick sex market (or r/K if you want to think of it like that). The speculation by the Game community is that in the short term (r-selection) market, 80-90 percent of women are having sex with 10-20 percent of top SMV men when they want to have non-committal or non-relationship sex. Most of… Read more »

Kid Jupiter
Kid Jupiter
7 years ago
Reply to  gb_hill

@gb-hill Actually, I think humans naturally ARE a harem-building species, just like other higher primates. The difference is this natural instinct was curbed by social mores in the higher civilizations, which actually led to the development of these higher (Western) civilizations; i.e. female hypergamy was kept in check and most every man could find a mate, even if he wasn’t in the top 20% or whatever. With the unleashing of female hypergamy from the “oppression” of the “patriarchy,” we now see the results of feral female nature: harems. Women, when left to their own devices and not forced by society… Read more »

7 years ago

gb_Hill +1 comment. There is so much emphasis on game (which is great, no doubt) and alpha, but nearly all girls are getting laid all the time by beta guys… traditional guys… boyfriends… chodes etc. sure those guys may not control the relationships, but in terms of getting dick in V, they do get it done. Girls do not like to be alone… and AF/BB well those BB guys are getting ass as currency in that trade… Look at Scrib… he is “alpha” dogging his current girl, yet she is living with a BB guy who is getting the same… Read more »

7 years ago

Kid Jupiter

“female hypergamy was kept in check and most every man could find a mate, even if he wasn’t in the top 20% or whatever.”

This makes no sense because of SMV rating… Even today most every man can find a “mate”.

Not every man can find a

But no top SMV guy wants a

Even if all of those girls want him…

Kid Jupiter
Kid Jupiter
7 years ago
Reply to  Sentient


Makes perfect sense if “mate” means a decent woman who isn’t going to have the freedom or desire to split with cash & prizes when she gets ‘bored’ or isn’t “haaaaaaaaapppyy.”

7 years ago

@Yollo “Are they actually getting harder to game? Is it really necessary to get in shape to bang them like some people think? Or is it more a frame battle?” Frame battle. They are BOMBARDED with nothing but attention and compliments and rewards from every angle 24/7 by all of society for every little thing they think say and do. That’s why so many of them think they’re hilarious or should be famous singers or have YouTube channels where they just talk about their day etc, because imagine you posted a picture of you holding your mouse as you read… Read more »

7 years ago

THIS – ” 10 years ago, before social media and smartphones, girls tended to act more like their objective value…a 6 knew she was a 6, a 3 knew she was a 3, a 9 knew she was a 9. But now even 3s are fucking thirsty good-looking jacked rich dudes who are desperate and have too much scarcity to have standards or even just get hit up at a weak moment (when they’re hammered/horny/lonely or they get catfished with an online girl but fuck her anyway because she showed up and is willing, etc) and worse than actually GETTING… Read more »

7 years ago
7 years ago

Kfg “The world is not, never has been and never will be a peaceful place, until it is sterilized (cue V’Ger ). Life is conflict.” Ok, Nietzsche. We don’t know what it would be like. We can only think about it. I would be interested in learning what life was like in Europe after 1/3 of its men were murdered in the two wars. Know any books on the issue? I like competition, my profession is one of the most competitive, but I like it in measure. Conflict is in many ways bullshit. It’s what wage slaves are taught so… Read more »

7 years ago

@ya yeah i mean the natural response is ‘omg i can’t believe you haven’t seen/done x…’ but increasingly, I don’t really care lol i just lean back and go ‘ah nevermind’ and take another drink of my beer like a boss and when they follow up on it like ‘no what is it, is it cool?’ i’m just like ‘idk, maybe i’ll show you some time…’ @gb_hill don’t reply to me but all of the r and K shit-as-applied to humans is lolworthy pseudoscience bullshit. more than that, the behavioral characteristics ascribed to each type are fucking wrong and don’t… Read more »

7 years ago

@ Bachelorocles ” I like competition, my profession is one of the most competitive, but I like it in measure. Conflict is in many ways bullshit. It’s what wage slaves are taught so they’ll work their lives away so they can provide women and children lives of leisure and make other people wealthy. It’s what young soldiers are taught so they’ll sacrifice their lives for billionaires. Life is a well cooked meal, a good bottle of wine, a good bourbon, good music, fishing, a good conversation, a giggle fit, and a blow job from a 22 year old woman (and… Read more »

7 years ago

“Life is a well cooked meal, a good bottle of wine, a good bourbon, good music, fishing, a good conversation, a giggle fit, and a blow job from a 22 year old woman . . .”

You might want to try tallying up all the fighting and killing that went into making that possible. No nihilism, or even philosophy involved. Straight up biology.

7 years ago

“So, is it safe to assume that you are anti-vulture capitalism? So, how will we have a strong, vibrant economy without the job creators?” I don’t like discussing politics and economic here. I think we should copy what the more successful nations have done. Examine the happiest, most prosperous nations on earth and then copy them. Easy. Job creation has two sides. It isn’t done with magic. Consumer spending is one half of it. And consumers who make decent wages spend best, no? “And who will defend my liberty if we don’t bomb the shit out of people that have… Read more »

7 years ago


“a lot of those girls are only entering into relationships with betas because the betas WANT relationships while the alphas won’t settle with them.’

aaaaannnnnnd because girls really like having relationships too. Don’t forget that part.

Alfa fux / beta bux (or commitment) is a no lose mating strategy.

Cake meet eating it!

7 years ago


“You might want to try tallying up all the fighting and killing that went into making that possible. No nihilism, or even philosophy involved. Straight up biology.”

That doesn’t mean life is conflict. You have to shit to live but that doesn’t mean the height of life is shit.

No one has fought for my freedom and security since World War II. And I hold those men in high honor. But that doesn’t mean the height of life is the shit they went through.

7 years ago

don’t reply to me but all of the r and K shit-as-applied to humans is lolworthy pseudoscience bullshit.


7 years ago

Bombing the shit out of them has put your liberty in jeopardy, multiplied the police state, eroded your rights, murdered millions, created terrorism, and wasted our money.

I see that the man from Fantasyville has a compatriot among us.

7 years ago

Kid Jupiter

Makes perfect sense if “mate” means a decent woman who isn’t going to have the freedom or desire to split with cash & prizes when she gets ‘bored’ or isn’t “haaaaaaaaapppyy.

So your definition of mate means no women who ever lived or will live?

Kid Jupiter
Kid Jupiter
7 years ago
Reply to  Sentient


Huh? Do you just feel like arguing and being a contrarian? You know exactly what I meant by my definition of “mate.”

7 years ago

If even 3’s are banging guys, then why aren’t the >HB7s trying to corral in the SMP? The matriarchy had control over it before, and if 3’s are competing with the upper women, then something is wrong with the system. Revenge of the nerds was only a movie, and catty ladies can not possibly be happy with this current system of SMV inflation.

7 years ago

Meghan Trainor as a brand is a deliberate leverage of the delusion. Cleverly they take someone who normally would not be attractive enough to sell pop music with, and pitch her as having sex appeal (the pretend make out at the awards show, that she has bass) and control over thirsty males. Girls see that, and go well in that case if Meghan Trainor is hot, I must be a super model, just like the 300 likes for my social media pix indicates.

7 years ago

@ Bachelorocles

Decent wages? Sounds communistic to me in 2016. Americans must now accept that we must compete with the rest of the world, especially Viet Nam.

” Decent ” is now subjective in the new, world economy.

” Bombing the shit out of them has put your liberty in jeopardy, multiplied the police state, eroded your rights, murdered millions, created terrorism, and wasted our money.”

It’s a small price to pay to protect me from those that Hate My Freedom.

( u kno I’m kidding, right )

7 years ago


The arms industry thanks you for your support. It asks for more cannon fodder

7 years ago

… where’s my 40 year mortgage?

7 years ago


“u kno I’m kidding, right ”


I didn’t. I missed the sarcasm. I’m slow today

7 years ago

@ pinelero ” If even 3’s are banging guys, then why aren’t the >HB7s trying to corral in the SMP? The matriarchy had control over it before, and if 3’s are competing with the upper women, then something is wrong with the system. Revenge of the nerds was only a movie, and catty ladies can not possibly be happy with this current system of SMV inflation.” Sad to say that it’s very true that shit has been turned upside down in the social media age. Chicks are not lacking in willing penis, even the 3’s. I’ve witnessed this with muh… Read more »

7 years ago

Kid Jupiter

If that is your definition i refer you to the OP “Late life Hypergamy” and Rollo’s collected works on the subject of hypergamy…

Kid Jupiter
Kid Jupiter
7 years ago
Reply to  Sentient


Yes, that’s my definition of ‘mate’. My mother was one, as were both my grandmothers, and I can only assume my great and great-great and great-great-great grandmothers were, too.

I suggest you read F. Roger Devlin’s book “Sexual Utopia In Power” and don’t solely cite Rollo to back up everything. Rollo is great, but he’s not the only guy thinking, theorizing, and writing about this stuff, nor is he the be-all-end-all on the subject of hypergamy.

7 years ago

“That doesn’t mean life is conflict.” Your well cooked meal jumped into your plate? “You have to shit to live but that doesn’t mean the height of life is shit.” If you have to do it to live, you have to do it to live the “height of life.” And your wine and bourbon are partially composed of excretions. Probably the very part you consider relevant, or you’d just drink wheat grass and grape juice. “No one has fought for my freedom and security since World War II.” Recent events highlight two things: 1) You are not in a safe… Read more »

7 years ago


“1) You are not in a safe space even in Disney World.”

comment image

7 years ago

Kid – did your Grandma like Sinatra?

comment image

wake up…

Kid Jupiter
Kid Jupiter
7 years ago
Reply to  Sentient


No, neither of them liked Sinatra. They were devoted wives to my grandfathers and mothers to their children, and were outstanding grandmothers to me.

You wake up. You’re lost.

7 years ago

@Sentient “aaaaannnnnnd because girls really like having relationships too. Don’t forget that part.” Ya of course. Insert “betas WANT relationships as much as the girls do” into my original sentence, I figured that was a given lol @scray “don’t reply to me but all of the r and K shit-as-applied to humans is lolworthy pseudoscience bullshit. more than that, the behavioral characteristics ascribed to each type are fucking wrong and don’t make sense even within the paradigm you’re using.” Pretty much my feeling on R/K lol I don’t really see the difference between R/K and Alpha/Beta from the skimming I’ve… Read more »

7 years ago

@Bachelorocles the unwise

We’d be so much better off not fighting wars offshore and instead waiting until we were invaded. So that people wouldn’t call us names. And stuff.

7 years ago

“Sexual Utopia In Power” – The first chapter in article form:

7 years ago

Nothing new here? CONCLUSION Marriage is an institution; it places artifi cial limits on women’s choices. To repeat: Nature dictates that males display and females choose. Monogamy artifi cially strengthens the male’s position by insisting that 1) each female must choose a different male; and 2) each female must stick to her choice. Monogamy entails that highly attractive men are removed from the mating pool early, usually by the most attractive women. The next women are compelled to choose a less attractive mate if they wish to mate at all. Even the last and least of the females can, however,… Read more »

Kid Jupiter
Kid Jupiter
7 years ago
Reply to  Sentient


When did I say that marriage erased hypergamy? Give my first post on this subject a re-read. You’ll see I claimed exactly what you just wrote.

7 years ago

@YaReally Girls have WAY better internal frames than guys when it comes to viewing themselves as the prize because all of society is conditioning it into them from day 1 lol UC and UMC men have a similar situation re: entitlement. Ask me how I know. Funny, tho, even tho I was on scholarship at an elite prep (high) school, I had better “luck” with girls than a lot of UC/UMC competitors. I didn’t do so well in public high school because I tended to want only the prettiest girls and they were “taken”, lol. I knew nothing about branch-swinging… Read more »

7 years ago

“We’d be so much better off not fighting wars offshore and instead waiting until we were invaded.”

The first US president to send the marines overseas to fight Islamic forces on their own ground was – Thomas Jefferson.

He did it to stop the slave trade – in Americans.

7 years ago

Kfg You make solid points. Conflict and competition are good and exhilarating, build character and self esteem, but must be counterbalanced with leisure and living, otherwise you get a society as we have in the US in which most of the lives for nearly everyone is little more than conflict and competition over petty matters. Competition is good but there is an empty element to it especially knowing most men compete so they can make a few people wealthy so they can live leisurely lives, provide women and children with lives of leisure, and purchase consumer goods. Balance is the… Read more »

Yollo Comanche
Yollo Comanche
7 years ago

@YaReally Hmmm. “’cause those girls think they’re going to fuck Chris Hemsworth. He Liked their instagram pic, which he didn’t do to the 3, so they think they might get him. And millionaires from around the world who are hitting them up with offers to fly them to places and put them up in fancy hotels etc with no strings attached except they might have to have a drink with the guy or go on a mild date where they don’t even have to kiss him. Like, they’re not just competing for the local guys now. Social media has opened… Read more »

7 years ago


Unstated US policy is to fight wars offshore to hone our forces every few years.

7 years ago

@Yollo “So the question then is how do I beat that?” Don’t take them seriously, treat them like bratty little sisters, tease them, pull their pigtails like kids on a playground, etc. Like, the overall mindset is just not GIVING them high-value, and then being congruent and aligned to that in all your thoughts, words and actions. “Not all 10’s have alpha mindsets do they? Or do I have to beat their mindset?” Not all of them, but even insecure low self-esteem girls have endless options lined up these days. So you sort of want to develop a frame that… Read more »

7 years ago

The unstated US foreign military policy is to create conflict to line the pockets of the arms industry and secure resources for large, wealthy corporations, especially the oil industry.

I would encourage you to talk to Gulf War and Iraq War vets. They know they were there for oil and they feel used.

7 years ago

” . . . must be counterbalanced with leisure and living, otherwise you get a society as we have in the US in which most of the lives for nearly everyone is little more than conflict and competition over petty matters.” The reason we compete over petty matters is because we have lives of leisure. Petty matters are all most have left to them. To understand this perhaps you need to give up the “higher” life for a time and go live with people who still fight to take their living from the natural world. “Those good men have been… Read more »

7 years ago

To give some more perspective on the abundance the average girl has these days, the chick from last night sends me guys texts to her all the time (which are the most painful thing ever) and was telling me that it’s to the point where girls will just hang out and Airplay Tinder up on a screen as they drink wine and swipe together and lol at the guy’s texts and what to reply and shit. Here’s an example of it in action…look at the quality of girls and how many No’s they’re swiping and how fast they swipe (because… Read more »

7 years ago

“They know they were there for oil and they feel used.”

They were duped. As they grew up with the history of the previous dupes playing on their TV’s 24/7 and surrounded by the dupes of previous wars trying to tell them the score, I’ve never really figured out why they fell for it.

hank holiday
hank holiday
7 years ago

@culum @yareally @habd Went to mall again. In Music/Vid store. Saw 5 black. “Got any reccomendations for TV shows? I watched all my favorites and need something new to watch.” Chatted, went well. Just not interested in girl. But could have gotten number. Saw where there was a good opportunity to walk in a bit closer once the convo was on. Better to actually DO it, but noticeing openings is progress. When she had no real suggestions (I teased her that all her suggestions were for girls — Scandal, Orange is New, lololol.) The thing to do is switch it… Read more »

7 years ago

@ YaReally STOP with all of that TRUTH!!!! You’re depressing me. lol. Can’t you tell us all nice stories about princes and princesses and butterflies and bunnies and shit? I see exactly the things you lay out a few times a week. I can wrap my grey head around it, but it hurts. I have made my daughter get rid of instafuck and a whole host of social apps in an attempt to slow her down and buffer the influences of all the other 16 year old smartphone addicts in her life. Occasionally I will just walk up and take… Read more »

Yollo Comanche
Yollo Comanche
7 years ago


So what about the girl with the alpha mindset? I’m the one shit-testing HER? OH! I AM. Aren’t I, sensei????

7 years ago

@YaReally Yes I history. And I anthropology. And I biology. Etc. We are not gorillas. Humans, especially Europeans and East Asians formed primary pair bonds. Christianity banned inter-cousin marriage and enforced monogamy (no matter what flaws it may or may not have). The nuclear family oriented Europeans then went on to form the greatest civilization on earth and spread it globally. Of course there are “soft harems” and sharing of alphas. But there is not harem building the way you see with gorillas. If that were the case there would be too much intra-species male competition for females for any… Read more »

Culum Struan
Culum Struan
7 years ago

@hank holiday – more later, but just a quick one to say I loll’ed at reading your “I saw a 5 black” – just like a roulette wheel. Probably a similar kind of gamble too..

Props on maintaining the going out

7 years ago

“That is not just a beta, that is a lesser beta and probably a gamma.”

Vox Day’s socio-sexual hierarchy is in line with ethology. He assigns the Greek letter sigma to the nomads and lambda to those that are not incel, but outside of the normal sexual marketplace (gays and asexuals).

It’s interesting that he discovered nomads not by reading ethology, but by observation.

7 years ago

@Blaximus “Can’t you tell us all nice stories about princes and princesses and butterflies and bunnies and shit?” I could, but it wouldn’t help guys lol “I might just lose the battle against the pressure being applied from outside forces eventually.” You’re fighting the entire world. While she’s under your roof you might pull it off, but when she goes off on her own surrounded by peers who’s parents gave them their own iPhone when they were 12 years old…no idea how to prevent the influences from taking hold. @Yollo “So what about the girl with the alpha mindset? I’m… Read more »

7 years ago

@kfg Of course Americans are duped. Our flabby, blue pill populace would never consent to keeping our armed forces practiced by means of war. The Romans understood the need for conflict to keep your armies sharp. Our leaders (including Obummer) understand this as well. In order to keep this policy going, our leaders stir up conflict. Of course the arms industry benefits from this, but there’s always a price to keep your sword sharp. Of course it benefits us via influence to keep applying pressure to the Middle East because of oil. High oil prices benefit North Dakota and hurt… Read more »

7 years ago


Alpha widowing lasts forever.

Of course, not every girl becomes an alpha widow. I’m curious about the distinctions…why do some girls become AW’s and some don’t? It’s an obvious case of NAWALT.

And what is an AW? Will they only have sex with one man or do they just think about him some and have sex with him when the opportunity presents? It seems like a not-very-useful concept if they aren’t truly exclusive.

7 years ago

“Of course it benefits us via influence to keep applying pressure to the Middle East because of oil.”

Living off of other people’s money preserves your own. When you have spent all of their money, you own them and they have to beg you for change and table scraps.

“War at home or war abroad…which do you prefer?”

Doesn’t matter. It’s coming home whether I like it or not.

7 years ago

“why do some girls become AW’s and some don’t? It’s an obvious case of NAWALT”

lol wut?

“And what is an AW? Will they only have sex with one man or do they just think about him some and have sex with him when the opportunity presents? It seems like a not-very-useful concept if they aren’t truly exclusive.”

7 years ago

Yollo’s question here: @YaReally So what about the girl with the alpha mindset? I’m the one shit-testing HER? OH! I AM. Aren’t I, sensei???? Brings me up with questions with weird questions for @YaReally ( but not really weird, Game is universal across all relationship platforms): First of all Yollo’s questions obvious stem from women being masculine/entitled/feminist and self-esteem validating. If women are self validating they feel they have licence to be more masculine (and shoot themselves in the foot with that fact). All relationship game like Saira and Emily (she’s precociously doing it, inappropriately) involves the woman manipulating men… Read more »

hank holiday
hank holiday
7 years ago

@culum @yareally @habd 1hr after meetup, texted window girl “this is hank. gonna call when I have a sec to setup icecream day.” 1hr after that, called. Call doesn’t even connect. Call again. No connect. WTF, did she give me a bad number. Doesn’t make sense, her body language was good. So check number Ends up I texted a telemarketer. Need to save name in phone sooner. Lol, got them mixed up. Called ACTUAL girl. Rings goes to message box. Auto one, so can’t conform 100% its her, but prolly. Don’t leave message. Just text her “????” And leave it… Read more »

7 years ago

@yareally “I’m sure Steve Hyde’s wife was pair bonded to him for a few years too. Do you want men to become Steve Hyde?” This is disingenous and a straw man. He doesn’t want men to become Steve Hyde, he is saying the vast majority currently are, providing for their families and society as a whole. Steve Hyde has earned far more than you have, prorated for time. He has more offspring than you have. He has been productive in his field while your enjoyable fuck fests just result in clean ups and flush downs. He has fucked Mrs. Hyde… Read more »

7 years ago


I actively encourage all the females in my life to exhibit feminine characteristics always.

When single though, it was never a priority. I’ve banged female member of The Latin Kings, festooned with a million piercing and tats, that cursed more than me and were probably carrying multiple felonies. Lol.

But for longevity, I do not want a version of me with a vagina.

Sometimes I am blunt in condemnation of women in my life being overtly masculine in manner and/or dress. As time went on the need for that condemnation disappeared.

7 years ago

KFG I don’t come here to argue politics. I have made my arguments and I’m cool agreeing to disagree with you on politics and the wars. “The reason we compete over petty matters is because we have lives of leisure. Petty matters are all most have left to them.” That’s a good point. I have a hyper-competitive profession. I’ve learned to be really good at what I do and win regularly. But I have learned to unplug from the competition. That part of my life is the most meaningful, rewarding, and fulfilling. I also see much of the competitiveness in… Read more »

7 years ago

“. . . I’m cool agreeing to disagree with you on politics and the wars.”

On a cursory level I am not aware that we have done so.

“Ester Vilar makes a great argument that women manipulate men into becoming worker competitors for them.”

Well of course. That’s why BB is the civilization builder.

7 years ago

@SJF “First of all Yollo’s questions obvious stem from women being masculine/entitled/feminist and self-esteem validating. If women are self validating they feel they have licence to be more masculine” They’re not really self-validating. It’s just that all of society is validating them no matter what they do. Like, you may or may not think you actually DESERVE a steak dinner, but if the ENTIRE WORLD is telling you you deserve steak dinners and steak dinners are coming to you saying “please eat me I’d be so happy if you even just sat in front of me!!” you would know you… Read more »

7 years ago

At 7:00 in that video Jeffy mentions that he’s 39 about to turn 40 btw, for you older guys worried about being in your 30s. The whole “creepy old man picking up young girls” thing is just bullshit FI-based social conditioning and completely in your head.

This is his expensive BMW Ferrari he and his students fuck girls in:

The “rules” are all just social conditioning holding guys back. Push your comfort zones infield (like Jeffy, Julien, Tyler, etc do) and you’ll understand how Attraction actually works.

7 years ago

@yareally “If all these betas were slaying poon left and right” Another straw man, nobody is saying betas are slaying poon left and right. We are saying that the representation that the betas are getting no sex ever is ridiculous. Since the desire for a provider is now usually realized when a woman is close to or over the wall, and they prefer same age or older BB (more resources, proven track record of getting resources, less sexual energy), betas are getting their reward later in life than before. Hence the target market of PUAs is the vast rarely laid… Read more »

7 years ago

“I actively encourage all the females in my life to exhibit feminine characteristics always.” How do you do that? Give me some practical examples of things you have done or might do going forward. “But for longevity, I do not want a version of me with a vagina.” Short term relationship, it doesn’t matter and YaReally probably doesn’t care, but for LTR? Fuck yes, feminine all the way down on you? “Sometimes I am blunt in condemnation of women in my life being overtly masculine in manner and/or dress. As time went on the need for that condemnation disappeared.” Why,… Read more »

7 years ago

@redlight “We are saying that the representation that the betas are getting no sex ever is ridiculous.” It’s not that they’re getting no sex. It’s that much less of them are getting any sex. Like less Steve Hyde’s are getting sex. It’s surreal to me that this is a controversial statement lol I mean, until the guys are old and get their pick of the damaged girls getting off the cock carousel who stop having sex with them as soon as they pop out babies and spend the whole time fantasizing about the bad boy alpha fucks they used to… Read more »

Ajax Parallax
Ajax Parallax
7 years ago

Holy shit. Is today a holiday? Just scrolled through walls and walls of daytime comments after a Monday work day rife with countless meetings. Either the fine posters are retired, jacking off on the employer’s dime or under/unemployed. lol. @cattaro Sounds like Rollo is helping you — good. Trust your gut. Your awareness of Mr. Doubt/Foodie is your amygdala pinging you to pay more attention to a slowly boiling bad situation. You are psychologically leaning into your wife’s frame, which will only bleed your power away from your relationship. She must lean back into your frame. “What are the first… Read more »

7 years ago

“Holy shit. Is today a holiday?” Nope. This is after the holiday bullshit. That was Sunday,Father’s Day. Good posting AJAX. Be nice with warmth, even if you are Montenegrin. That’s Game. And in defense of posters of comments. Scribbler is my best favorite poster ever. Fantastic. His stressors put him on edge but what a fantastic guy no matter what he ranted on. Truly fine poster. In fifteen years of reading forums and blogs, he Trumps every poster or commenter I have ever read. (Fuck your sentiments Kid Jupiter, and I can take a bad mood comment from him, KFG… Read more »

Kid Jupiter
Kid Jupiter
7 years ago
Reply to  SJF

You’re pathetic.

7 years ago

@yareally “So again I don’t really know what you guys are upset about. If you think the 80/20 divide isn’t getting wider, I dunno what to tell ya. It’s right there all around you for you to observe.” Here you go again painting the other side as emotional (upset, panties in a knot) while you are the cool dude with special sunglasses. I don’t disagree that ya dunno what to tell us, since Rollo has already perfectly described it all, from AFBB to the wall and back, and anybody who has taken the redpill can observe it. “It’s that much… Read more »

7 years ago

@redlight “Again this is incorrect, betas are getting sex just later than before.” …so I mean, if we’re taking into account like the entire life-span of an 80 year old male, who knocks up a 40 year old 2/10 hag so she can have a kid and then he hires a bunch of hookers when she stops putting out…ya, sure, “betas” are getting laid more than in the past. But if we’re focusing on the actual relevant SMP of men under 40, betas are dick-in-hand. Even a beta wants to feel sexual desire from a woman, otherwise they’d all just… Read more »

7 years ago

whoops, change “Do you think many marriages have an active sex life after 11 years?” to “Do you think many Blue Pill beta marriages have an active sex life after 11 years?” before the Red Pill married guys jump in about how their wives fuck them 10x a day lol I’m talking about betas like Steve

7 years ago

@YaReally sentient culum and others interested in a real example of dread game An hb7 28 in my rotation is typical I her shit tests and frame snatch attempts. I text to invite her out to a club concert gig. She’s up for it…then the shit tests. How much does it cost? She texts. Dunno.ask. I reply. She replies: Her: better not make me broke Me: thought it would be fun to go. But if you can’t afford it….don’t come That was my firm way of establishing the I’m the prize frame. The sub text of her texts was she… Read more »

7 years ago

And change “Do you think a woman at 40 is as horny and sexual as she was at 20?” to “Do you think a woman at 40 is as horny and sexual for a Blue Pill beta Steve as she was in general or for an alpha male at 20?”

For dem spergy nuances lol

7 years ago

“Me: thought it would be fun to go. But if you can’t afford it….don’t come”

lol rock solid shit right here. Nicely done. And note that this is EXACTLY what a hot girl would say to a dude…she can take or leave him and throws a jab as if he can’t afford it like he’s lacking and forces him to qualify to her. And she responds exactly like she’s supposed to lol

7 years ago

@yareally “ya, sure, “betas” are getting laid more than in the past” straw man, we are not suggesting betas are getting laid more “Even a beta wants to feel sexual desire from a woman…” goalpost moving. Betas had zero alpha sex thirty years ago. They still have zero alpha sex. Thirty years ago they didn’t know what ATM is. Now they use an ATM to get money to give to their wife. As to your theory, look at the numbers, what percentage of straight males are never been married by 40? “Do you think a woman at 40 is as… Read more »

7 years ago

@redlight “we are not suggesting betas are getting laid more” …if a guy can get a girl sooner in his life, then he can get two of that girl in the time the guy getting a girl later in life gets a girl. Basic math = the guy getting laid later is getting less sex than he would have if he got the girl in their prime even if that marriage failed and he got into another relationship/marriage after that while the current guy is crying himself to sleep alone. “Thirty years ago they didn’t know what ATM is. Now… Read more »

7 years ago

“I think you have to ignore a LOT of real-world variables and nuances to make that statement even remotely work lol And give it another 20-40 years, when all these kids I’m watching go dick-in-hand out there grow old. Right now your “stats” still include guys like Blaximus and SJF and their women from the last generations. I mean, you can ignore the trends if you want and we can have this discussion in 20-40 years when you guys see the 90/10 more blatantly as hordes of guys make it to their 40s with a couple notches max under their… Read more »

7 years ago


ATM was a sexual joke, meaning one thing for AF, another for BB. Emily will explain it.

7 years ago


“Against Redlight. Steve Hyde’s don’t deserve desire sex, because they don’t have the skills to command it.”

straw man, never said betas deserve desire sex. In fact I explicitly stated betas never get alpha sex.

7 years ago

@SJF “Life is short and desire sex is more desirable than Steve Hyde begging sex, whether he is getting it or not.” It’s not even whether objectively we can all agree that desire sex is better or worse…it’s what STEVE thinks. And like I say, there’s a reason guys are lined up to fill Tyler’s bootcamps instead of lined up at the brothel or letting the 2/10 touch their dick (or even the hotter horny girl who’s “too slutty”). It’s not just about getting their dick wet, it’s about getting desire sex and feeling wanted by their woman. And that’s… Read more »

7 years ago

@yareally “…if a guy can get a girl sooner in his life, then he can get two of that girl in the time the guy getting a girl later in life gets a girl. Basic math = the guy getting laid later is getting less sex than he would have if he got the girl in their prime even if that marriage failed and he got into another relationship/marriage after that while the current guy is crying himself to sleep alone.” I think we both agree (gasp) that betas are getting a lot less sex in their 20s than twenty… Read more »

7 years ago

@redlight “I think we both agree (gasp) that betas are getting a lot less sex in their 20s than twenty years ago.” Yup. “I can see how you would think that would decrease the overall lifetime sex for a beta.” …how would it not? If a marriage/LTR lasts say 10 years before the sex dies and a guy has a 20 year head start, he can have multiple marriages/LTRs before the 20 year late guy even gets started. There’s no way that late starter guy is banging twice as much as that first guy did when him and his girl… Read more »

Kid Jupiter
Kid Jupiter
7 years ago
Reply to  YaReally


Great explanations and also great patience; these guys are really being pedantic, contrarian pains in the ass, arguing about the obvious, nitpicking, being stubborn. WTF is going on here?

7 years ago

The tv show Mad Men was the best illustrator of what happens when an alpha fakes being an an alpha when his primary need is one of deeper understanding. As men we need to deseminate who we are. We require feedback from a significant other. And not necessarily from someone we’re having relations with. This could be viewed as overwhelming beta, but the fact we have to go through this process at some point in our lives, means that a beta mindset lurks within us all. Waiting for the right conditions to make itself known. For the sake of full… Read more »

7 years ago

“Like, guys wouldn’t even believe me but I can’t count the number of times I’ve watched normal dudes that have enough externals that girls will give them a shot, TURN DOWN sex for all these retarded little reasons” A guy I’ve been trying to help did this… This girl is obsessed with him, and he had her alone and… The next day he tells me “my momma raised a gentleman.” I was like “she wanted to fuck you, you idiot.” I was so pissed off at him… And now the girl thinks he hates her… lol. Sigh. I didn’t have… Read more »

7 years ago


Again this is incorrect, betas are getting sex just later than before.

for a few years, then the tap is gradually shut off…

7 years ago

@Yareally “You’re the guys saying betas are getting laid as much as they used to.” straw man, we are saying that betas are getting laid, and will continue in the future “One of the girls I was seeing recently is now “dating a beta”, but it’s literally only because I won’t commit to her. She would bail on him in a second if I said I wanted to settle down with her, she’s flat-out admitted it. Dude has no idea he’s just there as a backup incase she can’t get a better guy to commit. Ya, he’s getting laid, but… Read more »

7 years ago


“for a few years, then the tap is gradually shut off…”

the tap was always turned off for betas except where there was coercion (societal, cultural, martial rape was legal). Now with open hypergamy women can go on TV and say “I turned off the tap” and get applause

Kid Jupiter
Kid Jupiter
7 years ago
Reply to  redlight

@redlight I read your post 3 times and I still can’t figure out how what you’re trying to say is different from what YaReally is saying. But I can tell that whatever you’re trying to say, you’re saying it in a contrarian, nitpicking way and want to be seen as ‘correct’. FYI – this is not ‘Alpha’ behavior, this is ‘Gamma’ behavior, per the Vox Day model… Just saying. From what I gather from all these words, the Betas today are getting less sex because there are no longer the coercions & incentives for women to dole out the sex… Read more »

7 years ago

“It’s not just about getting their dick wet, it’s about getting desire sex and feeling wanted by their woman.” and this is why most of them will end up being Steve, no matter how many boot camps they take. they should be getting desire sex and feeling wanted by women, as in plural. but it’s well known that most boot campers just want to get good enough to get one girl. they don’t know they’re aiming for the wrong target and their failure to plan all the way to the end (Law 29) will cost them dearly. Law 29: The… Read more »

7 years ago

This is disingenous and a straw man. He doesn’t want men to become Steve Hyde, he is saying the vast majority currently are, providing for their families and society as a whole. Steve Hyde has earned far more than you have, prorated for time. He has more offspring than you have. He has been productive in his field while your enjoyable fuck fests just result in clean ups and flush downs. He has fucked Mrs. Hyde more times in total than you have fucked any single girl. The few will never have a sexual monopoly. This is good comment. What… Read more »

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