The Existential Fear – Men

You need to understand WOMEN HATE BETAS in fact they hate them so much that they would prefer to work soul destroying jobs to support themselves than attach themselves to a Beta provider that wants to fuck them and impregnate them with his shitty beta genetics.

Incubus Rising

This was a comment that I meant to include in last week’s essay, but I’m glad I saved it for today’s article. It serves as a good starting point for men’s Existential Fear. If there’s one buzz-term that’s been bandied around by women since the rise of feminism it is “fear“. Men fear this. Men fear that. Men feel “threatened” by a strong woman. More recently it’s, “Men fear working with women today over concerns of workplace sexual misconduct.” So, I want to state here from the outset that I’m using the term fear in both these essays for lack of a better one. But what really gets the point across?

“Rollo, why does it destroy my soul to imagine my ex-wife / ex-girlfriend banging another man? I can’t sleep because I’m imagining her giving up herself sexually to a new guy.”

Some variation of this question is something I get a lot from guys I counsel who are going through a breakup or divorce. Sometimes it’s from men who’ve been separated from the woman for a long time. This is to be expected from Blue Pill conditioned men, but even guys who are Red Pill Aware will still feel the rage of infidelity even after the breakup has been official for years. Guys will tell me they wont even go out socially or associate with friends so as not to be in the same space as their ex for fear that they would do something rash if they saw her with another guy. There’s just something in their DNA that’s unsettling about imagining their ex giving herself willingly to another man – and they’re conflicted because the fem-centric world tells him he’s “insecure in his masculinity” for his possessiveness.

I can remember the same anxiety after I’d mercifully split from my BPD girlfriend. Even years after it was all over I’d still have nightmarish dreams about her. What the hell was that all about? What is our subconscious trying to get across to us with this?…

“Why am I so jealous and suspicious of my wife / girlfriend cheating on me? Should I feel bad that I root through her texts and IMs? Am I just ‘insecure in my masculinity’ if I feel like that? Why am I so possessive?”

This is another common one I get from men I counsel. I detailed a bit of this in Gut Check. Our subconscious mind has a way of warning us when our ‘aware’ mind is unaware of, or ignoring, the inconsistencies in our peripheral awareness. We’re actually much more aware of our environment than we appreciate, we simply refuse to acknowledge these inconsistencies. More often than not that denial is conditioned into us for purposes that aren’t always in our best interests. And sometimes it’s outright manipulative of male nature.

In Gut Check I related a time in my life where I had instinctively been suspicious of my wife because my instinctual awareness turned on the warning lights in my head. I had no rational reason to believe my wife was cheating on me, but I had a very real, evolutionary, reason that my instinctive mind would be suspicious of infidelity. Millennia of evolution has written anti-cheating failsafes into our mental firmware.

“Why are DNA tests illegal in some countries? Why is it illegal for a doctor or their staff to tell a “father” that the child he thinks is his own really isn’t biologically his? Why do we legally protect women’s cuckoldry?”

More and more we are seeing feminine-primary social conventions and legislation crop up that can only have one purpose – the systemic disempowerment and disenfranchisement of men’s interests in the reproductive process. The cover story for this Removing of the Man from any semblance of reproductive authority is what I call the Cult of the Child. I’ll be publishing a full essay on this soon, but the short version is that anything that serves women’s sexual strategy is always deemed to be “in the best interests of the child.” The interests of children has become the shield of what is really the interests of women’s sexual strategy.

For decades now, feminist ideology has successfully convinced most western societies that what serves the female reproductive interests is always what serves the a child’s interests. Men are superfluous at best, and pose a danger to the child at worst. This presumption is rooted in the Duluth Model of feminism, but women’s sexual strategy always comes at the cost of the reproductive interests of the man/father. I wrote about this in Children of Men. There is an open war on paternity today, but as with all intersexual conflict we need to look deeper to determine what the latent purpose of that conflict is all about. What interests are served in unilaterally disenfranchising men from the reproductive process?

Existential Fear

The answer to all of these questions finds their root in men’s Existential Fear – All men have an evolved need to determine and ensure his paternity.

Ascertaining paternity, and ensuring his parental investment is vested in perpetuating his genetic legacy, is the prime directive of men’s existence. This is a male imperative that virtually all higher order animals share.

Despite what many blank-slate academics still promote, men and women are different. Contemporary thinkers would have us believe the sexes are more alike than not, but the truth of it is we are different in fundamental ways that most equalists are uncomfortable admitting. Yes, we are the same species, but the fact remains that our differences, and in particular our sexual strategies, conflict in profound ways.

The Cardinal Rule of Sexual Strategies:
For one gender’s sexual strategy to succeed the other
gender must compromise or abandon its own.

In last week’s essay I outlined the the Existential Fear women hold in their evolved unconscious – that of the Hypergamous doubt. “Is this guy the best I can do?” is the question that their hindbrains ask. Since the time of the Sexual Revolution, and the systemic Fempowerment that followed, women have collectively used this authority to ensure the preeminence of their sexual strategy (Hypergamy) in our social order. I outlined many of the resulting social changes we see were the result of this in last week’s post, but this preeminence came at the cost of men’s interests and influence in the larger, meta-conflict of the Cardinal Rule of Sexual Strategies.

Men’s evolved reproductive interest is very simple; ensure that the child a woman bears to him is his actually his own. Up until the last 60 or so years patriarchy, true, legitimate patriarchy has always been the order of society. Despite the ignorance of feminists protesting it, patriarchy has been a beneficial aspect of our advancement as a species since we formed tribal hunter-gatherer bands millennia ago. But that patriarchy depended on a simple doubt that formed men’s base sexual strategy – ensure his genes were passed into the next generation.

There are two ways a man can achieve this outcome. In The New Polyandry I explained men’s Strategic Pluralism Theory:

According to strategic pluralism theory (Gangestad & Simpson, 2000), men have evolved to pursue reproductive strategies that are contingent on their value on the mating market. More attractive men accrue reproductive benefits from spending more time seeking multiple mating partners and relatively less time investing in offspring. In contrast, the reproductive effort of less attractive men, who do not have the same mating opportunities, is better allocated to investing heavily in their mates and offspring and spending relatively less time seeking additional mates.

Essentially, men follow an ‘r’ or ‘K’ reproductive strategy according to their (perceived) sexual market value (SMV). Since a majority of men fall on the low SMV side of the reproductive equation social conventions that served those men’s reproductive interests had to be developed and standardized. The resolution of men’s Existential Fear needed to be instituted and standardized to ensure the largest number of men could be relatively certain that the children they sired were indeed their own.

A lot is made of women’s reproductive costs in academia. In a fem-centric social order it pays to focus on women’s suffrage/victimhood narrative. But, men bear reproductive costs in this equation as well. Men’s biological imperative is unlimited access to unlimited sexuality. Our best shot at sending our genes into the next generation is ‘spreading the seed’. Our biological hardware is made to do just this, but there are costs and obstacles to solving the reproductive problem. And the easiest solution for men has always been exercise their direct control over women’s sexual strategy. Imposing our natural strength (in many forms) on women has historically ensured that it’s women who were the ones to compromise their sexual strategy in favor of men.

Patriarchy & Monogamy

Socially enforced monogamy was the least barbaric of those compromises, but in this century destroying that monogamy has been a priority for the Feminine Imperative. In theory, socially enforced monogamy was the most beneficial mating strategy for largest number of (low SMV) men to solve their reproductive problem. But the fact remained that it was still an exercise of control over women’s Hypergamous natures. In essence, monogamy worked for men, and it was beneficial as a compromise in parental investment for women, but it also assumed direct a control over women’s sexual selection process.

Patriarchy and monogamy answered a woman’s Hypergamous doubt for her, and that is the crux of women’s Existential Fear – to have the control of her Hypergamy, her selection process, and ultimately the cost associated with that choice determined for her. This fear is exactly why the primary goal of feminism has always been the maximal unlimiting of women’s sexuality and the maximal restricting of men’s sexuality. It seeks to replace the social-scale compromise of the Cardinal Rule of Sexual Strategies with the total capitulation of the male strategy. Today, the Gynocracy has achieved this almost entirely.

But for one sex’s strategy to succeed, the other’s must be compromised or abandoned. For a gynocentric social order, only men’s abandonment of their own strategy is acceptable – and this abandonment insists men deny the evolved imperative of their own Existential Fear – insisting on paternity.

In the evolved scheme of things men’s reproductive best interest involves sacrifices. When a man commits to parental investment with a woman he takes on sunk cost risks. The time he spends investing himself committed to one woman and the children they produce comes at the cost of reproductive opportunities with other women. Women’s sexual strategy necessitates he compromise or abandon his biological imperative. Naturally, both men and women have adapted ways to circumvent monogamy to optimize their sexual strategies (infidelity, short-term breeding schema), but the basic equation is the same; if a man is invested in one woman it limits him from seeking other (potentially better) reproductive opportunities. If you want to know why Plate Theory irks women so much look no further.

The only way this compromise of sexual strategy can be advantageous to men is if he can be relatively assured that the child he’s raising is his own. This is where men’s Existential Fear of paternity fraud begins. He cedes his own strategy and the sunk opportunity cost for reproduction in exchange for the certainty that he’s invested in a child that bears his name and his blood.

I call this men’s Existential Fear because denying men the certainty of paternity presents the same existential anxieties as a woman’s control of Hypergamous doubt taken from her. Women fear the idea of being forced to birth and raise the child of a suboptimal man not of her choosing, while men fear the idea of being deceived into raising a child not of their own genetic lineage. And until the advent of DNA testing only a woman could be certain that the child was her own.

This is root level stuff here. So important was the determination of paternity for men that an obsessive concern for it was written into our mental firmware. The risks of falling for paternity deception was that important, and the men who evolved this compulsion were selected-for. The reason we Mate Guard, the reason our hindbrains default to jealous suspicions, the reason we cannot bear the thought of another man mating with our woman is rooted in the fear of investing ourselves in a child not our own.

In the previous essay I mentioned the natural revulsion response humans have towards things that are inherently harmful to us. A reservation or revulsion of snakes, spiders, feces, rot and necrosis are part of the evolved firmware we’re born with. I would also argue that the revulsion women feel towards “creepy” (low SMV, Beta) men and the revulsion men feel towards “slutty” women is part of this. Both these revulsions are adaptational protections against our respective Existential Fears. Each represents our Instinctual Interpretive Process letting us know what our ancestors had to avoid.

The Mentor

“But Rollo, isn’t it a noble thing to adopt or mentor a child that is not your own?”

I get this response a lot when I discuss this, and yes, it absolutely can be when the choice to do so is of your own making. In fact, the reason adoption/mentoring seems such a noble undertaking is exactly because it requires a man to repress his natural concern for his ow paternity. Kinship affinity will always play a role in men and women’s relationships with the next generation. Human beings are innately tribal and familial because tribalism promotes the advancement of selected genes. So repressing this innate predisposition is exceptional, maybe even noble depending on the social context, but it is so because it requires a man to ignore his natural wiring. For what it’s worth, I think multi-generational mentorship in Red Pill awareness is going to be a new imperative in the coming decades.

It’s just this pushing past our natural, evolved, concerns about paternity that’s been the operative dynamic of the Feminine Imperative in consolidating power. The human revulsion response can be molded. Usually this is through some form of operant conditioning. Revulsion can even be conditioned to be associated with pleasure. The Feminine Imperative has been remolding men’s evolved need for paternity to its own ends for some time now.

The popularization of ‘Poly Relationships is one of the more recent redirects of men’s paternity need. As I mentioned above, the goal state of the Feminine Imperative is ensuring that women’s sexual strategy – and anything that foments it – is the socially ‘correct‘ imperative. Men must become more like women if they want to be accepted by a social order defined by women’s experiences. Men’s sexual strategy is only acceptable when it serves a woman’s purpose, so men’s existential imperative of ensuring paternity is always going to be in conflict with women’s strategy. A man insisting on his own paternity and the perpetuation of his name is in direct conflict with women ensuring she chooses to breed with the best specimen and be provided for by the best male she can lock down.

This being the mechanics of it, it comes as no surprise that the social conventions of this era encourage men to abandon that evolved need. We make “heroes” of men who marry the single mother and assume the parental investment costs of the man she chose to breed with. A fem-centric society makes this a noble responsibility – “He Manned Up for the loser who wouldn’t take that responsibility” – all while ignoring the simple fact that this ‘hero’ is only completing women’s Hypergamous imperative. And it’s come to the point that a man abandoning his sexual strategy is part of women’s expectations and entitlements of Beta men.

For the men who insist on their own strategy, the message is one of shame. Only a man who’s “insecure in his masculinity” would think that a child would need to be his own. In fact, the very title of “father” is offensive to a social order based fulfilling women’s imperatives. Father’s Day must become, ‘special persons’ day‘. Men should never insist that a wife assume his last name. And of course, DNA testing to determine paternity (even in light of life threatening illness) is to be discouraged if not outlawed.

Now You Know

In The War on Paternity I explored a lot of the ways our feminine-primary social order ensures women’s sexual strategy stays the operative one. Our divorce laws, our child support and custody laws all center on one thing – making sure women’s imperatives supersede men’s need for paternity certainty. Even when a child is not biologically a man’s, he has no right to know the truth, but he has every expectation to be financially and emotionally responsible for the “best interests of the child.”

Going forward I think the Red Pill aware man must embrace his existential need for paternity – and do so fearlessly. If a new beneficent patriarchy is to take root then men will need to reject the social conventions that insist a woman’s sexual strategy be the preeminent one. I think mentorship of the next generations of young men should also be emphasized, but I think this needs to be a conscious decision of the men doing so. Today we have the decision to be a ‘cuckold’ made for us proactively and retroactively by women and a feminine-primary social narrative. If you’re an adoptive father then I salute you, but understand, at least you had the decision to make yourself. Most men’s decisions to be the step-dad only amounts to him acquiescing to supporting the decisions of women. 43% of births today are out of wedlock, either electively or based on a bad decision by that mother. We also call single mothers ‘heroes’.

My advice to men today is to be aware of the game you’re involved in with respect to how your need to know paternity is being used against you. That need is well known to the Feminine Imperative and has always been a threat to its interests. Make your own decisions to mentor based on that knowledge and never marry a single mother. If you do so understand that your sacrifices of this paternity need will never be appreciated by women. You may believe it’s the “right thing to do”, the moral choice, but in doing so you absolve both the woman who made her decision for you and the biological father of their total responsibility (and the underlying evolutionary reasons) to consequences of that decision.


WOMEN HATE BETAS in fact they hate them so much that they would prefer to work soul destroying jobs to support themselves than attach themselves to a Beta provider that wants to fuck them and impregnate them with his shitty beta genetics.

Are you really willing to accept that your paternity need counts for so little? Are you willing to accept this truth and fulfill a woman’s life strategy in spite of it because you believe it’s your moral imperative to do so?

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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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5 years ago


My mind may be Mandela Effecting me, but it tells me that Weber was personally distributing a prototype version around NYC before the official book was published.

5 years ago

Still lmao. You killed me sentient. I’ll be smiling all day. Magellan disclaimer: for about 18 months I’d routinely fly to Phoenix to bang my Asian ldr. …then eventually her coworker. Ultimately her roommate. No beasts or fat chicks. HF I was raised to talk to people so it’s never been an issue. Almost every time I leave my house, I get engaged in conversation with people I don’t know. I find it very enjoyable, and even though I’m not ” looking ” for women/sex, the possibilities present themselves often – just from talking ( depending on what you’re saying… Read more »

5 years ago

“It almost seems to me that people need a ” formal ” gathering ( club/bar, concert) in order to interact with strangers…or even friends.” Well, that’s kinda normal, no? Depends on the person. It happens to be a preference for some in a Return on Investment kind of way. “I’m in an LTR so picking up new girls is not a need now, but I should definitely interact more with women for dread and for practice anyway. But chatting up complete strangers is still a mystery to me. I’m normally very introverted and could go on days without talking to… Read more »

5 years ago

Smh….gonna have to explain this one out cause y’all are dumb as fuck…

But y’all still ain’t gonna get it….Ya tried….mersonia tried….for the lurkers I guess lol

5 years ago

Then the premise is shit.


Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

Plamasailor The conclusion he came to was that “gut feeling” was your subconscious brain recognising minute patterns of behaviour or indicators that it had seen before. Completely concur. There is a non conscious, therefore non rational, pattern-recognizer inside all of us. It can be trained via much low level repetition, it can also be trained by a few (or even one) high intensity events. The pattern recognizer is not rational, so a really high intensity event can “train” into a strange corner, I suspect some forms of PTSD stem from this. Or at the much less intense level, deep Betaization… Read more »

5 years ago

😁 it’s that ” concentration ” thing I spoke of. Too much time spent in isolation on forums full of singular minded guys.

That’s why you see opposing views as ” dumb “.

But y’all get shamed….smh.

Your existence proves that men have sex. You wouldn’t exist otherwise. And you’re not 10 years old.

The explaining provides answers for you and people with similar experiences and mindsets. Niw, who’s” dumb ” in this equation ?

Prime Alpha
5 years ago

@kfg There is no disagreement between us, you should have quoted the whole sentence. This is what you left out: “….as an ALL-OUT female imperative. It IS STABLE at 5% to 20% or maybe 30%…” sustained for millions of years Of course it is! At the % outlined. Any bigger, it WILL get balanced with a vengeance. The modern feminine imperative won’t remain stable for long, because is seeks to completely enslave all men to provide for the women’s choice of non-providing alpha seed. But this means the next generation will have much more non-providers, which can’t be cheated because… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

Also that pattern recognizer / “trained subconscious” operates faster than cognition, because it is outside of the “see / think / act” loop. At the conscious level it takes 250 milliseconds (0.25 seconds, 1/4 second) to even decide “something must be done”, then another 250 milliseconds to get muscles moving. The subconcious can be faster because it’s not expending time on cognition. This is how a pilot can “know” that his aircraft is not in a proper path for landing, because the proverbial “seat of his pants” tells him. That “seat” is an integration of a lot of inputs, including… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

HF Well, that’s kinda normal, no? I’m in an LTR so picking up new girls is not a need now, but I should definitely interact more with women for dread and for practice anyway. It should become a routine, because “for practice’ is thinking in “conscious competence”. You want to be more advanced. Also you need to have the social skills polished up in order to maintain frame within that LTR. But chatting up complete strangers is still a mystery to me. You will get better at chatting up strangers by … chatting up strangers. I’m normally very introverted and… Read more »

5 years ago


All women have 10,000 orbiters.

They are being flown off by rich middle eastern dudes to be pissed on.

They all have thousands of IG followers, and are texting guys while you’re talking to them.

They’re all flakey.

It’s lunchtime. There’s grilled chicken with my name on it, literally.

5 years ago


“It’s lunchtime. There’s grilled chicken with my name on it, literally.”

Jerk chicken huh?


5 years ago


5 years ago

@Anonymous Reader

“That “gut feel” is the subconscious writing a note and handing it to the conscious. Ignoring it can be a bad idea.

Pirsig discussed this at length – way, way too much length.”

Vadim Zeland discussed this at great length too. But he had a well thought out practical system on how to align the gut with the mind to control one’s external reality. An instruction manual, so to speak. And it turned out invaluable for me and one of my red pill buddies.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

It almost seems to me that people need a ” formal ” gathering ( club/bar, concert) in order to interact with strangers…or even friends.

“Plausible deniability” is an important factor. Jane Austen’s novels are over 200 years old, but the social patterns in books such as Emma are pretty obvious to those who know what to look for.

“Formal gathering” 1,000 years ago in most of Europe was “market day” or “faire day” or a formal church festive day. Lots of people in one place = “accidental” meetings between young men and young women with minimal chaperonage…

5 years ago

kfg My mind may be Mandela Effecting me, but it tells me that Weber was personally distributing a prototype version around NYC before the official book was published. Seems likely… 1981 And to think, only 15 years ago Eric Weber was just another shy and lonely guy looking for love in all the wrong places. He was making mostly money then, not love, as a junior copywriter at Benton & Bowles ad agency in New York. “I began noticing the women my mother always said I should marry,” says Weber. “They were attractive, they were well dressed, they went… Read more »

5 years ago

In other news… Rosie is a beta orbiter… “It felt like a lover breaking up,” O’Donnell stated in Variety‘s excerpt about her last day on the show with Hasselbeck. “The fight that we had, to me as a gay woman, it felt like this: ‘You don’t love me as much as I love you.’ ‘I’ve taken care of you.’ ‘You have not.’ ‘How could you do that to me?’ ‘I didn’t do anything to you.’ “ Throughout their time together on The View, O’Donnell said she saw herself as a mentor of sorts to Hasselbeck. “I wanted to support,… Read more »

5 years ago

it’s that ” concentration ” thing I spoke of. Too much time spent in isolation on forums full of singular minded guys.
comment image

5 years ago

OT because I’ve OTed about this before. People are starting to catch up to my prediction that there will be no grand Theory of Everything: A thumbnail of my proof: I took Gödel’s Euleresque approach, and Gödel’s Incompleteness Theorem itself to say that as mathematics is the language of physics, if there can be no complete and consistent theory of algebra, there can be no complete and consistent theory of physics based on a single theory of algebra. There must, at minimum, be two theories of algebra, and thus two theories of physics. While two may be necessary, I… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

…if there can be no complete and consistent theory of algebra, there can be no complete and consistent theory of physics based on a single theory of algebra. There must, at minimum, be two theories of algebra, and thus two theories of physics.

Here’s an experiment that you may enjoy. It’s a version of the old question “What is light, is it photons or waves?”. Maybe it’s actually “wave-icles”?

Also answers “what is reality?” but not necessarily in a satisfactory way.

5 years ago

Gonna write up my post in a bit, but first:

“… And there weren’t forums where ” no sex ” dudes could be concentrated and wail and gnash teeth and form their own ” society “.

And still struggle with sex, or manage to become sexually active and a) still complain”

“Too much time spent in isolation on forums full of singular minded guys”.

This the forum I belong to.

ain’t nobody struggling/complaining.

Past week.

5 years ago

“Chatting up complete strangers is a mystery to me.”

Me too (even though I’m just fine interviewing complete strangers for work).

But look like you know what you are doing or where you are going and complete strangers — yes, even reasonably presentable women — will chat YOU up.

The trick, or the skill, is to not panic but roll into the conversation and the opportunity it provides. (Remember most male-female conversation is just a socially approved way to make and maintain lengthy eye contact.)

5 years ago

To carry on with Cartoonist’s chess analogy, what I mean is that you can be a passive, introverted person but get along well if you know how to play the black — how to comfortably respond when someone else is making the first move. (And gently make it about your frame, not theirs)

5 years ago

😄 Pretty pictures ( except for the one chick suffering from noassatall ). So why do you quote and hang out at ass factories like lookism and asf …afs…whatever, if you actually spend more time at the ” hey look at me banging chicks and posting pictures of chicks I say I’ve banged ” site? ” …time to go do some pickup!!! ” 😂😂 Chillax broughnut. Don’t worry about what I think. I never ask you to do what I say ( because I don’t tell any man what to do unsolicited. I make suggestions based on experience ). I… Read more »

5 years ago

The following post is not a complaint about the modern sexual market place. I’m simply calling out the bullshit ‘nothing has changed’ narrative. Just like I did in my post debunking the “looks don’t matter’ bullshit. Lets begin: The first thing online dating apps have done to change the game, is that it has made it a lot harder compared to the past, in maintaining monogamous relationships with girls of this generation. Which means all your “well I’ll have you know, I’ve been happily married for 38 years blah blah blah” is irrelevant data points). Scribbs: “What I think… Read more »

5 years ago

The first thing online dating apps have done to change the game, is that it has made it a lot harder compared to the past, in maintaining monogamous relationships with girls of this generation. Sooo, women in the past in monogamous relationships didn’t have access to hot dick? lol …this leads to an interesting question…why can men not insist that their committed gfs/wives get off of social media? “this is a generation of girls raised on porn and highly sexualized”. Chick porn has been around at least since Jane Austen. First, these apps have introduced a sort of Looks Threshold… Read more »

5 years ago

Good stuff. Heard every bit of it before, but it’s still good stuff. You didn’t mention Game once,.But that’s okay.😁 Wrt to your assertion about my not ( being able ) to close ( fuck ), I stand by what I’ve said in the past on that subject. I’m at a disadvantage, as I used to tell ya, because I still don’t know people that use ” tinder “. Know a handful of chicks with hundreds of thousands of I G followers. Girls aren’t ” different ” or else nobody but a handful of guys would ever fuck….. You know… Read more »

5 years ago

“…this leads to an interesting question…why can men not insist that their committed gfs/wives get off of social media?” lol. if she’s hot (if she’s average looking maybe….just want to take the time to say, that this is why we constantly harp on that “HB8+ 25 year old in 201X (who nobody on this forum is fucking btw) because we are talking about a very specific type of girl when discussing matters….not because “she’s soooooo fucking hawt man” pedalizing that thristy chodes do) she ain’t getting off social media for reason Ya wrote about 3 years ago. “that’s not what… Read more »

5 years ago

You believe ya was actually only fucking the chicks he described? That he consistently found a supply of hb8-9 25 year olds? Really? Cause they’re all over the place? …. He never posted any pics ( you like pics, right?). Ya started differently in life. His explanations bore that out to those that didn’t start that way. Again, I loved me some Yareally, but I’m not a fool either. Too much ” we ” talk. I’d asked him numerous time to ” tell me what you think, not ” we ” or guys ” reporting back from the field “(… Read more »

5 years ago

“…this leads to an interesting question…why can men not insist that their committed gfs/wives get off of social media?” lol. if she’s hot (if she’s average looking maybe….just want to take the time to say, that this is why we constantly harp on that “HB8+ 25 year old in 201X (who nobody on this forum is fucking btw) because we are talking about a very specific type of girl when discussing matters….not because “she’s soooooo fucking hawt man” pedalizing that thristy chodes do) she ain’t getting off social media for reason Ya wrote about 3 years ago. The Taming of… Read more »

5 years ago

Asd Sentient has it nailed. But I’ll add this as an observer. Men, young men, abdicated their manly obligations for ” lol, why should I?? ” mentality long ago. So a lot of young girls adopted the ” you go girl/ain’t no man telling me nothing ” attitudes even if they didn’t verbalize it. Again, nature abhors a vacuum and feminist bullshit rushed in, unopposed, to fill the spaces. The end result is that most young men haven’t a clue how to dominate, or don’t want to. Teaching young men how to fake domination long enough to drop drawers will… Read more »

5 years ago

I.really really hate pedestalizing.

” can’t make her do anything because so hot ” .

Low internal opinions.

5 years ago

😄 Pretty pictures ( except for the one chick suffering from noassatall ). So why do you quite and hang out at was factories like lookism and asf …afs…whatever, if you actually spend more time at the ” hey look at me banging chicks and posting pictures of chicks I say I’ve banged ” site? ” …time to go do some pickup!!! ” 😂😂 Chillax broughnut. Don’t worry about what I think. I never ask you to do what I say ( because I don’t tell any man what to do unsolicited. I make suggestions based on experience ). I… Read more »

5 years ago

Life was so cool back in 1976 through 1984. That was easy, peasy. And then Life was on.Thereafter. I think it was political too. Man, the anti-Reagan media was vicious fed off of the anti-Nixon Watergate Woodward Bernstein gold mine, journalist stuff. And then the Shuttle blew up. But anyway, it was a cool, cool living life. And it wasn’t easy to get laid as a like 15 to 23 year old male. So fucking what? It is fucking harder now? What are you going to do about that? It is always hard and masculine logic solves problems or not.… Read more »

5 years ago

Regarding my averse of chatting up strangers thanks for the input. I’ve read all, I will think about my buffers. @j: You casually dismiss the part of Novaseeker’s post which doesn’t fit your view. You say that thanks to the dating apps it is more difficult for average guys to get hot desire sex today then it was before. I’m only 30 but 10 years ago smartphones were rare and dating apps nonexistent (in my country anyway), and I can tell you that average guys (our definitions may differ, for me that means no game) didn’t get any hot desire… Read more »

5 years ago

If you’ve only had desire sex, you won’t know what non-desire sex is. And Blax, large numbers of N-counts lets you discover the cupidian delights of vaginosis, herpes, crabs, etc. Thassa joke, son, I say, I say, thassa joke. I’ve played with enough pussies to have a fair idea of their shape and texture and smell. Didn’t have to dip my wick to do that. I’ve also wondered why my college gf wanted to do a daily hour-long makeout with me. Obviously, she enjoyed it, so there was desire. We didn’t share a room and the makeout and companionship were… Read more »

5 years ago

Found this interesting in a way a good business is a child born into adulthood that can last past when one dies from their empire.

5 years ago

@blax “can’t make her do anything because so hot ” I never said ((I)) can’t make a hot girl get off social media (never even tried in the first place lol. because why would I tell a girl I’m just fucking to do so?) I said she won’t get off social media because it ‘enhances her ability to achieve her biological goals’. YaReally: “LinkedIn is her way of “networking for her career” where she can meet high-value men or get a job around high-value men. Facebook is her way to “keep in touch with friends and family” while actually being… Read more »

5 years ago

J Amy Schumer [her latest movie, “I feel pretty” is about a fat ugly woman with self esteem issues, that gets hit on the head, and then suddenly thinks she’s pretty (it was all in her head!!!), when nothing about her outer appearance has changed. She then gets lands her dream job and finds true luvv] at 45 gets the rich doctor in the end, they have endless offers of commitment and monkey branch higher and higher up the tree in their prime Uhhh you do realize this a propaganda film, right? I have fuckbuddies who’ve disqualified doctors and lawyers… Read more »

5 years ago


“But hot desire sex ONS? You never got that without game”.

Generally, the better looking you are, the less game you need to get hot desire ONS sex.

“And with game you can get that today too (with average looks too)”.

Absolutely….if you pass their Looks Threshold:

5 years ago

“Uhhh you do realize this a propaganda film, right?” Um no shit? We know it’s bullshit but chicks will still go to see and buy that bullshit. The point Ya was making about his fuckbuddies disqualifying guy with 6 figure bank account dudes and rich jacked guys for relationships, is that she (early 20s) doesn’t want to settle down PERIOD. Back in the day, it was more than good enough for relationships, because she didn’t work and relied completely on her man’s money and status. My personal fuckbuddy is 2 years away from hitting the manosphere wall and she still… Read more »

5 years ago

“Amy Schumer [her latest movie, “I feel pretty” is about a fat ugly woman with self esteem issues . . .”

And she got lambasted by the usual outrage suspects for being a skinny attractive woman playing a fat ugly woman. I wish I were making that up.

5 years ago


My personal fuckbuddy is 2 years away from hitting the manosphere wall and she still doesn’t want to settle down (she was married for a couple of years prior).

Can someone circle the logical inconsistency here…?

5 years ago


for a 28 year old)

Whoa player, that’s cougar territory… what happened to 25 and under? 😉

Meanwhile my broke dumbass self has been fucking her for months on end for free 😉 cause I’m not even a candidate for a relationship (tho she has been getting quite lovey dovey lately….lol) dat cognitive dissonance.

It’s not clear to me who exactly has the cogdis here, given your argumentation to date…

[for Muh Lurkers… it’s always don’t listen to what they say [they want, feel etc.] WATCH what they DO… End Scene. Bows. exits stage right]

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

Nothing at all to do with the OP or current discussions at all. Nope.
Not like the age of 29.99 somehow affecting women, either. Nuh uh. Not the age of 28, either. nope.

The comments contains some pleasant surprises, such as AF-BB spelled out…

PS: This article was discussed at Dalrocks. The concept of AF-BB or “alpha lays, beta pays” in the polite form, is seeping into the younger churchgoing men.

5 years ago

” My personal fuckbuddy is 2 years away from hitting the manosphere wall and she still doesn’t want to settle down (she was married for a couple of years prior). She keeps going on about how its hard to find a guy (because the guy she wants to be in a relationship with, has to have it all: high income, high status, looks, and game. Delusional high as fuck standards for a 28 year old). Meanwhile my broke dumbass self has been fucking her for months on end for free 😉 cause I’m not even a candidate for a relationship… Read more »

5 years ago

“Can someone circle the logical inconsistency here…?”

Allow me. she was still in school (aka not making bank) while she married someone a couple years older than her who was rich. she’s one of them old school girls that married young. BUT under the influence our current “you go girrrl” society we live in, she dumped him only a couple years later because she WAS now making her own money to support herself (some finance job in Wall Street I’ve never bothered to ask cause I don’t give a shit) and she wanted to have more fun.

5 years ago

” The point Ya was making about his fuckbuddies disqualifying guy with 6 figure bank account dudes and rich jacked guys for relationships, is that she (early 20s) doesn’t want to settle down PERIOD. . Ya missed the point completely, but he tended towards a myopic thing. 6 figure betas get rejected or used up and ejected by younger girls. The clock is running always. Same with ” jacked ” betas. “Back in the day, it was more than good enough for relationships, because she didn’t work and relied completely on her man’s money and status’ This is partially true,… Read more »

5 years ago

A 28 year old ” old school ” girl?

See, this is why you don’t take what they say seriously.

5 years ago

I’ve never bothered to ask cause I don’t give a shit) …

Lmao. You’re a lot of fun today J.

You didn’t ask, but you believed what she volunteered?

5 years ago

Old school as in wanting to get married young and not slut around…

which didn’t last long……lol

“You didn’t ask, but you believed what she volunteered?”

why wouldn’t I believe her? I know where she lives. This isn’t a place a girl with low to average income can afford on her own.

“You don’t ” get it “, but you’re servicing her so all is well”.

Ya maybe not. But hey it beats waking up everyday to the same old 50+ year old chick who I tell guys is still an HB7 🙂

5 years ago

Ya maybe not. But hey it beats waking up everyday to the same old 50+ year old chick who I tell guys is still an HB7 🙂 Are you still in the running for a Darwin Award? Cuz if you are, I’ll vote for ya. I mean, why waste your time getting your game good so that you won’t get dumped after 7 years of an LTR/marriage if you aren’t even gonna have kids. Just enjoy life and so what if no one remembers you when you’re gone. I have to say, I’m really enjoying watching the baby develop and… Read more »

5 years ago

Ever seen Rollo’s wife?

Tropes are tropey.

5 years ago

“why wouldn’t I believe her? I know where she lives. This isn’t a place a girl with low to average income can afford on her own.”



5 years ago

“Ever seen Rollo’s wife?

Tropes are tropey”.

I guarantee with 100% certainty that 7 out of the last 10 girls I’ve banged are hotter than any of the OMGs 50+ year old wives on this forum. No hate. You happy with ya girl? good for you. Just spitting facts, b.



People like to volunteer things they proud of. Last month this chick told me she’s a music writer for the New York Times. No fucking idea how that came up cause I never ask girls “hey ma, what you do for a living?”

5 years ago

….hope you aren’t talking about the ones you’ve posted, including the recent one that looked like a 13 year old.

hee hee heeeee.

You’ve posted up a few 6’s proudly. You’re 100% died due to inflation.

Cool though.

5 years ago

Ya maybe not. But hey it beats waking up everyday to the same old 50+ year old chick who I tell guys is still an HB7 🙂 guarantee with 100% certainty that 7 out of the last 10 girls I’ve banged are hotter than any of the OMGs 50+ year old wives on this forum. No hate. You happy with ya girl? good for you. Just spitting facts, b. …. this is how shitstorm started with YaReally. Time for an interlude or something. ” why wouldn’t I believe her? I know where she lives. This isn’t a place a girl… Read more »

5 years ago

Blax check the spelling on yo bottle. Think you picked up the wrong one 😂

100% guaranteed.

5 years ago

J ” she was still in school (aka not making bank) while she married someone a couple years older than her who was rich. ” Yeah that’s not it cupcake… You’ve posted all tgis shit about how they are all self centered go grrrls who will not settle down and l.p. and behold an early 20s girl goes and gets married… 😆 Hey I got me one of those then… It’s alnost like “nothing is new” or something? Try taking your haid out of your ass for a minute and think about what you are saying out of thebother side… Read more »

5 years ago


“But hey it beats waking up everyday to the same old 50+ year old chick who I tell guys is still an HB7 ”

Looks like you got under his skin…

A few nore jibes and Yareally Transversion is complete. Minis 80% of the experience and 40% of the intelligence, but that was always a low bar…

5 years ago


I’m done with the subject. When the pua set starts in with the ” your wife X “, and ” muh girls hotter than yours ” adolescence, it will only get ugly – other peanutheaded pua adherents will close ranks, and then somebody will go away permanently.

5 years ago

“when the pua set starts in with the ” your wife X “, and ” muh girls hotter than yours ” adolescence”

Don’t talk shit homie. Then I won’t have to remind you about it.

5 years ago

You funny. That’s why I like you. You’re like a puppy Chihuahua snapping at a Cane Corso.

5 years ago

“You’ve posted all tgis shit about how they are all self centered go grrrls who will not settle down and l.p. and behold an early 20s girl goes and gets married…”

Dang she still with him? Add that to the list of married girls I’ve banged then.

5 years ago

These guys are falling down on the job…
comment image

5 years ago

So I was looking for a bash command to transmogrify my 3.5″ drive into a 2.5″, but I must have set a flag wrong because it transmogrified my 1 Tb drive into a 500 Mb drive. Wat’s up wit dat?

Automatic Slim
Automatic Slim
5 years ago

Always get a paternity test at birth.
No matter how much you trust her.
Always request one.
The law will be against you if you sign that birth certificate.

5 years ago

When the pua set starts in with the ” your wife X “, and ” muh girls hotter than yours ” adolescence

The word for the day is “jejeune.”

5 years ago

Women without social restraints are hypergamous sluts. This is how women play the game. No feminist can deny this.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

Absolutely….if you pass their Looks Confidence Threshold:

No charge, either.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

Women without social restraints are hypergamous sluts. This is how women play the game. No feminist can deny this.

Women are hypergamous. They have no internal limits. This is how they are. Feminists lie to themselves first…

5 years ago

One year.

It was nice while it lasted.

Back on the 🐓🎠 she goes….

5 years ago

Re: Manziel

If you’re an addict, your LTR game probably sucks.

5 years ago

Women are hypergamous. They have no internal limits.

no biologically-wired limits to hypergamy…women are designed to reproduce with the best they can find…

5 years ago

” Model”????

There are dozens of chicks like her in the Mall right now.
comment image

Lol, look at the thirst.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago


“Model” is like “consultant”. Anyone can say they are one…

Lol, look at the thirst.

The thirst fits right in with the existential fear. Thirsty men are less likely to vet, for example, and almost certainly have little to no game. The results are often predictable.

5 years ago


Manziel is setting some kind of record for bad decisions.

5 years ago

@Blax: that girl looks like she has injected something into her lips. I can also notice that she is heavily made up. Apart from that, she looks very pretty. I’d guess a solid 8 when she was in her prime. Very believable that she could get modeling work just on looks (make up included, obviously). I don’t know how is your mall, I think you may be exaggerating for effect… But if it really has dozens of girls as pretty as her, it would be a very good place to day game. I’m in a decently sized European city and… Read more »

5 years ago

IAS Lol, yes, I exaggerate. But there are at least a dozen in the Malls similar to her, especially in the higher end stores working the make-up section. Lips: Probably an injection, because it’s very popular. Some chicks use vacuum pressure to plump up lips … [youtube ( the downside of having daughters and a house full of various females is that I know useless shit like this ) Don’t get me wrong, the girl is very pretty. I wouldn’t give her a super high ” HB ” rating because I can see the make-up effect, the eyebrow work,… Read more »

5 years ago

Your ex-wife is getting spit roasted right now by 2 men she just met on tinder, while you’re paying her alimony. How does that make you feel?

5 years ago

comment image

5 years ago


5 years ago

Ah yes, this has descended into the typical bickering and crab bucket, lol. This place is about as “masculine” as a sewing circle. Same bitches making dozens and dozens of self-aggrandizing comments nonstop. You guys complain about the bots, jesus how are they any worse than the alleged real posters here?

@J and Incubus – Keep at it, there are men lurking who need to hear what you are saying.

5 years ago

Scribbs, chearleading men competing for the Darwin Award, complete with pom-pons.

5 years ago


What is the message that you refer to that lurkers need to hear
I am usually lurking quite often and I don’t know what you have read that I have not.

Lurkers are talked about a lot and your response with regards to us is incomplete. What have the gentlemen you are patting on the back said that strikes you?

5 years ago

P.S. how many men here are lurking? What’s your opinion without getting caught up in the tussle? 53 year old male here. Never married but have nothing against it if that’s what a man chooses to do. It’s not my cup of tea. It’s seems the ongoing arguments here are related to young men and their point of view and older men with their point of view. Then there are some older men trying to recapture a lost youth. But there’s not much useful information beyond young men inexperienced in life, and older men who should know better than arguing… Read more »

5 years ago


It’s not so much about ” young vs old ” as it is about what one believes and his mindset. There are some very smart younger commenters here who want different arguments.

Then there are some that want it all one way, because somebody else said so.

Solar Raymond
Solar Raymond
5 years ago


5 years ago

Just to clarify–I’m not saying to not fuck girls and learn about girls, but keep Darwin in mind while doing so and you ought to prepare to lead a family and that requires developing relationship skills and actually being in a long term relationship. Trying to lead a family before you are prepared to do so is a fool’s errand.

5 years ago

I’m with Robert. Basically we had J say the same old same old things are so different now, hard etc. And a balanced reading shows shit hasn’t changed much on the ground, but between the ears of our young friends, well there’s the payload…

ASD is just being his autistic self… No one except he is saying shit like:

“Trying to lead a family before you are prepared to do so is a fool’s errand.”

By his own account his situation is a cluster. Just scroll.

5 years ago

Young pickup guys speak .

Older guys speak.

Young pickup guys insult older guys and sometimes their wives.

Older guys retaliate .

Young pickup guys complaining about being attacked and shamed.

Grumpy old fucker shows up in support of the younger pickup guys .

All goes quiet .

Young pickup guys brags about sex he’s had.

Older guys not impressed.

Grumpy fucker insults everyone.

All goes quiet.


5 years ago

Hoover1980 True. It’s more like young pickup artists insults older guy’s wife and kids , particularly the daughters. You never talk about a man’s family . It’s understandable that a young man that bases his worth on the women he beds would be upset when everyone doesn’t agree on her level of attractiveness , but the outbursts are child like and the slurs are uncalled for. What I’ve always wondered about is why do young guys refer to themselves as ” we “? Are they royalty? Restated, older experienced men should just let the younger guys have their point of… Read more »

5 years ago

Hey, good stuff Robert and Hoover. Comment more.

Also, lurkers ask questions you might have. Or make outrageous comments.

5 years ago


It’s understandable that a young man that bases his worth on the women he beds would be upset when everyone doesn’t agree on her level of attractiveness , but the outbursts are child like and the slurs are uncalled for.

It demonstrates the level of investment. It’s not investment in The Art of Pickup, it’s redirected to investment in females. It’s multiple females, but females none the less.

The reaction(s) speak for themselves.


5 years ago

Oh yeah, c’mon lurkers. Chime in at your leisure. Scrib is righty about one thing, I comment too much…lmao.

Your opinions would be appreciated, even if a barfight breaks out.

5 years ago

The comments under this video restores my love for being a male

5 years ago

By his own account his situation is a cluster.

No more than yours…mine is a work in progress, just like anybody’s. But I’ve accomplished far more in my situation than you have in yours and your “calibration” should typically be ignored, whereas mine is generally spot on. Just sayin’.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

The solution to low-quality comments is simple:

Make higher quality comments, and don’t get dragged down low-quality rabbit trails. Scroll past them. Of course that means only commenting when one has something to say, which might mean going for days without a comment.

Some can’t stand that. Oh, well.

5 years ago

Well, some people here Knows The Truth and they are in write only mode. Not really good for a constructive debate, but there is not much one can do about it. As a mostly lurker there are people I just simply scroll by. Still worth reading the comments, even though sometimes you have to go through the trash. Don’t know how it could be better, but I like Rollo’s “no censoring” policy. This place shouldn’t become an echo chamber. What I personally do on online forums is that I quickly decide if someone worth talking to. When someone is in… Read more »

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