Band of Brothers

Peterson drops the ball in a couple of forgivable instances here. First, many contemporary studies show that women do in fact enter an estrus state. Secondly, while he is entirely correct about women’s Hypergamy never seeking its own level, he implies here that it is singularly a man’s capacity to produce and share resources that forms the basis for women’s attraction. This is an interesting overlook when you consider how often he’s made reference to how women primarily look for sexual dominance in men. From the Beta Bucks, provisioning, side of women’s sexual strategy, a man’s capacity for production and sharing resources is certainly an attraction cue, but it is only a cue insofar as it applies to women’s long term security needs. From the Alpha Fucks, short term mating perspective, it is a man’s capacity for sexual arousal and his sexual availability to her that is the basis for assessing a man’s SMV.

I have a great deal of respect for Dr. Peterson. I count him amongst the greatest minds of Red Pill awareness, however, his analysis is often subject to a Blue Pill conditioning that predisposes him to a default belief in the inherent ‘goodness’ of the female psyche. That isn’t to say women are inherently ‘bad’, but it is to say his objectivity is colored by a want to see the feminine on a pedestal. Peterson tends to pepper in a Blue Pill conditioned masculine ridicule into his observations about men when he’s detailing gender differences and it’s his habit to presume the best from women. He accurately makes the case here for how men are continually driven by an existential crisis when it comes to being accepted by (‘perfectly well-intended’) women in passing on their genetic material, but falls into the trap of believing that women would only, logically, want to breed with men who have good long term prospects for providing and sharing resources. There’s a 30+ year body of evo-bio / evo-psych research that contradicts his presumption.

However, in this instance, Peterson hits upon the fundamental reasoning as to why men are by nature more competitive than women. Over the millennia of human evolution, the stresses of men’s breeding strategies and realities has become hardwired into the male mental firmware, and as such it has selected-for men having a more competitive nature than women. I would go so far as to suggest that competitiveness is a primary aspect of conventional masculinity – and one that requires a constant effort to socialize out of modern males today.

On the female side we have to consider how women evolved, socially and psychologically, in hunter-gatherer, foraging tribes, and how the environmental stress of maintaining a social collective shaped women’s mental firmware. It’s my belief that women’s intense need for long term security (as well as Hypergamous doubt) is directly descended from the need to hedge against the environmental uncertainties of our evolutionary past. The rigors of gestation, carrying a child to term, child birth and then rearing that child to puberty – all while gathering food and resources and defending that child and the collective against external (and sometime internal) threats selected-for women with a collectivist / cooperative mental firmware. While the men of the tribal society were off hunting game or defending the tribe, it would follow that women would develop a more unitary, collectivist social order of intrasexual cooperation in order to survive and, as Dr. Peterson points out, ensure that the genetic material of the men they selected (or were selected by) survived for posterity.

In several essays, and in my latest book, I describe women’s natural social order as the Sisterhood Über Alles. That is ‘women above all else’, and from an evolved psychological perspective this solidarity, collectivism and cooperative bent is the mental vestige of an evolution that demanded women to be so in order to survive. Evolution doesn’t care how women breed and survive, just that women breed and survive. Flash forward to modern times and we see women of every and any social, political, religious and racial stripe preempt any conviction inspired by them with the concerns of womankind.

There are several studies that indicate that collectivism is a characteristic of women’s mental firmware. When presented with the distribution of a common wealth (or resource) it’s women’s predisposition to mete those resources out to the familial, feminine-primary social group (tribe) in as even a distribution as possible, or by an individual’s most pressing needs. Again, this is convincing evidence of a mental framework that leans towards a collectivism that finds its roots in our evolutionary past.

This fundamental prioritizing of the survival, needs and best interests of women as a collective is what now forms the basis of, and drives, what I commonly refer to as the Feminine Imperative. And from the Feminine Imperative, combined with a male-permissive social structure that has allowed for women’s social primacy, we have largely developed into a feminine-primary social order that is founded on the evolved, collectivist social structure that women’s mental firmware naturally predisposes them to.

Collectivism, socialism, is a fundamental aspect of the female psyche. In a social order that prioritizes female interests above all else we see the rise and perpetuation of an egalitarian equalism that finds its roots in women’s natural predisposition for collectivism. I would argue here that the egalitarian equalism we contend with today is really a convenient cover-term for female social primacy, and one that is a result of women’s collectivist nature.

Male Dominance Hierarchies

As Dr. Peterson briefly details in this clip, it is primarily men’s performance burden (and a man’s capacity to share the fruits of it) that has historically been the basis of women’s selection criteria for the long term provisioning aspect of women’s Hypergamous natures. And as I mentioned, this only covers half of what makes for women’s true assessments of men’s sexual market value. DNA mapping of our foraging ancestors reveals the real story about the importance sexual arousal and strategic pluralism played in women’s sexual selection. Historically, only 20% of men bred with 80% of women. If we only look at this fact from Peterson’s perspective we’re left to conclude that this 20% looked like good long term prospects with resources to share, rather than consider the uglier side of Hypergamy and women opportunistically breeding with the best physical specimens they had access to and, proactively or retroactively, cuckolding the ‘good provider’. The mental schema of mate guarding didn’t develop in a vacuum – there are very good evolutionary reasons why men developed a subconscious, peripheral sensitivity to the behaviors that indicate women’s ovulatory phase.

Hypergamy doesn’t care, but it did indeed play a part in the evolution of men’s dominance hierarchies as Peterson suggests. Whether the criteria for selection was physical prowess or provisional prowess, the breeding pressures placed on men by women’s sexual strategy is responsible for a great deal of what we consider the male nature and conventional masculinity itself. While it may be a pleasant fiction for men to apply terms like strength and honor and fidelity to male-kind, those concepts exist outside the evolved male-competitive nature. Kings and emperors had breeding rights to harems while their subjects, by order of degree, had sexual access to progressively diminishing opportunities with women.

One aspect I think Peterson didn’t get around to explaining in this clip is that women have only had unilateral sexual selection opportunity in the past century due to the social and physical unfettering of Hypergamy. Being a king may’ve meant that man had more breeding opportunities than that of his lessers, but it in no way made him the best, or even the willing, choice for the women he bred with. Up until the rise of feminine social primacy, men have always had social, moral, ethical and yes, physical, means of exerting their own control over Hypergamy.

Competitiveness is what defines masculinity for every generation of men. While it may be part of women’s mental firmware to consider the collective first with regard to resource distribution, it is most definitely an evolved characteristic of men to accrue resources in order to be considered a good prospect for women’s long term security needs. When we consider the criteria women have in order for a man to represent an optimal Hypergamous prospect, it makes pragmatic sense that an innate competitiveness would be part of men’s psychological firmware. Nature would select-for a natural competitiveness in men. As such we observe that men consider merit and performance first in distributing resources (rewards) in order to recognize, in theory, an exceptionality in men. Even if it is within our selfish-gene nature to want to retain as much for ourselves (and thus make ourselves better prospects for Hypergamous optimization) we still recognize merit, or lack of it, in men’s burden of performance.

So, with regard to the bigger societal picture, what we’re seeing in our egalitarian equalist social experiment of today is not just a conflict in men and women’s social approaches, but also a fundamental conflict in which sex’s sexual strategy will be the socially predominant one. In a social sense it is a conflict in the Cardinal Rule of Sexual StrategiesSince the time of the Sexual Revolution the answer has been clear; it is women’s sexual strategy that has been allowed to define our social order.


Jack Donovan had a great post back in February titled We are not Brothers. I entirely cosign his sentiment in this essay – today men bandy around the term Brother without really considering the deeper implications that true, in-group, exclusively male, brotherhood entails. It’s a good essay, but I think one reason Jack is sensitive to the term losing its meaning is due to the efforts the Feminine Imperative has made in destroying men’s understanding of conventional masculinity. It’s deliberate, so Brotherhood means whatever the feminine feels comfortable in allowing it to mean, and it can effect control over its significance for as long as it can continue to confuse men about the sacrificial nature of conventional masculinity.

Men’s dominance hierarchies and breeding strategies predispose men to maverick independence (sigmas) or intrasexual rivalries within a fraternal group (tribes). Men’s collective, cooperative social structures – traditionally, exclusive male spaces – existed in spite of this intrasexually competitive nature. Even amongst the most steadfast, cooperative and loyal of brotherhoods there will always be intrasexual rivalries for breeding opportunities. And as Jordan B. Peterson notes, it is women’s Hypergamy that gives rise to male dominance hierarchies, but moreover it has led to the necessity for developing an evolved predisposition for men’s being competitive.

It is precisely this competitive mental firmware in men which makes it next to impossible for their to ever be a Brotherhood Über Alles – and in an age where men are shamed for masculinity, an age in which women will force themselves into male space as overseers, an age where men will adaptively define masculinity to mean whatever suits their weakest proficiencies, it’s easy to understand the difficulties in men cooperatively coming together to enforce their own collective best interests as men. In ages past, when masculine cooperation determined the fate of a tribe, a people, a nation, etc. this fraternity was a much more imperative concept for men.

It’s been noted before that in earlier eras formalized monogamy was a social adaptation with the latent purpose of solving men’s evolved imperative to ensure his own paternity. Whether this adaptation was (is) a successful hedge against women’s Hypergamy is debatable, but the relative insurance a man was afforded by formal monogamy was that he could send his genetic material on to successive generations. From an evolutionary perspective, men’s primary existential crisis is reproduction, and in order to successfully solve this problem women’s Hypergamy must be controlled for. As this push for male control superseded women’s imperatives it’s made for a social guarantee that a man would reproduce with a lessened need for competition and a lessened burden of performance for men. While high SMV men were guaranteed reproduction, the monogamy adaptation meant that, theoretically, only the lowliest of men wouldn’t find a mate.

That was the latent socio-sexual contract prior to the Sexual Revolution. Today, we see parallels for this struggle between men and women’s sexual strategies and women’s own social push to unilaterally control and institutionalize Hypergamy. Now the script has been flipped to socially create and enforce a new feminine-primary structure that has the latent purpose of ensuring even the lowest SMV woman can fulfill Hypergamy to a greater degree. Just as formal monogamy sought to ensure men could solve their reproductive purpose in spite of his performance burden, now we have women as the primary beneficiaries of a society structured to, theoretically, ensure they have access to both the best genes (Alpha Fucks) and the best provisioning (Beta Bucks) – all to the point that men are conscripted into doing so.

As women have less and less need of men who can (directly) produce and share resources the concept of masculine cooperation in enforcing their best interests becomes a farce at best, a ‘hate crime’ at worst. The more women can produce and/or consume resources, or conscript men to involuntarily produce and share, the more women lean towards the Alpha Fucks aspect of Hypergamy in prioritizing their sexual selection. As a result, male dominance hierarchies will continue to develop around the short term sexual breeding criteria of women. In the past, as per Dr. Peterson, that hierarchy may have been centered on long term provisioning; today it is all about women’s pleasure in accessing the best genetic material her evolved hindbrain determines is in her best interests.

Yet still we hear women bemoan a lack of marriageable, long term producer/sharers who are their (perceived) status equals or better (always better). The evolved need for that security providing, competent male is still part of her mental firmware, no matter what the social conventions of the Feminine Imperative are telling her conscious self. And in a pragmatic, adaptive response, men will continue to define masculinity for themselves, continue to prioritize short term sexual arousal above long term attraction, and continue to be befuddled or embarrassed by the ideas of forming Brotherhoods with any deeper meaning than what pop culture will define them for men as.

Late edit: Reader Novaseeker had a brilliant observation about the reasons women’s collectivism evolved.

The innate sisterhood, or herd, also arises from the reality that most human tribes were patrilocal and not matrilocal. That is, the core of the tribe was a group of males bonded by kin, and they brought in females from other tribes (trade/conquest) routinely for mating. Thus, the males had relatively high levels of cooperation due to being kin-bonded (not perfect levels of cooperation — rivalries always exist, violence happens in kin bonds as well — but much higher than among non-kin-bonded males), whereas the females had to adapt to cooperate with the other females despite the lack of kin bonds between them as a kind of counterweight to the innate solidarity that the kin-bonded males had vis-a-vis the females. The kind of female sisterhood/collectivism that we see in women evolved, in addition to what you write about, as well from the need to counteract the male solidarity in patrilocal tribes — women evolved to cooperate with other “strange” women in the face of this male solidarity which was based on kin bonds.

A key point of this — and something which explains much of the behavior of women *politically* in the last 200 years or so — is that the context in which this evolved was specifically to counterweigh male power. That is, because females would otherwise have remained weak and isolated in the face of a tribe of kin-bonded males, they evolved this sisterhood/collective mentality specifically to provide a counterweight to male power. This is important, because it’s this specific context in which this mentality comes to the fore most prominently in women, even today. Women can fight and scratch and claw with each other and be bitches with each other incessantly, but when one of them comes into conflict with a man or “with men”, the sisterhood/collective mindset kicks in in high gear, precisely because this is the specific context it emerged to counter. In other words, it’s specifically evolved to offset male power, to counterbalance male power, by forging solidarity between females who otherwise would not have any reason to act like a sisterhood (and who may even dislike each other).

Contemporary feminism is perhaps the most obvious form of this, but it isn’t the only one. The pronounced female in-group preference is another easy to spot one as well. But in any case, a key point to understand is that the sisterhood isn’t neutral — it’s evolved to counterbalance any kind of male power that threatens women’s interests as a group. This is the case even though women haven’t lived in patrilocal conditions for a long, long, long time, and even though contemporary men have no solidarity to speak of at all which could possibly threaten women’s interest as a group. That evolutionary history casts long shadows, and the tendency for women to see men as a cabal acting to control women — when in fact, as we all know, we’re kind of the exact opposite of that — arises from the collective evolutionary memory of adaptations to deal with the very real male solidarity females faced when they were imported into patrilocal male tribes of kin-bonded males.

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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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[…] Band of Brothers […]

6 years ago

I like this post, but I am going to get picky. First, many contemporary studies show that women do in fact enter an estrus state. An overwhelming plethora of in the field observations about post-menopausal women shows that women’s estrus state is likely irrelevant when it comes to women seeking alpha fux. Alphas’ feminine-arousal-inducing behavior is almost certainly the key factor in causing women to seek alpha fux. Estrus state is more likely a big factor in a woman accepting beta fux with a LRT partner. As expected with my theory, once women enter menopause, they become less and less… Read more »

My Dreamland Kingdom
6 years ago

Hy•per•ga•my, verb:
Replace the ‘y’ with ‘e:’ Game, cranked
Up to eleven!😬

6 years ago

A lot gets written about the benefits of Hypergamy. Nature has pre-selected “the woman” to select her mating partner to ensure only the best genes make it into the future. While it makes sense in theory, human civilization made much of its progress in the last 1,000 years, an era in which monogamy was the norm and mate guarding ensured every man got to pass on their genes into the future. Since the sexual revolution, women have had complete control over the societal norms to ensure that they can optimize their Hypergamy. So, in theory the men born in the… Read more »

6 years ago

“Yet still we hear women bemoan a lack of marriageable, long term producer/sharers … The evolved need for that security providing, competent male is still part of her mental firmware, no matter what the social conventions of the Feminine Imperative are telling her conscious self.”

Bad conclusion, Rollo. You’re assuming that women want something because they SAY that they want it?

What do her actions say?

6 years ago

@Rollo: there is an aspect that I find interesting that I’d like you (and others) to comment on, about the men being competitive and women being cooperative. I agree, but on the other hand we also see competitive men being cooperative and honorable, at least among the “tribe”, partly to compete with other tribes and therefore building more cooperative societies… Whereas women are often cooperative with each other but then are often vicious, and somewhat dishonorably treacherous, manipulative, and with significant higher “in-group bias” (which is also part of why Sisterhood uber alles is such a high priority). No doubt… Read more »

6 years ago

Ultimately his politics suck and he’s a Blue Pill TradCon Cuck. Still, he’s a great gateway, his greatness coming from a declining cunt-run gynocracy.
It’s up to the individual man, how much he can stomach from Boomer cucks.

6 years ago

Just consider how far gone we are that this Kermit frog Maple leaf is a truth telling badass hero to millions.

6 years ago

Most men live comeplety feminine lives and therefore know jack and shit about men, beunh a man, manhood and/ or brotherhood.

Right now I am struggeling to come up with a dozen legal professions and a dozen hobbies that would be overtly and robustly masculine, combined with in-group cohesion above all to over come out-group competition

6 years ago

And I can’t see how a on can forego a couple of years like that early on and still mature into a man worthy of the title.

6 years ago

Another bone to pick. Historically, only 20% of men bred with 80% of women. Hypergamy and women opportunistically breeding with the best physical specimens they had access to Historically, only 20% of men were free. The rest were slaves and couldn’t marry. Most slaves worked in mines and agriculture. They had no access to women and women lacked access to them. The “20% of men bred” statistic is an artefact of slavery, not of the FI. Whole cities were frequently enslaved in the ancient world and during the Middle Ages, especially by muslims. Women slaves might end up as concubines… Read more »

PJ Pires
6 years ago

In end of day woman really dont want every single f**cking thing they say they want. It’s simple as that.

6 years ago

“There are several studies that indicate that collectivism is a characteristic of women’s mental firmware. When presented with the distribution of a common wealth (or resource) it’s women’s predisposition to mete those resources out to the familial, feminine-primary social group (tribe) in as even a distribution as possible, or by an individual’s most pressing needs. Again, this is convincing evidence of a mental framework that leans towards a collectivism that finds its roots in our evolutionary past.”

Daryl Long
Daryl Long
6 years ago

One of my concerns when I started understanding TRP was that it would escalate the arms race as the info leaked into general culture. It was and is inevitable. I shudder thinking about what happens next. My best guess is that we fall deeper into the place where politics is now: preference falsification and people speaking BP to get along in society but acting RP. The gap between what people say and what people do is going to get wider.

Lost Patrol
Lost Patrol
6 years ago

Just consider how far gone we are that this Kermit frog Maple leaf is a truth telling badass hero to millions. This is valid, but that’s where we are. JP ain’t no Rollo, he pulls his punches; but he might be the bravest and boldest Canadian alive today. Canada is in a FI stranglehold. Ask the Canucks that read and comment here. Peterson sticks his head in the lion’s mouth by holding court at the University of Toronto, where he publicly states many thought crimes about intersexual dynamics in defiance of the narrative. I’ll give credit to the man in… Read more »

6 years ago

“Just as formal monogamy sought to ensure men could solve their reproductive purpose in spite of his performance burden, now we have women as the primary beneficiaries of a society structured to, theoretically, ensure they have access to both the best genes (Alpha Fucks) and the best provisioning (Beta Bucks) – all to the point that men are conscripted into doing so.”
Conscripted into doing so…
Gender and Culture

M Simon
6 years ago

My LTR says that women in competition for a man are extremely vicious. They are usually not obvious about it.

Of course the competition is very handy for the man. She will always try to outdo her competition.

Men OTOH will submerge competition for group success. The hunt for game animals is a case in point.

M Simon
6 years ago

September 4, 2017 at 2:53 pm

It is reflected in American politics – Democrats are the woman’s party Mostly. Republicans are the man’s party. Mostly. But there are other things.

A Thermodynamic Explanation Of Politics

The City vs Country divide has been a feature of human politics for 5,000 years or more. Too bad we haven’t figured it out yet.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

One of my concerns when I started understanding TRP was that it would escalate the arms race as the info leaked into general culture. It was and is inevitable

Do you see any evidence of this happening?

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

M Simon
My LTR says that women in competition for a man are extremely vicious. They are usually not obvious about it.

That’s special. Next ask her about hypergamy.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

M Simon
Republicans are the man’s party

Cryin Ryan. Dennis Hastert. Jeb Bush. Do I have to go on?

Fred Flange, GBFC (Great Books For Cucks)
Fred Flange, GBFC (Great Books For Cucks)
6 years ago

Long as we’re masticating marrow, I would quibble a bit with our friend LSDGamer’s description of most 80% of Middle Ages men as Muslim slaves. The Mongols had more impact. Islam only got as far as southern Spain and the easternmost parts of Europe and Central Asia. Though if we are speaking of most men in Europe being serfs or villeins (the feudal bourgeoisie, if you will), then I would concur. But even among the serfs left to themselves the 20/80 Pareto principle applied, according to the genetic data. Also don’t lose sight that the 80 % of women being… Read more »

6 years ago

@ Fred Phalangist

easternmost parts of Europe

Where do you think that the word “slave” comes from?

Of course, Islam landed all over the med. Portuguese have the sickle cell gene.

I forgot Genghis’ contribution to serfdom…the Huns also did their part.

Islam conquered Byzantium, Egypt, etc. Turkish conquests also contributed to thralldom. Vikings took slaves. Can you think of any group that didn’t?

6 years ago

Funny there is a sisterhood that crosses all lines even sex as some men seem to want to join. Yet there is no great brotherhood of men only small bands threatened with extermination,as the war on terror was and is a war on tribe as well.

But God save the whales.

6 years ago

I look at the genetic mix differently. The whole 80% of female fucking 20 % of men. In the Stone Age a man had to go out kill a mastodon or fight a bear or lion with a pointy stick. I’m thinking there probly not a lot of able bodied men left after that. So there was not a whole lot choice in the matter. If your whole tribe consist of 80% female & 20 percent male. The genes are gonna get passed down thru history In that fashion regardless of hypergamy choice or war brides dominance. What I am… Read more »

6 years ago


Agree also take into consideration drugs alcohol and the fact that slaves bred more slaves. May go a long way to explaining why we are all not giants or geniuses.

6 years ago

It not just that if you take into account. Black Death Small pox the flu. Survivors get to reproduce. I just don’t see a bunch of teenage kids laying in bed of flowers on a field making choices about who they want to date or marry. Not In the Stone Age. If you got 100 men in your tribe and small poxs kills 80 of them that last 20 get to do a lot of fucking

6 years ago

As long as we are discussing evolutionary psychology, there was a long time of choosing/selecting and evolving human brains out of Africa after the cognitive revolution of humans. For all of the acceleration of social change with recent technologies, there was a slow grind of selecting normal brain firmware in the masculine and feminine from 70,000 (cognitive revolution) years ago to 12,000 years ago (Agricultural revolution and the start of cooperate flexibly in large numbers of humans). The former stuff evolved hormones and psyche not the latter stuff in the last 2000 years. The firmware was already in place in… Read more »

Yollo Comanche
Yollo Comanche
6 years ago

So does this article undo the previous article on brotherhood?

6 years ago

I remember reading somewhere though that throughout history, 40%, maybe even a bit higher, of men got to pass on their genes, compared with 80% of women. If women were left purely to their own devices, that would be 20% of men or less. The norm for humans, even hunter-gatherer bands in prehistory, would be monogamous marriage with polygamy maybe restricted to a few elite males. All stone age societies studied have had this arrangement I think (although with plenty of cheating, cucking and divorcing like our own society). So people have always tried to limit female hypergamy for the… Read more »

6 years ago

Yollo Comanche
What article?

“Humans were not meant to cooperate in huge groups, because their firmware was mostly developed in small tribes. Small tribes were how things developed in human psychology and evolved psychology. Large groups invite the order of the day. The subjugation of the individual. The impossibility of tribal cohesiveness. In-group malice and out-group altruism. The opposite of tribal structure.”

6 years ago

the fact that slaves bred more slaves.

Masters bred more slaves throughout history.

Yollo Comanche
Yollo Comanche
6 years ago


The one called “Tribes”.

6 years ago

“Black Death Small pox the flu. … ”

Also add infant mortality to mix. Only in last 2 centuries we have been able to bring infant mortality down.
All those kids not reaching age of 5 or 10 don’t get to pass on their genes either.

6 years ago

What, then, is the optimal society? The implication of this post being that old books Marriage 1.0 was the male imperative dominating women, and today the script is flipped and through unfettered hypergamy women now dominate men. I’m not sure why but I will never feel satisfied until I can figure out the balance. I’d argue that Marriage 1.0 was less imbalanced and less dominating than the current feminine primary social order, for three reasons: 1) Female solipsism prevents women from realistically considering men’s interests, even if it is just to strike a compromise. 2) Men, and interestingly women, report… Read more »

6 years ago

@rugby11 September 4, 2017 at 7:09 pm Those cites you linked to are fem-centric. Altruism is not granted lightly among males. And male altruism in male tribes has nothing to do with altruism of men for women. And they (the three cites) don’t account for small vs. large (huge) tribes–which was my point. Bottoms-up approach to sexual strategy? Anyone? Mainstream media research pablum. @Yollo So does this article undo the previous article on brotherhood? You are not even close to having a coherent question. Maybe go back and read the two essays a few times. Perhaps even click on the… Read more »

6 years ago

Interesting insights into wealth as a criteria for hypergamy… According to ev psych leader of men and protector of women and children can be determined by where a man lives …his job…his potential for advancement.. When a woman asks “what do you do?” Bits hypergamy at play. When I’m deliberately vague: “as little as I can/ I’m your basic international man of mystery” big gets girls chasing. The desire to know more is hypergamy in action. The more you develop an air of mystery he more you raise your attractiveness. At some point you have to deliver so if you… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

Rollo . One aspect I think Peterson didn’t get around to explaining in this clip is that women have only had unilateral sexual selection opportunity in the past century due to the social and physical unfettering of Hypergamy. That statement borders on overly broad. Glubb’s monograph on empires has a few details on the behavior of women at the peak of the Arab empire, as well as the Roman. Literature from the 13th century on down, especially the Troubadorian period, has more details. Women’s covert sexuality makes ample room for the “sneaky f##ker” in many places and times. This natural… Read more »

6 years ago

That would be a better place to understand JBP´s stand on selection:

6 years ago

Ok, even if there is not parity in terms of how (biological) deep the impulse of the brotherhood compared to the sisterhood. Men can cognitively reason themselves to forming similar deep bonds. Just look at the last threads disscusion, several men voluntary provided their advice and support (and condemnation) for a fellow man (mitch). However, how this solidarity manifested itself was in sharing of wisdom, not resources. This impulse to share stories of wisdom, may be the firmware equivalent for men. As ‘locker room talk’ usually revolves around such kind if stories and erupts spontaneously among men. It is evolutionary… Read more »

6 years ago

Roy Baumeister, “Is There Anything Good About Men?” Recent research using DNA analysis answered this question about two years ago. Today’s human population is descended from twice as many women as men. I think this difference is the single most underappreciated fact about gender. To get that kind of difference, you had to have something like, throughout the entire history of the human race, maybe 80% of women but only 40% of men reproduced. (The talk can be found in several places, e.g., ) Though I’d nowadays prefer references to the actual research papers since this has become something… Read more »

6 years ago

@ SFC Ton, you where saying you are struggling to come up one single masculine profession still around today. I agree that society enlarge is femniszed. However, there are still pockets of male authority. For example

Watch a few clips of the work in the kitchen, that’s a masculine work environment. Another would be construction site, mining, logging and other primary resource extraction. Guess why these are the only masculine spaces that remain..

6 years ago

Rollo you are so interesting and intelligent. You do attract some “meat heads” however I point my adult sons toward you. Your research and logical insights are spot on.

6 years ago

“with retroactive or proactive cuckoldry not only common but socially acceptable.”
Very sincere way to get someone interested in the red pill for what it is. Women who don’t agree an anything in life will band together to get this point across with fervent conviction. You could get a religious women to speak with a lesbian about this in church and it wouldn’t phase them in the cultural context in which we live in.
On Peterson video
1,500 Warren beatty 10,000 Jamar…. That’s a lot of Tail…
Heart of the mountain

6 years ago

This post made me think of an argument I had with my now ex girlfriend about rockers and their obvious succes with expecially young women. I wasn’t a reader of the Rational Male at that time – nor was I red pilled in the sence of reading internet blogs, but I still got a sence of rationality regarding stuff in my life and the argument was concerned around the issue, whether women are actually promoting a culture where criminality and a hard outlook – not to mention a violent and extremely macho behavior – because many women (if not most)… Read more »

Bill Bend
Bill Bend
6 years ago


Just when you think that the FI can’t top itself.. I just saw this tending in the news. “John Legend reveals he tried to dump Chrissy Teigen, but she just said ‘no’”

Imagine that.. when a guy breaks up with you, you can just say ‘no.’ Is there any limit to sense of entitlement? This is a toxic culture.

6 years ago

@Rollo: There are a number of things packed into this article. It seems rather disconnected wanting to both praise and criticize Peterson while using his aside during a lecture on Genesis to buttress your argument, with a Donovan springboard, that the FI invades male spaces.

6 years ago

I’ll give credit to the man in the arena even if he’s not the best fighter.
Well, it makes sense to separate the message delivery from the message content. His articulation and use of vocabulary make him a great fighter in an intellectual sense. Listening to him is awe-inspiring, especially taking into consideration a lot of his material is off-the-cuff and not prepared.
But I did enjoy those kermit voice-overs of him…

6 years ago

an age in which women will force themselves into male space as overseers

I think that women see male spaces as opportunities for sex and attention-whoring. A church receptionist commented to me that she would have liked to go to a men’s church event which featured a guest speaker and bar b que. She said, “I like meat!”

Of course, if she were to attend and find anything objectionable at the event, the sisterhood would need to oversee the men. Camel’s nose leads to male space becoming a safe space–i.e., a female space.

6 years ago

She said, “I like meat!”

There it is: hidden ovulation as a strategy for a high-fat, high-protein diet. The males compete for a place in the cooperative hunting party and, on success, have a wealth of calories which they can choose (or not) to share with one or more females. The male wealth is proportionate to his status in the tribe as well as his contribution to the chase-and-kill (cooperative male meritocracy). The females exchange coitus for food. Ovulatory shift made females compete for the best meat and males compete for the ovulating females.

Agent P
Agent P
6 years ago

Peterson is currently expanding his in house squad and doing a ton of “alt-right” research as he has been painted as Alt-right, a label which he contests. Nevertheless he is doing a lot of research on it and sooner or later he’s going to end up at RM. I am not trying to conflate RM with alt-right. I think 18 months ago Alt-right was very different than it is today. The MSM likes to simply use Alt-right as another name for racism and white nationalists etc without taking any time to sort out its many variants. Swimming around in a… Read more »

6 years ago

In the manosphere the other idea is that women don’t like to be in groups or secretly hate each other in a group or at least between groups…. so where is the default sisterhood.

Agent P
Agent P
6 years ago

“It is precisely this competitive mental firmware in men which makes it next to impossible for their to ever be a Brotherhood Über Alles – and in an age where men are shamed for masculinity, an age in which women will force themselves into male space as overseers, an age where men will adaptively define masculinity to mean whatever suits their weakest proficiencies, it’s easy to understand the difficulties in men cooperatively coming together to enforce their own collective best interests as men. In ages past, when masculine cooperation determined the fate of a tribe, a people, a nation, etc.… Read more »

6 years ago

To help men gain status independent of women, Hipster Racist has advised young men to join and contribute to all-men community groups like Masonic lodges and Lions Clubs, whose leaders are generally old and ready to pass the initiative to younger generations. Man wins status in all-male group, man is more attractive to woman, woman wants to marry man. Men might thus improve their collective stake in the intersexual conflict Rollo hammers on, where the society-wide operative sexual strategy–male or female–is determined. In sports teams and the military, men form hierarchies around a common goal, and women respond to the… Read more »

M Simon
6 years ago

Anonymous Reader
September 4, 2017 at 5:10 pm

Hillary Clinton, Maxine Waters, Diane Feinstein – do I need to go on?

In any case I was thinking more of the voters than the leaders. The leaders are all from the same party.

M Simon
6 years ago

Fred Flange, GBFC (Great Books For Cucks)
September 4, 2017 at 5:16 pm



I concur.

6 years ago

Re: Eve in Garden of Eden JBP says “At least she had an excuse!” No. There is no verse in Genesis saying or implying this in any way. JBP is the excuser (aka, “White Knight”). He clearly missed the mythological expression, which describes female hypergamy. (Odd for a Jung/Campbell teacher, right?) Consider – here’s paradise, you’re living in a perfect garden walled off from the precarious and dangerous randomness outside (nature), every need provided for and in direct communion with God. Who could ask for more!?! *She* could and did ask for more and hypergamy doesn’t care. Snake knew who… Read more »

Yollo Comanche
Yollo Comanche
6 years ago

Stop making me read! I’m always reading because of you!

But seriously. Of course it doesn’t undo it. That was a poor choice of words on my part. It’s just a reminder for me to brush up on my leadership skills as much as my leadership qualifications. And to keep a mindful eye on who’s trying to guide my judgement on what makes a “good” leader.

Yollo Comanche
Yollo Comanche
6 years ago


“Consider – here’s paradise, you’re living in a perfect garden walled off from the precarious and dangerous randomness outside (nature), every need provided for and in direct communion with God. Who could ask for more!?! *She* could and did ask for more and hypergamy doesn’t care.”

That’s good. I like that one.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

M Simon

Hillary Clinton, Maxine Waters, Diane Feinstein – do I need to go on?

Sure, do go on. Just explain what you are going on about.

In any case I was thinking more of the voters than the leaders.

Perhaps you could have made that clear in your initial statement.

The leaders are all from the same party.

Then you have no point at all. Did you mean to do that?

M Simon
6 years ago

September 5, 2017 at 5:53 am

I believe “rocker clubs” translates into “biker bars” in the US.

Fred Flange, GBFC (Great Books For Cucks)
Fred Flange, GBFC (Great Books For Cucks)
6 years ago

Once more with Feelz: we would all do better to keep in mind that TRP in particular and evo-psych in general transcend the alt-Right, the alt-Left, and those with no Alts at all. The alt-right trying to contain and channel evo psych is forcing the science into a political frame, like Social Darwinism tried to do with evolution. All of which is just as pointless and dishonest as SJW Lysenkoism (in its classic Soviet-era sense and in the modern day senses we all know: i.e., stupidly thinking we can change human behavior by doubleplusgood think that heterosexuality is a disease… Read more »

M Simon
6 years ago

Bill Bend
September 5, 2017 at 6:07 am

A woman who wants you – no matter what – is the best for a LTR. One of those stumbled on me 43 years ago. Nothing I could do would shake her. She did get annoyed – often – but she always came back. Even more so when I had another GF.

4 Kids.

M Simon
6 years ago

Anonymous Reader
September 5, 2017 at 9:11 am

Well yes. I made my point in the original comment. I haven’t changed my mind.

6 years ago

comment image

Frame and The Alpha Triad.

M Simon
6 years ago

September 5, 2017 at 8:21 am

In the manosphere the other idea is that women don’t like to be in groups or secretly hate each other in a group or at least between groups…. so where is the default sisterhood.

Women don’t do groups well in the presence of men. They all start competing and unity dissolves. It is why female only colleges (schools) are still on the agenda.

6 years ago

@Rollo: I think JBP just operates on a different continuum than you; yours is a Red/Blue binary; his is a Truth/Malevolent binary where malevolent tends to harmful sociopathic behavior. While there are sociopathic females, males make up the clear majority of that population. To that end, I’d suggest JBP sees females as neutral–neither ascending to Truth nor descending to Malevolence.

To use your example of collectivism above, last century (prior to the legalization of abortion), was deadly for both males and females when male sociopaths attempted to enact their ideal vision of collectivism.

6 years ago

@ Fred Feel Angst

And remember that the right is not anywhere near unanimous in accepting the principles and findings of evo psych. Churchians don’t like it because it’s full of evil-lotion.

Evolutionary biologists are notorious for railing against evo-psych. EP definitely has its detractors.

The Other Threat to Evolutionary Biology: Evolutionary Psychology

6 years ago

Hi all. Any advice on the following would be greatly appreciated as I am sort of lost. I currently work for a non profit and make around 52k a year. I have received a few minor raises over the years and we also receive a yearly bonus in the realm of 1200 bucks. We also have a pension to which the company pays around $120 every 2 weeks into your 401k, so roughly $3100 a year. So my total comp is around $55k. My recent now ex gf would use this against me at times as she was/is making close… Read more »

6 years ago

I still abject to the notion that superior genetic material gets passed down thru history. How do we know this ? How do you know the best genes didn’t get shit out the back side of a saber tooth tiger a half a million years back. Their is a luck factor that no one talks about in evo- psych. A luck factor that is unknown. Look at Texas flood the lucky get picked up and the unlucky drown. Imagine that 2 million years ago when the world was a harder place to live. I think luck plays a larger part… Read more »

carlos morales
carlos morales
6 years ago

Agent P said: “So I think, I believe, it is within that context that we will in fact see men not women setting aside differences to hash out abstract ideas with the end goal of re-establishing some kind of functional order.” It could work. Rollo’s point that men are competitive with each other doesn’t negate the fact that societies did settle on monogamy as scheme for a long time. In some hunter gatherer tribes the convention is that all men go hunting. Women flock to the men who bring back meat so men divide it up before they return so… Read more »

6 years ago

@Waffles: “My recent now ex gf would use this against me . . .”

It’s time to stop listening to her.


Evolution is statistical. It is the distribution of alleles in a populace. The “luck” factor is taken into account.

6 years ago

As a maxim:

Anything can’t survive, won’t. Anything that can survive, might.

6 years ago

I am a Muslim, and live in a secular Muslim country, Turkey. At first, upon hearing hypergamy at manosphere, I’d thought it was an overrated phenomenon, that things can’t be so severe globally, that maybe it’s that bad only in the western societies. God… I was totally wrong. Buckle-up for what you’ll read now. A 50-something old, village lady from a very religious, conservative part of my country ran away with her lover. She had a 20-something daughters. In that part of the country, such actions of women are traditionally (although illegally) addressed with a bullet since they are considered… Read more »

6 years ago


“Look at Texas flood the lucky get picked up and the unlucky drown. ”

Are you 12 years old?

Fred Flange, GBFC (Great Books For Cucks)
Fred Flange, GBFC (Great Books For Cucks)
6 years ago


Point taken, indeed. Surprised I was to see some evo-biologists chafe at evo-psych, you would think they would look for congruence in their respective disciplines. Maybe their own politics are getting in the way of accepting it, their bad. You’d think they’d have crushing retorts to Dr. Haselton and such. But the data holds up.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

M. Simon Well yes. I made my point in the original comment. I haven’t changed my mind. LOL, your original point was Democrats are the woman’s party Mostly. Republicans are the man’s party. Mostly. Hey, 1996 called, they want your Rush Limbaugh approved talking points back, since you haven’t changed your mind in the last 20 years. Meanwhile, your “man’s party” features Cryin Ryan, Dennis Hastert, Jeb Bush, and Marco Rubio, and Mitt Romney and more, many more. Your “man’s party” has no problem renewing VAWA. Your “man’s party” is totally happy with the Duluth Protocol. Your “man’s party” responds… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

About half way through this video JBP goes on about how he fell in love with the woman who would be his wife at 8 years old.

Very hugely important. Makes his progress towards reality all the more impressive, because he’s so incredibly atypical even for his own age cohort. Thanks for that info.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

SJB I think JBP just operates on a different continuum than you; yours is a Red/Blue binary; his is a Truth/Malevolent binary where malevolent tends to harmful sociopathic behavior. While there are sociopathic females, males make up the clear majority of that population. To that end, I’d suggest JBP sees females as neutral–neither ascending to Truth nor descending to Malevolence. That would be another form of pedestalization, and blank-slate thinking. I would hope he’s not that ignorant, foolish or stupid. Just because sociopathy in women is not the same as sociopathy in men doesn’t mean there are fewer of them… Read more »

6 years ago

” . . . some evo-biologists chafe at evo-psych . . .”

While we have to be very careful about Just So Stories, no human being sees ultraviolet arrows and feels a compulsion to follow them to collect pollen.

No bee fears leopards.

Leon T
Leon T
6 years ago

And so it proceeds exactly as I have predicted; although much quicker than I initially anticipated. Rollo is shedding his apolitical drag one filthy, deceitful garment at a time. His use of the phrase Sisterhood “Uber Alles” is quite a revealing Freudian ‘slip’. Too bad the undereducated and poorly endowed intellects of the ‘manosphere’ autodidacts who venerate the godfather of “Red Pill” pseudo-intellectualism are deaf, dumb and blind to the dog whistle call to the seductive vestiges of former Third Reich glory. What new allusion to Nazism comes next? How about “Is there any form of foulness that at least… Read more »

6 years ago

@ Waffles; Do the job you want not what your former personal over-seer from the FI would want you to do. You decide how much of burden of performance that you want to carry or not. With regards to $; My SO makes 2X what I do, and only once did the issue of making more money come up. I had lost frame, my bad, over some issue and this was her attack on me. My response was to set up a separate account for a fraction of my pay instead of full deposit into the family account. I withdrew… Read more »

6 years ago

@Anonymous Reader: “Neutral” in that girls will take the form of whomever leads them as in Rollo’s “War Brides”; lacking capture by a strong male of course they will follow a Sandberg.

Certainly females have the capacity for sociopathy but, I would say, lack the capacity, on average, for ideal sociopathy.

6 years ago


Interesting. Thanks for the feedback.

6 years ago

Leon, back in the day, your strain of political theory was called “Communistic Niggerism.” You have pushed it a little further to “Communistic Single-Mommyism.” Oh boy, that is brill-ee-unt. I stand in awe.

I am sooo hurt to be called a Storm Trooper. Just sooo hurt.

If the men don’t overthrow the Matriarchy, perhaps the women will and set up a Patriarchy anew. Women don’t seem to like the puerile manginas that the Matriarchy is shoving at them to breed with.

I’ll defiantly wear any swastika pinned on me.

6 years ago

Oy vey, (((Leon T))), oy vey! How does that icepick feel? It doesn’t look good, I tell you. It’s not a good look for you.

6 years ago

@pinelero September 5, 2017 at 8:21 am In the manosphere the other idea is that women don’t like to be in groups or secretly hate each other in a group or at least between groups…. so where is the default sisterhood? I recently was reading Ian Ironwood’s essays about Male Social Matrixes and The Female social matrix. He also turned these essays into a Kindle book. There’s a difference between the top down Sisterhood (feminism, political shit), and the bottoms up sisterhood of female groups. I’m not sure if you are asking about the top down Sisterhood, or a Tribal,… Read more »

dr zipper
dr zipper
6 years ago

Leon, back again with his(?) Ivory Tower pablum; so chock full of student-grade group-think; so excited to learn big scary words that explain the world and how it works… it’s just like those hard sciences, but with more wiggle room for the stuff you don’t like I’m sure you’re the the prof’s star pupil and undoubtedly that will be at the top of your resume should you ever venture in to the real world; be sure to tell any prospective employers how they’ve been doing it all wrong and now that you’ve arrived they can rejoice so keep trolling, keep… Read more »

Agent P
Agent P
6 years ago

@Leon T. Oh so now we’re all Nazis because German language. Oh wow man, what a burn. I better rethink my entire view of the world and embrace socialism. How old are you? maybe 27? Have you ever been to a truly socialist or communist county? You ever spent time among the indigenous population of a socialist country, I don’t mean on the tourist beach in Cuba either? I think you may find its not everything your profs paint it out to be for ya. Have you ever been responsible for anything ever in your life, I mean beyond putting… Read more »

6 years ago

So where do I go to pick up my Fw 190?

6 years ago

Point taken

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago


@Anonymous Reader: “Neutral” in that girls will take the form of whomever leads them as in Rollo’s “War Brides”; lacking capture by a strong male of course they will follow a Sandberg.

You are saying that all bad behavior by women is actually the fault of men, is that correct?
So you should take all blame for any bad behavior at any time by any woman anywhere near you?

Certainly females have the capacity for sociopathy but, I would say, lack the capacity, on average, for ideal sociopathy.

Define “ideal sociopathy”.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

Rollo I took Athol Kay to task for his lack of experience with any women beyond his wife since I was introduced to him. He’s another guy who had a good grasp on the Red Pill but simply couldn’t get past the part of the Blue Pill that makes him walk back his message so as not to offend his investments in the ‘goodness’ of women. Well, once he tried to monetize MMSL he didn’t have much choice. But I had forgotten his minimal experience with women aside from his wife and whatever emotional affairs he had at his work… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

@kfg, I’ll take a bf 109 if it’s all the same to you.

Put me down for an ME-262.

6 years ago

@Anonymous Reader: You are saying that all bad behavior by women is actually the fault of men, is that correct?

Define “ideal sociopathy”
See Pol Pot.

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