
A while back reader Looking for Zion had a great comment wondering why it is women seem to have such a preoccupation with complaining to men so much:

Yesterday I was listening to a blogger talking about that Antifa Girl, then I saw a video by Camille Paglia on how women need to stop blaming men. By the time I read this essay I was already wondering, Why do women blame men (for everything)?

I mean, for example, no matter how good women have it here in the US, it’s never enough. They say, “We still have far to go.” What the fuck does that mean? They’ve achieved everything except becoming President and Vice-President – and only failed at that cause the worst possible candidate was put up. They’re astronauts, brain surgeons, CEOs, soldiers, pilots, MMA fighters…. I mean, short of a penis, what are they really missing?

Then I read this essay and it dawned on me: Women are biologically programmed to blame men for any and all perceived failures or shortfalls, because for millennia they have depended solely upon men (at the societal, tribal, and family level) for everything, particularly their very survival.

Whether it’s the nagging wife blaming her husband for her unhappiness, or the feminist harpy blaming men for WHATEVER, it is in female DNA and thus beyond their control to stop blaming “men” for anything they perceive to be wrong (in the absence of men standing firm and telling them to STFU). Males are always the scapegoat because men, until recently, were always the protectors and leaders of the female species.

When I woke up this morning, that realization led me to connect another dot: The patriarchy is not some ephemeral construct, or a male conspiracy. The patriarchy is IN WOMEN’S DNA.

From the time that the first single-celled creatures sprang forth from the waters of the Earth, life evolved toward the creation of homo-sapiens. Billions of years of genetic code formed a male dominant human dynamic that feminists and cultural Marxists have tried to re-engineer for a comparatively measly 50-60 years. But social engineering can NOT overwrite biology.

So good luck trying to “smash the Patriarchy” ladies, because the patriarchy is inside you. It was a survival mechanism selected for over eons. The patriarchy will always be there, like a splinter in your mind – unless and until enough time and genetic mutations have passed after men as a whole have given up and let you completely rule the world however you see fit.

With this, Zion is coming into an understanding of the evolved psychological underpinnings of intersexual relations. Women’s innate predilection to complain is just one aspect of women’s evolved nature that socialization or, if you like, “higher order thinking” finds ways to cover up, but never really change. Whether it’s women’s capacity to move on from a former lover (War Brides), women’s subconscious shit testing for men’s fitness, or the uglier aspects of Hypergamy, the underlying motivators for much of what we dismiss as ‘women just being women’ is rooted in how they evolved to interact with men.

Recently I cam across a video of Jordan B. Peterson explaining the evolutionary logistics involved in women’s sexual selection process. You can watch the video here, but the short version confirms exactly what Zion is coming to realize; the seeds of Patriarchy is literally written into women’s DNA, and by extension into larger human society’s social and intersexual make up.

Women’s sexual selection, women’s Hypergamous sexual strategy (Alpha Fucks / Beta Bucks), is what creates the condition of the male dominance hierarchy. By the social extension of this hierarchy, based on women’s evolved conditions for male Hypergamous acceptability, we see what perceptually looks like Patriarchy. Indeed, this has been the dominant social order – with women creating covert personal and social contingencies to exploit it – up until the time of unilaterally female-controlled hormonal birth control and the subsequent sexual revolution.

As Zion noted, billions of years of genetic code formed a male dominant human dynamic that feminists and cultural Marxists have tried to re-engineer for a comparatively measly 50-60 years. And it’s correct that social engineering cannot overwrite biology. However, that isn’t to say that social and scientific engineering can’t give women more control over their sexual selection process as well as making every effort to absolve them of the responsibilities associated with this new control. If I disagree with anything Peterson asserts in this video it’s that our social order for the last 60-70 years has been one founded on unfettering and insuring women’s sexual strategy and applying the consequences and costs of women’s control over it directly to men. Presently, we live in a feminine-primary social order, but it’s founded on the default presumption of an oppressive, inherently sexist, misogynistic Patriarchy that still clings to a social contract that hasn’t existed since the time of the Sexual Revolution.

Our feminine-primary social order is a reflection of how intersexual dynamics have shifted to favor the female and the female sexual strategy. The male dominance hierarchy and the qualifications of it are still dependent upon women’s evolved Hypergamy, only now, in light of how women have been insured against any real liability for their sexual selection choices, the prioritization of those hierarchal qualifications have shifted. There is still a “patriarchy” created by women’s sexual strategy, but now this male dominance hierarchy is primarily founded on the Alpha Fucks side of the Hypergamous equation.

Evolution of Complaining

The fact that complaining seems to come so natural to women is something we kind of take for granted, in fact so much so that we will make jokes about it and think nothing of it. We can interpret this also from the ‘men display, women choose’ principle. There is an expectation that men will qualify themselves for a woman’s intimate approval – whether or not they do so is irrelevant, it is women’s expectation of performance from men. Men being innate idealists, as well as deductive problem solvers, it only follows that men (majority being Beta) would make their best efforts to solve women’s problems as a primary element of their sexual strategy. The deductive logic is: Solve a woman’s problems and in exchange she will reciprocate with her intimacy.

This, in a nutshell, is what constitutes most men’s Game in their earliest attempts to get with a woman, and really why wouldn’t it? Boys are taught a default deference to “respect” the female sex from an early age. This deference is where the expectation of performance begins, and taken to the extreme it can end up as the Savior Schema and expectations of women reciprocating in Relational Equity. This is where many Betas have their ‘game’ disillusioned for them. They see the guys who do not perform for women in a direct manner being rewarded with intimacy while they are shamed for their ‘Niceties’ – the behaviors they’ve always been taught will endear women to them – and shamed for expecting intimacy in exchange for solving women’s problems.

But really, what is women’s complaining about? The facility with which women will complain to men makes evident their need for security and this security need flows from the provisioning side of Hypergamy. As I’ve said many times before, Hypergamy is rooted in an existential doubt – is this guy the best she can do? It’s important to put this doubt into context though; bear in mind that there are two sides to Hypergamy – short term sexual, genetic optimization (Alpha Fucks) and long term security, safety and parental investment optimization (Beta Bucks). Both sides of women’s pluralistic sexual strategy always have doubt attached to them. And as Zion implied, even when women are assured of security that doubt still persists.

When we consider women’s subconscious need to shit test men we also need to see that women’s complaining is part of her subconscious attempting to reconcile this doubt with a man she’s invested herself in. It is indeed written into women’s mental firmware that men are to be looked to as the problem solvers.

A while ago Deti had a great comment on one of Dalrock’s posts:

Some of the best depictions of shit testing and comfort testing in media are in Mad Men, where Betty brings some concern to Don. Some concerns are serious; some are frivolous and trivial. Almost all the time, Don faces her and says something like “Bets, you’re tired. You’re upset. And it’s all understandable. It’ll be OK. Just go get some sleep, and we’ll figure it out in the morning.” And that’s all Betty needed to hear. Don has it under control. He explains to her what’s going on, and says he (or they) will get it taken care of.

That’s passing comfort tests with flying colors.

A shit test is depicted where Megan (his second wife) is cleaning their apartment in her bra and panties. She taunts him, saying “you can’t have any of this”, while on hands and knees in a clearly sexually provocative position, all the while looking back at him to gauge his response. He then proceeds to pull her to her feet, kisses her, and has sex with her on the living room floor. She willingly submits to him.

That’s passing a shit test with flying colors. And that really is a shit test – she’s being a total bitch to Don and stating a literal challenge to his masculinity. It’s “I’m here, calling you less than a man and depriving you of something we both know you want. You don’t have what it takes to stand up to me. What are you gonna do about it?”

You cannot make a woman “Happy”, however, this does not preclude a woman’s innate need to see you as either a confident problem solver (as in Draper’s exchange with Betty) or a guy who “Just Gets It” (as in the shit test example with Megan). I believe Deti is correct here, but I think we can make a distinction between a woman’s need to test for a comfort versus a shit test of sexual selection.

I would argue that a comfort test comes from women’s deep need for security in a chaotic world. A comfort test, and I would include complaining and nagging in this, is rooted in a woman’s Hypergamous need of certainty and consistency in provisioning. A persistent complaint is really a cry for security and confirmation of a man’s competency. Male dominance will always require a superior competency in virtually all matters. That may not be realistic or pragmatic, but it is the expectation, and this need for competency finds its roots in men understanding and accepting their Burden of Performance.

A shit test, on the other hand, is a challenge of a man’s savvy with regard to reading, interpreting and acting upon a woman’s covert communications of sexual competency. Shit tests, even subconscious or unintentional ones, are initiated to gauge whether a man Just Gets It with regard to a woman’s sexual subcommunications. It is a test designed to determine a man’s Alpha potential and his capacity to push past his social programming and go after (even physically) what he wants sexually – hopefully that’s the woman giving him the indicators. It is a test of a man’s capacity to understand that the Medium is the Message.

One reason that Amused Mastery is such an effective PUA technique is because – when understood and applied well – it serves to satisfy both sides of these tests. It implies competency in both problem solving and sexual viability.

Lastly, I should also point out that both of these tests of competency are part of women’s evolved, psychological firmware. Women can certainly deliver these tests with malice, intent and forethought, but as to why these tests would be significant from an evolutionary perspective, only her subconscious is aware of it. Both tests have the latent purpose to establish a man’s competency in either the Alpha Fucks or Beta Bucks aspect of a woman’s Hypergamy.

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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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6 years ago

Comfort tests derive from fear of loss to her… Shit tests derive from seeking dominance over her.

6 years ago

[…] Competency […]

6 years ago

Amused mastery, it never ceases to be fun.

john smith
john smith
6 years ago

Dawkins’ Selfish Gene Theory is the Rosetta Stone that when deciphered holds the key to explain it all. Read up on it and apply Red Pill knowledge. Follow the paths down the rabbit hole to their logical conclusion and there you will find the answer to the greatest question of them all, “why”. Warning! The answer is not for the faint of heart. In fact, it is quite depressing and I often wish I didn’t know. As wise men have cautioned, there are some things a man, or mankind, should not know. I consider this answer, blindingly simple as it… Read more »

Fred Flange, GBFC (Great Books For Cucks)
Fred Flange, GBFC (Great Books For Cucks)
6 years ago

“Whaddaya wanna do?” “I dunno – whadda YOU wanna do?” That’s a funny exchange when two bros do it over and over (I think it’s from the old movie “Marty”). But when you and your spouse/girlfiend/POSSLQ are doing it, and even worse, keep doing it, you’re failing the shit test. Part of my unplugging was learning the hard way that when I was being looked up to and asked to make a decision, in whatever context, that’s what I was expected to do. Failure was not an option. Not a wise one, anyway. But it took a string of breakups… Read more »

6 years ago

Great writeup. A bit more clarity added, especially with the examples and comment about Amused Mastery. This is related, but not 100% on topic. Women need drama, and I am trying to tune my hardass behavior during the follicular phase of her cycle to introduce some in her (well to alpha it up with this side effect that seems OK). It is not natural for men (at least most of us) to reduce tranquility intentionally, or risk it, but sometimes she gets butthurt and down when I am a bit harsh and indifferent when she brings it up. It seems… Read more »

6 years ago

Women need dramatic events to reset all their fucked up mental wiring.

But painting their back porch red, fucking their mouth until they are crying then banging them out from behind does the trick. Bonus points if you clean your junk off in their hair.

6 years ago

“Whaddaya wanna do?”
“I dunno – whadda YOU wanna do?”

When I did RCIA years ago and they were yammering on about “mutual submission”, I pointed out exactly this dynamic as the reason why “mutual submission” (a) doesn’t ever work in real life, and (b) only arouses female contempt. Naturally this taste of redpill (before I even knew what that was) was rejected indignantly by the bluepill crowd in the class.

Not Born This Morning
6 years ago

What kind of “men” are worried about passing or not passing shit tests, how well they pass shit tests compared to other men, how well they carry a “burden of performance”, what it “really means” when a woman complains, passing comfort tests…. or for this matter “passing” any “test” defined by someone other than himself? “Alphas”? “Betas”? Isn’t it “Beta” to be even concerned with how to pass these tests and what they mean? Isn’t “Beta” manifested by a default response that self evidently reveals an automatic self subjection to the tests? Who gives a shit about “shit tests” other… Read more »

Not Born This Morning
6 years ago

Is it a “test” or is she just being a cunt, a bitch?

“Test” = I’m a sissy beta male and I need to “uuunnnderstaaaaand” her and figure out hooooowe I am suuuuupooosed to respond so I can be and “alpha man”. (And if I’m “rational” enough then maybe I can be an alpha god….)

“Cunt, bitch” = I’m not a sissy and her no sense doesn’t rule me.

6 years ago

“It implies competency in both problem solving and sexual viability.”

6 years ago


A woman tests are often biologically driven…if a man is unconsciously competent at passing these tests, he doesn’t worry about passing them. If a man is developing competence, then it may require effort. It’s always an alpha trait to be able to calibrate other people’s psychological states.

Hypergamy causes women to test men. If you don’t care about passing tests, then you may as well limit your sex to one time sexual encounters, because even spinning plates requires men to pass tests.

it seems that you are objecting to biology.

6 years ago


” understanding ” how electronic engine management computers work, and what their actual functions are, saves me from blindly tearing down an entire engine whenever a problem is encountered. Saves lots of unnecessary frustration and work, and makes problems easier to resolve.

Understanding can never be overrated.

Ditto with women’s chosen mode of communication.

Just get it.

6 years ago

Most men need to be trained how to deal with the various situations of life

Red Pill, Rollo etc are just that. Requiring said training doesn’t make one any less of a man… Unless he bitches about the hard work required to butch the fuck up

6 years ago

@GW June 30, 2017 at 2:43 pm What exactly are your goals? What are you trying to accomplish? Surely it can’t be Flashes of Alpha merely for the sake of being 100% Alpha cause you heard about that in the Red Pill Manosphere. Are you trying to change her behaviors? What behaviors of hers are these? If you want to simply focus on you, then why are you trying to change her? What features do you want to change in you? Are you afraid of your Beta tendencies, have you had problems with Blue Pill tendencies? AFC tendencies? Do you… Read more »

6 years ago

Isn’t it “Beta” to be even concerned with how to pass these tests and what they mean? Isn’t “Beta” manifested by a default response that self evidently reveals an automatic self subjection to the tests? Yes. Hence the need for Beta’s to learn how to use shit tests to their advantage. (By being in their own MPO and owning their Frame.) Most often the Beta position doesn’t even understand that she is desperate for the Beta to pass those said shit tests when he lacks the Competence to pass them. Her hypergamous hamster occasionally wants the greater beta lesser alpha… Read more »

6 years ago

“For a woman’s sexuality to be satisfied, it is important that her manipulation attempts against her man not be too effective.”–from the Practical Female Psychology book

Otherwise she puts herself out of business sexually by being the said bitch, cunt.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

@Tarl, what’s RCIA?
From context I guess it’s some kind of marriage counseling, but that’s just a guess.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

Most men need to be trained how to deal with the various situations of life

The first step to training is often de-training the wrong stuff we already know.
“Steer into the skid”, “watch the front sight”, “stop trying to make her happy”, etc.

Burner Prime
Burner Prime
6 years ago

The Patriarchy is created by women, and will re-emerge due to women’s direct actions. The gigantic 50 yr old shit test, that the West is currently failing will yield a supremely male dominant ZFG patriarchy for the ages. This has already been discussed by many. ZFG young males invading and raping the gleefully receptive females will supplant native white populations, ushering in an era of burka-clad women, sporting dual black eyes whenever they open their big mouths. But women will never stop shit testing. It is required to keep their males strong and dominant. The men with the strong pimp-hand… Read more »

Platinum Patriarch
Platinum Patriarch
6 years ago

caught my main bitch in a lie tonight. had nothing to go on but a hunch. laughed in her face as she denied and doubled down on her deception. held frame, she folded. I was right. the past few months have been crazy. applying game to all of life has led to great breakthroughs. promotion at work and accomplishing many other goals. still more to do, more to see, more to uncover about myself and the way i really work. An eventlike tonight would have fucked old bp me up. now i can trust them to be women. it’s all… Read more »

Looking for Zion
Looking for Zion
6 years ago

Glad I could contribute, Rollo. If I hadn’t found No More Mr. Nice Guy and TRM in autumn of 2015 I don’t know where I’d be. I suffered a lot in ignorance before I found the red pill and never would’ve had that realization without your insights on evolutionary psychology.

6 years ago

@SFC Ton, who said “Most men need to be trained how to deal with the various situations of life Red Pill, Rollo etc are just that. Requiring said training doesn’t make one any less of a man… Unless he bitches about the hard work required to butch the fuck up.” Very well put, last sentence is the key! I love hearing that stuff! @SJF Thanks!!! And Agreed. Pre-red pill, sex 2-3 times per week and mixed results. Since RP (80+% of which is thanks to @Rollo and this community!) over the past 3 years it is like 5-6 times per… Read more »

Not Born This Morning
6 years ago

“Understanding can never be overrated. The hell it can’t .. ACTION can never be overrated! “Understanding” and…. you don’t know “Biology” hahaha! It’s all those other guys who just don’t “get it”…. LMAO!! This is exactly what failing shit tests looks like. All this “taking apart the engine” and uuundeeerstaaanding “biology” is nothing more than beta hamster in overdrive. That is exactly what she absolutely does not want. It is what she is testing for so,she can reject it. She is throwing bait and feeding the hamster to see if you are a sissy. Beta = Man who creates his… Read more »

Not Born This Morning
6 years ago

There is good information here and it can help guys, I’ll be the first to admit that and that it has helped me. I wouldn’t participate unless that were so. However it easily morphs into a circle jerk.

6 years ago

To get all introspective…I saw a photo of myself when I was a kid…I realized I was quite a good looking guy. But I felt weird and gangly and awkward–it was perception not reality. I’m older now, but get way more girls—because of game and attitude. When I was in my beta days…I was always trying to be “understanding” with girls…listening, allowing them to complain…hearing them out. All it resulted in was more abuse, more crap, more shit-tests. Now…I listen and very quickly shut these things down. A girl I’m banging started into texting me the other day about some… Read more »

6 years ago

Action is an absolute necessity.

Informed action is Paramount.

6 years ago

Hero’s journey

Johann Eichardt (@JEichardt)

In light of this article, I find it ironic and funny that conservatives are people who mostly complain about the collapse of society but actively, positively do little to fix it and to fight against the forces destroying it. Read their blogs, books, articles, take their classes, etc. They just analyze and complain. They’re essentially women.

6 years ago

That goes for ” liberals ” as well.

6 years ago

@GW Good answers. You are just slightly frustrated by trying to cross the threshold of conscious competence over into unconscious competence in the apprentice-ship four squares of Mastery. Just keep going. You might want to read over the pointers in Robert Greene’s Mastery book in the chapter on Strategies for Completing the Ideal Apprenticeship. Do not think that what is hard for you to master is humanly impossible; and if it is humanly possible, consider it to be within your reach.—MARCUS AURELIUS Throughout history, Masters in all fields have devised for themselves various strategies to help them pursue and complete… Read more »

6 years ago

Stumbled on this at my local comic shop
Many interesting components of red pill ideals and interactions with the world that we know and live in.

6 years ago

what’s RCIA?
From context I guess it’s some kind of marriage counseling, but that’s just a guess.

RCIA is basically Sunday School for grownups. It is how an adult becomes Catholic. It is a year of once-a-week classes in which they teach you all the Catholic doctrine and rituals.

Water Cannon Boy
Water Cannon Boy
6 years ago

One other aspect of the complaining is laziness and men as utility. When it gets to beginning the future man in the garage stage and she’s found her man to get her the house she wants, the complaining is what she’ll see as the most useful tool to get the brahmas hooked up to the plows and wagons to get moving..

6 years ago

But really, what is women’s complaining about?

“…after sniffing such tears, men experienced reduced self-rated sexual arousal, reduced physiological measures of arousal, and reduced levels of testosterone. Finally, functional magnetic resonance imaging revealed that sniffing women’s tears selectively reduced activity in brain substrates of sexual arousal in men.”

“Significant (P<0.001) relative (%) increases in testosterone concentrations were noted with watching the erotic, humorous, aggressive and training videos (versus control and sad), with testosterone decreasing significantly (versus control) after the sad clip.

Nancy Pelosy
Nancy Pelosy
6 years ago

Women have evolved to whine. The trouble is most men imagine there is an actual objective material outcome that would stop her bitchin. There is not. Can you imagine how different the world will be if we get a mass of men to understand this, ignore her bitchin, laugh at feminism, and display some male solidarity. A ghetto or a mansion, she.ll never be happy.

6 years ago

I don’t see White folks being replaced like that

I have been all over the world and no one excels at organised killing like White dudes

6 years ago

The last version of a conservative party for the USA was the 1860 democrats. It’s pretty much been all progressive all of the time from then with no shortage of progressive bullshit before then. Several of the yankee version of founding fathers were communists of their day The one area I see going well on the expansion of natural rights etc front is firearms but beyond that the is A has no right wing party and conservatives at most want to conserve the very liberal 1950’s. Oath Keepers and the 3% dipshits regularly side with the “anti fascist” fucksticks vs… Read more »

6 years ago

@Anon01: female tears actually have testosterone reducing effects? I guess it makes sense but damn. It is like biochemical warfare LOL.

Apparently male saliva has more testosterone so if you kiss them it will make the women hornier as well.

6 years ago

Burden of performance
I think that performing and women are a male plight. We have to engage in a way where the shit testing is manifested as a test but that the awareness in the process is not ruined. You see a relationship as something that collides with sex as both party’s understand the unfolding dynamic in front of them. Women don’t seem Biologically able to define how this works. The thing about the process that’s the most fun is channeling the stress into something fun that overall works its way into nagging and play.

6 years ago

@Rollo “Unless you have unconscious competence, you’re a loser.” Silly. No, actually it’s evil because it tells men to not work to improve themselves. Some people are at war with biology. Biology for men is self-improvement. Nexting is for cases where either the girl is not worth keeping (maybe she’s a junkie or thief) or the girl is worth keeping but your game sucks and you’ve destroyed the relationship. Action. Lemmings take action. Over the cliff to drown in the water. In the news, a pathetic incel kills a girl and then commits suicide. A drunk drives his car and… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

RCIA is basically Sunday School for grownups.

Ok. The whole “mutual submission” line is popular in many churches, the FI is heavily present across the religious spectrum. If you don’t read Dalrock’s WordPress site, you should.
Also Donal Graeme’s site for a specifically Catholic red pill perspective.

Excellent linkage, those studies are from 2011 yet I’ve never run across them before.

6 years ago

I have never done much to court feminine attention but I was blessed in the sense the shit I like to do speaks to their baby maker

6 years ago

Wow. You’re taking advice now from someone called LOOKING FOR ZION? ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME? This blog was never all that great, but I’m done with this blog now. Enjoy fruitlessly sperging over women, Rational Jew

6 years ago

“There are no shortcuts or ways to bypass the Apprenticeship Phase. It is the nature of the human brain to require such lengthy exposure to a field, which allows for complex skills to become deeply embedded and frees the mind up for real creative activity. The very desire to find shortcuts makes you eminently unsuited for any kind of mastery. There is no possible reversal to this process.”

The old engineer’s saying is a bit more pithy:

Experience is proportional to the amount of equipment destroyed.

6 years ago

Most of the looking for zion types I know are black nationalist and not jews, but what the fuck do I know

6 years ago

@kfg The old engineer’s saying is a bit more pithy: Experience is proportional to the amount of equipment destroyed. Truth…I once fried a couple of monochrome monitors because I failed to set a register, lol. The boss warned me. I figured out what was wrong. The loss amounted to about $300. I once warned my boss that a proposed convenience upgrade would undermine security. I based that on principles. He told me to prove it. I did. We still got a support ticket. Don’t know how much that issue cost the company. I guess the point is that experience is… Read more »

Lost Patrol
Lost Patrol
6 years ago


Experience is proportional to the amount of equipment destroyed.

Bicycle mastery. Watching to the end makes it on topic for the quote.

6 years ago

MacAskill almost makes me want to buy a trials bike.

And then I remember I want to live at least a bit longer.

Looking for Zion
Looking for Zion
6 years ago

Arnold777, SFC Ton

I called myself LFZ because of the Matrix movie. You know, where “the red pill” concept was born? As in, I was freed from the pod, and now I’m trying to get to the underground lair of Zion.

It’s a journey, as I see it.

Seems like TRM readers/commenters would get that reference.

6 years ago

Dude you can call yourself princess poopie pants and you still wouldn’t owe me an explanation

I fell asleep during the Matrix. Fuckers had to explain the whole red pill connotation to me

6 years ago

Hey. You shouldn’t discard a useful book just because it has the word Zion somewhere in the middle. By extension if you are a diabetic quit using insulin. A jew called Sanger sequenced it.

6 years ago

Love your content, but can’t you use the ‘Read More tag’ for you blog posts? Just want to browse your articles more easily

George C
George C
6 years ago

I think your comment was a stretch this week. Women complain to keep men on the defensive…it’s that simple.

Cycling Cowboy
Cycling Cowboy
6 years ago

RP men’s understanding of female unhappiness goes all the way back to the Garden of Eden story. Bottom line….God himself can create a perfect paradise and it still will not be good enough for her. And a man needs to be strong enough to tell her NO! because when he goes along with her, it will all go to shit.

Just Saying
Just Saying
6 years ago

The patriarchy is IN WOMEN’S DNA. I learned long ago that women will always find a reason to complain – you just have to accept that they will never be happy. Don’t waste your time trying to appease them – get what you need, than tip your hat and look for another one. Yes, that one will be unhappy too as some point in the near future – your job it to just find what you need, and enjoy. Women are the only ones that can make themselves happy, but deciding not to be so negative. But that will never… Read more »

6 years ago

Really good stuff on the red pill and the human condition

6 years ago

Q. What do women want? A.1. More. (A.2. Who cares?) Q. Why do women constantly complain? A. Because they FEEL that what they currently have or do is never enough. And a man is somehow always to blame. Does Dread temper this? Does the prospect of the loss of a woman’s man actually prompt her to think rationally (albeit for a very short time) that she could lose what she does have? I guess it depends on whether she can make a sober analysis of what is potentially lost and the likelihood that she can replace it (or improve upon… Read more »

6 years ago


Spence is a baller. Have Gun Will Travel lawyering is one of the few places a guy can still make his bones his own way… Solo. By dint of smarts and will and skill.


6 years ago


” I guess it depends on whether she can make a sober analysis of what is potentially lost and the likelihood that she can replace it (or improve upon it).”

Women think with their feelings. They know when they lose those feelings. The tricky bit for guys is understanding that bad feelings are part of the good feelings.

6 years ago

My ex certainly says that divorcing me was the stupidest thing she had ever done. A week after the divorce was final she was trying to coerce me into remarrying her. I flatly turned her down. Seems that after a couple decades of pedestalization by me she was believing her own press. She found out her market value was not as much as she believed. So yeah, regret on her part.

6 years ago

“….Well, ladies, it looks like you got what you wished for – good luck with that.”

Women today did not wish for the current circumstances. Just like Blue pill betas never wished for their circumstance.

Both circumstances are driven from without. Time and generations make them perpetual.

6 years ago

If your bitches always bitching odds are good your shit is weak.

I use to think all bitches bitch etc but this last year or so has been shit and The Girls have been gold

6 years ago

I’m convinced they got what they wished for. What are the comparative numbers of young women who get themselves The Pill with the intent that it is to prevent a pregnancy through rape? Or only because they are in a committed relationship? No, it’s with full knowledge that they WANT to ride the Carousel. No one forces them. Unless you want to excuse them because of societal (FI) influences. In which case, Blue Pill guys can claim the same. What women “wished” for was “to have it all”. They were sold a bill of goods – get miles of cock,… Read more »

6 years ago

” They were sold a bill of goods ….”

Precisely my point.

6 years ago


I am hearing this from female (childless) colleagues at work. Toothpaste is out of the tube though…


Could you please expand on the “bad feelings being part of the good feelings”? I am (quite sincerely) just on the edge of understanding what you mean by this (I think). Do you mean any feelz are good for them I.e spiking their emotions? How can a man with a complaining bitch use it to his advantage a la passing a shit test?

6 years ago

Just for the sake of making an argument, there is a ( much disputed, yet true ) letter that was supposedly written by William ” willie ” Lynch and a speech delivered to slave owners gathered on the banks of the James River in Virginia. Willie said a lot of stuff, but what has always struck me and made me think very hard, is his admonition that one must gain control over the children. You control the children from cradle to grave. You train and teach them whatever you’d like. And key to this training is in the breaking of… Read more »

6 years ago

Clarification: What I mean re: Lynch letter in dispute but true is that the content is true. I have no real idea if the actual letter or even Mr. Lynch is real. But the thoughts mirror the facts on the ground at the time.

6 years ago

Mineter ” Do you mean any feelz are good for them I.e spiking their emotions?” Yes.. as long as they are reacting. They could be happy, sad, angry, turned on etc. As long as you are part of that, they enjoy it. They may not, will not even, tell you this. Ever. But they keep coming back. ” How can a man with a complaining bitch use it to his advantage a la passing a shit test?” By passing the shit test, i.e. the complaining. Not reacting to it… or reacting strongly to it… Doing one one day and another… Read more »

6 years ago

Thanks, gentlemen. I think the difficulty for a lot of men will be maintaining inconsistency. Not consistency. By this I mean that most men tend to be logical creatures. If a complaint appears to be reasonable, is made reasonably and within his ability to fulfill, he will. Even though he shouldn’t, or should only do so rarely. On the other hand, an unreasonable complaint, or one made unreasonably, or outside of his ability, he will try to counter with logic. This is obviously a mistake. I think that in these instances he should approach the complaint either by ignoring it/her,… Read more »

6 years ago

For my own observations,a complaining woman is on a course for diversionary tactics,and up to no good. She is either playing a game with a stacked deck or breaking my rules in some way.

Like Ton say my shit is weak,and she thinks she can divert my attention to something other than her deviations or she is pushing a frame grab..

Anyway this is an opportunity for some new jokes about whoever or whatever the complaint is on,agree and amplify she will get glad in the same panties she got mad in.

6 years ago

But, biology. That shit can’t ever really be beaten. Biological drives are a true motherfucker. Over the past 50 – 60 years, those natural, undefeatable drives have been corrupted. They still exist, but the mechanisms have been bastardized. Yep, or rather, became unshackled from their equally biological controls/consequences. I agree that the messaging sold a bill of goods and that this had a huge impact — no question. From my perspective, though, this would have never had the impact that it had if the messaging hadn’t happened at the same time that affordable, reliable and legal contraception and abortion both… Read more »

6 years ago

I’d love to see a straw poll of the ages of the commenters here, sometimes it seems like a lot of men here are stuck in a time warp, ‘the little engine that could’ mantra doesn’t cut it anymore. It’s a shame Ya doesn’t post anymore.

Nova basically summed it up, all the game in the world isn’t going roll back the fundamental changes taking place.

6 years ago

Lol. Yareally was mid 30s.. Around 36 or 37.

Wake the fuck up. You can’t bitch about biological forces and then say 10 or 20 years matters.

6 years ago

“You can’t bitch about biological forces and then say 10 or 20 years matters.”

Biological forces aren’t different today. Men are still polygamous, and women hypergamous. However, that same biological constant, doesn’t have the same effect in Afghanistan and Italy.

6 years ago

The point isn’t to bitch about the changes which effectively overruled the biological constraint on the expression of female sexuality, the point is the adapt to them, which is where game does come in. Game doesn’t roll changes back, it allows you to adapt to the changes instead of being rolled by them.

6 years ago

@ Johnny come late lay I’m an old man, he he he. I’ll tell you the same thing I used to tell Ya – age really isn’t as important as paying attention. Chronological age doesn’t automatically render one dumb, deaf and blind. Are you planning to game millions and millions of women simultaneously? Or are you going to tackle a handful here and there? Game isn’t about rolling back fundamental changes en mass ( unless every man on the planet were to become game and rp savy.). Ya, even though I respect the hell out of him, was masterful at… Read more »

6 years ago

@ fucking spellchecker….. Above should read @ johnnycomelately…. Although spell check made it funnier.

6 years ago

@ Novaseeker

I seem to always leave birth control out of my equations. Thanks for the reminder.

6 years ago


Shouldn’t you be in school?

6 years ago


“However, that same biological constant, doesn’t have the same effect in Afghanistan and Italy.”

How about Sweden?

6 years ago

@Blax Pua when executed with proper understanding will get you laid, but that’s pretty much it ( see mystery , Tyler, and a few more pua masters that turned a bright shade of blue when trying to have ltr’s or relationships with women/mother of their children ). Game works in LTRs just like in STRs…but if you’re a PUA who doesn’t get that, you’ll have to Next a lot of women or you’ll end up getting betaized like pua masters mystery, et. al. LTRs are a lot of work if you don’t have unconscious competency as far as Game goes.… Read more »

6 years ago

“…‘the little engine that could’ mantra doesn’t cut it anymore. It’s a shame Ya doesn’t post anymore.” For want of a simple, quick and easy answer to solutions, some don’t want to take the 4 or 5 years to Master something. The little engine that could strategy still works. It’s not about outside immutable forces, it’s about inner work dealing with seemingly impossible barriers. BlackLabelLogic had a good essay about this: My reasoning behind the title of this post is that most of the barriers men erect for themselves are like the walls of Jericho, they have stood the… Read more »

6 years ago


How about Sweden?

Swedenistan…Sweden used to have a very low rape statistic, but now it’s very high

Italistan probably has similar rape statistics

Germanistan, Spainistan, and Francistan ditto

uncorralled women are meat…targets of opportunity

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

@Novaseeker There’s one more factor to add, antibiotics. For centuries syph was a long term death sentence, with insanity for the last few years. It’s why the condom was invented, perhaps. Even in the 20th century syphillus killed and gonorrhea sterilized. The mental hospitals in the 50’s and early 60’s contained old, insane, terminal stage cases of syph who were too far gone to be cured. Also antibiotics made surgery much safer than sulfa drugs had. All surgery, including abortions. Nobody knows how many illegal abortions were done in the US and England during and right after WWII but it… Read more »

6 years ago

The festival is cancelled, not because Swedish women aren’t showing up…

6 years ago


“However, that same biological constant, doesn’t have the same effect in Afghanistan and Italy.”

How about Sweden?

– – –

If our biology is the only thing that matters, why is Rollo “bitching about” societal changes like contaceptives, feminism, FI guided laws etc?

Anyways…happy 4th of July americans!

6 years ago

After the story broke, Swedish police came under sharp criticism for allegedly covering up the assaults that had reportedly been committed by Afghan migrants. Prosecutors refused to look into the accusations, however.

6 years ago

Game does in fact work in ltr’s quite well. Depends on what level of game understanding one posses though. If the game in question follows just applying kino, comfort and negs without grasping underlying mechanisms will eventually lead a man up against a mighty wall. Hence the apprehension often stated by the occasional commenter here that it seems like way too much work to have to game an ltr or wife. The understanding of game has not been internalized and remains a formulaic routine. Dog logic is for dogs only. Like the OP points to, bitching and complaining on the… Read more »

6 years ago

@ anon01

Because men are being driven mad by the societal part of the change.

6 years ago

“…the default presumption of an oppressive, inherently sexist, misogynistic Patriarchy that still clings to a social contract that hasn’t existed since the time of the Sexual Revolution.” The presumption is applied to maintain beta male subservience. Alpha males, for the most part, ignore this, along with women’s ceaseless complaining. Protip: Turn the noisy end away from you. “… in light of how women have been insured against any real liability for their sexual selection choices…” Expecting women to independently accept responsibility, for anything beyond making, suckling babies, is a fool’s errand. Women rarely, if ever, kill themselves for job, relationship… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

That declining testosterone / increased feminization thing? It’s not imaginary, it’s happening to fish also. No way the EPA is going to regulate estrogenic effluent, though.

6 years ago

All this estrogen. I’m going to start wearing hazmat suit.

6 years ago

You might die from testosterone poisoning then…

6 years ago

“All this estrogen. I’m going to start wearing hazmat suit.”

Don’t get a receipt when you buy it…

6 years ago
Looking for Zion
Looking for Zion
6 years ago

Enjoyed your comments, AR and Novaseeker. I think there is a difference between the individual level and societal level of man-blaming and patriarchy scapegoating, even though they’re linked. I realize some people don’t give a rip about the socio-political level of things, but that’s the level that brainwashes each new generation and perpetuates the feminine imperative engineering that constitutes the social Matrix in which we live. As has been said, modern feminism is a collective shit test that men collectively failed. However, as alluded to above, cultural Marxists organized to push feminism in America for their own ends (political dogma;… Read more »

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