
A while back reader Looking for Zion had a great comment wondering why it is women seem to have such a preoccupation with complaining to men so much:

Yesterday I was listening to a blogger talking about that Antifa Girl, then I saw a video by Camille Paglia on how women need to stop blaming men. By the time I read this essay I was already wondering, Why do women blame men (for everything)?

I mean, for example, no matter how good women have it here in the US, it’s never enough. They say, “We still have far to go.” What the fuck does that mean? They’ve achieved everything except becoming President and Vice-President – and only failed at that cause the worst possible candidate was put up. They’re astronauts, brain surgeons, CEOs, soldiers, pilots, MMA fighters…. I mean, short of a penis, what are they really missing?

Then I read this essay and it dawned on me: Women are biologically programmed to blame men for any and all perceived failures or shortfalls, because for millennia they have depended solely upon men (at the societal, tribal, and family level) for everything, particularly their very survival.

Whether it’s the nagging wife blaming her husband for her unhappiness, or the feminist harpy blaming men for WHATEVER, it is in female DNA and thus beyond their control to stop blaming “men” for anything they perceive to be wrong (in the absence of men standing firm and telling them to STFU). Males are always the scapegoat because men, until recently, were always the protectors and leaders of the female species.

When I woke up this morning, that realization led me to connect another dot: The patriarchy is not some ephemeral construct, or a male conspiracy. The patriarchy is IN WOMEN’S DNA.

From the time that the first single-celled creatures sprang forth from the waters of the Earth, life evolved toward the creation of homo-sapiens. Billions of years of genetic code formed a male dominant human dynamic that feminists and cultural Marxists have tried to re-engineer for a comparatively measly 50-60 years. But social engineering can NOT overwrite biology.

So good luck trying to “smash the Patriarchy” ladies, because the patriarchy is inside you. It was a survival mechanism selected for over eons. The patriarchy will always be there, like a splinter in your mind – unless and until enough time and genetic mutations have passed after men as a whole have given up and let you completely rule the world however you see fit.

With this, Zion is coming into an understanding of the evolved psychological underpinnings of intersexual relations. Women’s innate predilection to complain is just one aspect of women’s evolved nature that socialization or, if you like, “higher order thinking” finds ways to cover up, but never really change. Whether it’s women’s capacity to move on from a former lover (War Brides), women’s subconscious shit testing for men’s fitness, or the uglier aspects of Hypergamy, the underlying motivators for much of what we dismiss as ‘women just being women’ is rooted in how they evolved to interact with men.

Recently I cam across a video of Jordan B. Peterson explaining the evolutionary logistics involved in women’s sexual selection process. You can watch the video here, but the short version confirms exactly what Zion is coming to realize; the seeds of Patriarchy is literally written into women’s DNA, and by extension into larger human society’s social and intersexual make up.

Women’s sexual selection, women’s Hypergamous sexual strategy (Alpha Fucks / Beta Bucks), is what creates the condition of the male dominance hierarchy. By the social extension of this hierarchy, based on women’s evolved conditions for male Hypergamous acceptability, we see what perceptually looks like Patriarchy. Indeed, this has been the dominant social order – with women creating covert personal and social contingencies to exploit it – up until the time of unilaterally female-controlled hormonal birth control and the subsequent sexual revolution.

As Zion noted, billions of years of genetic code formed a male dominant human dynamic that feminists and cultural Marxists have tried to re-engineer for a comparatively measly 50-60 years. And it’s correct that social engineering cannot overwrite biology. However, that isn’t to say that social and scientific engineering can’t give women more control over their sexual selection process as well as making every effort to absolve them of the responsibilities associated with this new control. If I disagree with anything Peterson asserts in this video it’s that our social order for the last 60-70 years has been one founded on unfettering and insuring women’s sexual strategy and applying the consequences and costs of women’s control over it directly to men. Presently, we live in a feminine-primary social order, but it’s founded on the default presumption of an oppressive, inherently sexist, misogynistic Patriarchy that still clings to a social contract that hasn’t existed since the time of the Sexual Revolution.

Our feminine-primary social order is a reflection of how intersexual dynamics have shifted to favor the female and the female sexual strategy. The male dominance hierarchy and the qualifications of it are still dependent upon women’s evolved Hypergamy, only now, in light of how women have been insured against any real liability for their sexual selection choices, the prioritization of those hierarchal qualifications have shifted. There is still a “patriarchy” created by women’s sexual strategy, but now this male dominance hierarchy is primarily founded on the Alpha Fucks side of the Hypergamous equation.

Evolution of Complaining

The fact that complaining seems to come so natural to women is something we kind of take for granted, in fact so much so that we will make jokes about it and think nothing of it. We can interpret this also from the ‘men display, women choose’ principle. There is an expectation that men will qualify themselves for a woman’s intimate approval – whether or not they do so is irrelevant, it is women’s expectation of performance from men. Men being innate idealists, as well as deductive problem solvers, it only follows that men (majority being Beta) would make their best efforts to solve women’s problems as a primary element of their sexual strategy. The deductive logic is: Solve a woman’s problems and in exchange she will reciprocate with her intimacy.

This, in a nutshell, is what constitutes most men’s Game in their earliest attempts to get with a woman, and really why wouldn’t it? Boys are taught a default deference to “respect” the female sex from an early age. This deference is where the expectation of performance begins, and taken to the extreme it can end up as the Savior Schema and expectations of women reciprocating in Relational Equity. This is where many Betas have their ‘game’ disillusioned for them. They see the guys who do not perform for women in a direct manner being rewarded with intimacy while they are shamed for their ‘Niceties’ – the behaviors they’ve always been taught will endear women to them – and shamed for expecting intimacy in exchange for solving women’s problems.

But really, what is women’s complaining about? The facility with which women will complain to men makes evident their need for security and this security need flows from the provisioning side of Hypergamy. As I’ve said many times before, Hypergamy is rooted in an existential doubt – is this guy the best she can do? It’s important to put this doubt into context though; bear in mind that there are two sides to Hypergamy – short term sexual, genetic optimization (Alpha Fucks) and long term security, safety and parental investment optimization (Beta Bucks). Both sides of women’s pluralistic sexual strategy always have doubt attached to them. And as Zion implied, even when women are assured of security that doubt still persists.

When we consider women’s subconscious need to shit test men we also need to see that women’s complaining is part of her subconscious attempting to reconcile this doubt with a man she’s invested herself in. It is indeed written into women’s mental firmware that men are to be looked to as the problem solvers.

A while ago Deti had a great comment on one of Dalrock’s posts:

Some of the best depictions of shit testing and comfort testing in media are in Mad Men, where Betty brings some concern to Don. Some concerns are serious; some are frivolous and trivial. Almost all the time, Don faces her and says something like “Bets, you’re tired. You’re upset. And it’s all understandable. It’ll be OK. Just go get some sleep, and we’ll figure it out in the morning.” And that’s all Betty needed to hear. Don has it under control. He explains to her what’s going on, and says he (or they) will get it taken care of.

That’s passing comfort tests with flying colors.

A shit test is depicted where Megan (his second wife) is cleaning their apartment in her bra and panties. She taunts him, saying “you can’t have any of this”, while on hands and knees in a clearly sexually provocative position, all the while looking back at him to gauge his response. He then proceeds to pull her to her feet, kisses her, and has sex with her on the living room floor. She willingly submits to him.

That’s passing a shit test with flying colors. And that really is a shit test – she’s being a total bitch to Don and stating a literal challenge to his masculinity. It’s “I’m here, calling you less than a man and depriving you of something we both know you want. You don’t have what it takes to stand up to me. What are you gonna do about it?”

You cannot make a woman “Happy”, however, this does not preclude a woman’s innate need to see you as either a confident problem solver (as in Draper’s exchange with Betty) or a guy who “Just Gets It” (as in the shit test example with Megan). I believe Deti is correct here, but I think we can make a distinction between a woman’s need to test for a comfort versus a shit test of sexual selection.

I would argue that a comfort test comes from women’s deep need for security in a chaotic world. A comfort test, and I would include complaining and nagging in this, is rooted in a woman’s Hypergamous need of certainty and consistency in provisioning. A persistent complaint is really a cry for security and confirmation of a man’s competency. Male dominance will always require a superior competency in virtually all matters. That may not be realistic or pragmatic, but it is the expectation, and this need for competency finds its roots in men understanding and accepting their Burden of Performance.

A shit test, on the other hand, is a challenge of a man’s savvy with regard to reading, interpreting and acting upon a woman’s covert communications of sexual competency. Shit tests, even subconscious or unintentional ones, are initiated to gauge whether a man Just Gets It with regard to a woman’s sexual subcommunications. It is a test designed to determine a man’s Alpha potential and his capacity to push past his social programming and go after (even physically) what he wants sexually – hopefully that’s the woman giving him the indicators. It is a test of a man’s capacity to understand that the Medium is the Message.

One reason that Amused Mastery is such an effective PUA technique is because – when understood and applied well – it serves to satisfy both sides of these tests. It implies competency in both problem solving and sexual viability.

Lastly, I should also point out that both of these tests of competency are part of women’s evolved, psychological firmware. Women can certainly deliver these tests with malice, intent and forethought, but as to why these tests would be significant from an evolutionary perspective, only her subconscious is aware of it. Both tests have the latent purpose to establish a man’s competency in either the Alpha Fucks or Beta Bucks aspect of a woman’s Hypergamy.

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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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Fred Flange, GBFC (Great Books For Cucks)
Fred Flange, GBFC (Great Books For Cucks)
6 years ago

Careful with that Ax, Eugene… or more specifically, the sourcing on that Russia Today story re: the assaults at a Swedish music festival. (RT is not = Venerable Sensei) Not saying it’s untrue, there may well have been as many assaults as reported, sometimes RT’s reporting on the basic facts is accurate enough. But understand they have, uh, rather a slant. A spin room, if you like. As in: Them good, you all non-Russkies suck. I would check for verification from some other outlet like a Swedish source, WDR, BBC or Al Jazeera, say. Particularly the bit where the purported… Read more »

6 years ago

@ Looking for Zion Swallowing the Red Pill presents a desperately needed alternative for all men. Currently the FI rules thought processes and dictates without opposition. In a perfect scenario enough males would gain exposure to red pill thought, and society would quietly do a 180 without even realizing what happened. I don’t think men can ” fight ” their way out of this nightmare. As Bruce Lee famously said, we need to practice ‘ the art of fighting without fighting ‘. Regardless to how dire things appear, a vast majority of women want men to take back all that… Read more »

6 years ago

@Rollo, I’m a big fan of both you and Joe Rogan. However, Joe desperately needs to be exposed to your ideas. He’s an open minded guy – and I think he would be fascinated by your body of work. Moreover, I think you fit the profile of the type of guest he has on his podcast (provocative ideas, decent sized [and growing] audience, established author, etc.) Considering you linked to his podcast with Jordan Peterson, I’m assuming you are familiar with him and his podcast. Also, based on how he has handled past guests who use pen names, I think… Read more »

6 years ago

Fred… I grant that RT is no NYT, but then the NYT is no Pravda… yet. They are working on it. How about The Guardian? If you bought tickets to next years festival… better get to work on that refund. During the 2014 festival, organisers picked up on rumours of a new phenomenon, said Roger Ticoalu, head of events at the Stockholm city administration. “It was a modus operandi that we had never seen before: large groups of young men who surround girls and molest them,” Ticoalu said. “In the cases where we were able to apprehend suspects,… Read more »

6 years ago

And lo and behold… we just were tawkin ’bout Italy and Sweden…

6 years ago

Women bought 60 million copies of 50 shades of grey, 100 million copies of the series with about 45 million of those copies sold to women in the usa and men are the emotionally limited ones

Bitches don’t do reality very well

6 years ago

comment image

6 years ago

The lyf so short, the craft so longe to lerne.

6 years ago

Blah blah blah blah blah.

Never gave 1 single fuck about the IQ nonsense, but I’m smart enough to know that you need re-banning asap.

Fellas, Happy 4th!!!!!

Have a great day and make it count.

6 years ago

“Diane isn’t a bot, but she is very . . . intelligent.”

Humans can use AI as a supplemental tool to appear intelligent. A person can be more bot than person. Whatever this one is, it still can’t play its own game and pass the Turing test.

Not bad for a bot. Pretty embarrassing for a person.

6 years ago


6 years ago
6 years ago

“I’d go on in a second, but he keeps TRP at arm’s distance.”

Yes, but Peterson is different — he’s a public figure, not in manosphere, not “really” red pill (some of his ideas are) in terms of his associations, and so on. Rogan won’t touch the manosphere with a ten foot pole for the reasons Rollo cites, I am pretty certain.

6 years ago

IQ is one of those things. It is important and does limit us but it probably ain’t as important as some folks think. Lestwise not in practical terms. Right now and for a few more years it is still possible to make better than decent money with a middle’ish iq but I reckon that will not be true for my grandsons generation

6 years ago

“RP has been distorted so much in the MSM that it’s almost synonymous with neo-nazis now.”

Not unlike how alt-right has become entirely synonymous with neo-nazi.

“Rogan wont take a chance that some alt-right guy with a political agenda calling himself Red Pill might get on the show.”


“I think he equates TRP with the same ‘angry incel loser’ trope that RSD and a lot of others do today.”

Much as TRP associates with MGTOW.

6 years ago

@ Ton I could come up with a series of ‘ tests ‘ that the average high IQ person would do miserably on, or outright flunk. You could do the same. My oldest sister has genius level IQ. It’s okay but people tend to try and elevate these things beyond all proportion. The sphere commenting seems obsessed with the subject And I’m not clear as to why that is. IQ is not a superpower. It can be developed, unless there’s some physical or chemical issue with a person’s brain. And finally, if a person has astronomical IQ and doesn’t ever… Read more »

6 years ago

@SFCTon “IQ is one of those things. It is important and does limit us but it probably ain’t as important as some folks think” LOL It is much more important than most people think. You could start reading now and not finish till Sunday the studies that prove it’s predictive value. @Rollo “He also seems to think TRP is synonymous with homicidal/suicidal spergs like Eliot Rodgers. I think he equates TRP with the same ‘angry incel loser’ trope that RSD and a lot of others do today” rsd and rogan aren’t the same. rsd distance themselves from the rest of… Read more »

6 years ago

Yeah Annon? High iq and thinking great thoughts ain’t worth a rats ass if it ain’t bringing you bitches and securing your future. Odds are I have more money etc then most folks 3 standard deviations above my iq, which means iq ain’t that important but like I said it will become more so the more hostile the govt and umc becomes to working class dudes, esp working class White dudes…. Not that they like working class Black dudes any better they just take the time to hide it…. and the true elites are increasingly hostile toward the umc as… Read more »

6 years ago

On Independence Day, I would like to send out best wishes to all. Yes, I know it’s only an official holiday for us in the USA. But, independence and especially mental point of origin cannot be celebrated enough. In the spirit of independence and seeing things through the red lens, I would also send out a GIANT FUCK YOU TO GMC AND THEIR LIKE A PRO COMMERCIALS: How do you want to live… As a decent person, fine human being, not a bad guy, always showing up, getting the job done, as a good father, friend, son is that it?… Read more »

6 years ago

“Yeah Annon? High iq and thinking great thoughts ain’t worth a rats ass if it ain’t bringing you bitches and securing your future.

Lol IQ is important…..

Action is more important as always though.

IQ with Action is paramount.

6 years ago

@SFCTon “High iq and thinking great thoughts ain’t worth a rats ass if it ain’t bringing you bitches” Well, IQ predicts what you wrote there. People with high IQ lose their virginity later, and average less sexual partners. Thanks for agreeing with me. – – – – – “the true elites are increasingly hostile toward the umc as well but different story” Well, the true elites, those who secure their future, average IQ in the top 1-2%. Sorry for not posting research links, but they are literally one google search away. – – – – – – ps: “Odds are… Read more »

6 years ago

“IQ with Action is paramount.” Hence the Nero Wolfe/Archie Goodwin team. Lot of red pill in the Nero Wolfe stories too (Wolfe is a celibate MGTOW, Goodwin a confirmed bachelor player). Just as a point of order: “Well, the true elites, those who secure their future, average IQ in the top 1-2%.” You couldn’t even list who they are, thus collecting and averaging their IQs would present something of a problem. Their secure future is hereditary. It takes generations to build the wealth and power of the true elites. People like Bill Gates are not among them, they’re just nouveau… Read more »

6 years ago


“There have been NBA players under 5’5″.”

What difference does that make? What’s the shortest this year? 5’8? 5’9? Still my point stands the same. One short dude doesn’t make height less important in basketball, and saying height is a major factor doesn’t mean no short guys can play in the NBA.

“You couldn’t even list who they are, thus collecting and averaging their IQs would present something of a problem…”

What is your point? From the data we do have, the higher the iq the higher socioeconomically someone is on average.

6 years ago

“What difference does that make?”

That depends on whether or not you live in a universe where accuracy makes a difference or not.

I just came back from a ride on a neo-Edwardian bike. Edwardian bikes have won the Tour de France. That says nothing about the advisability of riding such a bike in the TdF today.

6 years ago

“From the data we do have . . .”


6 years ago


OK. Assume my comment had 5’9 there. My argument is still the same. That’s the reason you avoid adressing it.


I guess we’ll have do go with your opinion then, top kek

6 years ago

FWIW the whole IQ issue isn’t even controversial anymore for those who study in this field. Only in pieces written by journalists(lol) you’ll see it presented as such.

6 years ago

“My argument is still the same. That’s the reason you avoid adressing it.”

I did not address your argument because I did not wish to. I addressed the points I wished to address.

IQ is a statistical entity that has predictive value for other statistical entities. Demographics correlated to other demographics.

6 years ago

“I did not address your argument because I did not wish to. I addressed the points I wished to address.”

LOL. Thanks for the height correction then.

Anyway, I has to go to sleep. I hope you had a cool 4th if you are in the US. gn

6 years ago

“LOL. Thanks for the height correction then.”

That isn’t what I corrected. You seem to be laboring under the misapprehension that because I found your argument flawed that I was negating the validity of your conclusion, but one may formulate a bad argument for a valid conclusion.

“I hope you had a cool 4th if you are in the US.”

I dressed up in Lobsterback colours and rode my bike while singing Scotland the Brave. I may have been publicly politically incorrect.

6 years ago

I haven’t argued against the research but the tactical reality on the ground is a lot different then the dipshits doing research

6 years ago

” . . . the tactical reality on the ground is . . .”

. . . not a statistical entity. But there is considerable confusion these days between data sets and people.

6 years ago
6 years ago

Can,t say much about IQ, one thing I’ve noticed the more money people have the stupider ways they have of spending it. And the higher the arogance level, arogance and stupidity is a bad combo.

Another funny thing about the high IQ folks is they seem to not play well with others and are constantly pissing people off,seems sorta dumb to me,just sayin.

6 years ago

A while back I wrote about how my water front neighbours weren’t doctors and what not. They were basically all blue collar guys with business. Clearly not dumb guys but not high iq types either with the lake house and those neighbours being in a super zipcode that makes most super zipcodes look like Detroit

6 years ago

Which to me devalues the value of having a high iq

6 years ago

IQ and airline pilots:

Male airline pilots will boldly execute a suboptimal emergency ditching plan before weighing the alternatives.

Female airline pilots will weigh the alternatives, arriving at a optimal emergency ditching plan only too late.

IQ don’t matter sans execution.

Speaking of execution…remember this FI useful fool?

6 years ago

“…remember this FI useful fool?”

Yeah, and I remember this guy too.

6 years ago

“They were basically all blue collar guys with business.”

It’s all here. Junkyard owners and auctioneers are 10x the norm milllionaires. Why? The never sell anything lass than it’s worth…and never buy anything more than it’s worth. No baccalaureate needed.

I’ve a personal anecdote of a lineman friend, 38 years on the job, lived simply, At 68 can’t spend his retirement fast enough, the magic of compound interest.

6 years ago

That’s competence.

6 years ago

To my mind, it’s no surprise that most men haven’t been able to adapt to this very well in such a short period of time, while women have moved along quickly. After all, women simply had the chains on their long-standing fantasy (whether that makes them happy or not — it tends to not, in the long run at least) released, whereas most men had the entirety of human sexuality turned upside down by having the opposite sex have its sexuality unleashed in a way that is contrary to the evolved constraints on that sexuality. Not to nitpick here, but… Read more »

6 years ago

My comment got eaten.

6 years ago

My comment vanished also.

But I’ll give it another whirl.

6 years ago

Fi, (in)competency and collateral damage: An Accuracy in Media reports others quoting CDR Tom Sobiek, commanding officer of Fighter Squadron VF-124, as saying of the four female pilots in his squadron, “the women are going to graduate regardless of how they performed” and that “the Navy was in a race with the Air Force to get the first female fighter pilot”. Oops: “It quotes Sobiek denying making any such statement. “That is a flat **** lie,” he said. “And whoever told you that, if they were under oath, should be taken to task.”[8]” FI, you’ve come a long way baby:… Read more »

Lost Patrol
Lost Patrol
6 years ago

Sweden to hold ‘man-free’ music festival

“Since it seems to be OK to discriminate against women all the time, maybe it’s OK to shut out men for three days? I would not exactly call it an abuse not to come to the festival.”

But will the women still go if there are no unwanted males there to ‘pay attention’ to them?

6 years ago

I’ve never understood the pants wetting over higher IQ, nor the raging hard ons over the ‘ data, studies and research ‘. IQ is only your capacity to learn. IMO, common sense is just as important as IQ. My oldest sister has been tested multiple times and has near genius level IQ. We have a female cousin that tested even higher than my sister. She went on to become a stellar drug addict. So to my mind all of the research and studies are interesting reading, but the end results don’t really amount to a hill of beans in the… Read more »

Agent P
Agent P
6 years ago

At the risk of repeating myself you should listen to Dr JP discuss IQ. His salient points, at least to me are that in fact personality traits are going to have a bigger effect on any individuals success. IQ can moderate that or those effects up and down but is in no way the be all end all in predictive variables of life “success”. So Openness as a personality trait will likely mean you’re more liberal, likely more creative and more probably entrepernurial. Likewise, conscienciousness is an extremely important trait in “succeeding” in as much as if you are of… Read more »

6 years ago



6 years ago

Recognizing error, potential for improvement, developing and implementing a solution while in a resistant culture is analytical, social intelligence.

Moderate success in life requires in adherence to convention, easily quantified, testable. Extraordinary life requires extraordinary intelligence, will. Untestable X-factors, dismissed outliers.

Tests help keyhoders herd the middle 80%, the most satisfied, successful (however you define that) are hard to quantify. These few use unteachable, untestable intangibles.

6 years ago

“Tests help keyhoders herd the middle 80% . . .”

There ya go.

6 years ago
having a bad day
having a bad day
6 years ago

supr f*king buzy, but eye just stoped bye… end i HALF too way in on this IQ debayt…lol i just can’t help myself… my IQ is too f*king high to be able to stop myself…lol when someone tells you “IQ is important”, the proper response is… (say it with me now…) “How’s that FI treating you?…lol…” then ask what action they have taken lately to improve their life…lol studies say this… studies say that… blah blah f*kin blah… “How’s that FI treating you?…lol” “IQ” is a buffer… full stop… (says the guy 3 SD above the mean…) have too much…… Read more »

Fred Flange, GBFC (Great Books For Cucks)
Fred Flange, GBFC (Great Books For Cucks)
6 years ago

@LostPatrol Intrigued by the BBC report on the Swedish music festival only for “non-men”. Ho! Ha! He! There’s a loaded term suggesting the Swede-ette organizer may have gotten word of the now-defunct women-only Michfest in the U.P. of Michigan, which fell apart after a food fight between hard-core feminist SJW’s insisting on “bio-women” attendees only being allowed in women-only spaces vs. “trans-activist” SJW’s arguing for extending the invitation to “women without vaginas”. As to which I have no standing to comment, being a proud cishetereosexist member of the patriamalarkey. Beyond this: grab your beach chairs, citizens of Malmo!… Read more »

dr zipper
dr zipper
6 years ago

@habd – I was totally on board with your comment until the ‘hotty with a differential calc exam”

lol, indeed

Looking for Zion
Looking for Zion
6 years ago

Feminist snow removal in Sweden = fail

A glimpse of life under female rule, when feelz replace knowledge, experience, and logic.

6 years ago

LOL at your iq arguments, guys. “Some dude knows another dude who’s high IQ but isn’t successful in something” “A lot of dudes with high IQ have no game/are fat/got fired/(insert negative trait)” “If someone is a lazy non taking action fat fuck, iq isn’t gonna help” # High IQ(or any personality characteristic) isn’t always a positive trait # High IQ isn’t the only thing that determines how you live, but that doesn’t make it unimportant # When a study says obesity increases your chances of getting x,y,z, type of cancer, it doesn’t mean every chubby man/woman will die in… Read more »

6 years ago


IQ is only your capacity to learn. IMO, common sense is just as important as IQ.

And they are not correlated…

6 years ago

“# When a study says obesity increases your chances of getting x,y,z, type of cancer, it doesn’t mean every chubby man/woman will die in an oncologic clinic”

In fact a supermajority wont.

Lost Patrol
Lost Patrol
6 years ago

@Fred Flange

Had no idea about that long running LesboFest, now defunct. Feminism is becoming an organism that eats itself. Fun to watch, really.

6 years ago

Had no idea about that long running LesboFest, now defunct. Feminism is becoming an organism that eats itself. Fun to watch, really. Yeah it used to be for “womyn born womyn”. There was always a rather vocal element of the feminist core that hated trans going back to the 70s (that is, MTF trans), because they saw these guys as appropriating female sexual power, trafficking in stereotypes, etc. I.e., they saw trans as misogyny because it was a man basically projecting onto his own body what he thought a woman was or should be — and … you can kind… Read more »

6 years ago

@Anon01 You guys are reaching “YaReally levels of looks don’t matter” logic that shouldn’t even be possible. YaReally didn’t say that looks don’t matter. Looks matter if the competition doesn’t have game. If you have competent game, lack of looks doesn’t matter. If you want to have good looks, stand tall, walk confidently, and lazer women. Those are the kinds of good looks that matter to women. In terms of looks as a man sees them, I’ve been told that my looks are a 5…yet somehow I manage to get lots of IOIs from hotties. …then there’s the old troll… Read more »

6 years ago

Looks do matter under average circumstances. He he hee.

At minimum, ” a look ” matters.

Not many abject slobs out in the world with top level game, so they benefit from doing whatever they can to improve their looks. Because for them it will matter greatly.

6 years ago

“Shortage of eligible men has left women taking desperate steps to preserve their fertility, experts say

The findings appear to contradict the widely-held belied that women delay the use of IVF as they put their careers before family”

Rollo gets rigth all time

6 years ago

Speaking of Joe Rogan –


6 years ago

IQ matters a lot if you want to earn a PhD in physics from some top ranked nerd academy

It matters a lot less if you want to kpen your HVAC shop and make a couple hundred k a year

6 years ago


Not many abject slobs out in the world with top level game, so they benefit from doing whatever they can to improve their looks. Because for them it will matter greatly.

If you’re competing with YaReally, you need top level game…with the average good looking loser, your game just needs to be better than his by a hair.

a little bit of game goes a looooong ways

6 years ago

@SFC Ton

You overestimate physicist income:

“California-based physicists earned average salaries of $104,550 per year. Physicists who worked in Louisiana earned the highest average annual wages at $157,970. Those who worked in New Mexico earned $97,530 per year, while those who worked in Maryland made $131,600.”

Everyone personally needs a HVAC tech now and again. Physicists, not that in demand.

6 years ago
6 years ago


Physicists who bring in a lot of research grants can earn stipends from those grants and supplement their income. Some of them become entrepreneurs and others obtain patents on their inventions and sell the patents.

6 years ago

Eh: “You overestimate physicist income” I think the point was you don’t need to be a physicist to make a couple hundred k a year, not that physicists make that much. Think author Gladwell mentioned IQ in one of his books (Outliers, if memory serves). He found that for the highest levels of success an IQ of about 115 or so matters, but more than that didn’t really correspond with a greater likelihood of success in life. Social IQ mattered of course. I tested high when I was young and have lived long enough to see what happened to most… Read more »

having a bad day
having a bad day
6 years ago

@dr zipper @habd – I was totally on board with your comment until the ‘hotty with a differential calc exam” lol, indeed lol… love the sperg bait… but i just can help myself…lol so, here goes… How’s that FI treating you…lol… AWALT… IF… your average hotty around you tells you (or you somehow believe it’s true = beta/WK = FI in play…) that she is more concerned about her calc exam than how she competes in the SMP (= her cute outfit…) then she sees you as ‘not an alpha stud’… bc you are not someone she is trying to… Read more »

dr zipper
dr zipper
6 years ago

habd – not sure if I’m a ‘sperg’ or not, but can’t rule it out completely if my urban dictionary is up to date

great insight about her focusing on non-sexual stuff as an IOD (Dis-interest); might be the flip side of why the man — for pick up game — is encouraged to sexualize early and often to put and keep her mind in that space

and the neg… just my style, consider it stolen, thanks

6 years ago

“… when the average hotty is more worried about her outfit looking cute than whether she can ace that differential calc exam?…”

Second hottest girl at my college didn’t have to worry about it. She was a math whiz. The annoying part was that she took it as an elective. She was a music major.

She dressed decently, but simply. It was the third hottest girl who never seemed to do anything but model outfits for the campus. The hottest girl was jeans and flannel shirts.

Lost Patrol
Lost Patrol
6 years ago

She dressed decently, but simply. It was the third hottest girl who never seemed to do anything but model outfits for the campus. The hottest girl was jeans and flannel shirts.

There was an old saying “the clothes make the man”. Not an old saying but should have been, “the woman makes the clothes”.

6 years ago

Only men can tailor clothes with regularity… Women can darn and hem.

having a bad day
having a bad day
6 years ago


Second hottest girl at my college didn’t have to worry about it. She was a math whiz. The annoying part was that she took it as an elective. She was a music major.

She dressed decently, but simply. It was the third hottest girl who never seemed to do anything but model outfits for the campus. The hottest girl was jeans and flannel shirts.

doesn’t surprise me… music is very mathematical…

for you men playing along on the home edition… there’s a RP (and game) lesson in there somewhere…lol…

good luck!

6 years ago

Aggresion and competency

6 years ago

@ anon01 So just for argument’s sake. let’s say a man has an IQ of 140. What does this mean to your life? And lets’ say there are 2 men, both with 140 IQ’s. One of them is very successful and the other is a bum sleeping on park benches. What does any of that mean? And say there’s a Wall Street Hedge Fund manager with an IQ of 115. And last year he cleared 750,000,000 at his firm, pretty much single handed. Is that man somehow ” overperforming ” given his number? You know what a high IQ is… Read more »

6 years ago

@ rugby11

That dude in the video, lmao, he’s not aggressive. He’s an asshole that happens to be aggressive about being an asshole. Hiding behind his age is a pussy move, he has a mental issue and probably has had it all of his life.

Fuck him and his watch.

Lost Patrol
Lost Patrol
6 years ago

Fuck him and his watch.

LOL Blax. “My very aggressive diver watch”. What a classic poser tell. He hasn’t even done enough homework to know better than that.

6 years ago

Cernovich once did a piece breaking down how to judge a man’s status by his watch. My response was:

I don’t wear a watch. That’s what I have people for.

having a bad day
having a bad day
6 years ago

@Blax So just for argument’s sake. let’s say a man has an IQ of 140. phtttt…140…lol… I always say that dudes should never, ever pedestalize women at any time under any circumstances. I’m going to have to amend that statement to include that men should never pedestalize other men under any circumstance either. that’s kind of the definition of MPoO…lol… And pointy headed high IQ types that can recite chapter and verse of outdated traditional econ models are a part of the problem, because hey, they’re smart so we should all listen to them. i hate that shit…lol… you know… Read more »

6 years ago

“To my mind, it’s no surprise that most men haven’t been able to adapt to this very well in such a short period of time, while women have moved along quickly. After all, women simply had the chains on their long-standing fantasy (whether that makes them happy or not — it tends to not, in the long run at least) released, whereas most men had the entirety of human sexuality turned upside down by having the opposite sex have its sexuality unleashed in a way that is contrary to the evolved constraints on that sexuality.” Not to nitpick here, but… Read more »

6 years ago

Höllenhund if the rational male had up votes per post, your last comment would be getting triple digits. thanks for your contributions.

6 years ago Höllenhund “Not to nitpick here, but I don’t think the issue is that men are somehow intrinsically unable to adapt, rather that the entire social structure is invested in them not adapting, and thus sabotages male attempts at adaptation at every turn. That’s why we see constant and vehement opposition to MRAs, MGTOW and PUAs, whom all represent such attempts. That’s why we also see heavy-handed blue-pill feminist/tradcon attempts to manipulate and indoctrinate men from childhood. This probably stems from the traditional gynocentric assumption that women fundamentally lack agency while at the same time are entitled to male protection… Read more »

6 years ago

@Blaximus I’m sorry, I’m not really into typing a lot of things, especially if you can google them easily. I generally appreciate your comments, so, since you asked, I’ll answer. But, please after reading my comment just assume I’m wrong and let’s leave it at that. I mean, you can-of course-comment, I just don’t want to be viewed as rude for not answering. – – – – – – – – For starters the average iq in the USA is 98. All of these examples you gave me have higher than average IQ. How many people with an iq of… Read more »

6 years ago

“Many men are blamed for being men and new moral rules and structures are built around protecting the women banging the men who aren’t being indoctronated into that belief structure with what is defined as god and faith.” It’s funny because the old guard used to attack Alpha fucks knowing the disastrous effects they would have on society (just look at the tongue lashings given to the Beetles, Sinatra, Elvis etc. back in the 60s). Now that the FI is well and truly entrenched somehow everything is the fault of the Beta Bucks, the poor sods are even at fault… Read more »

6 years ago

High IQ people are the beasts of burden in STEM and they aren’t compensated adequately for their work. They get some payback by programming robots that put lower IQ people out of work. Robots put pressure on the human gene pool to increase its IQ. Just like competent physical training results in greater fitness, competent mental training results in greater intelligence. High IQ, I suspect, correlates with low social intelligence. High IQ people likely look down on lower IQ people and avoid socializing with them and just don’t get enough practice of their social skills. Obviously, if high IQ people… Read more »

6 years ago

Two PHD physicist neighbors of mine are average suburban guys, income and otherwise. One’s a cell phone EE designer and the other is a nuclear chief engineer…recently laid off. Both feel they should be earning more.Yeah, he can get another job quick, not around here.

Oh, both are one trick ponies. No dirty work, betatized. Nice guys, tho. Good neighbors.

6 years ago

Now you’ve got me doing it–confusing IQ with intelligence.

6 years ago

“IQ score is a standardized way of comparing this ability with the majority of people the same age as you are.”

Young people are stupid compared with older people.

6 years ago

IQ is just a thing. It’s a characteristic of you like anything else, it is a part of you and it forms you, but it doesn’t determine your outcomes in life, at least not in a linear way. I am ~135 (tested either side of that). So nothing special, really, and nothing like a physicist typically has, but higher than what many others have all the same. And it’s also higher than most of the people I work with, but that doesn’t really “help” me in terms of competing with them, because competing with humans involves will, discipline, effort and… Read more »

6 years ago

@palma “High IQ people likely look down on lower IQ people and avoid socializing with them” Not true. I joined Mensa at 16 with an IQ at the time of 156. So, to rebut my point, you bring evidence that high IQ people join an organization that excludes low IQ people? No member of Mensa that I know of ever admits it outside of the circle or on a CV. Why would you put that on a CV? It’s not an achievement or credential. Also, if your social circle includes low IQ people, admitting to joining MENSA would be a… Read more »

6 years ago

‘A lot of dudes with high IQ have no game/are fat/got fired.”

A lot of dudes with meh IQ have no game either. A lot of dudes have no game, period.

In my years, I’ve known…probably…a handful that were fired for incompetence. The system is built for a minimum intelligence with double/triple fail-safe devices/policies.

The overwhelming majority are fired for flaky personal behavior not poor performance.

6 years ago

I note that the MENSA newsletter has a section for members to write in the completely idiotic things they have done as “smart” people. ASD: “It’s not an achievement or credential.” I have never joined, despite a certain amount of pressure, because I have never been smart enough to see the point of it. I have at times been a member of various interest groups, because I shared that interest. Neither my IQ nor yours is a specific matter of interest to me and I am more likely to find an otherwise random smart person insufferable than I am to… Read more »

dr zipper
dr zipper
6 years ago

I have never joined … because I have never been smart enough to see the point of it. Options… – these folks are *SMRT* and know that a Mensa meeting is a much better place to pickup chicks than the chess club gatherings – it allows folks who would otherwise have limited social badges to display membership in an exclusive society, thus propping up a weak ego with external validations But seriously, when I hear people drop the ‘when I was in MIT’ or ‘when I was on Wall Street’ it just makes me think they’re trying to impress me.… Read more »

dr zipper
dr zipper
6 years ago
Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

Competent subcommunication works. Suddenly you’re being pinged from multiple sides with IOI’s; in the airport, at the laundromat, even by higher IQ girls in snooty classical music venues,
It’s sort of like this.


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