Sexual Retirement


Rational Reader, If-I-Fell wrote a comment addressing a common dynamic I think is larger in scope than most men realize. I’ve addressed this before, but I think it deserves a bit more elaboration. This first part was a commentary on Angelina Jolie’s elective double mastectomy surgery. Emphasis mine:

“I don’t know why Brad would still want Angelina. She is no longer a woman”, I said. Wait for it… Wait for it…

“That’s an awful thing to say; she has cancer in her family, and she had no choice,” she said.

This argument occurred after Angelina underwent her “de-womanizing” surgery, and before the “Brad is a drunken child abuser” incident.

This left the question—why did she have the surgery and why does calling a woman a eunuch raise such an emotional response from a woman, concerning a woman that she doesn’t know or really care about?

The Sisterhood Über Alles®, continuing,…

I am going to assert (without proof or study) that the reason is Sexual Retirement from a Beta (or even an Alpha).

I assert that women in hormonal decline (perimenopause) have a subconscious or conscious desire to retire from sex while holding onto their position and status. I believe this is a different dynamic from the operational cycling woman – dead bedroom. In this case, she doesn’t want sex from anyone, as opposed to she wants sex with someone, just not you. The feminine imperative is pushing sexual retirement as a women’s rights issue.

For a better explanation of the sexual retirement dynamic and if you want to get angry, read Lori Ann Lothian’s article “When He Wants Sex and You Don’t.” Basically, Lori has had her bad boy sex and now instead of using HRT (hormone replacement therapy) and making the effort, she wants to retire. She says that she is more creative when hormonally depleted and her cuck husband is understanding and supportive.

Since I began this blog I’ve attempted to outline the endless number of social conventions employed by the Feminine Imperative. It should be noted here that the Feminine Imperative has always evolved to fluidly reinvent these conventions to advantage women – and thus ensure their sexual strategy – at every stage of their maturity, but also in adapting to new truths that would otherwise threaten women’s insurance. There are many examples of the imperative reimagining various social convention in light of unflattering truths that previous conventions no longer account for, but are unignorable in a larger social scope.

The problem inherent in women’s Hypergamous sexual strategy has always been the balance of optimizing the best breeding potential (Alpha Fucks) with the best long-term security potential (Beta Bucks) in men. The capacity for a woman to optimize this balance is determined by her sexual agency (attractiveness & sexual availability) with men. This is why it’s necessary for adaptable social conventions, that sit outside this dynamic, to be established in order to qualify what should be attractive to men. This in turn enables women to distract and dissuade men with social narratives that comfort women, but confuse and shame men.

Yes, that flies in the face of biological truths about men’s arousal cues, but for generations these conventions have successfully convinced (Beta) men that those cues are learned, socially conditioned, triggers, and that if they’d just change their minds about attraction they’d see that they can be “attracted’ to any woman for any made up reason. This is the same social constructivist narrative that would have us believe gender identity is a learned social construct (which also contradicts the narrative of being born the ‘wrong gender’), and as such, attraction cues are also learned. This narrative works well for the Feminine Imperative because it’s a means to prolong women’s artificially inflated concept of attractiveness,…that is until women reach certain stages of maturity in their lives.

There are two points in women’s lives where this contrived idea about a socially conditioned definition of attractiveness fails them. The first, you may guess, is the Wall; the point at which a woman realizes she’s no longer able (or less able) to intra-sexually compete with other women for the attentions of men she hopes to optimize her Hypergamy with. At this stage there are two social conventions prepared for her – shame for men who base their ‘attraction’ on their primary requisite of physical appeal and not her (very marginal) intrinsic qualities, and/or a redefinition of what should constitute attractiveness (“it’s what’s on the inside that should count”). The latter also having the false confidence inflating effect of making a woman believe that her ‘attractiveness’ should be an indefinite, ambiguously defined, commodity; thus encouraging the belief that a woman can prolong her quest in finding the right guy to optimize Hypergamy well after the Wall.

The second phase is what If-I-Fell describes above, a phase where peri- and post-menopausal women are forced to accept that their sexual agency is at an end, but the need for Frame control still persists. This is a stage where no amount of pseudo self-confidence will convince a woman’s hindbrain that she can depend on her sexual agency to ensure her long-term security. But, as with everything else in a woman’s life, the Feminine Imperative is ready with a rationalization and various social conventions to absolve her of her reliance on her sexual agency and, of course, place the responsibility for it squarely on men’s shoulders.

In fact, those conventions can be quite profitable if you can offer any contrived solution to those insecurities.

Sexual Retirement

As If-I-Fell relates, there are no shortages of pop psychologist, women celebrities and talk show hosts ready with a book, an interview or a testimony of encouragement absolving women of their dependency on their sexual agency (for the entirety of their lives) in their menopausal phase while simultaneously shaming men who would even hint at not supporting this absolving.

Even women who would otherwise have been hated rivals during their sexually competitive years are later forgiven when they provide a salve for these insecurities when they reach an age where even the most attractive among them must come to terms with this sexual retirement. It’s at this stage the Sisterhood comes together in solidarity (in place of cut-throat intra-sexual competition) to bemoan their victim’s status.

The Feminine Imperative is indeed pushing sexual retirement, and absolving women of the consequences of their sexual agency and strategy, as a women’s rights issue. There’s a lot of money (not to mention ego validation) in fostering this in women.

If-I-Fell continues:

[…]Now, I have an argument with the wife every time she says she wants to go off HRT.

At this point, many guys blue and red will think I’m an asshole. After all, the Feminine Imperative is telling women to stay on HRT short-term to relieve symptoms and the risk of blood clots and woman-related cancers is increased. To the contrary, it is my understanding the increased cancer risk touted as doubled can be as small as a change of 1:100,000 to 2:100,000.

Suzanne Sommers has written multiple books in support of bioidentical hormone replacement that covers HRT in detail. This may be a good resource for men whose women have begun hormonally misfiring.

So, here’s the point of my long comment and how it relates to the topic of Reconstruction.

HRT (hormone replacement therapy) for menopausal women is the new litmus test for ’empowered’ women, and the personal impact of a woman’s life-long social investments comes down to a crisis of motive dilemma. Does a menopausal woman, whose sexual agency is well beyond her capacity to effectively compete in the sexual marketplace, accept the marginal risks associated with HRT in order to maintain her libido and her looks “for her husband’s sexual pleasure“?

When Angelina chose to desexualize herself the cover story we’re meant to accept is that she did so in order to preempt the breast cancer that runs in her family. That’s a hard decision to make (and one I’d expect from someone as invested in feminist theology and as psychologically imbalanced as Jolie), but there’s no real acceptable counter to it. She had a double mastectomy to save her life and considerations of her lessened sexual agency shouldn’t enter into the conversation. If we’re to accept that men’s arousal / attraction is to be based on women’s intrinsic qualities and not her extrinsic physical qualities, then any conversation about her opting to electively desexualize herself in doing so is rendered moot.

Men’s Pleasure

Brad Pitt’s pleasure, his arousal, his emotional investment in Jolie is never a consideration because the social constructivist position that attraction is learned disqualifies any counterargument anyone might pose. In fact, just doing so makes that person a pariah – she’s saving her life here man!

However, this transitions us to the idea that women do not ‘exist for a man’s pleasure’. This is a common refrain you’ll get from feminists and Women’s Studies teachers when they try to convince us about the infamous ‘male gaze‘ – they believe that a man’s simply gazing upon a beautiful woman is offensive because he’s deriving some visceral pleasure in doing so.

The male gaze is the way in which the visual arts and literature depict the world and women from a masculine point of view, presenting women as objects of male pleasure. The phrase male gaze was coined by feminist film critic Laura Mulvey in 1975.

Men have evolved to assess sexual availability of women and evaluate their fitness in the span of moments. This was a necessary evolutionary adaptation in the past in that it served men well to breed efficiently and evacuate quickly should a rival or monogamously paired man be in the vicinity to mate guard with violence. And this adaptation is also the result of women’s sexual strategy and predilection for making cuckolds of men.

The operative point here is that within a state of Sexual Retirement the long term partner of that woman is expected to identify with women’s experience so intimately, and reform his personality so thoroughly to accommodate the Frame of women that he is expected to default to understanding that ‘his pleasure’ is never to be a priority for women – no matter how devoted. In fact, this premise is foundational to feminist ideology and something men must be conditioned to accept via Blue Pill indoctrination.

This is a very important Red Pill truth men should understand. Blue Pill conditioning, the Feminine Imperative and feminist doctrine is rooted in the idea that women are never to ‘please’ men. Men are always to perform for, qualify for and serve at the ‘pleasure’ of women. Any idea, any effort, any pretense of overtly or covertly initiate a behavior with the purpose of pleasing a man is anathema to a feminine-primary  social order.

This premise is extended to countless social dictates and social conventions across many phases of women’s maturity and many aspects of our feminized society. In this case, the ‘never for men’s pleasure’ doctrine extends to the question of whether a woman should go on HRT with the express reason of staying pleasing and sexual for a man. That answer will always be a resounding ‘no’ for women steeped in the social conventions of the Feminine Imperative.

Side Note: There are of course many different instances in which a woman may intentionally do something for a man’s pleasure. Strippers, lingerie, adopting a sexy attitude, etc., you can probably think of many more. My intent here isn’t to suggest that women don’t intentionally do things to please men, but rather that their so doing is looked down on with disdain by a larger, feminine-primary social order. In those cases the narrative gets reversed and the line gets blurred as to whom a woman does such things for. If others can be convinced those acts are sources of Fempowerment, or that the means (pleasing men) justify the ends (female power) then we validate the action and, again, we return to a Crisis of Motive.

From Late Life Hypergamy

I wondered if she would even consider taking the new “pink pill”, the female form of viagra, but I’ve read enough counter argument articles from women about it to know that women’s hardwired psychology prevents them from even chemically altering themselves to want to have sex with a man her Hypergamy cannot accept. My guess is that even a cheeky holiday in the Maldives won’t be enough to convince Saira to want to fuck Steve.

However, this simple fact, that women will refuse to take the Spanish Fly to work themselves up and bypass their Hypergamy for their Beta husband’s happiness, destroys the convention that her frigidity is the result of her biomechanics. She doesn’t want a pill to fix her because she knows it’s a holistic problem.

I think it’s very telling that women will cognitively refuse to have sex with a man who represents a less than equitable exchange for either Alpha Fucks or Beta Bucks. When a woman is consciously aware of the fact that the value of a man she should be having sex with (due to societal expectations, marriage, etc.) is not commensurate with what her subconscious is telling her there comes an internal conflict – and one that’s rooted in women’s evolved Hypergamous doubts of suitably breeding.

For all of the equalist hopes that sex might be something men should condition themselves to overcome or cure themselves of, women’s subconsciousness won’t allow them to consciously take a pill that would effectively do the same thing they expect of men – to convince their sex drives to want to be aroused by a woman for reasons other than what they evolved to be aroused by.

This is literally what we’ll condition men for from the earliest ages; to deny their sexual impulse in favor of seeing women in a humanist perspective and condition them to feel shame when their biology wont cooperate with social constructivist belief. Yet, when we present a solution to achieve the same effect with women – a pill that would make them want to fuck men who their hindbrains would otherwise reject – women’s hindbrains are disgusted at the thought of taking a pill to circumvent their biology.

And even that refusal isn’t enough. Men must be shamed for attempting to chemically achieve what takes the Feminine Imperative generation to in men.

As I was finishing this essay I came across the following series of Tweets:

i just sat near by two 60+ women.Let me tell you,hypergamy & golddigging never stops & they r not ashamed at all, laughing when talking about potential man. 1st time that i heard about ‘i’m old, weak & forgetful’ cards.They are part of main deck.

Shiite,they r now talking about age,praising each other that they r still young. Major problem is buying new clothes.

They both have facebook. Proud divorces also… 1 was major slut, bragging about it… So much gold, i cant believe this.

I managed to take a pic, its 1pm,both r drinking, right one is loud mouth, attention whore till the end.

Unfuckingbelievable, one of them is talking about doctor who makes women prettier, ‘he fixed tonnes of tits’ -word for word verbatim.

You can read the rest of the exchange, but I thought this was an interesting contrast to the idea of Sexual Retirement. The older women get, the more comfortable they become in embracing Hypergamy openly. This is something for Red Pill men to bear in mind when they are seeing the forest for the trees with women. The less a woman perceives she needs a man to accommodate the aspects of her Hypergamy, the more comfortable she is in revealing how it operates for her and women at large.

If you come across a woman who’s comfortable in Open Hypergamy, the question you need to ask yourself is, what is it that she perceives about herself makes her believe that revealing her Game to you will benefit her with? Granted, these old women are long past their expiration date with regard to their SMV, but isn’t it interesting that in spite of what’s obvious to any Red Pill guy, they still entertain themselves with believing they haven’t retired from sex in their old age? All of the same ego-appeasement we’d expect from teenage girls still persists into women’s 70s and 80s.

So, is there really such a thing as ‘sexual retirement’ for women, or is it just a convenient way of casting off a woman’s Beta-husband need for ‘pleasure’ after a certain age? I covered this further in Preventive Medicine.


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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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7 years ago

Sargon is ant–feminist, but Blue Pill. What he wants is for women to drop the hypocrisy so that men and women can interact as true equals. For third wave to go away so we can all go back to a nice, comfy second wave. When actually interacting with women his frame completely collapses. He’s a very Nice Guy. “I’m curious where he got that statistic. Pretty much every medical study (mostly the JAMA and Lancet) indicates the risk is higher than that.” This sentence has no meaning, because it has no object. “Now, it’s true that estrogen-only use will lower… Read more »

7 years ago

Q: Why does it “take a village to raise a child”?
A: Because you’re probably going to die before the child is raised.

7 years ago

@Palmasailor: Your uncle, unknowingly, just dropped an RP101 hypergamy description down pat!

7 years ago

“OK, now we’re at least hinting at one, but the figures you’re questioning don’t have that object, they have the object as a variable. There is some x where the risk factor goes from 1:100,000 to 2:100,000. Say x=eating a single Vienna Sausage and cancer=Follicular dendritic cell sarcoma. What is being pointed out is that it will be reported as a “100% increase in risk.” What most people will hear is “100% risk,” when the actual risk could anything from nil to 100%. The relative risk tells you nothing about the actual, absolute risk. And it’s done that way on… Read more »

7 years ago

“From the statistics I’m familiar with, the risk of cancer isn’t exactly “low”, and the increased risk is quite significant.”

Again, this sentence is meaningless.

What’s the cohort? What’s the time period? What’s the factor?

“Stuff happens,” is not a news story. Who, What, Why, When and Where.

” . . . the statistics I’m familiar with . . .”

. . . are those that interest you personally, rather than those of an actuary who is interested in statistics generally.

7 years ago

“What’s the cohort? What’s the time period? What’s the factor? “Stuff happens,” is not a news story. Who, What, Why, When and Where. ” . . . the statistics I’m familiar with . . .” . . . are those that interest you personally, rather than those of an actuary who is interested in statistics generally.” I’m just hoping for factual statistics (some reputable source, actuarial studies would be great) based on the cohort that is the subject of this thread (women in the age category to be on HRT). And the premise (that the risk of cancer is low).… Read more »

7 years ago

“I’m just hoping for factual statistics . . . on the cohort that is the subject of this thread”

Yes, but the subject of the comment was the problem of reporting relative risk without reporting absolute risk.

Generating the specific numbers in question and placing them in an actuarial table would be a time consuming, but trivial task. Likewise for finding them in an extant table.

I’m not inclined to do so when the hypothetical example I gave of where such numbers might come from is adequate for the purpose of illustration.

7 years ago

“Yes, but the subject of the comment was the problem of reporting relative risk without reporting absolute risk.” That was the subject of YOUR comment. The comment I was referring to: “After all, the Feminine Imperative is telling women to stay on HRT short-term to relieve symptoms and the risk of blood clots and woman-related cancers is increased. To the contrary, it is my understanding the increased cancer risk touted as doubled can be as small as a change of 1:100,000 to 2:100,000.” It is implicit in that comment the risk (again, for HRT-age women undergoing HRT) is not only… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

’m just hoping for factual statistics (some reputable source, actuarial studies would be great) based on the cohort that is the subject of this thread (women in the age category to be on HRT). And the premise (that the risk of cancer is low).

Good news. There is a tool that can help you. It is called

7 years ago

“It is implicit in that comment the risk . . . is not only relatively small, but VERY small.” Not “is,” but “can be.” It can be that the absolute risk is so small that no relative risk has been properly assessed, because it isn’t practical to assemble a large enough observational cohort. It can be that the absolute risk is 2000% higher than 1:100,000. ” . . . the cohort that is the subject of this thread (women . . .” Assessing the likely medical needs of “women” is a necessary administrative task. Treating “women” is a medical error.… Read more »

7 years ago

Thanks AR.
I’m familiar with that tool. I’m also familiar with statistics on this subject.
What I’m not familiar with are the statistics that back the assertions provided.

7 years ago

“Not “is,” but “can be.” It can be that the absolute risk is so small that no relative risk has been properly assessed, because it isn’t practical to assemble a large enough observational cohort.” Perhaps we should even debate the definition of is? This isn’t a luminosity semantical logics test…a person made a claim and implied that the risks for hormone replacement therapy are low relative to the advantages. He used his wife as an example. Perhaps I am going out on a limb here, but I’m assuming he doesn’t actually want her to get cancer or a cerebral hemorrhage.… Read more »

7 years ago

“Perhaps we should even debate the definition of is?”

As it happens, when he said that I shouted “Yes!” at the TV. It was a lovely little bit of lawyering.

7 years ago

LOL It was a masterstroke.
But I’ll stop there or delve into puns.
And Rollo will grow weary…

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

I’m honestly curious where he obtained the statistics that back his belief.

You could have asked that question some time back. Maybe he would have even answered you…then.

Remember, is your friend.

7 years ago

“You could have asked that question some time back. Maybe he would have even answered you…then.”

I could have, but I thought I’d just let that one lie…until Sam Botta piped in with:
With HRT, the risk of cancer is always DECREASED if you have my doctors!”

Seemed a reasonable time to inquire.

7 years ago

When masectomies were first proposed by medical science, it was vehemently opposed by women. Women argued they were losing their very identity to the procedure. An ancillary objection was the effect it would have on their spouses. It took the deaths of hundreds of women for the public and women (with the carrier gene) to support\elect to have the surgery. As a way of mitigating the psychological distress women felt before and after the operation, the feminine imperative instilled the notion, women were more than just their ovaries and mammary glands. The gist being, a woman’s intrinsic nature couldn’t be… Read more »

7 years ago

“This is a woman’s issue, as say testicular cancer is a man’s purview. I find it unseemly when we stray into territory outside our sphere of understanding.”

This is a men’s blog. It is a manosphere space. It is meant to discuss male strategy.

The physical or virtual Spaying of women, self chosen, is not unseemly or unknowable in the position of a spouse.

Also, issues at menopause are not unseemly for an invested male partner. The issue is that women can invest at will when motivated.

“Outside our sphere of understanding” said no maculine manophere writer, ever.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

This is a woman’s issue, as say testicular cancer is a man’s purview.

Ehhhh…no. It is not.

I find it unseemly when we stray into territory outside our sphere of understanding.

Your Concern is duly noted.

As for me, my sphere of understanding is constantly expanding.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago


Seemed a reasonable time to inquire.

Too bad you didn’t enquire in a way Sam Botta would recognize.
This is a male oriented site. Talking in oblique, indirect, circular, semi-self-referential ways might not get you the results you desire.

7 years ago

On sexual retirement… Take the wife out for a stroll and some lunch. See a kid maybe 4 years old. She syas she misses that age. I say well grandkids are natures remedy for that.

Later at lunch she asks if i want to have another baby with her… Lol. She is 49 and we have 5 already… I say no more babies.

Then she asks if I want to have a baby with anyone else. I ponder it a bit. “Nope. My baby days are over”…

7 years ago

“Talking in oblique, indirect, circular, semi-self-referential ways might not get you the results you desire.”

There was nothing oblique or indirect about my inquiry.

7 years ago

Hey, If-I-Fell, could you supply your source, please?

7 years ago

Sentient, I’ve asked my husband the same. I miss babies.

7 years ago

Slow your roll girl… My 🚼 are over.

7 years ago

“Later at lunch she asks if i want to have another baby with her… Lol. She is 49 and we have 5 already… I say no more babies. Then she asks if I want to have a baby with anyone else. I ponder it a bit. “Nope. My baby days are over”… Yup. Sentient. You are winning and inspiring Red Pill Game. This is an exciting time with children our age. Holy shit these 20’s y.o. kids are something. And the wife striving to be relevant. Thank god ours are. I could quote Deida on the value and the strength… Read more »

7 years ago

I need clarification on plate theory (still reading and re-reading stuff).

In Plate Theory 1, Rollo advocates “brutal honesty and a commitment to truthful, non-exclusivity with the plates you’re spinning.” But in the next essay says that “in practice, non-exclusivity has to be covert.”

I am not sure I understand the distinction My instinct would be to provide honest and non-defensive responses to questions, but to not address the matter unless she brings it up. Or is there something else I am missing?

7 years ago

Weekend update Thursday night, big two section bar, college scene up front, blue collar in back, bathrooms in between. Coming out of bathrooms I spy two lesbians-until-graduation types, pecking kisses and wierd pinching ass, not horny, rather they don’t know how to use their hands on a lady…I couldn’t resist…I approach while they’re holding hands. “Ya know, you are unconvincing as lesbians esp. her (pointing to the cutey). Y’all think its exotic only cuz youve never had the real deal…like me.” The less pretty protests the opposite. Me: “Y’all know if we were all now naked, and she saw my… Read more »

Tom Murray
Tom Murray
7 years ago

Long time lurker… 3 years after swallowing the crimson capsule, and having gone through the usual stages (stuck in anger for a while), I believe that whilst external things like working out, tight Game, height, great hair etc are an advantage, it pales in comparison to rock solid inner Game, and as this great series of posts suggests, working on a genuine MPO and dedication to self improvement ‘for yourself first and foremost’. I have some of those externals, but have poor internals (and not exactly sure why, b/c I shouldn’t) that I am currently working on. Seems to be… Read more »

Sam Botta (@sambotta)
7 years ago

@anon wrote estrogen-only use will lower the risk of breast cancer substantially Testosterone (propionate) by intramuscular injection reduces the risk of cancer and heart disease in BOTH sexes. High estrogen (levels) INCREASES the risk of cancer in both sexes. If you do not know your estrogen level, it’s time to email It might save your life. When a woman has breast cancer, the main pharmaceutical prescribed by MDs is ARIMIDEX® (anastrozole), an estrogen reducer. Males that are prescribed testosterone are prescribed ARIMIDEX® (anastrozole) to reduce estrogen, however, a non-pharmaceutical estrogen reducer is Zinc Citrate (If your doctor has prescribed… Read more »

Sam Botta (@sambotta)
7 years ago

The feminine imperative is pushing sexual retirement as a women’s rights issue…

She says that she is more creative when hormonally depleted

In other words,
the campaign to create ‘hormonally depleted’ world
is a campaign to exponentially increase the incidence of:


Heart disease

Bone density loss



Loss of creativity

Brain fog

Rapid muscle loss

Destruction of relationships…

Sam Botta (@sambotta)
7 years ago

“Blaximus… a guy that I think embodies a man good at being a man, a guy that is super masculine”

Blaximus and Rollo have that something in common that most men want:

If you admire their High Testosterone traits as clearly seen in their writing and in their lifestyles, it’s time to email … He will prescribe what you need without an office visit. Consult him via email and phone!

7 years ago

@SJF “This is a men’s blog. It is a manosphere space. It is meant to discuss male strategy.” Yes it is the manosphere. But our ideas, here, must exist outside of this space. What good are they if they don’t? The idea you can do something about sexual retirement is preposterous. All women eventually retire from the SMP. A few will entice men with a ‘last performance’ so to speak, as to ensnare him. But he’ll soon realise this and depart. “Also, issues at menopause are not unseemly for an invested male partner. The issue is that women can invest… Read more »

7 years ago

@Box – Re: Plate theory. In practice, women do not accept being plates easily. In fact, managing plates is perhaps the best way to observe female hypergamy in action. Even as she’s not being monogamous as well, she will be possessive and be angry if she figures out that you did fuck someone else – even if she is too or has a BF or whatever. What this taught is how much of these impulses are hard-coded. Massive caveat though: I’m a journeyman PUA, and also play what I call “long game”. I’m a “thrill of the hunt” guy for… Read more »

7 years ago

IMHO. More experienced PUAs, please chime in, he’s looking for some insight.

Ain’t none of those here no more. Looks like you’re it Scrib.

7 years ago

“@anon wrote estrogen-only use will lower the risk of breast cancer substantially Testosterone (propionate) by intramuscular injection reduces the risk of cancer and heart disease in BOTH sexes. High estrogen (levels) INCREASES the risk of cancer in both sexes.” I know. The reason for my inquiry to your “attaboy” comment. Testosterone isn’t the hormone used for women in hormone replacement therapy. HRT for menopausal women comes in either estrogen only or estrogen and progesterone formulas. The estrogen only leads to a slight increase in risk for breast cancer (but, again, endometrial hyperplasia), the other a pretty significant increase in risk.… Read more »

7 years ago

Thought I should add: When I say “estrogen-only will lower the risk” I’m speaking contextually (for the female on HRT). Estrogen only formulas lower breast cancer risk by comparison to the other formula.

Sam Botta (@sambotta)
7 years ago

HRT for menopausal women comes in either estrogen only or estrogen and progesterone formulas Please send me a private message to with a list of ALL of the “doctors” prescribing those ‘estrogen and progesterone’ formulas. Those ‘doctors’ are dangerously wrong, and I will gladly forward their names to those that have medical licenses reviewed and reconsidered. They usually FAIL to care about a woman’s ‘free testosterone’ level, and they usually allow estradiol to remain at cancer causing levels. Those ‘doctors’ cause similar issues in men. Without the correct combination, most men and women are at risk of imminent cancer… Read more »

7 years ago

Truth from the mouths of babes.

7 years ago
7 years ago

I am way behind in the comments, but I saw Anon’s request to back the cancer risk statistic. This was meant to be illustrative. I think KFG made the point that if your cancer risk is nil, then doubling this risk is still nil. I have seen studies that tout an exponential increase in risk. It was also pointed out that we all have a 100% chance of dying. We all have to decide whether it’s worth it to get out of bed each morning, if we are given the opportunity. The gene mutation does change the equation and does… Read more »

7 years ago

ON A DIFFERENT NOTE: After watching the GRAMMYs and specifically Beyonce’s performance, I am calling on Rollo to close The Rational Male and remove all misogynist content. I know that sounds a bit extreme, but Beyonce has opened my eyes. I guess I had forgotten what a production birthing was. You are required to put on a gold outfit with a statue of liberty headdress and oil your big fake pregnancy engorged breasts. Then, you have to prepare to deliver a baby while singing and balancing on the back legs of a chair. I mean, dammit, guys are you listening!… Read more »

7 years ago


In Plate Theory 1, Rollo advocates “brutal honesty and a commitment to truthful, non-exclusivity with the plates you’re spinning.” But in the next essay says that “in practice, non-exclusivity has to be covert.”

Not contradictory. Be open about your non-exclusivity, along the lines of what Scribbs outlined. But don’t rub her face in it… that is the covert part… Don’t keep mentioning other girls or showing off other girls. Then they have to compete with an actual girl, rather than with an imaginary number of girls, and for you this will mean endless shit testing.

7 years ago

@Boxcar To clarify the apparent paradox, Rollo’s link to the essay Imagination in Plate theory II explains it more clearly. Also, for an illustration, imagine in your mind how a high SMV woman would operate in a situation where she had many, many men suitors. How would she operate? Covertly about her options, of course, but also with the elephant in the room of her actually having all the options in the world. What if your mindset was the same as that high SMV girl and you actually did have a tremendous amount of options with women. Say if… Read more »

7 years ago

Thanks guys, that makes sense. It seemed kind of obvious that you would not want to overtly discuss and compare other women with your plate, so I thought that “covert” might meant something more than that.

It’s also easy to just frame the whole thing as “dating,” between the extremes of hookup culture and serial monogamy. Women want to do something very similar — get to know guys in a fun and low-pressure way — so it seems like an easy sell (Once you re-frame the typical “so, when was your last girlfriend?” question).

7 years ago

Regarding female HRT (I am on TRT myself), women need *testosterone* for libido, as some guys have mentioned. (Their bodies cannot make testosterone from estrogen or progesterone.) It is testosterone that spikes during ovulation, so there is a very good reason for the spike in libido. Ironically, estrogenic birth control will lower libido, by inducing low testosterone. Also, typical female HRT involves synthetic hormones, so the studies on cancer risk are not going to reflect bioidentical hormones (which is obviously what you want to use). Quote from Dr. Saya (on another forum): “HRT for post-menopausal women can ABSOLUTELY restore libido… Read more »

7 years ago

“They are biologically determined to change their minds, to always be ready to upgrade, to switch strategies, and you being truthful has no effect on any of it.” Years back my nephew schooled me on my error of sticking with a choice when given an opportunity to switch. He used the Monty Hall Dilemma, illustrating the error of sticking to what you have, thinking the chance for better is statistically nil. Between two unknown choices that you think are equal, with a little information and given a choice to stay or switch…always switch. “Suppose you’re on a game show, and… Read more »

7 years ago

: “This was meant to be illustrative.”

Obviously. Like using “10” for g on a blackboard when what you are trying to call attention to is the equation, not the arithmetic.

For those of you who are just educated enough to squirm around at that, be advised that the example is computing a ballistic on the planet Zog, where g=10m/s^2 and that g(E)!= 9.80m/s^2.

7 years ago

“so, when was your last girlfriend?”

Well, to be perfectly honest, I’m not sure; my watch runs a little slow.

“He used the Monty Hall Dilemma . . .”

When given the option, always take Carol Merrill’s box.

7 years ago

Something about impending sexual retirement, intra-harem competition and liminal space… 1969.

7 years ago

DT HoFamer… made a career out of raw sensuality… some girls “got it” in spades… some are merely beautiful.

7 years ago

Ah hell

Burden of performance
Better version than yourself from the past…

7 years ago

“Brave breast cancer survivors have stormed the runway at New York Fashion Week in a groundbreaking show.”

“They strutted the runway in platform boots and lingerie, some proudly whipping off their bras and cover-ups to display breast reconstruction or double mastectomies to cheers from the supportive crowd.”

Truly groundbreaking. Yeesh.

7 years ago

“They strutted the runway in platform boots and lingerie . . .”

The male equivalent would be Lance Armstrong. Shame it was ruined by all that other stuff.

7 years ago

The Joys of Victimhood.

This guy pegged it almost 30 years ago. Enjoy

7 years ago


That’s not bad, but just not something I see myself saying. I was thinking of a tease: “already question about other women, huh?” Followed by, “hey, let’s just do something fun and get to know each other.”

That seems like the right dynamic. Get her to put away that checklist, and be real and present with me.

7 years ago

On the subject of HRT, I saw an ad in a women’s magazine for Estring—“…is an off-white, soft, flexible ring with a center that contains 2 mg of estradiol (an estrogen hormone). ESTRING releases estradiol into the vagina in a consistent, stable manner for 90 days. The soft, flexible ring is placed in the upper third of the vagina (by the physician or the patient).” I performed a word search to see about any exposure concerns for a male partner, and I didn’t find a one. Gee-whiz, bathing your penis in an estrogen bath each time you have intercourse or… Read more »

7 years ago

If some old broad says, “I can go the rest of my life without sex,” I think, “I can go the rest of my life without sex…with you.” XD

7 years ago

From OP: “But, as with everything else in a woman’s life, the Feminine Imperative is ready with a rationalization and various social conventions to absolve her of her reliance on her sexual agency and, of course, place the responsibility for it squarely on men’s shoulders.” From Joys of Victimhood: “People who count and call themselves victims never blame themselves for their condition.” “Even when there is a core of substance to the victims’ complaints, they tend to push it. A subtle shift takes place, and suddenly the victim is no longer making appeals but demands.” Time Magazine 2016: “That breast… Read more »

7 years ago


2016 breast cancer spending: $699 million

2016 “women’s health” spending: 4,140 million

2016 prostate cancer spending: $299 million

2016 “men’s health” spending: not listed

Disclaimer: The minimum reporting threshold for a specific disease/condition is $500,000. Reporting of $0 does not indicate that no research is being conducted.

7 years ago

“Among postmenopausal women, those who are obese have a 20% to 40% increase in risk of developing breast cancer . . .”


Sam Botta (@sambotta)
7 years ago

@Boxcar wrote women need *testosterone* for libido, as some guys have mentioned. (Their bodies cannot make testosterone from estrogen or progesterone.)


They also need testosterone to fight cancer, heart disease etc.

Most doctors are completely oblivious to these facts.
They are dangerous to their patients.

If-I-Fell mentioned “men using underarm testosterone” …

What wimp prescribed topical testosterone?

Please share the name of that doctor.

That doctor should not have a license to practice medicine.

7 years ago

@Eh – Not necessarily. What needs to happen is for those traditional men and women to reproduce like mad, cuz the non-trads won’t be doing so. In 2 generations of large scale reproduction over the next 50 years we could outnumber them massively. Say each couple had 6 children, do the math over two generations.

This is the same math Muslims do of course…

7 years ago

@sambotta (topical testosterone)

The intention of my comment was to point out that the environmental risk for women coming into contact with testosterone is considered to be a problem worthy of a labeling warning, while the environmental risk for men coming into contact with estrogen is not even a consideration.

Sam Botta (@sambotta)
7 years ago

When men fail to learn from Rollo Tomassi, they become what Sameen is talking about here:

Sameen Shaw: Been too busy saving the world form bad guys. Besides, relationships are for amateurs. Guys these days have so many… emotions. They cry, they wanna be held. I just don’t know what do with them.
John Reese: So… you’re a nun?
Sameen Shaw: I’m a pragmatist, John. I go out, have a fun night or three, and then, uh, I move on. No muss, no fuss.

Sam Botta (@sambotta)
7 years ago

@If-I-Fell You’re correct: High estradiol literally causes cancer, yet estrogen supplements for women are praised. Deadly estrogen exposure (to men) is ignored. REAL testosterone is your immune system. REAL testosterone is part of the cancer cure formula. REAL testosterone heals the human heart. REAL testosterone propionate is LIFE. I’m simply trying to stop the mention of horrible forms of testosterone prescribed by wimp doctors. To protect your reputation, please refrain from mentioning all testosterone except testosterone propionate (by intramuscular injection), HCG and others that are REAL doctors like prescribe without an office visit, so he’s available to patients located… Read more »

7 years ago

Oncologist: Well, there’s good news and bad news. Which do you want first?
Patient: Give me the good news.
Oncologist: Your condition can be treated.
Patient: Well, that is good news. What’s the bad news then?
Oncologist: The treatment is about as likely to kill you as the disease.

7 years ago

@Eh – Not sure what your point is about choice above, other than the tedious game show choice thought experiment most of us learned in university long ago. My point is that women have competing strategies that are always in conflict to some degree. I think your point is that they are actually optimizing based on the signals they pick up – yawn, so what? That’s implied by what I said, clearly. What one needs to know about women, Eh, is that they change their choices much more readily than men do because they have competing strategies. And in today’s… Read more »

7 years ago

Patient: Doctor, kiss me please! Doctor: No, it’s unethical… Patient: I’m begging, please! Doctor: Look, I shouldn’t even be fucking you. Speaking of fucking…St. Valentine’s Day and all. Thinking a bit. If I’d want to shake up a dead bedroom this would be the day, Beta expectations are high (drip-drip), she expecting some display of provisioning, and both will be disappointed. What would I do to start her hamster running, claw back some frame? I’d buy flowers, bring them to work and give them to nobody, just put them on the table, sealed card attached. Watch the women try to… Read more »

7 years ago

you will see her hypergamy driving her nutz.

Happiness is a male construct. You need to triumph and overcome to really feel it and appreciate it. For women, first order biological success is having a kid, propagation. How can she truly be happy when the bar is set so low, she merely needs to lay back for a bit…

7 years ago

re: V Day – I know my HB9 plate has started seeing a new guy and she’s all fucked up about me as a result, lol. So for V day, I tell her I don’t do v-day and in short order she’s telling me how hot the idea of “no safe word rape” is. She says she keeps thinking about it and fantasizing about me raping her since we talked about it first about a week ago. This is based on my planting the idea in her head that that having no safe word makes it much hotter and this… Read more »

7 years ago

@ Scribblerg Thanks for your input. Your depth, breadth of knowledge, combined with your confidence benefits all. Not everyone went to college, tho. Perhaps I skipped that class, too. I don’t remember everything. If I got under someone’s skin, it’s what I literally do for a living. “They pay little social cost for changing their minds today…” Women are looking for a hypergamous solution, well, the best they can get. They’re not finding it. Serial monogamy, divorce isn’t a solution, just a poor proxy for what they’d prefer. Consider the suburban mother’s GNO FR I experienced. Are they happy? No.… Read more »

7 years ago

@Eh – Still not sure you are getting my point. Let me be emphatic; THE ISSUE IS THAT WOMEN HAVE TWO MATING STRATEGIES. THIS MAKES THEIR INTERNALS CONFLICTED ALL THE TIME. SOCIETY HAS REMOVED MOST CONSTRAINTS FROM THEM ACTING ON EITHER IMPULSE. In fact, today’s social conditioning hands women just as many lies as it feeds men. And while it may work for women in certain collective ways, it’s not making them happier as you point out. For men this means that women will be more volatile and entitled, so your alpha behavior has to be super sharp. MPO is… Read more »

7 years ago

I categorically agree with you, and congratulations.

dr zipper
dr zipper
7 years ago

when I read Scribs latest postings this is what I’m seeing in my head: I’d like to point out that what we’re witnessing is not easy to find anywhere. Most men here are either still mired in BP or have been RP for a while. Scribblerg is giving us a live feed of what happens during and just after the transition. Still fresh in his mind are his fairly recent BP ways which can be — with wonderful articulation — contrasted with his adoption of RP: what he would have done (BP) vs. what he is doing now. Thanks… Read more »

7 years ago
7 years ago

@scrib THE ISSUE IS THAT WOMEN HAVE TWO MATING STRATEGIES. THIS MAKES THEIR INTERNALS CONFLICTED ALL THE TIME. SOCIETY HAS REMOVED MOST CONSTRAINTS FROM THEM ACTING ON EITHER IMPULSE. clarifying (I hope) for new readers… two mating strategies…alpha fucks and beta bucks conflicting internals…seeking both alphas and betas I have a natural buddy who wanted a girl for a relationship…she’s a nympho, lol…of course, he doesn’t understand women, but he THINKS he does…he’s very smart, but young…has lots notches, of course…Blue Pill in many ways…he thinks that young hotties don’t want old guys, lol…”why would she want an old guy… Read more »

7 years ago


“Thanks Scrib, I wish I could be a fly on the wall during some of your episodes related here.”

….I guess everyone has dreams

dr zipper
dr zipper
7 years ago

aw shucks, mersonia finally noticed me

look at me blushing

7 years ago

@ scrib

How do you know your gf isn’t auto-mate guarding, not screwing the other guy? Does it matter?

How much infidelity would it take for you to break it off?

7 years ago
7 years ago

@Zip – Thanks man, I’m glad you get something out of my posts. I like the image of a “feed” of my transformation. I’m on the other side now after an agonizing few years as long timers here know. I guess it just hit me, like this instant – my BP self is dead, fuck that stupid cunt, I hated him, lol… @Eh – Did you say “gf”? Lol, she’s not a gf, she’s a plate. Fidelity is off the table. I’ve never had a problem with fuckbuddies having BFs or whatever, as long as there is no drama. Also,… Read more »

7 years ago

@Eh – Also, “the juice has to be worth the squeeze”, yeah? My tolerance for a woman’s BS is directly related to how much value she has to me. The HB9? A nymphomaniac with no gag reflex, who craves my come and loves anal. Lol, that’s valuable…She also knows how to leave me the fuck alone, and at this point is trained and has submitted to me, so when she does get dramatic it fizzles out and she apologizes without me asking her too. She’s also very sweet and not a dummy, pretty well read etc. I can’t post pics… Read more »

7 years ago

@ scribblerg

“Also, the sexual safety issue has to be addressed, which it is with my HB9.”

Honest question: How’s this? How’d you address it? Considering women’s fickle natures, how do you know if she’s moved on from her answer or she wants to fuck you so bad she’ll agree to anything?

Women will lie to keep an Alpha..the whole faking orgasm more in an Alpha fucks scenario to keep him around, is one example.

At any rate, sounds like you’re satisfied and what’s Rocephin for anyways, if not the clap?

7 years ago

@Eh – Managed this stuff for decades with women. Got chlamydia once – the first girl I ever fucked in 1980, and some kind of other skin parasite that had to be removed by a skin doc, took 5 mins. I’ve had GFs who had Herpes and didn’t catch it. Of course, everyone lies about sex. So, use condoms. And flush them afterwards. As for faking Os, lol, I think you’ve got it exactly backwards. Women don’t have to fake Os with an alpha who’s properly fucking her. When you are an alpha for her, she gets super excited. These… Read more »

7 years ago

Re: faking orgasm. No rationale other than this comment:

7 years ago

@Eh – Rollo cites a stat about women faking more with alphas without attribution but I’ll accept it. The rationale being she wants to keep the alpha, I guess it makes sense. My take was that women do this to deal with the guys who are so insecure and turn sex into yet another measure of their value and obsess about it – and kill the vibe. 40mins later your tongue has gone numb, your neck is cramped and she’s getting sore and bored, so she fakes it. The girls I’ve talked to about it said this kind of situation… Read more »

7 years ago

Look at this 82yo cockblind whore making a complete ass of herself. Doesn’t she realize how pathetic she is? Jesus fuck.


7 years ago

Embed didn’t work, here’s the link. Just watch it and cry…

7 years ago

For the love of all that is holy Scribbs…. Whyyyyy?

7 years ago

@Sentient – For the moment when she’s playing that uke and sings, “Women are divine”, it’s like a signal that the endpoint of all this insanity has been reached. When a woman could actually act this way and say what she says, well, yeah, one could say “we’ve arrived” at the terminal point of our culture and society.

7 years ago


Don’t we in the manosphere identify as victims? Isn’t our oppressors women and the feminine imperative? Do they not steal our homes, our children and our income on a whim?

If we fight back, we’re incarcerated. If we speak out (in public) we’re ostracized.

The link you provided, could so easily, apply to us.

7 years ago

” Victimhood ” is all a matter of details as far as the attribution goes. Even in the article, the author cluster-fucked the description of the Palestinian situation because of a total and complete lack of clear understanding of past history. Hell, he even lacked an understanding of current ( at the time ) history. People that bad shit isn’t being done to either are able to empathize, or they cannot. Period. Most human beings, taken as large groups, turn empathy off. Easier to cope with life and hold on to false fantasies that way. If bad shit is happening… Read more »

7 years ago

If Hector had been an oppressed victim, Achilles would not have wasted his time to take the field and kill him.

Likewise, Hector would not have presented himself to die at the hands of a mere oppressor.

7 years ago

If Hector hadn’t of killed Ajax and Achilles hadn’t of felt the need to avenge his death, then Hector wouldn’t have fallen at the hands of antiquity’s greatest warrior.
A small matter of honor, forced Hector to accept Achilles’ challenge.

Oppression has nothing to do with it.

Glad to see you haven’t relinquished your position as TRM’s resident simpleton.

7 years ago

@ Sam Botta Thank you for your commentary about estradiol. My wife has returned to this as her off and on HRT. She goes off because she says it makes her fat and she experiences short-temperedness. She settled back into this regimen after a bad experience with a quack bio-identical doctor who prescribed supplements to bring her hormones to zero to get a baseline. She quit this after a few days as the side effects were like chemotherapy. I am going to encourage her to seek the doctor you recommend. @ All Commenters may have felt that encouraging my wife… Read more »

7 years ago

wow, Ollie, were you dropped on your head as a baby?

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