Sexual Retirement


Rational Reader, If-I-Fell wrote a comment addressing a common dynamic I think is larger in scope than most men realize. I’ve addressed this before, but I think it deserves a bit more elaboration. This first part was a commentary on Angelina Jolie’s elective double mastectomy surgery. Emphasis mine:

“I don’t know why Brad would still want Angelina. She is no longer a woman”, I said. Wait for it… Wait for it…

“That’s an awful thing to say; she has cancer in her family, and she had no choice,” she said.

This argument occurred after Angelina underwent her “de-womanizing” surgery, and before the “Brad is a drunken child abuser” incident.

This left the question—why did she have the surgery and why does calling a woman a eunuch raise such an emotional response from a woman, concerning a woman that she doesn’t know or really care about?

The Sisterhood Über Alles®, continuing,…

I am going to assert (without proof or study) that the reason is Sexual Retirement from a Beta (or even an Alpha).

I assert that women in hormonal decline (perimenopause) have a subconscious or conscious desire to retire from sex while holding onto their position and status. I believe this is a different dynamic from the operational cycling woman – dead bedroom. In this case, she doesn’t want sex from anyone, as opposed to she wants sex with someone, just not you. The feminine imperative is pushing sexual retirement as a women’s rights issue.

For a better explanation of the sexual retirement dynamic and if you want to get angry, read Lori Ann Lothian’s article “When He Wants Sex and You Don’t.” Basically, Lori has had her bad boy sex and now instead of using HRT (hormone replacement therapy) and making the effort, she wants to retire. She says that she is more creative when hormonally depleted and her cuck husband is understanding and supportive.

Since I began this blog I’ve attempted to outline the endless number of social conventions employed by the Feminine Imperative. It should be noted here that the Feminine Imperative has always evolved to fluidly reinvent these conventions to advantage women – and thus ensure their sexual strategy – at every stage of their maturity, but also in adapting to new truths that would otherwise threaten women’s insurance. There are many examples of the imperative reimagining various social convention in light of unflattering truths that previous conventions no longer account for, but are unignorable in a larger social scope.

The problem inherent in women’s Hypergamous sexual strategy has always been the balance of optimizing the best breeding potential (Alpha Fucks) with the best long-term security potential (Beta Bucks) in men. The capacity for a woman to optimize this balance is determined by her sexual agency (attractiveness & sexual availability) with men. This is why it’s necessary for adaptable social conventions, that sit outside this dynamic, to be established in order to qualify what should be attractive to men. This in turn enables women to distract and dissuade men with social narratives that comfort women, but confuse and shame men.

Yes, that flies in the face of biological truths about men’s arousal cues, but for generations these conventions have successfully convinced (Beta) men that those cues are learned, socially conditioned, triggers, and that if they’d just change their minds about attraction they’d see that they can be “attracted’ to any woman for any made up reason. This is the same social constructivist narrative that would have us believe gender identity is a learned social construct (which also contradicts the narrative of being born the ‘wrong gender’), and as such, attraction cues are also learned. This narrative works well for the Feminine Imperative because it’s a means to prolong women’s artificially inflated concept of attractiveness,…that is until women reach certain stages of maturity in their lives.

There are two points in women’s lives where this contrived idea about a socially conditioned definition of attractiveness fails them. The first, you may guess, is the Wall; the point at which a woman realizes she’s no longer able (or less able) to intra-sexually compete with other women for the attentions of men she hopes to optimize her Hypergamy with. At this stage there are two social conventions prepared for her – shame for men who base their ‘attraction’ on their primary requisite of physical appeal and not her (very marginal) intrinsic qualities, and/or a redefinition of what should constitute attractiveness (“it’s what’s on the inside that should count”). The latter also having the false confidence inflating effect of making a woman believe that her ‘attractiveness’ should be an indefinite, ambiguously defined, commodity; thus encouraging the belief that a woman can prolong her quest in finding the right guy to optimize Hypergamy well after the Wall.

The second phase is what If-I-Fell describes above, a phase where peri- and post-menopausal women are forced to accept that their sexual agency is at an end, but the need for Frame control still persists. This is a stage where no amount of pseudo self-confidence will convince a woman’s hindbrain that she can depend on her sexual agency to ensure her long-term security. But, as with everything else in a woman’s life, the Feminine Imperative is ready with a rationalization and various social conventions to absolve her of her reliance on her sexual agency and, of course, place the responsibility for it squarely on men’s shoulders.

In fact, those conventions can be quite profitable if you can offer any contrived solution to those insecurities.

Sexual Retirement

As If-I-Fell relates, there are no shortages of pop psychologist, women celebrities and talk show hosts ready with a book, an interview or a testimony of encouragement absolving women of their dependency on their sexual agency (for the entirety of their lives) in their menopausal phase while simultaneously shaming men who would even hint at not supporting this absolving.

Even women who would otherwise have been hated rivals during their sexually competitive years are later forgiven when they provide a salve for these insecurities when they reach an age where even the most attractive among them must come to terms with this sexual retirement. It’s at this stage the Sisterhood comes together in solidarity (in place of cut-throat intra-sexual competition) to bemoan their victim’s status.

The Feminine Imperative is indeed pushing sexual retirement, and absolving women of the consequences of their sexual agency and strategy, as a women’s rights issue. There’s a lot of money (not to mention ego validation) in fostering this in women.

If-I-Fell continues:

[…]Now, I have an argument with the wife every time she says she wants to go off HRT.

At this point, many guys blue and red will think I’m an asshole. After all, the Feminine Imperative is telling women to stay on HRT short-term to relieve symptoms and the risk of blood clots and woman-related cancers is increased. To the contrary, it is my understanding the increased cancer risk touted as doubled can be as small as a change of 1:100,000 to 2:100,000.

Suzanne Sommers has written multiple books in support of bioidentical hormone replacement that covers HRT in detail. This may be a good resource for men whose women have begun hormonally misfiring.

So, here’s the point of my long comment and how it relates to the topic of Reconstruction.

HRT (hormone replacement therapy) for menopausal women is the new litmus test for ’empowered’ women, and the personal impact of a woman’s life-long social investments comes down to a crisis of motive dilemma. Does a menopausal woman, whose sexual agency is well beyond her capacity to effectively compete in the sexual marketplace, accept the marginal risks associated with HRT in order to maintain her libido and her looks “for her husband’s sexual pleasure“?

When Angelina chose to desexualize herself the cover story we’re meant to accept is that she did so in order to preempt the breast cancer that runs in her family. That’s a hard decision to make (and one I’d expect from someone as invested in feminist theology and as psychologically imbalanced as Jolie), but there’s no real acceptable counter to it. She had a double mastectomy to save her life and considerations of her lessened sexual agency shouldn’t enter into the conversation. If we’re to accept that men’s arousal / attraction is to be based on women’s intrinsic qualities and not her extrinsic physical qualities, then any conversation about her opting to electively desexualize herself in doing so is rendered moot.

Men’s Pleasure

Brad Pitt’s pleasure, his arousal, his emotional investment in Jolie is never a consideration because the social constructivist position that attraction is learned disqualifies any counterargument anyone might pose. In fact, just doing so makes that person a pariah – she’s saving her life here man!

However, this transitions us to the idea that women do not ‘exist for a man’s pleasure’. This is a common refrain you’ll get from feminists and Women’s Studies teachers when they try to convince us about the infamous ‘male gaze‘ – they believe that a man’s simply gazing upon a beautiful woman is offensive because he’s deriving some visceral pleasure in doing so.

The male gaze is the way in which the visual arts and literature depict the world and women from a masculine point of view, presenting women as objects of male pleasure. The phrase male gaze was coined by feminist film critic Laura Mulvey in 1975.

Men have evolved to assess sexual availability of women and evaluate their fitness in the span of moments. This was a necessary evolutionary adaptation in the past in that it served men well to breed efficiently and evacuate quickly should a rival or monogamously paired man be in the vicinity to mate guard with violence. And this adaptation is also the result of women’s sexual strategy and predilection for making cuckolds of men.

The operative point here is that within a state of Sexual Retirement the long term partner of that woman is expected to identify with women’s experience so intimately, and reform his personality so thoroughly to accommodate the Frame of women that he is expected to default to understanding that ‘his pleasure’ is never to be a priority for women – no matter how devoted. In fact, this premise is foundational to feminist ideology and something men must be conditioned to accept via Blue Pill indoctrination.

This is a very important Red Pill truth men should understand. Blue Pill conditioning, the Feminine Imperative and feminist doctrine is rooted in the idea that women are never to ‘please’ men. Men are always to perform for, qualify for and serve at the ‘pleasure’ of women. Any idea, any effort, any pretense of overtly or covertly initiate a behavior with the purpose of pleasing a man is anathema to a feminine-primary  social order.

This premise is extended to countless social dictates and social conventions across many phases of women’s maturity and many aspects of our feminized society. In this case, the ‘never for men’s pleasure’ doctrine extends to the question of whether a woman should go on HRT with the express reason of staying pleasing and sexual for a man. That answer will always be a resounding ‘no’ for women steeped in the social conventions of the Feminine Imperative.

Side Note: There are of course many different instances in which a woman may intentionally do something for a man’s pleasure. Strippers, lingerie, adopting a sexy attitude, etc., you can probably think of many more. My intent here isn’t to suggest that women don’t intentionally do things to please men, but rather that their so doing is looked down on with disdain by a larger, feminine-primary social order. In those cases the narrative gets reversed and the line gets blurred as to whom a woman does such things for. If others can be convinced those acts are sources of Fempowerment, or that the means (pleasing men) justify the ends (female power) then we validate the action and, again, we return to a Crisis of Motive.

From Late Life Hypergamy

I wondered if she would even consider taking the new “pink pill”, the female form of viagra, but I’ve read enough counter argument articles from women about it to know that women’s hardwired psychology prevents them from even chemically altering themselves to want to have sex with a man her Hypergamy cannot accept. My guess is that even a cheeky holiday in the Maldives won’t be enough to convince Saira to want to fuck Steve.

However, this simple fact, that women will refuse to take the Spanish Fly to work themselves up and bypass their Hypergamy for their Beta husband’s happiness, destroys the convention that her frigidity is the result of her biomechanics. She doesn’t want a pill to fix her because she knows it’s a holistic problem.

I think it’s very telling that women will cognitively refuse to have sex with a man who represents a less than equitable exchange for either Alpha Fucks or Beta Bucks. When a woman is consciously aware of the fact that the value of a man she should be having sex with (due to societal expectations, marriage, etc.) is not commensurate with what her subconscious is telling her there comes an internal conflict – and one that’s rooted in women’s evolved Hypergamous doubts of suitably breeding.

For all of the equalist hopes that sex might be something men should condition themselves to overcome or cure themselves of, women’s subconsciousness won’t allow them to consciously take a pill that would effectively do the same thing they expect of men – to convince their sex drives to want to be aroused by a woman for reasons other than what they evolved to be aroused by.

This is literally what we’ll condition men for from the earliest ages; to deny their sexual impulse in favor of seeing women in a humanist perspective and condition them to feel shame when their biology wont cooperate with social constructivist belief. Yet, when we present a solution to achieve the same effect with women – a pill that would make them want to fuck men who their hindbrains would otherwise reject – women’s hindbrains are disgusted at the thought of taking a pill to circumvent their biology.

And even that refusal isn’t enough. Men must be shamed for attempting to chemically achieve what takes the Feminine Imperative generation to in men.

As I was finishing this essay I came across the following series of Tweets:

i just sat near by two 60+ women.Let me tell you,hypergamy & golddigging never stops & they r not ashamed at all, laughing when talking about potential man. 1st time that i heard about ‘i’m old, weak & forgetful’ cards.They are part of main deck.

Shiite,they r now talking about age,praising each other that they r still young. Major problem is buying new clothes.

They both have facebook. Proud divorces also… 1 was major slut, bragging about it… So much gold, i cant believe this.

I managed to take a pic, its 1pm,both r drinking, right one is loud mouth, attention whore till the end.

Unfuckingbelievable, one of them is talking about doctor who makes women prettier, ‘he fixed tonnes of tits’ -word for word verbatim.

You can read the rest of the exchange, but I thought this was an interesting contrast to the idea of Sexual Retirement. The older women get, the more comfortable they become in embracing Hypergamy openly. This is something for Red Pill men to bear in mind when they are seeing the forest for the trees with women. The less a woman perceives she needs a man to accommodate the aspects of her Hypergamy, the more comfortable she is in revealing how it operates for her and women at large.

If you come across a woman who’s comfortable in Open Hypergamy, the question you need to ask yourself is, what is it that she perceives about herself makes her believe that revealing her Game to you will benefit her with? Granted, these old women are long past their expiration date with regard to their SMV, but isn’t it interesting that in spite of what’s obvious to any Red Pill guy, they still entertain themselves with believing they haven’t retired from sex in their old age? All of the same ego-appeasement we’d expect from teenage girls still persists into women’s 70s and 80s.

So, is there really such a thing as ‘sexual retirement’ for women, or is it just a convenient way of casting off a woman’s Beta-husband need for ‘pleasure’ after a certain age? I covered this further in Preventive Medicine.


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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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7 years ago

I think it’s very telling that women will cognitively refuse to have sex with a man who represents a less than equitable exchange for either Alpha Fucks or Beta Bucks. When a woman is consciously aware of the fact that the value of a man she should be having sex with (due to societal expectations, marriage, etc.) is not commensurate with what her subconscious is telling her there comes an internal conflict – and one that’s rooted in women’s evolved Hypergamous doubts of suitably breeding…. …You can read the rest of the exchange, but I thought this was an interesting… Read more »

7 years ago

Sexual Retirement is a face-saving mask to protect a woman from being perceived as a Cat Lady.

Postmenopausal women who have wanted sex from me have said that they could go the rest of their lives without sex. It’s as I’ve affirmed before, that women’s libidos around alphas have zip zero nada to do with their T-levels–it’s whether they are lit up or not…whether their desires have been spiked.


[…] Sexual Retirement […]

7 years ago

“…it’s whether they are lit up or not…whether their desires have been spiked.”

Correct. Time to steal the attentions towards the cat to attention towards you.

7 years ago

Note the fifth cat in the lower right.

7 years ago

It’s easy to feel empathy for a man like Brad. By societal standards he is (or almost certainly was) an alpha, but he so obviously made blue pill mistakes (i.e. capitulating to her every feminist desire, even to the detriment of his children), and we saw Angelina capitalize on those mistakes. I wonder if he is having a red pill awakening, or if his social construct will prevent him from breaking out.

It’s easy to have empathy for a man like that, but much better to write about it like Rollo has, so more men will connect the dots.

7 years ago

Brad’s narrative is not the point (he’ll do fine). Angelina’s is (she won’t depite/because of herself).

Just prior to If-I-Fell narrative, she collected six children. Those six children are better served having two co-aligned parents raising them.

And then she went off that Reservation.

Go Figure how the hell that happened.

john smith
john smith
7 years ago

I’m 62 and was frivorced raped five years ago. I’m thinking about wearing the wedding ring again to discourage the plague of old divorced hags hitting on me or trying to set me up with their “fabulous” friend. But I can’t bring myself to wear that evil piece of gold shackle. Shaving and bathing less should keep them away. I think that’s what I’ll do.

7 years ago

“This in turn enables women to distract and dissuade men with social narratives that comfort women, but confuse and shame men.”
Very intense on my end…

Luis C
Luis C
7 years ago

I apologize in advance for posting this that some people might find unrelated. I wanna share an insightful story with you all today. I was in London for a business trip. Met a polish girl on college exchance. Met her in a club and fucked her that same night. We were together for a month, I returned to my country, Brazil (so forgive the bad english). We kept in touch because she’s funny and not that dumb. Nudes and videos are not bad either. Half a year later I’m in Zurich and tell her to come. She comes from Poland… Read more »

Robert Kozanis
Robert Kozanis
7 years ago

My wife and I are in our mid-sixties and still fuck like horny, sex-crazed teenagers ! Of course I’m at the gym lifting (17 inch biceps, benching 310 lbs.), I dress well, have money, cars, houses, work part time because I want too( retired in 2001 but missed the action) I use married dread to keep my wife on her toes. She knows I could be fucking six other women at any time if I chose to. By taking care of myself she is forced to maintain herself. Life is good. Just never let yourself go downhill.

7 years ago

If ‘his pleasure’ is never to be a priority for women,

then ‘her safety and security’ is never to be a priority for men.

Quid pro quo. Equality, even.

@Luis C: bullet, dodged. great illustrative story, and good job.

7 years ago

@Luis C Great Story. Thanks for sharing @Robert K Thank you as well. I am only 15 behind you, and while my wife is 10 years younger than I, it is nice to know that option exists. I love the analysis of Pitt & Jolie. I only saw headlines at some store (I never watch/read news) and didn’t even think about these two events until I saw it discussed here. Summarizing: I. Jolie destroys her SMV, which is 90% of what got here where she is. II. They break up afterwards III. No one in FI America even considers that… Read more »

7 years ago

Too right, BC. I plan on taking “provider retirement” when my youngest turns 18.

My 42 year old wife is trying to groom me with talk of her becoming peri-menopausal and “not being interested in sex… at all… with anyone”. I have already started the equivalent: transition-to-retirement through gradually reducing my working hours.

7 years ago


7 years ago

I ran a little experiment a while ago, where I asked all my matches on tinder: “So tell me, what is interesting about you”? First of all I wasn’t expecting many replies, as this direct (male) mode of communication, was ‘offputting’ to women (several told me so). But, the answers that I did get where really interesting. The majority, stated something like ‘nothing’, ‘ehm i am pretty boring’ or ‘I don’t know’. I found it extremely interesting that out of the 20ish girls out of a 100 that did reply, they were utterly clueless of that they should do anything… Read more »

7 years ago

Poor Brad. He had it all and then he went and stuck his dick in crazy. I thought the same thing when I heard she had had her double mastectomy – who would want to fuck her then? I sure wouldn’t. But of course the entire narrative was about how brave she was being. What’s brave? She didn’t even have cancer. She chickened out on the off chance it would come around. What’s next – cut your head off because there’;s a history of brain cancer in your family? The same women who howl at any man who would question… Read more »

7 years ago

The truths uncovered in this essay and many others is why I USE women for entertainment purposes only! They perform (sex, feminine company) or they are history. I don’t love idealistically anymore but opportunistically like they do, the shattered remains of pedestals past serve only to remind me of the limited value that they bring to the relationship table. I have embraced male hypergamy and I’m always looking for an upgrade, I’ve even started shit testing THEM just for my amusement, I enjoy taking their hamsters for a ride. They only play the “sexual retirement” card with betas, if she… Read more »

7 years ago

Even women well past menopause will fuck you like there’s no tomorrow if she perceives you to be an alpha. My present woman (though she was married for 25 years) never fucked her husband like she fucks me. Nothing off limits. Never gave her husband head or did anal. Now she screams in pleasure and yells for me to cum deep inside her. She says I take her places she’s never been before (Sexually). And this has been going on over 2 years. We fuck almost every time we see each other. After being a beta cuck for 40 years… Read more »

7 years ago

An interesting topic. As far as I know, the double mastectomy wasn’t exactly unwarranted. Jolie had mutations in both BRCA genes, which basically guarantees breast cancer at some point. Also of note, she had her ovaries removed shortly after the mastectomy—a blood test revealed elevated risk for ovarian cancer. Not that anyone here is disputing this—just wanted to establish the relevant medical facts on her particular case. The gist of this seems to be this: that you are beta if your wife expects you to go into sexual retirement when she does. I don’t see a problem with a wife… Read more »

7 years ago

Jolie has always been a nutter. This is the person who kept a vial of her boyfriend’s blood around her neck. I wouldn’t have been surprised if she went full-bore the OTHER way and started kidnapping and killing virgins and drinking and bathing in their blood to “preserve her youth and beauty”. She has looked like a cross between skeletor and cruela devil for about eight years now. But Brad did say his ex was boring. No icky boredom with this bitch, that’s for sure! Per the mastectomy…I don’t understand the perspective on that one. It’s not like she got… Read more »

7 years ago

“It’s at this stage the Sisterhood comes together in solidarity (in place of cut-throat intra-sexual competition) to bemoan their victim’s status.” Reminds me of “Death becomes Her”. Madeline’s career has faded, and Ernest is an alcoholic reduced to working as a reconstructive mortician. Ernest assumes she has a dislocated neck and drives her to the emergency room. Madeline is told she is technically dead and faints. Helen seduces Ernest and convinces him to kill Madeline. Overhearing Helen and Ernest discussing their plot to stage Madeline’s death, Madeline shoots Helen with a shotgun. Fed up with the pair, Ernest prepares to… Read more »

7 years ago

@ Mineter

‘My 42 year old wife is trying to groom me with talk of her becoming peri-menopausal and “not being interested in sex… at all… with anyone”. I have already started the equivalent: transition-to-retirement through gradually reducing my working hours.

Honest question: Tactically and strategically, what’s your game plan to provider retirement? Sounds complicated though worthwhile considering her none-to-veiled shit test.

7 years ago

Given that women are a replaceable commodity I don’t see the point in giving a shit about their sexual retirement

Throw her out and get a new one.

7 years ago

@ Rollo

I was honored that my comment was useful to this post. I wanted to tell somebody, anybody about this. But, there is no one I can tell in real life, and besides this is Fight Club. Wanting to talk about it is probably a beta tell anyway.


[…] Source: Sexual Retirement | The Rational Male […]

7 years ago


Wanting to talk about it is probably a beta tell anyway.

Wanting to learn and improve isn’t though. If you do it.

7 years ago

The older women get, the more comfortable they become in embracing Hypergamy openly.



7 years ago


7 years ago

comment image

Time for another Gronk post Rollo… never gets old.

7 years ago

“She’s been posting various photos on social media wearing Gronk’s jersey”

Moral: Flush the condom.

7 years ago

“The act of deluding themselves does pay a dividend for a minority of old women who get on to snag a recycled beta who is blue to the core and becomes a concierge service.”
That’s a sad state of affairs…
“I must be cruel only to be kind;
Thus bad begins, and worse remains behind.”
― William Shakespeare, Hamlet

7 years ago

I am of the opinion that any form of sexual retirement for homo sapiens is transient at best. For the male,retirement would be the result of internalizing social conventions,there by overiding his basic biology. For the female,the temporary retirement is biological,and overcome by her hardwired survival mechanisms and also social conventions of egalitarianism (she can be more like a man if she tries harder). This brings up a question,I have always suspected that the biological hardwireing of the female brain can’t be overcome by training,they lack the neuroplasticity that a mans brain has. Granted neuroplasticity will be less for both… Read more »

7 years ago

@ palmasailor We are the same age but my experience is totally different as I’m in better shape than almost every other guy my age (49) I never get fat older women talking down to me like they are doing me a favour, they look and rule themselves out in the main, the brave ones flash a hopefull smile but that’s about it. I’m wondering if you are “in shape” as in low bf and good cardio/fitness as opposed to jacked? Women are incredibly bad at assessing men’s clothed bodies unless you are obviously muscular. Maybe it’s a defence mechanism,… Read more »

7 years ago

Rollo, The images associated with your articles do an astounding job of capturing the topic. Notice a man and woman on a barren salt plain. The barren salt plain representing the inability to conceive life, nothing grows in salt. In fact salt has been used for its preservative and aseptic properties since before the pharaohs. They are not a young couple. She has short, white hair and her jowl is that of an older woman. He has no hair and a shoulder build of an older male. Look how far away the mountain is, they have journeyed a long way… Read more »

7 years ago

I don’t have time to listen to Stefan’s take right now, but some time ago a friend asked me that question, “What is the truth about Hamlet?” I replied that its reputation rested on the fact that you could select any line at random and it is a quotable masterpiece. Probably the most remarkable feat of pure writing in the entire history of literature. But the play isn’t really all that good, and it is, after all, a script, not a novel, so you have to judge it for how it plays. If you want something that plays well, and… Read more »

7 years ago

Going to agree with SFC Ton here: practice hormone replacement therapy via getting a younger woman. It’s the humane option.

7 years ago
7 years ago

“practice hormone replacement therapy via getting a younger woman.

7 years ago

Palma Sailor:

A zoo bred lion views its cage as what provides it with safety. If you leave the door open it will probably cringe back away from it. If it is so bold as to venture forth, it will shortly find its fears confirmed.

7 years ago

“I’m wondering if you are “in shape” as in low bf and good cardio/fitness as opposed to jacked?” This is off-topic a bit but it’s something I think about. I’m 5’9″ 190, lift 3-4 times a week. I can’t do much cardio because I squat 3 times a week. I’ve tempered it by running eight 1-minute shuttles in the sand on off days, just to stress my heart but not so much that I exhaust my legs too much. I know I would be optimally healthy at about 170, doing more cardio and just maintaining at least some strength through… Read more »

7 years ago


Women be entitled these days but 59 year old women are generally aware of their place in the hierarchy, so it’s probably something you are projecting if these old hags think they can approach you and talk down to you too?

I submit the problem is you are too close to them…

No fool like an old fool.

How about this cat?!/img/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/article_1200/lvnewlywed10n-1-web.jpg

76, good hair, fit… girl 14 years his junior…

Fred Flange, Stuck on the Metro
Fred Flange, Stuck on the Metro
7 years ago

Amplifying @anon: a growing product of the tattoo industry is the tattooed nipple for a reconstructed breast after mastectomy. Women say they want it for themselves to feel “complete.” Sure it’s couched in you go girl terms, not like this is a loving thing to do for your man, but hey whatever works, win win for her and for her man if she is still in the SMP, I won’t get my ka-nickers in a twist about it. But of course some mastectomy tattoo gals get all stupid with it and insist on a butterfly or flower instead of a… Read more »

7 years ago

“I’ve tempered it by running eight 1-minute shuttles in the sand on off days . . .”

Just one one minute sprint, done at maximum intensity, twice a week, will give you about 90% of all the statistical risk factor reduction you can get from “cardio.”

If done properly the quantity of exercise you need purely for “health” reasons is remarkably small.

7 years ago

@Sentient: the implication is he was 6 years and 7 months with a dry one. I’d suggest he exhibits a scarcity outlook. Now the guy is really screwed.

7 years ago

I question the evo bio behind HRT therapy AND testosterone therapy… Everything was pretty much in synch until the last hundred years…

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago


Looks to me that kfg is pointing to something like this:

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

What was he thinking marrying a 62 year old; she wasn’t going anywhere fast.

Well, she was 56 or so when they started “dating”.

7 years ago

@kfg, I’m knocking my shuttles down to 6 then, from 8. Six felt right and with six, I always get out there. I had recently bumped it up to 8, but 6 is good. Maybe 5 in the summer when warm-up isn’t such an issue. All the wasted motion/effort in the health industry continues to stun. Last night at the Y, a group of overweight 45+ women had obviously just started a group workout thing with their trainer. 4 or 5 of them, all obese or borderline. They should simply be out walking and hiking for six months until the… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

Sentient I question the evo bio behind HRT therapy AND testosterone therapy… Everything was pretty much in synch until the last hundred years… “Life expectency” is usually an arithmetic mean, so infant mortality can skew it. There were plenty of people born in the 19th century who lived to 70 or beyond, but when people have 4 children and only 2 survive to adulthood, that pulls down the average lifespan. Either way, I don’t see anyone making an evo bio argument for hormone replacement in men or women. Rather I see people dealing with aging as a treatable condition instead… Read more »

7 years ago

It’s funny how a short, intense HIIT session just seems too short or too easy. It’s amazing how hard-wired everyone is to think you have to plod along for 45-60 steady minutes of hell. I do my brief shuttle session and I’m done before I know it, and it seems like a cop-out. Years ago, I would run 20-25 shuttles, until my legs almost fell off in the sand, so my mind still thinks that that is true exercise. You don’t want your body to eat itself alive. One thing people don’t acknowledge is how much the heart works during… Read more »

7 years ago

“A zoo bred lion views its cage as what provides it with safety. If you leave the door open it will probably cringe back away from it. If it is so bold as to venture forth, it will shortly find its fears confirmed.”
Life and safety and security…

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

Ok, I got your longevity right here: Richard Overton, the oldest US veteran of WW II. He says longevity is all about cigars, whiskey and staying out of trouble.

Dennis Mangan trawled through a number of articles and videos to pick out various details, such as “active in church”, “still drives his Ford pickup”, “has a 91 year old girlfriend”. Yeah, his girl is over 10 years younger than he is.

Personally, I find this man to be an inspiration. That’s a Thompson submachinegun he’s holding, by the way.

7 years ago

@ Luis C Thanks for sharing. Here’s my parallel story, how I came to the red pill, and beat oneitis.. Backstory: I was married to a Cluster B woman for 20 years who frivorced me 3 years ago. Gas lighting runs in my Catholic family like water in a river. I’m over 6′ tall, and naturally pull chicks like a magnet. My troubles lie in keeping the ones I like. I’m exceeding nice. Devoutly Catholic. Had a N of 1 before I got divorced. Guy Disney to the core. See the problem? I dated this lady last summer I met… Read more »

7 years ago

I HAVE A GOLD MINE BETWEEN MY LEGS! (Not me–women.) For review and consideration, a model of women’s sexuality and hormonal decline based on the trope referenced above. Mine = Woman Investor = Man OVERRIDING RULES OF MINING: At any point in the life-cycle, the mine may cheat one or more investors out of his investment and will most likely get away with it. The mine may also allow prospectors to venture into the mine, “off the books”, to take a nugget or two. STAGE 1: Exploration and Planning — The mine must be tested. Its capacity, the quality of… Read more »

7 years ago

@ palmisailor Based in Liverpool, let me know if you’re ever up this way and feel like a few beers and a red pill chat. My plate is 31 so Im doing ok avoiding ladies older than me, but 30’s girls can be dangerous due to baby rabies. The thought of dating an FI “age appropriate lady” just doesn’t occur to me anymore unless she is an outlier. My ex milf plate 46 was a fake titted gym bunny into Botox and fake lashes etc actually had a better body than the 31 year old but she started showing signs… Read more »

7 years ago

So, is there really such a thing as ‘sexual retirement’ for women, or is it just a convenient way of casting off a woman’s Beta-husband need for ‘pleasure’ after a certain age? Of course sexual retirement, in evo bio paradigm is real… inability to reproduce… The recent killer whale report – killer whales go through menopause it seems – had the shocking conclusion that the purpose of this was to take the older females out of the mating market… to lessen the competition with the younger females. Implications on this re other female mammals have been limited… Lolz… Beyond menopause… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

Melmouth One thing people don’t acknowledge is how much the heart works during weightlifting, especially compound lifting. My heart pounds for a minute and half after 5 heavy reps of deadlifting. You can still find articles by “experts” who assert that there’s no cardio benefit to weight training. Often associated with that USDA ‘heart healthy’ high-carb diet pyramid. Funny how that works. I don’t do Pilates but some people in my social circle do. One post menopausal woman stabilized her bone density reading and actually increased it after a year and a half of regular Pilates. We do have this… Read more »

7 years ago

women’s subconsciousness won’t allow them to consciously take a pill that would effectively do the same thing they expect of men – to convince their sex drives to want to be aroused by a woman for reasons other than what they evolved to be aroused by.

IDK Rollo, I’d say that HBC and abortion on demand have gone a long way toward providing exactly this.

7 years ago

I’ve read about Overton too and even brought him up in my classes. He’s wiry and never had kids, so..hmm…stuff to think about there. When he met Obama, he was happy about it but the comment I remembered is that Obama “was a regular fella, just like anyone” or something along those lines, like “What’s the big deal?”) He was no smitten fanboy. So it sounds like he avoids socially constructed emotions/paradigms (okay, that’s a huge extrapolation on my part but there was something to it) Live your own life and don’t get swept off into surrounding culture. That’s a… Read more »

7 years ago

My 2 cents again: Fitness, is not simple math i.e. more exercise = more calorie loss and better looks. Here’s how I see it: TRM dude wants to lose 15 pounds, gain muscle and definition. That’s 3500 Cal x 15 = 52500 Cal net loss by exercise, diet or combination. Guy starts cardio, lifting. He’s motivated so is in the gym 3 hrs. Running caloric Burn for 195# ~/= 147 Calories for every mile run at 8.5 min/mile. Good clip. He’s overweight, so every day he runs 3 miles x 147 Calories. 447 calorie loss 25 minutes. 2.5 hours left… Read more »

7 years ago

@ Anonymous Reader I have a coach/trainer who is a former Pro Cyclist and professor in kinesiology. She says that there is cardio benefits to weight lifting but it’s only when you are doing work, not standing around looking at the mirror or trying to get your heart rate down because you are above your anaerobic threshold. Think about it like a internal combustion engine – if you have an engine at 6k under load, it’s mailings power and using fuel. If you step in the clutch and keep it at 6k, it’s just wasting parts and wearing it out.… Read more »

7 years ago

Making not mailing. Last time I post before reviewing my work.

7 years ago

“All the wasted motion/effort in the health industry continues to stun.”

Follow the money.

7 years ago

“You face a lot of ‘slim shaming’ by those who would rather you become as fat as they are.” Spot on. Lost 25 pounds in a couple months (185 to 160) 5 years back and coworkers thought it was a crisis. I didn’t talk about it, just did it. Never promoted it. Then it turned to shaming, so true… Stopped eating three hot squares, stopped caring about food in general. It was RP for dieting. I began to see my, other’s willful food dysfunction, couldn’t mention it as BP policy rules the day. Beat the dead horse, the women here,… Read more »

7 years ago


Trainers are full of shit as is your analogy between a stressed heart muscle and truck’s clutch. That whole industry only survives by overcomplication and deception. Let me guess, your trainer is a good one because you’re always sore the next day because she found a different ‘muscle group’ to target, right?

7 years ago

“I have a coach/trainer who is a former Pro Cyclist . . .” Small world. I’m still faster than the all time TT records of the fastest ever local female pro, at more than twice the age she was at time. “She says that there is cardio benefits to weight lifting but it’s only when you are doing work, not standing around looking at the mirror or trying to get your heart rate down . . .” She is not correct. Recovery from oxygen debt uses the same metabolic pathways as aerobic exercise. It’s one of the reasons that interval… Read more »

7 years ago

“Think about it like a internal combustion engine . . .” The human engine is a multi-fuel hybrid. At different times one of the fuel systems dominates, but all fuel systems are always running. There is no clutch. Taking the load off the motor is called “death.” The heart is not the motor. It is the fuel pump. Its rate is elevated after you stop moving because there is still a demand for fuel to supply the work load. This is one of the reasons that power meters have replaced heart rate monitors as the principle training tool. Heart rate… Read more »

7 years ago

@ Melmoth Actually, no – the opposite was true. I was destroying myself because I didn’t understand something called periodization (wasn’t giving myself enough time off to recover), and I had the macros wrong in my diet + I wasn’t eating right on the ride. My calories intake was okay. I’ve never actually worked out with her other than to do VO2 max tests to check my functional threshold power and set my HR rate zones. She’d upload what I was supposed to do to this software, and I’d go get the miles. I went from 300 pounds to 222… Read more »

7 years ago

@ KFG I actually have both. Started with a HR monitor, switched to power about two months after hiring my coach. Joe Friel (author of Cyclists Training Bible) won’t coach someone who doesn’t have a power meter. Both my mountain and road bikes have them now, but I only use them for data acquisition UNLESS I’m on a long sustained climb, and I have to remind myself to take it easy. I used the power meter on the mountain bike to check out how many average watts I need to do to climb certain parts of the courses I race… Read more »

7 years ago

Rollo Went out with two dear companions of mind yesterday to eat after we where in a meeting. Each one of us was talking about helping are fellow brothers deal with addiction marriage and life in general. We brought up where does personal responsibility start and where does it end in dealing with people who you are willing to help but don’t want to cross boundaries with. It was interesting for a lot of reasons because they both help people. They cared for who had alcohol issues as far as abuse is concerned. But I kept pointing out how… Read more »

7 years ago


Shoveling snow like you describe is similar to digging ditches by hand (I farm) – both aerobic.

She was talking about somebody who goes to the gym for an hour and lifts x net pounds as opposed to somebody who went there and stayed twice that long and lifted half as much net weight.

Hours in the gym do not equate work done.

7 years ago

“If something scares you and your HR jumps to 175, it’s a lot different than if you are at 175 climbing a 8 percent grade that lasts 15 miles.”

At that’s because . . . ?

Your heart isn’t the motor. It’s the fuel pump (your lungs are the carburetor). It is entirely reactive. Training your heart is putting the cart before the horse.

Your heart rate only increases when something makes it increase. It is that something that needs training. Your heart rate remains elevated after you stop doing work because that something is still working.

7 years ago

“Hours in the gym do not equate work done.”

That’s where I came in to this movie, and that’s my tune you’re singing.

But here’s the chorus:

Work done does not equate to training effect.

7 years ago

“You face a lot of ‘slim shaming’ by those who would rather you become as fat as they are.”

When a guy at MMSL was making weight loss gains and saying stuff like “Hey I think my wife has noticed” he would say “enjoy the cookies” because within about 3 weeks over and over these women would see a crisis looming and start baking…


7 years ago

The ‘male gaze’ rubbish is exactly that.

Men who are *born blind* — meaning, they’ve never had the pleasure of actually seeing a woman in their entire lives — still prefer the low hip to waist ratio that all other men prefer.

You’ll never hear about that in some anti-science Wymyns Studies course

7 years ago

Fun facts:

Average age of achilles tear: 42

Achilles insertional tear requires one month on roll-about & boot then months recovery.

Achilles burst requires two weeks roll-about then months recovery.

The soft injuries give me the creeps…and being hit by a car while exercising outside. Can’t give up the headphones tho.

7 years ago
Reply to  EhIntellect


7 years ago


We don’t disagree. I think I was inarticulate. I’m guilty of blinding people with knowledge of a technical nature, and making an effort to simplify. Probably went too far.

Your HR isn’t like an engine. It’s just a tach. Sitting in the parking lot revving your engine doesn’t do much or tell you anything.

7 years ago

“She was talking about somebody who goes to the gym for an hour and lifts x net pounds as opposed to somebody who went there and stayed twice that long and lifted half as much net weight.” My two cents again re: exercise time vs. exercise efficiency vs. injury avoidance Many begin exercise with a litany of objectives in mind and lose sight of who they physically are at the time. This can lead to poor results on one side (underexertion) and injury on the other (overexertion). O.K. Draw a quadrant y-axis: P. of injury (0 to 100%) x-axis: Intensity… Read more »

7 years ago


You let yourself get to 300. You should stand down and listen when people talk about exercise then. You chime in with some knowledge of how a heart works in response to compound lifting but you haven’t mentioned if you’ve ever lifted. It doesn’t seem like you have.

“You are welcome to your opinion, but you are shy of facts.”

Where do you get that?

“I’m guilty of blinding people with knowledge of a technical nature”

No you’re not. Don’t worry about that.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

If a woman doesn’t pass the boner test it’s his responsibility to find a way to ‘perform’ sexually for her pleasure or (we are socialized to believe) she’ll find someone who can. Reverse the sexes and the man suggesting the same thing would be just this side of being guilty of marital rape.

Exactly. Such a pink pill would at some level be a form of negotiation of desire, so…

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

EhIntellect The soft injuries give me the creeps…and being hit by a car while exercising outside. Can’t give up the headphones tho. Well, if you have an open casket funeral we’ll be sure to put them on your head for the viewing, ok? Make you more lifelike. I used to drive a really noisy vehicle, wearing near isolation headphones. But I had a lot of mirrors and kept looking around me, so I wasn’t surprised by anything in traffic. Still, it bugged me because I really couldn’t hear the engine or any sirens. The other week I drove a different… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago


The ‘male gaze’ rubbish is exactly that.

Notice it’s almost always 20-somethings or competitive 30-somethings who fuss about the “male gaze”. Sometimes when I hear that I just tell them “Don’t worry, in a few years no man will bother to look at you”, then smirk.

Because it’s not the “male gaze” they don’t like. It’s the Beta gaze.

having a bad day
having a bad day
7 years ago

@kfg The human engine is a multi-fuel hybrid. At different times one of the fuel systems dominates, but all fuel systems are always running. There is no clutch. Taking the load off the motor is called “death.” The heart is not the motor. It is the fuel pump. Its rate is elevated after you stop moving because there is still a demand for fuel to supply the work load. i understand this and it makes complete sense… buut… This is one of the reasons that power meters have replaced heart rate monitors as the principle training tool. Heart rate is… Read more »

7 years ago

@EhIntellect My objective is to be rid of her with as little pain to me and our children. My overall strategy is be less utilitarian than I can be, and subtly building up her own income earning capacity; I also want my children to grow up well adjusted. The long game could change in an instant depending on the trigger. I have already decided she’s not worthy of me, but I am in the diabolical situation that if I left her now, the kids would suffer and she would emotionally and mentally abuse them. It’s too risky to assume a… Read more »

7 years ago

“Your HR isn’t like an engine. It’s just a tach.” A heart rate monitor is like a tach that counts the oscillations of a fuel pump, because your heart is like a fuel pump, not a tach. The reason you might want a heart tach is because the heart (so long as the engine is running) is always under load, and so acts as a proxy measure for the load on the “engine,” because the engine cannot free rev, hence the demand for fuel is a proxy for the load. Note that cars do not have power meters, or fuel… Read more »

7 years ago

“Amplifying @anon: a growing product of the tattoo industry is the tattooed nipple for a reconstructed breast after mastectomy. Women say they want it for themselves to feel “complete.” Sure it’s couched in you go girl terms, not like this is a loving thing to do for your man, but hey whatever works, win win for her and for her man if she is still in the SMP, I won’t get my ka-nickers in a twist about it.” 🙂 One of the benefits to the preventative mastectomy is…the nipples can usually be preserved. That isn’t always the case if it… Read more »

7 years ago

@Melmoth You are correct – I don’t lift bro. For one reason…I don’t want to. I’m a 6’4″ cyclist who’s built like an inside linebacker. I don’t want more mass. 5 pounds of muscle is five more pounds I have to haul up the hill. And I shouldn’t have said anything about your sustained heart rate after your set. I know when I do intervals my HR is at 180 and I do light work for about two minutes till I go and do the next set. Just like you are trying to move more weight, I’m trying to create… Read more »

7 years ago

@Dizzle Ok, your post reads like mine from 2 years ago. You’re still obsessing over your oneitis ex. From what you describe she has the typical BPD/Cluster B traits and is recycling you and trying to re-seduce you. There is only one way out of this….cut it off entirely and vow NEVER to engage. With my crazy ex it was tough. She kept showing up where I was, often with a guy to parade in front of me. I likened it to quitting smoking celebrating each month in some new way, setting goals to achieve and moving on. It’s been… Read more »

7 years ago

Re: cardio training. While I’d never admit it in front of other health professionals, I regard cardio (esp. prolonged exercise) as pretty much useless for anyone reasonably healthy. Cardiac risk is a real threat mainly in the forties. After that, it’s a diminishing returns game, when you’re over 70 the risk of dying is similar despite the amount of extended cardio exercise (not saying it’s OK to be inactive though). The real danger is being too fat. Both when young and old. That’s something only an incredible amount of exercise (marathon runners and above) can solve unless you’re paying some… Read more »

7 years ago

“Just like you are trying to move more weight, I’m trying to create more watts.” Q: What is the essential difference between a leg press machine and a bicycle? A: On a leg press the weight oscillates and on a bicycle the weight moves linearly. If you are cycling uphill, the weight moves linearly . . . upward, the amount of the rise. It is weight lifting. Similarly, a weight lifter is creating watts, the more the better. Note that the most popular form of non-Olympic, competitive weight lifting is called “POWERlifting” (which is wrong, but not because it doesn’t… Read more »

7 years ago

Addendum: “HIT with weights came about, at least in part, to make exercise safer.”

For instance, an issue that Eh Intellect raised and one that I have experience in: I have never been hit by a car while using a leg press machine or riding rollers.

I have never fallen off a leg press machine.

7 years ago

@ Rollo I saw the “Like Star”. I mean like, man, like you know, like, that’s a lot like Facebook. You know, like, the guys here usually don’t like the needy, “please like my picture of food or like my video of my kitten”. I, like, learn more when the guys tell me, like, I’m an idiot, but, like, in the nicest most intelligent kind of way. So, I guess, like, I’m try’en to say, like, I don’t like the like. But, it’s your thing, man. So, like, do what you like. If you like, like; I’ll learn to like… Read more »

7 years ago


You’re an idiot, but, like, in the nicest most intelligent kind of way.

7 years ago

Its so nice so see the other old fart lurkers commenting on this article. Welcome aboard guys and I hope to hear more from you!

7 years ago

HR is controled by the sinoatrial node located in the right atrium,this does what it’s name suggests,smells the blood and fires electrical pulses accordingly.While it can sense a high carbon dioxide level or high adreneline level,it seems to misfire with an electrolite imbalance. Go figure. Heart rate is definitely something to monitor in someone with health issues,you especialy don’t want to overwork one that is marbled,hypertension can in and of itself elevate HR to no avail as the blood can’t circulate. I have always tried to push workouts to the point of diaphoresis and avoid vegetable oils for heart health.… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

Crossfit isn’t “intense,” it’s “retarded.”

You’ll never get your own “one exercise pattern fits all” Box with that attitude, mister.
Just saying.

7 years ago

In a masculine meritocracy, there should be a provision for a dislike button. I go all in on a bet that says that WordPress can’t possibly see that function as a possibility. That’s the FI in action. In real time. (It is a way to circumvent judgmentalism of men, to pander to the hiveming of women.) A masculine space should have affirmation and rebuke.

A like button without a complemenatary dislike button is an obverse of Shit and/or Comfort testing venue. I’m not saying I mind it this time around. I just find it imbalanced in a male space.

7 years ago

“I have always tried to push workouts to the point of diaphoresis . . .” The problem is that it isn’t an indicator of, or even a reliable proxy for, a training effect stimulus. It can be easily induced without a training effect at all, or a maximum training effect achieved without inducing it. The best non-instrumented indicators are breathing pattern and muscular fatigue. Better, in fact, than some of the instrumented indicators, as those are really artifacts of the lab protocol. A huge problem in the field of exercise physiology is that so much of the work has been… Read more »

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