Sexual Retirement


Rational Reader, If-I-Fell wrote a comment addressing a common dynamic I think is larger in scope than most men realize. I’ve addressed this before, but I think it deserves a bit more elaboration. This first part was a commentary on Angelina Jolie’s elective double mastectomy surgery. Emphasis mine:

“I don’t know why Brad would still want Angelina. She is no longer a woman”, I said. Wait for it… Wait for it…

“That’s an awful thing to say; she has cancer in her family, and she had no choice,” she said.

This argument occurred after Angelina underwent her “de-womanizing” surgery, and before the “Brad is a drunken child abuser” incident.

This left the question—why did she have the surgery and why does calling a woman a eunuch raise such an emotional response from a woman, concerning a woman that she doesn’t know or really care about?

The Sisterhood Über Alles®, continuing,…

I am going to assert (without proof or study) that the reason is Sexual Retirement from a Beta (or even an Alpha).

I assert that women in hormonal decline (perimenopause) have a subconscious or conscious desire to retire from sex while holding onto their position and status. I believe this is a different dynamic from the operational cycling woman – dead bedroom. In this case, she doesn’t want sex from anyone, as opposed to she wants sex with someone, just not you. The feminine imperative is pushing sexual retirement as a women’s rights issue.

For a better explanation of the sexual retirement dynamic and if you want to get angry, read Lori Ann Lothian’s article “When He Wants Sex and You Don’t.” Basically, Lori has had her bad boy sex and now instead of using HRT (hormone replacement therapy) and making the effort, she wants to retire. She says that she is more creative when hormonally depleted and her cuck husband is understanding and supportive.

Since I began this blog I’ve attempted to outline the endless number of social conventions employed by the Feminine Imperative. It should be noted here that the Feminine Imperative has always evolved to fluidly reinvent these conventions to advantage women – and thus ensure their sexual strategy – at every stage of their maturity, but also in adapting to new truths that would otherwise threaten women’s insurance. There are many examples of the imperative reimagining various social convention in light of unflattering truths that previous conventions no longer account for, but are unignorable in a larger social scope.

The problem inherent in women’s Hypergamous sexual strategy has always been the balance of optimizing the best breeding potential (Alpha Fucks) with the best long-term security potential (Beta Bucks) in men. The capacity for a woman to optimize this balance is determined by her sexual agency (attractiveness & sexual availability) with men. This is why it’s necessary for adaptable social conventions, that sit outside this dynamic, to be established in order to qualify what should be attractive to men. This in turn enables women to distract and dissuade men with social narratives that comfort women, but confuse and shame men.

Yes, that flies in the face of biological truths about men’s arousal cues, but for generations these conventions have successfully convinced (Beta) men that those cues are learned, socially conditioned, triggers, and that if they’d just change their minds about attraction they’d see that they can be “attracted’ to any woman for any made up reason. This is the same social constructivist narrative that would have us believe gender identity is a learned social construct (which also contradicts the narrative of being born the ‘wrong gender’), and as such, attraction cues are also learned. This narrative works well for the Feminine Imperative because it’s a means to prolong women’s artificially inflated concept of attractiveness,…that is until women reach certain stages of maturity in their lives.

There are two points in women’s lives where this contrived idea about a socially conditioned definition of attractiveness fails them. The first, you may guess, is the Wall; the point at which a woman realizes she’s no longer able (or less able) to intra-sexually compete with other women for the attentions of men she hopes to optimize her Hypergamy with. At this stage there are two social conventions prepared for her – shame for men who base their ‘attraction’ on their primary requisite of physical appeal and not her (very marginal) intrinsic qualities, and/or a redefinition of what should constitute attractiveness (“it’s what’s on the inside that should count”). The latter also having the false confidence inflating effect of making a woman believe that her ‘attractiveness’ should be an indefinite, ambiguously defined, commodity; thus encouraging the belief that a woman can prolong her quest in finding the right guy to optimize Hypergamy well after the Wall.

The second phase is what If-I-Fell describes above, a phase where peri- and post-menopausal women are forced to accept that their sexual agency is at an end, but the need for Frame control still persists. This is a stage where no amount of pseudo self-confidence will convince a woman’s hindbrain that she can depend on her sexual agency to ensure her long-term security. But, as with everything else in a woman’s life, the Feminine Imperative is ready with a rationalization and various social conventions to absolve her of her reliance on her sexual agency and, of course, place the responsibility for it squarely on men’s shoulders.

In fact, those conventions can be quite profitable if you can offer any contrived solution to those insecurities.

Sexual Retirement

As If-I-Fell relates, there are no shortages of pop psychologist, women celebrities and talk show hosts ready with a book, an interview or a testimony of encouragement absolving women of their dependency on their sexual agency (for the entirety of their lives) in their menopausal phase while simultaneously shaming men who would even hint at not supporting this absolving.

Even women who would otherwise have been hated rivals during their sexually competitive years are later forgiven when they provide a salve for these insecurities when they reach an age where even the most attractive among them must come to terms with this sexual retirement. It’s at this stage the Sisterhood comes together in solidarity (in place of cut-throat intra-sexual competition) to bemoan their victim’s status.

The Feminine Imperative is indeed pushing sexual retirement, and absolving women of the consequences of their sexual agency and strategy, as a women’s rights issue. There’s a lot of money (not to mention ego validation) in fostering this in women.

If-I-Fell continues:

[…]Now, I have an argument with the wife every time she says she wants to go off HRT.

At this point, many guys blue and red will think I’m an asshole. After all, the Feminine Imperative is telling women to stay on HRT short-term to relieve symptoms and the risk of blood clots and woman-related cancers is increased. To the contrary, it is my understanding the increased cancer risk touted as doubled can be as small as a change of 1:100,000 to 2:100,000.

Suzanne Sommers has written multiple books in support of bioidentical hormone replacement that covers HRT in detail. This may be a good resource for men whose women have begun hormonally misfiring.

So, here’s the point of my long comment and how it relates to the topic of Reconstruction.

HRT (hormone replacement therapy) for menopausal women is the new litmus test for ’empowered’ women, and the personal impact of a woman’s life-long social investments comes down to a crisis of motive dilemma. Does a menopausal woman, whose sexual agency is well beyond her capacity to effectively compete in the sexual marketplace, accept the marginal risks associated with HRT in order to maintain her libido and her looks “for her husband’s sexual pleasure“?

When Angelina chose to desexualize herself the cover story we’re meant to accept is that she did so in order to preempt the breast cancer that runs in her family. That’s a hard decision to make (and one I’d expect from someone as invested in feminist theology and as psychologically imbalanced as Jolie), but there’s no real acceptable counter to it. She had a double mastectomy to save her life and considerations of her lessened sexual agency shouldn’t enter into the conversation. If we’re to accept that men’s arousal / attraction is to be based on women’s intrinsic qualities and not her extrinsic physical qualities, then any conversation about her opting to electively desexualize herself in doing so is rendered moot.

Men’s Pleasure

Brad Pitt’s pleasure, his arousal, his emotional investment in Jolie is never a consideration because the social constructivist position that attraction is learned disqualifies any counterargument anyone might pose. In fact, just doing so makes that person a pariah – she’s saving her life here man!

However, this transitions us to the idea that women do not ‘exist for a man’s pleasure’. This is a common refrain you’ll get from feminists and Women’s Studies teachers when they try to convince us about the infamous ‘male gaze‘ – they believe that a man’s simply gazing upon a beautiful woman is offensive because he’s deriving some visceral pleasure in doing so.

The male gaze is the way in which the visual arts and literature depict the world and women from a masculine point of view, presenting women as objects of male pleasure. The phrase male gaze was coined by feminist film critic Laura Mulvey in 1975.

Men have evolved to assess sexual availability of women and evaluate their fitness in the span of moments. This was a necessary evolutionary adaptation in the past in that it served men well to breed efficiently and evacuate quickly should a rival or monogamously paired man be in the vicinity to mate guard with violence. And this adaptation is also the result of women’s sexual strategy and predilection for making cuckolds of men.

The operative point here is that within a state of Sexual Retirement the long term partner of that woman is expected to identify with women’s experience so intimately, and reform his personality so thoroughly to accommodate the Frame of women that he is expected to default to understanding that ‘his pleasure’ is never to be a priority for women – no matter how devoted. In fact, this premise is foundational to feminist ideology and something men must be conditioned to accept via Blue Pill indoctrination.

This is a very important Red Pill truth men should understand. Blue Pill conditioning, the Feminine Imperative and feminist doctrine is rooted in the idea that women are never to ‘please’ men. Men are always to perform for, qualify for and serve at the ‘pleasure’ of women. Any idea, any effort, any pretense of overtly or covertly initiate a behavior with the purpose of pleasing a man is anathema to a feminine-primary  social order.

This premise is extended to countless social dictates and social conventions across many phases of women’s maturity and many aspects of our feminized society. In this case, the ‘never for men’s pleasure’ doctrine extends to the question of whether a woman should go on HRT with the express reason of staying pleasing and sexual for a man. That answer will always be a resounding ‘no’ for women steeped in the social conventions of the Feminine Imperative.

Side Note: There are of course many different instances in which a woman may intentionally do something for a man’s pleasure. Strippers, lingerie, adopting a sexy attitude, etc., you can probably think of many more. My intent here isn’t to suggest that women don’t intentionally do things to please men, but rather that their so doing is looked down on with disdain by a larger, feminine-primary social order. In those cases the narrative gets reversed and the line gets blurred as to whom a woman does such things for. If others can be convinced those acts are sources of Fempowerment, or that the means (pleasing men) justify the ends (female power) then we validate the action and, again, we return to a Crisis of Motive.

From Late Life Hypergamy

I wondered if she would even consider taking the new “pink pill”, the female form of viagra, but I’ve read enough counter argument articles from women about it to know that women’s hardwired psychology prevents them from even chemically altering themselves to want to have sex with a man her Hypergamy cannot accept. My guess is that even a cheeky holiday in the Maldives won’t be enough to convince Saira to want to fuck Steve.

However, this simple fact, that women will refuse to take the Spanish Fly to work themselves up and bypass their Hypergamy for their Beta husband’s happiness, destroys the convention that her frigidity is the result of her biomechanics. She doesn’t want a pill to fix her because she knows it’s a holistic problem.

I think it’s very telling that women will cognitively refuse to have sex with a man who represents a less than equitable exchange for either Alpha Fucks or Beta Bucks. When a woman is consciously aware of the fact that the value of a man she should be having sex with (due to societal expectations, marriage, etc.) is not commensurate with what her subconscious is telling her there comes an internal conflict – and one that’s rooted in women’s evolved Hypergamous doubts of suitably breeding.

For all of the equalist hopes that sex might be something men should condition themselves to overcome or cure themselves of, women’s subconsciousness won’t allow them to consciously take a pill that would effectively do the same thing they expect of men – to convince their sex drives to want to be aroused by a woman for reasons other than what they evolved to be aroused by.

This is literally what we’ll condition men for from the earliest ages; to deny their sexual impulse in favor of seeing women in a humanist perspective and condition them to feel shame when their biology wont cooperate with social constructivist belief. Yet, when we present a solution to achieve the same effect with women – a pill that would make them want to fuck men who their hindbrains would otherwise reject – women’s hindbrains are disgusted at the thought of taking a pill to circumvent their biology.

And even that refusal isn’t enough. Men must be shamed for attempting to chemically achieve what takes the Feminine Imperative generation to in men.

As I was finishing this essay I came across the following series of Tweets:

i just sat near by two 60+ women.Let me tell you,hypergamy & golddigging never stops & they r not ashamed at all, laughing when talking about potential man. 1st time that i heard about ‘i’m old, weak & forgetful’ cards.They are part of main deck.

Shiite,they r now talking about age,praising each other that they r still young. Major problem is buying new clothes.

They both have facebook. Proud divorces also… 1 was major slut, bragging about it… So much gold, i cant believe this.

I managed to take a pic, its 1pm,both r drinking, right one is loud mouth, attention whore till the end.

Unfuckingbelievable, one of them is talking about doctor who makes women prettier, ‘he fixed tonnes of tits’ -word for word verbatim.

You can read the rest of the exchange, but I thought this was an interesting contrast to the idea of Sexual Retirement. The older women get, the more comfortable they become in embracing Hypergamy openly. This is something for Red Pill men to bear in mind when they are seeing the forest for the trees with women. The less a woman perceives she needs a man to accommodate the aspects of her Hypergamy, the more comfortable she is in revealing how it operates for her and women at large.

If you come across a woman who’s comfortable in Open Hypergamy, the question you need to ask yourself is, what is it that she perceives about herself makes her believe that revealing her Game to you will benefit her with? Granted, these old women are long past their expiration date with regard to their SMV, but isn’t it interesting that in spite of what’s obvious to any Red Pill guy, they still entertain themselves with believing they haven’t retired from sex in their old age? All of the same ego-appeasement we’d expect from teenage girls still persists into women’s 70s and 80s.

So, is there really such a thing as ‘sexual retirement’ for women, or is it just a convenient way of casting off a woman’s Beta-husband need for ‘pleasure’ after a certain age? I covered this further in Preventive Medicine.


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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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7 years ago

I’ve seen thumbs up AND down features.
I’m not sure if it was wordpress.
The feature made posts invisible if they had too many ‘thumbs down’.
It definitely curbed trolls.
But, it also kind of lends itself to an echo chamber.
Some trolls can be useful if they inspire dialogue.

7 years ago

I do a lot of technical mountain bike in the summer – losing 5 pounds makes me fly on the trails. Losing 10 pounds awesome.

7 years ago

Crossfit isn’t “intense,” it’s “retarded.”

Orthopedic surgeons love love love it though…

7 years ago

“I’ve seen thumbs up AND down features. I’m not sure if it was wordpress.” I can count the learning curves I couldn’t get a leg up on in my life on one hand. One is the German language (three years in high school and one in college as well a a month long learning trip in Germany in 1977), the other was Photoshop (even though I have some wonderful photographs hanging in my office that I created and can curate some beauties over the last 40 years. I uses to do B&W’s in the darkroom taken with a Nikon F… Read more »

7 years ago

Rabbit skinning is better when the thing is frozen

I used to do 8×10 B&W contact prints – that was lots of fun

7 years ago

I rebuke any notion of meritocracy that is specific to financial status class,and excludes the merits of a real education learned in the useful field of hard knocks.
A meritocracy that only includes degrees and pedigrees has no class at all and even less intelligence.

7 years ago


Yeah, coming in with the final word on weightlifting as a non-lifter was a mistake.

7 years ago

SJF: I seem to have inspired dialogue.

7 years ago

@Anon You have merit. If you are really Liz. And have a fighter pilot husband. If that is you. I like you for what you are. @Stuffiinbox Shit, I was thinking more along the lines of strength, courage, mastery and honor among men as a baseline for tactical virtues in a group and nothing to speak of in terms of financial status. I’m referring to any “gang of men” and what a guy brings to the value of that group. For example, in the comments section here, does a guy bring(?), in the words of Scribbler: “To me, the only… Read more »

Ajax Parallax
Ajax Parallax
7 years ago


To parse and augment:

The world is full of (over)educated derelicts

7 years ago

As an INTJ type of guy, I highly disrespect and severely judge the rush from judgment. An essay on this topic from Theodore Dalrymple (the pseudoname for Anthony Malcolm Daniels) “In his writing, Daniels frequently argues that the socially liberal and progressive views prevalent within Western intellectual circles minimize the responsibility of individuals for their own actions and undermine traditional mores, contributing to the formation within prosperous countries of an underclass afflicted by endemic violence, criminality, sexually transmitted diseases, welfare dependency, and drug abuse. Much of Dalrymple’s writing is based on his experience of working with criminals and the mentally… Read more »

7 years ago

Thanks for clearing this up!I have mainly seen the word “meritocracy” used in the elitist class & educational context,as you point out it can have more than one definition.

@Ajax Parallax

I myself feel educated beyond my own capacity for intelligence at certain times.

7 years ago

“…as you point out it can have more than one definition.”

I merely meant meritocracy as honor among men in a group of men.

Thus the advocacy for the dislike down-vote button, if a like button up-vote is the order of the day. In a gang/group-of-guys, the down-vote is always present. Some times it even is present as a punch in the face. To deny it’s presence is to abdicate to the FI. And cater to it.

But I’m still OK with a like button. As an experiment.

7 years ago

This guy Dalrymple doesn’t apear to be half wrong. “Daniels’s writing has some recurring themes.[22] The cause of much contemporary misery in Western countries – criminality, domestic violence, drug addiction, aggressive youths, hooliganism, broken families – is the nihilistic, decadent and/or self-destructive behaviour of people who do not know how to live. Both the smoothing over of this behaviour, and the medicalisation of the problems that emerge as a corollary of this behaviour, are forms of indifference. Someone has to tell those people, patiently and with understanding for the particulars of the case, that they have to live differently.[23] Poverty… Read more »

Ajax Parallax
Ajax Parallax
7 years ago

@SJF “My point was that a like button in the absence of a dislike button is just a fraudulent way of doing business in a group of guys, but plays well to the Facefuck world of girls.” Cosign. I view male FB posting as the equivalent to men volunteering to sign up for a woman’s 3-day scrapbooking or quilting conference. When I see my male friends mass sharing, communicating and liking I want to pin them against the wall with my forearm and ask, what, exactly, in the fuck are you doing?” And, in full disclosure, against my man brain… Read more »

7 years ago


I agree no face book or tweeter account here,although in todays environment tis is now a big part of working game and reputation damage control.So glad I am out of that part of game.Fingers crossed.

I found this movie very entertaining,a laugh a minute.


Ajax Parallax
Ajax Parallax
7 years ago

@stuffinbox wrote “although in todays environment this is now a big part of working game and reputation damage control.” Agreed. Although I really wanted to delete my new account, as a single man, I finally realized I cannot continue to ignore Facebook. It would be like ignoring your fish finder when the screen is chocked full of clusters of short dashed lines at 65-feet. Which is why I have learned to play with the devil on FB. Alternating between quixotic comments (and no politics or butthurty quips) with being distant and unresponsive; banning public comments and posting sparse vagaries through… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

Isn’t Facebook mainly for grandmas now anyway?
When I look at girls phones I see Instagram, Snapchat, maybe Tumblr.

Remember with social media, the product that they sell is … you.

7 years ago

@ Walawala Definitely accurate, but I’m not sure about the reseducing part. I think that might be my ego talking. She’s definitely on the prowl. I purposefully changed my activity from September till this past weekend to avoid her. Saw her out this weekend and felt….nothing. But I haven’t quite got that mess out of my head, it’s still messing with me. Or, moreover, I’m still messing with me. I was definitely primed to be a White Night before. Now I hear that shit from a chick, and instead of “aw that’s so sad” I think “I wonder what really… Read more »

7 years ago

@KFG and others on the exercise and health tangent… Crossfit seems very prone to injury as it seems focus on rushing without proper setting up. But at least it is getting lots of men to lift, right? I’m on SL5x5 alternating with bodyweight (pistol squats and the like) when traveling or otherwise without gym access. SL5x5 is compound lifts of free weights every other day, 5 series of 5 (except for DL which is 1×5 as you also do 5×5 squats on the same day). It is simple and good but I have difficulty making progress particularly on the overhead… Read more »

7 years ago

I think for a web site catering to mostly groups of men and men being the minimalists they are in terms of communication, a Dislike button is all we need.

7 years ago

I was thinking….

I wonder if personality disorders (in women) are just an extreme manifestation of hamstering?

7 years ago

The health and fitness sidebar discussions here are actually very appropriate and important given the “sexual retirement” topic. We’ve all seen (I hope) Rollo’s SMV chart by age. As a 46 year old at the time, that was a foundational component of my unplugging. It hit me like a lightning bolt right between the eyes. To recap what we all know: Women’s SMV peaks and plummets quickly in their 20s. Men’s SMV peaks later in the 30’s and is a more gradual decline. That about sums it up… Only I think Rollo way over compressed the actual decline of the… Read more »

7 years ago

“Crossfit . . . is getting lots of men to lift, right?” In much the same way that playing Russian Roulette would be getting men to shoot. ” . . . whenever I alternate between weighted squats and pistol squats it seems that my progress on one side doesn’t really affect the other side that much…” Training specificity is specific. Measurements of strength are always relative to the protocol used to take the measurement. The same goes for aerobic fitness as well. Set me to run a mile and I can pass minimum standards. Set me to bicycle ten miles… Read more »

7 years ago

“… They say we aren’t genetically optimized to eat grains . . .” We are genetically well equipped to eat starch, as a secondary food source. Not grains, not leaves: tubers. The best of the grains is the one that was most reviled (for historical reasons) before the whole gluten free thang took off: white rice. Because it’s the grain most like a tuber once it’s been husked and polished. However, glycolysis is a highly corrosive process and should be minimized. The ability to use fat as a fuel was a biological breakthrough of huge proportion (and an adaptive response… Read more »

7 years ago

“3… Cardio. If you’re going to do it (I’m not even sure it’s necessary)”

lol? It is if you actually want to be healthy. Also your diet section doesn’t even mention protein…

7 years ago


That depends a good deal on what you mean by “cardio” and “healthy.”

And “fit” is something entirely different. The correct response to the question “Are you fit?” is “For what?”

7 years ago


I wonder if personality disorders (in women) are just an extreme manifestation of hamstering?

Have you not heard that all women are crazy?

7 years ago

“Turn in your gym membership” That would take a guy from training to just exercising which is fine for the under 35 set. But post 40 you have to call on yourself to grow or your body will kinda forget how to. This isn’t just for some added lump in your bicep, it’s for overall cell health. When the body is expected to grow, everything benefits. Growth comes from training and getting stronger, not to be confused with better conditioning, like a guy who thinks he’s getting stronger because he does more pushups every morning (as he loses weight). Trying… Read more »

7 years ago

“Smart body weight program 3 times a week max. Push ups, chin ups, sit ups, pull ups. 4 sets to failure. ” This is basically my routine. To this i add compound sets of curls and presses with fairly light dumbells (25lbs) 10 reps curl then 25 reps pres then 10 reps curl, four sets of these. If you travel every gym has dumbells, if you need to, carry the resistance bands instead. Do it all within 30 minutes and you are set. Then stretch out a bit. Do it at home, no lost time traveling to and from the… Read more »

7 years ago

@Jeremy: I’m not an expert but your 4 bodyweight exercises have nearly nothing for the legs, chin ups and pull ups are almost the same, and I think you can hurt yourself doing abs, I think leg raises of some sort are preferable. In my experience doing both free weights and bodyweight, free weights seems simpler and in my case it seems more effective. There are less things to learn as you don’t need incremental leveraging, just increase the weight a bit, you can do things in fairly stable positions, I think there is less risk of injury or cheating… Read more »

7 years ago

From Australia – did they finally get something right?

7 years ago

“Men have evolved to assess sexual availability of women and evaluate their fitness in the span of moments. This was a necessary evolutionary adaptation in the past in that it served men well to breed efficiently and evacuate quickly should a rival or monogamously paired man be in the vicinity to mate guard with violence. And this adaptation is also the result of women’s sexual strategy and predilection for making cuckolds of men. ….. This is literally what we’ll condition men for from the earliest ages; to deny their sexual impulse in favor of seeing women in a humanist perspective… Read more »

7 years ago

re: Exercise Inverted rows (I use gym rings) are superior to chin-ups and pull-ups if you have internally rotated shoulders, tight pecs/lats, and poor thoracic mobility. A simple test is to stand up straight with your arms naturally at your side, stick your thumbs out, and see how they’re pointing. They should be pointing forward parallel. If they’re angled in….hello internal rotation. Pushing exercises will only make this worse if you overdo it. I’ve been focusing on way more pulling exercises than pushing lately, and have been taking a break from chins/pulls in favor of inverted rows. I do high-ish… Read more »

7 years ago


“I can count the learning curves I couldn’t get a leg up on in my life on one hand. One is the German language…”

You’re in good company:

“The Awful German Language” by Mark Twain

7 years ago

I know I harp on this a lot, but I’ll reiterate: Circumcision is one of the ultimate examples of the feminine imperative taking precedent over the male imperative. If you look up “female circumcision” on Google, it comes up with “female genital mutilation.” Interesting how it automatically interprets it as genital mutilation, and yet for “male circumcision” you won’t see those terms unless you type them in explicitly. I can’t find the video, but there was one of circumcised middle eastern women splitscreened with American men, and they said almost the exact same things about their being circumcised. It makes… Read more »

Not Born This Morning
7 years ago

Great post. Concerning Angelina Jolie, the whole pile of bullshit is exposed for what it really is when we ask “Why does the whole world have to know about what she is doing with her tits?” Why should the whole world give a shit? The broadcasting of such an individuals situation and choices has nothing to do with what everyone else is doing or should be doing or should be thinking. So, why is it so important for the blathering liberal feminist creeps to use Jolie’s tit removal as a demonstration poster, a protester sign? It is because their agenda… Read more »

Fred Flange, persun of interest
Fred Flange, persun of interest
7 years ago

The late Christopher Hitchens in “God Is Not Great” made a good case that male circumcision, like female genital mutilation, were both imposed under ostensibly religious fiat, and were really intended to stop people fucking so much because fucking feels too good. Dull the heightened sensitivity, make it more painful, your subjects will obey your decrees and fatwas more readily if they can’t have as much fun doing the old in-out in-out. There are some limited medical reasons to circumcise males, but more and more the consensus is that it is not medically necessary and the procedure should be discouraged.… Read more »

7 years ago

@Rugby That was a great cite on the Bannon book recommendations (Antifragile is of course a must read in the Red Pill Core curriculum). The mentioned “The Flight 93 Election” essay (By Michael Anton, a ….. conservative intellectual writing under the pseudonym Publius Decius Mus) was a good one that has many parallels to red pill and game. The election of 2016 is a test—in my view, the final test—of whether there is any virtù* left in what used to be the core of the American nation. If they cannot rouse themselves simply to vote for the first candidate… Read more »

7 years ago

Denmark’s doctors call circumcision “ethically unacceptable”

dr zipper
dr zipper
7 years ago


Although it’s still all couched in how men must serve women, at least there’s acknowledgement that femininity is what a man wants from a woman, not some hardass alpha competitor.

Basically, women can use their femininity to get a man to be what she wants him to be.

dr zipper
dr zipper
7 years ago

oh, and watch the video where the simps and chick in the red dress squirm since the interviewed author went too far off the reservation


7 years ago

Yeah, those guys at Fox are the paragons of Blue Pill Trad-Cons, and that’s the group that I think deserves the most ire. Trad-con simping facilitates the FI most efficiently of anyone. Just look at how the FI ran over the military which is 99.9% trad-con. Helen Smith also made them squirm. You can just see the men sitting there thinking hard about how to respond to it in a way that won’t anger their wives (who probably aren’t even watching). The overall culture (left, trad-con right, blue pill) has an almost immediate anger response when a male’s interest is… Read more »

7 years ago

URL should say “society is creating new crop alpha women who are unable to be loved” The concept of women wanting to be alpha or masculine is one of the more interesting phenomenon out there. From “In my experience, proponents touting the “blank slate” view are willing to agree, in private conversations, that neurological sex differences do exist, but they fear that acknowledging as much publicly will justify female oppression. This is backward. As it stands, female-typical traits are seen as inferior and less worthy of respect. This is the real issue the movement fails to address: Nobody wants… Read more »

7 years ago

I mean, is it really as simple as the FI telling them they should be men? Shouldn’t there be some biological drive resisting that?

7 years ago

Regarding “Likes” and meritocracy:

I was rolling (BJJ) with a blue belt who’s about 15 years my junior today and I was holding my own but the sensei had the blue belt dial things back a bit (dude’s 50 and a white belt…). Later I told the BB that the only way for me to get better is to fight people better than me and get my ass handed to me once in a while.

I don’t need “Likes” and I want to get better through live fire. A “Dislike” button wouldn’t hurt my thick skin at all…

7 years ago

The FI is not telling them to be men. The FI is telling them to fulfil their sexual strategy.
The tactics of fulfilling that strategy will vary with the environment.
Below the FI and the MI is the SI, the Species Imperative, which under certain environmental conditions can override the usual sexual strategies with “emergency” strategies.

And during an environmental Black Swan event, even the SI can become maladaptive and hasten extinction, rather than acting to preserve.

7 years ago

Maybe I just notice it more since I’m almost 50, but it astounds me how many women around my age still think their pussies are made of gold. I live in a middle class/upper middle class area where a lot of women stay in shape and look pretty good well into their 40s, but still. I grew up in small towns. Though my perception may have been skewed by youth, I don’t remember so many of the women my mother’s age and older acting like they were all that. Divorce was common where I grew up (the changing times +… Read more »

7 years ago

Othergrain, “Neurological sex differences do exist, but they fear that acknowledging as much publicly will justify female oppression”… “As it stands, female-typical traits are seen as inferior and less worthy of respect. This is the real issue the movement fails to address: Nobody wants to be female-typical, not even women.” Narrative of default female victim-hood detected here. Let’s exchange the genders. “Neurological sex differences do exist, but they fear that acknowledging as much publicly will justify male oppression”… “As it stands, male-typical traits are seen as inferior and less worthy of respect. This is the real issue the movement fails… Read more »

7 years ago

Promie I agree with the victim narrative, it was written by a woman after all. I just thought it was a nice summation of the Fox news article, specifically the last sentence about no one wanting female-typical traits. The “opression” babble I gnored and should have clipped from the quote, but do you disagree that the “alpha female” you go grll narrative considers female-typical traits as inferior? Not explicitly, but by assuming women are just men who can also give birth says that the roles women have had throughout all of human history were inferior to those now available to… Read more »

7 years ago

“The current conditions are just making it more and more viable as males are more and more beta.”

Good thing there aren’t any Barbarians around, or we could be in real trouble.

7 years ago

“….I update WordPress, the ‘like comment’ gets set to on, and it’s an existential crisis? Sheesh,…” Guilty as charged. Time for some KFG and Rugby-like kinetic abstractions: Shit, what if life is a dream and when we die, we wake up? “Men cannot be men—much less good or heroic men—unless their actions have meaningful consequences to people they truly care about. Strength requires an opposing force, courage requires risk, mastery requires hard work, honor requires accountability to other men. Without these things, we are little more than boys playing at being men, and there is no weekend retreat or… Read more »

Just Saying
Just Saying
7 years ago

Now, I have an argument with the wife every time she says she wants to go off HRT.

Which begs the question of, “Why are you with a woman that old?:” As a man you never need HRT, you are ALWAYS ready, willing, and able to bring forth another generation – go forth and USE that ability. You should never be drilling in a dry well…

It really is that simple….

7 years ago

“The current conditions are just making it more and more viable as males are more and more beta.”

“Good thing there aren’t any Barbarians around, or we could be in real trouble.”

“The collapse may be imminent and its doomsayers may be vindicated, but waiting for the world to start is not the same as starting it.”
― Jack Donovan, Becoming a Barbarian

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

@All, Sweet Jeezuz, I update WordPress, the ‘like comment’ gets set to on, and it’s an existential crisis?

Hey, not to me, let my friends from the 1970’s esplain it…

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

Othergrain quotes the LA paper “Neurological sex differences do exist, but they fear that acknowledging as much publicly will justify female oppression”… “ Amazing. Like men standing on top of a 10 story building, saying “Height differences do exist, but they fear that acknowledging as much publicly will justify graviational oppression. So admitting that women may not be all that well suited as a group to many jobs (but NAWALT!) is a fact that must be suppressed because of some Oppression lurking under the bed that will crawl out as soon as the lights go off? Imma go get my… Read more »

Not Born This Morning
7 years ago

Where have all the real men gone?

They have been vilified, denegrated, psychologically castrated, criminalized, and marginalized. Real masculinity escapes none of this even in death.

Not Born This Morning
7 years ago

THIS story certainly relates to this weeks post…

7 years ago

Even though the upstream banter about Suzanne Venker from Dr. Zipper’s cite derides her terms. (Covered by Rollo in Hyenas essay). There are actually some attempts by older, well-intentioned women to behave in an orderly fashion. Now Venker has her memes and her terms and her analogies all botched up. (Deida can run circles around her and explain the Masculine/Feminine polarity dynamic 100 times better, without the illustration of two D batteries. For Men.). But there is actually some attempt by women to “just get it”. But it not for a man to read or get this information from them… Read more »

7 years ago

@Othergrain Feminism is lead by women who envy the accomplishments of men. To avoid feeling inadequate, they insist that they are biologically the same as men, except with smaller muscles and the ability to bear children. It is only because of male oppression that they have been prevented from filling history books with their names. It’s a comforting mythology, rooted in the fact that the male role is valued far more by society (especially educated society). Even now that women have equal opportunity, they continue to underachieve in many areas. And those who are very accomplished, will often feel like… Read more »

7 years ago

@Dizzle Yes, you have to get out of your own head and rid your ego investment in this girl. I know. There are girls I’ve been with who if they’ve left me or disappeared for one reason or another I get anxious: “Why aren’t they chasing?” In the latest case, the plate who sent me a nasty note and whom I just nexted has gone completely silent….well not quite. Suddenly I notice she’s conspicuously active on FB posting random messages on an orbiter’s page which happened to catch my attention. But as I’m writing you this advice I’m doing a… Read more »

7 years ago

Maybe I just notice it more since I’m almost 50, but it astounds me how many women around my age still think their pussies are made of gold. I live in a middle class/upper middle class area where a lot of women stay in shape and look pretty good well into their 40s, but still. @TheLastCoyote — I agree pretty much with what you’ve said. Part is that women in their 40s, a subset of them (say 20-25%) are hotter than women in their 40s have been probably ever, due to fitness, nutrition, lifestyle, surgery. So a greater number of… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

Carelessness with Uber can make you easy to track by other people.

Also location services such as the “find my iPhone” app can make it easy to follow the phone for just about anyone.

Of course any cell phone at all is constantly pinging towers and therefore can be tracked, unless the battery is removed.

7 years ago

Heh, yes, but a guy who logs into Uber on his wife’s phone and uses it for affairs had better be intending dread (not bad for that really) … otherwise kind of foolish.

7 years ago

Prolly OT, sorry. Haven’t read comments yet, that looks like three hours of my Saturday… Yet another brilliant exegesis on our social conventions and female sexual imperatives, Rollo. Very well done. My take is selfish (shocker, he he). This is just more evidence and justification for me not taking a fucking thing women do or say seriously – or the way I would take it if a man said or did it. At its foundation, what you describe is an epic, intergenerational, lifelong frame battle that men have been losing badly for a very long time. And this “sexual retirement”,… Read more »

7 years ago

RE: Like button – It’s a feature already available on so it must be that Rollo doesn’t want to use it.

7 years ago

Damn, I’m sitting here listening to dub and Moorcheeba and Sneaker pimps and then – BAM! KC and the goddamned Sunshine Band! From mothafucking Soul Train! Damn, that is a blast from the past and a good one. There is something about that ’70s r&b and funk and the in between that is just so good. I could still dance my ass off to that song today.

Don Cornelius knew how to set ’em up.

Here’s a little Earth, Wind and Fire to set up your Saturday just right…


7 years ago

@palma – Ya, I’m indifferent to it. I was merely offering some factual insights. And it’s also true that if I comment from within my WordPress account I can do likes there. If you do “likes” then you can also sort by likes, usually. So I think those who don’t care about that sort of thing can easily ignore it. Me? I’m not sure – I’m not interested in the popularity contest either, so I get that. But I wonder if it would help me consume more here? I don’t come here frequently because it’s a big time commitment. I… Read more »

7 years ago

insert Fucking TV and movies. Almost every single decent idea for a TV show or movie these days is being ruined by the insertion of a “Strong, Independent Woman”, “Warrior Princess” or the “Unhinged Wild Woman Who We Aren’t Allowed to Shame” as a main character in the story. Invariably such women are in leadership positions or are Alphas in the social structure being portrayed. What happens is that they wreck the stories because it’s all unnatural bullshit. The women don’t know how to lead or act tough or be aggressive in believable ways most of the time and the… Read more »

7 years ago

@ScribblerG “Rents little space in my head and gives me no drama or heartache, and I love her. I didn’t imagine that was possible. I think I’m going to start calling this “small “L” love”, I used that line with her and she loved it. I described as the kind of emotion that isn’t possessive…Fucking women, they will fall for anything if you just sell it the right way. It’s really getting easy now, it’s kind of not fair.” That little paragraph of yours is showing some paradoxes and some lack of clear feelings and definitions going on. Your goals… Read more »

7 years ago

Quote: “INTIMATE COMMUNION IS NOT ABOUT ROMANCE To prepare for the practice of Intimate Communion, we must understand that love, romance and sexual polarity are not the same. You can love anyone. You can love everyone. You can love a mountain or a flower, a painting or a stuffed animal. Love is simply when you open your heart. In love, you allow yourself to relax your sense of separation, so that you become one with whomever or whatever you are contemplating, whether a child, a lover or the Grand Canyon. Love is unity, openness to the point of oneness, ultimately.… Read more »

Marc Flo
Marc Flo
7 years ago

Thanks Rollo for an extremely accurate post. I have a story that underlines it. I’m in my early 50s and I date older women at times. Post-menopausal women can be good relatively stress-free companions. A year ago, I was dating one and she was insatiable. I always maintained frame and a higher SMV and her natural dread drove her crazy. We moved into a STR. The clincher was when I had a medical emergency and had to go to the hospital. She literally climbed into the hospital bed and fucked me because she was torn up about possibly losing me.… Read more »

7 years ago

The non-verbal attitude of the Alpha male is:

– Relaxed.
– Non-aggressive.
– Self-confident.
– Open.
– Communicative.

One of the principal traits in the Alpha male is his ability to open himself up and easily establish contact with other individuals – both men and women – He is good in structuring opportunities, both for himself and for others.

Alpha males direct people in a creative way.” –Franco, Manual of Seduction

7 years ago

I’ve started to realize I don’t have to bull my way through every shit test, it seems just ignoring them, and if she doesn’t get the idea, then ignoring her, works really well most of the time. Like the very fact that I take her shit tests seriously can be a value reducing act.

Water Buffalo don’t pay no mind…

7 years ago

This is well worth re-reading in regards to shit testing: No Passing You’ll notice I didn’t say ‘pass’ the shit test. I think it’s a misnomer to view shit tests as a pass or fail proposition. Most men like that easy binary win-lose proposition, but the problem I have with that is that ‘passing’ a shit test implies finality. You will always be shit tested by a woman, so you never really pass that test, however you can and should turn those tests to your advantage….. ….A woman wants to know a guy Just Gets It, but she still… Read more »

7 years ago

“One of the principal traits in the Alpha male is his ability to open himself up and easily establish contact with other individuals . . .” Alphas are social. They create and maintain the social cohesion of the group. Without an alpha male around, the “cooperative” Women’s Circle quickly destroys itself with petty bickering. Even within the so called Matriarchal societies, the common practice is that direct engagement in politics is still the exclusive province of men, The matriarchs control politics indirectly by selecting the men allowed to have political voice. Because the alpha males provide focus for a society… Read more »

7 years ago

scribbs rather, I’m creating rock solid boundaries that I observe and trust. This has the interesting effect of allowing me to be more emotionally vulnerable and caring cuz I know I won’t get sucked down the rabbit hole. I can enjoy feeling love for her Yup… you can enjoy that feeling, you can enjoy emotional connection, you can enjoy mentoring, you can enjoy provisioning even…. the key is the frame. You are coming from abundance and giving freely WITHOUT expectation… Giving because it pleases YOU to give… This is a mature position, it takes a level of maturity to get… Read more »

7 years ago


I guess… but look at the bird and the buffalo. They are both getting something out of the exchange still, right? although I fear this will trigger some Deida from SJF… polarity…

7 years ago
7 years ago

“For women, this method must be in as covert a form as possible to protect the integrity of not exposing her own sexual strategy to herself.”

The point that the Women Are Evil Because I Can’t Not Think About Them As Men With Tits men don’t get.

The women’s sexual strategy is so covert that much of it must be hidden even to women if it is to work.

And that’s just the way it is. Any attempt to force it to be otherwise simply destroys the breeding group (ultimately the entire species) survival strategy.

7 years ago

(This comment would probably fit better up thread, but it’s appropriate for every comment section.)

There was a famous sports call-in show host who often repeated this saying:

“Anyone who gives you an opinion, without telling you why, is wasting your time.”

7 years ago

Lionel Dobie: A musician, Macklemore said: “The greats weren’t great because at birth they could paint – The greats were great cause they paint a lot.” “Fuel….“ But also Ignition……(As in Daniel Coyle’s Talent Code)…the will necessary to sustain oneself through those interminable hours of deep practice in the pursuit of great talent. “A Ferrari without fuel isn’t too much fun – Just like the best lessons, drills, and workshops are totally useless unless the students are ignited to learn.” Ignition is the motivation and passion that gets the (Daniel Coyle) deep practice wheel turning. If Game is the car… Read more »

7 years ago

Re: SJF – I literally have no idea what you are going on about. @Sentient – Ding, ding, ding. We have a winner. It’s all through my lens now, and on my terms. I also am constantly reminded by women via their speech and behavior exactly who they are, lol, so it’s really not that hard. Being angry at women, or even just not dealing with them is axiomatically associated with Purple Pilling, no matter how many thousands of MGTOW bleat otherwise. You are either master of your destiny or a fucking passenger. Speaking of being captain of one’s own… Read more »

7 years ago

When i was in my most alpha phase, just before meeting the wife, I would love the whole falling in love thing… Just the whole bit of sweeping emotions and excitement and capitulation. I would concoct some elaborate story around a particular girl and pursue her until she was mine. That was the thrill… Sometimes i would do incredible beta stuff… But from an Alpha frame. Just part of the experience. All of these little flings would end… Mostly the girl initiating and I was never bothered by the end. I was so secure in my principles it was never… Read more »

7 years ago

@Sentient… Interesting point… the “feelz”… I think if you experience the “feelz” as part of an overall sensory or sensual experience, it’s Red Pill and alpha. If you experience the “feelz” as something magical, special or extraordinary—that’s Blue Pill.

The point of Red Pill is not to avoid feeling or experiencing all together….I feel disappointment, anger, resentment. What I try to do is not to let those feelings define my life.

7 years ago

@Scribbler “SJF – I literally have no idea what you are going on about.” Fair enough. I’m self described as inscrutable. And I accept my failings to relate. As you know, pretty much the only reason I’m still here is to use the venue to practice my ability to say shit. (Plus I love the venue and Red Pill and Game. I’m enthused about it. I followed the script and it worked. What’s not to like?) That ability pretty much sucked two years ago. I had the shittiest skills at writing and speaking to express myself. And I had a… Read more »

7 years ago

@ walawala Wassup man? Okay, an exercise for you to try out and see what you think. I don’t feel disappointment or resentment. Anger..meh, it creeps in every once in a blue moon, especially during the commute to and from work. But the way I look at things/life is that there are absolutely no guarantees what-so-ever. Anything can happen at any time, anyone is capable of doing anything at any given moment. It’s part of the human condition. Imagine if everything you’d ever wanted, EVERYTHING, just happened exactly how you’d want it too. Think about that for a moment. Great… Read more »

7 years ago

@Blaximus Good exercise. My New Year’s resolution among others was to end the dread-thinking. Your exercise is the one I now do. When I catch myself in a moment of dread—of any kind—I stop myself. Pause. Think it through in terms of “Am I currently under immediate threat?” Then breathe and move on. It’s slowly working. But anger is a normal human emotion. Expressing it in a positive way is the challenge. Freaking out for no reason is not healthy. Letting that anger flow through then moving on…is. With everything I do it’s generally 3 steps forward, one stumble back.… Read more »

7 years ago

“Oh, and btw, ” love ” is some good shit too.” I just laughed out loud. Cause you’re a lover not a fighter…, but your also a fighter, so people shouldn’t get any ideas. Loving shit is not a bugaboo. Shit, that love talk is toxic in the manosphere. But I’m going to shout it out: The Blaximus Way is to embrace fearlessness. And not be afraid to to open to women. (Because of No Big Deal. And you Got This. And because you are allowed to not have fears and go with your dynamic, passionate, authentic self that does… Read more »

7 years ago

Some great comments on exercise above. I ride about 4k per year and average 100 ft. per mile climbing. Though sustained effort, interval and base building are all important, it was the base building, long slow (zone 3) rides are how I lowered my resting HR from 55 to 42. I did the DeathRide recently and thought I’d add an interesting comment related to some of the comments. I had always trained by power & HR, but training for the DR at altitude for the first time on Ebbets & Monitor passes I learned a ton about the various inputs.… Read more »

7 years ago
7 years ago

Milestone reached. Envious man at the country bar called me a creeper and I just laughed. You can’t stop some envy, but you must maintain frame and not have a big head. Some Rule of Power about how to deal with envy. Some broads said that I was an awesome dancer after they asked whether I ever get rejections. I said that I get lots of rejections. They were surprised. Girls may reject a request to dance for sooo many reasons…they don’t like to dance, they feel insecure, they’re afraid you won’t enjoy dancing with them, they don’t like your… Read more »

7 years ago

I don’t tweet at all. And I’m not having compliance issues at home. But if I did I would retweet this: Most women discover, too late, that they prefer the man they married to the one they remade according to their imagination. Leave him alone to be who he has always been. You’ll like him better. Notwithstanding issues of he did, did she did. Could be him, could be her. Consensus in in red pill if not out of the five states is it was her. But trigger warning, the article that linked to is referencing the same Suzanne… Read more »

7 years ago

The Deida quote on sexual polarity has me thinking… Even in the most basic male-female interactions (in the Deida quote, strangers locking eyes in the supermarket) the shared emotion subtext is “you know, we *could* have sex.”

Sexual retirement means that “could” is replaced with “won’t,” meaning you will no longer have the sort of emotional connection that you can experience with a complete stranger in the produce section.

7 years ago

@GW I didn’t ride Death Ride last year (couldn’t get a bid), but I rode C2K for the first time. My legs and lungs were fine, but all that sustained climbing rendered my lower back into a pile of spasms (not enough core strength) that took me a week to overcome. Big Creek is the most humbling thing I’ve ever done on a bicycle. @ Walawala Agreed. When I decided to file for divorce after my BPD ex kicked me out, I never spoke with her again. I was (maybe am?) terrified that if the most recent brush with Cluster… Read more »

Sam Botta (@sambotta)
7 years ago

the increased cancer risk touted as doubled can be as small as a change of 1:100,000 to 2:100,000 EXACTLY! With HRT, the risk of cancer is always DECREASED if you have my doctors! I WOULD BE DEAD (because of injuries caused by a hit and run driver) WITHOUT THE RIGHT DOCTORS! The problem is this: MOST men and women choose doctors that are wimps (for HRT, HCG etc.) I challenge every male age 33 and over to email my doctor immediately! If the link does not give you his email address, contact me. Make sure he knows you learned of… Read more »

7 years ago

“the increased cancer risk touted as doubled can be as small as a change of 1:100,000 to 2:100,000 EXACTLY!” I’m curious where he got that statistic. Pretty much every medical study (mostly the JAMA and Lancet) indicates the risk is higher than that. One of the more recent ones indicated that the risk triples. Now, it’s true that estrogen-only use will lower the risk of breast cancer substantially (by comparison to estrogen-progesterone combinations). But estrogen only formulas guarantee endometrial hyperplasia. Which is a significant uterine cancer risk. Females have high maintenance equipment. Here’s a reasonability test: The beauty market is… Read more »

7 years ago

“Pretty much every medical study”
that I’ve read…(I had intended to add up there)

7 years ago

@Palmasailor: How are things generally in the UK bruv?
Is there a transition to RP more so now with guys like Sargon and so on holding court?
When you come across certain interviews on Brit MSM plus guys like Reggie Yates’ docs, you get the feeling that the FI is very strong in the U.K..
Plus when I watched the rinser doc about how men basically pay through their noses and basically get nothing but the benefit of a woman’s company I was like there’s some general pussy pedestalization going on, no?

7 years ago
Reply to  kobayashii1681

@Palmasailor: Figured as much. However, when I watch some series off of BBC, or iTV, etc the RP stuff is so clear! Maybe that’s because I have RP eyesight now.

Based in Nairobi, Kenya.

The FI is everywhere though. No different here.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x

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