The Unbearable Rightness of Being Female


The following post quote has been making the rounds in professional circles. It’s from Sallie Krawcheck, CEO of Ellevest, an investment firm dedicated to helping women with financial investment (no jargon, no ‘playing’ stocks for sport, no mansplaining, you got this). She’s also the “chair” of Elevate Network, a global professional women’s network. I’m adding this here to make a later point, but it’s important to understand how normalized it’s become for women to create a sexually exclusionary organization for women who will simultaneously complain about men’s sexism for not accommodating their (presumably successful) business culture to the interests of women. More on that later.

I thought I’d riff on this click-bait for, I assume, professional women because I expect we’ll see more of this prefabricated outrage in the coming years as a response to what will undoubtedly be the suffering of the Trump era in America. I’ll be the first to admit I was surprised by Trump’s win, but the denial of the First Female President® into the White House will be the cause du jour for every jilted woman who believes she’s a “professional”. Even if Clinton had won the mainstream would’ve been inundated with how ‘we still have a long way to go’ stories, however, with Trump in the Presidency the same tired narrative of systemic male sexism will get reinvigorated in the coming years.

From, A Letter to young women, in the age of Trump:

When I was your age, I thought it was over. My mother was a feminist, so I wanted to call myself anything but a feminist. And anyway, I seemed pretty welcome at work. Even though it was Wall Street, my analyst class was about a third women. We weren’t just on our way — we’d arrived.

But then…there were the inappropriate pictures left on my desk. The guy miming a sex act when my back was turned. I wasn’t given the great assignments; the more senior woman I worked with was likewise dismissed as “lightweight” (and, lest you think that might have been true, that woman was Safra Catz, now the co-President of Oracle). Then the women started to fall away in their 30s…more in their 40s. But the worst of it, I thought was over.

And now Trump has made it clear to everyone that the battle for us women is not over.

In femopshere there will always be an ‘us’. As I’ve outline in many prior essays, the Sisterhood will always take precedence above religion, politics, personal conviction and even family affiliations for women. Largely this is due to women’s evolved propensity for collectivism among their own sex. In our hunter gatherer beginnings women had an interdependent need for collective support for keeping tribal cohesion as well as child rearing.

This intrasexual collective support has carried over into what’s become the Sisterhood today. If you look at the interactions of young girls and their social group interdependence you begin to see that nascent tribal collectivism naturally come through. In terms of larger societal scope this collectivity becomes about acknowledging a shared experience of an imagined oppression by men. Between all women there is a gestalt understanding of “the plight of women” and a presumption of an endemic sexism no matter how culturally or socioeconomically dissimilar those women are.

As I mentioned, Trump is now a universal icon of that presumption of sexism and oppression. Granted, it could’ve been any man who displaced a woman in the history books, but the fall back presumption is that whoever ‘he’ is, he becomes emblematic of a ready narrative of sexism irrespective of merit. We presume sexism, we presume a guy would mime a sex act behind a woman’s back and leave ‘inappropriate’ pictures on a woman’s desk despite decades of workplace harassment legislation. We believe it because it sounds right; it sounds like something a typical sexist guy would do.

I can’t stop thinking about this and what we can / should do:

Remember that gender bias in the workplace is not a thing of the past. I’m sorry if I didn’t act when I should have. I thought we had left sexism behind us by the time I was in more senior roles. After all, we had complaint hotlines and diversity plans and requirements for diverse slates of candidates for every job. But now I’m remembering one of the members of the senior leadership team who would kiss younger women on the cheek at the beginning of meetings. Creepy, right? I now wonder what was being said when I wasn’t in that room.

What’s creepy is that in spite of years in a professional field that’s been the domain of men she’s just now remembering this fact. Would it have been less creepy if he’d kissed only his age-appropriate women on his leadership team? Professional women’s default presumption is that it is always sexism that is holding them back from breaking through a mythologized ‘glass ceiling’, but as is women’s solipsism, their first thought is that their problems are caused by externalities. Never is there an insight that they may simply lack the skills or that they don’t perform at their peak in a job they were told should be rewarding to them.

Gender biases will never be a thing of the past because to suggest they ever might be so is to presume a default state of egalitarian equality between the sexes. The gender biases in the workplace are most evident in the peer selection and peer evaluations of women – not some secret group of guys getting together in a private office room to expressly talk about a their co-workers’ tits.

As it stands in today’s modern office men are scared shitless every time they are called to cooperate with a woman on work projects for fear of being accused of sexism or harassment:

“In a lawsuit-happy culture, where claims can be made on a ‘he said/she said’ basis, men are now trying to ensure their actions are always covered by a third party witness”

“The terror of being accused of sexual harassment is now so common it has its own term, ‘backlash stress”

There’s a reason HR departments are largely staffed by women, because they want to be positioned in a way that they can execute policy. HR departments no longer exist to serve the company with regards to employees, rather they exist in order to protect that company from lawsuits and enforce feminine-primary conditions in the workplace.

Ask tough questions, and call the guys out when necessary. I recently asked my best guy friend: “Do guys really talk like Donald Trump and Billy Bush behind closed doors?” His response: “No, but…” And the “but” was that the conversations are more along the lines of: “Boy, she has great legs,” or “she’s a looker” or “Whew. Wouldn’t touch her with a ten-foot pole.” When I asked him how he responded to this, he said he didn’t say anything; after all, he has to work with these folks.

But so do we. And breaking us down to our body parts or our appearance dehumanizes us in some way. Maybe it’s only in some small way. But it’s clear that for some years, we (and by we, I mean I) were likely too complacent about the inevitability of gender progress in the workplace and relaxed perhaps just a bit too much.

It’s funny and irreverent when all the girls in the office get together for drinks or a male revue strip show after work, but it’s dehumanizing when men do the same. I’ve known very few men who would ever comment on a woman’s anatomy in a workplace environment. I have known men who would scold other men for staring a little too long at a female co-worker. I have known women to actively flirt with guys and wear inappropriate outfits to get attention from them. I’ve known women who’ve called me and other men I’ve worked with their “work husbands”.

I’ve worked in the liquor and casino promotion businesses for two decades now. I see some pretty wild behavior on the part of women who are not unlike the poor victimized dears Krawcheck describes going to work on Monday mornings.

The modern workplace culture has conditioned men for fear of women thanks largely to strict codes of conduct, but also because these men have been raised from birth to be dutiful Betas and White Knights who look for every opportunity to correct a ‘typical man’ for his sexist and rude behaviors. They look for these backroom boys clubs where women are rated on their looks so as to expose their heinous misogyny and institutionalized sexism, but they are disappointed when they don’t actually find it. So instead they contribute to an atmosphere of fear in some lame form of Beta Game they hope will be recognized and rewarded for by workplace women.

If you’re in a bad work situation, it’s ok to quit. So many women think that it’s a “failure” if you quit your job; and you know how hard we females take failure. But sometimes it’s not us: it’s them.

I recently left the board of a non-profit that I LOVE. I had been on it for years (and years). At nearly every meeting I asked how much we were spending on our investment managers, in comparison to the return we were getting. Meeting after meeting I was told that the answer was complex, it was hard to calculate, it would take a lot of work – and why did it matter anyway? It was really the net returns that matter, regardless of how much we paid for them. And then, last spring, before I could bring up the topic, one of the men did; and all the other guys eagerly agreed with him, that we need to keep an eye on fees because those are really all we can control.

I quit the next week.

Life is too short, and I can have a lot more impact with the week-a-year I get back instead of being ignored in meetings.

I know not everyone is in the position to quit; I wasn’t earlier in my career. So the onus is also on those of us who are more senior to be more supportive of women who leave these situations. I am hopeful that an outcome of this election will be greater understanding of this.

If it had been a woman who’d made the same suggestion would we be hearing about this? Shit like this happens all the time in the workplace. One reason The 48 Laws of Power resonated with men so well is because it was relatable to exactly this kind of situation. Law 7: Get others to do the work for you, but always take the credit for it yourself. Sallie sees this as sexism because it happened to be a guy who pulled it on her, but would she have quit the non-profit had it been a woman who outplayed her?

This is the reality of even the most seemingly benign of companies. They are defined by the interplay of power dynamics, but when women are bested in it the sexism narrative is ready on standby to comfort and explain their failure. So it becomes OK to quit, because the environment is always sexist. The business environment is one defined by competition and this grates on women’s expectation of it to be cooperative and collective. Women like Sallie expect recognition for merit, but wish for things to be easier rather than developing the skills to play the game better.

Get yourself a senior, successful – preferably female – mentor, who can help you navigate the politics of your company. This includes the gender politics. Can’t find one on your own? Speak to HR about helping you find one; this is their job, after all.

Your company doesn’t have a senior, successful female? Get the hell out of there.

Really the only sexism I’m seeing in this piece has been one coming from and endorsed by Krawcheck. She bemoans a lack of gender equity and then suggests a female mentor would be preferable to a male one. Her sexism is blatant here – the only definition of a solid reputable company is one that ensures it has a senior, successful female in it. Since most HR departments are staffed primarily with women it’s their job to help you find a senior, successful and female mentor? I’m not a business insider, but I’m pretty sure this isn’t their job.

I made this point in Male Space, but what happens when women insert themselves into a traditionally male dominated domain is that the enterprise becomes about accommodating the female influences rather than the enterprise itself. This entire article is an indictment of this. Again, the solution to a woman’s problem of not being successful is sought externally.

Do your best to make sure that your success is quantified. Be it a sales goal, a client satisfaction rating, an output metric, a quality target. Numbers count here because they’re black-and-white, cut-and-dried. Were you successful or not? I recommend this even if you work in a “normal” company, because implicit gender biases and expectations still exist for all of us.

Solid enough advice, but it’s couched in the context of an expectation of gender biases (at least the type of bias Sallie finds unacceptable). There’re implicit gender biases, but the ones we see dominate even ‘normal’ companies are ones that favor a feminized workforce.

Think about starting your own thing. This is what’s exciting; we have the ability to start our own businesses today, in a way we didn’t in the past. Why not take our marbles to our own playgrounds and build great businesses and cultures? Our mothers couldn’t do this because the cost was so high – but the costs of everything-about-starting-a-business, including technology, people (i.e., freelancers), real estate (co-working spaces) and support services are coming down. And then no one can relegate you to the less-interesting jobs.

Women are taught that they deserve the luxury of interesting jobs. In fact this is the sole reason for even wanting to enter the workforce most times – a rewarding career that’s fulfilling, but as I wrote in She’s Unhaaapy… that fulfillment is always elusive. Therefore it must be that uncooperative men are holding women back from this happiness.

I’m not sure opening another gourmet cupcake eatery counts as contributing to the status of women in business, but I would say that women ought to be encouraged to start up their own businesses rather than rely on the proven successes of established ones to prove their business acumen. Carly Fiorina and Sheryl Sandberg are not innovators in any sense. Neither started a company from scratch, but they are lauded as powerful businesswomen because they supposedly had the moxie to compete with the big boys and their sexist enterprises – not actually as a result of their companies wanting to present a feminine-correct public image.

I would love to see women’s organic business successes despite themselves, but my guess is that every failure or setback would have some tinge of external sexism attached to them. The truth is there are very few women who actually create something of worth because the easier path to success is to create a social convention that shames men for not including women in their own successes. It will always be easier for women to appropriate the success of men rather than create anything for themselves.

I am going to go out of my way to support other women. It’s clear now: we can’t do this alone. Another woman who is promoted or celebrated or funded clears the way for another. I am actively looking to buy from women-owned businesses, which is much easier these days — Glossier, Outdoor Voices, and Project September are just a few of a new wave of startups led by women — and avoid companies that remain all-men. I’m just so over supporting them.

And here we have yet more fem-centric sexism in a piece decrying male sexism. Weren’t we just reading about how surprised Sallie was about gender bias not being a thing of the past in the workplace? Because Trump won the election she calls for a boycott from buying anything from male owned companies?

One thing I’ve always found ironic about women’s call for collective, gender-exclusionary support for other women is that women are often guilty of even worse infighting than men are in the workplace. Lets face it, women hate other women to a degree that most men are unaware of. Their capacity for sub-communication and psychological warfare among themselves makes intra-sexual competition more brutal than having to deal with any so-called sexist male co-worker. From women’s collectivist perspective one would think that women’s intra-sexual support of other women would make them all outstanding successes in business, but we find the opposite is true. Women have a very hard time making an all-female enterprise a success. Naturally this is blamed, again, on men’s sexists brinksmanship and outmaneuvering them, but by and large it’s internal conflict that destroys all-female run enterprises.

Invest. Having spent my career on Wall Street and now being the founder of Ellevest, a digital investment platform for women, I know I’m a broken record on this topic. But men invest to a greater extent than women do, and it costs us. Indeed, I believe investing is the best career advice women aren’t getting. Think about it – are you more able to tell your boss to take this job and shove it if you have more money or less money?

That’s what I thought. At the end of the day, money is the real key to gender equality.

Of course we get the sales pitch at the end. Women don’t invest because it’s not sexy. It requires a degree of commitment and a depth of insight that goes well beyond what an average woman has any interest in. I do find it entertaining that Sallie finally gets to the real reason for a gender inequality she claims she wants to see abolished. Money is most definitely a key to establishing social dominance and that creates a fundamentally unequal condition between men and women.

Businesses, successful ones, are founded on competition, not cooperation. This is the fundamental conflict we are experiencing in today’s corporate culture; women’s collectivism promotes what they believe should be a successful enterprise based on egalitarian cooperation while men largely see the enterprise as competition. Sometimes this is a win-at-any-cost type of competition, other times it may be more subtle, but the crux is that women’s propensity to want for a more collectivist approach to a successful enterprise is at odds with men’s competitive approach. Success in business is fundamentally unegalitarian, there are winners and losers, not co-equal participation trophy winners. But as women continue to insert themselves into the unegalitarian male spaces of enterprise we will see this push for cooperative hopes for business success fundamentally alter the purpose of these businesses as we attempt more and more to accommodate them.

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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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[…] The following post quote has been making the rounds in professional circles. It’s from Sallie Krawcheck, CEO of Ellevest, an investment firm dedicated to helping women with financial investment (no continue […]

7 years ago

I work primarily with females in the workplace, and RP has been a blessing in understanding the female social matrix. I don’t get sucked in the female in-fighting as it often does not have anything to do with profits or company goals. Identifying comfort and sh*t tests from female coworkers helps me to thrive in this environment. It’s amazing how much comfort testing goes on during a stressful project. Using RP knowledge and just being an stoic oak and giving comfort to a lessor degree than a husband would has made me a part of this “team”. I am often… Read more »

7 years ago

Yeah.. F*CK That!!

7 years ago

Women are bringing tribal ,evolutionary instincts into areas of commerce,with haphazard results all around. When men go To Work,that’s exactly what we do. We don’t go there with the deliberate goal of bedding every broad in the joint. We might end up doing so by circumstance,but seldom by design. To females,however,every moment of every day is a mating opportunity. The Shit Test instinct so frequently seen in the club on Friday night doesn’t have an off switch on Monday morning. Business meetings no longer exist to formulate strategy ;they’re a shit test venue where women get betas to jump through… Read more »

7 years ago


I’m not sensing any femininity in this Sallie Krawcheck. Her whole sub-comm is masculine.

Witness this interview with Marie Claire:

That is a guy speaking.

She identifies with her phenotype, but her career and diatribe is of exactly logically mansplaining the plight (collectively) of women in the business work space. I imagine she would have been happier to have transitioned to be a man at the start of her career.

But then again, that’s feminist equalism for you. The flight of “business” women towards masculinizing themselves.

7 years ago

Two points to add to this. In my company when girls talk about the “hot new guy” in the office ….everyone laughs and moves on. For any guy to say “who’s the hot new intern?” Earns one an “ew” at the least and a potential reprimand. That’s why game is so important. Calibrating the response or the comment so it’s framed as “oh that rascal…” Thats why the neg is so powerful a game tool to spark attraction, it defies expectations of being that supplicating nice guy. Holding your ground with women means you will lose some prospects. But it’s… Read more »

7 years ago

This woman sounds a lot like Chelsea Clinton — she shot through college straight into a high-paying corporate job, and thinks it’s because she’s so smart and hard-working.

“I recently left the board of a non-profit that I LOVE.”

Every company becomes a non-profit if it places women in positions of authority. Profits are sexist!

7 years ago

And just like Sheryl Sandberg, her ring finger is longer than her index finger. How’d that happen?

7 years ago

“Feminism has made game a requirement for breaking through that estrogen ceiling.”


7 years ago

@SJF > And just like Sheryl Sandberg, her ring finger is longer than her index finger. How’d that happen? The ratio of index finger/ring length is determined by testosterone levels. Women with index fingers shorter than their ring finger have higher-than-average levels of testosterone for a woman. FWIW, these women can be beasts in bed, they have male-like sexual arousal paterns. Men also find them more aggressive and challenging to get along with. Kind of like being married to a female guy. Many similarities to male homosexual relationships, except your gay partner has a vagina. Suitable for a guy with… Read more »

7 years ago

Women can’t build. They take over what men have already made a success. ask women to start a company with you and not one will want to patiently grow the enterprise with you. Years later when its a giant the same women will petition the powers-that-be to force you to make spaces for women because Gender Qouta! long ago nerdy boys who couldn’t get laid worked on video games and created something to occupy other lonely guys. And no woman gave a second thought to that world of games. Today because games have become mainstream and are a billion dollar… Read more »

7 years ago

“The only thing women can start is human life.”

No. That is the one they cannot do even as a pale imitation of men.

7 years ago

And to continue the thought, ,
>That is a guy speaking.

Testosterone is the most powerful determinant of male-female brain differences. Higher-testosterone women really do think and act more like men, and they particularly do better in business situations that are meritocracies.

So Sallie Krawcheck is really talking from her perspective on life, as a woman on the far side of the bell curve, and doesn’t understand the realities of the majority of typically feminine women.

Interested readers may find this comment form Rollo’s previous post interesting

7 years ago

There’s a great story about a woman who started an all-woman business.

tl;dr: They all became backstabbing bitches and the company failed.

7 years ago

@ Tom

Yep. I learned this little follow up from KFG:


7 years ago

@godfreyknows: “Women can’t build. They take over what men have already made a success.” I was about 11 years old, scrawny and short (but grew to be 6 feet). We lived about a mile outside of town. The railroad ran past our place about two blocks away (canyon in northern Idaho). That spring, they came through and replaced the old railroad ties with new ones. They carted the old ones away, but not all. They missed a few, along with a few railroad spikes. I dug four holes in a grove of cottonwood trees, dragged four railroad ties over, put… Read more »

7 years ago

Quick question: the picture for this article is quite impressive. Is this photoshop or a real statue? If it´s real, where in the world is this (impressive but quite ugly) thing?

Rick Cardinal
Rick Cardinal
7 years ago

“Get yourself a senior, successful – preferably female – mentor, who can help you navigate the politics of your company. This includes the gender politics. ”

I am mentoring 2-3 females in my company on company politics and they reward me greatly for it. Females dont’t understand real power politics in the way top male executives do.

7 years ago

“At the end of the day money is the key to gender equality”.

So why do I keep reading that women make 85% of the spending decisions?

7 years ago

Women will always bitch and complain (and men will be the scapegoat). If you ever worked with women or worked with a group of women you know how devious they can be in a work environment. It’s true, they hate each other and there are plenty of subtle games being played between women. That’s why if you remove a man from the group, then you’ll see women tearing each other apart – not raising each other up like they want you to believe. They only come together, collectively, because they can blame all of their failures on men as a… Read more »

7 years ago


Wah! Hahahaaaaaaa… That picture, man! Rollololololllll! LOLEST! You made my day. Again. Thanks.

7 years ago

Ellevest proposes that if you a woman give her your money she will successfully invest it for you. She might also of course lose every penny.

7 years ago

There’s other kinds of advice and mentoring that older business women give younger business women, too. See here:

7 years ago

This “feminist fund” would be a great thing to sell short, if it were possible to short sell an index fund (is there? I seriously want to know, this would be a great investment…I’ve seldom seen such a sure thing, this is a guaranteed failure in progress). We are told we can “invest directly in Pax World Management”. Okay, let’s see what this beauty looks like….keeping in mind it must be bad. Very, very bad, or the performance would be highlighted on the front page. They link to the prospectus: Looking at the prospectus, on page 39 you can… Read more »

7 years ago

They should call it charity instead of investment.
But no one wants to give charity to a SIW, and no SIW wants to admit to taking charity.
So they have to call it something different.

7 years ago

But then again, that’s feminist equalism for you. The flight of “business” women towards masculinizing themselves. Yes. In my experience working with dozens of highly educated (advanced degrees, lawyers, execs) women over the past 25-30 years, I can confirm that the ones which get the farthest in the corporate world are the masculine ones. By masculine I mean mindset — not looks. A woman can be feminine looking (and actually that works better in corporate America than looking androgynous), but her mind/attitude/frame is very masculine. Often they are conflicted about their sex. They almost all subscribe to the “all women… Read more »

7 years ago

Excellent post Rollo! I fully expect the dogs to start barking around the perimeter,as soon as they can drag their lazy buts out of bed and figure out what to wear. This post explains what i see and hear every day. While the fems seem to excel at coloring between the lines,their ability to compromise and improvise when things don’t go according to the plan is a weak area.While for men accepting and accommodating women in the work place is just another hurdle to overcome. My question is how much of the present dysfunction of the economy is actually due… Read more »

Lost Patrol
Lost Patrol
7 years ago

Great post Rollo. There are almost too many ‘stand-alone-one-liners of truth’ to memorize for future use. Women like this, much to my surprise, are slowly converting me from a life long pedastalizer and lover of women; into the misogynist they’ve always claimed I was. I never would have believed it, but they really are relentless about it all. No matter that modern western women are the most pampered and advantaged females that have ever lived on earth, they will not give up the refrain. For those that have asked, the statue resides in Copenhagen harbor right beside the little mermaid.… Read more »

7 years ago

This “feminist fund” would be a great thing to sell short, if it were possible to short sell an index fund (is there? Yes, but if you’re talking something that isn’t an ETF (and I think the ones mentioned are not ETFs), you’d need to do it synthetically by private contracts (like what you see in The Big Short), which is expensive in terms of the capital you have to have in order for people to agree to the contract with you. There may be some feminist-oriented ETFs that you could short in the conventional way through your broker provided… Read more »

7 years ago

These latest essays are beginning to place quantity over quality. Rollo dismissed Luke’s (RSD) comment that TRM was nothing other than ‘truthful anger’. Though unfortunately that’s what it’s becoming with each essay. The lose of objectivity comes into play when Rollo berates Sallie for not knowing how to play the game and stating women can’t accept failure. But when Sallie’s perfectly sensible contribution is ignored repeatedly by her peers and then she has to watch as someone (who isn’t being ignored) get credit for her contribution. She’s left with no option but to leave. Yet Rollo wants us to believe… Read more »

7 years ago

We presume sexism, we presume a guy would mime a sex act behind a woman’s back and leave ‘inappropriate’ pictures on a woman’s desk despite decades of workplace harassment legislation. Actually, I presume that she made the whole thing up. I don’t believe any of those things happened to her, or if something did happen that she has made a mountain out of a molehill. Perception is a woman’s only reality. These days holding the door open for a women can be tantamount to sexual assault depending on her mood that day and if she wants to bang you or… Read more »

7 years ago

But when Sallie’s perfectly sensible contribution is ignored repeatedly by her peers and then she has to watch as someone (who isn’t being ignored) get credit for her contribution. She’s left with no option but to leave.

Calling bullshit on this one as well.

7 years ago

I’m seriously not going to get any work done with Rollo publishing at this rate. Slow down man 🙂

7 years ago

While reading this post and the many great OP topic comments,it occurs that rather than a fat man that could neither hunt,farm or fish,it was women that first developed and instituted fiat currency.Originally as a fair means of exchange of surplus product of coarse.

7 years ago

At 11 years old you should have been smart enough to go back with a baseball bat at recapture your fort

Juan Peron
Juan Peron
7 years ago

The next thing we’re going to see is a push for more “inclusive National Holidays “. They took away Columbus Day and replaced it MLK day. They’ll likely try to eliminate Veteran’s Day or Memorial Day as they represent while males and war, not defense of country or freedom in the minds of militant feminists. Get ready for Elizabeth Cady Stanton Day.

7 years ago

“What if there were no men. I wonder if that blows up the equation and the wiring short circuits.”

The wiring assumes an external damping limiter on the system. Remove the limiter and harmonic feedback causes a runaway condition.

Major Styles
7 years ago

“It’s from Sallie Krawcheck, CEO of Ellevest, an investment firm dedicated to helping women with financial investment.”

I don’t even need to see a picture to know that I would not bang.

7 years ago

I don’t even need to see a picture to know that I would not bang.

She’s 51, but she’s at the head of the class for a 51yo. See:

She’s the kind who could get a LOT of thirsty wall street guys knocking down her door if she divorced, even at 51 (she is married).

7 years ago

Let’s take a look at this. “I recently left the board of a non-profit that I LOVE.” A non profit not for profit.A member of a board of directors,a necessary evil,usually a volunteer position,although sometimes nominated,typically the chair”person”and the accountant hold the position of the most power.Definitely a game position by any measure,as everyone involved has an agenda. “I had been on it for years (and years). At nearly every meeting I asked how much we were spending on our investment managers, in comparison to the return we were getting. Meeting after meeting I was told that the answer was… Read more »

7 years ago
7 years ago

As far as I can tell, Ellevate doesn’t register enough web hits to get a ranking and no one – no-body – seems to be commenting on the posted ‘Jams’ or articles.

What Karwcheck doesn’t seem to understand is that few people, men or women, at least those outside outside of the feminist echo, care about what she does or thinks.

It must be lonely being a high T women. Oh well, at least men will respect her for her freaky sex drive. Bet that stings.

7 years ago
7 years ago

Is it beta to protect your source of income, assets and reputation? In Iraq, I saw a married female turn on her married boyfriend and accuse him of rape because he told her he wouldn’t leave his wife. Lucky for him he kept her emails. There is a major in the AF that had his career ruined because he wouldn’t bow to a coworker’s wish that he not play the field. A sexually aggressive female has been harassing a married dude for years and guess who the command wants to punish?? Most guys neither have the looks or mindset to… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

She’s the kind who could get a LOT of thirsty wall street guys knocking down her door if she divorced, even at 51 (she is married).

Yeah, but think of the baggage in her head that comes along as part of the deal. Reading that text I can imagine what she sounds like, although without the verbal fry the younger feminists affect. I dunno. Duct tape?

7 years ago

“Again is it beta to protect your source of income, reputation, and assets or is it a logical decision based on the current situation?”

A logical decision based on the current situ.I can remember when my favorite towing company had to refuse rides to stranded women due to the threat of sexual harassment charges or pay almost double for business liability insurance.What would you do?

That’s what we need insurance against PC crimes,PCPPL the new pyramid scheme insurance plan.

7 years ago

In my day we were terified of the “Lower Man”, more so than than the Headmaster. What are the boys going to call her? The “Lower Woman” ? What a traversty.

7 years ago

“Taken to the extreme feedback blows the output transistors.”

Time to crank up the ventilators, because there’s already a whiff of Magic Smoke in the air.

7 years ago

@Rollo, your first year essays are essential reading. It represents some of the greatest literature on intersexual dynamics. But your last two essays are an affront to your earlier work. On a niche forum I saw a poster cite and regurgitate your thesis on hypergamy in answer to poster who wanted to know why his girlfriend had dumped him. Your work is being disseminated and internalised by a wider audience. Soon it will be the orthodoxy. You’ll be asked to appear on television to express your thoughts. You’ll go and be ambushed by a feminist who won’t dare discuss your… Read more »

7 years ago

p.s. By last two essays I mean she’s unhappy and this one.

7 years ago

Someone is putting in overtime to rebuild the mound

7 years ago

@Major Styles, @Novaseeker There’s a subtle, but important, reason SK is still successfully married and would be able to snag a guy relatively quickly if she became single again. As mentioned above (shout out to @SJF) SK is one of those rare women with the male 1st/3rd digit length pattern (means she has high testosterone) HT women have very high sex drives, and if they can hook up with the right kind of alpha to marry or LTR with, the kind of guy who can manage their aggressive nature, they provide what every married guy wants (but so few have)… Read more »

7 years ago


“Most of it doesn’t hold up to scrutiny.”</I.

Thats' vague. The original essay is a descriptive essay. It's not an objective scientific study. Define whose scrutiny it doesn't hold up to and why it doesn't hold up.

For instance you’re quick to dismiss feelings……

What it is your definition of dismiss? He actually is pointing out that feelings drove actions. Is it axiomatic that emotions drive women to act. If you disagree, then what are you doing her on this blog? Playing warrior?

7 years ago

@ ollieoxenfree1 ” These latest essays are beginning to place quantity over quality. Rollo dismissed Luke’s (RSD) comment that TRM was nothing other than ‘truthful anger’. Though unfortunately that’s what it’s becoming with each essay. The lose of objectivity comes into play when Rollo berates Sallie for not knowing how to play the game and stating women can’t accept failure. But when Sallie’s perfectly sensible contribution is ignored repeatedly by her peers and then she has to watch as someone (who isn’t being ignored) get credit for her contribution. She’s left with no option but to leave. Yet Rollo wants… Read more »

7 years ago

Can you point out any more posts that you don’t like?
This may help in putting together the next best of set,thanks.

Culum Struan
Culum Struan
7 years ago

YaReally Sentient HABD Wala Scray Hank Forge and the PUA Gang Sat Night FR Not been going out much cos of work, but a little bit – as I said, not posting FRs unless something interesting happens. Sat night was interesting – was out with a couple of wings (the good looking social guy who pulls well because of the above two things and the other dude who is awkward socially). Went to some slightly more upmarket bars with hotter girls than we normally go to (not true high-end venues, but more sort of mid-level hipsterish vs the usual student… Read more »

7 years ago

@Tom November 27, 2016 at 2:39 pm Keep in mind that you are discussing there Sallie’s alleged personal life success (or higher chance of success) due to high testosterone (ongoing marriage and children, or mobility to move on). Her business success was because of her masculine qualities, not in spite of her feminine phenotype. Her monetary success was legendary. Her being fired from two firms hurt her psyche and it shows in the Original Post here. She’s whining about not breaking through the glass ceiling and being fired from those jobs. Her limitations in the aggressive business space was part… Read more »

7 years ago

Indeed, the statue is “Survival of the Fattest“, and apparently still does reside next to “The Little Mermaid”, which is “seen by an estimated 1 million tourists a year.” It’s supposed to represent the First World living off the Third World, but that’s not what I thought of when I first saw it, years ago, on another site – I think it was Angry Harry’s (I see he died last April; RIP), and the photo was of the statue in a building, like a garage, or maybe the studio it was cast in. Like somebody wrote above, lotta great one-liners… Read more »

7 years ago

Sallie was very risk averse, esp. after Smith Barney (higher Testosterone but not as high as males) and relied on collectivism (from men and women) to not fail in her career, which is the female prerogative. Yes, this was a limitation in the business space. Yes, it stands up to scrutiny. This risk aversion is also reflected in the mission statement of Ellevest–being risk averse for women. Yes. I worked on the Street for years and it is a place of rational, controlled risk. That’s the whole game. Risk aversion is crap, it isn’t what the WS casino is about.… Read more »

7 years ago

I recall reading somewhere once that among the Pueblo Indian cultures of the American Southwest (some 19 villages from Taos to Hopi, their cultures nearly identical though they speak several unrelated languages), the craft of weaving (and I presume other occupations) was strictly confined to one sex. The interesting part was that in some Pueblos, only the women wove (and men were prohibited from doing so), while in others only the men wove (and women were prohibited). The “Battle of the Sexes” is not just some kind of joke: it actually is a war, and the only way to mitigate… Read more »

7 years ago

The “Battle of the Sexes” is not just some kind of joke: it actually is a war, and the only way to mitigate it is for each sex to have es own territory, inviolate by the other. The women of our culture have “won” the war by somehow convincing the men that there isn’t one. How do porcupines mate? Very carefully. The men of the West have a lot to learn; they’re running circles around us, and laughing all the while. You are selling mastery and skill at engaging in inter-sexual pursuits short. Masculine nature is to engage in war… Read more »

Days of Broken Arrows
Days of Broken Arrows
7 years ago

I’m surprised no one thought to dig up the photo of Sallie that ran on the GirlBoss site.

She speaks of “inappropriate” pictures left on her desk, but in my estimation, this is an inappropriate photo for a CEO. Male CEOs don’t pose in their boxer shorts; women shouldn’t do the female equivalent.

7 years ago

Y’all know an awful lot about so,every bitch you ain’t banging

7 years ago
Reply to  SFC Ton

[…] Male observes how feminists are dependent upon slicing off younger ladies from the herd the use of a in large part imaginary revisionist […]

7 years ago

Y’all know an awful lot about so,every bitch you ain’t banging

lol…how do YOU know we ain’t bangin them bitches

7 years ago

“Y’all know an awful lot about so,every bitch you ain’t banging” Hey, Ton if I could translate that comment I assume you suggest some of us are reading into the behavior of the woman in the OP. Yes we are. She is a public figure and has a record of having said a lot (on record via google search), just like Sheryl Sandberg. What Sallie has said in the past translates into her motivations and shares motivations with women in general. This from the Essay Please Break Up With Me (an re-iterated many times over in other essays): Rollo: “…women’s… Read more »

7 years ago

Ton, a friend called me at 7:30 Thanksgiving morning to tell me that he had gotten a buck and wanted help transporting it. 7 points and about 260 lbs…a big boy…so Mrs. Gamer was annoyed that a little blood had dripped out of my truck onto our garage floor, lol…we had to keep it from the varmints and cold until the game processing plant opened Friday…my friend promised me some venison for helping him out, of course

7 years ago

…so Mrs. Gamer was annoyed that a little blood had dripped out of my truck onto our garage floor, lol

Another one of the myriad of soft dread forms (as well as DHV hunter pinging of her hindbrain). Passive hunting harvest blood on the garage floor. You want to kick that up a notch? Hang the deer in the garage for a week at 40 degrees and then process (butcher) the deer in your garage.

7 years ago

My point is why give a fuck about the mental on goings of some bitch you ain’t fucking on the regular?

Who gives a fuck about women crying foul? Why give a shit about how or why they get upset when you correct their behavior? They’re women, childern who’ve reached the age of concent. Do you over think the temper tantrum of toddlers?

Starting to think the man o sphere should rename itself to the obsessed with bitches sphere.

7 years ago

LOL I haven’t hunted yet this year. Fishing has been good. Took the Ton Spawn and the Hell Hounds out to this barrier island. Kind of place with no houses, no stores etc. Can’t say he enjoyed the fishing but the boy loved it when I did dumb shit in the truck Going back next month. Ton2.0 should make that trip. Been saddle tramping pretty hardcore too. Picked up some hippie artist chick on Hetterass who had only been fucking chicks for the last 8 years. A bike, 2 Mexican blankets, a poncho, a toothbrush and some cash and picked… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

Huh, what brought that on? Bots?

7 years ago

I tried to read all the comment but I just cannot. Hi y’all, its Scribb lakeside. Been working on “staying within myself” as Roger The Rocket Clemens used to say. Keeping life in the day. Trudging, making progress. Taking an inch every where I can, and making steady progress. Reading this, I’m struck by one absurd lament more than the rest. Her observation about women not investing nearly as much as men do, and somehow just throwing her hands up about it. What does this say about women? Combine that with with the fact that consumerism and consumer debt does… Read more »

7 years ago

“My point is why give a fuck about the mental on goings of some bitch you ain’t fucking on the regular? Because all women are like that. Who gives a fuck about women crying foul?” Because it translates into understanding how women act at home. My daughter sure cried foul when we (group of six) got kicked out of the Thanksgiving Day NFL football game last Thursday after being in a fight with other patrons. I had to manage her crying foul. And instruct her boyfriend on how to not use logic and just “be with her” while she was… Read more »

7 years ago

But then…there were the inappropriate pictures left on my desk. The guy miming a sex act when my back was turned. This woman worked in Wall Street, a high stress sales environment if there ever was one, and expected men to fully restrain their own behavior? Her expectations are the problem. You wouldn’t expect oil-well workers to restrain themselves… similarly stressful situation. What’s creepy is that in spite of years in a professional field that’s been the domain of men she’s just now remembering this fact. Would it have been less creepy if he’d kissed only his age-appropriate women on… Read more »

Maple Curtain
Maple Curtain
7 years ago

@ rollo re your reply to @ollieoxenfree1: Leaving aside male/female, and feelings v. objectivity, there is another way of looking at one’s reaction to this occurrence. How about guys who want no part of big bureaucratic structures full of beta snakes who play women’s games and steal credit for other men’s work? Men, and I am one, who feel revulsion at the type of human and the type of actions required to thrive (?) get ahead (?) in such an environment, are best advised to find work or a profession in which they can avoid office politics and beta back-stabbers… Read more »

7 years ago

“Talk about banking and securities markets with a woman.”

Just cut my nuts off with a dull, rusty spoon why don’t you?

Ang Aamer
7 years ago

Rollo, You are great at the Red Pill stuff. But your grasp of corporate dynamics is tenuous at best. The reason why majority HR staff are Women, is because 99% of HR issues that they deal with ARE from Women. If you think for a moment any company wants a Male HR staffer dealing with a potential Sexual Harassment report you are smoking something legal in a handful of states. HR is a lot like QA or Call Center work. No one wants to do it in the trenches. The senior HR people all want to negotiate with the health… Read more »

7 years ago

It’s less about being a natural, I chronicled my mistakes with women farily well at one point ie listening to blue pill advice regarding my marriage and post divorce recovery. Its more about not giving a shit about creatures who haven’t earnd the right to it and living a full throttled unapologetically masculine life

Like getting booted from the game for fighting. That’s some good stuff right there and will add to your family legend

Unapologetic, unrepeant, unreconstructed masculinity…. or as it now says Freedom, firepower and fuckyeah

7 years ago

To reveal that board story shows how fucking stupid Krawcheck is.

A manager I knew needed to get a major project approved and went to the exec meeting with a PowerPoint presentation. I was there and watched him go down in flames. Afterwards I said lets do this right.

I set up short one-on-ones with each exec and got blessings one at a time. Then at the next exec meeting the project was given the go ahead in two minutes.

You make the deals and discuss the issues before the meeting.

7 years ago

Good to see you around Jeremy

A Wise Man
7 years ago

Something that needs reinforcing is the fact that woman fail or are outperformed by men in traditionally male professions and workspaces not because they are provided the ready made excuse of male chauvinism which supposedly serves as some kind of psychological disincentive to strive or work harder. No, they fail because women are inferior to men in nearly every way that matters. This is a fact of nature, and to back away from this fact is a sign of cowardice, or more often in the current year a sign of the feminine primary brain washing that all men are exposed… Read more »

7 years ago

@KFG – Was at a small, intimate weekend conference at a an angel investor’s 40 room manse recently and ended up chatting with a 50yo woman who was opinionated about everything. She’s in the “same” business as me – but fails at it. Her pose as a “consultant” is really a coverup for her failure, but I treat her seriously initially as I know none of this. She begins to opine on the insurance industry and how the real problem with health care is insurance company profits. I don’t think I’ve mentioned this before, but in addition to working with… Read more »

7 years ago

@Wiseman – Not that wise though, are you? Your race realism suffers from a few defects that you simply ignore due to it aggrandizing your biases. Just so you can’t say someone didn’t tell you that you were wrong…But you could try and be smarter, so listen and learn bunky. 1. The variance within races of humans is greater than the variance between races across IQ and many other measures of human cognition and behavior. If you are actually intelligent this will tell you something about how “different” blacks and Asians etc actually are from white folks. Put another way,… Read more »

7 years ago

1. The variance within races of humans is greater than the variance between races across IQ and many other measures of human cognition and behavior. It’s also true that the variation within sexes of humans is greater than the variance between sexes across IQ and many other measures of human cognition and behavior, if that shows that the mentality of men and woman doesn’t generally vary significantly. Do get the point? Your statement isn’t relevant to anything. The point is that there are general discrepancies ACROSS RACES. Sure, you can find a white who can outjump a black, but blacks,… Read more »

7 years ago

CULUM ! Nice you are getting so many bangs all the same… so wait a sec a 44YO wasn’t all pruny and wrinkled and a 1/10 with zero SM options? Huh… go figure? On the 6 / 7 dynamic… yeah the 7 was into jealousy plot line mode and her buying temp was up… and her esteem down… sooooo…? why didn’t you try and pull her…? 2 minutes of AMOGing your good looking friend (good natured) then a pinch of isolation with her again then “hey they are really getting along, he is into her, come with me a minute”… Read more »

7 years ago

But 5 mins later the *counter girl* left the counter to bring me my drink upstairs and serve me with a big smile and EC. Again, it seems like a small thing, and maybe it was nothing but my instincts say that was confirmation I hadn’t misjudged the original IOI.

jeez… Time to act! Carry a pen with you for these quick numbers… easier than phone an not obvious…

7 years ago

@Culum The 44 year old MILF…back to your room and banging her within 75 minutes…ok, now take those skills and start transferring them to game younger, hotter, tighter. You’ll notice something…the 6’s and the older ones are less work. It’s the HB8’s and 9’s in their 20’s that require the most amount of game because they get hit on by betas all the time. Now you have to keep on gaming but become more focused. I just met an online 28 who in her photos was a 7 and in the dark was a 7 but a 6 in the… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  walawala
7 years ago

I’ve lived around diversity
No thanks. Doesn’t matter how stupid it makes me, I don’t want to do it any more

7 years ago

Could you put some text before your links so we know what we’re about to click on?

7 years ago

Once the 6’s & 7’s see you with a string of 8’s you wonto have to game the 6&7’s anymore.

They do things like awkwardly slip you their phone number is some bullshit James Bond secret handshake deal while your 8 is hang off you and your toddler is in your arm

Zoe Bowman
Zoe Bowman
7 years ago

An older woman I know (age about 60) is extremely successful in her job – won lots of awards, etc. She is a classic feminist, always going on about glass ceilings and salary equality and the like. I think she probably fought tooth and nail to get to where she is today. However, she is the most uninspiring wife I know: she knows absolutely nothing about how to relate to men, she’s extremely unfeminine, and she constantly shoots down anyone with contrasting views in any conversation. I feel so sorry for her husband, who was made redundant and is now… Read more »

7 years ago

Technically every marriage is diversity + proximity. It’s diversity of capability, made into a union so that the whole is better than the sum of the parts.

It’s diversity of values that causes problems. Diversity of capabilities is never an issue so long as everyone holds the same ruleset in their head.

7 years ago
Reply to  Jeremy
7 years ago

No question about it. The highest level of testosterone in a HT woman is still an order of magnitude lower than even the average level in the male.

7 years ago

Often enough capabilities seems to drive value systems

7 years ago

@Rollo, For shits and giggles, I think I’ll go to a Starbucks coffee and when they ask for the name to put on the cup, I’m going to say, “Rollo.” See how many other dudes look up when they hear that name and look around. I’ll know who’s red pill. Lol!

7 years ago

The intent of the original post in my opinion is not that women might be inferior in the workplace or that some women on the far end of the female bell curve might be very successful at rising (with masculine traits) to their level of incompetence. (One has to be aware of the fallacy of false analogies in a debate–cats are not dogs even if you have a doglike cat). And it’s not about her getting ahead with her looks, ( so what? that counts to in a men’s hiring world. I got accepted to a program once that would… Read more »

Culum Struan
Culum Struan
7 years ago

Thanks Wala. This is pretty much what I’m doing now – or in the process of anyway. The MILFs are great for practice and generally for sexual confidence and reference experiences. I build the skillset with them and import to other girls (3 of my 4 lays in November were MILFs..and the 4th was 18 and probably had more sexual experience than the MILFs, so you never know). I don’t have as much experience with the hotties as you do, but from what I’ve seen, at least with online stuff, the big difficulty isn’t seducing the hotter girls, it’s just… Read more »

7 years ago

Culum Usually when you go to pay they usually say something like “get everything you wanted” or “did you want anything else” etc. just drop it right there… especially when they are being flirty. on this here “easy with the attraction I had with the 6, bit harder with the 7 because needed more attraction first” just remember that not everything is attraction at first… look at the dynamics and other motivations as well… she might have left with you just to get the guy to try and chase or to piss off her friend or because she took an… Read more »

7 years ago

This is a great piece. I’m grateful for it. I think the incessant complaints from women about sexism at work will never end. Worked in channel marketing role for two years on a team dominated by women and gay men. A real eye-opener regarding feminism and sexism in the workplace to say the least. Was taken aback by the level of abject cruel, back-handed comments, exclusionary behavior and pettiness among these adult women on the team. Even the gay men in our group were “WTF is all this, man?” At company functions these same “professional” women would publicly denigrate their… Read more »

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