Your Attention Please.

On many a Game forum you’ll find at least one thread per week decrying the evils of the much maligned Attention Whore. In the time I’ve spent exploring Game mechanics I’ve yet to read a treatise that really analyzed the fundamentals of why men and women alike make distinctions between one woman as an Attention Whore and another simply a garden variety woman who seeks attention.

Your mother, your sister, the girl at the bar and the wife you’ve been married to for 20 years are all attention seeking. Some to a greater and some to a lesser degree, but it is an integral part of the feminine gender to seek various means to grab and hold attention. 

Yes I understand that all people, men and women, enjoy attention for various reasons, but as a gender women seek and use attention very differently from men. From a very early age attention is a primary reinforcer for girls. As I’ve mentioned on occasion, part of my psychology education included child psych and my favorite (and most convenient) subject has always been my ever-present 7 y.o. (at the time) daughter when doing case studies. To understand the feminine attention dynamic you have to go back into female childhood socialization. There are countless case studies that focus on attention-as-reinforcer being a psychological construct for women. I should also add that, from a scientific perspective, there really is no absolute nature, or absolute nurture attributed to personality or gender differences, so a definite amount of socialization and learned behavior intrinsically reinforces attention as rewarding, but the root reward of attention seeking behavior begins in female biology.

A few things to start with
In the same respect that men possess testosterone as their primary, gender-defining hormone, women’s bodies produce estrogen and oxytocin in larger volume. Studies have shown both these hormones foster feelings of nurturing as a primary feminine trait for parental caring and oxytocin is a precursor for feelings of trust and comfort. Studies have also shown that girl babies are picked up and given affection 4 times as often as are boy infants and toddlers. This bears evidence to the biological and socialization associations of female attention reinforcement. In addition, studies of pre-adolescent and adolescent degrees of attention to both genders by parents always favors the female child. Correlation of this would indicate the rewarding benefit of attetion to the female as well as a behavioral modeling influence directed towards masculine independence by socializing boys to not be dependent upon the reinforcing aspect of attention.

Female Socialization
Little girls fight in an entirely different realm than do boys. Where boys fight in a the physical realm, girls fight in the psychological. That’s not to exclude girls from actually coming to blows, but far more common is the occurrence of psychological combat, and in no realm is this more effective than the denial of reinforcing attention within a female social collective.

Little girls have a predictable tendency to form small, girl-only collectives or ‘peer clutches’ from the time they are introduced into kindergarten. This social collective progressively becomes a rewarding and reinforcing social unit, locking out those not included, and nurturing those who are. This dynamic can last through high school (i.e. Cliques, etc.), into college and into mature adulthood, but the commonality within all variations of this clutch is the qualifying influence of the affirming power of attention. Should one member of the clutch offend another, it is the hierarchy of an individual member’s ability to maintain the most attention that generally determines the victor in the dispute. The worst consequence of such a dispute being ostracization from the group – thus the absolute denial of this reaffirming attention-as-reinforcement. The clutch develops a hierarchy of influence depending upon each girl’s ability to attract and maintain reinforcing attention. This attention can be from any source; within the group, outside the group, and opposite sex attention becomes the most valuable after puberty.

Attention attraction capacity denotes social rank within the peer clutch. The more attractive the girl, the more popular she becomes and the more influence she wields. This isn’t to say that any particular female cognizantly realizes this. However, when ostracized from the collective, this capacity for attracting attention in a high degree makes her despised. The attention can still be beneficial for affirmation (i.e. realized jealousy), it’s just that the intent that has changed.

Thus, women use attention not only for their own affirmation, individually and collectively, but also to do combat with each other. Far more damaging than physical fighting is the long term psychological impact of denying this reinforcement, or better still, delegitimizing or disqualifying a girl/woman’s capacity to attract this attention. Combine this with a woman’s natural, and innately higher agency to communicate both verbally and non-verbally (i.e covert communications) and you can see the potential this has in damaging a rival. This might explain a woman’s natural propensity to gossip. When a woman attacks the respectability and character of another (“she’s such a slut”), in essence, she is assualting the woman’s agency for garnering attention by delegitimizing it.

The ticking clock
Now lets add to this complex attention need to the female understanding that, as a woman ages her sexual marketability decreases. Bear in mind that a woman’s primary agency for attracting attention is her her sexuality and physical beauty as rewarded by men. This then fosters a drive for this attention-combat to intensify as a woman ages toward her ‘expiration date’. In the last 30 years there has been a definite push through feminization to de-emphasize this natural push and/or to divert this affirmation to be pulled from other sources (i.e. career, independence, internal rewards, etc.). However it has yet to be fully (if ever) realized within western female-centric culture. All one needs do is look at the countless number of beauty products and the methods used to advertise them in popular media. 90% of advertising specific to ‘career minded’ women is still for beauty products. Irrespective of popular socialization, this attention dynamic will not be ignored.

The Attention Whore
So what exactly separates this attention-as-currency dynamic that women use in their social pecking order from the blatant Attention Whore with dozens of male orbiters and FaceBook “friends” numbering in the thousands? The answer to this is found in the methods and lengths to which an individual woman will go to maintain a degree of attention she’s comfortable with. It’s very easy to speculate about the psychological reasons why some women ‘need’ more attention than others – daddy issues, female clutch outcast issues, self-esteem issues, personality disorders, etc. – what’s not is the means by which they achieve this attention and the gender specific reactions others have to it.

What separates the behavior of the attention whore is her overtness in grabbing that attention. Consider that women’s preferred means of communicating is to be covert. There’s no subtlety in the attention whore’s methods and maintenance. Granted, women will see this as an attack in the AW stealing her ‘entitled’ portion of attention, but on a larger scale the AW is betraying the covert attention needs of the sisterhood. By seeking attention in the overt, the AW is essentially crossing over into Men’s preferred communication means to get attention. There’s no (or certainly less) art to attention whoring, so it comes off as classless and trashy.

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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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12 years ago

I would do the girl on the left.

Good Luck Chuck
Good Luck Chuck
12 years ago
Reply to  YOHAMI

Me too…kinda looks like an ex of mine. Fun times.

namae nanka
namae nanka
12 years ago

“Studies have also shown that girl babies are picked up and given affection 4 times as often as are boy infants and toddlers.”

Haven’t there also been studies which show that girl babies look at people more than boys?

12 years ago

Well-done, as always, Rollo. A bit of an addendum on ‘peer clutches’ and how they function, including males. In adolescent/pre-pubescent children, both boys and girls function physiologically like females. Testosterone doesn’t exert a profound influence until after puberty. In observing pre-pubescent children, the females often mature earlier, especially sociologically, and thus the females often dominate the same-age peer groups in forming and controlling such peer clutches. Ever the same, females will exclude males for not reciprocating attention, for not conforming to social groups, or for falling outside of social norms. This forms the basis for later social groups which then… Read more »

Timothy Webster
Timothy Webster
12 years ago

I thought blue sweater was the attention whore in that interaction?

12 years ago

She is. By giving attention to the girl on the left, you undermine blue sweater girl’s “apparent” superiority, thus inviting her ire and a swift cockblock.

12 years ago
Reply to  Gottmörder

Is it just me or is it really gross to see grown men oogling over 13 year old girls??? LOL.


[…] by social reprisal. The feminine plate spinning involves much more than sex though. Remember that attention is the coin of the realm in female society. The capacity to command attention determines self-esteem, peer status, sexual selectivity, and a […]

12 years ago

[…] that someone doesn’t like them. Proportionally this can be attributed to women’s innate need for attention and the fear of social ostracization they learn in early childhood, but it goes a step deeper than […]

11 years ago

I’ll do all of them. At once lol. train time..But the one on the left might be gf material for a little while…

11 years ago

[…] ways as now. With the rise of the internet and social media it was proven to me that ALL women are attention seeking to varying degrees, and they’ve always been so. However now the technology is such that they […]

11 years ago

Scottina, it’s just you. LOL girlfriend!!!!11


[…] Attention – […]


[…] girls know (boys want to fuck them) than to accept responsibility for leading him on. Bear in mind, attention is the coin of the realm in girl-world, but the guy also bears a good amount of responsibility for […]

11 years ago

This would also explain that being in the ‘friend-zone’ with a girl is the same thing as a man having a girl as a fuck buddy. Both respective genders are getting what they want biologically while giving the other gender little-to-no amount of what they want. The societal repercussions of being used by the other gender are the same too: women get called sluts for sleeping with too many men, and men become beta orbiters (emotional tampons) for being friends with too many women, likely LJBF’ed by most other women

11 years ago

[…] it primes their need for indignation while simultaneously satisfying a woman’s need for attention and affirmation of her own […]


[…] Reputation : 29198 Pure attention-whoring. But what else are the bitches going to do? Attention is currency. This is good – let the attention-whoring and power-tripping invade the last male spaces and force […]

9 years ago

[…] made the distinction before with regards to women’s preferred communications methods; covert communication being […]


[…] in contemporary society women’s attention and indignation needs are as ubiquitously satisfied as men’s need for sexual release (i.e. […]

8 years ago

Your mother, your sister, the girl at the bar and the wife you’ve been married to for 20 years are all attention seeking. Some to a greater and some to a lesser degree, but it is an integral part of the feminine gender to seek various means to grab and hold attention.

Attention equals currency


[…] Further Reading: The Rational Male: Your Attention Please […]

8 years ago

Are you reffering to research based evidence on these topics? or is this your own theory?

8 years ago

[…] That said, semi-attractive gamer girls do exist (nothing more than an HB 7.5 by my reckoning), but most fall into the demographic of ostracized weird girl or semi-goth, fuscia-haired outcast who never clicked with the in-group girls in high school. […]


[…] demographic of ostracized weird girl or semi-goth, fuscia-haired outcast who never clicked with the in-group girls in high school.” However this otherness is not always derived from rejection on behalf of the culture, and […]


[…] Further Reading: The Rational Male: Your Attention Please […]

7 years ago

can the blogger please watch this video and share your thoughts .. what is she really trying to say ?it looks like it’s in relationship to this article


[…] has carried over into what’s become the Sisterhood today. If you look at the interactions of young girls and their social group interdependence you begin to see that nascent tribal collectivism naturally come through. In terms of larger […]

Omega Man
Omega Man
7 years ago

this article is GOLD, imo… should be required reading for all young men and reviewed by older men.

pulling attention AWAY from women is VERY powerful. one of my friends says that PIV sex, oral, and even anal sex are ALL equivalent in a woman’s mind because she will use all her tools to get what she desires from men = ATTENTION.

the act of sex is her ‘gift’ to you for giving her the attention (plus ‘quality’ time) she was craving.

7 years ago

Holly shit man,i think this article got big screen adaptation in 2016. I just watched The 9th life of louis drax and it showed The ‘need for attention’ on another level. I wont spoiler it much but you will get it since we are all wearing redpill glasses. 😉 i’ll just say all we read is in domain of theory but since redpilling i know situation in movie is very realistic. (obv.,movie is a bit exagareted for dramatisation) Considering how strong FI is these days,i really dont know how this movie slipped. First a was shocked by Gone Girl from… Read more »


[…] a woman is validated by the attention that contributes to it. I’ve written extensively on the psychological effects attention has on women. Attention is the coin of the realm in girl-world. Women use attention as a form of currency with […]

6 years ago

Good article – I sort of raged on another post of yours about acting covert as a tool for gaming girls, this post makes more sense. Should men ever be covert to game girls? I would say no, even though it works, why enter her frame? You enter he frame by being covert. She will instinctively react to you because its her primary way to talk, but from my own personal experiences it’s only a tool for early seduction in trying to establish some kind of ‘outer’ game which she will comply to. But you can’t live in her reality.… Read more »

5 years ago

I’d offer an additional answer to the question – an “Attention Whore” may simply be a woman that is more *successful* at attracting attention than other women. Therefore it becomes expedient to disqualify her; precisely the same as calling a beautiful, sexy woman a “Whore” in any other context, regardless of her actual level of promiscuity.

Fabbeyond Jefe
4 years ago

interesting piece. recently i have come across many viewpoints on women who are married or in a relationship statement they want to be desire by other men or want outside male attention , i have been looking for academic scholarly works touching on this but no luck . ayesha curry the wife of the famous basketball player stepha curry has recently stated her concerns with not getting male attention . i just don’t understand this phenomenon. many women are relating to her . are you familiar wiith any research in this area or have insight to this , would appreciate… Read more »


[…] L’attention est primordiale pour femme, c’est un indicateur et une representation de valeur d’une femme. Plus elle a t’attention, plus elle va se sentir important. L’attention pour une femme joue d’autre rôle aussi. Pour une bonne explication par Rollo Tomassi […]


[…] Rational Male: Your Attention Please. […]

2 years ago

Just go about doing awesome stuff. See what happens.

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