For Better or Worse


Before I dive in here today it’s going to be important to put things into perspective with respect to an Old Married Guy becoming Red Pill aware and then applying what he’s learned in his marriage. In the last few comment threads the discussion has veered to what exactly the state of “monogamy” (if it can be called that) will look like in the next few decades given Red Pill awareness, Open Hypergamy, the progression of technologies that conflict with (or exacerbate) our evolved capacity to reproduce, etc.

The conversation tends to be a back and forth between what a more feasible and pragmatic approach to long-term relationships might be. The Young Single Guys make a (rather convincing) case for some form of men reserving the option of non-exclusivity; to take on short term lovers should the opportunity present itself – even if for just protecting a man’s state of Frame. Dread, being what it is, would necessarily be a mutually understood cornerstone of this arrangement.

The OMGs who’ve had the benefit of experience with respect to living with women (and in some cases divorces), rearing children (for better or worse) then offer up the realities of what a pLTR might be limited by with respect to actually living in an arrangement like this and the legal ramifications it leaves men open to.

Hashing out what Marriage 3.0 will or should look like is a discussion I’ll reserve for the next essay. For now I think it’s going to be important for that debate to recognize that since Red Pill awareness, in the intersexual respect, is a relatively new social awareness there’s always going to be differing experiences with it.

For the young men who’ve had the benefit of being Red Pill aware and learning Game, courtesy of communication technology and the experiences of countless other older men, it may sound kind of mundane when an Old Married Guy (OMG) finally ‘gets it’ after being Blue Pill for so long. But while you may never consider getting married in the future, you will no doubt get older and hopefully wiser in a way that your elders never had the benefit of. The reason I wrote Preventive Medicine was to do just this; to teach men what to expect from women and their sexual strategies and prioritization at their various phases of maturity. However, I would be remiss not to take into consideration what YSGs relate about the realities of today’s sexual marketplace. I think between us we have a very powerful knowledge-base.

As I said, for YSGs, it may seem mundane for a formerly Blue Pill OMG to kick up his wife’s sexual interest with his new Red Pill awareness, but consider that to him the Red Pill is an exciting answer to a long struggle. Likewise, an older guy reeling from an ugly divorce and rebuilding an even better life and sex life with Red Pill awareness is a fantastic feeling that I think is hard for YSGs to empathize with.

Instant Gratification

In my Stalling for Time essay I quoted reader YaReally and his understandable frustration with dealing with women in what’s become the modern sexual marketplace. I won’t re-quote it here, but the gist of it was how women of this generation are so predisposed to the attentions that social media offers them. The immediacy of social affirmation is just an Instagram post away and Beta orbiters are now a utility women simply take for granted.

It’s important to understand this in the light of how women’s psyches interpret instantaneous affirmation, as well as instantaneous indignation, attention and emotional consolation from both Beta orbiters and ‘you go girl’ girlfriends. I should also point out that there’s an even uglier side to this equation for women and girls who find themselves social outcasts. The cruel venom from haters is equally as instantaneous and likewise women’s evolved psyches struggle to process this.

As is the theme of this series, we have a situation wherein technological advancement outpaces human capacity to adequately process how it is affecting us. In this case we have women’s solipsistic nature that prevents the insight necessary to self-govern themselves with regard to how instant gratification of their base needs for attention is affecting their personalities and the decisions they make because of it. Prior to the communication age women’s need for interpersonal affirmation was generally limited to a small social circle and the opportunities to satisfy it were precious and private. It used to require far more investment on the part of women to connect interpersonally. But in the space of just two generations the social media age has made this affirmation an expect part of a woman’s daily life.

On top of this, we find ourselves in a time when feminine-primacy in our social structure makes criticizing or even making casual, constructive, observations of this self-gratifying vanity on par with misogyny for men. Women cannot hear what men wont tell them, and women have far less incentive to self-examine the consequences of what this affirmation-satisfying attention is working in them.

The Open Hypergamy Future

I get what the Young Single Guys are saying, I really do. I linked this article in a recent comment and after reading through it and author’s blog I can’t help but sympathize with the YSG’s grasp of the modern dating scene and how utterly hopeless it is for men to expect anything less than complete, life altering despair from the prospect of marriage. There is no upside to monogamous commitment, but the real kicker is that this condition is what women plan for and would hope for their own daughters.

Now, I understand Emma Johnson is another click-bait outrage broker, but is the sentiment her reader relates in raising her daughter to expect to be a single mother as an ideal state all that difficult or shocking to believe from women in this era?

My dream for my daughter is that she be in a loving relationship, and have a good ex-husband who really does a great job with the kids, 50 percent of the time.

People forget the joys of divorce — sharing your kids without guilt and having alone/me time.

[…]I also have time to exercise, enjoy vacations that are relaxing and involve lots of book-reading, and I have had time to nurture a relationship with my new husband, with fewer of the stresses of blended families.

The idealized state is one in which I outlined in The Myth of the Good Guy:

The problem with this ‘Good Guy’ myth is not because men can’t or wouldn’t want to try to balance women’s Hypergamy for them, but simply because women neither want nor expect that balance in the same man to begin with.

This is a new step in Open Hypergamy, the acknowledgement and proud embrace of women’s Hypergamous sexual strategy is not enough. The open expectation that one man will father and support her children while another will satisfy her sexually and appreciatively is not enough. The plan is literally to raise a young woman to adulthood with the expectation of her raising another child without a father/husband in her life and the child’s. We’re left to presume that the preferred norm for raising boys will be in teaching them it’s their responsibility to accommodate this norm.

The plan is not simply to end the Sandbergian plan for Hypergamy with the “Equal partner, someone who thinks women should be smart, opinionated and ambitious who values fairness and expects or, even better, wants to do his share in the home.” The plan is to leave that well-providing Beta once he’s been locked into indefinite utility and take up with a sexier husband with fewer parental stresses.

Yet, despite the overtness of women’s Hypergamy, men still have an idealistic hope that the worst predations of women wont happen to them. Read this woman’s post, sift through her other posts; she’s despicable, calculating, duplicitous and would put the knife in your back she told you she would,…but she’s also honest.

Whether by our conditioning or some intrinsic idealism, we want to believe in the earnestness of the Old Set of Books in the face of New Book women openly telling us “You stupid men, this is what we plan to do to you from the outset. Naked, open Hypergamy and all its machinations is what I will teach my daughters and grand daughters to do to your sons and grandsons. And you will take it and accept your Alpha Fucks or Beta Bucks roles in all of it because you’ll never get past your inherent idealism that we might not do all of this.”

We want to believe this woman is an outlier, but by order of degree, we know that whether it’s with softly spoken, loving words or a mommy blog that triumphantly yells these truths, women’s opportunistic concept of love will never align with our idealistic concept of love.

Primary LTRs

The arrangement this woman is hoping will be her daughter’s adult life is not too far different from what YaReally was suggesting about pLTRs; a primary long term relationship with a direct or indirect understanding that a man could take other lovers as fits him. He’s not the first to suggest the pLTR scheme as a workaround for marriage or raising a family sans marriage or binding commitment. And if Emma Johnson (or the reader she’s quoted) is to be believed this would be her own ideal relationship, albeit from the perspective of a woman retaining total Frame control.

Even a PUA like Mystery believed he could maintain a literal harem in some kind of live-in pLTR. And then there are the men who subscribe to the Charles Bukowski school of intersexual relations – in the right socioeconomic conditions this pLTR is realtively possible, but I think this is a poor substitute for what, as men we’d like to be an ideal, reciprocal marriage in which men can expect respect, desire, love, honor and all the other words no woman could ever hope to recite from their marriage vows.

I’ve locked horns with more than a few women who want to take me to task over my debating that human beings are not naturally monogamous. From a social perspective, loose monogamy and women’s inherent need for cuckoldry has always conflicted with our more or less successful human progress based on monogamous marriage. This is changing right along with the latest technologies that afford it to. As such, men are also forced to adapt and improvise with women’s inabilities to process these changes and the rapidity with which the next ones occur.

The old gals always like to tout that western society is the result of our agrarian roots and monogamous way of life. This is ironic since it’s women themselves who’ve fought tooth and nail to destroy exactly this ‘successful’ set up. Ruthless, open Hypergamy is now something to be proud of; something to instruct our daughters to utilize for their own solipsistic, selfish betterment at men’s expense – and to feel no shame for it, but rather expect it as the future norm.

It’s now time for men to either accept and adapt to this, or to form our own response to it in a way that not only benefits our interests, but the interests of women who can no longer process these changes without mens’ direct instruction. In Our Sisters’ Keeper I explored the notion that women of today are merely the women we deserve because men have kept their counsel about the affairs of women. We’ve got the women we deserve because our silence, and the silence of our forbearers, was the voice of complicity. Now we’ve come so far that women will send a man to jail or the unemployment office, or a paternity court rather than hear a man criticize her inability to process social changes that harm not only her but the larger social order.

There must come a point where men must unapologetically correct women for the betterment of society. Today this is a bold statement, one that could likely bring consequences to man’s life, but it’s only a bold thought because we’ve allowed women and their imperatives define the Frame of our social order for so long now. The socio-intersexual conditions we find ourselves in today are the direct result of women’s inability to process rapid social changes. As men we need to collectively recognize this. We need to recognize also that our social state is the result of allowing women to set a social framework that indentures men, that calls single motherhood and Hypergamous choices normative ideals.

We also need to recognize that we will be reviled for presuming some patriarchal control or male privilege, but we must have the confidence to set this aside in the knowledge that we now understand that women cannot cope with post-modern social and technological changes.

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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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7 years ago


There is no backing down as long as there are men who think dominating and controlling women is their masculine birthright.

I keep my birthright in my pants.

7 years ago

As far as dominating and controlling women, I see women all the time who cockblock their friends, actually grabbing them by the hand and pulling them away from men. And women dominate each other using gossip and subtle put-downs all the time.

7 years ago

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Vanir (@Vanir85)
7 years ago

“Piss off vainier. By your rules you have no right but to self-identify. Thus you have no right to assign an identity to another you mealy-mouthed hypocrite.” -SJB Identifying as a man does not give the right to dominate and control women…. or am I misunderstanding you completely? “And yet you still say nothing about women who use their children to dominate and control the fathers of their children” – Radium If I stumble across a site where women debate that, the same way you debate techniques for manipulating women – I’ll be sure to engage them there, like I… Read more »

7 years ago

Misogynist; A man who hates women almost as much as they hate each other.

7 years ago

This looks to me like feminine imperative covering its tracks. Find a disease that Robin Williams might have had, that few could prove he didn’t at this point, and blame his suicide on that instead of multiple ass-raping divorces.

7 years ago

Which one might make me more prone to “opt out” of life:

1) I have a form of dementia which will leave me unable to remember anything or even take care of my own bodily functions.

2) I only have 50 million dollars left to live on.

50 million (or 50 billion, or whatever) isn’t worth much to a person with advanced LBD.

7 years ago

@ Vanir

“Sorry. There is no backing down as long as there are men who think dominating and controlling women is their masculine birthright.”

7 years ago

Btw Vanir, this idea you seem to have that what the men here think really affects the big picture is misplaced. Rollo and his ilk here are just trail blazers; they are the leading shard from the meteor that is heading the way of western culture/society/legal system (especially family law part of the legal system). Injustice demands redress. And it has been long coming. The longer a lid is able to hold pent-up pressures building up inside a vessel, the more violent the explosion when it finally comes off. I promise you that men are eventually going to torpedo that… Read more »

having a bad day
having a bad day
7 years ago

here’s that duluth power wheel @AR keeps talking about…

read through this shit… even just a ‘look’ (as determined by HER) is ‘sexual abuse’…

also note that any ‘bad feelz’ that happen as her reaction to interacting with a man are punishable also… this codifies women not having any responsibility for living their own lives…

good luck!

7 years ago

vainier: You have no right to identify anyone else’s misogyny. The only right you have is to confront your own misogyny. Check your privilege hypocrite.

7 years ago

@habd: the recent bills in CA are just another turn of the Duluth wheel by legally redefining sexual assault as rape. Think female teachers who boff their under-age male students will be charged with rape and given a mandatory sentence? Doubtful.

7 years ago


Lol. Actually it makes more sense if you just change all those HERs into HIMs

It is as if the criminal has become the plaintiff.

7 years ago

@ scrib People like Vanir would also be the same people claiming we’re heartless if we don’t allow refugees to infiltrate our country and suck up all our resources while our economy is going into the shitter. @ Rollo In Vanir’s perfect world, men would be imprisoned for even “thought crimes” against women. It’s important for men (and everyone else) to understand that people like Vanir’s true aim is not “equality for women,” but direct, overt, and inhumane oppression of men. Vanir is a misandrist monster who is a promoter of violence, sexism and oppression against men. Fitting name, because… Read more »

Vanir (@Vanir85)
7 years ago

“I promise you that men are eventually going to torpedo that system. ” – cheupez Overall (taking both genders in equal account) the system is more fair now that it ever has been. If men can’t deal with what is in essence an unprecedentedly *just* system, and decide to “torpedo” it to try and make it unjust in men’s favor, again… … well. We’re just have to gonna fix it again. Feminism has worked its way up from a position of unfairness and subjugation, before. There will always be shifts in society. I am well aware that things may sway… Read more »

Vanir (@Vanir85)
7 years ago

“Vanir is a misandrist monster who is a promoter of violence, sexism and oppression against men.” -Softek Wow. You REALLY aren’t used to meeting opposition from those who are NOT okay with men manipulating, dominating and controlling women, on this site. Because that’s all I’ve done here. Opposed your sexism against women, opposed your desire to oppress and control women, and advocated SELF DEFENSE for women, if you should try to abuse women, or attack their rights and freedoms. You need to get out of your echo chamber more, if you equate someone calling your misogynist bs and telling you… Read more »

7 years ago

Also, as a man who has suffered legally sanctioned infant genital mutilation, which exists primarily as a result of sexism and oppression against men: Men like me identify far more with genitally mutilated women from other countries than women who are legally protected against genital mutilation do. This is still a huge sticking point for me. “Circumcision” (genital mutilation) is one of the MOST overt signs of how oppressive and sexist modern society is against men. I don’t even think it can get more overt than that. I can look at my own dick and see the sexist and oppressive… Read more »

7 years ago

Lol. ” Rights and freedoms “.

Vanir hanging tough with the false and super repetitive non-argument.

7 years ago

Wow, look at the time!!!!

It gotta go trample some women’s rights, grind a few more under my heel, then finish up by isolating a bunch so that I can manipulate and abuse them.

I should have started earlier. Now, I’ll probably run out of daylight.

So much to do, so little time.

7 years ago

@ Venir Do you understand what a rebuttal is? Do you understand what “making an argument” means? You need to get out of your echo chamber more, if you equate someone calling out your misandrist BS and telling you “NO” – with violence and oppression. Can you please define what “dominate” and “control” mean, specifically? Here, I’ll hold your hand and help you because you look like you’re struggling to understand what these big words mean: Legally sanctioned genital mutilation of infant boys is one example of dominating and controlling men, in a form of violent oppression and sexism against… Read more »

7 years ago

@ Blax “It gotta go trample some women’s rights, grind a few more under my heel, then finish up by isolating a bunch so that I can manipulate and abuse them.” Can you take me along please? I’ve been really stuck in my head lately and I could use some guidance. I’ve got beer and snacks and I promise I won’t get in the way. I’ve been having a hard time understanding exactly how to manipulate and abuse women, especially the grinding them under my heel part, and I could use a tutor. Let me know, man. It’s Saturday. Prime… Read more »

7 years ago

@ Softek

Sure thing.

But you gotta bring a bullet proof vest, because there are millions of vanirs out there who want to spoil the fun, and they are armed with 2nd amendment privilege, and they sound pretty dangerous.

The ” grinding under the heel ” thing is indeed tricky. Think Doc Martins or heavy Timberlands to remain stylish while subjugating.

Hit you with the misogynistic goodness by text.

7 years ago

vainier: No one here has ever self-identified as a misogynist save in jest. What gives you the right to violate these men’s autonomy by identifying them as something they do not self-identify?


7 years ago

@ Blax Can do. Just turned my phone on. I’ll be waiting. In the meantime, I’ll be practicing some guitar. Working on some note-for-note Hendrix. I’d love to get a band finally going. Hendrix impersonation thing threw me off at first, but this guy really knows his shit. Never seen anyone cover Hendrix this well. Check it out. @ Rollo Bring on the VR porn and the fleshlights if shit like that goes global. Guys like me who are having a very hard time even OPENING women, much less Gaming them….that’s enough to make you call it quits for… Read more »

7 years ago

Rollo and friends. I’m English and woke up to a story this morning of an Englishman who had to settle in divorce. It’s literally unbelievable. Check out the link below and let me know what you think.

*Darts legend Phil ‘The Power’ Taylor must pay ex-wife half £3m fortune*

It’s literally unbelievable how brazen these worthless feral bitches are. Read the link below.

ANonymous Reader
ANonymous Reader
7 years ago

“wind up believing that feminist Fascism is fair”
– Anon

Other way around. Misogynists believe fairness to both genders is feminist fascism.

Feminist “fairness” consists of ever more choices for women and always more responsibilities for men. Feminist “fairness” is simply female privilege and male bondage.

Therefore feminism is Fascism and you are a misandric Fascist.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

The Vanir critter is misattributing quotes, assigning them to people who were themselves quoting the OP.

It doesn’t affect your own comment, but it is something to note going forward.

Duly noted. Thinking is not a strong point with this one.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

Overall (taking both genders in equal account) the system is more fair now that it ever has been.

The male suicide rate certainly has something to say about that.

“Fair” to a feminist Fascist: more choices for women, more burdens for men. Men as mules…to be used and then discarded.

7 years ago

Rollo gets a shoutout in one of those RSD videos

“What’s the book that Owen is real into now?”

7 years ago

“Men as mules…to be used and then discarded.”

The animal rights movement began in Victorian England to protect commercial car horses. The working lifespan of a car horse was about 15 years, but the economics were such that it was more profitable to work them to death in just 3. Legislation was eventually passed to restrict overworking the horses.

If men demanded to be treated like draft animals, most of them would end up better off.

7 years ago


When men can have their own children without women, then things will be fair…until then, it ain’t fair, so it’s just who can grab as much as they can…all your fairness can just go fuck off

7 years ago

Can we come up with a plan that will cause feminists to start committing suicide in mass quantities?

7 years ago

“Can we come up with a plan that will cause feminists to start committing suicide in mass quantities?”

Mob them with hotter women.

Vanir (@Vanir85)
7 years ago

“When men can have their own children without women, then things will be fair…until then, it ain’t fair, so it’s just who can grab as much as they can…all your fairness can just go fuck off”

Huh. And here I had written off “womb-envy”. I guess Valerie Solanas may actually have had a point regarding that. Live and learn, i guess.

And we’ll still advocate our more fair system, not one where men get to dictate the terms alone – like in ye olden days. No matter how unfair misogynists think fairness is 😀

7 years ago

@Softie – Part of what the OMGs have been trying to say is that life has never been easy. The path towards success and real power and social standing and mastery and wealth etc. has always been uphill. While our challenges were different, I’m not going to say that YSGs have it harder, you just have different challenges. The solution? Always BE in the solution, not the problem. I’m more and more convinced the best approach is to go for your dreams. Even of you crash and burn, at least you won’t be a useless fuck like Vanir. Be delusional,… Read more »

Forge the Sky
Forge the Sky
7 years ago

@Scribb Thanks for the Charles Murray vid, I sent it around to a few people. I think we’re seeing a sea change in how we view globalism, nations, and states. A future candidate who supported a more pro-american / limited immigration / anti-war stance who is also not a midwit bloviator could really clean up the election. It is interesting how much Trump has managed to change the discourse though. It’s not through any personal brilliance. It’s the sheer fact that he isn’t part of the political class and doesn’t care what they think of him that allowed him to… Read more »

Annymous Reader
Annymous Reader
7 years ago

scribblerg, Murray’s work on the UMC vs. MC / WC is very important, however attributing things to “welfare” is not sufficient. Unless you defines “welfare’ very very broadly. Thanks to feminism demanding ever more special favors for women simply for existing, there now is an incredibly poweful system in place that benefits women and only women. From the anti-boy bias in K-12 education (the vast majority of Ritalin scrips are for boys, to drug them into submission to female teachers and administrators) to the overt pro-female bias in higher education starting with Title IX, to the overt and covert pro-female… Read more »

7 years ago

feminism = misandry

7 years ago

Huh. And here I had written off “womb-envy”. I guess Valerie Solanas may actually have had a point regarding that. Live and learn, i guess.

Ubetcha, we actually want to make women obsolete. You all don’t have the creativity, high end intelligence, or strength of men. No reason to keep you all around after we can make (male) babies without you all.

7 years ago

Get ready for it, folks…I am setting up Miss PantiesTooTight.

7 years ago

Fuck it, call in the Storm Troopers on my ass…all those women cops…what?! You mean Miss PantiesTooTight needs cops who are men? Oh, the horror!

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

Vanir tips its hand with a mention of Valerie Solanas. Solanas is mainly remembered for attempting to murder Andy Warhol, and for her rambling screed the SCUM manifesto – a call for killing all men. So now we know what Vanir is all about – hatred of men, a desire to kill men, promotion of violence. This is no surprise, it is typical of the Fascist feminists. Solanas clearly had daddy issues. Probably Veneer does, too. “Life” in this “society” being, at best, an utter bore and no aspect of “society” being at all relevant to women, there remains… Read more »

7 years ago

“It’s pretty interesting how clearly this showed how much our government is in bed with its own interests first and foremost. Republican, Democrat, it made no difference – both tried to beat the new ideas into permanent submission.”

Who wins the Superbowl?
The NFL.

The league is the circus. The teams are just part of the act.

Forge the Sky
Forge the Sky
7 years ago

Sigh. This is probably only useful to the lurkers, but… @Vanir There may be some men out there that have a ‘thing’ for being in charge of women specifically. That’s not most guys here. That’s not me. See, I tried to do the equalist thing in my first relationships. I gave the women explicit equality of opinion and direction in matters both large and small. Those relationships were frustrating and dramatic; the women were always upset or removed from me and in spite of my strong, dedicated attempts to communicate with them, to learn what more I could do, to… Read more »

Forge the Sky
Forge the Sky
7 years ago

@AR “….however attributing things to “welfare” is not sufficient. Unless you defines “welfare’ very very broadly.” Right, this is only one axis on a multifaceted reality. But I’m glad Scribb inserted data about the importance of social class in this discussion, it is likely one of the largest single variables determining your reproductive options today. Unfortunately (and I find I’m usually rephrasing kfg in most of my points these days) ‘class up’ isn’t nearly as much an option as it once was. So it’s largely a static variable. Otherwise we might have the surreal situation of having YaReally advocate making… Read more »

Vanir (@Vanir85)
7 years ago

“So now we know what Vanir is all about – hatred of men, a desire to kill men, promotion of violence.” – Anon Except I only mentioned her due to the outspoken “Womb-envy” of theasdgamer – who so far is the *only* one here who has voiced any desire to be rid of either gender “Ubetcha, we actually want to make women obsolete. […] No reason to keep you all around after we can make (male) babies without you all.” -theasdgamer I have no desire for a world without men. Too bad the people here can’t say the same for… Read more »

Forge the Sky
Forge the Sky
7 years ago


Woa, cool! I’ve been wondering if/when this stuff would ping on their radar. We could do with a world where Owen is redpilled lol.

7 years ago

@Forge You dominating and controlling man, YOU! You dare to give physical commands to a woman on the dance floor!? You are misogynistic! Lead/follow dance is misogynistic! Women who follow in dance are misogynistic! Marriage is misogynistic! Just being a man is misogynistic because biology is misogynistic. NB: In lead/follow dances, the man typically is the lead and he gives physical commands to the woman, which is called “leading” her. The man decides the patterns that are to be danced. The man manoeuvers the woman around the dance floor. He controls where she moves. Of course, by accepting his invitation… Read more »

7 years ago

If men could breed without women, then men could apply for welfare and get a lot of govt. benefits that currently are used almost exclusively by women.

We could force women to serve in combat, etc., since women would be extraneous to our needs as men.

7 years ago

“I have no desire for a world without men. Too bad the people here can’t say the same for a world without women.”

Upholding the stereotype that woman can’t read maps. You GO gurrrl!

7 years ago

It’s just so FAIR that women get 90% of welfare benefits, you know. Redistribution of wealth from men to women is so FAIR. Biology is so FAIR because only women can have babies.

Miss PantiesTooTight needs to get off her fairness kick, because biology doesn’t care about fairness.

7 years ago

Forgive my language but just how do you legislate p*ssy and d*k. How do you do that? The oppressed women of the west indeed. A law that says it is a hate crime to upset someone, if the one is a woman? That is crazy. Just crazy. Is overboard. Literally. Off the ship into the water. Off the cliff too. Is why I don’t think Vanir is totally wrong. I can see how extinction can happen to something that insists on jumping off cliffs, or running headfirst into a behemoth. When it is over, I hope it will not be… Read more »

7 years ago

As a woman, I have to ask you something. Mr Tomassi…. Have you ever heard of a thing called LOVE? Because this blog only has its fool followers because you all believe it doesn’t exist. And it is a very, very sad thing. I hope you all one day really find LOVE, because your warped view of relationships and life clearly shows that you have no idea of what LOVING SOMEONE is all about.

7 years ago

“Mr Tomassi…. Have you ever heard of a thing called LOVE? Because this blog only has its fool followers because you all believe it doesn’t exist.”

Take that, Mr. Hitchens!

7 years ago

Called LOVE.

NB: NOT just love, but LOVE.


Could we may be please go ask that tough judge on divorce corp where it resides? I think he may have an idea or two.

7 years ago

@Paula: Second or third husband? Oh, the first? How many men did you love before him? I trust your honesty in this matter.

Ajax Parallax
Ajax Parallax
7 years ago

@Paula Allow my ex to explain: “I love you more than I can even describe. I can’t imagine living my life without you in it. I want to have your babies and for us to grow old together.” Fast forward seven years: “I don’t love you anymore. Why can’t you understand this?? Why do you keep trying to change my mind?? I have to follow my heart and not my mind! It’s futile. Now please take your shit and GTFO…” What changed? Abuse? No. Neglect? No. Not much except for one significant external influence: She met an older, successful tall,… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

Forgive my language but just how do you legislate p*ssy and d*k.

That’s what the feminist Fascists have tried to do for years. It always comes down to “men with guns who will make other men do what women want” in the end. Force, but the girls get to keep their hands clean.

So called “affirmative consent” is the latest version.

Vanir (@Vanir85)
7 years ago

“So called “affirmative consent” is the latest version.”
– Anon

Yes. Women having to agree they want to sleep with you, before you can fuck them – is mucho fascism.

7 years ago


Yes. Women having to agree they want to sleep with you, before you can fuck them – is mucho fascism.

We can hook up once our attorneys have ironed out the details, lol.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

Women getting to withdraw consent at any time, even years later, is Fascism. Not surprised that you are on board with false rape accusations.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago


Woman hits man on head with hammer. Man calls police.

Police arrest injured man.

This is the reality of your “equality”.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

Woman has alcohol. Man has alcohol. Woman and man have sex.
Next day woman claims rape.

Man is arrested.

This is the reality of your “equality”.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

One of Vanir’s BFF girls with her “equal” boyfriend.

7 years ago

Wow Vanir, a lot of shaming in your postings, but you’ll need to be more sophisticated, as the old tropes thanks to the internet/twitter/tumblr are becoming common place misandry

7 years ago

@KFG I had a red pill meet-up with an infrequent comment-er here earlier today. First time meeting him IRL. I adapted my plans for opening day of bow-hunting deer season and hung out with him in a red pill flair and communed with nature (Mother Nature being energy giving like actual feminine women–not energy sucking vampires like the current parasite commenting today). I raised a blag flag to signal the red pill commune (in your honor). I had some throat slitting implements on hand. But didn’t actually start slitting throats. We don’t actually have motive or opportunity to do… Read more »

7 years ago

@Annymous Reader “The irony is that many, possibly most, of the “careers” that women have are purely bogus paper-pushing make-work. And that explicitly includes all those UMC women who work for foundations, on various grants, engaged in “do-goodism” projects.” I suspect this knowledge is the primary cause of feminist rage. There are virtually no female geniuses in the arts, science, mathematics, philosophy, and technology. And all of the great female scientists have been empirical scientists rather than theoretical scientists. I think feminist rage may be similar to red pill rage. These are women who realize that they are completely dependent… Read more »

7 years ago

: “I raised a blag flag to signal the red pill commune (in your honor).”


“I had some throat slitting implements on hand.”

Ummmmmm, yeah, you might want to tone that down, just a bit. The Pocket Boy 170, medium teeth, is sufficient.

7 years ago

“Ummmmmm, yeah, you might want to tone that down, just a bit. The Pocket Boy 170, medium teeth, is sufficient.” Cross purposes. I actually don’t have motive or opportunity for the real pirate experience–like actually slitting throats. My motive or opportunity could actually be swayed by my UMC social status. I could imagine myself with different motives and opportunities. I actually do hinge-cut trees and cut autumn olive, shrub honeysuckle and multiflora rose (the devils triad of invasive shrubs–and the holy trinity for deer habitat). The Silky Zubat is in the sweet zone (Goldilocks–wise) of Silky saws. (And it was… Read more »

7 years ago

Was at a big festival with a friend of mine who is a “natural”. He has a natural instinct with game but no technique. I’m carefully targeting hotties who are young and 7 and above. The odd MiLF who is hot for age comes over to me. I game her. Then toss her over to my friend who basically says “come Back to my hotel.” Far from running away she starts rationalising: too fast…too soon…I’m busy tomorrow morning… It was interesting to see unrefined game as an observer.whrras I’m opening and coming back and going longer game…this guy is spraying… Read more »

7 years ago

@ Anonymous Reader, “That’s what the feminist Fascists have tried to do for years. It always comes down to “men with guns who will make other men do what women want” in the end. Force, but the girls get to keep their hands clean.” Speaking of that dynamic, it makes you wonder about the demographic gender and age breakdown of all the “witches” that were executed during the 1400-1700’s. I’ll bet there is a strong statistical significant correlation for the gender being female and the age range b/t the ages of 16 and 26 years lol. Any chance that the… Read more »

7 years ago

Correction – change “men in the clergy………” to men in positions of wealth, power and influence and the women behind those men for any catholic priests don’t marry nit pickers out there – lol.

7 years ago

Here’s a good vid by TFM that I enjoyed on hypergamy backfiring on a married woman.

7 years ago

@SJF – For those who may not get your reference. “Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats.” ― H.L. Mencken, Prejudices: First Series @Forge – Ya, Trump is perhaps among the worst messengers for his message. I think the other thing people miss is that the Prog-Marxists (and that’s what those on the left are, not “liberals”, and they are also bordering on full blown Fascism at this point) hold immense political and institutional power. But their popular power is not nearly as dominant. On many… Read more »

Culum Struan
Culum Struan
7 years ago

YaReally Sentient HABD Wala Forge Scray Hank Tom and PUA Gang Finally catching up on my posts (how did you guys hit another 1100 comment thread???) so just swinging back to the replies on my FR about Monday night, way back on page 3 of the comments. The core of the comments is just that I need to lead and move forward. I think it was scribblerg who was talking some time ago about enjoying having a girl attracted and enjoying the validation and not moving forward. It’s not the same, but kind of along the same lines – I… Read more »

7 years ago

“I think Trump’s election might bring it to a crisis on the left. I also think Hillary’s election might excite certain right wing militia types to act. It’s only going to get uglier from here, folks. The ratchet must continue to work it’s way down now…” Hillary, upon election, will immediately implement the first stage of her (and fellow Ivory tower loonies) Final Solution. They performed a similar perfect miracle with tobacco and they will implement the same with gun control. Tax the hell out of it, limit it, shame it. If we are indeed going to see interesting times… Read more »

7 years ago

I should add that after seeing that last debate and all the softball slow pitches Trump missed (and it was obvious they were going to be thrown), I am re-examining my first suspicion when he got into the race.
I suspected that he was a Trojan horse/ “mole”.
But there’s no better option now.

7 years ago

Guess I should add, I DID like the way he kept using the title “Secretary” before her name.
That was the one smart move I saw from Trump during the debate.
It made the viewers reflect on the obvious:
She IS the status quo/power in charge….ie, part of the problem.

Culum Struan
Culum Struan
7 years ago

PS – Sentient, to add to my post above – the “Thin Man Approach” (so to speak) is part of what I like to think of as “Phase 2” in my plans. I want to get comfortable with cold approach and closing first (not perfect, just comfortable – just like I did with dates and escalation and lays on dates). Then Phase 2: Building a social circle in Big City, Thin Man Approach, getting specific clubs/venues on lockdown (this is already starting to happen), making more of an effort to get into high-end clubs where the celebs and hotties go..all… Read more »

7 years ago


Re Trump and nationalism it’s important to note it is not based on neocon globalist profits and protection of Saudi and isreali interests.

Too many dead and too much blood on the hands of the GOP.

People pissed about this as well.

7 years ago

Saudi and Israel are so different in respect to their “interests” they don’t even keep diplomatic relations with each other.

Protecting both must be quite a trick.

7 years ago

“I should add that after seeing that last debate and all the softball slow pitches Trump missed (and it was obvious they were going to be thrown), I am re-examining my first suspicion when he got into the race.” Here is a video I just ran across, a Trump endorser (but not fanboi supporter) who agrees with JudgyBitch on how the debate went down, only this is made as a prediction, before the event: i.e. Trump will let Hillary set the tone and terms, only going for hard punches where she invites him in. I don’t discount the idea that… Read more »

7 years ago
7 years ago

Still catching up on the comments, but I want to give a shout out to scrib on his econ 101 lectures.

We may not always agree 100% ( but so what? ), but I dig your perspective and insight.

7 years ago

Well since it is kinda quiet on Sunday night here, the thread was pretty much killed by Veneer by employing Godwin’s Law and Rollo is allegedly working on an essay about Marriage or LTR 3.0. I’m going to do a little bit of spamming with Deida from his book Intimate Communion. What prompts me to do this is my buddy that visited me yesterday at my wildlife habitat farm ran into a little buzz saw after returning home to his woman. This is for him. It is a call to relax, don’t try to game your woman so hard–she… Read more »

7 years ago

THE MASCULINE IS LOOKING FOR TROUBLE The Masculine sexual essence is looking for trouble. That’s how it finds its purpose. It sees a problem and wants to fix it. In fact, it often sees a problem and wants to fix it even when there isn’t one. Once upon a time, I viewed Ophelia’s emotional states as problems to be solved. To my eyes, she would be moping around the house, so I would try to talk with her about it, asking her a lot of questions, hoping to get to the bottom of it. I can vividly remember one particular… Read more »

7 years ago

DIS-EASE OF THE MODERN MAN To better understand the Masculine’s native gift in the practice of Intimate Communion, we must first understand the dis-ease that plagues modern men. Many men today have lost touch with their sexual essence. They may appear competent enough, but at their core they are weakened. They have lost touch with their humor and their certainty, in love and life. They have become uncommitted and undirected, or have adopted a false mission in order to make money or distract themselves from their underlying fear. A key aspect of the Masculine sexual essence is its sense of… Read more »

7 years ago

VARIETIES OF MASCULINE T-SHIRTS At a party, it is not unusual for women to want to dance and for men to want to sit and watch, or talk seriously with one another while the women are going wild on the dance floor. The Feminine is in life and wants to move with the energies of life. The Masculine is traiiseerrdent d to life, and wants to be free of life, outside of it, watching it perhaps, but not caught up in the chaos and flow that seems so native to the Feminine sexual essence. In a first-stage moment, a man… Read more »

7 years ago

@scrib: I’m not afraid of hard work. I’m not exaggerating when I say I’ve been working since I was eight. I welcome a kind of leveling. I truly believe that we are becoming an inferior species in all kinds of ways due to our ability to, say, circumvent God by using bc and ivf. These “advancements” are actually degrading our genetic quality. We live in a world where it might cost a thousand dollars for a dog to have minor surgery, whereas it’s less than a hundred to put him down. My issue with the current state of things (and… Read more »

7 years ago

” . . . legal tender has replaced the inherent value of man.”

The immediate problem that Scribbler is addressing is that legal tender has replaced the inherent value of money.

7 years ago

SJF “THE MASCULINE IS MODALdirection in life-that is, His goal or life-mission. In my case, this became most obvious when I was involved in a major project. If I was procrastinating or unclear of my goals with the project, then my energy was constantly sapped by my lack of clarity, and Ophelia suffered my lack of energy for our relationship. I couldn’t really be with her, fully present. Part of me was involved with the project, consciously or unconsciously, trying to work out my clarity and direction, However, when I was clear about my direction, then I was able to… Read more »

7 years ago
7 years ago

@Rollo “The problem I have in YaReally’s idea for pLTRs is that even in a relationship where a woman is the “primary” she still has options, she still has orbiters, she still has a sense that she controls you personally and financially because of it.” She will ALWAYS have that, in ANY type of relationship, in 2016. But you yourself promote dread game, MMSL (before he became purple pill, the plan he lays out at least), non-outcome-dependence, MPO, being able to toss her shit on the front lawn, preselection, jealousy, etc…ALL of that stuff is neutered in a legal monongamous… Read more »

7 years ago

” . . . an arrangement where you are together but not legally . . .”

“For the sake of this discussion, the goal is to raise kids for 18+ years in a stable 2-parent household.”

Would you like me to supersize your order of fried ice?

7 years ago

This was in 2013, before Tinder went widespread (cause it doesn’t even mention Tinder), so 2016 is 3 MORE years of this EXPONENTIALLY increasing:

7 years ago

“Would you like me to supersize your order of fried ice?”


This is why my posts are 400 pages long, because I have to spell everything out letter by letter every time.

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