Teaching Slaves to Read

Ehintellect had a very enlightening comment in last week’s thread. I’ve edited it for relevant content, but you can read the whole thing here. This touched on an essay topic I’ve been considering since my conversation with Ed Latimore and Mark Baxter:

[I] was at a home party a few years back. Highly successful surgeons, wives, husbands; quickly devolved into quarters, college games. 

My wife loves the parties as she gets compliments and conversation she’d otherwise not get. She’s not plugged into that crowd, and I assume doesn’t want to. In a way, that’s fortunate. There is tremendous value in my marriage, parenting. I’m astonished at the change.

Mrs. Eh’s shit tests continue, but are a whole different breed. Comfort, mostly, and usually because I don’t calibrate enough. Easily dealt with, I’m astonished at the dynamic. I was bar rail with wife, and my erstwhile suicidal, now RP, TRM acquaintance called asking me to celebrate his 2 (!) plate spinning / back at school / ”I know your trick, EhIntellect!” / ”Now I understand the true nature of women.” / “My life has never been better.” life. I was celebrating on the phone with him. Well, yeah, after the 5-10 minute chat, Mrs. Eh. wasn’t too pleased. She started to test about me treating her as a “whore” and my daughter shabbily.

Still upbeat, I kissed her forehead and whispered, “You’re no whore. You’re MY whore.” Well, that didn’t work as intended, she sulked, I got up and said let’s go. Nope she sat and I, dropping her jacket on my chair, wordlessly left out the back. The bar waitress walked her out by the arm 3 minutes later.

I’d have never been able to do that without you guys.

I had a karaoke night planned, for me, so kept on. In a way I “bounced” her to another venue, ran with her happily sprinting with me to the new pub. It’s like the dust up never happened, she was crazy sexual for the rest of the night. That’s what we’re to do right? Spike that test! I wanted to sing, and raised the roof that night. Did I reinforce bad behavior? IMO, no. The test is to be passed, my burden of performance, she holds me tighter, begs me for affection as never before. Sex is plentiful. More frame for me, no snark, much laughter.

Reader SJF comments next:

Your wife’s response to overhearing your conversation is normal operating procedure for women. I’ve been through this scenario and could shed some more light on it.

Sure it is a shit test. Sure it is a comfort test. Doesn’t matter. It’s not about passing a shit test. It’s about using it to your advantage. “You’re no whore. You’re MY whore” was an Agree and Amplify response to the test. Not the best way to accomplish your goals. Your goals here were to mentor your buddy. Not to game your wife–you already have that in hand 

What this situation calls for is to conduct your discussions with men in fight club in private.

What’s going on with your wife in this situation is and INDIGNATION of the SISTERHOOD scenario. (How fucking dare you help another man to implement his strategy to compromise the strategy of the Sisterhood? The Sisterhood’s Social Conventions and their Feminine Imperatives to implement their strategy are more important in a Feminine Supreme Society than you buddy gaining agency).

Your wife on behalf of her and your daughter is affronted by you giving him tactics. (She figures on your part this is you giving her and your daughter and indignity because you are giving this: insult, offend, mortify, provoke, pique, wound, hurt to the Sisterhood Strategy and Imperatives.) You are poking the mother of your children in the ribs with riposte. She protests. She figures it’s not fucking fair.

So this talking red pill to red pill with guys is best kept off the grid and out of sight and earshot.
Now keep in mind this is not abdicating frame any more than a Machiavellian strategist is embarrassed by his tactics being kept secret.

Tyler Durden in fight club would not agree about using overt, rather than covert discussions about blowing up the edifices (buildings, social conventions and imperatives) in society to achieve ends.

And finally Novaseeker adds this most salient comment:

“You should know this stuff, but you shouldn’t know this stuff, if it were up to the Sisterhood. You guys are taking away OUR POWER and I’m going to shit test you about that with some INDIGNATION.”

Yes, it’s because it violates the “Just Get It” principle. It’s fine if a man “just gets it”. It’s not fine if a man has to learn it in order to get it, because in the latter case there is a concern that he doesn’t actually really “get it”, because he isn’t a man who “just gets it”.

More fundamentally, they do not trust themselves to be able to tell the difference between a man who “just gets it” and man who has learned from other men how to “get it”, and they fundamentally do want to distinguish between the two types of men because that is a critical Alpha filter. What you’re doing is sabotaging their filter, which of course will be unwelcome, never mind that they will generally be just as satisfied with a man who learns to get it as they would with a man who just gets it, in practice (as long as the former guy maintains frame and so on properly). So, yes, don’t talk about fight club outside fight club and all that.

Women want a man who ‘just gets it’ but they despise a man who has to be told how to ‘get it’.

This is the first law of the Sisterhood, a man who must be told how to be a man, how to be dominant in his dealings with women, or fluidly, naturally be the Alpha who is in control of his environment(s) isn’t the man for her. If masculinity or the value of social dominance had to be explained to him, he had to make a conscious effort to act contrary to what his ‘true’ nature would otherwise be for women.

Hypergamy always seeks the better-than-deserved situation with men. In the past I’ve discussed how the nature of Hypergamy is such that it cannot wait for a man to realize his potential. Hypergamy looks for the ‘sure thing’. This is why women prefer the romantic attentions (at least as far as long term prospects go) of men who are 5 – 7 years or older than themselves. On a limbic level, women are aware that men’s accrual of sexual market value takes much longer than for women. Men who would be intimately acceptable are the men who are already made-men. There is no (or certainly less) uncertainty for her Hypergamous doubt to resolve for her when that man possesses SMP equity that time has made of him. This is also the root reason women are attracted to men who naturally, effortlessly, display higher value and Amused Mastery, as well as men for whom social proof is socially and organically confirmed for her.

Women’s sexual agency –their only true commodity value to men – is perishable. This then is the nature of women’s very intimate relationship with the Wall; they know on a hindbrain, limbic level and from a very early age that their sexual agency rises quickly and burns out fast. Their peak competitive years in the sexual marketplace (SMP) spans only 10-12 years at best before their younger sisters replace them in the SMP. They know that there will come a point that their capacity to compete in the SMP will diminish.

Every cosmetic ever created, every plastic surgery or implant devised (by men) every fashion trend or clothing style for women has been created with the express purpose of both making a woman appear younger than her actual age and/or to convince her that her sexual agency has an indefinite shelf life. Every social convention for women the Feminine Imperative has ever devised is rooted in the latent purpose of convincing women that their sexual market value ought to be based on some esoteric or intrinsic quality (rather than the biological and evolutionary reality) once they’ve moved past the age of being able to effectively compete intrasexually with their sisters.

They are conditioned to believe the fault in ‘unrealistic beauty standards’ is due to the horrific sexual objectification of men’s base (biological) natures and/or the social constructivist narrative that would have them believe it’s a nebulous ‘society’s’ fault that they are unable to consolidate their Hypergamy once the expiration date for their sexual market value has passed and their younger sisters outcompete them.

Id vs. Ego

On a subconscious level this is the internal conflict women fight within themselves. The desires of their Ids war with the dictates of what Hypergamy demands of them, knowing all the while that their capacity to consolidate on it is limited to a very short window in their lifetimes. Women’s Egos are then fed on the narrative of the Feminine Imperative that the worries of their Ids, and the crushing doubts that Hypergamy biologically wires into women, are unfounded and they have an almost indefinite timeframe in which to consolidate on the ‘perfect guy’ ; The guy who will satisfy both the Alpha Fucks sexual excitement of Hypergamy with the stable, comforting, dependable security the Beta Bucks side of Hypergamy needs for her long term security. A woman’s Id knows this is a lie, but her Ego is convinced she can wait out her Party Years at least to sample as many ‘bad boys, wrong boys, commitment-phobic boys’ as the Sheryl Sandberg plan for Hypergamy has convinced her Ego she has the time to work her way through.

A woman’s Id is having none of it, beyond enjoying the sexual pleasures of the Alpha men she prefers in her peak sexual market value (SMV) years. Hypergamy demands the complete package, the already-made man. The guy for whom she’s so certain will be the best of both worlds (despite the unbeliveability of it) that it quells her Hypergamous doubt. On a rudimentary level a woman’s Id knows she deserves a better-than-warranted situation with regard to her Hypergamy; it’s the only situation that will ever be truly satisfying to her. Only a man who rates 1-2 degrees above what she feels her own SMV merits (however unrealistic that’s become to her) will be the man she can truly submit herself to.

This is what her Id knows. On some level of consciousness it knows she is choosing a life in which she can either submit herself and entrust her life, body and soul to the long term security of a deserving man (one who rates a full to two steps above her own self-impression), or she will resign herself to her own ‘independence’ and self-reliance with respect to long term security in a life with a man who doesn’t “deserve her” and who she will never submit herself to.

There are many variables that interfere with a woman making this consolidation in her younger years, but the fact remains, the longer a woman delays consolidating on the guy she could comfortably submit herself to the less likely she is to actually do so; and the more likely she is to resign herself to insisting on her own Frame to supply the security she would otherwise get from a man she could’ve submitted herself to.

This is why we see a majority of older women – women who’ve cycled out of the SMP – falling back on the tropes of the Strong Independent Woman® narrative. The truth is they are unlikely to ever lockdown the perfect guy with whom they could comfortably submit to. This is also compounded by her Hypergamous doubt and long term security having to be self-provisioned for a longer and longer period of time. A never-married 40 year old woman will likely have been so necessitous in her own provisioning that she will never allow herself to submit to any man’s Frames for the remainder of her life.

All of this interpersonal back and forth revolves around women’s capacity to attract a suitable man while simultaneously filtering for men’s requisite qualities to satisfy the dual nature of Hypergamy. From an evolutionary perspective, women’s breeding potential cannot afford to be tricked or deceived into her consolidating on a less than optimal man. That’s the paradox of Hypergamy and the prime reason women seek pre-made man (or a man with such overwhelming potential it satisfies Hypergamy). So important is this filtering mechanism that it evolved to be a part of women’s neurological firmware – it’s baked in.

In a larger respect, this filtering is part of the prime directive amongst the collective social influence of the Sisterhood. Women want, and expect, a default, and completely honest, evaluation of a man’s intimate potential in satisfying Hypergamy from her peers as well as the larger social collective of women. Anything that confounds or deliberately confuses the veracity of this Hypergamous assessment about a guy is equitable with deliberately attempting to sabotage a woman’s life. Accurate evaluation of a man’s Hypergamous potential is the highest order for the Sisterhood.

Teaching Slaves to Read

In my interview with Ed Latimore we discussed exactly this dynamic and what Ed said was profound. I paraphrase him here, but the sentiment was, “Men learning Game, men teaching men about the intrinsic psychological and biological natures of women, men making other men Red Pill aware, is like teaching slaves to read in the time of slavery.”

Men becoming aware of the nature of women is a Threat; and that threat is primarily dangerous because it deliberately confounds women’s accurate assessment of a man’s true value in satisfying her Hypergamous doubt. Educating men about Game, about Red Pill awareness, must be prevented on both a personal level and a sociological level if women are to maintain a feminine-primary, feminine-correct and feminine-dominant social order. Thus, we encounter the social situations that Ehintellect and SJF describe in the above comments.

This reminds me of a story I read on the Red Pill Reddit forum about a guy who’s girlfriend discovered my book he’d been reading. She began picking through various sections and, expectedly, got really pissed off at the chapters on SMV (the chart in particular). They both discussed the parts she’d read and she admitted she wanted to read the whole thing, but from what they talked about she confessed that there wasn’t really anything she disagreed with. Her words were, “You men shouldn’t know this stuff!

It wasn’t that she was irritated by the truth in those sections of the book, but rather, her concern was that men might become aware of women’s sexual strategies as laid bare by the SMV sections and chart. Essentially, men teaching men to become Red Pill aware, to unplug them from the Matrix is anathema to women’s long term sexual strategy. Teaching men to Just Get It is a deliberate effort to bypass women’s subconscious and overt filtering processes to evaluate a man’s Hypergamous value.

Furthermore, Red Pill aware men represent an existential threat to women unilaterally making Hypergamous decisions for their lives – a unilateral power women have taken for granted since the unfettering of Hypergamy in the Sexual Revolution – and thus represent a threat to their making a less than optimal choice. Men becoming Red Pill aware, in effect, prioritizes men’s control over the Hypergamous process. That may be only by order of degree, and subjective to men’s real grasp of the Red Pill and their capacity to implement it, but the fear remains. Even a nominal control or increase in control of men over the Hypergamous process must be criminalized, marginalized or shamed to eliminate the threat that a man might convincingly misrepresent himself for a woman’s Hypergamous approval.

This is interesting in light of women’s hubris of embracing Open Hypergamy on a societal, cultural level. It’s not that men would be aware of women’s Hypergamous sexual strategies – this they triumphantly flaunt in very public ways – it’s that men would collude together to deliberately exploit that knowledge to wrest some marginal control over women’s sexual selection process.

Novaseeker’s assessment is correct, this convincing deception centers on men teaching men to passably appear to, if not actually, Just Get It. There’s a maxim in the manosphere that states women are not interested in how a man becomes a man. They are uninterested in the process of a man becoming anything, just that he is. If there is one thing Hypergamy demands to satisfy its inherent doubts is that men be genuine. How they became ‘genuine’ is irrelevant to women, just that they are genuine is enough. This is the conflict between women’s Ids and Egos – that a man might appear to be genuine in his quality is enough, yet not enough. 

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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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dr zipper
dr zipper
7 years ago

If you’re not obligated to be twosome with the boss, then do your own thing. Maybe have the excuse that your time there is already planned. No matter, you’re in a tight spot.

Good luck.

7 years ago

I take it, you weren’t born in poverty’s lap?

7 years ago



Google translated to:

A woman picked a man until the late 20s, but as a woman loses her youth after her 30s, a man starts to have economic power, so a man picks up a woman. However, even though a woman in her thirties has the same economic power as a man, most men are a threat.

I came across this on twitter… such analysis.

7 years ago

* born into poverty’s embrace.

There’s no comfort in poverty.

7 years ago

If-I-Fell On the wife – ensure you send several pics of you enjoying your time away. On “the boss” – I suspect this is a man? Because if it was a woman boss you would have used Game already on her to secure money, promotion and staffing. You say you “found out” he joined the group and booked. How? I suspect he did not volunteer this info to you initially. There is a 1% chance he is looking to better his resume and prospects and a 99% chance he is coming to home in on your contacts. The beta thing… Read more »

7 years ago


7 years ago

Full color

7 years ago


1992 – the Sisterhood, talking about fight club, pushing feminism, “the five fingers of death”… and a young Faith Daniels… (so boneable – bone that attitude right out of her…).

Ross Jeffries – How to Get the Women You Desire into Bed

7 years ago

@ If I Fell Man you don’t have it to bad,a job and a jelous wife.Remember the things she says and does are colored by her solipsism more than your situ. Strange thing it seems as if the FI has taken away the structure of hierarchy in the system and replaced it with a paperwork chain of command ! Anyone else notice this? Your boss is only your boss in title and has no clue how to manage your specialized department, This must be a administration paperwork call as it makes their job easier.This is the FI writ large. I… Read more »

7 years ago

Funny how you see girls giggling and playing with their hair–obvious IOI’s–and saying that they don’t find Ross Jeffries appealing.

Mel is confrontational and Ross is playful and negs women.

7 years ago

That was quite a circus. It is very awkward to debate the jury when their sister is the defendant and you are the plaintif. But Ross did quite well, considering.

7 years ago

@Stuffinbox: ” Anyone else notice this?”

Notice it? I spend half my days repressing the urge to beat it to death with a war hammer, and I’m not even in a chain of command. I can’t figure how people who are deal with it.

7 years ago


It’s called Matrix Management or something. “Matrix” is the clue.

dr zipper
dr zipper
7 years ago

ran across this today: http://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-39358725 Not once in the article is the child’s best interest given due. Mommy feels bad that she’s judged for having a less-than-ideal parenting situation for her child. It should take some rather extreme circumstances for single parenthood to be okay. Otherwise, social pressure to discourage it is the only thing left advocating the welfare of the child; the laws don’t and the FI sure as hell doesn’t. These types seem to believe that a mother’s love and the occasional visit with daddy is good enough. They seek to normalize it just to relieve themselves of… Read more »

7 years ago

“By simply advertising TRM or TRP all that will be acomplished is getting yourself labled as rad mysogynist while at the same time bringing slews of SJW’s and blue pillers here to lable the rest of us the same.” I occasionally moonlight with a with a pretty tough crew doing security. as a 6 foot, intermediate clean lifter, I am by far the smallest guy. all ex college athletes and fucking monsters. all with full sleeves. almost all of them juice. typical asshole bouncers. on its face this would seem an ideal enviornment for sharing the pill. but I am… Read more »

7 years ago

@ Culum Struan, theasdgamer, dr zipper, Sentient, stuffinbox Thanks! I use RM for masculine inspiration and mind expansion. My problem isn’t so much my intersexual relationship—I believe I have reached a “stable state” so long as my SMV remains higher. I also realize that I need to prepare, should I have to enter the shark-infested waters of the dating scene ever again. I find that much of my failings as a man center around my working and other relationships. Yesterday, I was counseling my Son about business. I told him, it’s like, Briffault’s Law applied to business. It’s not what… Read more »

7 years ago

IF I fell Why do you think your boss registered for the conference and why do you think he didn’t tell you he did? on this My problem isn’t so much my intersexual relationship—I believe I have reached a “stable state” ummm…. if this below is “Stable State”, then i don’t think it means the same thing as you think it does… The wife took the shit test nuclear—I’m not cooking, making your lunch, washing your clothes, not shopping for groceries. I’m sure SJF will say this was not the best handling, but, I told her that if she doesn’t… Read more »

7 years ago

IF I Fell Thoughts? @ Anyone with a Grown Son So, my Son overheard my wife’s ranting, and called her a menopausal bitch. I don’t approve of this and told him not to disrespect his Mother. Of course, this fueled her rage even more with bitter rebuking that I allow him to speak to her in that manner. If I had said this to my Mother, my Dad probably would have kicked me out of the house or demanded an apology. This isn’t about the FI, it is about having the respect of your son that he wouldn’t disrespect you… Read more »

7 years ago

Fleezer – most guys, everywhere you are, are beta at the core. That is the fat part of the curve.

7 years ago


Jeffries was the inspiration for this character…

“I am the one who is in charge.”

7 years ago


“I will not apologize for who I am.”

7 years ago

“So, my Son overheard my wife’s ranting, and called her a menopausal bitch. I don’t approve of this and told him not to disrespect his Mother.”

holy shit.

I lived in fear of what would happen if I didn’t help her carry in the groceries or ask to be excused from the table after I finished dinner.

calling her a name like bitch was literally unthinkable. dad would have murdered me where I stood. at least I thought so at the time.

7 years ago

“Of course it doesn’t help any of you that he sees her tirade directed at you and you not handling that . . .”

This. This is what needs to be fixed. It might be good that your son doesn’t speak disrespectfully to his mother, but it would be best if he didn’t have a point.

7 years ago

“Real Game allows a guy to select his targets.”

7 years ago

@Fell The job market was made more difficult because I had been double-crossed by my higher-ups who kept the incompetent troublemaking woman and let me go. Competence is so over-rated by technical guys. Competent technical guys can be had for a dime. The wife raises this as an argument that I miss stuff; so, my instincts must be bad. Ya think?…lol, just kidding, but ya need to think about this. The positive from this experience was that It opened my redpill-eyes about women bosses, co-workers and subordinates. Maybe you’re starting to see daylight. Keep working on it. (I have to… Read more »

7 years ago

… If I’d called my mom any kind of bitch, I wouldn’t be here typing this today. Lol, my dad would have executed my ass right on the spot, mostly because of the disrespect such an action would have showed him. I raised my voice in anger at my dad once in my life. I was 21 at the time. He was eating dinner and he stopped, put down his knife and fork, and slowly said ” boy, you better remember who you’re talking to…”, and it was like somebody threw a bucket of ice, like an ice bucket challenge,… Read more »

7 years ago

@KFG Thanks at least I know I am not crazy,or at least not any more than you. @Fleezer I work with some tough guys to and the reaction is often”they are just being girls” or “you soun like my dad he thinks everything went to hell when they let women vote lol”. The bitch is these guys are doing without on a reg basis! @If I Fell Sounds like a comfort test from a menopausal woman she may snap out of it,you can’t argue with crazy,shopping,cooking,dishes,and laundry are all bachelor norms and so is strange.Definitely make that boy apologise to… Read more »

7 years ago


7 years ago

“boy, you better remember who you’re talking to…” dad still calls me “boy” to this day and never lets me forget my place. I grew up thinking I worked for him and he only fed me and let me stay under his roof because he decided that’s how it was going to be. he made the rules. I had zero say in anything regarding the household and the older I got, the longer my chore list got. he made a shitload of money but the house was cold in the winter and hot in the summer. he only turned the… Read more »

7 years ago

Great stuff from Rollo… and responses from Blax and others. From a woman’s perspective, masculinity is a very real, tangible thing. Even if it is hard to exactly define, they know it when they see it. When I started TRT this past year (testosterone cypionate injections), women seemed to notice immediately. I wasn’t doing anything differently. I did not look any different (at first). But they picked up on the sub-communication that a man gives off when he has healthy testosterone levels. Older women were particularly funny about it, with that “I know EXACTLY what’s going on!” look they would… Read more »

Fred Flange, mostly deaf
Fred Flange, mostly deaf
7 years ago

@dr zipper Yeah every couple years that “single mommiez ROOL!” trope pops back up like in your BBC story. And there’s moar: that single mommyhood is as good as two-parented families, and even that it’s culturally better, and that fathers don’t matter, or that the menz just get in the way of your authorit-ah, or that fathers are even dangerous to children and other living things. As marriages continue to tank in the working and lower-middle class populations, expect this theme to come back more and more. Defining deviancy down. It must be OK if everyone’s doing it and hey… Read more »

7 years ago

About mentors…

I’ve been lucky that SJF and I have connected in real life. The dude has gone above and beyond with enormous patience in helping understand the red pill and slowly but surely move past blue pill thinking and beta behaviors. I’m a slow ass learner, so he gets repetitive until I start getting shit down. If you can connect with someone who has the time and patience it’s of enormous value to have access to their knowledge and practical experience. Omg dudes have a lot to offer.

7 years ago

dr zipper
I think in pictures.. A lot of the red pill is people in pictures with motion…
Best post yet…

7 years ago

@ fleezer re: big dudes done Beta

“We don’t have to continue to live in a misogynistic society,” says Tyler Perkins, a football player at the University of Regina, in the video. “I think [changing this] falls on everyone and especially men because quite frankly we are the problem right now.””


7 years ago
7 years ago

@ All, Thanks! DEFCON 4—quicker than expected. She bought groceries, made dinner, asked about my lunch tomorrow. While she was gone I had some one-on-one with my Son. He asked me what I thought about his plan to move into a townhouse with a group of people. One of the people is his girlfriend (Nice girl -2 to his SMV). I told him that unless he wanted to marry her really soon or run from the townhouse while all of his possessions were being thrown at his head to her shrieking, “You bastard!” I told him, wait another year, save… Read more »

7 years ago

The family alpha

7 years ago
Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

If I Fell, how long has this Boss been your Boss? How easy is it for you to maintain frame around this person? Suggest you not let that person run your agenda at the convention. You should pick the sessions that are likely to benefit YOU, and make time to socialize away from that person, because making contacts matters and you don’t need someone blocking you. It’s not our fathers world, corporate loyalty is zero. Informal job search is pretty much an ongoing thing from day one on a new job or contract. No idea what your wife is taking… Read more »

7 years ago

“But, I believe that had I done the throw him through a wall or out of the house, I would have made things exponentially worse–even irreparable.”

C’mon, man. Why buffer so? Is this really what patriarchs do? Is meat-fisted violence your definition of patriarch?

Now we’re getting some where….

7 years ago

IF I Fell

Check your Defcon Scale…


7 years ago

Meat fisted violence iis a necessary evil at times. The threat of it, real or imagined, can not be discounted. A side note/observation. Lots of men seem to lack the special discipline that comes with an ass whooping. This is a perfect example of the.FI in effect the coddling and babying of males, making them soft, or worse, insufferable assholes. They have weak concepts of limits because they fear zero physical consequence. Children need to respect their fathers ( when they are present and doing all they can to be good, caring fathers ). Abusive assholes are an exception. Feminist… Read more »

Agent P
Agent P
7 years ago

Re the OP and teaching slaves to read. A few of my observations to date: Don’t talk about fight club, it just causes problems if not handled right Men who are a bit older will only likely be receptive to the RP once they have had some kind of substantial crisis in relationship land that has left them at a very very low point in their lives. A man who is a puddle of piss following a bad breakup may be receptive to direct instruction. Most are not, it’s still too much of a mind fuck for their ego investment.… Read more »

7 years ago

A believable threat of actual violence is the deterrent. I saw it in my Dad’s eyes, had closed-fisted beatings enough that I learned to hide my transgressions. I feared his country boy snap anger.

I’ve not needed to beat my children past 6 y.o. but they’ve understood I would, could.

Oh wait, I threw my cad son’s head against a mirror last week. It made a nice clunk sound.

Agent P
Agent P
7 years ago

@blax “Violence is a wonderful art when applied correctly. Lol, I shit you not. It can be likened to nuclear deterrence. Without iit the weak and mean and stupid rule….. Much like the average workplace.” I was reminded of this when looking at the CH post on the Huntington beach skuffle out in CA over the weekend where a bunch of ANTIFA guys got up in the faces of some Trumpian Dudebros. I think the ANTIFA guys have been having a hell of a time since November imagining nobody is going to ever push back at them as they are… Read more »

7 years ago

“Then the fist meets the flesh and life changes extremely fast.”

Very true. TV and movies do not show the effects of a punch to the face/skull, the caved in head, the swelling, the pain…


or worse…

Agent P
Agent P
7 years ago

With great power comes great responsibility, the FI tries to ensure that we obscure the power and disavow the responsibility

7 years ago

“Feminist have burned the midnight oil to eliminate the physical component from all males. It makes it easier to yell and scream and be . . .”

. . . violent.

7 years ago

Two of the people I would like to see recieve violence and mayhem,those that encourage children to report their parents for discipline and those that write scripts with blue pill fathers,like this is how it should be.

My children have never threatened me with reporting,but I know many that have.

I believe unrealistic parenting shows cause more harm than violent shows.

7 years ago

One of my favorite morning rituals,when the young guy falls asleep in the truck on the way to work,I weave back and forth slamming their head against the door glass until they awaken to claims of deer crossing.

7 years ago

Since I’ve alpha’d up, I’ve been getting into fights or guys fucking with me, esp. in the last three months. It’s me, not them. I don’t provoke, but I’m doing something, having a good time, misrepresenting myself, apparently. Not calibrating the social scene, what others think, even if I’m non-threatening, draws attention, good and bad. Being jumped with Mrs. Eh weeks back and these big dudes wanting to throw down, fucking with my chair. Me. I’m the slightest guy at 6′, 160#. Is it as simple as I’m easy pickings? My mouth doesn’t run at bars and I don’t talk… Read more »

7 years ago


Is it as simple as I’m easy pickings? My mouth doesn’t run at bars and I don’t talk smack. I’m a talkative, happy, chill guy.

Probably too much eye contact with guys, and an open relaxed posture. A wise ass. That and they see you having fun with girls and they get angry it’s not them.

7 years ago

When KFG says “it’s babies all the way down” the other end of that is… it’s intra-male competition.

7 years ago

White Knights are competing with you…

7 years ago


It’s me, not them. I don’t provoke, but I’m doing something, having a good time, misrepresenting myself, apparently. Not calibrating the social scene, what others think, even if I’m non-threatening, draws attention, good and bad.

You create envy by having fun and getting female attention.

Read Robert Greene’s The 48 Laws of Power Law # 46: “Never appear too perfect”. It discusses how to deal with envy. “I’m just lucky”…

You need to AMOG the other men and chat up the bouncers. Give value to your potential competitors so that they look up to you.

7 years ago

“Probably too much eye contact with guys, and an open relaxed posture. A wise ass.”

Guilty on all three counts. Thanks.

Will read again, it’s at my bedside.

7 years ago

That is one thing about the bar scene that will always be present,actually anywhere that serves alcohol will have guys that lose their good judgment and want to fight also women that get sloppy or fighty.

It is best to be the most sober guy there,some inhibitions are good to have.I can learn alot by watching people out of the corner of my eye,it helps to be aware of who the trouble makers are.

Always been my experience drunks are easy to handle,and easier to disarm,disable or detain.

7 years ago

Now on the other hand when you get sober people telling you that your the problem it is time to listen up,or pay the price of ignorance.

7 years ago
7 years ago

A random thought on the pheramonal beta, the women are comfortable with him and the men want to kick his ass. Welcome to the jungle.

7 years ago

Once upon a time, my drummer and I were sitting in the back corner of a bit of an alcove when chairs a flyin’ hell broke loose.

After watching the proceedings from our position out of the lanes of fire for a minute or so, my drummer looks at me and says, “Hey, I’ve got an idea. Let’s mix big, stupid people with alcohol.”

7 years ago

“Rams butting heads”

A few years back the traffic was stopped on top of Independence pass,to observe the bighorns.Suddenly on of the rams bowed up and rammed this man right off of his motorcycle.
Messed him up bad broken ribs punctured lung,he had to be transported,strange MOI.

It could be that he smelled like an old goat.

7 years ago

comment image

Holy Sheep! It takes some big balls to knock heads like that…

7 years ago

” . . . the girl they think their saving by getting her a cab or a ride home while drunk can very easily drop false rape or sex-assault charges on them . . .”

If you are ever inclined, for whatever reason, to step into a physical altercation between a man and a woman – Do.Not.Turn.Your.Back.On.The.Woman.

Unless you want a shiv in your back for some reason.

7 years ago


Can you check mod for the FR posts today?

7 years ago

Had a friend god rest his soul,was a white knight of the dangerous kind.Went to prison when he was 18 for breaking down a door and breaking up a domestic quarrel by beating the husband half to death.They may have let him go if he hadn’t jumped through this other guys windshield after the guy locked himself in the car to get away. Died in a car wreck at 22.

7 years ago


Most of these guys subscribe to the Savior Schema, thinking the hot girl will reciprocate with (hopefully sober and consensual) sex for being her hero.

Yeah, white knight amateurs shouldn’t try this. Leave it to the professionals. Call me if a broad really needs rescuing:

Gamer Save-a-ho Inc….experience both saving and getting reciprocated

7 years ago



RE: The origination of beta and WK game, intra-male competition and the Sisterhoods obsession with perpetuation.

Lost Patrol
Lost Patrol
7 years ago


Since I’ve alpha’d up — Self taught.

Not calibrating the social scene, what others think, even if I’m non-threatening, draws attention, good and bad.

Situational awareness must also be learned/self taught. This is the general idea:

Roy Hobbs
Roy Hobbs
7 years ago


From a technical analysis blog… Sad & interesting read with lenses on.


7 years ago


7 years ago


7 years ago

Many Thanks DEFCON 5 – Wife and Son made up and, over dinner, they both shit tested me on spending more money on an aging car instead of buying a newer one. I think a lot of this is “fog of menopause” stuff for which I will continue to push her to pursue better bio-identical HRT. “Fog” example, I found a long-shot opportunity in my field that is 2 states away and about a 6 hour trip by car. The job, most likely, doesn’t pay enough to consider it, but who knows. First, I was shit tested for not considering… Read more »

7 years ago

“….any advice on how to maximize the off-hours?” Channeling Sentient, be irrationally self confident. Be dynamic, passionate and authentic. Act as if “You Got this.” Monogamous guys have issues at conferences, but it is a time to just be a learning experience. Learn about yourself. Learn about your craft (whatever the conference is about). Learn. Don’t be inhibited. Don’t be afraid. Don’t curb your enthusiasm. Don’t curb your Walter White from Breaking Bad’s dark side. Push your fucking edge and don’t fall off of the edge. Act like a masculine male with strength, courage, mastery and honor among other males… Read more »

7 years ago

@EhIntellect “”I don’t provoke, but I’m doing something, having a good time, misrepresenting myself, apparently. Not calibrating the social scene, what others think, even if I’m non-threatening, draws attention, good and bad.”” I find myself in this situation, often within my own social circle. Certain guys suddenly take an instant dislike to me regardless of whether I’m friendly or aloof. The guys who do this are generally beta, often angry at life, often resent me in some way and make a snide remark. If I’m with a hot girl, they will very often start hitting on the girl ignoring me.… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

If I Fell I now believe it’s more window-dressing for his Boss. I also found out he’s losing his assistant who does the detail management that he’s weak in. So, he won’t have time to play in my swimming pool. Ok, if your Boss is just looking to check boxes (“Conference: Check, Relevant Sessions Attended: Check”) then possibly you could set him up in places / times out of your pool. He gets box-checking, you get the needed networking. Win. Just don’t let him cram you into the role of assistant – you are doing this THIS TIME to be… Read more »

7 years ago

Here’s my theory here. Outside of wealth and status, what makes a man attractive to woman? Looks are very important of course. And online dating such as Tinder has exaggerated this aspect. But equally as important is a man’s personality. His confidence, ability to know what to say, how to adjust his body language etc. You could call it charisma, charm, social intelligence. When women claim they want a “sense of humor” in a man they are probably referring to this. It is of course Game. Natural alphas are born with an intrinsically high social intelligence. This would be largely… Read more »

AGL Lifestyles
7 years ago

Hypergamy has definitely changed my overall perception of female psychology. This was quite an interesting article…

7 years ago


7 years ago

From Rollo’s Essay via Twitter – Imagination This requires covertly communicating that other women find you desirable. Women crave the chemical rush that comes from suspicion and indignation. recent vignette… Out to dinner with another couple. waitress comes from over my right shoulder to fill my wine glass while we are speaking. I quarter turn and glance at her and then double take and she smiles and says hello. This is my “kryptonite” girl from a FR a few months back.. where we were flirting and kino’ing and I went to kiss her and she was like “not here” here… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Sentient


7 years ago

@Rugby: “I have my own personal culture.”

The guy is on the right track, but he doesn’t understand culture. Steve Jobs did not have a “personal culture,” he had Apple. Apple had a culture.

7 years ago

@Rollo: “The true masters are the artists that combine both natural talent and the drive that comes from a passion for it.”

r/K selection has a biological component. A physical cause tendency to be either “rabbity” or “wolfy.” A lot of naturals get their early start and learn with comparative ease because they are born more wolfy than rabbity.

But many a race has been won by the man who wants it more than the “natural talent.”

And then you’ve got yer Usain “Lightning” Bolts and Eddy “The Cannibal” Merckxs.

7 years ago

Usain had to learn to run and Eddy had to learn to ride a bike, just like everybody else. If they had learned badly, their natural talents would have been muted.

And after Dubai I guess I’ll add Arrogate to the list. That wasn’t simply the product of a physically superior athlete, it had to be combined with a superior mindset:

7 years ago

but I would say that a Natural’s “unique set of circumstances” are in fact genetic in origin. After that, his Game is largely instinctual, but there is a learning process that goes with it.

Pattern Recognition – origins are genetic, can be enhanced by learning. Game is decoded pattern recognition that can be learned.

7 years ago

I’m dubious of the “we’re all born alpha” claim.

Western culture clearly betaizes many otherwise alphas, though.

7 years ago

IF I Fell One Last Conference Question… The venue is a large hotel, 4 nights. Other than the obvious: don’t get drunk, don’t be boorish, avoid trouble, don’t retire too early or stay out too late; any advice on how to maximize the off-hours? Out drink everyone, be charismatic, get into a little bit of trouble and stay out late… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a4h-TGkewR8 Example – ACT! Don’t react… Be the guy who is doing something… Has a plan… So for example with your conference… Do you have standing reservations every night at a cool dinner spot? So when you meet someone and… Read more »

dr zipper
dr zipper
7 years ago

@Sentient – “Beta approach to getting what you want – work hard and be rewarded, with a lot of passive aggresive behavior along the way… Alpha approach – TAKE what you want. Make it happen.” Bullseye. I tried the beta for a while — way too long. Part of my RP awakening was about taking action, leveraging my value, and not taking no for an answer. It has been fucking magical. I’ve made more progress career-wise in the last few years than all of them before. Life ain’t fair. Nobody except possibly family gives a shit about you. Nothing personal,… Read more »

7 years ago


I’m not here to tell you about Jesus… either he lives in your heart or he doesn’t.

Every woman wants choices… but in the end none wants to be one of a hundred in a box. She’s unique. She makes the choices and she’s chosen him.”

7 years ago


when you get what you think you want and it’s not what you thought it would be… Alpha response.

7 years ago

“He’s still got to have the capacity to experiment, learn and adapt instinctually to what works and what doesn’t like anyone else. The ‘natural’ just got an early start than most guys:” I think I get what you’re saying. But look at what higher-functioning autism apparently is – a neurological impairment of the ability to intuitively understand social interactions. Probably genetic. You can learn to compensate through logic and learning, but you’re always going to be way behind the ball compared to people who just “get it”. Conversely, it stands to reason there are people who are genetic gifted to… Read more »

7 years ago

@CSI But look at what higher-functioning autism apparently is – a neurological impairment of the ability to intuitively understand social interactions. Autism is probably closer to constant sensory overload, which impairs the recognition of social cues because those cues get lost amid the signals from the senses. Drugs (e.g., alcohol & caffeine) help me to function more like a neurotypical. Last Fri. night I wasn’t “behind the ball”. PUAs were looking to me for social proof. Conversely, it stands to reason there are people who are genetic gifted to intuitively understand social interactions I think that there’s also some genetic… Read more »

7 years ago

No time to read all of the comments. Waiting on my hb9 to get out from under some random guy and come over for drinks….lol, Nah, I’m kidding. @ If-I-Fell ” Yes, women and shit tests go together, and there isn’t a way to avoid it—maybe diminish it with plates and ZFGs, but this is much worse and more irrational, if that is possible. I realize that my, “There’s paperwork to file if you don’t want to be my wife anymore,” comment sounded like poor game and, yes, it was. However, it is less so when you consider the “fog”… Read more »

7 years ago

@CSI I don’t think you really get what Rollo is saying. And your comment reeks of bias. I’m not trying to be antagonistic. You have to read through the link provided and click on and read the hyperlinks. It’s still going to come down to half. Genetic bonuses, and acquired cultural skills. Alpha is an attitude propped up by positive early experiences. It doesn’t take much genetic bonus to learn learning skills, social skills, and Alpha Skills. But it does take hard work. And that is the usual reason some men don’t reap the benefit of being socialized well for… Read more »

7 years ago

“It’s still going to come down to half. Genetic bonuses, and acquired cultural skills.”

I think the same.
Alphas are higher T and T is related to both environmental (and behavioral) factors as well as genetic factors.
The percentage I’ve always been suspect of is the 20 percent one.

I will say I see in my sons the difference between “natural” (my husband’s traits) and environmental (my traits…particularly my oldest, who takes after me most).

7 years ago

“Alphas are higher T and T is related to both environmental (and behavioral) factors as well as genetic factors.”

Note that in my earlier comment I said “biological” and “physical cause,” but did not say “genetic.” Genetics are a biological physical cause, but not the only one.

7 years ago

” Conversely, it stands to reason there are people who are genetic gifted to intuitively understand social interactions at a well above normal level. In males, these would be “natural alphas”. This would give a huge advantage over guys who have to slowly learn this through logic, reason, trial and error. But you’re right, just like a naturally gifted athlete still has to train and develop his talents, a natural alpha would still have to develop his.” Disagree mostly with the first part of the premise. People don’t intuit social interactions. Everyone under the sun ” learns ” how to… Read more »

7 years ago

Lol, The best way to not have low Testosterone in males is to have and Alpha attitude and low stress. @ Anon The social anxiety you mentioned in Field Reports is all just Domain Dependence. It’s not a thing. It’s just you. It is fully manufactured if existing in an INTJ. INTJ’s fully believe in their introversion and relish it. I did, until I didn’t. I flipped over to using socializing to my advantage and having fun with it in Game. But don’t fear that, (and I’m speaking to you having your oldest son in hand) because I’m just being… Read more »

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