Teaching Slaves to Read

Ehintellect had a very enlightening comment in last week’s thread. I’ve edited it for relevant content, but you can read the whole thing here. This touched on an essay topic I’ve been considering since my conversation with Ed Latimore and Mark Baxter:

[I] was at a home party a few years back. Highly successful surgeons, wives, husbands; quickly devolved into quarters, college games. 

My wife loves the parties as she gets compliments and conversation she’d otherwise not get. She’s not plugged into that crowd, and I assume doesn’t want to. In a way, that’s fortunate. There is tremendous value in my marriage, parenting. I’m astonished at the change.

Mrs. Eh’s shit tests continue, but are a whole different breed. Comfort, mostly, and usually because I don’t calibrate enough. Easily dealt with, I’m astonished at the dynamic. I was bar rail with wife, and my erstwhile suicidal, now RP, TRM acquaintance called asking me to celebrate his 2 (!) plate spinning / back at school / ”I know your trick, EhIntellect!” / ”Now I understand the true nature of women.” / “My life has never been better.” life. I was celebrating on the phone with him. Well, yeah, after the 5-10 minute chat, Mrs. Eh. wasn’t too pleased. She started to test about me treating her as a “whore” and my daughter shabbily.

Still upbeat, I kissed her forehead and whispered, “You’re no whore. You’re MY whore.” Well, that didn’t work as intended, she sulked, I got up and said let’s go. Nope she sat and I, dropping her jacket on my chair, wordlessly left out the back. The bar waitress walked her out by the arm 3 minutes later.

I’d have never been able to do that without you guys.

I had a karaoke night planned, for me, so kept on. In a way I “bounced” her to another venue, ran with her happily sprinting with me to the new pub. It’s like the dust up never happened, she was crazy sexual for the rest of the night. That’s what we’re to do right? Spike that test! I wanted to sing, and raised the roof that night. Did I reinforce bad behavior? IMO, no. The test is to be passed, my burden of performance, she holds me tighter, begs me for affection as never before. Sex is plentiful. More frame for me, no snark, much laughter.

Reader SJF comments next:

Your wife’s response to overhearing your conversation is normal operating procedure for women. I’ve been through this scenario and could shed some more light on it.

Sure it is a shit test. Sure it is a comfort test. Doesn’t matter. It’s not about passing a shit test. It’s about using it to your advantage. “You’re no whore. You’re MY whore” was an Agree and Amplify response to the test. Not the best way to accomplish your goals. Your goals here were to mentor your buddy. Not to game your wife–you already have that in hand 

What this situation calls for is to conduct your discussions with men in fight club in private.

What’s going on with your wife in this situation is and INDIGNATION of the SISTERHOOD scenario. (How fucking dare you help another man to implement his strategy to compromise the strategy of the Sisterhood? The Sisterhood’s Social Conventions and their Feminine Imperatives to implement their strategy are more important in a Feminine Supreme Society than you buddy gaining agency).

Your wife on behalf of her and your daughter is affronted by you giving him tactics. (She figures on your part this is you giving her and your daughter and indignity because you are giving this: insult, offend, mortify, provoke, pique, wound, hurt to the Sisterhood Strategy and Imperatives.) You are poking the mother of your children in the ribs with riposte. She protests. She figures it’s not fucking fair.

So this talking red pill to red pill with guys is best kept off the grid and out of sight and earshot.
Now keep in mind this is not abdicating frame any more than a Machiavellian strategist is embarrassed by his tactics being kept secret.

Tyler Durden in fight club would not agree about using overt, rather than covert discussions about blowing up the edifices (buildings, social conventions and imperatives) in society to achieve ends.

And finally Novaseeker adds this most salient comment:

“You should know this stuff, but you shouldn’t know this stuff, if it were up to the Sisterhood. You guys are taking away OUR POWER and I’m going to shit test you about that with some INDIGNATION.”

Yes, it’s because it violates the “Just Get It” principle. It’s fine if a man “just gets it”. It’s not fine if a man has to learn it in order to get it, because in the latter case there is a concern that he doesn’t actually really “get it”, because he isn’t a man who “just gets it”.

More fundamentally, they do not trust themselves to be able to tell the difference between a man who “just gets it” and man who has learned from other men how to “get it”, and they fundamentally do want to distinguish between the two types of men because that is a critical Alpha filter. What you’re doing is sabotaging their filter, which of course will be unwelcome, never mind that they will generally be just as satisfied with a man who learns to get it as they would with a man who just gets it, in practice (as long as the former guy maintains frame and so on properly). So, yes, don’t talk about fight club outside fight club and all that.

Women want a man who ‘just gets it’ but they despise a man who has to be told how to ‘get it’.

This is the first law of the Sisterhood, a man who must be told how to be a man, how to be dominant in his dealings with women, or fluidly, naturally be the Alpha who is in control of his environment(s) isn’t the man for her. If masculinity or the value of social dominance had to be explained to him, he had to make a conscious effort to act contrary to what his ‘true’ nature would otherwise be for women.

Hypergamy always seeks the better-than-deserved situation with men. In the past I’ve discussed how the nature of Hypergamy is such that it cannot wait for a man to realize his potential. Hypergamy looks for the ‘sure thing’. This is why women prefer the romantic attentions (at least as far as long term prospects go) of men who are 5 – 7 years or older than themselves. On a limbic level, women are aware that men’s accrual of sexual market value takes much longer than for women. Men who would be intimately acceptable are the men who are already made-men. There is no (or certainly less) uncertainty for her Hypergamous doubt to resolve for her when that man possesses SMP equity that time has made of him. This is also the root reason women are attracted to men who naturally, effortlessly, display higher value and Amused Mastery, as well as men for whom social proof is socially and organically confirmed for her.

Women’s sexual agency –their only true commodity value to men – is perishable. This then is the nature of women’s very intimate relationship with the Wall; they know on a hindbrain, limbic level and from a very early age that their sexual agency rises quickly and burns out fast. Their peak competitive years in the sexual marketplace (SMP) spans only 10-12 years at best before their younger sisters replace them in the SMP. They know that there will come a point that their capacity to compete in the SMP will diminish.

Every cosmetic ever created, every plastic surgery or implant devised (by men) every fashion trend or clothing style for women has been created with the express purpose of both making a woman appear younger than her actual age and/or to convince her that her sexual agency has an indefinite shelf life. Every social convention for women the Feminine Imperative has ever devised is rooted in the latent purpose of convincing women that their sexual market value ought to be based on some esoteric or intrinsic quality (rather than the biological and evolutionary reality) once they’ve moved past the age of being able to effectively compete intrasexually with their sisters.

They are conditioned to believe the fault in ‘unrealistic beauty standards’ is due to the horrific sexual objectification of men’s base (biological) natures and/or the social constructivist narrative that would have them believe it’s a nebulous ‘society’s’ fault that they are unable to consolidate their Hypergamy once the expiration date for their sexual market value has passed and their younger sisters outcompete them.

Id vs. Ego

On a subconscious level this is the internal conflict women fight within themselves. The desires of their Ids war with the dictates of what Hypergamy demands of them, knowing all the while that their capacity to consolidate on it is limited to a very short window in their lifetimes. Women’s Egos are then fed on the narrative of the Feminine Imperative that the worries of their Ids, and the crushing doubts that Hypergamy biologically wires into women, are unfounded and they have an almost indefinite timeframe in which to consolidate on the ‘perfect guy’ ; The guy who will satisfy both the Alpha Fucks sexual excitement of Hypergamy with the stable, comforting, dependable security the Beta Bucks side of Hypergamy needs for her long term security. A woman’s Id knows this is a lie, but her Ego is convinced she can wait out her Party Years at least to sample as many ‘bad boys, wrong boys, commitment-phobic boys’ as the Sheryl Sandberg plan for Hypergamy has convinced her Ego she has the time to work her way through.

A woman’s Id is having none of it, beyond enjoying the sexual pleasures of the Alpha men she prefers in her peak sexual market value (SMV) years. Hypergamy demands the complete package, the already-made man. The guy for whom she’s so certain will be the best of both worlds (despite the unbeliveability of it) that it quells her Hypergamous doubt. On a rudimentary level a woman’s Id knows she deserves a better-than-warranted situation with regard to her Hypergamy; it’s the only situation that will ever be truly satisfying to her. Only a man who rates 1-2 degrees above what she feels her own SMV merits (however unrealistic that’s become to her) will be the man she can truly submit herself to.

This is what her Id knows. On some level of consciousness it knows she is choosing a life in which she can either submit herself and entrust her life, body and soul to the long term security of a deserving man (one who rates a full to two steps above her own self-impression), or she will resign herself to her own ‘independence’ and self-reliance with respect to long term security in a life with a man who doesn’t “deserve her” and who she will never submit herself to.

There are many variables that interfere with a woman making this consolidation in her younger years, but the fact remains, the longer a woman delays consolidating on the guy she could comfortably submit herself to the less likely she is to actually do so; and the more likely she is to resign herself to insisting on her own Frame to supply the security she would otherwise get from a man she could’ve submitted herself to.

This is why we see a majority of older women – women who’ve cycled out of the SMP – falling back on the tropes of the Strong Independent Woman® narrative. The truth is they are unlikely to ever lockdown the perfect guy with whom they could comfortably submit to. This is also compounded by her Hypergamous doubt and long term security having to be self-provisioned for a longer and longer period of time. A never-married 40 year old woman will likely have been so necessitous in her own provisioning that she will never allow herself to submit to any man’s Frames for the remainder of her life.

All of this interpersonal back and forth revolves around women’s capacity to attract a suitable man while simultaneously filtering for men’s requisite qualities to satisfy the dual nature of Hypergamy. From an evolutionary perspective, women’s breeding potential cannot afford to be tricked or deceived into her consolidating on a less than optimal man. That’s the paradox of Hypergamy and the prime reason women seek pre-made man (or a man with such overwhelming potential it satisfies Hypergamy). So important is this filtering mechanism that it evolved to be a part of women’s neurological firmware – it’s baked in.

In a larger respect, this filtering is part of the prime directive amongst the collective social influence of the Sisterhood. Women want, and expect, a default, and completely honest, evaluation of a man’s intimate potential in satisfying Hypergamy from her peers as well as the larger social collective of women. Anything that confounds or deliberately confuses the veracity of this Hypergamous assessment about a guy is equitable with deliberately attempting to sabotage a woman’s life. Accurate evaluation of a man’s Hypergamous potential is the highest order for the Sisterhood.

Teaching Slaves to Read

In my interview with Ed Latimore we discussed exactly this dynamic and what Ed said was profound. I paraphrase him here, but the sentiment was, “Men learning Game, men teaching men about the intrinsic psychological and biological natures of women, men making other men Red Pill aware, is like teaching slaves to read in the time of slavery.”

Men becoming aware of the nature of women is a Threat; and that threat is primarily dangerous because it deliberately confounds women’s accurate assessment of a man’s true value in satisfying her Hypergamous doubt. Educating men about Game, about Red Pill awareness, must be prevented on both a personal level and a sociological level if women are to maintain a feminine-primary, feminine-correct and feminine-dominant social order. Thus, we encounter the social situations that Ehintellect and SJF describe in the above comments.

This reminds me of a story I read on the Red Pill Reddit forum about a guy who’s girlfriend discovered my book he’d been reading. She began picking through various sections and, expectedly, got really pissed off at the chapters on SMV (the chart in particular). They both discussed the parts she’d read and she admitted she wanted to read the whole thing, but from what they talked about she confessed that there wasn’t really anything she disagreed with. Her words were, “You men shouldn’t know this stuff!

It wasn’t that she was irritated by the truth in those sections of the book, but rather, her concern was that men might become aware of women’s sexual strategies as laid bare by the SMV sections and chart. Essentially, men teaching men to become Red Pill aware, to unplug them from the Matrix is anathema to women’s long term sexual strategy. Teaching men to Just Get It is a deliberate effort to bypass women’s subconscious and overt filtering processes to evaluate a man’s Hypergamous value.

Furthermore, Red Pill aware men represent an existential threat to women unilaterally making Hypergamous decisions for their lives – a unilateral power women have taken for granted since the unfettering of Hypergamy in the Sexual Revolution – and thus represent a threat to their making a less than optimal choice. Men becoming Red Pill aware, in effect, prioritizes men’s control over the Hypergamous process. That may be only by order of degree, and subjective to men’s real grasp of the Red Pill and their capacity to implement it, but the fear remains. Even a nominal control or increase in control of men over the Hypergamous process must be criminalized, marginalized or shamed to eliminate the threat that a man might convincingly misrepresent himself for a woman’s Hypergamous approval.

This is interesting in light of women’s hubris of embracing Open Hypergamy on a societal, cultural level. It’s not that men would be aware of women’s Hypergamous sexual strategies – this they triumphantly flaunt in very public ways – it’s that men would collude together to deliberately exploit that knowledge to wrest some marginal control over women’s sexual selection process.

Novaseeker’s assessment is correct, this convincing deception centers on men teaching men to passably appear to, if not actually, Just Get It. There’s a maxim in the manosphere that states women are not interested in how a man becomes a man. They are uninterested in the process of a man becoming anything, just that he is. If there is one thing Hypergamy demands to satisfy its inherent doubts is that men be genuine. How they became ‘genuine’ is irrelevant to women, just that they are genuine is enough. This is the conflict between women’s Ids and Egos – that a man might appear to be genuine in his quality is enough, yet not enough. 

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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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dr zipper
dr zipper
7 years ago

@Tuff – good post, I like the ‘boots on the ground’ view of one man’s situation. Sometimes the comments get too academic and high-level. It’s helpful to see how in you’ve incorporated RP into your own style.

Keep it up (in all senses of the phrase)

7 years ago
7 years ago
dr zipper
dr zipper
7 years ago

@asdg – and the one where they use the word ‘SOLIPSISTIC’

7 years ago

” . . . white suicide (mostly men) . . .”

Evidence of patriarchal, toxic masculinity, because society demands that men stoically achieve their goals.

I’m not making that up. It’s an actual feminist argument. The more men kill themselves from despair, the more it supports that they are privileged.

7 years ago

“@Tuff – good post, I like the ‘boots on the ground’ view of one man’s situation. Sometimes the comments get too academic and high-level.” Cosign, good post TuffLuv. And I love the over-arching theme of Frame is everything. And one can’t get to academic about Frame. It falls into a “I know it when I see it” because that category is subjective and lacks clearly defined parameters. But great Frame is real, and it is spectacular. It has been working spectacularly for me lately. And I have no romance lost for Game. With a cheeky grin I can say life… Read more »

dr zipper
dr zipper
7 years ago

– your ears were burning? lol

Academic study is great, no need to lessen it. How a man implements and integrates RP into his own life is a great complement to the high level stuff. Illuminates a different part of the whole the picture.

Similar to the science/technology relationship — Technology is just the application of science (“why” and “how”).

7 years ago

, @Drz thanks

It definitely lightens the air, sjf. In high school, my old man used to annoyedly tell me ‘quit taking these girls so seriously, just have fun with em’

Didn’t quite register.. but now..

My eyes don’t hurt anymore.

And they see beauty in things they never had before, now that I’ve finally used them.

.. and hey without the academic we can’t reach enlightenment.

7 years ago

“Be sure and clink the link on Heisenberg.” There you go being academic again about Red Pill Game and Circumstances….. http://www.neatorama.com/2007/06/08/the-unpredictable-life-of-werner-heisenberg/ Classical theory predicted that electrons, neutrons, and protons would follow certain paths as they bailed out of a shattered atom, though most physicists couldn’t find a way to verify this claim. Part of the problem was realizing that nature is a world of chaos, not the smooth and beautiful creature scientists had always imagined. Heisenberg was one of the first to accept this new idea. His early work involved trying to apply mathematics to quanta of energy, an intimidating… Read more »

7 years ago


Technology is just the application of science (“why” and “how”).

Oh, no, science is the myth about why technology works.

7 years ago

LOL once again on the ASD Nerd Jokes linked as they relate to Game. FIRST LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS: YOU CAN’T WIN. SECOND LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS: YOU CAN’T BREAK EVEN. THIRD LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS: YOU CAN’T STOP PLAYING. It’s funny because: It’s an absolute reductionist take on the real laws of thermodynamics, and the language is such that it implies life isn’t worth living. In plain terms, the laws of thermodynamics are: Energy can’t be created or destroyed; things tend to move from order to disorder; and the lower the temperature drops, the less disorderly things become. ______ A linguistics professor… Read more »

7 years ago

On the lighter side,have you seen the new power panties?
Perfect thing for a slut walking rape protester!


Lost Patrol
Lost Patrol
7 years ago

@Rollo It was very humbling and gave me hope for men that this would happen at all. Maybe it will become a thing as the sons of RP aware fathers come of age. Now when my son and I get together we discuss the latest from the ‘sphere over a beer. @SJF Enjoyed the mentoring material you provided. I have never heard a tale like yours wherein you targeted specific mentors that you thought would be good ones, then made it happen to everyone’s benefit. A man that has preceded you, and cares enough about you to share the information… Read more »

dr zipper
dr zipper
7 years ago

@LostP – ‘…made we wonder if women have mentors…’

What for? Can you give any examples where a woman would put forth effort towards the betterment of a non-blood relative? And it’s done with a general alignment with a woman’s natural tendencies? It *might* happen if the mentor was getting direct tangible benefit.

Channeling Sentient, it sounds like you’re assuming cats think like dogs.

7 years ago

This is the first law of the Sisterhood, a man who must be told how to be a man, how to be dominant in his dealings with women, or fluidly, naturally be the Alpha who is in control of his environment(s) isn’t the man for her. If masculinity or the value of social dominance had to be explained to him, he had to make a conscious effort to act contrary to what his ‘true’ nature would otherwise be for women. The problem with this law, as I see it, is women still cling to it when they have sons. They… Read more »

Jed Mask
7 years ago

“This is interesting in light of women’s hubris of embracing Open Hypergamy on a societal, cultural level. It’s not that men would be aware of women’s Hypergamous sexual strategies – this they triumphantly flaunt in very public ways – it’s that men would collude together to deliberately exploit that knowledge to wrest some marginal control over women’s sexual selection process.”

Patriarchy 2.0 needs to arrive… Women left uncheck bring any society to RUIN.

It’s always better than MEN be in charge of everything than entrusting it to women.

Our modern time has shown us that. Amen.

~ Bro. Jed

7 years ago

@Lost Patrol “I have never heard a tale like yours wherein you targeted specific mentors that you thought would be good ones, then made it happen to everyone’s benefit.” It wasn’t by luck. It was an age old process. I just happen to follow it and then realize that I had done that process five years later after my successful experience. In other words I stumbled on it by natural skill and real desire for what I was seeking. (And I had been practicing and mastering the process for 35 years) Some fortuitous events included me reading The Way of… Read more »

7 years ago

“Just as iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.”

Proverbs 27:17

Lost Patrol
Lost Patrol
7 years ago

@dr zipper Can you give any examples where a woman would put forth effort towards the betterment of a non-blood relative? Oddly, I can. During the course of a previous life I often had quite a few younger military men working under my supervision, and some of them were married with kids. My wife would get together with some of their wives one to one and help them with negotiating the lifestyle or answer questions about raising children, etc. Whatever she had already done that they were only now doing or had on the horizon. I wouldn’t call it mentoring… Read more »

dr zipper
dr zipper
7 years ago

@Lost – The examples you give seem just like basic human kindness and willingness to help another out…. but not the deeper kind of mentor/mentee relationship that involves investment of time and effort.

So yes, when you say “… the interaction was surface level compared to the more profound level…” I think that’s more like it. It’s an interesting observation and I’m glad you pointed it out.

I have some thoughts on women in team sports that is possibly related but that’s for another time.

7 years ago

“The examples you give seem just like basic human kindness and willingness to help another out…. but not the deeper kind of mentor/mentee relationship that involves investment of time and effort.”

Women have taught other women skill sets for a long while.
Nursing, midwifery, spinning, childcare, cooking, ad nauseum ect.

dr zipper
dr zipper
7 years ago

@anon – I would suggest going back a few comments, starting with Lost Patrol’s original question of why some of the guys like Blax try to ‘encourage our fellow men to develop something better.’ From there the discussion delves into the subject with some excellent posts, like SJF’s. In your examples, these other women being taught are usually close blood relatives and/or the teachers directly benefit from teaching another, e.g., teaching a young girl to sew would help lighten the teacher’s load or midwifing your daughter will strengthen your bloodline. The mentoring system goes beyond that. I honestly don’t see… Read more »

7 years ago

Listen than speak

7 years ago

Their peak competitive years in the sexual marketplace (SMP) spans only 10-12 years at best before their younger sisters replace them in the SMP.

10-12 years is plenty of time in the SMP. Plenty. And we’re only talking about peak competitive years here, not active years in entirety. Let’s not pretend women have a hard time in the SMP. If a woman wants to find a partner/husband/fuckbuddy/sugardaddy, she can. If a woman has a hard time in the SMP, it’s usually because she’s giving herself a hard time.

7 years ago

@Softek Women are developing mental disorders based on these beliefs. Instead of being able to accept the natural aging process and the decline in SMV that follows, they’re conditioned to see aging and decline in SMV as UNNATURAL, with men (and their horrific sexual objectification of women) and the media (run by sexually depraved men who objectify women) to blame. I can’t even count the amount of times I’ve heard women talk about their extreme body image issues and then immediately blame men for being ‘disgusting pigs’ and ‘sexually objectifying women.’ And how they wouldn’t have any body image issues… Read more »

7 years ago

“I would suggest going back a few comments, starting with Lost Patrol’s original question of why some of the guys like Blax try to ‘encourage our fellow men to develop something better.’ From there the discussion delves into the subject with some excellent posts, like SJF’s. In your examples, these other women being taught are usually close blood relatives and/or the teachers directly benefit from teaching another, e.g., teaching a young girl to sew would help lighten the teacher’s load or midwifing your daughter will strengthen your bloodline. The mentoring system goes beyond that. I honestly don’t see how your… Read more »

7 years ago

@Play – Love it, and the HB9 was 29. I circled back for one last bang, and it was perfect. I had that moment where I “saw through her” – do you know what I mean? Perfect closing of the circle. No lament, don’t even want her anymore…Remember that old saying? “No matter how hot she is, some guy out there is sick of her bullshit”. Lol. Best part? No drama. A big risk of the red pill is seeing what really motivates women, in that it reduces my respect for them as a group. Male identity and morality is… Read more »

7 years ago

Hey Blax, you ignorant boor, I’ll debate you live regarding your moronic ideas about politics/economics on any fora, any time. I have an anonymous YouTube channel, I can host it tomorrow afternoon. Put your money where your mouth is. And don’t blend in ‘low t’ stuff with the politics, it only makes you seem like even more of an arrogant windbag. I’ll make a complete fool of you, it will be sad. You could just STFU and go back to your little fantasy world though, I think that will be best for your intellect. We all find our level, intellectually… Read more »

7 years ago

@Cheups – Ditto for you, your mumblings are barely coherent. I’ll debate you right after Blax, I’ll stack you dingbats up like cordwood.

dr zipper
dr zipper
7 years ago

@anon – you didn’t go back and read, did you? Lost Patrol shot down his own examples. I just agreed. And let’s be clear, we’re painting with very broad strokes here. Yes, there are such things as women who mentor, and likely could be similar to what we’re discussing about men. But generally speaking, I don’t see it. And it’s not just the external ‘doing’ aspects of mentoring, but the motivations of mentoring that were at the heart of LostP’s original inquiry. You gloss over that part with vague ‘humans are social animals that work together’ which is trite and… Read more »

7 years ago

Technically it’s spring. It’s also cold, dank and spitting sleet onto the snow banks. The long range forecast says I can expect this to continue for a couple weeks.

I know I should be leaving this climate.
I got a verse but can’t rhyme it.
I gotta go where it’s warm.

Boat Drinks.
Waitress I need two more boat drinks.
Then I’m headin’ south ‘fore my dream shrinks.
I gotta go where it’s warm.

7 years ago

“But generally speaking . . .”

A senior man takes a junior man as his protege, and the senior’s guild takes the junior as a guild member after his Rite of Passage specific to the speciality of the guild.

Senior women take junior women into the women’s circle, which the junior is a member of because she is a woman, because being a woman is a woman’s speciality.

Pups and kittens get raised to be cats and dogs, each in their own way.

7 years ago


Thanks. I am flattered you would even consider it to debate me. Hehehe….

I would get concerned when someone compliments another for their smarts. Quite often those who do think they are smarter (seeing they feel competent enough to asses the other well enough to make the judgement).

7 years ago

@ scrub

Lol. I’ve decided not to remind you of who you are, or what you are. You already know deep down inside, and that’s good enough for me.

Everyone here knows too, from years of reading your often insane ramblings.

The red pill has practically choked your simple ass to death.

You’re not worthy of the time or effort.

Have a nice ( cuckolded ) life.

7 years ago

“funny how all of that passing on of womanly skills ended right around the time of the Sexual Revolution.”

To be followed by forcing women into the men’s guilds so that male mentoring ended as well.

Gee, I wonder why society has gone to shit.

7 years ago

@ Höllenhund Right on the money. You’re 100% right about it being a mix of apex fallacy and women’s innate solipsism. I have been invisible in the SMP the vast majority of my life. Any time I feel ‘sorry’ for women, I think about what I’ve been through in the SMP and me and millions of other men have had it at least a million times worse. I’ll mention circumcision again as a concrete example of getting a shit deal in the SMP — literally having your genitals mutilated before you can even get into the game, on top of… Read more »

7 years ago

@ kfg A huge reason I work so hard at what I do is because I look forward to impressing my mentor. Having someone be able to fully appreciate my progress has been absolutely key in me making so much progress. Deep down whenever I’m working on some project I’ll be thinking “I can’t wait to show him this when it’s done.” Of course, I have enough self esteem now that I can appreciate my own work and I have my own tastes and preferences that he might not share, and I’m completely fine with that. But having a mentor… Read more »

7 years ago

I believe that we are obligated to share the red pill with as many men as possible. I was made aware of the red pill about 3 years ago. As a brand new red pill man I mistakenly shared my newfound knowledge, in the form of unsolicited advice, with friends and family, with predictably poor results. I do agree with this essay, nothing good will come of revealing your red pil knowledge to your significant other, and it goes without saying that offering unsolicited advice is foolish. However, with that said, as Rollo Tomassi points out, trp actually saves men’s… Read more »

7 years ago

“I don’t think even he [Huxley] could’ve imagined things being this bad.”

What they’re doing is using Orwellian techniques to bring about the Brave New World. That means we’re getting the worst of both. Yay!

7 years ago

“So shouldn’t we be sharing it as widely as possible?”

The key word is “possible.”

“One idea that came to mind is creating a flyer, with tear-off pieces with the rational male website, and posting them at local colleges.”

Advertising Fight Club is talking about it a whole lot.

7 years ago


“Advertising Fight Club is talking about it a whole lot.”

Sure, but the idea behind not talking about fight Club was that not all were worthy of fight club.
In contrast to this, all men are worthy and deserving of the red pill.

7 years ago

Worthy: 1. having or showing the qualities or abilities that merit recognition in a specified way.

7 years ago

Without the “Red Pill” a mans balls will turn blue,”The Red Pill” will not help a man untill his balls turn blue.

Blue balls do not ensure “Red Pill” digestion.

7 years ago


The most abject beta cuck is the most deserving.



7 years ago

@anon, funny how all of that passing on of womanly skills ended right around the time of the Sexual Revolution. All to be replaced with methods and legislation that prioritized an optimizing of Hypergamy.

Actually, it ended when women’s skills were deemed unworthy of women–back when Rosie the Riveter made an appearance and women entered the work force in droves. WW2

7 years ago


Nah. Most men are unworthy of the red pill. This is competition ona limboc level. Most of your so called worthy men would crush your skull with the nearest rock if they thought by doing so they could bone the 9 you have on your arm. Kum ba yah brotherhood of man is a beta concept.

Those that are really worthy of the red pill prove it by acting and doing.

7 years ago

Some men will study and fully understand Red Pill, but can’t fully internalize it because it is too hard. Some men will not be able to withstand the varying levels of pain ( depending on how deeply blue pill they are ) that will be associated with letting go of the fairytale, even though it does not serve them well in the long term. For some, blue balls will become a permanent condition that will only be relieved by further acquiescence to FI conditioning, relishing the scraps from the table rather than having a full and completely satisfying meal. @… Read more »

7 years ago

By simply advertising TRM or TRP all that will be acomplished is getting yourself labled as rad mysogynist while at the same time bringing slews of SJW’s and blue pillers here to lable the rest of us the same.

7 years ago

@ stuff

” By simply advertising TRM or TRP all that will be acomplished is getting yourself labled as rad mysogynist while at the same time bringing slews of SJW’s and blue pillers here to lable the rest of us the same. ”

Agree. The knowledge contained here is best used by men that are in search of it.

7 years ago


The “red pill” is like a fine lincoln welder,it works so smooth at filling cracks.

But if you are not in the “keyrect possition” all that will be accomplished is a big mess.

7 years ago

@ Blaximus “I disagree that all men are indeed worthy of the red pill. Not by a longshot. But I do think that all men are worthy of being given the information and instruction. Repeatedly if necessary. But the giver of knowledge has to be prepared for the failures that will result from time to time, and then move on in search of a more ” worthy ” subject.” I agree with this. @KFG, Blaximus put it better than I did here. @Stuffinbox Perhaps an advertisement would be counterproductive then… @Blaximus “The knowledge contained here is best used by men… Read more »

7 years ago

” . . . it’s rough to see blue pill men suffering . . .”

You cannot cure suffering, because if you try, you will suffer, dear Liza, dear Liza. There are teachers, but there are no saviours.

Your first mission is to be the change you want to see in the world, so that others may see it. Then those who can be helped will ask for it. There is your advertising.

7 years ago
7 years ago


The most abject beta cuck is the most deserving.

“Deserving” is such a useless word.

One idea that came to mind is creating a flyer, with tear-off pieces with the rational male website, and posting them at local colleges.
What are your thoughts?

I think that that will generate tremendous pushback and bad press for the Red Pill. Don’t talk about fight club unless someone asks.

7 years ago

@Lezzgo “For the guys who are beta to neurotic levels, you cant just teach them “game” like that, succes will require a total spiritual transformation.” In a feminine social primary order, nearly everyone runs some form of game. Women are past masters at it and a society run at their behest, would employ it. Think of the mundane everyday social games we see. The mumblers who can’t be bothered to speak at an audible volume, so they can ascertain how invested you are in what they have to say. The person who says hello but doesn’t acknowledge you as they… Read more »

7 years ago

” Game is only as successful as the environment it’s used in. Take Roosh V’s trips to eastern Europe to pull women as an example. He’s admitted it’s a struggle for him to apply game successfully where he resides. ” I’ve always been exceedingly curious about this. If I’m not mistaken, Roosh lived in the DC area. I always took his ” Bang ” wherever stuff as a sign that he had no true Game skills. There’s like 650,000 folks in DC, and a couple of million in the surrounding area ( where most people that work in dc live… Read more »

7 years ago

@ Evolver ” Perhaps it has to be a grass roots effort, from the bottom up, as Rollo has said previously, men helping men they know as the opportunity arises; but it’s rough to see blue pill men suffering, knowing that introducing them to trp might bear fruit, but being unable to say anything directly due to any number of reasons, career safety perhaps. ” In today’s climate, a man could very well put himself at risk while trying to help other men. It has to be done smartly. Too many people out in the world, male and female, who… Read more »

7 years ago

I’ve been a little worried that I’m not DPA. Last night reassured me, though. This is a field report about DPA. Last night I went to my country bar. On the way, driving, I was hassled as usual with negative thoughts about a particular broad and I just waved them off. Excellent start! My vibe was positive! At the bar, some PUAs were looking to me to give them social proof, including a guy I hadn’t seen in months and who had AMOGed me previously. He didn’t even try last night. In fact, he was uber friendly. I felt free… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

Say, Scrib? Whatever you’re currently juicing on, might want to dial the dosage back a ways.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago


How’s Roosh’s game nowadays I wonder?

Never read much of any of his books. Far as I can tell, his “game” was mostly “masculine, dark, foreign new man in town” game. Not exactly the most top shelf game to run in the DC area. We’ve both seen some of his latest videos. He’s stuck inside his blue-pill mind. IMO.

7 years ago

@ AR Yup, “masculine, dark, foreign new man in town” is right. Also add in the ” get you tipsy/drunk and bang you out quick ” game. Pffftttt, I don’t consider that ” game ” at all. In fact, I don’t expect any man over 19 years of age to conduct himself that way as a tactic. He was one of The First though, and I wasn’t reading him from the very beginning. I probably came in as he was starting his early descent. Now when I hear him whining like a bitch, I wonder where the strong, masculine, debonair… Read more »

7 years ago

Holy hell

7 years ago

LOL. What’s with all the ‘Mean Girls’ Bashing of Guys Club? (Scribbler is a great manosphere commenter in my book. Based on his inspired past writing. I’m the most judgmental guy I know, but I can’t judge him for where he has been, what he does, or what the fuck he says. I respect those aspects of his masculine being. I, for one, cannot dismiss his advancement of the masculine imperative here. I’m amused by his tactics. Which tend to lean out to an edgy edge. Intentional on his part. I respect that. He speaks from a self admitted tortured… Read more »

7 years ago

Thoughs control your feelings and your feelings control your life.


7 years ago

@SJF. Regarding how men disagree. A friend of mine turned into a beta orbiter for one of the girls I was banging. His attention only enabled her bad behaviours towards me and he clearly moved in on her. He told me. I explained that he was being used to get to me and that loyalty was important. He continued hanging out with her and remaining in contact despite the fact I told him it bothered me and was a needless source of drama. I had to cut him loose. Blue pill guys are so thirsty for puasy they pretend to… Read more »

7 years ago

In regards to the red pill and all it has to teach me…

I am ready.


7 years ago

@Anonymous Reader

Say, Scrib? Whatever you’re currently juicing on, might want to dial the dosage back a ways.

You are on your way to a very colourful dress down my friend. Your IQ is going room temperature in a jiffy I tell ya.

Still, like I said, better the fella who calls you stupid. It is the one who call you smart that you should watch out for.

7 years ago

Ollie adopting the Red Pill is liberating but requires dumping a lot of thinking and baggage and people from the past.

But it’s so worth it. The freedom you achieve as a result of knowing you’re not tied to other people’s perceptions of what you should be…

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

You are on your way to a very colourful dress down my friend.

Already got that T-shirt. We all care for Scrib in our own particular, individual way.

7 years ago


Thoughs control your feelings and your feelings control your life.

Maybe for women, feelings control their lives. And for weak men.

7 years ago


Just disappointed in my friend for being used like and his thirst is a form of disloyalty.

Your friend is just an oxytocin addict. You’re dealing with a junkie. Don’t keep junkies as friends.

7 years ago

No time to even read the comments. Been busy gaming the new HB8.5, working my biz, playing a music gig and really have no interest in going back and forth here. Today is more biz, then the new hottie is coming over to hang out. It’s funny how old habits die hard, they are like echoes of identity or something. Red Pill Scribbs takes a breath and asks himself: Why do I want to debate any of these guys? Is it worth my time? Will I enjoy it? No, no and no. And it won’t make a difference. My goal… Read more »

7 years ago


Never thought of TRM as an alt right blog and given Rollo’s preference to avoid politics and race issues, seems your points would be better addressed at The Chateau.

7 years ago

@Ollie – Re: Roosh – I guess doing angry videos from your parents house – while going grey in your 30s – may not signal “alpha” to women not desperate to marry any western guy with an actual job. As soon as I realized Roosh was focused on eastern Euros, I knew he was in trouble. I had a few of them in NYC and they are like deer in the headlights if you are any kind of decent western man with a little alpha dog in you. Doesn’t take much, long story as to why but suffice it to… Read more »

7 years ago

@Sentient – This place is crawling with alt righters. Just watch…And as for your opinion on where my views are best shared, I’m curious, why on earth would you think I care? And Chateau banned me with my first critical comment long ago. Rollo allows all but spam/bots/trolls here. This is a site favored by many alt right, fundo christian white nationalists. Try to keep up…

7 years ago

Not exactly the most top shelf game to run in the DC area. Yeah his schtick never worked well here. Roissy, who was also living here back in the day, had much more success here than Roosh did, which is why Roosh was always traveling. Like all markets, DC area is a specific one, and it requires a specific kind of Game, given that many of the girls here are very educated — Roissy’s “DC lawyer chicks” is of course a generalization, but it isn’t that far from the mark and it’s very, very different from almost anywhere else in… Read more »

7 years ago

Hundreds of Soviet agents roamed the State Dept and later CIA halls.

Media and culture as well. They still do. They even get elected President of the U.S.

7 years ago

@scrib 1. If you claim that blacks can’t thrive alongside and amongst whites in the U.S., you have to explain the pre-1960s 20th century and how closely black social progress mirrored white social progress. That’s actually a great place for any of you out there who want to get a grip on just how pervasive communist influence was in the U.S. govt in pre and post WWII times. Hundreds of Soviet agents roamed the State Dept and later CIA halls. The penetration was massive. Do you understand that these [alt-Right] folks want us to revert essentially to feudal times. To… Read more »

7 years ago

Scribbler: “This place is crawling with alt righters.” You are 99 44/100 percent alt-right in your views and about the only one who goes on about them here. Richard Spencer thinks Vox Day isn’t alt-right. Vox Day thinks Spencer is an idiot. Calls for more democracy, a return to 1965 demographics, not “racial purity” and denies that he himself is white (Mexican and sufficiently Native American to be an official tribe member). “Maybe KFG…” I am not alt-right. The way I have put it to Vox Day is that I am a guest at his table, because there’s nowhere else… Read more »

7 years ago


Bait and switch much?

dr zipper
dr zipper
7 years ago

hey scribbs, will you be my mentor?

7 years ago

“Even Iceland (Don’t Bang Iceland) was too out of market for Roosh.”

Iceland is probably the easiest “pickin’s” in the world if you’re not playing Anglo Sugar Daddy game.

7 years ago


This site is favored by cloaked equalists whatever they call their politics, yeah they got over the male female equalism but are still in Stage 1 on the rest. Your comments above shade this way as well.

As for not shitting on our Host’s house and hospitality.. Well that’s just being socially savvy. Do as you wish.

But if you think you have the chops to win hearts and minds on this topic… Let’s see it at Le Chateau. Not even Thwack got banned there until he was just straight spamming and sock puppeteering.

7 years ago

“Roosh has always allowed himself to be selected and then moved on from there.”

While resenting it all the way.
“I’m nothing but a clown! These stupid bitches….”

7 years ago


Pretty on point comment made into a post just recently…

7 years ago

“Conservatives don’t fight. The Alt-Right exists to fight. Remember, the Alt-Right is a political taxonomical description, not a membership club with monthly dues. If you’re beating the hell out of a Black Bloc thug, then you’re Alt-Right even if you don’t know it yet. The lion doesn’t know that he’s called a “lion”, after all.” –Vox Day

7 years ago

Great article, Rollo. Been awhile since I’ve read some RM and this was a great first read to recover some important concepts. Sharing with a few unplugged-in-process friends as we speak.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

Rollo on Rooshv
Take that with a grain of salt, but it follows that his “conversion” would happen after he got into something long term with a woman.

Weak frame leads to weak game, in my experience. Or to put it another way:
“Every MRA is one BJ away from surrender” – paraphrasing Zed at the old Spearhead.

Anoymous Reader
Anoymous Reader
7 years ago

Scrib No time to even read the comments. Again, cut back the dosage on whatever you are juicing. That includes anger, because dopamine hits are dopamine hits. Been busy gaming the new HB8.5, working my biz, playing a music gig and really have no interest in going back and forth here. Then why are you escalating on the “going back and forth”, Scrib? Got an itch that you just have to come here to scratch? It’s funny how old habits die hard, they are like echoes of identity or something. Red Pill Scribbs takes a breath and asks himself: Why… Read more »

7 years ago

“If you want to post long screeds about politics, wordpress makes it easy to set up your own blog.”

Or, he could beard the “lion” in his own den, if the grapes aren’t sour for some reason.

7 years ago

“Or, he could beard the “lion” in his own den, if the grapes aren’t sour for some reason.” I’ve had a fetish for store prepared macaroni salad recently. I find it curious that I can’t conceive of eating it with anything other than a fork. (Eating it with a spoon just seems weird. Notwithstanding even having a taste fetish for it as a Type I diabetic seems completely inappropriate.) Sometimes we do things that aren’t in our own best interests to distract ourselves from more important issues our ego needs to suppress. (How I eat macaroni salad is currently low… Read more »

7 years ago

@Scribblerg Everything I know of Roosh V, I’ve gotten secondhand from TRM. I don’t watch his videos or use his forum. I take the view TRM is the best manosphere blog on the internet, so why would I want to go elsewhere to view inferior material? It doesn’t make sense. “Remember, as you get older, one of the things women expect is that you have your shit together.” This is rarely touched upon because of the beta provider connotations. But yes, you’re right, you have to have something going for you, once you reach a certain age. How can you… Read more »

7 years ago

@Scribblerg Everything I know of Roosh V, I’ve gotten secondhand from TRM. I don’t watch his videos or use his forum. I take the view TRM is the best manosphere blog on the internet, so why would I want to go elsewhere to view inferior material? It doesn’t make sense. “Remember, as you get older, one of the things women expect is that you have your shit together.” This is rarely touched upon because of the beta provider connotations. But yes, you’re right, you have to have something going for you, once you reach a certain age. How can you… Read more »

7 years ago

“My life has been one, long, high wire act without the safety net. Cute doesn’t come into it.”

Purely unintentional, I presume?

You know, safety nets allow for more creative dancing on high wires.

Culum Struan
Culum Struan
7 years ago

Saw a guy texting yesterday, in a coffee shop. He was ahead of me in the line but I could read his texts at the angle he was holding the phone. Looked early 30s, hipster-ish, clearly educated, middle-class. Him: “It’s difficult when after all this time you can’t even bring yourself to touch me or be intimate” Her: “That’s a horrible thing to say” Him: “It’s true. It’s all I can think about and how it makes me feel” Was sad. There’s almost a novel hiding there but I think anyone who is a regular commenter here can figure out… Read more »

7 years ago

Some guys at CH printed up business cards with the website on it. Easy enough to hand out and say “have a look friend”..

7 years ago

ATTENDING A CONFERENCE (OFF-TOPIC) I will be attending an out-of-town, multi-day members-only conference for my profession. I have earned their certification. This will be my first time attending this particular type of conference. THE WIFE I have passed the shit test regarding taking the wife. I point blank told her that I am there to further my career–not to hang out with her. The dread level went off the charts, with accusations that I don’t want her there so that I can be unfaithful. Strangely, in the wife’s scenario, the woman comes on to me and I am unable to… Read more »

Culum Struan
Culum Struan
7 years ago

– no immediate advice comes to mind from me, but it’s a good idea to post here for advice. Last year I posted for career advice too (coincidentally it was about moving into a new career field, attending a multi-day conference and building relationships) and had some great advice from here.

7 years ago


I have found the job market quite challenging.

Use Game to improve your job options.

7 years ago


For instance, force interviewers to qualify themselves, be ready to break rapport early, don’t have anti-Game like appearing needy and lacking options…give off the impression that you have too many choices…get interviewers to invest in you and compliment you.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x

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