Late Life Hypergamy

Commenter YaReally dropped an interesting set of videos in last week’s comment thread and I thought I’d riff on them for a bit today. I’m not familiar with Loose Women (the TV show anyway), but from what I gather, it’s on par with The View or any similar mid-day women’s talk show. I don’t make a habit of watching shows dedicated to entertaining women’s need for indignation, but I regularly have readers email or tweet me segments asking for my take on certain aspects of them or how they relate to Red Pill awareness.

It should come as no shock to my readers that shows of this formula are a social manifestation of women’s base natures. Every conversation takes on a sense of seriousness and gravity, but the tone and the presumptuousness that drives these conversations are rooted in women’s solipsism. All iterations of this show are presented from a perspective that assumes a pre-understood feminine primacy. It’s also no coincidence that the rise in popularity of women’s talk shows has paralleled the comfort women have in embracing Hypergamy openly.

Whenever I get a link to something the women on The View discuss it’s almost always a confirmation of some Red Pill principle I’ve covered previously, and in this instance Loose Women doesn’t disappoint. Saira Khan (I apologize for my lack of knowing who she is or why I should care to) related to the panel of women – and the expectedly disproportionate female audience – that at 46 years of age and two children (only one by her husband) she has entered some commonly acknowledged phase where she finds herself lacking all libido for her husband.

I decided to write a full post on these clips because Saira amply demonstrates every facet of the latter phases of maturity I outlined in Preventive Medicine. She begins her self-serving apologetics by prequalifying her previously “fantastic sex life in her younger years” and moves on to her bewilderment over her lack of arousal for her glaringly Beta husband. We’ll get to him later, but she’s a textbook example of a woman in what I termed the Alpha Reinterest phase from Preventive Medicine. Granted, at 46 Saira is experiencing this “stage” a bit later than most women, but we have to consider the difficulty she had in having and adjusting to children later in life – all undoubtedly postponed by her obvious fempowerment mentality and careerism.

I love you, but I’m not in love with you

It’s likely most men in the Red Pill sphere have experienced and discussed this very common trope. Saira is quick to apply a version of this standard self-excusing social convention. She “loves her husband” and “he’s a great man”, but lately(?) she simply has no desire to fuck him. I’m highlighting this because it’s an important part of the psychology and the self-excusing rationales that revolve around the less-than-optimal outcome of women’s dualistic (AF/BB) sexual strategy.

It may serve readers better to review the Preventive Medicine series of posts, but the short version is this: Once a woman has settled on a man for her post-SMV peak life plans, and the routine and regimen of a life less exciting than her Party Years begins to reveal the nature of a (usually Beta) man she settled on, that’s when the subconscious sexual revulsion of him begins. The feral nature of

Hypergamy begins to inform her subconscious understanding of her situation – the man she settled for will never compare to the idealized sexuality of the men she’s been with prior to him. Alpha-qualifying shit tests (fitness tests) naturally follow, but Saira herself describes her sexual revulsion for Steve as a sense of “panic” at the thought of him expecting her to be genuinely sexual with him.

As such, there becomes a psycho-social imperative need to blunt and/or forgive these feelings for the “lack of libido” women experience for their Beta husbands. Thus, we get the now clichéd tropes about how “it’s not you, it’s me” or “I love you, but I’m not in love with you.” Both of which amount to the same message – I love you, but I have no desire to fuck you. You’re a great guy and a swell husband, but my pussy only gets wet for Alpha.

Saira exemplifies this in her assessment of her husband (Steve), but more so, she illustrates the disconnection she knows is necessary to insulate her ego from knowing exactly what’s “wrong” with her. The problem with her lack of libido becomes separated from the source, Steve. So she says it’s not him, she just doesn’t want to do it.

She qualifies herself as someone loveable (she still cuddles and gets comfort from Steve), but this lovable ‘good person’ doesn’t want her lack of arousal to be something to disqualify her from feeling good about herself.

Solution: make sex separate and ancillary to her relationship with her husband.

For women in this phase, sex is equated with a chore. It’s a chore because it’s not something she has a desire to do, but still feels obligated to do. Steve walks through the door at 6 and her subconscious understands that the expectation of her is that she should be aroused by this Beta man she’s trapped into living with for the rest of her life. Hypergamy informs her subconscious and the manifestation is to find ways to avoid sex with a man her Hypergamous sense acknowledges is a suboptimal sexual pairing. Her conscious, emotive, female mind understands that she should want to fuck him, but it wars with her hindbrain that is repulsed by just the imagining of it.

In order to contend with the internal conflict created by Hypergamy, and a woman’s settling on a poor consolidation of it, social conventions had to be created to make separating sexual arousal (Alpha Fucks) from women’s personal worth (Beta Bucks investment) and the attending bad feelings it causes for them.

Ironically, this show’s original premise was based on the question of whether sex was even a “must” on a couple’s wedding night. This is a prime example of separating desireless sex from women’s sense of personal worth. I wrote about this in Separating Values. If sex is ancillary or only an occasional bonus, it ceases to be a deal-breaking factor in marriage for women when they don’t have a desire to fuck their Beta husbands.

Conflating Values

One of the major problems women have, and more than even some red pill men have, is the conflation of sexual market value with their intrinsic personal value as a human being.

It needs to be emphasized that while personal value is influential in sexual market value, SMV is distinct from your value as a human being. I’m stressing this because, in the age Disney Princess empowerment, this conflation of the two has become a go-to social convention; and not just for women.

What Korth suffers from is presuming her personal value is her sexual market value.

It’s disruptive to her self-perceptions and ego-investments when that presumption is challenged by a man who doesn’t want to fuck her for reasons based on the intrinsic value she believes she’s entitled to by virtue of maturity and imaginings of self-sufficiency. Just as women aren’t aroused by men’s own self-concepts of virtuousness and aspirations of higher purpose, men aren’t aroused by whatever ephemeral self-perceptions a woman may have.

In Khan’s case, she (and the many women in the audience who nod in agreement with her) must devalue sex as an article or an object rather than accept that it’s something she wants to engage in, just not with Steve.

There are many other social conventions that aid women in avoiding sex with Beta husbands. An even more common convention is the popularly accepted idioms that “sex just naturally declines after marriage” or “men and women often have mismatched libidos.” Both of these have filtered into our popular consciousness, but they serve the same latent purpose – excusing a lack of desire caused by women interpreting their husband’s lack of Alpha sub-communications. Wives don’t get tingles from Beta husbands, thus, they need to find ways to offset the bad feelings for themselves first, and their husbands secondarily.

The trick in this is women not personalizing their lack of arousal with a husband’s self-worth – “it’s not you, it’s me” – and deferring to some naturally occurring biological or psychological event that can be conveniently attached to the mystique of women.

It’s not you, but it is you

Thus, the rationale morphs from “it’s not you, it’s me” into “it’s not you, it’s the time/circumstance/effort/need for help with the chores/phase of my mysterious woman-ness” that’s causing her lack of sexual desire.” She’s got a busy life, she’s got kids, and in her pursuit of perfection in these arenas, sex somehow falls by the wayside – or at least the kind of non-obligatory, hot, urgent sex she used to enjoy in her fantastic youth. It’s not you, it’s just life.

It’s not you, it’s wives ‘naturally’ lose interest in sex. It’s not you, it’s that she panics at the thought of you expecting her to be aroused by you.

If sex can be delimited to being all about the person then a lack of women’s arousal can’t be blamed on the mechanics of sex. So when men complain about a lack of sex from their wives or a lack of enthusiastic genuine desire, we get the response we hear from the panel of women on the show; a sarcastic shaming of men who raise the issue that their wives are frigid with them.

“Oh, how can men survive without sex?” or a sarcastic “No bloke can be in a relationship without sex” is a deemphasizing of the importance that the role of sex plays in a marriage and any intersexual relationship. Once again this is due to the separating of personal worth of a woman from the sexual mechanics of Hypergamy that prompt her to genuine arousal. The easiest solution is to cast men into the same sexual expectations as women; if women can forego sex then men ought to be able to “survive” without it too.

This normalized idea stems from the equalist perspective that men and women being equal should also share equal attitudes, prompts, and appetites for sex. This is a biological impossibility of course, but the conversation serves as a stark illustration of women expecting feminized men to identify with the feminine and prioritize that identification above any and all considerations about their experiences of being male.

Ultimately this is self-defeating for women because the nature of the Alpha guy that women crave pushes him to have sex, not to deny himself of it.

In fact, that sexual insistence is a prime indicator that a woman is dealing with an Alpha. The man agreeing to the patience and effort needed to “wait out” his wife’s frigidity is indicating that he’s not accustomed to insisting on, and getting what he wants. If he can sublimate his most powerful biological imperative – to get sex – what else is he willing to sublimate?

Sex is the glue that holds relationships together.

The ladies on the panel mock this idea for exactly the same reason Saira is tying herself in knots about not being hot for Steve. He needs sex, but he shouldn’t really need sex because it’s all about the person and not the mechanics. But it is exactly the mechanics of Hypergamy that are at the root of Saira’s need to solipsistically feel better about herself to the extent that she’ll publicly emasculate her husband on national TV.

As the show grinds on, all of the predictable rationales for wive’s self-consolations for a lack of sex get run down like a check list. Kids? Check. Career? Check. Never do they address that she’s a

Never do they address that she’s a 46-year-old woman raising small children or that her so overstressed condition is only one consequence of delaying what passes for motherhood to her for so long. I understand Saira and Steve struggled with infertility, but my guess is that this too was a physical result of the life choices she made and the difficulty of conceiving and carrying a child to term well after her fantastic sexual prime. I’m 48 and my daughter graduated high school this year so I can’t imagine facing parenthood in my mid/late 40s. This isn’t even an afterthought for the panel because it exposes the costs of the feminist-inspired careerism the show is triumphantly based upon.

Shit Tests and Marriage

As I mentioned earlier in this post, wives in this state will still shit test their husbands just as readily as any single woman. We are meant to believe, no we are expressly told, that Saira’s sexual revulsion is “normal” and it’s not Steve or his dedication that’s at issue. Yet during all of Saira’s journey of self-discovery about her lack of libido, she suggests that Steve go out and find a woman who will fuck him. At some stage in their great open communication, Saira gives Steve express permission to go out and bang another woman because she just can’t.

Naturally she couches this in the idea that she’s so devoted to him “as a person” that she just wants him to be happy, however, she is so repulsed by him, sex is a happiness she can’t find within herself to even feign for him. For all the shocked gasps from the women in the audience, what this amounts to is a very visceral shit test for Steve.

The purpose of the ‘dare’ for Saira is meant to determine whether Steve can still (if he ever) generate genuine sexual desire in other women. I’ve covered this dynamic in at least a dozen different posts – women want a man who other men want to be, and other women want to fuck. Steve’s steadfast devotion to his wife is anti-seductive and Saira, on some level of consciousness, knows this. If another woman found Steve attractive enough to bang it would generate Dread, social proof and confirm his preselection among other women. And as I’ve mentioned countless times, breakup sex (or near breakup sex) always trumps contrived, preplanned special occasion “date night” sex, which predictably is the suggestion that ends the second video.

And as I’ve mentioned countless times, breakup sex (or near breakup sex) always trumps contrived, preplanned special occasion “date night” sex, which predictably is the suggestion that ends the second video.

Steve, the dutiful Beta, is also predictably dumbfounded by her “suggestion”. He’s heartbroken from a feminized emotional perspective, but also because, like most Beta men, he’s heavily invested in the fallacy of Relational Equity. He’s observably sexually optionless so it’s a moot point, but if he were to muster up the balls and the Game to take her up on her oh so caring suggestion to fuck another woman, he risks losing the relationship equity he believes his rational, empowered wife should appreciate and factor into her attraction for him.

Thus, Steve comes up with rationalizations for why he didn’t take her up on her offer of permissive infidelity. He makes his necessity (really his optionlessness) a virtue and sticks to the standard Beta wait-it-out supportiveness he’s been conditioned for but is actually the source of his sexless marriage. He defaults to the “open communication” solves everything meme while ignoring the message that the medium of his wife’s sub-communication is telling him. Steve attributes everything (accurately) to his conditioning that most men, “typical blokes”, are Betas whose responsibility ought to be unconditional supportiveness when in fact they really have no other choice but to be so.

She doesn’t want to be ‘fixed’

One last thing occurred to me while I picked these clips apart. At the end, the panel of women defaults to the “it’s not you Steve, you’re a great guy, Saira’s just experiencing a normal frigidity that comes along for women in marriage.” I thought this was interesting because there’s a push to accept this frigidity as a normal phase women experience, but it still relies on the idea that sex and personal worth are two separate aspects of this problem.

If the root of this ‘normal’ problem is one about mechanics (it’s not Steve, it’s Saira’s physical/psychological malfunction) then I would expect there could be a mechanical solution to the problem. Even the fat brunette panelist suggest that all it takes is a better ‘effort’ on Saira’s part to get herself into the mood, but she even rejects this. Her problem isn’t a pharmaceutical one or a behavioral one, it’s a holistic one rooted in hardwired Hypergamy. So repulsive is the thought of fucking a Beta that Saira cannot psych herself up to do so.

I wondered if she would even consider taking the new “pink pill”, the female form of viagra, but I’ve read enough counter argument articles from women about it to know that women’s hardwired psychology prevents them from even chemically altering themselves to want to have sex with a man her Hypergamy cannot  accept. My guess is that even a cheeky holiday in the Maldives won’t be enough to convince Saira to want to fuck Steve.

However, this simple fact, that women will refuse to take the Spanish Fly to work themselves up and bypass their Hypergamy for their Beta husband’s happiness, destroys the convention that her frigidity is the result of her biomechanics. She doesn’t want a pill to fix her because she knows it’s a holistic problem.

Saira knows how to please Steve sexually, she simply doesn’t want to, and it’s because Steve is Steve.


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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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7 years ago

” . . . compulsory complimentary greetings to all females.”

But it will be a compulsory conviction of rape whenever a female rejects the greeting.

7 years ago


“lol. fuck. we’re all dead men walking so we might as well have fun”

Indeed…. go have some fun this weekend… This vid cracks me up.

Seven Dials
7 years ago

It does help to know who this woman is. She’s a television personality who got started in The Apprentice. She’s not a Real Person, but a creation, and creature, of the media publicity machine. The whole thing is likely a stunt. What decent person goes on television to discuss the intimate activity of their martial life? (Rhetorical question). So the publicity machine just hi-jacked TRM for a short while. I’ll hi-jack this to illustrate the Explanatory Equivalence Principle: any evo-psycho-based explanation of a woman’s behaviour can be replaced by one in which she is a Bad Person acting on self-interest,… Read more »

7 years ago

@ TheDeti <blockquoteThis is really key here, and it’s key for men reading this to understand what’s truly going on here. The basic truth is that Saira isn’t sexually attracted to Steve, her husband of 11 years whom she married when she was 35. She wants to have sex. She is interested in having sex. It’s just that she is not interested in sex WITH STEVE. But she knows that telling him this will crush him. So she makes up an elaborate excuse that she isn’t really interested in sex at all. …..Finally: this right here is why the emphasis… Read more »

7 years ago

@thedeti: The solution isn’t to lambaste all older women for being hypergamous bitches.

True — the younger ones are too. (Chuckle.)

You’re right: increase attraction; and remember, as @Blaximus reiterates, they’re just girls.

7 years ago

Did anyone see that she took up Cross-fit around 2013 and lost a decent amount of weight and built up some muscle tone. Once she got in shape she felt, even more so than before, that she could do better than Steve:

For most Beta guys, it seems when the previously pudgy wife starts religiously going to the gym, that the relationship is over, the Beta husbands just don’t know it yet.

The same thing is happening to Anthony Bourdain and his Italian MMA wife.

7 years ago

How would you respond to the “fuck other girls” shit-test?

I would just get up and walk away. Spend the night out, then come back fresh from a bath and never say a word.

7 years ago

To The Man on Everything what Rollo and all TRP writhe-rs post here and on other blogs is one perfectly painted and well analyzed thrut. I am here for about 3 years and this what I founded here is like Enigma key for Enigma code machine. Every moment in my life, every Up and down is for the first time in my 38 years connected with with simple but perfect dots. And my friend when I look in lives of my brother, sisters, parents and friends everything look so perfectly clear and predictable with this TRP Enigma code opened. In… Read more »

7 years ago

Finally: this right here is why the emphasis is on increasing attraction. The solution isn’t to lambaste all older women for being hypergamous bitches. The solution for men is to increase their attraction, operate with necessary Dread, and if a relationship continues to yield less than satisfactory results, to walk away with as little ongoing financial obligation as possible. That’s just too much work. I’m willing to be good husband, in the traditional sense, but if I have to generate this much drama to keep a woman interested, and a misstep will result in losing my children, I’ll pass in… Read more »

7 years ago

At one point in my marriage I found myself in the same spot. My wife decided that we were married in name only, and viewed me with disgust. Supplicating only made it worse. After wallowing in despair and unhappiness for a while, I got fed up and fixed things. First, I withdrew from her. No more foot rubs and back massages (you don’t like me to touch you, remember?). No more honey-do’s – I do what I determine is needed. No sex? No leverage. Second, I improved myself. Exercised, lost weight. I had time, with the removal of her chores… Read more »

7 years ago

The “Why don’t you fuck other girls?” statement is not a shit test to pass.

It is a wake up call that you are doing everything wrong in your relationship.

It is a statement that you are not fuck-worthy.

A shit test is when a woman is testing to see if you are worthy.

That statement is an acknowledgement that she has already decided that you are not worthy. It is saying Go Away from me.

7 years ago

” Finally: this right here is why the emphasis is on increasing attraction. The solution isn’t to lambaste all older women for being hypergamous bitches. The solution for men is to increase their attraction, operate with necessary Dread, and if a relationship continues to yield less than satisfactory results, to walk away with as little ongoing financial obligation as possible.” ” That’s just too much work. I’m willing to be good husband, in the traditional sense, but if I have to generate this much drama to keep a woman interested, and a misstep will result in losing my children, I’ll… Read more »

7 years ago

Radical feminists from FEMEN storm an Islamic rally. Rare moment in which I admire Muslims.


7 years ago

@ Blax- Right, because a man who’s accepted the social conditioning and training his entire life which has fed to him BY WOMEN to be a good man, and to be an equalist is also accountable for that behavior drying up his wife’s pussy.

Wow, am I getting tired of the Super-Blax stuff…

7 years ago

@ scrib

Feel free to scroll past….

7 years ago

How would you respond to the “fuck other girls” shit-test? when a woman asks this question key is to reply like The Man. For example: Her: I don’t want to have sex with you, you can go fuck other women You: Methinks the sweet aroma of challenge is now in the air, but there are important conceptual layers, that lie even deeper, Her: What? Are you actually going to go fuck other women? You: I have some things to do today, but if I had some assurances I wouldn’t be self-loathing but if that’s not forthcoming, well then I will… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  redlight

@redlight: on ‘The Man’ – 😂😂😂

7 years ago

…all dudes aren’t weak

7 years ago

” Wow, am I getting tired of the Super-Blax stuff…” Drink a cup of coffee and peep this – Your problem is that you are gauging me through your scrib glasses. It confuses you that way. If you have issues with what I try to say to guys here, keep it to yourself and scroll past. I’m just as tired of you and your constant hyper flip flopping confusion. I know who I am. Go sit in your coffee shop of fuck some dudes girlfriend or pedestalize chicks or whatever the fuck you’re doing these days. If what I say… Read more »

Kid Jupiter
Kid Jupiter
7 years ago
Reply to  Blaximus

He’s a douchebag. I scroll past every comment he makes. He needs professional psychiatric help.

7 years ago

And by all means, this poor sap should be “honorable” and not fuck some hot, tight snatch, right?

7 years ago

@The Wild Man

Truly, you have a dizzying intellect.

Wait til he gets going.

7 years ago

“Saira knows how to please Steve sexually, she simply doesn’t want to, and it’s because Steve is Steve.” – This is the truth of the vids and sexual attraction. What’s interesting are the questions that never get asked of Saira. Like, does she ever get attracted to any man? Does she masturbate? Has she seen an MD to see if there is a medical issue? Will she try watching porn with him? Has she considered at least jacking off or blowing Steve out of a sense of love for him and recognition of his needs? This last part is what… Read more »

7 years ago

Look at she looks at him in the 2nd video…in the beginning…pathetic!!

I remember how chics used to talk about…”you have to best friends…soul mates…with your wife,” when I was younger….even my older sisters….


That situation is literally hell

7 years ago

No, Blax, I’m not confused at all. You are a rock star, boxer, philosopher, political wizard, genius, cock-swain, IT wizard, financial genius, mini-celebrity, authority on women, marriage, fucking and in general are a badass, got a story for every situation which shows how awesome I am kind of guy. You are coming in 5 over 5. I bow before you unending awesomeness and only hope someday I can be just like you. Please, continue to enlighten and instruct the rest of us who bow at your feet. @SJF too – Please post another fucking wall of Deida and other intolerable… Read more »

7 years ago

@NBTM: On the “hall pass” question…

Blue pill consider it an a front to their ‘white night’ solipsism….they’re “hurt” (😁…😑) by being presented with an opportunity to be red pill.
This sullies their virtuous nature…and drags them deeper into the miasma of self deceit that is the blue pill…
To break free isn’t even on the fringes of their wildest imagination…

7 years ago

Don’t hate. I didn’t spend 55 years floundering about. 55 years is a long time. I got 55 years of stories. Now, you’ll be one, in some fashion, concerning confused men. Tell me, when you look back over your life, what will you see? Is it more anguish and despair, or accomplishment? Will it consist of pining away for ” young, tight, hawt pussy “???? That’s a hell of a life. Kudos to you on that. I don’t stress or pine for shit. Lol. I worked long and hard to get my shit together and have a life. I… Read more »

7 years ago

As I’ve become more of a spectator here, the kind of incessant posing going on is becoming quite apparent. It’s as though this comment section exists purely for ego validation and LARPing for some. There is no issue certain folks here don’t weigh in on with complete knowledge and in depth, 100% direction, nonstop. There is no argument they won’t continue. There is no point where they stop and say, “Hey, maybe I’m just being a loudmouthed asshole?” Fair enough, do as you will. As I will. But that’s how it seems to me. Continue to preach it and preen… Read more »

7 years ago

Candid photo of the comment section:

comment image

7 years ago

Did scrib just refer to ” someone ” as a loudmouthed asshole??

Scrib?? Really???

7 years ago

“But like I said, Steve is “honorable” – fucking schmuck. He doesn’t even realize that if he acted like a dog and made his needs primary and acted entitled to pussy he’d be getting fucked by his wife. The very fact that he had options would make her wet. But he’s been blinded by a lifetime of Blue Pill conditioning, and hey, maybe he’s been reading SJF and Blaximus too?” I don’t advocate honorable-ness to women that don’t want to fuck their man. Either you walk away, or you make yourself more desirable. I advocate for men being honorable among… Read more »

7 years ago


Man, scrib is disintegrating right before my very eyes.

He’s my boy, but I am not having him trying to read me. I didn’t say shit as he popped in and sniped at me a few times, because I know how he is.

Hopefully he’ll go pussy-begging and crawl into a tight snatch and get in a better mood.

7 years ago

“Finally: this right here is why the emphasis is on increasing attraction. The solution isn’t to lambaste all older women for being hypergamous bitches. The solution for men is to increase their attraction, operate with necessary Dread, and if a relationship continues to yield less than satisfactory results, to walk away with as little ongoing financial obligation as possible.” “That’s just too much work.” Not. Did this. In super shape for a 57 yo. Did other things (details not important here) to raise smv. It *was* alot of work but when I bailed, I was in great form to start… Read more »

7 years ago

@scribblerg “Not YaReally, fyi, his points are mostly spot on and valuable not about ego gratification and the endless pursuit of being right.” lol <3 I'm not here to make friends or gain some street rep props or be a part of a social chit-chat club, I have friends in real life for that shit lol I'm just here to share information and point out inaccuracies, inconsistencies, and shit that don't hold up infield. But at the end of the day you're all just names on a screen to me so I don't care about the dick-waving swordfights or what… Read more »

7 years ago

” If you want to go down the discussion path you keep poking at where pickup is “pussy-begging” and shallow meaningless shit and getting married into monogamy is the one true honorable lifestyle, I’ll be happy to dig into that discussion with you. But personally I’d rather you toned down the high-horse holier than thou shaming shit a bit. We hear that stuff enough from the Jezebel crowd” Wtf??? Is it opposite day and no one told me?? I never said ANY such thing. I referred to pussy begging because that’s what I think it sounds like scrib is doing.… Read more »

7 years ago

Oh, and btw, I don’t care if younger cats listen to older guys.

My nose will still have skin on it.

I just try to answer questions if I think I have a pov that might help.

7 years ago

“Or perhaps you both might try and come down to earth with the rest of us who seem to not have pat answers for every motherfucking comment and essay here. Just a thought, guys.” Maybe I’ll come down to earth with the rest of you when I figure it all out (and at that point I’ll stop commenting). And maybe I will also stop when you come up to the sublime. I always wish for the best of the commenter tribe, even if I don’t communicate or show it. The manosphere tribe uber alles (over all). I’ve fallen prey to… Read more »

7 years ago

@ SJF Yeah, I don’t get the whole targeting PUA thing. I also don’t get why scrib has been showing up and throwing shit around. I don’t care for the whole ” age ” denigration thing, but..whatever. Like I told scrib, I know who I am. I like Ya, but he’s not infallible. He’s good on the PUA front, and he’s pushed me into thinking outside the box, but I did manage to learn some things in life and I have something to offer…or so I think. I don’t believe the entire comment section must consist of ” fuck young… Read more »

7 years ago

So, how about them Mets?

7 years ago
Reply to  kfg

@kfg: on the Mets….😂😂😂😂

7 years ago

@Blaximus “Man, scrib is disintegrating right before my very eyes. He’s actually not. He is a good man that I will stand by pretty much forever because my offline/behind the scenes association with him. He is just working shit out. And he is in a better place than previously. I can’t recall if it was 15 months ago or two years ago, he was in a funk. I don’t see him in a funk now, and every adversarial thing he says I take as a positive mental mindset (as a brother in arms). He is attacking you metaphorically, not personally.… Read more »

7 years ago

I had this situation in 2012 while an intern at the White House a woman dumped her LTBF and got with me. Everything was fine until my clearance didn’t go through, then the excuses started. This went on for 3 mo. I got tired of it, dumped her ass and kept it moving. This is when I found the Rational Male, got to the gym, grew a beard, got a motorcycle and finished my MBA. I show back up to her door in 2014 with a hickey on my neck and another 7 notches. I saw the dread when we… Read more »

7 years ago

“I don’t believe the entire comment section must consist of ” fuck young girls ” all the time. Maybe I’m mistaken. Nah, I’m right.” I’m glad you can say that with a high testosterone level. It is more authentic that way. I resonate with that because of my four thousand other adventures in life besides pussy. My non pussy pursuing adventures with sublime peak experiences allow me to know the difference. And long term relationship pussy doesn’t become un-fulfilling unless you let is like clueless Steve Hyde. I hope not to belabor the points, but it is about Game and… Read more »

7 years ago

“The moral of the story is don’t be like Steve…don’t be “that guy”.”


7 years ago

@ SJF ” He is just working shit out. And he is in a better place than previously. I can’t recall if it was 15 months ago or two years ago, he was in a funk. I don’t see him in a funk now, and every adversarial thing he says I take as a positive mental mindset (as a brother in arms). ” Yeah, I hear you man. I know how he can be. He knows how he can be too. Lol. Maybe I shoulda just scrolled. He is a good man, but damn, he has a mean streak..Lol. It’s… Read more »

7 years ago

At Blax: “Ya though, is getting a little thin skinned lately. He’s got on me twice for something I never said towards him. ” It’s pretty easy to psychologically observe a thing or two due to one’s acuity. I don’t want to be anti-tribe for Scrib and YaR. But there is some frustration and cognitive dissonance going on. I fight battles. But I have never been so at peace with my self. Don’t want to poke the beasts. Ya and Scrib will be fine. But Rollo, TRM and the manophere are here to get men through red pill/game triage. I… Read more »

7 years ago

Rollo says don’t get married (see above, and previous posts). r/TheRedPill generally says don’t get married. Ya and some of the PUA squad as they get older say one needs to refine marriage, and Mystery says he’s fucked. MGTOW consider marriage extreme torture. So let’s develop the case for marriage. In reply don’t attack me personally (you’re an idiot) but feel free to attack the writing harshly, pull no punches (okay: that is the stupidest thing ever). Baseline assumptions, a man is only to get married if: – is 32+ – is financially solvent and independent – has N count… Read more »

7 years ago

This Steve and this hypregameous woman suggest that serial LTR are the way to go. If you are too lazy, ignorant, or just ego invested in FI BS, then instead of improving attractiveness, just get a new SO every 8-12 years or so once she runs out of desire for you. If the bottle is empty then quit trying to drink from it. One-it-is Steve is like that guy at the party that just doesn’t know when it’s time to leave the party. Kids run on a 16-18 year schedule, so hypergamous branch swings on a 8-12 year schedule don’t… Read more »

Max From Australia
Max From Australia
7 years ago

This same thing happened to me. Got married at 24 and had sex maybe 20 times in 20 years. Turned me into a sad depressed overwieght alco and kicked me out last october.

It took me 9 days to find a 26 yo girlfriend with the Red Pill.

9 Fucking days!!!!

7 years ago

Y’all probably figure out it’s “drive a SUV”

7 years ago

” . . . if having and raising children is a key priority for you, red pill man . . .” . . . there is no reason to get married. “Bastard” is an archaic concept, both socially and legally, as is male ownership of children and thus “Legitimacy.” At the very least do not license your marriage with the government (the license is not what constitutes a marriage. It only constitutes your consent to include the government as a third party), be in a legal jurisdiction that isn’t community property, doesn’t recognize common law marriage and have your lawyer… Read more »

hank holiday
hank holiday
7 years ago

@culum @hadb @yareally @forge Made progress on internals a bunch. Understand a lot. Hungover and sick, but went to mall in city I like. Didn’t have much time there. but got to look around. Opened a few people, but couldn’t quite go and do daygame on girls. Like for culum, I undertsnad where you are at with feeling compelled to buy food for girls when you go out. For me that’s ridiculous because lol their girls. They get free shit all the time. I think its funny to make THEM buy ME shit. But I understand the feeling, since I… Read more »

Jim McCullagh
Jim McCullagh
7 years ago

Thanks Rollo for putting these clips up. Steve, what were you thinking? It’s one thing being told essentially, “please go and fuck someone else because I can’t be bothered” and quite another to go on a daytime chat show for bored women and confess your bemusement at being passed over. Do not you think the two are linked? I would rather disembowel myself rather than do that and I would like to think 99% of your readers would agree. How do you ever recover from that position? If I was Steve I would take that free pass with both hands… Read more »

7 years ago

@redlight Great breakdown. The growing SMV disparity is the most pivotal thing for me as it gets a lot less press in the manosphere. Many of the other issues of hypergamy, divorce rape etc draw a lot of discussion, but how a redpill man outpaces his wife over the years in terms of SMV doesn’t get much play. To me that factor is the finally nuclear bomb strike in this argument over whether or not to get married. The blue pill disaster marriages, the FI and why it’s bad…that’s all very obvious after a few months in the manosphere. But… Read more »

7 years ago

“Marriage is an FI institution . . .” And yet women believe it is a patriarchal institution. Marriage is an exchange. If you only see what you had to give up to enter a marriage you will see the institution as being something that came from the “other side.” If you only see what what you get, you will see marriage as your idea all along. The problem is that what we still call marriage isn’t marriage at all. It is a civil union in which men give everything and receive nothing. It is this civil union that we call… Read more »

7 years ago

this is NYPost article linked on r/TheRedPill, and it seems like satire And then, between the ages of 35 and 40, I found myself lost in what I call the “Dating Bermuda Triangle.” The men I dated in my late 30s would tell me straight out that they didn’t date women my age because we were all “desperate to get married” and have children. Discounting a woman as being just an age, not a woman, is part of the modern single man’s dating dogma. … I never settled for a lesser love, and the man I end up with will… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  redlight

@Redlight: NYpost article…
“I’m 47….” 😂😂😂😂 – Fail!

More men should adopt this stance….in Japan they call women above 26 ‘Christmas cake’ or ‘Kurisumasu Keeki’…
It’s not your fault that you’re hypergamous…it’s neither our fault that time favours us, nor is it our fault that we are hard wired to prefer and choose younger women…

Women cannot win against nature…they’ve had a good run…
Time for things to be put right 😎

7 years ago

@kfg, Nice addendum. “And that’s why men should not get “married,” even if children is their goal. They don’t get the children,” Bingo. As a single, childless man I still readily acknowledge that being a father is the very most significant event in life. The level of emotion, meaning and general awesomeness is something that I will never attain. I tip my hat to that highest experience. BUT, I won’t make that kind of emotional investment if there is about a 60-70% chance that I lose my daughter through government backed kidnapping and have to live knowing that my daughter… Read more »

7 years ago

“The men I dated in my late 30s would tell me straight out that they didn’t date women my age” Laughable bullshit lie right there and it’s self-evident. So guys ask a girl out just to let her know that they don’t want to go out with her. Whatever little rodent symbolizes ‘logic’ is Marsellus Wallace to her hamster’s gimp. It reminds me of Hillary’s recent quote where she claims that; “People come to my rallies all the time and tell me, ‘I like you. I support you in every way but I just don’t think I can vote for… Read more »

7 years ago

“Bingo. As a single, childless man I still readily acknowledge that being a father is the very most significant event in life. The level of emotion, meaning and general awesomeness is something that I will never attain. I tip my hat to that highest experience. BUT, I won’t make that kind of emotional investment if there is about a 60-70% chance that I lose my daughter through government backed kidnapping and have to live knowing that my daughter is asleep with my ex’s new boyfriend down the hall. Not making that investment. ” Kaminsky 18 Jun This is a sad… Read more »

7 years ago

The hamster, sorry, my bad, the author holding out for mr. right is 47. She’s just a JAP who for whatever reason missed the boat (probably didn’t like what was on offer at the time compared to who she was fucking), and now rationalizes about it. You can tell she was always good looking, even if most of her pictures now are useless because they are brushed glamour shots. She was the sort who was too good for what was offer, in her own mind, and fell through the cracks. Thing is, at her age, even if she is above… Read more »

7 years ago

At the very least do not license your marriage with the government (the license is not what constitutes a marriage. It only constitutes your consent to include the government as a third party), be in a legal jurisdiction that isn’t community property, doesn’t recognize common law marriage and have your lawyer draw up contracts under the uniform commercial code that constitutes a civil partnership. The FI expansion program includes ensuring cash & prizes for all women everywhere, which means you can’t plan to have 22 years of continued legal protection from divorce rape. The recommendation to draw up contracts is… Read more »

7 years ago

When thedeti says that ‘The solution (to older women being hypergamous bitches is for men) to increase their attraction, operate with necessary Dread, and if a relationship continues to yield less than satisfactory results, to walk away’, he admits (more or less) that there is no solution to modern female hypergamy besides either embracing the Female Imperative (Game) or avoidance.

But, then he also agrees that the ‘Permission to have sex with other women’ is an unwinnable ‘lose-lose’ shit test unamenable to Game, leaving the avoidance of hypergamous women as the only option.

Both options suck.

7 years ago


tl;dr I made great progress in frame control and in external game.

Two great things happened last night. First, a couple of idiots tried to mess with my frame and failed utterly. Second, I did a dead-on cold read of a girl that she had been a cheerleader based on her dancing ability. She was into me but nobody really excited me last night. Mrs. Gamer complained of my “Chanel #5” fragrance last night, lol.

7 years ago

@ recidivist: When I say that the solution is increasing attraction, using Dread and walking away from bad relationships, I mean to apply this not only to hypergamous older women married to men they’re not attracted to, but also to all women in general. That begs the question though of what the “solution” is intended to “solve”. After reviewing this further, the aim for men should be to improve their own lives first, without regard to whether that makes them attractive to women. Get fit, get hot, dress well, earn good money at a job you love, build a career,… Read more »

7 years ago

The core question at hand isnt women losing desire for sex with Betabux men. The question is whether they had genuine desire for them to begin with. Flip the script for a moment: how many of us would bed Meghan Trainor if she wrote a $50,000 check in exchange? She doesn’t rate high on the SMV scale for me – I safely presume it’s true for most others reading this- yet as the saying goes, money talks. I’d never be genuinely attracted to her regardless of how good the sex was.The moment I collect the deposit receipt for her check… Read more »

7 years ago

It’s not a binary set of options

If you have an open or plural/poly relationship/marriage/commercial contract then knowing you can fuck others is a given

If you are trapped in monoville, you will not be offered the opportunity to explore fucking other women if your SMV is considerable higher than hers and you are not at all dependent on her but she is dependent on you.

“In any relationship, the person with the most power is the one who needs the other the least”

7 years ago

@Blaximus “The upside is always not to get married. Then, there’s no issue whatsoever. Cake and eating it too is an option. It’s not honorable, but that is only up to the individual to decide what’s ” honorable “. In today’s society, honor doesn’t count for much, so I get that. Keeping your word is negotiable.” By “Cake and eating it too” do you mean having a main girl with girls on the side, or do you mean agreeing to monogamy and then cheating on that agreement? I read that as “cake and eating it too IS an option, it’s… Read more »

The Awakened One
The Awakened One
7 years ago

The manosphere making another appearance in a mainstream outlet:

Yareally would be pleased with the comment section

7 years ago

@recidivist Steve Hyde had an option that he was ignorant of. He should have been working on bettering himself instead of waiting for basic human decency from Saira. He systematically allowed Saira to employ her primordial sexual strategy ( get a beta provider, get children, instinctively push Steve away from her by making him subservient and therefore unattractive, loose sexual attraction for him). He systematically failed in his masculine sexual strategy. He became controlled and betatized because of her manipulations and then she was disgusted by him. Game is not “embracing the Female Imperative”, it is showing/demonstrating masculine alpha traits… Read more »

7 years ago

@YaReally I totally endorse your explanation of introversion. I say this for the ego-invested doubters out there: I totally reconditioned myself through embracing game in the last five years to get out and enjoy socializing, and I know when I need to be alone to recharge my batteries. Lots of football tailgaters, country club parties, and lots and lots of big neighborhood parties with highly attractive couples–I used to loathe them, now I don’t fail to really enjoy them. Being enthusiastic about Game was a key component to this turn-around. Indeed a man pushing his comfort zones is the key… Read more »

7 years ago

@The Awakened One Here’s the video that article is about: “Yareally would be pleased with the comment section” I really am. It sounds dumb, but for the guys who haven’t followed any of this stuff until recently, you gotta understand that a comment section like that didn’t exist 10+ years ago. No one was talking about this shit out loud in public. Now almost any article about these subjects, the comment sections are swarmed with MRA/MGTOW/Red Pill/PUA/etc comments and slowly waking more and more men up. It’s glorious to see. That’s why as much as Elam seems like a… Read more »

7 years ago


“…I was refused Trt as my levels were “normal” so I took the matter into my own hands.
Now I keep my level around 1300/1400 and I have never felt better….”

When was the last time you had a PSA?
Are you over 50? Do you know what Testosterone will do (besides being able to do “3 or 4 times a night”?

7 years ago

“She can’t fight Mother Nature”

And God created woman. Then he created a wall for her to slam into. Bardot must like it, because she appears to have made several trips.

7 years ago

Ok, I’ll cop to: I don’t view my aging wife as less hot regardless of how wrinkled, etc. she gets. Mostly because she keeps herself up. I have to say she has looked in the mirror this past year and I sense of gasp of dread and slightly less self-esteem. But she’s had an excess of beauty and self-esteem all along. Lol, so that works in my favor. I see a lot of girls in their underwear ever day and what you say is true about mother nature, but a small number of them Young Women Offer You a Special… Read more »

7 years ago

I see this a little differently. I think what she’s experiencing is the start of menopause.. her estrogen levels are crashing and her libido is *naturally* crashing with it. I had this really horrifying, eye opening experience when I missed two birth control pills in a critical part of my cycle… about a week afterwards I started having these awful symptoms, ended up calling my doctor who explained to me that what I was experiencing was just really low estrogen, just like in menopause. Anyways, what was horrifying about this menopause-preview is that I basically stopped having romantic feelings for… Read more »

7 years ago

Just to add, that experience did give me some pause in how I approach the topic of hypergamy. As in, I can certainly see my own hypergamous behavior and acknowledge that I am hardwired this way, but what I realized from having the hormonal makeup of a 50 year old a few weeks is that a lot of the things I consider my personality and my values (making sex a priority, being really into sex, being really into my marriage, wanting my husband’s attention) are really mostly young woman hormones. Young women are biologically hypergamous but ALSO biologically conditioned to… Read more »

7 years ago


No one is saying you guys shouldn’t write anything or share your stories or that they don’t have any value for anyone.

Actually scrib was dissing Blax’s stories. You swallowed a big load with this boner, lol.

7 years ago


It’s also important to note that a lot of Alpha dudes can turn INTO Beta chodes in an LTR


Even getting in a depression will cause women to see you as a weak beta.

7 years ago

@ YaReally ” @Blaximus “The upside is always not to get married. Then, there’s no issue whatsoever. Cake and eating it too is an option. It’s not honorable, but that is only up to the individual to decide what’s ” honorable “. In today’s society, honor doesn’t count for much, so I get that. Keeping your word is negotiable.” By “Cake and eating it too” do you mean having a main girl with girls on the side, or do you mean agreeing to monogamy and then cheating on that agreement? I read that as “cake and eating it too IS… Read more »

7 years ago

@SJF “Ok, I’ll cop to: I don’t view my aging wife as less hot regardless of how wrinkled, etc. she gets.” See that’s an HONEST statement. That’s something that I’m cool with. I’m even cool with the gay flowery “she has magic energy” fluff and the whole “her wrinkled old hands are sexy to me because she handed me my newborn son with them” stuff. As long as it’s clear that these aren’t magic NAWALT unicorns that just defy mother nature and are incredible HB10s at age 45+. Because the programming a lot of guys get from the FI is… Read more »

7 years ago


… Zakk Wylde, Bayonne New Jersey.

7 years ago

@Blaximus “What I was expressing to Andy was that is a man is married or in a commited LTR, for lack of a better description, then Having your Cake and eating it to is an option, but it’s not honorable.” Ya, then I apologize ’cause I read it wrong. No comment on whether cheating is honorable or not, cause there are situations where I won’t judge a guy for it (like the stealing a loaf of bread to feel your starving family thing). But I stand by honor being a learned social construct (like when you learned not to keep… Read more »

7 years ago

@YaRally “But like, let’s be honest for their sake. Same with the kids thing where everyone fluffs up the flowery “sure you may think you don’t want kids or want to be a dad but when you first hold your son and he squeezes your finger THEN you’ll see the magic special wonder of it all”…meanwhile you go on reddit in a “tell us the truth about what it was like” thread and see a dozen guys talking about how “ya it’s not really that special, it kind of sucks. I thought there’d be some magic moment but there wasn’t… Read more »

7 years ago

“but I also think a lot of guys view other pussy as coming with negative consequences/risks and also pump their girls’ value up to justify their decision.”

For the record and being honest: I’m not in that camp.

7 years ago

fucking lol…saw this under the MGTOW tag on youtube: Chick is 30 there. Clicked her other videos and this is her a year later (this is pretty much what the average late 20s girl is like with regards to riding the cock carousel in 2016, trying to get off it but being sucked back in over and over): Then another year after that (spin, hamster, spin! I’m sooo much happier now!): And then a month later (holy shit wtf even, on so many levels): I’d like to ask Deida which part of these last 2 vids… Read more »

7 years ago

Rollo, how much of your marriage success do you place as being attributed to your smv being higher than your wife’s? When you married, was your smv higher than hers than as well? Were you better looking than her or equal. Sorry, just trying to understand a little better. I know in another interview you said your frame intertwines with your career and that it has taken priority over your wife’s, which I believe is important. Studies show that a woman earning less than half of household income lowers divorce risk quite a bit. I would think much of your… Read more »

7 years ago

@ YaReally @ SJF Holy shit!!!! Lmfao!!! Those vids Ya posted of that chick, daammmnnn. Okay. I admit that I must be caught in some kind of mental time warp or something. I’m going to ask my doc to order me up a brain mri asap. I don’t know any folks like the chick in the videos. This is why after reading what Ya says, I get compelled to get out in the wild and observe what the hell is going on. All of that drinking and booty calling and angst is wrecking this chick. But hey, You Go Girl!!!!… Read more »

7 years ago

Meh. This whole conversation is getting very emo all around.

Marriage, monogamy, pua. Whatever.

If you are weak you will be crushed by women. Always. And you are likley being crushed in other aspects of your life as well.

Just now the thing is we have never had so many weak men…

7 years ago

@YaReally “Men being kept in the dark about reality and potential/common negative outcomes is why our Red Pill communities even EXIST in the first place lol” My narrative hasn’t changed. I think a guy should be as least clueless about hypergamy as possible. I think he should be good at game. Yes men are lied to a lot more today than ever before. They also have less fortitude than ever before.  BluePillProfessor:              “Basically, a relationship with a woman is a Jedi-Mind fuck designed to trick you. In our society, with no support for men and massive amounts of terrible… Read more »

7 years ago

“Just now the thing is we have never had so many weak men…”

Wish I had a nickle for every time Sentient said something before me as I was composing my comment.

“This whole conversation is getting very emo all around.”

I apologize for transgressing Law #4. I’m weak.

7 years ago

I actually clipped Franco’s statement: “One important thing: the art of seduction cannot be learned only from books! This manual will help you to find the right way. Without the use of your brain and legs, however, you will not get results of any kind. You must do the field work! To become an expert seducer you need to meet women and talk to them. No theory can substitute constant practice. The only way to get results and to learn and improve in the art of seduction is constant practice. After all what waits for you at the end of… Read more »


The Man is a chick. She tries on new personalities like girls try new hair colors. Guys don’t need reassurance to play nice; they act. They don’t beg moderator and when don’t get what they want act like it is okay.

7 years ago

Sentient said _ ” If you are weak you will be crushed by women. Always. And you are likley being crushed in other aspects of your life as well. Just now the thing is we have never had so many weak men…” I have this thought practically every single day. I complained of exasperation and Rollo responded thusly- ” Rollo Tomassi June 16th, 2016 at 8:42 am ” The push and drive for men to think like and mimic women in thought process and action is exasperating.” ( me ) “” It’s exasperating because so many men for so many… Read more »

7 years ago

@ Sentient

Not to get all soft and mushy, but I really appreciate the work Rollo has put in. It does make a difference. He does not have to bother with any of this, yet he does and he does so with a good measure of passion.

I’ve done a lot of shit in life that was hard and uncomfortable, but I doubt that I could have done The Rational Male for any length of time without losing my shit.

7 years ago

Re: Kids I always ( as far back as I can remember ) wanted to be a father, under the right circumstances. I made sure I didn’t accidently knock up random hoes, because I wanted to choose the ” right woman ” to have my children, and I knew enough to understand that at a young age, I did not posses the necessary discernment. My kids have added to my life greatly. Speaking strictly for myself, I don’t think my life would have been as complete without them. I wish circumstances would have aligned in such a way that I… Read more »

7 years ago

“Not to get all soft and mushy, but I really appreciate the work Rollo has put in. “ First, Rollo has made my not-so-bad-life fun again. A couple years ago I was not being fun and adding value. Now I add value to others more readily. A thousand thanks! Second: Blaximus, I want to thank you for your comments over the past year and a half. You have truly helped me get a masculine mindset and strength galore simply by being a good example of masculine strength. And expressing that well. I actually never actually observed men like your uncles… Read more »

7 years ago

@ SJF Thanks man, for those kind words. I appreciate it immensely. Truth time: Re my great uncles and great grandfathers and grandfather. Having them in my life, in hindsight, was more special than I ever imagined at the time. The downside is that since they have all passed on, there is always a feeling of loss that never truly subsides. Hardly a day passes by that at least one of them isn’t in my thoughts. I was a pallbearer to every one at the end. The first few times, the grief was almost unbearable, but it got a little… Read more »

7 years ago


Oh yeah, thanks for the reminder link

I needed to re-read that one right now.

7 years ago

@YaReally re:kids and social conditioning about having them being the most wonderful thing, great example. Now, as I never went through it I won’t know for sure how it would be for me, but neither can anyone else. Sometimes it is passed off as being the meaning of life, and from a genetic point of view it is, but in several million years it won’t have mattered anyway. And furthermore I suspect half of those fathers are probably fooling themselves in the same way a Beta husband like Steve may be trying to fool himself that his wife is wonderful.… Read more »

7 years ago

By the time a woman has told you overtly to go get some outside you probably should have been getting it already. Also, a man MUST pay a woman for divorcing him if she tells him to go get some out there and he does it? I don’t know if these videos accurately depict the state of affairs in the west, or some media drama for stimulating the audience’s imagination. Honestly, I think there is a lot of fiction in there being touted as rl. For screen play. Steve is in on the loop, pretending to be the doop…

7 years ago

Rollo, I know that you are not a personal advicer, but if you have couple minutes for me I should write you about my (not yet problem) but delicate doubth. On e-mail if it posible

7 years ago
Reply to  Rollo Tomassi

I was a litle more emotional than it is good for me and in huryy for answers posted my doubth on comment section. If you can take a look on that and sey something with your knowledge I would be gratefull.

Trent Lane
Trent Lane
7 years ago

Incidentally I’ve been reading Mihaly Csikszentmihalyis “Flow” and came upon the following passage about possible happiness in marriage and family constellations which fits our discussion here: “Cicero once wrote that to be completely free one must become a slave to a set of laws. In other words, accepting limitations is liberating. For example, by making up one’s mind to invest psychic energy exclusively in a monogamous marriage, regardless of any problemes, obstacles, or more attractive options that may come along later, one is freed of the constant pressure of trying to maximize emotional returns. Having made the commitment that an… Read more »

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