The Tyranny of Biomechanics


Well, dammit, I had a very insightful article warming up in my drafts folder about Open Cuckoldry (it’s still coming, promise), but I felt compelled to riff on the new Pirelli Tyre calendar photoshoot first. The calendar art is replete with a semi-nude Amy Schumer sipping a pumpkin-spice latte, “tastefully” rendered in greyscale (the calling card of an ‘artiste’ as a opposed to just a ‘photographer’) and the doughy eyed stare of a comedienne who grasps the ludicrous seriousness of how her image will be received and delivered by a feminine-centric society.

I’ll be honest, I don’t much care for Schumer as a comedian or an actress, and if you read here with any regularity I’d expect you don’t either. She characterizes, with triumphantly unwarranted hubris, everything the Feminine Imperative would like generations of women to celebrate as a victory over the evil “Patriarchy” that, by design, is never entirely defeated. In a post-End of Men society, fat, goofy women will be the banner bearers the imperative will have dance on the symbolic corpse of the “Patriarchy” that will never die or be unuseful to it.

The irony here is that Amy’s naked girth is being lauded by the usual media suspects as “brave” and “stunning”. Calling a woman of this physique “stunning” is like telling the retarded kid he actually ran the football back for a real touchdown to win the big game. Perhaps Amy is self-aware enough to realize this, but her participation in her own humiliation tells the bigger story. The fact that she rationalizes her nudes as being “authentic” as opposed to ridiculous verifies this.

Now before I go much further here, I’ll remind readers that I’m entirely aware that this “groundbreaking” photoshoot of “real” women is little more than a publicity effort, nominally on Pirelli Tyres (are they a British brand?), but mostly for photographer Annie Leibovitz and her feminist triumphalisms (she also shot ‘Woman’ of the Year, Caitlyn Jenner).

Since the inception of this blog I’ve always gotten props for the pictures I select as my lead-ins to what I’m writing. This talent is really the result of my having worked in advertising and brand development for years, and having to be the de facto photographer and photo editor for more than 20 years. Trust me, I get the language of imagery, and it’s not difficult to see the train that Leibovitz is riding here.

At the launch of the calendar on Monday, Leibovitz explained that none of these photographs had been conceived with the male gaze in mind. Williams’s photo was “not a nude but a body study”, she said, while Schumer’s was a comic conceit: “The idea was that she was the only one who had not got the memo about wearing clothes.”

The ‘Male Gaze” card is disingenuous when the stated intent of the shoot is an,…

…arty soft-core ode to pinups produced by the Italian tire manufacturer,…

The Bigger Narrative

There’s a much larger story being sold here than a fat comedienne’s rationalizing her nude form as championing “authenticity” or “realness”. What we’re observing, yet again, is the frustration of women being able to optimize their inherent Hypergamy against what our evolved biology dictates for them.

I’ve written extensively on the conflict between an idealized Equalism and human beings’ evolved predilection for Complementarity. Whenever there is a new ‘outrage’ over “body shaming” or “fat shaming”, with a Red Pill lens we can see what this conflict represents: The frustration women experience, and the anxiety of insecurity they feel when presented with the prospect of not being able to optimize their Hypergamous impulses because simple biology selects them out based on their physicality.

No doubt Leibovitz believes in her rationalization that she’s shooting artful nudes without the mythical ‘male gaze’ in mind, but she knows on a visceral level the form of every nude woman in art throughout history has been rendered with the intent of replicating a beauty that inspires arousal (thus the ode to the pin-up). The simple hard-coded fact of nature is that the form of a semi-nude woman, by order of degree, stimulates the area of the male brain associated with tool use and thereby objectification. On a limbic level, sex with beautiful, arousing women is literally a problem to be solved by the male brain.

Leibovitz gets this. In fact she banks money on instigating the deliberate contradiction that human biology poses to her own (and a larger society’s) ego-investments in blank-slate Equalism. The root of this prefabricated indignation rests in women’s existential doubt of optimizing Hypergamy. That doubt conflicts with the uncertainty of establishing a social order that will force men to act and be influenced by idealized Equalism rather than their evolved biology.

In other words, the latent purpose of this social order is to force men to comply with women’s sexual strategy, irrespective of their evolved sexual arousal cues.

The ostensible want for an ideal Equalism, or a dubious gender parity, is really the cover story for the want of 100% consolidated control over their ability to optimize Hypergamy by literally controlling the sexual selection choices men are able to make for themselves.

Schumer apparently earns the label of “real” because a few rolls around her midsection are on display – because her body is less than perfect by pop culture standards. Would she be any less “real” if she didn’t allow her body to be consumed in this way? Can’t all bodies count as “real”, no matter what they look like and who lives in them and whether or not they choose to show themselves – clothed or naked?

I find it interesting that an out of shape Vin Diesel is ridiculed for his present physique, or that ‘Dad Bods’ are sardonically described as ‘sexy’ while the over-the-shoulder giggles ensue, but what I don’t expect is for these men to be held as a physical ideal in women’s estimate. There are no photographers, male or female, shooting artful nudes of overweight men, normal “real” men of professional accomplishment, or middle linemen for exclusive calendars. Firemen with rippling abs sell very well, but “real” men? Not so much.

However the difference is that men don’t expect women’s choices of what physically arouses them to shift in favor of their physiques based on expected societal shifts. In fact, we don’t even expect women not to laugh at a naked Seth Rogan or Jonah Hill. The automatic impression is to laugh at them because they don’t come close to women’s physical ideal, so the presumption of intent must be humor. Yet we are expected to perceive a naked Amy Schumer as “real’, “authentic”, “brave” and “stunning”, and to do so with genuflection, devoid of laughter and ridicule.

The uncomfortable truth is that women have far higher, far more static and far more stringent physical ideals for men than men will ever have for women when it comes to basic visceral arousal cues. Yes, I understand there are more variables to attraction than just the physical, but we are talking about representing physical ideals in photos and calendars here. Firemen and Sports Illustrated swimsuit models are the standard order for a reason – evolved, practical, efficient biomechanics that have made us what we are today, not pop-culture stereotypes.

T-Rex Wants to Hunt

T-rex doesn’t want to be fed; he wants to hunt. You can’t just suppress sixty-five million years of gut instinct. – Dr. Grant, Jurassic Park

Sexuality, families, and men did not come about because of society. To the contrary, sexuality, families, and men are what made society possible in the first place. – Pook

These are some excellent examples of the conflict I’ve described above here. The Equalism of Annie Leibovitz – the dubious societal idealism that hopes these fundamental, biological underpinnings can be overridden by a self-defined higher order cognitivism – will always lock horns with the T-Rex that represents human biology. Annie and the rest of the prophetesses of gender equality are only, symbolically, trying to feed the T-Rex of evolved gender dynamics in the hopes he’ll stay in the paddock, behave himself and only occasionally put on a good show for the customers.

However, even in the hopes of that a contrived, idealized gender Equalism will ever pull the teeth of the T-Rex, the same evolved need women have for Hypergamous certainty informs the concept of what that ideal “equality” should look like. The T-Rex is women too.

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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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[…] By Rollo Tomassi […]

8 years ago

The retard scoring the touchdown was a brilliant analogy. I coughed up my drink reading that line laughing my ass off.

Is This Thing On?
Is This Thing On?
8 years ago
8 years ago

I couldn’t help but see these words in that one sentence that captures what the FI would have us believe: “All bodies matter.” 😂😆😅

8 years ago

Nice article as usual, Rollo. Your writing has influenced my development significantly – in the best of ways. One thing, that crossed my mind often when I heard women on the sharp end of SMV complaining about how men are shallow and how her personal value should spill over to her sexual value is the similarity to Blue Pill guys babbling about how women are only attracted to jerkboys and how they actually should get wet for them. I know the analogy that a chubby 4.5 is to men, what a nice, agreeing provider is for women is around the… Read more »

8 years ago

How many of these calendars does Pirelli Tire expect to try to give away?
Maybe cats will like the “pin-ups” in the calendar.

8 years ago

Of COURSE the photo of Schumer is intended to be titillating. The same intent inhered in the photo of Serena Williams, who is in better shape and more attractive. It’s not supposed to be “brave” or “stunning”. It’s supposed to arouse men. No one called June Wilkinson (Playboy, Miss September 1958) or any Playboy Playmate of the Year “brave” for taking off her clothes and allowing a world class photographer to take pictures of her tits and ass. They might have called them “stunning”, but not “brave”. But the idea is that Schumer is supposed to be “sexy”, with the… Read more »

8 years ago

Schumer’s a 5, tops.

8 years ago
Reply to  theasdgamer

A 5? Maybe if I was severely drunk. LOL

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
8 years ago

How come they didn’t include Lena Dunham, seems to me she’s always ready to pop her top, and it would have been “so brave”.

Now, Schumer was obviously confused, she clearly thought she was posing for Michelin…because the “Michelin MAN” is so aniquated.

this social engineering attempt and hamsterbation of the unfunny chubby 4.5’s really rubs it in my face hard now.


This is yet another example of societal wide nagging. “Why don’t you go out with your cousin Gertrude? She’s a nice girl! You should be nice to her!”.

Pirelli totally failed the shit test.

8 years ago

Developing that “Dad bod” was a real eye opener, my own as well as Vin Diesel’s. The consolation is that I didn’t have to make/handover millions to earn the ridicule of a woman.

Not Born This Morning
Not Born This Morning
8 years ago
8 years ago

Amy Schumer looks pretty good by Wal-Mart standards. In reality, she’s average – not bad but not great.

This is all just one more example of how women move the goalpost whenever it suits them to do so.

Is This Thing On?
Is This Thing On?
8 years ago

In defense of blue pill men, they at least have the out that they are trying to be what women say they want. Never in a million years could a lard of a woman say she is just trying to be what men want. We have always been very clear about what we want. Blue pill men simply make the mistake of taking women at their word.

Not Born This Morning
Not Born This Morning
8 years ago

How can I post a picture here?

8 years ago

Lol, Vin Diesel looks like my bro-in-law.

8 years ago

“How can I post a picture here?” If it is already hosted on the web, right click on it in your browser window and choose “copy image url”. Make sure it will load and show by putting it in a new browser window address field on the top of the brower. If it will load in a new browser window when you push enter window, it should be good to go by just pasting it in your comment. Do not post it as a link. Just the plain URL. It should start with http, and then two forward slashes and… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
8 years ago
The Tingler
8 years ago

So a tire company calendar wasn’t made with men in mind, despite the fact that the vast majority of people working at tire stores are men. Makes sense. So Pirelli’s appealing to… who? with this calendar? I used to work in the motorcycle industry, I can remember a time when you’d get free cheesecake calendars in the mail. Pirelli’s always went in the circular file anyway, I’d rather have chicks in skin-tight latex with tits flowing out of their tops on my wall than some Upper Manhattanite feminist’s idea of ‘tasteful’. This is just Pirelli’s marketing director, obviously a chick/feminist,… Read more »

8 years ago

I think much of this Body Acceptance bullshit is bought into by females. Only a handful of men should find themselves being influenced by it. As for Amy Schumer… I’ve sent a search party out to find a fuck for me to give. The FI’s goal is to have a stupid, lazy and ignorant society. The constant drumbeat to dismantle Teh Patriarchy is a mostly misguided attempt to reach their goals, whateverthefuck those goals are ( extinction of the human race perhaps? ). T-Rex wants to hunt indeed. All of the calendars and campaigns and slogans and legislature these morons… Read more »

8 years ago

I had no idea who this chick is, since I don’t watch television at all. I thought upon seeing her picture that she looked “ok” for a middle age woman. Looked her up on Wikipedia and she’s only around 34. WNB.

8 years ago

I visit hooters regularly so I don’t care what unattractive and overweight women are peddling, there is no getting around the incredible auto-attraction of quality young tail. I was listening to an old tom leykis youtube vid the other day, and he said what I have confirmed: the only natural cure for ED is young women. so so true, and sad that men use it along with fantasizing about other women when banging the ol’ lady. heck, even the ads for ED meds are design to include that fantasy women in their sales pitch. like, what dude would really need… Read more »

8 years ago

@Rollo Bravo! Excellent read. I found myself enjoying the post for the keen insight into how hypergamy is entrenched in branding and advertising in general. It’s everywhere. After some red pill awareness now this shit pisses me off or makes me want to puke instead of when I used to just give an eye roll. Props on your visual acumen and editing. This campaign is obviously the polar opposite of what the brand has traditionally targeted. I see this daily in the media world I live/work in daily with ad dollars being thrown at the “one that really has all… Read more »

8 years ago

Fuck, you ruined my dinner, Rollo. I have a visceral loathing of that landwhale. She’s obnoxious, arrogant, not that funny and so entitled it’s truly stunning. I’ve caught bits of her here and there and I’m always like, why is she popular? What is it about being a nasty cunt that sells these days?

I truly enjoyed your analysis of how Liebowitz is “keeping two sets of books” as the late Christopher Hitchens used to say. Women will do anything to serve themselves, anything and that fact that it’s dishonest or hypocritical means nothing to them.

8 years ago On to more serious issues. I just read this article on male-female brain differences, or the fact that they are less different than we think and that there is a lot of variation. It’s based on a new study, but even the article makes some conflicting statements about how different male and female brains are. I can’t tell if it’s trans agit prop, radfem nonsense or perhaps sound science? This is not my area of expertise, anyone here care to take a crack at evaluating this study and what it’s actually trying to tell us? I bet radfems are… Read more »

8 years ago

Hmm, and I tried posting the cool brain pic using SJF’s instructions and it didn’t work. I usually put an image in photo bucket or something else then post the embed code. So, please ignore the first link, the one at the bottom is the article.

8 years ago

@Rollo – I must be evolving as my rating of Schumer is same as your’s – she’s a 3. And she’s obese. Her entire body is sheathed in a large layer of fat like a seal. I would rather fuck you in the ass, Rollo, than have sex her…

8 years ago

Damn Glenn…lol

8 years ago

“Hmm, and I tried posting the cool brain pic using SJF’s instructions and it didn’t work. I usually put an image in photo bucket or something else then post the embed code. So, please ignore the first link, the one at the bottom is the article.” Yeah, it somehow turned up as a “link” instead of the raw address of the hosted picture. WordPress needs just the raw direct link and no embed codes. For pictures already hosted in the article (you need to verify they are just the raw link address. Thats why I “try” it first by putting… Read more »

8 years ago

Heheh, even I can’t do it.

8 years ago

Difference is simple:

Guys find females with Schumer’s figure repellent.

Girls inclined to sleep with Vin Diesel wouldn’t hesitate for a second with him losing muscle and putting on some fat.

Forge the Sky
Forge the Sky
8 years ago @Glenn We’ve been beating that article to within an inch of its life in the ‘Attitude Sells’ thread. Jeremy and ASD especially summed it up the issues with it. asd: “The problem with the framing of the science is that it ignores significant differences in brains between men and women as though brains have to meet some sort of ideal for a male or female brain. It’s a logic error of the distribution sort. Propaganda, of course. Kind of like saying that there’s no difference between the genitalia of men and women because very few men have a penis… Read more »

Forge the Sky
Forge the Sky
8 years ago

yup, thought that would work. Glenn, you got the url right, but the numbers and shit after the .jpg extension have to be deleted. Those are just to keep track of where you are on the original webpage and so on, they confuse wordpress.

to embed an image, you need to put its url in starting with the http and ending with the file extension (.jpg, .gif, .png, whatever it is).

8 years ago

“In other words, the latent purpose of this social order is to force men to comply with women’s sexual strategy, irrespective of their evolved sexual arousal cues.” Or their evolved common sense, as ongoing new marriages testify . It is much easier to convince a man sand is water when they’ve never seen the real thing. Most of the men I’ve seen get married don’t even know who their fiancee’s are until right before the wedding-cue transition from cute female sex kitten into bridezilla prude. If he’s especially unlucky, she’ll flip months after the reception long after he can’t do… Read more »

8 years ago

Andrea Dworkin’s a 3. Schumer looks far better than Dworkin and I’ve seen far worse than Dworkin.

8 years ago

I would rather fuck you in the ass, Rollo, than have sex her…

Rollo, be sure and sleep on your back tonite, lol.

8 years ago

I’d have to be very drunk to bang Schumer.

8 years ago

If Schumer lost 30 lbs, she’d be a 6.

8 years ago

If Dworkin shaved her ass and walked backwards, she’d be a 4.

8 years ago

@Forge – Fucking showoff! I tested the URL in my browser with the numbers intact and figured that was good enough. Shows what I get for listening to SJF… Thanks for the info on the brain article. Been a busy couple of days so I haven’t been back to that thread and I don’t get comments in my email as it’s too distracting. The weasel wording in the article is confusing because it says several times that despite the study, there are differences between male and female brains but it doesn’t specify them, and in the next sentence says that… Read more »

8 years ago

In regards to the latest article published Nov 30 purporting no substantial differences in male and female brains, the conclusions are hogwash. It is just a cough, cough, Frame grab, cough, by women’s studies publishers to advance their cause (Equalist Story). I would also point out that the Pirelli calendar and fat Amy Schumer are merely an attempt by the FI and mainstream media at a Frame grab. It may work, frame is not power but if the Frame is held strongly it may work for the cause. As evidenced by the mangina Twatter trends the MSM is so gleefully… Read more »

8 years ago


“The corruption of science in pursuit of the equalist agenda, and other political causes turns my stomach. In this case the tone of the article is almost triumphal as though it’s a victory to claim men and women aren’t that diffferent.”

Exactly. You scored that correctly. It is clear as day to me in the studies.

8 years ago

A new gal is bringing me to a cocktail party next week. She is warning me about her protective “alpha” female friend who will probe me for weakness. Any advice on how to handle her is appreciated. Background: this “alpha” female is tethered to a textbook beta in a sexless marriage. How do I game this alleged queen bee without making it look like I desire her, nor without coming across too douchey? Ideally, the broad will be eating out of my hand before too long into the night. I’m not looking to bang her…just neutralize.

8 years ago

Rollo, be sure and sleep on your back tonite, lol.

And prob grab a butt plug LOL

The Question
8 years ago

I appreciate that you have a background in marketing and photography, so you understand that this is not just a photo being taken for kicks and giggles. I don’t know how much you’ve read of Ayn Rand’s work, and I’m no Objectivist myself, but her book the Romantic Manifesto makes a very profound statement: Art is a reflection of values. I have the hardest time explaining this concept to people around me, but it explains much. The photo of this woman at the top of the post reflects the values of the photographer, as you explain. She’s semi-nude, and the… Read more »

Stultus Sum
8 years ago

A read somewhere (can’t remember where) that the word for a woman’s protruding gut that seamlessly connects to her fuzzy pie is called a “Gunt.” Anyone know who coined that?

Forge the Sky
Forge the Sky
8 years ago

@Glenn Not surprising to have difficulty here. Same way that I rarely reply to your political writings – I’m just struggling to absorb it all and have nothing informed to contribute lol. I’m no expert in neurology/neuroanatomy, but I know enough about it and biological science in general to tell you that the whole field is on much shakier grounds than the press – even in fairly intellectual publications – would have you believe. Most studies that attempt to demonstrate real-world effects fail to replicate; there are too many confounders that we don’t at all understand to isolate them. There… Read more »

8 years ago

I wouldn’t fuck her dick with Vin Diesel’s pussy. (apologies to Jeffery Ross)

8 years ago

Yes, I understand there are more variables to attraction than just the physical the guy who I think is the world expert on knowing if the physical is a dominant factor of attraction wrote this back in 2011: The importance being that as a Man ages and matures in his career, his ambitions and passions, his personality, his ability to better judge character, his overall understanding of behavior and motivations, etc. he becomes more valuable to the most desirable women and therefore enjoys better opportunity in this respect. charting this: now there is no fucking way that men are better… Read more »

keyser Soze
keyser Soze
8 years ago

When I looked at the photo, I said to myself, who is this fat ugly old hag! When I read the post, I found out, this old hag’s name was Amy Schumer (2004 was the last time I owned a tv).so I Googled her, and couldn’t believe it , this old hag was 34?! I thought she looked 54.
Scribblerg, for a year , Glenn , kept bragging on having fucked 200 women! Now , scribblerg, brag on having fucked a 100?!

Forge the Sky
Forge the Sky
8 years ago

@SJF Good stuff, more concrete than what I wrote about. “The findings of Ingahalikar et al. do indeed point to a greater degree of modular function in the physical architecture of the male brain and of interconnectedness in physical architecture of the female brain.” Let me dive into the practical here a moment. Men – realize that everything you do works on a more holistic level with women than you might imagine. A practical thing you say is interpreted not just practically, but limbically and emotionally as well. That’s why it’s not easy to just imitate alpha behavior – you… Read more »

8 years ago

It becomes clearer by the day what the true intention of feminism has been – forcing ugly girls onto hot men. They want to ride the hot CC without shame. Unfortunately, there is an endless supply of thirsty men willing to go along with this for whatever reason. As has been mentioned continually, there is no plea for equality when it comes to ugly men, fat men, or short men. Openly ridiculing a man for his height, which he has zero control over, is commonplace. Disqualifying men based on their success and income is not even balked at. Warren Farrell… Read more »

8 years ago

@ASD – Andrea Dworkin is a 1.

8 years ago


according to my friends in Kazakhstan, Dworkin is worth 2 goats, Amy 4. Of course animal fat is a good thing there.

8 years ago

@SJF and Forge – Great comments, I really appreciate you guys breaking this down. @Stultus Sum – “Gunt”, I swear I giggled like a baboon when I read this. @Keyser – I’ve never said I fucked 200 women that I recall. I think I consistently said that my N is over 100. I stopped counting at 70, 15 years ago and don’t really care. It’s interesting that you do though – what’s your N anyway? And if you have any cites of my comments saying so, please share them. Otherwise, carry on being a dick as it seems to be… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
8 years ago

@ASD – Andrea Dworkin is a 1.

Nope. She’s dead, Jim. She’s a total 0.

I have never killed any one, but I have read some obituary notices with great satisfaction. Clarence Darrow, 1932

8 years ago

They do make this with females. But the men’s side sells way more.

The Diplomat
The Diplomat
8 years ago

Good god. Concern trolling about Schumer? Here on TRM? She is a fat, crass, low-hanging-fruit-grabbing comedienne like so many before her. Long tradition of the slatternly comic art form. Are you guys really taking this shit seriously as a FI threat? If anything, she’s going out of her way to prove the Red Pill truths. Bask in it.

8 years ago

The comparison to Bibendun Michelin was hilarious, given that Pirelli is a European-based tyre company as well (Michelin French, Pirelli Italian). Regarding the less static ideal of female beauty, how true is it that chubby women were more ideal in the past? I am unsure if that is factually correct. Some Greek statues or classic paintings depict women that are certainly chubbier than the current ideal woman body shape, but there are also some thinner women sculpted / painted throughout the ages. There is probably an effect that wealthier women afford to order works of art based on them (who… Read more »

M Simon
8 years ago

Not Born This Morning
December 1st, 2015 at 7:09 pm

Muslim Bacon Song?

How about the coming war in Europe.

The link gets the broad picture correct. Some of the details are a little off.

Bottom line? Men as protectors will be back in demand.

M Simon
8 years ago

December 1st, 2015 at 8:41 pm

The cure for ED is –> she WANTS you. Badly.

Some herbal viagra can also help. If she WANTS you.

M Simon
8 years ago

December 1st, 2015 at 9:04 pm

Did you say sexual orientation? My send up on that:

I’m a lesbian. Heh. For more details follow the link.

M Simon
8 years ago

SJF December 1st, 2015 at 10:26 pm Brain difference anecdote: My daughter graduated with top grades from a top school in ChemE. She knows her thermo – I checked. She doesn’t want to work in the field. Why? ChemE guys are too nerdy. Of course she is infected with the equalist BS. In fact it disturbs her so much (find a guy who can dominate you I said) that the subject is now out of bounds. She is also handicapped by being a 9.5+ (I’ve had independent verification – it is not just Dad eyes) so finding a guy who… Read more »

M Simon
8 years ago

Forge the Sky
December 1st, 2015 at 11:04 pm

It also gets complicated with cannabinoids where you have what is known as the “entourage effect”. Single cannabinoids often produce little or no effect except when combined with other minor component cannabinoids. So far no one knows why.

M Simon
8 years ago

Forge the Sky
December 1st, 2015 at 11:33 pm

I smell different when my Alpha is up. I can tell the difference. Women with their generally better sense of smell should be even more discriminating. Smell is difficult (impossible?) to fake.

8 years ago

@ chronicle

How do I game this alleged queen bee without making it look like I desire her, nor without coming across too douchey?

Just flirt with her a little, but don’t validate. You want her looking up at you when you come in her vicinity, but not following you around.

8 years ago

“In other words, the latent purpose of this social order is to force men to comply with women’s sexual strategy, irrespective of their evolved sexual arousal cues.” Crowder said it best here: “My penis is a veritable weather-stick of beauty. You can’t trick it, it knows no societal boundaries, it doesn’t care how poor you are or the color of your skin…if you’re ATTRACTIVE, it’s going up. You can’t trick the system, it’s a lie detector test. So there’s no we had a meeting behind your back and just said “we’re gonna say Lena Dunham isn’t attractive just to… Read more »

8 years ago
Reply to  YaReally

I would actually agree with this, as a female myself yes a guy with a body like Chris Hemsworth in Thor would be amazing. The way a guy presents himself and the alpha quality is what a woman really responds to. For example, there are two guys at my job and they both like the same girl, however the way they each approach her are different. The first guy is in his early 20’s and is more of the beta type while the other guy is in his late 20’s and has more alpha qualities. Now i have watched as… Read more »

8 years ago

@Diplomat “Are you guys really taking this shit seriously as an FI threat?” What’s an FI threat? She’s not threatening the FI, she’s confirming it. The only thing more devoid of sexuality than Schumer’s body is her face. I have never seen a more dull version of a female face. No upper lip at all, small mouth, sexless puppy dog eyes, masculine bones and a Leno chin. Dead zero when it comes to sexual appeal. Flat zero. Even a 300 pound slob can have full, feminine lips. Schumer doesn’t bring a thing. She is out there to make all kinds… Read more »

8 years ago

See, Rollo, I think that the anti-natalists are in control, or else that people who are trying to influence the culture are anti-natalists. Men have been programmed/brainwashed to be unattractive because of pussy-worshipping behavior, Oneitis, etc. Now women are being encouraged to let themselves go/heifer up. It supports an anti-natalist agenda.

8 years ago

Re Andrea Dworkin: “She’s dead, Jim.”

And looking better than ever.

8 years ago

For some reason the link to pics of ugly women was sent to the spam filter. (For comparison with Dworkin.)

Yohann Segalat
8 years ago

Rollo if you have some spare time, I would enjoy your take on this one :

Yet another example of “let me redefine female SMV for you, young lad”. Hopefully there’s still a handful of guys knowing very well the difference between real and fake SMV. Hell, when you go hardcore at game and you go through all that shit to get laid (the low-vibration goal) and self-actualize (the high-vibration goal), you can’t help but have expectations for the kind of girls you want to be with.

8 years ago

From SJF: “I would also point out that the Pirelli calendar and fat Amy Schumer are merely an attempt by the FI and mainstream media at a Frame grab. It may work, frame is not power but if the Frame is held strongly it may work for the cause. As evidenced by the mangina Twatter trends the MSM is so gleefully promoting. Their logic doesn’t hold. Simple bias and fallacious reasoning. They are arguing that since the brains don’t look that different, they therefore cannot be.” Marketing doesn’t need logic. Often marketing aims to go after an emotional connection, especially… Read more »

8 years ago

Something I would like to point out. In Italy, the Pirelli calendar (the traditional one with pretty young naked or half-naked models) has been a standing feature of men’s working spaces for decades. Factories, car shops, tire shops, in most of those places you could see one or more hanging on the walls or inside locker doors, covered with dust, grime, motor oil, metal slivers, whatever. The unspoken assumption was that men working hard at the lousiest jobs should be entitled to some mental comfort at shift end, or to harmless fantasies, or even to just see a beautiful creature… Read more »

8 years ago

I don’t think men are going to buy this calendar.
Well, maybe as a gag gift.

8 years ago

@Matt December 1st, 2015 at 11:49 pm

This is not a new phenomenon. It has always been that way. It is just that with feminism it is becoming even more imbalanced.

Here is an article in that regard.

….the female sex is biologically dominant. Sexual selection, procreation and a bias in perception of the sexes contribute to this dominance. Female dominance has been increased by all the “feminist waves.” The balance of society which had once unconsciously favoured women throughout history while also valuing men has been completely overthrown.

8 years ago

Johann, those pics of that comedienne, are her form of humblebraggging, something women excel at. When they can’t compete, they pretend to make fun of something or some chick, doing the same types of things, as though it were a parody, completely aware that many will give them the validation they need, including comments (as on that very site you linked to) like “Celeste is beautiful”, and how “natural” she looks–which is the new prop unattractive women use…”this is what REAL women look like”. There’s nothing particularly funny about her pics, it was simply a way for her to publish… Read more »

8 years ago

@Chronicle – You already failed this shit test. Your girl warning you about this was nothing more than a shit test. Your reaction telegraphs that you may have some internal game work to do as for me, the very uttering of the term “alpha female” makes me laugh. Dominant, aggressive, bitchy – sure, but not alpha. And every such woman melts in the presence of a confident, dominant alpha male. When you meet her, just try to imagine how she’d react of there was a mouse near her feet or her car breaks down. Or say an armed robber burst… Read more »

8 years ago

@Chronicle – Good mental image for you. When you meet this woman, imagine she’s Ronda Rousey getting her face beaten in by Holly Holm in their recent UFC fight. I can’t tell you how much I loved seeing that big mouthed cunt getting beaten so soundly. Her rhetoric and attitude were classic ‘alpha female’ but in truth she fought in a very weak division and face little tough competition until Holly Holm. Notice how Holly Holm behaves, she had real confidence born of being a kickboxer and a boxer and having many championship bouts. Holly focuses on her skills and… Read more »

8 years ago

“The best way to drive one of these narcissistic bitches mad is to “grinfuck” them, meaning you have a pleasant look on your face but are actually not even listening to what she says. When she’s in the middle of sentence, take your phone out and check your email and maybe even browse the web. Make her get overly aggressive, make her angry, let her get worked up – and just laugh at her.” Law #39 Stir up Waters to Catch Fish Anger and emotion are strategically counterproductive. You must always stay calm and objective. But if you can make… Read more »

8 years ago

“She is also handicapped by being a 9.5+ (I’ve had independent verification – it is not just Dad eyes) so finding a guy who is a match and an alpha is going to be tough.”

Being very beautiful is never a handicap (unless perhaps she is auditioning for the role of the ugly friend/stepsister).

8 years ago

Hell, Chronicle, you might as well think about Laws #28 through #38 while you are at it. And don’t forget Law #4. Finish with law #10.

8 years ago

Also, Chronicle, your target’s thumbscrew lies in the fact that she will lack femininity. While she may end up being objectively attractive, she is a non-feminine bitch. You know that going in. Covertly mock her lack of femininity. “Hardened men make for attractive men, for toughness is a trait that men and women alike covet in men. Almost all respect a hardened man even when they dislike him. At the same time, hardened women make for utterly repulsive beings. They do not inspire desire nor respect, merely alienation. Hardening is conducive to the cultivation of masculinity, but to femininity… Read more »

8 years ago

@Enrique – And it’s Enrique for the win – ding, ding, ding. These women have a teenage girl’s mentality, I watched my daughter go through this. It’s “Mean Girls” on ‘roids…

8 years ago

Reminds me of a funny story. Back in the early 80s I worked in a machine shop. They had the infamous “Snap-on” tool calender featuring comely lasses posing with various tools. In that industrial atmosphere men would look at the calendar briefly before getting back to work in the grease and fumes. So I drew a “no jerking off” sign with a guy yanking his rod in ecstasy. Had a red circle with a slash through it. Everyone loved it. The sales guys would brings customers to the shop just to show them the cartoon. While feminists think men trade… Read more »

8 years ago

Laugh at Schumer all you want, but her and the women like her are getting what they want. Most men aren’t naturals, don’t start with advantages, so at least at the start they actually have to work to land a Schumer. So she is not going to suffer for attention. There aren’t enough high quality women to go around if every single man became an Alpha. But even if that were to happen, every man a PUA, every man an Alpha, is that really going to change Schumer’s behavior? The question is what would have to change in the SMP… Read more »

8 years ago

Just pointing out the obvious for newbies and for the good of the order: Amy Schumer’s entire shtick is a sendup parody satire of the typical American slut on either coast: trashy, crass, vulgar, profane, obnoxious, shamelessly promiscuous, ill-mannered, selfish, self-absorbed, and masculine. If you want to see what a post-wall carouseler looks like after a decade or so and around 10 feet or so of cock, Schumer epitomizes it. She is literally and figuratively the very personification of the post-wall carouseler (or is doing a really, REALLY good job of portraying her). slightly pudgy, out of shape from shitty,… Read more »

agent p
agent p
8 years ago

A boner cannot lie

This is my picture posting test for good measure

8 years ago

@scribblerg, yep, and you’ll notice how women constantly pepper conversations with “even my friends were like, ‘Oh Julie, I wish I had your INSERT PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTIC”. Women like to build and enjoy consensus and validation, even if they have to create it via FB posts or boring narrative posts about how “even the other guys were saying, “this is like the biggest fish anyone caught all day at the lake”. or “I was like, come on Sarah, my chest is big but not THAT big !”. They ALWAYS insert some type of self-stroke back-patting…no matter how softly they approach it,… Read more »

8 years ago

@ Striver

So are some of the recommended strategies going to turn the FI around to a MI

Nah, all hope is gone…wait, put the gun down…don’t off yourself…I was just kidding.

Check out my post about implementing the MI in your local environment and behavior:

8 years ago

“The question is what would have to change in the SMP for the Schumers to be better behaved, be more attractive? Is PUA/Alpha aspiration really going to change things for the better, or will it get even worse? Every man a PUA means that at least in the short term the Schumers will be getting even more validation than they get now from the PUA trainees. So are some of the recommended strategies going to turn the FI around to a MI, or just a capitulation to FI?” Just another reminder that you can’t turn the battleship around with a… Read more »

8 years ago

@agent p

A boner cannot lie…

So, when I was 12 I was attracted to a strong breeze? What kind of sexuality would that be?

8 years ago

@thedeti – Yep, just more effort to normalize post-wall slags. Best part? They all brag about banging hot guys but fail to share that they are merely cum dumpsters to those guys. They act as though they have achieved just as much as a man by attaining a hot guy as a man has by attaining a hot woman when the bar is so much lower. Yet the guys they bang don’t commit, don’t do monogamy and likely see them as a backup plate to fuck when the hotties aren’t around.

8 years ago

I like Amy’s stick, it puts the overt hypergamy right in people’s faces. From her SNL monologue:

He’s the kind of hot… trust me when he is in front of you… you just grab your ankles. You would just say things you didn’t mean, like “any hole’s fine”

this then produced a “that’s not my type of feminism” hen fight (my feminism is better than your feminism, you’re too old to understand) focused on should women quit pretending to be sweet princesses.

8 years ago

@ Yohann Segalat Yet another example of “let me redefine female SMV for you, young lad”. Hopefully there’s still a handful of guys knowing very well the difference between real and fake SMV. Like Agent said, boners don’t lie. Men are not born consciously “knowing” what is attractive to them, at least certainly not in the way you “know” your birthday or phone number. What you are attracted to is what your body tells you it is. Men learn what is attractive to them by listening to what their body says. That link looks like sour grapes. It’s the screeching… Read more »

agent p
agent p
8 years ago

@Jeremy, it just means you’re a sailor like me if a bit of breeze gets you going.
Besides, if Amy Schumer were a “fresh breeze” it would be like you were down wind of a feed lot for swine kind of breeze.

8 years ago

Wnen a broad posts a selfie, comment, “I charge $10 for validation. lolz”

Forge the Sky
Forge the Sky
8 years ago

@Chronicle Scribblerg’s right about the whole ‘alpha female’ thing. Bringing it up was a shit test which you failed by reacting. And what the ‘alpha female’ will do is…shit test you ruthlessly. So you’ve got to be in a stable frame, stable enough that she doesn’t much affect you. Tactics vary from woman to woman. She might try being a bitch to you, or she might be nice but condescending. She might play good to draw you out then try to twist something you said against you. She might act flirtatious then accuse you of being a player. She might… Read more »

agent p
agent p
8 years ago

With regards to the Pirrelli tire calendar, I think its a smart marketing move. If they keep doing hottie calendars, they will just get more slag from the MSM for being old school sexists. By doing this move they create controversy, as a result they get lots of press and can swan on about how “meaningful and thoughtful they are” but none of that matters, what they get is name recognition with female consumers. Show me a man who owns a car and doesn’t know the name Pirelli and I’ll know he is likely a pajama boy, or a guy… Read more »

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