Peak Hypergamy


Commenter Divided Line came on with such a strong take on Our Sisters’ Keeper I had to riff on it:

Hypergamy is a given and it’s not going anywhere. But even if women’s sexuality is biologically rooted, their rationalizations for it aren’t possible without a compliant culture. So long as women are the damsels, the victims who are put upon by the cruel and all powerful patriarchy, so long as men are perceived to be powerful and free in a way that they clearly are not nor have ever been, open hypergamy is possible. After all, any guy who points it out or complains about it is branded an embittered loser, a misogynist, a creep, and so on, but I wonder to what degree this will change as red pill awareness spreads and penetrates the mainstream. I mean, how long do we think that men will go on smiling and nodding when it’s increasingly the case that more and more of us can see what bullshit all of this is?

What it makes me think of is Alana Massey’s Dickonomics article.

If you haven’t already read it, she goes on and on about how male attention is abundant and cheap, proving that women are well aware of what men who bother with online dating realized from the start. She recognizes the extreme degree of power this gives her before hamstering it away with this:

“Some will read my gleeful rejections on the many faces I encounter on Tinder as evidence of a disturbing uptick in malevolent, anti-male sentiments among single straight women. It is not. It is evidence of us arriving nearer to gender equilibrium where men can no longer happily judge the clear and abundant photos and carefully crafted profiles of women but become incensed when they take the opportunity to do the same.”

How many times have you seen this? All venality, cruelty, selfishness, indifference, etc is justified, of course, because men have it so good, women have it so bad, blah blah etc. So she can write something like this and the sisterhood will nod their heads and no doubt be able to ignore doubt or second thoughts in regards to their atrocious, destructive, and cruel treatment of the opposite sex. Women, like people who rationalize generally, tend to think in bogus bumper sticker one liners because they provide excuses not to think for themselves. And men, after all, just saunter about in the patriarchal torture dungeon of a society free and powerful, and pluck women from the trees before discarding them like jizz towels, so naturally, why should she consider their complexity as human beings or ever recognize what a rotten, horrible human being she is? They’re free to retaliate against men for women’s imaginary oppression.

But how long will they be able to keep employing these rationalizations and getting away with it if the public dialog changes? And it has already begun to change. I’ve watched it happen over the last year. You see more and more disclaimers in articles which appeal to the you-go-girl crowd. It really does seem as if there is a growing awareness that they are full of shit, or at the very least, that maybe there are moral complexities and obligations that come with female social power, to the degree that they are even willing to recognize that power.

Hypergamy isn’t going anywhere, but since men increasingly are comparing notes now and voicing their criticism of women’s bullshit (at least online), maybe it really isn’t the case that women are going to be able to continue this bullshit with public sanction. Is this wishful thinking?

I’ve made the case in several other blog comment and forum threads, but it’s getting almost too easy to point out women’s overt embrace of Open Hypergamy. There was a time – only 4 short years ago – that I would be run up the flagpole for publishing my observations on the ins and outs of women’s sexual strategy. Women in the blogosphere hated the fact that I was exposing their Game. They didn’t like the idea that I was informing men about the plan women had for them or the part they played, and by informing them it represented a fundamental threat to the long term success (and essentially their long term security) of that plan.

If you’re feeling nostalgic you can skim through the comments of posts like Wait For It? or The Threat:

Nothing is more threatening yet simultaneously attractive to a woman than a man who is aware of his own value to women.


Race to Awareness

Because of women’s relatively short window of peak sexual viability it is imperative that men be as unaware of their slower, but progressively increasing SMV for as long as possible in order for them to achieve the prime directive of female hypergamy; realize the best genetic options and the best provisioning options she has the capacity to attract in that peak window. If Men become aware of their SMV before a woman can consolidate on her options with monogamous commitment her sexual strategy is defeated.

The mistake (and the binary retort) is to think this need for contrivances was concocted in whole as some grand sisterhood conspiracy. This just proves an ignorance of social constructs. For a social contrivance to be such, it necessitates being repeated by society WITHOUT a formal conception – meaning we learn the contrivance from seeing it, internalizing it and repeating it ourselves without forethought. The best social contrivances are inconspicuous and rarely questioned because they’ve been learned without having been formally taught. This is why I think encouraging men NOT to bother trying to understand women is in itself a social convention. Don’t look at that man behind the curtain, just accept it for what it is, enjoy the show, you’re better off that way, the Mighty Oz has spoken.

This is the threat that Game represents to the feminine imperative. Widely shared, objective assessments of Men’s SMV and how it develops is the antithesis of the female sexual strategy. Women’s greatest fear is that they could become the ‘selected’ instead of the ‘selectors’.

Bear in mind I wrote this years before I published Preventive Medicine. This was also only a few years before I formally identified women’s embrace of openly, proudly, flaunting their sexual strategy. I can remember being soundly rebuked by women denying they adhered to anything so callous as an Alpha Fucks / Beta Bucks schedule with regard to men.

There was a certain nervous undertone that accompanied their shaming that revealed how protective they were of keeping the plan as ambiguous and secretive as possible from men in general. For every acknowledgement of the biological influences of Ovulatory Shift behaviors by these women there was always an obligatory, “yes, but, people are people, we’re above all that, it’s what’s on the inside that counts, NAWALT” intended to offset the ugliness of it.

Now, the same women who adamantly denied what their functionally opportunistic concept of love represents; the same women who rejected the idea of an Alpha Fucks / Beta Bucks sexual strategy openly and triumphantly boast about it. It’s become a source not only of agency, but a proud admission of perceived power on the part of women.

At some point the social impetus behind Open Hypergamy became so blatantly obvious they could no longer deny the truth of it. The Genie was out and it was more advantageous to not only to welcome it, but to brandish and profit from forcing men to accept it. Thus we have Open Hypergamy both subtly and triumphantly waved in our mainstream advertising, our pop-culture, our social media, our music and even the movies we take our kids to enjoy.

To see what is in front of one’s nose needs a constant struggle.
– George Orwell

I expect most of the worst aspects of Open Hypergamy (Overt Hypergamy if you prefer) are fairly obvious to my readers. Even the now the subtle influence in the media and advertising becomes not-so-subtle for men accustomed to seeing things with a Red Pill Lens. We can only shake our heads and hope that so blatant a confession of relishing power in Hypergamy on the part of unaware men will come to light for them.

Divided Line raises a very poignant observation – what’s next? What’s the natural progression?

Hypergamy isn’t going anywhere, but since men increasingly are comparing notes now and voicing their criticism of women’s bullshit (at least online), maybe it really isn’t the case that women are going to be able to continue this bullshit with public sanction. Is this wishful thinking?

I think there is a caveat we have to address here first. With Red Pill awareness it gets very easy to slide down the slippery slope and believe that ‘all women’ will have some equal capacity to enforce the worst of Open Hypergamy on men in general. Yes, in a westernizing context, women have an almost unilaterally state-backed influence on enforcing men’s de facto participation in Hypergamy by order of degree. However, it’s important to remember that men’s willing participation or coercion in it is still (as yet) limited by women’s capacity to attract and involve them.

Men want (and yes, need) sex and will find behavioral and psychological adaptations and workarounds to get it. That may be MGTOW, prostitution, porn or an as yet developed alternative of virtual sex. It may be Red Pill awareness and applied Game, it may be a self-aligning push to pander to the most extreme elements of the Alpha Fucks or Beta Bucks ends of Hypergamy, or it may be upping fame or a false social proof (via personality politicking on social media) that makes for men’s future adaptations.

Peak Hypergamy

I’m not a prognosticator about such things, but I can make logical estimates based on observations. One thing is for certain, and I discussed this with Niko in our talk, intersexual politicking and the condition of women will reach a ‘Peak Hypergamy’ state in the not too distant future. There will indeed come a point when even Blue Pill men will be unable to ignore so gross a power imbalance between the sexes.

There’s been some debate as to whether there’s some socially conscious ‘marriage strike’ in the manosphere for some time, and I think marriage statistics being at an all time low bear much of this out. I don’t think this is the result of some nascent MGTOW awakening, but rather a deductive, peripheral, general awareness men have of Open Hypergamy in our current social order at the moment.

Just as a last aside here, let me state that I am aware of the more militant, absolutists of MGTOW belaboring the idea that ‘the juice aint worth the squeeze’ and the dangers of even approaching a woman risk his being accused of sexual harassment, much less having recreational sex with her leaving a man open to post-sex regret-rape allegation. I get that. It’s part of the ascension toward a ‘Peak Hypergamy’ social state. My question is whether these men would find it worth their while to engage with women if their fears were removed in a post Peak State social order? Some may even live long enough to have to figure that out for themselves.

I think Divided Line is correct – there will come a state when Open Hypergamy’s power consolidation becomes too obvious and the social mechanics the Feminine Imperative has used to ensure that consolidation will be too much for women to maintain as a collective. Then what? What will women rationalize for themselves when they realize their monster has become too much?

I’ll reiterate it again; socially, it didn’t take long for women to transition from a secretive Hypergamy to an open display of it. The same women who called AF/BB the imaginings of misogynous men only 4 years ago are now proudly claiming it as truth (they knew all along) and a means to a power they’ve always had and should openly use.

The social, political and personal stress point of Peak Hypergamy is coming. It may take a bit longer, but there will come a point where even women will be forced to recognize the consequences of legislating their hubris.

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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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8 years ago

@Softek There is a time and place for discussing sexual history, but it’s never when you are getting with a girl in the beginning, especially since you have such limited experience. Women want a man to lead and leaders have experience. Although I can see the exception of a women enjoying the novelty of being your teacher, but novelty wears off fast. I have given specifics to girls that I was already involved with. Like what I enjoyed in the past, what other girls were willing to do to please me. Also, telling a girl about another girl I had… Read more »

8 years ago

Looking at cdc birth data. It shows that the avg age of first time moms is 26. In 1970 the avg age for a first mom was 21. If you do a projection in 2045 is when avg age of a first time mom will be 30. I would predict that is the year of peak hypergamy in U.S.

I also think we will see what peak hypergamy looks like in the EU around the 2030s.

8 years ago

Rock on, Softek.

8 years ago

She was REALLY into it, I have bite marks on my chest, we banged in three different positions, she sucked my dick like a fucking porn star …

So. you didn’t really have to ask her if she liked it, right?

8 years ago

“51 year-old teacher . . .”

I’ve seen some fairly hot 50+ women. That hag isn’t one of them.

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
8 years ago


The reason you never talk about your sexual past to a woman is the same reason you never talk to the cops: because it will never help you and can only hurt you.

And on the getting laid note…

8 years ago


Nicely done!

8 years ago
Reply to  Jack-Jack

@Forge the sky “she doesn’t want some dude blabbing her sexual exploits all around. So be discreet.” Yeah I was beta when I got laid once and though this was ok. It’s not and never will be. It’s what shouted me over to the red pill. @Blaximus “Believe it or not, men understand feelings , male feelings, much better than women ever could.” I know your right. It’s just a matter of others learning from experience. @Ang That’s a hell of an interesting connection to what I see women do in the “real world.” It remind me of the right… Read more »

8 years ago

@Lucien: “@ keyserSoze

“And when it comes to settling, start all over again and get a Dog.”

Over time, nothing is sexier.”

Well played son, well played!–laughing-funny-LOL-haha-hehe-hilarious-fun-happy-laugh-Ron-Swanson-GIF.gif

8 years ago

““Can I have some clarification on why you never discuss your sexual history with women?”

Dito sensei’s Iron Rule post about your N-count…Women do not want full disclosure…the truth is what you make it, whatever increases your value, keeps the power shift & frame in your favour, yes…..that. Amused mastery and so on.

What the truth actually is, is irrelevant!

8 years ago

Rollo, did you ever tell Mrs. Tomassi your N-count?

8 years ago

Softek, you should change your handle to “Zombie Apocalypse”.

8 years ago

I have to COMPLETELY OVERCOME all my handicaps to the point where I am BETTER than 80% of men at least. Have to have my shit together better than the vast majority of men. I’m having a hard enough time just getting to be AVERAGE, but what I need to do in order to have any kind of sex life and get ANY of my sexual needs met AT ALL is be better than the vast majority of guys out there. So, in other words, you’ll end up killing yourself anyway, but you’ll do it the slow way, by making… Read more »

8 years ago

She goes “You don’t understand how hard it is to be a woman and deal with this shit.”

Meh. That’s standard female bullshit. It’s really comical. The average woman has always been completely convinced that she has it so hard while men have it so easy.

8 years ago

I look at Japan as an example. The herbivore men. They didn’t need a manosphere, a manifesto, a red pill, or anything else. This is no ‘movement’….no books or blogs to read. Men looked at the scenario laid out before them….a lifetime of thankless, soul crushing servitude to an ungrateful shrew, and said ‘no thanks’. Probably, even more men who would still like to be a plow horse, can’t because they don’t qualify…they don’t make enough money to be a plow horse. Being a herbivore man is a no-brainer. The choice was no choice at all. I agree. Japan is… Read more »

8 years ago

“Once again, demonstrate (or have your point demonstrated for you with social proof) your perspective, never explicate it.”

Makes me think of mastering the Burden of performance

8 years ago

“There’s no racial tension in Japan . . .”

Tell it to the Koreans, Filipinos and Ainu. It would be more correct to say that the racial tensions are not palpable to the average Yamato.

” . . . and no palpable threats to national security whatsoever . . .”

Tell it to the Chinese.

8 years ago


There are plenty of racial issues in Japan:

And as someone else noted herein, just ask the Chinese, Koreans, Vietnamese, etc., too. It’s like the adage that if something is not affecting a person, they don’t see it. That being said I do see your great point made

8 years ago

Reading you has been a huge change in my life.
I have a question for you. Your blog is great and forgive me is this has been answered before, but the site is really big.
What’s your take on raising a little daughter in this times?
PS: I’m Mexican, please forgive my bad english

8 years ago

This quote by Mary Pipher popped up on my dash on a social media site:

“Young men need to be socialized in such a way that rape is as unthinkable to them as cannibalism” – Mary Pipher.

One woman’s response to this, when I went to look up the author of the quote, was:

“This quote sums up what our society needs to make it a safe one for women.”

Really? Reengineer the thought processes of boys?

8 years ago

Ethnic minorities in Japan are negligible in number and influence. And the ethnic differences between Koreans and Japanese aren’t even that significant. When a culture is sufficiently diverse ethnically, like the USA, it puts more social pressure on average men to act as masculine protectors, because there’s a perception of ethnic threats. That’s not the case in Japan. That’s my point. Herbivore men are more tolerated. Whether racism is prevalent in Japan or not is completely beside the point.

Water Cannon Boy
Water Cannon Boy
8 years ago

I remember talking about expecting a coming increase in young female celebrities saying that they were bisexual, as a means to maximizing attention from pop culture pushing gender issues so hard, from the girl power crew as a way of saying that it’s either empowering or that their sexuality can’t be contained just by a man; women’s sexuality being so much more complex and all. And also as a way of getting attention from guys the same way girls kissing in the bar to garner cheers from the crowd. A power ploy to frustrate men, make themselves seem unobtainable when… Read more »

8 years ago

@ Water Cannon –

Good point. Using the term “identify” allows for sexual malleability without any real consequences. Anne Heche identified as a lesbian when it was advantageous to do so, and reverted to being straight when it also suited her. It allows an easy out when circumstances or better prospects present themselves.

I’m guessing Johhny Depp is going to find out for himself the hard way, one day.


[…] Peak Hypergamy […]

Water Cannon Boy
Water Cannon Boy
8 years ago

I also expect that as any of these girls; celebrity or non celebrity, because i also said I expect to see it more and more with regular people; that these girls who are so equally attracted to either gender and down for whatever will all look to have relationships with just men as they get older and the looks fade. The novelty will be gone from being two nubile girls making out and showing affection to each other.

Water Cannon Boy
Water Cannon Boy
8 years ago

Forgot to ask, Rollo, where’d you get the title picture from?


[…] much because it is still somewhat shameful to say alloud.  However, to be perfectly clear, due to peak hypergamy more and more feminists are willing to think in a far clearer manner about this and to put voice […]

8 years ago

Hey, do you guys ever stop to consider the idea that, if you’re using the title “Social Justice Warrior” as an insult, you might be the bad guys?

8 years ago
Reply to  Marquerite

Your bringing some interesting points that I would find fascinating to speak about in person. Especially guilt vs progress and term use i can still at times get confused about.


[…] was a euphemism for a man who got cuckolded. Some would say today’s Rollo, who seeks to educate men about the feminine imperative, isn’t a good man. Judge for […]


[…] get laid; the terms on which, and how their sexuality fits their utilitarian role in women’s Hypergamous plan is the real […]


[…] are being so sensitive!  It was just a joke!”  Again, this all reminds me of Rollo’s Peak Hypergamy, only it goes so far beyond that now.  They will hide behind the humor for now, but not for much […]

8 years ago

[…] a deeper, more poignant truth about Alpha Widows, Hypergamy and the long term sexual strategy Plan and roles women expect men to play in […]


[…] back in the Peak Hypergamy post Hollenhund got me thinking about how the Hypergamous  aspect of the Pareto Principle can become men’s primary source of […]

7 years ago

[…] support her children while another will satisfy her sexually and appreciatively is not enough. The plan is literally to raise a young woman to adulthood with the expectation of her raising another child […]

7 years ago

[…] support her children while another will satisfy her sexually and appreciatively is not enough. The plan is literally to raise a young woman to adulthood with the expectation of her raising another child […]


[…] what they really represent is the goal-state of men in the Feminine Imperative’s plan for their […]


[…] make commercials and sitcoms based on women’s sexual strategy. Now that we’ve achieved Peak Hypergamy the final step is casting off all pretense about the designs on Female Supremacism. His victory […]

5 years ago

Morphic resonance: a red pill realization in the manosphere (peak hypergamy) eventually resonates in the femasphere as an opposing strategy to maintain female supremacy.

Men's Sexual Revolution
Men's Sexual Revolution
5 years ago

The end result of Peak Hypergamy will be the collapse of the West, as the number of undesirable males reaches critical mass, and they collectively stop participating in society’s socioeconomic script. We are about to get a brutal lesson in why a healthy sexual marketplace is ABSOLUTELY REQUIRED in order to maintain any civilization. Unconstrained female sexuality will result in society reverting back to a pre-agricultural state, not just sexually, but economically, politically, and eventually, technologically. Monogamy provided equal enough sexual access that civilization was made possible. Without it, there is none of the cooperation required to build anything, and… Read more »


[…] użytkownika  Hollenhund pod artykułem Peak Hypergamy skłonił mnie do zastanowienia się nad tym, jak aspekt Hipergamii w Zasadzie Pareto może stać […]

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