The Goddess Movement

Six years ago I wrote a post outlining what the PUA community referred to then as “Chick Crack“. It was a pretty straight forward post that I delved into just to explain why playing to women’s propensity to believe in the spiritual – or what women would consider spiritual – is an effective technique in Game. I always thought it was funny how accurate this presumption about women was when I came across it.

Of all the strippers I’d ‘dated’ in the past every one subscribed to some form of non-mainstream spiritualism. This girl Angie I used to bang kept Tarot cards in her pink lady’s devotional Bible, another professed to be a psychic; in fact the only people I’ve ever known who self-seriously wanted me to believe they were in fact psychic were all women.

[…] For the stripper set this seems to be par for the course, but I wish I could say this chick-crack phenomenon was limited to just women who had some vacuous spiritual/emotional hole in their lives to fill. No, all women (yes I said all) are predisposed to the intrigue that metaphysical imaginings sparks in them. If it smacks of secret, covert knowledge, privy only to a chosen few, then you’ve got an attentive listener in a woman. UFOs, palm reading (always a classic), psychic premonition, ‘gifts of prophecy’, really anything that hints at knowledge beyond the ordinary is fair game. Chick Crack is not just limited to off-brand spiritualisms either, you’ll find that far more women than men will develop (conveniently) an affinity for, and are more invested in, religion than men.

In the wake of the Anthony Bourdain “suicide“, and the scramble to absolve Asia Argento of any complicity in his decision to hang himself, I came across this post about Asia’s penchant for Witchcraft. Apparently Wicca is somewhat more than a hobby for her. As you look at these pictures it’s important to remember that this is a 42 year old woman (and her friends) who sincerely believes in this stuff.

In Chick Crack I also made reference as to why I believe women’s being predisposed to beliefs in the supernatural is a desire for secret power from an innate position of female powerlessness.

Feminine Mythology

Women’s natural pull towards the mysterious and metaphysical has its roots in the sex’s historical characterizations. In keeping with the very useful associations of women’s unknowability and feminine mystique, it’s perhaps unsurprising that we find most mythologized representations of women and femininity cast as brooding, fickle, rapacious and often as a temptress, possessing secret knowledge that foolish men (the mere mortals) are neither capable of, nor encouraged to understand. Sometimes childlike, often conveniently eroticized, women are literally cast as forces of nature – whether sexualized nymphs or tempestuous witches, each characterization relies on women possessing some form of secret or forbidden connection to the metaphysical. Even the commanding presence of Joan of Arc, while leading the armies of France, had a connection to something otherworldly. By their very nature, feminine mythology, by default, presumes women are more in tune with the nature of reality, while surpassing the ignorance of brutish men.

Women revel in their mythology. Since covert forms of communication are the preferred language of women, their affinity for secret information is a natural fit. Ever wonder why gossip seems to be uniquely endemic to women? Look no further than women’s innate impulse to acquire secret knowledge. Take away the Vampires and Werewolves – the metaphysical component – from the Twilight series and what you’re left with is a relatively bland romance novel. Add the otherworldly and you have a runaway hit popular with every female age demographic, from tweens to octogenarians.

In women’s evolutionary past, concealment meant everything. Confusing a man as to the true genetic heritage of his children was often a matter of life or death. Pursuing pluralistic sexual strategies depends upon creating a characterization of women as legitimately unknowable, thus the feminine mystique is instituted. Ergo, the sociological PR campaign over the course of millennia has been to perpetuate the mystery of woman.

From an evolutionary perspective it makes sense that physically weaker tribal women would seek some sort of mastery over the men in their lives who could punish or kill them and their offspring at will. As I’ve covered in many essays, women are biologically and psychologically more attuned to deeper communication and the emotive states of other people. Women have a far greater capacity to understand subcommunications and subcommunicate themselves among their own sex. This is borne out by multiple brain scan studies and research on the architecture of men and women’s brains.

To the blunt, overt, relatively nuance-less interpretive processes of men this subcommunication can be both frustrating and mysterious. It’s the mysterious part that women learned to reinforce and exploit in their dealings with men long ago. This is where we get the idea of the seductress or the ‘keeper of mysterious secrets’ archetype (witch, midwife, nature goddess) for women. It’s less important that women would actually be more in tune with the supernatural, but rather it’s more important that they believe it’s a general truth about all women. Men might be skeptical, or they may buy into that mystique, revere it and encourage other men to believe something similar. Usually how a man adopts or rejects that archetype is determined by his own self-understanding and his Game according to it and his sexual market value.

There are a lot of derivative character archetypes that stem from the basic ‘mysterious woman’ root. That might be anything from a healer, nurturer, mother type rooted in what used to be the mystery of women’s life-giving capacity, to the force of nature sorceress, to the eroticized sexual seductress (nymph, siren) or even the high-priestess of the holy temple of prostitution (an ancient brothel madame). Over the course of history, since our hunter-gatherer beginnings, this means to influence and power for women has coalesced into what we popularly imagine about women’s mysterious nature. Only today we call it a ‘woman’s intuition’ and we make appeals to fortune and fate when a guy get’s “lucky” and a woman favors him with her sexuality. It’s all socialized solutions to evolutionary problems, but if we add an element of ‘magic’ to the equation it makes explaining failures and appreciating successes that much easier.

Today, the belief in this nature is still very much reinforced in society. Thus, we get women subscribing to what amounts to a collective pathology – they are encouraged to believe in their ‘magical’ sensitivities to spirits and forces beyond the sensitivities of (ostensibly) “powerful” men. To fight the mythological Patriarchy women rely on a mythological tool. In Chick Crack I made mention of a stripper I used to have as a friend-with-benefits who was very attuned to the “spirit world”. As such the whole gamut of the supernatural was free game for her to use. She’d read my Tarot cards, my palm, throw in some eastern mysticism and wash it all down with a read through her pink ladies’ devotional Bible. Granted, ‘Angie‘ was an extreme case, but all women are in someway, or say they are in someway, privy to metaphysical understandings which men are not. And today we read and listen to male leaders in mainstream religions adopt and parrot back this “women are closer to God than men” mantra which is directly linked to the ‘spiritual women’ mystique.

The old trope of a Woman’s Intuition is an example of this belief in something beyond the ken of men. And this is also an important aspect of boys’ Blue Pill conditioning – girls/women possess some unearthly connection to God or something supernatural which further cements the idea that they should to defer authority to girls and women if they want to “please God the Goddess”. You might think this hard to believe in our age of technology, but only the context of the supernatural has shifted. Even the most objectively rational boys and men strongly believe in the ‘soul mate myth despite atheism or agnosticism. This belief of the faithless is directly related to the unknowability of the female. Even modern atheists have a tendency to fall prey to the “someone for everyone” religion when it comes to connecting with the opposite sex.

It’s my belief that this presumption of a greater sensitivity to the supernatural is an aspect of women’s evolved mental firmware. Regardless of how false it may be, a woman with the disposition to encourage men to believe that she has some otherworldly connection despite the world or circumstances around them, one that would lead men to venerate her in the long term, would’ve been a powerful social adaptation in ensuring her and her children’s security. No doubt women readers will trot out the reflexive “Well men have been shamans and soothsayers and the patriarchal leaders of churches too”, and this is true, but those men lacked the female elemental advantage in their believability. Even their own belief sets encompassed the ‘spiritual woman’ tropes for better or worse. The wise old wizard is definitely an archetype, but that wizard lacks the feminine mystique and the sexual components only women possess in exercising that power.

Modern Witchcraft

Today we see a distinct falling away from the old order of acknowledging the supernatural. Less and less people subscribe to religion in its conventional sense. The Millennial generation wants nothing to do with “organized religion”, yet they still seek the structure to life it used to provide. So instead we hear the compromise about being “spiritual, but not religious” as if accepting the possibility of the metaphysical is something expected, but the taint of the “religious” is left for older generations. Even in what passes for contemporary religion the influence of the Feminine Imperative is ever-present. The spiritual, the metaphysical, the religious, all are still useful tools for women to consolidate power with. As men abdicate more authority to the feminine, as they themselves are the products of a continuous social feminization, we see a wholesale handover of the spiritual to the direction of women. The male leadership of mainstream religions is itself compromised with the imperatives and priorities of women who are already presumed to be “more in tune with God or the supernatural”. As such they exercise the Feminine Imperative and assimilate women’s stake on the spiritual by being proxy agents for women’s authority.

Today I was linked a story about how Episcopalians have begun to Remove the Man from their religion. Apparently this marks the beginning of rewriting the doctrine of this religion by erasing all masculine pronouns for God. Of course I expect the predictable retorts that Episcopalians aren’t real Christians, but theirs is just one of the more glaring examples of how the feminization of religion progresses. The latent purpose is a wholesale removal of anything conventionally masculine from religion, and/or placing the feminine as the primary connection with the supernatural. Whether it’s mainstream religion or psychic reading, a woman is at the center of that mysticism. If you want a perspective into the things to come for a female-led mega-religion look no further than the teaching of Rev. Shannon Johnson Kershner (dual surname noted). God is not male is the clarion call of the priestesses (and their male ‘ally’ priests) of this new religion.

Why should we view God as female? Well, it’s so that little girls can become pastors, with Kershner saying, ““I wanted to make sure that little girls knew that God could call them to be pastors, too.”

For the MeToo / Time’s Up generation God is female, the supernatural is more aligned with the feminine. I’ve made this observation before (before the #MeToo moral panic arrived) but there’s been a growing push on the part of men to relinquish any spiritual authority from a masculine perspective for decades now. The largely secular impetus of the MeToo movement is now finding its way into a religious environment that has been primed and ready for it (largely due to its acquiescing, complicit, and thoroughly Blue Pill male leadership) for a long time. MeToo was a natural fit for a feminine-primary church that needed its push to consolidate power even in the most patriarchal of religions. MeToo has given women license to finally be overt in their design on religion and spirituality – not unlike Open Hypergamy has been embraced in the mainstream.

In celebration of this conversion of religion to feminine-primacy we get the feminist Beyoncé “worship” services in formerly traditional cathedrals. Millennials may be falling away from the old church, but they fill the new church to overflow-capacity when ‘god’ is female.

The take home message for this essay is this; womankind has been intimately aware of the complicity of men in granting them a default connection to the supernatural. While we may not profess a formal belief in such, men are eager to accommodate female power in this arena – especially if in doing so it endears women to the men who play along with it. Professing a belief in the supernatural is simply good Game. The early PUAs picked up on this and used it to their advantage. However, this abdication of moral authority – an authority founded in masculine pretenses – goes far beyond getting your palm read by an earthy stripper you want to bang. This compromising of moral authority to the feminine by men is just the next phase in conceding all social and political authority to the Feminine Imperative. If God or a ‘higher power’ is the foundation of moral authority, and women are universally presumed to be more in touch with that higher power, the next step is to cede that authority to the sex that has a more direct line to that power.

What prompted me to consider writing this essay was a link I was sent in response to the story about Asia Argento’s involvement in modern day Wicca. I listened to a bit of a podcast by Vox Day recently in which he was asked his thoughts about modern paganism. He said, and I paraphrase, “Paganism today is just kids LARPing to the idea of old world religions. They’re role playing something akin to Dungeons and Dragons with no real belief.” I thought this was interesting in light of the article I was sent on Neo-Paganism and the Feminist Spirituality Movement:

However, some women were not willing to identify themselves as “witches”, and there arose a form of Goddess worship without any of the trappings of witchcraft. As Nevill Drury explains, “Although some Goddess-worshippers continued to refer to themselves as witches, others abandoned the term altogether, preferring to regard their neopagan practice as a universal feminist religion, drawing on mythologies from many different ancient cultures.” This has been called “Goddess worship” and the “Goddess movement”. These terms are frequently used interchangeably with, but should be distinguished from, “feminist spirituality”, which includes the Goddess movement, but also feminist Christianity, feminist Judaism, etc.


The principal beliefs of the Goddess movement are that the Goddess is a radically immanent deity and she can be experienced directly. The Earth is seen as the body of the Goddess and women are understood to connect to the Goddess through their experience of their own bodies, as well as the “body” of the earth. Goddess feminists also believe that the Goddess is constantly changing, manifest in the changing of the seasons and the human life-cycle, and perpetually self-renewed.

The Goddess movement offers women a new self-image and facilitates women finding their own innate goodness and natural divinity. It enables women to redeem and revalue the “feminine principle” and offers them positive images and symbols of female empowerment.

It may seem easy to dismiss the influence of the feminine on what is re-evolving into a new feminine-world order of spirituality, but I think it would be foolish dismiss the influences of the Feminine Imperative – the Goddess Movement – that is manifesting itself incrementally in the power vacuum left by the abdication of masculine moral authority to the feminine. We read that Millennials may not be “as religious” as previous generations, but that doesn’t mean they don’t seek out ‘spiritual, but not religious’ metaphysical connections. They seek direction, and connection in religion, but they seek it in the secular, gynocentric terms they’ve been conditioned to believe they should define themselves by. A similar parallel exists on the masculine side too. One of the reasons for Jordan Peterson’s popularity is his ‘ministering’ to a generation of “lost boys” seeking direction in life. He is every bit one of the Lords of the New Church in the same way that the Goddess Movement speaks to another demographic of lost souls who seek absolution in the “divine feminine” – also a term Peterson is fond of.

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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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5 years ago

Distance swimmers look very different from sprinters. Ferry Weertmann (reigning Olympic swimming marathon champ) has a more equal hip/shoulder ratio than Michael Phelps, for example.

5 years ago

Since we’re on the subject (and I do listen):
What do you think of planks?
Both the ones on the elbows, also on hands, and then alternating from elbows to hands (up and down)

5 years ago

@Rollo, “Why is it impossible to mention JBP in any critical respect and have it not be a “swipe”? Questions fanbois need to consider.” Fascinating… I have been commentating here for years (not much of late, granted) and I think earned at least some respect as not being some shallow twit for said past commentary. However, I criticize the criticism (with some substance I venture, as I see no substantive rebuttal) of JBP here and suddenly I am a “fanboi” worthy of dismissal. What’s the opposite of a “fanboi”? A “Hate-bot”? As I wrote, Rollo, everyone is worthy of criticism,… Read more »

5 years ago

“Distance swimmers look very different from sprinters.”

Athletes from the Island of Misfit Toys (those who fall in love with and persist in an event for which they are not well suited) do not make it to the Olympics. At that level the filter screen is too fine.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

Orgasmic Meditation
Nicole Daedone

She has a book that I read through, something like “slow sex”. It’s heavily padded with personal anecdotes of no great interest. I suspect that the target audience includes women who have desensitized their clit with waaay too much vibrator use.

“New orgasm”, it is to laugh.

PS: ROLLO, when I click on “newer comments” i’m getting a redirect to a spam site.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

As a general rule I have noted that women know squat all about either exercise or yoga, but won’t listen to people who do.

Sometimes I wish I knew as much about everything as the average woman believes she does.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

Why is it impossible to mention JBP in any critical respect and have it not be a “swipe”?

Because his supporters have a lot of emotional involvement in JBP….

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

…don’t stretch muscle, you relax it…”

Hmm. I’m going to have to think about that in the context of the fascia and myofascial trigger points.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

Athletes from the Island of Misfit Toys (those who fall in love with and persist in an event for which they are not well suited) do not make it to the Olympics.

Or other comparable events.
Exhiibit A: The Kenyan national soccer team that got into the World Cup some years back. Distance runners trying to sprint for an hour and a half…

5 years ago

Speaking of the goddess baloney, I came across this piece of blog real estate, entitled “Athena Talks”. To see the hilarity here, imagine us guys calling our corner of the world “Zeus Talks”. But what really takes the cake is the feature article there, yet another slutty feminist complaining that when she said “yes” she didn’t really mean it. You can’t make this stuff up:

5 years ago

Distance runners trying to sprint for an hour and a half…

If you watch the Spanish and Brazilians play, they don’t sprint all that much and still manage to do well. It could be better tactics…

5 years ago

“Distance swimmers look very different from sprinters.”

Athletes from the Island of Misfit Toys (those who fall in love with and persist in an event for which they are not well suited) do not make it to the Olympics. At that level the filter screen is too fine.

I have no idea how what you said relates to what I said. I was replying to anon (not AR).

5 years ago

Dont get the digs at yoga. Been practicing for 15 years, do a 15 min practice each morning, then i fuck my girfriend senseless afterwards

5 years ago

This OM thing is just a way to convert beta orbiters into human vibrators… Hahaha, very clever ladies.. I’m willing to bet if he accidentally orgasmed and got some of it anywhere on her body she would lose her shit. Besides I’m sure the boy-rubbers are not permitted to be naked anyway. Just another manual labor task for betas. In a previous post quoting the OM founder, she said “The technique has been used for many years as a medical treatment.” Umm yes, used to cure hysteria which had been thought an actual mental disorder until we realized that it’s… Read more »

5 years ago

“womankind has been intimately aware of the complicity of men in granting them a default connection to the supernatural. While we may not profess a formal belief in such, men are eager to accommodate female power in this arena” The power a woman has over a man is all encompassing. The sight, touch, smell of her. The sound of her voice will attract a man to a woman. A year ago I was talking to a HGV driver. We had literally just met when he proceeded to tell me about his partner. A single mom who he’d been acquainted with… Read more »

5 years ago

“Because his supporters have a lot of emotional involvement in JBP….”

That is hilarious, but with some truth.

Seems there are a lot of emotional investments being developed here. Question is, who is being honest about it and who’s AMOGing to protect their investments?

5 years ago

@kfg: pistol squats, safe or unsafe? With full range? Stretch reflex or wait at bottom?

When I don’t have a gym I do them, but I don’t like that I need to do so many to compare with the barbell load.

5 years ago

“Dont get the digs at yoga.” ‘Use only that which works, and take it from any place you can find it.’ — Bruce Lee I have taken no more digs at yoga than Bruce Lee did at martial arts. Yoga is a system of spiritual practice. Asana are traditional exercises within that system which have certain functions in the context of that system. Both within and without yoga if you remove that context the traditional methods may not work, or even be contraindicated. Understand the reason for the traditional practice. It is the reason that is yoga, not the particular… Read more »

5 years ago

” pistol squats, safe or unsafe? ” Safe, when developed through the proper progression. Hold onto something if you need to, as long as you need to. It isn’t “cheating.” Simply falling over is your greatest risk of injury. Don’t do that. With reflex is a competition technique, to the get the most reps and lift the heaviest weight. For muscle building you’ll get more bang for your rep without, but use it during the progression where you need to to safely accomplish the rep. Range of motion you want to avoid time, and particularly direction change, at parallel. That’s… Read more »

5 years ago

Bruce Lee was the closest thing to a hero in my life that wasn’t related to me by blood, and even now when I see him quoted it makes me grin as a Cheshire cat.😀 To go a bit further, if I compare jbp and his musings against Bruce’s, Bruce had more practical advice ( for me ) that has been useful over the last 45 years of muh life. Nothing against jbp, but I’m still waiting to see the brilliance that people seem eager to ascribe to him, and a large part of this is due to age. I’m… Read more »

Not Born This Morning
Not Born This Morning
5 years ago

The western female has acquired nearly absolute power. But, absolute power is unsustainable. She has become a tyranical lunitic and her tyranny will be her demise as the empress now has no clothes thanks to the red pill. As women gain power in mass, a significant number of individuals in the culture are psychologicaly and physiologicaly sexually mutilated. Look,around and witness the effects. Their power is actionably provided by their expected legal entitlement to commit fetal homocide at will, and the birth control pill. These provide her power to act without forethought or consequence, to interact without accepting responsibility to… Read more »

5 years ago

@Not born this morning

lol no just stop

Not Born This Morning
Not Born This Morning
5 years ago



Random Angeleno
Random Angeleno
5 years ago

@Seraph I’d be interested your rebuttal to Vox Day’s JBP takedown. He has done at least a half dozen posts at his site in which he reads and quotes JBP as well as JBP fans and then dissects them. I think Vox is a bit over the top, but he does have valid points worth discussing. Plus he finds it interesting that JBP fans mostly do not critique Vox’s work directly, instead they hit back with ad hominem based arguments which seems to him (and me as well) that most fans do not seem capable of critical thinking on their… Read more »

5 years ago

All this talk about Woo is funny as hell. It seems so obvious, but nonetheless this too can be added to the overall lexicon of RP. It is totally not necessary to practice dangerous poses without still getting benefit. There are dangers to many forms of exercise, need we list them all? The very meaning of the word Yoga in Sanskrit tells one enough if you’re interested. A person can let the spiritual aspect be part of it…or not. People often confuse peaceful quiet minds, low blood pressure and a flood of brain chemicals with “spirituality.” Part of the problem… Read more »

5 years ago

“The western female has acquired nearly absolute power.”

In some ways. But just that thinking alone is not healthy. Power over what? What have you ceded in your life to allow them to have absolute power?

5 years ago

@blax “I think there are a million men living today, right now, that could deliver a more accurate grouping of ideas than jbp. He’s just the flavor of the moment.” Yup, out of the billions on the planet. I’m not so sure anybody here on TRM is stating that JBP is “brilliant.” One doesn’t have to be brilliant to help save lives or just plain help others out. It does take some balls to step into the public limelight and face the attacks. Getting doxxed, stalked, and having your character smeared like a turd on the roadside doesn’t seem to… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

“Because his supporters have a lot of emotional involvement in JBP….” Roused That is hilarious, but with some truth. Of course it has some truth, else I would not say it in this context. The context of “supporters” is not at all uniform. The men in their early 20’s who are benefitting from JBP to any degree are coming out of the K – 12 feminizing machine and they will grasp desperately and emotionally at any scrap of masculinity they can find, because the feminizers have been trying to grind that out of them. On the other hand, those men… Read more »

5 years ago

I’m still handicapped by the inability to post images, but here’s a handclapping gif for that wonderful comment.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

Roused One of the several modalities done to heal was yoga poses. Of course the PT did not say it was yoga, but it was. Similar experience. Girl PT’s seem more likely to be involved in yoga at some level. The physical benefits are separate from the mystical / religious / spiritual aspects in most cases. They may or may not mention “this is a yoga pose”; is it “butterfly” or is it “relaxing the adductor muscles”? I don’t have a hairdresser so I can’t know for sure. One of the things I am noticing in 20-somethings is a near… Read more »

5 years ago


I enjoy, mostly, listening to the bulk of jbp’s stuff, but as soon as he says ” the ( radical ) left… “, he loses me because now it’s more of a partisan thought/idea than an actual idea that can stand alone in it’s merit. Young men don’t need more indoctrination, they need facts and more facts, that will lead to critical thought and a developed ability to see through/cut through all manner of bullshit manipulation.

Take what’s useful…..

5 years ago

“I think there are a million men living today, right now, that could deliver a more accurate grouping of ideas than jbp. He’s just the flavor of the moment.” So what you are saying is that there are a million men living today that have groupings of ideas to give to my son (who doesn’t listen or read JBP) and his cohorts (some of who do and are inspired to make sense, get off their asses and go out and have talent and mastery based on JBP signals that started a process of Ignition in them….)? More accurate for what?… Read more »

5 years ago

Years ago I used to practice what I called guerilla meditation by trying to block out every sound ( and smell ) while in subways stations and on trains. I’d surmise that I had about a 20% success rate. It was much easier on planes. 6-8 your flights became as 20 minute flights. 4 hours to Puerto Rico passed before the really good, deep, cloud-like stuff materialized.

5 years ago

“JBP is not a very good example because he blue pill and he pedestalizes women.” To insinuate that fanbois are holding him up as an example of masculinity or that all of him is not complementary to Red Pill, or is indeed making our sons Play with Dynamite is therefore a Strawman Argument. Something not actually presented by the alleged “JBP Fanbois”. Near as I can tell, he advocates for enlightened self interest, embracing one’s dark side (while controlling it) and having a bottoms up approach to self improvement, while having an eye on the dangers of top down societal,… Read more »

5 years ago

Jordan Peterson is NOT the source to turn to if one is interested in Game or in the Jewish Question.
Other than that, the man is #ourguy, with some great insight and advice on life.
IMO, of course.

5 years ago

Well, I’m not going to go back and rewatch his videos looking for all that phantom enlightened self interest stuff that wasn’t apparent in what I’ve samples so far.

5 years ago

Got the popcorn popped.

5 years ago

Sjf Example of what I’m talking about somewhat. A couple of weeks back I was doing my ” address the youth ” thing in a hall downtown. I looked out over the crowd of young faces, aged from teens through 30’s, about 1200 of them squashed together. And I asked a question ( one of a dozen similar questions )- ” How many of you have heard the tern social justice warrior ” ? Maybe 25-30 people raised their hands. Now, I could have tried explaining what sjw meant by using specific terminology ( right wing/alt right ), but I’m… Read more »

5 years ago

socratic method

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

Years ago I used to practice what I called guerilla meditation by trying to block out every sound ( and smell ) while in subways stations and on trains.

Bruce Lee would no doubt have approved. Then suggest an alternate approach.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

Their ” homework assignment ” was to scour the web using ” sjw” and find out how the way it’s used is relevant to their every day lives.

The Ngram would probably not be a big surprise.

Do the same search for “nation of immigrants” some time.
Cultural appropriation is not the one-way street some people believe it to be.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

Roused Most people are clueless about connective tissue, muscles, fascia, trauma and the difference between relaxation and working the muscle/connective tissue to heal. Where “most people” includes a whole lotta Medical Doctors. Maybe in the last few years med schools have started including the fascia in anatomy and neurology classes, and stopped just discarding it during dissections? Yeah, maybe. I sure hope so, it would be beneficial to all concerned. There’s a lot of “Not Invented Here” in med schools, though. When I started looking into myofascial trigger points, referred pain and chronic pain it was interesting to see that… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

Blaximus I enjoy, mostly, listening to the bulk of jbp’s stuff, but as soon as he says ” the ( radical ) left… “, he loses me because now it’s more of a partisan thought/idea than an actual idea that can stand alone in it’s merit. The ironic thing is, JBP is a leftist by any standard of the last 100 years or more. He’s a moderate lefty, though, so the whole idea of the Pronoun Police was offensive to him. Probably he’d get on board with a lot of John Stuart Mill’s ideas (including Mills pedestalization…). It’s just indicative… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

Walawala Women are the first to push forward a super natural “it was fate” narrative and the first suddenly say “the feeling’s” gone… Well, sure. Women live in a constant sea of emotions, and they do not generally get “cause and effect” very clear [1]. So since they are oscillating from fear to glee to anxiety to lust, and they don’t really understand how parts of the world work, naturally they are going to believe in “soulmate” one minute and “it’s all changed” sometime later. Because there’s obviously something outside of them that’s “making things happen”, and their solipsistic nature… Read more »

5 years ago

When a master of the manoverse comments about a cultural iconoclast…his followers fall into two camps and hash it out among themselves.

Some ask why would Rollo lower himself to that? Is there something to JP that I haven’t figured out yet? Why is Rollo giving him credence? Is JP a threat? Why do people adore JP so?

Better for a leader to use a cat’s paw if possible when dealing with an ideological opponent if not personally debating.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

O.B.I.T. I don’t mind the guy but It might be time for a Godwin’s Law corollary — first one to mention Jordan Peterson loses. Most people never argued with Mike Godwin about US politics, so they don’t really understand Godwin’s Law or where it came from. Rather than tie that Law into a pretzel, let’s just suggest the JBP effect: in any comment thread discussing men and meaning, someone will bring him up. Because he is very, very visible right now. “JBP effect: in any comment thread discussing men and women, the probability that Jordan B. Peterson will be mentioned… Read more »

5 years ago

Mossbergs work better.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

Sentient Well consider that your local rub and tugger is regularly raided and men arrested… But “One Taste” is headlining TED talks… Exotify… legally… One of these things is not like the other. Yep. Just like the laws in Nordic countries, where a woman streetwalker gets a warning or a fine, but the john who took her up on the offer goes to jail. Controlling male sexuality is part of the FI. The goddess-cult version does it one way, legalistic feminism does it another, but…it’s all about control of men in every case. It’s not really babies all the way… Read more »

5 years ago

Blaximus: “I enjoy, mostly, listening to the bulk of jbp’s stuff, but as soon as he says ” the ( radical ) left… “, he loses me because now it’s more of a partisan thought/idea than an actual idea that can stand alone in it’s merit.” Anonymous Reader: “The ironic thing is, JBP is a leftist by any standard of the last 100 years or more.” Andrew Sweeney on Medium Feb. 17 Jordan Peterson vs. Russel brand (can’t link here): “I’m interested in common ground between Peterson and the leftists, for a couple of reasons. Firstly, Peterson’s frontal attack on… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

Mossbergs work better.

Better than what?

5 years ago

The spoken word…..when there’s too much ” speaking “.😂😁😁😃😃

5 years ago

Sjf I’d be able to accept jbp more if in his intellectualizing, he’d lose the labels. That’s why I contend that he gets quite a bit wrong by his penchant of attaching labels, sometimes grossly incorrectly. I get that ” tribalism ” is the new circle jerk cover for levels of ignorance, but imo, it limits an intellectual person’s ability to get thought last a narrow band of folk. Tribal is not intellectual. Tribal is just plain tribal. Tribal is the new ” style “. Nothing in America ( and probably Canada too ) is truly tribal except the tribe… Read more »

5 years ago

You are on a roll today, enjoyed your synopsis of JBP and helping me get closer to postulating a JBP Effect. The probability of hearing that name apparently approaches 1 no matter what the subject matter.

Maybe TRM needs a separate dedicated JBP section, like Field Reports, for Rollo and everyone to work things out. Rugby can supply the links and I’ll make a lasagna.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

The spoken word…

Some people call that “Tuco’s Dictum”…

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

Nothing in America ( and probably Canada too ) is truly tribal except the tribe of money and all the fantasy and imaginary shit that goes with having a lot of it, having a little of it, and having none of it.

I can tell you live on the East coast. Out here in flyover there are still real-deal tribes, with Tribal law and stuff like that. The level 0, simplest example can be seen in a number of places. So, nope. Not gonna buy that.

5 years ago

Plenty of tribes in NJ… Sicillians, Neapolitans, Calabrese etc…

5 years ago


I know ur super busy posting super badass self portraits for the gram, but there’s some issue with “logging in” to post shit in the Field Report Forum you set up last week. Plz fix. Thx

5 years ago

Oh my fucking JBP… Guys this is not the forum for that. I have no beef with the intellectual man who wants to help young men find a purpose beyond pussy worship, and that is what JBP (and Rollo) is trying to do.. Full Stop. Please acknowledge that he truly isn’t fully Red Pill, and I think we mostly agree there. But neither is most of the MGTOW movement. The reality is that many different dudes will find their own flavor of RP in a way, and while we may disagree strongly, I think we all agree its a bumpy… Read more »

5 years ago

So, let me get this straight. Rollo retweets some guy named Kyle Trouble who is opining on Jordan Peterson: Jordan Peterson is simply a Kardashian version for the red pill. Keep sucking his D as a convenient backup to your own ego. Won’t get you anywhere. To be clear, I have never really “gotten into” JBP’s stuff. From what I’ve seen, I agree with many of his principles. However, doesn’t change my point. I am criticizing not his message, but the worship behind it. If you are too blind to see this, thanks for proving my claim. TL;DR: If you… Read more »

5 years ago

@Blaximus “Example of what I’m talking about somewhat.” I love you, man. But what you relate story-wise sounds like a non sequitur. Blax: “I think the best way to inspire thought is by challenging people to think and put some skin in the game, as it were, not to eloquently dictate personal perspective as revelatory fact.” I agree. If that’s what you take away from Peterson’s work, lectures, book tours, book, Etc. All I have to say is I don’t see any lack of that. Challenge people to think. Put/have skin in the game. Don’t use the genetic fallacy. The… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

Please acknowledge that he truly isn’t fully Red Pill, and I think we mostly agree there. But neither is most of the MGTOW movement.

You new around here or somethin’?

5 years ago

Please acknowledge that he truly isn’t fully Red Pill, and I think we mostly agree there. But neither is most of the MGTOW movement.

You new around here or somethin’?”

Not at all… but I’d like to cut through the shit and settle things a bit..

JBP is a division that we really don’t need.. by that I mean the question of “is he legit?”

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

Not at all…

Then you have read through the multiple visitations by black-pilled MGTOW, blue-pill MGTOW, “if you’re not with us you’re against us” MGTOW, etc. in which case your observation isn’t just redundant, it is downright dumb.

but I’d like to cut through the shit and settle things a bit..

The issue of virulent MGTOW’s status is pretty much settled. So why bring it up? To troll for flames, or something else?

JBP is a division that we really don’t need.. by that I mean the question of “is he legit?”


5 years ago

@Random Angeleno,

“Anyway go to Vox Day’s blog and search there for his JBP related posts. If you did already respond there, my apologies.”

Thanks, but I am not on Vox Day’s site.

I was going to do a longer general response, but am holding off. I made my points and I will let them stand.

5 years ago

“..when there’s too much ” speaking “.”

Breaker Morant’s “Rule 303.”

5 years ago

I’ll take “tools” or information from any source if it proves to be beneficial. The Red Pill sure seems like a good prax, so I’m working it. When someone in your life you care for is in crisis you use whatever tool is available and is most appropriate to help them. So if Jordan Peterson’s lectures/Videos/books help someone and you don’t like it because of his ideology? That is a problem you’ve manifested in your own head. We can buy all the books and share link after link with youth and or men in crisis. You can lead a horse… Read more »

5 years ago

“It’s not really babies all the way down. Because not all babies are equally valuable to the FI.”

Neither are all babies equally valuable to the MI. Some babies have so little value, beyond theological argument, that they are disposable.

And yet, there are babies. And they go all the way down, and BEYOND!

No babies>No F>No FI

Not all babies being equally valuable to the FI is an emergent property of babies. You can’t sort babies without having babies to sort.

5 years ago

“The “language” used here is not part of their normal vocabulary.”

See “1984.”

5 years ago

I don’t get out much and met my first flat earther yesterday. I took a good hard look at this man,the image of the new barbarian. He had a good job as western district sales rep for a reputable guitar company,was an accomplished PUA with plates in every stopoff. Then burntout, married “the one” and adopted her belief systems a Christian literalist if you will. His most admirable trait is entering the trades at the age of 38 with no muscle and practically no skill ( he can tie his shoes and walk without tripping over the laces). Getting to… Read more »

5 years ago

Kfg Maybe I’ll come up with The Mossberg Directive. I’ve been accused of late of goading young men towards violence. In fact I’m only trying to redirect and focus the random violence they are exposed to. And simply put, Mossbergs may just be a part of the solution. Police attending the meetings have pulled my coat numerous times and my sole response is always the same – ” you have a sidearm, no? “. If a man is willing to commit acts of violence for petty reasons, that energy needs to be directed in such a way that will actually… Read more »

5 years ago

“Mossbergs may just be a part of the solution.”

a=F/m. It doesn’t matter whether you like it or not, it’s the law. If you want something to change its inertial behavior, you have to push it hard enough.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

Blaximus Police attending the meetings have pulled my coat numerous times and my sole response is always the same – ” you have a sidearm, no? “. They do, but to many cops it’s just another piece of gear on the Bat-belt. Like the radio or flashlight. They don’t really think of it as “thing I use to fight to get to my rifle”. It’s not new, either, a scriptwriter pointed this out with the line “A man’s got to know his limitations” in the second Dirty Harry movie back in the 1970’s. This is another reason why many cops… Read more »

Mr. Roboto
Mr. Roboto
5 years ago


Pussy pass not always work….

Argentine 19-year-old who shot her boyfriend gets life sentence

5 years ago

One more thing. You either want to help lost boys between 18 and 27 years old. Or you don’t. Whether they are AFC’s, Incels or Chumps. It’s an imperative. Vox Day is biased because of who he is and what he has to sell. We all know what is going on there. (Blax should know too because of who Vox is…). 12 things I learned from 12 Rules of Life by Vox Day. So, I finished the book and took a reasonable amount of notes, although considerably fewer than I would have anticipated. This is not my review, which… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

Boulderhead Then burntout, married “the one” and adopted her belief systems a Christian literalist if you will. One more bit of evidence that a man can be a PUA but not fully “get it”. He can see lots of girls but not see them through The Glasses. IMO both Roosh and Mystery are still stuck with bad vision to some degree, based on their public appearances in the last few years. Depending on which flavor of Christian literalist he’s joined, frivorce may be mostly off of the table. But she’s still a girl, as they all are, and his PUA… Read more »

5 years ago

a=F/m. It doesn’t matter whether you like it or not, it’s the law.

Only in the lab, under carefully-controlled conditions….outside the lab, it’s more of a suggestion.

5 years ago

Not a suggestion. Viable solution.😁

5 years ago

This has been one of the better more substantive discussions in the comboxes here for a long time.

5 years ago

Rule .303 … had to look it up … learn something new every day at TRM

5 years ago

Breaker Morant’s “Rule 303.” Non sequitur: I had an embarrassing moment last fall when I told my daughter’s boyfriend (now fiance) I could set him up with a deer hunting rifle for his first deer hunt with a skilled buddy (former military). Him and his buddy drove out to sight the rifle in at my farm, days before departing to hunting camp. Stupid, forgetful me, I had a Swiss K-55 rifle which I had attached a scope mount and scope to 10 years ago. I didn’t recall correctly/was distracted by life/wasn’t mindful like usual and tried to chamber British .303… Read more »

5 years ago Eyewitness account: “The only reply given by the two men when asked if they were ready was, ‘Yes, where is your shooting party?’ and the men marched out hand in hand. The firing party went to blindfold the men, but Morant said, ‘Take this thing off,’ and pulled the handkerchief off. As the two sat in the chair awaiting death Morant remarked, ‘Be sure and make a good job of it.’ Morant folded his arms across his chest and looked them straight in the face. The firing-party fired, and Morant got all in the left side, and died at… Read more »

5 years ago
5 years ago

” Peacetime, 1st world problems, masculine speed bumps trying to improve the minds of the mid 20’s y.o. boy generation.”

Fighting a different battle.

5 years ago
5 years ago

A love some good chick crack. A females natural naivete when it comes to the spiritual or the taboo is cute to me. I use a variation of palm reading that I learned from reading “The Game” that all women fall for. I used it on a girlfriend once, we were talking about something that I forget but I saw it as a good segue to this bit. I told her about the head, the heart, the soul and the fate lines in your palms. Then I told her that based off the way two intersected I could tell she… Read more »

5 years ago

“You’re going to be a cat lady.”

LOL… stolen.

5 years ago

“This is another reason why many cops are all about “gun for me, no for you”. An attitude that is frankly unAmerican.”

Most of the gun stores we’ve frequented through the years are owned by former police officers.
The above hasn’t been my experience.

5 years ago

I seem to recall “What’s your sign?” — circa 1965 — being an early version of this technique

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

Not a suggestion. Viable solution.😁

Careful what you wish for…

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

Does anyone seriously think young men are going to attend a JP lecture and then think this: “Wow, Jordan Peterson really puts women on a pedestal.” Dang, JP needs to be careful because his take on the Feminine Imperative is really dangerous.”

Nope. Nobody’s said that.

Young men are prone to accept something they are told by an authority figure like JBP uncritically. They swallow it whole. They idolize “Jordy” and unthinkingly hang on every word. Including the blue pill pedestalization.

There’s a problem. Do you see it?

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

kfg just reminded me it’s time to re-read “Boer Commando” by Denys Rhys. He was at Ladysmith and Spion Kop, among other places. Fun fact: the first enclosures to be actually named “Concentration Camps” were built in south Africa at the orders of Lord Kitchener to imprison the white African women, children and some men of the Boer republics. It was an attempt to “drain the sea” that the Boer guerrillas swam in. Many died in the concentration camps of disease and malnutrition. Merely an historical footnote now. Just goes to show that minding your own business isn’t always very… Read more »

5 years ago

Police chiefs toe the liberal party line of gun control. They are politicians and have to do that. The rank and file law enforcement are pro-2nd amendment, by and large. I used to work gun shows and there were plenty of law enforcement there providing security and selling guns on tables at the show. You didn’t see a lot of thugs at the shows.

Jonathan Castle
Jonathan Castle
5 years ago

As the receptive sex, women naturally desire to be desired. When it gets out of hand it turns into a desire to be worshipped. Eve was tempted in the garden with the Big Con that she could be like God. Men as the injective sex have to choose who we worship. So much blue-pill folly comes from worshipping women. Adam worshipped Eve over God when he followed her into disobedience. **** Now, what in the hell good can possibly come from attaching yourself to someone like Asia Argento who worships herself. She will eventually crush you with the power you… Read more »

5 years ago

” You didn’t see a lot of thugs at the shows.” Depends on just how narrowly one defines ” thugs “. Meh, it depends – as to ” most ” rank and file cops being pro 2nd. I once had police knock on my door because gunshots were ” heard ” in the back yard of the place I was living. I invited the police in, and they asked me some questions, one of which was ” do you have any firearms on the premise?”. When I answered in the affirmative, the mood immediately changed as If I’d admitted to… Read more »

5 years ago

“There’s a problem. Do you see it?“

Perhaps a small problem. I really don’t see it in the real world. I know a young man or two and none of them idolize JP.

Please provide some data on this idolatry going on.

I do see now, and have in the last several years how boys have been indoctrinated by TV, ESPN (Disney) movies, video games, teachers, sisters and their mothers. IMO each of those things have a larger impact than JP. Collectively, it’s an avalanche.

You’re giving a “bogeyman” more credence than is earned.

5 years ago

I object to the YouTube posting gap on TRM.

KFG claims timing.

Watch this @ 10:00 minuteman mark.

5 years ago

…and I had a loaded .38 on the front seat next to me. A trooper asked for my paperwork and asked nicely if I minded opening my trunk for a second ( as everyone ahead of me were doing ). Then he handed me my papers back and asked me if I was certain that the safety was on….

.38 special revolver? who makes safeties on those? I thought the safety on a revolver was between the ears?

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x

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