Dangerous Times – Part 2

The fulfillment of your own sexuality is nothing less than your battle for existence. – Pook

If you’ve been wondering what I’ve been doing lately over the past week I took it upon myself to read through the 7,000 word short story “Cat Person” that’s recently gone viral. The author, 36 year old Kristen Roupenian, was also offered a one million dollar book deal to expand the story even further. You too can read the whole thing if you have the stomach, but it reads every bit like the passive-aggressive indirection I’d expected it would coming from a less-than Hypergamously satisfied woman who’s well past the Wall. Rather than craft a concrete article about her own inner conflict (and by association all women’s conflict) of having ‘inconvenient’ casual sex, she thought she wanted, we get an overwritten fiction that sock-puppets herself as the main character.

If this book does publish, trust me, it wont be a new 50 Shades of Grey. Cat Person  resonates with women today because we now live in the #MeToo era of moral panic inspired by the same Future is Female outrage brokers who brought us pink pussy knitted caps and the women’s march in the wake of Hillary Clinton’s defeat. I decided to split this series of essays into two parts because at this moment in history we are beginning to see the culmination of the predictions I alluded to in my essay, The Political is Personal. We are seeing, in real time, just how a feminine-primary social order and a growing female supremacism consolidates its power. But as I outlined in that essay, this power is always predicated on the hope of ensuring the largest pool of women are legally and socially entitled to the unquestioned, and unmerited, optimization of Hypergamy.

Any man with a Red Pill Lens reading through Cat Person will easily pick out the social conventions and rationalizations unique to women’s ‘hamstering’ (“Flirting with her customers was a habit she’d picked up back when she worked as a barista, and it helped with tips.”) that the manosphere has been picking apart for almost two decades now. And, like most women, the female readership find nothing inconsistent or conflicting about any of it. Roupenian breezes through the ins and outs of women’s sexual pluralism and the differences between transactional (Beta) and validational (Alpha) sex without so much as an afterthought – and her readers eat it up with the same solipsism.

However, the overarching concern for women about this story is the issue of the newly coined term “enthusiastic consent”. Our poor Margot (the main character and proxy for the author, and ultimately all women) is torn up by a casual sexual encounter that at first she thought she wanted, but later, even after giving the guy the green light to have sex with her, she loses enthusiasm to bang him. Yet, not to be rude or to create an uncomfortable scene, she goes through with the inconvenient, lack luster, sex because it was easier to say yes than to say no.

There are other names for this kind of sex: gray zone sex, in reference to that murky gray area of consent; begrudgingly consensual sex, because, you know, you don’t really want to do it but it’s probably easier to just get it over with; lukewarm sex, because you’re kind of “meh” about it; and, of course, bad sex, where the “bad” refers not to the perceived pleasure of it, but to the way you feel in the aftermath.

Essentially, this shift from Yes Means Yes consent to Enthusiastic Consent ask the last questions in women’s social consolidation of Hypergamy:

“Must I still have to have transactional sex with Betas if all my provisional needs are more or less met?”

“If I’m an ’empowered’ woman, am I not entitled to the sex I want to have with Alpha men that validate both my hindbrain and my ego?”

“Can transactional sex with Betas be used as leverage to extort resources from them at any future date by redefining that undesired sex as ‘rape’?”

Curb Your “Enthusiasm”

The reason I believe that Roupenian’s future book will fall flat is because the viral conversation her short story elicits is about a new terminology that the Feminine Imperative hopes to insert into the public sphere – that of ‘enthusiastic consent‘ being the only legitimate form of consent a woman can give a man. Anything less than genuine enthusiasm (however this is arbitrarily defined by women) is at best illegitimate consent and at worst rape – even if every indicator a woman gives a man prior to, during and after sex says ‘yes’ she still means ‘no’ and, as we’ll see here, it will be incumbent on that man to be an adequate mindreader and sexual evaluator to determine her real degree of ‘enthusiasm’ both in the moment and into the future.

There’s a lot to unpack here, but I wanted to begin with a comment I received last week:

If you read feminist literature, the intent behind “enthusiastic consent” seems to have good intentions. Its based on the following purported beliefs:

  • That there is a huge incidence of coerced sex and sexual contact, which is mostly inadvertent rather than malicious. The best way to correct this is to teach men the principles of EC. 
  • That the idea of a sharp Alpha/Beta divide in men’s sexual attractiveness is a myth propagated by the misogynistic Right. Furthermore, girls and women have a realistic idea of their own SMV and will be attracted to their male equivalent.

Thus, feminists believe a free sexual market will see assortive mating with both men and women being able to get a similar amount of sex. This is why when men complain of the difficulty of getting sex, many women will retort that it must be because they are only chasing “supermodels”.

Look at Charlie Rose, is this a man with any Red Pill at all? Giving shoulder rubs to office girls, showing porn to a couple, this is all high school Beta stuff. But he had a TV show that lots of famous people wanted to get on. Clearly Beta-ized, but a situational Alpha. In my not so humble opinion most of the #MeToo girls are going after former situational Alphas because they turned out to be Blue Pill Beta after all…they feel cheated, and are just so sure that all the other girls got to ride a real Alpha pony on the carousel, so the fury comes out.

The ‘enthusiastic’ consent social push we are just on the cusp of today is the next progression in the larger goal of feminism – removing all constraints on female sexuality while maximally restricting male sexuality. ‘Enthusiastic consent’ will be the raison d’etat for the legislation leading to the outlawing of any form of male sexual expression.

From The Political is Personal:

The inherent insecurity that optimizing Hypergamy poses to women is so imperative, so all-consuming, to their psychological wellbeing that establishing complex social orders to facilitate that optimization were the first things women collectively constructed when they were (nominally) emancipated from men’s provisioning around the time of the sexual revolution.

Ensuring the optimization of women’s biologically prompted Hypergamy is literally the basis of our current social order. On a socio-political scale what we’re experiencing is legislation and cultural mandates that better facilitate Alpha Fucks and Beta Bucks.

[…]As Open Hypergamy becomes more institutionalized and made a societal norm by the Feminine Imperative, and as more men become Red Pill aware (by effort or consequences) because of it, the more necessary it will become for a feminine-primary social order to legislate and mandate men comply with it.

As much as I’d like to believe that normalizing ‘enthusiastic consent’ may lead to women overplaying their hand, I have to consider how the specificity of defining consent will also redefine past sexual norms and intersexual dynamics; not just among single individuals having loosely defined “consensual” sex, but also married couples and how sex (or lack thereof) defines their relationships. As if the men of today needed one more reason to be wary of marriage and how it will eventually affect their sex lives, now we can add the potential for ‘marital rape’ accusations based on EC (enthusiastic consent) to that list; and all in light of women’s less than enthusiastic response to any of her husband’s advances. God forbid a mewling Beta pouts his way into this grey zone ‘duty sex’ with his unenthusiastic wife.

What were witnessing here is the insertion of college campus consent laws into Marriage 2.0, and as designed its intent is to further disrupt marriage and family. Even in the old books presumptions about marriage a man could expect his commitment to a wife and family meant a plenary exchange of sexual access. But when enthusiastic consent is a prerequisite for legitimizing sexual encounters, anything resembling a woman’s putting out duty sex for her husband, even starfish lack luster obligatory sex is defined as rape.

I got the following comment from last week’s Red Pill Reddit forum repost:

The fundamental driver is removal of female responsibility for her actions, pushing all responsibility onto men. Whatever happens between a man and a woman, women universally agree that the man is to blame for any and all results, including her subsequent regret.

Responsibility used to be on women to say “no” if she wanted to claim rape. This responsibility has been removed. No longer does she have to verbalise lack of consent. No longer does she even have to verbalise actual consent. She can decide after the fact…. years after the fact…. whether her consent was in fact enthusiastic enough, and she can base that on her future feelings. “But did you enthusiastically scream yes?” her friends will ask, which is more than the police or the public will subsequently ask of her.

Women side with women. Whiteknights, weak Betas and naive Blue Pill fools side with women. Everyone agrees women are right and men are wrong.

And this is the intended result: women are not to be held responsible for their actions. They are not to be held responsible at any cost – including the destruction of male lives.

I presented this point in Men and Suicide, but just to recap, on a subconscious level women will always seek to absolve themselves of complicity in men’s personal destruction. This extends from destroying mens lives due to regrets over not optimizing Hypergamy, to any concern over men committing suicide. At present, women are attempting to reconcile ‘bad sex’ with ‘inconvenient sex’ they have in spite of themselves. However, the same absolution of any inherent complicity in this ‘transactional’ sex ends with blaming men for women’s lack of agency or self-moderation:

Bad sex isn’t even necessarily coercive. I’m talking about having a sexual encounter you don’t want to have because in the moment it seems easier to get it over with than it would be to extricate yourself.

Young women say yes to sex they don’t actually want to have all of the time. Why? Because we condition young women to feel guilty if they change their mind. After all, you’ve already made it back to his place, or you’re already on the bed, or you’ve already taken off your clothes, or you’ve already said yes. Do you really want to have an awkward conversation about why you want to stop? What if it hurts his feelings? What if it ruins the relationship? What if you seem like a bitch?

The problem in this rationale isn’t about women changing their mind or feeling guilty – those are excuses for male-initiated victimhood for women and absolve women’s complicity – rather, the focus should be on the fact that women going through with this type of sex presently have the option to ruin a man’s life at any future date by defining it as ‘unwanted sex’. Ella Dawson may not want to conflate transactional, Beta sex as rape, but that’s where this conversation is leading us to.

Is it OK for Alpha Males?

I apologize for forgetting who it was that sent me this link, but the present day #MeToo moral panic combined with notions of “enthusiastic consent” and a resulting atmosphere of fear in intersexual dynamics was predicted as far back as 2004, and by a woman no less:

Sexual harassment is a crime committed by beta-males who think they can get away with alpha behavior. But that is a distinction too delicate for the blunt instrument of the law. How do you explain to a judge why one man’s comedy is another man’s bone-chilling lechery? And can we really expect the beta-males themselves to understand the difference?

I found this article very prescient about our present moral panic. In the last two posts I’ve made the case that what were finally seeing on a social scale is the consolidation of women’s entitlement to an almost socialistic guarantee of optimized Hypergamy. Through any number of direct and indirect institutions we’ve now virtually guaranteed women a right to Beta men’s resources, protection and provisioning as well as a dominant social status above them both at home and in the workplace. Whether overtly or covertly, women dominate Beta men; the last piece of consolidating Hypergamy is then the (at least partial) control of Alpha Fucks.


As we move into 2018 – an era to be defined even more thoroughly by the Future is Female, #MeToo and Enthusiastic Consent – I believe we’ll see a push for the following:

  • Sexual harassment will indeed be a crime committed by Beta males who fail at a convincing ‘Alpha’ behavior. As such the push will be to get Beta men to self-police their behavior via fear. There will be a doubling down on the part of Blue Pill White Knights and ‘Feminist Allies’ in the wake of the social and legal options women will have to be believed of men’s sexual misconduct allegations by default. Feminized men will “try harder” and rat out their rivals for any hint of misconduct in an Orwellian effort to be more appealing and identifying with women.
  • Only confident Alpha men, or men well versed in Game, will be allowed to approach women from a perspective of social acceptability. However, even then it will be a woman’s prerogative to later define that approach or subsequent interaction as harassment if that Alpha doesn’t comply with a woman’s long term security needs, provisioning and parental investment ‘entitlements’. The latent purpose of a suspension of the statutes of limitation for sexual harassment will center on locking down (perceptually) Alpha men in a long term relationship.
  • This new feminine-primary sexual paradigm will further limit Beta men’s sexual access and increase reproduction stress in the few Beta men who don’t pragmatically drop out of the sexual marketplace altogether. This will also reinforce boys/men’s conditioning of loathing their own gender. They will be taught to accept this feminine-primary sexual strategy, as well as the legal restrictions  on his power of choice and his life’s direction as the societal norm.
  • Legal mandates and societal mores will directly and indirectly ensure Beta men’s compliance in all aspects of parental investment in children he was not biologically responsible for, as well as women’s long term security.

Now, more than ever it is imperative that men become Red Pill awakened and see the writing on the wall with a Red Pill Lens. All of this may seem horribly unavoidable, but let me emphasize, it’s not for men who are aware of, and have internalized intersexual dynamics and can plan accordingly.

In the last installment of this series I’ll be delving into some of the larger socio-sexual implications of where we find ourselves today and where I see present day intersexual relations leading us in a larger scale as well as what Red Pill men can do to win at whats becoming a very dangerous game.


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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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6 years ago

Rollo, this is JUST ANOTHER SHIT TEST. I laugh and joke and dance and girls squeal and play grabass with me and put my hands on their boobs. Guys ask me what my secret is. Preselection. Living in the Moment. Doing what I want and making my own fucking rules instead of following the FI’s rules. Enforcing my own boundaries with fun and zest and not being harsh. Laughing when other men hit on Mrs. Gamer. Not being insecure. That’s the Red Pill WRIT LARGE. Thanks, Rollo and all the commenters, for helping me in my journey. You’re awesome!


[…] Dangerous Times – Part 2 […]

JT Hardy
6 years ago

Thanks Rollo. Great article.

6 years ago

Another great article. Thanks

Fred Flange, GBFC (Great Books For Cucks)
Fred Flange, GBFC (Great Books For Cucks)
6 years ago

We already know what efforts to corral Alpha Fucks to the FI will look like. Remember the case of Emma Mattress Girl Sulkowicz was from start to finish her effort to enlist the disciplinary system of Columbia University to expel and punish the bad boyfriend Alpha who got tired of her and dared to get away. Look at her tweets and pleas to him to please please please come back after he ditched her, as he pasted into his complaint against Columbia (and which she could not even try to deny). No? Expel him! Get your friends to file false… Read more »

ignis aurum probat
ignis aurum probat
6 years ago

Gotta love the Pook tribute. Moreover, with great risk comes great reward and as the challenges multiply, there’s no defensible choice but to double down on mastering game as a means for achieving success in all facets of life.

6 years ago

The future you describe (and is probably inevitable due to the increasing number of beta males in America due to family demographics such as single mothers, cuckholdry, etc.) is a society that men will separate from and not fight for or invest in. This the cycle will feed itself and the downward spiral will continue. I do see opportunity for game aware men who can hold frame (for awhile, anyway) as betas drop out, but I foresee the government and work place authorities siding with the escalating FI, as it has for 40-50 years, till all men are vulnerable targets.… Read more »

6 years ago
john smith
john smith
6 years ago

Marital rape is already here. When the evil ex sprang the trap and exploded my life she did an interview with a female cop that I was able to obtain via the discovery process. The ex said that we had sex twice in the preceding two weeks (true, but no coitus). She said she was “uncomfortable” with it. The cop pressed her twice with the question; “Did you tell him no”. The ex responded that she did not tell me “no”. The female cop wanted to charge me with rape so badly you could hear the disappointment in her voice.… Read more »

6 years ago

Alpha is the answer. If you are Alpha and you don’t do something stupid at work, you’re fine.

This is another societal shit test to screen out lessers. Will you make the cut? If you don’t think so, you have some work to do.

6 years ago

“as well as what Red Pill men can do to win at whats becoming a very dangerous game.”

6 years ago

“The fulfillment of your own sexuality is nothing less than your battle for existence. – Pook” “but I foresee the government and work place authorities siding with the escalating FI, as it has for 40-50 years, till all men are vulnerable targets.” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AstSSPr_w6Q “Feminism has bastardized the natural course of man-woman courtship. At some point in every man’s life he will go through struggles in the sexual marketplace. He will look like a dumbass when he misreads a woman’s signals and goes for the kiss anyways. He will ask out a girl without a confident demeanor and come off as… Read more »

Father Marker
6 years ago

Women are going to find that the glass ceiling has #metoo written all over it.

A lot of men are beginning to invoke the Pence Rule and I hope rolo that you will include that as part of some of the strategies that you will be outlining in your next article.

6 years ago

increasing number of beta males in America due to family demographics such as single mothers, cuckholdry, etc.

Most men have always been beta. Most men will always be beta. Perhaps the percentage of alphas as compared to the overall male population has gone down a bit, but alphas have always been rare.

Who is Alpha is determined by women, and seems to be based mainly on being above average in various metrics. Most men cannot, by definition, be above average. Just like most people cannot be “wealthy”.

6 years ago

Great follow up post. This brings up the 1970’s feminist-gone-wrong film Looking for Mr. Goodbar. I’ll leave it to Rugby to clog the feed with endless clips from it but it’s well worth te watching through a Red Pill lens. Starting Diane Keaton as a flakey you go grrrrl teacher by day who cruises bars and Bangs random dudes at night it is worth seeing for the Alfa Fux Beta Bux diachotomy with Keaton clearly ignoring her better judgement by banging the dangerous Richard Geer character while friendZoning her beta associate who has trouble banging her. It of course all… Read more »

6 years ago

Overthrow the state

6 years ago

“Who is Alpha is determined by women, and seems to be based mainly on being above average in various metrics. Most men cannot, by definition, be above average. Just like most people cannot be “wealthy”.” I don’t find (believe) any of those three sentences to be true. Alpha is determined by other men, can be chosen as a mindset by one man (it’s not a demographic…), and women may respond to that, or not. If a woman does not respond to that, it doesn’t mean that Alpha is determined by her. Exactly who is in charge of you and your… Read more »

6 years ago

These are dangerous times indeed, and no doubt betas will be punished. Its a key point that they now have very little opportunity to learn from their mistakes. There is no room for error which will make many of them remove themselves all together from the game. I do see this however as a massive opportunity for guys to Red Pill the fuck up, and fast. This is actually a bit of a tail wind for us if we are smart and with a rational, male perspective advantage of it. Female imperative will fuck it up in some ways, no… Read more »

The Solitary Silver FoX
The Solitary Silver FoX
6 years ago

Wow, if this really is happening it’s pure insanity! And the question begs to be asked, why are we as men allowing this? Us men built the modern world and there is no way we should just roll over like this. Look around, gentlemen. There are very few women out there worthy of Alpha attention, let alone to marry. I have played the field for the past 20+ years and have yet to connect with a woman i’d want to have a kid with (which is either a poor reflection on myself or the company i have kept). Thus i… Read more »

6 years ago

Furthermore, CSI: https://heartiste.wordpress.com/2018/01/02/be-a-man-with-standards/ Be A Man With Standards January 2, 2018 by CH Adhering to standards and expressing them to women is what separates the quenched alphas from the thirsty betas. Too many men cede the Darwinian high ground of standards to women, an assumption not without biological basis in reality — the vessel housing expensive eggs can demand more than can cheapo spermos — but nevertheless an assumption that can cost men a lot of romantic possibility, and tragically an assumption which can be overturned with minimal mental effort…. ….So much hidden love can explode in the world if… Read more »

6 years ago

(If anyone is bothered by the clips or videos just say something because as a child i created an escape to film to cope with hollow people who didn’t know how to mirror back human emotion’s…)

I use to close myself to learning how to play with people by escaping into Picture’s… The world is such a beautiful place to exist in… As hard as thing’s may be at the moment… Build and focus on yourself,,, Help other’s with an open heart… If they don’t respond you gave it your best…
Goodnight Brother’s

6 years ago

“but nevertheless an assumption that can cost men a lot of romantic possibility, and tragically an assumption which can be overturned with minimal mental effort….” “Men with freely and boldly expressed standards are a lightning rod to women who labor under a scarcity of such men. Try it and see for yourself. Set standards of what you will allow or disallow in women and follow those standards. You don’t even have to be sincere; the mere revelation of your standards and ACTING as if they matter to you will be enough to flip the seduction script and have women effortflirting… Read more »

6 years ago

This whole ’emotional thinking’ that women have makes me think, maybe instead of beating feminism with facts we could just use emotional persuasion to change their minds? At least for the females anyway.

6 years ago

The old wrench in the gears story of Looking for Mr. Goodbar. Panic over young women having sex isn’t nothing new. Lol. The author ran with a tale that was of a fictionalized Theresa Dunn character based on a real life story of RoseAnn Quinn. It was meant to shock with a creepy ending. To sell a book. http://www.slate.com/articles/arts/books/2012/06/girls_and_sex_once_more_looking_for_mr_goodbar_.html The reason Roseann Quinn’s death terrified people wasn’t that she was a freak or a hippie. It was that she was steadily employed, modestly dressed, well-liked. She was normal. But she was a new normal—one that, decades later, we’re still trying… Read more »

6 years ago

I know this sounds far fetched but all this “destroying” of women’s souls with poisonous ideas and concepts that play into women’s selfish sentiments is to mix the races so that the satanist can rule the world. Its a double edged self fulfilling prophecy. Women tricked into this damage themselves beyond salvage-ability picking up skittle spawns (children all colors of the rainbow, same mom). The men on the other side end up going to other women of other cultures because their women are so damaged beyond any reasonable ROI. The mixing happens on both ends, both men (pragmatism) and women… Read more »

6 years ago

You wrote “Only confident Alpha men, or men well versed in Game, will be allowed to approach women from a perspective of social acceptability” but will there even be any Alphas anymore when all of their power is gone?

6 years ago

This whole ’emotional thinking’ that women have makes me think, maybe instead of beating feminism with facts we could just use emotional persuasion to change their minds?

Other wise know as Game.

Dog logic vs. speaking in Catonese to and with them.

Welcome to the club.

6 years ago

“I know this sounds far fetched but all this “destroying” of women’s souls with poisonous ideas and concepts that play into women’s selfish sentiments is to mix the races so that the satanist can rule the world. Its a double edged self fulfilling prophecy.

Notwithstanding the flawed premise, those two things have nothing to do with each other.

Good day sir. You lose. You get nothing.

No one is destroying women’s souls via Red Pill. You just made that up. And to conjoin that with miscegenation. Stupid girl.

6 years ago

@SFJ Looking for Mr Goodbar is one of those morality tales that demonstrate wonen ignore what’s good for them and are always attracted to the far triad.

Richard Gere is fascinating as the hyper gay hustler who on the book is a Vietnam Vet…

He’s dangerous and she’s fascinated.

The movie tries to make it seem the colleague is the logical choice but he comes off as so needy and clingy you can’t help but hate him.

6 years ago

Agreeing with Rollo’s premise these are ‘Dangerous Times’ it begs the question–would the #metoo movement even be ‘a thing’ if we had a President Hillary Clinton? I’d argue not a chance. Present Trump, whether you support him or not, is probably the most ‘Alpha’ president we’ve had in the WH in recent memory. And because of this, at it’s heart, the #metoo movement is a cynical political ploy. And because it is political, it’s power to change culture and society, is fickle and arguably malleable. These times, ‘Dangerous Times’ counsel patience and prudence. It is cliché to assign women to… Read more »

6 years ago

It’s already difficult enough for a young man to go out into the real world and meet a woman – the fear of rejection is not easily overcome. Now we can add the fear of legal, and social, consequences on top of it. These days the average man can’t get better with women without getting some real world experience. However, with these legal ramifications, a Beta (who has the potential to become an Alpha) is going to find it harder to improve himself. Soon it will be only Alpha males, naturally born or previously developed, who will be able to… Read more »

6 years ago


In listening to one of your recent interviews, if I understood you correctly, you stated that one of the goals of #metoo would be a resource grab by women, similar to alimony.

Chillingly prescient, it looks like you have already been proven right: https://www.timesupnow.com

This is a bald faced attempt at a power/resource/money grab by the FI using #metoo as a tool and justification to appropriate power, resources and money from men.

When you look at the proposed scope of this, it’s bone chilling.

6 years ago


This initiative is mentioned at the timesupnow website: http://5050×2020.org

As if it wasn’t already bad enough for men in the workplace, get ready for a reaming of epic proportions, sans lubrication.

Men in the workforce need to prepare their own self preservation strategies. This is an attempt at an FI driven new age “affirmative action” proposed at a world wide scale.

I can’t wait (approx 6 years) until I can GTFO of corporate America.

Burner Prime
6 years ago

What do you mean “win”. No, there is no “winning”, at least not for long. Do you think your readers will commit more earnestly to become red-pilled? And to what degree? 3rd fucking degree black belt Red Pill? Then what? Then what? What is the end game? Alpha badasses wife up the top-tier sluts, maintain frame and keep their pussies wet-4-life, thereby avoiding rape charges and prison? What the fuck? Oh and don’t forget you gotta become alpha daddies too! Do you naively think that if men just become more alpha – just enough men and just alpha enough –… Read more »

6 years ago

@Rollo: that reddit comment from “Zemataitais” that you embedded reflects some of my concerns over this “societal shit test”, that can effectively freeze guys (particularly younger ones, but not just) at a low level of game, because it makes failure slightly more likely and worse than that, makes the risks for failure much higher. I’d like to see some workable suggestions for guys to practice game. For now, night game in “sexual zones” like night clubs is still fairly low risk, although a guy can still pull and lay a girl, and if she regrets it later she can still… Read more »

6 years ago

“in reference to that murky gray area of consent; begrudgingly consensual sex, because, you know, you don’t really want to do it but it’s probably easier to just get it over with; lukewarm sex, because you’re kind of “meh” about it; and, of course, bad sex, where the “bad” refers not to the perceived pleasure of it, but to the way you feel in the aftermath.” Did she at any time before penetration articulate in a clear manner her change of heart? Did she, you know, communicate it to the transient partner? Because if not, then it’s not ‘murky gray’… Read more »

Lost Patrol
Lost Patrol
6 years ago

We are seeing, in real time, just how a feminine-primary social order and a growing female supremacism consolidates its power.

Women to decide which men get zeroed out.


Angry Gamer
6 years ago

So……. (is it just me or in 42 comments did we get A LOT of spam comments? Jeez enough with the vid clips duuuuuude) Anyway if you want to see a possible future for the West just look at JAPAN. In Japan a survey found that 30 percent of Adults are VIRGINS. You read that right 30 percent! The Japanese are just NOT having sex. At all. The birth rate is like 1.6 which is obviously well below replacement. After travelling there and f-ing there I have to say that the Japanese love westerners. The women especially love westerners. We… Read more »

6 years ago

Thank you for writing this series. I had to next a chick from Tinder when she began acting off before our first meeting–I only text to set up logistics but she was questioning me about my ‘red flags’ and such before she even knew my name. In years past I’d overlook it and play around with her responses as typical shit-tests. But now shit-tests leave me icy, because now I don’t know: is it just a shit-test, or is it the first indication that the check is bitter and crazy, and will destroy what I’ve built via a MeToo accusation?… Read more »

6 years ago

IAS I’d be interested in thoughts from the community on this. There is no statute of limitations on beta. So let that guide you. Alpha will obviate this: For now, night game in “sexual zones” like night clubs is still fairly low risk, although a guy can still pull and lay a girl, and if she regrets it later she can still fairly easily FRA-g the guy later with very damning consequences. The solution on “getting good at game” is by getting good at game. Not by fearful half stepping. By going all in and Doing the Hard Work ™.… Read more »

6 years ago

Burner Prime

Hypergamy necessarily means females will always select the best men observable – i.e. the top Alphas of the Alphas.

Hypergamy is not a constant function, like breathing. It is a response to stimulus and conditions, like the patellar reflex. It is there, functioning in the background, but waiting to be triggered.

i.e. most women, the entire fat part of the curve, can be sated with “just enough” alpha. They don’t need ALL of it.

Grow some ballz in the meantime.

6 years ago

thegabz Incel bro? It’s already difficult enough for a young man to go out into the real world and meet a woman Complete and utter bullshit… women are everywhere. Simply everywhere… the world is overun with women – 5 6’s and even 7′ in abundance. the fear of rejection is not easily overcome. Yes it is. You just have to Do the Work. You can overcome this within two weeks. But you have to act, not sit there in fear bitching about it. Now we can add the fear of legal, and social, consequences on top of it. This is… Read more »

Personlig coach
6 years ago

Yep, it’s now started in Denmark as well. Funny to view it from the perspective predicted on this blog for years.

6 years ago

Burner Prime is hilarious.

6 years ago

“It’s already difficult enough for a young man to go out into the real world and meet a woman – the fear of rejection is not easily overcome. Now we can add the fear of legal, and social, consequences on top of it. These days the average man can’t get better with women without getting some real world experience. ”

Confront it and go out and approach with while being curious.

“The solution on alpha is to exhibit the Alpha Triad traits – dynamic, passionate and authentic.

Feminism cannot beat Alpha.”

6 years ago

Blax Help!!!! Sending the Blaxsignal… Jeez… the fear is soooo strong. Once you are focused on fear, you have already lost. Be cognizant of risk… never dwell on them. dwelling leads to inaction. Inaction to just another form of death. Not a glorious one. A champion named Goliath, who was from Gath, came out of the Philistine camp. His height was six cubits and a span.[a] 5 He had a bronze helmet on his head and wore a coat of scale armor of bronze weighing five thousand shekels[b]; 6 on his legs he wore bronze greaves, and a bronze javelin… Read more »

6 years ago

I see a convergence of sorts coming. Young Beta men will observe and take note. Many are likely to discover MGTOW of their own accord without even hearing the term. They will go monk mode, but probably without any lifting. They will do STEM at university/college, they will study hard, they won’t expose themselves to any sort of danger – they won’t even socialise with their female fellow students, let alone go to alcohol fueled parties. They’ll fly under the radar. They’ll continue to fly under the radar at work. Pence Rule will be the SOP. They won’t shit where… Read more »

6 years ago

Step one: Don’t panic. This is an opportunity for RP. All aboard! “it wont be a new 50 Shades of Grey.” I hadn’t seen it. We don’t need to now do we? Forget the plot line, 50 SOG subtext is literally what women want, if ticket sales prove anything, it’s an emotional guidebook to women. Emotional whipsaw + mystery + aggression = sexual success. I did watch some poor saps in line for it with their s.o.’s. You know that male uncomfortableness, shifty eyes, half smile, when the woman is leading? That was it. Not a happy Beta life. Speaking… Read more »

6 years ago


If I was dictator for a day…down goes the 19th amendment. Until then Alpha up. What’s the alternative?

Thanks great granddads… voted in by men. There is your brotherhood….

6 years ago

“Feminism cannot beat Alpha.”

Woman follows Alpha, Beta follows women.

Learn it. Love it. Live it.

It’s that simple, men.

6 years ago

So unless all Alphas step up and father like 20 kids…

Just thinking about it makes me feel drained.

6 years ago
6 years ago


I think you miss read what i wrote. Its not the red pill doing the soul destroying. Its the the “spirit” of the age that promotes the removal of all restraints, looks to be going to a 4th wave.
The end result is the same, which is the mixing of peoples, which is essentially the removal of all borders/nations

6 years ago

SJW?, freudian slip there. And mixing of peoples? You got some windmills you are tilting at. Not to be hard on some of you newbies, your opinion is welcome here. But when it comes down to it, a bottoms up approach entails looking inside yourself knowing who you are and developing your talents. A torrent of top down approach to solving societies problems as a way to solve your problems is sure being unleashed upstream in comments here. Is top down really practical? Who cares if races mix? If they are prevented from doing so by a magic wand, then… Read more »

6 years ago

@Sentient: I am above the skill level and able to calibrate so that I can practice and get better at game without getting FRA-gged (not, say, at the workplace, but at clubs etc.). Maybe not comfortably above the threshold which is maybe why I still worry about it, but above nonetheless. But others aren’t…

dr zipper
dr zipper
6 years ago

onward to obsolescence! https://www.engadget.com/2018/01/02/scientists-get-closer-to-replicating-human-sperm/ empires and societies come and go according to well-known cycles and stages; much of the nonsense we see now has also happened in ancient and not-so-ancient times, but….. technology is the real wild card for this empire’s decline; the ability to take nature and twist it with our genetic alchemy is not in and of itself a bad thing, just a tool; however, we as a species with such power is ‘children with dynamite’ writ large nuclear bombs are bad enough for humanity’s suicide but it’s lack of subtlety is what makes it easier to avoid;… Read more »

6 years ago

@ mineter Long time no see. I have a pro tip for ya – our govt is already out of ” money ” and has been for quite a while now ( I don’t count owed debt as having money… Quite the opposite ). Never stake your worth or future on too many things outside of your control. The strong resistance of men to actually be MEN is perplexing as fuck to me. From that perspective, it would seem that men checking out because ” hard ” is natures way of culling, except that we are witnessing an artificially driven… Read more »

6 years ago

“Work is required. The work is a personal investment in yourself. Nobody stops eating because food tastes bad or is too expensive and lives to tell about it.” https://soundcloud.com/the-journey-podcast/ep-65-nick-jaffe “Game. Once you fully understand game at your core and properly internalize it, you will not have to keep upping your game to ” keep up ” , as real game is eternal and applicable across the board of life.” https://soundcloud.com/the-journey-podcast/ep-59-jodie-cook “The strong resistance of men to actually be MEN is perplexing as fuck to me. From that perspective, it would seem that men checking out because ” hard ” is… Read more »

dr zipper
dr zipper
6 years ago

rugby – “I use to close myself to learning how to play with people by escaping into Pictures…” “If anyone is bothered by the clips or videos just say something because as a child i created an escape to film to cope…” seems like you still do; does it help you now? do you feel any progress within yourself after the duration of posting videos, etc. here? are you getting the results desired? I’m not trying to get you to stop doing whatever it is you’re doing, just wondering what the fuck you get out of it; it’s hard to… Read more »

6 years ago

Your not a dick “seems like you still do; does it help you now? do you feel any progress within yourself after the duration of posting videos, etc. here? are you getting the results desired? I’m not trying to get you to stop doing whatever it is you’re doing, just wondering what the fuck you get out of it; it’s hard to see from the outside, but if your world is nothing but a collection of media references then it’s a false idol, dispose of it I, too, have a non-traditional (read: fucked up) childhood; learn from it, let it… Read more »

6 years ago

Next step, punitive castration

6 years ago
6 years ago

What disturbs me here is the looming involvement of the law. Women defend the Feminine Imperative, uber alles. Whiteknights and assorted male “allies” do the same. Usually, this rises to the level of personal disagreement and stops there. But what Rollo is pointing to (and I agree) is the *legal regulation* of heterosexual social interaction, with legal action triggered by the transitory whim of individual women. Given that the law has (and its practitioners have) a vested interest in its own expansion, I do not see many social structures standing up to push back against this inertia. The law is… Read more »

6 years ago

@SJF I think you are the one projecting and you are putting values i dont hold as if i hold them. I have been a long time lurker on many of the forums since way back from the spearhead. I state this because it seems like you think I am new to “redpill” concepts. It sound as if you may be the one struggling with anger although if that is the case, there are very very good legitimate reasons to be angry about. Im not so worried about the race mixing per say, im worried about the satanist or globalist.… Read more »

6 years ago

Global Satanists??


6 years ago

“…you are angry at factors outside of you and outside of your control.” Rugby, Notice the repeated frustration, fear at the inability to manipulate the lot in sexual relationships? Searching for meaning in sexual relationships limits out quickly. There isn’t much of consequence of sex in itself, yet men turn it, among other things, into a holy grail of existence. Read the macho-est of commenters here. Grandpa ScribblerG, SFCTon, and some others. They’ve won the sexual lottery, surfeit of frame. Notice how their writings change when discussing their children? The AMOG changes sharply to a soulful thoughtful placidity. They, too,… Read more »

6 years ago

@RedPillPaul Thanks for clarifying. I’m not angry at all. And Red Pill knowledge certainly is getting me what I want. And I don’t lie to myself about what I want. I always wanted what I got now. Safety and security with a heaping of adventure. I live in a SuperZip, enjoy life, marriage and adult children. I have a good family formation. I love my job/profession and am financially secure. Married Red Pill was my redemption. I was already “alive” and MRP made me much more alive. “Super Zips” — a term coined by American Enterprise Institute scholar and author… Read more »

6 years ago

@ consolation

“Thinking that being “alpha” will protect you from the law is utter foolishness.“

The point is this: RP is a search for universal truths in intersexual dynamics. Alphas, by definition understand the inner workings of human nature, know when to act and how to avoid utter foolishness, including the law.

RP is defensive, offensive.

6 years ago


“This “spirit” that furthers womens unrestrained selfishness”

Dog talk.

You’re Christian-y in your written words but rather unchristian in your demeanor. What gives? Where’s the love?

6 years ago

Notice the repeated frustration, fear at the inability to manipulate the lot in sexual relationships? Searching for meaning in sexual relationships limits out quickly. There isn’t much of consequence of sex in itself, yet men turn it, among other things, into a holy grail of existence. That’s where eroticism fills in during an LTR. (Heheh, I’ve been reading Esther Perel, notable for exploring the tension between the need for security and the need for freedom in human relationships) Eroticism (from the Greek ἔρως, eros—”desire”) is a quality that causes sexual feelings, as well as a philosophical contemplation concerning the aesthetics… Read more »

6 years ago

“In a modern matriarchy men are either draft animals or breeding stock, nothing more.”

There’s more to life than that. This modern matriarchy is a figment. This breeding stock will own everything too and the women will fall in line.

This idea that key holders will make it so gives the system too much credit. This idea of permanence in life is antithetical to TRM. Look at me, betaized, to smart by half and I still pulled it off.

I call baloney.

Yollo Comanche
Yollo Comanche
6 years ago


“What gives? Where’s the love?”


But you already know. As soon as Betas see some spiritual shit that can hit emotional levers in people, they use it in place of Alpha.

6 years ago

In a modern matriarchy men are either draft animals or breeding stock, nothing more.

What were men under ancient patriarchy?

Yollo Comanche
Yollo Comanche
6 years ago


Victims or accomplices.

6 years ago

“What this moves toward is a society where the boundaries for acceptable interaction are both so narrow and so arbitrary (and the consequence for infraction so dire), that the culture seizes up and suffocates.” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HLUX0y4EptA Not if you don’t let it. “Notice the repeated frustration, fear at the inability to manipulate the lot in sexual relationships? Searching for meaning in sexual relationships limits out quickly. There isn’t much of consequence of sex in itself, yet men turn it, among other things, into a holy grail of existence. Read the macho-est of commenters here. Grandpa ScribblerG, SFCTon, and some others. They’ve… Read more »

6 years ago

A frog once asked a psychic to tell his fortune. The psychic said that he would soon meet a beautiful girl who would want to know all about him. The frog asked where he would meet the girl and the psychic told him, “Next semester in biology lab.”

Fred Flange, GBFC (Great Books For Cucks)
Fred Flange, GBFC (Great Books For Cucks)
6 years ago

I’d helped lead off the thread with an example of what trying to corral and control Alpha would look like, the Mattress Girl case. Another would be the aged jilted groupie complaining about Gene Simmons of Kiss daring to Gene Simmons her as he did in his distant past, he is legion, he contains multitudes. I concur with the resident gurus this is no reason to panic. It doesn’t excuse inaction. Just more caution, apply some pro-tip tactics to avoid getting caught in Burn the Beta. BPP’s reddit summary up there sets forth the protocol. The goal is not to… Read more »

6 years ago

“Trump is simply the perfect catalyst for women’s hate”

Which women? Ivory tower types, Manhattan types, educated ugly types, sore loser types.

They’re jealous that Melania worked half as hard for twice as much.

It’s leftist slut shaming. They don’t hate Trump, they want sexual access where there’s none. The Alphas have a choice too whom they’ll fuck.

We’re talking as if men are already supine. Hogwash.

6 years ago

@ Rollo


Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

Distilled to it’s essence this is how women in uncontested control of men and masculinity will view men: according to their basest Hypergamous needs and in the context of complete solipsistic self-interests.

Something more like an ant colony or beehive than a civilization of humans. A society of women owners, a handful of males allowed to breed and a whole lot of neutered workers. Cue kfg.

To be more visual, it’s rather like Galadrial if she got the Ring in Tolkhein. Cue rugby for the vid clip.

6 years ago

@ rugby.

The idea is this: extrapolate that attitude to all parts of your life and the transformation is incredible. Death requires us to take final stock in yourself, there’s no solution, game, PUA technique, financial plan that’ll prevent it. Letting go of controlling the small things, lust, greed, etc. allow one to tacklle the big issues and still get pussy, be well off, forgo validation, find acceptance in your own beauty, blah blah blah. You get this.

Think big, forget the details.

Yollo Comanche
Yollo Comanche
6 years ago


“We’re talking as if men are already supine. Hogwash.”

Betas ARE. And they throw money at everything.

And there’s more of them than not. And other would be alphas are learning to be leaders of their own little cults instead of learning about universal alpha.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

Rollo “Trump is simply the perfect catalyst for women’s hate” Which women? Ivory tower types, Manhattan types, educated ugly types, sore loser types. Feminists, of course. But don’t be so foolish as to conclude that you have exhausted the list. Also law professors who are working to embed YmY into state level rape law…they failed this time. They’ll try again, it is certain. Their hatred is visceral and visible – the mainstream media plays it up as “all women” and who is to say it is not so? The election voting breakdown should not be a surprise: among white voters,… Read more »

6 years ago


@Sentient: I am above the skill level and able to calibrate so that I can practice and get better at game without getting FRA-gged (not, say, at the workplace, but at clubs etc.). Maybe not comfortably above the threshold which is maybe why I still worry about it, but above nonetheless. But others aren’t…

And how did you get above the threshold? Hold yourself up as an example.

You did the work, paddled out, saw the wave, turned and dropped in.


You didn’t sit on the beach, clenching… Being afraid…

Oscar C.
6 years ago

@ consolation.of.philosophy

The law is a machine, a juggernaut. Thinking that being “alpha” will protect you from the law is utter foolishness.

I have a legal background, and I agree 100%. Very troubling.

hank holiday
hank holiday
6 years ago

@thegabz Its definitely difficult, particularly if you are just starting out, however that high barrier of entry means that once you get past a certain point, you have almost no competition. The main thing nowadays is that you can’t go out and practice willy nilly. If you are trying things for the first time, you need to do it anonymously away from where anyone knows you. Then you will be fine. Its only truly risky if its a place where you’d be recognized. Like you say, rejection is far more dangerous than it has been now than for most of… Read more »

6 years ago


““I got mine” is not a serious response to the #MeeToo warlock hunt. Paging Pastor Neimoller…”

Sorry you missed my point Mr. Never FR.

I’m doing what I can and a good example is a good start.

Where’s yours? What’s your battle plan, commander?

hank holiday
hank holiday
6 years ago

Oh and one more thing to add to the law is a juggernaut It’s not only the girls that you sleep with that can get you in trouble. It’s any random chick. Remember when EhIntellect got thrown in jail for consensually dancing with his wife? I recall a situation where a guy got taken to court for sleeping with an underage girl. The girl had lied about her age though. At the trial, the girl and her family actually admitted that she lied, and they requested that the case should be dismissed. The judge though had axe to grind and… Read more »

6 years ago

Married women supported Trump and their support hasn’t wavered.

I have a legal background, and I agree 100%. Very troubling.

Nah. First Degree Rape cases are still difficult to prosecute. How much more regret rape that’s even more baloney prone and where witnesses are even less likely to testify.

I recently was let into an event by a few bouncers I knew even though I had no ticket. There are rules and then there are rules. Nothing can change this since it’s dependent on human nature.

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