The Something Else


New commenter batfish55 had a stroke of genius in this weeks post.

 I do blow hours on my XBox, but even if modern graphics weren’t amazing and there was no XBox, I’d find something else.

This is exactly what male-feminist concern troll bloggers and ‘Man Up and Marry those Sluts’ Pastors refuse to understand because it completely fucks up their feminine-centric rationales and ham-fisted Beta AMOGing attempts to shame men for the disincentives that their ‘perfect women’ represent to men. The constant drone is how video games are to blame for paralyzing men’s maturation – a maturation that is always merited by how well he serves the Feminine Imperative.

What they refuse to acknowledge is: If it wasn’t X-Box it would be something else.

Countless guys do this already, because on some level of consciousness they get that the cost-to-benefit equation isn’t rewarding with women. As I wind my way through the third book, I’ve read through countless articles written by thoroughly feminized men, all shaking their heads over the reasons for the generation of “Lost Boys” who are so inured by the instant gratification of hi-res graphic video games and free online porn they have no incentive to ‘grow up’ and fulfill some nebulous form of manhood idealized by whatever shifting definition of masculinity their feminized minds think is relevant in that moment.

These hacks are so fundamentally locked into their ego-investment in blank-slate, gender-neutral equalism that it never registers for them that if it weren’t X-Box or widely available online porn it would be something else.

Thus, we have generations of Men in the Garage who feel some desperate need to claw out a tiny space where they’re free to be men in a home they own. These men need something else that’s just marginally rewarding set apart from their unrewarding spouse. And even in this attempt at Male Space, women feel entitled to insert themselves into it or do something compensatory.

Thus, we have married men who’d rather become “workaholics” and pour themselves into their careers rather than rush home to the minimal reward that his wife represents, the negligible appreciation for him as a man or, at best, his answering to the male indenturement that he was taught he should find intrinsically rewarding. Instead, work becomes his something else that he occupies himself with.

And thus, we have men who’ve bought into the feminine-primary conditioning that their highest sense of reward ought to be found in fulfilling the ideals of Fempowerment who instead find that women’s solipsism and their own, life-long approach to appeasing it has instead driven them to find that something else more intrinsically and/or extrinsically rewarding.

It’s not just “lost boys” staring at X-Box, smoking weed and snapping their radish to free porn, those are just young guys being pragmatic in solving the cost-to-reward equation women give them. But married men, men of all walks of life, are solving that equation for themselves now. They’re forced to solve an equation presented to them by women who feel entitled to having their Hypergamous natures optimized and appeased, with no insight as to how disposable men might adapt to their conditions.

These aren’t lost ‘boys’, they are mature, relatively accomplished men responding to their condition.

Men are deductive problem solvers. Our mental firmware will consciously or unconsciously make attempts to solve problems within the context of what we consciously or unconsciously have presented for us. Blue Pill conditioned bloggers, distraught over the ‘lost boys’, aren’t concerned with these guys’ making something of themselves. What they White Knight over is the lack of suitable husbands to join them in their own indenturement. That, or they fret over the possibility that their empowered daughters might not have a suitable Beta ready to marry her once she’s “found herself” at the end of the Epiphany Phase. They argue from the feminine-correct perspective they’ve only ever known. Complacency, like misery, loves company, especially when it confirms the rationales men use in their own denial.

These pearl-clutching Vichy men can’t see the disincentives of forming long-term monogamous bonds with women that their ‘drop out’ generation boys are just pragmatically avoiding. It is indeed a form of Soft MGTOW, but what’s harder for these manginas to acknowledge is the Soft MGTOW that’s been a part of modern marriage for four decades now.

As an aside here I should mention that a foundational tenet of the Red Pill is that a man must always put himself and his passions at the forefront of his life, or as Roissy put it, you shall make your mission, not your woman, your priority. The something else I’m detailing here may in fact be a man’s genuine passion, but his impetus to engage (or over-engage) in it comes as a result of a need for escapism rather than genuine fervor for it. This is an important distinction because what formerly was a dynamic passion for a man can turn into an unrewarding refuge if his perception of it becomes one of escaping his reality.

Market Reset?

Reader Kaminsky had a question in that same comment thread:

How do we incentivize them? (honest question, not loaded snark)

—Do we incentivize by withdrawing?

—Or by becoming yet better men?

I sought to answer this question in Spare the Rod, but I neglected to use the examples from my post Bachelor Nation in that one. This was the video I based the Bachelor Nation essay on.

I’d like to think of this as an example of the sexual market correcting itself, but when you listen to the self-important, solipsistic reasonings as to why these women believe the most desirable men ought to alter their own sexual strategies, change their minds, and rewire their arousal cues to accommodate sub-optimal women such as themselves, you begin to see why MGTOW, even soft MGTOW is a pragmatic response.

The logic of today goes something like this: Alphas change behavior, women respond and Betas follow along to women’s response.

I would argue that Alphas change behavior, women do or do not adapt, and then Betas follow the dictates of the sexual market. Whether you consider them Alpha or in some way marginally desirable by the women in this video these men have taken it upon themselves to find their something else.

In this video you have an example of men who both withdraw and make themselves better men (even if just by assuming some degree of control over their place in the SMP), but the attitude on the part of women isn’t, “Oh shit, we’d better make ourselves more acceptable mates for these desirable men or they’ll outsource us to Brazil.” Instead it’s the same entitled response we expect from women raised in a feminine-primary social order, “These men betterchange to accommodate us! It’s our game they need to play or they’ll be ass-out when they get older and lonely.” It’s this or else it’s some variation of “I make my own damn money” and they end up with the hapless Beta who would accommodate her because he too was raised to fall in line with feminine-primacy.

In all honesty I think correcting women has to begin at home. It needs to come from Red Pill fathers raising daughters from a Red Pill aware perspective. It’s got to come from a bottom up methodology, and quite honestly I don’t think that can happen until more men become Red Pill aware and accept their new role of mentoring the next generations as well as unplugging Blue Pill men today.

We have a generation of women today who are the products of fempowerment and ‘participation trophy’ equalism. That they’d EVER need to self-correct in order to have a better man in their lives is never an afterthought. Look at the women in this video, they are genuinely shocked that guys would be independent enough to save their money and take it upon themselves to look for romantic options outside of their ‘approved’ roles that ought to be in their lives. They literally don’t get it, so they fall back on male shaming and call them ‘sex tourists’ which is one degree away from ‘human trafficking’.

These women are the products of the oblivious entitlement that’s come from a feminine-primary social upbringing that’s taught them women can do anything and be anything. They’re taught to expect men to be compliant with their sexual strategies, but yet be their SMV equal-or-better without any qualifications on their part other than to have a vagina.

I believe the market can correct itself, but it must come from the bottom up and that starts by raising daughters and mentoring young women into more realistic self-understanding and more realistic expectations from themselves and others. I can hear the cries of “well good fuckin’ luck with that”, but at some stage Red Pill aware men will need to have the courage to go against the fempowerement zeitgeist. While encouraging boys to become girls is lauded in today’s world I also understand that encouraging girls to be even marginally realistic or to recognize the realities that their gender necessitates they be concerned with is this side of child abuse.

If women are to be corrected it’s going to need to begin with Red Pill fathers educating their daughters from an early age. If not, their daughters will find a generation of young men who are already looking for something else before she meets them.

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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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[…] The Something Else […]

7 years ago

@ Rollo I happen to know a couple of guys that travel regularly to Brazil to be with women. One is even a coworker of mine. In the circles I run in, in the black community, men with means are taking this route more and more. Not many that I know are actually moving to Brazil ( Rio has ” issues ” ), but it has become a hot vacation spot for many a few times a year. When I worked in a strip club, the majority of the girls were Brazileras. Hell, one of the security guards working the… Read more »


[…] Read more […]

7 years ago

Rollo for the first time I disagree with part of this. “If women are to be corrected it’s going to need to begin with Red Pill fathers educating their daughters from an early age. If not, their daughters will find a generation of young men who are already looking for something else before she meets them.” Daughters typicaly do what their mothers do they learn this from a young age through osmosis. Realy the best education a red pill man can give his daughter is to maintain healthy respect from the mother,the daughter will be more likely to follow suite… Read more »

Robert What?
Robert What?
7 years ago

I was raised firmly cocooned (entombed?) in the BP/FI universe. I ended up marrying a 30-something ex-carousel rider. Things turned out pretty much as you’d expect: disastrous. Although many men have had it a lot worse. But as I’ve entered the RP world (slowly – old habits die hard) I am both saddened and pleased. Saddened to see the plight the BP world has put young men into. But pleased to see the reception this newly RP man gets from women who are multiple decades younger than me and should be with much younger men.

7 years ago

I am with stuffinbox. Never mind kill the beta, that White Knight spirit is darn near indestructible. Especially for a man that has spent two consecutive decades along side the same woman.

7 years ago

Reminds me of when I was a kid and my controlling father would always want me to avoid going out but then criticize whatever hobby I developed: music, records, playing with whatever. This goes to my constant second-guessing of myself and I suspect many other dudes here…there is a very judgmental culture that is fueled by Blue Pill/FI/feminine centric dynamic which serves to put “me” (probably most of you guys too) in my place: 1. Don’t complain so much you’re being over-sensitive 2. Going on holidays to xxx again??? 3. All those girls are just after your money/home/passport 4.Your approach… Read more »

Grunt Gut
7 years ago
Reply to  walawala

Huge beta tells: “I’m offended as a guy. . .” or, “Sorry, but . . .”
Ima start calling that the Tom Hanks Syndrome.

Lost Patrol
Lost Patrol
7 years ago

It’s got to come from a bottom up methodology, and quite honestly I don’t think that can happen until more men become Red Pill aware and accept their new role of mentoring the next generations as well as unplugging Blue Pill men today. Rollo – you’ve been at this for years and I am still in a rookie status. Can a Blue Pill man be unplugged from a cold start? I have had no luck helping men become aware, unless that man has already developed his own sense that something is wrong. He may not have heard anything about the… Read more »

7 years ago

Porn and video games aren’t the cause of the problem, but if these outlets disappeared (along with foreign sex-tourism), young men would be a lot more motivated to *fix* the problem by whatever means necessary. That would likely involve a lot of kidnapping, rape, and violent death (just like in medieval times), but if the big boys have the system rigged so that you can’t marry and have children, you’re as good as dead anyway.

7 years ago

@ Lost Patrol

You asked: “Rollo – you’ve been at this for years and I am still in a rookie status. Can a Blue Pill man be unplugged from a cold start?

It’s as if you can’t help a Blue Pill unplug unless he has already started the process on his own.”

Rollo had addressed some of that here:

Titus Hauer (@THauerBYI)

One of your best posts yet & I agree a Soft form of MGTOW is spreading and has been for quite a while now, and It’s hilarious to see the Mainstream failing to understand why it’s happening. They fall back to shaming techniques but you can’t shame people who don’t give a fuck anymore. As to your suggestion that father’s need to raise RP daughters: It might work but it will take years and you’d have to fight against the indoctrination of schools, college, their peers etc. I don’t think that a father can fight against all of that in… Read more »

7 years ago

It’s not just young guys taking the soft MGTOW route. I’m 45, and recently divorced. As you might expect, the quality of women I encounter is overall, low. Most of the ones that show interest (offers of going out for drinks, cookouts, etc.) are 20-35yrs old. Some dumpy/unattractive, and some thin/pretty. The majority are minimally feminine. Honestly, I don’t think younger guys realize how much of a shift has occurred in the past several decades. I notice it in everything from body language, to dress, to casual conversation. It’s not unusual to hear a woman talk about how she’s been… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Edelweiss

@Edelweiss: Trust me…It’s not much better in France brother.

7 years ago

@ Lost Patrol I’ve found that something like concern-trolling is useful. I’m happy to play the uninformed idiot. I pretend to “not understand” something. I will ask questions that expose cognitive dissonance with a straight face. For example: “Your wife won’t ‘let you’ come out tonight? You mean you have to get each other’s permission to go out? What, only YOU need permission? How does that work, how is that ‘equal’?” I think it works better when people see things for themselves. That’s not saying we shouldn’t be pointing at certain things and asking questions that expose hypocrisy/inconsistencies. It’s a… Read more »

7 years ago

@ Rollo I see things the other way around, Women are my XBox! They are purely for entertainment, and my “something else” is my life. It’s an old red pill maxim, a woman should only ever be an Accessory to your life, not the focus of it. Now I “just do me” happiness flows downwards , if I’m not happy how can I make a woman happy? And just as importantly why should I? Just do you! Forget her problems, that she doesn’t want you to fix anyway and concentrate on yourself and everything will work out just fine, trust… Read more »

7 years ago

Boy ‘living life entirely as a girl’ removed from mother’s care by judge A seven-year-old boy who was “living life entirely as a girl” has been removed from his mother’s care after a ruling by a high court judge. Mr Justice Hayden said the woman had caused her son “significant emotional harm”, and he criticised local authority social services staff responsible for the youngster’s welfare. The judge said the woman had been “absolutely convinced” the youngster “perceived himself as a girl” and was determined that he should be a girl. He said the boy was now living with his… Read more »

7 years ago

Something else is writing lots of comments on a blog, or even writing the blog itself

To raise daughters you need to be allowed to raise them. Perhaps the key is to have a legal or contractual arrangement with the daughter, so one is not dependent on a relationship that is based on feelings

7 years ago

You’d have to do homeschooling, screen their friends, keep them away from the MSM and probably a bunch of other shit as well and let’s be honest who is going to do all that and who has the capability to do that? It’s not as hard as it sounds, but you have to work together. Someone else mentioned above that the daughters will mimic the mother and this is true. When she shows respect to the father the girls will watch this, but so much of this originates from Dad. Mom is a passive player. One that is watched, but… Read more »

Lost Patrol
Lost Patrol
7 years ago

@SJF Thanks for the link. I remember that one now that you bring it forward again. To me, it reinforces the idea that you almost can’t help a guy escape unless he’s figured out he’s in a trap to begin with; and wants out. @Mineter That is a reasonable way to test the waters, and I have used variations on that theme . Often, that is where I get the guy looking back at me like he’s wondering what language I’m speaking; but maybe some of them are thinking it over later and comparing it to what they see in… Read more »

7 years ago

I don’t think the main problem is in raising daughters for two reasons:
1) The law is already set up to stab a man in the back so cup cake wifey can get cash and prizes.
2) Too many men are too lazy and too stupid to invest in potential son in laws when their daughters come of age. Who the fuck wants to wife up some cunt who slut her way through college? Only the thirstiest of simps.

7 years ago

Self interest

7 years ago

I saw an interview with a TV writer who said you should never write for a show where the husbands hate their wives because they work super late.

7 years ago

“These aren’t lost ‘boys’, they are mature, relatively accomplished men responding to their condition. Men are deductive problem solvers. Our mental firmware will consciously or unconsciously make attempts to solve problems within the context of what we consciously or unconsciously have presented for us.” My buddy/roommate is an electrician who makes decent coin. About a month ago him and his girlfriend broke up. What did he do? He brought his other big TV into the living room, set up his PS3 there, popped in MineCraft and built a massive baseball stadium. If anyone here has seen the MineCraft build-mode, you… Read more »

7 years ago

“In all honesty I think correcting women has to begin at home. It needs to come from Red Pill fathers raising daughters from a Red Pill aware perspective. It’s got to come from a bottom up methodology” “believe the market can correct itself, but it must come from the bottom up and that starts by raising daughters and mentoring young women into more realistic self-understanding and more realistic expectations from themselves and others” “…it’s going to need to begin with Red Pill fathers educating their daughters from an early age” Rollo if I’m not mistaken is that what the third… Read more »

7 years ago

“What they White Knight over is the lack of suitable husbands to join them in their own indenturement.”

In an attempt to appease their ‘queens’ and to show that they ‘led’ other ‘stray manboys’ onto the right path…

7 years ago

A man must see the truth, that what he has to offer to a woman is far more valuable than what she has to offer him. This is why God, “Male and Female Created He Us,” made it so that the man LOVED the woman. IF the man does not “LOVE” the woman, the man will not be “STUPID” enough to put up with the woman, because the woman is less valuable to the man than the man is to the woman. Sex and companionship are all well and good, but, is that juice worth the squeeze? No, of course… Read more »

7 years ago

I’ll just leave this here…

7 years ago

“In an attempt to appease their ‘queens’ and to show that they ‘led’ other ‘stray manboys’ onto the right path…”

While there is certainly a fair amount of virtue signalling going on, I think it mostly comes down to simply trying to ego validate their own poor choices.

7 years ago
Reply to  kfg

@kfg: Very true….The crab bucket mentality on top of that.
Ego validation is tough monster to overcome.

Ang Aamer
7 years ago

The plight of educated black women is extreme. They go to college, where young handsome eligible black men are hunted to extinction. They go to the professional workplace and normally end up in woman dominated industries. As the wall comes they usually “compromise” on some hood rat with smooth skills and get a couple of kids. Perhaps marry him perhaps not. The in her 40s she lets herself go and is a single mom. A single mom who has daughters who are unsupervised most of the time. A single mom of sons who struggle with male identity using drugs or… Read more »

7 years ago

We watched a great movie last weekend called Captain Fantastic. It’s about a set of parents who raise their children apart from society. The movie gave a very nuanced look at the benefits and drawbacks of their approach. In the end, a compromise between two extremes was reached. It is very necessary to teach your children how to both be a part of the world and be separate from it. My own daughter (who is almost ten) knows she’s moving out of our house at eighteen. I’ve just finished remodeling her house, in fact. She may have a female roommate… Read more »

7 years ago

re Kate: The FI bulldozer ploughs on. You have neatly protected your daughter from my attentions, at least so far as being a potential provider goes. One thing I have learned the hard way is never, ever move into a woman’s house. At the very least, if you’re going to do it anyway, keep your own place. Spend time there. Make it your actual home, even if you spend much of your time at the woman’s place. She’ll never let it be your home anyway. If you can swing it, keep two places, one she knows about (perhaps she thinks… Read more »

7 years ago

If you want to know the solution, look to how things used to be when we weren’t in post-apocalyptic sexual market wasteland. Good fathers were one element. But good luck getting people to sign up for that in a vacuum. You’re not going to draw men back to fatherhood with the deal as bad as it is. It’s gone too far for men to put up with it (divorce rape, getting fucked in custody, etc). And you’re fighting against the entire rest of society when you’re doing it. Here’s my modest proposal of a better solution: The “something else” men… Read more »

7 years ago

LOL, good! She’s going to marry someone local. All four grandparents need to be from this area, and the other family needs to bring a similar commitment to the relationship to the table. I’ll be retiring when she starts having children. A grandma close by to take the children away at least once a week so adults can go out and be adults, and a financial leap forward of essentially a down-payment on a house is a pretty good bargain for somebody to allow her to be a stay at home mom. Add in that she’s young, pretty, naturally thin… Read more »

7 years ago

Titus Hauer @ October 21, 2016 at 11:48 pm: “As to your suggestion that father’s need to raise RP daughters: It might work but it will take years and you’d have to fight against the indoctrination of schools, college, their peers etc. I don’t think that a father can fight against all of that in the long-run.” +1. The deck is stacked too high for any man not independently wealthy living in the boonies, plus most girls today do not even have a father in the house. It will have to be the gov’t that reimposes sane sexual behavior upon… Read more »

7 years ago

@ Kate

Are you the wife of that rat Mark Minter?

If so you are hardly in a position to teach your daughter anything, give. Your marriage track record!

7 years ago

@Kate: You have switched from bulldozer to backhoe, in order to dig the hole nice and deep. You’re right though, your son in law won’t be a Beta simp; he’ll be a completely spineless putz to totally abrogate his frame not only to his wife, but his mother in law as well. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not castigating you. You’re doing a wonderfully womanly job of protecting womanly interests. Damn near perfect. But that requires you to remain wilfully ignorant of the fact that that necessitates a man who utterly abrogates his own interests. If he’s going to be… Read more »

7 years ago

Just as American men of European descent remembered there are other countries with marriageable European women and American men of Asian descent never forgot, so too have American men of African descent been reminded that there are black women all over the world, many of whom actually wanting to offer what they seek in women with a little foreign language flavor.

hank holiday
hank holiday
7 years ago

Couple questions

What are some good exercises just to be healthy. Not to build muscle or win beauty pageants, just a few simple things to do to be healthy and have higher energy levels.

Secondly, and going along with that, what is the best thing for this. A few simple meals I can make that are cheap but also the best thing for being healthy.

hank holiday
hank holiday
7 years ago

lol, everyday I keep getting hit on by white chicks

anyone want to trade?

7 years ago

As a self-professed asexual, I had a certain “clarity” that other adolescent boys had at that age, and as such I couldn’t shake the feeling that the girls weren’t going to just “grow out of it,” as so many adults were claiming. Two decades later, I think I’ve been proven correct.

I have God, a silver Mustang convertible, a quiet apartment in a quiet suburb, and a good job in a place where I’m a 3rd Generation worker. Life is good.

7 years ago

“Not to build muscle or win beauty pageants, just a few simple things to do to be healthy and have higher energy levels.” Same difference. Start here: You’ll have a bunch of questions after reading that, but they’ll be the right questions. “A few simple meals I can make that are cheap but also the best thing for being healthy.” Chuck, chicken, eggs and butter. Throw in a few ounces of liver(wurst) now and again. No need to get fancy with French banquet recipes. Just learn to cook it up decently. It’s food, not entertainment. Go here to look… Read more »

7 years ago

“…. the most nutritious food, that costs the most per pound, does not cost any more than the cheap crap per nutrient.

Most people just don’t know how to properly assess the price of food….

Fruits and vegetables are the most expensive foods, as, unlike what you have heard, they not only cost a lot per pound, but are almost nutritionally void.”

I recall once listening to a call in radio show on nutrition or losing weight. The caller asked: “Do you have any diets for poor people?”

7 years ago

I think that in a sort of isolated religious community environment Kate’s plan might work. But I’m trying to envision what this would be like outside of one in this day and age.
Young man takes an interest in young girl.
Her mother explains that she has the house all ready that they are going to live in for the rest of their lives. If he works elsewhere, he’ll have to commute of course! Mom in law must be there at all times…right. there. I think any sane person would steer pretty clear.

7 years ago

How about a dowry instead? That would be better.

Yollo Comanche
Yollo Comanche
7 years ago


Want some homegirls?

Hengist Hamar
7 years ago

I really like Your article. Greetings from Germany!

7 years ago

How it was done in a traditional, American religious community:

Although the synopsis does not properly cover the issue of the house, which plays a significant symbolic role in the story. You’ll have to read the book. In the end a ship plays the role of a house.

“Typically it is the male birds that build the nests as a way to woo females. The better the builder, the more likely he is to find a mate.”

So just what kind of male bird is Kate’s method likely to attract?

7 years ago

“I recall once listening to a call in radio show on nutrition or losing weight. The caller asked: “Do you have any diets for poor people?””

I don’t think there’s anything that will get me banging my head on the keyboard faster and harder than someone saying, “I can’t afford to lose weight.”

7 years ago

@ hank “What are some good exercises just to be healthy. Not to build muscle or win beauty pageants, just a few simple things to do to be healthy and have higher energy levels.” I prefer bodyweight exercises. Here are some basics: -Pushups -Handstand pushups (kick up against a wall) -Dips -Pullups/Chinups -Inverted Rows -Squats (ass to grass, AKA full range of motion…I heavily prefer front squats) -Pistol Squats -Calf Raises -Jump rope, burpees, sprinting, shadowboxing, hitting a heavy bag, etc. for cardio. You could really do anything for cardio but AFAIK the best approach is to stick with interval… Read more »

7 years ago


That is a very good book. I particularly liked Mercy.

The Sign of the Beaver and The Bronze Bow are also very good.

7 years ago

I can’t afford to lose weight!
That low calorie food and fat free stuff is so expensive.
So is the gym!

7 years ago

@Hank Holiday Sorry to be so flippant about the nutrition and exercise questions. The best way to to be healthy is to avoid stress, have a happy mindset and be comfortable with who you are and what you are doing (which is meant to be a flippant LOL. Moving to a new place and getting a new job is one of the most stressfull events ever.) I take it that your questions are posed because you were living at home and now it is kind of scary to have to cook and feed yourself. The gist of the nutrition advice… Read more »

7 years ago

“A man must see the truth, that what he has to offer to a woman is far more valuable than what she has to offer him.” are you fucking crazy? there is nothing more valuable than a woman’s womb. nothing else matters if we don’t have sons and grandsons to take our places. “you are valuable and it is her that is dispensable as far as you are concerned.” agree. every single woman a man meets in his life is dispensable, including his mother. the rub is that women as a sex are not. we must meet in the marketplace… Read more »

7 years ago

And Softek begins to answer some of the questions that will likely be raised after reading Body by Science. Like, “The exercises in the book are not only all machine based, but machines that are almost impossible to find these days. My question was what exercises can I do, so, ya know, what the hell exercises can I do?” The book is important for its treatment of why and how we should exercise, as much as it is about what exercises to do. The principles can be applied to any resistance training method, including body weight, and I have stated… Read more »

7 years ago


Good to see you back commenting. Why did you go away? Why are you back?

I enjoy your masculine stance on red pill topics.

7 years ago

“herbs, greens, sprouts are all super easy to grow and filled with so much heady goodness that your cock . . .”

. . . hens and rabbits will love them. Eat the eggs, surplus chickens and rabbits.

“get a vitamix . . .”

I told ‘im we already got one.

7 years ago

” . . . KFG dissed fruits and vegetables . . .”

Only for their nutritional and cost per value. I’m fond of a nice pear or peach now and again and grow my own blueberries.

7 years ago

LOL How many twenty-five year olds do you know, kfc, who have their own house: one big enough to raise a family in? It’s not happening. My colleague has a late twenties son who is an architect who is just now looking at buying a house. According to Rollo’s SMV chart, he’s in his prime. He lives in a nearby city and can find NO ONE worthy to marry. Having a house for your child/child’s husband is an investment in both of them. That’s the point you’re missing. The women use their assets- whatever they might be- to assist the… Read more »

7 years ago

Wait Kate…. catch some of us up… So you have a 25YO daughter with another man. Who lives across the street from you? Yes? Are you still with Mark? And he has a son with another woman right? What is going on with his son?

Fill in some blanks…

7 years ago

@Rollo “In all honesty I think correcting women has to begin at home. It needs to come from Red Pill fathers raising daughters from a Red Pill aware perspective.” This is one of the reasons I keep bringing up alternative plans for achieving the 2-parent household keeping attraction long-term that might help this happen. Right now Red Pill fathers are entering a system stacked against them and making their ability to do this much harder than it probably needs to be. All of this is for nothing if we can’t keep men in their childrens’ lives consistently, and large groups… Read more »

7 years ago

“And maybe they help brush the snow off their wife’s mom’s driveway when she’s an old lady.”


“Unless you’re actually in the trenches DOING it, I’m not interested.”

Been there longer than you and was raised by an extended family that got through the Depression and the Great Hurricane of ’38 working a chicken farm outside of town and grocery store in town. There was always a bed, a meal and meaningful work to do for any family that needed them.

And I’ll probably be dead before you stop evading the issue.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

kfg @kate Don’t get me wrong, I’m not castigating you. You’re doing a wonderfully womanly job of protecting womanly interests. Damn near perfect. Some postings back a few of us were discussing matriarchy vs. matrilineal. Kate’s provided us with a fine example of at least one of those. Maybe a mix of both. Now, what kind of bird will Kate’s daughters nest attract? What sort of man will agree to move into Kate’s house in order to make baybees with Kate’s daughter in order to please Kate? PS: Has anyone discussed this with Mark? Or is he stuck in the… Read more »

7 years ago

“And, since you asked, my daughter’s father lives diagonally from me, and his property now abuts our daughter’s. We’ve got the makings of a nice little compound for us all, not to mention my daughter’s grandparents who are also nearby. I would hardly let a thing like divorce get in the way of hanging on to good real estate.” Yes. If I remember correctly, KFG did say something about the Mosuo women and their family plan/style once or twice. Thanks for verifying the “walking marriage” concept of the enlightened Feminine Imperative Kate. Are you related to Mark Minter? Man, that… Read more »

7 years ago

“Kate’s provided us with a fine example of at least one of those. Maybe a mix of both.”

She’s part way between the old model and the new socially engineered model. In the new model the putz will keep his own place because he won’t be allowed to actually live in the house, but will still provide provisions and show up to shovel the walk anyway.

” . . . Mark? Or is he stuck in the Ecuadorian embassy with Julian Assange . . .”

Check out the man cave in the ex’s garage.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

kfg “For God’s sake, stay away from the treadmills I have friends who have treadmills in their house, often in the bedroom. The main purpose of those machines seems to involve dust collection for a reason that isn’t clear to me, not clear at all. Got on a treadmill a couple of times for some sort of evaluation. It’s not as boring as watching paint dry but it is close. The video screens and headphone jacks are also boring. Nothing like just walking for half an hour or so out in the world, not atall. Did I mention boring? Well,… Read more »

7 years ago


Arrrrrrrrrrrgh! f9qe8u[tiqoitoqriuytwoe5y m

Can’t say I didn’t ask for it though, and you certainly know the spiel.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

Check out the man cave in the ex’s garage.

“Something Else”…

Trent Lane
Trent Lane
7 years ago

@ YaReally @ PUA-Nerds

“Tyler’s friend he talks about in this video”

That’s actually Herbal from The Game, who “stole” Mysterys girlfriend and whose account how he became a PUA and got into Project Hollywood is an interesting read for any PUA-nerd out there:

Agent P
Agent P
7 years ago

“In all honesty I think correcting women has to begin at home. It needs to come from Red Pill fathers raising daughters from a Red Pill aware perspective. It’s got to come from a bottom up methodology, and quite honestly I don’t think that can happen until more men become Red Pill aware and accept their new role of mentoring the next generations as well as unplugging Blue Pill men today.”


7 years ago


Any caveats to your health that you can talk about? Or maybe I missed it. I reckon you have some problems, i.e. not just being fat (I understand you are overweight). Other guys might be better equipped knowing details. If youve already talked about it please repeat.

re: white chicks

Have you tried friendzoning them for utility?

7 years ago

Also there are so called kalisthenic playgrounds in some places, maybe you have one around. You can do dips, pullups etc there.

hank holiday
hank holiday
7 years ago

@MrT @softek @SJF @kfg Not really overweight, just have general heath issues and need to get back to working out. Never did much weightlifting, but used to do a bunch of push ups, pull ups, the plank, ran 3 miles in very hilly terrain every other day, things like that. So wasn’t especially muscular, but had a six pack and all. Stopped doing that, went into trying to lift weights but got bored of it. Also ran on a treadmill but it messed up my knees so I stopped doing much of any exercise. So I think I should just… Read more »

hank holiday
hank holiday
7 years ago

And those calisthenics park parks are cool…there is one in the city I am trying to move to, but none where I live at now.

7 years ago

I think the most interesting aspect of Rollo’s post is being lost. He’s never been a MGTOW fan but is coming around to the idea that its a rational choice. A valid choice. It doesn’t mean you weight 300 lbs. Doesn’t mean you are a loser. Doesn’t mean you are a worthless human being who won’t put in the effort. It means you are making a choice. Like watching porn is a choice. Like seeing hookers is a choice. Like choosing to work in a cubical to become a slave to the borg is a choice. Some take a path… Read more »

7 years ago


“And those calisthenics park parks are cool…there is one in the city I am trying to move to, but none where I live at now.”

Sure there are…

7 years ago
7 years ago
7 years ago

Hank. “Not really overweight, just have general heath issues and need to get back to working out.” Whatever that means. I saw a disagreeable patient in the office today. He had a lesion on his cheek. He had tried two inappropriate methods at home trying to make it go away. (peroxide and 5-flourouracil). He came in to my office for my opinion. I asked him: “How long has it been present?” He responded: “A couple months” I asked him: “how many months is a couple months?” He looked at me strange, like WTF? And then he scowled at me. I… Read more »

7 years ago

@YaReally “”This is why I say the “No” girls thing is a limiting belief. If the guy gaming them were able to tap into their emotional brains, they would become “Yes” girls for him in that moment.”” True. I met up with a girl I gamed at a dance party. Took her out for drinks and then back to dancing. When we met up for the first time she was up for drinks, I escalated kino, tried to kiss her twice and she gave me the cheek….all par for the course. Later she came out to where I was…and it… Read more »

7 years ago

I think that Kate has brought up some interesting points that speak directly to “Red Pill parenting” a daughter. Any daughter’s father’s (and mother’s) conundrum, Red Pill or otherwise, is essentially trying to ensure the happiness and financial security for their princess. The problem is that the means of achieving those two are usually incompatible. Kate wants to ensure that the man who eventually marries up their daughter is solid Beta Bucks, and should the marriage go south, that their daughter will continue to have financial security (i.e. keeping her marital home in their name). But we all know that… Read more »

7 years ago

Rollo, stop!

*shakes fist*

7 years ago

Modern patriarchy was rooted in heavy industries. When it went so did the social fabric it was central to. It’s demise came about at the hands of the unions and worker’s endless wage demands. The industries and those jobs were shipped overseas. The Female Imperative is based in the service industry. This was the domain of women, but with the lose of industrialised production, men were forced to compete with women for these jobs. To cut a long story short men started to identify with women. Women struggles became man’s struggle. Born were the White Knights. Sometimes I feel this… Read more »

7 years ago

@Rollo “at some stage Red Pill aware men will need to have the courage to go against the fempowerement zeitgeist”

Why? It’s Roman Empire before the collapse. Current system is not going to “evolve”. It will eventually destroy itself or be destroyed by barbarians (Europe, anyone?).

Also, why unplug BP men and educate women? I am no Christian by any means but:

“Do not give dogs what is sacred; do not throw your pearls to pigs. If you do, they may trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces.”

Matthew 7:6

7 years ago

“On the other hand, Kate’s daughter would probably be all for an AF, who probably wouldn’t be anything like a BB. AF hubby will probably go looking for pussy on the side, Kate’s daughter will get upset and split (unless she was willing to “share”, ha!). But at least she’ll have “her” (Kate’s) house. Oh yeah, AF will become despised as a Beta without the Bucks, as he’ll constantly be reminded that it’s not “his” house.” I’m sure Kate’s daughter would want the best man she can pull and settle down with. If she is as described (I’m not sure… Read more »

7 years ago

Just thinking further, if you raise the daughter with this dream it’s pretty likely she’ll be more attached to the house than her man.
Which is essentially what happens when a woman puts her career before her man (and family). You’re going to have the career problems without the career and I see lots of future fighting over “her home” until he either has enough and leaves, or she capitulates, or he capitulates. Either way it’s a bad recipe.

7 years ago

I seldom comment on these boards because usually the resident commentariat does a bang up job of covering all the bases and then some but something has begun to irk me as of late; specifically the increasingly vocal acceptance of the MGTOW element amongst previously Red Pill spaces. Comments such as those by mega_guy above demonstrate this. For starters, we shouldn’t be devoting any further bandwidth to silly acronyms like MGTOW when good old-fashioned “loser” is far more evocative of the truth. MGTOW are losers. It doesn’t matter that the game was rigged; that the odds were stacked against them;… Read more »

Agent P
Agent P
7 years ago

“In all honesty I think correcting women has to begin at home. It needs to come from Red Pill fathers raising daughters from a Red Pill aware perspective. It’s got to come from a bottom up methodology, and quite honestly I don’t think that can happen until more men become Red Pill aware and accept their new role of mentoring the next generations as well as unplugging Blue Pill men today.” Expanding slightly on my support of this notion. I don’t think it’s as hard as some make it out to be. Yes, much of society feels like its in… Read more »

7 years ago

My friend in his early 20’s came to me the other night for advice. He’s trying to get into a relationship with a girl that’s 18. Has his heart set on a monogamous relationship and isn’t interested in just casual sex. She’s fucked 9 guys/had 9 boyfriends. I was gobsmacked when I heard that. He said he feels like she’s above average in her N count but it’s really not that many guys compared to some other girls, and it’s not that bad. Like it was “a little above average.” He said most of her friends have only fucked 3… Read more »

7 years ago

In all honesty I think correcting women has to begin at home. It needs to come from Red Pill fathers raising daughters from a Red Pill aware perspective. It’s got to come from a bottom up methodology, and quite honestly I don’t think that can happen until more men become Red Pill aware and accept their new role of mentoring the next generations as well as unplugging Blue Pill men today. While it is well and good to correct women in your home, since women will follow male leading your effort at effecting actual broad change will come from working… Read more »

Is This Thing On?
Is This Thing On?
7 years ago

Some of you guys must live on another planet. All the guys in my sphere have completely succumbed to the FI. I know one other guy in real life that is what I would call red pill aware. I really hope there is a growing awareness out there but I just don’t see it. I see the world more as @cockhead does. The sooner it all collapses, the sooner we can rebuild.

7 years ago

That’s another manosphere fault-line — the one between (i) can’t do jack, I’m just gonna relax poolside vs (2) can make some change on personal level, one at a time, slowly. You can embrace parts of both, as well, of course. But it’s a long-standing disagreement in attitude and philosophy that certainly won’t be resolved in this thread. It has been a disagreement for years.

hank holiday
hank holiday
7 years ago

Disappointing day, nothing out today. Will go out again later. Know a guy in the city I am trying to move to. He’s got a place. Still working out details but it looks like I can share a place with him. Will be very cheap (half the price I’d pay for a place on my own), so I will have more money to use for going out and to have some to save up. Looks like I will work out most of this tomorrow. Hoping I can move this week so I can be there to go out for halloween.… Read more »

Gunner Q
Gunner Q
7 years ago

@hank holiday, “Not really overweight, just have general heath issues and need to get back to working out.” Sounds like you need a gym class. It’s a great way to get yourself out of the house and into a healthy routine. It doesn’t even matter what the class is about so long as it makes you sweat and is close enough you don’t go out of your way. I can’t force myself to do anything and that’s how I first got into martial arts, to have an exercise Nazi riding my ass. “Also ran on a treadmill but it messed… Read more »

Lost Patrol
Lost Patrol
7 years ago


Also, why unplug BP men and educate women?

I understand the old pull-up-the-rope philosophy, and the let-it-burn, but think if Rollo had never published. Just figured out what was happening, used it for his own purposes, then put the formula in a drawer. A lot of guys here would still be screwed.

Also as to why:
@Agent P – family
@softek – friends

7 years ago

It is this quote from an earlier post (“For Better or Worse”) “My dream for my daughter is that she be in a loving relationship, and have a good ex-husband who really does a great job with the kids, 50 percent of the time.” that should strike fear into the hearts of men. Mothers who WANT their daughters to have divorces. Good ones, that is. Actually, I know mothers like this. And, I’m like, you want your child to be divorced???? You utter fool! You complete and utter femininst fantasy spinning fool. Mothers have been failing their daughters since the… Read more »

7 years ago

@Lost Patrol: Actually Rollo did everything just right. Get this info out there. Those who are ready will “get it”. But actually running around trying to actively unplug friends and associates, educate the masses, etc. is a futile effort. You might even get smashed as a result.

Water Cannon Boy
Water Cannon Boy
7 years ago

“We have a generation of women today who are the products of fempowerment and ‘participation trophy’ equalism.

It’s also the over blowing of the accomplishment of the female endeavor. In the way of American Ninja Warrior.
As well as the common practice of the false comparison that many people are reluctant to call people on. Recent example is the women’s national soccer team and their equal pay complaints.

Lost Patrol
Lost Patrol
7 years ago

@cockhead: I take your point that something akin to street corner evangelism for the RP would be a waste of time, or even dangerous to a livelihood. I also agree with your premise that a man has to be “ready” in some sense, as I indicated up thread. But I am willing to do the reconnaissance on who seems ready, and to act as a guide, which entails little more than pointing out where the info and expertise can be found. Maybe I just have the (irrational?) zeal of the newly converted – but I’ve found two so far. They’re… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

Lost Patrol, what age group? I find that trying to unplug / Red Pill men over 30 in person is very, very difficult.

7 years ago
Lost Patrol
Lost Patrol
7 years ago

@Anonymous Reader:

Early and mid twenties. I sense you are right about the older men, but remain puzzled by it. The older ones ought to grasp the RP truths more easily, having seen all of it happen IRL; and only needing to have it pointed out.

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