Good Girls, Bad Girls


Culum Struan requoted a really great thought from an old commenter, AnonymousBosch, on Heartiste’s blog from about a year ago and I thought it might make for some good weekend discussions:

All I’m getting at is that every woman has an almost psychopathic longing to destroy any perception of being ‘the good girl’. It’s the most common complaint you’ll hear from women:

“It’s so hard being good.”

Women long to indulge their emotions enough to risk being swept away by them, and it’s this self-indulgence that makes them at risk of being self-destructive: they reach a point where they just want to tear everything down, including the Good Girl, and, most commonly, their beauty. An example is hacking off their hair when they have a breakup.

It’s in their songs, it’s in their literature, it’s in their movies. The social pressure to ‘behave’ drives them to distraction, even as they conform to it, meaning they’re internalizing this constant battle to be both good and bad: wanting the social approval, rewards and status for being good but desperately-craving social stigmatization to the degree of martyrdom for being bad.

Feminism, at it’s core, is basically: “Fuck you society, I won’t be the good girl you want me to be!”

This is why it’s beloved of ugly chicks who can’t sexually compete, and those with obvious Daddy Issues.

I see my role, as a man, is to recognize their capacity for depravity, both sexual and emotional, and to offer the dominance and guidance to reign them in. Women, even as they get outraged at the very notion, simply want a man they respect to tell them ‘No’, and offer them structure and guidance. One good way I’ve heard this described on here was “She is the ocean, and you are the rock, and the furies of her storms have no impact on you. You are unyielding.”

If you’re stoic, she gets to indulge her emotions with a safety net that stops her from self-destructing, and she will adore you for it. This is the masculine – feminine relationship. She gets to be weak, knowing you’re her rock. She doesn’t want to lash out at stone that crumbles, whilst simultaneously wanting strong shelter to hide against.

Sexual degradation is part of the risk, and you temper this by always being in control of the situation. Never let her think she’s leading: or her desperation to prove her devotion to you will take her into weird, disgusting places that destroy her.

If you’ve got your player on, I guarantee you will hear some variation of this: “I’d never do this with any other guy, but you make me want to do this and I’m not sure why.”

This is their sexuality out of control by their furious emotional desire to be owned by you – they are swept away – and this is where you need to reign them in with a strong hand and be ‘Daddy’. Otherwise she’ll get stupid notions in her head that by being sexually-outlandish, she’ll be the whore women believe all guys want their wives to be, not realizing that we don’t want to think of the mother of our children blowing dogs and wearing our shit, (unless that’s really your thing).

This is what destroys women and makes the light go out in their eyes: when they degrade themselves for a man they value highly-enough in the hopes of locking him down enough only to eventually disgust him.

Sometimes, the degradation is a sex thing, where she blurts out that she’d blow a horse for you.

Sometimes, it’s physical: she wants you to see her with running mascara and her hair hacked off so you can see how ‘wounded’ and ‘vulnerable’ you’ve made her.

Sometimes it’s emotional: stories of ‘being raped’ or being abused by Exes, designed to fire you up with masculine protective instinct, but instead make you see her as damaged goods. She thinks she is showing you how much she longs for you with these socially-transgressive displays – because Social Status is female currency and power – so deliberately lowering herself in a man’s eyes is the ultimate submission for her – but all she is doing is pushing you away.

During sex: always lead, always control, always structure what is happening. She wants to serve a strong man: show her how to so she doesn’t go off on self-destructive tangents. As McQueen used to say, don’t call her ‘a’ whore, call her ‘your’ whore. Your eyes are your strength here: if she’s sucking your dick, tell her to look at you, so she has nowhere to hide. Call her your ‘good girl’ as she does it.

Basically, structure a performance of faux-degradation and sexual submissiveness she can enact it that makes her feel she’s served a strong man, that stops her crossing into actual degradation, where it starts emotionally-messing her up and leaving scars.

That being said, Millennial Girls seem to possess a capacity for self-loathing and self-destruction I’ve never seen in previous generations.

So, take what is happening in this thread: the transfer of money for sexual degradation. It’s the same core process: she’s telling herself it’s about the money, but it’s about submission before the masculine: the trappings of supreme social and financial power. It’s about thinking she’s high value enough to be submitting to Princes and Kings, so the leap to being crapped on or blowing a dog to prove she is ‘a worthy consort’ is a small one for them.

Obviously, it makes no sense to us, but women seem to be clueless as to what behaviour actually makes them attractive, and not repulsive, to men.”

I think one of the reasons AnonymousBosch finds Millennial girls to be more debased is that these girls are the first generation to be counted among the sum result of a preceding 4 generations of feminist ideologies. Likewise, Millennial men are the products of that same 4-5 generations of emasculation, feminization and the deliberate obfuscation of what masculinity “really is” for them. This deserves some explanation.

I’ve gone into the timelines and the evolution of how Hypergamy has been released from social restraints, wholesale, on western society in my Adaptations series of posts, but it’s a good review to understand what AnonymousBosch is relating here; We keep returning to Hypergamy and its regulation as a basis for an expanded vision of social structure, but it’s important to remember the behavioral prompts that women’s biology predisposes them to in that respect. Since the time of the Sexual Revolution we’ve had a systematic conditioning for, and institutionalization of, a social order that prioritizes women’s Hypergamy as the predominant one.

Unilaterally female-controlled hormonal birth control was certainly a catalyst for this social shift, but it’s important to remember that for the past 4 generations women have been raised and acculturated in a social environment not only rooted in the fempowerment narrative, but also one that encourages the excesses of the ‘bad girl’ side of Hypergamy that AnonymousBosch describes here. And as I mention in that post, the social engineering that’s led to feminine-primacy (as well as erasing the inconvenient aspects of conventional masculinity) all centers on optimizing women’s Hypergamy.

So we experience 2-3 generations of women who are conflicted between what that Fempowerment narrative has taught them they should value and the conventional, evolved biological impulses that predispose them to appreciating, enjoying and submitting to sexy male dominance. Instead of being confused and agonizing over the traditional (old order) ‘Good Girl’ social restrictions that buffered the more damaging consequences of Hypergamy, now women agonize over the conflict between what Fempowerment has conditioned them to believe they should be attracted to in an “equal partner” (Beta Bucks) and their visceral sexual drive for ‘bad’ Alpha dominance in a man they want to lose themselves with.

They’ll still lay claim to the ‘Good Girl’ social convention when it suits their purpose (i.e. during the Epiphany Phase) to affirm their decisions to prioritize a need for long term security – or to excuse past Alpha Fucks sexual needs – but the primary conflict is still the same, an internal war between the contradicting aspects of her sexual strategies and how they influence her life’s decisions and different phases of her maturity.

In her SMV Peak years, “Fuck you society, I won’t be the good girl you want me to be!” is the message she adopts insofar as it serves her sexual strategy’s immediate interests. The conflict comes when she needs to temper this sentiment with a need to settle into a motherhood role and compromise it just enough to present the appearance of being a prudent choice for long term commitment.

I see my role, as a man, is to recognize their capacity for depravity, both sexual and emotional, and to offer the dominance and guidance to reign them in. Women, even as they get outraged at the very notion, simply want a man they respect to tell them ‘No’, and offer them structure and guidance. One good way I’ve heard this described on here was “She is the ocean, and you are the rock, and the furies of her storms have no impact on you. You are unyielding.”

When men first come to Red Pill awareness about the motivations of women’s sexual strategy it’s very easy to see their behaviors as being intentional or their after-the-fact rationalizations for them as being convenient and expedient in excusing them. There is a definite design to the psychological and social schema women will use to explain their actions, particularly when they’re anti-social, sexist and/or damaging to the men who bear the worst of them.

Not to say men should tolerate this, but it’s important for men to understand the underlying psychology and motivators for women’s behaviors. It would seem AnonymousBosch has embraced this understanding. Again, it’s easy to think you’ll just put your foot down and not tolerate women’s bad behaviors, but this ignores those same female-motivators, sacrifices a real understanding of them and attempts to replace learning to maneuver them with the misguided hope that women will be rational agents and change their behaviors because we say so.

Men of this mindset believe the same ‘equalist’ hope that women will cease to be the “most mature teenager in the house” because they rationally explained to them that they should ignore their base motivators (Hypergamy) and act reasonably. This doesn’t work for women, nor does it work for men when women attempt to convince men to adopt a feminist mindset based on exactly the same appeal to reason. The boner doesn’t lie, and neither does women’s sexually strategic behavior.

In an age of unfettered, socially and legally affirmed Hypergamy it’s counterproductive to expect any woman to self-police her own sexual strategies by appealing to her reason.

The good news, as outlined by AnonymousBosch, is that Red Pill awareness and internalized Game are the same buffering contingencies for Hypergamy as they’ve always been. The trick for men now is to reestablish and embrace a connection to the conventional masculinity that’s been systematically conditioned out of men for 2-3 generations. In fact, there’s no better evidence of this Blue Pill conditioning than the common sense of counterintuitive-ness of embracing a masculinity that puts a man into a position of exercising the dominance women need.

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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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having a bad day
having a bad day
8 years ago

@Rollo at may 11 at 10:00am re that video… (this might have already been covered (probably by YaReally…lol), i just got back and haven’t caught up on comments, yet…) These girl’s unconditioned response to this guy is an emotional reaction (as well as a visceral one). A good looking guy (not necessarily a “jacked” guy) prompts an emotional rise for women when they look at him. What he represents is a visual confirmation of an optimal Hypergamy – at least from the Alpha Fucks perspective. The guy takes off his shirt and his preselection (and likely social proof) is presumed… Read more »

8 years ago


As you see from your video clip,looks are a two sided coin. You will get freebie IOI’s as Ya agrees, you will get some gameless lays from a girl who “chooses you”, but it will be inconsistent and non repeatable.

But notice you will also get a ton of wariness and judgement from girls that you will need to deal with, and you will attract a ton of aggro jealousy from dudes.

having a bad day
having a bad day
8 years ago


“the idea that we are all the same is what is against human nature”

We’re not all the same. I’m better than all of you. I’m better looking than all of you, I’m stronger than Blaximus, I’m smarter than Rollo, my adventures are more awesome and amazing than scribblerg’s ever were, I’m more deep and philosophical than kfg could ever hope to be, more girls want me than would ever want ANY of you.

wow, man…you too?…that’s AWESOME!…lol…

good luck!

8 years ago

IOW – looks without game [and intent] will often just leave you in the same place as “dancing monkey” verbal game will.

8 years ago

@Ya Really: “I get that you’ve taken things off into a weird tangent, but I have no idea what relevant point it has with regards to the discussion” I didn’t take the tangent, I responded to it. In a land where people have never heard of The Rights of Englishmen, John Locke, there are no cops and bringing up one’s Intrinsic Value would be considered the ravings of a mystical madman, acceptable social behaviours may be very different from what they are in Vegas, even given that What Happens in Vegas Stays in Vegas (which is itself a bit of… Read more »

8 years ago

@Ya Really: “In real life there will be unfortunate consequences . . .”

Well there ya go.

8 years ago

“Someone tell me how I’m supposed to get married and try popping out a baby with a chick in 2016 when girls are being programmed to think this is what parenting should look like lol ” It’s all a big competition. They base their identities on being moms and they’re wicked insecure about it because nobody really knows what they’re doing. They feel so guilty about it constantly. I think a lot of it is social conditioning, but I think they must be biologically predisposed to the guilt. Kind of like a version of ASD. Anyway, they like to brag… Read more »

8 years ago

” . . . this new fad called “attachment parenting”. ”

That’s been a formal approach for going on 40 years now, but its roots go back to the Back to the Land hippies in the 60s. The model was the strong, independent woman working in the rice paddys who drops a kid, throws it on her back and keeps on working.

Nevermind that working the rice paddys is coolie work. I guess she’s a strong, independent serf . . . or something.

having a bad day
having a bad day
8 years ago

@Culum props on the FR…sounds like you are doing great…one quick but important point… The attraction grew over time too. This was all an incredibly frustrating experience for me because I really did like this girl and I knew fairly quickly that I could pull her. But I told myself I wasn’t going there at the conference and risking becoming the main gossip event of the conference and I held off (as HABD would say, I disappointed her by not giving her my alpha stud genes lol). So after a while I could feel the vibe go down a bit… Read more »

8 years ago


This is a better example of free IOI’s. Mirrors my experience, mostly you will get younger girls, minority girls, lower SES girls and gays (LOl) giving aggressive IOI’s.

It does raise the interesting point on what stops (in most cases) the 7 and up from the aggressive kind of IOi vs more subtle eye coding, proximity etc. That difference in behavior is interesting.

8 years ago

Saw this and just laughed out loud.

having a bad day
having a bad day
8 years ago

@YaReally It’s the DIAMOND CORE TRAITS that the muscles/money/etc REPRESENT that you are LIKELY TO HAVE, that are attractive. I have no idea why that statement gets so much pushback when there’s so much evidence to support it and you have to do such massive mental leaps and shut your eyes to so much evidence to stick to denying it. it’s the FI in play…lol…i’ll say it again bc this also doesn’t seem to sink in…lol… the FI is cunning and pervasive… all those guys that say looks matter are getting a benefit from that attitude/idea… whether it’s a feel-good… Read more »

8 years ago

Looks (handsome face or a chiseled physique) and money and status aren’t sexually arousing in and of themselves. However, men who have those traits often exhibit the behavioral characteristics that are sexually arousing to women. So, those traits may be inceptive in building sexual value, but aren’t actually needed. Those traits have more of an impact on the men who have them than on women. Of course, other programming can override the inceptive nature of valuable traits so that men having those traits don’t build their sexual value in their formative years.

8 years ago

@kfg “. In a land where people have never heard of The Rights of Englishmen, John Locke, there are no cops and bringing up one’s Intrinsic Value would be considered the ravings of a mystical madman” that must be why hunter-gatherers — the society humanity evolved into –had one “core value, which underlay all of the rest…the equality of individuals.” must be why resistance to dominance, according to anthropologists, is an ESSENTIAL feature of our species. because we just aren’t even primed to recognize or accept the intrinsic values of ourselves and others, right? lulz dude, keep dropping in… Read more »

having a bad day
having a bad day
8 years ago

@Striver i’m not Ya, but i’ll take a shot at this… YaReally – It’s not the looks with me, or money really. It’s social stuff. I’ve never been a popular guy. Too intense, maybe. Plus I’m 99th percentile and on average guys like me have issues. i started right there with you…lol…omega ‘sperg… not to dox myself (lol) but i spent my whole entire high school career looking at the tops of my shoes…to say i had ‘issues’ with socializing was understating…lol…but it’s not something you have to be stuck with. that’s the FI pushing on you… to keep you… Read more »

8 years ago

@rollo from your link… “Saying they found “a darker link between religion and the evolution of modern hierarchical societies” than has been previously suggested, a group of scientists say ritual human sacrifice promoted stratified social systems – and helped to sustain inherited class systems once they were established. After comparing dozens of societies, the researchers found that ritualized human sacrifice was far more common in highly stratified societies than it was in egalitarian societies” ” “our results suggest that ritual killing helped humans transition from the small egalitarian groups of our ancestors, to the large stratified societies we live in… Read more »

8 years ago

From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs… right Scray?

8 years ago

” They would not tolerate anyone’s boasting, or putting on airs, or trying to lord it over others.”

8 years ago

internet pua: “looks don’t matter”

internet pua: “oh yeah, I lift now”


interent pua: “i lift for my health”

internet pua: “I LIKE mcdonalds”


interent pua: “girls know I’m just their lover”

internet pua: “girls want me to be their boyfriend”


aka: talking out of both sides of the mouth

can’t make this shit up

8 years ago

I could be wrong, but I don’t think Scray is talking about gender equality at all…

8 years ago

@rollo “but it also confirms that even in ‘egalitarian’ collective societies individuals were also preemptively “resisting” who they believed would be their dominators.” okay so your argument is now something along the lines of ‘aha those societies WEREN’T PERFECT scray!’ you’re trying to characterize it as ‘there was something beneath the surface’ when it was more like ‘as environmental conditions changed, different incentives emerged.’ and the above actually doesn’t even demonstrate any ‘pre-emptive’ anything — that’s just you speculating in order to save this ‘universal.’ the rest of what you wrote a) suffers from the defect of studying a lot… Read more »

8 years ago

Andy – the equalist train has to stop by that station…

having a bad day
having a bad day
8 years ago

@YaReally at 10:10pm HAI! Sensei…. F*K! i KNEW you were lying about not all Asians being ninjas!…lol… @Striver “It’s not the looks with me, or money really. It’s social stuff. I’ve never been a popular guy. Too intense, maybe. Plus I’m 99th percentile and on average guys like me have issues.” You can be whatever you want to be, but not if you accept labels like this for yourself and make identities out of them. I was a complete social retard till my early/mid 20s, so was Tyler etc (and he has some kind of aspergers/ADD combo shit going… Read more »

8 years ago

Scray –

“From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs… right Scray?”

That’s not a denial…

8 years ago


“I could be wrong, but I don’t think Scray is talking about gender equality at all…”

I’m not, and I’ve said as much several times.

having said that, most of the TRP arguments on the issue are lolbad.

it’s very simple

men produce like 20x more testosterone than women. that’s the main difference wrt behavior.

go give a woman a ton of steroids and she will start acting like a man.

8 years ago


“That’s not a denial…”

did you actually accuse me of anything?

the fact that you think you did is the [SOCIETAL CONDITIONING] part


8 years ago

“Andy – the equalist train has to stop by that station…”

I declare myself your master. stfu.

8 years ago

“If you give a cow balls, she’d be a bull”

8 years ago

@rollo “It’s no more speculative than what the theories of touchy-feely ‘Harvard’ scientists have to work with when they want to promote the idea that an ideally feminine equalist society is what hunter-gatherers used to be.” you’re right! glad we agree that NONE of this is scientific truth. now DIG DEEPER why is it that what you’re relying on looks a lot like the STUPID BULLSHIT that was MADE UP to reinforce yesteryear’s societal status quo? why is the ‘new stuff’ I’m relying on remarkably similar to and seems to reinforce the modern status quo? because it’s ANOTHER LAYER of… Read more »

8 years ago

@rollo “Now that I’ll agree with.” lol it’s a brute fact. it is reality. but, BEYOND that and all of this ‘philosophical’ shit (yes most of evo-psych is just philosophy and confirmation bias — anthropology and other stuff too; slightly empirical, but very interpretative)……fuck it. Iron Rule 9 is the belief that has utility. You know it, I know it. Why waste time on other bullshit that doesn’t reinforce Rule 9? Why even incorporate it? maybe a guy like you who has some decent externals can get away wit having those nagging beliefs in the back of his head about… Read more »

8 years ago

” . . . individuals were also preemptively “resisting” who they believed would be their dominators.” Blaximus stated it. The two go together and cannot be separated. The only reason to resist dominance is because dominance is being asserted. They do not tolerate people “putting on airs” and respond by . . . dominating them. See Trigglypuff for an example of what is innate in all egalitarian societies. That is not an example of peaceful cooperation. That is an example of dominance to conform. In a so called egalitarian society you fucking conform, or else! The egalitarian ideologues like to… Read more »

8 years ago


“In a so called egalitarian society you fucking conform, or else!”

in -society- you conform or else.

that’s what a society is.

if there weren’t rules that were enforced, it wouldn’t be a society.

so cool, a critique that applies to all societies, meaning that it can’t be what distinguishes a so-called egalitarian society.

having a bad day
having a bad day
8 years ago


This is a better example of free IOI’s. Mirrors my experience, mostly you will get younger girls, minority girls, lower SES girls and gays (LOl) giving aggressive IOI’s.

i also noticed that that guy had awesome subcomms…while was strutting down the street…lol…(head up, shoulders back, non-reactive, slower gait, etc…)

good luck!

8 years ago

“if there weren’t rules that were enforced, it wouldn’t be a society.”

You have submitted.

8 years ago


‘You have submitted.’

yes you have by completely misunderstanding the entire discussion.

8 years ago

HABD – Yeah one might say that. Or one might say he was a stoic James Bond type…

I hope we can avoid the situation where “subcoms” becomes a kind of catch all for all “possibly present but difficult/impossible to observe” phenomena. Subcomms dude…

Because a fat guy walking around like that for example does NOT get the same reactions from girls. It’s not because ALL fat guys have bad subcoms. Many have really great frames.

Again, infield, you do have reactions like in that video.

8 years ago

Re: “a darker link between religion and the evolution of modern hierarchical societies”
Ah – they tipped their hand when the thesis is applied to the FI and the ritual of “a woman’s right to choose.”

8 years ago

LOL at guys telling rollo to dig deeper… he’s been writing this stuff before most people here even knew what redpill was.

8 years ago


Anthropology was first taken over by male social justice activists. As part of their social justice agenda they promoted women, who then took over the field. It’s a feminist redoubt of the Long March.

Harrison Bergeron
8 years ago

@Fleezer Not sure if you’re trolling…but the (out of context, cherry-picked) examples of hypocrisy aren’t really proof of anything. “looks don’t matter : ya lifts now” Is immediately qualified by your next quote “I lift for my health” therefore, and I think he made this explicitly clear in his comments, NOT because looks matter lol “oh ya, I lift now : I LIKE McDonald’s” Go to any YouTube lifters channel and they’ll have videos where they eat fast food. It may be specifically for a cheat day or calorie challenge, but many of those guys eat total shit but it… Read more »

8 years ago

“It’s not some logical fallacy you got him . . .”

I’m doing my damnedest to hold back a smiley emoticon here.

8 years ago

It’s a fair cop, but society is to blame.

Chump No More
Chump No More
8 years ago

“It’s no more speculative than what the theories of touchy-feely ‘Harvard’ scientists have to work with when they want to promote the idea that an ideally feminine equalist society is what hunter-gatherers used to be.”

And then one season of Dutch ‘Survivor’ blows their feminine equalist bullshit theories of how hunter-gatherer societies work(ed) to smithereens.

keyser Soze
keyser Soze
8 years ago

New scientific research findings have found that women are naturally aroused by fat men.
I’m still trying to find the link.

8 years ago

@Chump No More:

It’s a fair cop, but the Patriarchy made them do it.

8 years ago “The underlying truth remains: passing on your own genes is the priority. The primary consideration is to find a partner who can give you attractive children who survive. They need to be attractive enough to pass on their genes to the next generation to the greatest extent possible,” said Kennair. That’s why the muscular heartthrob is a more interesting choice than the boring geek for one’s own partner. “A healthy hunk is presumably in good health, attractive to others as a partner and can transfer those genes to your children,” says Kennair. “Then your children might also be more… Read more »

8 years ago

@ Bromeo

So why would women prefer someone like a chubby YaReally to a buff rich guy?

Science Daily is just a news site…no real science to be found there…some Blue Pill opinions, sure.

8 years ago

“aren’t really proof of anything.” lol. internet pua: “i’ve got sick text game.” internet pua: “text game is dead. i’m the only one who understands girls in 2016. you have to evolve with the times. I’m the leading guy in the field. owen will fuck your grandma up the ass because he’s so fucking calibrated man” lol. internet pua: “money doesn’t matter” internet pua: “I’m focusing on my business opportunities so I won’t be around much” lol. sure. internet pua: “my internals are rock solid” internet pua: “I come here to remind myself of what’s important” lol. and type more… Read more »

8 years ago

fleezer = yareally

internet alpha = internet alpha

something’s gone haywire in yareally’s, er, I mean fleezer’s brain

distribution error or something…[wry grin]

having a bad day
having a bad day
8 years ago

@Sentient HABD – Yeah one might say that. Or one might say he was a stoic James Bond type… lol… ok, thought experiment time… put that SAME guy… in the SAME outfit… at death row (or anywhere in the bar, really) at any trendy bar (or even not a trendy bar…lol), standing with his shoulders hunched, body/face tensed, his eyes ‘averted’ and his drink up at his chest…not ‘strolling’… same reactions to him from ANY of those SAME girls on the street?…or any OTHER girls?…serious question… or ‘strolling’ around town, but with that same ‘beta body language’ on display… same… Read more »

8 years ago

Maybe I need to flesh out my comment…all physicists are in total agreement, right? Unh-unhh. How about the chemists? Nope, lots of disagreement about important issues in chemistry. Let’s talk financial advisors…they all agree about market direction, right? How about auto mechanics…how many time have you taken your car to two different mechanics and gotten two different opinions about what should be done? So, we’re supposed to be surprised when two men who use game disagree? Are they both certified users of game? lol YaReally’s stuff is perceptive and resonates with my experience. Bromeo’s does not. I know a lifter… Read more »

8 years ago

Damn fleezer, Enjoy life man. Btw, what’s wrong with eating pussy? Serious question. I used to think raw oysters were sick looking. Now I can eat 3 or 4 dozen at a sitting. Lol. Re: McDonalds. Now that I’m an old fuck, I’m more careful what I eat. I prefer Burger King 3 to 4 times a year. But when I was in my 20’s and trying to gain weight while lifting, I ate the hell out of Mickey D’s because of the high calorie count in their ” meals “. 3 quarter pounder meals ( with a shake… Read more »

Harrison Bergeron
8 years ago


Picking mushrooms is alpha and pussy is gross, got it…don’t be offended when I ask other guys for advice lol

8 years ago

Useless Old Man Story – First chick that I ” learned ” to eat out. Lol. A few days ago, I ran across a story about rapper 50 cent’s ex girlfriend/baby momma. She looks almost exactly like my very first gf. My girl was Puerto Rican and Filipina. So out of curiosity I looked up 50’s girl’s ethnicity, and what do you know…. Same genetic makeup. What are the odds? I was 13. she was 14 and she had a body like this. Once I got the hang of it, I tried to eat her alive. Alas, she… Read more »

8 years ago

…. I still have an old, yellowing polaroid of her in a 2 piece bikini, because Damn.

8 years ago

“Mickey D’s because of the high calorie count in their ” meals “. ”

Quarter Pounder with cheese: 540 Calories, 206 grams, 2.6 Calories per gram.

That’s pretty fucking pathetic. Dry corn flakes are good for 3.6, and that’s pretty pathetic.

8 years ago

@addition to modded post

also notice that literally there’s a 4 percent difference in > 14 sex partners between ‘short’ and ‘EXTREMELY tall.’ and that there’s only an 11 percent difference….

so the handicap means that ‘only’ a FIFTH of VERY SHORT DUDES (5’2-5’4) will slay. everyone > 5’4 pretty much has equal odds of slaying….

8 years ago

@ kfg

” That’s pretty fucking pathetic. Dry corn flakes are good for 3.6, and that’s pretty pathetic.”

Lol. I’d rather eat tree bark than dry corn flakes.

8 years ago

And as for picking mushrooms, even if you only eat the good ones, it’s still a great way to die, slowly, of starvation. It takes time and energy to pick them and they ain’t worth squat as food. The more mushrooms you gather, the faster you starve to death.

Catch a mouse or something.

8 years ago

“I’d rather eat tree bark than dry corn flakes.”

Cardboard packed in cardboard, and you might just as well eat the box.

8 years ago

I dare ya, kfg. Maybe you have created new Scottish cuisine. It’s all based on a dare, ya know.

8 years ago

” . . . Scottish cuisine. It’s all based on a dare, ya know.”

Well no, that I didn’t actually know, but a bit of critical thinking and the application of Occam’s Razor did suggest to me that that is by far the most likely explanation.

Kilts would seem to be the result of losing a bet.

Tossing telephone poles, some sort of performance art, in-joke, but I admit that I just don’t get it.

8 years ago

@ kfg Btw, we have something in common, to an extent. Lol. Ok, Let me try not to dox muhself too much here. My Great-Great grandfather’s last name was McAdams. He wound up living in Jamaica in the mid 1800’s. It’s unclear why, but the British were always in pursuit of him. The family has the idea that he was involved in ” hijacking ” British ship(s) cargo and the like. Lol. Because of this, he spent most of his time up in the ” Hills “, rubbing elbows with the Maroons. The British did not fuck around up in… Read more »

8 years ago

@Sentient “If you include two words, agree.” how about “2) you will be basing your self-worth on your externals (because this is simple logic, if you are enhancing your externals under the mindset of “this will make me worth more” then you are “basing your self-worth on your externals”), which MAY affect your self-confidence if you don’t ALSO pro-actively work on your internals at the same time, and if your externals are taken away or fucked with that can shake your view of your self-worth”? Like my point is that lifting itself doesn’t necessarily build your internals, since we see… Read more »

8 years ago

@ All In this whole lively discussion, I want to state that I have put in a lot of work this past year moving to higher highs in Game. And the key has been internal mindset and more solid internal game. A learned, practiced phenomenon. I accepted what is, not what should be and moved on…. And I get why YaReally is advocating what he is. He is hyped up about the power of mindset, which the other not-so-down-on-women commenters have been naturals about for a while, as some others have actually had to learn GAME. Recently, two books, stand… Read more »

8 years ago

@Anonymous Reader May 11th, 2016 at 5:06 pm “Not a field report Earlier I was in a coffee joint trying to get something useful done while checking RM once in a while and then my attention was drawn by 2, then 3 girlies behind me. They took themselves on an emotional roller coaster ride because one of them had a May-un who was out of town and clearly suffering from serious one-itis. The story dribbled out in bits and rabbit trails as these things do. Features: Girly #1 luved the fact that a man had oneitis for her but couldn’t… Read more »

8 years ago

So here is an example of concise writing. And what PUA commenters have alluded to in comments i.e. “cats are not dogs”: Franco manual of Seduction: Woman’s Language and Seduction Of course, seduction is not only connected with genetics and the instinct to procreate. Seduction has much to do with psychology as well. Neuropsychology is a science studying the way in which our neurological structure expresses itself on a psychological level. Surprise, surprise! It helps us to understand the differences between man and woman. Also a branch of psychology called NLP (Neurolinguistic programming) helps us to understand what happens in… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
8 years ago


Anthropology was first taken over by male social justice activists.

Where does Margaret Mead fit in?

8 years ago

@ SJF A lot of guys think that the things Franco talks about are a lot of work, but it isn’t really. Actually, all of it is easy, once you understand and commit to turning off logic when dealing with a woman. You can say or do practically anything you can think of. You don’t have to make a lot of sense. The things Franco says about the choice of words when speaking to a woman is Money. Lol, it’s also money that you will come off sounding ghey speaking that way…. chicks love gay guys though… think about it.… Read more »

8 years ago

@ SJF It’s quiet here. I’m gonna tell another story real quick. The family was flying out to P.R.. My wife is always concerned that I’m gonna joke my way into trouble, fucking around in the airport. So I told her that I’m gonna find a way to say ” bomb ” to the TSA agents, just to see what would happen. A couple standing in line behind us started laughing. My wife sternly asked me to cut the shit and not play around with the TSA. I exclaim ” freedom of speech baby!!!”, and the husband standing behind me… Read more »

8 years ago

@AR: “Where does Margaret Mead fit in?” That’s an interesting question to me, because I want to know more about her mother, but that would require some deep research, with the prospect of returning very little. Both of Margaret’s parents were career academics, her father an economist, her mother a progressive sociologist. Margaret was raised from birth to be a player in the progressive movement. She went to college during the golden age of “scientific” socialism (the 20’s), starting at Barnard College, a progressive women’s college in the Columbia system (Harvard and Berkeley are generally considered to be the heart… Read more »

8 years ago

@Blaximus OK. How much breath can we waste in saying that you are a natural mother-fucking masculine male that is good at being a man. Lol at you, brother, you are a natural resource of masculinity. I agree that ” A lot of guys think that the things Franco talks about are a lot of work, but it isn’t really.”. The guy is a self admitted Machiavellian natural. And I advocate for the hurdle of Game to be lower in a man’s mindset because he set the mental hurdle lower in his mindset. What I am advocating is that guys… Read more »

8 years ago

7:20 pm

Yep. That is the correct mindset. You got it and us guys that have to learn it instead of naturally have it might just sound a little pedantic and inscrutable at times in our comments.

I have to apologize for the last two years of being pedantic and inscrutable in my comments here.

It was for a good cause. Making me have your mindset.

I have traction, for now.

8 years ago

“I have to apologize for the last two years of being pedantic and inscrutable in my comments here.”

I suppose somebody’s got to do it, and since it wasn’t going to be me . . .

8 years ago

@ SJF ” Spike good emotion and belly up to your girl with bad emotion. It is all about the emotional flow. Who would have thought that bad emotion is good. I rolled with the emotions during sweeps week of her birthday, our anniversary, and Mother’s day. But demonstrated dominance and safety. Guess What? the bad emotions were not detrimental. Last year the most I gave her was a bag a skittles and a card for the whole sweeps week. This year I gave her absolutely nothing except my impudent, relatively dominant, but safe self. ” logically, it’s counterintuitive to… Read more »

8 years ago

See Blaximus, you know that shit. I had to learn it. I’m not complaining, because I rarely do. I’m just saying thank you for being the man.

Even if someone had sent me those memos on game I believe the FI would have cock-blocked them.

That is why the stuff from Franco is so straightforward. He is you.


Your inscrutable comments just work well. And they aren’t the least bit pedantic. That is what annoys some but inspires others that live in our minds.

8 years ago

@ Blax re: Good, Bad, and Ugly I’ve staved off working on my ’emotional issues’ for the time being on account of this: that girls need bad emotions as well as good ones. And more than that, wondering if they really are issues at all. Like do I even have to change myself? A lot of times I just get pissed off about stupid shit and am an asshole. Like, don’t eat around me, don’t breathe on me, and don’t get in my way when I’m working on shit. Just some of the things on my laundry list of pet… Read more »

8 years ago

While we’re at it:

8 years ago

Just don’t start feelin’ like no broke down engine, ain’t got no drivin’ wheel, ya hear?

8 years ago

Come on Softek “girls need bad emotions as well as good ones” Stop rationalizing. Girls are better off with good emotions, but if they have to experience bad ones they are better off with a man that safely manages the bad emotions, not a guy that is stabbing in the dark. Alpha asshole game works. Until it doesn’t. Until you are able to congruently express to your girl this statement, your efforts are compromised: “In words, actions and omissions i speak, move and behave in such a way that i never ask for forgiveness about my personality and my sexual… Read more »

8 years ago

@ YaReally Too true about the gross over-estimation in value thing, lol. Was looking thru my camera and found a pic I took from the short time I was on Tinder. Unattractive obese girl (who of course I matched because mass right swiping + incel desperation….also feeding into the social conditioning, guilty as charged) posted this on her page: “How many matches does it take for me to get off this damn thing?” Arrow pointing up to the top of her screen that had 2,023 matches. Girls having a lifetime of “you’re beautiful no matter what” and getting mass attention… Read more »

8 years ago

@ SJF I’m bad at communicating. I’m not good at listening. Maybe because I over-rationalize everything. I have a lot of thoughts in my head all the time and I usually just don’t feel like it’s worth my time or effort to try to take on the Herculean task of organizing them just for the sake of resolving conflict or making someone feel better. I’m avoidant and temperamental and harmless irrelevant things piss me off. I feel like over time she’s become aware of this. The multiple girl thing is a potential huge rift and potential deal breaker but I’ve… Read more »

8 years ago


Her” Whhaatttt???? Lol..”

Mrs. Gamer and I had that exact same exchange yesterday over text. Only I said, “I want a bj.” Today I’ll say that I want a beaver shot. She’ll have no idea what that means.

8 years ago

Anyone know where I can get the Krauser Day Game Swimsuit Calendar?

You know… For my wife.

8 years ago

@Softek “Love the one you’re with.” Stephen Still had great Red Pill advice for men waaay back there. If you focus on the girl you’re with when she’s behaving, she will likely continue behaving. If she misbehaves, withdraw attention. And make sure that you are around other girls so that you have options. Don’t worry about whether you’re alpha or beta. You’re a man, so there’s an alpha at your core. The trick is to turn off the beta programs that the FI’s SJWs have infected you with. It’s like you’re King Théoden and Grima Wormtongue has cut off your… Read more »

8 years ago

comment image


8 years ago


“Anyone know where I can get the Krauser Day Game Swimsuit Calendar?”

IDK, maybe Jeffy was trying out for Mr. August though…? LOL

Yareally and HBD… I will be back on your latest comments… later… because pedantic is not a synonym for correct… and there is a leeeeetle something here that is not being answered and lining up.

8 years ago

Krauser needs to be a little shaggier. Not so much James Bond.

8 years ago

“IDK, maybe Jeffy was trying out for Mr. August though…? LOL”

Love the tighty whities on the left there.

Krauser’s pre-game routine:

Okay, I’m done. I promise.

8 years ago


I’ve been so horny for other women I feel like hooking up with someone else is basically inevitable at this point.

Not only is it inevitable but it is necessary. You need to fuck at least two other women to free yourself. Don’t worry if these hookups are not ideal, just go with it.

8 years ago

@ asd It’s like anonymous telling me to stop talking about my dick. Step 1 = realizing FI programming responses. I have behaviors and talk about things that aren’t really from me, but are from insecurity/programming etc. “first–recognizing when those programs are fighting you for control of your mind, and second–realizing that they have no power over you without your consent.” SJF mentioned the “monkey mind” thing. It’s all “monkey mind,” but because of the FI, a lot of guys’ major monkey mind has to do with scarcity mentality about women specifically. Which is why TRP is so helpful, because… Read more »

keyser Soze
keyser Soze
8 years ago

If you can find 20 videos and 20 photos of women “okay” with fat out of shape men, I can link you to a MILLION video and a trillion photos of women tingling over muscular men .

I feel so stupid trying to prove the axiom.

8 years ago

@ redlight That’s what I’m trying to keep in mind: it doesn’t matter if they’re ideal or not, just get the experience. I’m over-rationalizing and analyzing thinking “is this girl really LTR material” when what I should be doing is just HOOKING UP. Lol. i.e.: I have traded pics/sexted with a couple girls recently. Buffer? Yes. Still not cold approaching. Although with one of the girls things have been heating up with, I did meet in person and got in with her solely because I cold approached her. Haven’t escalated to actually meeting up again and hooking up, and… Read more »

8 years ago

” I don’t accept that looks don’t factor in arousal” lol but no one is SAYING THEY DON’T one side says they ‘factor in arousal’ because women are told that X look = high status = sexy. if you show girls 100 disney movies where the prince has a certain look, they’ll get the memo. the other side says they factor in arousal because back in early evolution Chad Thundercock archetypal alpha appealed to all the chicks and your looks success depends on how much you resemble Chad Thundercock. i already cited the study with N > 60,000 SHOWING that… Read more »

8 years ago

@ Artisinal Toad Even if wives gave their husbands regular sex, men would still cheat on their wives because a lot of men enjoy variety and not being under anyone’s authority and rules (especially Alpha men). One thing that maddens me about Christianity is how educationally dishonest bordering on immoral Christians are in stealing ideas from the future and using it support their past and foundation in order to solidify their stance and say, “see it was all in the bible all along”. If it were so why wait for scientists, and psychologists like Rollo to do the leg work… Read more »

8 years ago

@soft “Women being okay with guys going on porn…is THAT a tool of the FI? Because men can’t elope with an image on a screen.” no. the FI hates porn. the FI wants women to have tighter and better control over the supply of sex. “women he’d fuck in real life in a HEARTBEAT if he had a chance, and probably with as little motivation to cuddle with her after or buy her breakfast as he feels when he’s done whacking off, lol” lolno part of the reason guys beat off to porn rather than go out is because they… Read more »

8 years ago

@ scray “this doesn’t read like someone who’s actually done that before.” True, because the hookups I have had in the past were with girls I wasn’t attracted to. My friend said a huge turning point for him was when he was 18 or so and decided it wasn’t worth just taking whatever he could get. And to only go after girls that he really wanted to be with. I can vouch from this, at least from personal experience feeling like just beating off to porn would have been a better use of my time than hooking up with girls… Read more »

keyser Soze
keyser Soze
8 years ago

The Scary Institute Research In Support Of FUSM (fat ugly short men). SHOWING that, a) short men(get HB 3, 4,5,6 = extremely tall men wrt number of sex partners(HB 7,8,9,10). b) short men get HB 3,4,5,6= extremely tall men(HB 7,8,9,10 wrt to > 14 sex partners .(even Steven) . c) short men = extremely tall men wrt extra-pair mating (no differences a-c between short-avg-tall-very t-ext-t) Short men get HB 3,4,5,(you know the rest). d) very short men (5’2-5’4) suffer almost no ding in a-c.(look above for the even Steven) . e) OVERWEIGHT men are VERY successful with HB 1,2,and some… Read more »

8 years ago

On another note: I do feel like I have a huge advantage just being RP aware. One of the girls I’ve been talking to was mentioning some guy she hooked up with recently, that claimed he was cool with no commitment, and just having a casual hookup, which is what she wanted. She’s trying to get out of it now because he’s flooding her inbox with plans, trying to get her to go on dates with him, telling her he’s in love with her, etc., and it’s creeping her out. I used to be that guy. Kind of. When I… Read more »

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