Strength of Interest


I had a couple of questions from the SoSuave Forum‘s (yes, I’m still a mod there) Judge Nismo I thought I’d take a crack at:

G’ morning Rollo. I got a couple questions for you that I don’t think you touched on in your book…or I may have overlooked.

1. What is your opinion on the Celebrity Maxim?

That is, I know you see it a lot in your Rational Male comments and on this board (i.e. Would she flake out on Brad Pitt? Would she make George Clooney wait for sex? She wouldn’t confuse Channing Tatum, etc.) I’ve even used it a lot on here, usually saying you wouldn’t fall asleep if you had a date with Katy Perry, and you wouldn’t pull a last minute flake text with Kate Upton, and you wouldn’t have to babysit if you had Shakira ready to bang!

If there’s three things I’ve learned from writing in the Manosphere for the past 12 years it’s this; no matter how apt, never use an allegory to illustrate a point, never try to relate a fictional story, movie or character to a real world dynamic and never hold up famous celebrities as common reference examples of broader, mundane dynamics.

The temptation to do so stems from a want for a common point of reference. However, appealing to a highly recognizable exemplar of a dynamic only makes picking apart the known particulars about that individual a priority – not on really grasping the dynamic itself.

I see this in the ‘sphere occasionally, and I’d be lying if I said I’d never committed these sins myself. For the most part, and certainly as far as my own readership goes, I think many of the best writers and the commentariat of the ‘sphere are very intelligent men. That’s not to account for the occasional troll, but I’ve found that even an OCD troll still needs to be clever in the ‘sphere.

That said, it’s just this preponderance of intelligence that makes men take illustrative examples as face value facts. Using celebrities as examples of commonality in purpose just smacks of the Apex Fallacy.

“….the Apex fallacy is the idea that we assign the characteristics of the highest visibility members of a group to all members of that group.”

If you’re at all familiar with the controversy surrounding the Apex Fallacy, feminists and manginas alike decided to commandeer wikipedia to paste this as a Men’s Rights misappropriation of the definition, but in actuality the true definition cuts both ways. So while women misappropriate the highest visibility men to associate a totality of the “patriarchy”, men, on the other hand, misappropriate the highest echelon men with examples of common inference of a dynamic.

In English, those celebs aren’t you or me or any layperson you deal with daily. I get the inference of course, and the message is usually one about incentives being strong enough to prompt behaviors. However, what Nismo is getting at is really less about the validity of those illustrations and more about genuine desire:

I ask since it’s quite a big trope in the manosphere…

2. What is your take on the one strike rule?

You do have a 3 strikes article on Rational Male, and I did read it. On this board, it’s quite common to see situations with chicks go like this:

– She flaked on me, she is deleted.
– She stopped responding to my texts and calls, automatic out.
– She wants to bring some friends along, sorry this is one on one.

I could go on and on, most of these situations often get read by red pill men as low interest, thus move on or become a beta orbiter. Yes, I do online dating and work 2 jobs, but I do have a one strike policy.

Sure, sometimes life will truly get in the way, but most men who are red pill will likely move on if there’s low interest. We all know not to waste time with uninterested chicks because they won’t put out. Heck, the sick excuse is often times a blow off, and lately, death in the family has been disguised as blowing someone off.

Zero Tolerance

The problem most men have with a Zero Tolerance policy is that you’re not George Clooney and you’re not Brad Pitt, but moreover, most men still cling to Blue Pill idealisms and the conditioned hope that women will see the “real” men they think women have a magical sensitivity to detect. Thus, they play by the script and hold out for the real desire they believe women should have a capacity for with them.

This is why Blue Pill men get angry at the 3-Strikes rule; that scarcity mentality colors their interaction with women to the point that anything counter to playing the patient, devoted, “prove-my-quality” white knightery role invalidates everything they’ve sacrificed and waited so patiently for up to that point.

They’re afraid of throwing the baby out with the bath water, and damn it, if you suggest doing anything other than what makes their patience worthwhile you’re a misogynistic prick.

If these men could pause with any insight they’d understand that any threshold – one strike, three strikes – suggested by myself or the manosphere isn’t about punishing a woman’s indecisiveness, but rather a pragmatic vetting meant to be efficient for men. That tolerance policy is about conservation of resources and time, not so much retribution (though I’me sure some men entertain that).

  • She flakes on you with no counter offer or marginal reframe? –
    Message: Insufficient interest
  • Stops responding to communications (and possibly resumes after a period)? – The Medium is the Message
  • Wants to bring friends along to a date? –
    Message: you are a rich resource to be exploited, or her interest is so low that she foresees a need to bring friends along to make her date with you entertaining.

The Prince with Interest

What Nismo is comparing here is really an evaluation of interest a woman has in you. I’ve gone into this in the past:

Women with high interest level (IL) wont confuse you. When a woman wants to fuck you she’ll find a way to fuck you. If she’s fluctuating between being into you and then not, put her away for a while and spin other plates. If she sorts it out for herself and pursues you, then you are still playing in your frame and you maintain the value of your attention to her. It’s when you patiently while away your time wondering what the magic formula is that’ll bring her around, that’s when you lean over into her frame. You need her more than she needs you and she will dictate the terms of her attentions.

From an evolutionary perspective Hypergamy can’t afford to wait once a woman’s filtering mechanism is satisfied that a man passes for an Alpha. Women will break rules for Alpha men and create more rules for Beta men to have access to her. Keep in mind that first part; women will make access easy for a man she perceives as an SMV superior. Hypergamy always seeks a better-than deserved SMV benefit.

So to use the apex example, no, a woman can’t afford to confuse Channing Tatum. Mix in the behavioral influences a woman’s ovulatory chemistry predisposes her to with that SMV+ benefit perception and you’ve got dilated pupils, seductive ornamentation, lower vocal intonations and an elevated heart rate – Estrus.

As you might guess, this poses a problem for most guys because, lets face it, most of us aren’t examples of this apex. Even when we make dramatic leaps in self-improvement and physical transformation it’s hard to shake our former self-impressions and our previous degrees of self-confidence.

Back in the early days of SoSuave there was a concept we’d use that I think had a lot of merit – the concept of the Prince. For many men just coming into a Red Pill awareness meant re-imagining oneself in a new, more intrinsically valued light.

For instance, after you understand the basic psychology of why a technique like Cocky & Funny or Amused Mastery works with women, personally applying those dynamics requires a man to view himself in a more valuable context.

As I said, Hypergamy always seeks a better-than deserved SMV benefit, so it follows that a man should at least reconsider himself as that “better-than her SMV” prospect. Irrespective of that being a reality or not, the idea is a sound one. In fact it’s a law of power:

Law 25 – Re-Create Yourself

Do not accept the roles that society foists on you.  Re-create yourself by forging a new identity, one that commands attention and never bores the audience.  Be the master of your own image rather than letting others define if for you. Incorporate dramatic devices into your public gestures and actions – your power will be enhanced and your character will seem larger than life.

And also:

Law 34 – Be Royal in your Own Fashion:  Act like a King to be treated like one

The way you carry yourself will often determine how you are treated; In the long run, appearing vulgar or common will make people disrespect you.  For a king respects himself and inspires the same sentiment in others.  By acting regally and confident of your powers, you make yourself seem destined to wear a crown.

In Amused Mastery, it helps to actually have some context of mastery to source as amusement.

Needless to say, asking a former Blue Pill Beta to simultaneously digest a new Red Pill awareness and revalue his self-worth is a pretty tall order. As I mention in Rejection & Revenge as a man, your existence will be defined by how you deal with rejection, so for a majority of men who’ve been hammered flat for the better part of a lifetime by women’s rejection telling him to adopt the mindset of a Prince is alien to him.

Furthermore, much of his feminine-conditioned self-perception has always taught him to be self-conscious and respectful of women’s default authority. It’s part of men’s previous Beta Game to want to identify with the feminine in order to prove how alike a man is with a woman. This conditioning is really a plan to force compliance to women’s sexual strategy from men, but it’s sold on the belief that being more feminine-like, feminine-sensitive, will set a Beta man apart from other brutish men who aren’t.

When you consider his previous degree of ego-investment in his conditioning, you can get a real appreciation of the unlearning a Red Pill man must do. It’s very difficult for most guys to consider themselves a Prince when they’ve been taught reverent deference to women all their lives.

Qualities of The Prince(ss)

A Prince’s time is valuable. His efforts and attention are gifts he bestows on the woman he’s interested in, and as such that woman’s esteem should be validated by it. She is envied by other women because of the Prince’s interest in her; it confirms there is something about her that sets her apart from other women. Her role becomes one of both humbling gratitude and excited, almost childlike, anticipations of him.

If that comes off like a pipe dream or a fake-it-till-you-make-it motivational screed, it’s because most men are so inured by a lifetime conditioning designed to hold them in the role of expectant, reverent, and deferring lover if they can perform to a woman’s standards. So ingrained is that subservience that a Princess’ acceptance of a man is exalted to an appreciation of spiritual, metaphysical, significance. God ordained her acceptance of him, the fates conspired or he “just got lucky”.

Beta men, in their Blue Pill expectations of women being rational agents, are often dumbfounded by the woman who compulsively returns over and over again to the Alpha ‘asshole’ who doesn’t respect, appreciate and love her like she deserves – like he would if she’d just come to her senses. We call that guy the emotional tampon, but what he doesn’t get is that the woman he’s orbiting is locked in a cycle that only a man with an SMV above her own can induce.

Even if that valuation is just perceptual, a woman’s Hypergamous optimization efforts will predispose her to wanting to lock that man down. This is the danger of relying on apex examples of a dynamic – women must still operate within their respective frames and within their capacity to accurately evaluate the SMV of the men she can realistically attract.

That semi-abusive Jerk boyfriend she loves so much? He’s not Channing Tatum or Brad Pitt, but contextually he’s the guy with the strength of her interest.

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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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9 years ago

SfcTon. – “However, I still cannot shitcan the idea game is really a substitute for a robust and masculine life. And I mean masculine, unrepentant, unreconstructed raw masculinty and masculine pursuits”

If a man can live his life as “masculine, unrepentant” with “unreconstructed raw masculinty” then wouldn’t any pursuit then be masculine?

Or put another way, weak men are weak no matter their pursuits.

9 years ago

“And not for nothing, but MYG not denying accusations she’s a woman sock-puppeting as a man for the last 3 threads, noted without comment.” You can also tell she’s a women by the fact that once everyone started to ignore her comments, she posted a bunch more, trying to get attention! 3-4 comments in a row! Multiple times! I imagine she reacts the same way with men and texting. “He didn’t respond right away?! Maybe he doesn’t like me?! I must get his attention!” But, game doesn’t work…don’t cha know? *rolls eyes* (in fairness, anyone seeking validation would react the… Read more »

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
9 years ago


in fairness, anyone seeking validation would react the same way, male or female.

Bingo. This is why validation seeking behaviors are a DLV regardless of sex and why male attention seeking is so repulsive to females. Game is largely about making the dominance associated with masculinity part of your behaviors.

9 years ago

” . . . wouldn’t any pursuit then be masculine? ”

Any pursuit done by such a man.

Note that knitting sweaters was an invention of sail age North Sea fishermen. It is one of the many tasks and signifiers of men that women have usurped. Among the others are above the knee skirts, purses, pink, cavalry boots and high heels.

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
9 years ago

high heels


9 years ago

Heels themselves were invented for cavalry, to keep feet from slipping from stirrups. Women didn’t wear heels at all. Heels were made high because hight is a male signifier of dominance. Women, beginning with the nobility, adopted high heels to shrink the dominance gap accorded to hight.

They’re an early “You go gurrrrl!” thang.

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
9 years ago

Hmph. Learn something new each day.

9 years ago

kfg – “Any pursuit done by such a man.” And that’s how I meant it. And your observation about women adapting men’s fashion is important. Men allowed and encouraged this to some degree, think girls in sailor outfits, because it serves as an overt sign of masculine dominance. Women participate and encourage this to be more like men or assert “ME TOO” seeking validation by aspiring to be associated with something greater. The men who dress as women are never seen as aspiring to something greater, but as jokes and failures as men, by both men and women. Fun fact:… Read more »

Mad Yale Grad
Mad Yale Grad
9 years ago

Rollo, ” Women will break rules for Alpha men and create more rules for Beta men to have access to her. Keep in mind that first part; women will make access easy for a man she perceives as an SMV superior. Hypergamy always seeks a better-than deserved SMV benefit.” Well, what about the baby mamas who get knocked up by losers by any standard, and then lock down a beta provider with a good job for marriage? They don’t want to marry the loser baby daddies, they want to marry the well earning, responsible providers. And yes, they have more… Read more »

Mad Yale Grad
Mad Yale Grad
9 years ago

Mad Yale Grad May 6th, 2015 at 8:50 pm Speaking of celebs… Natalie Portman: Actress Says She Doesn’t Display Oscar Award Because It’s a ‘False Idol’ “This is lit­er­ally worshipping gold idols — if you worship it. That’s why it’s not displayed on the wall. It’s a false idol,” Portman told The Hollywood Reporter when asked where she kept her Oscar. SRSLY?! kfg May 6th, 2015 at 9:40 pm MYG: “SRSLY?!” She’s Jewish. Read the Old Testament, or just watch The Ten Commandments. You could also do a net search on “Jewish Art”, of which there is very little and… Read more »

Mad Yale Grad
Mad Yale Grad
9 years ago

“Fun fact: in Rome the women who wore togas were the high end prostitutes, as the empire declined women in togas became more common as the practice was adopted by wealthy women”

– What did Roman women wear before they wore togas?

Mad Yale Grad
Mad Yale Grad
9 years ago

I google imaged the Upton chick and she’s thin in all the photos. Photoshopped? Old pics? Her ass is also flat. Flat asses that get fat get wide. So you’ve got a wide flat ass like a pancake. When they lay on their stomachs it spreads out sideways becoming even flatter. Common feature for her ethnic group. Not a good look.;_ylt=A0LEVjPZIE1V71EAZCMnnIlQ?p=kate+upton&fr=yhs-mozilla-001&fr2=piv-web&hspart=mozilla&hsimp=yhs-001

9 years ago

MadYaleGirl – “What did Roman women wear before they wore togas?”

So much for a Yale education.

9 years ago

“– What did Roman women wear before they wore togas?” Ankle length dresses. The toga is not a piece of normal clothing. It is an overclothing signifier of rank. It is so impractical that it requires at least two servants to put it on properly, who must then follow you around all day to keep adjusting it. If you so much as bend over it falls off. Men who did not rank (or were actively engaged in military pursuits) wore above the knee dresses or skirts. Pants were a sign of being uncivilized, a barbarian. Probably . . . German.… Read more »

Ro Ro
9 years ago

“Men do not have a last f**kable day.” Aint that the truth.

Mad Yale Grad
Mad Yale Grad
9 years ago

“never read the links I post the first time ” You didn’t post those particular 4 to me before. I’ll skim through. Though I will not become convinced the baby daddies I’m referring to were, are or will ever be “alpha” by any measure. It has nothing to do with morals. All the talk of game here has to do with becoming more masculine, setting and achieving goals, improving upon oneself, gaining confidence, etc. You are saying these are things that alphas do/are so betas need to emulate them. Well these dudes have none of that and they aren’t doing… Read more »

Mad Yale Grad
Mad Yale Grad
9 years ago

“It is a sin simply to make a graven image, never mind actually possess it.”

The Abrahmic faiths have that concept but it refers to making a divine image, one to be worshipped, not any image at all, otherwise Aisha would not have been allowed to play with her dolls.

9 years ago

MadYaleGirl – “Aisha would not have been allowed to play with her dolls.”

Playing dress up with her husband’s unit is foreplay, not paying with dolls.

9 years ago

“I google imaged the Upton chick….*snip* Flat asses that get fat get wide. *snip* Common feature for her ethnic group. Not a good look.

More evidence this is PJ.

9 years ago


Is that why I smell curry?

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
9 years ago

Really starting to see a need for this in the thread:

Mad Yale Grad
Mad Yale Grad
9 years ago

OK Rollo, read all 4 and none of it applies to the situations I’m faced with. No worries mate. Rollo says “So we get a wide variety of what makes a man Alpha – he’s the guy of high moral character, princely ambition and integrity, as well as the self-important cad banging his wife and “their” girlfriend. They are BOTH Alpha.” Yeah neither of these scenarios applies nor does the other stuff. The baby daddies I know just aren’t alpha, though a few of the provider mates are. Plus Roissy thinks all black guys are alphas just by virtue of… Read more »

9 years ago

“I’m leaving this topic.”

*Sigh*…but like herpes you’ll be back…for the next one.

9 years ago
Reply to  Badpainter

@SFC Ton

“a substitute for a robust and masculine life. And I mean masculine, unrepentant, unreconstructed raw masculinty and masculine pursuits”

Amen to that

“Because you inanely believe women are capable of making cogent decisions about who they should fuck and who they should marry.”
Another reason I am ignorant

9 years ago

Lol! BP

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
9 years ago
Mad Yale Grad
Mad Yale Grad
9 years ago

zdoiz, “If I was single again and I couldn’t lock down a woman this attractive or close to it I’d go MGTOW. I’m not going to perform for anything less. Translation: If someday I became single that’s the way I would probably stay.” “Tony Robbins is a zillionaire and his wife is incredibly hot. But there are firemen in my city with wives this hot. After a certain point money doesn’t change the equation much.” Did you ever attend any of his retreats? I was part of the circuit. Things started getting weirder and weirder when this “Sage” (not her… Read more »

9 years ago

Slight flare-up there. Put some ice on it.

Lone Survivor
Lone Survivor
9 years ago


Hey, thanks for your response. I found the catch and the business you are trying to make out of here. Good luck with that!

9 years ago

Tony Robbins, fwiw, was an interesting case. His first wife was something like 18 years older than he was, and he married her very very early in life. She’d been divorced twice, with three kids. He had a son with a girlfriend outside of his marriage before they divorced.

He has some interesting stuff…I’ve read his recent book on Money, Master the Game. Recommend it for folks who don’t have a lot of background in finance (I can’t speak for people that knowledgeable as I am not), it was very informative to me.

9 years ago
Reply to  kfg

@SFC Ton

“a substitute for a robust and masculine life. And I mean masculine, unrepentant, unreconstructed raw masculinty and masculine pursuits”

Amen to that

“Because you inanely believe women are capable of making cogent decisions about who they should fuck and who they should marry.”
Well… Gonna focus on approaching and leave it at that.

Mad Yale Grad
Mad Yale Grad
9 years ago

“Your wife’s job is to hurt you and your job is to love her” while encouraging the wife to hit him and encouraging the husband to “be a man” and take it!!!! The crowd cheers….

The Diplomat
The Diplomat
9 years ago

Do you know any men who use the term “preggers” for pregnant. I don’t.

I spotted MYG as a ladytroll several threads ago, and I haven’t seen anything further to convince me otherwise. No harm, no foul for her posting on this forum, but she shouldn’t misrepresent herself and expect not to be harshly called out for it and subsequently bitch-spanked for obvious chick trolling.

Not Born This Morning
Not Born This Morning
9 years ago I think all of us have either acted like or are acting like the wind up man above. I know I have. It is as if the “red pill” winds us up and releases us to sometimes flip about; awkwardly flopping all over ourselves and each other, flailing around with no meaningful bearing. The red pill is a beta suicide pill and the flopping around is death convulsions. Enlightenment shatters our misconception of reality. We cannot reconcile ourselves without pain and struggle. Consequently we try to avoid facing ourselves; make claims based on false hopes and ego and attack… Read more »

Forge the Sky
Forge the Sky
9 years ago

Re: fashions

I recently saw a tank top in a store, definitely for girls but a bit masculine-colored. It was called the ‘boyfriend tank,’ the idea being I suppose that the girl was supposed to look like she had borrowed her boyfriend’s clothing.

Imagine marketing that schtick to men – ‘girlfriend shorts!’

Where would you put your junk?

Forge the Sky
Forge the Sky
9 years ago

Lol @ MYG’s ideals about what should be alpha. I’ve mentioned a girl before – nice, pretty girl, good job – who is inextricably bound to an immigrant dishwasher from a local bar. Twerpy, average-looking, smokes pot and plays video games in his downtime, no real social skills. She briefly contemplated leaving him after he strangled her for the third time, but changed her mind a day later. Soon after she ‘accidentally’ got pregnant and last I heard won’t shut up about what a great father this douche will clearly make. Alpha is a mindset, not a demographic. Part of… Read more »

9 years ago
Reply to  Forge the Sky

Self surgery Overbearing mother On being male It’s better to be in the arena, getting stomped by the bull, than to be up in the stands or out in the parking lot. Steven Pressfield, The War of Art: Break Through the Blocks & Win Your Inner Creative Battles No one can change but me their is nothing about the world I wanna change but me. I remember reading about Kurt cobains death the shirt he was wearing before he shoot himself had “I hate myself and I wanna die” he’s bandmate was chris who plays bass noticed and… Read more »

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
9 years ago

@Forge Part of that mindset is not thinking twice about anything you do, whether due to stupidity or competence. This is an incredibly hard thing for me. The “curse of intelligence” as my therapist calls it. I can analyze any subject from any number of angles, and so my examines every single subject from every single angle it can conceive of all the time. This has been one of the biggest challenges for me to try and overcome. I know it’s valuable sometimes, but for most of daily life it’s just a gigantic fucking handicap. My head is just full… Read more »

9 years ago

I think Amy Schumer’s comedy show could be improved if she would consider including jokes and humor in it.

9 years ago

” Part of that mindset is not thinking twice about anything you do . . .”

And if turns out to be wrong in some way, well, do something else.

“I think Amy Schumer’s comedy show could be improved if she would consider including jokes and humor in it.”


Forge the Sky
Forge the Sky
9 years ago

@Sun Wukong Ya, I’ve got the same thing. Damn brain never wants to shut up. It doesn’t help that I’ve got a writer’s instinct to constantly edit my phrases and wording, even as I’m saying them; if I don’t break myself out of that, I actually get a bit of a stutter, ha. It’s all overthinking. But I can break it. I’m actually a good conversationalist, and a very good public speaker, once I do. It can be a huge shift, really. Our society currently over-encourages this sort of careful thinking. From a young age we go to school and… Read more »

9 years ago

@ Diplomat – Some of MadYaleGrad’s language I’ve pick up on has some Aussie slang here and there. “preggers” is fairly common (and stupid) Australian slang for pregnant.

@ MYG – have we fucked before? Is your real name Lisa?

Forge the Sky
Forge the Sky
9 years ago

Also, it really helps to have a father who owns a supplement company. Where each product has been clinically tested to work on some people, so as to winnow out the bullshit a priori. And to only suffer abuse from an older brother in the context of a loving family, rather than having an abusive parent. I read the stories some men post here, and I’m humbled by the strength against adversity I see. I’m very grateful to be reminded how good I have it, all things considered. Welp, I’ve had a few whiskeys now, maybe I’m just getting sappy… Read more »

9 years ago
Reply to  Forge the Sky

@Forge the sky “And to only suffer abuse from an older brother in the context of a loving family, rather than having an abusive parent.” Hey I approached 6 girls today @Forge the sky I grew up with women and was seriously hurt by them. They where both physical and emotionally hurtful I would have had a brother as well but my mom had a miscarriage and told me before my dad found out which ironically ended up getting me really beat up physically because my farther felt my male presence caused the stress for my mom to lose him.… Read more »

9 years ago

@ Forge the Sky Alpha is a mindset, not a demographic. Part of that mindset is not thinking twice about anything you do, whether due to stupidity or competence. Pussy doesn’t know the difference. I’m not sure if I completely agree with that line of reasoning based on this data point. The average woman in my city is far more attractive in wealthy neighborhoods than middle class neighborhoods. In poor neighborhoods there are hardly any attractive women at all. And yet poor neighborhoods are chock full of men that ooze attitude and masculinity. Step out of line and these guys… Read more »

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
9 years ago


I think Amy Schumer’s comedy show could be improved if she would consider including jokes and humor in it.

Perhaps removing herself from it would remedy the situation.

Forge the Sky
Forge the Sky
9 years ago


Again, AF vs BB.

There’s a dualistic mating strategy going on in the background here. For a high-class/pretty woman, it can often make more sense to lock down a socially laudable BB man than to publicly trumpet the AF that turns her on. She might even be contented by the trade-off – social status, comfort, and general validation at the expense of tingles – but it doesn’t mean that she’s not more viscerally attracted to the lowlife tattooed thugs that catcall her when she takes her recumbent bike down to the soup kitchen.

Forge the Sky
Forge the Sky
9 years ago

(in order to volunteer for her church’s community outreach, I meant to add)

9 years ago

@ Sun Wukong
Perhaps removing herself from it would remedy the situation.
Test pattern would by funnier than most of her YouTube clips. Then again maybe I’m missing something. Right now she’s the “it” girl but to me… meh.

Forge the Sky
Forge the Sky
9 years ago


Hey man, good on you for the approaches. Any closes? Would have aimed for a similar number but a thunderstorm crashed my social plans, lol.

And I don’t bring up my brother in a ‘poor me’ sense, the point is I recognize how good I have it, relatively speaking. But my older brother is a) gay; and b) suffering from a personality disorder, so I’m afraid your visions of learning so much from a male peer may not quite apply here.

9 years ago
Reply to  Forge the Sky

@forge the sky Check it out So I wrote this letter to myself on whole body harvesting in my deepest blue pill stage age 24 My sister came in my room and called the cops on me. The next morning I woke up and got handcuffed by the police in my parents house and taken to the hospital. They put me in the Phyce ward and termed me bi polar… It’s funny No hilarious I got made fun for being male than the moment I try too ale my life by given the world my body through whole body harvesting… Read more »

9 years ago

@ Forge the Sky
Again, AF vs BB.

I have no doubt that AF/BB is a real phenomenon. It absolutely does take a certain degree of Alpha attitude to hold a woman’s interest. But I think the fact that pretty women compete against each other to avoid poor men indicates something.

A) Being Alpha isn’t everything.
B) From a female point of view Alpha is more than just personality.

9 years ago

1 or the other.

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
9 years ago


Women generally aren’t funny because they don’t have to be. She’s no exception.

Honestly chicks that think they’re “funny” are usually obnoxious to date anyway. Their humor is usually just poorly timed and feels very try hard-ish. It’s more a turn off than a turn on.

Mad Yale Grad
Mad Yale Grad
9 years ago

“I have no doubt that AF/BB is a real phenomenon.”

Oh for sure it is. But so is OF/BB: omega fucks/beta bucks. And sometimes even OF/AB: omega fucks/alpha bucks.

Forge the Sky
Forge the Sky
9 years ago

zdr01dz I think it’s more that it takes a certain amount of AF to have a woman’s interest in the first place. But my point is, this isn’t a dogmatic binary. The RP realization isn’t that women chase douchebag alphas. The RP realization is that woman have a dualistic mating strategy (which at least flirts with mutual exclusivity between AF/BB). Women are absolutely drawn to beta traits. And that attraction isn’t just an illusion, it isn’t any less real than their draw to AF; the dynamics are just different, they’re more pragmatic. But it’s important to realize that no degree… Read more »

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
9 years ago

@Forge Women are absolutely drawn to beta traits. And that attraction isn’t just an illusion, it isn’t any less real than their draw to AF; the dynamics are just different, they’re more pragmatic. The reason that every guy focuses on the AF side though is that we all want to be the guy she’s wet for. We all want the wild monkey sex. We all want to feel like we’re really really really wanted in the sack instead of having to beg for it, because men need sex in a way women will never understand. TRP teaches about the dualistic… Read more »

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
9 years ago

Hell that’s the only reason hypergamy even works, honestly.

9 years ago

So MYG, Tony reads Heartiste and steals his ideas to make millions. Someone should let Heartiste know.

9 years ago

@ Forge the Sky I see the same thing in my parent’s relationship. I suppose I’m trying to figure out how some relationships end up like that, and others, in spite of white-hot initial attraction, don’t. Is it just the (perception of) alpha, or is there some other factor? Well here are some data points. A) I’m short B) I’m not handsome C) No woman ever turned her head to get a better look at me. Ever. I’ve proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that it can be done without good looks. I do have solid game so at… Read more »

9 years ago

@ Sun Wukong
We all want the wild monkey sex.
When I was young I used to think the way to please women was through outstanding technique. DUMB! The truth is it doesn’t much matter what I do. If I’m genuinely into it she gets turned on.

Getting hot monkey sex is easy. You want it, just take it. Women love to be desired and they love dirty talk while they’re being taken.

All of this assumes you’re already in a relationship, hehe.

9 years ago

@ Forge the Sky
Wait a minute, one more possibly important data point.

When I started dating my wife she had just turned 18. I was 20. She was a virgin. There are some studies floating around the man-o-sphere that indicate that the more sex partners a woman has had the more likely a marriage will end in divorce. She’s only had me.

Divided Line
9 years ago

@ Mad Yale Grad

You could probably help these poor young men out by throwing them a blowjob or two. They probably didn’t teach you that at Yale, I guess.

9 years ago

I think Amy Schumer is funny (kind of). But:
1) There’s too much Amy (a good 20 pounds too much)
2) She’s a one-tick pony
(there’s only so much a person can milk from the “I’m a slut! Get it?” punchline and that once-bountiful teat is a saggy, flabby, empty teat now…Chelsey Handler overused it first)

Forge the Sky
Forge the Sky
9 years ago

Thanks zd01dz, that’s helpful.

And yeah, technique is really only window dressing. And if thinking about technique takes you out of the moment, quite harmful, lol.

Men and women are similar in this respect – we both want the upfront, passionate, unpremeditated desire of our sexual partner – not some preset bag of tricks designed to elicit our approval.

9 years ago
Reply to  Forge the Sky

@Forge the sky
“Men and women are similar in this respect – we both want the upfront, passionate, unpremeditated desire of our sexual partner – not some preset bag of tricks designed to elicit our approval.”
Makes me think of “just gets it”

9 years ago
Reply to  Forge the Sky

Alpha seed Beta Need
Re create yourself…
“Remember women need tension to be attracted.”

Was approaching a few women today at three and thinking of this article.

Para Social relationships comes to mind…

9 years ago

This just in.

Porn and video game addiction are leading to ‘masculinity crisis’, says Stanford prison experiment psychologist

I laugh at this stuff. Society spent the last 50 years trying to devalue men and now it’s running out of beta, worker bees because they won’t sign up. Oops! When I look at how many young girls are obese it’s obvious that MGTOW is a completely rationale response for a lot of guys.

9 years ago

Kate Bollick’s basic precept is that a woman doesn’t need a husband. What she needs is a rich father and a string of wealthy boyfriends that she can extract resources from.

9 years ago


The headline of that article should be, “Masculinity crisis is leading to porn and videogame addiction.”

9 years ago

Let me rewrite the second part too:

“Feminism and the general devaluing of men leaves men hopeless about finding intimacy or a place in society, and prone to retreating into excess gaming and online pornography”

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
9 years ago


The Feminine Imperative can’t get its narrative straight.

Proof that it’s not a conspiracy, just an alignment of incentives for hundreds of millions of women living in denial of biological reality.


The headline of that article should be, “Masculinity crisis is leading to porn and videogame addiction.”


9 years ago


Never trust a man who attempts to knock his arrow of causality the wrong way ’round.

@Rollo: “The Feminine Imperative can’t get its narrative straight.”

Certainly not, that would ruin everything.

9 years ago
Reply to  kfg

@Solftek “The headline of that article should be, “Masculinity crisis is leading to porn and videogame addiction.” ” You looking at the history of manwin and Fabian Thyman buying as much porn as possible an profiting off it from 2007 to now and it’s incredible. You look at hunting laws in the most liberal states and it’s another wonder. You look at kids getting detention for bringing knives or getting up and you wonder? I really think it’s been a huge detriment for boys going through puberty to deal with a huge backlash of having balls and a penise and… Read more »

9 years ago The subtext of this cover is that Kate is attractive enough that she doesn’t need a husband. A woman of her beauty still has access to male resources. The Amazon reviews confirm this. If you grew up in a privileged elitist household where a routine summer vacation involved vacationing on islands off the North East coast – while your parents played tennis all day on clay courts – perhaps you will enjoy this. This book is one big contradiction and a thinly veiled attempt by author Bolick to prove herself a far superior being than the average intellectual. Bolick… Read more »

9 years ago

@ Softek
“Feminism and the general devaluing of men leaves men hopeless about finding intimacy or a place in society, and prone to retreating into excess gaming and online pornography”

Bingo! Society was banking on the fact that once all the male incentives were removed men would keep producing just the same. Sorry, humans are rational.

9 years ago
Reply to  zdr01dz

@zdro1dz “Bingo! Society was banking on the fact that once all the male incentives were removed men would keep producing just the same. Sorry, humans are rational.” Makes me think of this “We cannot live only for ourselves. A thousand fibers connect us with our fellow men; and among those fibers, as sympathetic threads, our actions run as causes, and they come back to us as effects.” “A man thinks that by mouthing hard words he understands hard things.” Herman Melville The tale must be rehearsed–and we may amuse ourselves imagining how things must have been, often, acrimonious, or at… Read more »

Mad Yale Grad
Mad Yale Grad
9 years ago

Forge the Sky. “But my point is, this isn’t a dogmatic binary. The RP realization isn’t that women chase douchebag alphas. The RP realization is that woman have a dualistic mating strategy (which at least flirts with mutual exclusivity between AF/BB).” I agree that some women display a dualistic mating strategy and that it is not a binary of AF/BB only. All the cases of baby mamas were omega fucks/beta bucks that I know of. Many women do not display a dualistic mating strategy at all. Heck there are millions of women who even have one partner their entire lives.… Read more »

Mad Yale Grad
Mad Yale Grad
9 years ago


May 9th, 2015 at 1:55 am

So MYG, Tony reads Heartiste and steals his ideas to make millions. Someone should let Heartiste know.

No. Both Tony and Heartiste, and RSD, and, and, and… get a lot of their stuff from Deida.

9 years ago

“You look at hunting laws in the most liberal states and it’s another wonder.” I let my license lapse before the laws changed, didn’t save an old copy, so when I went to renew I had to take the hunter education course. A good deal of time was spent trying to instil in us the idea that our rifles were not weapons and should never be referred to as such, and that we should take precautions in transporting and handling them, because we could still be prosecuted for perfectly lawful behaviour – like carrying a gun case to the car… Read more »

9 years ago
Reply to  kfg

@kfg Steven Rinella The hunt the game the rules and what you learn vs SJW imposing manmade Ideals vs natures Maybe stalking the woods is as vital to the human condition as playing music or putting words to paper. Maybe hunting has as much of a claim on our civilized selves as anything else. After all, the earliest forms of representational art reflect hunters and prey. While the arts were making us spiritually viable, hunting did the heavy lifting of not only keeping us alive, but inspiring us. To abhor hunting is to hate the place from which… Read more »

Forge the Sky
Forge the Sky
9 years ago

Lol, that review of ‘Spinster’ is hilarious. I actually think it does a good job of showing how much the current ‘don’t need no man’ model of feminine thought hinges upon the assumption of abundance.

Mad Yale Grad
Mad Yale Grad
9 years ago

“Bingo! Society was banking on the fact that once all the male incentives were removed men would keep producing just the same. Sorry, humans are rational.” – Evolutionray biologists and other scientists say around IIRC at least 40% of men throughout history and prehistory never reproduced. Because we are post-industrial, high tech and all about jobs, jobs, jobs, “the economy” and selling and consuming a bunch of stuff now, we notice. Previously it went unnoticed. What’s happening with kidults and peter pans is nothing new and its not a crisis. Its normal and has always been so. I found this… Read more »

9 years ago

“I’ve heard that $80k is the true average.”

The average Aussie does not make 80,000 a year. If they did, married couples making 160,000 wouldn’t often have problems servicing their mortgages.

The average is the average across the board(the figure includes billionaires and average joes). The median income is closer to reality and that is around 60-63,000 or so.

Anyway, the American dating rules pretty much apply to us. Fat women are increasing in number and so are their demands. Attractive Aussie men settle more and more for ordinary to ugly women. Supplication is widespread.

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
9 years ago

My usual bar was a big strike out tonight. Nothing worth hitting on. Once I get moved and things calm down, I’m gonna have to look for better hunting grounds. 40 year old women and fatties are just boner killers. Really starts to make me question why I haven’t left the US yet.

9 years ago
Reply to  Sun Wukong

@Sun wukong Was setting up a dance just know and approached 4 really great looking women. Not all people look bad with their weight sometimes it helps me to place myself in new environments. Foreign women can be incredibly elegant I was dancing with this women from brazil and she was an HB10 she smiled an I left I got school work in the morning. But it was a great confidence builder. What helps me is dances. Women who dance care far less about feminism and more towards femininity. Well that’s not entirely correct. But overall some are able to… Read more »

9 years ago

@Sun Wukong Part of that mindset is not thinking twice about anything you do, whether due to stupidity or competence. This is an incredibly hard thing for me. The “curse of intelligence” as my therapist calls it. I can analyze any subject from any number of angles, and so my examines every single subject from every single angle it can conceive of all the time…. Definitely makes the Alpha mindset a hard thing to reach for me As I’ve said before, it’s not your brain that’s keeping you from having an alpha mindset. Analytical thinking is not mutually exclusive of… Read more »

Signor Farfalla
Signor Farfalla
9 years ago


You too alpha to exercise?

Are pullups supplicating?

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
9 years ago


You say that, but I keep failing to see it. Much like in my practice of wing chun, I find myself fighting to get my brain out of the way.

9 years ago
Reply to  Sun Wukong

@Sun Wukong
Use the force
To pose is to support
Their is no try only do.

Wonder what this means for men and hypergamy

9 years ago

@ kios – ABS and a few other sources indicate it’s ~$74K so add 9% super and it’s $80,845 total so I was pretty close. Went out Gaming last night with about 10 other guys (mostly aged 30-36). I was the oldest at 43. Three of us were red pill. Guess which guys the attention of the womenz… Also, guess which guys were the worst wingmen and killed a few of my sets…yep the beta guys that can only approach women when they are already in a set with me. Still, I opened multiple sets and Gamed a 27… Read more »

Signor Farfalla
Signor Farfalla
9 years ago

@zrdroidz “Society spent the last 50 years trying to devalue men and now it’s running out of beta,” Bingo on that. That was a take that I’ve made myself. 50 full years relentless attack on males from all angles and unlike most female endeavors, it has actually started to work. The reaction of course is to immediately double-down on the attack of men once they start to falter. The very worst aspect of it is that females engaged in the most cowardly act of war that I’ve ever seen; Attack the children of your adversary and then just wait. How… Read more »

9 years ago

@ signor f – correction – it’s ALL westernized females.

9 years ago

@Signor Farfalla:

The quest for social equality has always operated by beating down to the lowest possible denominator, rather than by lifting up to the highest possible.

With sufficient beatings even the very strongest can be made weak, while the weakest can never be made strong.

Forge the Sky
Forge the Sky
9 years ago

Rugby has a point, the dance scene can be totally different from the bar scene. Most bars I’ve gone to are all-but bereft of bangable girls who aren’t with their families or a boyfriend. The dance floors are a different story.

But it is generally a younger man’s game, and looks matter a lot in that context.

From the perspective of a noob, I found it to be a great icebreaker for escalating, though.

Forge the Sky
Forge the Sky
9 years ago

@Sun Wukong Re: getting out of your head – I really do think this is mostly a low-level background anxiety (as well as, after decades, simple reinforced habit). Analogically, brainpower is like muscle. If you’ve built up a lot of muscle, you can lift heavier objects when you want to. When you’re not lifting a heavy object, the muscle should be relaxed, no less so because it happens to be larger and stronger than a weaker person’s. So it can contract more strongly, but that doesn’t mean it’s any more ‘on’ when you’re not using it than a smaller muscle.… Read more »

9 years ago
Reply to  Forge the Sky

@Forge they sky
“With a history of trauma, however, that state of hyper-alertness can run very deep.”

Their are parts of me I am still getting over. I got a lot of work to do on myself.
Putting myself in new situations I am not use to is the best way to counteract that.

@Sun Wukong
Hey what I think may help is meditation before you go out. I try that and I am still filled with anxiety. But I does help.

Check this out its interesting

9 years ago

@Forge the Sky This all changes if you become stressed out and your muscles tense up as a result. You get chronic low-grade muscular tension that won’t release. You can, by act of will, loosen them up – but as soon as you stop thinking about it, they return to a base state of slight contraction. Strong people are no more or less likely to suffer from this sort of tension than weak people. Exactly. It’s your habits or typical environment that in many ways defines a default behavior. Change your habits, or change your environment and you can alter… Read more »

Dr. Jeremy
9 years ago

Rollo, I’m always glad to see when someone incorporates old seduction community ideas…like being the prince/prize. There were a lot of helpful concepts devised 10+ years ago, in those old ASF days, that seem to have been mostly lost with time. When I see old school guys like YaReally get frustrated on these chats, it reminds me that many newer guys are missing some fundamental ideas that the rest of us worked through a decade or more ago. So, I’d like to hear more of your thoughts on men learning to reappraise their value and “be the prize”, along with… Read more »

9 years ago

@ Signor Farfalla I see you might be new to all this so I’ll explain. When your game is exquisitely tight and you are subtextually communicating that with how you hold yourself, you NEED to actually “disqualify” yourself to appear approachable and actually attainable, lest a young, nubile thing self eject. Many ways to do this, but the top 2 ways to donate the pussy are: A. be too fit. See, people grow to the size of their fishbowl and you are demonstrating that your fishbowl might be a bit too big for her insecurities, OR that her judgement of… Read more »

9 years ago

@ Dr. Jeremy Rather, it is about his and the woman’s shared perception of his relative value in the interaction – and whether that entitles him to lead and her follow (alpha), or requires that he submit and hope for her favor (beta). As I see it if a man wants a happy long term relationship (I’m not talking about hookups) he has to bring the most important asset to the table i.e. money and financial stability. At a bare minimum he has to offer the prospect of future financial & career success. Without that she will not respect him… Read more »

9 years ago

This guy is bringing everything to the table. If he wasn’t she wouldn’t be interested. And yet boys are taught from day 1 to supplicate. If this was a business deal it would be considered completely out of whack.

9 years ago


Dude. The Red Pill, traditional masculinity, and the restoration of the American male is almost completely centered around NOT being a woman’s beast of burden.

Lion model dude. You think I “work” (anymore)? Women will work their fingers to the bone for an alpha. You need to bring NOTHING but superior DNA and the ability to physically protect the family. If they don’t hunt, I take the kid and find a new younger model that will and you bet your ass she knows it.

How are you not getting literally ANY of this?

9 years ago

I hereby nominate Rollo Tomassi for canonization and sainthood for unwavering and tedious endeavors of great importance but with dense pupils.

9 years ago

@ Tilikum
How are you not getting literally ANY of this?
I completely disagree with that in the strongest possible terms, hehe.

I do not believe women will work their fingers to the bone to get Alpha seed.
You know why those girls are standing with Charlie Sheen? Because he paid them.

9 years ago
You know why these beautiful women show up to parties at the Playboy Mansion and mingle with celebrities? You guessed it. They’re paid.

9 years ago

@zdr01dz But here’s the rub in your scenario… If the partner in an LTR/Marriage grows used to having money, your money, there is no ironclad guarantee that she won’t still give you all manner of hell and make your life miserable. Money is important to live and advance. Money will keep her satisfied for a while until the Hamster gets fueled up. Besides, once you lock her down legally, she’ll just take half of your shit when she exits stage left. Besides the financial aspect, I believe men must vet the living hell out of a woman. I don’t want… Read more »

9 years ago

@ Blaximus I think Masculine Frame + Positive cash flow = Good chance at relationship maintenance. She’s gotta exist in your world, and your world has to consist of more than cash. She must value you more than money. You are 100% correct about that. Up above I was writing about the vetting process. If you show up at the table with the cash and she asks you to get on your knees to qualify for her you should throw her right out the door. She’s the expendable person in the deal, not you. And as we all know after… Read more »

9 years ago

@ Rollo
You’re not the first to suggest that
hehe, yep. Sometimes a girl who worked at the Playboy Mansion will end up on the Stern show. They’re all there for the cash and to meet celebs that can help their careers and bank accounts. Not so much to hear Pauly Shore’s jokes.

9 years ago

@zdr01dz Yes, but show up to the table first and foremost with the correct Frame. Cash is secondary, always. The correct Frame will not lead to any knee bending qualification. Marriage is not such a bad deal if you…* all together now * Hold your Frame. I can’t stress that enough. Maybe I can stress it a few more times… No man truly profits but by the sweat of his brow. If you do the work needed to succeed in marriage, before you actually get married, it may not turn out to be a total cluster-fuck. Sometimes you may be… Read more »

9 years ago

Both parties wanting to start a family, IMO, is not a good enough reason to marry.

But it’s the minimum. If a couple doesn’t want to have kids marriage (at least to me) makes no sense. Just date forever.

9 years ago


… Oh, and btw, get your ( dominant ) sex game up. Ha!

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