Primordial Archetypes

This morning I was made aware of another example of open Hypergamy. A Russian Alpha Widow admitted to her duplicity in switching her Beta husband’s sperm with that of her ex lover’s in her IVF insemination. Now, at the risk of throwing red meat to the wolves here, I wanted to dissect this situation a bit to explain a larger concept I’ve been considering lately. It would be enough to use this situation as one more example of women’s prime directive – Hypergamy before all else – but, there’s more involved here that illustrates the sociological reach that Hypergamy has for women.

You see, Yana Anokhina, 38, couldn’t have pulled off her deception of Maxim Anokhin without enlisting the aid of Dr. Liya Kazaryan and her staff in swapping out his sperm for that of Yana’s former lover; the Alpha for whom she was widowed’. I’m not entirely sure that her former lover (now her current relationship) was aware of the swap, but there’s no question about Yana’s motives.

Ms Anokhina has not spoken about the swap but reports say she wanted the father of her baby to be the man she loved – not her husband.

‘It was found out during the investigation in court that Maxim’s wife Yana was the one who initiated the process of replacing her husband’s biological material,’ reported Vesti.

‘Allegedly, she wanted to give birth to a child by a man with whom she was in love, and her husband was the one who paid the costs.’

So this isn’t just as simple as she got knocked up by her Alpha lover and tricked her Beta husband into believing the inseminated sperm was his own. She had to actually go to the trouble of collecting two samples of sperm, convincing the IVF clinic’s doctor and staff into making the swap (and then withholding the truth from the father) and then carrying the pregnancy to term and keeping her husband ignorant of the ruse for a year. This may seem like the deviousness of a particular woman, but remember, she had to enlist the confidence of Dr. Kazaryan and other clinicians (I presume also female).

And she does all this with a laugh.

I’ve written quite a bit on what I call the Sisterhood Über Alles and this is one more example of how that collective female consciousness intuitively understands and both consciously and unconsciously promotes the interests of the Feminine Imperative – even for unfamiliar, anonymous women.

Now you might say, “Well Rollo, this is just one horrible example of a few women who got in cahoots to deceive a hapless Beta chump. Not all women are like this.” Or I’m sure the more morally conscious of ‘red pill women’ would simply point out that they would never do such a thing and convince us that ‘quality women’ regularly police their own Hypergamous impulses – these Russian women just lack their moral superiority. Well, be that as it may, it’s not too difficult to find online forums dedicated to women collaborating with other women in order to trick a man into marrying a woman via false pregnancy claims. In fact there’s a lucrative black market for positive pregnancy tests sold to women wanting to press their boyfriends into a marriage commitment by way of a false-positive pregnancy scare.

The fact behind all this still remains – women evolved for a subconscious, collective duplicity when it comes to optimizing on Hypergamy.

We can see this in popular culture; a culture defined by the Feminine Imperative now. Dalrock once said we have replaced the monogamous marriage model of child rearing with the child support model of child rearing today. I believe he’s right, but how is that child support model effected today and how doe it align with women’s evolved, instinctual predilections?

Humankind evolved from small tribal collectives, but in each collective there were commonalities of behaviors that developed similarly to solve various personal and collective (tribal) problems. For instance, an instinctive (unlearned) fear of snakes or spiders in women is an evolved part of humankind’s collective mental firmware. A small boys natural propensity to throw an object with strength and accuracy might be another example.

How women interact today in what I call the Sisterhood is a gestalt of the various instinctive behaviors that the women of our tribal ancestors developed to aid them in collective support as well as ensuring long-term security in reproduction. In other words, women evolved to do exactly what Dr. Kazaryan did, and so many other women in various “trick him into marrying you” forums do, to enable another woman’s sexual strategy. From an evolutionary perspective it follows that women who aided their ‘sisters’ in Hypergamy would themselves be aided and insure that this archetypal behavior became a characteristic of women’s collectivist nature.

I once watched a video of some daytime women’s talk show that centered on how women could justifiably trap a man into commitment by essentially lying to him about a faked pregnancy. I apologize for not having a link to it here, but while I was looking for it on YouTube I was inundated with videos of shows on this topic – I literally couldn’t find the one I was thinking of because there were so many returns. Watching this show I was hit by just how many women in the audience rallied behind the women doing the ‘trapping’ and the myriad justifications offered to allay any feelings of guilt, remorse or doubts about having a child.

This is particularly emphasized if the ‘father’ in question fulfills an ideal of women’s collective Hypergamy. To the collective hivemind of women, a woman is, by nature, entitled to a child with the most perfect father (high SMV) she can attract. Remember, shows and online forums like this are only small representative examples of that global Hypergamous archetypal expectation and the support women offer each other to optimize Hypergamy. I’ve stated before the the Sisterhood Über Alles (above all) transcends all considerations of tribe, race, religion and even political stripe. All women are part of ‘team woman‘ before any other affiliation; this is how the Feminine Imperative has remained a social influence since our hunter/gatherer beginnings. As we’ve progressed from small tribalist beginnings to larger collectives, to nations and now to globalism, this female collectivism has expanded to encompass the totality of womankind.

Love Me Vampire, Fuck Me Werewolf

Anyone who’s been reading my work for a while is probably scratching their heads as to why I’m referring to the concept of ‘archetypes’ here. As most of my readers know, I’ve never been a fan of Carl Jung. I’ve written about why this is a few times and I’ll probably write a more comprehensive essay about it in the coming year, but suffice to say that while Jung might be synonymous with the new agey metaphysical concept of archetypes, it was from anthropology that he lifted the term and that’s the basic reference I’m using here. That said, I don’t necessarily disagree with Jungian archetypes, it’s at the point where the concept takes on metaphysical aspects that I part ways with them.

However, the idea of archetypes is necessary to explain the last bit of the puzzle here, because it’s my belief that a primordial understanding of Hypergamy is part of our collective consciousness and unconsciousness. I say collective consciousness because since the time of the Sexual Revolution our global understanding of intersexual dynamics has become part of our social discourse. When I refer to something like Open Hypergamy I’m talking about the almost triumphant, open embrace of women’s sexual strategy. The generations that came after the Sexual Revolution scarcely remember that there was a time when intersexual truths we take for granted now weren’t something that was discussed in polite conversation. Hypergamy, while unconsciously understood, was secretive. A woman who other women called a ‘gold digger’ was disparaged by women not on moral grounds, but rather because she was open about the sexual strategy all women employ and they’d rather be kept secret so as to use it effectively.

In 2018 it’s almost quaint to think that women would be coy about Hypergamy. With the advent of the internet it became impossible for women to keep Hypergamy concealed, and really, why would they care to in an age when the necessary provisioning-side of Hypergamy is veritably insured? But it wasn’t always so obvious. Up until the mid 1960s the understanding of Hypergamy was an unconscious knowledge. Certainly it was discussed and written about by men contemplating the duplicitous nature of women. Ancient religious texts are rife with proverbs warning against the nature of women, so the basics of Hypergamy were something our tribal ancestors we’re well aware of.

I received this Tweet from a reader a few days ago:

This guy’s ‘revelation’ prompted me to consider the primordial understanding we have of Hypergamy. I’ve read dozens of articles by, and listened to dozens more interviews of, ‘popular psychologists’ who explain the commonalities of our classic human stories and myths. I got into this topic in Storytelling. The basic premise is that our common evolution has led to common themes in all human stories. The same elements and the same character archetypes pursue the same motives from culture to culture. Yet all of these commonalities are centered on similar aspects of our evolved mental firmware. The hero, the villain, good vs. evil, the wise old sage, the beautiful damsel to be saved, ect. are all founded on common human development. They are semi-conscious expressions of what our evolution has embedded in our mental firmware.

Now, what if I told you that the reality of women’s Hypergamous nature is also a part of that collective consciousness?

My theory is this: human beings have an innate understanding of the Alpha Seed – Beta Need nature of intersexual dynamics. On some level of consciousness we know, we feel, that it’s true, how it functions and why does. As a result, social institutions (religion and familial) created moral strictures around this unconscious knowledge to buffer against the worst effects of it on society. Only after the Sexual Revolution and men ceding virtually unilateral control of Hypergamy to women did these strictures change.

The concepts of men who represent Alpha Fucks and Beta Bucks are similarly part of this instinctual understanding of Hypergamy. These too are archetypes, but more so, they form the basis of more complex male archetypes (love me Vampire, fuck me Werewolf). They are the men women want to fuck and the men women want to be provided for by. And we can trace the root of these archetypes through our evolution and even the evolution of other primates. These Hypergamous archetypes then manifest themselves in our era-specific, cultural specific, stories, narratives, mythology, etc.

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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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5 years ago

An essay compares J.D. Salinger to Harvey Weinstein because he dumped a woman.

“In the spring of 1972, … a letter from J.D. Salinger … offered his admiration, friendship, mentorship and spiritual guidance — and … urged me to leave college, come live with him. …
I gave up my scholarship and dropped out of Yale, cut off communication with my friends and moved … Seven months later, … he put two $50 bills in my hand and instructed me to return.”

5 years ago

Cut it out already.

5 years ago

I was busy yesterday evening and did not get a chance to respond to everyone’s replies. Will try to do it throughout the day as I have time. @SJF — No, I don’t expect the men I’m involved with to step in and be a father figure to my kids. There is actually a clause in my divorce agreement barring men from meeting my children for the first full year of our relationship. My children have a dad and a biological father is irreplaceable. He is active in their lives. One of my primary objectives throughout my divorce process was… Read more »

5 years ago

“I have already begun research on blended families in preparation for my next marriage . . .”

Anti-unicorn open hypergamy on crack.

5 years ago

UGH The men I dated this summer were just to dip my toe in the water. And get weed. Don’t forget the weed… I actually owed my ex husband spousal support because our earning was so disparate. I managed to strike a deal canceling his child support in exchange for not paying spousal. Wow that’s a hell of a deal! You ignore paying your equitable share to him by not sticking your gun down his throat. So sweet! And you can feel virtuous about it… while cynically eyeing your future prospects up. Tell us sweetie… How keen on you… Read more »

5 years ago

@Ugh: Looks like you’ve got it all figured out. Why the hell are you here ranting? Why don’t you go on and live your “strong and independent” life. It appears that you are not having much success finding a man to marry and are being used as a pump and dump. If you had men lining up, you would not be looking up RED PILL and MGTOW content. PS: Looked at your THIRSTAGRAM profile. Hate to bring it to your attention, but you are no unicorn. Just another run of mill “single mommy”. Just because you make some money doing… Read more »

5 years ago

Congratulations, you will see TRUE EQUALITY and get the “privilege” to live like a man, by being invisible and paying for your own shit.

we ll she gets to do so without paying the spousal support… so there’s that perk…

5 years ago

“I managed to strike a deal canceling his child support in exchange for not paying spousal.”

The truth comes out. So much for that Brownie Point.

5 years ago

@Incubus_Rising I ended all my summer relationships. I was not dumped once. I have no issue taking care of myself and my children financially. @Sentient Oh how the tables turn. If my ex was a woman demanding spousal support from a man I guarantee you would not be talking about his “equitable share”. Yes I would want a prenup no matter what the financial status of a future partner. Because not all women see marriage as a financial come up. Because when you have true access to economic power you don’t have to use personal relationships as a bank account.… Read more »

5 years ago

“There is a persistent anger and fundamental confusion in this sphere.”

Yeah, but you won’t be here long.

5 years ago

I cringe every time I hear a woman say I am “too picky”!

“If a woman is single past a certain age, society heaps all the blame – for blame is what it insists on heaping – on her. The birth rate is said to be falling not because many men don’t want to commit but because women are too busy or too picky or too high-powered and put off having children.”

proper title for the article should have been:

The hidden, horrifying costs of hitting the Wall!”

5 years ago

One of my primary objectives throughout my divorce process was to ensure the bond between my children and their father would not be broken.

Bull. You would not submit to him (save for impregnation); why should they? You know very well the lesson you taught: he’s not worth it.

You went shopping this summer and were disappointed in the goods; now you’re shopping on-line. Women’s empowerment = the right to quality goods regardless of the coin offered (if any) coupled (!) with a double-yer-money-back-guarantee regardless of how long you’ve had the goods nor how much wear-and-tear.


5 years ago

Ugh The comments are getting nastier and I came here for dialogue. Translation – my feelz are hurt by this cogdis… who wouldn’t dare show their face although I showed mine. Well most of us aren’t in the market for new dick… 1. An increasing number of women are choosing a child free life and exploring their identities outside of motherhood with cats… careful about the word choice though… choosing… 2. An increasing number of women are becoming educated and getting access to professional and economic power. and infertility… It seems many of you want it both ways. Hey I… Read more »

5 years ago

@Blaximus — You salute your brother in law for having the entire destiny of his wife and their children in his hands. Isn’t half of this Red Pill stuff bitching about having that level of responsibility?! About pushing back against women’s infantile needs to be taken care of? And so if all women are hypergamous how is he keeping his wife in line? By keeping her in the house? Turning off the internet? Pulling the shades so she can’t interact with the gardner and mailman?? It sounds like a nightmare. Re: women not knowing what it is to be a… Read more »

5 years ago

“There is a persistent anger and fundamental confusion in this sphere.” We call it clarity and pragmatism. “Not to be berated by a bunch of keyboard thugs who wouldn’t dare show their face although I showed mine.” The only thugs you know are the one you married and the ones you spread your legs for. Men don’t need to show their face, because we are not here to seek attention for our looks or money. We will thrash you with our ideas. And you are butt hurt because no one here is white knighting for a post wall deranged “single… Read more »

5 years ago

@SJB — I am actually not dating currently. And I was not disappointed by most of the men I dated this summer. Many were good quality guys I had good times with. I was up front with them about my lack of ability/desire for a serious relationship at this time. They all (except for one) were understanding of this. I have always been inquisitive. I have never been afraid to go into unfamiliar or unwelcoming intellectual spaces. Part of the reason I subject myself to discussions like this is to sniff out and challenge my own biases. I wish these… Read more »

5 years ago

“Because love and commitment and higher thinking are what separates us from animals.”

Then why didn’t you work it out with your ex, you filthy animal?

5 years ago

They can follow that impulse and break a bond or they can be human and have the unique ability for long term thinking and delayed gratification.

In your case “long term thinking” was seven years… “Liberate” that vagina yo!

5 years ago

“Isn’t half of this Red Pill stuff bitching about having that level of responsibility?!”


Why am I suddenly thinking of Nathan Poe?

5 years ago

@Incubus_Rising — Why would I choose a space like this to find a man? I am not here for that and I don’t need to be white knighted.

I’m assuming you are referring to the men I have dealt with as “thugs” because you assume they are all black and my children as “delinquent brats” because they are black also.

So, you’re racist. Good for you.

I don’t hurl insults at people I don’t know the identity of. I think it’s childish and cowardly.

5 years ago


“In terms of women looking for “the better deal”. I completely agree that we as women are biologically driven (because of childbirth) ”

If you agree with this then also consider the fact that men are biologically driven to be aroused by young fertile women to which they are prone to invest time and resources!

5 years ago

@Incubus_Rising — A reconciliation is not off the table. Especially since there was no abuse or infidelity leading to the end of the marriage. It is something we are discussing but would need a better handle on gender roles and expectations given economic imbalance (another reason I frequent Red Pill spaces, one of the few places gender differences are discussed in a meaningful way although I don’t always agree.)

I’m a filthy animal because I’m a black woman? I don’t do passive aggressive racism. Don’t dog whistle say what you mean.

5 years ago

” …. a hallmark of this space is the idea that women are fundamentally undeserving of respect.”

You don’t “deserve” nothing. Nobody “deserves” anything in life. You want something, you have to “earn” it. And women do jack shit to “earn” respect. You want respect from men, then you have to “earn” it.

If there is one word I could erase from the dictionary, it would be “deserve”. Ironically, I never heard a man ever use this word, it is always women. Ugh !!

5 years ago

“There is a persistent anger and fundamental confusion in this sphere.” Psychological projection in play. Ugh, none of the commenters that have responded to your comments are endowed with anger or fundamental confusion about what our purpose and mission is here in this space. Certainly I know Blaximus, myself, Sentient and KFG have no persistent anger or fundamental confusion. I certainly take issue with your proposal to be a Strong Independent Woman, put up a 50/50, guard your heart, money, profession and children against the possibility of a man being strong and masculine, MGTOW and having a vision of his… Read more »

5 years ago


I think it’s childish and cowardly.

Go ahead and say it…. Man Up!!!

5 years ago

@Orson — I never took issue with that. Check my comments.

@Palmasailor — So Oprah is going nuts? Jennifer Aniston? Helen Mirren? My many aunts who are child free in their 60s and have wads of disposable income?

Again I don’t get it.

Women want kids: Stay away from her she has baby rabies!
Women don’t want kids: She is a cat lady who is going to die miserable.

You complain about the status quo in one breath and defend it with the next.

5 years ago

“A reconciliation is not off the table. Especially since there was no abuse or infidelity leading to the end of the marriage.”

Anti-unicorn open hypergamy on crack, with a Benzedrine chaser.

5 years ago


Who used the word “keyboard thugs” first, you dim witted moron? If you can’t handle the heat, then don’t start the fire.

And yes, only thugs stick their dicks in “single mommies” and statistically children of “single mommies” turn out to be thugs. And stating these facts does not making me a racist.

5 years ago

Lol. The sphere is.a.Very angry place. Not 100% anger and fury, but a low humming persistent hum of seething.

Ya get used to it.

5 years ago

A reconciliation is not off the table. Especially since there was no abuse or infidelity leading to the end of the marriage. It is something we are discussing

Translation – “I took a picture of my ass, posted it to Tinder and could only get guys i didn’t want. And weed. Can’t forget the weed. I didn’t “liberate” my vagina for this…”

5 years ago

“I understand that a hallmark of this space is the idea that women are fundamentally undeserving of respect.”

That’s a Bull-Shit Insult. You just made that up out of thick air.

Now excuse me while I go golf in 98 Heat Index weather with my attractive wife who I very much respect in regards to her golf game and socializing skill at the country club.

5 years ago

“You complain about the status quo in one breath and defend it with the next.”

Why do you say “it’s 2018,” but talk about the “status quo” as if it were 1818?

5 years ago

@SJF — Again there is a contradiction. My fiscal responsibility is being interpreted by you as putting up a block. So I need to give up my career to be loved fully by a man?? Isn’t that the same kind of hypergamy you claim to detest? A woman who would give up her ability to care for herself and dump all of that responsibility on a man? Again, both resenting and defending the status quo. Yes there is a lot of anger towards me in this very comment box. I was called a filthy animal and my children delinquent brats.… Read more »

5 years ago

“Yes there is a lot of anger towards me in this very comment box. I was called a filthy animal and my children delinquent brats.

What do you call that?”

The voices in your head.

5 years ago

So Oprah is going nuts? Jennifer Aniston? Helen Mirren?

THIS should be in your stand up routine… Three for three, and the irony is lost…

5 years ago

” …. a hallmark of this space is the idea that women are fundamentally undeserving of respect.”

No, I read the message here as, Respect and enjoy women for what they are, but don’t fool yourself about what they aren’t. And men can be good at fooling themselves.

Yes there are always social changes, but while they can mask or frustrate biological imperatives they do not negate them — or the behavior patterns they often generate.

5 years ago

Ugh, I see a lot of similarities between you and my wife with regard to your perspective of “TRP”. (I had written understanding instead of perspective, but the truth is that both you and my wife misunderstand what is being communicated, rather than understand it.) No one here is trying to insult you (at least not in response to your first post). We are trying to explain that you have not fully understood what you have read and heard. It is only when you push back and tell us that we are wrong, because your perspective differs from our explanations,… Read more »

5 years ago

@kfg — What about addressing the core of my comment? As men, do you want your women to ‘put their outcomes in your hands’ or not? I am not understanding. Still waiting for someone to answer why Rollo is preaching hypergamous female nature while remaining married. Isn’t divorce the logical outcome of his marriage? Or worse, him being eventually married to an old woman with no SMV? @Blaximus — Yes very angry but I don’t scare easily. @SJF — Good for you. @Sentient — Interesting that what has never come up is why the marriage ended. Towards the end of… Read more »

5 years ago

@OBIT — So Rollo is fooling himself?

5 years ago

Here’s another good one that you misunderstood. Ugh – “Because love and commitment and higher thinking are what separates us from animals.” Incubus – “Then why didn’t you work it out with your ex, you filthy animal?” … Ugh – “I’m a filthy animal because I’m a black woman? I don’t do passive aggressive racism. Don’t dog whistle say what you mean.” What he meant was that love and commitment are clearly NOT enough to overcome hypergamy (at least in your case). Otherwise why didn’t you avail yourself of that “human” advantage? Certainly it would have been in the better… Read more »

5 years ago

From Rich Cooper’s Twitter:

“50+, divorced, single mother, and a professional escort… cries because she is also a life coach, but can’t find a good man. The conversation with her cat at the end closes this case.

Yes, women can be this blind.”

5 years ago

No, Rollo is the one sounding the warning bell to other men who are not so grounded in reality. Hypergamy and a happy long-term relationship are not mutually exclusive, but an understanding of hypergamy can help sustain that relationship.

5 years ago

“Well I date higher earning, taller and more attractive men this summer and could not muster the energy for something serious. Because love is the opposite of hypergamy. It breaks that rule and I still have a lot of love for my ex.”

Love me vampire, fuck me werewolf.

No anger or hate as you think! The truth is very simple and bitter for you. Single moms are of low sexual market value. Deal with the ugly truth if you can …like the men here deal with the nasty darwinism of female hypergamy.

5 years ago


He was lost in life and depressed.

So a divorce is just the thing to cheer him up, amirite?

We tried a trial separation first and things didn’t improve.

Ya don’t say? [duckface]

I took on all financial responsibility for our children and aided him in getting back on his feet — albeit from a very far distance.

And screwing him out of his spousal support

5 years ago

@marelius: When ever I hear someone say “we are not animals”, I have to respond with ….

5 years ago


I have faith that there are ways to make room for and affirm masculinity and male leadership within a marriage despite who is earning what.

enter the werewolf…

But he can get hotter, tighter younger… You don’t cut it.

Well I date higher earning, taller and more attractive men this summer and could not muster the energy for something serious.

But you had Teh Sex…

5 years ago

“What about addressing the core of my comment?” The core of your comments come from Bizarro World. They are all fun house mirror inversions. If you have, as you claim, gotten these ideas from actually reading the material, it is highly suggestive that you are unable to understand. Thus I cannot address your comments with you as the intended audience. I must instead address them to the men reading along, both currently and in the future, in order to call attention to how you are the living embodiment, and thus proof, of what Rollo has written. “Still waiting for someone… Read more »

5 years ago
Reply to  kfg

@kfg Well played sir! Well.played!

5 years ago

@Ugh “Because when you have true access to economic power you don’t have to use personal relationships as a bank account.” You mean you can stop living a lie and end the mooching? “I was going to go through and respond to other things people said but I don’t have the time. The comments are getting nastier and I came here for dialogue. Not to be berated by a bunch of keyboard thugs who wouldn’t dare show their face although I showed mine.” Oh puh leeze. Come off it. You damn well know why you posted photos for all to… Read more »

5 years ago

Can your ex come to the phone for a couple of minutes?

5 years ago

This comment box exchange is taking a bit more time than I anticipated today. I have to get back to work, but (believe it or not) I did get value out of this exchange. A few parting thoughts. 1. My marriage did not end because I was “looking for a better deal”. I did not so much as look at another man for a year after my marriage. Had some fun over the summer (with men who ranked higher on the hypergamy scale) but did not commit to anything serious. I believe this is because I still have love for… Read more »

5 years ago

“According to hypergamy I should have been jumping up and down at the chance to free myself for higher earning men.”

Higher earning men want nothing to do with your old irresponsible ass.

“Well I date higher earning, taller and more attractive men this summer and could not muster the energy for something serious. Because love is the opposite of hypergamy. It breaks that rule and I still have a lot of love for my ex.”

Translation: “Love me Vampire, Fuck me Werewolf” – from the art work at the beginning of this essay.

5 years ago

Another inconsistency. I am being berated for divorcing my ex because he had lost his way in life. It is also being acknowledged that the marriage was the thing ‘holding him back’ from achieving his potential. So which is it? I should have stayed with him while he struggled and suffered in the marriage? Or set him free to live his best life — which he is currently doing? Also I did not “screw him out” of spousal support. The amount of spousal support he was due was almost equal the amount of child support he was due. We would… Read more »

5 years ago

“My marriage did not end because I was “looking for a better deal”. ”

But you disposed of a “bad deal.”

” . . . hopping into the Ferrari of some new hot, rich guy.”


“. . . Red Pill philosophies . . .”


5 years ago

“I should have stayed with him while he struggled and suffered in the marriage? Or set him free to live his best life . . .”

There’s that “Mommy may I?” again.

5 years ago

Also how does the ‘Love me Vampire/Fuck me Werewolf’ apply to me when I was fully divorced for more than a year before I began dating? There was no infidelity in my marriage.

My ex has been dating as have I. The only reason reconciliation came up for both of us is that, after dating we realized there were still residual feelings there — on both sides. However I do not want him to lose his way, and if a marriage/relationship would cause that, then neither of us want it.

5 years ago

Primus: Your divorce is evidence of your hypergamous nature.
Secunda:I am being berated for divorcing my ex

See what she did there, boys?

5 years ago

@Ugh – you’re still not “getting it” First of all hypergamy does not equal infidelity, nor is “love is the opposite of hypergamy.” Infidelity and monogamy are behavioral choices that we as humans make in light of our inherent nature and chosen values. Hypergamy just (partially) informs us as to what might have led you (woman) to your chosen behavior. In other words, hypergamy is a description of your inherent nature, not necessarily a predictor of what you will or will not choose to do as a result of that nature. RP men study it to better understand your inherent… Read more »

5 years ago

It all starts with, “I don’t need no man”, “I am a strong and independent woman”, “I want to new sexual experience”, “I want to divorce and start my Eat, Pray, Love journey” …. and then very soon they are back to:

5 years ago


5 years ago

No one should stay in a marriage last a certain point. I know this from experience. Situations will vary from individual to individual, but in a majority of.cases, women.seem to pull the divorce trigger first, and they’ve usually made up their minds to do so months or years I advance. For men this is unfair and infuriating, and men have zero recourse except to follow the dictates of a third party/court system. My 2nd marriage has entered year #20. To a lot of women ( young women ) I appear demanding in marriage/relationships. I’m unmoved by that characterization. My wife… Read more »

5 years ago


God nooo….
That was painful to watch.

50 years old and so deluded with that infantile romanticism and the depressive neediness in her eyes…

5 years ago

“Also Rollo being married because he’s not “a hypergamous woman”. Isn’t his wife one? Aren’t your wives hypergamous? Why are you married if AWALT? If a kind of infantile hypergamy in women is biological destiny? Why are you screwing yourselves over?”

In Rollo’s own words, watch from marker 02:04:30

5 years ago

Checked Instagram, I give this thot a hard 2/10. The wall was not good to you.

5 years ago

Video “I need you to want me…”

And there it is. We have effect, she doesn’t understand the cause though… The Hamster ™ will not allow that connection to be made.

5 years ago

Here are some things that are stronger than hypergamy: shared history, respect for another human being, and an acknowledgement of the benefits of *healthy* long-term commitment to physical and mental health.

Do you not know you are divorced?

5 years ago

8. The more reasonable comments did give me something to think about.

But notice how you mostly responded to the “assholes” and didn’t respond to comments like mine. lol!

5 years ago

So what exactly was that all about?
A) One woman’s quest for knowledge
B) One woman’s need to talk about herself
C) An elaborate shit test
D) Test drive for a new form of AI
E) None of the above

One thing that did strike me — she churned out a helluva lot of presentable copy in a short time, with only minimal typos or syntax errors. (Gross errors of understanding, yes, but that’s not my point).

5 years ago

“Do you not know you are divorced?”

all the matters is the attention


would not bang

5 years ago

4/10 very generous of ye

5 years ago

New York Times.

5 years ago

“4/10 very generous of ye”

desperately submissive – 1 pt

will pay well to keep me around – 1 pt

likes weed – 1 pt

can take a joke – 1 pt

5 years ago

@Blaximus — I am not understanding how a woman’s professional performance is not “real” to you. From my experience women ascribe different value to professional life. I’m talking founders and entrepreneurs. They might not see starting a business as conquering new ground or dominating a space — the way a male founder might. They might see it more in terms of nurturing/cultivating an idea and leaving a legacy for their children. What makes that less ‘real’? It might be coming from a different psychological space than a man. But again the outcome — provision — is the same. It might… Read more »

5 years ago

@O.B.I.T. — Will take your observations about my writing abilities as a compliment.

This was about my desire to dialogue with others and challenge an ideology that I see both flaws and truth in.

If you read through my comments there are still quite a few issues I raised that have gone unanswered.

5 years ago

I ended all my summer relationships. I was not dumped once. Were they all trying to sponge off of you? 1. An increasing number of women are choosing a child free life and exploring their identities outside of motherhood. 2. An increasing number of women are becoming educated and getting access to professional and economic power. …and so we have a declining native population and the destruction of a consumer-based economy…you go gurls! You want to scream “gold digger and hypergamy” when a woman uses personal relationships for financial advancement. And then scream “cat lady and the wall” when women… Read more »

5 years ago

But notice how you mostly responded to the “assholes” and didn’t respond to comments like mine. lol!


More learning taking place on this end of the screen…Even in male-dominated, online spaces, she is only attracted to the responses that are decidedly authoritative in tone, pretty much with no regard for the content. Reasonable, rational dialog just doesn’t seem to work anywhere with them, even (especially) when they are ostensibly seeking it out, unless its dominated with that tone.

5 years ago

@theasdgamer — Most were high earners so no, they would not have had to sponge. As a matter of fact I will do you one better. My summer dating profile. Youngest man was 33, oldest was 45. Master carpenter — single dad — earning $90K a year Music producer — no kids, never married — financially comfortable TV producer — no kids, divorced in early 20s — financially comfortable Web developer — no kids, divorced in late 20s — not well off Also before the summer I dated an entrepreneur — divorced, single dad — extremely well off I’m in… Read more »

5 years ago

I have consistently responded to Blaximus — the most respectful person I have interacted with on here. As well as kpg — who started out with a respectful tone. I responded to O.B.I.T. as well. Look through my comments, I @ a variety of people and respond to them. I have deliberately ignored the comments judging me on a scale, or giving ‘tips’ to make me more bangable because — as I said in a previous comment — I didn’t come here for that. It’s irrelevant to the dialogue I am trying to have. So your logic doesn’t follow. I… Read more »

5 years ago

“If you read through my comments there are still quite a few issues I raised that have gone unanswered.”

Mr. Blaximus will be with you shortly for an in-depth analysis. Or you can see Mr. Fleezer over on the express line.

5 years ago


This is why Game ( not pua ) is crucial. It’s possible to garner a woman’s attention and get through to her simultaneously, but Game dictates that one understands to whom he’s speaking, and how to best communicate with that person.

Women.don’t ” hear ” exactly the way men do, nor is the bulk of their communication done the same way.

Much of the ” communication gap ” would be resolved by just recognizing this.

5 years ago

“kpg — who started out with a respectful tone.”

But with whom you didn’t enter a dialogue until he performed the social experiment of making his pointy stick extra pointy and jabbing you relentlessly with it. I would have preferred to remain more respectful, but you weren’t having any of it.

The point goes to O.B.I.T.

5 years ago

Sorry, that would be NewlyAloof. O.B.I.T. was top of the page so top of the mind.

5 years ago

“It’s possible to garner a woman’s attention and get through to her simultaneously, but Game dictates that one understands to whom he’s speaking, and how to best communicate with that person.”


5 years ago


Thanks for the feedback. I think I have been pretty successful at recognizing that and adapting my game to “how” they hear in their natural habitat, where I have subcomm signals available as inputs.

I guess I just assumed that here, without the benefit of those subcomms, and where we are not talking, but writing and reading, the message would be processed by with a more logical, left-brain bias. Decades of behavioral patterns and (unrealistic) expectations set by the FI are really hard to shake.

I need to always be on my game.

5 years ago

Also, there is nothing that Ugh has that I want. Responding to her has been merely an exercise for me to refine my own thoughts and articulate them as a means of verifying what I have been able to learn from this place.

5 years ago

@ Ugh The reason I say my wife’s ” job ” wasn’t real isn’t a disparagement. The unspoken arrangement/u understanding between us is that I was taking full responsibility for her, and the child(ren) that would result from our union. She was still an individual, and I had no desire to take away her individuality – but it would be in my Frame. When she wanted to go expand her education, I agreed and helped her get her degree. I wasn’t intimidated or afraid or any of that. But I had vetted her well beforehand. I had a good read… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

Strong, empowered, gullible…chunk of rose quartz up the twat…YouGoGrrrl…

…and what’s the world coming to, if we can’t trust the sciencey science of Hollywood actresses and their special health aids

Ajax Parallax
Ajax Parallax
5 years ago

Interesting discussion. @Ugh, the answers you seek to your unnecessarily complicated questioning all lie within a very simple Truth going back to the origin of mankind: 1. A king can raise up a woman and make her queen 2. A queen can NEVER raise up a man and make him king Why? Because she will: A. fail miserably B. Grow to resent him and, sooner than later, zero him out — just as you resented-zeroed your ex-H. Why? Because it flies in the face of her unconscious hard-wired biology. Strip away the above titles (and replace them with your own… Read more »

5 years ago

The Asia Argento thingy is quadrupling (or are we up to octupling? I’ve lost count) down. Of course all of us here are shocked, stunned and didn’t predict that she would eventually resort to this tactic:

5 years ago

Ajax Parallax This was brought up by Donovan Sharpe at a recent Red Man Group discussion. I just got back from golfing. That was fun. Only my third round this year. I didn’t score too well 44 on the front round including two birdies and three pars in a string on the last five holes of the front nine. The last nine holes sucked and I had like a 48 (i don’t know my wife had had difficulty adding it up and threw away the score card.) I think she had a 49/49. We both have 23 handicaps. I… Read more »

5 years ago

“This was about my desire to dialogue with others and challenge an ideology that I see both flaws and truth in.”

Back it up Sister.

The Red Pill Awareness is not an Ideology. So don’t call it that. Feminism is an ideology and a miserable failure at that. The difference in how you things ought to be, rather than how they are.

Right Here, Right now. (H/T to Jesus Jones).

The Red Pill is considered to be a praxeology.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago


Asia Argento’s new attorney, Mark Jay Heller — whose previous clients have included Lindsay Lohan and “Son of Sam” serial killer David Berkowitz…

Looks like octupling down to me, it’s way beyond double/triple…

5 years ago

“This was about my desire to … challenge an ideology.” Rational Male is more of a practical guide than an ideology, but nonetheless I think we see the pieces falling into place here… “Danno, check with other red-pill blogs. See if anyone else has been paid a visit from Ugh.” “On it, Steve.” “Be careful, gentlemen, if I’m right we could be dealing not with a strong independent woman but with a Gender Theory militant. Dangerous when confronted. Chin, check out every Women’s Studies department on the island.” “That a lot of crazies, Steve.” “Ben — take Ugh’s Instagram page,… Read more »

5 years ago


Ajax Parallax
Ajax Parallax
5 years ago

@SJF To that end: The only way I see @Ugh ever reconciling with her ex is to divest herself of her business and turn it over to him. It’s an important test and leap of faith for the following: – It moves the burden of performance back over to him, where it should have been all along – It will show him she trusts his leadership and masculinity (and, most likely, it will resolve his depression which almost certainly stems from feelings of inadequacy) Only by going “all in” in this manner will the following be discovered: – Should he… Read more »

5 years ago

@Ugh You are still under some misapprehensions about biology. It seems that women actually psychologically want a man whom they need–maybe for the emotional rollercoaster (alpha fux) or maybe for his resources and protection (beta bux). This goes waaaay beyond recognizing that “women can have it all” is a fallacy. Women actually want to need a man and bond with men whom they most need. With the apex alpha (government) providing a resource backstop for women, women find that they no longer need a man for resources so much, so those types of men are less attractive. Therefore, women don’t… Read more »

5 years ago

@Ajax Parallax She ain’t never going back to him. Beacause of Eat, Pray, Love. If she want’s to be sat satisfied in life she has to look at women generated advice. Dr. Laura’s book The Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands Her former husband wasn’t actually that dumb. She just didn’t know how to extract from him what she’ needed to. He seemed like a decent guy. But unaware. She didn’t know how to play him. And He didn’t know how to play her. For the benefit of her children. Case closed. They were ignorant. She will remain intentionally ignorant.… Read more »

5 years ago

Precisely @newlyaloof. I have noticed that Ugh did not reply to MCurie, Marius and you. By far the more challenging posts. Wonder why that is?

5 years ago

In the film “Underworld” Kate Beckinsale falls, not for Kraven the vampire, but for Michael the Lycan.

Hawt Carl
Hawt Carl
5 years ago

Almost every black guy I’ve ever known chases white women because even fat white girls are more feminine than most black women.

Hawt Carl
Hawt Carl
5 years ago

Even Rob zombie has a song about it (werewolf baby). This shit is every where

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