Primordial Archetypes

This morning I was made aware of another example of open Hypergamy. A Russian Alpha Widow admitted to her duplicity in switching her Beta husband’s sperm with that of her ex lover’s in her IVF insemination. Now, at the risk of throwing red meat to the wolves here, I wanted to dissect this situation a bit to explain a larger concept I’ve been considering lately. It would be enough to use this situation as one more example of women’s prime directive – Hypergamy before all else – but, there’s more involved here that illustrates the sociological reach that Hypergamy has for women.

You see, Yana Anokhina, 38, couldn’t have pulled off her deception of Maxim Anokhin without enlisting the aid of Dr. Liya Kazaryan and her staff in swapping out his sperm for that of Yana’s former lover; the Alpha for whom she was widowed’. I’m not entirely sure that her former lover (now her current relationship) was aware of the swap, but there’s no question about Yana’s motives.

Ms Anokhina has not spoken about the swap but reports say she wanted the father of her baby to be the man she loved – not her husband.

‘It was found out during the investigation in court that Maxim’s wife Yana was the one who initiated the process of replacing her husband’s biological material,’ reported Vesti.

‘Allegedly, she wanted to give birth to a child by a man with whom she was in love, and her husband was the one who paid the costs.’

So this isn’t just as simple as she got knocked up by her Alpha lover and tricked her Beta husband into believing the inseminated sperm was his own. She had to actually go to the trouble of collecting two samples of sperm, convincing the IVF clinic’s doctor and staff into making the swap (and then withholding the truth from the father) and then carrying the pregnancy to term and keeping her husband ignorant of the ruse for a year. This may seem like the deviousness of a particular woman, but remember, she had to enlist the confidence of Dr. Kazaryan and other clinicians (I presume also female).

And she does all this with a laugh.

I’ve written quite a bit on what I call the Sisterhood Über Alles and this is one more example of how that collective female consciousness intuitively understands and both consciously and unconsciously promotes the interests of the Feminine Imperative – even for unfamiliar, anonymous women.

Now you might say, “Well Rollo, this is just one horrible example of a few women who got in cahoots to deceive a hapless Beta chump. Not all women are like this.” Or I’m sure the more morally conscious of ‘red pill women’ would simply point out that they would never do such a thing and convince us that ‘quality women’ regularly police their own Hypergamous impulses – these Russian women just lack their moral superiority. Well, be that as it may, it’s not too difficult to find online forums dedicated to women collaborating with other women in order to trick a man into marrying a woman via false pregnancy claims. In fact there’s a lucrative black market for positive pregnancy tests sold to women wanting to press their boyfriends into a marriage commitment by way of a false-positive pregnancy scare.

The fact behind all this still remains – women evolved for a subconscious, collective duplicity when it comes to optimizing on Hypergamy.

We can see this in popular culture; a culture defined by the Feminine Imperative now. Dalrock once said we have replaced the monogamous marriage model of child rearing with the child support model of child rearing today. I believe he’s right, but how is that child support model effected today and how doe it align with women’s evolved, instinctual predilections?

Humankind evolved from small tribal collectives, but in each collective there were commonalities of behaviors that developed similarly to solve various personal and collective (tribal) problems. For instance, an instinctive (unlearned) fear of snakes or spiders in women is an evolved part of humankind’s collective mental firmware. A small boys natural propensity to throw an object with strength and accuracy might be another example.

How women interact today in what I call the Sisterhood is a gestalt of the various instinctive behaviors that the women of our tribal ancestors developed to aid them in collective support as well as ensuring long-term security in reproduction. In other words, women evolved to do exactly what Dr. Kazaryan did, and so many other women in various “trick him into marrying you” forums do, to enable another woman’s sexual strategy. From an evolutionary perspective it follows that women who aided their ‘sisters’ in Hypergamy would themselves be aided and insure that this archetypal behavior became a characteristic of women’s collectivist nature.

I once watched a video of some daytime women’s talk show that centered on how women could justifiably trap a man into commitment by essentially lying to him about a faked pregnancy. I apologize for not having a link to it here, but while I was looking for it on YouTube I was inundated with videos of shows on this topic – I literally couldn’t find the one I was thinking of because there were so many returns. Watching this show I was hit by just how many women in the audience rallied behind the women doing the ‘trapping’ and the myriad justifications offered to allay any feelings of guilt, remorse or doubts about having a child.

This is particularly emphasized if the ‘father’ in question fulfills an ideal of women’s collective Hypergamy. To the collective hivemind of women, a woman is, by nature, entitled to a child with the most perfect father (high SMV) she can attract. Remember, shows and online forums like this are only small representative examples of that global Hypergamous archetypal expectation and the support women offer each other to optimize Hypergamy. I’ve stated before the the Sisterhood Über Alles (above all) transcends all considerations of tribe, race, religion and even political stripe. All women are part of ‘team woman‘ before any other affiliation; this is how the Feminine Imperative has remained a social influence since our hunter/gatherer beginnings. As we’ve progressed from small tribalist beginnings to larger collectives, to nations and now to globalism, this female collectivism has expanded to encompass the totality of womankind.

Love Me Vampire, Fuck Me Werewolf

Anyone who’s been reading my work for a while is probably scratching their heads as to why I’m referring to the concept of ‘archetypes’ here. As most of my readers know, I’ve never been a fan of Carl Jung. I’ve written about why this is a few times and I’ll probably write a more comprehensive essay about it in the coming year, but suffice to say that while Jung might be synonymous with the new agey metaphysical concept of archetypes, it was from anthropology that he lifted the term and that’s the basic reference I’m using here. That said, I don’t necessarily disagree with Jungian archetypes, it’s at the point where the concept takes on metaphysical aspects that I part ways with them.

However, the idea of archetypes is necessary to explain the last bit of the puzzle here, because it’s my belief that a primordial understanding of Hypergamy is part of our collective consciousness and unconsciousness. I say collective consciousness because since the time of the Sexual Revolution our global understanding of intersexual dynamics has become part of our social discourse. When I refer to something like Open Hypergamy I’m talking about the almost triumphant, open embrace of women’s sexual strategy. The generations that came after the Sexual Revolution scarcely remember that there was a time when intersexual truths we take for granted now weren’t something that was discussed in polite conversation. Hypergamy, while unconsciously understood, was secretive. A woman who other women called a ‘gold digger’ was disparaged by women not on moral grounds, but rather because she was open about the sexual strategy all women employ and they’d rather be kept secret so as to use it effectively.

In 2018 it’s almost quaint to think that women would be coy about Hypergamy. With the advent of the internet it became impossible for women to keep Hypergamy concealed, and really, why would they care to in an age when the necessary provisioning-side of Hypergamy is veritably insured? But it wasn’t always so obvious. Up until the mid 1960s the understanding of Hypergamy was an unconscious knowledge. Certainly it was discussed and written about by men contemplating the duplicitous nature of women. Ancient religious texts are rife with proverbs warning against the nature of women, so the basics of Hypergamy were something our tribal ancestors we’re well aware of.

I received this Tweet from a reader a few days ago:

This guy’s ‘revelation’ prompted me to consider the primordial understanding we have of Hypergamy. I’ve read dozens of articles by, and listened to dozens more interviews of, ‘popular psychologists’ who explain the commonalities of our classic human stories and myths. I got into this topic in Storytelling. The basic premise is that our common evolution has led to common themes in all human stories. The same elements and the same character archetypes pursue the same motives from culture to culture. Yet all of these commonalities are centered on similar aspects of our evolved mental firmware. The hero, the villain, good vs. evil, the wise old sage, the beautiful damsel to be saved, ect. are all founded on common human development. They are semi-conscious expressions of what our evolution has embedded in our mental firmware.

Now, what if I told you that the reality of women’s Hypergamous nature is also a part of that collective consciousness?

My theory is this: human beings have an innate understanding of the Alpha Seed – Beta Need nature of intersexual dynamics. On some level of consciousness we know, we feel, that it’s true, how it functions and why does. As a result, social institutions (religion and familial) created moral strictures around this unconscious knowledge to buffer against the worst effects of it on society. Only after the Sexual Revolution and men ceding virtually unilateral control of Hypergamy to women did these strictures change.

The concepts of men who represent Alpha Fucks and Beta Bucks are similarly part of this instinctual understanding of Hypergamy. These too are archetypes, but more so, they form the basis of more complex male archetypes (love me Vampire, fuck me Werewolf). They are the men women want to fuck and the men women want to be provided for by. And we can trace the root of these archetypes through our evolution and even the evolution of other primates. These Hypergamous archetypes then manifest themselves in our era-specific, cultural specific, stories, narratives, mythology, etc.

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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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[…] Primordial Archetypes […]

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

In the theater of previous ages, even at the level of “Punch and Judy” puppets, these standard archetypes were common. The foolish old man who chases the young woman, who pretends to love him only for his resources while cuckolding him with a younger man; more than one opera as well. A different version of AF-BB. Mozart’s 18th century opera “Cosi fan Tutti” (“Thus they all are”) is a timeless and amusing look, a modern title would be “All Women Are Like That”. Heh. Many examples abound. It is remarkable to view art, read literature, see operas and plays all… Read more »

5 years ago

A werewolf in vampire” clothing might be an apt new metaphor in the manasphere. Rollo, did you (and the guy who forwarded you the comic strip he created) just create a new viral meme?!

5 years ago

why not keep the betas in the dark, and raise the alpha lover’s kids tho? Real Alphas are typically poor selfish scumbags who’d make unsuitable fathers anyway.

– Girl gets what she wants: alpha seed.
– Alpha gets what he wants: continue his legacy
– Beta gets what he wants: family life, contributes to society and best of all: he gets to fuck The One ™ he’s so in luvv with (since he’s not interested in the player lifestyle).

5 years ago
Reply to  j

Because it’s betas that got us to the moon and created the smallpox vaccination.

Don’t you think our society is sinking into barbarism fast enough?

5 years ago

Rollo: I haven’t been able to write to you directly so will post something here.

What are your thoughts on “blue pill” women, ie. the same blue/red pill framework applied to women? Are there any parallels?

5 years ago

I can’t recall which of Rollo’s posts it was, but women are all essentially “red pill”, even if they don’t know it by that term. Some men are “red pill”, consciously or unconsciously. Most “blue pill” men are that way unconsciously. Then there’s the “purple pill” set of men trying to use red pill means to fulfill blue pill ends. I can’t imagine what a “blue pill” woman is. Perhaps it is a woman who so thoroughly manages to delude herself with the feminist pablum that she ends up alone with cats, dildos and wine after a wild ride on… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

I am sure the doctor who helped in the IVF switch is some man’s “quality woman”, too.

5 years ago

“Real Alphas are typically poor selfish scumbags who’d make unsuitable fathers anyway.”

Oh, Really?

Know they are not, exactly.

You aren’t that beguiling as you so fancy yourself. And women aren’t that enticed, as you believe.

Good luck with that world-view.

5 years ago

why not keep the betas in the dark, and raise the alpha lover’s kids tho? – Girl gets what she wants: alpha seed. – Alpha gets what he wants: continue his legacy – Beta gets what he wants: family life, contributes to society and best of all: he gets to fuck The One ™ he’s so in luvv with (since he’s not interested in the player lifestyle). YaReally where art thou? Your eternal questions haunt J. And hang in the air. WTF? In the Air Tonight Phil Collins I can feel it coming in the air tonight, oh Lord And… Read more »

5 years ago

@ J

We all have a hunger.

Don’t be stupid.

5 years ago
5 years ago

If you want to take the ideas into the next level, I suggest you to read Stan Gooch’s books. His take is that vampire archetypes are phylogenetic reminiscences of our female-centric Neanderthal genetic heritage. The Sister Uber Alles concept also reminds me of Frank Herbert’s Bene Gesserit.

5 years ago


I can’t recall which of Rollo’s posts it was, but women are all essentially “red pill”, even if they don’t know it by that term.

Only women’s sex-brain is Red Pill. Their cortex is often very Blue Pill. Hamsterization.

5 years ago

LotF What you are missing is that women can be trained to manage their Hypergamy. Such women are suitable for LTRs. Example 1. Mrs. Gamer didn’t kiss a man until she was out of her father’s house. No boyfriend for 21 years. Then she had one and would only allow brief kisses on the lips. She was a virgin when we married. Mrs. Gamer’s father told her that if she had a bf, her father would stop supporting her and kick her out of the house. Mrs. Gamer didn’t date in HS or college. Example 2. Mrs. Gamer had a… Read more »

5 years ago

I’m a young man, and I’m not planning to get married anywhere in the future, but hypothetically, if my wife had a crush on someone else, I would go fuck random women until she fears me more. I have to be the ultimate Alpha in her eyes You don’t understand how women’s sexual arousal works. Whenever women come in contact with an alpha or three, her focus will be on them and she will forget you because she is in the moment–even if you have excellent game and frame and are fucking multiple women and are the ultimate alpha when… Read more »

5 years ago

ASD – Once again you are taking your limited life experience of data point=1 and extrapolating generalizations to the extreme. Clearly the (limited) experiences of you and Mrs. Gamer are not typical of most others. Just because “hypergamy doesn’t care” (i.e. she WILL be aroused by the Alpha in the room), it does not logically follow that she will not ALSO remember your dread game and feel fear in that same moment. Remember that they want IT ALL! At least in my personal experience, dread game sticks with your woman even when you’re not in the room. If it doesn’t,… Read more »

5 years ago

@Lord of the Flies

Re: The ultimate alpha in her eyes.

Are you a dark triad 0.1%er that could quite literally have her murdered and get away with it if she ever betrayed you?

If not, marriage may not be for you.

Is This Thing On?
Is This Thing On?
5 years ago

Women LOVE the excitement of “not getting caught”. In an odd way, dread game may end up causing women to have super secret affairs as open hypergamy continues to unfold.

How does humanity learn these lessons and then retain them? As has been stated, this knowledge is already contained in our older works of art, yet we’ve lost track of them. Society is going to tank and have to be rebuilt. What finally gets men to retain these lessons?

5 years ago

@marelius Just because “hypergamy doesn’t care” (i.e. she WILL be aroused by the Alpha in the room), it does not logically follow that she will not ALSO remember your dread game and feel fear in that same moment. True, and hopefully she will leave the presence of the competing alpha because of your Dread Game even if she is untrained. Training really is essential. If you don’t know how to train a girl, you’re not doing it right. @LotF Dread Game is for Betas, which means the way he leads life, isn’t enough to keep up his wife’s pussy wet.… Read more »

5 years ago

A girl in her 20’s i’m currently banging has this Twilight look. I call her vampire, she calls me werewolf…

It just sort of evolved. Now I realize these archetypes represent two sides of the same coin: The vampire takes by slowly sucking the life out of her victim…the werewolf aggressively takes what he wants when he wants.

5 years ago

@LOTF, as regards @ASD comments on KJ-ing, as well as your reference to your uncle…

I got an Uncle in Puerto Rico
Spends his days in the sun
His nights in the casinos
He left the States many years ago
Took a fishin’ boat to Puerto Rico
Now my aunt – she is sad and lonely
She’ll never know that she drove him away
As a coward I admire his courageous ways

Its that last line that makes me think of you, LOTF

5 years ago

Just a thought: isn’t the dragon the knight has to vanquish to get the princess an archetypical representation of the biggest shit test of all. She’s a princess, to earn her, you need to show your mettle, get the shit beaten out of you and surely risk your life. Told by men, the emotional battering a man will get to conquer a woman is presented as a a formidable obstacle in the form of a dragon.

5 years ago

Dread Game is for MRP, which means the way he leads life, is enough to keep up his relationship on edge, his will in command, and his wife’s pussy wet. FTFY MRP is RP on hard mode – no one not in that game can understand what that means. When those not in the MRP game ask, and we describe, you challenge what is said because you cannot wrap your mind around it. Yes, it IS a YUGE amount of work, so it stands to reason those of us undertaking that effort will have correspondingly YUGE amounts of reference material.… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

The Sister Uber Alles concept also reminds me of Frank Herbert’s Bene Gesserit

Second rate science fiction from the 1960’s is no basis for understanding reality in 2018.

5 years ago

You didn’t check my latest text, I’m not a relationship, humour type of guy

Obviously, if you’re commenting on relationships, but not in one, then you’re a fucking keyboard jockey.

5 years ago

@ j

Alpha = Mindset, not demographic.

5 years ago

@ marelius

MRP is RP on hard mode

Well, MBP is even harder than MRP. 😉

5 years ago

Alpha is a mindset, not a demographic.

5 years ago

Second rate science fiction from the 1960’s

There’s a law about shitting on someone else’s tastes. 48 LOP

5 years ago

Rates of three STDs in US reach record high, CDC says

The preliminary data suggest that more than 1.7 million cases of chlamydia were diagnosed in 2017, with about 45% — 771,340 cases — emerging among 15- to 24-year-old women and girls.

In 2013, there were 1,752,285 total cases of chlamydia, gonorrhea and syphilis diagnosed in the United States. That number grew to 1,811,850 in 2014; 1,945,746 in 2015; 2,094,682 in 2016; and 2,294,821 in 2017, according to the preliminary CDC data.

This being CNN, it’s probably just more Fake News.

Stay buttoned up.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

why not keep the betas in the dark, and raise the alpha lover’s kids tho? Real Alphas are typically poor selfish scumbags who’d make unsuitable fathers anyway.

Oh, come on, you can troll a bit more subtly than that.

Besides, prima noctae / Droit du seigneur is so old fashioned.

5 years ago

@ j

“Why not keep the betas in the dark, and raise the alpha lover’s kids tho?
Real Alphas are typically poor selfish scumbags who’d make unsuitable fathers anyway.”

Disregarding the ethical aspects or any sense of justice, do you really want those “poor selfish scumbag” genes propagating in society over those who value “family life & contribute to society”?

Is this sarcasm? Who are the nether-apes liking this sort of one-dimensional ‘thinking’?

5 years ago

being forced into finance linkedin feeds… Posted in toto I’m a woman in banking. I’m a vice president and am nearly a decade into my career in the investment banking division (IBD) of a European bank in London. I am at an age when you might expect to have a child. – I would certainly like to have a child, but I believe that my banking career is making it difficult for me to conceive. When you’re a woman in your mid-30s, fertility is not a given. If you’re working 80 hours a week and are exhausted, conceiving a… Read more »

5 years ago
Reply to  Sentient

@Sentient: That female banker article is just fucking gold! There’s never any responsibility for making g hard decisions, it’s my jobs fault, it’s men’s fault, nature’s fault…All this from a supposedly high performing, intelligent woman. Men being men makes it harder to start a family😁 I mean the lack of self awareness, foresight,and the entitlement…it’s just funny. Women nowadays always refer to the sisterhood trope proselytizing how women can have kids past 40yrs “nowadays”. No thought of the cost, financially, physically, emotionally…nothing. All we hear now is ‘freezing eggs’!😄😄😄 Katie Hopkins recently was on some UK TV morning show trying… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

Sentient links to:

For women in finance, the heavy workload, the high stress and the lack of sleep not only make it difficult to find a partner, but are a recipe for hormonal imbalance and infertility.

Duh. It’s called a “tradeoff” for a reason. The entitlement drips. The common sense is absent.

Cleary we are not at peak feminism yet.

5 years ago

couple of boring old 55+ guys sitting around waiting to die… Bitching about The Wall…

5 years ago

@Rollo “On some level of consciousness we know, we feel, that it’s true, how it functions and why does. As a result, social institutions (religion and familial) created moral strictures around this unconscious knowledge to buffer against the worst effects of it on society.” Prior to encountering this blog and the manosphere I used to find hints of red pill in the works of Marquis De Sade and most importantly when I read an interview of the artist Otto Muehl from the Viennese actionist movement. Muehl started in the early 70’s the infamous far-left commune “Friedrichshof Commune” which basically was… Read more »

5 years ago

Excellent exposition of the female psyche: hamsterization of the dual desires to be suckled (vampire) and to be ravaged (werewolf). In both cases men, monstrous, are the vehicles for fulfillment of those desires. In both cases “it just happened” to the woman . . . because men are monsters — a nice circular alleviation of any possible culpability.

Male imaging of the vampire and werewolf is usually the ideal seducer and the ideal rapine respectively.

5 years ago

Oh come on! I’m a woman who discovered the MGTOW/Red Pill sphere some time back and actually agree with quite a bit of it. I do think there are scripts women are consciously and subconsciously encouraged to follow, and I think many of those scripts are ultimately self-defeating. I think ‘social media feminism’ is confused, at best. But articles like this are exhausting. You are speaking about some kind of a feminine collective that encompasses all cultures and races. Dude, you cannot make that kind of proclamation based on some newspaper clippings and Youtube videos. That’s just bad research —… Read more »

5 years ago

It’s “Alpha Fucks” AND “Beta Bux” toots… A significant percentage of black women have been out-earning their black male partners for some time now. Congrats… now you are your own beta bux, you can focus on Alpha Fucks exclusively… [ white womenz are catching up…] I would love to marry again, but because I don’t need to marry a man for kids or money I have the ability to focus on things like compatibility and companionship. and there it is… More ‘work” for those werewolves out there… If you can get them to stop liming and come round for some… Read more »

5 years ago


“I don’t need to marry a man for kids or MONEY” …then above “And incidentally it was, in large part, his inability to deal with a high earning wife that accounted for the end of our union.”

Also stop being so deluded! Men don’t give a fuck on things like compatibility and companionship with a single mommy!

5 years ago

So I’ve been a lurker in the MGTOW/Red Pill sphere long enough to know that what’s coming is a string of insults targeting my female identity.

Just so you know, I will be bypassing/ignoring all of those and waiting until someone addresses the core of my comment: the GAP in the Red Pill mindset aka women who are financially and, to a degree, socially independent and thus don’t adhere to a hypergamous script. These are women, like me, who still want men in their lives for sex and companionship, but are not following a hypergamous script to achieve that.

5 years ago

Awwww yeah boy!!!!

5 years ago

“You may call me a unicorn . . .”

You keep using that word. I think it means the opposite of what you think it means.

5 years ago

“I’ve been a lurker in the MGTOW/Red Pill sphere . . . I will be bypassing/ignoring all of those and waiting until someone addresses the core of my comment: the GAP in the Red Pill mindset aka women who are financially and, to a degree, socially independent and thus don’t adhere to a hypergamous script.”

Which just goes to show: reading is not the same thing as comprehension.

Why would I “target” your femininity when you are presenting as the very model of human female hypergamy, an anti-unicorn?

5 years ago

“So I’ve been a lurker in the MGTOW/Red Pill sphere long enough to know that what’s coming is a string of insults targeting my female identity.”

Not hardly. I was about to unload with a string of insults targeting your female masculinity….

BTW, why didn’t your first marriage work out?

5 years ago

“I was about to unload with a string of insults targeting your female masculinity….”

She is projecting desirable to women masculine traits onto herself as if they were desirable to men feminine traits.

Which, of course, we have never seen a mid 30s, single mother and career woman do before.

5 years ago

compatibility and companionship, huh?

What virtues do you want your next man to have in order to be a compatible companion for you?

List like five things here.

5 years ago

. . . waiting until someone addresses the core of my comment: the GAP in the Red Pill mindset aka women who are financially and, to a degree, socially independent and thus don’t adhere to a hypergamous script.

I’ll address it: what’s your waist-to-hip ratio?

5 years ago

It’s ok, don’t be shy, Deida estimates 10% of heterosexual relationships are masculine female and feminine male. Nothing wrong with that if you are compatible and complement each other.

5 years ago

This isn’t really about that in total.

This is about something the sphere knows very little about, and is not researched widely, nor has it ever been addressed in any meaningful way.

I’ll respond to her when I get time, but it’s gonna be tl;:dr and it won’t make sense at all ( from experience or perspective ) to many of my fellow commenters.

I’ve said forever, there’s more than one red pill, and there’s more than one reality happening simultaneously.


5 years ago

Nothing wrong with that if you are compatible and complement each other.

Yeah just ask Jordan Peterson…

comment image

comment image

5 years ago

there’s more than one reality happening simultaneously.


5 years ago


if she is having a super exciting life as a high earning single mommy why she is a lurker in the manosphere?

5 years ago

” . . . there’s more than one reality happening simultaneously.”

The Wachowski things completely fell apart when their movies hit that point.

5 years ago

” Voodoo?”

Nope. Any man that has accepted the need for a red pill understand that things aren’t always what they appear to be on the surface, OR what society Tells you is going on.

This, is a universal truth – not just one to be cherry picked.


It is, and it will be.


5 years ago

A wise man never plays leapfrog with a (so called) unicorn

– Tibetan proverb

5 years ago

“Seventy percent of our households are led by our precious, proud, fine black women,” he said. “But as proud, beautiful and fine as our black women are, one thing a black woman cannot do — a black woman cannot raise a black boy to be a man.”–Edgy remarks made by Rev. Jasper Williams Jr. at Aretha Franklin’s funeral last Friday have drawn criticism from the Franklin family for failing to properly eulogize the Queen of Soul.

5 years ago

okay, slow down. don’t go all off subject.

5 years ago

@kfj Nope. We live in 2018. ‘Earning a lot of money’ cannot continue to be a gendered thing. My business is as girly as they come. I found a niche in beauty. However, the business earns well. You can interpret that as masculine. I interpret it as modern capitalism. There are women who come out the gate with an intent to be high powered. And then there are women, like me, who are naturally intelligent and find their way in the American economy in a way that rewards them financially. I am not ‘projecting’ anything. I am stating my lived… Read more »

5 years ago

No, I can’t raise a black boy to be a man. I never said I could.

This is why I co-parent and we are currently finalizing a joint custody agreement.

As Blaximus said, stay on topic.

5 years ago

“Seventy percent of our households are led by our precious, proud, fine black women,”

The Caribbean got there 100 years ahead of Detroit.

@Ugh: ” For you to slap ‘male’ on my life as an entrepreneur is pretty bizarre.”


Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

It is, and it will be.

That was the best album…

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

The challenge, I think, is figuring out what exactly that looks like in this day and age when
economics are becoming increasingly fluid when it comes to gender.

Hypergamy will be satisfied, or trouble will ensue. That’s a given. There’s more than one way to satisfy hypergamic needs.

One option can be described thus:
“I’m the captain of the boat even when she’s catching most of the fish”.

Women’s ingroup preference of 4:1 is testable, it shows up cross culturally, and of course you deny it. Women always do…

5 years ago

@Ugh: was looking for the GAP . . .

5 years ago

“The fact behind all this still remains – women evolved for a subconscious, collective duplicity when it comes to optimizing on Hypergamy.” Women collective seek to ensure and optimize hypergamy. I get that, as it’s seen in nature, by female animal gatekeeping sex to only the successful male that is the tournament winner. He is the best of the contenders, so he mates with all the females of the pride or herd. Human females don’t get to share one prime male “winner”, so at what point does the human female collective duplicity for hypergamy breakdown into intra-sexual competition between themselves?… Read more »

5 years ago

Many will try.

some can win.

5 years ago

“Second rate science fiction from the 1960’s is no basis for understanding reality in 2018.”

You Earthlings are like frightened children, clinging to your toys. Enjoy the few remaining solar rotations before we come there to live …

Second-Rate 1960s Sci-Fi Aliens
The Planet Antheon

Dan C
Dan C
5 years ago

Marry the vampire/fuck the werewolf.

Where have we seen this meme before?

Oh yeah the Twilight series.

Written by a Mormon mom who claims she doesn’t drink, smoke, or whatever.

5 years ago

Ugh You did very well in your answers to the opening salvo of ‘fitness tests” here. Us testing you in our masculine way. Good job. Also thanks for telling us your frame, about who you are for the context of your questions. Good job there too. I take back the masculine comment. You look feminine. Your opening comment didn’t sound feminine. Umm, Sorry? “That is what I am currently figuring out. Humor, intelligence and dependability come to mind.” You might have to settle for two out of three. The guys you want to be with, lets call them Alpha Males,… Read more »

5 years ago

Ugh, Commenter Escoffier in that linked essay: “I don’t think that’s right. The theory is more like this, from what I have read. Hypergamy is a woman’s natural (which is to say, genetically wired) preference for a higher status male–that is, higher status than herself and also higher status than the other men in her field of vision and also perhaps higher status than men she has known in the past and even (at the extremes) higher status than most men she can personally imagine meeting. That cuts across a range of possible relationships, all the way from a… Read more »

5 years ago

…Fuck the werewolf”
Interesting that one prominent pop culture werewolf — Lawrence Talbot, as played by Lon Chaney Jr. in the 1940s Wolfman flicks — was a chumpy good-guy beta aghast at what he would do under the spell of the moon.

Of course the sexual context was kept somewhat buried. He would just try to chomp on Evelyn Ankers or Ilona Massey, not seduce them.

Yollo Comanche
Yollo Comanche
5 years ago

We keep conflating AFCs with Beta Bux. It’s getting annoying.

5 years ago

@Ugh, I’d say some women choose careers as beta male replacements. As successful as your career may be, and as many benefits that it offers you, it, too, will leave a gap in your happiness and relationship success, just like a beta male would. I don’t think Rollo talking about that big gaping hole in red pill philosophy will make you happy either. I checked out your Instagram photos. I see you have some with you smiling and some with the unhappy “hard” look. You chose the hard, unhappy photo as your lead pic. To me this is telling. That… Read more »

5 years ago

@Ugh, the biological realities of hypergamy don’t change even as the society around us does. Studies and articles, for the most part, demonstrate: 1) Women generally detest dating or marrying down (not always consciously). They strongly prefer to date and marry across and up from their educational/economic status. As women reach educational and economic parity with men, one side of the dual mating strategy – to find a good “vampire” – becomes harder and harder to fulfill. Hence the trope about late 30’s/early 40’s career driven women alone with cats. Sadly, these women, who have achieved so much (career, education… Read more »

5 years ago

Apparently Tindering for weed is a thing.

Thanks Leila

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

Lawrence Talbot, as played by Lon Chaney Jr. in the 1940s Wolfman flicks

Right in the middle of the Hollywood Code years, so of course tame. The Code was adopted in 1934 if I remember right and didn’t fade until the end of the studio era in the 1960’s.

Pre-Code cartoons and movies made before 1934 show not just more skin, but more accurate Red Pill truth.

Hah. Perhaps you partly answered my question from the first comment.

5 years ago

“…. this pain is more likely even more pronounced for you, as so many black males are lost and adrift….”

… gotta find a few minutes.

5 years ago

She “set her vagina free from a seven year marraige” for something…

Any guesses?

5 years ago

“The Code was adopted in 1934 if I remember right . . .”

Maureen O’Sullivan believed the commission was formed just to ban this scene:

5 years ago
Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

Maureen O’Sullivan believed the commission was formed just to ban this scene:

She was probably right. Although there were others..

5 years ago

Don’t forget Mae West!

Highlights of the code I believe included a rule that in any man-woman scene, at least two of the four feet had to be firmly on the floor. And that evildoers had to be punished — you could never have an ending where the bad guy got away.

Still there were a few 40s flicks — Double Indemnity, Three Strangers — where women were bad bad trouble. Ingrid Bergman is an interesting pivot point in Casablanca and check out the triangle — Bette Davis, Claude Rains and Paul Henreid (again!) in Deception.

5 years ago

1) But to get back to the present, and @Ugh, it simply seems a woman who is affuent and accomplished would be just as likely to hypergamize, if not more. The guy’s paycheck might not be as big a factor but why wouldn’t she keep pushing for the best total package she can get? Uneasy should rest the head of her current mate.

2) In vitro cuckilization … a black market for positive pregnancy test results … throw in a murder or two and we’ve got the makings of a Bones episode. Working title: Sperm of the Moment

5 years ago

” . . . it simply seems a woman who is affuent and accomplished would be just as likely to hypergamize . . .”

They are the ones who can securely declare open hypergamy. See Sheryl Sandberg.

Ugh is presenting herself as openly hypergamous, and thus a unicorn.

5 years ago

@ Ugh Finally got some time. Let’s do this. Oh come on! I’m a woman who discovered the MGTOW/Red Pill sphere some time back and actually agree with quite a bit of it. I do think there are scripts women are consciously and subconsciously encouraged to follow, and I think many of those scripts are ultimately self-defeating. I think ‘social media feminism’ is confused, at best. But articles like this are exhausting. You are speaking about some kind of a feminine collective that encompasses all cultures and races. Dude, you cannot make that kind of proclamation based on some newspaper… Read more »

5 years ago


But I congratulate you on not doing the child support thing.

She didn’t squeeze because there weren’t to be Squoze. That’s the whole premise of the divorce. Putting aside Teh Beta and “liberating” that vaj…

5 years ago

I’ve stated here many times that the black community serves as the canary in the coalmine regarding trends that will become dominant. Society catches a cold, we develop pneumonia. Only if the trend primarily affects the lower classes. Of course, to the media, the white lower class is invisible, so you’ll never see them used as a canary. One exception–opioid deaths in Hicksville, WV. Otoh, if the trend primarily affects the upper classes, then whites will be the canary. Example: the U.S. white birthrate was below the population replacement rate and the white population went into decline (which is still… Read more »

Anthony Waugh
Anthony Waugh
5 years ago

B.B. King had it right Don’t ever trust a woman Until she’s dead and buried Yes don’t ever trust a woman Until she’s dead and buried One day she’ll say that she loves you And the next day she’ll throw you in the street She’ll smother you with kisses When her birthday comes around But as soon as she gets her presents She’ll down talk you all over over town No don’t ever trust a woman Until she’s dead and buried One day she’ll say that she loves you And the next day she’ll throw you in the street She’ll… Read more »

5 years ago

” One exception–opioid deaths in Hicksville, WV.”


You realize there was a drug epidemic/problem waaayyy before the ” opiod ” problem.

5 years ago

“Popular wisdom says ” anyone can do anything if they just work hard “. Lmfao – bullshit mostly. A man must know tha rules of the Game he’s playing and either outsmart the system or….kinda hang back and get what you can.” Yes. That’s what’s frustrating about some of the Red Pill community. If life is a Game. Don’t you think it would be best played as a Game? “Good thing I’m closer to the end than the beginning.” Chapter Four DEATH Death has two kinds of significance for the Stoics. First it may be considered an external. It is… Read more »

5 years ago

Anyone still looking for their slavic NAWALTS?

5 years ago

“Pro-tip: society evolving ain’t biological evolution.” Summary Harari’s work situates its account of human history within a framework provided by the natural sciences, particularly evolutionary biology: he sees biology as setting the limits of possibility for human activity, and sees culture as shaping what happens within those bounds. The academic discipline of history is the account of cultural change. Harari surveys the history of humankind from the evolution of archaic human species in the Stone Age up to the twenty-first century, focusing on our own species of human, Homo sapiens. He divides the history of Sapiens into four major… Read more »

5 years ago

sees culture as shaping what happens within those bounds.

Yeah, because culture never opposes biology…women go to college…put off having kids…population declines.

it made the lives of most individuals (and animals) worse than they had been when Sapiens were mostly hunter-gatherers

Yeah, back in the Age of Fantasy.

Harari is a fool.

5 years ago

You realize there was a drug epidemic/problem waaayyy before the ” opiod ” problem. Was I wrong in thinking that the opioid problem was less of a problem in the black community? There’s a common narrative told about America’s current opioid epidemic: It is, unlike many of the drug overdose crises of the past, predominantly a white epidemic. The newest data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, however, complicates that story. White people still suffer a greater rate of overdose deaths, and, as a majority of the population, they still make up much more of the raw total… Read more »

5 years ago

Blax, you got all snarky and now you need to remove your foot from your mouth. Can’t blame that on TAM.

5 years ago

R-E-S-P-E-C-T The song, “Respect”, was bad enough when it was a beta provider’s plea written and sung by Otis Redding. It’s one of many songs that become unlistenable after becoming red pill aware. When it became a shrill feminist demand by Aretha Franklin, it justifies shutting off the noise by any means necessary. It reminds me of the idiotic chanting at protest rallies that goes: “Hey hey, ho ho, blah blah, blah, has got to go…” R-E-S-P-E-C-T Find out what it means to me R-E-S-P-E-C-T Take care… T-C-B Oh (sock it to me, sock it to me sock it to… Read more »

5 years ago

@Lord of the Flies She is looking for that ellusive Alpha unicorn! lol Actually there are couples where the woman earns more than the man and somehow it works coz he tingles other aspects of her hypergamy, either by being high SMV man or by raising the pimp hand. @Craig There are no blue pill women! Female love towards men is opportunistic and parasitic. It’s a subconcious survival instict she has inherited from the past. Even if externally she might seem to aspire to some notion of idealistic love towards a man, she also utilises the blue pill in opportunistic… Read more »

5 years ago

“Oh, you don’t have relationship skills kit”, fuck you too.

lazy ass motherfucker :/

5 years ago


Go to my blog and read my posts about relationships.

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