The Goddess Movement

Six years ago I wrote a post outlining what the PUA community referred to then as “Chick Crack“. It was a pretty straight forward post that I delved into just to explain why playing to women’s propensity to believe in the spiritual – or what women would consider spiritual – is an effective technique in Game. I always thought it was funny how accurate this presumption about women was when I came across it.

Of all the strippers I’d ‘dated’ in the past every one subscribed to some form of non-mainstream spiritualism. This girl Angie I used to bang kept Tarot cards in her pink lady’s devotional Bible, another professed to be a psychic; in fact the only people I’ve ever known who self-seriously wanted me to believe they were in fact psychic were all women.

[…] For the stripper set this seems to be par for the course, but I wish I could say this chick-crack phenomenon was limited to just women who had some vacuous spiritual/emotional hole in their lives to fill. No, all women (yes I said all) are predisposed to the intrigue that metaphysical imaginings sparks in them. If it smacks of secret, covert knowledge, privy only to a chosen few, then you’ve got an attentive listener in a woman. UFOs, palm reading (always a classic), psychic premonition, ‘gifts of prophecy’, really anything that hints at knowledge beyond the ordinary is fair game. Chick Crack is not just limited to off-brand spiritualisms either, you’ll find that far more women than men will develop (conveniently) an affinity for, and are more invested in, religion than men.

In the wake of the Anthony Bourdain “suicide“, and the scramble to absolve Asia Argento of any complicity in his decision to hang himself, I came across this post about Asia’s penchant for Witchcraft. Apparently Wicca is somewhat more than a hobby for her. As you look at these pictures it’s important to remember that this is a 42 year old woman (and her friends) who sincerely believes in this stuff.

In Chick Crack I also made reference as to why I believe women’s being predisposed to beliefs in the supernatural is a desire for secret power from an innate position of female powerlessness.

Feminine Mythology

Women’s natural pull towards the mysterious and metaphysical has its roots in the sex’s historical characterizations. In keeping with the very useful associations of women’s unknowability and feminine mystique, it’s perhaps unsurprising that we find most mythologized representations of women and femininity cast as brooding, fickle, rapacious and often as a temptress, possessing secret knowledge that foolish men (the mere mortals) are neither capable of, nor encouraged to understand. Sometimes childlike, often conveniently eroticized, women are literally cast as forces of nature – whether sexualized nymphs or tempestuous witches, each characterization relies on women possessing some form of secret or forbidden connection to the metaphysical. Even the commanding presence of Joan of Arc, while leading the armies of France, had a connection to something otherworldly. By their very nature, feminine mythology, by default, presumes women are more in tune with the nature of reality, while surpassing the ignorance of brutish men.

Women revel in their mythology. Since covert forms of communication are the preferred language of women, their affinity for secret information is a natural fit. Ever wonder why gossip seems to be uniquely endemic to women? Look no further than women’s innate impulse to acquire secret knowledge. Take away the Vampires and Werewolves – the metaphysical component – from the Twilight series and what you’re left with is a relatively bland romance novel. Add the otherworldly and you have a runaway hit popular with every female age demographic, from tweens to octogenarians.

In women’s evolutionary past, concealment meant everything. Confusing a man as to the true genetic heritage of his children was often a matter of life or death. Pursuing pluralistic sexual strategies depends upon creating a characterization of women as legitimately unknowable, thus the feminine mystique is instituted. Ergo, the sociological PR campaign over the course of millennia has been to perpetuate the mystery of woman.

From an evolutionary perspective it makes sense that physically weaker tribal women would seek some sort of mastery over the men in their lives who could punish or kill them and their offspring at will. As I’ve covered in many essays, women are biologically and psychologically more attuned to deeper communication and the emotive states of other people. Women have a far greater capacity to understand subcommunications and subcommunicate themselves among their own sex. This is borne out by multiple brain scan studies and research on the architecture of men and women’s brains.

To the blunt, overt, relatively nuance-less interpretive processes of men this subcommunication can be both frustrating and mysterious. It’s the mysterious part that women learned to reinforce and exploit in their dealings with men long ago. This is where we get the idea of the seductress or the ‘keeper of mysterious secrets’ archetype (witch, midwife, nature goddess) for women. It’s less important that women would actually be more in tune with the supernatural, but rather it’s more important that they believe it’s a general truth about all women. Men might be skeptical, or they may buy into that mystique, revere it and encourage other men to believe something similar. Usually how a man adopts or rejects that archetype is determined by his own self-understanding and his Game according to it and his sexual market value.

There are a lot of derivative character archetypes that stem from the basic ‘mysterious woman’ root. That might be anything from a healer, nurturer, mother type rooted in what used to be the mystery of women’s life-giving capacity, to the force of nature sorceress, to the eroticized sexual seductress (nymph, siren) or even the high-priestess of the holy temple of prostitution (an ancient brothel madame). Over the course of history, since our hunter-gatherer beginnings, this means to influence and power for women has coalesced into what we popularly imagine about women’s mysterious nature. Only today we call it a ‘woman’s intuition’ and we make appeals to fortune and fate when a guy get’s “lucky” and a woman favors him with her sexuality. It’s all socialized solutions to evolutionary problems, but if we add an element of ‘magic’ to the equation it makes explaining failures and appreciating successes that much easier.

Today, the belief in this nature is still very much reinforced in society. Thus, we get women subscribing to what amounts to a collective pathology – they are encouraged to believe in their ‘magical’ sensitivities to spirits and forces beyond the sensitivities of (ostensibly) “powerful” men. To fight the mythological Patriarchy women rely on a mythological tool. In Chick Crack I made mention of a stripper I used to have as a friend-with-benefits who was very attuned to the “spirit world”. As such the whole gamut of the supernatural was free game for her to use. She’d read my Tarot cards, my palm, throw in some eastern mysticism and wash it all down with a read through her pink ladies’ devotional Bible. Granted, ‘Angie‘ was an extreme case, but all women are in someway, or say they are in someway, privy to metaphysical understandings which men are not. And today we read and listen to male leaders in mainstream religions adopt and parrot back this “women are closer to God than men” mantra which is directly linked to the ‘spiritual women’ mystique.

The old trope of a Woman’s Intuition is an example of this belief in something beyond the ken of men. And this is also an important aspect of boys’ Blue Pill conditioning – girls/women possess some unearthly connection to God or something supernatural which further cements the idea that they should to defer authority to girls and women if they want to “please God the Goddess”. You might think this hard to believe in our age of technology, but only the context of the supernatural has shifted. Even the most objectively rational boys and men strongly believe in the ‘soul mate myth despite atheism or agnosticism. This belief of the faithless is directly related to the unknowability of the female. Even modern atheists have a tendency to fall prey to the “someone for everyone” religion when it comes to connecting with the opposite sex.

It’s my belief that this presumption of a greater sensitivity to the supernatural is an aspect of women’s evolved mental firmware. Regardless of how false it may be, a woman with the disposition to encourage men to believe that she has some otherworldly connection despite the world or circumstances around them, one that would lead men to venerate her in the long term, would’ve been a powerful social adaptation in ensuring her and her children’s security. No doubt women readers will trot out the reflexive “Well men have been shamans and soothsayers and the patriarchal leaders of churches too”, and this is true, but those men lacked the female elemental advantage in their believability. Even their own belief sets encompassed the ‘spiritual woman’ tropes for better or worse. The wise old wizard is definitely an archetype, but that wizard lacks the feminine mystique and the sexual components only women possess in exercising that power.

Modern Witchcraft

Today we see a distinct falling away from the old order of acknowledging the supernatural. Less and less people subscribe to religion in its conventional sense. The Millennial generation wants nothing to do with “organized religion”, yet they still seek the structure to life it used to provide. So instead we hear the compromise about being “spiritual, but not religious” as if accepting the possibility of the metaphysical is something expected, but the taint of the “religious” is left for older generations. Even in what passes for contemporary religion the influence of the Feminine Imperative is ever-present. The spiritual, the metaphysical, the religious, all are still useful tools for women to consolidate power with. As men abdicate more authority to the feminine, as they themselves are the products of a continuous social feminization, we see a wholesale handover of the spiritual to the direction of women. The male leadership of mainstream religions is itself compromised with the imperatives and priorities of women who are already presumed to be “more in tune with God or the supernatural”. As such they exercise the Feminine Imperative and assimilate women’s stake on the spiritual by being proxy agents for women’s authority.

Today I was linked a story about how Episcopalians have begun to Remove the Man from their religion. Apparently this marks the beginning of rewriting the doctrine of this religion by erasing all masculine pronouns for God. Of course I expect the predictable retorts that Episcopalians aren’t real Christians, but theirs is just one of the more glaring examples of how the feminization of religion progresses. The latent purpose is a wholesale removal of anything conventionally masculine from religion, and/or placing the feminine as the primary connection with the supernatural. Whether it’s mainstream religion or psychic reading, a woman is at the center of that mysticism. If you want a perspective into the things to come for a female-led mega-religion look no further than the teaching of Rev. Shannon Johnson Kershner (dual surname noted). God is not male is the clarion call of the priestesses (and their male ‘ally’ priests) of this new religion.

Why should we view God as female? Well, it’s so that little girls can become pastors, with Kershner saying, ““I wanted to make sure that little girls knew that God could call them to be pastors, too.”

For the MeToo / Time’s Up generation God is female, the supernatural is more aligned with the feminine. I’ve made this observation before (before the #MeToo moral panic arrived) but there’s been a growing push on the part of men to relinquish any spiritual authority from a masculine perspective for decades now. The largely secular impetus of the MeToo movement is now finding its way into a religious environment that has been primed and ready for it (largely due to its acquiescing, complicit, and thoroughly Blue Pill male leadership) for a long time. MeToo was a natural fit for a feminine-primary church that needed its push to consolidate power even in the most patriarchal of religions. MeToo has given women license to finally be overt in their design on religion and spirituality – not unlike Open Hypergamy has been embraced in the mainstream.

In celebration of this conversion of religion to feminine-primacy we get the feminist Beyoncé “worship” services in formerly traditional cathedrals. Millennials may be falling away from the old church, but they fill the new church to overflow-capacity when ‘god’ is female.

The take home message for this essay is this; womankind has been intimately aware of the complicity of men in granting them a default connection to the supernatural. While we may not profess a formal belief in such, men are eager to accommodate female power in this arena – especially if in doing so it endears women to the men who play along with it. Professing a belief in the supernatural is simply good Game. The early PUAs picked up on this and used it to their advantage. However, this abdication of moral authority – an authority founded in masculine pretenses – goes far beyond getting your palm read by an earthy stripper you want to bang. This compromising of moral authority to the feminine by men is just the next phase in conceding all social and political authority to the Feminine Imperative. If God or a ‘higher power’ is the foundation of moral authority, and women are universally presumed to be more in touch with that higher power, the next step is to cede that authority to the sex that has a more direct line to that power.

What prompted me to consider writing this essay was a link I was sent in response to the story about Asia Argento’s involvement in modern day Wicca. I listened to a bit of a podcast by Vox Day recently in which he was asked his thoughts about modern paganism. He said, and I paraphrase, “Paganism today is just kids LARPing to the idea of old world religions. They’re role playing something akin to Dungeons and Dragons with no real belief.” I thought this was interesting in light of the article I was sent on Neo-Paganism and the Feminist Spirituality Movement:

However, some women were not willing to identify themselves as “witches”, and there arose a form of Goddess worship without any of the trappings of witchcraft. As Nevill Drury explains, “Although some Goddess-worshippers continued to refer to themselves as witches, others abandoned the term altogether, preferring to regard their neopagan practice as a universal feminist religion, drawing on mythologies from many different ancient cultures.” This has been called “Goddess worship” and the “Goddess movement”. These terms are frequently used interchangeably with, but should be distinguished from, “feminist spirituality”, which includes the Goddess movement, but also feminist Christianity, feminist Judaism, etc.


The principal beliefs of the Goddess movement are that the Goddess is a radically immanent deity and she can be experienced directly. The Earth is seen as the body of the Goddess and women are understood to connect to the Goddess through their experience of their own bodies, as well as the “body” of the earth. Goddess feminists also believe that the Goddess is constantly changing, manifest in the changing of the seasons and the human life-cycle, and perpetually self-renewed.

The Goddess movement offers women a new self-image and facilitates women finding their own innate goodness and natural divinity. It enables women to redeem and revalue the “feminine principle” and offers them positive images and symbols of female empowerment.

It may seem easy to dismiss the influence of the feminine on what is re-evolving into a new feminine-world order of spirituality, but I think it would be foolish dismiss the influences of the Feminine Imperative – the Goddess Movement – that is manifesting itself incrementally in the power vacuum left by the abdication of masculine moral authority to the feminine. We read that Millennials may not be “as religious” as previous generations, but that doesn’t mean they don’t seek out ‘spiritual, but not religious’ metaphysical connections. They seek direction, and connection in religion, but they seek it in the secular, gynocentric terms they’ve been conditioned to believe they should define themselves by. A similar parallel exists on the masculine side too. One of the reasons for Jordan Peterson’s popularity is his ‘ministering’ to a generation of “lost boys” seeking direction in life. He is every bit one of the Lords of the New Church in the same way that the Goddess Movement speaks to another demographic of lost souls who seek absolution in the “divine feminine” – also a term Peterson is fond of.

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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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[…] The Goddess Movement […]

George C
George C
5 years ago

Women are shortcutters…just like men. It take effort to compete and win. Few women can play that game of hardwork and logic. Sometimes to win, you have to “redefine” the game. I don’t believe that women can say to a man directly ” I’m stronger, smarter, or whatever than you…” They have to have a different approach. I’m sure witchcraft or whatever we want to call it is another form of testing by women. There are some men that want a woman, fundamentally, for escapism. They have this dream girl/woman in their mind and a woman comes along that fits… Read more »

The Killjoy
The Killjoy
5 years ago

A former flatmate of mine, who is probably the most supplicating, faux-spiritual and sad excuse for a man dressed up as a new-age yoga guru, is about to be a father. I’ve seen his social media feed filled with such trumped bullshit surrounding his gravid partner as ‘when I behold the Divine femine I bow to her grace.’ You could not make this shit up and it’s almost offensive and certainly cringeworthy. Another super liberal former-friend just paid for his wife to fly to Scotland for a woman’s spiritual retreat. Add this to the legion of eat, pray, love, chakra-balancing… Read more »

5 years ago

Love your work, but I don’t get the sense from this article that you have read too deeply into what the term “archetype” implies. If you are indeed invoking Carl Jung, so it’s important to realize how the archetypes bear strong psychic energy from the collective unconscious when “constellated” by an individual or a culture. Our culture is indeed in the middle of re-constellating various feminine archetypes that were broken up and suppressed under masculine-oriented religions. Examining this with an open mind, will, I expect, bring some worthwhile insights, to expand and sharpen your important work about the masculine and… Read more »

5 years ago

“It’s my belief that this presumption of a greater sensitivity to the supernatural is an aspect of women’s evolved mental firmware. Regardless of how false it may be, a woman with the disposition to encourage men to believe that she has some otherworldly connection despite the world or circumstances around them, one that would lead men to venerate her in the long term, would’ve been a powerful social adaptation in ensuring her and her children’s security. No doubt women readers will trot out the reflexive “Well men have been shamans and soothsayers and the patriarchal leaders of churches too”, and… Read more »

George C.
George C.
5 years ago

Killjoy, I want to add to your comments from your statement. 1. Beliefs are powerful. 2. Work is work… This is a serious reply so please don’t think I’m picking apart your stuff. I’ve seen some men who roll with the waves and actually benefit from the “feminist stuff” If this guy has all this money to start flying his wife around to pursue “her goals” I’m sure he’s fucking another woman/women while she’s gone. Women just like men can get so into whatever their doing that if they can become blind to the obvious. This is the power of… Read more »

5 years ago

You lost me when you made allusions to evolutionary story-telling.

Jacob (@_BreakYourBonds)

The women are so solipsistic that they feel they can rewrite creation itself. Instead of man being made in God’s image, God is made in woman’s image.
They have no real belief in their religion, otherwise this would be incredibly blasphemous and tantamount to worshiping false idols. The fact that they are willing to go to this extent is insane. If their willingness to rewrite religion doesn’t show everyone how dangerous feminist thought is, I don’t know what will.

Aryan Blindboy
5 years ago

I hope the men at Dalrock are reading this…

5 years ago

Wow Rollo

Even my wife said “Oh my God”.

What I find interesting today as Trumps campaign points out that higher education is more about indoctrination than education ,the male college grads I know like to label me as secular or even secular humanist.

In particular I know a retired (still very blue pill) lutheran minister,progressive that doesn’t believe in separation of church and and state ,rather he believes the church should be running the country. While he is handing the keys over to the feminists.


Christopher B
Christopher B
5 years ago

Note that the shaman, wizard, or patriarch has power because of what he has presumably learned, experienced, or in other ways worked to accomplish, but the witch obtains her power just by being a witch. No assembly required.

M Simon
5 years ago

Thing is – if you “feel” witchcraft you can tell what others are thinking and feel them at a distance. I have bee telling the wife what she is thinking for 40 years. She has never told me I’m wrong. She is not a shrinking violet.

It is not mumbo jumbo. It can be taught. I have taught my wife.

You have to quiet your system. Which allows you to pay attention.

Higgs Boson
Higgs Boson
5 years ago

We are energy fields passing through other energy fields. There is nothing more.

5 years ago

” . . . their willingness to rewrite religion . . .”

They are not rewriting religion. They are writing it. Pulling it out of their arse and making it up as they go along.

They almost invariably claim some ancient lineage, but that lineage is almost invariably from a religion that has been dead for a thousand or more years and left little to no literature of its own (the Kelts, for instance, believed that fixing the Mysteries in writing was a sacrilege, so there was no literature to leave in the first place).

5 years ago

Soon when bluepill religious leaders manage to combine church and state after turning the church over to feminists, M Simons wife will rule the world according to what he believes she is thinking through his powers of wica.

Bwah haa bwaa hahaaaaaaaaaa

mark maesano
5 years ago

It might be time for you to read the Bible and get to know the truth. You are a smart guy, get smarter: read the book of New Testament. Start with Mark or John. Ask God to show you the truth, and it will change your life in a way that you can’t conceive of now.
Jesus Christ is come in the flesh.

5 years ago

Interesting, Owl… I’m sure you’ll get reamed by our resident trolls and some others. I can’t say I have a real clue about that which you speak, but I do value an open mind so I’ll take a look at your book.. Provocative title, if nothing else.

5 years ago

I was reading along and trying to formulate some Red Pill contribution until I got to the last two sentences. And then, I’m like WTF?, conflating Jordan Peterson on the male side with the Chick Crack on the female side. I call bullshit on that. I’m not sure what to say about the bulk of the OP in regards to the Goddess Movement. What I do know is that the antidote to the problem is: Get a Fucking Guy Tribe. Talk, give each other your problems (field reports), trust, verify, be skilled at not being such a lazy fuck as… Read more »

5 years ago

Women are the first to talk about fate, destiny and “the one” all this supernatural I was in the stars drivel..:to convince a man of their loyalty and devotion.

Women are the first to say the feelings gone and bang the pool boy…

5 years ago

Women are the first to push forward a super natural “it was fate” narrative and the first suddenly say “the feeling’s” gone…

5 years ago

“The central problem of human beings isn’t religion, as the New Atheists insist. It’s tribalism.”

5 years ago

I’ve gotten a little into the occult stuff, nothing serious just what you would find in a decently sized library. After it settles in your mind, it’s pretty obvious how insignificant it is. It matters about as much as a dead hashtag.

All the same, it seems to have a grip on my sister. It does unsettle your mind if you can’t put it into context. And women are terrible at context because they never do any real work.

It’s all delusion, the only question is if you can get other people to buy into it.

5 years ago

Back in my dating days one of my most successful lines was to do with meditation. If the pick-up wasn’t getting anywhere then I’d just roll out the fact that I was into meditation. (I actually was for a time which meant I knew what I was talking about). It was incredible how many successful pick-ups turned on that one line. It was also astounding as to how many women knew something about meditation. The inevitable response to that line was a challenge so as to ascertain if I had any actual knowledge or if I was bullshitting. Since I… Read more »

Seething Lurker
Seething Lurker
5 years ago

I can’t tell you the number of educated and accomplished women I’ve met who will slyley ask “what’s your birthday” and then say, “oh, you’re a Taurus, blah, blah, blah”, or even scarier, the ones who ask your birthday and then silently start doing mental calculations about the “secret” knowledge they have on you while continuing the conversation.  

5 years ago

There are many aspects to feminine energy and the feminine spirit. Women can be a number of characters in one, mother, lover, daughter, bitch, and also a goddess. Feminine energy is constantly flowing and ever changing based on the moment. I enjoy the lover and goddess element of feminity and its very pleasurable to see a woman in her elment when shes in such a state. But every woman also will yield to the dominant masculine male, including the goddess, in fact she needs it the most. My perspective, enjoy the goddess in your woman, but never abdicate the masculine… Read more »

5 years ago

Jordan Petersen is a warlock.


M Simon
5 years ago

July 7, 2018 at 6:59 pm

You missed the part about being quiet so you can pay attention.

M Simon
5 years ago

Further note: being quiet and paying attention to all the available signals is quite helpful for Game. Most systems have methods for getting your internals quiet. I rather like the one described in “The Fourth Way” by Ouspensky. There are others.

Jorge Grater
5 years ago

It has been almost forty years since I read Ouspensky’s esoteric 4th Way. Strong work Tomassi, keep it Rolling… As you said at fifty, this has become your life’s work.

5 years ago

The comments here. Oh my.

5 years ago

@Rollo, this is one of your most subtle posts. Well done. They seek direction, and connection in religion, but they seek it in the secular, gynocentric terms they’ve been conditioned to believe they should define themselves by. Before this statement of yours, I’d never thought about how the CLAMs (Communists and Liberals in Academia and Media) try to brainwash young skulls full of mush into accepting secularism. Secularism is the con (which I’m sure Blax saw long ago, ht)…and this includes not only practical atheism, but its mythology, which includes The Great Evolution Story ™. (One can accept evolutionary elements… Read more »

5 years ago

Jordan Petersen is a warlock.

or whorelock…he gets some things right and others wrong…he has his own con going, but likely he has conned himself

5 years ago

To learn, to study, to read ancient (before modern noise, internet, and social media shit) wisdom.

This was one of my big problems with YaReally. He was selling The Easy Way ™. Cliff Notes. Just another con job.

5 years ago

M.Simon: “It is not mumbo jumbo. It can be taught. KFG:”They are not rewriting religion. They are writing it. Pulling it out of their arse and making it up as they go along.” Chick Crack is chick crack. Mumbo Jumbo is mumbo jumbo. Put in this perspective by Gad Saad, evolutionary psychologist: Gad Saad Ph.D. Homo Consumericus New Age Gurus: Dispensers of Nonsense Compassionate intentionality is the illumination of the cosmic soul. Posted Oct 31, 2014 In chapter 8 of my trade book The Consuming Instinct: What Juicy Burgers, Ferraris, Pornography, and Gift Giving Reveal About Human Nature, I… Read more »

5 years ago

“Jordan Petersen is a warlock.” “or whorelock…he gets some things right and others wrong…he has his own con going, but likely he has conned himself” Jordan Peterson was originally selling intellectualism at the University of Toronto. Then he decided he could possibly save his own ass by climbing out of a psychological super-depressive state (Depression). He was severely depressed all his life, hence the talk rife with nihilism and malevolence in the world. Then as he was fighting a Canadian political war against the free speech law, he was on the vanguard of new technology, namely Youtube and Patreon. And… Read more »

5 years ago

Don’t know about the Goddess movement, but as far as spirituality goes – men invented it. Men’s mental firmware makes them seek freedom in ways that women are not prone to do – which is why more men than women become monks, or go off and live by themselves in austerity or up in the mountains or a cave or what not. The distinction between spirituality and religion should be clear here – spirituality is basically a path to ultimate freedom. And you take a look at any spiritual book, apart from a very detailed analysis of the mechanics of… Read more »

5 years ago

Peterson’s ‘ intellectualism ” isn’t anything special, yet his subject matter peaks much interest.

I’ve learned nothing New or of worth watching/reading his stuff, but his discourse isn’t aimed at me either. Imo, he gets as much wrong as right while coming up with ” ideas ” . That’s about par for those who like to think more than do.

Funny, he struck me as a ” depressive ” before I’d ever read that he was. The mind is a powerful thing, depending on where you put your concentrative efforts.

5 years ago

@ SJF very good stuff from this Gad Saad fellow. Especially this bit, I see it all the time..

“Be charismatic and self-confident in your delivery, and perhaps deceive yourself as to the veracity of your words. In the immortal words of George Costanza, one of the central characters of the classic sitcom Seinfeld: “Jerry, just remember, it’s not a lie if you believe it.”

5 years ago

It’s been interesting, and to be honest, a little annoying to see some of the flack Jordan Peterson gets here. Not that the guy is above reproach or criticism (no one is), but I see misrepresentations of his ideas and work used to attack him, rather than substantive comprehension, and thus criticism, of them. This is the same thing the Left wing media does to try and destroy the guy because he is a powerful agent for dismantling their bullshit, including the Feminist worldview we tend to find so egregious and damaging. It is ALSO the same thing the LWM… Read more »

5 years ago

Peterson’s ‘ intellectualism ” isn’t anything special, yet his subject matter peaks much interest.” That’s a value judgement. And it’s not a very accurate one. And that’s why he put the bulk of his intellectualism on YouTube (besides to save his job, which he doesn’t need anymore, because Paterson patrons and book buyers acknowledge some value in his thoughts and words….) Just because his shit doesn’t resonate with a person, doesn’t mean there isn’t something special, unique and valuable there. I’m the same, I don’t get much new value or ideas from him, but I’ve seen his impact “save” and… Read more »

5 years ago

she is a goddess…

New series… [another Hillary casualty]

5 years ago

I don’t mind the guy but It might be time for a Godwin’s Law corollary — first one to mention Jordan Peterson loses.

5 years ago

Buffers are weaknesses disguised as strengths to maintain a lie. Those who use them are targets of exploitation. As BP men are pre-installed with convenient lies to rationalize their sorry lot and subsidize the FI, women too must accept fictions tailored for feminine consumption. I say bravo and thank you BP world! “Law 33: Discover Each Man’s Thumbscrew: Everyone has a weakness, a gap in the castle wall. That weakness is usually insecurity, an uncontrollable emotion or need; it can also be a small secret pleasure. Either way, once found, it is a thumbscrew you can turn to your advantage.”… Read more »

5 years ago

One place you might notice this Goddess trend is the largely female-driven “holistic medicine” movement. There is something to be said for seeing the patient as a person rather than just a disease or a symptom, but the (often female) practitioners imply that they are knowing and reaching the patient on some deeper level than mere manly medical science.

Also note the many women involved in new-agey practices such as reiki massage, where belief and suggestibility are part of the package.

John O.
John O.
5 years ago

Thank you, Rollo. This is why your blog is called “The RATIONAL MALE”.

5 years ago

IIRC, Isis worship involved sculptures of boobs. Christianity is currently tending towards Isis worship, in line with the OP. My field report offers data to support this observation. I was in my sunday school class, getting snacks and coffee. There were no plates on the table and a young (mid-20s) married woman was getting food at the same time as I was (I was there first) and she noticed plates under the table and squatted slightly and bent over to get some. Her not-low-cut top gapped full open and she flashed me with a full view of her C-cups.… Read more »

5 years ago

“I don’t mind the guy but It might be time for a Godwin’s Law corollary — first one to mention Jordan Peterson loses.”

You got my vote for today’s winner of the Spherenetz.

5 years ago

When your wife shows a sudden new interest in all that “goddess” shit, watch out. Definite red flag. Chances are good that “the goddess” has told her that you suck, and she is perfectly justified in getting it on with Chad, or more simply that she has the hots for her yoga instructor / New Age Guru who has gamed her with a lot of talk about how she is spiritually sensitive and in touch with the spiritual realm unlike her grunting crude husband blah blah blah.

5 years ago

“grunting crude husband”

Hey! That’s me you’re talking about.

5 years ago

“hots for her yoga instructor / New Age Guru”

5 years ago

As a matter of fact, I do like these girls. I love them, in fact.

Hippie girls, yoga girls, witch-girls, godess-girls, whatever spiritual girls.

They are feminince, sexy, cute, cool, fun, nice, loving and well-meaning.

It is up to US men not to worship at the legs of the Feminine Imperative.

5 years ago

It’s up to men not to abdicate moral authority or let women usurp moral authority in The Goddess Movement for their own purposes.

I may be ignorant at times, but I have no problem with my wife going to a (female) Reki masseuse or a male massage therapist (to work on her hamstrings). It is part of the Polar Dance of allowing her to be feminine, sexy, cute, cool, fun, nice, loving and well-meaning.

5 years ago

All this chick crack stuff is just another form of ex post facto feels rationalizations. Just a wordier hamster…

Use to your benefit.

“Describe what you feel”–wzxxvU

Tell her about her favorite subject – her…

“I’m not a religious person… But I am spiritual”

After guessing her middle initial…

5 years ago

“How’d you know that though? How’d you get the initial?

5 years ago

“Polar Dance of allowing her to be feminine, sexy, cute, cool, fun, nice, loving and well-meaning.”

My woman stays lilmber pole dancing too. Nice.

5 years ago Here are a few basic rules that will help you learn how to make your cold reads more believable and complex. These tips will help boost your cold reading skills regardless of the cold reading routine you’re using – like the Cube, Strawberry Fields, astrology, Tarot or rune stones. Sound Bites: Always think about the words you use. They should sound mystical and deep. They should also make the person you’re reading feel like everything is specifically about them. Here are a few common sound bites to think about saying during your cold read: Your personal journey… The way… Read more »

5 years ago


Nice photos. They capture a calm gracefully aging California man…who does lots of cardio.

5 years ago

SJF I have no problem with my wife going to a (female) Reki masseuse or a male massage therapist (to work on her hamstrings). where are you on OM? Orgasmic Meditation? Orgasmic Meditation (OM) is a unique wellness practice that combines mindfulness with the power of the deeply human, deeply felt experience of Orgasm. OM puts you in touch with your body and your sexuality. During the practice, one person strokes another person’s clitoris for 15 minutes with no goal other than to feel the sensation. OM is: Safe Systematic — always done in the same way Goalless —… Read more »

5 years ago

so we will have… Yoga, Meditation and Orgasm.

5 years ago

“some how I found myself, lying their…. with my legs… butterflied open”

oh the lols of that TED talk.

[Rollo – no fix for the inline videos and images? grrrr]

5 years ago

@ Sentient

Down and Out in Beverly Hills has a scene about 50″ in. Bum cum houseguest Nick Nolte massagse out repressed Midller’s negative energy…into orgasm.

Audio is cacked but you get the idea:

5 years ago


When penis in vagina is too complicated a concept. Answer: Exotify masturbation.

Talk about virtue of necessities…and an opportunity for (certain) men.

5 years ago

I like this Rollo OP not just as actionable interpersonal advice but also because we’re constantly being told now how women bring some secret sauce, some ineffable nuance, to various endeavors. Women will “humanize” business, humanize science and medicine, humanize politics, whatever. As if men aren’t human.

We’ve all heard, “If only there were more female leaders, there wouldn’t be any war,” and that kind of nonsense is spreading

5 years ago

>25 HB9-10 or gtfo.

No difference. Mystical superpowers evidently.

*laughing emoji here *

I don’t get the issue with yoga though. Wifey yogas all over the house daily. Hell, she’s probably standing on her head upstairs right now.

5 years ago

Looks like repackaged hysteria treatment to me.

5 years ago

“…where are you on OM? ”

“When penis in vagina is too complicated a concept. Answer: Exotify masturbation.”

“Looks like repackaged hysteria treatment to me.”

Isn’t that just for the ugly girls that can’t cuck by conventional means?

5 years ago


1986. I remember that scene. Laying more groundwork for cucking and AF/BB.


“Isn’t that just for the ugly girls that can’t cuck by conventional means?”

Haha. Fuck maybe. But maybe not.

In 2035 it will be catechism.

5 years ago

“I don’t get the issue with yoga though. Wifey yogas all over the house daily. Hell, she’s probably standing on her head upstairs right now.”

Yoga is the best exercise for women. Ashtanga yoga is perfect…does just about everything, with exactly the right level of resistance not to bulk up.

Yollo Comanche
Yollo Comanche
5 years ago


5 years ago

” . . . exactly the right level of resistance not to bulk up.” Calories are the master control of “bulk.” Hormones are the master control of muscle mass. If I trained you you could train like a power lifter, add muscle that didn’t look “muscular” and get slimmer, yet “shapelier.” Not to mention being flexible to a degree only exceeded by gymnastics training (which, like yoga, often accomplishes its “flexibility” through actual and irreversible physical damage). If you trained yourself you’d probably find (as do most women who take up body building) that you can’t “bulk” even if you… Read more »

5 years ago

32-25-32, 114 lbs.

Deadlifts 250 lbs.

She had a trainer with some idea of what he was doing.

5 years ago

Aryan Blindboy says: I hope the men at Dalrock are reading this…

I put a link to this article over there.
Interesting article. there were some good observations in there. I take possible exception to the swipe at Jordan Peterson, and some other stuff, of course. Dalrock has taken swipes at him too. I think the guy is helping society more than hurting it, and Jordan Peterson has a lot of the right enemies. If he pisses off Feminazis, that in and of itself is a praiseworthy accomplishment.

5 years ago

@OBIT said: We’ve all heard, “If only there were more female leaders, there wouldn’t be any war,” and that kind of nonsense is spreading Should you ever suffer the misfortune of reading or hearing this detritus, feel free to cite this study: New York University scholars Oeindrila Dube and S.P. Harish analyzed 28 European queenly reigns from 1480 to 1913 and found a 27 percent increase in wars when a queen was in power, as compared to the reign of a king. “People have this preconceived idea that states that are led by women engage in less conflict,” Dube… Read more »

5 years ago

Impressive girl, kfg, what is her name? I’d like to see what she looks like now.

I’m just deferring to what I’ve seen. Many, many times. It’s always the same. I’ve known women who compete/have competed. I know one woman who was on the cover of Oxygen and Shape and is famous FOR exercising. And she too bulked up.

Now, maybe they’re all “doing it wrong” but if it’s that difficult to get right I’d rather stick to what i’ve seen work reliably.

5 years ago

I should add, some of them took years to bulk up. They could and would “skinny down” for competition by very strict dieting….but that’s not the life I want to lead. Later on, when they stopped the strict dieting I can’t think of a single one that didn’t/doesn’t look very thick today.

5 years ago

When my wife was lifting more heavy poundage, she gained some muscle and her body fat % decreased. She didn’t really take in enough calories and protein to bulk up, but her perception was that she was getting ” huge “, which wasn’t quite true, but her body was making the kinds of shifts a novice experiences when they’ve been lifting consistently over a few years. Bulking isn’t easy and it won’t happen randomly just by lifting some weight. She practices yoga ( not in a ) and is kinda addicted because she says she is more flexible now… Read more »

5 years ago

New York University scholars Oeindrila Dube and S.P. Harish analyzed 28 European queenly reigns from 1480 to 1913 and found a 27 percent increase in wars when a queen was in power, as compared to the reign of a king. The soldier came knocking upon the queen’s door He said, “I am not fighting for you any more” The queen knew she’d seen his face someplace before And slowly she let him inside. He said, “I’ve watched your palace up here on the hill And I’ve wondered who’s the woman for whom we all kill But I am leaving… Read more »

Mean Mr. Mustard
Mean Mr. Mustard
5 years ago
5 years ago

As far as I know, I’ve never sustained an injury doing yoga. But I don’t do it that much (not all day, throughout the day), just have a few poses I do about five times a week and it takes no longer than 15 or so minutes total. But they are pretty challenging. I had a meniscal tear or two in the knees from running (I’ve recently started some quad work to even out the muscles around the patella which seems to have taken care of the knee problem that was probably the product of asymetry). As a general rule… Read more »

5 years ago

Eh Exotify masturbation. Well consider that your local rub and tugger is regularly raided and men arrested… But “One Taste” is headlining TED talks… Exotify… legally… One of these things is not like the other. Apparently men do not warrant the “deeply human, deeply felt experience” of the Orgasm… and the women that work at these massage parlors can walk down to a One Taste and sign up for a session no problemo. “Orgasms for me and not for thee” is the decree… Soon the aspiring OM-ers, including a couple from Marin County hoping to rekindle… Read more »

5 years ago

“Laura: You mention a few times in the book that you were part of a community of OM practitioners for many years before founding OneTaste and writing this book. Who were your mentors? Where did the practice of OM originate? Daedone: The technique of stroking women’s genitals has been around for many years. In fact, it was an accepted medical practice for a long time. My first encounter with the stroking technique that ultimately became OM came when I met a cute guy at a party. He gave me what I thought was the best pick-up line I’d ever heard.… Read more »

5 years ago

@ Sentient

Read the article. One touch is similar to NEXIVM.

She’s living with the 208 million dollar man benefactor.

The caliber of men…oh boy. The women find no excitement there.

Men pay money to fuck hot women. Women pay money not to be fucked by betas. Silly girls.

5 years ago

” . . .she says she is more flexible now than when she was a teenager.” Indeed. If only people understood “flexibility” and didn’t value in and of itself as a consequence. ” . . . she’s been bending herself into odd shapes, but even this is changing her body.” Exactly. “I can’t do a handstand on my forearms and touch my toes to the top of my head.” Ya ever wonder why not? It’s because you have built in mechanical structure to prevent you from doing that, and for good reason. Ergo, a person who can do that lacks… Read more »

5 years ago

“One touch is similar to NEXIVM.”

In NEXIVM – Alpha male has branded women vying for sex with him – he is brought up on Federal charges.

In OneTase – Beta males vying for no sex with women. She is lauded by the cognoscenti for empowering practice.

5 years ago

comment image

Mr. OneTaste – Reese Jones

Change “the internet” to “christianity” in his quote…

5 years ago

“Then don’t overeat in the first place. Every. Ounce. On. Your. Body. Got. There. Through. Your. Mouth.”

Of course. But appetite varies depending on the level of various hormones.
A person with Cushing’s syndrome also gained weight by over eating.
So did every pregnant woman.
But a pregnant woman who tries to restrict diet will be very very grumpy and challenging to be around. It isn’t just about will power.
As they say, in the contest of will power verses hormones, hormones win.
So, again…perhaps I’m very very ignorant, but I do what seems to work (longterm).

5 years ago

Looks like the ground is being properly prepared for the Bene Gesserit order. If I remember well, they were distrusted by everyone. Go figure

5 years ago

The dialogue from Rugby’s “The Witch” clip above… Thomasin: Black Phillip. I conjure thee to speak to me. Speak as thou dost speak to Jonas and Mercy. Dost thou understand my English tongue? Answer me. Black Phillip: What dost thou want? Thomasin: What canst thou give? Black Phillip: Wouldst thou like the taste of butter? A pretty dress? Wouldst thou like to live deliciously? Thomasin: Yes. Black Phillip: Wouldst thou like to see the world? Thomasin: What will you from me? Black Phillip: Dost thou see a book before thee? Remove thy shift. Thomasin: I cannot write my name. Black… Read more »

5 years ago

Just to add (thought this was interesting)

5 years ago

” . . . in the contest of will power verses hormones, hormones win.” Q.E.D. Lift all you want, if you don’t have the right hormones you won’t bulk. And women have hormones that favor bulking fat, not muscle. Note that right now there are hundreds of thousands of men around the world, with the correct hormones to build muscle, complaining that they lift, but can’t build muscle. They’re all over the forums looking for advice. It is, as often as not, because lifting doesn’t increase their appetites. They’re eating at maintenance, and so they maintain. While there are limits… Read more »

5 years ago

Both nexivm and onetaste have a single wealthy benefactor and trancendance through mystic ritualized sex.

It’s a proven business plan until the smoke clears.

What woman wants betas lurching over her? It goes against the hypergamy script.

5 years ago

We’ve all heard, “If only there were more female leaders, there wouldn’t be any war,”

“So like Indira Gandhi (1971 India-Pakistan War), Golda Meir (Yom Kippur War) and Margaret Thatcher (Falkands War) then?”

5 years ago

“It is, as often as not, because lifting doesn’t increase their appetites. They’re eating at maintenance, and so they maintain.” I’ll just be a master of the obvious here (call me moto if you like) and say it: men are not women. All one needs to do is look at Olympic swimmers or gymnasts. The men have perfect bodies (and stay that way, I know a gold medalist swimmer who is now in his late 40s), the women bulky weird ones (exception the teenagers…wait a few years). “My God, she’s so bulky that her waist is nearly as thick as… Read more »

5 years ago

” . . . people eat less even a month after they come out of high altitude . . .” You can tell that they eat less by the fact that they gained a third of their lost weight back in only a month. Weight gain and eating less go together like, ummmm . . . “One limitation of the study, however, is that it didn’t show whether the men lost mostly muscle mass, fat, or water weight, Leissner said.” If it didn’t mention this you could have just tossed the article straight into the Junk Science bin. “The sceintists’… Read more »

5 years ago

@Rollo “Why is it impossible to mention JBP in any critical respect and have it not be a “swipe”?” Why is it impossible to voice value in JBP for young men, and not have it be seen as a ringing endorsement of his brand? Despite the Gaad Saad link I posted yesterday, Peterson is not any where near the Woo-Woo Power of Positive thinking, mumbo jumbo, platitudes spewing entity that charlatans have. He has actionable, abstract and concrete information to digest, to think about and to learn from. And one value of his body of work is that it is… Read more »

5 years ago

” . . . men are not women.” Q.E.D. “All one needs to do is look at Olympic swimmers or gymnasts . . .” . . . if one wishes to invoke the classic fallacy. Olympians are not random normal people doing anything like normal things. They have gone through a rigorous selection process and have some rather “odd” behaviors. Taking your observation at face value, one obvious explanation is that men are likely to continue their hormone manipulation behaviors (keeping test near the legal limit) and women are less likely to continue their hormone manipulation behaviors (keeping test near… Read more »

5 years ago

” . . . to me just looking at her back she looks bulky. I’ll bet she has an odd shape.” It isn’t her waist, it’s her pelvis. She ain’t got one. This is not uncommon among certain female athletes. It’s mostly a product of selection for the task, not a product caused by the task (although starvation while very young can be a cause. See Audrey Hepburn). And I’m beginning to suspect your size 2 ass of more than a bit of body dysmorphophobia, and my own bias here is that I favor slender women. Not into “thick girls”… Read more »

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