Dangerous Times – Part 2

The fulfillment of your own sexuality is nothing less than your battle for existence. – Pook

If you’ve been wondering what I’ve been doing lately over the past week I took it upon myself to read through the 7,000 word short story “Cat Person” that’s recently gone viral. The author, 36 year old Kristen Roupenian, was also offered a one million dollar book deal to expand the story even further. You too can read the whole thing if you have the stomach, but it reads every bit like the passive-aggressive indirection I’d expected it would coming from a less-than Hypergamously satisfied woman who’s well past the Wall. Rather than craft a concrete article about her own inner conflict (and by association all women’s conflict) of having ‘inconvenient’ casual sex, she thought she wanted, we get an overwritten fiction that sock-puppets herself as the main character.

If this book does publish, trust me, it wont be a new 50 Shades of Grey. Cat Person  resonates with women today because we now live in the #MeToo era of moral panic inspired by the same Future is Female outrage brokers who brought us pink pussy knitted caps and the women’s march in the wake of Hillary Clinton’s defeat. I decided to split this series of essays into two parts because at this moment in history we are beginning to see the culmination of the predictions I alluded to in my essay, The Political is Personal. We are seeing, in real time, just how a feminine-primary social order and a growing female supremacism consolidates its power. But as I outlined in that essay, this power is always predicated on the hope of ensuring the largest pool of women are legally and socially entitled to the unquestioned, and unmerited, optimization of Hypergamy.

Any man with a Red Pill Lens reading through Cat Person will easily pick out the social conventions and rationalizations unique to women’s ‘hamstering’ (“Flirting with her customers was a habit she’d picked up back when she worked as a barista, and it helped with tips.”) that the manosphere has been picking apart for almost two decades now. And, like most women, the female readership find nothing inconsistent or conflicting about any of it. Roupenian breezes through the ins and outs of women’s sexual pluralism and the differences between transactional (Beta) and validational (Alpha) sex without so much as an afterthought – and her readers eat it up with the same solipsism.

However, the overarching concern for women about this story is the issue of the newly coined term “enthusiastic consent”. Our poor Margot (the main character and proxy for the author, and ultimately all women) is torn up by a casual sexual encounter that at first she thought she wanted, but later, even after giving the guy the green light to have sex with her, she loses enthusiasm to bang him. Yet, not to be rude or to create an uncomfortable scene, she goes through with the inconvenient, lack luster, sex because it was easier to say yes than to say no.

There are other names for this kind of sex: gray zone sex, in reference to that murky gray area of consent; begrudgingly consensual sex, because, you know, you don’t really want to do it but it’s probably easier to just get it over with; lukewarm sex, because you’re kind of “meh” about it; and, of course, bad sex, where the “bad” refers not to the perceived pleasure of it, but to the way you feel in the aftermath.

Essentially, this shift from Yes Means Yes consent to Enthusiastic Consent ask the last questions in women’s social consolidation of Hypergamy:

“Must I still have to have transactional sex with Betas if all my provisional needs are more or less met?”

“If I’m an ’empowered’ woman, am I not entitled to the sex I want to have with Alpha men that validate both my hindbrain and my ego?”

“Can transactional sex with Betas be used as leverage to extort resources from them at any future date by redefining that undesired sex as ‘rape’?”

Curb Your “Enthusiasm”

The reason I believe that Roupenian’s future book will fall flat is because the viral conversation her short story elicits is about a new terminology that the Feminine Imperative hopes to insert into the public sphere – that of ‘enthusiastic consent‘ being the only legitimate form of consent a woman can give a man. Anything less than genuine enthusiasm (however this is arbitrarily defined by women) is at best illegitimate consent and at worst rape – even if every indicator a woman gives a man prior to, during and after sex says ‘yes’ she still means ‘no’ and, as we’ll see here, it will be incumbent on that man to be an adequate mindreader and sexual evaluator to determine her real degree of ‘enthusiasm’ both in the moment and into the future.

There’s a lot to unpack here, but I wanted to begin with a comment I received last week:

If you read feminist literature, the intent behind “enthusiastic consent” seems to have good intentions. Its based on the following purported beliefs:

  • That there is a huge incidence of coerced sex and sexual contact, which is mostly inadvertent rather than malicious. The best way to correct this is to teach men the principles of EC. 
  • That the idea of a sharp Alpha/Beta divide in men’s sexual attractiveness is a myth propagated by the misogynistic Right. Furthermore, girls and women have a realistic idea of their own SMV and will be attracted to their male equivalent.

Thus, feminists believe a free sexual market will see assortive mating with both men and women being able to get a similar amount of sex. This is why when men complain of the difficulty of getting sex, many women will retort that it must be because they are only chasing “supermodels”.

Look at Charlie Rose, is this a man with any Red Pill at all? Giving shoulder rubs to office girls, showing porn to a couple, this is all high school Beta stuff. But he had a TV show that lots of famous people wanted to get on. Clearly Beta-ized, but a situational Alpha. In my not so humble opinion most of the #MeToo girls are going after former situational Alphas because they turned out to be Blue Pill Beta after all…they feel cheated, and are just so sure that all the other girls got to ride a real Alpha pony on the carousel, so the fury comes out.

The ‘enthusiastic’ consent social push we are just on the cusp of today is the next progression in the larger goal of feminism – removing all constraints on female sexuality while maximally restricting male sexuality. ‘Enthusiastic consent’ will be the raison d’etat for the legislation leading to the outlawing of any form of male sexual expression.

From The Political is Personal:

The inherent insecurity that optimizing Hypergamy poses to women is so imperative, so all-consuming, to their psychological wellbeing that establishing complex social orders to facilitate that optimization were the first things women collectively constructed when they were (nominally) emancipated from men’s provisioning around the time of the sexual revolution.

Ensuring the optimization of women’s biologically prompted Hypergamy is literally the basis of our current social order. On a socio-political scale what we’re experiencing is legislation and cultural mandates that better facilitate Alpha Fucks and Beta Bucks.

[…]As Open Hypergamy becomes more institutionalized and made a societal norm by the Feminine Imperative, and as more men become Red Pill aware (by effort or consequences) because of it, the more necessary it will become for a feminine-primary social order to legislate and mandate men comply with it.

As much as I’d like to believe that normalizing ‘enthusiastic consent’ may lead to women overplaying their hand, I have to consider how the specificity of defining consent will also redefine past sexual norms and intersexual dynamics; not just among single individuals having loosely defined “consensual” sex, but also married couples and how sex (or lack thereof) defines their relationships. As if the men of today needed one more reason to be wary of marriage and how it will eventually affect their sex lives, now we can add the potential for ‘marital rape’ accusations based on EC (enthusiastic consent) to that list; and all in light of women’s less than enthusiastic response to any of her husband’s advances. God forbid a mewling Beta pouts his way into this grey zone ‘duty sex’ with his unenthusiastic wife.

What were witnessing here is the insertion of college campus consent laws into Marriage 2.0, and as designed its intent is to further disrupt marriage and family. Even in the old books presumptions about marriage a man could expect his commitment to a wife and family meant a plenary exchange of sexual access. But when enthusiastic consent is a prerequisite for legitimizing sexual encounters, anything resembling a woman’s putting out duty sex for her husband, even starfish lack luster obligatory sex is defined as rape.

I got the following comment from last week’s Red Pill Reddit forum repost:

The fundamental driver is removal of female responsibility for her actions, pushing all responsibility onto men. Whatever happens between a man and a woman, women universally agree that the man is to blame for any and all results, including her subsequent regret.

Responsibility used to be on women to say “no” if she wanted to claim rape. This responsibility has been removed. No longer does she have to verbalise lack of consent. No longer does she even have to verbalise actual consent. She can decide after the fact…. years after the fact…. whether her consent was in fact enthusiastic enough, and she can base that on her future feelings. “But did you enthusiastically scream yes?” her friends will ask, which is more than the police or the public will subsequently ask of her.

Women side with women. Whiteknights, weak Betas and naive Blue Pill fools side with women. Everyone agrees women are right and men are wrong.

And this is the intended result: women are not to be held responsible for their actions. They are not to be held responsible at any cost – including the destruction of male lives.

I presented this point in Men and Suicide, but just to recap, on a subconscious level women will always seek to absolve themselves of complicity in men’s personal destruction. This extends from destroying mens lives due to regrets over not optimizing Hypergamy, to any concern over men committing suicide. At present, women are attempting to reconcile ‘bad sex’ with ‘inconvenient sex’ they have in spite of themselves. However, the same absolution of any inherent complicity in this ‘transactional’ sex ends with blaming men for women’s lack of agency or self-moderation:

Bad sex isn’t even necessarily coercive. I’m talking about having a sexual encounter you don’t want to have because in the moment it seems easier to get it over with than it would be to extricate yourself.

Young women say yes to sex they don’t actually want to have all of the time. Why? Because we condition young women to feel guilty if they change their mind. After all, you’ve already made it back to his place, or you’re already on the bed, or you’ve already taken off your clothes, or you’ve already said yes. Do you really want to have an awkward conversation about why you want to stop? What if it hurts his feelings? What if it ruins the relationship? What if you seem like a bitch?

The problem in this rationale isn’t about women changing their mind or feeling guilty – those are excuses for male-initiated victimhood for women and absolve women’s complicity – rather, the focus should be on the fact that women going through with this type of sex presently have the option to ruin a man’s life at any future date by defining it as ‘unwanted sex’. Ella Dawson may not want to conflate transactional, Beta sex as rape, but that’s where this conversation is leading us to.

Is it OK for Alpha Males?

I apologize for forgetting who it was that sent me this link, but the present day #MeToo moral panic combined with notions of “enthusiastic consent” and a resulting atmosphere of fear in intersexual dynamics was predicted as far back as 2004, and by a woman no less:

Sexual harassment is a crime committed by beta-males who think they can get away with alpha behavior. But that is a distinction too delicate for the blunt instrument of the law. How do you explain to a judge why one man’s comedy is another man’s bone-chilling lechery? And can we really expect the beta-males themselves to understand the difference?

I found this article very prescient about our present moral panic. In the last two posts I’ve made the case that what were finally seeing on a social scale is the consolidation of women’s entitlement to an almost socialistic guarantee of optimized Hypergamy. Through any number of direct and indirect institutions we’ve now virtually guaranteed women a right to Beta men’s resources, protection and provisioning as well as a dominant social status above them both at home and in the workplace. Whether overtly or covertly, women dominate Beta men; the last piece of consolidating Hypergamy is then the (at least partial) control of Alpha Fucks.


As we move into 2018 – an era to be defined even more thoroughly by the Future is Female, #MeToo and Enthusiastic Consent – I believe we’ll see a push for the following:

  • Sexual harassment will indeed be a crime committed by Beta males who fail at a convincing ‘Alpha’ behavior. As such the push will be to get Beta men to self-police their behavior via fear. There will be a doubling down on the part of Blue Pill White Knights and ‘Feminist Allies’ in the wake of the social and legal options women will have to be believed of men’s sexual misconduct allegations by default. Feminized men will “try harder” and rat out their rivals for any hint of misconduct in an Orwellian effort to be more appealing and identifying with women.
  • Only confident Alpha men, or men well versed in Game, will be allowed to approach women from a perspective of social acceptability. However, even then it will be a woman’s prerogative to later define that approach or subsequent interaction as harassment if that Alpha doesn’t comply with a woman’s long term security needs, provisioning and parental investment ‘entitlements’. The latent purpose of a suspension of the statutes of limitation for sexual harassment will center on locking down (perceptually) Alpha men in a long term relationship.
  • This new feminine-primary sexual paradigm will further limit Beta men’s sexual access and increase reproduction stress in the few Beta men who don’t pragmatically drop out of the sexual marketplace altogether. This will also reinforce boys/men’s conditioning of loathing their own gender. They will be taught to accept this feminine-primary sexual strategy, as well as the legal restrictions  on his power of choice and his life’s direction as the societal norm.
  • Legal mandates and societal mores will directly and indirectly ensure Beta men’s compliance in all aspects of parental investment in children he was not biologically responsible for, as well as women’s long term security.

Now, more than ever it is imperative that men become Red Pill awakened and see the writing on the wall with a Red Pill Lens. All of this may seem horribly unavoidable, but let me emphasize, it’s not for men who are aware of, and have internalized intersexual dynamics and can plan accordingly.

In the last installment of this series I’ll be delving into some of the larger socio-sexual implications of where we find ourselves today and where I see present day intersexual relations leading us in a larger scale as well as what Red Pill men can do to win at whats becoming a very dangerous game.


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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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6 years ago


You live in Spain, right? Have you considered taking a month off every year and walking the Camino de Santiago? My experience with it is that within less than a week you will have about 4 – 5 thirsty chicks trying to jump on your dick.

6 years ago

“The Loft…talk about over complicating one’s life. The film reads terrifying.”

It actually did involve over complicating life and it was terrifying without really having a moral to the story.

Don’t watch it with your spouse. She won’t understand it and she will dislike it. It’s filled with sleazy melodrama. I enjoyed it.

Tribal dysfunction among the principle five men occurred because it wasn’t a male only space. They let in more than one woman. And the men had a laughable lack of self discipline while pursuing adventure. They were incompetent in integrating their dark side.

6 years ago

The Dracula Horror Story – Hypergamy? This is TL/DR stuff that doesn’t actually solve hypergamy–imagine that. It’s also out of phase with recent comments; it took my mind off the freezing weather. If you don’t want to make the trip, as Morrison would say, “Let it scroll, baby, scroll.” I had left this idea in the thought junk pile back when the commentators were trying to get Mitch to protect himself against the Ukrainicorn. Also, I had just started the Jordan Peterson lectures Rugby11 had linked concerning archetypal stories that resonate with mankind. It was a followup to his Bible… Read more »

6 years ago

getting around “THE RULES OF THE VAMPIRE (WOMAN): ” 1. simply deny her resources (exception: skittles) 2. flip the seduction script (game) 3. use her for continuous drip sex (don’t fuck her into a one time coma) 4. simply keep her in her self-created anti-reason bubble (make yourself the exception/game) getting around the structural rules: 1. don’t invite her in 2. take the red pill 3. trust no one 4. read Rollo 5. “understudy” is an illusion. you were always the lead, but in denial of your power, just open your eyes 6. sheep exist to be fleeced. pretend they… Read more »

6 years ago

“A meta-analysis of three studies exploring the risk from insertive vaginal sex (inserting the penis into the vagina) was estimated to be 0.04% (equivalent to 1 transmission per 2,500 exposures).” Even taking those numbers into account (I think the risk isn’t even this great), consider this: This means that on average, you would have to have sex with 2,500 women before you got HIV. That’s one different woman, every day, for 6.85 years. Or, reduce that by 80% to 500. You would have to have sex with 500 different women before you run into one with HIV who actually transmits… Read more »

6 years ago

SJF, your words have had an impact on me lately…integrating your dark side…somebody wrote about making your own rules…that also had an impact

6 years ago

“somebody wrote about making your own rules”

The Platinum Rule – do what you want to, whenever you want to do it.

hank holiday
hank holiday
6 years ago

@YoshiTomo Putting the brusqueness of some of the commentariat here aside, I get your point. There is a time to strike and a time to withdraw, as they say. That’s the whole point. Simply take basic precautions. Same point blax was making. That said, there’s really no reason to have any debate with the older guys here. They are set in their ways and cannot see things from other perspectives. The reason I do it though is to get through to the newer guys (either here on the site or especially guys who are new to game) Here’s an exchange… Read more »

6 years ago

Gotta move on dude. Harping on internet stuff is a waste of time anyways.

6 years ago


“somebody wrote about making your own rules…that also had an impact”

Thanks babe

6 years ago

my 2 cents re: vampire saga:

Rollo can’t be VanHelsing.

He’s the mysterious cloud shrowded mountaintop Oracle VanHelsing visits after his first defeat (divorce), answering all questions with questions, leaving VanHelsing with a only solution-riddle (Don’t wish you were better, be better? WTF is that supposed to mean?).

6 years ago

“Vaginal sex is safer with women who have take care of themselves (have access to health care and use it) and are selective about their partners and require condoms.”

I’d hope that was common sense.

“If you bareback a girl, probably others have…risky business.”

yup life is risky business bby

“If you anal sex a girl, probably others have…”


6 years ago

Sentient, the rule I made up was for my dance partners…they get to be sweet and affectionate and I’ll affirm them.

6 years ago

Sentient, I also decided that I wouldn’t worry about cooling girls down who are lit up…that would be catering to the Crab Bucket.

6 years ago

@ASD I’m glad it sparked an ignition in you. It is a way to gain a power and force multiplier in your personality. It doesn’t have to be put to use, it merely has to be acknowledged and yes integrated into your personality. Like being able to (having the ability to…) punch a man in the face without having to resort to that. When I read The Game by Neil Strauss back in 2005/2006, it was delightful to bring that dark side into an LTR. That was enlightening. The ability to seduce others without actually needing to. But following your… Read more »

6 years ago

” No, old guys know all things. Debate is heresy. If you are young, you are always wrong. Say nothing, obey the older guys without question.” …. lol Let me fix this for you – ” ” No, quite a few old guys know a lot of things. Debate is your choice . If you are young, and you don’t have experience in what you are talking about , you are always wrong. Say whatever you want, do whatever you want, but stop complaining and whining. You’re doing it your way like Burger King.” This is the residue from Yareally… Read more »

6 years ago

Hank “The reason I do it though is to get through to the newer guys (either here on the site or especially guys who are new to game)” lol. Hank this is why you get flagged for KJing above the legal limit. You have nothing to get through, you have no experience and you yourself are new to pick up and haven’t even kissed a girl. Kill the gamma dood. Or it’s gonna kill you for sure. Hell you are almost dead now, certainly not living. I wish I knew you IRL, so I could put my foot up your… Read more »

6 years ago


Red Pill Swagger
Red Pill Swagger
6 years ago

So the MGTOW trend and comunity continues to grow rapidly! and its no longer “just bitter angry middle aged men” that have been divorce raped either. Men are realising that the juice simply aint worth the squeeze, easy to see why….

6 years ago

“MGTOW trend and comunity continues to grow rapidly! ”

Nice exclamation point, Mary

6 years ago

Hank spin up

comment image

6 years ago

I’ll take a cue from mersonia –

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NK-WOZZ-PcI&w=854&h=480%5D

6 years ago
hank holiday
hank holiday
6 years ago

@j Appreciate you linking that sam altman class. At first there wasn’t much that I didn’t know, but now I have come upon some new stuff that is helpful. You wouldn’t happen to have any similar resources on style, would you? I recently decided to look a bit into things with hair and found out that small changes in shampoo and conditioner make a big difference. Any resources on style like that — hair, clothes, the whole shebang, would be very helpful since I am pretty dumb in that area. Something I can look into while I work on getting… Read more »

6 years ago

@ Hank What were your testosterone levels? Weightlifting: Power lifting is a term for bench press, squats and deadlifting. They raise testosterone. For sure. Routine: Bench press for pectorals, overhead lifts (military press) for deltoids, pull down for lats, squats, curls bar for biceps, curls bar for triceps, dead lifts. Legs as desired. Not sure why you are asking about this NOW as it is elementary. What rock have you been hiding out under? The so fatigued from emotional stress and life as we know it is hard so I can buffer and not be good at being a man… Read more »

6 years ago

Hank, I’m not laying girls (besides Mrs. Gamer), but I have the right to talk about Game because… 1) I’m out there and girls are either groping me or causing me to grope them, 2) I’m working girls up a lot without even trying and I really really know what it looks like when a girl is worked up (see item 3) 3) when I’m around Mrs. Gamer, she’s laughing, giggling, squealing, or flirting most of the time…”flrting” means “touching my dick”…she does that shit in public when she thinks no one else can see 4) I’m married and going… Read more »

6 years ago

@mersonia Not that I disagree with the position about alpha and their “friends” but the “friend” of the alpha still knows who is king. Of course there are “friends”, and then there are friends. Most alphas have allies for friends though, I think. A strategy thing. I think a king as a warrior if he is less interested in battles, he is less interested in kingship. When I encountered the concept of alpha, it occured to me earlier on that the alpha mindset would naturally be opposed to groupthink/groupact. It seeks to lay down the law, and fiercely rejects opposition.… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

Second thoughts start in some smart-girls heads…


Bwah-ha-hah. Don’t take it up with me, dearie, complain to Darwin.

6 years ago

“The Platinum Rule – do what you want to, whenever you want to do it.”


6 years ago


Too many links so just replace the (dot)


http://onpointfresh(dot)com – check out the links in the ‘buyer’s guide’ tab


and last but not least, a couple of good Instagram accounts I follow:


6 years ago

“women perceive themselves to be as frail as Victorian housewives.”

The average “Victorian housewife” would bitchslap Merkin into next week after outworking her for ten hours at the suggestion of frailty.

6 years ago

” Not that I disagree with the position about alpha and their “friends” but the “friend” of the alpha still knows who is king. Of course there are “friends”, and then there are friends. Most alphas have allies for friends though, I think. A strategy thing. I think a king as a warrior if he is less interested in battles, he is less interested in kingship. When I encountered the concept of alpha, it occured to me earlier on that the alpha mindset would naturally be opposed to groupthink/groupact. It seeks to lay down the law, and fiercely rejects opposition.… Read more »

6 years ago

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that there are Gay alphas also.

Put that in your pipe and smoke it. Lol.

6 years ago

Agree with most of it. Tyson: Agreed. Dielsel: Agreed. I think alpha is a fateful misfortune, and fate slaps it across your face so violently that you sort of never recover. You die still reeling from the impact. Heheheee…. Alphas have a fire burning inside that I think they dont even know it exists. They are born with a peculiar neuronal circuitry with hormonal settings at turbo and to see one trail blazing and fizzling out like a burnt out shooting star is almost comical.

6 years ago

Blaximus In a word Mike Tyson was impudent. As long as you are trying to explain Alpha in your own words, keep in mind what Franco in The Manual of Seduction said back in 2004. It complements your self-styled description. Scroll to the end of my comment here and read this description of The alpha male and the alpha attitude: https://therationalmale.com/2016/10/24/please-breakup-with-me/comment-page-7/#comment-176031 “In words, actions and omissions i speak, move and behave in such a way that i never ask for forgiveness about my personality and my sexual desire as a male. I am an impudent individual.” Read this phrase about… Read more »

6 years ago

An Alpha male’s traits are: – Impudence: He has the guts to ask for privileges for his group and for himself. He fearlessly protects the rights of his group and himself. – He never asks for forgiveness for his sexual desire as a male. This is very important. Only by keeping this attitude with women will your success as a seducer go up and go up fast. – He never asks for forgiveness for his own existence: he walks through the world proud of himself. – He assumes in the social group and in relation to the woman the position… Read more »

Lost Patrol
Lost Patrol
6 years ago

What do you think Blax, can chicks even smell alpha?

Chicks are better at sensing it than men are…

“Women Can Smell a Man’s Intentions”


“Sure enough, the women’s brains responded very differently depending on which sweat they sniffed. (And no, none of them passed out.) The sexual sweat, but not the normal sweat, activated the right orbitofrontal cortex and the right fusiform cortex, brain areas that help us recognize emotions and perceive things, respectively.”

6 years ago

“I think the most universal alpha quality of alpha is their distaste of being played or used or taken advantage of on any level. This goes for women and men and cats and dogs.”

” unabashed and mentally unrestricted masculinity”

What’s a gay alpha and how do you handle them? Would that be Jack donovan?

6 years ago

@ Lost Patrol Funny, for a long time I was trying to find research to back up my theory about smell/sweat/pheromones because I’d had numerous experiences with women where they seemed sexually aroused greatly by sweat before, during and after sex. I’m not talking about stank, lol, but something else that I assumed might have been pheromone related in some manner. The research I’d found was fairly split 50/50 for and against though, with no clear conclusion. Both wives routinely wear clothing, specifically my shirts after I’ve worn them all day. But if a group of women living together can… Read more »

Not Born This Morning
6 years ago

Enthusiastic Consent Hmmm…. The concept is total bullshit. Sexual attraction and the consummation of it is not predicated on consent. Those who believe it is, are foolish indeed and possibly have never experienced healthy sexual interaction. A woman needs no consent to be attracted to a man and sexually stimulated any more than any man needs consent to be attracted to a beautiful woman. The whole idea of inserting consent into, or imposing it upon, the dynamics of sexual attraction, courting and intercourse, bastardizes, distorts and perverts human sexuality, commodifying it at best. Respect no such paradigm, it is a… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

Certainly, trust on various levels for different individuals and situations is a factor for both genders sexes.


Gender is a linguistic construct. Sex is biology. Words matter. Feminist and White Knights like “gender”, reason enough to eschew it.

6 years ago

@Hank: if you have access to a barbell, free weights (a decent gym should have this) start off on this.
Very simple, only 5 lifts to learn that aren’t super technical and each train a lot of muscles in a sensible way. And you can get a free app that does basically everything except the actual exercise.

Lost Patrol
Lost Patrol
6 years ago

@ Blaximus I’ve done the same and found the same. You can spend way too much time, not that I’ve done it personally of course, combing the web for actual science on it and as you say coming up 50/50 for and against; with humans anyway. Most eggheads are happy to agree that sniffing for a mate is standard animal procedure. You can get hungry from odor alone, go on the alert from it (skunk, gasoline, somethings burning), get a burst of energy from the salt air at seaside, and get turned off by even a great looking female if… Read more »

6 years ago


“Along with observable attributes of alpha you’ve described, women are picking up non visual cues (tone of voice, maybe feel or temp of skin in a business environ if there’s a handshake) surely to include olfactory ones. I would expect it to work both ways. She can smell the nervousness of the approaching beta male along with the visual cues because he is literally sweating the load.”


6 years ago

Well haven’t we long recognized the concept of “chemistry” — between two people or even a group?

BTW, another step forward for #metoo — just heard an ad from a law firm fishing for “victims of sexual harassment,” instead of the usual pharmaceutical or accident lawsuits.

6 years ago

Long time listener. First time caller.

Videos and words motivated me this morning. Around your neck of the woods in the city of brotherly love so it is cold out. Was making excuses to sit around like a lazy ass all day. After watching a few of the motivational videos I was like, “Fuck that, stop being a pussy.” Just got back from the gym and heading over to the gun range in a few. Only 24 hours in a day and time is a wasting. Thanks.

Oscar C.
6 years ago

@rugby Thanks for the videos and the text a while back, they resonated with me. @asd Nice breakdown of HIV risks. I should worry less, that’s for sure. @Sigma Well, I had not thought about the Camino de Santiago, thanks for the tip. You are probably right. I really like foreign languages, so I am also considering moving abroad. I am going nowhere in my current neck of the woods. @Hank What I do more at the gym is this: 55 lbs x12 reps bench press (but struggling hehe) 110 lbs x12 reps pectoral contractor machine 88 lbs x12 reps… Read more »

6 years ago

55 lbs x12 reps bench press (but struggling hehe)

110 lbs x12 reps pectoral contractor machine

88 lbs x12 reps press shoulders machine

WTF? Who dreamed up that routine? And why no lats, biceps and triceps?

6 years ago

He’s starting out on his own. Building some strength and trying to ” target ” train.

Oscar don’t neglect your core. It’s the foundation of real strength and will enable you to go heavy/heavier when you try to build more strength and pack on pounds of muscle.

Plus a stronger core helps you in avoiding injury, and that’s important.

Keep doing your good work. Just always work smarter because you’ll see faster overall progress.

6 years ago

“core” = abs & lower back & upper back & neck

good mornings, butterfly, crunches, swivels

you also need squats…you can do single-legged squats in a door frame

always be careful to use good technique and make sure you understand safety precautions to avoid injury

6 years ago

@ quartermoa Glad you got some motivation from the vids. Good shit. Mersonia motivated me a few times by posting great videos, so I guess when appropriate I try to pay it forward in some manner. Re: cold – I’m heading out in a fee myself. Minus 10 degree windchills are definitely challenging, but I got shit to do. Again. Yeah, I considered laying around myself this morning. I considered it yesterday too. But not a lot of people are out in the weather, so I can get a lot more accomplished without the traffic and crowds. And when I’m… Read more »

6 years ago

stronglifts.com 5×5 agree to squats, overhead, deadlift and bench in that order. Barbell row on heavier loads does not isolate lats properly. works more of yours traps and lower back for the need of stabilization. I use the T-bar row and shoulder widths weighted lats pull downs. i.e. bring the lat pull down to your navel as if you are doing a muscle ups. “Oscar don’t neglect your core. It’s the foundation of real strength and will enable you to go heavy/heavier when you try to build more strength and pack on pounds of muscle.” Amen , since I got… Read more »

6 years ago

“alpha is attractive to all women with pulses. ” There is always a lot of posting here of fear, divorce rape, beta struggling with women issues etc. Pay attention to what the psyche is of the girls who are getting Alpha… Girls like this http://e-cdn-images.deezer.com/images/artist/8f27ee7bc03b87d74abc13d17914712f/200×200-000000-80-0-0.jpg Who are singing songs like this New Rules SIGN UP New Rules Dua Lipa “New Rules” is about moving on from an ex and how you need to stay away from them. The narrator… read more » VERIFIED COMMENTARY BY Emily Warren NEW RULES LYRICS [Intro] One, one, one, one, one… [Verse 1] Talkin’ in… Read more »

6 years ago

@Oscar: Ditch the pec machine. Add dips to your park routine. When you can do 12 with good control and form, start working the lever progression. You’ll find instructionals on YT. This will do more for your pecs, and lats, and tris, than the machines. Add leg lifts to your pull ups. If you can do 12 pull ups with good control and form, start working the muscle up progression. For God’s sake, man – SQUAT! Start with body weight. Work on the range to go ass to grass. Pause for a two count at bottom, only come up to… Read more »

6 years ago


Gratuitous shot of an ugly wrinkly 30 year old…

6 years ago

re: The weather

The wind chill has finally climbed to -20 here. Waiting for the Quebecois to chime in about how they wear T-shirts out when it gets that warm.

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
6 years ago

Machines are crap. Free weights FTW.

6 years ago


If you need power, shouldn’t you also do some reps explosively to exercise the fast twitch muscles? Maybe alternate slow and explosive during the week?

6 years ago

“re: Athlene-X – Jeff knows his shit, but he suffers from Must Produce Content Disease, which is the cancer of the fitness industry.” Not all of his videos are gems but they are well researched. They got to make money somehow. The real cancer is must sell supplements/diet of “my” brand that afflicts the industry. They relentlessly push pre-workout, post-workout, creatine , BCAA, whey (for protein insulin spike), etc. In videos of Scott Herman , he just puts an entire scoop of creatine sup dry in his mouth. I donot take any of them(not even whey) and still building muscle… Read more »

6 years ago

“Machines are crap. Free weights FTW.”

Isolation exercises and machines are to be used as complement to the main free weight exercises. They help breaking plateaus.

I use shoulder press machine to add more to my delts for overhead strict press.
Benching and push pressing also work towards that goal.

Lats isolation to aid my pushups and eventually wish to get to muscle ups and salmon ladder.

6 years ago

“to aid my pushups” should be read as “to aid my pull ups”

6 years ago


The short answer is “no.” The long answer is – long. So for right now I’ll hint at it with a question:

A strength trainer will say something like “We’re here to improve your power, not your work capacity.”

What’s wrong with that sentence?


Yeah, I have previously written about how old Joe invented the content creation machine to drive the supplement sales machine.

Fred Flange, GBFC (Great Books For Cucks)
Fred Flange, GBFC (Great Books For Cucks)
6 years ago

@anonymous raider No, no,no. Women can’t have second thoughts about #metoo. Slate says so: http://www.slate.com/blogs/xx_factor/2018/01/05/the_new_york_times_joins_the_chorus_of_voices_arguing_that_metoo_will_end.html You must not blame Darwin. Blame Other Men. (See, Darwin is only one man. Not good enough). Takeaways: if men would overcome their insecurities and peep for permission to flirt, they can approach, subject to revocation of acceptance at any time. Which of course comes off as insecure. Otherwise, sex will be fine it won’t end! (Only Alphas will be getting it tho) (Mz. Slate isn’t I suspect) See how she sidesteps the feminists’ attempt to censor an art exhibition. Prudishness is fine if you… Read more »

6 years ago

Jezebel.com did a piece on Daphne Merkin’s article. They didn’t like it (of course). Wading through the comments sections (full of outrage), this comment stood out Also – how about men just don’t flirt at work? You can flirt/ date / whatever any other place, but women go to work – TO WORK. This overlooks that flirting just isn’t something men inflict on women at work – women like to indulge in it too. But, straight from the horses mouth, work is supposed to a strict no flirting zone. If a woman tries flirting with you, tell her to cut… Read more »

6 years ago

“Alphas put themselves and their needs and wants first and foremost. Some of them may just be the most selfish fuckers you’ll ever run across in life” haha true. a lot of people are gonna fucking hate you, so get used to it lol. and you (or maybe this is just me) will struggle to maintain close friendships with guys for long periods of time for simply putting yourself first one too many times. excerpt from an interview with Kobe Bryant. the interviewer asks: So is this a choice? Are you actively choosing not to have friends? Well, yes and… Read more »

6 years ago

“It’s a weakness. ”

How’s that FI treating you, Kobe?

6 years ago

“In a word Mike Tyson was impudent.” because he beat the shit out of every guy in the neighborhood and beyond when he was 12. current market values: hb6: multiple nightly offers for rides across large city/burbs for entertainment, drinks, food, etc. owners of small businesses like wine bars, nightclubs, bars footing the bill for these girls most nights as they don’t consider it paying if they “own” the joint because they suck at doing books or travel expense guys slumming it out of town or betas running their pay for play game hoping to get “lucky” hb7: multiple offers… Read more »

Oscar C.
6 years ago

Thanks for the lifting tips, saved. A friend with a degree in fitness is helping me. He has already talked of doing more free weights as you suggest. Precisely went out with him yesterday. He is a bit of a natural, had fun seeing him in action, calling a blonde dumb because… blonde! …and of course the girl ate it up. It is going to take a while until I get there. I opened several girls but did not get anywhere. Might have to permanently switch to day approaches because despite not drinking staying up late fucks up my productivity.… Read more »

6 years ago

“It is going to take a while until I get there.” “I opened several girls but did not get anywhere.” “Might have to permanently switch to day approaches because despite not drinking staying up late fucks up my productivity.” Is it just me, or if this was your son, would you allow him to have limiting beliefs or would you mentor him better, kick his ass into a higher gear, or use some inspiring words? I could be just me that believes that with effort, intelligence and consideration, nothing is impossible, while at the same time they believe that people… Read more »

The Solitary Silver FoX
The Solitary Silver FoX
6 years ago

So summer down under is in full swing & for the first time since i can remember i am feeling rather lonely at times. Now i do live rather remotely through choice but in the past their was a lot more summer action with plenty of visitors, especially young women. But now those days appear to be past & though i am a lot more RP aware than i was back then, it certainly doesn’t make being alone much more palatable. Like most of us here, i do enjoy the company of a woman i’m attracted to, but now that… Read more »

6 years ago

You don’t have be the Tough Guy all the time. You simply have to unwrap the clue the women you are ambivalent about have given you for free.

6 years ago

hey guys,

Great w/e.

Tyson came from nothing and knew it wouldn’t kill him to go back.


6 years ago

It’s a battle, for sure, to be the tough guy alpha with lovers all the time. It really wears a man down. Unconscious competence makes life a lot easier. It’s that way for me. Mrs. Gamer was running a shit load of shit tests at me last night. I took her new “pre-owned” car (hah) and was planning to go dancing solo, leaving her at home. (The battery in my truck isn’t working well in the cold. It’s four years old.) Mrs. Gamer sent me frequent, angry, insistent text messages as I was driving. I didn’t respond, but I did… Read more »

6 years ago

I used to believe I was addicted to ” pussy ” for a very long time. A very long time. I actually thought I had some kind of problem. But reflecting later in life, I came to understand that it wasn’t ” pussy ” I was addicted to, it was women as a whole. Enjoying and pursuing women almost always wound up leading to sex, even if that was not the original intent. I’m love females, and the supply seems inexhaustible. I used to believe that I was mostly just concerned with p in v interaction, but reflection shows me… Read more »

6 years ago

Oh, and expect to catch hell and not get what you desire easily. That was never part of the plan.

You can’t forge steel using the flame of a lighter.

When you do get what you’re after, take some time to enjoy and appreciate.

Then get back to work.

6 years ago

“Unconscious competence. It’s the aim of self-improvement.”

“but that’s not a long term game plan. Imo, it’s better to gain red pill understanding and integrate it into your soul, and then proceed to have everything that’s possible to have because of the knowledge you now have.”

“When you do get what you’re after, take some time to enjoy and appreciate.”

6 years ago

“…it’s better to gain red pill understanding and integrate it into your soul, and then proceed to have everything that’s possible to have because of the knowledge you now have. Good Stuff Blaximus. Said another way, let your soul out of it’s cage by gaining red pill understanding. The mind can’t impose rules upon the soul. It can only shut the soul down. The mind can listen to the soul and let it’s free (or freak) flag fly. Proper knowledge and truths are no doubt powerful. You just Naturally came up with that. I had to read it in a… Read more »

6 years ago

“And tonight we are planning to go out. It was all so easy because I was the oak to her storms.”

Well, hell, if you don’t create her storms, she’ll do it autonomously. No need for you to buy a new battery or a battery jump starter. So carry on.

6 years ago


Did I read that right, you borrowed your wife’s car but you had to return it otherwise she’d have called the cops on you – presumably accusing you of stealing it ?

Yep. I didn’t ask her permission. She bought the car and signed on the line.

Hans Tholstrup
Hans Tholstrup
6 years ago

Not sure how to leave general comments or pointers for your edification, but check out
Apparently men must embrace the feminine or the planet is doomed….

6 years ago

“you might have to change your location”


g’day mate

Palma’s right that you do have to move to avoid stagnation…but not move permanently from your preferred venue. A woman will go all in in you when you go all in on you…find her and she will follow.

Progress beyond MGTOW insecurity and she’ll know you are worth changing herself to suit you.

s s
s s
6 years ago

Wasn’t sure if this was to comment or something else.

Sent from my Verizon 4G LTE Smartphone

6 years ago

and not even prostitutes are an option… Desire sex comes from the high school girl, the college girl, your nanny (you are the kid), your boss’s wife, AND THE PROSTITUTE. I can tell you right now that prostitutes will rape you, my friend, and grind down on your pubis until you are sore down there for four days. A prostitute has the same switch as any other girl out there. She will jump on you on the dance floor wrap her legs round your waist while gyrating, lean back onto the floor and completeltely drench her crotch dirty dancing on… Read more »

6 years ago

and not even prostitutes are an option… Desire sex comes from the high school girl, the college girl, your nanny (you are the kid), your boss’s wife, AND THE PROSTITUTE. I can tell you right now that prostitutes will rape you, my friend, and grind down on your pubis until you are sore down there for four days. A prostitute has the same switch as any other girl out there. She will jump on you on the dance floor wrap her legs round your waist while gyrating, lean back onto the floor and completely drench her crotch dirty dancing on… Read more »

6 years ago

@Hans More fake news from that leftist rag. The Daily Life section is the femcunt part of it. It employed the likes of Clementine Ford (need I say more?). But a great example of the FI attempting to use shaming language against men generally. I wonder how much waste is laid to the environment by the fashion industry and the “need” for women to constantly update their wardrobes. Perhaps donating clothes and shoes after one or two wearings to a charity thrift shop counts as recycling. I would venture that men aren’t the primary target of new furniture and soft… Read more »

6 years ago

Not just shrug it off and bitch to her friends about what an asshole you are over wine?

Mrs. Gamer doesn’t do GNO. Maybe she wouldn’t call the cops, but that’s not a risk I wanna take.

6 years ago

Short of me punching my wife in her face, there’s nothing I could do that she would call the police for. Same with the ex and the bulk of women in my life. What’s it like living with/ dating / being married to a woman that would even consider calling the cops on you? My wife has her car, that she paid for, and I can grab the keys at any time and drive it across the country if I wanted to. She’s welcome to drive my car at any time, she just chooses not to because a) she doesn’t… Read more »

6 years ago

[Anonymous Reader January 3, 2018 at 10:55 am Rollo Distilled to it’s essence this is how women in uncontested control of men and masculinity will view men: according to their basest Hypergamous needs and in the context of complete solipsistic self-interests. Something more like an ant colony or beehive than a civilization of humans. A society of women owners, a handful of males allowed to breed and a whole lot of neutered workers. Cue kfg.] It will never come to that. There is no relevant female civilization, because females are inferior/weaker at everything except perhaps social emotional manipulation (and even… Read more »

6 years ago

And of course, the “goodness” of “good old times” might be very disputable as a non-apex-alpha 😉

Long story short:
Individually, all you can do is get better at all the things mentioned / part of the canon of red pill.
Should be enough for the years to come.
Hinder/sabotage feminists/leftists where you can…but there simply is not much else anyone can do.

6 years ago

Never underestimate the opposition if you intend to ” win “.

Thinking of women as ” inferior ” is an awful tactical mistake, and it’s just plain not true. It always, always boils down to the men. Those ” inferior ” women, however small in number, have coopted the legal system, and the law enforcement ( emphasis on FORCE ) mechanisms to force compliance. As I’ve noted many, many times, it will not be an army of women coming for you, but an army of men.

It’s men that need to be the focus of change.

6 years ago

My wife has her car, that she paid for, and I can grab the keys at any time and drive it across the country if I wanted to.

Here’s a cookie.

6 years ago

Does anyone else go out dancing solo without their wives on weekend nights in the city where their family lives?

6 years ago

Be nice or I’ll call the cops.

6 years ago


K. You being you is authentic and that works.

There’s a confrontational edge, victimized, escapist overtone to MGTOW. I do not read that in your words. But you call yourself MGTOW, I respect that.

There’s more nuance to you, and men in general, that a blanket label accurately defines.

6 years ago

Blax, maybe some day you too can sit at the big kids’ table.

6 years ago

“I also enjoy the company of mostly like minded men which is difficult to find in real life.”

(female partners would need to evoke its endogenous release immediately before contexts in which the men might encounter other women.)


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