To Each His Own

In a couple of weeks I’ll be making my first and only personal appearance this year at the 21 Convention in Orlando, Florida. This event will be unique in a number of ways. To my knowledge, this convention will be the first large-scale gathering of Red Pill writers, bloggers, podcast hosts and thought-leaders ever organized. I’m truly appreciative of Anthony Johnson in being open to my suggestions for speakers. It was a collaborative effort in this regard and over the course of this year we did our best to collect a group of speakers who would represent many different aspects of Red Pill intersexual dynamics. My only regrets are that we couldn’t fit more speakers in to the schedule and some men I highly respect were unable to attend this year.

It was my hope that this ‘new and improved’ 21 Convention might eventually be an annual Red Pill summit of sorts. This build up hasn’t been without a bit of controversy from the previous Purple Pill speakers who used the 21 Convention’s prior events as a platform for their blogs and coaching businesses. That was to be expected just as the same tired criticisms of the Red Pill were too. I have no doubt that the previous ‘life coaches’ taking issue with this event’s Red Pill turn sincerely believe they have some valuable insights to help men become ‘better men’. The problem, however, becomes one of how these coaches would direct men according to the Blue Pill preconditioning they have never been able to disabuse themselves of.

I understand the necessity these guys must feel with regards to discrediting the Red Pill as a praxeology. The dots we connect in Red Pill awareness are often at odds with their deeply held Blue Pill ego-investments and hopes, as well as a threat to their (often LARPy moralistic) “Man Up but not too much” profit model. In fact, even just the idea that the Red Pill should be a praxeology of men’s collective experiences about intersexual dynamics is enough to make them want to disqualify it. Their criticism is that, as a praxeology, the Red Pill is long on explanations and short on solutions – solutions you can presumably get by signing up for their email blasts and coaching sessions.

The praxeology that is the Red Pill is inconvenient for them because it tears away the veneer of their Blue Pill idealism about women and reveals some very unflattering truths about them and the feminine on-whole which they still largely have on a pedestal in their heads. Red Pill awareness has a way of exposing the pretty lies that make for the good marketing material that most Purple Pill coaches depend on for their livelihoods. I mean, when 80%+ of men are Beta, who wouldn’t want to buy the secret 12 point list of things a man must do to be a real man and get the woman of his dreams?

Two Complaints

There are generally two common complaints I read coming from Purple Pill life dating coaches. The first is easy, and one I’ve refuted so many times I wont bore you with repeating myself, and that’s the presumption that Red Pill awareness must be false or detrimental to a guy because it makes guys so angry with women. This is the easiest dismissal for critics because it is true; men do go through a phase of anger when they unplug from the Blue Pill illusions they’ve been so convinced of for the better part of a lifetime. And yes, some get stuck in this phase and some do become despondent because they don’t want to face the abyss it represents to them. Some go MGTOW, some turn into Purple Pill coaches themselves because they don’t want to accept the whole of what Red Pill awareness means. But most men go through this phase and come to an acceptance that there is hope in a Red Pill paradigm for them. They come to see their new awareness as a safety net and boldly embrace rebuilding themselves into better men based on this full awareness.

So the sales pitch then becomes, “Don’t be angry with women like those Red Pill guys. You can still live in Blue Pill happiness and harmony with a loving unicornQuality‘ woman by following these 5 simple steps to make yourself into the man women want you to be.”

What the Purple Pill anger critics (deliberately) refuse to get is that the Red Pill isn’t (and was never) intended to get men to hate women, but rather to inform men about the inherent nature of women so they wont hate women for what they can never be to them. This is the disillusionment that men who still cling to Blue Pill idealism can’t seem to get past – they cannot abandon those Blue Pill hopes that they believe women are capable of fulfilling for him, but the Red Pill disabuses him of. So they get angry. They get angry at themselves for ever having believed in them. They get angry for having wasted so much time investing themselves in them. They get angry, most importantly, because they realize that women simply aren’t built to fulfill the hopes his Blue Pill conditioning made him believe should be possible.

The Purple Pill coach believes that this Red Pill realization leads to men hating women. The second complaint I read from them is that Red Pill awareness gives men some license to feeling like victims. This criticism is deductive to coaches for two reasons; it serves his ‘get-rich-quick-on-the-internet-by-selling-sunshine’ man-up and do better to qualify for women blog template, and it discourages men seeking answers from becoming Red Pill aware in a way that crushes their still Blue Pill belief set.

For the record, and as boldly as I can put this, if you are Red Pill aware man and still believe you are a victim of some sort because of your previous Blue Pill indenturement to pedestalizing women or the Feminine Imperative, you are only a victim of your own lack of vision. Red Pill awareness has set you free – free from the blur and distraction that a feminine-primary social order would pull over your eyes, free from the delusional Blue Pill hopes that are only greater shackles for a man, and free from never seeing the intersexual pitfalls you were prone to fall into before. But Red Pill awareness comes at a cost; the truth may set you free, but it doesn’t make it pretty. If you have a responsibility as a Red Pill aware man it’s that you are never allowed to play the victim. You now know the rules of engagement. Play it well, change the rules if you can, but you are no longer allowed to say you didn’t know the score.

Most Purple Pill coaches know this victim complex is bullshit, so they deliberately conflate Red Pill awareness with MGTOW or the MRM or even the “flip side of feminism” in an effort to muddy the waters and dissuade men, who are genuinely hurting and seeking answers, away from the real life-changing influence that the Red Pill represents.

When I petitioned my readers to leave a testimonial as to why they thought the Red Pill represented more confidence or a ‘safety net’ to them I got much more than I anticipated from that comment thread. I had been looking for some good quotes to add to the back cover of Positive Masculinity, but what I got was over a thousand revelations about the power that Red Pill awareness has in changing men’s lives for the better. These are men who took what the Red Pill had shown them and transformed their lives with that knowledge. They did this because Red Pill awareness empowered them, gave them the tools, to implement changes in themselves and how they interacted with women and a feminized world. They did so without anger or feeling like victims, and they did so without a Purple Pill hack trying to coax them back onto the plantation and into their failed, and false, Blue Pill belief sets.

And this is what scares the coaches; that a free and open source Red Pill praxeology is responsible for more men taking the initiative and bettering themselves than anything their ‘coaching’ has been responsible for.

Personal Development

I am not now, nor have I ever been a motivational speaker, a ‘guru’ of any stripe, a psychotherapist or a personal development coach. Though I’m humbled to be counted among the Godfathers of the Red Pill, I have never claimed ownership of the Red Pill. It’s always been my belief that the Red Pill – the true Red Pill that has always been about intersexual dynamics – should be an ‘open source’ community. Decentralization is one of its strengths, but it also allows for bastardization from men and women who want to define it.

In each of my books and on this blog I’ve made things plain about my non-approach to men and their own personal development; I’m not interested in making better men, I’m interested in men making themselves better men. I am not interest in making men “Tomassi Men” or in anyway selling them on a template for what I think a real man ought to be. My life and my interpretations of it are not going to be a template for anyone else to follow. Red Pill awareness, based on the praxeology of intersexual dynamics in the personal and social realms, will save and/or improve your life, but that life has to be lived by you as an individual.

That said, of course I realize that men seeking answers will want a codified system of guidelines for their own personal development. I’m not the guy who’s going to give that to you, neither is that Purple Blue Pill life coach with the 12 point plan, neither is the motivational speaker selling you the same tired power of positivity message that’s been around since the 1930s. You are going to come up with that plan, you are going to take what the Red Pill makes you aware of and you are going to apply it to how you live your life. And you will have the satisfaction of knowing that your personal development and the successes (and failures) that came from it authentically came from your own plan and according to your judgement, not someone else’s vision or template.

I wanted to take a moment in this post to preface the 21 Convention by addressing the ways in which men come to unplug themselves from their old, Blue Pill conditioned way of life and reconstruct themselves. Reader Blaximus added this in a recent comment thread and it sums things up well:

Fourth: there is no ‘ system ‘ for teaching or learning Game. None. The process is highly individualized and virtually no two guys will learn at the same rate, or achieve the exact same level of understanding or real world application. No cheat sheets in game. You either get it and apply it and internalize it, or you don’t. It’s not about picking up chicks in clubs. That’s PUA. Game picks up chicks at a funeral. Lol. True game will be disliked by the masses.

Far too many Purple Pill dating coaches don’t want to get this in their heads. They think that because the Red Pill is a praxeology it implies it’s a cop out on developing real solutions for guys. They either don’t understand the necessity for men’s individual needs to personally develop Game for themselves, or they need a convenient dismissal of the Red Pill as ‘those angry guys have no answers’.

I have stressed in more essays than I care to recount the importance of combining what the Red Pill informs Game about with what Game informs the Red Pill about. One is the theoretical, the other is the practical, and neither is complete without the other. Yes, it is entirely vital that you, as a Red Pill aware man, get out into the field to employ the ideas, and test the practicality of how the Red Pill relates to your situation in your environment according to your strengths and gifts. That field may be a night club, or day Game on the street, in a social circle, with your wife of 10 years or in your churches singles’ group. The fact remains, Red Pill awareness is applicable through Game in a variety of environments, social and cultural contexts.

Game Works, but it only works if you turn off the computer and do something. How do you learn from a book? You put it down and you go outside (and yes, that counts for my books too). Investing oneself in Red Pill awareness as a praxeology is not a cop out for coming up with real solutions – it gives men a toolset from which they can create their own solutions. What frightens Purple Pill coaches is that men’s individual solutions, often enough, don’t affirm their Blue Pill romanticizations, their pretenses of morality, or their idealistic inability to look at the abyss and find hope on the other side of it. They want solutions, but they want their solutions to be affirmed by a Red Pill awareness that contradicts their ego-investments.

When your revenue depends on not getting it it’s hard to convince a Blue Pill man otherwise.

I will be discussing aspects of this essay at the 21 Convention in just two weeks. If you are attending I’d like to take this opportunity to extend you a personal invitation to talk with me at the convention and possibly have dinner with my colleagues and I at the event. On the topic of just getting out there in the field and doing it, I know that my friends Christian McQueen and Goldmund will be heading out into the wilds of the Orlando nightlife and I will be accompanying them on at least one of these outings.

Lastly, if you are in the Central Florida area, or if you want to make the drive in for the weekend, and you really really want to attend the convention, but just can’t come up with the funds, hit me up via email, Twitter or leave a message on my About page here and I will personally see about getting you some kind of hardship discount. Remember, this is only if you’re truly desperate to attend.

See you in two weeks.

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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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[…] To Each His Own […]

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
6 years ago

Ah too bad this lands in the middle of my time vacationing in NW Arkansas for two weeks. Hopefully it won’t conflict with Bikes Blues and BBQ next year.

6 years ago

typo at the start for Convention

6 years ago

You’re not red pilled if you think MGTOW is about being victim. it’s about telling their experience and that they are not alone. It’s about not giving a shit about women. Chasing pussy isn’t something worth doing like you PUA retards do. We find MRAs annoying because they can’t solve anything of the things they complain about.
Everything today came about due to MGTOW.

6 years ago

Is there lead in the water?

6 years ago

“If you have a responsibility as a Red Pill aware man it’s that you are never allowed to play the victim. You now know the rules of engagement. Play it well, change the rules if you can, but you are no longer allowed to say you didn’t know the score.” “What the Purple Pill anger critics (deliberately) refuse to get is that the Red Pill isn’t (and was never) intended to get men to hate women, but rather to inform men about the inherent nature of women so they wont hate women for what they can never be to… Read more »

6 years ago

What the Purple Pill anger critics (deliberately) refuse to get is that the Red Pill isn’t (and was never) intended to get men to hate women, but rather to inform men about the inherent nature of women so they wont hate women ………. What does it say about the inherit nature of women if knowing their true motivations leads men to hating them? I don’t want to get overtly political but the big fear of all red pill truth, on all topics imaginable is the truth will lead men to hate whatever group or practices they learn the truth about.… Read more »

6 years ago

The butt-sore is strong in that mikekto fella

6 years ago

“I don’t want to get overtly political but the big fear of all red pill truth, on all topics imaginable is the truth will lead men to hate whatever group or practices they learn the truth about. Which kills honest debate and any practical non violent solutions” Learning the truth about a practice can free you from expectation. I don’t think it has to kill any debate at tall. Being non violent about the solutions can come from a forum such as this to help spread ideal’s from men who have lived and applied their wisdom with culture or opposing… Read more »

6 years ago

Some boys get stuck in the anger phase.

6 years ago

I should add that boys get stuck in the anger phase because their balls aren’t mature enough to accept the fact that men have a burden of performance.

6 years ago

“because their balls aren’t mature enough to accept the fact that men have a burden of performance.

6 years ago

I guess purple pill is like the tasty poison one must recognize for what it is and not mix it with edibles. I think once one understands red pill to a certain extent, one cannot hate women. You just accept that women must be who they are, that it is nature’s prescription for them. Being a woman is an event. She is born. Love them or hate them, doesn’t matter. They cant change their nature to suit your preferences just because you love them, neither will they change it just if you hate them. Do your best, do your worst,… Read more »

6 years ago



6 years ago


I think once one understands red pill to a certain extent, one cannot hate women.

Conversely, men who are stuck in the anger phase are still stuck in the Matrix. They adhere to egalitarianism and believe that women are acting unfairly. Purple pill, at best.

6 years ago

The biggest gripe blue pill and purple have with red is the red guys get all the chicks,even more than they can handle and the blue pill guy can see how he is and telling her drives her to the red ,go figure.
It sucks playing by the fake set of rules the fi puts in place and losing,man these guys get so jealous and that screws them even worse. She wants the guy he is mad at for some reason.

6 years ago

In my humble opinion, the scariest and thereby the most frightening piece of RP, is the ultimate challenge of personal ownership for one’s condition when faced with irrefutable truths. Not only the truths about women but the truth about one’s self. Game gets you cheat codes, women are predictable, lifting is a life changer and in some cases, a life saver. These “things” all boil down to the question of; “What are you going to do about it?” A man can choose to embrace PUA and get laid every night, A married guy can employ dread and get more sex… Read more »

6 years ago

“Game Works, but it only works if you turn off the computer and do something. How do you learn from a book? You put it down and you go outside (and yes, that counts for my books too). Investing oneself in Red Pill awareness as a praxeology is not a cop out for coming up with real solutions – it gives men a toolset from which they can create their own solutions.” Sentient has been recently referring to not just adhering to formulas in PUA in Field Reports, but understanding the process. Understanding the process is part of The Safety… Read more »

6 years ago

Actually I think there is some truth in saying there are many men who see themselves as victims, a few mgtows among them. Not surprising if you look at the list of things a woman would say they hate about men and it turns out looking like the specs page of a typical jerk manual, the same jerk she fucks so enthusiastically. And then look at things she would say she loves in a man; nice guy’s specs page. Then she screws the nice guy over!

6 years ago

Personally I have never really understood the anger phase. So you finally get to a point where you’re beginning to understand the red pill, and you now have the possibility of your life as a blank slate to start again and begin learning the right way, and you want to impose the self inflicted barrier of anger to impede your own progress at this point? But as adsgamer correctly points out, this is most often the case plain immaturity. As someone who worked for a brief time in the self help industry back in the early 90s, the purple pill… Read more »

6 years ago

Well said Rollo. Couldn’t agree more. What you’ve not mentioned though is the amount of manosphere writers who are permanently stuck in the “anger” phase of unplugging. Heartiste is a great example: fantastically brilliant insight into Red Pill truths but simultaneously disgusted by them. Krauser too. Moralistic, puritanical and judgemental to the core. And for a Purple Pill example there’s no better candidate than Roosh (who I can’t believe is one of the “Three R’s”). He swallowed the Red Pill many years ago and then coughed it up in a bitter splurge of rage, conservatism and preaching. It’s these angry… Read more »

6 years ago

cheupez “Being a man on the other hand is a process. And I guess we too must be faithful to that process. We must. Whether we are hated or loved for it.” Olongapo “Personally, I would rather know these things and feel empty than ever go back to that place where the expectations and rules were defined by somebody else. It’s just easier because it allows me to control my environment better. I wish I believed in an afterlife. I wish I believed in the inherent goodness in all people but all I see is biology now. It’s kind’ve… Read more »

6 years ago

There are several reasons for anger at women: 1) men have experienced divorce rape & loss of access to beloved kids 2) envy because of young women riding the cock carousel with alphas 3) men’s low status relative to women under matriarchy 4) because men have been lied to and men have swallowed the Blue Pill It’s a hard Red Pill fact that the burden of performance is on men…it’s much easier to believe the Blue Pill fantasy that men and women are the same and women will love you idealistically and women don’t love you idealistically because they are… Read more »

6 years ago

This guy gets it

6 years ago

Husband divorces wife who admits to cheating with 4 diff men in 12 months…she sues background check site that husband used to catch her

6 years ago

Sorry, I think that was just clickbait.

6 years ago

Personal question for you Rollo (you don’t have to answer of course!). .. do you ever feel annoyed that with all the knowledge you have on Red Pill you can’t implement it fully by being infield and gaming.

Like all of us, sometimes you react to feminists and seem to lose the shit test too. Do you have any anger left about Red Pill truths?

6 years ago

@ Sunji

” infield ” is everywhere outside your front door, and behind it as well.

6 years ago

@Rollo: Maybe I’m paranoid, I’m still kind of concerned about this event being infiltrated.
But I guess if we just live in “terror” and not do things like this event out of fear, we let the “terrorists” (the FI) win.

[I gotta do what I gotta do]

6 years ago

Rollo, can you please give your thoughts (from a red pill perspective) about some articles saying that there’s an epidemic of STDs in the U.S.? These are from almost a year ago.

[Myth of the Dodged Bullet]

6 years ago

Adam, I think the anger builds up from the deep disappointment men feel when they begin to accept the Red Pill truth. The idea that they will never find a woman that embodies the idealized image they have in their head is a pretty big let down. It’s like a child finding out that Santa isn’t real. Sometimes the result is an angry outburst. Another source of anger is ego driven. The, “I can’t believe I was so stupid.” feeling. Some men give that an external focus and go with “I can’t believe I was lied to.” Both are true,… Read more »

6 years ago

a rational approach didn’t work so let’s try IB talk

In “Convnetion in Orlando, Florida”, the first word is broken and wounded

6 years ago

These are men who took what the Red Pill had shown them and transformed their lives with that knowledge. They did this because Red Pill awareness empowered them, gave them the tools, to implement changes in themselves and how they interacted with women and a feminized world. They did so without anger or feeling like victims

Oh, I was pretty pissed off and felt pretty down, like a victim. Felt that way for a very, very long time. I still seethe when I think about some of this stuff. And a lot of other guys do too.

6 years ago

How can anyone deny red pill truth after witnessing the process of “nice shaming”?

6 years ago

I actually had more trouble when I discovered that the New Relationship Energy that is normally felt when you meet a new woman had changed. It’s forever dampened by Red Pill knowledge. Yeah, that happens because it’s all been de-mystified. You’re seeing it as it really is, rather than through the lens of an emotional maelstrom driven by brain chemicals that is both temporary and obscuring of the reality of what is actually taking place (and normally stronger on the male side as well, for the obvious reason that it’s designed to snooker you). You now see more clearly, which… Read more »

6 years ago

For me it is anger at myself mostly. I was a late bloomer and once I discovered Heartiste a new world seemed to open up. I used my newly found confidence to nab an incredible girl who by all means I never imagined I would be able to land. We dated for 4.5 years and recently broke up. There are many reasons why, but a large portion was me going purple pill, not focusing on my mission/bettering myself as a man, and believing in the happily ever after. By far the biggest disappointment is looking back at that love story… Read more »

Fred Flange, GBFC (Great Books For Cucks)
Fred Flange, GBFC (Great Books For Cucks)
6 years ago

Thinking about it now, I avoided most of the anger phase precisely because I unplugged much later than most, after I had unwittingly Alpha-ed up enough to enjoy a lengthy period which went pretty darn well for awhile. So when the unplugging came and I was looking back, what tempered the anger was knowing that I had at least done things somewhat right for awhile. Which both validated what I was learning and tempered the annoyance at what I’d been doing wrong and my swallowing the Hivemind myth of the S.N.A.G. being the epitome of manliness.

6 years ago

I agree Novaseeker. It was still a great experience. I found that not getting caught up in the chemical bliss made it much easier to hold frame and stay outcome independent. That led to increased confidence which caused an increase in the quality of my relationships. I traded intensity for quality. A great deal in my book. You might have noticed that’s all written in the past tense. Two years ago I went on a loner date after someone flaked on me. I met my soulmate that day. A true Unicorn… …just kidding. I made the last two lines up.… Read more »

6 years ago

I did meet a pretty great woman and we’re still going strong. If they don’t flip out when you talk about gender dynamics, it’s a pretty good sign. Yeah, about that. You might want to keep the discussions about gender dynamics to a minimum. There’s a reason the first rule of Fight Club is that you don’t talk about Fight Club. More clearly: When you talk about gender dynamics, you’re decoding ‘how this works’. The way women react to this is a mixture of disgust, indignation, surprise, and shame. Because you’re (correctly) judging and discerning, and because you’re holding a… Read more »

6 years ago

Yeah, about that. You might want to keep the discussions about gender dynamics to a minimum. There’s a reason the first rule of Fight Club is that you don’t talk about Fight Club. I agree. Normally, I would have kept that to myself and I did for quite a while with her. She was already familiar with how Evolutionary Psychology affects modern gender dynamics. We both find that type of discussion intellectually stimulating. I think an important distinction is that we don’t bring our relationship into those kinds of discussions. They are typically started by something we see in the… Read more »

6 years ago

Unplugging felt like the first cold breeze after a long, stifling summer… At last, I could relax.

Have a fantastic ManCon, Rollo!

6 years ago

@Rollo, sometimes I wish that the laws of power were not so prescient. I’ve never been a joiner. @everyone else regarding the anger comment. Yeah, I know all the reasons that guys get angry. But it’s still a waste of time and energy. I know that you need to feel a little anger and blow off steam, but if it lasts longer than a few days then you’re being a pussy. I equate it to guys that I’ve worked with over the years. Take the same situation in a work environment. Some sort of setback that is going to require… Read more »

6 years ago

I know the truths of TRP, but the fact is we are not supposed to know them. Mans main PURPOSE is to love, protect and provide for a woman who bears our children, but this purpose has all but been taken from us. Unless you are prepared to take grave risks of what can amount to lifetime financial ruin and possible separation from your children you will have to find another purpose, we call this our Mission. As important as it is to have a mission in life, the fact that we have lost (actually given up) control of our… Read more »

Lost Patrol
Lost Patrol
6 years ago


“IB talk”

In “Convnetion in Orlando, Florida”, the first word is broken and wounded


dr zipper
dr zipper
6 years ago

yo play, from your story, we might have much in common I was at the same place not long ago but have since harnessed my anger to make the change and push thru when it gets tough or about to fall off the wagon; seriously, fuck everyone else, her, them, they, all of them except your son; but don’t confuse that with nihilism… that’s what happens when you stare too long at the abyss, wallowing in it as Adam says what I personally do is pivot off my son in that I have to be the man I want… Read more »

6 years ago

I was built to Give so much more of myself to a worthy woman

Yeah, she’s up there on that fucking pedestal…smh…haven’t you learned anything from Rollo?

6 years ago

Not so much in the anger phase myself,more lethargic. Having been raised a promise keeper by a single mother,with the old books influence of granddad,pop’s,and uncles. Getting kicked out of my moms’ home at 13 for making out with a higher class blond chick at a church hay ride.Coming to realization men are on their own while sleeping in a ditch that night. The cucking myself out at the age of 20,and coming to realize the youngest ain’t mine either,cucked again. And still married 36 years,because I don’t believe things could get any better with the FI going full bore.Guess… Read more »


[…] via To Each His Own — The Rational Male […]

6 years ago

The initial anger is lot like when a child does something so bad the parent is upset and says “I’m not even angry, I’m disappointed”. Nowadays I don’t care a bit about “that one special girl” I’m just occasionally pissed off that I didn’t have this knowledge in my teens/twenties as it has made me a happier, contented and more confident person. I never realised socialising/female attention could be so simple and so much fun. I actually said to my girlfriend the other day that I never knew girls were this easy after she went on about friends of hers… Read more »

6 years ago

I flirted with the MGTOW fora bout a week or two, thats all it can do for me, or did, the thing is this guys of MGTOW, as much hurt as u can be, there is nothing as shitty as living a life without a woman or more than one for that instance, is not good for the men to be alone, and i am saying this from a total red pill personality. Nothing so unatractive as a needy guy in search for a woman, ofcourse. And you SHOULD make your life your priority, but as far as I see… Read more »

6 years ago

Lots of great reactions here. A few thoughts… Anger is a very powerful emotion that I believe is inevitable once a man awakens to the lies of the neo-marxist, post-modern, Progressive social order we are steeped in today. It’s entire premise is based on a set of delusions and Utopian hopes about man and society that simply have no truck in the real world. The femcentric ones are quite egregious, but by no means are they the only bad ideas spread about by rabid leftists. So the sentient man, now awakened, realizes that he’s been ill-served. And for a purpose… Read more »

6 years ago

@ Adam “ I flirted with the MGTOW fora bout a week or two, thats all it can do for me, or did, the thing is this guys of MGTOW, as much hurt as u can be, there is nothing as shitty as living a life without a woman or more than one for that instance, is not good for the men to be alone, and i am saying this from a total red pill personality. Nothing so unatractive as a needy guy in search for a woman, ofcourse.” Woah there hoss. If you get a hold of the wrong… Read more »

6 years ago


Life is Gameable. I’m Gameable.

Games are fun. So life should be more fun if you game. Messing with you should be fun. (Maybe you’re not even angry with me any more, lol.) You’re growing into an awesome guy. Keep up the good work.

6 years ago

“This is part of facing the abyss that I mentioned in the OP. They want that BP magic in spite of their RP awareness showing them it’s not just impossible, but it was always bullshit to begin with.” Part of the staring in to the abyss and the upcoming 21 convention happens to be a message that you can stare into the abyss. stare it down and realize that it is not your Abyss. It is the fucked up Feminsist Abyss. You can stare down the abyss and make it not your cup of tea. Dr Zippper is staring at… Read more »

6 years ago

Nice post Scribbs


“I structure our time together and she just folds in, she’s dying for leadership and a man to follow.”

Take note man… Just out of your LR…

6 years ago


Cortesar at CH posted this…

FI goes batshit…

6 years ago


Women get to fuck men, women and plastic… But men don’t you dare go there…!

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

Rollo, this is really easy to figure out. The old saying goes thus: “Give a man a fish and you’ve fed him for a day, teach a man to fish and you feed him for the rest of his life”. That’s old books. 19th century stuff. New books: “Teach a man to fish and you have a job for one day. Give a man a fish and you have a job for life”. Would it be too cynical to suggest that Purple pill life-love-marriage-whatever coaches are essentially farming their clients? Or that clients are trained seals, Purple Pill coaches flip… Read more »

The Lone Planet
The Lone Planet
6 years ago

Stare into the abyss until you become one with it.

6 years ago

@ SkidMarx “I actually had more trouble when I discovered that the New Relationship Energy that is normally felt when you meet a new woman had changed. It’s forever dampened by Red Pill knowledge. It was very tempting to adopt a Purple Pill mindset to regain the intensity that comes with a new relationship.” I totally, get what you mean. A part of me misses that feeling. Which makes me feel like what’s the point? When I do get out and interact most of the women I encounter…beyond their looks don’t stimulate me mentally. I see how dumb, boring and… Read more »

6 years ago

For me, I think the biggest thing with red pill awareness is conquering oneself. Not so much the anger nor the influences of the FI.

If one can’t conquer himself is life still worth living?

6 years ago

@Sentient; Sexbots… saw one on a Facebook post and showed it to the wife to spin her hamster up a bit. She asked if I wanted one. Dread is real even with sex robots.

6 years ago


Man, sounds like you need less Facebook/social media and more getting out and engaging.

Red Pill understanding doesn’t make women appear more boring and dumb. It makes women appear as they biologically are.

You my friend, are still in a form of anger. Work on that, don’t stay there.

6 years ago

“If one can’t conquer himself is life still worth living?”

Is there anything else in life worth doing?

6 years ago

Well.. this article just makes all kinds of sense.

6 years ago

“They want that BP magic in spite of their RP awareness showing them it’s not just impossible, but it was always bullshit to begin with.” one of the biggest mistakes a man makes is thinking that his action plan and the execution of that plan is responsible for his success. winning goes to his head and he thinks he is the master of his universe. at this point he is sure to be punched in the dick. this is why I like going outside. no matter how big I feel, once I get on the mountain, I know deep down… Read more »

dr zipper
dr zipper
6 years ago

nice comment, fleez

“the emotional rollercoaster is their world and a man is a fool to let any emotion go to waste. you can harvest all of them”

6 years ago fleezer “if part of your first meet game is, “tell me your top masturatory fantasy”, she is not going to play along unless she knows you fucking know how it works. if she knows her admissions won’t be held against her, she will tell you anything and everything (no one would believe how I answer my own question to disarm her. it’s fucking insane and violent and not one girl has ever scoffed in anything close to disgust. the key is the right amount of specificity so she believes you’re telling the truth.) they love to talk condescendingly about… Read more »

6 years ago

Talking abut fight club is inevitable. But I have a feeling that when red pill knowledge becomes mainstream and commonplace, intergender dynamics will morph into something quite cryptic to counter that development.

6 years ago

My anger phase was really about me and trusting people and things beyond Ford trucks, Harley Davidson motorcycles, Game dogs, Colt rifles and the Ranger next to me.

Why in the fuck I started listening to and trusting balless church faggots and simps is still a mystery to me

6 years ago

Why in the fuck I started listening to and trusting balless church faggots and simps the woman in my life is still a mystery to me

6 years ago

A favourite amongst Purple Pill dating choices:

“Women don’t hate nice guys and love jerks, they just need guys who…”

And then list things no nice guy would ever do.

M Simon
6 years ago

I never went through the “I hate women stage”. Probably because my Red Pill training started when I was 18. Back in ’62.

Given that youngsters are getting RP I think the “hate” is a passing phase. An artifact of the times.

M Simon
6 years ago

September 13, 2017 at 11:43 am

Magick is the science and art of causing change to occur in conformity with will. – Some guy.

M Simon
6 years ago

Rollo Tomassi September 12, 2017 at 6:03 pm They want to recapture that feeling driven by their biochemistry It is not hard to recapture for both sides – she surrenders to you. I have been working that on the LTR. With some positive results. I also have been teaching her RP. Also with positive results. “When I do THAT it excites you?” “Yes.” “Then what is the problem?” “None.” But it took a very long time of making her watch her own reactions. Not recommended for most situations. There are easier ways to get results. But I wanted to do… Read more »

M Simon
6 years ago

September 11, 2017 at 5:54 pm

I can’t “solve” gravity either.

I can make use of it. Or design around it.

6 years ago

“But I have a feeling that when red pill knowledge becomes mainstream and commonplace, intergender dynamics will morph into something quite cryptic to counter that development.”

Been thinking about this all day.

I think apple is about to hit some cords about this with tech hardware.

6 years ago

ROLLO you are a great writer. And author and I have listen to some of your interviews. I think you will be awesome in the convention. I don’t know if your gonna do a power point presentation or just discuss what’s on your mind at the moment. But I know it won’t be scripted it will be organic. When you live it you don’t have to fake it like a political hack. I myself have no gift for writing or oratory and hate large groups. I wish you well and hope for the convention to be a success. Most important… Read more »

6 years ago

FI goes batshit…

Heh I’m no fan of sexbots myself, but the part of that video that was the most entertaining was when the male host disagreed with the critical feminist guest, basically cutting her off and reiterating the “harm standard” or morals (i.e., “no harm, no foul” morals), which feminism itself has championed (for women of course). You could practically see the steam pouring out of her ears, lol, that was worth the 6 minutes of that video.

6 years ago

Anger phase at women is like being angry at Harvey or Irma. They came in, they destroyed your life, there was nothing you could do. Yell. Shake your fist. Cry. Rage. Got it out? Good. Now pick up your tools and start cleaning up, rebuilding. Then realize they are what they are. Its not personal. It doesn’t mean anything. There is no fated outcome. They are just large, impulsive, destructive forces. But they are predictable, not precisely but the general path. They are not out of nowhere, they announce their coming, their moods days in advance, if you know the… Read more »

6 years ago


Remember the acfonym.

Men Going Their Own Way.

Nothing in there says anything about
Cummings vs Briggs
Dodge, Ford, Chevy
Hounds vs Labradors
The flavours at Baskin Robbins

Its about You doing for You and Fuck the rest.

Its Your. Own. Way.

Whatever that is. Just Own It.

6 years ago

@Blaximus: Seems you just cherry picked what I wrote and drew a narration you could lecture me with, lol?
You conveniently missed where I was at the park. As if someone being on Facebook suddenly means they don’t have other aspects of their lives?

The point is women who don’t have much to offer beside sex demand so much and claim to be better than what they are.
I’m not angry at them. I feel more like what’s the point. My frustration is more at my economic situation more than anything else. I feel stuck.

6 years ago

@KFG “Is there anything else in life worth doing?”

If women’s nature and feminist imperative aren’t the problem and being a better man is the solution. Then it reasons that the path to being a better man is conquering oneself because once that is done then one can have everything the red pill has made them aware of.
If they can’t conquer themselves then is it life worth living? At least a fulfilling life.

6 years ago

@ Jafyk I wasn’t lecturing you. I was responding to the words you typed. I’m not a fan of men being frustrated. I’m also not a fan of men yapping about their Facebook feed or whatever. So I gave my opinion. Social Media is for chicks. Laugh. Out. Loud. Why are you concerned with what the dumb hoes do? Is that your target demographic of something? Yo man, conquer that shit. You can always start making a more fulfilling life by not watching what silly hoes do. And re: economic situation – that’s millions upon millions of people’s problem. You’re… Read more »

6 years ago

…set you free.

6 years ago

What a difference five letters can make. I saw “MGTOW” mentioned in passing in some unrelated blog, wondered what the heck it stood for, googled it up and stumbled onto Rational Male. Reached Year Six now and it just keeps getting better Some participants here clearly have been put through the FI wringer and I can understand the anger. I’ve been pretty fortunate and don’t regret any of the women I’ve been involved with, despite some really egregious behavior. So acceptance is a better word than anger. What Rollo has done so well is explain their behavior and my many… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

Why in the fuck I started listening to and trusting balless church faggots and simps is still a mystery to me

Seemed like a good idea at the time, I’m sure.
More than one man could have that carved on his gravestone.

6 years ago

Blaximus, maybe you should ask what I was doing at the park rather than fill in blanks.

If social media isn’t for you good none of my biz but I use it to connect people all over the word (family, ex-class mates), run social media ads, entertainment.

What you’re saying is akin to someone telling you a funeral is not the place to pick up chicks. To each his own.

I was at the park putting on my soccer gear to play.

6 years ago

A parting shot then I’m off to see the Wizard – ” I totally, get what you mean. A part of me misses that feeling. Which makes me feel like what’s the point? When I do get out and interact most of the women I encounter…beyond their looks don’t stimulate me mentally. I see how dumb, boring and easily women(more in that) are and yet feel entitled to call the shots and being the smarter one. ( hoes )- It makes me wonder beyond sex and kids how can a man truly go through all the hassles of being with… Read more »

6 years ago

RE: Adam and Blaximus … a complete life is with kids, ” I understand Blaximus’ point. However, I believe that Adam’s point of view is more appropriate for the majority of men. To paraphrase Jordan Peterson, “If you are going to live an extraordinary life, you had better be extraordinary. Otherwise, you should do the things that ordinary people do.” If you really have this master plan that does not include kids, you had better be damn certain that is in fact your plan. Now, the trouble is that when you are young, you don’t know enough about the world… Read more »

6 years ago

“A storm, a child, a woman.
They are what they are.
Just don’t blame them for what happens in Your Future.”

“Whatever that is. Just Own It.”
Very true, we can’t control other people or external things, only how we deal with it internally.

6 years ago

@ IF I FELL Hey. I’m just stressing that I don’t think that having kids will give men who aren’t into being a dad any serious level of satisfaction, and if that’s how they see it, then it’s okay, even preferable that they skip the whole child thing. Just today I was badgering a guy at work who got married ( huge mistake ) and has has 2 kids back to back. He seems totally clueless as to what his role is or should be, and he seems to think his wife and his mother will take care of everything.… Read more »

6 years ago

@rugby Been thinking about this all day. I think apple is about to hit some cords about this with tech hardware. Very likely. Also I suspect women will drastically adjust accordingly. Since women can also game men. As more men become red pill aware, they fuck and marry the younger women leaving the older, jaded, post-wall CC riders to their own devices. When younger women understand that red pill aware men can figure out whether a woman sees him as an AF or a BB prospect, the younger women start teaching themselves how to lock down a good BB prospect… Read more »

6 years ago

@Blaximus I agree that men who are clueless or unmotivated should avoid risky situations, sharp objects, etc. I delayed marrying for 7 years and delayed having children for 3 more. I was scared to death of the responsibility and thought having a child would eat all my time and money. I learned to take on the responsibility. I was right about the time and money. One of the points I was making was you had better make up your mind, before time makes it for you. The other was find a good mother or do not attempt this. One of… Read more »

6 years ago

You revealed an old man…. Blaximus “But a majority of men will never be that successful mostly due to BP remnants and the five fingers of death wielded by the FI. ” What are the 5? cheupez “A properly gamed red pill beta will believe that he is trully an AF. Once they lock him down, they will find a way of sneaking in some aunthetic alpha brood behind the unsuspecting BB’s back. Then new red pill strategy will have to evolve for the men. Red queen phenomenon.’ I disagree you can go from BB to AF by learning what… Read more »

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