Alpha-Beta Communication Modes


I had a really good comment from Rites of Passage from Elooie I’ve been meaning to get back to for a while now:

This post has been here for about a week so this comment might get buried but I was wondering if it would be an interesting post for you to speak to the difference in how women communicate with men they find alpha and men who are their emotional dumpster. (Its been covered in aggregate by multiple posts but not specifically how women frame the conversation)

At my work, I am an expert in not only my field but in our company. Even our newly hired CFO made a comment about finally putting a face to the legend he had heard about (when we met).

Since becoming red pill aware and really beginning to actively observe men and women in the office, I have found that women come to me specifically for career advice, my expertise, leadership and my help to make things happen. They don’t complain, they don’t dump their emotions they don’t ask me how I feel other than to make sure I approve. This defer to leadership (as I call it) has been happening more and more recently (either from my continued awaking to RP or my ability to finally notice)

What made me think to bring this female communication between alpha (defer to leadership for help/decisions) and beta men (let me dump my feeling on you) was a co-worker I used to work with a lot looked out of sort and I made a joke about her being high.. and she almost emotionally broke down when she told me her brother recently died. She visibly choked it down and I changed the subject before she broke down. She was incredibly relieved. In a way, changing the subject gave her strength or at least a distraction. Since then she has tried to be more engaged with me and constantly asking for my approval of what she does. I find it interesting that blue pill men might have wanted to try and help by having her discuss her feelings or try to connect with her and talk about how awful he feels for her.

Another example is a girl I used to sleep with texted me after the election out of the blue about how distraught she was and how the world was going to end because Trump won. (She doesn’t know I prefer Trump to Hillary). In the ramblingly long text she even mentioned how angry and unstable her current boyfriend was over it. All I said back was, “Take a deep breath, its going to be fine.” From that point on she has been trying to re-engage me and always flirty. Its obvious to me she wasn’t looking for someone to have an emotional conversation with..(her distraught beta boyfriend could have handled that) she wanted someone to tell her she was freaking out and pull her back to earth.

Both of those situations in a blue pill world would have triggered the “lets explore how we feel” conversation, but really they didn’t want that.

I’ve written several essays about the difference in men and women’s communications priorities and the importance each sex places on particular aspects of communication. However, most of these simply outlined the dynamics. It’s no secret, even to Blue Pill men, that men and women communicate differently. Men place primary importance on the information or content of what is being communicated, while women put context, or how what’s being communicated makes them feel about the exchange as their primary importance.

This is actually one area of Red Pill awareness you’ll get the least amount of resistance from Blue Pill guys or the femosphere about. Women love to tell us how superior their communication skills are, or how they get so much more from sub-communications that men are largely ignorant of. The point of pride comes from the idea that women tend to communicate more “effectively” than men, because they utilizes non-verbal cues such as tone, emotion, and empathy whereas men tend to be more task-oriented, less talkative, and more isolated. Men have a more difficult time understanding emotions that are not explicitly verbalized, while women tend to intuit emotions and emotional cues. These differences explain why men and women sometimes have difficulty communicating and why men-to-men friendships look different from friendships among women.

The problem with all of this is that it presupposes that women’s communication is the ‘correct’ form while men’s is incorrect because it is more blunt and devoid of nuance. The measure of “effective” communication in a feminine-centric world is judged from a feminine-centric (emotional) metric, not how well information is transferred. There’s really nothing isolating about men’s capacity to communicate, it just doesn’t appeal to a social order that’s founded on what ought to be correct for the Feminine Imperative. As you might guess, a high importance is given to emotion and a capacity to emote in a feminine-primary social order. Thus, emotionalism becomes the benchmark for that order’s metric of “effective communication”.

I’m stressing this here because as western(izing) societies have effectively feminized men for the past 4-5 generations the majority of men (largely Beta) have adapted to learn, and default to, this context-first female form of communication. In spite of men’s neurological differences in communication, their Blue Pill conditioning teaches them that ‘effective’ communication is female, emotive, communication. Although they lack the hardware for it, men learn to alter their communication style to accommodate that of women’s because it is seen as a means to intimacy with women in feminine-primary society. Beta men, as part of Beta Game, are conditioned by the Blue Pill to reprogram themselves to identify with the feminine – a large part of that is learning to communicate as a woman communicates.

Boyfriends and Girlfriends

Women have boyfriends and girlfriends. If you’re not fucking her, you’re her girlfriend.

I wrote that as part of my posts on intergender friendships. Women get upset by that quote because it’s unflattering, but true. Blue Pill guys get upset because they see themselves in it and then seek to rationalize how their situation with their ‘girl’ friends is different. But what they both rarely want to confront is that Beta men communicate with women like women. And conversely, women communicate with Beta men in the same mode of communication they are comfortable with when communicating with their same-sex girl friends.

Most Blue Pill / Beta men are largely oblivious to the fact that their communication’s methods and priorities have been conditioned to have them subconsciously default to a feminine-primary, context (feeling)-first form of communicating with women. This is so engrained in Beta men’s personalities that few are ever aware that they do so. It’s just ‘how they are’, and few if any ever give an afterthought to how they communicate with women as women. Many a Beta guy gets very hostile when they have this pointed out to them because it conflicts with their distorted Blue Pill-defined concept of masculinity. So, if you tell a Beta, ‘you communicate like a woman’ the conditioned response then is to question the security of the masculinity of the guy pointing it out and he goes back to feeling good about himself for being evolved enough to communicate correctly – as a woman.

It’s when guys unplug and become Red Pill aware that they begin to understand this dynamic. Most Beta men’s feminine-primary communication mode makes them subconsciously indistinguishable from women’s ‘girlfriends’. I mentioned this in some past essays on intergender friendships, but what happens is that as part of men’s Blue Pill conditioning that convinces them to adopt a personality of passivity, equalism, sensitivity and identifying themselves with the feminine, in most respects they become a woman’s same-sex girl friend. This feminization of the Beta is confirmed for them when that Beta communicates in the same mode as her best girl friends. The appearance might be male, but the hindbrain registers female for her.

This context-primary form of communication is the most common among men (largely Beta) today so it’s literally what women are accustomed to when they interact with men. They become used to being deferred to, used to being communicated with in her own mode. This then sets the baseline for what women expect from men’s communication – they expect him to communicate like a same-sex friend – so when that mode becomes taxed or a guy slips back into his blunt, low-nuance content driven mode it’s naturally an attraction. No doubt, that guy will get called out for being a ‘typical dude’ and shamed for his incorrect form, but it is attractive not only for being a break from the feminized communication patterns she’s used to, but also because it implies that he’s his own mental point of origin. It communicates that he is confident enough not to care about accommodating her form of communication (feminine-primary).

One reason Amused Mastery is so effective is because it forces a woman to communicate on male terms. Amused Mastery implies a man actually has a mastery above that of the woman he interacts with. When a man employs Amused Mastery it registers in a woman’s hindbrain through his unapologetic insistence on communicating with her on his communicative terms.

You’re Not Listening

Women’s biggest complaint about men with regard to communication is that they don’t listen. The common Red Pill observation about this that women only come up with that gripe when men wont do what she tells him to, and that it’s about a Frame grab. That’s certainly true, and especially evident in relationships where a woman presumes her Frame is the dominant one, however there’s a bit more to this. ‘Men don’t listen’ is also a conflict in communication modes. Since men’s communication mode centers on content and information, we tend to filter out the background noise – and most of the background noise that comes about from intergender communication comes from exactly the emotional chaff that women are so proud of in their ‘correct’ form of communicating. Men intensely listen to content, what they filter is unimportant non-content and usually this amounts to the contextual delivery of what’s being communicated.

However, women do filter for that emotiveness, so once again when a man does listen to feelings and identifies with women expressing them women’s hindbrains associate that with a feminine (or feminized) character. Ergo, the association is that Beta men are ‘listeners’, which ultimately is anti-seductive for any man wanting to develop a woman as a romantic prospect. And thus, you become her girl friend.

The Alpha & Beta Communication

So, to Elooie’s point, yes there are communicative differences in the ways women will relate to men they perceive as Alpha and Beta. As you may have guessed, how a woman communicates with you is a very strong indicator of her sexual market value estimate of you. Going back again to Amused Mastery, if you are perceived as an authority of something a woman’s communicative mode will often shift to a more content specific (male) form of interacting. This is particularly so when her need dictates she solve an immediate problem. Women with pressing real-world problems will often confuse men they perceive as Beta by deferring to their particular expertise on whatever it is they believe will solve that problem.

A lot of Beta computer guys know what I’m talking about. A woman communicates with them in her own feels-first contextual mode when it’s all solipsistically about her personal problems, but let her iPhone or laptop malfunction and then she shifts to content driven communication. She does this to solve a pressing problem by shifting the mode of interaction to deferring to him. He registers this and defaults back to his content-driven communication (with not a little bit of pride that she recognizes his convenient expertise). Once the problem is resolved, she goes back to her mode of communication (feels-first) and shames him for being a typical guy if he doesn’t adjust back to her communicative frame.

Another scenario is what Elooie describes. Women who already have an Alpha impression of you will often begin an exchange in what she expects will be your male-centered way of interacting. In PUA terms you might call this a preset buying temperature, but when a woman is attracted to you she is expecting you to communicate as she expects a man will communicate. In fact this is an excellent Alpha Tell if you have the skill to recognize it. In the early stages of interacting with a woman you will notice that playful banter is almost always performed in men’s communicative mode. This is the mode an attracted woman is hoping you’ll insist on maintaining. In fact, I’d argue that most shit tests a woman delivers (at least the active shit tests) are issued in the hopes that you will pass them from within a male-centered communicative mode.

That’s not to say that men’s content-based communication leaves no room for wit or nuance – nothing entertains a woman more than a guy who ‘Just Gets It‘ but also knows how to communicate that he does get it. This is the intergender thrust, parry, riposte of Game. If a man defaults to being Mr. Sensitivity, self-conscious of his every response and reflexively communicates in a female-centered mode from the outset, he gets relegated to Beta status; only useful for convenient chores and emotional tampon duties.

I think it’s a really good exercise for newly Red Pill aware men to put on their Red Pill Lenses and really listen and watch how women interact with men and each other. Make mental notes about how you think a woman interprets the SMV of men as well as the women she communicates with. Watch for the shift in communication modes, see if you can predict the shift when a woman talks with a man you think is Beta and then with a man you think she perceives as Alpha. It’s really not that hard to guess. In fact, we’re really preprogrammed to acknowledge it even in a Blue Pill sense, but with Red Pill awareness it’s educational and entertaining.

Once you get a good understanding of how this communicative interplay shifts according to personality, need, environment and attraction you’ll get a better grasp of the message a woman’s medium is telling you personally. Then, learn to pull your head out of a female mode of communicating and insist on her coming into your mode of communicating. This will be an essential part of establishing your dominant Frame.

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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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7 years ago

@ Sentient

Lol. Maaannnn…. I had the exact same beach scenario with a chick that would later become my first wife. I thought that the tide eased it’s way onshore, but it was more like a crash. Or maybe it was easing and I was distracted until a wave washed over us – at a very appropriate time I might add.

I had to buy her another beach towel.

Not Born This Morning
7 years ago


Isn’t arrogance a perception? Isn’t it more often a subjective experience that others endure because your disgust and confidence threatens them in some way? Or am I the epitome of arrogance for asking these questions? Who decides? Who is the universal correct?

Lost Patrol
Lost Patrol
7 years ago

Great post Rollo. You think you’re synchronized to some female because you’re doing as you’ve been taught. And you are – she subconsciously sees you as a woman!

Every time I think I’m ready to test for my black belt in red pill awareness, it turns out I’m still just practicing falls.

7 years ago


LOL… yeah this was a bay, so not much wave action… sneaky fucker…

Still always get aroused at the beach… was a prime spot.

7 years ago



God damn… so it’s a thing. A feel better, but still sick when looking at that shit…


7 years ago


“Sliding scale, each one”

Sliding scales but not equal weighting. what if Gram’s is into it??? Seems to be a thing

7 years ago

“Every time I think I’m ready to test for my black belt in red pill awareness, it turns out I’m still just practicing falls.” Heh, some long boring abstract thought on practicing falls. Until you get good at it: It is one thing to try to ignore negative events in your life, but there are bigger issues in societies that are un-ignorable. There are bigger problems in herds of humans that remain passive sheep. Including the Matrix sucking your energy because the Feminine Imperative is winning through technological advances and thirsty males–and the Misandry Bubble. (Thirsty men seeking to get… Read more »

7 years ago

I was thinking about the OP and trying to recall a few examples from life. As has been alluded to here, it’s possible to get women out of their standard mode of communication and into a more rational and emotion free manner of communication, but I don’t think it’s possible to get the vast majority of women to stay there for any appreciative length of time. I am a big believer of training chicks, whether in ltr’s or some sort or just during consistent interaction. It’s fun, like a brain teaser or something – a puzzle to solve. An example… Read more »

7 years ago

lol….italics fail.

7 years ago

@ Sentient and Forge

I definitely suffer from Trypophobia. Like Sentient, some images or sights make me queasy as hell. One that I’ve seen recently on youtube ads comes immediately to mind. It’s been fraking me out every time I go to youtube, to the point of anger. ” Why the FUCK don’t they take that shit down??!!??”.

I found a pic just like it, but I’ll spare Sentient ( and myself ) the anguish of posting it.

7 years ago

….the only thing with multiple holes that I want to see

7 years ago


Interesting. Perhaps it is the result of a highly developed (lol) lizard brain.


7 years ago


Re: friends’ proximity causing fear

I walked out of a bar where I’d been at a gaming meetup with a post-Wall broad in full view of her friends…we were heading for my truck to drink booze…said truck being parked on the street in front of the bar…she was talking about how she once crawled up on a man’s lap to fuck him in his truck…I think this was all about validation for her as a status display for other broads in the group…fear wasn’t an issue

Roy Hobbs
Roy Hobbs
7 years ago


“…they’re real and they’re spectacular!”

7 years ago

This teaching women to like sports seems counter productive

If she is watching football how can she be sucking my cock while I watch football?

7 years ago
Reply to  SFC Ton

Free speech

Rand Hooks
Rand Hooks
7 years ago

Fgs and Sif, Firstly thank you and I get it English is not my 2nd language. I’m not illerate. Think of it this way, working in healthcare there are tons of terms families aren’t familiar with, it’s still English it just takes a few times for them to comprehend fully. As far as this forum I get that my problem lies with in. He’ll if anything I got sick of blaming others a long time ago. Until I came across this blog (these responses) I didn’t have access to thoughts like this. I worked with what I had previously to… Read more »

Culum Struan
Culum Struan
7 years ago

@EhIntellect – Forge’s told you about the logistics angle, but just to add to it a little bit: the focus isn’t “do you have a place of your own” (although that certainly helps). It’s more about getting her isolated/comfortable/away from social judgment wherever that is. This is why club restrooms work. Cleaning cupboards since you work in a hospital. Quiet street near the club. Dark booth in the club with your coat covering both of you. Whatever. I’ve done bar restroom quite a few times. Also, parking lot with an 18 year old in the last few months – which… Read more »

Just getting it
Just getting it
7 years ago

Thanks again Rollo, for teaching me that women don’t want you to be nice to them like you want them to be nice to you, for showing what shit tests are and explaining what’s going on behind them, for illuminating the ways a woman will try to take control to see if she can, resulting in her own unhappiness, most of all for letting us know not to take women too seriously. It would be good if we could treat women as well as we’d like to, but female nature, testing to see if her man is tough enough to… Read more »

7 years ago

Hi Rollo, I found your blog only just recently in September 2016. After digesting the articles and critically thinking about them, I felt I needed more. I don’t know if you would remember someone on Twitter asking you if your book was available for purchase in the UK. Yeah, that was me. Anyway, I bought the ebook (because I could not wait for delivery time) and it took me 4 days to finish it. I have to say. In my entire life, I have never been so grateful for making a life-changing decision. The red pill is indeed hard to… Read more »

7 years ago


2017 – we need to solve the small town issue… Many bangs to be had there, especially with your big city skills… there must be other girls around outside your social circle.

Culum Struan
Culum Struan
7 years ago

Thanks Sentient. Yeah I’m probably not optimizing the small town as much as I could. But it is difficult. Partly just small town, less choice (the “Hank problem” lol) but also I have insane work hours here in the small town because I arrange my schedule to maximize free time in the big city, so just not much free time either. That said, I am focussing on doing what I can in day to day interactions – things like watching who has the frame, who is deferring to home, body language, voice tonality stuff like that and trying to improve… Read more »

7 years ago


You would be better served spending the $ going to Vegas or New Orleans and doing pick up 20 hours a day for a week. Do that two times for 1k a week. And do it back to back months.

7 years ago


But seriously in your small town (and unless it is sub 2k people it’s not that small and there are likely larger places within 50 miles) there is no reason you are not opening girls when in the gym or getting coffee or getting food or buying groceries or getting gas… All non work time stuff you are out and can get numbers etc.

Switch from this “game on, game off” mentality.

7 years ago

Re: the OP @ Joe: Your ideas of feminine stability kills people when lives are on the line. Military women I knew with would bawl if they failed their riflery, PT, BMI testing. They’d show male character, act safe as Hindu cows, when they’re protected by Army Inc. In distress, guys would kick a stone, swear, get drunk, gals would decompensate. In non-fiction world women emoting=dead people. Usually other people. “Going back again to Amused Mastery, if you are perceived as an authority of something a woman’s communicative mode will often shift to a more content specific (male) form of… Read more »

7 years ago

” there is no reason you are not opening girls when in the gym or getting coffee or getting food or buying groceries or getting gas” Christo Rey!! Grocery service counter (2 days ago), at the pump (New Years Eve she and I talked for 5 minutes after shaking hands, after fueling up…powerful attraction.) These are my favorite chat-em-up places. Well, anywhere is, but anyways. This morning even. Today Youngish pretty coming up gym stairs. Me chilling, low tone: Happy New Year. Is this a resolution or maintenance? Her: Hi. It’s maintenance. Me: I can tell. Keep it up. Did… Read more »

7 years ago

I do well with gym Game….. if that is such a thing…… but is it a good place to pull for more….typically fit to unfit men?

7 years ago

@EhIntellect RE: gym

Guy to girl working out: “It’s working.” (smirk)
Girl: “What? What is?
Guy: “You working out.” (smirk)

Forge the Sky
Forge the Sky
7 years ago

@ASD “I think this was all about validation for her as a status display for other broads in the group…fear wasn’t an issue” Correct, because what a woman fears post-wall isn’t being perceived as a slut. It’s being perceived as over the hill. Hey, check out this cool chart I found: Banging a man who far exceeds her SMV is generally a status boost for a woman. Consider that even hot young women have been known to send postcoital pictures of themselves next to some celebrity out on social media – it takes celebrity for them to feel significantly outmatched,… Read more »

having a bad day
having a bad day
7 years ago

@scribblerg props on putting in the work and getting better… from the last OP The advice from YaReally and Scray and Sentient and HABD and the other great PUAs here (sorry if i didn’t name you) was what got me in action and learning. i just want to point out that ALL anybody else can do for you is offer up some explanation on how things work/guidance and some emotional support… the REST of it really is up to you and your OWN efforts (which are f*king HARD as shit to keep on pushing through…and ESPECIALLY getting out solo…)… so,… Read more »

7 years ago

@Scribbler, HABD and Forge HABD: “… so, feel great about turning your situ around… (and any resistance to internalizing THAT is FI pushing on you… ask me how i know…lol)” Forge: “So the full lesson isn’t ‘communicate in a masculine fashion with her,’ It’s ‘communicate the way a masculine person would communicate if he knew what he was saying would be interpreted by a female brain.‘” HABD: “this is the essence of ‘just get it’… and it really does ping as ‘alpha stud’…lol” My buddy, commenter Roused, has turned things around by applying red pill awareness and game and has… Read more »

7 years ago

@Fred Flange, smart dude @HABD, the unsurpassed Smart girls are gamed exactly the same as the rest of the girls…smart girls have the same biological midbrain wiring…their shit tests will be a little more subtle sometimes and harder to smash, especially if they have high self-esteem…but “lol” usually will get you a passing grade…smart girls are more sensitive to subtle digs at their intelligence, which gives you more value when you unbalance them…apply more comfort if you do that…they tend to overvalue their SMV…disqualify that bullshit with “Oh yeah, smart girl’s pussies are so much more pleasurable.” Shy smart girls… Read more »

7 years ago

@Sentient @Culum

But seriously in your small town (and unless it is sub 2k people it’s not that small and there are likely larger places within 50 miles)

There are large swaths of the U.S. (in the midwest, Idaho, Montana, Utah, Nevada) that don’t meet your criteria, but the likelihood of finding people there is small, so the likelihood of Culum being there is small.

If you’re in a small town, you get to be the Exciting Mystery Man from the Big City ™.

7 years ago

Happy New Year. Is this a resolution or maintenance? Have a few more weeks for the New Years openers… here is a way to jump past pleasantries and begin to seed a connection, using NLP technique You:Happy New Year Her: HNE You: What did you get up to? [this is a rope a dope… good structure to use overall, start with something lame to lower her expectations, you can still convey your frame via posture and eye contact] Her: blah blah.. what about you? [use her investment as a diagnostic, watch her reaction, how she tells you, how quick, manner… Read more »

7 years ago

I have been immersed in red pill reading for a while now. First exposure was through The Return of Kings. I am older and in a LTR. Rollo, this blog is a godsend! Through my teens and 20’s I was blue pill to the core. In my 30’s I began to find my power. I held many rational (and thus red pill) ideas, but I did not control frame … either personally, professionally, or especially in my relationships. Sometimes I did, but more often than not, my life looked MGTOW with brief excursions out. Then, I jumped into an LTR.… Read more »

7 years ago

@Sentient, I’m stealing those lines. Thanks man (and I added it to your page I created: ) Since the new year, I’ve decided to create an “open” MS Word file that lists all the opens I do. I’ll be damned about that old saying of writing something down to make it more concrete because now I feel like I can’t have a blank entry for a day. So far, I’ve opened every day. Try it peeps. It really is eye opening how life and work can get in the way and make you forget you haven’t opened for the… Read more »

7 years ago

@Sentient and if rebuffed, treat her pleasant, cause you never now when she comes back around… What exactly do you mean by “rebuff”? Do you reengage girls who flake on you? My buddy says that, for him, the first bang is always awkward…do you find this to be the case? I haven’t–mine have always been awesome from the get go, but I don’t have a lot of data points. Rope a dope Game…lol, guilty as charged, yerronor. I’m 2 for 3 pulling girls to my truck…I’ve got some kind of thing going, lol. Last one was pretty much a lay… Read more »

7 years ago

ASD What exactly do you mean by “rebuff”? Do you reengage girls who flake on you? My buddy says that, for him, the first bang is always awkward…do you find this to be the case? Rebuff I mean you put it out there that you want to get sexual and she turns it down… Like you are bantering and go to kiss her and she pulls out… that kind of thing. Fine to see her again and be cool and fun and not butt hurt and not make another move even. Just like it never happened, but it did, so… Read more »

7 years ago


You’re welcome.

Her buying temp is hot, very hot. Sex evenings and before early AM before work and usually 50 SOG, red silk tie blindfold, terry cloth robe belt gag, knee high stockings, wrists tied to pull up bar, arms pinned down, chokes to the point of coughing. Slapping. Bra still on though. Prudence is a cardinal virtue, tut-tut.

She was begging to go out tonight. She’s been good enough I guess.

@ Sentient

C’mon man! Already with Groundhog’s Day?

7 years ago

“I wanted only to try to live in accord with the promptings which came from my true self. Why was that so very difficult?”

Fred Flange, Xisself
Fred Flange, Xisself
7 years ago

@asd @habd (first mistyped that as “thesadgamer”, whoopsie – weren’t you also “theLSDgamer”? If not I’m stealing it) Fellow gentlecreatures: Your analyses put into better focus what I was trying happily to report. Indeed shy girls need more comfort, one way to do that is to let them talk about their expertise a little but not pull her too far into forebrain mode. Just enough to show you “respect” her abilities (just mistyped “abletitties”, that too). You must ASAP then segue back into hindbrain, warm her up, she’s not there in the club/party to talk about working OT on system… Read more »

7 years ago


Happy Groundhog’s Day! It’s a weird holiday, ya know. Do you like it?

Yes> I pegged you early on as a furry.

No> Word, never into badgers. I’m a beaver guy.

7 years ago

Painful observation today at lunch. walk in, nearly empty. Guy and a girl at table, girl is young 7 blonde. Looks at me, I look at her. she says “hello!”, I say “Hey” and take my seat, with my back to them. LOL not a good sign. anyhow I’m overhearing their conversation while eating. Not bad, she is very giggly and he seems OK… nothing strained, pretty casual. No down spots in the convo, flowing… He goes to use the bathroom. he comes back, she says its her turn. She comes back. he says, OK lets go, she says “we… Read more »

7 years ago

At work, in more feminine pervasive work settings (e.g. marketing department), female co-workers today seem to make painstaking efforts to summarize communications in a more masculine, spartan, just the facts, approach. Maybe I’m a lone in noticing this. But regardless, the purpose of their communication so often remains that same: consensus-building, validation and – for the love of God – avoidance of reproach, criticism and conflict. That would be horrible! The comment above by a male manager/director/business owner resonated with my own experience immediately. My observation is that male managers tend to be wholly unconcerned about consensus and approval, except… Read more »

7 years ago

I love your fantasy, Tomassi. It would be quite delicious if it were actually true. Unfortunately your so called red pill alpha is usually to be found at 2 AM drowning himself in whiskey and crying in his cups to any woman who will listen to “what wretched man I am.”

I am however, always amused by how men like to perceive themselves as rational, emotionally detached, while proceeding to have meltdown after meltdown that can only be described as a manly failure to address his own feelings.

7 years ago

Spam. Incoming.

7 years ago

@Sentient Thanks for your response. I’d appreciate it if you’d answer my question about flaking since this is a major feature of today’s woman. I’ve got a few questions about flaking 1. How do you handle flaking? Obviously, a girl who flakes is a time-waster. At what point is it a real flake…only one day’s notice…one hour’s notice…no show…how do you handle these? What if a girl cancels a date with three days’ notice, but the reason isn’t plausible? 2. Do you double-book? Is that two girls same time or an alternative activity? 3. Is flaking a major offense for… Read more »

7 years ago

Lol. Look what the cat dragged in.

7 years ago

Spam. Incoming.

Whale, with harpoon attached. “Me and My Bobby McGee” reference…”I pulled my harpoon from my dirty red bandanna”

7 years ago


Maybe your buddy is doing something wrong… My bangs are SNL and attraction is very high… swept up in the moment stuff.

As an example, on his last first lay with a broad recently, he didn’t have a condom, so he didn’t finish. Or maybe he just got a bj with another girl on his first lay with her.

7 years ago

time for a bit o fahnnn

so called red pill alpha is usually to be found at 2 AM drowning himself in whiskey

It must be 2 a.m. somewhere…time for Clan McGregor

crying in his cups to any woman who will listen to “what wretched man I am.”

Boohoo…I’ve only killed three today and fucked a dozen

a manly failure to address his own feelings.

feelings…nothing more than feelings…I wish I’ve never met you, girl
hope you’ll never come again….

Woh-oh-ohh feeeewiiiings…

Lost Patrol
Lost Patrol
7 years ago

insanitybites – she’s always out there somewhere, watching over us. I take comfort from it. A woman who cares.

7 years ago

” . . . your so called red pill alpha is usually to be found at 2 AM drowning himself in whiskey and crying in his cups to any woman who will listen to “what wretched man I am.””

No spelling errors. I might argue that it’s missing a comma, but, whatever, it’s well formatted.

She’s been getting in some practice at that one handed typing thang.

7 years ago


90% of my game is SNL stuff and the rest fucking around day game instadates and a tiny bit of local girls in situ in the moment. So I don’t deal with flaking at all.

I think I would handle it like Leo D… Amused, not butt hurt, but not reward. From an abundance mindset. Move along and if she chases, be socially adept to give her the chance to acknowledge her misstep without expecting anything.

Joe K
Joe K
7 years ago

@Forge the Sky We haven’t seen that chart in a while. Isn’t it ironic? Yes Alanis, it’s like rain on your wedding day. The more OMG-focused these comments sections become, the less we hear about that chart. Who out there is actually having sex with girls near the top of their peak SMV? You can be as butthurt as you want about it, but most of the men that fill these comment sections have attached themselves to a woman who’s >1 on that chart. I gotta laugh particularly at married Sentient bragging about his “SNL bangs”. Task the mask off… Read more »

7 years ago

“He’s not just waving his dick around and keyboard posturing about what a cool alt-right bro he is.”

Sure he is. Nothing wrong with that at all, it’s what we all do when we blog and write and interact.

7 years ago

“The more OMG-focused these comments sections become….” …..the more you miss the guys that took their ball and went home. “(idiomatic) To cease participating in an activity that has turned to one’s disadvantage, especially out of spite, or in a way that prevents others from participating as well. “Do you feel the need to jump in and correct others when you see them making a mistake? Do you get a little rush out of being the hero when you are offering criticism or telling someone that they’re doing something wrong? Are you just trying to help? Well, I have… Read more »

7 years ago

I do believe that last link (to Alpha Game Plan) applies to the un-christian Sister Christian spam too.

7 years ago

The chart was/ is brilliant but it doesn’t require much disscusion either

7 years ago

“I do believe that last link (to Alpha Game Plan) applies…”

Well, I always say you should write what you know and Vox Day is certainly the expert on all things gamma.

7 years ago

I was just wondering: Do shit tests from older uglier women serve any purpose, do they work?

7 years ago
Reply to  cheupez

@Cheupez: 😂😂😂 if that was rhetorical…thumbs up! Random thoughts aye?

7 years ago

“…I always say you should write what you know…”

I’m sure you do. All you’ve ever posted here is non sequiturs and spam. All you know are your emotions with no trace of logic. You know that doesn’t fly in a male space, right?

7 years ago

“I was just wondering: Do shit tests from older uglier women serve any purpose, do they work?”

Does that little gravatar work to disguise a transgenered man trolling the manosphere trying to learn how to be a woman?

7 years ago

“I am however, always amused by how men like to perceive themselves as rational, emotionally detached, while proceeding to have meltdown after meltdown that can only be described as a Well, lots of people like to think they’re “rational” and “objective” yet are the farthest thing from it. It’s not unique to men. “manly failure to address his own feelings.” That’s not a feature of masculinity though… Tell me of all the epic or tragic heros that fail to address their feelings… Failure to address feelings implies fear (blax 😉) and since when is that masculine? “Rationality” has been inculcated… Read more »

7 years ago

“Rationality” has been inculcated into the liberal equalism narrative and is, like so many other perfectly descriptive terms, now completely worthless.”

Yes precisely! Just when I give up all hope in these comments, somebody finally says something sensible.

7 years ago

“Tell me of all the epic or tragic heros that fail to address their feelings…”

Those feelings are WRONG! They don’t count. And you didn’t take out the trash on your way to fight the dragon. Five years ago when you went out to fight the bandits you didn’t take out the trash either. You NEVER take out the trash. And another thing . . .

7 years ago

“Does that little gravatar work to disguise a transgenered man trolling the manosphere trying to learn how to be a woman?” Oh, the irony. Does your little Gravatar work to disguise a grandma trolling the manosphere in a quest for her own identity and growth, for some understanding of logic, rules, the games people play, authority, time and death? Alice in Wonderland’s quest is filled with good and bad choices, but she learns from her experiences and ultimately becomes more mature emotionally in how she deals with her problems and in the way she perceives different situations. You should try… Read more »

7 years ago

If you are with an older, uglier or and old ugly bitch you have failed the ultimate in shit tests

7 years ago

“Does your little Gravatar work to disguise a grandma trolling the manosphere in a quest for her own identity and growth, for some understanding of logic, rules, the games people play, authority, time and death?”

It’s not a disguise at all. And I seldom drink wine.

7 years ago

“It’s not a disguise at all.”

Translation: My Gravatar represents “I’m a grandma using an Alice in Wonderland avatar while trolling the manosphere in a quest for her own identity and growth, for some understanding of logic, rules, the games people play, authority, time and death?”

Go spam somewhere else.

7 years ago

Works all day, goes to a wake, beyond stressed about dealing with customers and meeting some deadlines, is completely exhausted, comes on to RM to take a much needed break, then sees insanitybytes posting on the latest article:

7 years ago
7 years ago

Heheheee… was just checking to see if they realise the O and U part. They do. I think.

Forge the Sky
Forge the Sky
7 years ago


But she didn’t mean that. Didn’t you know she just didn’t really know? How dare you judge her for something you didn’t tell her! But the thing is, why should she know this? She probably isn’t listening to you now because YOU told her you were the Chosen One, twice, just because some dude with a beard said so and you saved the world afterwards, with no regards to how that might make her feel.

Forge the Sky
Forge the Sky
7 years ago


Here, refresh yourself with this video of Insanity’s friends having a bad day:

Culum Struan
Culum Struan
7 years ago

@Sentient -actually, it’s not that much bigger 2k, although there is a bigger town an hour or so away. But I take your broader point and I’m trying to implement it. It doesn’t help that everyone knows everyone else’s face around here so there isn’t as much safe space to mess up. But I am very much trying to be “on” all the time instead of just in Big City. It almost feels a lot of the time like I’m two different people depending on which city I’m in. Re RSD, I get that I’ll get way more infield experience… Read more »

7 years ago

Social media

7 years ago

Culum @Sentient -actually, it’s not that much bigger 2k, although there is a bigger town an hour or so away. Why are so you tied to the small town? You are single, make good money. Why not at least move to the bigger town as a start? Still close to your current place. On RSD – if time and money are no object, do both. I question two things though for you at your stage now, whether the RSD Boot Camp is a buffer (delay) or you need their approval and why you wouldn’t want to take your own adventure… Read more »

7 years ago

Imagine that – Rollo writes an article about fem-centric communication and a fussy old woman shows up to chide him for not begging her leave to do so.

7 years ago

The more experienced i’ve gotten with male-female dynamics and game. The less care i’m beginning to have at the element of control I have over women. Trying to be alpha at all times is simply exerting way too much energy. It’s important to be conscious of it in the beginning. But with enough experience, you need to just drop it and trust in your abilities as a man to intuitively respond in the right way and trust that your past experiences give you the correct things to say and do. With regards to communication styles. I don’t think it should… Read more »

7 years ago

I am siding Sent…. you’re likely to get more ass from the stories about an open ocean spear fishing trip in the Ascension Islands then some boot camp. Or taking your Harely cross country or bear hunting in Idaho or MMA training and a couple of semi pro fights.

7 years ago

Rollo writes an article about fem-centric communication and a fussy old woman shows up to chide him for not begging her leave to do so.”

Rubbish. I don’t chide him for such things and he certainly doesn’t have to beg my leave.

I chide him for believing he can teach masculinity, completely devoid of any virtues, faith, hope, love, all the things that give men their beauty, their worth and value in the world. Without these things, you’ve got nothing but an empty, broken praxeology, worshiping the 16 points of poon.

7 years ago
Reply to  Rollo Tomassi

“Hypergamy doesn’t care about virtue, faith, hope, love, all the things that give men their beauty, their worth and value in the world.”

Neither does war, poverty, or cancer, but when you try to separate men from the things that give them their beauty, what your’re left with isn’t worth preserving. Why should anyone care about a random bit of biological goo, programmed to do nothing more than compulsively hump someones leg? Men have souls and spirits, Tomassi, depth, great beauty, they are capable of such virtue, they were designed for so much more than this.

7 years ago

“I was just wondering: Do shit tests from older uglier women serve any purpose, do they work?”

The purpose served is to obtain attention, in any form, from a high-value man. They work at a base level. At work, I must deal with a fugly 300 lb govt regulatory clerk who has the final say if we ship or not. She’ll create issues out of nothing, just to engage me in conversation. I’m curt and speak only about the issue, then walk out the door while she’s still talking. Worst part of my day.

7 years ago

” . . . masculinity, completely devoid of any virtues, faith, hope, love, all the things that give men their beauty, their worth and value in the world . . .”

. . . of women.

Who’s a good tool? Yeeees, you are. Good tool. Hope for a cookie.

7 years ago

In the correct order of things: virtue comes first; then divorce rape.

7 years ago

Why should anyone care about a random bit of biological goo, programmed to do nothing more than compulsively hump someones leg?

Rough translation: “I never was a sexual object, am not a sexual object, and never will be a sexual object. Ye cruel gods!”

7 years ago

“Why should anyone care about a random bit of biological goo, programmed to do nothing more than compulsively hump someones leg?”

Baaaaaad tool! No, that just makes it worse. You should know what you did. Go out in the garage and think it over for a while. You can come out when you’re ready to apologize.

No cookie.

7 years ago

Quit changing the subject, inanity

7 years ago

Funny, you never hear inanity ranting about “those jezebels”…her bible must be missing the pages about Delilah, Jezebel, etc.

Even from a tradcon perspective, the CC riding by women 14- 30 must cause worry. But that never gets discussed. Using tradcon standards, by comparison with young women, most men are paragons of virtue.

7 years ago

Women don’t feature too much in the bible. (Just like Africans, we don’t feature too much in the science books, you know. Heheheee… I KNOW Subody gonna kiiiilllll MEEEE just now…aarrrgghhhhh!!!!). But at least Africans who got into science books got in for the right reasons. But women and the bible? Even the few who got in, half of them for the wrong reasons.

7 years ago

Does deep conversation mean being balls deep down her throat? Because otherwise I don’t see the point

7 years ago

@Grammy Bytes

I chide him for believing he can teach masculinity, completely devoid of any virtues, faith, hope, love, all the things that give men their beauty, their worth and value in the world.

Must ALL virtues be spiritual? What does the Bible say?

“The glory of young men is their strength.”

Why have you imbibed some clueless churchian’s spiritualizing codswallop?

7 years ago

Hypergamy doesn’t care about virtue, faith, hope, love, all the things that give men their beauty, their worth and value in the world. Yeah this. My recent pof 46yo disabled FB dumped me this week (via text of course). My response was “ok”. From the get-go marriage was off the table (for me that is). She was looking for someone to marry and provide for her. I flat out said no at the beginning so the deal was she keeps looking while we date/fuck. After 3 months of persistent ‘no and this is why’ she dumps me say ‘she couldn’t… Read more »

7 years ago

@Cheupez: “Africans, we don’t feature too much in the science books, you know.” Depends on what you mean by “Africans.” @SFC Ton: “Does deep conversation mean being balls deep down her throat?” It means “letting her yammer on about shit.” “Because otherwise I don’t see the point” Yammering on has the same effect on women as going all out on a heavy bag has on men. Unlike men, however, who do not attribute feeling better to the heavy bag itself, women will attribute feeling better to the man they yammered at. Thus increasing the odds that when she stops you… Read more »

7 years ago

“She was looking for someone to marry and provide for her.”

i.e. she was a virtuous woman seeking a virtuous man.

“From the get-go marriage was off the table (for me that is).”

i.e. you are a random bit of biological goo.

” . . . so… Don’t talk to me about virtue.”

Remember, as per above, these words don’t mean the same thing to her that they do to you.

7 years ago

Women have no virtue beyond what best suits her. Right now

Masculine virtue is a while other matter, but what most men consider virtue has been corrupted by the FI

7 years ago

As therationalmale comments turn back into the usual manosphere circle jerk

I’m still curious to know if you think RSD’s, now confirmed, move towards the Zig Ziglar/Tony Robbins/Dr. Dyer profit model counts as a “circle jerk”?

7 years ago

Fuck what is with you?

7 years ago

@Rollo and KFG Well I just started off the New Year with an entertaining adventure that exceeds any red-pill rabbit-hole adventure that I have had in all of last year. And I had a lot of those. And I frickin love red pill and game. I can’t tell you how much real power I have now to control my circumstances. And it is damn fun. I just finished The Red Queen by Matt Ridley. (it’s long) It pretty much explains all about sexual selection in men and females in concrete “reason’s” why terms. It is Acceptance Phase of red pill… Read more »

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