Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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7 years ago

@ adam, about Todd Valentine…by talking fast todd is doing something called a frame crush. At the beginning of an interaction with a young entitled hottie, a great tactic is to talk fast and talk over her during the first minute or two of the interaction. Hesitation is interpreted as weakness. believe me he knows what he is doing, as I have used many tips from him to seduce a few girls in their twenties (Im 46). Todd is actually one of the most intelligent and effective so called “PUA”‘s out there. Watch more of Todd’s infield video’s, his game… Read more »

7 years ago

@ Pellaeon


/məˈsäjənē/ noun

noun: misogyny
dislike of, contempt for, or ingrained prejudice against women.

7 years ago

” about Todd Valentine…by talking fast todd is doing something called a frame crush. At the beginning of an interaction with a young entitled hottie, a great tactic is to talk fast and talk over her during the first minute or two of the interaction. Hesitation is interpreted as weakness. …..”

This might explain why I have a very hard time listening to him for too long. Irl I’d tell him to slow the fuck down or shut the fuck up.

7 years ago


“Having a prenup is pretty much useless. Having a prenup and thinking it actually means shit is pretty much a disaster.”

sums up marriage

Lol, who gives a shit what you think about marriage? If you kept your piehole shut, you’d seem smarter.

7 years ago

The truth is the truth. A constant. Mankind will forever seek it out and know it for what it is, when confronted with it. I remember my first visit to The Rational Male. I read one essay after another. I spent hours, days and weeks reading through the site. For some of that journey I heard my blue pill self question the validity of what I was reading. But the voice in my head was faint as if struggling with the weight of this newfound knowledge. A sickly thing that wasn’t long for the world of illusions, it belonged to.… Read more »

Not Born This Morning
7 years ago

“Learning Game becomes a quest of acquiring only enough understanding of the nature of women and intersexual dynamics (the ones that are palatable to the profit model) to achieve a Blue Pill idealistic goal-state monogamy that brought these men to look for their own answers in the first place. They are selling the key to a Blue Pill dream.” Dream girls and children with dynamite, etc., etc. I get all that. But here is where we apparently disagree. What I don’t get and absolutely do not agree with is “men are the romantics” and “men love idealistically”. Pffft. Those statements are… Read more »

7 years ago

@ollieoxenfree1 The truth is the truth. A constant. Mankind will forever seek it out and know it for what it is, when confronted with it. I remember my first visit to The Rational Male. I read one essay after another. I spent hours, days and weeks reading through the site. For some of that journey I heard my blue pill self question the validity of what I was reading. Sounds exactly what I went through… After my breakup I was looking for something – a model that explained the female/male interactions I had seen all my life. I think I… Read more »

7 years ago

“Under the old set of books, under the previous social contract that held monogamous/marriage relations as a mutual benefit, a contract that respected men as the primary Frame holder in those arrangements, sure, that may have been very Red Pill… What is Blue Pill today is the conditioning of men to cultivate them for servitude and deference to the feminine… That conditioning has replaced the old social contract with one that serves the Feminine Imperative.” So was wanting marriage Red Pill under the previous social contract? But the desire for marriage becomes Blue Pill under a different social contract. This… Read more »

7 years ago

@Rollo, I was thinking about your Field Report page and some of Rugby’s comments that link to the Casual Sex Project, and I thought of how cool it would be for you to have an “Unplugging Reports” page that is formatted with questions like the Casual Sex Project, but with questions that relate to how each Red Pill newbie found/reacted to finding the red pill and how they dealt with the different stages of unplugging. That would be a cool resource to have.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

One thing about “equlaity”, we don’t see girls pulling snowplows out of drifts at -65 F.

7 years ago

“Hesitation is interpreted as weakness. ”

Ummmmm. No. Sloooooowing down your speech and forcing her to wait on your words is an alpha move…

Depends on your frame.

7 years ago

Agreed trying to turn a profit off the red pill requires watering it down. Otherwise you run the risk of alienating your largest possible market share

And yes that inculdes selling PUA advice cause it’s likely the typical dude going to one of those boot camp deals doesn’t want to be a born again player the rest of his days

7 years ago

” . . . it’s likely the typical dude going to one of those boot camp deals doesn’t want to be a born again player the rest of his days”

Most of them are simply trying to figure out how to get a girlfriend.

7 years ago
Reply to  Rollo Tomassi


7 years ago


Most of them are simply trying to figure out how to get a girlfriend.

They want feelings, then sex, because feelings baptize sex with feminine goodness. It’s just like women’s justification for sex becuz feelz

7 years ago

@Sentient: you said… Ummmmm. No. Sloooooowing down your speech and forcing her to wait on your words is an alpha move… Depends on your frame. I say…. This is what is so fascinating about game, yes depending on the context having slow speech can be seductive to a girl. however, if the girl is your typical attention whoring hottie, then interrupting her and talking fast can be effective too. dominating her with your voice and always having a snappy comeback, especially in the daytime, when a cool slow James Bond voice is a little out of context. This is a… Read more »

7 years ago
7 years ago

The Red pill according to the MRM is about the MRM. When they ask each other, when did you first take the red pill? It means when did you realise that men are actually disadvantaged in the world today. It’s about men’s rights. Not about male and female dating and relationships. Hue Jass — Except that they *never* used the term to describe themselves at all until it became popularized by other manosphere sites and groups. Rollo is right. They will use the term when they think it benefits them, and then discard it when they think it doesn’t. There… Read more »

7 years ago


especially in the daytime, when a cool slow James Bond voice is a little out of context. This is a major difference between day and night game.

Use what works for you… but I have to throw a little James Marshall on this here ^^^

So this is night,but early… lots of pauses, very little snap crackle or pop…

Full sunshine….

Contrast is a powerful game tool.

But note Jame’s frame and attitude… he controls via frame setting not frame grabbing.

Lost Patrol
Lost Patrol
7 years ago

There honestly isn’t really much that is red pill about the MRM. They’re very feminist, they just see feminism as not living up to its own “equality” standards and want to fix that. They want more feminism, a more complete feminism, and not less. What they are looking for will simply destroy men, period. There’s nothing red pill about it at all. Once again Novaseeker puts the final nail in the coffin as far as I’m concerned. MRM/MRA always struck me as something of a joke. Deep inside my blue pill cocoon, never having heard of Rollo, manosphere, or even… Read more »

7 years ago

@Sentient But note Jame’s frame and attitude… he controls via frame setting not frame grabbing. Great way to describe James Marshal. You phrased it well. Just recently I noticed that Marshal doesn’t use PUA gimmicks to establish dominance; ie push/pull, negs, cocky teases, etc. He just controls the frame and shows incredible male confidence. I love his style. It is so mature. He is better described as a “gentleman seducer” rather than a PUA (although they reduce to the same fundamentals). Thing is most men won’t be able to do what he does. It really does take a solid inner… Read more »

7 years ago

@ Lost Patrol I agree about MRA coming off as a bunch of mewling supplicants. The whole idea with TRP is that nobody gives a shit about what you do with your life, and it’s up to you to take control and establish your own Frame, being your own mental point of origin and being your own man. Depending on other people perceiving you or treating you a certain way is not Red Pill. That video about the “Red Pill” documentary is the perfect illustration of the inherent contradiction in turning The Red Pill into some kind of MRA movement:… Read more »

Water Cannon Boy
Water Cannon Boy
7 years ago

“You know I did put a link in that pre-nup quip there:…”

Smaller font makes it nearly impossible to see the little line of dots underneath. Rereading the coquetry post and took a little while to realize you were talking about an article that was hot linked in one of the sentences.
Bigger dots and/or bigger font would help that.

StrikeForce Morituri
StrikeForce Morituri
7 years ago

As usual a great insightful post….. As I’ve been following the Red Pill since the Fomentation Of Roosh pre Bang being released and absorbing the writings from the original Roissy, As well as Purchasing both of your books; my interpretation of the red pill has always been about making your life your mission, and the girl is just a side benefit of the work you’ve put into because you want her there. All the while recognising the imperative forces inside the female mind (Hypergamy) that can cause strife and derail whatever mission that man is on. It really is that… Read more »

7 years ago
Not Born This Morning
7 years ago

@Rugby11 Divorce her immediately. Stop the bleeding. THEY ARE BOTH LIVING LIES. Why live a lie? The relationship is based on lies and fallacious impossible paradigms well established before they even met. He pledged his life to a set of lies. His pledge controls his life. He does not. The divorce will be very costly, but a continued relationship will cost far more in the long run both financially and emotionally. This woman continues a relationship with her boyfriend from the past behind her husbands back intentionally deceiving her husband who supports her fairytale lifestyle. Now she bemoans the fact… Read more »

Not Born This Morning
7 years ago

She is about to hit the wall. He should mind fuck the hell out of her and toss her over it. Let whatever losers and betas eat the leftovers. Now that he has experience and a chance to be aware, he can optimize his situation and enjoy life without slaving away killing himself for a lie.

Not Born This Morning
7 years ago

He should absolutely DITCH THE BITCH IMMEDIATELY. Her next move will be to get pregnant and use the child as a hostage against him. She trapped him into financing her fairytale lifestyle with the help of her culture and “family values”. He now risks being sentenced to a lifetime of misery and resentment. Get out. Get away. GET RID OF HER.

Not Born This Morning
7 years ago

This plate shouldn’t be dropped. It should be slammed against the wall and shattered into a million pieces as an example to the other plates.


[…] fame, laments what he calls, “The bastardization of the Red Pill,” in a post called The Awareness. From what I can glean, bad press, observable misogyny, and of course, women, have stolen the […]

Zoe Bowman
Zoe Bowman
7 years ago

Hello, thanks again for a great post. I’d like to put forward a controversial point that I fully expect to be either ignored or shot down – but I feel compelled to say it. I’m aware it’s unusual to think this way as a woman and so I anticipate a lot of scepticism coming my way. We’re all comfortable with the idea that men are “victims” of the Matrix/Feminine Imperative. Whether you see yourself as a victim or not is beside the point – men are told from birth that the way they are born is just not good enough.… Read more »

7 years ago

“men are told from birth that the way they are born is just not good enough . . . However, I’d like to . . .”

. . . make it about the wimmenz.

7 years ago

However, I’d like to propose the idea that women are also “victims” of the “Feminine Imperative” (I can imagine a lot of derisive snorting here).

and right you are – modern women are also victims… Try reading up the archives if you dare.
I’m sure someone here will provide a few links to past articles.

7 years ago

. . . make it about the wimmenz.

I think it’s about both sexes… the whole “women aren’t happy” thing…

Zoe Bowman
Zoe Bowman
7 years ago

Ok, I apologise for causing offence. It was poorly judged – sorry again.

7 years ago

@Zoe: “Ok, I apologise for causing offence.”

Fear not, fair maiden, for you have done nothing of the kind. I am amused, because you are, consistently, so very much a girl. My pointing finger was not the moon.

@Disgruntled Earthling: “I think it’s about both sexes… ”

Certainly, as has been well covered here.

7 years ago

“Fear not, fair maiden, for you have done nothing of the kind. I am amused, because you are, consistently, so very much a girl. My pointing finger was not the moon.” LOL, Zoe, fear not is right. KFG was just gently fitness testing you as you were dipping your foot in a male space. You caved a bit too fast there Zoe It is understood and goes without saying (because it is axiomatic) that Feminism is most certainly not a plus for the sisterhood. (Minimally helping the collective of women in a top down fashion, destroying joy on the individual… Read more »

7 years ago

gb_hill He just controls the frame and shows incredible male confidence. I love his style. It is so mature. yeah James is a great model… he has been to the mountaintop and knows what he likes and just goes about it. His overview of relationship phases should be mandatory viewing… very Platinum Rule. But your and middleagepua notes bring another thought to mind. I was once told a story by a child psychologist. He was interviewing a little girl like 4 YO. he was sitting behind his desk and talking to her and she was on the floor playing with… Read more »

7 years ago

technique vs. principles

7 years ago

@Rollo I think that there’s a lot of pushback against women who oppose fempowerment, but this site isn’t about that issue, though anti-fempowerment is tangentially related. @Zoe brings up a point that ties into both the FI and the Red Pill, but on the feminine side. Zoe, you have to let men cycle through the anger phase of discovering the Red Pill…defending women will just prolong their anger. Your points are better addressed to women on a blog for women, though a pingback to Rollo’s post might be helpful to you by letting men see another, non-hostile (maybe even friendly)… Read more »

7 years ago

Marshall’s Five Principles

Awareness, Intent, Emotional Impact, Pressure & Release, Decisive Action…

Great watch… sums up many aspects of my game, can relate.

7 years ago

Jame’s four ways… nothing, a little bit, something, something more…

7 years ago

@Sentient I’ve never really had faith in the PUA scene and even less watching some of RSD’s material. How does Tyler do it? For a man who can barely verbalise a proper sentence. He certainly does seem to have a lot of followers. Contrast this with James Marshall and you’ve got to wonder how RSD are still in business. James comes across as authentic (at least in the 3 videos I’ve seen of him) and highly intelligent. He’s also a natural in the way he communicates. Of those 5 principles I lack intent, pressure and release (I put the pressure… Read more »

7 years ago

@ Sentient ” But your and middleagepua notes bring another thought to mind. I was once told a story by a child psychologist. He was interviewing a little girl like 4 YO. he was sitting behind his desk and talking to her and she was on the floor playing with something and whispering… and he kept asking her the same questions until he was across the room next to her on his hands and knees to hear her because she never came closer or raised her voice… Ahhhh yesss…. Quick Story- I was in Florida last week for a B-Day… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Blaximus

“The difference is that men are neither allowed to criticize that conditioning nor are they allowed to highlight their own. If they expose the social conditions and psychology that ‘victimize’ women they are accused of misogyny and chauvinism. If they raise awareness to their own victimization they are ‘less than men’ for complaining about it.”

7 years ago

@Zoe Don’t feel bad for us. The reality is that a man can be successful, romantically and otherwise, just by being a man. But for a woman to have the best chance at fulfilling her biological imperative, she should be looking for a good man to start a family with in her 20s. Most women know this, of course — but it is very much *against* the gender script to say it. Of course the reality is that modern society does not particularly care if women become mothers. But it *really* cares that men work — in fact, it would… Read more »

7 years ago

@ Rollo “The difference is that men are neither allowed to criticize that conditioning nor are they allowed to highlight their own. If they expose the social conditions and psychology that ‘victimize’ women they are accused of misogyny and chauvinism. If they raise awareness to their own victimization they are ‘less than men’ for complaining about it.” This lines up with the burden of performance. There seems to be little else men can do but quietly absorb and process all of the pain and frustration of this Catch 22 in solitude. The bright side is after all that absorbing and… Read more »

7 years ago

You were vague in defining the red pill in this post. Something to do with waking uo to the reality of feminism and true male sexuality.

7 years ago

Of course women are victims of feminism. But you do it to yourselves. There is no reason to see you as a true victim any more than a rapist or a drug addict. Feminism is like a drug pusher giving you really good drugs for free and you take it then you are hooked. Feminism is like a country giving a foreign invader free money and the right to rape its women with no consequence. Yes those rapist invaders are going to hell and have sold their souls to the devil but they still chose to do it given the… Read more »

7 years ago

The truth doesn’t have an expiration date and neither does the red pill.

7 years ago

Hey Blaximus! My dad used to do this same sort of funny ridicule to the females in my family growing up. All went through some rough spots in life but they are all married and have kids and are good wives.

One of them even dropped her divorce at the behest of my dad. She is still working because she still has a feminist side to her, but she is doing well for the most part and is in a happy marriage. That is how you raise girls. Don’t treat them like princesses.

7 years ago

Ollioxenfree…Tyler Durden stole almost all of his material from Neil Strauss and Mystery. He’s fraud in that regard. Other than that, the early PUAs had a lot of legit stuff to say and cracked the code of seduction to some extent. They were of course flawed individuals. Strauss seemed to be the most level headed of the bunch.

7 years ago


How does Tyler do it? For a man who can barely verbalise a proper sentence

Tyler is autistic…realtime verbal skills aren’t his strongest asset…however, he more than makes up for his deficiencies in verbal skills with his NONVERBAL skills, which are quite awesome…he excels at approaching women, making eye contact, sexualization, entitlement, leading women physically, testing them for compliance, escalation, and instigating for isolation. If you excel at these things, you can be talking about the weather and still get laid, lol.

7 years ago

Zoe: “We are born with feminine traits like docility, submissiveness, nurturing instincts, and we are predisposed to look up to, admire, and even adore the men in our lives. But we are told that all of these traits are bad and we are laughed at for showing them.”

On the bright side, there has never been a time in history when so many have been availed of so much information on which to base those cost/benefit calculations. We see a thousand examples of how things pan out each and every way a person chooses to behave.

7 years ago

“How does Tyler do it? For a man who can barely verbalise a proper sentence. He certainly does seem to have a lot of followers.” Tyler has a very attuned level of comedic timing. So, he might just reword something that first guy said a little and with him it’s a hit and makes her laugh. Then he turns to the camera, “See? I’m the fucks, he’s the bucks…” Comedic timing is pretty important (for the show, not necessarily the actual score). Throwing a line one way or another can lead to completely different outcomes depending on context in the… Read more »

A Wise Man
7 years ago

I started to watch both of the videos you linked to in this post and I couldn’t listen to their blathering for more than a minute. It’s just a bunch of faggotry repackaged for men whose egos are still firmly rooted in a blue pill existence.

7 years ago


Of course women are victims of feminism. But you do it to yourselves.

Otoh, there are plenty of male femininsts. We men do it to ourselves, using your logic.

7 years ago

Deep down men don’t really believe that bullshit. They do it out of fear of losing their job or being thrown in jail or they think they are going to get some pussy from it. Eventually they realize it’s bullshit or even immoral. Women are unable to reach those conclusions on their own. It’s the forbidden fruit scenario with Adam and Eve all over again.

7 years ago

“How does Tyler do it? For a man who can barely verbalise a proper sentence. He certainly does seem to have a lot of followers.” What Tyler and company does is capitalize on the fact that many men don’t believe or understand that they can approach and talk to any woman/girl that they’d like to. Personally, I find his entire shtick annoying as hell, but I’m not a chick. Chicks, even hb8-9’s will not just automatically shut down a guy that tries to banter and chat with them. The fear is unjustified, but most guys will not get this point… Read more »

7 years ago

The secret sauce of the ONE RSD video I have watched was that Tyler was gaming a chick who was drunk off her ass. Which, granted, is not a bad place to start.

7 years ago

Tip o’ the fedora, m’lady

7 years ago

Preach it Blax

7 years ago

ASD has a good breakdown of the (mostly unremarked upon by RSD) behavior Tyler is mostly relying on. Blax “Sorry, I’m not buying the rsd vids 100%. There’s some shit missing.” One area that they have not fully come clean on, to me, is how developed their social circles have been for a long time (years), and what translates from that in terms of reactions they get in LA, LV, South Beach and NYC… being in the same places and clubs a lot, bringing tons of thirsty dudes through with them, etc. That and the whole worked for Playboy bit.… Read more »

7 years ago

@Blax Chicks, even hb8-9’s will not just automatically shut down a guy that tries to banter and chat with them. Blax, what you fail to realize is that these girls all have bitch shields which are very effective in keeping men away…men who see them and accept them. What you call “banter” is really quite complicated…1) you open a girl…2) she activates the bitch shield and her demeanor is dismissive and cold (this blocks most of the top 10% of men who have the balls to cold approach one of these hotties)…3) you (Blax) neg her, tease her, poke fun… Read more »

7 years ago

If talking to chicks was that complicated I would never get laid.

7 years ago


Spoken like a true natural. hah

7 years ago

Something cool happened last night. I went out dancing and met a buddy at a bar…I had invited him. I introduced my buddy to a broad. She came over to where we were sitting…chatted him up…and got his number. Just before she left, she thanked me for bringing my buddy to the bar–that was the cool part. Just before I left, I sat with my buddy in his truck, watching this broad blow up his phone with her texts, lol. Inside edition. Ask me why I don’t like to give out my phone no. to broads…they will blow up my… Read more »

hank holiday
hank holiday
7 years ago

@blax @Ton lol Once again, the naturals. Blax got laid at 13. Ton apparently banged the homecoming queen and tons of chicks in high school or whatever. So OF COURSE to you guys its not big deal. You’ll say shit like: If talking to chicks was that complicated I would never get laid. Of course. Because you got laid early on. You’ve got all these reference experiences of “oh yeah, there was that one time of that girl at the car place, that threesome that one time and OH YEAH that one time in vegas was crazy…” So of course… Read more »

hank holiday
hank holiday
7 years ago

@blax @asdgamer “Chicks, even hb8-9’s will not just automatically shut down a guy that tries to banter and chat with them.” Blax, what you fail to realize is that these girls all have bitch shields which are very effective in keeping men away…men who see them and accept them. What you call “banter” is really quite complicated…1) you open a girl…2) she activates the bitch shield and her demeanor is dismissive and cold (this blocks most of the top 10% of men who have the balls to cold approach one of these hotties)…3) you (Blax) neg her, tease her, poke… Read more »

7 years ago

@ Hank Okay, okay bro. Take your foot off my neck now…lol. You’re right. I get it. ….but I still am no fan of the videos. It doesn’t matter though. And don’t get it twisted little brother, when I waltz up to have a convo with some smokeshow, the first thing they see is some huge, old guy with a little bit of a belly and a shitload of grey hair. Lol. My motivation today is much different than when I was a young whipper-snapper. I already know what they’re thinking, but what I know is that we’re gonna have… Read more »

7 years ago


So of course you can just walk up to girls and start talking. this is the part Hank misses… Everyone had a first, everyone started the journey the same way… Some started it just walking up to a girl and talking, hell MOST guys in history have done just this.

when this is not the norm, then you need to examine the reasons why… it really isn’t magic, if you’ve not been laid by your mid 20’s there are things you are doing that are holding you back.

It’s not them. it’s you.

7 years ago

Less natrual and more 0 fucks given….. which granted helps a whole lot

But come on man, don’t the videos look stagged?

7 years ago

@Blax Some started it just walking up to a girl and talking, hell MOST guys in history have done just this. Not this…nowadays, most guys wait for a girl to catch their eye…THEN they start walking towards the girl. You and I, we didn’t wait for the girl to make the first move by eye-flirting–we just approached. It’s important to pay attention to subtle cues and dynamics. @ton Less natrual and more 0 fucks given….. which granted helps a whole lot Yep, and pussy is just pussy…a whole lot of meaning tied up in that phrase. The videos look edited,… Read more »

7 years ago

oops, should have addressed part of my comment to Sentient

7 years ago

Hi again. Christmas day falls such that all the girls are back from school and out tonight. I’ve been testing this opening with success: Merry Christmas. Now honey, is your stocking hung by the chimney with care? Yes>is it full?>yes>Oh! you’ve have been a good girl this year. I can see by your heels/dress/ jeans/visible brazier you’re back to bad girl. Spankings! and on and on. Merry Christmas, now honey, is your stocking hung by the chimney with care? Yes>is it full?>no Now honey! You HAVE been a bad girl. tsk, tsk. You know a full stocking is a satisfied… Read more »

7 years ago

Hey Rollo, great content as usual. FYI Todd honestly just hadn’t read your book. I myself only read your book about 3 months ago based on a friend’s recommendation – it’s a classic and I’ve been recommending it to clients. Todd hadn’t read it and his understanding of TRP was from years of guys who show up on our forum (and social media comments) talking about how women are “bitches and whores” etc. And there’s been a lot of them over the years, so I’m guessing he felt very confident in his context. PUA has the same issue where it’s… Read more »

7 years ago

Trialed it just again on HB7: Oh, you’re completely ridiculous, EhIntellect! (backhand slap to abdomen). Laughs around. Chatting up girls is fun, ain’t it?

7 years ago

Ehintellect Good ones… here is another You: So….. what did you get me for Christmas? [puts things in your frame off the bat… she has three typical responses, and one other] 1 Her: Nothing. You: Oh I see a Christmas hater… Scrooge!!!! Grinch!!!! [teasing] Her: Blah blah You: I know… you’ve heard I’m naughty… 2 Her: [reframe] IDK What did you get me! You: whoa whoa whoa… slow your roll here girl… let’s get to know each other first. Goldigger… 3 Her: What did you want? You: I’d like this heavy burden lifted from me… you know?…. It’s not easy… Read more »

7 years ago

@Sentient @EhIntellect, good ones. I’m stealing those. I’ve been saying, “So what’s Santa getting you for Christmas?” Then I’d follow with, “If you could get anything, what would it be?” This gets them into fairy tale land and they’re all bubbly. Gotten close to a few new waitresses/girl bartenders lately with this.

Another one I like is they always ask you:

Girl: “How are you doing?”
Me: “Well, I’ll be much better tomorrow.”
Girl: “Why, what’s tomorrow.”
Me: “I get better looking every day.”

7 years ago

@Tyler Kudos! You made a great and politically-aware post! Well done at defusing some butthurt comments. Maybe RSD isn’t a monolithic organization and there are variations in the viewpoints of its spokesmen. Maybe there’s no anti-TRM agenda at RSD and maybe it’s a win-win for TRM and RSD to form an informal marketing alliance. Todd hadn’t read [“The Rational Male”] and his understanding of TRP was from years of guys who show up on our forum (and social media comments) talking about how women are “bitches and whores” etc. To your comment…Todd saw people in the anger phase of TRP,… Read more »

7 years ago

@Rollo: Merry Christmas.

@Commenters: Merry Christmas.

7 years ago

Like many of us in here, when I stumbled upon the manosphere, I felt very uncomfortable about the truths in there, and especially the direct and plain approach which Rollo, Roosh and Roissy used to make some of their assertions. It was like an assault on my mind.. If I were a woman, it is only natural that I would want to not face the ugly truth of the Red Pill. If the Red Pill is something to the effect that women divide men into two groups, the alphas; and the rest. And that women like sex with alphas, actually… Read more »

7 years ago

@Rollo and all, Merry Christmas and happy Friday, fellas! Going out to happy hour.

7 years ago

FR test success:

Merry Christmas, honey. Are all your Christmas dreams coming true?

Oh, yes, oh ha-ha.

Really? Hm. How many crotchless panties/leather chaps/Pure Romance gift cards does a woman need?

7 years ago

Last minute gift to yourself:

Tony Kelly’s coffee table book Tony’s Toys [interesting]

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And a taste of vacation next week….

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7 years ago

@Tyler: thank you for the many good, free, in-field videos, and thank you for clarifying your own take on Red Pill, as described by Rollo in his book as a good example. What happened with Todd is expected if your opinion of Red Pill is formed from random “unplugged” guys (such as most Reddit’s TRP posters or the random guys Todd was exposed to). Isn’t it true that you also had a negative opinion of women in your early days (I think when you initially started having success with Game, and possibly getting girls that were married / in LTRs)?… Read more »

7 years ago

Dear Pajama Boys,

Merry Christmas,

The FI

7 years ago

RE prenups: I have a hunting buddy who is a judge. He routinely throws pre-nups out. He won’t get married again because pre-nups are no defense against divorce rape.

Take this message to the bank, cucks.

7 years ago
7 years ago

@IAS: Yes I’m sure I was pretty confused about women’s behavior in my early days, so I totally get it. I never begrudged a guy going through an angry phase – it’s not the best final destination, but I could understanding experiencing that for a period of time. What I wanted to clarify to Rollo is that from Todd’s perspective (having not read TRM) the term “those crazy red pill guys” was synonymous to him with angry forum and social media posters who make over the top comments. He was unaware there was a proper movement or in depth philosophy… Read more »

7 years ago

@Tyler The idea that Red Pill guys are “angry” is a perception that requires context. Guys unplugging are angry. When you realize everything you were conditioned to believe about women was a lie…it’s a rude awakening. You will read posts here from guys who are angry but it’s part of the stages of unplugging. I’m nearing the point where I’m not angry. I’ve accepted the biological nature of women is something that factors into an overal male female sexual dynamic. You can with the flow but once you unplug you can’t go back. Mourning the loss of your naïveté plays… Read more »

7 years ago


I read in The Rational Male that a Quality Woman is a myth, but that higher quality women can be made. Could you expand on that in a future post?

7 years ago

Seems pretty rash to say “those crazy/ angry red pill guys” with little or no deeper investigation then reading some shit on the interwebz

Agent P
Agent P
7 years ago

Merry holidays and happy Christmas to all.

May your plates asses be firm and their libidos willing, may your plates and offspring have the sense to follow your lead. May you lift heavy in the new year and not strain anything outside of bedtime gymnastics.

Grant YSG’s the wisdom to wrap their shit and occassionally listen to OMG’s, May OMG’s have the patience and respect for YSG’s to listen to what they have to say about young girls these days.

@Rollo, thanks for all, a guiding light in stormy times as always.

Peace to you men.

7 years ago

For your consideration

[Already have, it’s excellent.]

7 years ago

The FI isn’t anti rape. They are anti sex with betas

I’ll see your hippie song and raise you one

7 years ago

@Tyler: Rollo actually does read most comments, so he will probably spot yours (and as he is the host, I think he gets access to the e-mail you used to make the comment). That said, Rollo suggests people that want to e-mail him to drop their own e-mail in the about section: In your case I wouldn’t drop a private e-mail there as anyone could see it, but you can use one of your public ones or a throwaway just for the purpose. Still @Tyler, as you are reading this, about the free tours. I thought about going to… Read more »

7 years ago

And from the Shoe on the Other Foot Dept:

If you really cared about the human rights of Arab women you would have the basic decency to organize military gang rapes to show them you love them:

7 years ago

Think that sign was actually a photoshop job.
But a good one.
(the original read “Will trade racists for refugees”)

On another note, the “Vote for Trump” graffiti artist/church arsonist has been arrested.
A parishioner of the church. What a shocker.

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