

I’m often asked by ‘fempowered’ women critics whether I ‘believe‘ in some of the more socially acceptable tenets of feminism in some sort defense to the affront of my Red Pill lens being cast their way. It’s usually something to do with, “Do you or do you not think women ought to have the right to vote?” or the ever-reliable “Shouldn’t women have the right to do with their bodies what they choose?” These questions are always binary (“yes or no will do”) and usually couched in a context that implies that if you even slightly disagree or have a marginal caveat to answering ‘appropriately’ you’ll be dismissed with a name tag that has “misogynist” printed on it. Say no and you’re a despicable misogynist. Say yes and you’re tar-pitted in “yes, but” caveats – mansplaining – that are disqualified because you’re a man.

Say no and you’re a despicable misogynist. Say yes and you’re tar-pitted in “yes, but” caveats – mansplaining – that are disqualified because you’re a man. Up until recently, it’s been a very effective means of silencing uncomfortable truths about the Feminine Imperative.

I’ve always found it ironic that a movement (feminism) that predicates itself on the ostensibly egalitarian notion that rational, reasonable considerations of issues should lead us to ideals of equality is the first to reduce itself to unquestioned, blind faith binaries at the first sign of rational reasonable truth being unflattering to women. If you want to know who holds power over you, look at whom you aren’t allowed to criticise – or even hint at criticism.

My position on these and many other questions of the sort is usually met with simple observational analysis (as you’d probably expect). I don’t necessarily have a problem with women voting or even having access to legal (relatively safe) abortions. What I have a problem with is the latent purpose behind the reasons that led to women’s decisions to vote a particular way or the latent purposes that brought them to having that abortion. For the greater part, any dubious ‘right’ women feel they were somehow denied in the past usually comes at the expense of men being liable for decisions they had nothing to do with.

What I have a problem with is an expectation of lowering the standards of the game, thus fundamentally altering the game, to better accommodate the variable strengths and weaknesses of women – up to, and including, changing the very nature of women’s environmental realities that would endanger the wellbeing of both sexes. What I take issue with is the expectation of making men liable for the decisions and consequences of the rights and freedom of choices we’ve reserved for only women to make (almost unilaterally Hypergamic choices) that are not in men’s best interests.

I mentioned in Our Sister’s Keeper that men today find themselves in a very precarious position with regard to entertaining women’s perceived wrongs of the past. Men are expected,by default, to be held accountable, for no other reason than they were born men, for past injuries to the ever-changing Feminine Imperative. Your existence as a man today, your failed understanding to accommodate women’s social primacy, your lack of catering to the ambiguous nature of what conveniently passes for masculinity, is a constant stinking affront and obstacle to the “advancement” of women. The Feminine Imperative has known how to manipulate men’s Burden of Performance for millennia, and at not other time in history has it had the unfettered leisure to do so than now.

So, we get socially acceptable default presumptions of ‘male privilege’ without qualifying what it even means, or we get catchy jingoisms like ‘mansplaining’ to give a name to women’s need for silencing men’s inconvenient observations of women’s ‘correct’ perceptions, decisions and the reasons they came to them. We get default presumptions of male guilt for sexual assault and sexual consent as fluidly defined in as convenient a way that serves women’s imperatives. As I’ve mentioned before, the true intent of feminism has never been about establishing a mutually agreed ‘equality’, rather it’s always been about retribution and restitution for perceived past wrongs to the sisterhood.

There has always been a subtext, a cover story, of equality mentioned in the same breath as feminism. Only the most antagonistic asshole, only the most anti-social prick, would be against “equality between the sexes”. Thus, to be against feminism is to be against a simplistic concept of baseline equality. However, taken out of the propagandizing efforts to shame and ‘correct’ men’s imperatives, it’s easy to demonstrate that the true intent of feminism is female ‘fempowerment’ in the dressing of an equality that no man (or woman) wants to appear to be against.

Yellowed Pearls

I found an interesting example of this  Catch 22 in the Economist recently. Pick and choose: Why women’s rights in China are regressing.

In 2007 China’s official Xinhua news agency published a commentary about women who were still unmarried at the age of 27 under the title, “Eight Simple Moves to Escape the Leftover Woman Trap”. The Communist Party had concluded that young Chinese women were becoming too picky and were over-focused on attaining the “three highs”: high education, professional status and income. Newspapers have since reprinted similar editorials. In 2011 one said: “The tragedy is they don’t realise that as women age they are worth less and less, so by the time they get their MA or PhD, they are already old, like yellowed pearls.”

In the last Red Pill Monthly discussion, I mentioned the expansion that the Feminine Imperative has taken on a global scale. One of the old missives of the manosphere has always been about how American women are too far gone to be worth ever entertaining beyond a pump-and-dump consideration. They are too damaged and self-absorbed beyond all redemption, and men ought to expatriate to another country where women are more feminine or at least necessitous enough to appreciate a conventionally masculine man.

I get that. I understand the want for a Poosy Paradise or some promised land where women are still raised to respect and love men by being conventionally feminine. I also get that there exist certain cultures where this is still true, but for all of that, I think it’s important to recognize the social undercurrent that the Feminine Imperative exercises in these cultures. A popular meme on Twitter is ‘Feminism is Cancer’, but there’s a kernel of truth to the humor of this. The spread of the westernizing social primacy of the Feminine Imperative is spreading, not unlike cancer, into what we would otherwise believe were societies and cultures still oppressed by the mythical Patriarchy – a belief necessary to perpetuate the narrative of default female victimhood.

It may not be now, but at some stage, the Feminine Imperative will exercise its presumptive control over even the societies we think ought to be immune from that cancer. As I mention on The Red Pill Monthly, even in underdeveloped countries where we would expect to find the horrible oppression of girls and women, we make a triumphant example of the incidents of where girls (not boys) are taught to read and “think for themselves”. Westernized culture, founded on the Feminine Imperative, celebrates every time a woman in Saudi Arabia is allowed to drive a car, much less run a business on her own as if it were some blow against the tyranny of men.

Little by little, or in leaps and bounds, your second or third world Poosy Paradise will eventually be assimilated by the Feminine Imperative.

I bring this up because, as you’ll read in the linked article, China is also experiencing the long-term results of having adopted feminine social primacy in its own culture. From women’s popular consciousness, we’re still, to this day, told of how horrible “communist” China has been in mandating its one-child policy and how its draconian ‘sons live, daughters die’ social structure has been the result. However, once we reasonably investigate it, we find that China now has a problem with “Yellowed Pearls” as a result of a cultural shift that placed women’s interests as preeminent in that culture. And it should be noted that this shift came about as the direct result of the men who adopted and accommodated the Feminine Imperative as their own.

Now the problem for women in China is not unlike the plight of American women bemoaning the lack of men with “equal” marriageability as themselves. And likewise, the self-same social authorities responsible for institutionalizing the fempowerment of women are now the horrible misogynist villains for suggesting that women ought to lower their unrealistic standards.

The tone of these articles is surprising, given the Communist Party’s past support for women’s advancement. Mao Zedong destroyed China, but he succeeded in raising the status of women. Almost the first legislation enacted by the Communist Party in 1950 was the Marriage Law under which women were given many new rights, including the right to divorce and the right to own property.

Sounds a far cry different from the pictures women, even women in this century, have painted of China’s institutionalized, one-child sexism doesn’t it? Remember, this advancement in women’s rights took place before the Cultural Revolution in China.

Though collectivisation made the latter largely irrelevant, women played an active role in Mao’s China, and still do today. By 2010 26% of urban women had university degrees, double the proportion ten years earlier. Women now regularly outperform men at Chinese universities, which has led to gender-based quotas favouring men in some entrance exams. However, many of the earlier advances have been eroded in recent years by the gradual re-emergence of traditional patriarchal attitudes.

Consider this part in contrast to other industrialized nations and how women have increased their socio-political standing as the result of having the Feminine Imperative adopted as the primary social order of those cultures. Even in cultures that are still popularly deemed “repressive” to women we see educational and socioeconomic parallels to western(ized) cultures. We also see the same resulting consequences and the shifting of blame for them to men. The downside of Yellowed Pearls is placed at the feet of men for not living up to the convenient, feminine-primary definition of what their Burden of Performance ought to mean in promoting and forgiving women’s decisions.

The party has joined an alliance of property companies and dating websites to confront the issue. Government surveys on marriage and property are often sponsored by matchmaking agencies, and perpetuate the perception that being “leftover” is the worst thing that can happen to a woman. They also promote other myths, such as the idea that a man must have a house before he can marry.

As you may expect, the tone of the article is written to emphasize an egalitarian perspective that conflicts with a reality that the Feminine Imperative would have men change or be responsible for not having changed. It’s men’s fault that women might feel bad for not having married by a post-wall age. It’s men’s fault for promoting myths that women would expect that a man must be successfully established in his life and career before any considerations of marriage occur to him. It’s also a man’s fault for clinging to the “myth” that women don’t want him to be established.

The law is reflecting the shift away from women’s empowerment too. An interpretation by the Supreme Court in 2011 of the 1950 Marriage Law stated that, when a couple divorces, property should not be shared equally, but each side should keep what is in his or her own name. This ruling, says Ms Fincher, has serious implications. In the big cities a third of marriages now end in divorce but, based on hundreds of interviews, she finds that only about 30% of married women have their name on the deeds of the marital flat. Women believe the party hype about becoming a “leftover” woman so strongly, she says, that many rush into unhappy marriages with unsuitable men, made on condition that the brides agree not to put their name on the property deeds.

Feminism Would be a Success if Men Would Only Cooperate More

Several years ago Dalrock had a post detailing the sentiment of feminists that feminism would be a success if only men would cooperate with the ideology by abandoning their own interests and sublimating their own biological impulses. The fact remains that feminism and egalitarianism are failed ideologies because at the root level those ideologies ask men to participate in their own extinction. Not only this, but they ask men to raise successive generations to accommodate and participate in their own degradation.

The narrative expects Yellowed Pearls to be prized by men, or respected as Spinsters, or pandered to as ‘Cougars’ while still maintaining men sublimate their own imperatives by willfully ignoring the fact that their own sexual strategy is what is being asked of them to abandon. As I stated in the Cardinal Rule of Sexual Strategies, for one sex’s strategy to succeed the other must either be compromised or abandoned – what better way is there to assure this for women than to socially mandate through shame, persecution or financial liabilities that men abandon their own strategy in favor of women?

For some time now, I’ve detailed how for the past 4 or 5 generations, there has been a popular social re-engineering effort to raise and condition boys to become the ‘better betas‘ – boys designed to become the supportive male-reinforcers of empowering women’s interests and imperatives.

For a greater part this effort has been primarily focused on boys and men in western society, and while it’s still open for debate, I’d say that westernizing cultures are really the only cultural environments that can afford to entertain this ‘fempowerment’. This is changing radically now if it was ever really the case to begin with.

In the manosphere we like to highlight the ‘pussification’ of modern men through various efforts on the part of a nebulous ‘socitey’ aligned against masculinity. However, the flip side to this is the fempowerment agenda; an feminine-primary social structure that disallows any criticism of inherently female nature while promoting the empowerment of women on every level of social strata.

We coddle and cater to the feminine in every aspect of social interaction, every aspect of academic achievement, every socioeconomic advantage inventable, every story we tell in every form of media and we do so under the threat of not being supportive or misogynistic for suggesting anything marginally pro-masculine. This is the other side of the demasculinization imperative of boys & men – the total consolidation of handicaping men and empowering women into unrealistic effigies of feminine triumphalism.

How do you counter this?

I’m always lauded for describing these social dynamics, but I’m run up the flagpole for not offering concrete ways of dealing with and pushing back on these imperatives. Many a MGTOW will simply suggest men no longer play the Game, that isolationism is the way to go, but this only serves to eventually concede power to the Feminine Imperative. You don’t get to check out of the Game even if you refuse to play it. For all the guys who left for parts unknown to find their demi-utopia of feminine women in a foreign country, even they will explain that the tide of feminism is changing those seemingly idlyic places. And for every guy to voluntarilly go celebate and “refuse to deal with women” I’ll show you a man whose tax dollars go to fund the consequences of women’s legislated rights to Hypergamous choice.

Sooner or later Men will have to confront and push back against both men and women who are convinced of their purpose in idealizing the dictates of the Feminine Imperative. A lot of men in the ‘sphere believe their being clever when they refer to people with this worldview as ‘SJWs’, but for every hair dyed, gender-confused man-woman you see on Twitter there are hundreds of ‘normal’ people who all share similar perspectives – some simply subconscious generalization they’re oblivious to – sitting next to you at church, or working in the cubicle next to you.

As I’ve mentioned countless times, the change needs to take place by appealing to the hearts and minds of Men by making them Red Pill aware from the bottom up, but moreover, we need to live out that awareness in our own lives and lead by Red Pill example. Our decisions in life, our aspiration in parenting, family and career, in our business dealings, in the women we Game and the people we hire, all of these aspects need to take on the perspective of how they fit into pushing back against a feminine-primary world that demands we surrender any thought of individuated male power.

As Men, we need to unapologetically exercise what little power we’re left with to inform this and successive generation of Red Pill truths tactfully, but with strength of conviction in the face of a feminine-primary society bent on our surrender. Life finds a way. Feminism and the consolidation of the Feminine Imperative have failed because Men were not evolved to acquiesce their dominant spirit. On the same evolutionary level women also evolved into requiring that convnetionally masculine dominance. This is why feminism and egalitarianism will ultimately fail – nature simply will not cooperate with it’s own stagnation. As men, we can use this truth to our Red Pill aware advantage.

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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
8 years ago

Andy A huge portion of the internet is too. Women account for 85% of all consumer purchases. I don’t need a study for that data, all I have to do is walk through a higher end shopping mall. From the anchor department store (Macy’s, Nordstroms, etc.) to the shoe store to the jewelry store to the clothing store to the shoe store to the little coffee niche to the cookware store to the shoe store to the food court to the shoe store to the one bookstore to the Starbucks to the shoe store to the other anchor department store… Read more »

8 years ago

Ludiamondz – Oh boy, The Economist?… come now. Now you are just burnishing your Party bona fides comrade…

Chump No More
Chump No More
8 years ago

Lol, reading Huff Post so you don’t have to…


Female fertility doctor telling the sisterhood, “Yes, Ladies, your eggs are in fact turning to dust”

Interesting to hear a woman saying, “no you can’t have it all, you have to choose”. She gets a bit wishy washy about freezing eggs but does mention the financial and emotional toll.

No comments yet but no doubt the backlash from the “you go gurl” faction is incoming.

8 years ago


The penny just dropped…rapport creates persistence.

8 years ago

Scribbleberg writes:

>Democracies always die for the same reason. The people figure out how to vote themselves rights and goodies which transgress against their fellow >citizens.

“Democracies are as short in their lives as they are violent in their deaths…and we want nothing to do with them.”
___Madison / Federalist 10

8 years ago

@autisticGamer lmao, could Bernie be any further left? you’re not making any sense. The economist is marxist now? lmao, I guess you’re more of an Infowars.com news reader then? and what’s with all the aspersions of Marxism.. is it cuz i used the term.. common good? is that it? It’s funny, if you two are representative of the kind of folks that mostly frequently this site, that kinda saddens me, cuz these ideas don’t need to be conflated with rightwing lunacy, and that’s kinda what’s happening lol. Kudos to Rollo for keeping his shit mostly free of this or that… Read more »

8 years ago

“Affluence means more trinkets. Women love trinkets.”


I’d believe that. What is the deal with shoes and bags? It’s pretty obvious that there’s a hard wired biological component there.

8 years ago

If you hear a dog whistle,
you’re the dog.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
8 years ago

My last word on tha donald

A man keeps his word. I wonder if you will?

8 years ago

Ha ha.. .Ludiacris…

I’m still laughing over the “full employment” outing of yourself on the other post… and here you drop a bunch on nonsense further proving the point… Just admit it you are an equalist, globalist, feminist, marxist… or are you that much of a dupe? Probably the latter sadly…

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
8 years ago

Sentient, if you’re gonna keep nibbling at bait, do not complain about being trolled.

8 years ago

AR – when I say I’m laughing it’s not millennial snark… I mean it… Highly entertaining!

having a bad day
having a bad day
8 years ago


since you took care of Forge’s comment, you should probably take care of this one too…


8 years ago

That’s not all Sentient nibbling on..

How do you get Marxist/Equalist/Globalist from “economy is close full employment.” ? it’s almost like you’re trying to stick me with a label that’ll get folks riled up and angry and knee jerk react lol “he’s a woman, he’s an SJW, he’s a feminist get him boyz!”

8 years ago

@ ludiam0ndz Good, good shit main. ” Its over 2 trillion dollars of assets that were purchased by the Fed.. not exactly printing money.. more like a secured loans to those actors that had liquidity problems. When the Fed calls those in folks had to buy those assets back. (gimme your bad debt and i’ll give you cash to invest but you gotta buy this shit back from me a little bit later.) A good example is the GM bailout (net positive in saving huge swaths of the US industrial economy even though it was fucking pilloried by the Obama… Read more »

8 years ago

“Like trying to figure out why the HB9 will not fuck you. Simple answer is: she doesn’t want to.” I used to have a friend who decided to get another degree and went out west to Berkeley. When he came back he said that he could sum up the difference between NY culture and Cali culture with one simple observation: In NY there is a question that just about everybody asks at one time or another, but in California, nobody ever asks. The question is, “Why did you do that?” They don’t ask it in California because there it’s a… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
8 years ago

Because he wanted to.

Yeah, and when a cat falls off a windowsill trying to catch a bug it’s always “I meant to do that” as they stalk away, too.

8 years ago

YaReally, Interesting stuff re: porn. My personal story/observation, for what it’s worth. Growing up, I was never given any ” instructions ” regarding sex. I was always told by the majority of my family ( males ) members that it was normal and natural. Once I asked my dad to tell me about the Birds and the Bees, because I’d heard the phrase on television many times. He laughed. ” the who and the what??”. He only told me ” Keep living son, you will figure it all out when the time comes “. Thanks dad!!!! So, in grade school… Read more »

8 years ago

Blax, I was pulling off girls’ panties when I was 5, I shit you not. Playing “Doctor”. I spanked a little, blonde Danish girl on her bare ass, as I recall. In Beirut, Lebanon. I didn’t get in trouble because the adults never found out. Another little boy was along to peep.

I was a precocious international playboy, lol.

A dick and a brain…maybe you repeat yourself. H/t Liz.

8 years ago

Oh yeah, I was watching ESPN this morning, as I’m want to do, and this came up repeatedly.

I’ll just leave it here.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9tU-D-m2JY8&w=640&h=360%5D

The stated objective notwithstanding, the looks on the faces of the ( supposedly ) random men speak VOLUMES.

8 years ago

@ Softek Hey. Listen up. You must find a way to release your mind from ” guilt “. I have friends that have told me about the power of The Church to instill fear and self loathing, but my reply to them is the same as my reply to you : Do you still believe in Santa Clause? I am not trying to be flippant, or underestimating something that I know little about here. Seriously. What has been perpetrated upon your mind can be undone. The first step is to not use it as any kind of fallback position or… Read more »

8 years ago

“Do you still believe in Santa Clause?”

You can’t fool me, there is no Sanity Clause. And how irrelevant got into my pajamas I’ll never know.

8 years ago

@ kfg

… you never fail to make me smile. Stop it!!! Muh face hurts.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
8 years ago

Blaximus, was there supposedly some point to this “read the tweet to the woman” thing, or was it just the usual “poor, poor babies” game, or what?

8 years ago
8 years ago

There seems to be some discussion about the idea of “guilt” and “shame” when it comes to gaming or bedding girls. I think this too is part of the FI…when women do it, they have reframed this away from “slut” to some type of “Fempowerment”…when Men do it, they’re now seen as somehow dirty, cheats etc. Being an ethical person is an important part of any man’s self-development. You don’t cheat people, you don’t undermine etc. But there has to be a clear separation in your mind that by using “game” you’re “cheating” nature or conning a woman to sleep… Read more »

8 years ago

Blax, you have the most awesome stories!

8 years ago

Here’s another example of Fempowerment. Shaming men publicly for mean tweets that anonymous men have sent to female sports writers.


8 years ago

@ AR

It is a poor babies piece about bad menz tweeting mean things at female sports repot3rs. All menz must feel badly beçause….women upset.

8 years ago


42 years of putting 10 lbs in 5 lb bags. The people I’ve experienced have made things pretty amazing.

Lol now I’m all reflective and what not.

Women in life have been a great asset and great ass at the same time.

I don’t remember years as much as I remember moments and people.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
8 years ago

comment image

8 years ago


Agreed regarding passing those zero interest rates down to to the consumer and how positive that would a been. Same with then bank bailout; what if they used that tool and allowed community banks take advantage as opposed to your Goldmans et al?

I guess we are indeed socialist lol let the smart people figure it out.


8 years ago

1) why is there “yourbrainonporn” for men, and not “yourbrainonyourdildocollection” for women? “yourbrainoneroticnovels” “yourbrainon50shadesofgray” “yourbrainonTwilight” “yourbrainonhavingtoomanyorbiters” “yourbrainongettingtoomanymessagesinyourinboxonokcupid”? MEN are the one that it’s a “problem” if they want variety. MEN are the ones that have to change. MEN are the ones that have to fight their biology. hmmm…I wonder why THAT is. Maybe to help create more Softeks, where the girl can cheat on her boyfriend with him and then shame him for looking at another girl I doubt their goal is that specific. This new narrative about porn addiction being a public health problem is obviously seen by its… Read more »

8 years ago

Exactly.. Re; gm bailout.. When you look at that from a pure reason perspective it’s not even surprising that they took those actions back then. Not only was it an unprecedented time, they came to the right conclusions in the end , Held their nose and pulled that Lever. Most reasonable folks who understood markets etc would have reached the same conclusion. It’s easy for sentient et al to talk shit from the comfort of your armchair, but these mofos where literally guiding the titanic around glaciers and shit. Give folks credit yo..

8 years ago

Hard to sleep

Red pill and lower middle top of the brain…

8 years ago

@hoellenhund2 “As long as the mainstream media pushes this narrative about young men getting addicted to online porn and thus opting out of the mating market, it will largely stifle any public discourse about the popularity of female emotional porn (romantic literature), and also the real potential causes of widespread porn use, like the drop in average female quality on the mating market and unrestrained hypergamy.” This. Plus if you can convince and shame enough Softek’s to feel bad looking up online porn and objectifying women and fapping at ALL, when VR porn and robots come in Softek isn’t going… Read more »

8 years ago


Watch this video. A lot of humor as they don’t tolerate the radfems trying to bully them into silence. If you don’t believe college campuses have been radicalized it’s time to wake up.

Held at UMass:
Milo Yiannopoulos and Professor Christina Hoff Sommers at an event called “The Triggering: Has Political Correctness Gone too Far?

Topics are feminism, SJWs, censorship, Islam, policing male sexuality, rational thought and more.

8 years ago


Getting close… BJ action looks a bit toothy yet… wait for later release…

Of course the FI will compel these to be regulated once they take off.

8 years ago

Ludiamonz “these mofos where literally guiding the titanic around glaciers and shit.” He he… You do know the Titanic sank right? Re; gm bailout.. When you look at that from a pure reason perspective it’s not even surprising that they took those actions back then. Not only was it an unprecedented time, they came to the right conclusions in the end , Held their nose and pulled that Lever. Most reasonable folks who understood markets etc would have reached the same conclusion. So it’s reasonable and right when your slave masters determine to “pull the lever” and require a private… Read more »

8 years ago


That event has given the rise to “Triggly Puff” lol

8 years ago

@ Sentient Expect a science horror story, “Man killed by ravenous sexbot; endorphin overdose occurred after being given 89 orgasms in 10 minutes”. CEO Ricky Lam of Leisure Products, Hong Kong, said that the problem was due to operator error. “We at LP are careful to comply with all safety regulations. Our products are tested rigorously.” Surviving wife Trixie Cuckyoumore stated that her husband Homer was on Chaturbate enjoying the robot when her husband started screaming that the robot wouldn’t let him go. “It was awful. He wouldn’t stop screaming even when I yelled at him. He was making it… Read more »

Culum Struan
Culum Struan
8 years ago

Guys I’m rushing to get on a flight so more later from the end of Blitz Week (date with 20 year old HB6 from online – I knew she had some “issues” when I saw the cutting scars on her forearm when she took her coat off and then talked about how her meds mean she can’t drink and hears voices and was institutionalized for attempting to commit suicide on the voices’ direction etc) But I heard HABD’s voice in my head about how it is ALWAYS good to practice (lol) and still tried to get her home.. Anyway what… Read more »

8 years ago


I knew she had some “issues” when I saw the cutting scars on her forearm when she took her coat off and then talked about how her meds mean she can’t drink and hears voices and was institutionalized for attempting to commit suicide on the voices’ direction

comment image

why oh why won’t you try cold approach instead?!?

Isn’t this more appealing?


8 years ago

@ Rollo First my good man it is good that you are involved in rescuing these dogs,second it is even better that you are actually finding good homes for them,this is rare in the rescue business. Now bear with me as i am a little slow,but conclusive. The paradox is that the man adopting the rescue dog has more in common with the dog than he knows. The tact is ,in learning how to treat the animal he is learning how to properly relate,while at the same time protect an care for the dog,and himself. There is more to it… Read more »

8 years ago

@Culum “Is VR porn stuff really that much of a qualitative difference?” Privacy/anonymity, no risk of getting tagged as a John or hitting a police sting or dealing with a girl in your apartment who might steal your shit on her way out or rob you or call a pimp to beat you up etc etc And no one will ever know you’re like, fucking a furry or whatever weird shit you wouldn’t ask or be able to get from a hooker lol It’s probably not going to make the guys who CAN go out and get laid drop girls,… Read more »

8 years ago


Hot girl on Tinder…

8 years ago

Although I here Bumble is no more common… hmmmm HOW DOES BUMBLE WORK? After two people mutually opt in to connect with each other by swiping right, they’re added to each other’s ‘hive’ of connections. Then, the following actions will depend on the user’s gender: The woman always makes the first move, and if she doesn’t say something to a new connection within 24 hours, that connection disappears forever! Men can’t start a conversation with the female users but they can show special interest in a match by extending just one per day to remain in queue for an additional… Read more »

8 years ago

“now more” common..

8 years ago

“We designed Bumble to correct a lot of the common problems with apps that include the ability to chat. We based our concept on the feedback from tons of women who were tired of being spammed with annoying messages.”

8 years ago

@Sentient “Hot girl on Tinder…” Yup lol When you’re with a hot girl (or even an average one) look at her Tinder messages and you’ll often see she’s got hundreds of matches and like HALF of them she hasn’t even opened their latest message, like she cares that little or changes her mood or whatever and that guy is done. Gotta understand how that changes things from their perspective. They’re not on there playing a game of chance like guys are, they are LITERALLY just picking and choosing what they want that day/night. They aren’t going to the grocery store… Read more »

8 years ago

A lot of girls think that’s what Tinder is like for US too, like when they think you’re attractive they assume other girls think so too and their only experience of Tinder is basically a 100% match rate, so when you talk about Tinder with them they often can’t wrap their head around the idea that guys send out a hundred swipes and get like 3 matches lol They just assume if they swiped you then OBVIOUSLY every other girl would want to swipe you. Solipsism and all that.

8 years ago

It’s called the lesser of two evils dipshit. Imagine a company that size going under and taking a yuge chunk of the indistrial/manufacturing economy with it, you’re retarded if you think this would have been a good idea. I felt the same way as you at the time (let the market fix it) but in retrospect it was the correct thing to do during such an unusual time. You may not agree with the definition of full employment but it’s remained constant for a long time and still serves as a way to comparatively measure shit. As the economy has… Read more »

8 years ago

@ YaReally

Have you ever seen Krauser using Preselection in his methods?

8 years ago

You may not agree with the definition of full employment

Is looney still fucking around here? There’s a catapult in Mordor going unmanned, er, untrolled.

8 years ago

For those of you who care about the economy, the workforce participation rate is far more important than the employment rate because it measures reality instead of managed statistics.

8 years ago

Ludiamonz – well maybe I was wrong about your level of intelligence as well as your motives…? Imagine a company you owned going under and potentially taking a yuge chunk of your net worth… and then imagine filing bankruptcy to secure the best deals possible [just like GM/Chrysler!] for you and preserve as much as you can of your wealth… and then imagine some tool on the internet chastising you for a lack of intelligence and poor business judgment for doing this… and then imagine you pointing out the contradictions in said tool’s logic and said tool ignores the contradictions… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
8 years ago

@Culum “Is VR porn stuff really that much of a qualitative difference?” YaReally Privacy/anonymity… Something like the Great Firewall of China would be required to de-anonymize men using such a setup. VPN’s would have to be strictly regulated. Big Sister would have to be on top of every floating IP. Not that they might not try, Hollenhund2’s comment about the “publik health MENACE” is suggestive. In the USSR, typewriters were registered after a fashion, yet dissidents passed Solzhenitsyn’s Gulag around by retyping it then sharing carbon copies. It would be easy now to share things on USB drives or even… Read more »

8 years ago

For those our you who want to debate politics, please go to another forum. IDGAF… Politics and religion are dead end discussions (essentially why Rollo does not discuss them in his blog), and they are always negative. It never fails, but it seems to be the guys who don’t get out, who don’t want to change their mindset/life and enjoy the life that is in front of them, and would rather wallow in despair, as gives them excuses to never go out and “bust a move”. I do not disagree that we all got here because we learned many lessons… Read more »

8 years ago

Craig – ” nobody cares” ? seems you care?

The coming battle is Red Pill vs Blue Pill, no longer left vs right. Like it or not Rollo is right in the midst of this…


This ^^ is as useful in looking at the world as it is in ignoring game…

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
8 years ago

Sentient, that little vid of the hawtgurl on Tinder is gold. It’s a visual of what YaReally has been saying for months.

8 years ago

AR – yup…. if you have an hour, spend it in field, not online… [btw – did you look at the guys? Really not a bog issue chode pictured… pictured being the key word]

8 years ago

OK. Old man rant ahead. IMO, all of this social media/tinderesque crap is doing greaterharm to individuals and society as a whole. It is all way too femcentric. Young folks seem to have deep, deep issues with forming meaningful relationships because of the fascination and instànt low level gratification of all of these electronic pacfiers. Observing 20 something year old chicks confirms to me that they have no ” joy ” in life. The constant, relentless eye fucking of handheld devices aappear toemotionally retard the fuck out of them. ( standard back in my day argument follows..) Girls of all… Read more »

8 years ago


I was referring to the political discussion of Trump/Bilary a few were having, like yourself, it just gets pointless. The battle of BP vs RP is already here, the FI is everywhere, I’m well aware of it my friend.

8 years ago

It’s all related Craig… the SMP rules everything…


You think this chart here (ASDgamer right on) has no bearing on the SMP? On beta provisioning? On FI, voting blocks, social policy, tax? Wake up.

8 years ago


Btw, I will say what I want unless the guys and Rollo tell me otherwise.

So have that stiff drink or dick now.

Life ain’t monochromatic dude. Stop bitching.



8 years ago

YaReally and hoellenhund, you’re talking about all this VR porn stuff but isn’t this basically the same dynamic as prostitution? Same kind of alternative sexual relief (that is not your wife) and same reason why the FI shames prostitutes and men who use prostitutes etc..because they lower the “price” of sexual release..? YeReally has already answered your question well, I’d say. He brought VR porn up, I didn’t, because I was observing the current situation, not something that only exists today as a potential future development. I’d add that the dynamic is somewhat different. Apparently the state is willing to… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
8 years ago

Sentient AR – yup…. if you have an hour, spend it in field, not online… [btw – did you look at the guys? Really not a bog issue chode pictured… pictured being the key word] I’m passing that vid along to a few people with the suggestion “Just go look into the phone of any woman 18 – 25 and tell me what you see”, should be interesting. FWIW I suspect that’s what other online dating also looks like, just that Tinder is faster in realtime. No reason for men who want an LTR or marriage not to try online,… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
8 years ago

…electronic pacfiers….

Man, I’m totally stealing that.

8 years ago

“In the USSR, typewriters were registered after a fashion, yet dissidents passed Solzhenitsyn’s Gulag around by retyping it then sharing carbon copies. It would be easy now to share things on USB drives or even DVD-R’s.” You can slow down the carrier. You can make it take a circuitous route. You can, to some degree, even corrupt it. But you can’t. Stop. The Signal. “This cat will fight to the death not to be rebagged.” More properly, you will fight to the death not to let the FI cat be rebagged. The metaphor refers to the revelation of an unpleasant… Read more »

8 years ago

AR “No reason for men who want an LTR or marriage not to try online, just that they should know what they are getting into.” Here is the visual I have of this… Imagine the matched list in the video in real life, all the guys in a line, in sequence – all waiting their turn to chat with the girl sitting at a bar stool, with the line out the door and wrapping around the block… vs. that girl sitting in the bar in real life and there are maybe a few dozen dudes scattered around looking at her,… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
8 years ago

comment image

8 years ago

Using your scroll wheel takes less time and energy than writing a comment about how people are writing comments you don’t want to read ( a comment that many people don’t want to read).

It’s also more masculine than whining about how the universe isn’t arranged to be your own, personal delivery system.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
8 years ago

Sentient Where would you rather be? Doesn’t matter what I want, really, don’t be confused. Two points: first, I can use that vid to show younger men what’s what in Tinderland, and to older men what’s really going on in the background of OKCupid and the various mingle sites. Realism, not head-in-sand idealism. “This is what it looks like from the female side, know it upfront”. Second: All that said, if a man is seeking marriage and nothing else, while tightening up his Game in night spots would be useful, he probably won’t be fishing in the right lake for… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
8 years ago

Using your scroll wheel takes less time and energy than writing a comment about how people are writing comments you don’t want to read ( a comment that many people don’t want to read).

Dammit, I did not want to read that comment.

8 years ago

” . . . that girl sitting in the bar in real life and there are maybe a few dozen dudes scattered around looking at her, and maybe a few of these go chat with her… Where would you rather be?” Mini FR of sorts: I once walked into a hotel by the airport lounge and saw a bunch of fourtyish guys in suits all standing around the bar, all sneaking glances at the only table that was occupied – by a couple of late teens, early twenties blonde girls. One of them looked like she had been drawn that… Read more »

8 years ago

AR – “he probably won’t be fishing in the right lake for a wife.”

Oh man… now YaReally is going to break out a 24 inch post on madonna whore…

KFG – Awesome! Been on both sides of that… he who hesitates is lost!

8 years ago

” . . . the carpet bagging C.H. Sommers.”

She is a feminist who doesn’t want men to stop pushing the grindstone. The fact that she may currently be an ally of convenience doesn’t imply that she is on our side.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
8 years ago

AR – “he probably won’t be fishing in the right lake for a wife.” Sentient Oh man… now YaReally is going to break out a 24 inch post on madonna whore… Fine by me if he does, I’m always ready for the LOLZ that YaReally brings to me. No scroll wheel on those postings for me. But c’mon, exclusive LTR / marriage vs. plates of some sort – It’s a skill set issue. When a company needs day labor, the Home Depot parking lot might be a good place to look. A company needs two or three bookeeper / clerks… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
8 years ago

kfg So I walked over and sat down with them. And then you died a horrible, agonizing death, right? What? Ya didn’t? Dang! What could that possibly mean? I digress… There’s a coffee joint near a campus that I go to from time to time. Sometimes I run into one of my college aged friends; one is a really pretty and bright STEM student. We share some interests and she’s fun to listen to and talk with, just because. I like the energy if nothing else. Several times now I’ve walked in to that place, or have been there when… Read more »

8 years ago

@Sentient @Anonymous Reader “AR – “he probably won’t be fishing in the right lake for a wife.” Oh man… now YaReally is going to break out a 24 inch post on madonna whore…” 😉 If you think those girls on OKCupid and Tinder and walking around the book store and Starbucks aren’t ALSO at the bars…lol When you have a million dollars do you STOP trying to earn money or try to earn MORE MORE MORE? Same with girls and surrounding themselves with potential Hypergamy options lol That same unicorn you find on OKCupid that likes long walks on the… Read more »

8 years ago

@ kfg

With no women commenting lately on TRM, I’m glad to see that men are stepping up to fill the whine vacuum.

8 years ago

@ YaReally magic unicorns who are too busy reading to orphans and nursing sick puppies I used to dance with a late-20s broad who was a dietician for a food bank. A couple from her church winged her. Maybe the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen. Light brown hair, natural blush, 5’3″ 110#, hourglass figure, beautiful face. Certainly in the league of a young Mrs. Gamer. This girl caused me to up my SMV estimation of myself a lot since she was always complimenting me and chatting me up while we danced and complimenting me to her wings and working… Read more »

having a bad day
having a bad day
8 years ago

@Culum But I heard HABD’s voice in my head about how it is ALWAYS good to practice (lol) and still tried to get her home.. FR?…lol…now you are in the right demographic at least…lol…you seem to be picking up on ‘damaged’ subcomms on girls you see as ‘interesting’… that’s just one version of WKing… = FI in play… but like YaReally pointed out before, don’t judge your game by those damaged girls… Is VR porn stuff really that much of a qualitative difference? Or just a difference in degree? can’t shame/stigmatize/socially pressure or exclude a bot… and it’s not ‘in… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
8 years ago

YaReally 😉 If you think those girls on OKCupid and Tinder and walking around the book store and Starbucks aren’t ALSO at the bars…lol Tinderellas, most def. OKCupid, yeah, I agree. Other sites…not necessarily so much, really. No lol, truth. Sweeping generalization, dude. How do I know this? Because my social circle includes some women in their 30’s who are (a) looking to get married (b) using various matchmaking sites and (c) who don’t go out to bars. That’s how I know what some of the world looks like from the other side of the window. Back in the 80’s… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
8 years ago

also lol I might steal “garden gnomes”.

Don’t hold back on my account. Because you know it’s true, especially the glazed over eyeballs.

Make it a meme.


(garden gnome)


Or whatever.

8 years ago

Re: porn http://yourbrainonporn.com/rewire-your-brain-using-ocd-neuroscience Being addicted to tobacco and having gone through a period where I was drinking heavily, I feel like a lot of the signs of alleged addiction ring true with me. I actually have never had a dream in my LIFE where I was having sex. But I have had multiple dreams of myself going on porn, or watching porn, or masturbating to porn (cruel world, lol). Just like when I cut back on smoking, I will start having dreams where I’m smoking. I don’t think that’s coincidental. Seeing people in movies that are smoking will trigger that… Read more »

8 years ago

One more note: Rat Park study. Rats that were in the “Rat Park” voluntarily chose to go through drug withdrawal. They chose the straight, clean water, instead of the (morphine, I think it was) laced water, which also had sugar added to it, because rats love sugar. They still chose the regular water and voluntarily went through withdrawal, because their environment surrounding them wasn’t fucked up. Let that sink in. Imagine if WOMEN were blamed for men’s retreating into porn. What if porn really IS like morphine? Let’s take it that far. Ok. Well, people get addicted to shit because… Read more »

8 years ago

comment image

8 years ago

@Softek, you ever heard of the term “thermic effect of food”? Basically, your body uses energy to store and process certain foods, and certain foods take more energy to store and process. Fatty foods (as opposed to protein) take the fewest calories to process and store, so, naturally, your body would crave them. Why wouldn’t it, right? Same with porn. Why wouldn’t your mind want a sexual release with less effort? But just consider porn as Beta-Brain Fat; the more you consume , the more beta your brain will become. The less you consume, the more alpha your brain will… Read more »

8 years ago

She is a feminist who doesn’t want men to stop pushing the grindstone. The fact that she may currently be an ally of convenience doesn’t imply that she is on our side. Agreed KFG. This pretty much sums up my opinion of all “red pill women” anywhere. On some level, I believe AWALT. Usually what happens though is called a “chaser effect” where you crave more and more immediately. Once you’re hooked, one time isn’t enough. It isn’t a here and there kind of deal. Same here softek. I even get ED as a result (I got the impression from… Read more »

8 years ago

“What if porn really IS like morphine?”

Morphine is an endogenous opioid, like the endorphins.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
8 years ago

softek Being addicted to tobacco and having gone through a period where I was drinking heavily, I feel like a lot of the signs of alleged addiction ring true with me. Not to get all shrink-wrapped, but from what you have told us about your growing up, you are carrying various forms of pain around in your head. So of course you have self-medicated with various things. Have you read Biology of Desire yet? If not, get it this week. I did not look at that site you pointed to, but rewiring the brain is what we do al lthe… Read more »

8 years ago

@Rollo Dude, stop lol man, I love you but you’re embarrassing yourself in terms of being up to date on internet culture and shit here. Shoe is NOT Boxxy man. Boxxy is a different chick who’s STILL MAKING VIDEOS. This is Boxxy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pctbu0XWlZw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-WVvOU1r2sM Here’s LITERALLY a video of Shoe TALKING TO BOXXY (top-right video window is Shoe): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Q1CbsT2pkU She was a huge Boxxy fan and made Boxxy related videos and she does look similar to her and shit but she’s NOT BOXXY lol She actively makes fun of people who STILL haven’t gotten the memo and STILL think she’s… Read more »

8 years ago

lol oh man, stop, that’s not her, dude. Made a post with vid links/proof etc in mod for ya 😀

8 years ago

….are we gonna fuck this chick or what?

8 years ago

…. I’m not signing up for her fan club. Not even for free.

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